CutlassThe Archonshire AcademyI. Christian the Teen Temptation |
SummaryAn established boarding school for teen boys only, the Archonshire Academy is a special place for boys between eleven and nineteen, where they are taught valuable lessons in bonding, empathy, and what it means to discover one's self by learning and caring about others. It has high academic standards and is run by a pair of strict disciplinarian boy lovers, the Headmaster and a doctor that, along with the teaching staff, instil obedience, loyalty, and duty in boys that otherwise would fail elsewhere. Here they excel because that is what is expected of them.This story centres about a young teenage boy, Christian, who is expelled from his school because of sexual disfavours between him and his PE teacher, and is subsequently sent to Archonshire Academy. The academy is run by a team of men whose job it is to take care of young teen boys, and they do that oh so well. Expecting the worst, Christian quickly gets what he had hoped for in a boarding school, but he soon realises that the discipline doled out is more than he thinks he can handle – or can he?
Publ. Apr 2012-
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CharactersChristian (13½yo), the main character; Mrs. Dowe, Christian's mother;The Headmaster (or Head Teacher), Mr. Linn; Doctor Wilson, the medical practitioner; Robert (Robby), the roommate (11½yo); Jamie (15½yo) the medical assistant
Category & Story codesSchool Boy storyMt tb – cons mast oral anal – med humil (Explanation) |
DisclaimerWarning this is a work of fiction intended for entertainment and nothing else all situations and actions are not real, the setting is fictional, and this story never actually happened. The author takes no responsibility for anyone reading this story and if you read it you agree that you will not use this story as incentive to carry out any of the actions or procedures described within the story.All the usual disclaimers apply. If you shouldn't be reading this DO NOT. This story contains sexual situations between adult and teen males and teenage boys. The story contains humiliation, initiation, and medical type examinations including multiple enemas, oral sex, and prostate massage. Nude photography is conducted. Male sexual bonding occurs between the teenage characters and is set within an all-male boarding school.
Author's noteThis story is adapted and expanded from the initial version with the title Christian visits his Doctor as published in October 2011 with permission of tomboytease.
Written especially for the boy lover doctor in some with a twist of lemon tartness to counter the sweetness of boys coming through puberty and the changes thereto. Comments and suggestions may be sent to the author at jimmy.wyoma(at)yandex(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutlass – The Archonshire Academy in the subject line. |
Introduction"Fuck it!""Don't swear Christian! Please!" "But Mum,I have to leave all my mates and go to this stupid new school and its not even fair! Why do I have to leave? I was happy at my old school. Not only that, but I'll be away from home, too. I don't wanna go to that damn school." "I told you once boy, no more swearing, do you here me?" "Okay, okay, but its not your life being destroyed is it?" "It's not quite that now darling is it? You know why you have to change schools. After that incident with that pervert of a teacher we just don't want you to go there any more. It has to be this way Christian. It's for the best." It was true, Christian was probably better off leaving the school he attended. Two months previously he and his P.E. teacher had been discovered in a rather embarrassing and compromising position at a notorious local cottage frequented by teen boys looking for companionship. Several men were known to also attend the place, and Christian had been close to engaging in some form of sex act with his teacher when the police raided the house. It was a close run thing and although no one was arrested, a question mark had been raised between the two of them. Upon the information reaching the school, a decision was made that Christian should find a different school because it was the school's opinion that Christian had been the instigator of the whole affair, a willing participant, leading his teacher on and down the path of advantageous wrong doing with minor boys. "Okay Mum, I'm sorry, I know I'll be able to come home on weekends and stuff. I just don't know why I had to leave, and not Mr Jones?" "We've been over this, time and again, over and over, enough already! You're lucky that the new school accepted you in the middle of the term. Plus, it's not an easy school to get into, either. Just get up those stairs and get your packing finished 3; please! We've got to leave soon. The drive up there is several hours, it looks like rain, and we need to get an early start, now." Christian went up to his room and threw the last few things into his trunk. Such as it was, he only had a few things in it along with the necessary school equipment and his note book, his prized notebook. That was the important thing he had already hidden as best he could in the bottom of the trunk. All his darkest desires were written in the book and all his conquests written up, as he had invented a code and taken time to record all the sexy stuff in that code. The book would look like a lot of nonsense to any person who looked at it. He had finished writing about the lengthy affair with his P.E. teacher only last night. He had spent all last evening recording his recent memories, laying them down on the pages, one after the other. He stopped many times and rested against the back of his chair remembering the teacher's hands touching, caressing his body. The way he used them on his body, his legs, his cock and how he felt the first time his teacher filled him as he pushed his hard rampant man dick up into his bubble butt. The taste of sperm, and how much he loved the attention he craved for. He loved the attention and admiration Mr. Jones gave, it made him feel wanted, needed, worthy. How unfortunate it was he could no longer enjoy the big strong P.E. teacher's affections.
ArrivalChristian and his mother drove up the carriageway in near silence, the occasional rain providing the only sound as it fell onto the windscreen. They took the exit to where the school was, on the outskirts of town. Following a winding road through the country side as the rain turned to drizzle, they entered a gated area that delineated the academy. After they arrived and stopped the car on the winding road that turned into a circle at the front of a stately building, they stood outside the entry to the new school. Archonshire Academy was a well established boarding school with a good reputation and also a reputation for toughness, as it was run on similar lines to military schools with strict working patterns and regimented rules that were to be obeyed, not broken. The boy looked up into the dark windows and a slightly uncomfortable feeling ran through the boy. He momentarily wondered if this was the right place for him, a young gay teen. Would they accept the way he is, here? He was in unfamiliar territory, yet, this was an all-boys school, which appealed to him.Gazing out the windows from the office, the Headmaster and Doctor Wilson saw the car approach the front of the school. "Do you see him?" "Yes of course I do 3; what about him?" "He must be the one that had to leave his last school after being caught with his teacher in that cottage outside of town there." "Oh yes, I had read about that in the paper. Hmmm, good looking boy." "Yes what would you say five-five?" "Yes, could be. Very slim though could be that that makes him look taller. Nice blondish hair, so smooth, so fair looking." "Handsome, too." "Pretty I would say, more rather than handsome." "I think he needs to come and have the physical examination properly today, once he has settled in, just to make sure he is well and up to life here, you think?" "Sure would be best for him to have that done sooner rather than later in a group exam. I'll send him to you once his mother has left. Just start as we intend to go on with him, I think and I'll be down there when I can to see him stripped. Looks like that boy needs some extra attention. He does look a bit worried and nervous. He could fit into the student body here quite well I hope. We'll take very good care of that boy, for sure, won't we?" "Oh yes. I'll clear the afternoon and maybe you could join us later 3; to say, observe? To make sure I do a complete examination and don't miss anything. It has been a while since you came to the clinic to watch me do a physical exam on one of the boys. You think you can break free today?" "Yes, just go ahead and do what you have to do, and I'll get there when I can to watch, I'd especially enjoy seeing the boy get the hi-c, you will do that you think?" "Oh absolutely, he'll need that. Rinse that poison out of his system while at the same time teaching him obedience and cooperation, all on the first day. I've been doing that with several boys this past week brought down for their quarterly physicals, but you hadn't been there to see any of them. One of my assistants will be there to help out, and we'll catalogue him, too of course. Just come on down to the exam room when you can." The two men watched the boy and his mother enter the school as many mothers have brought their boys before. The school specializes in educating and training boys of single parent homes, which seem to be the source of most of their clientèle. They are the ones most in need of male authority father figures who can give them the discipline, structure, and learning environment a growing boy needs. As the boy vanished from view, the older of the two men cleaned his desk of the many papers and left, while the other went to the clinic. He found the boy and his mother talking to the reception desk operator, an experienced boy on a work-study intern-ship assigned to clerical and reception duties. The man cleared his throat to announce his arrival as the receptionist looked up and over to him. Smiling at the man he introduces the older man as Head Teacher Linn. "Welcome." "Hello, nice to meet you." "Christian, this is your new Head Teacher, Mr. Linn," said the receptionist. "Greetings to you Mrs. Dowe, nice to meet you and your son. Christian will be well taken care of here at our boarding school. We've been expecting him." "Oh good, good. How many boys are there at this school?" she asked. "Here at the Academy, there are now nearly two hundred fifty boys from ages eleven to nineteen, all boarding here in the three dorms we have. There is the cafeteria within the main student centre where the boys are given three square meals a day, and library facilities, too. Classes are conducted every weekday from nine to three in any of our dozen classrooms, where boys receive a thorough education, many will go on to college or university. We could give you a tour of the premises, if you'd like?" "Very well. I wish I could stay, but I'd rather be returning home while it's still daylight. Driving in the dark isn't something I like, especially in the rain. They say it'll drizzle all day long." "All right then, perhaps another time. Just call me and let us know, okay?" The boy looked at the strong looking older man who had a youthful look in his eyes that were Sapphire blue. He had a strong jaw line and a smooth, pleasant face. The boy noticed his large hand being held out and realised he was being encouraged to shake hands with the man. They exchanged a long strong hand shake and then almost instantly the boy's mother departed the lobby. Christian and Head Teacher Linn made their way over to the dorm the boy would be staying in, the first dormitory, third floor. Attached to that dorm building was the medical clinic and laundry section in the basement. Usually for all boys at schools like this one, Christian would have had to share a room with many other boys. Christian relaxed as he saw only one other bed in the room and relaxed even more when he saw the desk and wardrobes were entirely separate, although the beds were adjacent to each other . He realised he was going to be able to have his privacy for his things, and when he needed it at least within the room. It was all turning out to be quite good. He liked the head teacher too, and had already decided he would try to have the teacher if he got the chance. "Take the bed on the right hand side, and then you need to unpack your trunk when the porter arrives with it and change into your school uniform. It's in the closet there for you already, we got your size criteria since last week. After that you will need to visit the medical clinic for a check-up with the doctor. To get there, just take the stairway as far down as it goes and then the clinic is right there on the basement level of this block. You got that?" "Yes." "Yes, what?" "Yes I've got it, right to the bottom and I am there to the 3;" "You need to show some respect in your speech, boy! The correct response to a teacher here at the Academy is to follow your answer with 'Sir.' So you need to say 'Yes Sir' in answer to my question. Got it boy?" "I guess so 3; Sir." "You Guess so? What sort of answer is that? I can see you going to be quite a handful. You will learn to respect your elders and it would be to your benefit to learn fast boy. Now what are you going to say?" "I understand Sir, sorry, Sir." The boy had a sudden feeling of rejection and unhappiness as the older master smiled, turned and left the room. Christian felt like he had already spoiled his chances of having any sort of relationship with the sexy looking head teacher and he wished he could just turn back time enough so as to please the man. As the man neared the door he turned and faced the boy. "Now you know the rules about how to address any of the masters here and I don't want to hear you have slipped back into your loutish ways. Do you hear me boy?" "Yes Sir, I am sorry, Sir. It will never happen again, Sir." "Good boy, okay, now just wait here until your trunk and uniform arrives and a messenger will come up here and let you know when to report to Doctor Wilson who will be waiting to give you the once over. Before that, you may want to shower and freshen up. The bathroom is down the hallway here, just obey the signs in there." With that the headmaster rounded the corner and went on his way. Christian sat on the end of his bed feeling slightly better about his encounter with the sexy old head teacher. He looked around the room and saw it was split into two halves with each side of the room mirroring the other. A single bed, a bed side unit and small wardrobe, at the side of that a small desk and chair. The walls were covered in some old pages of boy bands from magazines ripped and faded. It was clear no one bothered doing that sort of thing any more, yet there they were. After Christian had sat for a while he heard a shifting and heavy breathing coming from the corridor out side. Shortly after a young looking man entered the room with a trolley and Christian's small trunk strapped to it. The man looked to be about twenty something, somewhat over weight and sweating profusely. The aroma of sweat followed his entry and hung in the air long after he left the room. Christian liked the manly smell but somehow today this man's aroma was sour grapes to his nose. Christian began to change out of his casual cloths and into his new uniform consisting of a light blue button-down shirt with a pocket, dark blue mid-length shorts, white socks and an Oxford style pair of shoes. Standing alone in only his briefs, he looked at himself in the full length mirror on the back of the door to his room. He looked at his near naked body and the small amount of fuzzy hair that ran from his belly button down to his shorts – just a small amount of hair – but how proud he was of it. He couldn't help it he just had to see his mound of pubic hair, and so he pulled out the front of his briefs and lowered them to his knees looking once again in the mirror. Christian looked at his thick thatch that had been forming over the the last two years. None of the other boys had proper hair down next to their cock at his last school, as he was the first and this made him quite the hero with all the other boys. Christian was very glad to have his hair and felt like a real man. His balls even had a few good hairs, too now, and he enjoyed looking at his cock and balls set off nicely by the pubic bush. His penis too, had undergone some changes in the last two years. He had helped his helmet emerge from beneath the long foreskin and showed it off proudly to his P.E. teacher after the skin had finally separated from the glans that formed the perfect mushroom head just like his teacher's, but much smaller. In an odd way, however, the entire head was twisted atop the shaft so that the slit aligned nearly ninety degrees counter clockwise as he would look at it from the top. It didn't make any difference, really, except that when he went to pee, the stream never flowed straight out, but would shoot to his right side. Thus, he had to point his head to the left more than what it already did to aim for the fixture. The skin could be pulled fully back to reveal the head, with its flared ridge all the way around, but otherwise, he still had a nipple of skin hanging off the end, even when he was fully erect with a hard five inch [13 cm] downward-curved boner. His balls were growing, now hanging lower than before, but not as big as his teacher's, of course. He raised his arms above his head and stretched showing off the small fluffy hairs under in his arm pit as he stretches his ribcage was nicely displayed and his belly such as it was, where it becomes an indented semi circle with his rather large belly button with its pair of outie bumps with it, just standing proud of the flat fatties skin. He spends a good time in front of the mirror enjoying the vision of his youthfulness and looking at his body reminds him of the joy having sex gives him and how his P.E. teacher had enjoyed playing with him before and after sex. This made Christian hot and his cock sprang up and out ward before his eyes and in seconds stood hard, curving gradually downward almost pointing down to the floor. The boy had a good length, smooth skin over the hardness of his boner, and looking at it throb he remembered his first blow job.
