PZA Boy Stories



Chapter 11

After eating I wandered out into the fortress. Just aimlessly walking, as I thought of the problem of attacking Burundi. I never even noticed that I was being paced by two of my guards and two of Ari's. Eventually I found myself at the top of one of the old towers of the fortress. I heard voices and stopped to listen.

"Benji I'm sorry for what my brother, if it is my brother did to you. I will never hurt you. Ari is my lover and I would never do anything to change that. I love him more than life itself. Please don't hate me for what my brother did to you."

"I'm sorry Jacob, but you look so much like him that it scares me. I don't hate you its just, just 3;"

Then I heard Benji crying.

I really wanted to go over and grab him and wrap my arms around him, but I also wanted to come to grips with the fact that Jacob was not Jason and couldn't control what Jason had done.

"I love you Benji, as much as I love Ari and Brin." Jacob said.

"Why do you love me?" Benji asked.

"I love you Benji because my Ari loves Brin and you and I can't do less. I don't know what my brother has done. I haven't seen him since I was thirteen. That's over five years. I don't know how he's changed. I don't even know what he looks like. I just hold in my heart how he was."

"I guess I can't hate you Jacob. Brin has been so nice to me that sometimes I think I have died and gone to heaven. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met. If he says your not Jason then I believe him. I know how he feels about Ari and because you are Ari's lover, I guess I should feel the same about you. It's just you look so much like Jason that it brings back some very bad memories. Can we start over."

"Start over?" Jacob said.

Then I heard something that brought tears to my eyes as Benji said.

"Hi. My name is Benji. What's yours."


"Hello Jacob, that's a nice name. Do you like swimming?"

"I love swimming Benji."

"Great! Lets go swimming."

I ducked into an alcove as the two boys now hand in hand walked by and down the stairs from the tower. I walked over and leaned on the ramparts and just looked out over the blue sea stretched out to the horizon. Very happy that Benji and Jacob had come to terms. I headed down to my quarters and then sat down and opened my laptop. Keying in my password, I dealt with the accumulated messages that had been piling up. I picked up the phone in my room and asked to be connected to isc Tel Aviv.

After being connected, I asked for a tie line to Edmonton.

"Intersec Edmonton Sir."

"This is Commander Brin, connect me with Intelligence please."

"Intelligence Sir."

"Willy anything on that request for flight information on that private aircraft."

"Yes Sir. The aircraft is registered to Anwar Mohanna, a Turkish national. He makes about two flights a month into NorAm. He has extensive business holding in NorAm, mostly stores dealing in Exotic art. He is a multi millionaire. Since we have been tracking his movements he has visited NorAm twice. Once into LAX and once into Edmonton. As far as can be determined he travels alone and has left alone as well. There is a record that he has visited Estavan at least six times in the last four years. He doesn't have any holding in Estavan that we can find. As to where he goes after he leaves NorAm we don't have access to International records Sir."

"Thanks Willy. Keep tracking his movements in NorAm and notify me immediately the next time he is in Estavan."

"Yes Sir. Will do."

"Connect me Logistical Support please Willy."

"LOG. Commander Timpson Sir."

"Hi. Pete, how you doing?"

"Busy as hell if you don't me saying Commander."

"Peter you know you can call me Brin."

"Sorry Brin, its just been so busy lately and now I have to drop everything to fly over to the med for the meeting with you."

"Its not a meeting Peter. Its for my wedding. I want you to be here. You and Mike are my oldest friends. I want you to be here."

"I'm sorry Brin. Its just that I was hoping in my heart that maybe one day you and I would be getting married. I just love you so much, that it hurts a little bit that I have now lost you."

"Peter you haven't lost me. I still love you, but I guess I love Benji a whole lot more. I will always love you Pete. Now to business. What's the status on the lav 7?"

"They began to come off the line a week ago. GM Canada is producing about five per day. As per our agreement we will receive the first 300. They already have orders for about 7000 units. NorAm Armed Forces has ordered 5500. So far all the other orders are from Europe."

"Good. Have the first 40 units shipped direct to Burundi."

"Burundi Sir?"

"Just do it Pete. I'll explain when you are here next week okay."

"Yes Sir. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies," he laughed.

"Has Darrel and Jed confirmed they will be traveling with you?"

"Yes Brin, also their boyfriends and body guards. It looks like we may need to use one of the A320's."

"No problem."

"You know where I am I presume?"

"Yes Sir. Our refueling point in Israel."

"Well close. But that is where you will fly into. See you in a week Pete. Now connect me with Gordon."

"Forty Ninth Battalion, Colonel Mayes Sir."

"What's your status Geordie."

"Hot to trot Sir. Were at full strength and all training has been completed Brin."

"Geordie you will be replacing the 15th in Burundi. However I want you to be equipped as if you were going to Chad."

"Heavy Weapons too Brin?"

"Full Combat loads. You will have the new lav 7 as your transport. Make the appropriate preparations."

"Sounds like were going to war Sir."

"You are flying over with Peter next week right."

"Yes Sir."

"I explain my reasons then okay."

"Okay Sir. See you then."

After hanging up I went looking for Ari. I found him in his Command Center.

"Ari, I think we don't have to worry about Jacob and Benji. I heard them talking and I think they both have come to terms with each other."

"I am very, very glad my old friend."

"Including Security, there will be about fifty people coming here next week. Can you handle that or should I arrange accommodation in Tel Aviv."

"Fifty? Bringing your whole company Brin," he laughed

"No problem Brin. This fortress was built to house 300 men."

"Want to join me for an afternoon swim?"

"Yes lets go see how our two young lovers are getting on."

I quickly went to my room and slipped on swim shorts and met Ari on the terrace. The two boys were stretched out on the sand talking. As we approached both got up and ran into our arms. Both looked real happy.

I picked up Benji and kept walking toward the surf as he kissed me and laughed. I waded out into the water and then just dropped him. As he came up sputtering he jumped on my back and I fell into the water. Pretty soon it was Ari and me versus the two young men as they tried to dunk us as many times as they could. We played for over an hour and then walked out and dropped exhausted to the sand.

"Brin Tomorrow I am going to tell you the rest of my story. But I want Jacob and Ari there when I do."

"Are you sure Benji?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I want Jacob to know it all and because he loves Ari as much as you do, I want him to know too."

"Okay my love."

"I like it when you say my love Brin."

As the sun was setting we headed up to the fortress. A long day. Now I was really tired but also very happy. I said my good night to Ari and Jacob and then Benji and I retired. After a good hot shower we went to bed and just held each other as we drifted off to sleep.

We slept very late and after a good brunch went out to the terrace to sit in the sun. I had brought my laptop with me and we waited for Ari and Jacob to join us.

"Are you sure Benji you want both Ari and Jacob here?"


About fifteen minutes after we were sitting, Ari and Jacob came out and sat down. A servant brought an ice bucket with several bottles of water and beer in it.

"Good morning Brin, Benji. Sleep well?"

After everyone had said there good mornings and everyone was comfortable.

"Are you ready buddy?"

"Yes," Benji said with a slight trembling in his voice.

"Ok. We'll start after you were put in the room with the other boys."

