Chapter 10: MM — Chapter 11: M-dog Mbb
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Ten— MM —
"Goosey is sure in good spirits today," observed Anthony.
"Yeah, wonder why?" Cory responded with a grin and a wink and the two thirteen-year-old boys laughed and punched each other in the shoulder, knowing very well why. After the hot fuck he'd had yesterday after school with his wife, the courtesy of Cory and his headband, any man would be in good spirits. After they'd left Anton and François, they'd stopped by the master bedroom just in time to witness the conclusion of their third frenzied mounting. "Boys, you're supposed to be reading." The two boys returned to their Computer 8 assignment. Normally Goosey's voice would have been much harsher, and he'd have added some sarcastic remark, like asking them if they didn't know the difference between reading and talking, or he'd ask them to repeat what they had said for the entire class. That day he had been almost pleasant, at least as pleasant as a teacher who hated teaching and totally hated kids could be. Besides, lately with Cory he'd been particularly lenient. Everyone had noticed that, especially since Goosey Gilles was not the sort of teacher to have a pet, not even someone like Dominic who was every teacher's pet, and Cory Wilson was not the type of student that was any teacher's pet. Nobody could figure out why Cory was getting preferential treatment, but Cory knew. When he was around, things happened to Goosey and Goosey knew it. The man was afraid of crossing him! Cory began reading the pages he'd slipped under his assignment handout. "Cory, what do you have there?" "Ah, nothing." "Doesn't look like nothing to me. Maybe you'd like to read whatever it is you're reading to the whole class." Julius was sorry the moment he'd made the comment and could only imagine what Cory might be reading and would readily read to the class, but Cory had pushed him beyond his limit. "Ah, I don't think that would be a good idea actually," Cory replied with an impish grin and Julius knew he'd been right, again. He was thankful Cory hadn't taken him up on his challenge and begun reading. "Bring it up here." "I don't think it's a good idea for you to read it either," Cory advised. "Cory!" The tone and volume told him Cory he had crossed over the line. He walked up to the teacher's desk and handing him the three pages, he studied his face. The man went from exasperation to shock to anger all in a matter of five seconds. "Take this to Mister Millburne." "If he wants a copy he can get his own off the Net." "Do as I told you, now," Julius replied sharply, creating doubt among those who'd felt Cory was getting preferential treatment. "And not another word." Cory considered using his headband, but from the fire in Goosey's eyes and from the tone of his voice, he knew that even the headband was not going to get him out of this one. Of course before he'd come across his great grandfather's headband he'd relied on his own ingenuity to get himself out of worse fixes than this one, so by the time he was ushered into the vice principal's office, he had a plan firmly in mind. "Mr. Gilles sent me down to give this to you," he began before Stewart Millburne even had a chance to speak. The man stared at Cory blankly, as was his manner, his eyes a steely grey and peering out from under thick, bushy eyebrows that actually met over the bridge of his nose. Many a student had wilted just under that glare and had confessed to whatever crime that was responsible for him being sent to the office, and several other crimes yet to be discovered besides. Cory, Stewart knew, was not that type of student. He glanced down at the papers Cory had handed him, and like Julius, his face went through the same series of emotions. "Where did you get this?" "From Mr. Gilles." "Mr. Gilles gave these to you?" "Yeah. He wanted your opinion about using this as a lesson in his grade eight health class." "He did?" "Oh yeah." "And if I call him up right now on the intercom, he'll confirm this." "Sure. But he's in the middle of teaching a computer class right now." Stewart Millburne considered the situation for a moment, not believing a word of Cory's story. How did Cory Wilson possibly think he was going to fool him with such a cockamamy story? Well, he'd play along with him. This was going to be a punishment that both he and Julius would have to collaborate on. "Very well. Tell Mister Gilles to come down and talk to me at the end of the day." "That's it?" "Yes. Unless you have more to say?" "Oh no, that's it. That's all." Cory was surprised he'd gotten away with his story that easy and that quickly, but that had been the easy part of the plan. Returning to the classroom, he advised Julius that Millburne wanted to talk to him at the end of the day. That part was easy too, as was convincing Anthony to stay behind after school and detain Gilles as along as he could. Anthony didn't ask why. He knew when his buddy had a plan, and any plan that involved Goosey had to be good. "Well," said Stewart Millburne when Julius finally showed up at his door, "I thought perhaps young Cory hadn't delivered my message." "Oh no. I got your message." "Good." "Had a student stay after school with some questions about his homework. Got here as fast as I could." "A student asking about homework, and after school? Now that is a rarity you want to take advantage of," Stewart said sarcastically. "That's what I thought. You don't get an opportunity like that every day." That was especially true when it was a student like Anthony. "So Cory tells me you want to use this as a lesson plan for your Health 8 class," Stewart said, handing Julius the pages he'd caught Cory with. "He what?" snorted Julius. "His words exactly," replied Stewart with a grin. "How in the name of Heaven did he think he could get away with something like that?" "Probably didn't think that far ahead. Just saw it as a way to delay the inevitable for a day. I assumed he'd gotten caught with these papers?" "Typical thinking on his part, and yes, I caught him red-handed." "Have you read any of it?" "No. But just a glance was enough to see it was pure garbage." "Garbage is right. How can we possibly compete when junior high students can download porn like this off the Internet? 