The roommateThe door swings open then and Christian jumps. He quickly pulls his shorts up but not before the visitor has had an eye full. The visitor is a short boy probably the same age as Christian. The boy has a dark brown brush of hair and a pail freckled complexion and a nice smile. Standing a good bit lower than Christian he grins and announces himself."Hi my name's Robert, Robby. You're Christian, aren't you? My new roomy?" Amazed by the boys welcome and seemingly un-phased reaction to Christian being almost naked and sporting an hard-on Christian returns the welcome. "Hi Robby, nice to meet you. I was just getting changed into my uniform." "Yeah, I guess you were. Wow you got pubic hair? That's amazing dude! How long you had hair there?" Slightly on the back foot and thrown by the other boys reaction, Christian replied, "Been growing it in since I was eleven and a half, so almost two years now." "That's so cool! Can I see your dick again? It looks way big. I mean, I ain't gay or anything, but mine is so small and I was just wondering what mine might be like when I get to be your age," Robby said as he sat down on his bed removing his shoes and socks. "How old are you then?" Peeling off his shirt, Robby quipped, "Oh I'm eleven and a half – can I see it then?" Dropping his shorts to the floor, Christian replied, "Yeah, sure. What do you think, Robby? You wanna suck it?" "Er 3; fuck that, I ain't no queer," Robby said as he stepped out of his trousers. "Shame, I could do with blowing my load 3; I could suck yours if you'd like?" "What?" "It would be our secret, I could suck your dickie, and you would have such a great feeling." "Fuck off, you bender 3;" "What? You asked to see my dick, straight boys don't do that. Where's the bathroom here, anyway?" "Come on with me, I'll show you." Both naked, Robby grabbed his towel and opened the door and Christian followed him down the hall way, around a corner to an opening with no door in it. They walked into the large communal bathroom, looked around and saw it was otherwise empty of people, as Christian's gaze was interrupted by Robby saying, "Well, this is it. Like the sign there says, you gotta be naked to come in here." The yellow sign says 'Naked Zone' and has a figure of naked boys. "Totally naked like we are now, just to walk in?" "Yep! It's the rule here, even now that we're alone, so 3;" "Well, it's nice and large. Five sinks, no waiting I guess." "Yea, I guess so," as both boys approached the one large urinal trough to relieve themselves simultaneously. They both finished quickly, when Robby added, "The shower room's around that corner," pointing to a half-height swinging door with no handles on it. "When we come in here after school, we just leave our cloths in the room, and bring only a towel. After that, just throw it there in the laundry bin by the entrance along with any other clothing you want washed. We always have an extra towel back in the room." "How big is the shower room?" "Here, its empty now, have a look," said Robby as he hung up his towel. Christian walked in ahead of him, and saw the long rectangular room with four shower heads to a wall and two more along the rear wall, making for ten sprayers. The swinging door sprang shut on its hinges. Christian imagined what fun he would have in here and what already must have occurred with these four tiled walls. "The water gets real hot at first, so we run the showers some so that it cools down – you'll see when we come back here tonight, unless you want to shower now?" "Sure, why not?" "Okay, lets do it." Both boys were already getting hard contemplating what each was about to discover about the other. "Here, step back cause it'll come out pretty hot," said Robby. He turned the water on two adjacent showers and a gush of steam filled the room. The two waited some as the hot water cooled a little, and then they got wet. They knew they hadn't all day, and had to be rather quick. But as both boys were glancing at each other, both sporting boners, Robby proceeded to rub his new pal's back up and down. "You like that?" "Yes, I do. You can do the rest of me if you'd like," replied Christian. Robby complied, and all along, not a whole lot was said. Without any soap, they got clean merely with the steaming hot water misting against their naked bodies as Robby continued to rub his new roommate all over. Christian returned the favour by rubbing his hands all over Robby, too. Those were two happy boys. "Your skin is longer than mine, too, even when your fully hard. But your hair there is so cool – that's awesome!" quipped Robby as he ran his hands around it, over it, through it. Then, instinctively, Robby knelt down in front of his new friend and took his curved boner into his mouth, tasting his dick and gently sucking as Christian smiled with the satisfaction of knowing he has a new buddy. As they both towelled themselves dry, tossed it aside in the bin, they walked back to the room where they both got dressed hurriedly. "So, what do ya think?" "We gonna shower together like that all the time?" asked Christian. "Sure, why not? I'd like a shower buddy, and that is now you! Wait until you see some of the others in there with us, you'll meet some of them tonight. And you think that room is something, wait 'till you see the showers at the gym." "You gotta shower there, too?" "Yep, mandatory showers, last fifteen minutes of the phys-ed period. The whole class goes in there at the same time and then the coach shuts the door to it and turns the water on. It's awesome." "I bet. How many live in this dorm, then?" "On each floor there are twenty five along the eleven rooms on this floor. Some of the rooms, three I guess, have three guys to a room since those rooms are bigger than this one is. Those bigger rooms are nearer the middle of the floor where the bathroom is." "Are they all different ages?" "Everyone on this floor is thirteen or under. What they try to do is separate the younger ones from the older teens – they live downstairs or in one of the other dorms. But you will be like the only one with any hair in the shower room tonight, you'll see. But right now I got to go back to class. Have you got your class schedule yet?" "No, but they told me to be ready to go to the medical clinic for something called a 'once over', whatever that is." "Oh yea? You're gonna get your physical then, like right away. Good thing you showered just now, then." "You mean just a check-up?" "Well, not usually. Sometimes we gotta go in groups, my first time was with four other guys, and it was a long drawn-out examination. Once I had to do it with ten others, it was awesome. How many others came here with you today?" "No one else that I know of." "So you may do yours alone then, lucky you." "Do they ever make you strip for it? I heard some docs do that." "Heck yea, first thing he tells ya to do there." "Strip all the way naked? Even in a group?" "Yep. Shorts, too." "Wow, you mean like you hadta lower your shorts to your knees, one at a time?" "All the way to the floor, and then step out of them. Everyone!" "Really? The whole group? Does he touch your dick?" "Yep, and finger your balls some quite a bit. They'll even measure your dick, too. They finger your bum hole, everything. You'll see what I mean." "Wow, I wonder 3;" "Just be cool about it and do what they tell you, and you'll be okay. Sometimes they'll give you a shot or two." "In the arm you mean?" "No no, in the bum, laying on their table face down, I had to take them and watch the others get theirs, too. It was awesome, but hurt like hell for a bit." Robby saw the bewildered look on Christian's face, and asked, "You okay?" "Yea, sure, just thinking about, 3; well, 3; what if you pop a 3;" "Boner? You're supposed to so they can measure how long you are," quipped Robby. "Just do what they tell ya. I'll see ya here after the last class, they end at three you know. Then we can go to supper, then come back here and hit the showers again." "Haaa, that'd be great!" Their conversation went well and it was all very playful as the two boys knew they would end up sucking one another but the conversation was cut short by a bang on the door. "Robby come on hurry up we need to get back to class. Hobart will go ape if we aren't back soon!" "Okay , just a sec Billy." Christian and Robby looked at each other and both boys smiled. Then Robby reaches past the other boy to grab his book bag laying on his desk. He turns and leaves the room. Pondering his immediate situation, knowing he will appear totally nude in front of a man he doesn't even know, Christian almost finishes dressing when there was another knock at the door. It was a teen boy, about sixteen or so with the message, "Hi, I'm Jamie the medi-clinic aid. It's time to go to the clinic, we're waiting for you down there, you ready?" Struck by Jamie's attractive looks, his smile, his smooth build, Christian motioned for the boy to come in, saying, "Yea, I'm almost ready. I'm Christian, got here today." "Yea, I know. They sent me up to get you, you're gonna have your physical exam now." "Any others going there with me?" "Nope, it's just you. Sometimes we do them in groups, like the quarterly physicals, but today you're it." Wishing that Jamie would be part of that, Christian asked, "Will it be long?" "First one's usually over an hour. You think you're ready for it?' "Yea, I guess I am." "Let's go then."
The ClinicThey both made their way down the stairway to the basement where the clinic is. They reach the double doors at the bottom of the corridor. They are modern, glazed sliding doors and at the side was an entry button. The teen boy pushes the button but the doors remain closed and a moment or two later from one of the side rooms he notices a man in a white doctor's coat and white loose trousers who looks big like a football player, strong looking even dressed like that. Christian feels his attraction to the man, already. The doctor walks toward the door and presses a button on the other side of the door and it slides open with a swishing sound. Christian notices the coolness tumble out through the open doors and realises the clinic area must have air conditioning. He follows the teen assistant Jamie through the doorway and down the short hallway as the doors closed behind them. The doctor motioned to the boys to follow him to the examination room. Christian followed then watching the man and the teen closely, enjoying the movements of them as they both walked with a powerful self-assured walk. Christian is hoping that Jamie, the aid will be with him for the examination, and imagining just how a boy gets a job like that here.The medi-clinic aid, or simply the assistant Jamie himself was brought to this very place, to that very room to begin his indoctrination nearly four years ago when he was only eleven and a half. An excellent student academically and most intelligent, he took to the initiation and subsequent training so well that he was later chosen especially to become the assistant to the doctor that he is now, as an intern. His training for that job entailed that he undergo significant medical studies, special mentoring, and changes to his mind and body to accept what had been offered him just last year. Among the requirements were that he maintain a high academic grade point average of three point three, which he always has, that he be counselled in the ways of the academy and how boys are initiated and trained. To show his loyalty and obedience to his master, the Doctor, he allowed his body to be specially modified. Specifically, his body is now perfectly smooth, entirely hairless below the neck line. This is not the result of repeated shaving, but of a series of laser treatments to every and any area of his body where hair was seen to grow. He still undergoes periodic treatments as hairs grow in under his balls, on his bum, his lower legs, and upper chest. He doesn't ever need to shave his face, as that too is denuded of any hair. He feels that the laser treatments are a privilege, which they are, and it makes him feel very special to have been so chosen. Jamie underwent multiple circumcisions – three to be exact – over the course of the past three years, all done by the doctor in the prescribed manner. Circumcisions are done in threes, a ritual manner where the first one is a minimal skin removal, known as a stage one; the second one is a medium-tight cut to the penis, or a stage two; and the third time a very high tightening is done with only the benefit of topical anaesthetic. Thus, Jamie has virtually no extra skin on his boner, and is totally hairless, too. A beautifully smooth handsome lad he is. In the six months since he was lastly circumcised, he has proven to the doctor and the entire staff at the academy that he is a valuable asset to the school, especially the way he assists with the examinations that must be done. He also does the weekly shaving done on boys, usually the twelve to fifteen age bracket, none of which are allowed to sport pubic hair. That is a privilege that must be earned, which explains why Robby was so enamoured with Christian's prominent bush. The boy will now learn of that rule, and many others as he is indoctrinated into life at the Academy where he is now enrolled. It's a demanding curriculum and life style placed on the students, but it builds character, and requires an introspective insight boys rarely get anywhere else. They examine their own lives while encouraged to look in depth into that of their close friends and buddies. But the first thing a boy is tested for is his obedience to the men, to the commands, and to the rules of the school. Academically the boy must excel, too, and several of the teachers and upper class students regularly tutor and mentor the younger boys to assure good grades. Recreation is important, and the boys get both a dose of organized as well as elective sports and activities to participate in, plus several clubs, such as chess, drama, and maths clubs. Idle time is kept to a minimum, and the older boys are encouraged to take one or several younger ones under their tutorship to train them in the ways. Every boy is assured of much personal attention throughout his time at the Academy.
The Examination RoomThey walk to the second doorway, through an office and into another doorway. Apparently Jamie was to be part of the examination, and Christian kind of smiled as he entered the Treatment Room where boys were brought to be examined, initiated, and in effect, reprogrammed into becoming at least to some extent, homosexual teens. If that is within them, this school will bring it out.The examination room was quite large having that antiseptic odour and Christian noticed the examination bench almost straight away in the centre of the room. A white sheet was stretched over the black, shiny material covering the top. Stainless steel legs supported the narrow examination table itself which had folds in the top and leavers with handles at the side. At one end of the very short table there was what looked to Christian as some sort of supports on these metal extensions with small straps hanging from them. He looked at them and wondered what they were for. Seeing a small cylindrical shaped pillow at the other end, he figured that the supports were something to do with the legs, but couldn't figure out just how the doctor would use them. Above the pillow were these sleeve-shaped looking things on small extensions to the end of the table. Then he looked at the other items in the room – strange plastic containers with coloured liquid hung on little hooks off wheeled support stands that looked like tall lamp poles with these plastic bags having long hoses attached to them and clamp-like valves at the end. There was also a funny looking box the like of which Christian had never seen before. This had a wide pipe attached and a flexible wide tube on the other side of the box, and on the end of that was a funnel having a curved top shape. A wash sink and a wooden chair, painted white to match the sink, were along the far wall to which a mirror was affixed. A weighing scale was next to the chair. Hanging on the wall there was a meter long hose contraption with several smaller hoses coming out of one end while the other end looked like the head of a tadpole or mushroom. The small sign above it was labelled Irrigation Snake, and he figured that it had something to do with water. A wheeled cart next to the exam table contained a tray of plastic and shiny metal instruments, none of which Christian could imagine what they were for, though he would be discovering through experiencing each of them, in turn. One was shaped like a duck's bill, and another resembled a small baseball bat with a handle. Another looked like a black dildo with a short hose and a squeeze bulb on the end of that. Still another resembled something like a dildo, but was blue and perforated with many holes. There was a string of egg-shaped beads, and there was a ruler, too. The assistant retrieved a small package from a cabinet and having unwrapped it, revealed a small, but thick needle with a test tube and added it to the tray. At least there were no long needles, Christian thought. Next to the doctor's desk was a small box about a foot high with a bicycle handle bar affixed to one side of it, though Christian couldn't imagine what that would be used for. It did have a pair of foot marks on its top, and so it must be some sort box to stand up on. Doctor Wilson had seated himself at the desk and was busy clicking away with the computer mouse, while Jamie prepared some things over at the counter near the sink on the wall. Apparently there was sure to be two people here to do the exam, Christian realised. He imagined being naked with them both, perhaps in a large empty room with a padded floor. Getting to see both the doctor and Jamie naked, kissing, holding each other with Jamie there to be his friend, his buddy, his mentor, getting oh so close to a gorgeous teen like that, being comforted, and 3; When the doctor finally spoke, Christian was suddenly bought back to the real world and he jumped slightly, as his heart raced within his chest. "Okay, remove your shoes and socks, put them over there, and stand over here on these yellow foot marks on the floor for me," ordered the doctor. Christian took a look over to what were a pair of yellow foot print patterns, probably tape, on the shiny white tiled floor near where the doctor was sitting. Christian was slightly hesitant as he complied, and after placing his socks inside his shoes and putting them along the wall by the chair there, he walked over to the doctor and stood upon those yellow foot patterns. Jamie walked over next to Christian's side and stood there as if waiting for something and that made Christian feel secure, glad that he has Jamie there by his side. What he was there for is to strip the boy naked should he hesitate or not be prompt in following the doctor's commands. Christian wondered that perhaps what Robby had just told him was a fib, said just to scare him. Doctor Wilson rotated around in his chair, and addressed the boy. Christian instinctively knew that this was the spot where his physical examination was to begin, and he was nervous. "Okay boy, you are here for your first physical exam that will take over an hour to do. Here, examinations are done completely natural – so you will now strip naked on my command, removing all your clothes – that includes your shorts. Do you understand?" "Yes, doctor." Christian felt aghast at the idea that he must appear nude, not only for this man, but on that bench? For an hour? It was all part of the training boys here were put through, to strip on command for any man there and fully submit to them. The humiliation taught them who is master. Jamie the assistant was still next to Christian's side and stood there like he was waiting for the boy's cloths. "First, give up your shirt." Christian slowly does as he is told, without speaking a word. "Now your trousers," said the Doctor, as the boy complied, standing there on the foot marks in only his briefs. He thought for a moment that perhaps the exam would start with his shorts on, as Jamie took the boy's cloths and placed them on an adjacent chair next to the boy's shoes. The assistant returned as the doctor reseated himself, squarely in front of the boy, reached out and touched his shoulder and the side of the boy's neck gently. Then he paused for a moment, and then took his stethoscope and placed it on the boy's chest, his heart beating at a rapid rate, and then withdrew the instrument. "Yes you look like a fine specimen. Now step up on the box here and turn around to put your feet on the marks there," said the doctor. The boy complied, stepping up on the high step and aligning his body with the foot marks on its top surface. "Read the chart on the wall facing you for me," the doctor said. "E 3; E-D-F-C-Z-P, then F-E-L-O-P-Z-D, and D-E-F-P-O-T-E-C, 3;" "Okay, that's enough, very good," said the doctor as he put more results into his computer, continuing to tap the keyboard. Christian stood there thinking for a moment that 3; and then the words came. "Drop the shorts." Christian hesitated as he bit his lip. "Strip! We need to get your exam started, we don't have all day!" Christian froze, his heart beating like it was pounding out of his chest. He just stood there breathing shallow. He had never before been ordered to strip while others were watching. Pausing, the doctor ordered, "Okay, hands up behind your head now," as he nodded to the assistant who stepped behind Christian placing the boy between Jamie and Doctor Wilson. Christian obeyed, as his folded hands griped the back of his head, looking straight away. "Strip him naked," was spoken and the assistant pulled the shorts, the last bit of clothing down past the boy's knees. "All the way down 3; Now step out of them." The boy complied. The shorts were picked up and tossed over onto the chair and atop of the boy's other clothing. The doctor made a note that the boy needed assistance to strip, not too unusual for some boys, at least for the first time or two they're ordered to do so. To strip on command is just one thing the boys are trained to do, for they will need to strip for physical examinations, nude photography, shaving, at the gymnasium as well as even going to the bathroom in the dorms. Boys are naked a lot, here. Christian, now standing totally nude before his Doctor and his assistant, didn't notice the web camera sitting on the desk as he undressed and was unaware his actions were being recorded for later reference and the pleasure of the small group of men who would become Christian's biggest fans. The men that would end up all taking turns fucking the thirteen year old, shooting their loads into the boy's throat and filling his tight youthful bum with multiple loads of man cum, not a single one would wear a condom and the boy would be firmly encouraged to wipe the dick clean after it had pumped its load up inside the tight hole of the boy. He was destined to receive multiple shots of sperm, both by drinking it and having it pumped into his bum. Jamie peered around the boy to gaze at his dick, and was impressed at his size, development, and lengthy foreskin. The doc made a note. The effect of ingesting sperm would be good for a growing boy, because it contains much protein, sugar, and especially male hormone. The men were strict with themselves in how and what they ate, particularly avoiding alcohol as this tends to make sperm bitter. Fruit juices, especially pineapple juice makes it sweeter to the taste, easier for a boy to drink and willingly swallow. As part of the training, they are taught that sperm is good for them, which it is. Christian would have the time of his life at this place, his new school and soon after he started there, all thoughts of going home on the weekends would be dashed – forgotten. He would spend his weekends being fucked and sucked by his male fan club. Jamie had visions for the boy, too. "Okay boy lets get a good look at you." The Doctor spun round on the office stool and faced his new pupil. A fine specimen this one. Tall and slim, blondish and almost handsome if he were not so pretty. Being almost girl like in his features made this all the more exciting for the man. He liked the pretty ones since they reminded him of his nephew when he was small. How sexy that boy looked before the accident, how the man had longed to feel his cock deep inside the cute boy. Shame he never had the chance but all the boys since had made up for that. Being the school doctor gave them to him on a plate 3; Or should we say the bench. "Now standing on the foot marks, touch your toes in front," ordered the doctor, seated only a yard away. Already he guessed the doctor had more than just a check up in mind. The boy had noticed the large bulge in the doctor's whites as he stood facing the man without a stitch of clothes on to hide his youthful body. The boy takes his time he knows how to tease this man, he had practised this so many times for his P.E. teacher. He bends forward keeping his legs straight as he goes right down, his head almost touching his knees as he takes hold of his ankles with his hands, Jamie standing right there to help steady the boy. The man watches the bubble butt as it stretches and reveals the perfect pucker. Only it's not perfect, its got a light dusting of fine hairs up the crack and the boy being only thirteen shouldn't have any. He does notice though that the anus, the hole, the gateway to bliss has a slight gap between the ridges of pink skin in the middle – the two sides of the dark pinkish skin were slightly separated in the very middle of the boy's anus. This can only mean one thing to the doctor. The boy is not a virgin. He wheels himself in to get a closer look. "Ah you see your not totally perfect are you? Now grab hold of the handles there in front of you – go on, put your hands on the handle bar and hold steady for me." With the assistant steadying the boy, the doctor reaches out for the boy touching the round globe of his bum cheek, then the other hand to the other as he holds onto the cheeks and pulls them apart to reveal the wonderful dark pinkish entrance to the boy's pleasure centre, the boys' pink boy pussy, and then dives squarely into the anus pushing his mouth up against the hole and buries his tongue into the small opening to this wonderful boy's body. "Oh Doctor, What are you doing?" The boy moans out with pleasure as the wet tongue slipped in and started to taste the young teen boy pussy, that tender, sensitive pink skin comprising his hole. The doctor continued to eat out the tight little boy hole, testing its tightness for a while until the boy started to fall forward. Loosing his balance because blood had rushed to his head as he as been holding onto the handles, the doctor holds onto the boy's waist and the assistant saves him from falling over while the doctor lubricates the most private perineum of this special boy, and then helps him to stand back up and turn around. "Good boy, you did real well holding the position like that. You're okay – feeling light headed any? Your first inspection is done, so you can just rest a second or so while I put the results up on the computer. And now we'll take your temperature." The assistant takes a large rectal thermometer, and without moistening it, has the boy bend over some, hands on his knees and inserts it into the already wet bum hole, and holds it there. "You can stand back up again, now, while Jamie here holds the thermometer in you." "Doctor, sir, I feel okay, a little light headed. Can I ask what, why aren't I perfect?" "Hairy bum and hairy belly. But you taste good." "I don't understand doctor?" "You need to be smooth my boy, like a baby." "But I am becoming a man. My friend, he said when you start to grow up you get hair and that it's good to have hair and it makes you a man." The doctor removed the thermometer, looked at it, saying "Normal," and turned away from the computer again and faced the boy. He looked at the boy, gently holding his arms and again admired the slim delicate form of the boy then as he looked at his young cock in a state of total erection, and asked, "Boy, your friend, is he the one you lost your virginity to?" Glancing at the assistant, Jamie, Christian asks, "How do you know I ain't a virgin?" "Come now I'm a doctor and I know that you have had sex, at least as a bottom boy. I know you have had a hot, hard dick inside you. Now, was it your friend?" "Y 3;Ye..s doctor he was the one." "Okay, good. Now lets get you sorted out. First here at this school you are a boy not a man. You will be completely cooperative and submissive to the medi-assistants, your tutors and any adult at the school. You will do what they tell you to do and not answer back, and will do everything you are told to do by any man within the school. If you break any rules you will receive punishment, is that understood?" Christian nods affirmative, "Yes sir." "And that punishment first will be to isolation to withhold what you enjoy most and I guess we both know what that will be. Beyond that if full punishment becomes necessary, you will be taken and collared, stripped and whipped in front of all the other boys." That meant isolating the boy from the others in a detention area, and tying him to a frame with restraints for a day or more, and then at an appointed time, taking him to the room where all the boys in the school are assembled sitting on the floor before a small stage. Then the barefoot boy would be brought up and walked with his master to the stage where two men, the doctor and the head teacher, would be standing in attendance with the master who will apply the punishment. The head announces the boy's name and prescribed punishment, and both he and the doctor leave the stage to the back of the room. All boys must remain totally silent. The master is given the nod from the head teacher, and the punishment is started. First, the boy is striped of his shirt. Then a tethered collar of obedience, hanging on the wall and tied to a pair of hooks on either side of the stage with rope, is fitted to the boy's neck to limit his travel. His hands are tied together in front. Then the boy is forcefully striped of his shorts – totally naked to all the boys in the room that watch closely, silently for the next step. A long leather whip is removed from on the wall and the boy is beat on the bum and thighs with this strap, for as many times as is prescribed. The object is humiliation, and not disfigurement, and so the master is careful not to apply the strap to the upper body. Most boys will yell out in pain as each swing of the whip makes abrupt contact with the skin, and all will be brought to tears, most even before a single crack of the whip. Usually, punishment of this sort consists of anywhere from five to ten strokes of the strap. All punishment of this sort is recorded on video for later training of other boys as well as for the special enjoyment of some men. Christian doesn't seem to be the kind of uncooperative boy that would ever require the full punishment. Few ever have, but it can and has happened. "For now you're expected to under go a complete examination, that is internal and external, so first we need to get you ready." Christian wondered what internal meant, but he knew he was already beyond the point of no return, naked in front of these two, and that he must allow them to proceed. "Ready?" "Yes Doctor, I'm ready."
