Main characters: Benji (15yo)
Story codes: Mt – cons nc oral |
BrianBenji |
SummaryA tortured boy is dropped to freeze to dead near the HQ of Intersec. He is rescued and falls in lover with Intersec's commander. |
DisclaimerIf you are under 18 or are offended by male to male sex, male to boy sex or pain, BDSM, S&M, either willing or unwilling. You should leave this site now. This Story is fiction, and it is in our future. The year is 2030 AD. And this is how it is. |
First, 16 Jul 2007-...; Gay Boy Magazine, 16 Jul 2007-...; Nifty Archive, 22 Jul 2007-... |
Chapter 1My name is Brin Sadac.Or better yet I am Commander Brin Sadac, Owner and Chief Executive officer of the International Security Command, INTERSEC for short, The largest privately owned paramilitary security organization in the world.
2021: With the joining of Canada and the United States, now Noram, it created the largest military industrial complex in the world. With the original US being the only Super Power, it was now in effect a Super Power with unliminted resources, no longer dependant on outside sources for oil or minerals. It became a power house. Unrivalled by any other country in the world
March 2025
April 2025 Forces, the UN contracts to outside privately owned security companies for their peace keeping forces. INTERSEC signs a 10 year contract with the UN. Under the provisions of the contract INTERSEC will supply armed and unarmed observers to anyplace designated by the UN Security Council.
October 2025
2030 In late January I decided I needed a couple of weeks off and with a large security detail, which went wherever I did, drove out to my retreat in the Rocky Mountain National Forest. It was very late when we finally arrived and as we were driving up to the house along a long winding road the vehicle in front stopped suddenly in the road. My driver almost tail ended the lead vehicle. "Sorry Sir, there appears to be some kind of dead animal in the road ahead. Hang on while we check it out." "Jesus! It's not an animal it's a body. Wait he's still alive but just barely." "Get him in your vehicle quick and full speed to the house." I ordered. "Man its just a kid. Oh god he's been beaten really badly." The lead vehicle sped up to the house and skidded to a stop. All doors popped open and the guard carrying the kid ran into the house with me and several guards on his heels. "Put him on the couch by the fire place. Get some blankets. Light that fire." I barked. I went to the couch and kneeled beside the boy. He appeared to be about 12 or 13, very thin, but covered with cuts and bruises, almost covering his entire body. Only his face hadn't been touched. He had very long blonde hair with a tanned complexion from a lot of time in the sun. He was very beautiful. The guards brought several blankets and wrapped him carefully in them. I turned to my lead Bodyguard. "Call my Doctor and get him out here NOW!" My headquarters, not knowing what the emergency was went to full alert. One helicopter was dispatched to pick up my personal physician, two others loaded up with a rapid reaction force and headed to my retreat. "Your doctor is in the air Sir." "Good, I need to talk to him." Mike handed me a mobile phone. "Hello Jed can you here me." "Yes Sir." "Look Jed, we found a young male nearly frozen on the road into my estate. I need to know what to do to keep him alive until you can get here." "Sir I suggest you get him into a cool bath. You will need to bring his body temperature up slowly. So start with a cool bath and then slowly warm the water." "Jed he has also been beaten and maybe tortured. He has lacerations and bruises all over his body." "Sir the bath is still the best way to go, but be careful, and it you see him bleeding a lot you will need to stop it as much as possible." "Mike get up to my bathroom and run a cold bath in my Jacuzzi. Make sure it's not too cold." I gently reached down and picked up the boy and cradling him in my arms made my way to my bedroom. I laid him on my bed and carefully removed the tattered T-shirt he had on and then the cut off shorts he was wearing. As I saw his naked body, my eyes started to water wondering who would do this to this kid. The lacerations covered him from head to toe. I could see that he had been circumcised, but it had been done more to cause pain than to remove his fore skin. I noticed his balls were enlarged, which to suggested that his balls had been struck or even beaten. I gently picked him up and carried him into my bathroom. As I entered Mike turned and looked at the young nude boy and started to openly cry. Mike was one of my best friends. He was straight and had a really nice wife and two boys, both now teenagers. "God help the person who did this Sir. I will kill him with my own hand." "Give me a hand Mike." As we gently lowered the boy into the tub, he let out a low moan as the cool water bathed his body. I turned on the jets of the Jacuzzi to gentle setting and set the temperature to 98. This would slowly bring the water temperature up to body temperature. The water turned pink from the blood washing off the young boy and he started to moan in pain. "Damn, Damn, Damn!!!" My escort Commander stepped into the bathroom. "Reaction Team will be on the ground in ten Sir. The doctor will be here in less than thirty. Any orders." "Lock us down Commander." "Yes Sir." The young boy didn't get onto my road by himself. Someone had to dropped him there. Probably figuring that he would freeze to death. Leaving no evidence. To the south was Rocky Mountain House, about 130 km. To the North was Edson about 50 km. If I had a bet I would say the perpetrator lived in Edson. My Security Commander proceeded to lock down my estate. He ordered two full companies from ISC HQ, including a platoon of AFV's. They would arrive sometime tomorrow. As the temperature increased in the tub the boy started to squirm, and his moans of pain increased. I carefully checked to make sure he wasn't bleeding anywhere. At one point the opened his eyes and seeing me screamed. "No more, please no more, no more." When I saw that his color had returned I gently lifted him from the tub and took him into my bed room. Laying him on the bed I carefully dabbed the water from his young frame and then covered him with a down cover. About ten minutes later my doctor walked in. "Ok Brin I'll take over. Wait outside while I examine him." When I protested. "OUT NOW SIR." I left and went down to my living room. Mike was standing looking out onto the snow covered landscape. I could see his body shaking. I walked over and turning him around wrapped my arms around him. I loved Mike, but with love like brothers. I could feel his pain at what had been done to this kid. We embraced tightly and held onto each other. My security in the room never batted an eye knowing that Mike and I were like two peas in a pod. I broke the hug and walked over and poured two half glasses of pure scotch and handed one to Mike. "Believe this Sir. If and when I catch the Son of a bitch that did this I will strangle him." "I believe you Mike." "I think we need to contact the FPF." I turned to one of the hovering security guards. "Get a hold of Inspector Macdonald." Macdonald was the chief investigator of the FPF in Alberta. He was also gay. And he had thing for young men, aged 16-18. Preferably 16. I knew this and he knew I knew, although I preferred boys from 13-16. It was no longer illegal to have a young boy as a lover, even a boy as young as 13, however torture and abuse was still a crime in Noram. Little did I know that this was even more of a crime than just the abuse of a young male. "Sir, I have FPF HQ on the line." he handed me the phone. "Commander Sadac ISC for Inspector Macdonald." "I'll connect you Sir." "Macdonald." "Hello Darrel. How's it going." "Commander, uh, Brin, good to here from you." "Darrel when I arrived at my mountain estate I found a young boy almost frozen on the road in. After getting him inside and starting to warm him up I found he had been severely abused, all over his body including his genitals. My doctor is ministering to him now. I think you should be here before I talk to him. I'll have a chopper on the pad at FPF HQ in 30 minutes. Can you come up?" "Yes! I'll be waiting."
