PZA Boy Stories

Barefoot Guy

Personal Slaveboy

Chapters 4-...

Chapter 4

Later that night Dakota was still tied onto the desk chair and was busy studying. Except for his little outing to the slave outfitters earlier in the day he hadn't moved from this spot and had been bound to the chair all day.

The young slave boy had been alone in his basement bedroom since returning home. He could hear the sounds of Alexander as he moved about the house on the floors above, he could even hear when Alexander's mother had come home from the office. She usually visited him when she came home from work. This thought lifted the bound and bored slaveboy's spirits a little but the hopeful Dakota soon figured out she wasn't going to pay him her customary visit. A little disheartened he returned to his homework.

Dakota had no clue what time it was as he had no windows to look out of and had never been afforded the free-boy luxury of a clock or a watch. But his tummy was telling him some hours had passed by.

The slaveboy was of course still completely naked, having been ordered to strip as soon as the pair returned home from the outfitters. As was the rule of the household, all Dakota's punishments he had to suffer in the nude.

Alexander appeared at the cell barred door of the bedroom with another bowl of steaming slave porridge in his hand. It was dinnertime.

Alexander set the bowl down in front of the slave at his desk and moved the books out of the way so the slaveboy could eat.

"So, Dakota how are you doing?" Alexander asked.

"I'm okay, master. I'm sorry to say I'm a little bored though reviewing the material over and over and my eyes are going a little buggy from reading and writing all day. But I understand that I have to do it both to improve and because of my instructions from you."

"Well I think that after dinner we can untie you and get you a shower, then put you to bed for a while."

"Thanks, master. I do really need a shower; it's been a few days since I had one. Can I shower with this chasty device on?"

"It's called a chast-i-ty cage, Dakota. Yes you can. It's completely waterproof and won't rust or anything. How's it feel?"

"It itches, master."

"It's not pinching anywhere?"

"Not right now. But earlier I got a little 3; um 3; hard and then it wasn't too comfortable."

Alexander laughed at the poor slaveboy's predicament. "Well it's supposed to do that, silly! It's designed to keep you soft and to not allow you to touch your cock at all."

"I would never touch myself unless you told me too." "I know. But you're getting to that age when the thing between your legs becomes an irresistible plaything. This will just help keep you honest."

"I know, but its still frustrating." And he pouted his best play pout.

"Why did it get hard, slaveboy? Where you doing something you weren't supposed too?"

"I don't know if I wasn't supposed to or not. I wasn't touching it, Master. I was just daydreaming back to this afternoon when you where rubbing my chest and the misses at the store was playing with it. And it kinda got hard on its own. I'm sorry."

"Dakota you need to start using the proper names. I wasn't rubbing your chest. I was playing with your nipples. And she was jerking off your cock."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound crude. It feels like I'd be swearing or something. Which I'm not allowed to do, master."

"It's okay, it's all part of your new training. That's the name for those body parts that you, as a slaveboy need to start using."

"It's all so much all of a sudden. I think my little brain is gunna explode, master. Will you help me learn it all, please?" he faked another pouty face.

"Stop pouting and eat your dinner." Alexander said in jest back.

"Okay, thanks."

"And Dakota your brain is anything but little."

Dakota smiled at his master for the compliment and continued to eat his dinner.

Dakota finished the last of the tasteless, white and gooey porridge from the bowl and sat back in his chair to relax. Gripped his hands tight together and reached up over his head and stretched. He arched his back and pulled to stretch his upper body as far as his bondage would allow. Alexander who had been laying his the slaveboy's bed reading to himself got up and began to untie his slaveboy's legs from the legs of the chair in which he sat. He gently messaged the calves and ankles to restore the flow and reduce any stiffness.

Dakota stood up on semi-wobbly legs and took a brief moment to stretch and bend. "Working out the knots, master."

"Well go take a nice hot shower that will help."

"I've got some nice imprints on my skin from the ropes. Look!"

"Yeah you got some first class rope marks there. They'll disappear in a few hours."

"I know, but having rope marks means I was tied up right. Well done!" he teased his owner.

"You're a cheeky bugger tonight. Go take your shower!" he teased back.

Dakota giggled and skipped to his bathroom to start the shower. It always took a couple minutes for the hot water to reach the shower. He started it up and returned to stand in the bathroom's doorway.

Alexander had returned to relax on the slaveboy's bed.

"Master, can I ask you why ma'am didn't come down to visit me when she came home today? Is she really, really mad at me? Doesn't she want to see me?"

"She disappointed in you'd Dakota. But she knows you want to do better so she's also proud of you. She's not really mad, just very busy. She came home with a ton of papers she has to read over for Monday when she goes back to work. She didn't say anything to me either, just went right from the front door to her office. She only came out to make a cup of tea."

"Oh, I see. When she didn't come to visit me I was afraid that she was really mad at me and didn't want to see me again."

Alexander had to smile at that comment from his slaveboy. The boy really was worried about this punishment. He was truly afraid that that he had lost something of the special relationship he shared with Alexander's parents due to his recent failure.

"Go on now, I see steam from the shower, you've got ten minutes, and don't forget to brush your teeth too."

"Yes, Master!" and the relieved slaveboy bounded off to take his shower before bedtime.

Dakota immediately plunged his head under the hot stream of water. It felt great to let the tickling water wash over his head and down his naked body.

