Chapter 8: tb — Chapter 9: MF ttbb
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Eight— tb —
Thanks to Dominic for this story idea. Sunday, October 3, was the big interfaith prayer day in support of the family that all the local churches had been preparing for to counteract the movement to make gay marriages legal, a movement that the church leaders claimed was being promoted by the gay community to weaken the family and convert youth to their perversion and was the first step to making paedophilia legal. Cory had no idea what paedophilia was, but he figured if the church was against it then it had to be something good. The Pray For Our Families Day had been widely advertised for the past two months and was turning out to be a major event with not only the Christian, but also the Jewish, Sikh and even the Islamic faiths joining together for a day of prayer and promotion of family values. Besides services and meetings throughout the day to decide what could be done and to provide help to families under attack, they were planning on bringing out a Christian rock group and counsellors for the teenagers and turning the whole thing into an old-fashioned family picnic and fun day. Cory had his own plans. He'd increased his efforts to find out more about Satanic cults on the Internet these past two months, in between his searches for porn, and he'd already gotten a couple of his friends sort of interested in forming a coven. He figured they could meet and while the others were all praying for the family and for God to strike down the faggots with lightning or AIDS or whatever, he and his buddies could be praying to Satan. That was sort of where the plan fell apart, because he didn't really know what they'd pray for, not wanting to hurt any families or anything, and besides, he only had two others interested so far, which wouldn't make much of an impact. He didn't let that daunt him. He did have other ideas. He could wear his headband and have Goosey Gilles get up on the stage and proclaim that he was gay and tell the preachers they could all go screw themselves. Or he could have him offer to blow all of them to show them how good it felt being sucked off by a guy. Or maybe he could declare he and Stewart Millburne, the Vice Principal, who hated kids as much as Goosey did, were secret lovers and planned on getting married. Or perhaps he could be part of the entertainment, him and Lad, up on the stage. Or he and his sons could do their famous strip tease act, which he'd caught on tape and had shown a few of his closest friends. Now those were all great plans. His father being the spokesman for the local Baptist churches, Jonah was there of course with his brothers and sisters, looking all grown-up and proper in his white shirt and suit and tie and with his face scrubbed and his long, fine curly blond hair fluttering in the slight breeze, a little seven-year-old adult sitting up in the front on the folding metal chairs that had been set out, his feet swinging in the air in that they could not touch the ground as he waited for his father to speak. His father knew all about families, having four children including Jonah, all of whom were inheritantly bad and upon whom he regularly used the rod, and one sibling on the way. With Jonah's big, deep blue eyes and fluttering blond lashes and fresh, innocent face, it was difficult for even the most evil-thinking person to imagine Jonah having any sinful thoughts, let alone doing anything wicked. Well, there was one person. Cory did not much care for Jonah's father and his constant preaching about the evils of the world and his holier than thou attitude as he told his father how he should be raising his children. In fact, he thought it would be perfectly fitting if someone, say himself, taught young Jonah all about those sins and other wicked things his father thought he had to beat out of him and show him just how pleasurable they were. The thought of perverting the innocent, wide-eyed seven-year-old was particularly delicious that Sunday with him looking so sweet and pure in his suit and all, and perverting him especially on this day of all days gave Cory a twitch where Jonah's father figured boys should not have twitches. As he began to make his way toward Jonah and suggest the two of them slip away while the adults did their thing, he was distracted by the arrival of Riverside's small Arab contingent, many of the older men and women dressed in their traditional robes and head apparel. One of the boys in the group, a boy with big, chocolate brown eyes, luscious looking lips, and a cinnamon brown complexion, he recognized as a boy attending his school. He looked particularly sexy in his embroidered bowl-shaped cap and best clothes, and Cory's mind, already on sex, quickly shifted from Jonah to him. He didn't know him, not even his name, but that could be changed. He was still imagining him and the Arab boy doing their bit for intercultural understanding when Father Henry arrived, along with Saint Andrew's choir, including his classmate Dominic, who was also one of the church's altar boys. Dominic had been in some of his classes the previous year also but he really hadn't gotten to know him, other than to borrow his homework on occasion, Dominic always having his done and Cory almost always not. They were as different as night and day, and the slightly younger boy was not the type of boy Cory chose to chum with. As Cory watched him take his place on the stage, several reasons why he should change their relationship came to mind. For one, Dominic was just as pure and innocent as Noah, possibly even more so. Shy and quiet, and a real teacher's pet, he was the least likely to get in trouble in their class, and the last to be suspected, all reasons the two of them were unlikely to become chums. To befriend him and have him pull some prank on Goosey, like put a tack on his seat, or even better, one of those fart cushions, would be hilarious. Another good reason was the fact that Dominic's father was the Area Superintendent of Schools. Now Cory didn't know what exactly an Area Superintendent did, but he did know when he showed up at the school teachers acted on their best behaviour as if they were afraid of him and Stewart Millburne became a total suckhole. Now that he had decided to seek revenge on Goosey big time, Cory suspected that if he could influence Dominic and if Dominic could influence his father, which he figured would be a snap given Dominic's sweet, innocent face, not knowing the real relationship between Dominic and his dad, then between the two of them they could make Gilles's life pure hell. Even if they couldn't, with Dominic's sweet, innocent face, those pretty steel blue eyes and fine blond eyelashes, his button nose with the spattering of freckles, and those thin lips, messing around with him and introducing him to the joys of sex would be hot. And, there was his stacked, seventeen-year-old, strawberry blond sister. Now using Dominic to get to know her would really be an experience! Just because he was only thirteen didn't mean Cory didn't set his sights high. As the choir began to sing, Cory imagined using his headband to get Dominic's sister to put out, in every way possible. He reached down and squeezed his swollen dick and wished that there was someone around who could satisfy the pain he was feeling. He wondered if Goosey Giles was around. He had to be. He was just the type to support something like this. Dominic stepped forward at that moment and began his solo, and Cory's thoughts were momentarily interrupted once again. As he stood there squeezing his aching cock and looked up at Dominic standing there in his red and white choir robes and