'How to Perform Fellatio Like a Pro' of all things," he said, reading the title of the article. "And who would have thought such filth would be written by a woman!" "A woman? I didn't realize. I thought it was by a man." There followed a moment of silence as the two men thought of the implications. "Mind you she does have some good advice," Stewart observed, "which means she must be speaking with experience. Like the part about avoiding having your teeth graze a man's member by sucking in your lips to cover your teeth like an elderly, toothless person." The two men could not help but draw in their lips. "So, ah, has your wife ever 3;," Julius asked, leaving the question hanging. "Marion? Never. And yours?" "No, certainly not. Though Antoinette and I have a great sexual relationship," Julius quickly added. "Just as hot as on our honeymoon. Eighteen years and I still have it, but she'd never be so vulgar as to give me a blow job. Actually, I'm sure she doesn't know a thing about it." "Same with Marion and me," Stewart quickly added. "Our sex life is as hot as any man could want. Normal sex of course. We'd never do anything like that," he observed indignantly as he nodded at the papers in Julius's hand. Julius flinched with the comment about normal sex as what he'd done to Cory and Anthony in detention and later with the young seven-year-old boy in the park flashed through his mind. Stewart didn't notice. He and his wife might never do it, but that didn't mean he hadn't wondered about it before, nor that he hadn't been fantasizing about it the last period and a half. The two men glanced down at the three sheets of paper and thought about what it might be like to be fellated by a pro, and as they thought, they felt their desires increasing. They were both married and upright, decent men, but they were men, perhaps more macho than most, and the idea of getting blown like the article had described was not something a man could just disregard. That was especially true for Julius having in the past month given three young boys head but at the age of forty-four having never received a blow job. "I'm really surprised that was written by a woman. It takes a man to understand just how a man feels," Stewart observed "I couldn't agree more." "Not that I'd ever have sex with a man." "Hell no, me neither," Julius said with a twinge of guilt. Hell, he'd done far worse. In the past month he'd had sex with young boys, and with a dog! He had been truthful though. He'd never considered having sex with a man, well, not since becoming a man himself. "Though when you come right down to it, having the same equipment, I'm sure a man would give a better blow job than a woman." "Don't men do everything better than women?" "You have that right," Stewart agreed and the two men laughed. Images of them doing each other flashed through their minds, accompanied by increased feelings of horniness and the pleasure that comes from ejaculation. "With the instructions she has provided, even a man who has never done it before could do a decent job," Julius said, glancing down at the papers. "Step One. Make sure you are comfortable. This is the key. Now that makes perfect sense," he observed before reading on. "Step Two. Regard the penis: become familiar with its shape, size and textures. This will buy you a few moments and add a little bit of tension to the encounter. Now there is where a man has the advantage," Julius added. "Like you said, nobody can have a better understanding of a man's penis than another man." "Absolutely." "Step Three. Begin by gently stroking, kissing and blowing on the area around the penis: the testicles, inner thighs and lower belly." "The stroking and kissing are obvious, but I never thought about blowing." "Me neither to tell you the truth." The two men looked at each other. "You feeling the way I'm feeling?" Stewart asked hesitantly. "Yeah, I think I am. Reading something like this, a man can't help but get aroused." "That's what porn is all about, getting men aroused," Stewart observed, stating the obvious, and Julius agreed. "I have to admit, this has gotten me hot." There was a long, awkward pause. "We could give what she's written a try." "We could. We are both feeling randy." "It would be a shame to let a good hard go to waste," Stewart observed with a chuckle, ready to say he was joking if Julius took offense. "It would be. And it's not as if we're in love with each other or some dumb shit like that." "Hell no. We're both happily married, not faggots," Stewart said, relieved at Julius's answer. "Praise God for that." "So what do you say?" "We'll do each other," Julius replied hesitantly, eager to give it a try and actually feeling almost as hot as he had after school yesterday, but not trusting Stewart enough to give him head first in case the man then backed out before he received the same. "Of course," Stewart replied, surprised how horny the three page directions on how to perform fellatio had gotten him, horny enough to try it with a man, which was really horny considering that was something he'd never done before in his life and hadn't even contemplated. And, like Julius, he did not trust his colleague to the extent of going first. Getting to their feet, the two men undid their belts and pulled down their flies. A real man wasn't afraid to try anything once, and what they were about to do would be their secret 3;
When Julius saw Cory the next day in Physical Education he realized he and Stewart had not discussed an appropriate punishment for the boy for bringing porn to school and for lying. He was going to call him aside, but figured it best he and Stewart discuss it first. However, when they saw each other in the staffroom later they immediately thought of the previous day and they avoided any further eye contact, each man obviously uncomfortable about what they had done. When Julius stepped into his Boys' Health 8 class the following day, the last period Friday, he still had not decided what to do about Cory. "All right class, now in our last health class we 3;" "Mister Gilles?" "Yes Dominic?" "What does fellatio mean?" Gilles looked at him, and then at Cory sitting beside him. "Cory Wilson." "Yes sir?" "Don't sir me! You don't honestly think I've forgotten about Wednesday." "No sir. About the lesson plan on fellatio you mean?" "That's exactly what I mean!" he responded without thinking what he was saying. "We can't wait to see it," Cory said, looking over at the video player and TV monitor. Julius hadn't noticed the trolley in the room. He hadn't requested a video player and monitor from the media centre. "There is no such plan and you won't be seeing anything." "There won't? After you and Mister Millburne went to all the trouble of taping the lesson for us?" Julius went pale. No way. What he was thinking was impossible. Impossible, but he looked over at the player in fear anyway. "We want to see it, don't we guys?" "Yeah!" the whole class cheered, most having no idea what was going on but everyone knowing Cory was up to something, and that meant it had to be good. "Unless you were thinking like when, you know, like when me and Anthony had detention." Julius knew exactly what Cory was suggesting. He'd blown the two boys once. It had been totally unexpected and to his regret ever since, but that didn't mean the impulse just might come over him again. He glanced at the tape, trying to decide which was the lesser of the two evils. "Good choice," said Cory, quickly stepping up to the video player and turning it on. Julius and Stewart appeared on the screen, Stewart sitting behind his desk with his name plate clearly visible and Julius standing before him. "I thought perhaps you hadn't gotten my message that I'm feeling aroused," began Stewart. If anyone in the class hadn't been paying attention, they were then! "Got here as fast as I could," Julius replied. The jaws of several students dropped open. "Read your lesson plan for your