Chapter 2About 45 minutes later Jed came down to my living room."Brin that young boy is in very bad shape, but I think it best at the moment to keep him here. He has been whipped I think, but with a belt covered with some kind of stud. He has also been sodomized, probably several times. I took several smears for DNA test, but I think that it will be negative considering the amount of Semen that I was able to wash from his anus. Now he was circumcised, probably in some ceremony. I have repaired the damage, but it will take a while to heal. From looking at his testicles I would say that he is probably between 13 and 16 years old. But he so undernourished that it really is hard to tell. Now I'm not a psychologist but, he's going to need a lot of love and understanding. Knowing you sir and your staff I know he is good hands here. I have some antibiotics and pain killers for when he wakes up. I'll give them to your medic." "Thanks Jed. You have just performed another miracle." "No Brin the miracle is yet to come. His body will heal, but I'm not sure his mind will." "Now I need a glass of good scotch, and my helicopter. But the scotch first." "Thanks Jed and here." I said as I handed him a tumbler of 30 year old scotch. As I was about to speak again my Security Commander walked in. "Sir. The property is locked down. Two Reaction Force units are on the ground. Am tomorrow 2 companies of Infantry and a Armored unit will be here. CandC will be set up by 4 AM and all areas of the farm will be under surveillance by 6 AM." "Thank you Commander you are dismissed." He saluted and left. "Jed I need evidence. Is it possible to photograph the boy, to show exactly what happened to him." "Brin that shouldn't be a problem, in fact I agree. I gave a very powerful sedative to help him sleep. I will help so that there is a good record of his injuries for the FPF. Have you called them yet." "Darrel is on his way up." "Good, because if you hadn't called I would have." "Hey Doc it's me." I told Mike to grab a digital camera from my study and come up to my room. After we were there the doctor proceeded to explain the boys injuries into a recorder while Mike took pictures. After about a hundred photo's we went back downstairs and the doctor climbed aboard one of my choppers for the ride back to Edmonton. "Commander I love you with all my heart. But that boy needs more love. I think Sir that you should sleep with him, so that if he wakes you can help him." "Thanks Mike, but I'm not sure." "Trust me Commander. That's what he needs most right now. Someone to hold onto, some one to love him." "Ok Mike, I'll trust your judgment, I've always trusted your advice." I went up to my room and after undressing carefully climbed into the big bed. Careful not to touch the sleeping boy. I was so tired I was asleep almost as soon as my head his the pillow. I awoke to the sound of quiet sobbing. Not sure if it was the right thing to do, I gently laid my hand over the boys chest. As my hand touched him he rolled over and cuddled up to me. I rolled on my side and as he continued to snuggle closer I found myself becoming aroused. Shit. Now what. Again sleep overtook me. When I awoke next it was because I really had to relieve my bladder. I had my usual morning woody. As I lifted my arm from the kid he rolled over and pushed his ass up to my hard cock. My reaction was instantaneous. I jumped out of bed. What I hears next brought both tears and an inward hate to my body. "You don't want me? Why haven't I pleased you enough? Oh please take me, please." Jesus what has this monster created. A boy willing to give himself so he wouldn't be punished. I sat down beside him on the bed. "Easy son, no I don't want you, but I'm not going to hurt you either. No one and I mean no one will ever hurt you again. You are safe now. You never have to offer yourself to anyone anymore. Do you have a name." "Benji." he said very softly. "Benji, that a beautiful name. How old are you Benji." "Almost 16 Sir." Sixteen! He didn't look older than thirteen. He was so skinny his ribs were showing and there was none of the young muscle on his bones. "Are you hungry Benji." "Oh yes Sir." I picked up my phone and called down to the kitchen. "Good Morning Commander." "Chen could you scramble up a couple of eggs, and toast. Also a large glass of orange juice and also a couple of glasses of milk. Bring a pot of coffee too." "Fifteen minutes Sir." A gentle tap at my door announced Mike as he walked in, clad in camo greens and armed with both a side arm and a submachine gun. As soon as Benji saw him he started screaming. "I didn't mean it, please don't hurt me, please." I looked at Mike and saw the stricken look on his face. "GET OUT MIKE, GET OUT NOW!!!!" "Easy Benji, easy. I told you no will hurt you now. Mike is my best friend and he has a couple of boys your age. He would never hurt you. He even swore an oath that if he catches the man or men that hurt you so much he will kill them himself." I looked at Benji's body and saw that several of the spray on bandages were beginning to let go. "Benji, I want to give you a bath. I need to change your dressings. Do you trust me." "I think so Sir." "Look Benji, I know this is going to hurt. But we need to wash off the old bandages so we can put on new ones. I am going to pick you up and carry you to the shower. I'll hold you up as we wash the old ones off. Ok." "Ok Sir." I, as gently as I could picked Benji up, He must have weighed only 90 lbs, Although he grimaced, he never spoke a word, but kept his wonderful blue eyes on me. I took him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As I was nude already I stepped into the shower. Benji cringed as the soft spray hit his body. I held him close and let the water caress his back and limbs. "Can you stand Benji?" "I think so Sir." "Ok I'm going to stand you up here in the shower. I won't let go of you. I promise." I set him down, holding onto his shoulders as he stood in the shower. The water was now wetting down all of his young body. He was shaking like a leaf in the wind. "Easy Benji. Hold onto me." When he stood up he was only about 6 inches shorter than my 6 foot frame. He grabbed me by the waist. I grabbed a bottle of body wash and poured a liberal amount on his head. I started to wash his body, starting on his head I slowly lather him down. Gently down his back and then his front. I had to kneel to wash his lower body, and he became very hard as I washed his cock, balls and ass. I just ignored it. After I had washed him from head to toe I turned him to and fro to wash off the body wash. He never uttered a word while I had washed him. The heat from the water brought a lot of old scars and abrasions out. We stepped out of the shower and I wrapped a warm towel around him. He looked at me in the eye and said. "I love you Sir." "I love you to Benji." And at that point I realized that I really did love this young man. Damn. With my position, money and power I could get any boy to sleep with me to enjoy. But now I have committed myself to this waif. To a kid I knew nothing about. A kid that had been unbieveingly abused in I didn't know how many ways. Could I commit to one love? Yes. I realized that I needed to love this boy. He had made a conscious choice, he committed himself to me and I would love him. "Now Benji, I'm going to replace the spray on bandages. This is going to hurt son, I'm sorry but we have to get you healed up. The spray goes on cool, but it will sting, but only for a minute. There is a built in pain killer in the spray plus an antibiotic. You need to hold still." "I won't move Sir." I reapplied the bandages to his most serious wounds and to his cock, where the doctor had repaired his circumcision. He never moved a muscle even though tears formed at his eyes