singing in the sweetest alto voice, it was like an angel sent by God with a message specifically to him. At least that was the way Cory saw it. He had to have Dominic, and he had to have him that afternoon. As he sat down, his face the picture of total concentration, many who joined him noticed his attention and observed how rewarding it was to see a boy so young so captivated by the sermon being presented. Cory didn't see them, nor hear of word of what was being said on the stage. As they took a break, Dominic and Jonah happened to be side by side at the refreshment table getting a glass of Macdonald's orange juice to beat off the heat of the day. "Hi." "Hi," the two boys responded in unison as they turned around at Cory's voice, and they quickly looked at each other, each embarrassed that he'd thought Cory had been addressing him. "You two know each other?" They shook their heads in the negative. Cory introduced them to each other and they nodded at each other in greeting. "So, whatsup? You guys got plans or something?" "I've got an hour and a half before Father Henry speaks and the choir sings again," responded Dominic. "You were fucking awesome. You got one hell of a great voice," Cory praised. "Wish I could sing like that." "Ah, thanks," Dominic replied, embarrassed by the praise, and even more embarrassed by Cory's language as he glanced around to see if any adults had overheard. To his relief, even though he was not the one who'd swore, nobody had heard. There was no way he'd ever say such things. "I got no plans. I was just told I gotta be here. My dad's much too busy to really notice if I am though," Jonah observed with a hint of sadness in his voice. Dominic could relate to that. His father never paid any attention to him either. He never had, his whole life. "So, what's say we go for a quick swim? It's fucking hot out here. You two must really be cooking." The two boys glanced at each other. Jonah in his suit and tie and Dominic in his robes, they were hot. "I didn't bring my swim suit," Dominic responded. "Me neither." "We needs fucking suits? It's just us three guys. We can go buck naked." "Not here we can't!" Jonah observed with a grin as he glanced about at the crowd. "No, but we can slip away somewhere where we can. Let's go." The two boys were hesitant to leave knowing their fathers would object, but they were hot and it was going to be boring just standing around for an hour and a half, and both were eager to please Cory who unbeknownst to him they both saw as the type of boy they wished they could be. So, the three of them slipped away, which was not difficult to do with all the adults being so preoccupied, and they soon found themselves at the edge of the lake in a secluded part of the park. Cory of course immediately began to strip, knowing that if he hesitated the two boys might not follow. As it was, they glanced at each other hesitantly, not so sure if they should go through with this now they were there. At least not knowing each other would help. Young Jonah removed his suit jacket, and glancing around, found a branch of a low tree to hang it on, and Dominic followed suit with his choir robe. After a bit of a struggle Jonah loosed his tie and slipped it over his head, leaving the knot in as he had no idea how to tie it again, and the two boys slowly and self-consciously unbuttoned their shirts and removed them, and then their runners and socks. Finally, concentrating with such seriousness you'd think they'd never removed their pants before, they slowly pulled down their flies and stepped out of them. By this time Cory had stripped down to his briefs, and as he watched the two innocent boys step out of their trousers he again felt a twitch between his legs. Again taking the lead, he pushed down his briefs and stepped out of them, and then watched as the two boys removed their underwear. All three boys were slender but being athletically active they all had good builds with strong though still developing muscles and flat boy stomachs below which hung typical young boy jewels. Neither Jonah nor Dominic had pubic hairs, and both had tiny balls. Looking at their crotches, Cory suddenly had an idea. Telling Jonah to lie down on his back on the grass and to raise his knees and spread his legs, he then had Dominic lay in the same position but lined up toe to toe in the opposite direction. He then had them shuffle closer with Dominic placing his widespread legs on either side of Jonah's waist, his knees still raised, and Jonah with his legs under Dominic's and his feet also on either side of Dominic's body. He continued to have the two boys wiggle closer together until they were touching butt cheek to butt cheek, and ball sack to ball sack. Kneeling beside the two boys and sitting back on his heels, Cory reached out and ran the tips of his index and middle finger of his right hand over Dominic's smooth, loose ball sack while he ran the finger tips of his two fingers of his left hand over Jonah's. Although five years apart, the two boys had practically identical balls. He pressed against them gently, feeling for their contents. Jonah of course was still far from puberty, and Dominic had not yet begun, so both nut sacks were loose and practically empty. Both boys had been taught that they were not to touch themselves there, and certainly nobody was to touch them. So they lay there in fear and in curiosity, certain a bolt of lightning would strike the three of them dead any second, curious how strange and exciting it was to have someone rolling their balls like Cory was. As he released them and they fell back into position, they touched each other. Now nobody had told them, but having those private parts nobody was to touch or see touching each other had to be an even greater sin. To their surprise, having had their tender eggs fondled and now feeling them nestling against each other had caused their dicks to begin to swell, something that did not escape Cory's attention. "Your nut hasn't formed yet," he announced. The two boys looked up at him blankly. "When a guy gets older, his nut grows inside his nut sack. Here, feel mine." The two boys succumbed to temptation without putting up the slightest fight. Cory had after all felt theirs. They sat up, their legs still straddling each other, and ran their finger tips over his balls and then cupped them under his guidance, knowing even at their age how tender that part of a guy was. Cory's balls were considerably larger than either of theirs but still hairless. They could feel something inside, something large and firm, like the nut inside a plum, and they could feel it roll as they rolled his sack in their fingers. Having the two wide-eyed and innocent boys sitting there butt naked and fiddling with his balls gave Cory a hardon in an instant, something the thirteen-year-old was experiencing several times a day. Sitting there holding his balls and seeing his dick spring up, despite their innocence and naivety, the two boys boned up also. Dominic reached up and brushed the long strand of hair that kept falling over his eyes as he looked down at his young boner, and at that of Cory and Jonah. It was the first time he'd ever felt another boy's balls, and the first time his cock had ever gotten stiff except for a few times when he'd woken up in the morning and had to pee bad, and then it had already happened while he was still asleep. Dominic's cock was noticeably thinner than Cory's, but was almost as long, though unlike Cory his foreskin was considerably longer and formed a tube that extended beyond his knob, which was not that noticeably wider than his shaft. Jonah was also uncut though his skin was not as long nor as loose, and it clung