Health Eight class 'How to Perform Fellatio like a Pro.' It has gotten me hot." "Reading that could get a man aroused." "I like the part about avoiding having your teeth graze a man's member by sucking in your lips to cover your teeth like an elderly, toothless person." The class could not believe what they were hearing, nor seeing as the two men drew in their lips to cover their teeth. "We could give what you have written a try." "We could. We are both feeling randy." "It would be a shame to let a good hard go to waste," Stewart observed with a chuckle. The entire class was rivetted to the TV monitor. Julius was so dumfounded he didn't know what to do. Cory had evidently taped the event, though he had no idea how he could have done it, and had edited it. From the awkward phrasing of some of the words it was clear that the tape had been dubbed by taking bits and pieces of their conversation. Of course his students were not paying attention to how the words were being said as much as to what was being said, and many of the sentences were direct quotes. Of course he could stop the tape, but Cory had to have known that would be his first response. What else would the boy have in mind to prevent that, or to use it? Blackmail him into doing him right then and there before the class instead of them watching him and Stewart on the tape? He had sucked the boy once before 3; He needed time to think this through. "And we're in love with each other." "Hell yes. We're both happily married faggots." "Praise God for that. And that Antoinette doesn't know a thing about it." "Same with Marion." The class could not believe the confessions. Their two macho teachers faggots! The two men looked at each other and then got to their feet and undoing their belts and pulling down their flies, they dropped their trousers and pushed down their boxers. They glanced at each other and the camera zoomed in on their faces, and then on their genitals. Both men were fully erect. Julius could not let the students see more! But if he did shut the tape off, what would he say and do? How could he explain what his students had seen so far? He couldn't just shut it off and say nothing. The word about him and Stewart would be through the whole school within seconds of the dismissal bell. He'd be dismissed Monday. And Stewart too. He had to have a plan before he shut off the tape. "Step Two. Regard the penis: become familiar with its shape, size and textures. Now there is where a man has the advantage. Nobody can have a better understanding of a man's penis than another man." As he stared at the monitor and heard his voice taken totally out of context as the camera zoomed in on his cock and then on Stewart's, he tried desperately to think of a strategy. He could not let them see the next part! "Step Three. Begin by gently stroking, kissing and blowing on the area around the penis: the testicles, inner thighs and lower belly." Julius's heart was racing faster than at the end of his third screw with his wife on Tuesday, and he knew his face was a bright red. Perhaps he'd have a heart attack right then and there and die. If God would be so kind! Every boy in the class had a hard by then as they watched their hated teacher and vice principal sixty-nining, and giving them step by step instructions on how to do it. "Step five. Take the penis in your mouth. Determine how far it can comfortably go in." Actually, Julius would have been content to just take Stewart's knob in, but as Stewart went farther and farther down his shaft, he felt he had to do the same, not just to give Stewart the same pleasure as Stewart was giving him, but because he had to prove to Stewart he was just as much a man as he was and could take as much of his cock as Stewart was able to take of his. Just as much a man! There he was, laying on the carpet in Stewart's office, slipping his lips farther and farther down his stiff cock, which was at least an inch and a half [4cm] longer than his own, something he was painfully aware of that afternoon. Their difference was obvious as the camera switched back and forth from one to the other. It was bad enough for his students to be seeing him sucking another man's cock, but for them to see he was the smaller of the two besides was even more humiliating. What was he thinking? The whole video was totally humiliating. And so shocked and unprepared, he was standing there and doing nothing about it! "Kiss, lick, tease, mouth and stroke it. Do the same for the balls." The class could not believe what they were seeing or hearing. Their two teachers, the two most hated teachers in the school, lying there on the vice principal's floor still in their jackets and ties but with their pants and underwear about their ankles as they kissed each other's stiff, jerking cocks, as they mouthed each other's hairy balls and ran their tongues up the other's shaft and over the knob, leaving behind a trail of spit, their eyes glazed over in lust and evident pleasure. It was totally awesome. Everyone, even the total nerds and even the purely innocent like Dominic, had boned up, and the way some of them were squirming, they were quickly approaching a climax without once touching themselves. The first part of the tape had been edited, the latter part was not, the part of them eagerly sucking and licking each other's cock, of the grunting and the groaning, of the heavy breathing. Julius sat there in despair. What point was there now in shutting off the tape? He should have shut it off immediately, while they were in the talking stage. He could have told the boys they'd talked about doing a tape but had decided against it. He could have told them upright, moral men did not squirm about on the floor in a school office blowing each other. Actually, it had not been as hot nor as pleasant as the tape make it look. He had almost gagged when he had gone down on Stewart's long, thick cock. Having his own cock sucked and feeling Stewart's slimy spittle oozing over his balls had not been erotic either. He'd felt nowhere near as aroused as the time he'd done Cory and Anthony. Sucking their cocks had been much more pleasant than sucking Stewart's monster. Julius shook his head. What the hell was he thinking? Sucking his two thirteen-year-old students had not been pleasant. He'd done it against his will, and afterwards had been raked with guilt and disgust. Just the same, he was doing Stewart only because he felt he had to keep up to him, to do what Stewart was doing. Yes, the tingling of his cockhead and the building pressure as he approached his climax had been pleasant, but not that pleasant, and that night and all of the next two days he'd felt guilty and dirty. Stewart evidently did too. The two of them couldn't even look each other in the eye in the staffroom. That was not how it was on the tape. On the tape they hungrily bobbed their heads up and down each other's shaft and stroked each other's swollen balls. On the tape they grunted in lust with their climax, the two of them shooting off in each other's mouth, the cum oozing out of their lips and down their chins in their awkwardness