and ran down his face. "Ok I'm done Benji, can you walk? "Yes Sir." We walked back into my bedroom. Mike stood close to the door in blue jeans and a T-shirt. My cook, Chen had brought up the breakfast I had ordered and had set it up on my bed side table. When Benji saw the food his eyes got really big and I could see in those eyes a something I hadn't seen before. Like what do I have to do to eat. I helped Benji down onto the bed next to the food and stepped back. He looked up at me with those wonderful blue eyes filled with tears. "Go ahead Benji. Eat." With a trembling voice he asked. "And then what do I have to do?" "Benji, from now on you will never have to do anything for me or any of my staff. You are a free man. You can do as you wish and go anywhere you wish. I have no hold on you and I don't want any hold on you. Ever." He turned to the food and with fingers dug into the scrambled eggs, stuffing them into his mouth as quickly as he could. He drained both the orange juice and 1 and a half glasses of milk before he even hesitated. He looked up at me and saw me smiling and started on the toast. It took him all of 5 minutes to consume the entire breakfast. "Feel better Benji." "Oh yes Sir." A knock at my bedroom door brought Mike out of his stupor. He swung around and opened the door, "Commander the doctor left these for the boy. In this bottle are pain killers and this is antibiotics." "Thank you Sgt. Wilson." "How are you feeling Benji, any pain? "No Sir." "Benji, I want you to meet my most trusted associate. No my most trusted friend. This is Mike. He has two sons about your age and he has declared that your safety is the most important thing now in his life. He's not gay. But I think he may love you more than I do." "Mike take a chopper and go to Edson and get some cloths for Benji." "YES SIR!" "I'm tired Sir," Benji said. I helped him into my bed, gave him the antibiotic tablets, which he swallowed with some more milk, and leaned back on the pillow. His eyes closed and he was back in dreamland. I hoped his dreams were a little more pleasant, than what he had recently experienced
I finally got dressed in my normal daily dress. Plain combat pants and a blouse. Then went down stairs for some breakfast. After a good breakfast and several cups of coffee I went to my study to look at the photo's Mike had taken. Whoever these monsters were I would hunt them down and if by some chance they got away with it under the new Noram Constitution, I would arrange their slow death myself. After looking over the photo's, I downloaded them to FPF headquarters in Edmonton. Almost as soon as I downloaded them my telephone rang. "Sadac." I said into the phone. "Brin it's Darrell. I won't be able to come up until at least Thursday. I have to be in court Monday to Wednesday on a important matter. Can you wait that long to interview the boy?" "Darrell I can't guarantee that. My Doctor told me the sooner I get his story the sooner he can start to heal in his mind. When he is up to it I will ask him what happened. I know his first name now and as soon as I can I will send his fingerprints. Have you seen the pictures yet?" "No Brin, they are being printed and sent up. I have opened a file under the code name EDSON BOY. All information will be imputed there. Any thing you get on the boy you can direct to the file." "Ok Darrell, I will send anything I get directly to EDSON BOY." "Hope to see you Thursday Brin." I hung up and went back to looking at the pictures. Who ever had done this was an expert in causing pain. Hmm. Maybe I should see what my Intel services could come up with on ex- military or ex- intelligence people capable of this kind thing. I heard the helicopter landing and figured Mike was back from Edson. Well I needed some more coffee. I left my study and met Mike coming in. "I only estimated his sizes Sir, but I got several sets in sizes up and down from my estimate. I also talked with the FPF Detachment Commander. I asked him if there was any registered sub-religious sects in Edson. The only one he knew of was the Brothers of Love. He told me they were a free love commune, based to the north east of Edson and never ever had bothered anyone." "Ok Mike run the name though our security network. Find out everything, right down to what they eat for breakfast. But before you do that get some sleep. That's a direct order." "Sir, but.. Yes Sir." I left the new cloths on the couch in my sitting room and went back to my office/den. After checking on the operations running around the globe, I punched my password for the camera covering my bedroom. I could see Benji sleeping soundly in my bed. He looked very peaceful. I really hated the idea that I was going to start questioning him on what happened. I knew it was going to be very hard on him and me. But I needed information. Names, places, and events. Then I could turn my security and intelligence forces loose. God would not be able to help the perpetrators. I looked at my clock and saw that it was almost noon. My stomach told me I needed food. After checking that Benji was still sleeping went to the kitchen for one of Chen's super sandwiches. After the sandwich and another cup of coffee headed back to get some more work done. When I looked at the monitor Benji was not in the bed. I ran full tilt up to my room. Looking around the my room I didn't at first see him. I looked in the bathroom and then turning around I saw Benji cowering in a corner of the room. As I walked toward him I heard. "Please I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Please don't hurt me again. Please, oh please. I'll do anything you ask." I walked over to him bent down and pulled him up and wrapped my arms around him. He was shacking uncontrollably. I slowly ran my hand up and down his back. "Easy Benji, easy, no one is going to hurt you. I love you I couldn't hurt you ever. Easy son, relax your in good hands here." As I caressed his young body I felt his body starting to relax, although he still continued to cry. Fuck what do I do now? Then I remembered the cloths Mike had bought. I carried Benji down to my Sitting room. Someone had lit the fireplace. I set Benji down and picked up the bags Mike had brought. "Here Benji these are for you. Mike bought them in town. See if anything fits. He looked at me with wide open eyes. "Really! These are for me?" Yah kid there all yours." He was a kid in a candy store, trying on everything. He finally settled on a very snug fitting set of shorts, a white t-shirt and a very tight pair of jeans. It showed off all of his most obvious attributes. After he was done he turned to me and ran into my arms. As I hugged him I saw a real look of pain in his eyes, real pain. Damn! I have to be more careful. I released him and asked if he was hungry. "Yes Sir." "Benji you don't have to call me Sir. My name is Brin. I love you Benji and as the one person I love I prefer you call me by my name." "But Sir, I'm your slave, it would not be appropriate for me to call you by your name." "NO, NO, No, you are not my slave. You are a free man! No one has the right to own another ever. It is against all I believe and all I hold dear to my heart. Slavery is the worst crime in the world. You Benji are not my slave and I am not your master." "But Sir that's all I have ever been." "Not anymore. From the point we found you half frozen on my road, you were no longer a slave. You are a free man. If it is your wish I will take you anywhere you want to go, to do anything you want to do. I will not dictate your life. You are free." "But I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay with you Sir. I love you Sir." "Do you really in your heart love me Benji?" "Yes Sir, you are kindest man I have ever met. I really do love you." "If you really love me Benji