tightly about his stiff little cocklet, which was about the length of a man's little finger, with just the tip exposed. Cory's cock on the other hand was just over four inches [10cm] long and though slender, thicker than the other two boys. As a result of frequently tugging on it, when he became erect his skin now slipped down to form a turtleneck half way down the slope of his knob, which was also more pronounced than the other two boys, looking like a little mushroom cap. The three boys studied each other in silence, Dominic and Jonah feeling guilty and nervous, Cory feeling hornier than he'd ever felt before. "Well, enough laying around," he said as he began to get to his feet. "Last one in the lake is a rotten egg." He was off and running, his stiff cock wagging in front of him like a dowsing rod and his balls bouncing against his thighs. Jonah and Dominic were quickly behind him. Feeling the warm sun and the early fall air on their naked genitals felt strange, but good. For the next half hour the boys splashed and swam, enjoying the coolness of the water as the sun beat down on them, and enjoying just being boys and having fun. "Hey, you guys left something back in the lake," Cory observed as they splashed out of the water. Jonah and Dominic glanced back with puzzled looks. That was impossible. They hadn't gone into the lake with anything. They looked back at Cory curiously. "Your nuts," he joked. The cold water had caused them all to shrink, Cory's balls now a tight little walnut drawn up under the base of his shrivelled dick, which was now the size of baby's little pee-pee. Dominic and Jonah's dicks had similarly shrived up to tiny one inch [2½cm] hoses, and their balls had retreated back into their abdominal cavities so it appeared as if they had none at all. Cory of course immediately declared they'd better check each other out. Kneeling down in a circle there on the narrow strip of sandy beach and sitting on their heels, they spread their legs and once again cupped and fondled each other. Cory's balls looked just like a wrinkled walnut, the loose sack having contracted and drawn his nuts up under his dick, and they felt just as hard. Dominic and Jonah had, as Cory had noted, almost no balls at all. "Funny how cold makes a guy's nuts shrink," Cory observed, "and heat makes them swell." The two looked at him blankly, having clearly noticed the first but not the second. "You guys didn't know that?" "Not the heat part," explained Dominic. "Well then, let's warm them up and you'll see," Cory said, immediately leaning over and opening his mouth wide without waiting for a response and exhaling on Jonah's absent testicles. Of course they began to emerge immediately in response to his hot breath, to the surprise of both Dominic and Jonah. Jonah watched for a moment, and then leaned over and did the same to Dominic. Although he wasn't touching Dominic, Jonah figured his father would probably consider blowing on a guy's privates was a sin too, though he couldn't see the difference between that and blowing on your fingers when they got cold. Dominic, feeling just as guilty and just as curious, did the same to Cory, and he watched in amazement as Cory's balls immediately began to swell. Cory of course did not stop there, having the blue-eyed, blond-haired choir boy blowing his hot breath on his crotch and he similarly blowing on the tiny wiener and balls of the all so holy and innocent seven-year-old Jonah. He was soon stiff once again, as were the two boys. "Damn, now look. Now we have to shrink them back down!" he said as if complaining, and as the two boys laughed he joined in. "The sun just got me all dried off, too," said Dominic. "Yeah, me too," said Cory. "Luckily there is another way we can shrink them back down. Let's have a group jack off." The two boys looked at him blankly. "You know, beat off? Jerk off? Masturbate?" That they knew the last word Cory could tell from the looks of shock and shame on their faces. "So, how do you guys like to do it?" The two boys looked at him, and then at each other. "You do it don't you?" They shook their heads. "You gotta be kidding." They shook their heads again. "Why not?" "It's a sin," replied Jonah. "Good boys don't touch themselves." "Bull shit," Cory replied. "Bull shit to both. Fucking lies by fucking grownups." "Why would grownups lie about something like that?" "Because they don't want kids to have any fun. They don't want them to know the pleasure." Jonah could accept that. His father never wanted him to have any fun, or pleasure. Pleasure was the devil's reward for giving in to temptation. He thought of the many times his father had him drop his pants and had struck his buttocks with the bamboo cane he always kept within reach to beat the devil out of him and his brothers and sisters. Dominic could accept Cory's explanation too. His father didn't really like him, and certainly didn't want him to have any fun. He knew he resembled his mother in many ways, in his looks and his behaviour, and he knew that bothered his father, that he was alive and his mother was not. He didn't know much about his mother's death shortly after he'd been born, but he knew his father blamed him for it. "I like to do mine with my thumb and first two fingers, and pull my skin right back as far as it will go and push it all the way up real slow," Cory said, demonstrating. The two boys watched. "Go ahead, try it." Jonah was the first to try. "It makes the bump at the end feel sort of tingly." "Yeah. The bump is called a guy's knob, or his dick head." "It sort of hurts to pull it all the way back," Dominic observed. "Yeah, it did me too, the first few times, but the more you do it the easier it is to pull your skin back all the way, and the cooler it feels. The first little while I mostly just rubbed my knob with my fingers with it inside the skin, like this." He demonstrated, pulling his skin up over the knob and then just rubbing the head with it still encased. Dominic copied. It did feel better. In fact it made his knob feel like it was on fire. That was frightening, and enticing. He did it slow and wiggled with the new pleasure. Pleasure triumphed over guilt and fear, and as the two boys sat there slowly pumping their dicks for the first time in their lives, Cory grinned. He'd inducted two more guys into that secret fraternity of masturbators, and from the looks on their faces, he knew that now that they'd tried it, they'd never stop. His dick throbbed hotly with arousal, and he pulled the skin back and then up slowly, delighting in the feel of the warm sun and the air on his knob when he pulled his skin back, delighting in the throbbing, tingling sensation along the rim, and even more delighting in the building pressure that he knew had a spectacular ending. Even more than delighting in his own pleasure, was delighting in watching young, innocent Jonah pumping his little cocktail weenie with his thumb and first two fingers, and young, angelic Dominic pumping his stiff cock, the long strands of fine, blond hair hanging over his nose forgotten as he concentrated on the pleasure throbbing between his legs. Cory made no effort to hide that he was watching the other two boys, which encouraged them to glance at each other also, though more guiltily and cautiously. Having his two initiates watching him as the three of them engaged in that secret and totally forbidden act was especially hot. Cory finally came, and the two boys stared in awe as he spurted out his thin boy juice, squirt after squirt shooting high into the air and landing in globs in the hot sand between his outspread legs. He inhaled sharply, his head spinning with his climax and the excitement of being watched. Seeing