"I'll be naked for the next two months 3;" the boy thought to himself, "I think that's the longest I've ever been completely naked.

He grabbed the shampoo and went to his task. A light peach scent filled the shower as he washed three days of grime out of his hair. He'd wish that Alexander would let him shower more often. Dakota would get so embarrassed as his young pre-teen boy scent grew as did the time from his last shower. He tried to keep his distance from others so they wouldn't be offended. He knew it wasn't his fault, but it embarrassed him none the less.

He rinsed his hair, applied the hair conditioner and went to work washing the dirt off his body as the conditioner did its work making his hair silky and soft.

He lingered over his nipples a bit more then he would have normally trying to repeat the pleasurable feelings from his afternoon. His cock started to respond immediately.

"Whoa, better stop that!" he thought and went right back to the work of taking a shower. Thankfully his cock began to deflate.

It took the slaveboy a little bit of concentration to figure out how to properly wash his cock and balls with the cage in the way. Finally he settled on lathering up his hands and doing his best to get the soap to reach his cock. He knew from his instructions given at the slave outfitters that it was now extra important to keep that area clean.

He finished up and rinsed off from head to toes. Hopped out of the shower and quickly dried himself off and bounded over to the sink to brush his hair and his teeth.

With the sound of the sink faucet being turned off Dakota returned to this bedroom and stood with hands behind his back by his master who was still lying on the slaveboy's small bed reading.

"I'm ready for bed now master. I'm all clean, hair washed and teeth brushed."

Alexander hopped off the bed and inspected his slaveboy.

Dakota's hair was still damp. Alexander looked at the boy's ears and saw they were clean, took hold of his hands and inspected his fingernails, clean there too.

He then lifted the cage cock and looked underneath and around the silver metal bars encasing the slave's cock. Spotless and shinny.

"Open." Alexander commanded.

Dakota opened his mouth.

Alexander noted that his breath was minty and the teeth were all white and clean.

As was now the new ritual he swatted the boy's ass five times. Dakota yelped a little at the first one, apparently he had forgotten about that new little addition to his life.

"There, that was your customary five spanks, now I'll give you three more a little harder for getting hard this afternoon when you where supposed to be studying."

"Yes, master, I'm sorry master.

"Alright, you've passed inspection. Lie down on your bed on your back."

Dakota positioned himself so that his legs where at the end of the bed that had the ever present steel ankle shackle and his head, damp hair and all, on the pillow. He was staring up at the ceiling. Alexander clicked the steel shackle in place, the cold steel made Dakota jump a bit, as it did every night until the heat from his leg warmed it.

"Hands and wrists together, Dakota. In front of your tummy."

Alexander then proceeded to wrap white cotton rope around the submissive boy's wrists, not overly tight, but tight enough. Then he changed direction and wrapped between his hands and wrists to encircle the rope going around the slave's wrists. Creating a neat rope handcuff cinched tight. He tied a tight set of knots in the rope on the far side of the slave's hands so that if he bent them to his face to couldn't chew on the knot with he teeth.

"Tonight I think we'll add something new."

"Something new. Like what?" There was a slightly concerned tone in the slaveboy's question.

"Yeah, hang on a sec just stay put and shut your eyes."

Alexander then went over to the chest of bondage gear that was kept in the slaveboy's room unlocked it and rummaged around inside. In a minute he found the object of his search, a leather blindfold. Something Dakota had worn a few times before, but more for playing around and teasing done to him by Alexander. But tonight Alexander intended to blindfold the boy all night long.

Alexander returned and could hear the slaveboy humming a little song to himself.

Dakota's eyes were still closed – Alexander lifted his slaveboy's head up a little, feeling the dampness of the slave's silky straight hair in his palm, and slid the blindfold around his head and placed the padding snuggly over his eyes. Dakota would be completely unable to see anything until such time as his master decided to allow him too.

"I don't want this coming off tonight, Dakota. Don't try to remove it."

"I won't."

"Good boy."

Alexander left the room shutting the door with the metallic click of the steel lock engaging, turned off all the lights plunging the boy into double darkness and left without saying another word.

Dakota wiggled his naked body around to get more comfortable. With his one ankle in the steel shackle for the night that leg had to more or less remain straight. He adjusted his free leg with a bend at the knee so it folded itself under the shackled leg. His free ankle now rested under the back of his other leg's knee, forming a number 4 with is legs.

He knew from experience that if he folded his arms at the elbows so he fingers where under his chin it would relieve the pressure of the ropes and his hands would remain relatively comfortable. Eventually he knew that he'd have to roll over on his side and allow gravity to pull one wrist against the other so his hands wouldn't fall asleep under the rope's grip.

The few nights in this life as a slave where Dakota hadn't been bound in someway he found it very hard to sleep, he chalked it up to too much freedom, he'd gotten used to being bound as normal and not being bound disrupted his sleep.

He eyes hurt from reading all day, doing study and review problems, and making little notes to help his memory of his studies. It felt good to have them closed and dark now. The slight pressure exerted by the leather and fleece against his eyes, face and head just about massaged his tired eyes and almost felt like it was rubbing his temples to provide relief. "Did master know that this would make my eyes feel better?" He thought to himself. Dakota was a smart boy but he never quite knew the motives behind some of the actions taken by his master.