"Well after Jason told me what I was now, I just laid down on one of the beds. After a while the other boys all came over and introduced themselves. There were seven of them altogether and they told me sometimes there were more, but every once in a while one would go to please one of the Sultan's guests and wouldn't come back. It wasn't that bad here in this place. Most of the Sultan's guests were very nice. I ussally had to either suck them off or be fucked by them. Sometimes we just slept together. Sometimes all they wanted to do was suck me off. Some even gave me money, but the guards always took it away after.

I was there for about a month when a young negro boy was brought to the room. He had a huge cock. Well huge compared to all us other boys. He also had a lot of scars on his body, but old scars, like lines and crosses. He said they were ritual scars given to him when he was ten. He was really nice. His name was 'Toma.' He was picked more often than the rest of us when the Sultan had guests. About three weeks after he came to us he never came back from a visit with a guest. I was really sad because I liked him a lot.

One day Jason came in the room with two guards. He picked Timothy and ordered him to lie on the bed cause he wanted to fuck him. When Timothy was slow to comply he ordered the guards to hold him down and then he whipped him with a belt. After he had whipped him he then shoved the handle of a broom up his ass until he started to bleed. Timothy was screaming and crying. After he started to bleed from his ass the guards dragged him from the room. We never saw him again.

About three months after I was in the Boy Toy room as we called it I was sent to please a very old guy. He said he wanted to fuck me, but he wanted me to get him hard first. I tried and tried to get him hard but I just couldn't do it. He was very mad and sent me away. I was worried because I hadn't pleased him and knew I was in trouble with the Sultan.

Nothing happened for about a week and then I was taken to a room along way from the Boy Toy room. When I entered there were all kinds of rings and stuff bolted to the walls and ceiling. The guards stripped me and tied me to two rings hooked into the ceiling. I was getting very scared. After they left a huge black man walked in. He was wearing just leather shorts and I could see a huge cock in them. I hadn't noticed but the rings I was tied to had a chain hoist that allowed me to be lifted up off the ground or lowered. He lowered me down and then removed his shorts and forced me to suck him off. He was so big that I choked as he pushed his long cock deep into my throat. I thought at one time it was all the way into my stomach it was so long. After he came, I was very hard. He laughed at that and pulled a short piece of raw hide from a pouch that he had. It was only about 4 inches [10 cm] long until he dipped it in water and then it stretched to about 12 inches [30 cm]. While it was wet he tied it around my ball sack and cock really tight. He then hoisated me off the floor.

«You are here to be punished for not pleasing one of the Sultan's guests. The Sultan has said I can do anything I wish with you.»

He put cuffs on both my ankles and tied them to rings on the floor, so my legs were spread apart. He picked up a bat from the table that was in room. He swung it and hit my ball sack as hard as he could. I passed out after the third hit on my sack.

When I woke up I was still hanging from the ceiling. My balls felt like they were on fire and my cock was hurting too. When I looked down I could see my cock was very hard and purple. He lowered me down until I was kneeling on the floor and then shoved his cock into my ass. He fucked me for along time and then after he came I had to suck his cock to clean it. He then pulled me back up until my feet were off the ground and started to whip me with a long leather belt. I don't remember passing out, but must have because when I awoke I was laying on a cold stone floor. I hurt all over, but mostly my balls and cock hurt the worst. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I laid on the floor.

«Benji, Benji, it's me Toma.»

«Toma? Toma where am I?»

«You have to trust me Benji. You have a piece of rawhide tied around your cock and balls and if we don't get it off soon you will die. Move your hands away.»

He then pissed on my cock and balls. The piss hurt really bad and I screamed and tried to get away, but he just held me down. He started to play with my cock and balls, at least that is what I thought. After about five minutes he said there now. He held up a piece of wet rawhide. The release of my cock and balls hurt worse than when they were tied. I just cried and held onto my cock and ball sack. My balls were really big. But they were so painful, I just laid there on the floor and cried. Toma laid down beside me and just held me. He was so nice, he helped me stay warm too."

I looked at Jacob and Ari as Benji paused. Jacob was openly crying and Ari had a look of such hate and disgust that he would probably turn one to stone if you looked into his eyes.

"I don't know how long I laid there on the floor with Toma but, some guards came over to the cell and put a big bowl of food into the cell and a large pitcher of water. It woke us up as they opened the cell. When I sat up I saw that there were about 30 boys in the cell. It was huge, but no mats, just bare floor, a hole in one corner, I found out was used to piss and shit in. All the boys were either nude or in tattered shorts and t-shirts. Toma was nude like me. I wrapped my arms around him. I liked him so much. I'm sorry Brin I liked to suck on Toma's cock and I liked it when he fucked me."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Benji."

"After several hours a guard came to the cell. He pointed at one of the boys and the boy came over to him and kneeled down. The guard pulled out his cock and the boy sucked him off. This happened about 20 or 30 times a day. I remember Jason saying that if I didn't please the Sultan's guests I would be sent to please the guards. At one point Toma and I were taken from the cell, allowed to shower and clean up and then were taken and tied down over a leather saw horse in the guards mess hall. For several hours we were either fucked or had to suck off any guard that wanted us. Later we taken back and put back in the cell. After a long time there were about 60 boys in the cell and it was really crowded. One day about 50 of us were herded out of the cell. We were allowed to shower and then given cutoff pants and t-shirts. Then we were manacled together. Toma and I were manacled together at our ankles. We were taken up and loaded on covered trucks.

The ride in the truck was very long and very hot. We were unloaded into a warehouse. A man, white I think stood on a platform in front of us.

«If you cooperate your journey will be bearable. If you don't you will be food for the fishes.»

I didn't know what he meant. How could we not cooperate, we were chained together. After dark we were loaded onto a ship. Our chains were removed and we were locked in a hold. There was a bathroom for us to use and bunks to sleep on. There was also about a hundred other boys in the hold already. Toma and I found a bunk and just climbed in. We held onto each other hoping that we could always be together. One of the boys that were already there tried to grab me and pull me away from Toma. He got a black eye for his trouble. After that everyone just left us alone. I guess I loved Toma. No I know I loved Toma."

I looked up at Benji and he crying openly. I got up and pulled him into my arms. He wrapped himself around me and just cried. Jacob was crying in Ari's arms and Ari was seething with hate and disgust.

"We'll stop here love."

"No please Brin I want to tell you all."

"Benji we'll stop here. We have all week to talk. Besides I'm not sure your new found friends can handle it or me for that matter."

"Okay. Tomorrow?"

"Yes we can go again tomorrow."

Mike walked out onto the terrace.

"Message for you Sir."

It was from the Sultan of Burundi, welcoming me on my inspection tour and offering to accommodate me in the palace while I'm there.

"Mike, check the arrival date of the new lav's in New Babylon and the status of the forces in Burundi.

"Yes Sir." he walked away.

"Benji as much as I would now like to take you to bed and I'm sure Ari would love to make love to Jacob, I need to talk to Ari alone. I know how your now feeling, but I need some time."

"Brin as you say we have our whole life ahead of us. I can wait. But you'll be sorry later," he smiled with a mischievous grin.

Jacob pulled away from Ari and wrapped Benji in a hug.

"Now I'm envious of Jacob," Ari said.

"Well maybe we can switch partners," I laughed.

"Not going to happen. Or I'll cut your balls off," Benji laughed.

"Ouch! Guess we can't switch Ari."

"How about I take Brin to bed Jacob."

"Only if you let me take Benji to bed and then you want to sleep on the couch for the next five or six years."

"Double ouch."

"Well lets leave this subject alone. I laughed again.