then you will call me by my name." "Ok Sir...Uhhh Brin." "There now that wasn't so hard. Are you still hungry?" "Yes ..... Brin" I picked Benji up and carried him into the kitchen. "Chen, meet Benji." "How do you do young Sir." "I'm not a Sir, I'm just Benji." "How do you do young Benji." "Chen what do you suggest for this young man to fill out those visible ribs and add some flesh to his young bones." "Well Commander, as I have said to you many times, if you would let me pick the menu, you would not be as skinny as you are. Give me three weeks and he will outweigh you Sir." "Sorry Chen, but Chinese more than once a week is more than enough." "What would you like young Benji?" Chen asked Benji got a faraway look in his eyes. "Can I have a hamburger with cheese and onions and lettuce and tomatoes, with lots of ketchup and mustard?" He was definitely a teenager. "Yes young Benji Sir. You can have anything you wish. One Hamburger with cheese, onions, lettuce and Tomatoes coming up." "Make it two Chen" "Yes Sir." Benji turned to me and asked, "Why does he call you Sir. Is he your slave." I laughed out loud, Chen just looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Benji. He is one of my employees. I pay him, probably too much, I pay him to work for me. He does on occasion when he's ticked off at me call me by my name. But everyone who works foe me call me either Sir or Commander." "What do you Command Si... Brin?" "The International Security Command." "What's that." At that point the whole house started shaking. "Come on Son, I'll show you." Benji was shaking as I led him out my patio overlooking my landing pad. We watched as each Osprey landed and unloaded troops. All were in white camouflage uniforms. After ten had landed, my Security commander walked in. "Sorry Sir we expected them earlier but weather condition in Edmonton precluded an early arrival. The Armored Battalion will be on time." "No problem Eddy, have the armored unit set up at point Baker." "Yes Sir." "Why are they all here ... ahh Brin?" "Well there here to protect me and you Benji." "To protect me? I don't understand?" "Benji the people that did those despicable things to your young body ever find out your alive, they will do everything within there power to kill you before you can implicate them in this hideous crime, I decided that you needed protection. Each one of those young men and women out there have you in there heart. You can thank Mike for that. You see all my men and women love me. They believe like I do that there is no greater crime in the world than the enslavement of another. It is to me and to them the worst crime you can commit. You see I really do love you Benji."
Chapter 3We went back inside and settled on the couch by the fire. Benji snuggled up close to me and I put my arm around his shoulders. As I was about to speak, Chen walked in and set down two mugs of hot chocolate. I swear I think sometimes he can read my mind."Benji I need to tell you that I have reported your assault to the FPF. Director MacDonald is going to be coming up on Thursday to interview you. Now being a police man he is not going to very gentle. However if you prefer you could tell me what happened to you and then I could give Darrell a copy." "Do I have to talk about it?" He said with tears streaming down his face. "My doctor said that if you can talk about it, that will help you come to terms in your mind and help you heal faster." "Ok Sir, I mean Brin, but can I lay down now for a while I am so tired." "Yes." I picked him up in my arms and carried him into my bedroom. I laid him gently on the bed and then undressed him. I saw that some of the bandages were coming off and told him we should wash all the old ones off and put on new ones. "Will you shower with me Brin?" "If you want." I undressed and led him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After we were both in I proceeded to wash his whole body again. He was very hard even before I reached his lower body. When I stood up I was fully erect and Benji lightly ran his hand over my cock. His touch was like a bolt of lightning. I removed his hand from my cock. "Not now Benji. When you are all healed up and feeling better we will discuss what it you want to do for the rest of your life. I told you never ever have to do anything for me or my staff." "But I already know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to stay with you. I love you. You are all I will ever want." I pulled Benji into an embrace and just held him as the hot water rand down over our bodies. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower wrapping a warm towel around him. After he was dried he stood and let me reapply the bandages. Like the first time he never moved but I could see the pain in his eyes as the spray was applied. We went back into the bedroom and I helped him into bed. I gave him two antibiotic pills and one of the pain killers. As he was smiling up at me I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "Sleep well Benji." After his eyes closed I went back to my office and started to wade through the accumulated material that had been mailed me from head office. About two hours later Mike walked in. Dressed in full combat gear, with white camo on. "Going to check on the troops Sir. How's Benji?" "Benji's sleeping." My retreat in the mountain is quite a bit more than just a house. It covers about six thousand acres and is used as a training area for my troops. There are several large barracks, a mess hall, gym, rifle ranges and a tank gunnery range. Normally there is only about 50-100 men stationed out here as caretakers. Now with two full companies and a troop of tanks plus the reaction teams put the strength close to five hundred men. Well it would be good winter training for the men and women. I would have preferred to be alone up here it was so beautiful this time of year, but my security chief had other ideas when it came to my safety. The only real problem I could see on the horizon was the up coming contract in Africa. The UN had contracted with INTERSEC to take over from the African National Defense Force the peace keeping along the Chadian and Sudan Border. The contract was for over 6000 troops for three years. I had the available manpower but not the transport to get them there. That meant I had to talk to the President of Noram, a man who didn't like me or my lifestyle. The feeling was mutual. However Noram's Armed Forces did have both the airlift and sealift capabilities that I needed. Which meant I would have to fly to Washington or Ottawa depending on where he was to ask for help. The next two days were much the same, Benji would get up in the morning. Have his dressings changed and then go back and sleep after eating. His appetite was getting better and the wounds and abrasions were slowing fading. On Thursday Darrel again called saying he would not be up until at least Monday. I told him that I hadn't talked to Benji about his experiences yet but would probably start today. He had agreed to talk to me. I told Darrell I would make a hard copy of all his story and send down to the EDSON BOY file as soon as I had it all. He reluctantly agreed. After Benji was up and after showering with him I saw that all of really bad wounds had healed enough that he wouldn't need the spray on Bandages anymore. He smiled when I told him. One of the few smiles he had made since we found him almost a week before. It lit up his whole face. He had a wonderful smile. After breakfast we went into my study and sat down at my desk. I asked him to put his hand on my fingerprint scanner and then scanned both his hands into my computer. "Well son are you ready to talk to me?" "I guess so Brin." "Look Benji were going to take it real slow. I know these memories are going