Christian has his PhysicalChristian and the doctor walk to and are standing next to the ceramic wash basin in which the assistant had run a basin full of hot water. The doctor is anticipating the arrival of the head master who is to observe the physical to observe the new boy, to make sure he responds to the treatments in the right ways and his rewards are not withdrawn before he has earned any. The head master and doctor have only ever had to fully punish five boys in the whole time they have been carrying out these rituals initiations into the Academy. The two men and sometimes the medi-assistants have shared many boys over the years and although punishment has its merits and can be stimulating, it was far nicer for the boy to be completely submissive and cooperative right from the start. They would be able to enjoy this boy, and both knew this already as he had already showed the signs of appreciating the treatment. That lingering look he gave the Doctor Wilson before he was told to touch his toes; the way his gaze had fallen to the bulging crouch of Head teacher Linn upon meeting him; the way he greeted Jamie. Christian knew that he had entered a place where he was to be paid much attention to, yet tested at the same time."Okay, first we're going to get your weight and height, so over here to the scale. Now up on the platform for us." The naked boy walked onto the device, hands at his side and did as he was told. "All-right, you're all of one-hundred and three pounds [47 kg] and five-foot three-inches [1.60 cm]. Very good, now back to the foot marks, hands up behind your head there." The Head teacher Mr. Linn arrived and took his position on an adjacent chair at the desk. He was oddly dressed wearing one of those old fashion black capes that draped his figure loosely, it was long and covered his whole length down to near his knees. On the desk was a small wireless digi-camera that would capture the whole session onto the computer hard drive. There were also several other smaller cameras mounted elsewhere in the room to record the sessions from different angles for the other teachers of the school who wanted to see the examination. Sometimes others would be present to witness the physical examinations of the boys as well. Today, the men were very glad this boy was cooperative and so willing to play their game. The head master looked for a moment at the lovely naked boy standing there, pleased with him, and said, "Okay doctor, you may start now." The assistant motioned for the boy to walk over to the sink and stand with his hands above his head facing it, just in front of it. From there, Christian looked closely at that long hose, the Irrigation Snake hanging on the wall and wondered again what it could be used for. Facing the mirror he could see the Mr. Linn sitting, looking at him. He also saw the Doctor preparing behind him while slightly to the left the medi-assistant removed a bottle from the hot water in the sink, reaching past the boy and flicked the top up squirting a good amount of the hot oil onto the boys back and quickly placed the bottle back in the hot water. As the hot oil touched the boys skin he suddenly became very excited as it felt like nothing else he had ever experienced. It was similar to the feeling of cum splashing onto his skin but a much warmer, different feeling and in other ways and more slippery. The doctor was now working the oil into the boys skin down his lower back and over the globes of his bubble butt. He massaged the oil up into the crack of those buns and the boy felt a finger then two at his opening rubbing the oil onto the tender delicate skin there. Minutes went by and the boy became lost in the joy of the standing massage and the attention his bum was getting as the fingers did not try to penetrate the hole but were rubbing up and around its delicate folds beyond and toward the rear of his suspended nut sack. He felt fingertips on his balls and then the slick oil on them as the doctor motioned for the boy to open his legs some. "Okay Doctor I think that's enough preparation – quickly now, get your leather strap and razor knife ready." The boy heard the words and panic settled over him. What was going to happen next? The assistant retrieved an old-fashion cut-throat razor from a drawer and a leather strap which he attached to a hook and stretched it so Doctor Wilson could sharpen the razor. The boys face flushed red and the reality of what was to come became all to obvious. He was to be shaved. "Now boy, just lean over the sinks edge while we shave that nasty hair off you." "What? I don't want 3;" "Now boy over the sink, and spread your legs or you'll get punishment." Christian looked over to Jamie for some assurance, which was a nod as he said, "It's gotta happen this way. Just do as he says." The boy obeyed the doctor as he lowered himself he noticed the head teacher's eyes watching intently, adjusting the loose fitting cape and smiling as he watched on. The steel razor felt warm as it touched down to the boys bottom. The movement was slow and slick as it glided over the skin, removing the light hair from the boy's bum. The razor was wiped clean every few seconds as all the hair was removed. It was when the man had the assistant pull the cheeks apart that the panic set in again, the boy not knowing what sort of punishment would follow if he refused. He felt the cool steel against the groove and the slick movements as it removed the few hairs from around his hole. The doctor had practised this off to a fine art and the regular shaving of boy bottoms enabled him to do it rather quickly without incident. The feeling of the blade against Christian's most delicate private region made the boy feverish and excited he was totally at the man's mercy as the assistant obediently held the smooth buns wide open. They were slightly slippery but Jamie enjoyed the feeling of the completely smooth skin as he held them apart. "Okay boy, up 3; now lets do the rest of you – turn around." That feeling again of despair as the realisation he was to have the remainder of his proud pubic hair removed, flooded the poor boy with a new feeling, finding it hard to articulate at his age, but it was the humiliation he felt as the warm oil was once more applied to his skin, this time to his chest, belly and dick. He had a stoking boner though and found the attention the men lavished on him a real turn on. The first few droplets of crystal clear precum rose out of the hard glans, covered by his foreskin, and then a drop rolled to the corona and like a priceless jewel, dripped down the erect shaft. "Yeah, Christian likes that oil Doctor – don't forget his arm pits, they have to be smooth, too." "Yeah, he is compliant this one. You're a good boy. Learns quickly. Okay boy, hands now up behind your head again." The boy raises his arms and the man continues his massage rubbing in the oil. Moments later he is back at the strap and sharpens the steel of the razor again. He is just as sensual as he removed the fluff from the boys chest and upper body. Periodically he cleans the blade off on his towel. Then he works on the arm pits and quickly the boy is completely smooth under his arms and the doctor finds it hard to resist licking them. He rapidly continues down the chest to the belly and the slightly thicker hair that leads down from the belly button to the brown pubic bush on and around the boy's dick and balls. The hair on the belly is gone in two strokes and again Christian feels disappointment in his stomach. He was so glad when he got his first real hairs down there and that's now gone. Gone. His roommate would know too, that he had his hair removed and how embarrassing that would be when he sees him again. What would he say? "Leave him a small square of a snatch just on top of his root, just trim it short a bit there. Lets not make him totally baby-smooth. After all, you say he is no virgin, right doctor?" "Oh no sir, he has had a rampant hard cock inside him many times from looking at his pussy. I would say he has been fucking for at least a year." "Is that right boy?" "Yes sir, maybe longer" "Maybe? That's a bit ambiguous, isn't it?" "Pardon sir, what's that mean?" "Never mind boy, just tell me how long you've been doing it." "Closer to two years sir, I was eleven the first time." "Did your father break you in boy?" "No sir, my friend." "Your friend? You mean a, a boy?" "No sir a man, like you sir." "Have you tasted man juice before?" "You mean 3; sperms?" "Yes. Have you drank that before?" Nodding affirmative, the boy acknowledges that he has tasted and swallowed semen. "Right boy, enough chat for now. Get on with it Doctor." The boy stood still, hands behind his head, Jamie holding the boy's dick up and out of the way as the doctor knelt in front of him removing the final hairs from the boy, scraping the blade in and around his small translucent ball sack. Then as Jamie let go of the boy, he finally scraped the base of the boy's curved boner where a couple of hairs had sprouted only two weeks ago. The boy was then turned round to face the mirror and the two men stood slightly behind but to the sides of him. The boy looked at his smooth body and the tiny square bush just over his dick. He weld up and tears flooded his eyes. The men watched and smiled at the boy who now felt the complete humiliation he so deserved for being oh-to proud of his teen pubes that are now history. "Okay, Christian that looks better. Hands down now. For hygiene reasons you must come and have a shave whenever we require it, and you'll be on a schedule here for that. Few of the younger boys are as lucky as you are to be left with a small patch of hair above your dick. Not until you're over fifteen is a boy allowed to have his hair. You understand that?" "Yes Doctor, I understand." Tears run down the boys cheeks and he sniffed hard to stop the snot running out his nose, briefly stroking his nose as he feared the reaction to that if it happened. The whole process had been humiliating, having the head teacher watching his manly hair being removed and seeing that Jamie complicit in it all added to his humiliation. Jamie stripped him, spread his bum open, held his dick up to be shaved. The head had a sneer on his face as he watched the boy being shaved and changed from a young man back to a pre-pubescent boy, smooth except for just the small patch of short pubic hair sitting on top of his penile root. Christian, feeling like a baby felt humiliation, capitulation, and loss. Privacy here was not something that the school condoned, as all boys would gradually discover. It was all part of the training. Several of the boys at the Academy, even some of the older teens are entirely hairless, but not from being repeatedly shaved. The head master has had the doctor apply special treatments to the mid-teenage boys that are chosen to be made permanently devoid of body and facial hair by subjecting them to special laser treatments where the entire hair follicle is removed in a near painless series of procedures. While not all the boys are deserving, only a select few are chosen for that, such as the two medi-assistants. They are usually around fifteen at the time, and undergo counselling to be sure they understand and agree to the life-changing procedure. Circumcision is also practised by the doctor, but again, like the hair removal, is done only to a selected number of the boys, those deemed worthy of the special treatments. Resources are rather limited. Christian's boner subsided some as the doctor spoke. "Okay, now we need to begin your physical. Now it's time to get onto the table for the full examination, so come over here and stand on the step at the end of it there." The boy walked over with Jamie at his side, and got up on the step. "Now turn around and put your hands behind your head for us." The boy did as ordered, and then the doctor added, "Sit down here at the end to be mounted." The boy sat down, hands behind his head, and as he peered forward towards the head master, he asked, "Mounted, sir?" "Yes mounted, so we can strap you down." Christian turned his head over to Jamie who was right there at his side, and whispered, "Will it hurt?" Jamie first said nothing, only a slight nod gave the boy the dreaded answer he didn't want. "A little, just do what we say," he added. As tears again welled up in the boy's eyes, he obeyed. From the step the boy knelt his lithe body down onto the bench and obediently lay down on it while the doctor used one handle to adjust the bench as Jamie supported the boy's shoulders. "That's it my boy. Now lay back while we strap you down to the table. Now place your arms above your head here," as his forearms were fed through the sleeves in the table top, strapped in and secured. The lever raised the boy's upper body from horizontal to an angle of about ten degrees, and then the bottom part of the bench was dropped completely away as his legs hung over the end. The contraption at that end was swung around into position to hold the boy's legs and feet up and wide apart. "Okay boy, feet up now into these stirrups, first this support and then the other one," as the boy obeyed. Christian had never been positioned like this before, let alone strapped down. He held back tears of vulnerability to something he knew was going to happen, something he knew he just couldn't refuse. The boy had raised his legs up into a none too comfortable position and placed them on the metal frame, his heels into each of the stirrups. The doctor used Velcro fastening straps to secure his lower left leg to the frame and then repeated this around the ankle and the foot securing it in the stirrup. Then he strapped the other leg in a similar bent position, and the boy felt even more discomfort as he had his legs spread by the frame while the doctor finalized the adjustment of the leg frame and then let the flap next to the boys bottom fully down exposing the smooth boy hole. The bubble butt hung over the edge of the bench and his legs, with both feet strapped into their stirrups, were stretched wide by the frame giving the doctor exactly the access he required for the next stage of the examination he was to give this special boy. Next he took some fabric straps to apply to the boy's upper body, and as the boy cried tears, the doctor installed the pair of straps that would hold each of the boy's up-stretched arms in place to the narrow top of the table – one at the elbow and the other at the shoulder. "Do you feel uncomfortable boy?" Sobbing, Christian responded, "Err, not really Sir, I haven't had my legs pulled so wide apart before." "Well, you should soon get used to it boy. It is going to be a little uncomfortable the first few times, but when we need to examine you again it won't feel as bad. I'm going to place this wide strap across your chest now, and this will be the main one we hold you down with. Then I will tighten all the straps to secure you down. We can't have you move or fall off this narrow table, now, can we?" "No sir." The Doctor then put the wide torso strap to the hook in the far table edge and brought it around the boy's body to the other side, securing it to the other loop, and then tightening it onto the boy to hold him solidly on the table for the examination. While it wasn't totally necessary to strap the boy down like this, the narrowness of the table, coupled with the fact that the boy had to submit himself totally to his doctor, required the extra procedure. It conveyed to the boy his total submission, his total vulnerability, and that his total cooperation was necessary, all without saying a word, as if strapping a boy to an examination table was a usual thing to do. While the torso strap was optional, it is usually applied to the first examination and for circumcisions. Every boy brought here to be examined was handled in this manner, feet in the stirrups, legs spread apart, restrained with the straps. Here, it was normal. "Okay, now we're going to get you perfectly situated here on the table," the doctor said, as Jamie standing behind Christian's head atop the table placed both his hands on the boy's shoulders and pushed him downward, slightly nudging the boy so his bum was just off the lower edge of the table. "Now we're going to adjust each strap to hold you down tightly," the doctor said as he proceeded to do just that, starting with the arm straps, then the leg and stirrup straps, and finally the torso strap, all of which held the boy totally immobile and perfectly positioned. As each strap was tightened, that distinct tearing sound of the Velcro being unfastened and then reattached was disheartening to the boy. He was learning that the doctor was going to do whatever he pleased, and that the examination was definitely going to happen this way, and that he had to endure it. "What I need you to do for me is tell me if you have any real pain while I examine you internally. I know this is all new to you, but we need to make sure you're in top form for the rest of the term, okay?" "Yes, Doctor," the boy whimpered.