Cory shooting his stuff brought Dominic to his peak and his right leg suddenly jerked uncontrollably and he trembled and bounced up and down in the sand, thrusting his stiff, throbbing dick in and out of his now tightly clenched fingers as he experienced his first orgasm. A few seconds later Jonah also gasped and groaned with his dry orgasm, his second, having been brought off by Goosey Gilles in the park, an experience he'd fretted over and worried about ever since, and that at the same time he wished he could experience again, not knowing he didn't need someone sucking his pee-er to bring that pleasure. Cory had been right. This was an awesome pleasure that adults would not want kids to find out about. Having less than fifteen minutes to get back to the main part of the park, the three of them scrambled into their clothes and raced back to the park, arriving out of breath and all heated and flushed, but arriving back just in time. Dominic immediately fell into place, the choir already ascending the stage, and Jonah and Cory took front row seats. Standing near the stage, Jonah's father noticed and smiled. He knew Cory's father did not agree with him about how to raise children to be decent Christians, but his own son, properly raised to fear God, evidently had befriended and was converting the boy. He would have to encourage their friendship. Father Henry smiled too, seeing young Dominic, his prize youth member, his cheeks flushed and his eyes bright with the excitement of singing the Lord's hymns on this very special family day. None smiled as broadly as Cory. He wondered what Jonah's father would think if he only knew what they'd just finished doing! And, he wondered what Father Henry would have done if he'd found them sitting there in a circle jacking one off. As the choir began to sing, it was as if God Himself was celebrating what they had done, and when Dominic stepped forward and began to sing his solo with more gusto than ever before, Cory was convinced that God knew and had approved. As he slouched down on the metal folding chair, he pictured the three of them sitting there buck naked and gasping with their orgasms only fifteen minutes ago, and he felt his dick beginning to stir. What he did not know, was that Jonah and Dominic were thinking the same thing, and experiencing the same reaction.
Chapter Nine— MF ttbb —
Thanks to Anthony for this story idea. "So, you been over to Goosey's for a swim since we were there?" asked Anthony as the two boys headed off to Julius Gilles's class. "No. Been thinking of it though," Cory replied, which was partially the truth. He had been thinking about going back, but not for a swim. Goosey and his two boys had a week to recover from their guilt and shame over what they had done and it was a time to give them another shot of both. "Me too," said Anthony, who like Cory, had not been thinking of going back for a swim. "We had a lot of fun." "So, you doing anything after school?" "Nope." "Then let's go." "Cool. But don't we need an invite or something?" "After last Saturday we got an invite to do whatever the fuck we want," Cory said with a grin. "Besides, if Goosey puts up an argument, we can always offer to show his wife a home movie, the one we shot at his home," Cory said with an even larger grin, referring to the tape the two had made of Goosey and two of his boys doing a strip performance, and then Goosey buggering himself with a pepper mill while Cory and Anthony fucked and jerked off his two sons. Anthony laughed. The two of them had shown the video to a couple of their closest friends, whom they'd sworn to secrecy, and it had been totally wicked watching their reaction to the strip act, and especially to seeing their hated teacher buggering himself while watching his two sons getting fucked. The two boys arrived at class with bulging jeans, not that uncommon for the two of them, or for any junior high school boy for that matter. Julius was still at a loss to explain his actions when Cory and Anthony had shown up unexpected at his home a week ago. Stress? A temporary loss of insanity? Bewitchment? Teaching junior high students who would rather be doing anything else than sitting in his classroom was stressful, and temporary insanity seemed to be a common defence for a lot of crimes these days. Both explanations were reasonable. Bewitchment was not that far out either, considering he'd felt someone else was at times controlling his body and his speech, even his mind, and there were times he could have sworn he'd heard voices in his head. All three explanations were reasonable, but he no more believed them than he believed the explanation he'd ended up giving his two sons. That had taken all of his imagination and creativity. How does a man explain to his two impressionable young boys why he had performed a strip act in front of two of his students, and why he'd encouraged them to do the same, and had then buggered himself with a pepper mill while he watched his two boys being fucked by those two students? It had taken him the rest of that Saturday to come up with an explanation and then the courage to talk to his two boys, and he had waited until the last moment, after his boys had changed into their pajamas and were turning in for bed. It was only five minutes, but it was the most embarrassing and tense five minutes he'd ever spent in his life. He'd begun by explaining once again why he was teaching at the public school system rather than the private, which was because he saw his role in life as bettering the lives of those poor students who did not have the advantages his children had, a lie he had repeated so often that even he was beginning to believe it, and his boys unable to think anything bad about their father, had readily accepted. The truth was of course that he had applied several times to teach at the private school his boys were going to, and several other private schools besides, but had been rejected every time. He went on to explain that sometimes a teacher had to engage in behaviour at the students' level in order to establish a rapport with them, which was essential if he was to have any impact on them at all. That of course was true and a basic teaching principle, though it certainly did not mean to the extent he had gone to that afternoon. There was a big difference between admitting to watching a strip act and actually performing one for one's students. Seeing his boys buying his lie, he went on with increasing confidence to talk about establishing trust with his students and sometimes even doing things that were basically wrong in order to get a wedge in to begin making changes in their lives, and how proud he was of his two boys for going along with things that afternoon, and that they showed the true spirit of the Gilles family in helping those less fortunate. Of course his boys had just as much reason to save face as he did, and had just as great a need to find a logical explanation for their own behaviour, so they readily accepted his lies. Besides, they looked up to their father and would never suspect him of lying to them. That night all three of them wrestled with that lie and their doubts if that was really the reason things had happened as they had. They wrestled with their mixed feelings also, their feelings of shame and disgust and the pleasure and excitement they'd felt. To have stripped naked before his students and his sons and to have encouraged his sons to strip also had been behaviour unbecoming a father and a teacher, but it had been erotic. Buggering himself with the pepper mill while his two boys engaged in anal sex with two of his students had been shameful, but much to his surprise and dismay, he'd also