hurt, but without information I can't get to the people that did this to you. Do you know your last name son?" "Oh yes Sir, I mean Brin. It's Watson." Where were you born Benji?" "I think it was in Ontario, but I'm not sure. That was where I was living two years ago. In an orphanage." "You were in an orphanage, why?" "They never told me. I was picked up from school one day and taken to the Orphanage. I don't know what happened to my mom and dad. I never saw them after that. I think they must have been killed. But nobody ever told me." Benji was crying openly now, with tears running down his face. "Do you want to continue Benji?" "Yes Sir." "So you were at this orphanage. How did you get out and end up on my driveway?' "One day a man came to the Orphanage and picked me out and said he had adopted me. He said he had always wanted a son. He took me to a store and brought me all kinds of nice clothes. We then traveled to Estavan his home. He was really nice to me at first. He made sure I had lots to eat and nice clothes." "Estavan, as in Estavan Saskatchewan." "Yah, I think that's what he said." "Go on Benji, sorry to interrupt you." "That's ok Sir. I mean Brin. Well after I had been there about a week he came into my room one night and started to play with my dick. When I protested he told me to shut up. He then sucked on my dick and it felt so good I just shut up and let him. He did a couple of times a week for the next month. One night he came in and as he was sucking me, told me to suck on his dick. I said no. He got really mad. He stopped sucking me and pulled me up. He then forced his cock into my mouth. Suck it kid or I will beat until you do. He then hit me across my face. As soon as I opened my mouth to scream he shoved his dick in. I started to choke on it but he didn't seem to care. Soon I tasted his cumm as he unloaded into my mouth. It was very bitter and tasted awful. After he was done he told me that I was going suck him off everyday until I could swallow all of his cock. I was so miserable, I just wanted to die. He came back into my room every day for the next couple of weeks. He forced me to suck him off every time. Sometimes he would come back twice. After several days I was finally able to swallow all of his cock. But he still came back to get me to do him again. About six weeks after I had been with him and after about a month of sucking him off every night, a man came to his house. Jim, I think that was his name, introduced me to Mohammad. He said he had sold me to Mohammad. When I asked what he meant by saying he had sold me he just laughed. «You'll find out,» he said." Mohammad came over and picked me up. He was huge. Well over six feet and very strong. He was very dark skinned, but not a Negro. He said for me not to worry as I was a very beautiful boy. We left Jim's place and went to the airport and climbed aboard a small jet. After take off Mohammad came over and undid my cut offs and then slid his hand inside. He played with my balls and then tried to push a finger into my ass. When I screamed he sat back and smiled. «Good your still a virgin.» He then handed me something to eat and drink. I don't remember anything else that happened on the flight. He woke me up after we landed and handed me a pair of pantaloons and a shirt. Both were totally sheer. He ordered me to remove my cutoffs and T-shirt and dress in the clothes he had given me. When I hesitated he slapped me hard across my face. «Do it boy or you will wish you were dead. I paid good money for you and I plan to get it back one way or another. Save yourself some pain and do as I ask.» I quickly dressed in his sheer clothes still not understanding where I was or what was happening. «Where are we Sir.» I asked. He laughed. «The slave auction in Maracot.» «But I'm not a slave Sir.» I said. «Oh yes you are, not only that you are a sex slave. I hope to sell you to the Sultan of Burundi. He loves white virgin boys.» I was taken from the plane and driven to a large outdoor arena. All around the arena floor were raised platforms with I single pole. I was taken to one of the poles and chained to it. A number was placed around my neck on a chain. I looked around after I had been tied to the pole and saw several hundred other boys and girls tied up the same as me. Men were walking around the arena looking and touching and feeling all the chained. Several times men came up to me and felt my cock and tried to insert a finger in my ass. After almost a hour or so, the bidding started. I couldn't understand the language, but could see in the eyes of the bidders an almost frenzied lust. After almost two hours, Mohammad walked up to me. «Benji you have made me a rich man. I paid 500 Noram Dollars for you and have sold you for 5000 euros. Make your new master happy.» Shortly after that a huge black man walked up to where I was chained. He undid the chains, removed the disk from around my neck and then put a collar on me. It was a leather collar. He hooked a leash to the collar and then just walked off. I was dragged off the platform and fell to the ground, but he just kept walking, dragging me along. He finally stopped and walked back. He grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me to my feet. «If you fall again I will whip you.» He then turned and walked off. I stumbled along behind him. Soon we reached a covered tent on an open area adjacent to the airport. I was pushed into the tent and told to strip. Fearing the big black Negro, I quickly removed my clothes. A man in a white smock came in and examined me. He took blood samples and checked my balls, cock and ass. He then just left. «Dress,» the negro said. He then led me to an aircraft. It was very big with four propellers. I was chained into a seat and then left alone. When I looked each way from my seat I could see several boys and girls chained like I was. Most were crying. I wondered why I wasn't." "Benji I think we'll stop here for now." He looked at me and then the next thing was he was in my arms. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close as he cried his eyes out. I held him until he stopped crying and shaking. He leaned back. "I Love you Brin.' "I love you to Benji." "Do you want to go out for some fresh air. You have been inside almost a week." "Ok Brin, but I don't have an overcoat." "Well let see what I can do." I picked up my phone and called the supply room. "Sgt. Milligan Sir." "Sgt. Milligan could you come up with a set uniforms for Benji. Pants, shirt, boots winter cap, and parka." "Yes Sir, my pleasure Sir. I'll be up in five to measure him." "Thank you Sgt. Milligan." I hung up and turned to Benji. He had a wonderful smile on his face. "Benji you are a most beautiful boy. You have a wonderful smile." True to his word Sgt. Milligan arrived and after a few measurements said he would be back in 15 minutes with a uniform for Benji. Benji and I went out to the sitting room and sat down by the fire. No sooner were we seated when Chen walked up and handed Benji a hot chocolate. "Scotch for you Sir?" "Yes Thanks Chen." We just sat there close, each buried in our own thoughts. Less than 15 minutes later Sgt. Milligan walked in with a set of uniforms for Benji. Not only what I had asked for, but thermal underwear, socks, thermal undershirt, wind pants and white camo covers. Benji was all smiles as he undressed and started to put on the clothing. He got everything right until the boots. He had never worn combat boots before and didn't know how to lace them up. I knelt down and showed him on one boot and then told him to do the other. He got it right, right of the bat. The kid was smart, I wondered how smart. After he was dressed, he picked up the Parka, the name tag read SADAC B. Benji looked up at me with a quizzical look on his