and inexperience. On the tape they fell back as if in pleasure, not in exhaustion and relief that it was over as it had really been. On the tape the camera zoomed in on their still swollen cocks, on the residual cum oozing out the tips and down over their knobs, and on their shafts glistening with each other's spittle. If that was not bad enough, Cory had recorded and kept in their lies that it had been great, their complements to each other for having done a great job, which both felt obligated to say even though they did not believe it, and the one thing that was true, their assurances to each other that what they'd done would be kept their secret. The tape ended with a shot of the closed Vice Principal's door with two shadows behind it, the two of them pulling up their trousers and underwear, and as the image grew fuzzy, the title 'How to Perform Fellatio Like a Pro, A Grade 8 Health Lesson Demonstration by Julius Gilles and Stewart Millburne' and a very loud and wet kiss. There was less than a minute before the end of the class, and Julius still had not thought of an explanation. "Hey, Mister Gilles. Don't you worry. For making us a fucking awesome tape like that, your secret is safe with us, isn't it guys?" The class rowdily agreed as the bell rang and they headed for the door, all of them with their books and binders strategically held in front of them to hide the projections that each and every boy had, and for a few who were walking very awkwardly and bowlegged, to hide something even more embarrassing, their juicy and copious teenage loads having soaked through not just their underwear but their jeans besides, leaving telltale wet spots.
Chapter Eleven— M-dog Mbb —
Thanks to Bob (who will be appearing in an upcoming chapter) for the idea of Julius teaching his sons how to give head. Julius could not remember leaving the building after school that Friday and driving across town to pick up his three boys at their private school and his two girls at theirs nor driving back across the city to his home. How he'd managed to do so without an accident was a miracle as the only thing he had been able to think about the whole time was the video he'd shown his last class and the look of surprise on the faces of his students and then the scent of teen randiness permeating the room. Telling his wife that he had things to think about, school issues, which was true in a sense, and that he wasn't hungry, which was very definitely true, he changed into his jogging sweats and headed for the park. He'd found that a good run cleared his mind, and that while he was exercising was always a good time to mull over and work out problems that were disturbing him. At least that used to be the case, until he'd changed his routine three weeks ago so he could rendezvous with a secret lover, a four-legged lover. That was one of the problems he'd mulled over, and there was no other way to explain the change. He'd always gone to the gym to work out after school unless he had a school meeting or if his wife couldn't pick up the kids, and starting this September unless he had coaching practice, and every Saturday and Sunday weather permitting he'd gone jogging in the park in the afternoon. He'd been particularly faithful in keeping his schedule, knowing how easy it was for a man to get out of shape, especially having a sedentary job like he had. Then, after fifteen years, he suddenly changed his schedule, which was most atypical of him, being a man who liked regularity and routines and who became upset with the slightest change. Instead of going to the gym, he now stayed at school to do his lesson planning or marking Monday to Thursday if he didn't have soccer practice instead of going to the gym, and then after supper he'd gone jogging in the park. He'd said he'd read it was better to exercise after eating than before, which was the truth, and that jogging outdoors was healthier than exercising in a gym, which he totally made up. What had really changed his routine was meeting a very large and very amorous German Shepard three weeks ago. After that chance meeting he'd become obsessed, or more accurately in his opinion, possessed. The following week he'd been sure that he'd heard barking noises at school, and the memory, or more accurately the horror, of that incident in the park kept recurring in his mind, and at any time, in his Physical Education class, in Computers, and in Health class, all with his Grade 8B students he'd noticed, which of course included among others Cory Wilson, whom he could not help but suspect as absurd as the idea was. However, it also happened in the hallway, and he'd purposefully looked around and rarely had he seen Cory. He'd gone jogging each evening after supper the next week, and on Tuesday and Wednesday he'd had repeat encounters with the dog, as if the dog had been there waiting for him in the clearing behind the bushes. Last week was the same, the memory of those three incidences suddenly flashing through his mind several times a day along with the strongest feeling of sexual pleasure and the reaffirmation of his decision to go jogging at the same time each day in the hopes of meeting up with the dog. That second week he'd not had a single encounter. There had been no pleasure in their encounters, at least not in the same sense as sex with his wife, but he did have feelings of disappointment when the dog did not show, which was crazy as after the three times he'd done it he'd been raked with guilt and shame for the rest of the night and all the next day. He'd figured it had been that guilt and those feelings of disappointment that had been responsible for his surprising and totally unexpected sex with his wife on Tuesday, to show that he was really a man and not some pervert that liked animals. Some man, the very next day he engages in oral sex with the vice principal, and then on Friday allows his students to watch the video of them like some pedo. The video had to have been made by Cory Wilson, the whole thing having started with the porno he'd caught the boy with in his class, but he had no proof of that, and how the boy could have done it he had no idea. Now that he thought about it, he wondered if he'd really caught the boy with the porno, or if the boy had purposefully allowed himself to be caught to start the whole thing in motion. Now that was absurd. The boy was only thirteen. It was with those mixed feelings and that state of confusion that he turned off the path and headed for the dense bushes along the edge of the park and the spot where he'd first run into the dog. He was two hours earlier than his usual run during the week, and on the one hand he was hoping the dog liked routine as much as he did and would not be there. What he had done with the dog was the most filthy, perverted act a man could engage in, at least the most perverted he could think of, and after each encounter he had felt filthy and disgusted, and had sworn never again, only to repeat his run the next day. He did have to admit that despite his revulsion, the experience was erotic, and that the last time he'd actually found it