The Physical ExaminationThe boy felt a dread descend as he saw the metal implements the doctor had on his tray next to him. He didn't know what the metal surgical equipment was for but guessed it would involve a degree of discomfort. Several of them had small handles, like they were going to be held by the doctor somehow, they were all rather cylindrically shaped. Christian could only imagine what they were for, and he knew that his boy hole was to be violated in a major way, unlike anything he had experienced before, because this time, he would feel the unyielding power of a cold steel instrument going into his body. This was going to happen.First thing the doctor takes is the ruler, and with the other hand, massages the boy's dick to full erection. He then placed the ruler against the throbbing member and said, "Five and a half inches [14 cm] to the top." "Be sure to pull back the skin all the way, and measure only to the top of the head," said the head teacher watching it all. Now the boy was having his moist pink head revealed to the men, for them to see and enjoy the sight of. The doctor, knowing that the dick hole needed to be exposed for the examination got some tape and applied it to the boy, encircling the skin that was now at the root of his member. Doing this, he replied, "Five inches [13 cm] to the head, okay, he's got five inches only then." A circle template was placed on the boy's erect head and the diameter measured. The head master made some notes on a blue piece of paper, a form. The doctor made a note of that at his desk, and returned to the table, this time, standing in between the boy's spread-open legs. He looked down upon the boy, and said, "Now we're going to measure the testicles," as Jamie handed him that string of beads, and the doctor held them in one hand and started to massage the boy's tender balls in the other. The objective is to isolate each testicle so that it can felt. It is a most intimate examination. As his hands were somewhat warmer now, the boy's balls complied and the skin was softening rapidly allowing the doctor to manipulate and isolate each testicle for measurement. He proceeded to do this by rolling each ball in one hand and comparing it with one of the beads in the other. Some doctors put both the beads and the testicles in the same hand. It is an art, to handle a boy's balls like that, and this doctor, having the boy fully restrained, can apply pressure to each ball, tugging and pulling each one downward and away from the boy's body. He examined the boy's testes carefully. "Left nut is 8ml size 3; the right one is 10ml," he announced as he put down the beads and went back to the desk to record that measurement. He returned to his position to just hold the boy's balls, standing over the boy strapped to his table, he attempted to impart the power he has over the boy in holding the balls, both of them, in his hands. He slightly squeezed them, feeling the epy and the general condition for smoothness. He took his time with this, gently squeezing the milky treasure produced within this boy's balls, the sperm that the doctor would soon be extracting from these very testicles. The doctor slowly and deliberately squeezed the balls firmer until the boy gasped, "Ahhhhhh!" He held them like that momentarily and then released the boy's balls from his grip. The boy couldn't squirm, or do anything, and Christian felt helpless in pain and full submission by this procedure, which was the objective. Total submission and acquiescence, and domination by the doctor. The assistant wheeled over one of the stands that held the fluid filled bags with long tubes hanging from them. The doctor took his position on a stool at the base of the bench, right between the boy's legs. Looking at his naked and exposed anal opening, the doctor took hold of the tube end and grabbed a small rubber nozzle from the tray. It looked like a small smooth dildo to the boy and the sight of it gave the boy an instant hard on. This appeared to go unnoticed by the doctor but the head teacher had moved around to get a better view of the action and he seemed to notice the boner the boy was once again sporting. His taped-back foreskin still back behind the head, though, but it was not overly tight. He smiled a wide smile and licked his lips. Jamie took a glob in his fingers of a slimy substance out of a can, reached over and applied that to the boy's bum hole, slipping a finger into the boy to lube him for the invasive penetration to now follow. The boy hardly noticed as he was too preoccupied by the smooth rubber dick that was now attached to the long tube. He watched as it was squirted with the slimy substance and as the doctor held the end, he guided it to the tight hole and onto the boy. "Now boy you need to push out like your going to poop, okay, and I'm going to slip this enema tube into you so we can give you a good cleaning out before I examine you. Now boy push out, okay that's it. Good boy," said the doctor as he pushed the probe into the boy, penetrating his rectum and then hooked the end of the hose up to it to fill the boy with soapy water. The boy felt the cold rubber slide in. He had felt a similar hard object go in before but it had always been at the same or pretty close to the same temperature that the boy was and it flexed some to aid the insertion. This however was harder and inflexible along with cold and he didn't like the strange feeling. He moaned involuntarily as the rubber tool was pushed into his rectum further parting the soft flesh of his anus. He felt the water going into his body. He gazed up to Jamie standing there smiling at him. It was happening, the examination was well under way. "Okay boy now we'll just hold it like that and we'll fill your body up with soapy water. It will clean you well, and you will feel really great afterwords." "Yes sir, okay." The boy did as told he had no wish to prolong this. He wasn't enjoying the feeling one bit but inexplicably he found his boner was throbbing away as if about to ejaculate. He was flushed with embarrassment and hoped he could hold on and not squirt his cum up over his youthful body. He realised the doctor and the head teacher were doing this for there own enjoyment but he didn't know how they would react if he prematurely ejaculated. This was no ordinary school physical, this was highly invasive, and he suddenly let his mind race down the path he was told never to venture down and he found he wanted the game to go on. That was when he felt the cool liquid filling his bowel and the discomfort turned to something else. Pleasure, was he getting pleasure from this, he didn't know how, but he was enjoying this. While the boy was filling, the doctor took the thick needle and dabbed the boy's right arm at the inner elbow, tapped his veins and saw the prominent one protruding nicely. He positioned the needle, pushed it into the boy who watched as the tube attached to it filled with his red blood. "This is for the lab tests we'll send out," as he motioned to the assistant to hold the cotton to the boy's arm while the needle was removed. Christian looked in bewilderment at the vile of his blood and wondered how that happened without any pain. That done, the boy watched as the bag's contents emptied into his rectum and once empty the doctor slowly removed the rubber dickie and pushed an hour-glass shaped bum plug into the waiting bottom. This made the boy squeal some. The sharp pain as the widest part of the plug stretched his boy cunt soon subsided and the boy watched the doctor massage his large bulge while he swivelled the plug in the boy's hole. The boy found this very sexy and pleasurable and wished he could move a bit more so he could see more closely what the man was doing to him, but the straps restrained him so that he couldn't move anything, except his head. The doctor stopped and stood up exposing to the boy a huge bulge in his whites he really was enjoying this ass play and wished he could be naked like the boy so he could feed the boy his hungry adult cock. He knew though that he wouldn't last too long and that the game needed to be played out to the last so the fellow members of the group who would be either watching on line or watching the recording could also fully enjoy the game and climax at their own pace. It was a rare opportunity these days to be presented with such a sexy new toy and they wanted to make the most of it. Christian too was getting so excited by the anal play and was realising how much he liked the feeling of fullness the enema gave him. The doctor moved to the contraption that had a large funnel end and wide tube attached to it along with a square box. The machine was plugged in and started to hum as a motor started up. The butt plug was removed and as the funnel was attached to the boys hole a slight suction held it in place. Then the doctor instructed the boy to let go of the fluid and let the machine take away all the poison from within. Christian did as told and then as the fullness left him he felt alone and felt like he needed to be invaded again, which he was. "Feeling any better boy?" "Yes sir, much better. Do I need to have that done again sir?" "Oh we are not finished yet boy, you have at least two more irrigations to go here before we get to the real examination." The suction machine was moved away and the second enema bag made ready. This one had a larger rubber end on it and it was less easy to insert into the boy and again as it pushed into him he let out a "Ohhhhh." This penetration once more made the boy squeal although this time through pleasure more than pain. The boy, Christian had began to enjoy the feeling all too much and he didn't want to show his pleasure though for fear it would be withdrawn and a punishment implemented. The three authoritarians were enjoying this session too and the head teacher was making sure he got the best possible coverage with the desk-top camera. The group of men would get pleasure so often from viewing the recording. "Ahhhaaa, please, sir its hurting." "Remember boy push out and take the nozzle in, it will fit." The tube, greasy and slick pushed up into him. It was a fair bit wider than the first and stretched the hole a good amount, though the skin accommodated the extra width with ease and the boy felt the pleasure of the hard rubber nozzle as it entered his delicate small hole. At thirteen the boy really had the most supple of bottoms and such a wonderful shape too, perfect firm bubble bunz and a near perfect pink pucker. The men enjoyed the new boy. True he had already been broken in so they were less delicate with him than the other boys they had initially examined. Christian was singled out over the others and they sensed they would be able to play hard with this boy. The insertion complete, the valve was turned and the cool liquid began to flow once again filling the boy up. The bag seemed bigger this time as it filled the boy completely his tummy distending outward like a hunger ridden malnourished African child. "Doctor look at his belly he looks pregnant, do you think he could be?" "Later, after he has been bred perhaps, but not yet." The boy heard the comments and flushed as he got yet more excited, his cock had not stopped throbbing the whole time he had been filled and evacuated. The men though had not once mentioned his boner and it seemed to be invisible to them. The boy couldn't have been more wrong. They saw his moistening dick and were both eager to sample it but they wanted to wait, to prolong the session as long as they could. The evacuation machine was primed again and the process repeated as before this time though the machine had an extra tube attached first a clear pipe so they, the adults could view the liquid as it left the boys hot hole. "Ah, he needs another one I think doctor, don't you?" "Yes, his discharge is not quite clear yet, is it?" "No. He needs deeper cleaning, it is his very first time, after all, right boy?" "Yes, doctor, my first time like this with the water." The next bag was wheeled over but this one had no nozzle at its end. Instead, for the third irrigation, the doctor would use the inflatable butt plug which was as large as the previous one just used, but inflatable to hold itself within the boy. He then took that black dildo plug looking thing with the short hose and squeeze bulb on the end and lubed it. What it was is an inflatable plug that when inserted and then inflated, held itself in the boy's rectum. The plug itself had a large orifice tube coupling to allow other tubes to be inserted. Christian saw the doctor slickening the black device and then as he positioned it for insertion, could feel the hardness of his erection straining against the five inches [13 cm] of mass that was all he had. The sensations felt when it was pushed up into his pert little bottom were amazing, especially the filling feeling as the bulb was inflated to effectively lock the plug within the rectum. It also helped to expand the anal muscles with a soft, yet firm device dilating the hole. The filling of water too was a pleasure like he never felt before. The liquid this time, although cool, had a warming sensation. The rubber nozzle was smooth and with the end expanded to hold it in place much like a butt plug, the pleasure that came from this was truly good and the little boy's hole sent wave after wave of ecstasy through the lithe body making him shudder with joy. His cock throbbed and bounced as the device was playfully inflated and partially released within the boys anal ring. The hose was connected this time and just as the valve was opened to fill the boy with the plug inside him, the Doctor and Head teacher spent some time looking at the thirteen year old strapped to the examination table with his legs stretched wide in the stirrups. He looked completely at the men's mercy and was so completely exposed to them. A long hard look was given to the boy's every detail, taken in and read at how wonderful both men thought it was to find such a compliant pupil. He would be a perfect slave later in the term and how he would enjoy being used by all the men who would visit the school at weekends. The doctor massaged the boy's abdomen to work the water within it about his colon. After a minute or so, he motioned to Jamie to take over, and he massaged the boy for another couple of minutes. Christian could occasionally hear the sounds of water sloshing about inside him as Jamie so lovingly pushed and prodded the boy's still oily skin. Then the doctor prepared another hose which was connected in place of the supply hose to empty the boy, without the vacuum machine connected this time. The boy's ass emptied into the drain pipe via the rubber hose and inflated plug, the black hollow dildo. The feeling of emptiness again set in as the boy's bowels emptied. Then the rubber plug was deflated and removed as a sloping-popping sound came as it flopped out the tight wet hole. He had just finished his third cleansing. "Doctor, since it's his first time, can we give him the hi-c treatments?" asked the Head master. "Oh yes, we can do that, okay," replied the doctor as he nodded his head in agreement. The hi-c procedure required that the boy's rectum be already cleaned, which it surely was, and that the anus be dilated more than the inch it had already been from the three different plugs he experienced. This procedure required the boy be opened to just under four centimetres [or about an inch and a half] using a metal spreader. They knew the boy could handle it. The doctor stretched a pair of long latex gloves over first hand and then the other. They were long, cuffed, and finished about mid way up the doctor's forearm. Sitting on the stool, he picked up a head band with a strong blue-white LED lamp attached and turned it on adjusting his position to illuminate the boys puckered pink anal opening. The doctor nodded to the assistant for the speculum, which Jamie reached for and took from the tray as Christian saw the duck-billed shaped instrument chosen to violate his body, handed to the doctor. He was nervous again, especially when he saw Doctor Wilson hold up and open the jaws of that metal device for the boy to see. "Okay, let's lubricate the speculum for Christian," said the Doctor as Jamie squirted some gel onto the device held in the doctor's gloved hands. He proceeded to lubricate a clamp like device shaped like a duck's bill, with long smooth edges and a ratchet on the end. It was this metal device that would be used to part open the boy's anus and peer into his rectum directly. Christian saw the shiny, smooth stainless steel of the speculum reflecting in the light of the room feeling fear as the doctor held this instrument in one hand while Jamie was lubing it with his hands. The doctor opened it to slicken even the interior jaws of this contraption and as he did the ratchet within it made a distinctive clicking sound. Christian was vulnerable, firmly strapped to the table, legs opened wide, the doctor about to see what was inside him. Closing the device, the doctor lowered it out of Christian's sight and approached the boy's waiting bum, and as the cold steel touched the boy's pucker a shiver ran up his body. It was happening – the boy was forced to endure the invasive examination unlike any he'd ever imagined. Christian felt the cold steel penetrating his body as he moaned, "Ohhh, ohhh." The speculum slipped in effortlessly and the doctor began to open up the jaws, slowly yet deliberately stretching the boys hole. With each individual click of the ratchet and forced to lie still, Christian felt himself being opened. He bit his lip as a tear rolled down his cheek from the feeling of total submission. The doctor did this gently, enjoying the sight of the internal workings of the boy as they revealed themselves to him. As the jaws were slowly opened, parting the boy, the dark, private cavity coming into view before the led illuminated the opening, was showing a delicious shade of pinky red, a sure sign of the boys anal health. As the doctor continued stretching the boy's anus, and with each click of the ratchet, the boy felt one more step towards what is meant by strict obedience to his master. The doctor had dilated the boys hole to nearly an inch and a half as the boy flexing against the straps that held him frozen in place on this table, desperately asked for him to stop. Crying out with some discomfort the boy panted his request. "Ahhhhh! It's hurting! Stop!" Holding the device in one hand, the Doctor complied and asked the Head to examine the opening and confirm that the boy's pinkish-red rectum looked healthy. The head teacher moved over a bit and lowered his head into a better position for a direct view, and was able to see right up inside the boy's private anal slot in wonderment. The camera relayed the view to the hard drive, as Jamie attempted to comfort the boy stroking his forehead letting him know he's there for him. Then the Doctor continued opening the jaws to the prescribed width of one and a half inches [4 cm], locking them in place as the boy's hole was held open for about a minute more. "Breath steady, my boy," the doctor assured. "This will be out in about a minute, you're dilating well, don't fight it, just let it happen." He added, "Breathe easy." As he gazed over the boy, Jamie whispered, "Just let this happen," as the doctor was checking for any sign of blood indicating a tear in the anal wall. There was no blood, thankfully. They paused as the boy was fully dilated now, to accept the next step in the cleaning procedure, the irrigation snake. Used for the high colonic, the sight of that device being brought to the table created a particular fear in most boys, and this one was no exception. It is not used on every new boy, but knowing the recent history of this student, the men decided that the hi-c irrigation would better enhance the initiation. "Bring me the snake for the boy," uttered the doctor to the assistant, who promptly walked over to the wall and took the device Christian had spotted earlier, the black meter-long hose with the mushroom head. "Lube the head well," the doctor ordered. Jamie slickened the large perforated bulbous head on the device, which looked to be somewhat soft, as Christian looked to Jamie with concern. This device was in Christian's immediate future, and he knew it. Fear gripped the boy now, as he took a deep breath to prepare for receiving that contraption into his body. Particularly this device, a colonic irrigation tube, was used to deep cleanse the lower bowel and has multiple orifices and tubes within it to facilitate water injection and evacuation through the splenic flexure of the large intestine. It was fed into the body and water injected and evacuated as it went in, unlike the "fill and hold" method. The head alone is just under four centimetres in diameter, well over an inch, almost and inch and a half. The doctor removed the speculum, and immediately inserted the mushroom end of the snake into the boy's rectum through the anus, which although dilated already, was feeling the pressure against his hole of its large head entering. Tears flowed as the boy was griped more in fear than in any pain as the Head master walked over to comfort the boy, saying, "Just take it easy, 3; this is necessary, you can do it." Here he was, strapped to the table with the head teacher on one side, Jamie on the other, and the doctor seated between the boy's legs, pushing this meter-long hose penetrating into the boy. He moaned some more because for the first time he was very scared – terrified. "Doctor I'm afraid," uttered the boy. "We know. Don't fight it, just let it happen. Double check that his straps are fully tight for this" the doctor said to the assistant, who nodded in assurance. As the doctor proceeded, he was calling out the lengths, "15 centimetres [6"] 3; 20 centimetres [8"] 3; 25 centimetres [10"], it's going in easy now," Christian could feel the probe winding inside him. Occasional pain would subside as the Doctor steered the snake through the boy's lower bowel, pressing onto his lower abdomen, while Jamie wheeled another stand over with a water filled bag and a hose. "Okay, we got 35 [14"] and there, 40 centimetres [16"], I think that will be it for this boy," said the doctor. He then connected the water hose and an evacuation hose to the outer end of the device, and let the liquid do it's trick. "Lets irrigate him one more time, this is a deep cleansing we're doing." "You will not fill up as before, because as the water is going into you now, another opening in the head of the snake allows it to escape, so just relax and let the water clean you well inside. Now I'm going to slowly pull it out of you as the water continues to give you a final rinse, all along your bowel. Just relax now, and it' ll be over in a few minutes," he reassured the frightened boy. The snake was removed a centimetre or so at a time, as the water continued to flow through the boy. The object was to allow all of the water to flow in as the last of it and the snake was nearly out, which is how the doctor, so skilled at this procedure, does it to the many boys he examines here. Although not usual for an initial examination, the snake is used on subsequent irrigations to clean deep. With a unceremonious plop, the head of the snake was finally out, and the boy never felt so relieved, or so empty. Knowing that his body had absorbed a lot of water through the lower intestinal wall, the boy would need to pee soon, and so the doctor had to rapidly finish the examination. He noted on his computer that the boy had been dilated to an inch and a half [4 cm], a respectable width for any boy. "Okay boy I can proceed with the physical, your all clean now and ready for me to examine you. Proctoscope, please." Jamie then reached for the metal device shaped like a baseball bat, a large, heavy steel object used to peer into the rectum. This one, known as the "disciplinarian" was an inch and a half [4 cm] in diameter and over five inches [13 cm] in length. Through its orifice a man can view the wonders of the inside of a boy, the colour and texture. After sitting down once more on the stool he took hold of the scope and lubed it, reading the boy once more to be opened just a bit more than before, inserted it through the anus and into his rectum, the boy panting hard, didn't ask for it to stop, but the doctor noticed the boy begin to sweat and knew that he must not over do it this time. After all it was too soon for the boy. You wouldn't expect him to be able to take a fist on his first examination, but later in the term maybe? Perhaps the doctor thought this boy can be conditioned for