found it highly arousing. Even as he lay there in bed wide awake and recalling the afternoon he found himself becoming erect. His two boys were just as confused. It was embarrassing to see their father naked, and to strip before him and his two students, and it was shameful what they'd done next. They could not get the image of their father standing there shoving that wooden thing in and out of his ass, nor the embarrassment and shame of bending over and getting their asses screwed, and doing it in front of him. It was a shameful act, but it had felt good, and at that moment as they thought about it they felt an itchiness deep up their rectums and their little boy cocks became stiff. How could something be so wicked and feel so good at the same time? They did not get much sleep that night. The next morning Anton and François could not look directly at their father, and he could not look directly at them, and as they sat in church they wondered just what God was thinking of all this. They could think of nothing else than their shame and their guilt the rest of that day. Throughout the week the demands of school helped them to put the event out of their minds, but each night the three of them relived that afternoon as they tried to find an explanation for why they'd done what they'd done, and why they'd felt the way they'd felt. To Julius's relief, Cory and Anthony seemed to have totally forgotten about the incident and nothing untoward had happened for the entire week at school. He had fully expected to see smirks on their two faces and for what they'd done to have spread through the whole school by noon. After school he resumed his exercise regimen, and to his relief he saw neither of the boys, nor any sign of the dog who had been plaguing him nor the young boy who'd seen him. Sunday the entire Gilles family had gone to the interfaith day to show their support for the church and for families, and Julius, Anton and François had been particularly devout. That Sunday night Cory had jacked off twice thinking of the fun he'd had corrupting Dominic and Jonah, and he thought of others that he could have the same fun with. Of course Anton and François were among the first he thought of. They were just as pure and innocent as Dominic and Jonah, and on top of it, they were arrogant snobs and spoiled brats who were condescending and looked down their noses at him and Anthony. Turning them into two little perverts, maybe even getting them so corrupted they'd get kicked out of the smug private school they were in, would be the ultimate humiliation for them and their father. Well, maybe not ultimate, but close to it. There were many other humiliating things that he could think of. Getting them kicked out of their school certainly fit well with his plans for revenge against Goosey for the way he treated kids, and being his sons and snobs besides, Cory didn't feel any regrets for what he had planned for them. It would certainly would please Anthony, whom Cory wanted to impress and pay back for all the porn Anthony was sharing with him. So, when Anthony had mentioned about a return visit, Cory's wheels began to turn. Fortunately he'd had enough practice with his headband to have the presence of mind to remove it before he began broadcasting his pornographic thoughts. They headed over to the Gilles's residence immediately after school. Finding just Mrs Gilles at home, Cory said they were friends of her sons and that they'd just wait for them to get home out by the pool. She found that they were friends hard to believe, her boys not having any friends outside of a close-knit group of students at the private school, and the two boys not being the type she or her husband would encourage their boys to be friends with, especially the one with the strange metallic headband who kept staring at her in a most suggestive and uncomfortable way. She was actually just glad to have him out of her presence. Returning back to preparing supper, she reached down and absent mindedly rubbed her crotch. For some reason, as soon as the two boys had arrived, she'd started feeling sexually aroused. Julius returned from picking Anton and François up from the private school, his daughters and other son having after school activities. Upon being informed that there were two boys claiming to be friends out at the pool, Julius and his two boys paled. Who the two boys were they had no doubt, and why they'd come they had a good idea also. All the guilt and shame and doubts that they'd layed to rest returned in full strength. Julius was going to send his two boys to their rooms and out of harm's way, but in that the boys at the pool had claimed to be friends, that would be suspicious, and the last thing the three of them wanted was for Mrs Gilles to begin asking embarrassing questions. So they went out to the pool to find the two boys in the water and their clothing strewn about the deck, including someone's briefs tossed on the patio table. "Oh, hi," said Cory cheerfully as he noticed their arrival. "It was a hot day, so we thought we'd come and cool off." As he hoisted himself out of the pool, they were not surprised he was not wearing a swim suit. The three turned automatically to make sure Mrs Gilles had not followed them. "Speaking of hot, Antoinette is especially hot," Cory said silently, concentrating on Julius. The Gilles's were one of those families that had one of those cutesy welcome signs on the front step with each of their names on it, making it easy for him to know her name. "She is dripping wet horny and eager for a hot after school fuck. If I take her to the bedroom and keep her there until the boys come in I'll be sure she won't come in the back yard and find them all naked, and doing who knows what! And I'll get a hot after school piece of tail besides." He repeated the idea, concentrating on Julius with all his might as he pictured Mrs Antoinette laying on the bed totally naked, legs spread to reveal her dripping cunt and looking up like a hungry whore. Julius had noticed a peculiar look and air about his wife, a look she normally had after a romantic supper out and a bottle of wine. Having sex before supper was an erotic idea, and something totally out of their nature. So was the vulgarity of his thoughts which added to his confusion and his suspicions, and to his own arousal. "Dripping wet horny" was not an expression he used, but one that created a very hot image in his mind of his wife on the bed, legs spread, looking up at him hungrily, her vulva swollen and moist, an image from a porno movie, which of course is where Cory had gotten the image. The idea of keeping her away from Cory and Anthony was the only thought that was in character. He didn't like to leave his boys there alone, but they were in their own yard, and they had to have some superiority over the two ragamuffins coming from a private school. Besides, last time he was with them he was hardly any help. He felt a surge of horniness pass through his groin, thanks to Cory's projection. He was getting particularly good at projecting this thoughts and emotions as if they were those of the recipient of his attention. Besides, at thirteen, it was easy projecting thoughts and feelings of horniness. "You boys entertain your, ah, guests, while I go see to your mother," Julius said, a huskiness in his voice as the image of his wife flashed in his mind again. "I'll, ah, keep her inside until you boys come in," he added, a thought implanted by Cory. The boys were surprised their father was leaving them, but then again, keeping their mother away from the pool was a good idea considering what had happened the last time. Besides they could take care of themselves. They were from