"Jacob and I are going to have a long shower together and we'll discuss your proposal. But don't get your hopes up. I love you too much Brin."

The two boys arm in arm walked away.

"As much as I would like to sleep with you Ari, I love Benji too much. I would never betray the trust he has in me."

"Brin, I only said to lighten up the mood. I love you old friend, more than anything else in the world. But the love I see in you and Benji even surmounts all that I could give. I love Jacob more than I can describe but I think I love you more. No I know I love you more."

"Thanks Ari. But I don't know why."

"Brin you have so much love in your soul that you seem to glow sometimes. Every one of your 165,000 men and women love you with passion that is beyond most mortal men. Maybe you really are God."

"Bullshit. I'm not God, I'm just a man."

"True. But you're a man with the largest Para-Military Security force in the world, equipped with the latest equipment and loved by all your employees and even loved by people that don't even know you. You command more respect than even the President of NorAm and he has the only Super Power Force left in the world."

"Remember Ari Power Corrupts, Absolute power Corrupts Absolutely."

"I don't want power. I just want to live and enjoy life. With Benji."

"Well Brin weather you want it or not, you already have the power and all that comes with it. I don't envy you my friend. I just want to be part of your life. The last time you visited was over three year ago. My love for has never changed. I loved you then and I love you now. "

"Of course if you have an extra two or three million you don't need I could finish restoring my fortress home." He chuckled.

"Two or three million that's it," I laughed.

"Got a phone nearby."

"I was only kidding Brin."

"Ari do you have a phone?"

As much as they were a connivance, cell phones were not very secure. The new arrays set up in NorAm could monitor all cell phone calls world wide. So most calls were now made by tie lines, connected by satellite. And all those calls were encrypted.

Ari handed me a telephone handset.

After being connected to Tel Aviv, I got Edmonton on the line.

"Intersec Edmonton Sir."

"This is Commander Sadac, connect me with Finance."

"Yes Sir."

"Finance Malcolm Pratt here Sir."

"Malcolm, I want you to transfer 30 million dollars to Swiss National Bank account number Z7W1913603157-053, in the name of Ari Ben Israel. I need it done today. Any problems."

"No Sir. I confirm 30 million Dollars to Account # Z7W1913603157-053, Ari Ben Israel. Swiss National."

"Good thanks Malcolm." I hung up.

"Brin are you out of your fucking tree."

"What no comments on how I knew your numbered account in Switzerland, or even a thanks my old friend."

"Brin I was only joking."

"I'm not Ari, I need your help. It's probably going to cost big bucks. I'm just making sure you have the money available to help. The money will be your account later today. Thirty million is pocket change to me. I'd spend 100 or even 1 billion to bring this Sultan down."

"Okay Brin. What do you want for 30 million dollars. I will tell I will not compromise my country, nor will I compromise the peace we have with our neighbors'. So what do you want?"

"I have a plan Ari."

"Talk to me Brin. I didn't spend the best part of my life as a soldier and not learn anything."

"First I have notified the 49th Battalion that they are going to Burundi as the new security force."

"Brin if I remember right, the 49th Battalion, is the old Loyal Edmonton Regiment. They are a combat unit, not a Security Unit."

"True. Also the first 40 lav 7's are being dispatched to Burundi. I have also accepted an invitation, no date set to see the Sultan while I'm on an inspection tour of the middle east units. I also plan to visit Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen."

"What your saying then is you will have in country 600 plus men, 15 tanks, 60 APC's half of which will be combat troops."


"So what do want from me?"

"First and foremost, I want those two Para-Brigades. I also want some commandoes to blow up the power station in Burundi City. Not to destroy it, but to cut the power temporarily. I also want the full might of the idf to back me up after I have taken the country."

"You ask a lot my friend."

"Only asking as one friend to another."

The first two I can guarantee. The latter, I'm not sure. Israel will only go to war if an Israeli national is in jeopardy."

"Is Jason an Israeli national?"

"Jesus! Excuse my language Brin. I never thought of that."

"Would your Prime Minister go to war for a single man."

"It's been done before but he was a an important man."

"Yes the incursion into Kampuchea to rescue Simon Wetzel from the rebels. Your country took a lot of hits in the UN. You justified it by the statement that Israel would go into any country to help a citizen."

"Now will they help liberate Jason, the brother of your lover and partner for life.

"I don't know Brin."

Chapter 12

"I don't know, I just don't know. But I will find out discreetly of course."

"Thanks Ari, that's all I can ask."

"What are going to do after you take Burundi. Have you thought of that?"

"I'm not sure, but I know the Sultan won't be around to kidnap and abuse young kids anymore. I may ask the UN to take it on as a UN Trust Territory."

"Speaking of the UN, what do you think they will do when you breach your contract in Burundi and take over the country. They will think you money and power has unbalanced you."

"Not if I have evidence of the Sultan's practices. I think I will have them on my side then."

"We'll see, we'll see," was all he said

Benji didn't tell anymore of his story for the next two days. We just relaxed, soaked up the sun and swam in the sea.

I didn't see Ari on either Sunday or Monday and when I enquired was met with stony silence. On Tuesday morning after breakfast Ari walked into my room unannounced. Lucky Benji and I were fully dressed. If he had walked in sooner he might have saw more than he bargained for.

"I knew were dressed Brin, so I wouldn't catch you in a compromising position, not that I would compromise you. He laughed

"And how would you that Ari?"

"The security camera, up there above the bed. It points into the room, but not at the bed."

"Jesus I never even noticed that. Making porn movies as a side line Ari?" I laughed

"No, no, no Brin. It only points at the room. I will have it turned off okay."

"It's okay Ari. I was only joking. You can leave it on and maybe Benji and I will give your security men a real show." I laughed again and Benji giggled.

"That's not that funny Brin."

I walked over and wrapped Ari in a bear hug.

"Ah Ari! The look on your face was priceless. I just couldn't help myself old friend."

"Now the reason you barged into my bedroom unannounced?"

"I need to talk to you right away and it can't wait."

"Be right back buddy." I said to Benji.

"I'm going for a swim with Jacob. I promised him yesterday." Benji said.

"Okay buddy see you in a while."

"I would like to finish more of my story today Brin."

"If that's what you want then that's what we will all do."

We walked out of my room and then down to his office. He walked in and picked a green phone with no dial.

"Ari Ben Israel," was all he said.

He then handed the handset to me and left his office and closed the door.

Before I could speak.

"Shalom Commander Sadac."

I recognized the voice immediately.

"Shalom Mr. Prime Minister."

"I understand you have problem, which could possibly become my problem. Before you answer, I will say this. Israel has in the past gone to War for a single person. But the question is will we do so again for a boy. Now my opinion is that the age of the citizen is of no importance, but are you sure he wants to rescued."

"No Mr. Prime Minister I'm not. And in fact he probably doesn't. But on the other hand he was kidnapped and forced into his situation as it now stands. And although I don't really care if he wants to be rescued or not. I am only sure of one thing. I'm going to destroy this trade in young girls and boys one way or another, with or with out your help Sir."

"Commander, if and when you take over the country of Burundi, you will have the full weight of the idf backing you up. It may cost me my position, it may bring my government down, but I am going to back you 100%."

"Thank you Sir."

"Ari knows my wishes. You have a good holiday. Shalom Commander."

He hung up before I could say another word.