fisting. Select boys that are deemed adaptable are chosen for fisting conditioning, which is done under supervision by other boys employed in the clinic, who have smaller hands than the doctor or of any of the men. Gradually the boy's hole is stretched open to take the hand and arm of a special medi-assistant especially chosen for that work. It would be some time before Christian would be eligible for that phase of special training, but the time would come. The doctor peered into the tool, saw that the boy was healthy, and then removed the tool from the boy and watched as did the head and Jamie as the boy's bottom returned to its perfect pink-puckered self. The doctor got on then and lubed his fingers, ready for the prostate exam and sperm extraction to follow. He inserted his finger and worked it in the boys hole enjoying the continued tightness of a youthful bum. The boy was moaning with pleasure as the gloved finger worked in and out for a while, and then the second one joined. During erection, the urethra is effectively blocked from urine flow and so the boy would not need to pee. Two fingers twisted and pushed, then withdrew and pushed in again. Sounds from the boy told the men he was loving it so they continued to give the boy a two-finger fucking and all too soon the boy's rock-hard boner ejaculated the treasures held by his prostate and his balls. Jamie held Christian's boner up. Christian spermed. He pumped out a slick, wet boy juice that was almost transparent and somewhat milky in its appearance. It splashed up his chest and beyond the cross-strap and up his chest to his neck, then down onto his belly – the moment captured by the web camera forever. Jamie felt the boner throbbing as it shot, and then let go. It wasn't enough though and after the doctor had fingered the boys hole for a good few minutes the doctor explored the boy's rectum deeper, searching out the little hard nub that was the boy's prostate gland. Just seconds later as he was working that olive-sized gland, the boy was ejaculating another load of sperm from his curved boner again, squirting it out and over the boy's small belly and legs. It was more watery than milky, and the shot seemed more powerful to both men than the first time. There wasn't the same volume of ejaculate, but the boy's body shook and he panted and he giggled as he spermed from his hard dickie. "Okay Boy you seem to be in good working order now we need to see how you respond to a second prostate massage." The doctor waited before he again applied pressure to the gland and just used his hand to pleasure the boy fingering his hole with two fingers fucking him in and out. Both men enjoyed this, and they enjoyed being part of witnessing a boy being fingered and on command, squirting spontaneously as the prostate was massaged. It was a position of power that men who are boy-lovers all long to view, more so that merely gripping a boy's balls to the point of pain. Seeing a boy sperm without the dick being touched at all was such an awe-inspiring wonder for them, that they loved watching it. Being something that is standard procedure for the examinations here, it was reason enough to maintain the boys at the school hairless, or in Christian's case, nearly so. Washing sperm out of the hairy bush atop a teen boy's dick isn't something anyone would relish doing every day, and so that's why the younger boys were all kept smooth and hairless. Only the non-virgins admitted to the school as such were allowed the small, shortly trimmed patch of hair as Christian now had. "Doctor I think he is ready now, lets see if his prostate is up to a third load?" So the doctor moved his fingers then and located the spot of the gland. Massaging it delicately this time so he could pinpoint the exact trigger. The boy moaning and whining as if he were a puppy. Christian was in a state of bliss. Uncontrollably as before, cum shoots out of his throbbing boner for the fourth time splashing over his smooth belly and up his chest onto his neck this time. The fluid was wetter this time less jelly like but still a good amount was produced. Exhausted the boys body went limp but he was not finished yet. The Doctor wiped the anus clean with a damp towel, removing all traces of the KY that had coated the boy there. He then replaced his fingers with his mouth and tongue. Tasting the boy and rimming his thirteen year old bottom was a personal pleasure the doctor afforded himself from time to time. He loved the tender flesh as he sucked, licked and tongue fucked the boy's hole and was careful to give as much of a view he could to the Head teacher so as to entertain the Web viewers. This was after all the highlight of the examination, to actually taste a boy's special place. Christian moaned low as the wet mouth toyed with his tender hole and the boy wanted to play with his hard boner, but since he was secured by the straps he was unable to. This heightened the sensations the man was giving him for a reason the boy couldn't understand. How terrifyingly great his first few hours at this drab looking school had been. He hoped with all his heart that this was not going to be a one off. He longed for this sort of attention and getting this from such a sexy looking man was a dream come true. He felt a slight amount of guilt though as the man between his legs pleased him. He thought about his muscular P.E. Teacher and their love making in his office and later at the cottage, and felt disloyal but how this whole scene thrilled him. Again he felt it deep in his balls, that feeling of cum boiling up ready to explode. The low discomfort of multiple orgasms was only mild at the moment and he could put up with it. Then once again with the doctor's finger then two as the bum was being fucked hard now with the man's two fingers and the boy heard himself begin to mew like a cat as he felt the movements of the hand. Then a new feeling overwhelmed him and as he felt the full force of a third finger start to stretch his hole he squirted a fourth orgasm up out of his small boy cock. The small patch of hair that was left following his close shave with the cut-throat razor was now just a messy mash of cum and some of this was making its way down past his balls into the region of his bum hole. The brutal three finger fuck subsided in speed and force as the boy squirted his juice again and he was allowed a moment to breath and recover. As he recovered his composure the boy felt the framework holding his legs back and apart being moved wider still and back further, the boys anal opening was exposed more than he would have thought possible, as he was nearly in a horizontal squatting position laid back on the examination table. The medi-aid Jamie moved around to the boy's top-side and undid the Velcro straps holding the boy's arms in place. The doctor was down between the boys legs and filming his puckered red hole no longer pink and delicate, looking slightly puffy and the sight was enough of a turn on to him that he just knew he would have to fuck the hole sometime soon. The straps undone, the doctor instructed the boy to extract Jamie's man meat from his blues and get a feel of a real teen. The boy obeyed his superior and expertly fished out the hard hairless cock from within. After the boy had given it a good feel with boy hands and wanked it some the doctor lowered the back rest of the table all the way and strapped the boy's hands, this time by his side and under the torso cross strap. Christian looked directly at the hot, wide cock that pointed right at him as he lay on the bench. It was smooth, skinless, and quite long and curved left quite a bit, as the head had a wide flanged mushroom of deep purple and the eye of it yielded so much clear precum that it flowed off it and dropped onto Christian's forehead. He thought how much was just going to waste when he could be eating it, which he liked doing very much. Jamie removed the small pillow as he held Christian's head and moved it back-upward with the boy now looking up at the ceiling. Then the doctor nodded to his assistant who was ready, and said, "Open wide, now." Christian felt the hot meat on his lips. It pushed from the side along the lips and he felt them wet as the precum flowed onto them. Instinctively as Christian parted his lips slightly, the meat fell inward and entered his mouth as he was held by the straps. It pushed along the front of the boys teeth and down into the left cheek pushing it out and stretching the skin after holding it like that for a second or two he withdrew it and moved the boys head back more. The boy's head hung back and the assistant took higher position behind him. Pushing into the mouth properly this time the Jamie stretched the boys mouth with his thick wide helmet and then as he pushed in more of his thick shaft. He was gentle at first allowing the boy to get use to his size. The gentle start also had another reason, it allowed the Head to film the action and take in the pleasing view of a teen dick slowly penetrate the boys mouth distorting the cheeks and chin as it sank deeper. Both men wanted the assistant to go the whole way with this boy straight away and knew he would be able to take it but they had the boy to think about. The session would end soon and later in private he would fuck the boy silly and almost to unconsciousness. The men wanted to unload there cum deep in the boy's bottom and fill him with their seed. Now though wasn't the time. Indeed time was running out and there was more to do. The Doctor was due to teach a biology lesson shortly and the Head had a meeting with a parent to attend. Neither man was able to clear his diary for the rest of the day. This was probably for the best as the need to fuck the boy had become over powering for both men and Christian would have been overly stretched to the limit if they had been given the rest of the day to play with him. Patience was a virtue here. The boy gagged as the teen plunged his boner down his throat. Jamie removed a few inches and then resumed his face fucking, this time he plugged the mouth as deep as he could and again the boy gagged. The feeling around the teen's cock was amazing, so he just carried on knowing that the boy would probably not vomit. He held the boys head in his hands and began fucking his face deliberately as the sounds of squelching and gagging filling the room with the sounds of sex adding to the excitement the men felt as he was doing this to the boy. Sweating in his blues, Jamie thrust time and time again in the boys mouth. Pausing every minute to allow the boy to recover and watch as the spit and snot dropped to the floor. The boy was all to eager to resume when the boner was smacked against his face he would open his mouth and stick his tongue out trying to suck it back in for more. The boys face was just one sticky wet mess and still the teen fucked his young mouth. The head of his boner was just inside the willing wet mouth when it exploded a huge hot shot of sperm. Christian could taste the bitter sweet, salty sour cum, drinking his sperm soda hot from the tap, the way he loved it. He swallowed several times as he was taught to do by his PE teacher nearly two years ago. A good boy always drinks his man's sperm. Rope after rope of jizz flowed from Jamie, and in a state of ecstasy he dropped forward and pushed his cock deep into the boys mouth, the boy chocked on the white stuff as it flowed out of the cock but some how he swallowed and wasted none. The swallowing action took the teen's cock head down at one time and this triggered even more pleasure and a second ejaculation occurred in the boys mouth as this time he drew back and just filled the mouth so the boy could get another complete taste of the sperm. Then he was spent as was the boy with a fifth hands-free orgasm splashing over the skinny rib cage of his naked abused body. The boys balls hurt like hell now from the five ejaculations and the squeezing before that, but the pain was worth it and the taste of the sperm made up for the discomfort he felt. The doctor carefully untapped the boy's foreskin about his penis, then unfastened all of the straps, and moved his legs up and out of the stirrups and down to the middle of the table edge. He got the boy up, clearing away all the straps that had bound him and helped him off the table. He noted the time, and walked over to the desk to enter in some data on the boy as the Head took off his cap and shut off the camera. The boy couldn't stand straight for a good few seconds, so he just rested against the bench and watched as the doctor sat at his desk and the head master fiddled with his cap. Jamie helped straighten the boy and got a damp cloth for Christian. Doctor Wilson looked up from his desk and said, "Okay boy, you're fine. The teen sperms you drank is all protein. It'll help you recover quickly. And with that, your physical examination is finished. We'll now take you to the digi room here, and then you'll need to come back here to my office later today at 4:30pm when I'll have the results to give you. The head teacher will attend the meeting too so you will get results from both of us later today before supper," he said as the head left the room.
The Digi RoomJamie, exhausted from the strain of the activity, composed himself and prepped the boy's body with a damp cloth, cleaning him for the next step in the process. He motioned and helped Christian walk over to the sink to continue the cleaning up of the boy's slender body. Jamie took a strong liking to the boy, and was thinking about seeing him again and again. He knew where Christian roomed of course, which was just next door to his own dorm building. He had a three-bed dorm room – one of the perks that comes with the special job he has had for the past six months now, and had been alone in that room since a couple weeks ago when his previous roommates transferred to other dorms. He thought that just maybe if he could ask the head teacher to reassign Christian to his room, that maybe, just maybe, 3;nah."You think I can get dressed now?" he asked Jamie. "No, didn't you hear You're going to the digi room." "What's that?" Pausing as he was wiping the last bit of sticky sperm off the boy's body, Jamie responded, "We're gonna take your pictures in there." "You mean naked?" whispered the boy. Jamie nodded in the affirmative. In spite of all the experiences Christian had, being photographed in the nude wasn't one of them. He had seen some teen porn before, Mr. Jones his previous PE teacher had showed him some, but now he was about to be introduced and indoctrinated into that very thing. He wasn't sure at the moment if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he knew he liked to exhibit himself. It's just that he never had the opportunity, so maybe it'll be all right. Christian asked, "Who's gonna see my naked pictures?" As he looked up into Jamie's eyes, asking for some reassurance that appearing nude was a good thing to do, he was told, "It's just something we all have to do here. It's part of the programme, just do what he tells you to, okay?" Christian shook his head cooperatively. "Is he ready? We've got one more thing to do here. Come this way with me," motioned the doctor as the naked boy slowly followed him through a side door into another room. The label on the door said Digi Room, but the smallish room had virtually nothing in it. Just four light-blue walls and many lights on the ceiling were all this room contained, and two large posters with many outlined characters in several individually framed diagrams. Christian looked at them for a moment, but couldn't figure out what they were for. One poster was entitled, "Singles" and the other "Doubles" and had figures with one standing straight with hands on the hips, while another figure had the arms up-stretched, and yet another had a squatting position. Several diagrams showed a boy on his back, legs spread, and others looked like a boy in a doggie position on all fours. The Doubles poster had a pair of boys essentially in the same poses as what was shown on the Singles poster. "This is the Digi Room, where our boys are photographed for the files. Your growth will be recorded on camera in here, and there are a series of poses that you'll do just like what is shown on the poster there on the wall. Study that for a moment, while I get the camera, as those are the poses we'll photograph you in." "All of them sir?" "Yes, we'll take at least a hundred pictures, but after editing, we keep only about twenty-five or so. Jamie, make sure he's ready." The doctor left the room briefly, as Christian gazed at the diagrams depicting the poses he will now have to do for the Doctor. He never even had his P.E. teacher take naked pictures of him before. In fact, while he likes to see naked boys online, he has never had anyone tell him to strip and hold it while his pictures were taken. This was another necessary part of the indoctrination. "Just do it like in the diagrams here, and you'll be all-right. It's okay," assured Jamie. The doctor kept a large collection of every boy in the school on file, catalogued by age, for not only the medical file, but for the enjoyment of several of the teachers and other men he shared the choice photos with. He never sent them online, however, but reduced them to a memory stick or mini-disc to give to the selected few men authorized to view these special pictures. Most all the boys were cooperative, but a few had to be reminded of the consequences of not complying with the cataloguing order. At least annually, every boy had "The Series" of poses done on him, usually coinciding with the physical exam. Some boys were photographed in groups, and for Christian, that would happen perhaps later on this year. For now, the boy was getting only the standard first-time photos done of him. Orders for more will certainly follow, especially in a small group or a pair of boys. Everything the school did to a boy was initiated by an order, a half-sized form signed by at least one of the elders and the head teacher to have something carried out on a boy. There were orders for everything from new cloths to photographs, from physical exams to fisting training, from blood work to circumcision, even punishment. Everything was carried out via order, which must be signed by the head master and at least one other, preferably two, to make it official. Most orders carried a time limit or due date. The affected boy was never told of the due date, but always informed of the order when it was signed. This system was a way for the administration to maintain control over the entire student body, the teachers and elders, as well as the budget the school had in spending its resources. With every new boy, there was a blanket order issued to assign him quarters, books, supplies, cloths and shoes, as well as the initial physical examination and pictures. Beyond that, it was at the discretion of the teachers, or the medical staff (including the assistant) as to when a boy would have an order issued on him, except that the calendar dictated periodic examinations, of course. With two hundred fifty boys, there were physical examinations scheduled almost daily, often two or three a day. Other than special new boys, many times the physical exams were done, as Robby eluded to, as a group, even for new boys. Those chosen for that were usually of similar age and demeanour. While group exams take longer for each of the boys that undergo them, they are an efficient way for the doctor and his assistants to administer not only the physical examinations, but school doctrine as well. For example, having a small group of three to ten boys, which could take several hours to perform, lessons in obedience, discipline, and cooperation were taught not only by the boys experiencing the table procedures, but also by the others just standing there (naked) witnessing the others having theirs done. The observation of this sort is invaluable to the conditioning of the Academy's boys, because they can see first hand what the procedure entails, especially for the boys yet to mount the table. Empathy is built by observation of your friends being strapped to the examination table for the invasive procedures, and then having to undergo the same thing right there while the others silently stand and watch. The doctor stepped back into the digi room. The Doctor motioned to Christian to stand straight, the first shot being a head and shoulders pic for the file. "Okay, now here we go, just look briefly at the poster and do each position in order so we don't skip any, and I will be taking your picture along the way. Okay?" "Yes, sir." Christian was about to be elevated to child porn star status. He knew it,and relished the extra attention. Jamie was there to watch, for it was his job to load and sort and edit the photo files onto the computer. It was a task that he relished, as it was his responsibility to maintain the organization of the folders on each and every student. In fact, it is his main job, while the other medi-assistant, who was off-duty today, primarily takes care of the examination room and all its apparatus. "All right, let's begin." The boy looked at the diagrams and did as he was told to, as the doctor took picture after picture, the boy moving then freezing, moving then freezing again. "Now for these next few we need your boner on full hardness, so we'll stroke you some to get there." The doctor instructed the assistant to stroke the boy to full hardness, and he complied. Pictures were taken of the stroking as well, though not on the agenda. Christian was cooperative, sporting a fully hard erection that he so proudly showed curved and pointed downward for the camera to record, and so it went until all three-dozen poses were done in both the erect and the non-erect state. About a hundred images were taken of Christian. The Doctor was careful to get good pictures of the boy's foreskin, the way it clung to the erect head it covered, and when not so hard, the way it hung off the end of the boy's dick like extra wall paper that needn't have been there. The nippled end was itself a sight, but it was, as the doctor earlier discovered, not so tight that the full retraction was prohibited. His frenulum wasn't such that pulling the skin back was hindered any, and the entire penis was sheathed in this uniformly coloured roll of skin, that darkened at the end. It was a shame that this was to be the boy's last days with it, as the head master, while witnessing the physical examination of the boy, initiated an order for Christian to receive circumcision. The order was on the doctor's desk, and it awaited only his signature for it to become a demand for the boy's skin to be cut. Being only a Monday. It was doubtful that the doctor would sign it right away, as most all circumcisions were done on Fridays. But, it had been some weeks since he had cut a boy – over the past several years, he had done some fifty circumcisions (or about one a month on average). Circumcisions were usually done before a live audience, and also recorded. Only a select group could view the procedure, similar to those sometimes see the physical examinations. Often, there were several people in the operating room to witness the procedure – two medical assistant students (that themselves were circumcised), several teachers, the head master of course, as well as any close friends to be with the boy when he was strapped to the table to be cut. Most often that would be their roommate. Circumcision counselling always followed after, never before, to help the boy accept what had been done to him, and how his body had been modified surgically. Few boys went willingly, and nearly all were frightened by the prospect of being cut. Therefore, the boy was never given any forewarning of it, and was brought to the clinic unaware. The Doctor at the Academy rarely practices full, total circumcision, instead electing to remove only a narrow band of skin from a boy, enough so that a scar line can form and yet leave enough skin to cover the head. This serves two purposes: It does not adversely alter the boy's physical appearance so abruptly, and secondly, it leaves enough skin so that a follow-up circumcision, or re-circ can be done on the boy in a matter of months, usually within a year. The object is to leave the boy with that tell tale ring scar showing that he's been circumcised. That is precisely what the doctor has in mind for the boy Christian's operation that will be happening in a matter of days. The effect to the boy will be total submission, total control and dominance by the men at the Academy. Christian's special lesson is set, and he is to receive it on a Friday afternoon.