the Royal Glencoe Academy for Boys after all. "So, why don't you strip and join us?" asked Cory, slipping back into the water as Julius headed back into the house. "Ah, that's okay. We can talk from here." "You must be fucking hot in those monkey suits," Cory said, referring to their school uniforms. "Though joining us in the pool might get you even hotter," he added with a grin as he glanced at Anthony. From the look Anthony gave him back, there was no doubt in the minds of the two brothers what the two boys in the pool were thinking. Anton blushed easily, and he now turned a bright red, revealing to the two boys in the pool exactly what he was thinking, and getting the two of them all the hornier. Cory swam over to their side of the pool and splashed water at them. They immediately stepped back in alarm, not wanting to get their school uniforms wet. Anthony joined him in splashing and the two brothers stepped farther back. Cory and Anthony exchanged grins again. Getting a load off with these two nerds was going to be wicked. "If you don't want to come in, I guess we can join you out there." The two brothers immediately looked at each other in alarm. If their mother did come out, at least being nude in the pool would be better than finding Cory and Anthony sitting naked on their deck. And at least if they were in the pool the two boys wouldn't be able to do what the two brothers had been thinking was on their mind. They quickly untied their school ties and draped them over two of the deck chairs, and removed their burgundy school jackets and hung them up on the backs. Cory and Anthony stood there in the pool and watched them quickly strip down, neatly folding and stacking their white shirts, tan shorts, and black knee socks on the two chairs. The sight of nine-year-old François' trim, muscular body had Anthony aroused by the time he got down to his underwear, and the sight of the little bulge his pee-er made and of his compact little butt as he bent over and stepped out of his briefs had Anthony's dick jerking under water. As the nine-year-old turned around and began walking toward him it was like bait walking toward the shark with the little worm dangling delightfully between his legs. Watching twelve-year-old Anton stripping and the sight of the blushing, prepubescent boy's slender, naked body and of his hairless crotch and delicate family jewels had Cory just as horny. Neither though was as horny as Antoinette Gilles. Having planted the idea in her mind that she desperately needed her husband, and that her need would double with each passing minute until he mounted her, Cory had added his perception how a horny woman felt, which of course came totally from pornographic stories and videos he'd found on the Internet and which Anthony had supplied him with from Anthony's father's cache. Those images and feelings were more coarse than anything Antoinette had ever thought or felt in her life, making her current state all the more desperate. So, when Julius suggested that since Anton and François were occupied, and their other three children were not at home, that they had an opportunity for a late afternoon dalliance, she eagerly agreed, somewhat to his surprise. He was even more surprised when she literally tore off her clothes and spread on the bed for him. Feeling hornier than he'd ever felt before himself, thanks to Cory's subconscious suggestion playing on a fantasy all married men have, he quickly followed suit, and was soon naked and between her legs, his cock stiff and ready for action. In the short time it took for Julius and his wife to retire to their bedroom and strip, Cory and Anthony had their two sons naked and fully erect, the result of a quick game of grab ass which had quickly also become grab balls, which the two boys had participated in if for no other reason than self defence. They were, after all, young and healthy boys, and the sex play combined with the vivid memory of the last time they'd been together, plus the fact their two attackers had been boned up before they'd even entered the water, got them hard in no time. Totally improvising at that point, Cory suggested a game of 'periscope up', which he demonstrated by floating on his back with just his stiff cock sticking up above the water level. Well, the others soon became submarines with their own little periscopes jutting up above the water. Despite their reserve and their deeply bred disdain for anyone so low as to attend the public school system, the two brothers had to giggle and joke around with the simple but erotic game. They were, after all, still boys. Playing enemy submarines, the boys floated beside each other and tried to grab each other's periscope or sink each other by goosing each other. Anthony and Cory were much more adept at that than the two brothers and it was not long before the two of them had to satisfy the burning itch between their legs. It was Antony who suggested that possibly what Cory had wasn't a periscope, but was a torpedo launcher, and suggested the three of them gang up on him and check it out. So, with him pinning back Cory's arms and supporting his head and shoulders and Anton pinning his feet together and supporting them, that left François to check out his torpedo launcher, which the boy, blushing with embarrassment and glancing at his brother uncertainly and for guidance, balked at doing. Horsing around like they'd been doing was one thing, but what Anthony was suggesting was something much different. Touching himself there was a definite no-no, and touching another boy even more so. In his father's talk the previous Saturday, he had made it clear that despite what had happened, boys messing around with each other was morally wrong and a lower class act, not something boys of their maturity and social level engaged in. That fit in with what they'd been taught about the coarseness and vulgarity of public school students by their teachers at the Royal Glencoe Academy, and with what their classmates felt. And, that boys did not mess with boys, or men with men, was clearly the message last Sunday in the park. What they had done last Saturday was a one time exception for their father, as he'd explained and thanked them for. Antoinette wondered if it had been all the talk at the park about the sexual roles of men and women, and the sermons about families and marriage being for procreation that had resulted in the increased and totally unexpected desires she and evidently Julius were feeling. It was only a momentary thought. As she felt her husband's stiff cock slipping up her hot, aching cunt, it was impossible to think of anything else than the immense pleasure of feeling his cock entering her. She relaxed and opened up to him as he sank his throbbing member into her body, and she tightened her vulva as he slowly withdrew, sending shards of pleasure through her hot, dripping pussy. She wrapped her arms about his naked body, drawing his hairy chest to her breasts and she ran her fingers over his back and down to his waist as she inhaled deeply with the pleasure of the two of them having hot, passionate sex in the late afternoon like two horny teenagers. Even as a teenager she had never been so wild and abandoned, and the feeling was refreshing after eighteen years of marriage. Julius could not help but notice his wife's eagerness and wetness and her obvious pleasure with his lovemaking, causing him to hump her all the more vigorously. Like she, he was feeling as horny as he'd felt years ago as a teenage boy, and he was finally fulfilling one of his wildest fantasies from back then, having hot, passionate sex after school, a fantasy that Cory had no idea he'd tapped into when he'd made his