I walked out of the office and up to Ari's sitting room. I poured a glass almost full of scotch and wandered out onto the terrace and sat down. God what a can of worms I'd opened up. Ari walked out onto the terrace as I sipped on the scotch.

"Drinking before noon Brin. That's not like you. Troubled my friend?"

"Am I getting in over my head Ari. Am I doing the right thing?"

"Yes you are doing the right thing. If it had been Jacob that I had found half frozen, I would have already brought this monster down. As for over your head, maybe a little, but with me and Sir Thomas and all the other brilliant people in your employ we can plan this correctly."

Just then Benji ran up onto the terrace. As soon as he saw me his face lit up in that wonderful smile. He ran over and planted a very wet kiss on my lips and then sat in my lap. Looking at his smiling face I knew I was doing the right thing and just looked up at Ari and nodded.

"Damn your getting me all wet Benji. I might have to paddle your bottom when I get you alone."

"You promise," he giggled and rubbed his bottom deeper into my crotch.

"Now I'll have to go change."

"Do you still want to tell more of your ordeal Benji?"

"Yes Brin. And I want Jacob and Ari to listen too. If they want."

"Lets make it after lunch Brin."

"Sounds good. You okay with that Benji."


"Now I need to go change and wash this salt off."

When Benji stood up there was no way to hide the bulge in my wet shorts. Ari just laughed along with Jacob and Benji. I could feel my face getting flushed.

Benji grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Your all just jealous," he giggled.

I don't think Ari or Jacob heard him as they were kissing each other like it was their last day on earth. I was really glad for Ari. Jacob was a very nice looking young man and I could tell of the love between them.

Benji and I went down to our room and as soon as the door closed I pulled his wet trunks down and swallowed his cock all the way down my throat. I sucked him as hard as I could running my tongue up and down his shaft and then around the head. All at once he pulled my head all the way onto his cock as he exploded into my throat. You'd think he hadn't got off for a month, knowing I'd sucked him off not two hours before, the way he came.

Benji backed away from me turning his pert ass in my direction.

"You promised to paddle me Brin."

I pulled my t-shirt off and undid my shorts and let them drop.

"There's something better I want to do to that pert butt of yours."

I grabbed him and wrestled him to the floor. I lifted his legs up and ran my tongue into the crack of his ass. Slathering it with saliva as I rimmed his cute butt. I lined up my raging cock on his entrance and then just shoved it all the way in. A brief look of pain crossed his face at my entrance, but was quickly replaced by one of pure rapture. I then started to fuck him real slow. Pulling slowly out and then sliding slowly back in. Faster, harder he kept saying, but I continued my slow assault on his ass. I could feel his internal muscles tightening around my cock each time I entered deep into him. I knew I was getting very close so I pulled back and just held my cock just inside him. As I felt myself cumming I drove as hard as I could deep into his anal canal and blasted my cum deep inside him. As I came he too shot his load onto his chest and face. I collapsed on top of him and licked some of the cum off his face as my cock slowly deflated.

"Wow!!!! Wow! That was the best ever Brin. I came without even touching myself."

My cock slipped out of his ass and he pushed me over and dove down onto my soft cock. He licked and sucked it totally clean.

"Mmmmm, that tasted good. Brin you really taste good."

I glanced over at my bedside clock. Jesus only 30 minutes had passed and I was totally spent. Well a cold shower would wake me up. I pulled Benji up and we walked into the bathroom. I turned on just the cold water and then pulled Benji in with me. He yelled as the cold water hit his back and tried to jump out. I held onto him as I turned on the hot tap. After the water warmed we washed each other. I looked down and his cock was already hard as a shaft of steel. Damn he could recover fast. I turned around and leaned over.

"Take me now Benji. I need you inside me as much as you do."

He pushed me down to my knees, lined up his cock and pushed at my entrance. I squeezed my ass muscles tight so he had to force it in. Once he was in he pounded my ass as hard and fast as he could. Driving his cock deep into and then out only drive as hard as he could back in. It went on and on, my own cock was now hard as he fucked me like a demon possessed. I felt him coming inside me but he continued to pound in and out of my ass. He really seemed to be possessed. At long last he just stopped pulled out and sat back. When I turned around he was crying silently. I pulled him into my arms and held him.

"What's up buddy. You okay?"

"I'm sorry Brin, but I was remembering some things when I was fucking you and I just wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry but some things keep coming back."

"Benji. I love you with every thing within me. You can do anything you wish with me. I won't stop loving you ever. EVER! I hope some day we can look back on this time and say did this really happen, it must have been a dream."

"I love you too Brin. I would die without you. I would just die."

He was now crying harder as I held him. Deep down sobs of real sorrow. The memories coming back from his past. All I could do was hold him and let him cry.

By the time we finally left the shower we looked like prunes. I laughed at the wrinkles on his hands and face. He laughed when he looked at me. We went out and laid on the bed and just hugged and kissed. Both of us were now totally sated from our love making. When I looked at the clock I realized we had been in the shower for over an hour. Wow, no wonder we felt like wet rags. I climbed out of the bed and started to dress.

"Come on lover. If I'm going to keep up with you I need some food other than your young sperm. Not that I don't love it."

"Yeah I guess I'm hungry too."

I pulled out a pair of shorts, looked at them and then thought fuck it. I grabbed one of the tight pair of jeans Mike had bought me in Bern with Benji's help. No shorts, just the jeans. Benji saw what I was putting on and copied me with one of his more tighter jeans. I had to admit they did feel good without underwear. He came up after we were dressed and kissed me lightly.

"You look good enough to eat Brin in those jeans."

"Later love and you can eat your fill."

"Well you better eat lots at lunch and dinner cause it takes a lot to fill me up." He giggled.

Was I ever going to be able to keep up with this kid. He seemed to have an insatiable desire for more and more sex in any form.

Now both dressed to kill, as in turn any gay head in the room, we headed out for lunch. I grabbed my laptop as we left. Lunch was good, fried chicken, potatoes, corn on the cob, and strawberry pie for desert. None of it Kosher. Yet I watched as the security force ate as heartily as we did. Curious.

When we were finished we headed up to Ari's sitting room. Ari and Jacob were in a lip lock when we walked in.

"Can I have some of that Ari?" Benji asked.

"No you may not. He's mine all mine and you can't have him."

"It's not him I want. It's you." he giggled.

This time it was Ari who turned a little red.

I just laughed.

"Damn Benji you keep surprising me all the time. But like I said I have only a few loves. I love Brin first, Jacob second and you third. So you see it could be along time before I have time for you." he said in total seriousness.

Then Benji said something that really turned me around.

"Jacob an I discussed our conversation on Saturday. We decided that if you and Ari agree we would love to switch partners for one night. So you see Ari I want to make love to you and Jacob would love to sleep with Brin. But only if you both agree and it is for one night only. I love Jacob because he loves you Ari. I don't want to make love to him. I want to love his lover. Jacob feels the same way. He loves me because you love Brin. I know you do deep down Inside. A deeper love than either of us Jacob and me combined. He wants to able to say that now he knows why you love Brin so much, that he is only second in your thoughts. I love you all equally, except I love Brin a bit more equally."

Wow! Now what? Damn for a 17 year old male he was mature in many ways that made me look like a babe in my mothers arms.

Ari was speechless.

"Can we talk about this later boys." I said

"NO!" chorused both Benji and Jacob.