Inside his bondage and blindfold Dakota found himself getting lost inside his own little world. He began retreating into his own head, getting lost in his internal thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.

He thought about how his life changed so suddenly seven years ago when within the course of less then a week his parents had been killed in a car accident and he was now a ward of the local council. At age five the boy instantly became an orphan. He was over at his little friend's David's house when two police officers came to the door. They chatted with David's mommy for a couple minutes. She turned to look at the little boy in the back yard sandbox and was crying. The three came outside and David's mommy told Dakota that he had to go with these men now. He asked where his mommy and daddy where and she told him that the men would explain everything. David cried for Dakota not to go. His mommy had to take hold of him to stop him from chasing after the two men. Dakota looked back at his little friend and waved his final goodbye. The pair never saw each other again.

The two cops took Dakota to the local orphans' home. There a very nice old lady told Dakota about his parents and tried to comfort the little boy as best she could. She gave him a teddy bear to hug tight. After he settled down he was put in a room with three other little boys.

He had to appear in front of that judge the next day. The judge, in his big marble clad courtroom, looked down on him from his high perch behind his big wooden desk. Dakota didn't know it was called a bench at the time. How the adults around him explained the boy's situation to the judge. That he had no other family and he was alone and being cared at the boy's home in town. The judge took a few minutes before he spoke. Dakota stood silent shifting his weight from foot to foot and slightly shaking in fear. Still clutching the teddy bear tight to his chest.

The judge smiled at the little boy and asked his name and his age and what his favorite food was. Took a few more minutes to think and flipped some papers around on his desk. Then the judge announced to the court that the boy was to be deemed a Class Two Orphan.

Dakota was then taken by another adult he didn't know wearing a blue uniform from the large courtroom into a small side room and stripped of his clothes. First his shoes and socks were removed for him, then his shirt, his pants and underpants, and finally the teddy bear was taken. All of his possessions where put into a little white box and the lid shut. The clothes he'd been wearing would be taken back to the home for boys to be reused by another little boy there.

The scared little boy started to cry and shake harder. He had no understanding of what was happening to him. The uniformed man wrapped a simple white loin cloth around his waist and tied it tight. He was taken and given to a nice lady who took him to another home where he was told that in the morning he would learn about the rules he had to know based on what the judge just said.

Thinking about it now, Dakota realized that day was the last time he had ever worn shoes or socks. He had never given any real thought to being barefoot all the time with Alexander. He simply hadn't been given or told to put on any shoes or socks and so he never wore any.

Dakota being only five years old at the time had very little understanding about what was happening around him. But he fit in well at the new home he had been taken too.

Still being grief stricken and a trusting little boy he just allowed the adults, who were all very nice to him, if a little firm, to order him around and he did as they told him too. For his obedience he was praised and he liked the attention he got.

They told him he was a very cute little boy and they'd be sorry to see him go, but he would be adopted very soon because he was so cute and so good a doing what he was told. They told him he was probably going to be adopted by a nice family as their little slaveboy. He had seen slaves in his life, they were not uncommon. But he didn't really know what it meant to become one. One nice lady told him there was a little bit of a chance he might be adopted as a free boy and his life would be just like it was before, but that probably would not happen. All Dakota knew was that soon he would be living with a new family and wanted to be adopted soon.

Dakota thought himself lucky that he was adopted by such a nice family who treated him so well. He didn't mind being tied up and liked the interest shown in him by Alexander and Alexander's parents.

Over the years he knew that Alexander was the envy of most of his school friends because of his ownership of Dakota. Dakota was proud of that and even though he was a slave he loved being part of this family that loved him back. He'd been a slaveboy more than half his life, He didn't have many memories of his life before the age of four or so – meaning he had almost no memory of his early life as a free boy. This was all he knew; being a slaveboy. He smiled slightly at his thoughts and drifted off to sleep.


Since it was still early in the evening Alexander plunked himself down on the family room sofa and turned on the tele. "Let the channel surfing begin." He said to an empty room. The flicking light of a television rapidly changing stations bounced off the walls.

After several turns around the dial Alexander's mother finally emerged from her home office.

"Shove over a bit, kiddo." She said.

Alexander moved over a little and she sat down on the sofa with a thump. Exhausted. She kicked off her shoes and put her feet up on the coffee table. She looked at her son.

"Honey I wish you wouldn't put your shoes on the furniture."

He too kicked off his sneakers leaving him barefoot. He curled up a little he got resettled and comfortable.

"So how's Dakota?"

"He studied hard today, he said he got very bored doing it though and he eyes hurt from so much reading."

"That's to be expected. How are his spirits?"

"You know Dakota. No complaints. He was in a good enough to mood to tease me a little like he does – so I think he's fine."

"It's strange not to see him sitting on the floor here watching tele with you, your usually Saturday night custom."

"I know, I kinds miss him."

"I stopped by the outfitters on the way home, Angie said you stopped in today and brought Dakota with you."

"Yeah, I wanted to get him a chastity thingy. So I went over this morning and picked one out, but she needed to custom fit it too him so I had to take him back in."

"Good, he's reaching that age. Slaveboys need to be controlled with that sort of thing."

"Wait a minute, why did you stop in to see Angie?"

"Oh I wanted to special order some equipment for his bedroom."