suggestion. They of course were similarly totally unaware that their feelings and desires had been augmented by Cory's thoughts by way of his headband, just as François was presently unaware that his growing desire and curiosity were being fuelled by Cory, who was still wearing his headband and at the moment very much in need of it. As the boy struggled with his upbringing and all that he'd been taught by his parents, by his school, and by his church, Cory reminded him how good messing around had felt the previous Saturday, and especially having someone tugging on his cock, and urged him to give in to his curiosity and grab his cock and jack it off. Fighting years of brainwashing was not easy. Anthony of course was assisting Cory verbally without knowing it, urging François to empty Cory of his torpedos so he couldn't fire them at them. From the look on his face, the youngster clearly did not know what Anthony was suggesting, and when the thirteen-year-old explained that he meant jack him off and the naive youngster still did not understand, Anthony was about to fire a torpedo totally unassisted. God, he'd never heard of jacking off before! Of course that should not be surprising given he was only nine, and he did lead a very protected life. As Anthony explained that he wanted him to do what he had done to his dick the last Saturday they were here, François turned a bright red. Cory's cock jerked in anticipation. This was going to be like having sex with a fucking virgin! He concentrated all the harder, urging François to give in to his curiosity. Unable to resist Cory's subconscious thoughts and Anthony's verbal urging and yet feeling guilty and embarrassed, especially in the presence of his older brother, the nine-year-old slowly reached out and slipped his slender fingers about the stiff cock. It was the first time he'd ever held another boy's penis, and it felt strange. On the one hand it was dirty and forbidden, on the other it was exciting and intriguing. It was not something boys like he and his brother did, but it was something coarse boys like Cory and Anthony did, which made it all the dirtier. Cory's cock was fatter than his own, and an inch [2½cm] longer when hard, but it seemed gigantic to him, and though he'd only held his momentarily on those rare moments he'd found it that way when he woke up because he had to take a bad pee, it felt totally different holding someone else's. Following Anthony's instructions, he grasped the torpedo launcher tighter about the top and slowly pulled the skin down, revealing Cory's mushroom-shaped cap, and then slowly pushed the skin back up over it, sending shivers of pure pleasure through the boy's throbbing torpedo launcher while he himself blushed with embarrassment. He repeated the motion over and over, going slow as he knew no better, which was quite fine with Cory who wanted to enjoy every blessed second. Having the naive nine-year-old slowly pumping his fingers up and down his hot, throbbing cock was wicked, and he trembled and sighed with the pleasure it was bringing. Antoinette was trembling and sighing with the pleasure her husband was bringing also. She tightened her throbbing, dripping cunt about his stiff cock as he withdrew, and she relaxed her pussy muscles as he thrust it back in. She was so hot and wet that his cock made a schlucking noise as it pistoned in and out of her body, adding to her arousal. Her children would have been shocked at the animal ferocity of her lovemaking, and the animal sounds she was making in her throat. She came before her husband, arching her back and screaming in ecstasy as wave after wave of orgasm swept over her body. It was rare for her to come first, and she delighted in it. Seconds later Julius came also, shooting his thick wad deep up her hot chasm as he too trembled and gasped in pleasure like he'd never felt before. Not having to hold on until she came was a delight in itself. "Hmmm, perhaps the torpedo tube is blocked," observed Anthony as he leaned over and peered at Cory's stiff dick, really wanting to have a good look at the innocent preteen as he jerked off his best buddy. It was at that precise moment that Cory's body decided to shoot, and before he could warn Anthony his hot teenage cum spurted out of his cock and struck Anthony square in the face, the first shot striking his forehead, the second his nose, and the third his right cheek. He of course immediately released Cory, who was laughing so hard the boys would not have been able to hold him up anyway. "Looks like (snort) one of your comrades (guffaw) has been wounded," he chuckled. An idea coming to his mind, he concentrated on Anton and François. "Lick his wounds. Lick the cum off his face. Mustn't let it get in the pool. Mustn't let Mom and Dad find out what we've done." He had to concentrate hard to overcome their disgust with the idea. Relying on the fear of their parents finding out what they'd done was brilliant, and it eventually won over their immediate aversion of licking up something that came from another boy's body. Ever so slowly they approached Anthony and even more slowly stuck out their tongues. The gooey, slimy cum had little taste, but just the idea, and the fact that it was icky and slimy, turned their stomachs and it was clear they were close to heaving, but their fear overrode even that, which made the fact they were doing something they thought disgusting and demeaning all the more erotic for Cory and Anthony. Anthony could not believe what the two snobbish, puritan boys were doing, knowing nothing about Cory's headband, and having the two fresh faced boys slicking the slime from his face was so hot he almost shot off. For Cory, seeing the boys sticking out their bright red tongues and lapping up his creamy white cumshot, he felt like shooting off another load despite the fact he'd just cum. "Uh-oh, now you got some on your cheeks. Looks like you'll have to lick each other off," Cory said out loud. In their eagerness to clean up the evidence, they had indeed gotten smears of his cum on their cheeks, and now the two brothers turned to each other and licked up the smears of ball slime from each other's smooth cheeks. Anthony reached down and squeezed his cock below the head to stop himself from shooting. "Now I think it's time to check out Anthony's torpedo launcher," suggested Cory. This time François held Anthony up by his feet and Cory held up his head and shoulders, and Anton wrapped his fingers about his stiff cock. His younger brother having done Cory, he did not need Cory's subconscious thoughts, but he was hesitant none the less, and blushing a bright red from ear to ear. On the verge of puberty, he was almost perpetually stiff himself and had frequently and secretly reached down when nobody was looking and squeezed his aching cock to ease the pain, but he had never gone any further, not even when alone. To play with oneself was not only a sin, but it was something boys of his upbringing did not do. Holding another boy's was even more of a sin and definitely not something decent boys did. His brother, however, had just done it, and he knew he really didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Holding another boy's stiff penis was totally different from holding his own, and it caused his own torpedo launcher to jerk in the water. Again following the instructions of his two mentors, he slowly began jacking off his very first cock, slowly easing his thumb and first two fingers up and down Anthony's shorter but fatter launcher. Anthony of course was supercharged, having watched young François jerk off Cory and then having the two children of his hated teacher licking Cory's cum from his face and then off