face. "Is this your Parka Brin?" "I don't think so Benji. It's a little small for me. Why do you ask?" "It says SADAC B on it." "Well I am SADAC B, but I think the Sergeant figured you were now part of my family, so it could also be Benji Sadac." He just stood there for several moments thinking and then ran into my arms and planted a kiss right on my lips. "I never, ever, ever want to be anywhere else." When I picked up my parka to put on Benji noticed that my name tag just read SADAC. "Does this name on here mean that I now have your last name Brin?" "If that's what you want. But for now it just a means to camouflage you from anyone who might see you." "I would really like to have your last name Brin." "We'll see in time Benji. Now let's go for a walk." I took Benji out of the house and showed him around. We walked down to the barracks and mess hall and introduced him to everyone we met. All the men and women we met saluted me and wished Benji much happiness and a quick recovery. He was in awe of all the people who were around. After a hour out in the fresh air, although really sunny out, was still quite cold, I noticed him shivering a bit. "Had enough son, want to go in.?" "Please Brin, I'm cold." We headed back to the house and removed our outer clothes and sat down by the big fireplace. He again snuggled up close to me. I put my arm around his shoulder. He looked up at me. "You're the best man I have ever met. I never want to be anywhere else." I just smiled at him and held him closer. "Do like swimming Benji?" "Oh yes and I can swim real good." "Ok. Let's go change." "I don't have a swim suit." "That's ok, we'll just skinny dip." "Skinny dip? What's that?" "We'll swim nude." "But won't someone see us?" "No. Nobody will be there except us." We went up to my room and undressed. Even though Benji had been nude in my presence on numerous occasions he still turned away as he removed his underwear. I handed him a towel and we headed down to my indoor pool. I wasn't a big pool. About 15 meters long and maybe ten wide. It went from three feet to about 8 at the deep end. I only put it in as a diversion. There was also a hot tub and steam room. Benji's eyes got real big when he saw it. Forgetting all about his modesty, he dropped his towel and dove into the pool and swam to the other end made a perfect turn and swam back. He stopped and looked up at me. "Come on in Brin the waters fine." I laughed, dropped my towel and dove in and swam underwater all the way to the other end, turned and swam back coming up beside him. "Wow, you can hold your breath for a long time Brin. I want to try that." He climbed out and stood by the edge. When I looked up at him I saw a very good looking 15 year old boy, a bit skinny but still a beautiful boy. He didn't notice me looking at him and I'm glad because I was getting aroused looking at him. He dove in and swam to the end turned and made about ¾ of the way back before coming up for air. After swam up to me. "That was very good Benji." "Yah but I want to be able to do it as good as you." I laughed. "Benji you can practice every day were here if you want but, your going to have to swim more than two lengths under water to beat me." "Really!" "Yeah, I can do 45 meters under water." "I'll never be able to do that." He was almost in tears. I pulled him into my arms. "Hey Benji. You don't have to better me. I love you just as you are. You can be as good as you want to be. But there will always be things that I could do that you can't. That doesn't mean your not as good as me. There are probably things that you can do that I can't." "Really!" "Yes really." "Come on lets get in the hot tub." I walked over to the tub and just walked in and sat down. Benji came over and put one foot in and pulled it back out. "That's really hot. Won't I get burned?' "Do I look like I'm being burned. Trust me Benji." "Ok." He slowly waded in and came over to where I was sitting. He then slowly sat down. The came right up to his neck. I reached over and turned on the control for the water jets. He almost jumped out when the water started to swirl around him. I grabbed him and held him as he slowly stated to relax. There was no doubt this boy had an effect on me. I was very aroused just holding him. I knew I had to cool it, but how? Every time I got close to him my cock would start straining in my pants or as now nude in the tub I was as hard as a shaft of steel. Damn. I forced my self to relax and then suggest we try the steam room. Ok Brin was all he said. When he walked out of the hot tub he was as hard as a rock, but never said a thing. We went into the steam room and turned on the steam generator. Soon the room was filled with hot steam. I laid back enjoying the hot steam as it relaxed my mind and body. Benji stood up and leaned over me and kissed me on the mouth. Without conscious thought I responded. The next thing I felt was his lips around my cock. I started to sit up to protest. "Please Brin, please I need to do this." He pushed my chest back down and continued to run his tongue up and down my cock. I knew this was wrong, but my body and my mind knew this was what I wanted. Resigned I pulled Benji up until his legs straddled my chest. I pulled him down until I could suck his young cock into my mouth. I reached up and pulled him down until his cock was forced into my throat. For a 15 year old he had about 6 inches. I sucked and sucked. Soon I could feel myself coming to climax. As much as I wanted to stop, part of me wanted to blow into this great kids mouth. Benji took it out of my hands as he sensed how close I was he continued faster and faster until I unloaded all my pent up passion. I felt my self coming again and again, it never seemed to stop. Benji just swallowed and swallowed. Just as I finished I tasted his young cumm as he ejaculated into my mouth. He was very sweet. As my cock deflated I now felt a great deal of remorse that I had done this to a boy who had been beaten and tortured. A kid who had been a sex slave. I just wanted to get away. I started to stand. "I'm sorry Benji. I didn't want that to happen. I'm sorry." "Brin I did. I have wanted it to happen almost from the first day I met you. I love you. I will always love you. I knew you would never let me do this if I had asked. I had to get you in the position where I could take advantage of you. I want it again and again. I will always want you. I love you. Please don't hate me because this is what I love to do." "I don't hate you Benji. I love you. It's just that I was hoping that the first time we made love of any kind was when things were more normal for you." "Brin things will never be really normal for me. I know what was done to me and things that I have done. I can never change that. I just know that I have found someone to love who loves me. So I will continue to want you and need you. Need that elixir buried down here in your balls. Brin I could suck on your wonderful cock all day and all night." "If you did that Benji I would never get any work done. Son anytime you want me I'll be there for you." He wrapped his arms around me and we kissed. This time as lovers. Chapter 4After going back up stairs and into my room Benji said he wanted to sleep for awhile. He jumped into my bed and after I tucked him in bent and kissed him."Sleep well son." I left and went down to my study. Thinking back on what happened I knew I had wanted it to happen, but not then and not here. But it had happened and I had committed myself to this boy and come hell or high water, nothing would ever come between us. I really did love him. I then started reviewing what he had told me. After rereading his account I picked up the phone and dialed my head office in Edmonton. "INTERSEC Sir, how may I help you?" "Director of Intelligence." "Yes