stimulating, and that he'd been disappointed not seeing the dog since. So, though he was hoping the dog would not be there, he was at the same time hoping he was. Pushing through the dense bush and spotting the German Shepard sitting there in the open and all alone, as usual, Julius felt his heart give a lurch of excitement and his cock twinge in anticipation. This time though there was no nagging guilt and last moment doubt about what he was about to do along with his arousal. This time what did it matter? After what had happened the last period of the day, his career was over. By now he was the talk of every boy in the school, likely a few girls too. He'd never be able to face them Monday. Not that he'd have to. By Monday at least one parent had to have overheard what had happened and had to have phoned the school board. Hell, they were probably already doing it that moment. His career was over, so what the hell did it matter what he did now? He quickly removed his runners and socks and stripped off his sweaty jogging pants and shirt and pushed down his boxers, in part because he was eager to begin like some hormone-mad teenager, in part because he wanted to get the filthy act done and over with, and in part because he knew the dog was even more impatient than he was. Lad, of course, was acting totally on instinct and a bit on training. Initially the smell of a female dog in heat had attracted him, but now, mounting the man for the fourth time, he'd come to associate the scent of the man's sweat with sex, the same as he did for the scent of a female dog's cunt. Besides, the man had given him treats last time, an idea implanted by Cory, encouraging his innate response. And, of course, there was the physical pleasure. To Lad it made no difference if it was a hot, slimy female dog cunt or a hot, tight man's asshole that was gripping his cock, as long as it gave him the physical pleasure of fucking and cumming. As for Julius, after three previous times, he'd gotten use to the dog's dry and sudden penetration, and in addition, his sweat that had trickled down his crack during his jogging so he wasn't totally dry, and his thoughts of having anal sex with the dog had prepared him for that initial thrust. He actually shuddered with pleasure as he felt the dog's hot, hard cock penetrate him and his hairy legs wrap about him tightly. Now he just as eagerly worked his sphincter muscle with the dog as the German Shepard began to fuck him, relaxing as the dog plunged in and tightening as the dog withdrew, just as hotly panting and grunting as his hairy lover as the two of them went at it openly and unabashedly like dogs do in the park. Thoughts of pleasure, hot, erotic pleasure, and of the vulgarity of what he was doing flashed occasionally through his mind. What did it matter? He was so devastated and demoralized by the events that afternoon he accepted the thoughts and allowed the feeling to wash over him, bringing him at least a few moments of pleasure on an otherwise disastrous day. Of course he was totally unaware that the dog's master, Terry, one of his students, had accompanied his pet and remained out of sight but within view on the first three of those occasions when he'd had sex with the dog. He had to take his dog out for exercise each day anyway, and watching his dog fucking the one teacher he totally hated was fucking wicked. Nor was Julius aware that Terry's best buddy Cory had accompanied him on those first three occasions, and today had taken over the responsibility of taking Lad out for his daily exercise for his buddy and had purposefully gone to the park early in case Julius had decided to do so also. And, of course, neither Terry nor Julius were aware that Cory used his headband to accent the pleasure of the act for man and dog. At least Cory figured he was also influencing Lad as the German Shepard was going at it hotter and hotter each time, pounding his loins against Julius's hairy body, his long, red tongue hanging out of his mouth and dog drool dripping from it and drenching the forty-four-year-old teacher's naked back. This time, when the dog shot his hot, thick wad up his teacher's asshole, Cory added the thought that the dog's name was Lad, of course making it seem as if it was Julius's idea, along with feelings of love and immense pleasure. Julius, already weakened by the day's events, accepted Cory's projections totally and without objection, and in his pleasure, shot off a wad himself. Cory was particularly glad he'd brought the school's cam recorder as he recorded his naked teacher kneeling there in the park with the German Shepard locked up his ass, zooming in on his stiff member spurting out his stuff into the grass and then up to record the look of ecstasy on his face, and then back down for a closeup of Lad's cock deep up his ass and his knot holding them in place, and the funny hangdog look on Lad's face. The real beauty of it all was that this Friday he had forgotten to plant the idea of jogging in the park and having a fuck with Lad in Julius's mind as he had on each of the other days, even on those days he'd had no intention of taking Lad to the park. His hated teacher really had become Lad's bitch! As he realized that Cory threw back his head and groaned with pleasure and his jerking fist tightened about his shaft as he shot off a hot load into the park grass also. As he came, he was totally unaware that he was not the only one watching the scene in the clearing, and the other watcher, just as turned on as the thirteen-year-old boy, was just as unaware of his presence. It had been an awesome day as far as Cory was concerned, and it just kept getting better. Asking his parents if his buddy Anthony could spend the night, they not only agreed but rented them a movie and popped them a large bowl of popcorn besides, and he didn't even have to use the headband to influence them. Of course after the movie Anthony wanted to know how he'd known about Gilles and Millburne, having concluded like many other students the two men really were lovers and closet faggots. They had to be to do the things they'd done in the video. Even more important, he wanted to know how he'd been able to make the video of them, knowing without being told that it had been Cory. Of course Cory, wanting to impress his buddy, delighted in telling him of his spur of the moment plan when he'd been caught with the porn Anthony had shared with him, and how he'd gotten the cam recorder from the media centre and had made sure the outside window to the VP's office was open. As for why he hadn't been caught, who bothers sticking around the school building Friday after class, students or teachers, Cory asked. He of course showed Anthony his latest video, which on top of their discussion about what had happened in class, had his buddy aching to get one off. As they pushed down their jeans and underwear and went at it, Anthony observed how wicked it would be if Gilles's sons could see the video they had seen at school and mused what their reaction might be and whom they might get to fellate them with their new knowledge. Unbeknownst to