"And the consequences? If we don't agree," Ari intoned.

"I won't marry you Brin." Benji said.

"I'll never want to see you again Ari." Jacob said.

Now I was the one devastated, to not have my love for all time. I couldn't handle it and turned and ran from the room. I bounced off walls as I ran, not knowing where I was or even knowing where I was going. I found myself at the same place I had heard Benji and Jacob talking. I looked out over the Blue green Mediterranean. How had I come to this. I loved Benji and would anything to make him happy. I loved Ari, I guess I even loved Jacob, but I had never in my wildest dreams thought that I might lose Benji for such a simple request. Simple HA! I had vowed to never love anyone else as long as he was in my life.


I turned and Ari was standing not five feet (1.5 meter) away.

"I come to this place when I need to think. It is so beautiful looking out to sea."

"Ari I, I?"

"Brin I have agreed to take Benji into my bed. I can not jeopardize the love between you too. I would move mountains for you my friend. I will move mountains for you. Will you take my Jacob to your bed?"

"Ari I vowed never to sleep with another man as long as I had Benji."

"What would you do to keep Benji?"

"Anything! Anything."

"Then I think you must take my love to your bed. He likes to suck and loves to get fucked, but he is only a bottom. He won't fuck you Brin."

"How did we get into this situation. I love Benji with all that I have. He is a brilliant star in my heaven."

"In future my friend we can not joke around with these two young men."

"Okay, I agree. But only for a night. I'm sorry Ari."

"Sorry. What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry I'm going to make love to my best friends lover. I'm sorry that I can't get out of this. I'm sorry I ever came here for a visit. I'm sorry that my love has put me in this position. I'm just sorry."

"Well how about we turn the tables just a little."

"What do you mean?"

"WE both agree, but under one condition. We all sleep in my huge bedroom on my king sized bed."

"Yes! That's good. Lets go tell them of our decision."

In the back of my mind was the fact that I would really like Ari's cock too. Now with everyone in the same bed it might just happen. I'm sure it was in Ari's mind too.

Thinking about it as we walked back down to the sitting room I wished that Peter was here too. I liked his big 8 inch [20 cm] cock in my ass as well.

When we arrived at the sitting room the boys were in deep conversation.

"We agree on one condition." Ari said

"What condition?" Jacob said

"We all sleep in my room on my large bed." Ari said.

"Okay that's okay, but Jacob has said he is only a bottom type, he doesn't like to fuck. So Brin or Ari or both are going to have to fuck us both. I want Ari in my ass and Jacob wants Brin in his, but you two can also play around if you want. I also want to suck off Jacob and Ari and you my love."

"Anything you want lover." I said.

"Cool," they both chorused.

Benji got up, came over and kissed me and picked up my laptop.

"Now I want to continue with my story."

Ari picked up a phone and ordered some cold drinks to be delivered to the terrace.

We went out to the terrace and sat down, Jacob sat very close to Ari, with his hand in his lap.

Benji sat down and just looked at me.

"I love you Brin."

"I love you to Benji, more than life itself."

After the drinks were delivered and we were alone.

"Okay Benji you were on board a ship. Do you know its name?"

"No Brin. Well Toma and I were left pretty much alone. After he punched a few of the older boys out. After seemed like days we were allowed on deck. But it was only to chip paint and work on the ship. It wasn't a big boat. Maybe 150 ft [45 meter] long. It was slow though as we seemed to stay in one place. The crew took advantage of the young men, forcing them to either suck them off or take there cocks up their ass. I never had to do it but Toma was always being picked on. They laughed when he got hard after either sucking some sailor or being fucked by them. He just took it in stride, almost as if he was immune to there abuse. He helped me keep my sanity on the ship. Every time we came close to a docking place we were put back into the hold. At each place we stopped more men were put in the hold. Now there was about 200 hundred boys and young men in the hold. Toma fought like a demon to prevent me from being raped by some of these men.

I always let him fuck me when he needed to. I sucked him off almost daily. I loved him Brin as much as I love you. Then we were told our next stop would be our home for the rest of our lives. It seemed like for ever until one day we docked. All the other times when we docked it was at night. This time it was broad daylight. We were herded up on deck and then paraded off the ship. We were forced to walk several miles to a fenced enclosure. Inside I saw many huts, like grass shacks, we were paraded inside and unchained and assigned cages. Just four walls of bars with a covered roof. I was separated from Toma and never saw him again. I cried when they pulled us apart. I was shoved into a cell, ordered to strip off my t-shirt and cut off pants. When I hesitated the guard stroked my back with a prod. The pain was immediate and very intense.

«Strip or do you want more slave,» was all he said.

I undressed quickly, so conditioned now to do anything I was asked.

«Keep your hands at your side. They need to see what you have to offer.»

Who I didn't know. But I watched as men and women walked along the line of cages. Some looked in at me and then just carried on. I looked out and could see some of the boys and men being taken from the cages and disappearing into the crowd of people. None of them picked me. After several hours the crowd thinned out and then I saw a really big man walking down the line of cages. He would stop at each one and say a few words then walk on. When he came to mine he ordered the door opened and walked in. He fingered my balls and then put a finger in my ass. I got real hard.

«Please Sir,» was all I got out when a bull whip wrapped itself around my body.

«Speak only when spoken to boy.»

I almost fainted from the pain. The tip of the bull whip had connected with my hard cock and left a deep bleeding welt.

«Sale,» was all he said as he exited my cell.

I was allowed to relax then. Food and water was brought to my cell. I was also given a blanket to cover me. I was there for three days. On the fourth day I was dragged chained to a room.

My chains were hooked to a ring in the wall. A man walked into the room. Suck me he said. I knelt down in front of him, undid his pants and took his cock into my mouth. He came really quick and then slapped me across my face so hard I fell to the floor. He reached down and grabbed my balls and squeezed really hard. When I screamed he just said good, still sensitive. He left and a little later a guard walked in and dragged me from the room. A man came in and injected something into my arm. The next thing I remember is being on an aircraft. The man that I had sucked off was sitting close by. He reached over and grabbed my ball sack again and just squeezed. When I started screaming in pain he just said good.

«What's your name boy?» he asked.

«Benji Sir.»

«Well Benji. I now own you. I can do anything I wish to you and no one will ever know. You will service my guests. You will submit to anything they ask. If you don't I will slice those young balls off you an let you watch as I cook them and eat them. Then I might cut out your heart. You will die in pain, I can assure you. For ten thousand dollars you will make me happy or else 3;»

When the plane landed I heard a man say «back to the mansion Senator or to the country house?»

«The country house first, he's not yet ready for the mansion.»

I was stuffed into the trunk of a car and I was there for a long time. When I was released from the trunk of the car I was dragged in and strapped to an X frame in a room. A little while later a very young man walked in.

«Hi my name is Steven. Your name is Benji. The Senator likes boys who can endure lots of pain. His guests like to torture young boys. So I'm going to torture you to build up a resistance to the pain you will feel later, I love my work. I love to inflict pain and other stuff. Benji you are no longer a boy or even a human being. You are just an object to receive pain.» "

I looked at Benji, he was shaking all over and tears were streaming down his face.

"Come here love."

He jumped into my arms and I just held him as he cried his eyes out.

"Enough, enough for now, enough for now." I comforted his trembling body.

Ari was holding onto Jacob like a man possessed.