"Like what?"

"That's a surprise. Right now I don't want you mention it to him. Wait till they start delivering it all next week."

"Oh come on! Tell me, please!" he pleaded.

"No, it's a surprise for him, and for you."


"Alexander! Language."

"Sorry, mom."

"Alexander, I need to ask you something. I know that Dakota sometimes performs oral sex on you."

Alexander blushed crimson.

"But have you gone any farther? Have you had sex with him, anal intercourse?"

"Mom! How could you ask me that? It's so embarrassing. How did you even know about him giving me 3; doing that 3; to me?"

"Honey, I'm your mother. I know everything about my family. And he told me. I asked and he told me."

"Well then why don't you just ask him." Alexander was a little miffed by this line of questioning and learning that his mother knew about their little sexual adventures.

"No. You're my son and he's just a slave. I want to know from you."

"Well if you really must know. No I have never had sex with Dakota!" He was near yelling.

"Settle down, Alexander."

"Why would you even suggest that? I'm not gay!"

"This isn't about you being gay. It's about you using your slaveboy. And that's what Dakota is, a slaveboy. He's not a British-American subject, he doesn't have the same rights as you. He's a possession, you own him. It's not the same as if you had sex with your friend Tristan."

"Mother, oh God! Yuck! Thanks, now I have that image in my mind. Thanks a lot!"

She giggled realizing her faux pas. "Sorry, honey. But you see what I'm saying?"

Alexander sat down, feet flat on the floor took a deep breath and looked at the coffee table instead of his mother.

"Yes, because of his status as a slaveboy if, and that's a big if, I have sex with him it doesn't mean I'm gay because he doesn't have the same status as me."

"Correct. It's about the active and passive roles. You, as the master of Dakota, take the active role. The masculine role if you will. He's the passive one. He has no choice both because of his physical position under you and because of his position as a slave."

"Okay, I remember that from history class. That's how things operated in the old Roman Empire. We covered that in the chapters on historical slavery."

"Good, nice to know the schools till teach the basics of society. But you see how it's different from a homosexual act?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Look honey, he's yours. I'm not telling you what to do with him. But you're at an age now where you'll become more sexually active and he's your slave."

"I 3;I guess so."

"I'd rather you have sex with him instead of someone who might have a disease or a girl who could get pregnant. And honey, in case you didn't notice, Dakota is as gay as a goose."

"He's what?"

"You've never really thought of him as a sexual toy at all have you?"

"No, he's my slave, but also my friend and kinda like a little brother."

"Do you tie up your friends or keep them naked? Would you lock a little brother in a basement bedroom with a steel cell door?"

"Of course not. Well maybe a bratty little bother 3; But I think he likes being tied up."

"Of course he does, he's the rarest of all slaves. He's a natural born submissive, a real slave. He'd never have been truly happy as a free boy."

"I've always wondered about that. Compared to other slaves I've seen he's always so happy and fun to be around."

"Most other slaves are despondent and have to be trained to accept their new stations in life. They hate it, right?"

"Yes they do. My mate David's parents had a real hard time with their slavegirl. She needed lots of punishment and correction when they first adopted her."

"Dakota is a one of a kind slaveboy. He's actually happy being one. He may not fully understand the reasons why himself. But he loves you and he's happy with the way things are."

"Yeah. I mean his attitude tonight proves it, right."

"Well this summer will be quite the learning experience for both of you. He will be learning all kinds of new aspects to a slave's life and you'll begin to think of him in a slightly different way."

"Sounds like fun." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Oh don't be that way. You'll see, trust me."


"Now since Dakota's not allowed out of his room, why don't go you make us each cup of tea?"

He returned with a tray of tea and a few cookies. The pair snacked as they watched some Saturday night television.

"Alexander, I've still got a few more hours work tonight and I know you don't want to talk to your mother about the things you can do with Dakota, in that way. Why don't you head to your computer and do some research on the net."

"Okay, night mom."

"Goodnight, honey. And remember, some things you'll discover will be quite extreme, keep in mind that he's yours to care for and you don't want to harm him. Go slowly."


In his bedroom Alexander accessed the internet and did a simple search for 'sex with your slaveboy'.

A screen full of results popped up, dozens of pages of results in fact.

"Damn! How did I not know about all this, where have I been living?" he mused.

He searched and looked at a lot of sites. He learned about pig slaves, full bondage slaves, pain slaves, what corporate owned slaves were subjected too. All of that quite disgusted and repulsed Alexander. "Why would anyone want to treat their property so badly?" he thought.

After about an hour he found a good site for slaveboy training and sex.

"That looks interesting. I think I'll start with that in the morning, right after his little morning spanking. I wonder why it's called shrimping?"

Chapter 5

The next morning Alexander rose early from his bed, a habit he wasn't accustomed to do on a Sunday, but this morning was special, or rather would be special. Today would be the first day of his training Dakota, the boy in the basement bedroom, bound, blindfolded and sleeping, to be his sexual slave as well as his personal slaveboy.

Up until a few years ago Dakota was more of a friend or special beloved pet. He was a companion for Alexander, when Alexander wanted a companion that is. Otherwise he was just there. A possession of the family, sometimes the center of attention, sometimes put away in his suitably appointed bedroom in the basement, out of sight and alone.