Epiligue – Aftermath"Okay, you did well. You'll see the results of these pics when you return here later on, so go and get your cloths back on now, and be on your way."Christian had a good idea what might happen later but he played along. He found it odd that the doctor had not fucked his bum during the examination and he also found it funny the head had not joined in other than as an observer. Would he get his wish later sometime? Maybe he thought. He desperately wanted to feel a man's cock up his bum. But there was something else that awaited him, for which he was not at all prepared, yet the cooperation he displayed up to then made him a prime candidate to eventually loose his foreskin. He had already lost most all of his body hair, the first thing to go. "Now get cleaned up boy and it's off to the student office for your schedule, your books and papers. Jamie here will take you along to show you." The head had already left and the doctor busied himself while the boy used the small basin to have a quick wash. Then he dressed and both he and Jamie left the clinic. On route to the student office he was given a warning from Jamie, "You know you can't ever tell anyone what went on in the physical. If you ever need to talk about it, see me. That's what I'm here for, okay?" Christian digested the warning and understood the consequences of it. He knew about secrets like this though and would never tell anyone if it would mean his fun would stop like it did at his last school, if anyone found out. But certainly there were other boys that got similar treatment, he thought, but otherwise, he can confide in Jamie at least. Christian received his schedule, books and things, and returned to his dorm room. It was almost 4:30pm, and the last lessons of the day were already over. Robbie was there when Christian arrived to drop off his things. "Well, how did it go there today?" asked Robby. "The physical examination?" he added. "Oh it was exactly as you said." "Totally naked, huh?" "Yep," replied Christian as he nodded. "But it was awesome in a way." "How so?" Christian paused and thought about the warning, thinking that probably his roommate hadn't received the same special treatment he had just gotten, and replied, "They told me to go back for results, so I gotta go now. I'll be back, though!" Christian was nearly enroute to the doctor's office once more when a short fat boy stopped him outside his door and told him he had to report to reception. Christian didn't remember exactly how to get there so the boy showed him the way. The nice boy behind the desk passed him a message from the Head master. It read, Master Christian, Unfortunately the scheduled meeting will not take place today. You may return to your dormitory and then go to supper. The meeting will be rescheduled soon, we'll let you know when.Christian was disappointed but he saw straight away why the meeting couldn't take place. The Head teacher came into the reception area with a tall man wearing army greens, they were deep in conversation. Back up in the dorm alone, Christian felt the tenderness down below from his fingering and repeated prostate massages he would have to remember that for when he pleasured himself. The feeling of that thing being touched was amazing. He lay on his bed day dreaming about the long dick Jamie had and how it might feel in his butt someday and whether the Doctor or the Head teacher might fuck him, too. In just the past few hours, he went from wondering how he'd carry on in this new school through an unimaginable physical exam. He absent mindedly rubbed his hard dick and was miles away when the door burst open and his roommate flew into the room, his cheeks red as a berry from running. "All right? How did it go?" Christian, shocked, moved his hand away from his little hard bulge. Raised himself onto an elbow and returned the greeting "All right, but my results I'll get some other time, they cancelled me just now." "Oh yeah? Well, come on then, you wanna suck my cock?" "Thought you weren't a poof?" "Don't have to be a poof to have your cock sucked. Lets have a gander at your body again, your hairs are way cool." Christian felt the humiliation again, this boy knew he had hair, now he had virtually none and his manly body was once again that of a child. He flushed red and backed off from the situation saying he didn't feel like doing anything. "Thought so, all mouth, no balls." "Fuck off!" "Come on I need to get off, so show me your bod." "Look I will blow you but you ain't seeing me naked now, and 3;" "Cool Christian, but you weren't so shy early today were you?" The boy fished his little boner out of his trousers and wanked it hard. Then he dropped those and his shorts to the floor, stripping naked before his new roommate. Christian knelt down and took the boy into his mouth, as it was so easy to handle compared to the teen cock he was used to and the boy blew his load in less time than it took Christian to undo his belt and let his trousers down. His sperm was sweet though and full of flavour and Christian enjoyed the feeling of the boy cum as it trickled down his throat. Christian rested on his heals, then got up. The boy now had stepped out of his trousers and shorts and picked his cloths up off the floor. "Wow Mate, that was way good. Thanks so much!" "That's all right Robby. Any time for you my friend."
With that Christian went and sat on his bed watching his roommate dress again, smiling like he had never been so happy.
Christian begins to settle in to the routine at the Arconshire Academy by going to classes and discovers some new friends that take an interest in him. He experiences the showers in both the dorm as well as at the gym, and gets very close to his roommate, Robby and another boy, Jimmy, whom he meets in the shower room. Christian Settles InDiscoveryLater before bed time, Christian waited for the other boy to go off to the toilet before he undressed, as he was still so ashamed of his baldness. He wouldn't have felt that way if the boy had not first seen his body with hair but now how would he explain it. He was just in his Y fronts as he stood at the mirror admiring his body and how smooth he looked, perhaps delicate. He then dropped his shorts to the floor to look at his dick and the small patch of hair that remained of what he had earlier that day as he arrived when the door burst open. His roommate never just came in, he always burst in. The boy looked at Christian and then looked again. Christian was so humiliated to be caught like that, naked for Robby to see. It was almost time for bed.
Wearing only his towel, Robby quipped, "Hey, what happened to your hairs? They give you a haircut at the physical?" "Yea, they did," whispered Christian. "Wow, awesome dude! I heard they do that from some of the others, but I didn't wanna say anything to worry you earlier today about it. Turn around, lemme see you." Slowly stepping out of his shorts, the naked boy turned to face his roommate, who responded, "Well, you still got a little left there. Hadn't seen many others that weren't all shaved, so you ought to be good for the showers here. You're how old again?" he asked Christian as he stepped back to sit on his bed. "Thirteen and a half." Sitting on the edge of his bed, Robby held out his arms motioning for his roommate to approach him, saying, "See, there aren't any under fifteen here that have their dick hairs is what I been told, so you'll look different than the younger or even the boys older than you for that matter." "You know about that?" Christian asked. "Yea, it's called the 'under fifteen rule' here where no boy under fifteen can keep his dick hair if he's got any. Davy told me about it. I didn't want to say anything earlier today about it," he said as he brushed his fingers through the little hair Christian had remaining. "I figured that you'd get to keep it for a while before you had to go get shaved at your physical." "They do every body like that?" "Heck yea, anyone under fifteen gets all their hair shaved at the first physical by the doc there, and from what they tell me, he enjoys doing it, too." "Yes, I could tell that," sighed Christian. "Billy just started getting his hairs in a few months ago, but got them taken away at his last physical." "You mean the boy that came here to get you right after we showered today? He's so cute." "Yea, Billy, he's in my class. He's really cool, you'll like him," added Robby. Pausing a moment, he added, "Say you aren't feeling badly about it, are you?" "I liked the way I was really," Christian said as he sat down next to Robby. "You're still okay with me ya know. Let's go to the showers, they're probably some guys still in there from when I was in the bathroom a few minutes ago. Come on, grab your towel," Robbie said as he grabbed his soap dish. Christian was getting hard already as he and his roommate walked out the door naked to go to the shower room, thinking how much he wanted to see some of the other boys that would be in there, and wondering at the same time how they would like him. He loved seeing other guys as much as he felt they liked looking at him totally naked. As the two boys walked the hallway with only their towels, as did all who go to the bathroom's "Naked Zone" and to the shower room entrance, Christian's heart was pounding through his chest in anticipation. As they approached they could hear several boy's voices through the din of the showering water emitting from the several nozzles. Christian's heart was racing, he was anxious to step in and actually appear naked in the group shower room filed with other naked boys for the first time since he left his old school. As they were hanging up the towels on the hooks adjacent to the swinging door, a few other boys came walking into the bathroom destined for the showers, too. Robby glanced down at his roommate's partial erection, and smiled, saying, "Come on, they'll love to see you in here like that." Robby and Christian walked into the shower room where three boys from down the hall already were washing up. Passing by them and getting stares all the while, the two boys took positions at a far corner of the shower room. As the warm water hit their bodies, both boys became hard from being watched and watching the others as they soaped themselves and then each other. Whenever Christian would pull the skin back to clean his dick, he usually got fully hard anyway. The sight of the others in there just made that happen sooner. With five boys showering already, four more walked in to shower, and just then, yet another boy, Jimmy from down the hall walked in behind them into the shower room and took up a spot next to the pair of boner boys Christian and Robby who were already there, saying, "Hi, you're new here?" Suddenly, the shower room was filled with ten boys, for the ten shower nozzles spaced along the walls, as he looked around, Christian smiled and answered, "Got here today, I'm Christian." "I'm Jimmy, I live down the hall," said the more mature, taller thirteen year old. Noticing that Christian's eyes were fixed on the boy's dick, he got fully hard and continued, "lucky you that you got your hair still, but they won't let you keep it you know. They'll take it at your first physical." "Yea, I know all about that," murmured Christian, still gazing at Jimmy's six inch [15 cm] boner. Robby continued to wash his roommate's back side, but Christian hardly paid attention, gazing at the cute boy next to him. "How old are you?" asked Christian. "Thirteen and half, almost fourteen in a few months. You like my dick, I can tell," Jimmy said. "I like the way your head shows, and it's big, too. I love the way it curves up and left." "Haa, thanks. Yours is nice and long." As the others were showering, Christian looked about the shower room and saw no one else sporting any hair on his body, so he all of a sudden felt a little better about having been not totally shaved, but most all of the others were glancing at him. He was new, and he still had some of his hair. Only Robby knew how much he really had, as the others merely thought that what he had was it. He was still more mature than the other boys here, except for Jimmy who was taller, at least on this floor, as he saw no other boys with any hair above their dick. They all continued to shower together. As he and Robby were finishing up, they started walking away to leave as Jimmy said, "Nice to meet you, I'll see ya around." Christian's looked back, smiled and nodded affirmatively to the boy. Back in the dorm room, the two naked boys were still feeling refreshed and excited from the shower, but after the long and unusual day Christian had, he was ready for his new bed. Generally the rule for weekday nights is for lights out at ten o'clock, and it was nearly that already. The boys sat on the edge of their beds, combing their still wet hair when Robby asked, "You really liked that boy Jimmy? The guy in the showers just now." "Yea, he's cool, but it was his dick I liked so much, the way his head always shows. Is it 'cause his head is so big that his skin stays back all the time?" "I've wondered that. He lives just down the hall, why don't ya ask him sometime?" suggested Robby. "I know he's totally gay and likes to show his body off." "You know, we both had boners in the showers and no one else said anything, like it was okay with them. I knew everyone was looking at us, but I didn't mind,- in fact I liked it," said Christian. "You see some of the others were hard, too. I'm gonna like it here, I think. Are we gonna shower together every day?" "Oh heck yea! Sometimes we see the same guys in there, other times they'll be different ones there to see, but yea, we're shower buddies now." "I'm liking it already," added Christian. "You will like it a lot more in the coming days and weeks here, 'cause you'll make new friends, like Jimmy. He's as old as you are, I think, so he'll probably be in some of your classes I guess. You ready for bed? I am. Go the shut the lights," Robby said as he pointed to the trio of light switches on the wall next to the door. Christian turned them off, and as he walked back to his bed, he realised that neither of them had anything on, no shorts or boxers, nothing. Crawling into bed, he asked, "Robby, do you really like it here at the school?" "Oh yea. This is the best thing that ever happened to me. You've only been here a day, I've been here for over half a year now and I love it here. Just follow all their rules and you'll be all right." "Are there many rules?" "Well, yes. Like, you got to do what the teachers and assistants tell you, and there is no talking back or asking a lot of questions when they tell you to do something,- you just gotta do it. But you'll make lots of friends here." As he lay there in his bed, Christian pondered the unusualness of his day, wondering if all the others got the same treatments, and asked Robby, "What was your physical exam like when you had to go there for it?" "Which one do you mean, I've had like three since I been here." "Three? How long have you been here then, you said half a year?" "Just about seven months now, I got here on my eleventh birthday, actually." "And you've had three physicals already in that time?" "Yep. We get 'em every three months or so here, but it's the first one that's the longest to do, and you've already done that, so 3;" "What was yours like then, I mean the first one?" "It was the third day I was here, and it was right after classes. Teacher there gave me a note to report to the clinic at three thirty. When I got there, there were four others already there that were also new to the school. I know 'cause they came with me here." "Then what happened?" "Then the two assistants,,," "You mean Jamie and 3;" "No, that was before Jamie worked there. Anyway, they took us into the examination room, lined us up in the order they wanted, we had to stand in front of a row of chairs they had there, one for each of us, but we had to stand still. Then they asked us each our names, I guess for the record." "Wasn't the doctor there for that?" "No, he was still out in that office they got there. But right then, he walked in with two other teachers, Mr. Morrison and Mr. James." "Really? What were they there for?" "To watch us get examined, 'cause right after they sat down, the Doctor Wilson made us strip naked right there." "Like just strip and that's it? And the teachers watched?" "No, first he gave us a speech about why we were there, but we already knew that from what we were told by the other guys when we first got here. He told us that we had to do what he tells us to do,- follow all the rules. Then he told us to take off our cloths one at a time and 3;" "You mean each boy one at a time?" "No, we all had to do it together at the same time, I meant one piece of clothing at a time and put them on the chair behind us, like first after the shoes and socks, it was the shirts, then the trousers, and finally when we were all there in just our shorts, we had to strip those off, too. Isn't that how they did you today?" "Yea, about like that. You know at first I thought that maybe you were kidding to me earlier today when you told me about having to strip right away for them, I didn't want to believe you, really." "No, I don't kid about that kinda stuff, and I'd never lie to you Christian." "Everything you said was true, I found out." "I never had a physical alone like you just did, mine have always been in a group, you'll see in a few months when you gotta go back." "Did they make you get on the bench like they did me?" "Oh yea, we each had to lay down on that thing, one at a time. I was the first one, and so I didn't know what to expect when I had to go up to it to sit down on it for them. Then when they made me lay back I was scared, too, especially when they strapped me down in front of everybody." "Did you cry any?" "No, I held myself all right, but I sure felt like it, but I couldn't 'cause the others were there watching me. But the very last boy of the group cried even before they called him over. He had to watch the other four of us get ours, and for him to get on that table, – it must have been too much. He was shaking, even as he walked over to the bench." "What did he do?" "He just froze standing there and at first wouldn't walk up the step there at the end of the table." "So what happened?" "The doc held him by his shoulders and told him what to do step by step. It took a while, but he eventually stepped up and sat on the table for the doc. When he did, they just pulled him back down by the shoulders and strapped him in. I think it was because we were all new that they were patient with us there, but I wouldn't hesitate at much of whatever it is they tell you to do. That's why you got to do whatever they tell you. You really don't want punishment here. In a way it was amusing to see that boy and in another way it was kinda sad to watch him, he was very scared and cried some, too. I dunno if he was afraid of being naked or getting examined on that table, or what, but he kept his hands in front of his dick the whole time until the doc told him to raise his arms up. Then he let loose when he had to put his hands behind his head for them. Christian, did you cry any there?" Pausing for a moment to get the courage to tell Robby the truth, Christian responded, "Yes, I did." "When was that, when they were strapping you down to the bench?" "No, not then, I could do that okay. It was when they shaved me, which was the first thing they did to me after I was stripped." "What do mean 'You were stripped.'