Commander. One moment please." "Intelligence! William Dexter Sir." "Willy it's Brin." "Yes Commander." I have E-mailed a copy of the story Benji has told me so far. I want all the information you can get on his name. I think it would Benjamin Watson. Who his parents were, what happened to them, and his disposition afterwards. I also want an investigation into the orphanage he was at. I want to know how many other boys 13-15 were adopted out of there in last 5 years. Next I want to find a guy named Jim in Estavan Saskatchewan, He doesn't necessarily work but can travel across the country. He may own an RV. I also want all the information you can get on the Sultan of Burundi and Burundi. Next I want you to check air entry records for a private jet, flying into Noram and out again with stops in Algeria and possibly Burundi. Any questions." "The first obvious question is. There has to be a lot of Jim's in Estavan. Next is, isn't this more the job of the FPF." "When I have Benji's complete story I will be turning it over to the FPF. Until then I want to know all I can. Do you have a problem with that?" "No Sir. I will assign people immediately. I'll have the information ASAP." "Thanks Willy." After hanging up I went back to work on the running of my Corporation. It really wasn't that easy and I spent several hours working. Not my idea of a rest. My growling stomach told me I needed food. I left the office and headed for the kitchen. When I got there Mike, Benji and Chen were stuffing themselves with pirogues. "Anything left for me." "Well when I looked in you working away so I didn't disturb you." Mike said "I was just hungry." Benji said. Chen got up and set a plate of pirogues down in front of me, smothered in onions and bacon bits. He handed me a tub of sour cream and then sat back down and continued to eat. After eating I sat back. Benji had consumed 3 full bowls of pirogues before he sat back. Mike as usual ate like a man who was starving and didn't know when he would eat again. Benji got up and walked to Chen and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Chen that was real good." "Your very welcome young sir." "I'm not a sir, I'm just Benji." "Ok Benji sir." I laughed out loud and was joined by Mike. Chen would never change. Benji looked exasperated. Benji then came around the table and sat down on a chair next to me. He put his hand in my lap. He then just looked up at me. Damn I wanted to pick him up and wrap my arms around him. Mike could see my adoration of the boy and just smiled. "Well that was good now what." "Well Sir." Mike said. "You are due for requalification on the Glock 11 you carry. Maybe you should spend some time on the range." "Jesus is it that time already." "Benji have you ever fired a pistol?" "No Brin." "Well how about we all go to the range. Mike do you think you can teach this young man to shoot?" "Give a month and he will be better than you." "Mike a six year old could probably shoot better than me." WE all laughed at that. Mike got up and headed for my indoor 25 meter range. "Come on Benji, Mike's going to teach you how to shoot a pistol." "Wow!" I very, very seldom carry a side arm. Only when I visit my Men and women working in peace keeping operations do I go armed. But as a requirement of employment I require everyone including me to qualify on their personal weapon each year. I never remember when I'm supposed to qualify. That's why I have Mike. He remembers everything for me. Mike was a M/Cpl in Canada's reserves when I met him. He's short 5' 8" and weighs in at 150 lbs. I have to honest, he turned me on the first day I met him. We did on one and only one occasion sleep together. Afterward he told me although he enjoyed the experience he really did prefer women. We have been best friends ever since. When I started the International Security Command, he was the first person I hired. He has without reservation been my right hand ever since. I could not live without him at my side. We arrived down at the indoor pistol range and mike unlocked the weapons room. I took Benji in and pointed the different weapons stored there. Mike picked up a Glock 11, a 32 auto, a Glock 9, and several boxes of ammunition. We went out to the range and Mike set the weapons down on a table. "Ok Benji. I'm going to start you out with a 32 Automatic. It's lighter than a Glock and doesn't have as much kick." I started to load magazines with 11mm ammo. After I had 6 loaded, I stopped and watched as Mike showed Benji how load a magazine. After Mike loaded one he gave Benji one to load and he quickly loaded it. "Very good Benji. You learn very fast." Mike the took Benji up to the firing point and proceeded to show him all the safety procedures for the range. I took my Glock up to a firing point along with all the mags and got ready to start shooting. I went and picked up three earmuffs to protect our ears from the noise. Dropped two with Mike and Benji and went back to my firing point and waited till Mike was ready. "Ready Sir." "Set Targets." I attached a man shaped target to the wire above my head. And then ran it out to 25 meters. "Benji when we start firing you are going to be inundated with very loud sound." Mike instructed. "You will need to ignore what happening around you and concentrate on the target." "Ready on the right, ready on the left. Commence firing." Mike intoned. I hadn't had a weapon in my hands for almost six months and the first magazine was all over the target. When I reeled it back in I just tore it off and put a new one on and sent it down. I then laid my weapon down and went to watch Benji. Mike was standing behind him talking into his ear as he squeezed off rounds. After the first mag clicked empty, Benji carefully set down the gun and looked at Mike and me with a mile wide grin. "Wow! That was fun. Can I shoot some more?" "First lets look at your target." Mike said. When Mike reeled it in, I saw he actually did shoot better than me. Not bad for his first time. I guess I better start concentrating. Mike attached a new target and sent down the range. "Ok Benji. Load a new magazine, remember all I told you. "Yes Sir." He carefully loaded a new magazine into the auto and then set it down. "Ready Sir." he said. I went back to my range stand and reloaded my Glock. "Ready on the right, ready on the left. Commence firing." Taking careful aim I fired at the target. Stopping each time and getting more control of myself. After ten rounds, I reeled the target back and saw all the rounds were in the chest area of the target. Much better, but not good enough to qualify. I figured I would need a couple days practice. Well not much else to do up here except work. And I actually enjoyed firing on the range. I reeled out another target and squeezed off another ten rounds. I was finally starting to get back into it. The Glock 11 is a very powerful handgun. Equal in hitting power to the 45. But with non of the jams associated with the 100 year old 45 colt. Of course another reason I liked the Glock was that I owned 65% of the company that made them. After firing all 6 mags that I had loaded, I went down to watch Benji and Mike. I looked at Benji's 2nd , 3rd, 4th, and 5th, targets. All were better than my first, but he would need a lot of practice to become proficient. I saw that Mike had moved him up to the Glock 9. He was squeezing off rounds slowly, with Mike coaching him after each round. After the mag was empty Benji carefully laid it down and waited for the target to come back. When he looked at his target he almost cried. "I'll never be any good." he said. "Benji it takes lots and lots of practice to be a good shot. We can come down here every day for next couple of weeks if you want. Mike are you available?" "It would be an honor and a privilege Sir." "Ok, lets