each other's cheeks. It was not long before he was launching his torpedos. Anton being at that stage where his balls were just beginning to ripen, and whose only emissions so far other than last Saturday when Cory had jacked him off had been the occasional wet dream, the boy stared in open wonder as shot after shot erupted from the hot, throbbing launcher he was still holding between his thumb and first two fingers. Anthony's torpedos shot into the air and landed in blobs in the pool. It was then that the four boys discovered that a guy's cum floated. "Quick," Cory thought in a pretended panic. "Bob for the cum. Suck it up before Mom and Dad come out and see." He doubled over and grabbed his gut, holding back his laugher as the two boys began bobbing for the floating cum, the urgency in his thought and the boys' fears causing them to respond instantly. Anthony stood there wide-eyed in surprise at still another totally unpredicted behaviour of the two snobbish students as they opened their mouths wide and descended on the floating blobs, sucking them and the pool water into their mouths. Saying he had enough swimming in the pool for a while, Cory lifted himself up out of the water. He assumed at first Anton's reluctance to climb out of the pool was because of his discomfort being seen naked, which was foolish as far as Cory was concerned, but knowing the ways of the world, he wondered if there was more to it than that. A quick check under water proved that it was. "Looks like someone else has a torpedo launcher ready to fire," he laughed as he made a grab for the boy's erection. He and Anthony, with the help of François, soon had the hapless boy up on the deck for everyone to see his condition. Three inches [7½cm] and slender and jutting out from below hairless pubes, it was none the less as hard a nail and aching for some soothing just as badly as Cory's and Anthony's had been. "Remember the last time we were here and we fucked your asses?" Cory asked. The two brothers glanced at each other and nodded with embarrassment. That was a dumb question. How could they forget that? "Bet you guys have been doing each other every night since, huh?" The two looked at each other and slowly shook their heads. "You haven't? Why the fuck not?" Of course doing it had crossed their minds, but it was filthy and a sin. They had been told that by both their father and the church. Being the older, Anton spoke for both of them, his voice barely audible in his embarrassment. "That's more grown-up bull shit. If I had a cute younger brother like you have I'd be fucking his ass every night." Now that was the truth. "And if I had a horny older brother I'd be letting him have my ass." That was true too. All the while as he was speaking, Cory was imagining the two of them fucking, thinking how hot it would be, how good it would feel for both of them, reminding both of them how good it had felt getting their asses fucked the last time they were there. Despite the initial pain and the embarrassment and guilt, the two boys had found pleasure in it. Again they fought his subconscious suggestion, even more than anything they'd fought yet that afternoon, but gradually the images of pleasure and the feelings of horniness won out and the boys gave in. "Want to do it again?" Antoinette glanced over at the clock on the night stand. "We should be picking up the kids soon." "We got time for a quickie," Julius urged anxiously. "All right." How could she refuse after the hot fuck they'd just had? As Julius stroked and squeezed her breasts and kissed her neck, she caressed his back and returned his kisses and gyrated her groin against his, trapping his limp penis between his stomach and her wet pussy. He was erect in record time. Standing on the patio and leaning over the plastic table, François spread his legs and Anton stepped up behind him. Following the instructions of their two mentors, François pushed out with his abdominal muscles as Anton wedged the tip of his dick in his butt and pushed forward. His dick being slender and short, it did not take much effort on either of their parts for him to get it up his kid brother. As he began to slowly and awkwardly work his hips to and fro, engaging in his first fuck as a top, Anton trembled with the delight of having his aching bone surrounded by hot, moist flesh and he realized why Cory and Anthony had been so eager to fuck him and his brother the previous Saturday. Remembering the pleasure they'd also brought by rubbing his stiff cock at the same time, he reached around his brother and finding his slender three-inch [7½cm] bone, he similarly began to rub it. His own cock the same size, barely the length and thickness of a man's finger, it was enough to satisfy his kid brother who tightened his anal sphincter about the slender bone and trembled with the dual pleasure, the pleasure of a hot cock fucking his ass and the pleasure of having his cock jacked off. Cory of course noticed their expressions of pleasure and had noticed Anton had reached for his brother's cock without being told. Their conversion to becoming two little perverts was on the way! So as Anton and François grunted and gasped with pleasure in their first fuck together out on the pool patio, their mother and father grunted and gasped with pleasure in the master bedroom as Julius plowed his wife for a second time, thrusting his cock in and out of her hot, wet pussy just as eagerly as before, the two of them forgetting all else in their drive for pleasure. Anton was at that age where his balls were only beginning to form, that age where a boy at times managed a thin little stream of cum when he climaxed and at other times was dry. Either way, he was also at that age where it also took him a long time to cum, the nerve relay between brain and balls still in its formative stage. So he pumped his hips to and fro repeatedly until his thin chest was rising and falling with the exertion and his thin legs were beginning to tire, and his young brother's asshole was beginning to burn more with pain than with pleasure. And then just as he figured he'd never reach that climax that he'd reached the previous Saturday, he came, and being the first by his own will, his head spun in ecstasy and his weary legs went weak so that he almost fell. It was beautiful, and it was one of his wet times. Cory and Anthony of course were boned up and eager to get another one off from watching the two brothers engaging in their first fuck together. Taking over from Anton, Anthony sank his stiff cock up François's tight little hole slick now with his brother's thin cum, and Cory sank his cock up the panting and still dazed Anton. The two thirteen-year-old boys were horny as fuck once again, being young and fuelled by hormones, and not particularly liking the boys because of their snobbish attitudes, besides the fact they were Goosey's offspring, they banged the two boys with a ferocity one would normally associate with rape, and in that the two boys on the receiving end were not exactly participating out of their own free will, it actually was in a sense rape. The whole point after all was their own satisfaction. So, grasping the two boys by the hips, the two thirteen-year-olds satisfied their need in a wild frenzied fuck, gasping, panting and snorting in their lust. Their zeal was matched by that of Antoinette and Julius as once again the husband and wife reached their climaxes, and as they clasped each other and trembled in ecstasy, so did Cory and Anton grasp the hips of their two sons as they pumped their rectums full of their hot teenage spunk while their sisters and brother glanced at their watches and wondered why their parents were so late picking them up.