? " "Yes. I dunno why, but I couldn't drop my shorts down when he told me to, and so Jamie, the assistant there did it for me. Then all I had to do was step out of them so I was totally naked for them." "Who was there to watch you, anybody?" "The headmaster came in to see me, but I was already naked when he arrived. That's when they began shaving me over by that sink they got there. I was naked in front of three guys there today Robby, for the whole time, I can't believe it." "But they left you some hairs above your dick, I wonder why?" Apprehensive and wanting to tell Robby all about it at the same time, Christian asked, "Can I come over there to your bed?" Robby said nothing, wanting his new roommate so close to him, and then raised his covers so Christian could slip in under them, which he did. The two grasped, hugged, and held on to each other for a long while, letting the other one know that he was wanted, understood, and most of all, loved. Just then, after a long pause, Christian whispered, "It's because I'm not a virgin." "What do you mean?" "They could tell when the the doc looked at my bum hole I guess, and they asked me about it. So, I had to tell them. That's why they left some of my hair above my dick." Still holding his friend in a closely, Robby asked, "You mean before now, you had your cherry taken?" "Yea." "Another boy?" "No, my gym teacher did it." "Wow, that's awesome to be fucked by your teacher. We have some teachers here that are boy lovers, you know. But no one else will know about that, just me, and it's okay with me Christian. Don't worry." Pausing, he added, "I've wondered what it's like to be fucked,- by a man, and I stick my fingers in my bum hole sometimes, but that's about as far as I've gone so far. I love that feeling, really. You know, I think that 3;" Robby wasn't sure he was heard, for as he glanced, he could tell that his new friend fell asleep in his arms. With that, Robby too fell asleep, and the two boys spent the night in Robby's bed, the one closest to the window, as they would most every night, locked in loving embrace. Chapter 6 Christian's Starts School First Day of Classes The next day, Christian began attending his classes per his schedule, and went about his student centred business of sitting in classrooms, gathering up the knowledge given to the form twos. He was issued his books, papers, and a notebook computer. In the cafeteria, he and Robby met for lunch with Billy, and they got to know each other. Billy was eleven, almost twelve, and somewhat bigger than Robby, but in the same class. Later that evening after supper, Christian asked his roommate, "Your friend Billy, how do you know when he started to have his dick hair, or that he ever had any? You seen him before?" "Well, yea, besides that he was in my last group to get the physical, he was the only one there that had started growing in his hair when we all stripped for the doc. But he's in my PE class, and so we always shower together there. He had his hair growing in for a couple months, he looked so cool. But we knew he wouldn't keep it for long, and when he showed up at my physical, I knew he'd be shaved." "You saw that?" "Yep, in front of the whole group, Doctor Wilson took a razor, made Billy stand up on that box stand he has there, and shaved him clean while we all watched." "How did he take it?" "Oh he knew he wouldn't get to keep it, he was cool about it, even laughed some while the doc was doing him." "Awesome. Is he the same age as you?" "He's a little older, but we're in the same class, form one, and there's no way they're gonna let a form one ever keep his hairs, no way." "So how does he stay hairless, they shave him every so often?" Christian asked. "I guess so. I asked him about it, and he told me he has to go in every couple of weeks to be shaved. He comes up here sometimes, he lives just downstairs, you can ask him about that if you wanna. Or, better yet, we can go visit him tomorrow and shower together down there, so you can see him for yourself. He's cool, a really cool guy." "You mean we can go to the other two floors here to shower?" "Oh yea, we can. The bathrooms are exactly the same, but the guys you get to see are different. Sometimes, they come up here,too. We'll go downstairs at the weekend so you can shower with Billy, you'll like him." "Yea, he's cute, too. I really like blonde haired boys with brown eyes, – and his smile," sighed Christian. "You're quite a poof!" Robby barked. "Let's go to the showers, come on." Proceeding totally naked, Robby and Christian entered the naked zone and went through their usual routine, seeing some boys that weren't there the previous day when they were there. Jimmy had already been in the shower room there for a while when the boys walked in, and he smiled at them as he left. After a showering and such, they returned to their room together, and just afterwards that evening, Jimmy walked to Christian's and Robby's room, 305, to visit them and knocked on the door. Opening it, still naked Robby said, "Hi Jimmy! Come on in." Christian, still naked from the shower, too, was sitting on his bed drying his hair with his towel as he glanced around his shoulder and smiled when he saw Jimmy walk in, who said, "Hey Christian, I just came to visit. How are ya? Still wet from the showers?" "Still wet a little." "Say I was wondering if we're in any of the same classes. You got your schedule?" "Yea, the new print out is there on the desk, take a look." "Oh cool, we got PE class together, that's tomorrow and Friday. And we're in the same period two social studies class, too I see." "But you weren't there in social studies today." "Yea, I know, they give any homework I need to know about?" "Just a reading assignment, let me see here. Pages 107 to 110, about SE Asia, we gotta read that and do the questions on the last page of that section is all." "Okay, thanks, I got that. Lemme mark that down, here." "Where were you then today? If you weren't in class, I mean." "Had to go for a physical exam at the clinic." "At ten o'clock in the morning?" quipped Christian. "Yea, we get them every few months here you know, but they write you an excuse for the teacher, so it's no problem." "Oh wow, so were you alone for that or in a group?" "Oh not alone, I always gotta go there in a group for just about anything they call you for there." "How many in your group today?" asked Robby. "Nine of us, which is why it took 'till lunch time to do us all. I never been in a group that big before, there were a few new guys I hadn't seen there, too." "Awesome. You don't mind stripping for them then?" "Oh I don't mind it, I had the biggest dick there!" Noticing that Christian's dick was getting fully hard, Jimmy asked, "You seen me in the showers yesterday, you wanna see again?" "Yea, show me!" Then Robby added, "Please, I wanna see!" Standing in front of both boys that were sitting on the edge of Christian's bed, Jimmy dropped his shorts and stepped out of them, picking them up off the floor. He removed his tee shirt, too. His boner pointed out upward and to the left, and he proudly showed it to the smiling boys, saying, "You like it?" "Yea! I like the way your head always shows, and the way it's so curved," Christian said, as he reached out to hold the hardness of his new friend in his hands. "And you got a nice dark ring all around the middle, too," he added as he played with the skin some, and traced about Jimmy's scar line with his fingers. " I love the way yours looks, I like that so much!" "That's 'cause I'm cut." "Awesome!" they both said. As Christian curiously handled his new friend's erection with ease, his hand took it all and squeezed it firmly, saying, "You're so hard like a rock. When you get cut?" "About a year ago, here at the clinic. I was fifteen centimetres [6 inches] all covered with extra skin, like yours is now. " "Really? They cut your dick here at school? How did it happen?" "You mean like, how'd they do it, or how much it really hurt?" "Well, both I guess." "It's pretty scary at first, 'cause they do it to you on that exam table where they strap you down real tight so you can't move a bit. And it isn't as quick as I thought it would be, either. I was there for like an hour." "They cut on you for an hour?" asked Robby. "No, no. Most of that time was preparing things on me, the real cutting took about a minute or so near the end of it all. Plus, they usually have others there to watch ya get cut, too." "Really? Like who?" "Your teachers, for one. Then they might have visitors there to see, too. Like at mine I had this Asian doctor who I later found out supposedly does hundreds of boys in the Philippines. And oh, sometimes they bring in some of the new boys to see it done, so they can see for themselves what will happen to them if they don't keep their dicks clean." "Seems you loved the attention," added Robby. "Heck yea, why not?" answered Jimmy with a smile. "Why'd they cut you,- you ask for that?" inquired Christian. "They just told me one day that they'll 'circumcise' me, is the term, and so I had to go. They called me down there one afternoon after classes and I wasn't sure just why, but when they call for you, you know you have to go to the clinic." "Yea, and then what?" "Then I go into the office where they were waiting for me, and the first thing I had to do was strip for them of course, so 3;" "You had to just strip like that? In that office?" "Yea, so they could see me naked I guess. They were all sitting behind this table there, and I had to stand at attention in front of them while they told me what they had to say." "What did they say?" "They like read to me something they prepared before,- I guess all the guys that go there to be cut get that speech, and they said I was going to be circumcised, explained what that meant, and then they took me to the infirmary there to get ready for them." Robby asked, "So they cut you that same day?" "Yea, you can see the result right here," as Jimmy moved a little closer so the boys could see his ring scar. "They cut me a few hours later, that night." "What did you have to do to get ready?" "Just go to the infirmary where they prep you up for it. Then the doctor and a teacher came in to talk to me about it. Then after a while I had to go take a shower there with one of the assistants who had this special soap for me, and then he walked me back to the examination room where everyone was waiting for me." "They really do all that? So that's when they cut you?" asked Robby. "So you like couldn't back out or hide or anything then, huh," sighed Christian. Jimmy added, "Yea, no foolin'. Then on the bench the doc comes at you with the needles, and some instruments and stuff, and then he cuts. It's something a few guys go through two and three times here, too, but I only had it done once, and believe me, once was enough!" "What did they talk to you about, when you were in the infirmary?" "About what they were going to do to me, the details I mean, step by step. They did an examination on me then, but just a quick one to measure my dick was all. "How old were you then?" "Just over twelve and a half. I'm thirteen and a half now, almost fourteen," replied Jimmy. "Why they cut at all?" asked Robby. "I mean you didn't ask for it, they just tell you to?" "Because they said one day that I had to, I dunno why, really, but when they tell you, you just have to do what they say. But I'm glad they did it 'cause ever since my head feels awesome, and it's gotten bigger around, too. So, I'm happy about it. Just wish I could keep my hair. If I could, I'd have more than you do," Jimmy said to Christian. He added, as he put his boxers back on, "You know they aren't gonna let you keep it," he said as he brushed his finger through Christian's hairs. Noticing that they were trimmed, not as long as dick hair normally would be, he said, "I can see you trim yours some, too. Cool. And they might cut you sometime, too." Christian pondered for a moment, saying, "They sure seem to like to pay extra attention to us here, don't they." As he was preparing to depart the room, Jimmy turned around and said, "Come down and see me any time you guys, I'm in room 310 down the end of the hall here." "Okay, see ya," replied the boys. "See ya later. Night," Jimmy said as he left the room. A little later that night, after completing their homework, the boys, still naked except for their towels, got ready for bed, and unlike the previous night, both got into the same bed, Robby's bed from the start after shutting off the lights. Softly talking, remembering what Jimmy had described, and how he described it, Christian remarked, "Jimmy is so nice, I like him." "You know your very next shower will be with him tomorrow, he's in your PE class he said earlier." "Oh yea, you're right about that. I wonder what PE here is like?" "It's a lot of running sometimes, or basketball if we gotta stay indoors. Since it's raining all week, you'll be in the gym like I was today. But it's a double period you know, so you get like an hour and a half to play ball and all that. I can be fun, really. I like it." "But a double period is two hours, why only an hour and a half for gym?" "Cause they give you ten minutes at the beginning of the period to strip at your locker, and then at the end of it, you gotta go to the shower room there, and that's about twenty minutes usually," stated Robby. "You'll get your tee shirts, shoes, socks and jock strap when you get there, like I did my first day there." "You mean the uniform for PE?" "Yea, it's what we wear there sometimes." "What do you mean by 'sometimes'?" "Sometimes they have us in our tee shirts and jock straps and shoes, other times we gotta go to the gym naked. Things like wrestling and weightlifting and like that are done on naked days, but basketball and volleyball they make you wear shoes. But one time we played volleyball naked, too. They'll tell you what to do when you get there, don't worry. Plus, you'll like the showers there, too." "What are the shower there like? Same as here in the dorm?" "Oh no, much better. They're awesome. The whole class goes in there from the gym, everyone has to go in, and the coach makes sure we're all in there. Then he shuts the door." "Must be a big room then, how many shower heads it got?" "It is big 'cause the thirty of us fit nicely in there, but there aren't only the shower heads like the room here has on the wall. What they got are these posts in the middle of the room, there are four of them. You have to go and stand next to one of them so when the coach turns the water on, you can get wet. I think there are five or six sprayers on each post, and sometimes, I just go in and sit to watch the others shower and dance about some." "Dance? Sit where, on the floor?" "No, they got a built-in seat all around two walls, and the dancing comes from the rock music the coach pumps through the loudspeakers they got in there, I guess up in the ceiling some place." "Wow, really? That sounds so exciting." "Haa, yea, it is. That's why I enjoy going to shower in gym class so much, the coach makes it fun for us. Plus, you oughta see what a group of boners look like when the guys are dancing together. That's what I meant the other day when I said that the showers there are way better than here in the dorm." "I see what you mean, I can't wait. I think I got PE second and third period, so before lunch anyway. You wanna meet me again tomorrow for lunch like we did today?" "Yea, and you can tell me all about it then." Pausing some, Robby then asked, "When you told me last night that you're not a virgin, how'd you lose your cherry? You can tell me." "At my old school, it was my PE teacher, Mr. Jones." "Awesome dude, you had a man up your bum?" "Yep, a big boner, bigger than Jimmy's even." "How many times he do it?" "I dunno, but it was many times over a couple years. I loved every bit of it, too, I loved him and he loved me, too. I miss Mr. Jones a lot." "I can't imagine, cause I'm still virgin," added Robby. He asked, "Was that your only guy you been with?" "The only man, yes, but I been with older teens before at my school, too, but none were like Mr. Jones was to me. He used to buy me things, too, like clothes, shoes, books, and stuff." "So you're what they call a bottom then?" "Yes, I'm a bottom boy. I have topped, too, but not much, just a few times was all I ever got to do. Don't tell anyone, Robby," Christian asked the boy he held in his arms with so much affection, as he buried his head into Robby's shoulder. "Don't worry, I don't have anyone to tell things like that to, anyway. Your secret's safe with me." Second Day of ClassesAfter breakfast, the first period was maths class, where Christian could hardly concentrate on his geometry thinking about the PE period to follow. A double period,- only a jock strap to wear sometimes,- the showers, and Robby mentioned that there are thirty boys there to see. And he knows that Jimmy will be one of them. Christian's heart was racing as the bell rang and he knew that he was heading for something different, something new, and something exciting. As he entered the locker area, he saw the gym coach in the small office at the entrance and politely stood at the doorway. The coach looked up, smiled, and greeted the new boy, kindly handing him a printed list of rules onto which his locker assignment was written. Christian walked slowly to his locker to open it and begin stripping. Inside he found the new uniform and shoes. Christian's PE classChristian had his Physical Education classes on Wednesdays and Fridays, periods two and three, a double period. These classes were typically scheduled for all the boys twice per week only, but then being double periods in effect the coach, the PE teacher Mr. Hinton had them for nearly two hours. There was often no such thing as a gym uniform, except track or tennis shoes and socks, and sometimes the mandatory jock strap. While the gym uniform consisted of only a jock strap and a tee shirt, when it was warm enough outside, or at the discretion of the PE teacher, those were sometimes left in the lockers. Being held to tradition, the head teacher mandated that when feasible, especially in the warmer months, the gym class be done in the true fashion of what gymnasium actually means,- a place where men and boys go to exercise and bathe entirely naked. Also there were two tee shirts, one red and the other white that the boys were told to wear sometimes when playing inter-mural sports where a pair of teams had to be discerned, say the whites against the reds. Those were the only things a boy kept in his gym locker. Towels were supplied and laundered by the school and not kept in the lockers. The activity was typical of a high school,- basketball, volleyball, track and field events, as well as weight lifting and of course wrestling Greco-Roman style. Outside, there was football (soccer) and a lot of running about the track, weather permitting. The activities were organized, and the PE teachers made sure that the boys learned the rules and strategies of the sports they were participating in. Today, Christian's first PE class, the lesson plan called for basketball, and so they would be wearing their uniforms. Some shirts were white, others red representing opposing teams. Seeing all the boys is just jock straps and tee-shirts was a sight for the new boy. Christian asked the boy standing next to him, "You sure get to see a lot of ass in here, we always gonna play ball like this?" "Oh no, sometimes we're here naked, you'll see," replied the boy. "Looking at Christian's jock strap, the boy said, "I'm Darby Jones, call me DJ. What's yours?" "I'm Christian Dowe," he replied with a slight smile. "Okay DJ, I see that. Does everyone have their name on the front of their jock strap here?" "Yea, it's so that they know whose it is when they launder it every week. But you're new so they you hadn't got your name there yet is all. Come on, let's play ball," the boy answered. Christian was hard most of the period, playing basketball, and then doing what the gym coach says. After over an hour of playing ball, he blew his whistle and ordered the boys to take laps around the perimeter of the gym, which they all did for several minutes while the coach Hinton filled out his routine paperwork. Just then he blew his whistle again and told the boys to all come and sit on the floor in a circle, which everyone promptly did. Then standing there in the middle of the circle, the coach announced, "Gentlemen, we have a new student here who joined our class today, so please welcome Christian Dowe," to which everyone broke into an impromptu round of applause. "Dowe! Front and centre," the gym coach uttered. Christian promptly obeyed, wondering just what the coach had in mind now. "Okay, your uniform is kept in your locker as you know, but jock straps are put in the bin every Friday for washing, but yours hasn't got your name on it yet like everyone else's does." Just then he took a black marker pen from his pocket. Christian looked at the coach as listened, and then he heard the words, "Give me your jock strap," he ordered to the boy. The boy froze, thinking that now he has to strip in front of his whole class, as the coach waited, the boys all fell totally silent. "Your jock strap please, so I can write your name on the front of it," the coach repeated. Christian just stood there, as the coach waited patiently. Knowing, from having talked with the doctor earlier that day about the new boy, that he was hesitant to strip on command, the teacher was testing the boy to see if he would simply give up his short shorts while keeping his tee shirt on. Apparently, Christian wasn't going to strip it off willingly in front of a class of new boys,- only Jimmy who was there just a couple meters away was looking at the boy with his eyebrows raised as if to say, go on, do it. "Okay, hand over your tee shirt," the coach ordered. Christian shruggingly complies as he hands his shirt over to the teacher. Then waiting some more, the coach signals to two of the bigger boys in the class, Jimmy and DJ to come up, which they quickly did. He pointed them to stand on either side of the half-naked boy. "All right, hands behind your head," the coach said to the waiting boy, "Okay, you two give me his jock strap," the coach ordered. Just then the boy was stripped naked by his friend in front of the class as the coach took the jock strap and signalled for the two helpers to go sit down as they were. The coach took his time writing the boy's name out with the indelible black marker as Christian's dick was growing in size as the class watched silently. They wouldn't have dared to say anything as the coach has ordered them to remain quiet earlier. He handed back the boys clothing and then blew his whistle, saying "Hit the showers!" On the way to the lockers, Christian felt humiliated, not that he had to strip naked in front of his class, but that two of his class mates had to do it for him. He felt shy, but didn't quite know just why, though he so much was looking forward to the new shower room Robby had told him about. The Gym Shower RoomAs usual, after about an hour and a half of gymnasium exercise, the gym coach would blow his whistle as the entire class of about 25 boys was ordered to "hit the showers" for which they had nearly twenty minutes to do. Showers were mandatory, and the routine was for each and every student to strip at his locker, and file down the short hallway to the shower room. This one was different from the dorm showers, in that it was a genuine room with a full door that was closed by the coach when all the boys were inside. A large one-way mirror of about two meters square was along the middle of the one wall, which bordered the coach's office room from which he or any of the teachers could sit and view the boys as they showered. Upon putting his uniform and shoe away at his locker and walking towards Jimmy a few lockers away, Christian gained his usual erection as he looked at Jimmy, also naked, who smiled and motioned to Christian, "You're okay? I had to strip you there 'cause the coach told us to. Come on with me to the showers Christian, you'll be my shower buddy." The boy followed his friend and all the other nude boys as they walked down the short hallway, past the towel room and through a large door stepping into the huge tiled room, As the entire class was walking in naked, Jimmy and Christian went to the long L-shaped bench to sit down. Christian saw these large imposing silver posts standing in the middle of the room, and that there were only a few shower heads along the far wall. In the middle of the floor stood four widely spaced shower columns, pillars of stainless steel that had nozzles built-in, otherwise known as a shower column. Each one had five shower heads about the circular column top, and so each boy had to stand there facing his friends while they all showered and cleaned up. Such and arrangement encourages