I stood up with Benji in my arms and walked over and then down the steps to the beach. I caressed him and kissed him and just held him.

"Are you okay buddy?"

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Brin, but I need to continue. I need to tell you all."

"We can wait a day Benji."

"NO! no, I need to tell you now. I need to finish."

"I don't know Benji. Your still shook up from what you have said just today."

"Please Brin. Please."

I knew how much this was hurting him inside. I also knew what Jed had told me. He had to tell his story to begin the real healing process in his mind. As long as he held it in he would hold onto the memories.

"Okay Benji. Lets go talk to Ari and Jacob."

This was hurting me inside as much as Benji. The more he talked the madder I got. The more hate I felt toward these monsters. Hate can be a mind killer, or my case I may become a killer of these men. In fact I knew I was going to kill them all one way or another.

We walked back up to the terrace. Ari was sitting alone crying. I could tell because I could see his shoulders heaving with deep down pain. I walked over to him and pulled him up into my arms. Now I was the one supporting my friend. He just continued to cry.

"Ari. Ari its okay."

"No Brin it is not okay. To think that people can think and act in this way not okay. They should all be exterminated."

"Easy Ari, your beginning to think like some people of the past."

He stiffened in my arms and then pulled away.

"You think, you think?"

"No Ari I don't think that way at all. I have read history. I know the Story. I know we need to destroy this barbarous trade. But as I was already thinking, I don't think I can allow any of these monstrous men to live ."

"I'm sorry Brin. It's just that Benji's story is so unreal and yet rings so true, that I feel helpless."

"Well I hope your okay because Benji wants to continue now."


"Yes Now."

"I need a drink first."

"Bring me one too Ari."

I sat down at the table and handed Benji a can of soda.

"Can I have a glass of Scotch Brin?" he said.


"Please Brin."

"One Scotch coming right up lover."

I yelled for Ari to make it three.

Ari walked out with three glasses of Scotch.

"Who's the third one for Brin?"


He didn't say anything. Just set the drinks down and then sat down.

"Where's Jacob?" Benji asked.

"I'll tell him later Benji. He can't handle the feelings within himself as he listens."

"I'm sorry I hurt him Ari."

"You didn't hurt him Benji. He feels your hurt and has gone to pray for you."

"Well I hope someone prays to God for me before this is all over." I said.

"But you are already a God Brin, you just don't know it yet." Ari laughed.

"You are my God already Brin. Benji said.

"I'm not a God, I'm just a man. Damn it."

We all sat back with each of us in thought and sipped the drinks. Benji made a face when he took a drink, but never said anything. Finally Benji said.

"I ready now Brin."

"You sure lover."

"Yes!" as took another sip, no face this time.

"Steven walked up to me and grabbed my cock and just pulled on it. Stretching it away from my body. I screamed in pain, but he continued to twist and stretch it. He let it go and then balled his fist and punched me low in my belly. As I was gasping for air he hit my ball sack. I wanted to curl up in a ball. It hurt so much. He walked over to a machine in the room. I saw lights, light up and then he walked back and had a sort of brush in his hand. He dipped it in a pail of water and then pushed it into my ball sack. As it touched my balls I felt a searing pain extend up from my balls into my body. The pain was beyond anything that had happened to me before. He only held it there a few seconds. When he pulled it back the pain stopped almost instantly.

«t;You see he said. I like to hear you scream. The Senator doesn't want you permanently injured. You can't make money for him if your injured. This brush I used has only about .5 amps running though it. But the voltage is about 300. It hurts, it makes you scream. But no damage.»

Next he pulled a pin on the X frame and lowered me to a position where I was laying flat. He picked up a belt and started to whip me with it. He continued for over 10 minutes cover my body from my chest to my feet. He paid particular attention to my cock. I think I must have passed out from the pain, because I remember getting doused in water. I woke up screaming."

As Benji paused I looked at him. He had a look of pure hate on his face and he was gripping the glass with a clinched fist. I noticed the glass was empty. I looked at Ari and indicated Benji's glass. He got up and walked into the sitting room and returned with the bottle. He poured a liberal amount into all of our glasses and sat down. Before Benji continued Jacob came out and sat down. I don't think Benji even saw him.

"Steven continued to torture me for about ten days. He did different things. Like putting electrodes into my cock or up my ass. He put metal clips on my tits and on my balls. Sometimes he just hung weights to them. Sometimes he put an electric charge through them. All the things he did hurt so much I just screamed and screamed. When I was left alone at night I cried my self to sleep. How did I end up here I wanted to know. About ten days after I was at the Farm as they called it, The Senator came down and watched as Steven tortured me. I heard him say «Looks good Steven, have him moved to the mansion.»

Before I was taken to the mansion, Steven made me suck him off and then fucked me. It hurt a lot when he fucked me because it had been awhile since anyone had done it. The last one was Toma. They had me shower and then shaved my balls, cock and ass. They gave me some nice clothes and then chained me in a limousine. The windows were darkened so nobody could see in but I could see out. The trip lasted about two hours. It was beautiful country. Farms, big farms with huge houses. Most of the people I saw were white or black. I even saw police cars on the road and big transport trucks. The highways were very busy."

"Benji, you mentioned police vehicles. Do you remember what was written on them?"

"Mostly they were State Police or Highway Patrol." Benji said.

"Did you see any flags on the cars?"

"No but, they all said written on the side Dial 911 for Emergency."

"Ok bud go on if you want."

"Can I stop now I don't feel so good?"

For the first time in his narrative he wasn't crying. I think the scotch had set into his system.

"Okay lover, we'll stop here for today.

"Jacob will you please take Benji down to our room."

"Yes Brin." He helped Benji up and helped him into the fortress.

I sat thinking about what Benji had just told me.

"This Senator is from NorAm. This senator who likes to torture young boys for profit is from NORAM! THIS SENATOR IS A MONSTER. THIS SENATOR I WILL KILL WITH MY OWN HANDS!!!!" Ari was screaming.



"Ari. I know that to. But first we have to find him."

Ari jumped up and ran to the parapet over looking the sea. He pounded his hands down again and again on the stone wall. When I saw blood running down the wall I jumped up and grabbed him and pulled him away.

"Ari. Easy my friend."

He wrapped his arms around me and cried like a baby. I just held him as I had held Benji on all the occasions when he had needed to be held. AS my friend now needed.

Chapter 13

"Ari. Easy my friend. We'll find him. I promise. Now relax my friend."

"Thank you Brin. Thank you.

Ari stepped away from me and looked at his hands. He then turned and looked out to sea.

"I have never lost control like that ever. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me my friend."

"There is nothing to forgive. I am only glad that I was here for you."

We sat back down and I refilled our glasses. We just sat each in our own little world. But even as I thought I knew it was not a small problem we had and at every turn is was becoming more complex. I knew I didn't have the intelligence gathering apparatus that would be needed to find and possibly prosecute all of the people involved in this trade. But who could I turn to. We were interrupted in our thoughts by Mike.

"Sorry to interrupt you Sir, but we just received a communication from the Sultan of Burundi. He would like to increase the number of security troops in his country by almost ten fold. He wants Intersec to deploy a Brigade to Burundi."

"Did he give a reason for his sudden need for a Combat Brigade?"

"He said he has been having trouble with his western neighbor Sudan. Some border incursions and some very large exercises with heavy armor right on his border. He is worried that Sudan might make a play for his oil."