A few years ago, well more than a few but that's beside the point, Alexander started requiring Dakota to perform oral sex on him. Alexander's sexually naive way at teenage masturbation. That was as far as the two ever progressed into the realm of sexual matters.

At the urging of his mother Alexander looked up some slaveboy training sites on the internet last night before turning in. He was shocked, interested and very curious about most of what he saw. He decided that Dakota would be up for most everything, the willing and curious boy that he was, but he'd progress slowly and carefully. He liked the relationship the two shared now, one of friendship and companionship, their little teasing sessions, he didn't want to lose that, but to enhance it with the enjoyment of adding sex to the mix.

But first he wanted to get a good shower and then test some of the things his mother had said about Dakota the night before during their conversation on the couch.

While letting the warm water wash over him Alexander wished his father would call home; he'd feel much more comfortable discussing these sexual matters with him rather than with his mother. Currently Mr. Brooks was in the remote countryside of China, apparently they didn't have any cellular coverage and computers would be far and few between. They knew this in advance so were not worried he hadn't checked in, but several days without contact between all the family members was unusual.

Out of the shower the young master tossed on a pair of shorts and a polo shirt and headed downstairs to his slaveboy. It was only 6:38am.

The light from the hallway cast a door shaped shaft of light into Dakota's bedroom, illuminating the sleeping blindfolded slaveboy on the simple twin bed. The shadow lines from the locked cell door cast their shadows across the naked twelve-year-old's body. Alexander stood still and silent for a moment watching the rising and falling of the bound boy's chest.

"He really is something special," he thought to himself. "He has never really complained about anything required of him or asked of him. He really seems to enjoy giving me blowjobs, he doesn't mind being naked all the time. And now that I think of it he always seems to yield to other's will, even in the most simple matters. He really is a submissive little slave, isn't he?"

Alexander placed his hand on the pad scanner next to the door and with a click the door was unlocked. The noise had woken the slave who stirred on his bed.

Dakota, not being used to being blindfolded overnight, tried to open his eyes, but they met with resistance, he reached up with his bound hands and felt the cloth covering his eyes and remembered through his sleepy haze the order of his master from the night before to not remove the blindfold himself for any reason. He scratched his nose instead.

Alexander strolled over to Dakota's bed and sat down on the end.

"Good morning 3; Master?" Dakota spoke first.

"Yes, it's me, Dakota. How are you doing this morning?"

"Good, tired, but okay, thanks."

"Can you sit up?"

"Okay." And he did so.

The chain that secured Dakota's ankle to the bed was long enough to allow him to sit normally with both feet on the floor. He managed to position himself sitting normally next to his master. The two sat side by side, one wearing a shirt and shorts, other naked, blindfolded and bound.

"How's my little slave's dick this morning, being all locked up?"

"Uhm, its okay, master, it tried to get hard a few times and woke me up."

"You'll get used to that and it won't be a problem for long I think."

"I hope so, it was rather annoying."

"Make sure your eyes are closed. I'm gunna take off the blindfold. Open them up slowly after I take it off."

Alexander untied Dakota's wrists and then turned to Dakota and spoke some of the most important words he had ever spoken to him as his owner.

"Dakota, for the next few minutes, we are going to talk, I have questions for you. I need you to answer honestly and freely. I promise you, you will not be punished for any reason for anything you say. Actually for the next few minutes, until you I tell you otherwise consider yourself a free boy. Well semi-free anyway. Do you understand?"

"Y-yeah. Yes, master."

"Good. Now look me in the eyes."

Dakota turned and looked at his master, Alexander could see the nervousness building behind his green eyes.

"Dakota, if you could change three things about your life, what would they be?"


"You heard me, take a minute and think about it, there's no rush."

"O-okay." He turned and stared down at his toes for a moment and thought deeply about the question before him. "Well, one I would like to be able to take a shower more often, it's kinda embarrassing when I get a bit smelly. Second, I'd like to eat more of the foods you get to eat, especially the desserts a lot more!" he giggled. "And lastly, well lastly I guess I would like it if I wasn't left alone so often, it gets boring down here all by myself, and sometimes when I'm home alone the house is a little scary."

"Next Question, Dakota do you find yourself attracted to me or boys in general?"

Dakota went bright red from head to toe, "Yes, master, I do. I'm sorry." He looked downcast.

"No need to be sorry Dakota. You're just being honest, that's more than a lot of people can be with themselves."

Dakota looked back at his master and smiled. Alexander winked, reassuring his younger slaveboy.

"Okay next, do you find yourself wanting to learn about the sexual games we are going to teach you?"

"Oh yes, very much!" He said quickly.

"Didn't even have to think about that one did you? Anyway, last question and take a moment to think about this one, and remember you need to be honest with me. Tell me the truth no matter what it is and you won't be punished for it."

"Got it."

"Have you ever, at anytime since I've owned you, ever thought about being free again?"

"What!" Dakota said in surprise. To be asked if he wanted to be free, that was almost unheard of. He didn't know much outside the four walls of this house, but he did know that no slave was ever asked for their opinion on being set free.

"Dakota, relax, this is not a trick. I just need to know. Have you ever thought about it?"