Cory, his buddy had a particular fascination regarding incest, finding stories of mother-son and father-daughter sex particularly arousing. A grin slowly began to curl Cory's lips, and it was not because of the pleasure throbbing between the thirteen-year-old's legs as he pulled on his four inches [10cm] of boy meat. Never mind showing the video to Goosey's sons. Better yet, suppose Goosey and his sons made their own video to show to the students at the oh so perfect and pure private school? Both boys shot off a particularly juicy load as they stared off into space, lost in their own erotic thoughts. Saturday he biked over to the Gilles's home. Julius was about to mow the lawn, and his wife was telling him the boys' school clothes were laid out on their beds and that she and the girls would meet him and the boys at the Royal Glencoe Academy for Julian's soccer game at two. Cory smiled. That could not be more perfect than if he'd planned it. Darting into the neighbour's yard before he was seen, he slipped into the back alley and snuck up along the side of Julius's house. Getting comfortable and adjusting his headband, he began to concentrate. It began as a simple thought, Julius and his students watching the monitor in Health 8 class last period Friday, and his embarrassment, linking Julius's memory and Cory's and hooking on to Julius's emotional state as Cory had learned to do from his great-grandfather's diary. He visualized the faces of the students, at first surprised, then horny, and at the end of the class appreciative. It had been embarrassing, and it had been wrong, but the students had learned how to get and give a satisfying blow job and that was all right. Julius grimaced with the incongruous thought, that allowing his students to watch the perverted video had been all right. Cory had been reading his great-grandfather's diary and had been watching Julius's reactions to his suggestions as his great-grandfather had said he'd done. He repeated the last thought firmer, and supported it with the thought that a teacher's job was to educate students about the important things in life, and sex was certainly an important thing, linking his idea with basic beliefs his subject, in this case a teacher, would have, again as his great-grandfather had said he'd done in his diary. From his calm response, Julius obviously accepted the thought as his own. Cory smiled. So did Julius. He thought about his own children, particularly Anton and François. It was hardly likely they would be getting the same sex education his students had just received. That was a shame as it was important they know about such things. Another grimace. It was important that they know such things so they would have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. There was less of a grimace. He should perhaps teach them about fellatio himself. That got more than a grimace. That got a definite shake of the head, as if to dislodge the thought. Sex ed was best taught in the home by the parents, not in the school by some stranger. He had a good relationship with his sons. He'd taught them how to do a strip tease and he'd goosed himself while his boys had gotten fucked and everything had worked out. Julius frowned, obviously disturbed by the thoughts but not rejecting them. Girls were more likely to give head than to spread their legs. If his boys were able to make the girls' experience more pleasant, they'd be doing the girls a favour, and so in a way would he. His boys would certainly be considered more caring than others by the girls, and they'd be more likely to score next time they hit on them. Another grimace, a slight one. No parent is ready to accept his child is a sexual being, but every dad likes to think his son is a stud. Even at thirteen Cory knew that. He could use the information in the porno pages to instruct his boys, much like the video. They were after all mature and responsible, more so than the likes of the boys in his Grade 8B Health class. By the time Julius was finished mowing the front and back lawns he was sweating profusely, and so was Cory from his exertion. It was an exciting afternoon with the Royal Glencoe Academy for Boys and the Saint Patrick's soccer teams being evenly matched. It was the first time Cory, who made sure he stayed out of sight of the Gilles's, had seen Julius's oldest son Julian. He was very much his father's son, tall and with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, hairy shins and forearms, and a solid athletic build like his two younger brothers. The sixteen-year-old cut a handsome figure in his burgundy soccer shirt, tan soccer shorts and black knee socks, and much to his father's pride, was extremely popular with the girls besides his classmates. The game ended with the Royal Glencoe team winning by one point. There followed a family picnic for the families and friends of both teams, including Julian's girlfriend who went to the same private school as his sisters and had the biggest boobs of any teenage girl Cory had ever seen. It was also his first opportunity to see Gilles's two daughters. Fourteen-year-old Annette had a nice set of knockers herself having matured early, and her seven-year-old sister was one of those spoiled children that would be chosen as a poster child hands down and you could easily hate just for being so damn cute. As his wife and daughters headed back home and Julian headed off with his teammates, Julius stayed back with his two younger sons who helped him put away the soccer equipment and lock up the school. It was an old building, with highly polished hardwood floors and solid oak bannisters and the classrooms with thick wooden doors with brass door knobs and a transom at the top. Going to Anton's room and having the two boys, who of course had worn their school uniforms to the event, sit in the front row, Julius took out the three folded pages from the inner pocket of his suit jacket and cleared his throat. "These are, ah, notes for a lesson that I, ah, presented to my Grade Eight Health class, and, ah, that you might be hearing about. It is something that I felt was important for the boys in junior high to know about. I, ah, think it is so important, that I want you to learn about it too, to, ah, well, prepare you for when you are older, and, ah, especially you Anton, with, ah, well, with you having reached the age of puberty." Julius felt awkward and uncomfortable as hell, but he'd been rehearsing the words since late that morning. At least he'd been repeating them over and over in his mind. Or, more accurately, the devil who'd taken possession of his mind had repeated the words and despite all his efforts he'd been unable to ignore him. "As you know, a man can have sex with another man by inserting his penis in the other man's anus, which of course he can do with a woman also if he wants to-that is if he and the woman want to, the woman having an anus too of course." Anton and François glanced at each other self-consciously as they recalled the first time they'd had their asses screwed by Cory and Anthony in front of their father, and the second incident a