"Ari. Interested in a Contract with Intersec?"

"What do you have in mind my friend"

"I would like you to sign a contract that you will supply two Para-Battalions to the International Security Command for a period of One (1) year. They will accept isc command and control as part of the Third isc Brigade Group."

"This Third isc Brigade Group. Who would be commanding it?"

"Well I was thinking of an old Armored Unit Commander I know. He hasn't commanded a combat unit for a long time, but I have been told he was very good."

"And his name?" Ari asked.

"Ah, Gee, what was it."

"WHO!" Ari yelled.

"Lt. Gen. Ari Ben Israil."

"ME! You want me to command this brigade. If I get in that country I will kill that man."

"Ari. I said under isc command. You will follow my orders. But if you can't then I will ask Sir Thomas to take on the assignment."

"Brin you try me, you really try me."

"Ari. If we want to bring this slave trade down we need information. With you in country and with your connections we can gain valuable information into how this system works. In command of the brigade you will have access to all areas of Burundi. Including their communications and traffic control."

"Of Course Brin this is all contingent on if I can convince the Prime Minister to contract out two of the best Para units in the idf."

"Mike. Send a message to Burundi that I would be interested in such a contract, but has he considered the cost. It will cost him, even if he is supplying all food and fuel at least 15 billion a year."

"Yes sir." and he turned and left.

"Fifteen billion! Brin you really are a capitalist."

"No Ari. I want to see how scared he is."

"Now my friend I need to lay down for a while. I think your cheap scotch is getting to me."

"Cheep Scotch! I paid over 100 euros for that in Paris."

"Ari. Never buy scotch from a Frenchman. Go to Scotland next time and buy real scotch. However my friend it is good scotch." I laughed.

"Brin you always trying me aren't you."

"Just pushing your buttons my friend."

I pulled Ari up and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you my friend. I always will."

"Me too Brin. Me too."

I went down to my quarters and walked in. Benji and Jacob were asleep on the bed. Not wanting to disturb my love, I turned and walked out. I told the guard that they weren't to be disturbed by any one. "Yes Sir." Was all he said. I wandered up to the sitting room and stretched out on one of the couches and fell asleep.

I woke up abruptly. A bad dream. Now I had a head ache. Too much scotch, starting too early in the day. I glanced at my watch, fuck only 3:30, some holiday this was working out to. I had agreed to sleep with Ari's lover, the man I wanted to arrest and execute wanted more of my security forces, a senator of NorAm was involved in this conspiracy, where would all this end. Getting up I wandered down to the mess hall and grabbed a cup of coffee and then walked into the command center. Mike was on the phone and just acknowledged my presents.

I sat down at one of the many consoles and waited for Mike to finish. After he got off the phone he walked over and sat down.

"The Sultan has accepted your terms. I have ordered the 49th to Burundi. ASAP. Priority One. The Second Armored in Germany is now on alert and as soon as heavy lift aircraft are available will be airlifted in. The only problem at this point is transport and an Artillery Regiment Brin, we don't have one available."

I turned to one of the hovering guards.

"Where is Ari?" I asked

"I believe he is in his quarters Sir."

"Be back in a bit. Thanks Mike. As always your always on the job. God I love you."

"We love you to Sir."

I got up and headed down to Ari's quarters. When I arrived a guard barred my way in.

"He told me, he is not to be disturbed."

"Get out of my way son or you'll wish you'd stayed in bed today."

Never being patient.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY NOW." I shouted.

When he started to move I walked around him and into Ari's bedroom. Ari was asleep on his king sized bed. In no mood now for niceties, I slammed the door. Ari came awake and out of the bed like a spring uncoiling. And with a very large hand gun in his hand. He must sleep with it under his pillow.

"What? What?"

Seeing me he lowered the gun.

"I could have shot you. What do you want? Why have you barged in on me like this Brin?"

Standing before me in only a pair of tight shorts, he looked like a man much younger than his forty seven years. He also had a very big hard on. I could see his long cut cock outlined in the tight shorts he was wearing.

"Just returning the favor my friend." As I walked over and ran my hand over his hard cock.

"You startled me." but he didn't try to stop my hand from wandering around his crotch.

My own cock was now very hard and even though I had made a vow to Benji, I couldn't help myself as I slid my hand in under his briefs. Ari just moaned.

"Are you sure this is what you want Brin?"

"Don't talk, don't say anything."

I slipped his briefs down and knelt in front of him and slipped his hard cock into my mouth. I swallowed all of his 7" [18 cm] straight into my throat. He moaned as I deep throated him and then he pushed me off his cock and pulled me up. He pulled off my t-shirt and undid my jeans. Pushing them down, he freed my raging cock. After I had stepped out of them he turned me around and pushed me to my knees over his bed. Kneeling behind me he just pushed his cock up to my rosebud and then thrust his hard cock into me. He was quite thick and it hurt a lot as he entered me, but once he was in it felt so wonderful. He slowly fucked me with deep long and slow thrusts. God it felt so good. Ari had a lot of staying power and after about 30 minutes I felt his cock unloading into my ass. My own cock was ready to unload as he pulled out, he pushed me over and dove down onto my dripping cock. He just got it in his mouth when I couldn't hold back anymore and blew my load into his mouth and throat.

"Thank you Ari, I needed that."

"I'm sorry Brin, but I have wanted you since the first day we met. Now I am beside myself. I am sorry."

"Don't be sorry Ari. I wanted it too. I've always been a little bit in awe of you since we first met. Then I didn't know you were gay, but when I found out I knew I wanted you, but didn't know how to ask. When I saw your cock hard just now I couldn't resist anymore. I just wanted you. Don't be sorry. It's me who should be apologizing."

"And how will explain this act to Benji?"

"I'll just tell him. I can't and won't keep anything from him. He knew you were gay and I'm sure he knew I wanted to sleep with you. I think really he'll be happy that I have now fulfilled a longing."

"I must tell you Brin that Benji is the best thing that has ever happened to you. Even though he has a lot of baggage, you are a better man and he is the most wonderful person I have ever met. Such courage should be rewarded. I think you have awarded him in better ways than any medal would ever do. I am sorry but I guess I'm in love with him too."

"Ari Benji has enough love in him for the whole world. I just hope I can make him happy, always."

"Brin he worships the ground you walk on. We all do, even my own security. You exude an aurora that makes people want to love you. You say you are not God, but to all who know you, you are God to them. Such devotion is astounding. Even I would gladly walk into hell for you and I will. I will take on the Third isc Brigade Group and follow your orders."

"Well now that we are on that subject, I need an Artillery Regiment. I have only two and they are both committed to Chad. Do you think the Prime Minister might release say the 2nd idf Artillery Battalion to be attached to my third Brigade?"

"Brin the Second is one of only two mechanized artillery battalions in the standing idf Army."

"Yeah I know and their the only one with light artillery."

"You know an a lot about the idf Brin. How do come by your information. It's like you have a spy in our headquarters."

I laughed out loud.

Ari, I can read books too. Jane's All the Worlds Armies, has a very nice right up on the idf. I know the second has 105 mm howitzers mounted on world war 2 Sherman tank bodies. I know they are light and fast. They could easily keep up with the Leopard 5 tanks I plan to send to Burundi."

I saw a real twinkle in Ari's eyes at my mention of the Leopard 5.