the boys to help scrub each other and to share often erotic feelings that boys can sometimes have in such an environment. When a boy popped a boner, there was no facing the wall to hide it in this shower room. Usually there were some boys sitting on the bench as well. Over in the far corner there were several shower heads built into the wall there and behind that was a large mirrored surface. Next to that was a pair of those squat-down toilets that Christian had heard the boys talking about, but wondered how one would use them. All the boys would march into the shower room while the gym coach supervised, and made sure each and every boy entered the room. He then closed the door, and turned the large valve that allowed the temperature regulated water to flow to the shower heads. The water valve started the sprayers gushing fine streams, almost a mist of warm water through all twenty-five sprayer nozzles. Then the music started, a special mix of modern techno-rap (ie. "Rain Over Me") the boys can dance to while showering. Christian gazed at the multitude of naked boys before him as Jimmy moved ever closer to his friend, and said, "You wanna stand up over there so we can shower up?" Christian nodded and quickly went with Jimmy to a shower post facing several other boys. The coach would then view the boys through the sidelight to the entrance door and sometimes would go back to his office viewing room to observe the showering from behind the window there. Coach Hinton would often watch from his office window, a large one-way window that looked like a wall mirror to the boys in the shower room. Teachers that had free periods could and often did visit just to see the boys showering together, also. Other than the usual idle comments, there never was much conversation going on in the showers, but a lot of glances, stares, touching, and mutual bathing that somehow brought the boys closer together. The coach and teachers knew that this session was perhaps the single most event that bonded the boys to one another,- showering totally naked in a care-free fun environment. Jimmy motioned for Christian to follow him back to the bench. As they made their way past several dancing boys in the mist of the showers, Jimmy said, "Here, on your knees right here," pointing to a spot on the floor in front of the bench. Then he sat down on the forward edge of it and guided his hard dick to the boy's waiting mouth. Wanting to be this close to the boy he so admired was like a dream come true for Christian. He obediently opened wide and took in his friend's boner, licking the head back and forth, in and out, over and over, while the music blared and the warm mist hung in the air like a London fog. Several others watched from a short distance through the foggy mist, exacerbated by the hot steaminess of the environment in there. As they were finishing, the music dimmed, the water stopped, and the door opened for the boys to file out. As they passed the towel room, another boy would hand out a clean (often hot) white towel to each passing boy walking on the way back to the lockers. They had only a few minutes to dry off, throw the towel in the bin on the way out, and get dressed for the next class which for these boys was actually the lunch period, which meant that there was a rush for the exits to get to the canteen. Later that day, after dinner timeHaving been so thoroughly cleaned out during his physical examination three days prior, Christian hadn't needed to go to the toilet ever since,- until now. He tried to recall just where the toilets were in the large bathroom there in the dorm, but never saw them. His roommate was sitting at his desk and looked to be finishing his homework when Christian asked, "Say Robby, just where are the toilets here?" "Oh, you gotta use 'em? You hadn't seen them?" "No." "When you go in, turn left and they're there behind the wall, you'll see. It's almost time to shower anyway, come on, I'll show you." They both striped and grabbed their towels and walked down the hall to the communal bathroom. There were already several others there in the showers and a few at the sinks, but the toilets were vacant. They both walked left and put their towels on the bench in the corner of the toilet area, an L-shaped bench where two or three could sit down. Christian gazed in puzzlement at the pair of adjacent Asian toilet fixtures there in the floor,- not on, but built into the raised tiled floor. There were hoses for each coming out of the side walls and a sprayer nozzle at the end of them that was cradled in a holder affixed mid-way up on the wall where the toilet paper holder should have been had there been any, but there wasn't. Christian was standing there naked with Robby when, just then, Jimmy walks in and sees Christian there around the corner staring at the toilets. "Hey watdaya say?" Jimmy says. "Never seen toilets like this before," Christian said. "Oh it's really simple, here, I'll show ya what to do," Jimmy remarked as he put his towel down on the bench and walked up the two steps to the raised level where the twin bowls were. He stood squarely on one of them, and said, "See, you just step on the edges here and squat down. Nothin' to it," he remarked as he hit the flush valve handle. Then Jimmy stayed squatted and motioned for Christian to take position on the adjacent floor fixture. Jimmy guided the naked boy as Robby looked on, getting fully erect as he watched his roommate take the two steps up. Hesitantly, Christian turned around at the other toilet and squatted down next to Jimmy. "When you're finished, just clean yourself off with the sprayer there on the wall, all while you're squatting of course, like this." Jimmy took the spray nozzle and aimed it at his bum, and squeezed the trigger on it, releasing a strong spray of water. "See, better than paper to wipe your ass with, cleaner and faster, too. Plus, it can make you pop a boner, too. See? The feel of it is awesome." Seeing that Jimmy and Robby weren't going to walk away, Christian realized that they were going to watch him defecate before them. "Are you guys gonna 3;" "Heck yea, we wanna see what comes out of that lovely ass of yours, go on, shit for us Christian," replied Jimmy. Robby was interested too, as he wanted to see just how big a load would come out of the boy pussy that had been fucked by a man. Jimmy just wanted to be Christian's close friend, and seeing him like that would somehow bring them closer he felt. Looking at the opposite wall, beyond where Robby was standing facing his roommate, Christian's knew he couldn't back out now. Jimmy placed his hands on the boy's shoulder and bent knee to steady him, and also to let him know it was okay. Then with little hesitation, Christian pushed slightly and let his ass open to expel the fecal matter that he needed to let go of as his closest buddies watched in amazement. A large single dark brown log was extruding from the anus of the boy as Jimmy looked down between the boy's legs to see, while Robby stared in awe of his roommate. Jimmy estimated that the diameter of Christian's shit was perhaps about over 2 cm [nearly one inch], which told of an anal opening of good size. Flushing the valve for the boy, Jimmy took the sprayer and aimed the water at the boy's bum to clean it. Doing that gave Christian a raging boner, to which the boys smiled. Replacing the nozzle on the wall holder, Jimmy said, "Well, see? That's all there is to it, much easier than those sit-down kind with paper to have to wipe your ass. This way is easier, cleaner, quicker. Feels better, too." Christian nodded with a smile as Jimmy got up and left with Robby and walked to the showers. Jimmy remarked, "I like your new roommate, he's got a hot body. You think he is 3;" "Gay you mean?" quips Robby. "Yea, I was hoping he is, he pops a boner so easy, like me," says Jimmy. He added, "I'll come by your room later on tonight." Just then Christian, who composed himself after realizing that he was just watched by his two closest friends doing something usually done in private, walks into the shower room and takes his place between his two best friends, smiling as they soaped his smooth body and affectionately bathed their new friend, together. Jimmy said to Christian, "Now hold still for me," as he soaped up a finger and brought that to Christian's anus. Repeating, "Just let me put this inside you here," he said as he inserted the finger rather easily. Christian looked at Robby who was watching what Jimmy was doing to his roommate in amazement, as Christian obeyed and stood perfectly still. "Nice that you can take my finger, now let's see how you do with more," Jimmy said as he proceeded to insert two adjacent fingers into the standing boy. He then rotated them back and forth and his other hand held the boy about his front side. After about a minute, he pulled out, and directed the water from the shower sprayer onto the boy's bum to clean the extra soap suds off. Christian then looked up at Jimmy and gave him a smile of approval, to which Robby was in wonderment about what he just saw. "You liked that?" asked Jimmy. Christian smiled even broader with a nod, which was all the older boy needed to know. Jimmy returned to his room fully erect in the anticipation of a cat stalking his prey, knowing that he has the very boy he's been looking for within his grasp. All it will take is a little coaxing, reassurance that it won't hurt,- much the first time, and that he knows what he's doing. The anxiety was overwhelming, and Jimmy planned to visit the boys that same evening. Jimmy Visits Christian and RobbyLater that evening, as the boys were finishing their homework and playing a video game, there was a knock at the door. Robby was busy, and simply yelled, "Come in, it's open!" In walked Jimmy, dressed only in red boxer shorts, and said, "Hey guys! What ya doin'?" "Playing some games here,- we can't seem to get to the next level so easy.," replied Robby. "Christian, you doin' okay? We had great fun today in the showers, especially at the gym." "Yea, I never got to do anything like that before, and so many guys to be with," quipped Christian. "It was awesome seeing so many in there." "Yea, well, twice a week there for us. Plus we can shower together here sometimes, too ya know,- you'd like to do that, too?" Smiling coyly, Christian replied, "Sure, I'll let you know," as he glanced down at Jimmy's shorts clearly tenting from his growing erection. Then he looked up at Jimmy and motioned for him to sit down right next to him on the edge of his bed. Just then, Jimmy leans over to whisper in Christian's ear, and says something that makes Christian show a sigh of surprised embarrassment. As Jimmy pulls away some, he looks and nods at the boy, who looks up at his new best friend and whispers, "Okay, I will." Just then, Robby pauses the video game and asks Jimmy, "How about showing Christian your dick again, he likes to see that!" Christian's blush told what he really felt, as Jimmy glanced toward him with a slight nod. Then he lifted his bum slightly and pulled down his red shorts to his ankles, picked them up and gave them to Robby, saying, "Here, hold these." With his two hands, Christian slowly approached the fully erect member of the boy he likes so much, and as he does, Jimmy puts his left hand behind Christian's head to move him ever closer to his rock-hard erection, curved up and left so that the head was pointing directly at the boy. As he moved his lips closer to that enlarged head, throbbing from the blood pressure within, Christian instinctively opened his mouth and began to kiss, to envelope, to take in Jimmy's boner. Jimmy guided the boy ever deeper onto him as the boy obediently sucked his good friend, knowing it was something he was supposed to do. Robby looked on in quiet amazement, eagerly looking for signs that something was would be about to happen. Christian's head was bobbing up and down moderately as he sucked and sucked as Jimmy continue to guide his new friend, holding his head in just the right position. Just then and after a few minutes, Jimmy said, "I'm gonna cum now, just take my sperms in,,," and that was followed by sighs of excitement, joy, ecstasy, and finally relief as his boy juice was pumping out of his dick hole and into the mouth of the obedient boy. Christian was tasting Jimmy's cum as he was drinking, swallowing several times without pausing at all. Robby looked on closer as he could see the boy was tasting, swallowing, drinking the very liquid that he himself desired so much, too. Bedtime – Lights outThe next night, as they were getting ready for bed, but before the lights were turned out, Robby asked his roommate, "Since you got fucked by a man, did it stretch your hole any,- I mean, does it make it look different and that's how the doc could tell?" "I dunno, you wanna see it?" "Yea, come over here," Robby said as both naked boys sat down on Robby's bed. Christian gets in the middle of the bed and sitting up, lifts up one leg so his roommate can see between his legs. "Can you see my bum hole there?" Christian asked. He spread his leg up a little higher, as Robby bent forward to view the wonderment of a young teen ass, and spread his fingers along the pink folds of smooth skin that were his roommate's anus. He looked for a good minute, but couldn't tell really, as this was the first boy he had ever seen this way. Putting his leg down, Christian said, "Show me yours." Robby rolled half over like his roommate had just done for him, lifting a leg so his bum hole could be seen plainly. "You are much smaller than others I've seen up close like this," touching and feeling the pinkish anal skin. He motioned for Robby to turn squarely on the bed, wrapping his legs around Christian's waist, and then Christian took his roommate's legs, one in each hand, and lifted them upward, way upward to expose his bum to him. He then reached down and cat licked his roommate in a loving affection, kissing the anus of his friend. After a few minutes, putting Robby's legs down, Christian got up to shut the lights off, and they both got into Robby's bed for the night. "Robby, do you like that, the way I kiss you there?" "Oh yes, oh yes I do. I've never been kissed like that before, not by anyone," he replied as he held his roommate ever closer in his loving arms. "Yesterday, when Jimmy put his finger into you, what did it feel like?" "It felt great, I really didn't expect him to do anything like that to me, but I liked that so much," replied Christian. I hope I see him again over the weekend. "Why don't you just go to his room tomorrow?" to which Christian just pondered the possibilities. Then thinking, Robby said, "I liked seeing you on the toilet yesterday for Jimmy and me. I know you were very shy to do it, but I really wanted to see that, and I'm glad you let us see." "I never had anyone watch me shit before, and at first I thought that you were going to walk off. But when Jimmy put his arms around me, I knew that you two wanted to see me do it." "I loved seeing you do it,- it was so hot to see that. You okay about it, that we watched you like that?" "Not at first, but then, now that I'm knowing that you and Jimmy are my two best friends here, so I don't mind you watching me at all. But you know, Jimmy told me something last night when he was here about that." "Oh? What's that?" asked Robby. "He told me to keep it between him and me, but I can tell you because you're my roommate. He told me that whenever I need to use the toilet that I need to go get him so he can be with me when I do it." "Really? I was wondering what he was whispering in your ear there last night when he was here. I guess he really likes you to want to be with you for that. I didn't know that Jimmy is one of those that likes to see that sort of thing. You know there is a boy that lives down the hall here who sometimes will go in there to sit and watch the others use the toilets." "Really? Who is that?" "Donnie, you probably hadn't seen him yet, but sooner or later you will. He's a blonde haired kid, about the same size as me." "He's a friend of yours?" "We talk sometimes, and he's watched me too on the toilets some. He's actually a nice guy, just has some weird things he likes. He has a long dick like yours, but they cut him a few months ago." "What do I do if he's there when I 3;" "Don't worry, he will be. Just do what you have to do. If you're lucky he'll blow you a kiss." "They cut his dick a while ago?" asked Christian. "Yea, like they did to Jimmy, but Donnie was cut after he was. You like the way Jimmy's looks?" "Yes I do, I really do. I like the way his big head shows all the time. You know he has a wide brown scar from there they cut him, you see that before?" "Yea, I did. You think about wanting to become cut, too?" "I dunno. I like the look better, but from what he described I'd be afraid to ask for it." "What if they tell you you have to?" asked Robby. "Oh my, I dunno what I'd do." "If they call you down there for it, you know you got to go, you have no choice but to let them do it," Robby explained. "I know only a few others that were cut since I been here," he added. "Was it like what Jimmy said?" "Yes, exactly like that from what I remember them telling me." "Sounds scary, I'd like to be, but not that way." "Christian, when you were sucking him last night when he was here, how come you just didn't jack him and make him cum? I was watching hoping to see that, really." "Because, – well, – actually, he did cum." "He did? You mean while you were sucking his dick?" "Yes. I drank his sperm." "Oh awesome! I heard some guys can do that, you really just ate his cum, and swallowed his, too?" "Yes," quietly replied Christian. "Oh wow, that is amazing! What does he taste like? Did you ever do that before?" "He is rather sweet, but that wasn't my first time to drink that." "Geez, if word gets out that you like to drink sperm, we can expect a lot of the boy will be seeing you here often," replied Robby. He added, "Well, let's get to bed, it's about ten now, anyway." Robby had been wishing that this boy would be close to him, in a very special way, and now he was realizing his dream was coming true. He was one happy boy, no doubt. But Christian's feeling, would it be the same, after all, he was no virgin, and has been with at least one man. Would a boy like me make him happy? Robby wondered. "Robby, maybe you love me doing it as much as I love doing it to you. Do you know what sixty-nine is?" "It comes after sixty-eight, I dunno. What is it?" Eager to teach his new roommate and lover new tricks, things to do together, Christian felt a sense of excitement pass through his body, knowing that for once, here he had a boy that he could actually teach something to, transfer knowledge to, and be loved at the same time. What a wonderful feeling that came over him,- he was getting a natural high just being with his new roommate like this as he replied, "It's a position lovers get into when they want to suck each other's dick and kiss each other's bums, like a nine under a six on top. You wanna try it?" "Sure, show me how to suck your dick that way!. I'll kiss your bum hole, too," Robby whispered. The boys unwrapped themselves from each other, and Christian stayed on the bottom, while Robby got on top in the opposite direction, face down on top of his roommate. Robby moved his ass back ever closer as Christian's hands firmly gripped his hips and brought his ass ever closer to his lips when he began to caress and kiss the anus of his close friend. As he was doing that. Robby knelt down to open his mouth and take in the stiff erection Christian had pointing right at the boy's face. Since Christian was a few inches taller than Robby, the combination of Robby on top sucking Christian's dick while Christian was rimming the ass of Robby made a natural fit. In the dim light coming from the outside, through the window, Christian's eyes feasted on the smooth, totally hairless pink folds of skin that comprised Robby's anus. He enjoyed kissing and licking his roommate's ass very much, and after several minutes, they both paused to change positions. As Christian sat up on the bed with his legs spread wide, he motioned for Robby to lay down, placing his head on the boy's left thigh. "Here, open wide, and keep sucking my dick like you just did for me," Christian coached his younger roommate. "Yes, that's it, just like that." Christian's left arm was around the shoulders of his roommate while his right hand was holding the foreskin tightly back, so Robby could tickle the frenulum under Christian's dick. "Ahhh, keep going, just like that," the happy boy uttered. "Now in a little bit, you're gonna taste my cum, but when I start to sperm, be sure to swallow it. All of it." The obedient boy sucking on Christian's hard dick nodded slightly in acknowledgement, and even practiced swallowing some. He continued to suck and with his tounge tickle the boy's head, particularly the underside which is most sensitive. As he continued to do that, Christian's hands moved to hold Robby's head so that as he began ejaculation, there would be no pulling out. Stronger, faster, harder the younger boy kept sucking until the moment was about to arrive, with Christian simply saying, "Okay, sperming now." Just then as he was ejaculating his seed into the mouth of his loving roommate, his hips thrusted somewhat with each shot as he fucked the mouth of his eager roommate. Shot after shot of sperm was being swallowed by the boy, and when it was all over, he continued to suck and lick the now very wet and ejaculated penis of the boy he felt so close to. As Christian pulled out, his dick was entirely licked clean, no sign of any cum remaining. He continue to hold his roommate, as they gazed into each other's eyes in the dim of the light showing through the night time window, whilst the wind rustled through the leaves of the trees. Robby just lay there wondering what he had just done, something he never really knew much about, until now. Christian slipped down beside his new lover, friend, roommate, and pulled the covers over both of them. He was feeling so content, as he held Robby in warm embrace, as both nodded off for the night.
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