week and a half later when their father had left them alone and Anton had screwed his kid brother first before the two boys had done them again. There hadn't been a night that the two had not fallen asleep thinking about the shame, and the pleasure, of that perversion. Anton had heard of father-son birds and bees talks from older classmates and wondered if this was it. His father was certainly acting as nervous and as embarrassed as the older boys had said their fathers had acted. "Well, there is another way a man and woman can have sex besides making a baby," Julius continued, reciting the words that had come to his mind that morning. "It is called fellatio." Of course the word meant nothing to the boys. "It is also known as oral sex, or a blow job," he continued, and again the words didn't mean anything to his sons. He cleared his throat. "It is when a woman sucks a man's penis." Now that registered with Anton, who risked a quick glance at his father. He could not imagine his mother doing that to his father, not in a hundred years, nor his father wanting her to. François wrinkled up his nose at the thought. He could not imagine anyone doing that. "Now, of course that means two men can do that too," Julius continued, rushing on to his main point that he'd thought of while he'd been mowing the grass that morning. "Sometimes men do that because they love each other, like a man loves a woman, but there are other times when two men who are heterosexual like myself might do it. It might be because they are curious and want to see what it is like. It might be because they don't want to appear inexperienced if their wives suggest doing it, or so they can make the experience pleasurable should their wives want to try it. And of course there are times when a man is feeling so, ah, well, in such a need for sex, that, well, if there is no woman available to satisfy his need, he might turn to another man. After all, who knows best about how a man feels and what he needs than another man, right?" The two boys nodded, not sure what their father was talking about and even less sure why he was telling them all this, and too embarrassed to ask. Anton's classmates were right. This was totally weird and totally uncomfortable. Julius of course saw the reasons he'd given as good excuses for his behaviour earlier that week should his two boys learn about it and was eager to plant the ideas that what he'd done was all right in his sons' minds. "Well, anyway, like I said, I figured you should learn about it, you know, just in case you need to know. I have a few things here to help explain how it is done." Actually, the ideas had just come to him as they'd participated in the family picnic. "I'm sure you've already noticed that the penis comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures. The first step in giving a good blow job is to become familiar with the penis you're sucking-for the person who is doing the sucking that is," he quickly corrected though it had been the image of his sons doing the sucking that had been in his mind. "That's what you can tell your girlfriend if it is her first time," he continued, trying to cover up and recalling one of the ideas Cory had used that morning to convince him to teach his sons. Reaching into his bag, he took out two wieners. "I'm sure you've heard a man's penis called a wiener before. These in fact are very similar to your own, except yours are shorter of course." Cory smiled wickedly as Julius stated the thoughts he'd implanted in his mind and he reached down and squeezed his swelling cock as he watched the two boys through the transom above the door as they slipped the wieners in their mouths and sucked on them, ran their tongues around them, and slipped their lips up and down them, following their father's instructions. "These, on the other hand," Julius observed as he next took out two bananas from his bag, "are much more like mine." The two boys flushed, not just because of their dad's comment but from their memory of having seen his erect penis. Their embarrassment was nothing compared to a minute later as under their father's instructions, they pealed back the skin and slipping their lips over their teeth, sucked on the fruit, trying not to bruise it with their teeth as their father cautioned. Ever so slowly they eased the bananas further into their mouths until they gagged to determine the limit to which they could comfortably take a penis into their mouths according to their father. "And, there are some men, endowed such as this," Julius continued, taking out two cobs of corn. The sight of the two boys sitting there at their desks in their burgundy school blazers and white shirts and ties with their mouths wide open and their lips slipped over the ears had Cory leaking big time. This was going even better than he'd ever imagined it might. Julius hesitated. What they'd done up until then had been embarrassing for him, and for his two boys, but that was nothing compared to what he'd considered them doing next. He'd immediately rejected the idea when it had first come to him that morning, and he'd rejected it each time he'd come back to it until finally he'd just put the idea aside. Now as he thought of it again, he again fought it. It was morally wrong, and obscene. On the other hand, if they were at all inquisitive and the slightest bit daring, as he was sure his boys were, being typical red-blooded boys any father would be proud of, it was far safer for them to experience it with each other than with some classmate who'd had his penis who knows where, even if he was a fellow classmate at the Royal Glencoe Academy. He'd had the same argument with himself that morning, and standing there now in front of his two boys and having gone that far, it sounded all the more reasonable. "Now, so you can really see what it is like to have it done to you, try doing it to each other. Anton, you do your brother first." Anton looked up at his father in disbelief. Suck his own brother's dick? He looked at his brother, unable to hide his revulsion. His brother was just as shocked as he was. "Better your first time is with someone you love and can trust, and you'll impress your girlfriend if you can guide her through this," Julius said, repeating the thoughts that had come to his mind along with a sense of compassion for his sons before he had time to think about it. It was only their deepest trust in their father's judgement, and their growing horniness from having already sucked a wiener, banana, and cob of corn, along with an overwhelming sense of curiosity and need to obey their father, thanks to Cory and his headband, that the two boys did as they'd been told. François slowly got to his feet and stood before his brother, and Anton dropped to his knees and pulled down his brother's fly. Following his father's instructions, he pulled down his brother's tan shorts and white Jockey briefs, and picking up his limp dick at the base and looking at it like it was a little worm, he slipped his mouth over it and gently sucked on it. As his brother's dick immediately began to stiffen, so did his despite