Dakota turned back to looking at his toes. He was visibly shaking, he didn't like this question. He took a deep breath and looked back at his master 3;"

"Honestly, Alexander. I have to answer: No. I have never thought about being free again. I have thought about what life might be like for you and for Cody and some of the other boys I've seen on the streets when I get to go out, what your lives are like, but I don't want to be free. Honestly it scares me, really. I mean I have no one other than you and Sir and Ma'am in the world. Where would I live? How would I live? I'm only a kid 3;"

Then a thought flew into his mind.

"Oh, master, you're not freeing me are you? You're not throwing me out of the house are you? Please say you're not. I'm sorry for messing up on my schoolwork, but I promise to do better, please I want to be here, I want to be yours."

Alexander had to grab Dakota's head in his hands. "Stop that now, Dakota. You have nothing to worry about, that's not why I asked."

Dakota took a minute to let this news sink in, took another deep breath, looked at his master in the eye again, and said. "Thank you, master!"

"You're welcome, Dakota" and he pulled the slaveboy into himself and gave him a reassuring hug.

After a few minutes they released their embrace, looked at each other and smiled.



"Ok, that's it for the questions. You're completely a slaveboy again. My slaveboy. Understand?"

"Yes, master. Thanks."

Alexander reached down and unlocked the metal shackle from Dakota's ankle, "Okay, Dakota, go take a shower, go potty, brush your teeth and be back here on your knees in front of me on the floor in twelve minutes or less."

"Yes Master," and he sprang up and trotted into the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower.

While the water was running in the little on slave-suite bathroom Alexander leaned back on his hand and with his other hand began slowly and gently rubbing his cock hard. Not enough to put himself close to the edge of cumming, that would be his slave's job from now on, but just enough to get himself excited and ready for the fun and games he was about to try out on his willing and natural-born slaveboy.

The little quiz had been most informative. Dakota's answers had confirmed all Alexander's mother had told him. Dakota was smart and a thinker, he was totally gay and he was simply a natural slave. He really wouldn't have been happy if he'd not become a slave to someone. Dakota's answers had confirmed for Alexander that the road the two were about to travel together was the right one for them.

"Damn, I must be the luckiest seventeen-year-old in the country. I have a great, cute slaveboy who actually wants to be my slave, and wants me to have sex with him 3;" he thought to himself as he continued to rub his cock.

He heard the sink turn off and Dakota reentered the bedroom walked over to his master and dropped slowly and gently to his knees, hands at his sides and head bowed in front of Alexander as he was ordered. Alexander didn't have his watch on and Dakota had no clock in his room so he had no clue if Dakota had performed his tasks in the time allowed or not, it didn't matter really either.

He placed his hand on Dakota's damp hair and pushed him down toward the floor. The slave's instincts took over and he simply allowed himself to be pushed into position.

"Dakota, my slave, I want you to begin to learn something new. I want you to lick and suck on my toes."

"Your toes, master?"

"You heard me, now start. Lick between them, and suck each one just like it was a little cock. Lick and kiss the soles of my feet, the underside of my toes where they meet the ball of my foot. You can use your hands to hold my foot. Be gentle and simply make me feel good."

"Yes, master."

So he began.

Starting with the right foot of his master Dakota lowered himself all the way to the floor and pushed his tongue out between his soft red lips and lapped at his master's big toe. He turned his head and got his soft, wet tongue around his master's toe and began licking the spot just under the end of the toenail, then around to the side and moved back to the arch of his foot.

The obedient slave pushed his warm pinkness out farther and lapped at the bare arch more and more, then worked back over his path and swung around at the big toe and pushed his tongue in between the big toe and the second toe, licking in between them as ordered.

Dakota took his master's foot in his hand and lifted up off the floor, sitting up as he did so, and held the barefoot of his master at the heel and supported it gently to the side with his other hand. Dakota's eyes were closed and he had a dreamy look on his face as he continued his duty to his master.

He opened his mouth and let Alexander's big toe slip into his mouth just as he had sucked on his cock so many times in the past. He licked underneath and gently sucked with his mouth as he ran his tongue around and around the digit just as if it was a little cocklet. Then with a swift motion and with an effort of a child licking cookie dough off a spoon, he licked and probed the space between his big and second toe then started sucking on the second toe just as he did with the big.

Alexander thought to himself that if his toes had been cocks he would have shot from them twice already. Even as it was his cock was rock hard and throbbing from the attention given his feet. He hadn't touched his cock since Dakota reentered the room.

"Oh man this feels so great, slaveboy. Are you enjoying it?" Alexander whispered.

"Uhmm mmmm." Dakota answered without taking his sweet mouth off Alexander's middle toe.

Dakota continued to work on his master's toes and the soles of his bare feet. His hands gingerly rubbed and caressed the heels and arches as he moved and licked and sucked his way around every millimeter of his master's feet. He deftly finished up with the right and started on the left. Dakota worked it just as the first but as his experience and confidence grew he got bolder and less shy about probing and exploring this new territory on his master's body.

He then lifted both of feet together side by side and licked in between the arches. The sides of his tongue reaching and stroking both feet at the same time.

Alexander moaned with delight and the pure decadent pleasure one gets from having another person lick and suck their bare feet. He was hard as granite.

After some time passed and he was sure he could take no more of Dakota's quickly growing expert ministrations on his body, Alexander ordered Dakota to lay down on the floor on his back with his hands behind his head and to remain still.