"How many tanks do you plan to deploy?"

A full regiment. Fifty four, plus three Leopard 6 command tanks, 40 lav 7, 100 lav 4, 300 plus logistic vehicles and one motorized artillery regiment if I get it."

"And when will this deployment begin?"

"It's already started General. The 49th is loading as we speak. Five c-5 Galaxy transports are enroute to Trenton to transport all 40 lav 7. c-17's are enroute to Germany to start moving the other light equipment. When the c-5's have delivered the lav 7, they will start moving the heavy tanks. I expect to be fully in and ready in five days."

"Five days!"

"Enjoy your honeymoon with Jacob in Burundi my friend."

"But this is not possible. How could you coordinate all this in such short time?"

"I didn't, Mike did."

"But the transport aircraft, I know you don't own any c-5's."

"The President of NorAm, issued an order that I could use any and all of Transport Commands aircraft that were available to move my units to Chad. As most of my heavy units going to Chad are being moved by ROLO ships out of Bremen, I have the use of most of the heavy lift aircraft in Europe and the Continental NorAm."


"And Mike did all this?"

"Yes, in the hour that I was asleep."

"And now friend I'm hungry."

"Well I have something you can eat." Ari laughed.

"Thought you would never ask." as I dived down onto his nice cock.

He rolled into a 69 position and sucked my semi hard cock into his mouth as I deep throated his. I became instantly hard as Ari sucked on my pole. It took a long time for either of us to cumm, but just sucking on him was so enjoyable it didn't matter. After we had both unloaded a second load, we kissed briefly and then dressed and headed for the command center.

Mike was there patiently waiting my return.

"You are a very talented man Mike. I need a Deputy Commander for my new command. I would find it a singular honor if you would accept the post."

Mike looked at me and when I nodded my head yes.

Mike stood up, came to an abrupt attention, saluted and said.

"General, it would be an honor."

"To me Mike, I will always be just Ari. Okay."

"I'm sorry Sir, but I can't do that. You are my General, as Brin is my Commander. I can not easily address him by his name, nor could I address you by your name General. It's just not my way Sir."

"Okay Major General Rarog, To me you will always be Mike. Now I must talk nicely to the Prime Minister."

Ari walked into his office and closed the door.

"Why would he call me Major General sir."

"Mike, he's a Lieutenant General, now a Brigade Commander again. The deputy commander is nominally a Major General, so my ex-Sergeant Major You are now a Major General. Congratulations." Then I laughed out loud.

"Now I want you to do me a favor Mike. I want you to contact that jeweler in Bern and make sure that Ari's rings are ready, pay for them, and make sure they are shipped here by courier. I also want 1500 uniforms and equipment to match them shipped here to outfit the two Para Battalions and the Artillery Regiment. Also they will need under armor and a supply crew to fit them. After you have done this, you will be under the command of Ari Ben Israil for the duration."

"You will always be my Commander Sir."

"I may be your Commander and Ari's, but you can only have one love Mike. That has to be to your boss and your brigade. Your boss is now Ari and your brigade is now the Third isc Brigade Group."

"Yes Sir." Mike said just a little bit sullenly.

"Mike I'm depending on you and Ari. I don't have any command and control experience. I am not a military man. I may command a massive security organization but I don't have the military background to make this work. That is why I have you and Ari. I love you Mike, but you must love your primary job more."

I got up and walked over and wrapped Mike in my arms. He returned the hug with total abandon.

He then stepped away from me.

"By your command, Sir." Standing ramrod stiff and saluting.

I left the command center and went up to the terrace overlooking the Med. The sun felt great and I removed my shirt and sat down to soak up the sun. A few minutes later Benji came out and sat down. He didn't say anything and looked very worried.

"What's the matter Bud?"

"Brin I have to tell you that Jacob and I made love. I'm sorry but it just happened."

"And you worried I might be mad? I have to tell you, my love, that Ari and I also made love. I hope you will forgive me Benji."

The smile that broke out on his face told me more than anything else that our love for each other was still as strong as ever.

"Brin I don't want to sleep with Ari. I only want to sleep with you. Jacob and I cooked up the idea to get you and Ari together. We knew you loved each other, probably with a stronger bond than either of us had with both of you. WE wanted you to be happy. I still love you and will always love you forever."

"Come here my love."

Benji walked over and when he was close enough I pulled into my lap and kissed him with a passion that is beyond words to describe. I loved him so much.

After necking with him for 10-15 minutes we sat back with him still nestled in my lap.

"Have you thought about what you would like give Ari and Jacob for a wedding present?"

"I'd like to get them something, but I don't know what. And here there are no stores or anyplace to find something."

"So lets go to town."


I picked up the phone off the table.

Punched up the security office.

"I need a car to go into Tel Aviv. Minimum security and make sure they are unobtrusive."

"Yes Commander."

"Okay lets go shopping buddy."

I stopped by the Command Center and picked up some credit cards from Mike. He informed me that the 49th was loading and would be enroute in less than an hour. I noted he was now in Desert Camo, including a single star of a Major General.

"You okay with this Mike."

"Oh yes Sir."

"Make sure your dress uniform reflects your new status at our wedding Mike."

"Yes Sir!"

Benji and I walked down and climbed into an armored limo at the gate. Two of my personal security were there in civilian clothes. I knew both were armed. The trip into Tel Aviv, about 30 km [19 miles] north of Ari's stronghold was very good. The fields were in bloom in the spring. Apple, orange, and other trees in full bloom. Israel was a beautiful country. So lush and so peaceful.

We spent several hours as Benji looked for a gift, uncounted stores, he looked at everything. I'd already given Ari what he wanted most in his life. A command. We had almost given up when we walked by a small shop.

"Yes! That's what I want." Benji exclaimed.

I didn't understand what he was looking at, but we went into the little store. A very old, really old man smiled as we entered.

"Shalom. Shalom." Was all he said.

Benji went over to the window display and picked up a necklace. It was two Star of David intertwined in each other. It was made from solid gold.

"Do you have two of these and can you add a heart to the bottom."

"Yes young Sir, but it would be expensive, very expensive."

Benji looked at me.

"Please Brin."

"For you my love there is nothing you can't have."

The old man then looked at me and said.

"Ninety years ago I had a love like yours. But the love I had was taken from me. I spent all those years in that war hoping that he would survive. He didn't. Now I look for the love of my work. Yes young Sir I will add that heart to the pendant."

After the old jeweler had added the heart to the pendants. I pulled out my Amex card.

"No for love like you have these are free."

"I am sorry Sir I can't accept these gifts. Please run my card, you pick the price. For my love there is no price. My love is priceless."

"As mine was Sir."

The old man reluctantly ran my card and punched in a ridiculously low price for the two pendants.

"Sir. I would find it a singular honor if you would be my guest at my wedding on Sunday. I'll send a car to pick you up."

"You honor me Commander."

I was a little taken aback at his address, calling me Commander.

"You know who I am?"

"Your picture has been in every newspaper for the last week Sir."

"I can only hope that you won't tell anyone of our visit to your shop."

"Your secret is safe with me."

We left the shop and headed back to Ari's fortress. It was really astounding to me that the ordinary people I met felt such love for what I was doing. I sat in quiet reflection. I was just an ordinary man. Not some God, not some super being. I was doing what I thought was right.

I grabbed Benji and pulled him into my arms. I just needed to hold him.