his disgust. Following the instructions of his father, who reiterated the instructions in the porno he'd taken away from Cory assisted by Cory's mental prompting, Cory having gotten another copy and having memorized it he'd read it so many times, Anton nibbled and licked his brother's thighs and naked pubes and swirled his tongue around his brother's knob. It was disgusting and perverted, and both boys could not ignore years of training and brainwashing that sex between guys was a sin and filthy. Nor could they ignore the fact that it was exciting and arousing, especially so for nine-year-old François as his thin little wiener throbbed pleasantly in his brother's mouth and the knob tingled with a strange combination of pain and pleasure. Being only nine, it took a while, and Anton's jaw was starting to get sore, but Anton finally succeeded in bringing his kid brother off. As the still mysterious and awesome orgasm struck him, he felt his loins go weak and his body began to twitch uncontrollably as spasm after spasm of pure pleasure shot through his irritated wiener. And then it was his turn. Sitting down in the desk, still in his blazer and tie and with his school shorts and white briefs about his ankles, he pulled down his older brother's fly and pushed down his shorts and boxers. His dick, three inches [7½cm] long as his younger brother's and slightly thinner, stood up nail hard, a condition the twelve-year-old frequently found his penis in, being at that awkward age of beginning puberty where his voice was sometimes a boy's and sometimes a man's, where he popped a boner at the most embarrassing of times, and where sometimes his still forming balls sent out a thin squirt of boy juice and at other times his body jerked and trembled with a dry orgasm. François slipped his lips over his brother's dick and sucked on it as he worked his cherry red lips up and down its length. Following the instructions he and his brother had been given, he kissed the knob and skipped his lips over his brother's thighs and still naked pubes without his father needing to instruct him. Even at the age of nine he knew that what he was doing to his brother was considered demeaning and was used as an insult by his classmates, but even though it was a filthy, dirty act, his brother had done it to him and it had brought him a strange and wonderful pleasure, and it was the least he could do to return the favour. That he did, until like Anton his jaw was aching and his tongue was tired, but also like Anton, he brought his brother off. Anton had hoped for his brother's sake that this would be one of the times when his orgasm would be dry, but his body chose this time to squirt a thin, almost clear preteen load directly into his brother's mouth. To his credit, François managed to swallow the sweet offering without gagging. "Now," Julius said throatily as he dropped his trousers and boxers, "you can consider this your final exam." He'd said it in a jocular tone to lighten the mood, but he felt everything but jocular. He had been embarrassed and self-conscious as he'd taught his sons, and even more so as he'd watched one and then the other put into practice what he'd taught them, and especially so now as the two boys stared with obvious embarrassment at his crotch. He'd felt filthy and perverted 'teaching' his sons this obscene act and watching them sucking each other off to an orgasm, and even more so as he'd exposed himself to them. More than anything else, he felt guilty. What he'd done was wrong. What he was asking his boys to do now was wrong. Men did not have sex with boys, especially fathers with their sons. He knew that, and they knew that. He could see their reluctance in their eyes. Most of all though, he was horny. That was evident from his stiff, six inch [15cm] bone jutting up in the air. He was aching to get off a load, to experience the same pleasure as his two sons had. He was aching to have sex with his two boys, just as badly as he'd ached to have sex with his wife three days ago, maybe even more so. So the two schoolboys knelt there on the hardwood floor in the front of the classroom and nibbled and licked their father's large, hairy balls as he'd taught them. They ran their tongues along the inside of his hairy thighs. Anton slipped his lips over his father's bulb, becoming aware of its shape, size and texture. He slipped his mouth down the shaft, determining how far he could comfortably go down, and then sucking gently on the throbbing prick, he bobbed his head up and down, his fine brown hair gently bouncing about his head. The small, skinny boy knelt there in his blazer and tie with his boxers and shorts about his ankle and sucked on his father's throbbing cock. And then he drew off and let his kid brother have a turn. Nine-year-old François opened his mouth wide and curled his cherry lips over his square white teeth as his dad had told him to and went down on the stiff cock slick with his brother's spit. Julius, standing there in his suit and tie with his boxers and trousers about his ankles, looked down at his youngest son as the boy sucked on his thick cock, the boy's emerald green eyes half closed with lust and pleasure. He inhaled and exhaled deeply with lust himself, his cock throbbing fiercely in his son's hot mouth as he felt himself approaching his climax. He trembled with delight as his aching cock slipped out of François's mouth. Anton stuck out his tongue and swirled it over his knob like he would over an ice cream cone, and as he sat back and savoured the unique taste of his father's prick, François ran his tongue over his father's knob in a like manner, following his older brother's example. From their flushed cheeks and glassy eyes there was no doubt his two boys were thoroughly enjoying what they were doing, which was as it should be, for he did not want them to be doing something against their will. Their delight was his delight. With a shudder of pure pleasure, he told them to lick his cock together, and as they bent forward and began to run their hot tongues up his shaft, he shuddered again as he fountained. His hot, thick cum shot up into the air and back down onto his knob, quickly flowing down it and his shaft like hot white caramel to be lapped up by his sons, caught up in their father's pleasure and their own lust. Never had he blasted so forcefully nor so copiously, and he trembled and sighed with pleasure as streamer after streamer shot from his fountain and fell back down on his cock to be licked up by his two boys. The three of them gasped and panted with ecstasy, their lips parted, the two boys' cheeks smeared with their father's load. So enthralled with pleasure, the three did not hear the gasp of similar pleasure as Cory trembled with his own orgasm, having sprayed the thick oak door with his teenage cum which now ran in thick streamers down the shiny surface. Finally shutting off the cam recorder, he took one last look at the Gilles's through the transom before quietly stepping down from the step stool and heading for the door. This version of the lesson was not going to need any editing whatsoever.