Alexander retrieved a ball gag from the trunk of bondage gear kept locked in Dakota's bedroom. He returned to the prone slaveboy and lifted his feet up into his lap as he sat on the bed and taking the ropes that had spent the night securing Dakota's wrists he bound the slave's ankles and then his big toes together. He gently set the bound feet on the bed and gagged the boy tightly. He smiled at Dakota who in turn winked back.

"I got this little idea from you. Where you used your tongue between my feet I'll use my cock!"

He dropped his shorts to the floor and slipped his rock hard cock between the bound soles of the slaveboy's feet and began to slowly fuck them.

The friction caused by the soles and arches of Dakota's feet against Alexander's cock felt wonderful to the young slave master. The soft warm touch of the slave's bare feet was a feeling that Alexander hadn't anticipated. No where had he seen this mentioned on the web he simply spring-boarded this idea from Dakota's tongue action between his own arches.

The opening formed by Dakota's feet bound as they were at the ankles and big toes provided an opening just the right size and softness for Alexander's cock to be caressed into orgasm. Even in his sexually induced lust he knew that this was going to be part of their regular routine from now one.

"But what about my cum?" he thought, "When I come it will shoot all over Dakota. Wonder if he's ready for that? Guess I'll find out."

"Dakota this feels great, I'm gunna cum all over you, I'm not gunna stop till I cum. Get ready for it."

Dakota nodded but Alexander lost in his own feelings radiating out from his cock all over his body didn't even notice Dakota's nod.

"This won't going to take long." Alexander thought.

Dakota tried to think about what might happen when his master came on him. But in the few moments he had before it happened he knew he had no choice either way so he decided to watch his master's cock erupt and accept the cum no matter where it hit him.

A few short minutes later and Alexander could wait no longer and he let lose shooting his seed all over the slaveboy lying on the floor. Alexander's cum covered Dakota's caged cock with splatters on his tummy and chest. One of the first bursts of cum actually hit Dakota on the chin and neck. The boy was tracked with his master's cum from chin to feet. The last drops of white goo dripped from his master's cock onto the bound feet that had brought him off in the first place. Alexander wiped the dribbles of remaining cum off his cockhead on the soles of Dakota's feet. The slave giggled at the slippery tickling feeling.

Alexander sat down and reclined on the small bed and took time to recover.

He then crawled on the floor next to Dakota and removed his gag.

"Wow, that was amazing!" He told his slave.

"Yeah it was, thank you, master." Dakota replied.

"That was just the best. Very hot! I don't think my cock could have gotten any harder."

"Glad I could give you so much pleasure, master."

"You were great, Dakota. What did you think of it?"

"I liked it a lot master. You know I have never seen you actually do that before, I've felt it in my mouth, but I never saw you do it. It was so cool watching your cock spurt it all out. And now it's all over me. Feels weird."

"Weird how?"

"It's all warm when it first hit me, now it getting very cool and sticky feeling."

"Some people seem to think that it marks a slave as its master's property to have his cum on his body."

"Really? Well I do kinda like it. It was really neat to have you cum on me. Will you do that to me again sometime?"

"Sure thing, Dakota."

A few minutes of silence passed as the two boys lay side by side on the floor coming down from their mutual but very different sexual highs.

"Master, can I go get cleaned up now?"

"No I don't think so. I want you to wear my cum for a while. Bring your feet down on the floor here and lay on your side."

Alexander got up and got another piece of rope and quickly bound Dakota's hands behind him and left him on the carpeted floor.

"There that will keep you from rubbing any of it off with your hands. As today is Sunday I think that I will allow you a day off from studying and we'll play some more. But first you're gunna lay here bound up for a while and I'll go get your breakfast. As your still under your grounding, it will be slave chow again and you won't be leaving his room but I'll be back and we'll spend the day together and you'll be learning a lot I think."

He bent over the trussed up slaveboy and gagged him again, left the room locking the door and flipping off the room's lights. Dakota was simply lit by the light coming through the cell door from the hall.

Dakota craned his head up as best he could and watch his master exit his bedroom and lock him in once again. If he wasn't gagged he would have smiled. As it was he was more content then he had been in a long time.

The slave's breakfast, which Alexander fed to him spoon by spoon as Dakota remained bound on the floor, consisted of the same white and tasteless slave chow he'd eaten the day before. Every so often he would scoop up a little of his cum from Dakota and feed the helpless slave a spoonful of the cold sticky goo. Dakota took it all in stride. He would wrinkle his nose and say, "Yucky" when he was fed his master's seed but he opened his mouth and licked the spoon clean anyway. Even bound and covered in cum Dakota still enjoyed teasing his master.

After breakfast had been consumed it was time for Dakota's morning spanking.

Alexander helped the boy upright and placed his chest on the mattress with his knees still on the floor. And with the paddle gave Dakota five good smacks on his bare round ass.

He sat down next to the slightly suffering slaveboy and placed his hand on the small of Dakota's back to keep him in place. Dakota turned his head to look toward his master.

"Dakota there is a practice that most masters do on their slave. They have sex with them."

"Isn't that what we are doing?"

"No I mean have sex with you, really have sex."

"I don't think I know what you mean, master."

Alexander's hand roamed to Dakota's still red ass.

"I mean, instead of putting my cock in your mouth, I put it in your butt."

"Oh." Was all the slave could respond with.