clean up these weapons and we'll do it all again tomorrow." Mike showed Benji how to break down both guns he'd fired and then how to clean them. I broke down my Glock 11 and gave it a though cleaning. When we were all done we locked the weapons up and went back up stairs to the living room. Chen had a hot chocolate waiting for Benji and a scotch and scotch waiting for Mike and Me. Damn how does he do it. "I am sorry to ask you Benji, but do you remember anything else about Jim, the man from Estavan." Benji just sat not saying anything for a moment or two. "Do you know what kind of car he had, or what he was driving when he brought you back to Estavan?" A light seemed to off, as he brightened up. "Brin he was driving a converted bus. He was very proud of it. He said that's what he did for a living, converting buses into RV's." "Thank you Benji. That's a real helpful tip. Now we can find him." "What's going to happen to him Sir, uh Brin." "I'm going to blow....Mike started. "If we can prove he's adopting boys to sell as sex slaves, he'll prosecuted under the laws of Noram and could get the death penalty. If we can't prove it well.." "Either way he won't be adopting or selling anymore boys." "Can we go for a swim now?" "As much as I would love to do just that, I have a mountain of work to do. Mike do you think you could supervise this young man in the pool for an hour or so?" "Yes Sir, no problem. Come on Benji lets go swimming." They headed off to the pool area. I wondered what Mike would think when Benji just jumped in nude. I headed to my office and called the Intelligence Office at ISC headquarters. "Intelligence William Dexter Sir." "Willy I have some additional information on that Jim in Estavan. He apparently converts old buses into RV's. In fact he uses one to travel across the country. Think that will narrow your search." "Yes Sir. Uh, hold on a minute Sir. Yes! Got him. He's James Edward Langtree of Langtree RV Conversions and Repair. I have his full address and telephone." "Very good Willy. I want a full Intelligence Scan on him. You know the drill." "Yes Sir." "When you have it send it to my personal file here." "Yes Sir, as soon as I have it all, you'll get it." I hung up and went back to all the other work that had piled up. About an hour later Benji walked into my office in his old cutoffs and a t-shirt. He kissed me on the cheek and looked at the screen of the computer. "I know how to use a computer." He declared. "Really, well lets see." I started to close out my personal file, but before I had a chance a file was downloaded from Intelligence in Edmonton. It was a full face picture. "That's him! That's Jim!" Benji screamed and then he bolted from my office. I jumped up and ran after him. When I entered the living area he was nowhere to be seen. "Benji. BENJI." My scream brought Mike in from the kitchen. "Sir!" "Benji saw a picture of Jim, his abductor and bolted. Find him." Mike headed for the lower levels, while I checked the rooms on the main floor and upper level. We both came back to the living area empty handed. I picked up the phone, punched a code, which connected me to every single soldier outside. "This is the Commander. Benji may be outside somewhere. Find him now." "Did you check everywhere Mike. He couldn't have got far." "Yes Sir, but I'm going to check again." The phone beeped. I grabbed it. "We found him Sir. He was almost 600 meters out in the trees. He only has on a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt, no shoes, we have in a Humvee and wrapped in blankets. We'll have him at the house in five Sir." The Humvee arrived and a huge man brought Benji in and gave him to me. I wrapped my arms around him and just held him. He was shaking like a leaf. Partly from the cold, but I could see his tears and knew he was terrified of the picture he had seen on my computer. I barely acknowledged the security troops as they left. All I was interested in was Benji, My love, my heart, my soul. I took him up to my bedroom and gently laid him on the bed. I carefully removed his t-shirt and then undid the buttons of his cutoff. I slid them off and dropped them on the floor. Benji was now nude, laying on my bed, with tears running down his face. I slowly undressed, as he watched. When I was nude. "Benji do you love me." He didn't answer. Benji do you trust me." "Yes Sir." he whispered "Do you think I would ever hurt you Benji." "No Sir." I laid down on the bed and pulled him in close to me. He really was cold. But he snuggled up close to me. I pulled the comforter over both of us and just held onto him. The shudders slowly subsided. I finally decided to do what I had always, since I had first laid eyes on this boy, wanted to do. I pushed Benji onto his back and rand my hand to his young cock. It was as usual hard as a rock. I slid back the covers and ran my tongue down over his chest and stomach. I looked up at him. He had a wonderful smile on his face. I slipped his cock into my mouth and slowly sucked him. He tried to squirm around to get at my cock, but I prevented him from doing it. It didn't take long before I tasted his sweet cum in my mouth. I continued to suck on his cock while slowly squeezing his ball sack. I was rewarded again when he shot another load into my mouth. As he started to go soft I ran my tongue down between his legs and sucked his ball sack into my mouth. I slowly chewed on his balls while running my hand up and down his chest and stomach. As I started to run my tongue into his ass crack he lifted his legs and wrapped them around my neck. I knew if I turned to assault his rosebud with my tongue it would give him access to my cock. Wanting to really rim his young ass I resigned myself to the fact that Benji was going to suck on my raging cock. As soon as I turned to work my tongue down deeper into his crack I felt Benji engulf my cock with his mouth. Using both hand I spread the cheeks of his apart and assaulted his ass with my tongue. As I started to work my tongue into him he started to squirm and shudder. I could tell just by his moans of pleasure he really liked what I was doing. I felt myself coming to climax, but kept working at his young ass. As I started to cum I could here Benji choking on my hard cock buried deep in his throat. I tried to pull back, but he had my ass in his hands and was pulling my cock deep into him, forcing my cock to gag him. After I was spent I slowly pulled away from his ass and looked up at him. The look in his eyes was one of pure unadulterated love. "Do you still love me Benji." He scrambled around and planted a kiss on my mouth and then started to run his tongue into my mouth. After almost 5 minutes of really deep kissing me he sat back. He had a sly grin on his face. "Well Brin I think I love you, but I won't know for sure until you put your cock into my ass. I know you want to wait, but I don't. I want you inside me now. That's all I have ever wanted. Please Brin, fuck me." "Benji after all that you have been through, I'm really not comfortable with that yet." "Brin, I know what I have done and what has been done to me. I may or may not have been gay in that orphanage, but I am gay now. I love to have a nice cock inside me. You have a very nice cock. I want it inside me now. If you don't fuck me now, I won't tell you anything more of what happened to me." "You don't really mean that do you Benji?" "Yes I do. Fuck me. Fuck me now or I won't cooperate with you anymore." Jesus Christ what do I do now. The kid was blackmailing me. Either fuck him, which I really didn't want to do, or not get anything else out of him. Fuck!" "Ok, you win on one condition. After were done up here you come down and finish your story." "You might be too tired by then Brin. But I promise I will tell you everything I remember."