"Yeah. It's the real way to have sex with a slave."

"I understand."

"So what do you think?" he asked Dakota.

"Does it matter, master? I'm just a slave – you can do what you want to me."

"That's true, but you're more than just a slave."

"Are you going to do it now?"

"No, not right now. We got to get you prepared for it, so you're not damaged."

"Get me ready? How?"

"First we've got to open your butt up. That's done with a device called a butt plug. We don't have one yet, but I'll get a set and we'll start stretching your tight little ass and get you ready."

"Sounds painful."

"Well it will be at first. But from what I read about it, it seems that it can be enjoyable after that. That pain doesn't last long. The web site said that slaves even enjoy the feeling once they are trained and prepared right."

"Okay. I'll do the best I can." The slave giggled.

"I know you will!" and Alexander quickly tickled the bound boy's ribs sending another round of laughter from Dakota's lips.

Alexander had Dakota stand up and he untied his wrists and ankles and had him lay down on his back on the bed and proceeded to tie him spread eagle. Once all four limbs where secure he again blindfolded the young slave.

"I'm gunna head upstairs for a little bit, but I won't leave the house. You relax here for a while and I'll be back down after lunchtime."

"O-okay. Master. What if I fall sleep?"

"You think you'll sleep tied up like this?"


"Well if you do you do. See you in a bit."

"Hehehe, nice joke, master! See you in a bit and I'm blindfolded. I get it!"

Alexander headed back upstairs to watch a little tele and get himself an early lunch. And he'd give calling he father another try.

After a few more hours and a couple unsuccessful attempts to reach his father, Alexander returned to his slaveboy in the basement.

"Okay Dakota now for your next lesson 3; ready?"


Unseen by the blindfolded slave the seventeen-year-old master lowered his shorts again and positioned himself at the top of the bed above Dakota's head and lowered himself down over the slave's face.

When he felt his nether region meet Dakota's nose and mouth the slaveboy jumped in surprise. Jumped as best he could that is being tied in a spread eagle position.

"Dakota, this is called rimming, I want you to find my hole with your tongue and lick it good."

Dakota was a bit more timid about this activity then he had been about licking his master's feet, but ever obedient he pushed the tip of his pink soft tongue out and searched blindly for his master's sphincter.

"Yeah, that's it, there you are 3;"

Dakota continued to lick, little tiny licks like a puppy lapping up water.

"A little harder now, I want to feel it 3;" Alexander instructed.

He did as he was told and found that it wasn't completely unpleasant, there was no taste as he had imagined. Alexander had made sure he was well cleaned before this activity. He had no wish to gross out Dakota.

Dakota was now raising his head off the bed to better reach and lick his master's rosebud with his tongue. When his neck muscles need a rest he lowered his head back to the bed, took a deep breath and said, "I feel like I'm panting with my tongue, master."

"You're doing fine. This feels great. Keep working."

And Dakota set back to his task.

A few moments on and Alexander figured it was time for the next level of this particular activity.

"Dakota, now I want you to put your tongue inside me, stick the tip right in and push as hard as you can."

Without a word Dakota tried to obey. It took a few tries and for him to be able to figure out how to stiffen his tongue enough to get it passed his master's anal ring, but he managed to do it eventually. Of course all his efforts just continued to delight his master until it was in and then Alexander was in anal pleasure heaven. Alexander actually cooed.

"In and out, boy, that's it."

Dakota was effective tongue fucking his master now, Alexander was hard once more and his cock was proudly sticking out in front him throbbing in time with his excited heart beat. His glistening cock tip was dripping little bit of precum on Dakota's chest adding to the dried cum from that morning.

Alexander shifted his potion pulling back a little placing his balls directly over Dakota's mouth.

"Suck them in and play with them with your tongue."

Dakota quickly did as ordered his cheeks swelled up with the two nuts now filling his mouth. He found each one in turn and gently licked and played with them inside their skin sack.

"Oh my God, Dakota you have no clue how great this feels!"

"Mmmmphhhmm." Was all the response he got from his busy slaveboy.

Dakota, letting his imagination go and improvising as best he could began to enjoy his work and playfully sucked on the whole sack, then popped one ball out of his mouth while holding the other in and sucking it down harder stretching it from his master's body all the while licking and caressing it with his warm wet, and quickly becoming an expert, tongue. Then he would suck both nuts back into his mouth and pop the first out and repeat. Then suck both back in again and suck hard and wild as his tongue danced over and over his master's lose nut sack.

Alexander was groaning with a pleasure he had never known.

Without saying a word he moved back a bit more pulling his nuts from his slave's mouth and Dakota without being told sucked in the tip of his master's cock into his mouth.

He suctioned it like a Hoover. Alexander needed no encouragement.

Both boys where lost in their lust.

Alexander pumped his hips. His cock pushed farther into the young boy's mouth.

Dakota sealed his lips tight around the invading cock.

Alexander pushed harder.

Dakota, an experienced cocksucker, let the tip slip into his throat.

Alexander pulled back and then quickly pushed in again.

Dakota let his head rest on the bed as Alexander began to face fuck him.

"This is new 3;" Dakota thought as his mouth was being pummeled by his master.

He had to time his breathing for the nanosecond of time when Alexander pulled back but before he reinserted to the hilt.

Dakota could feel his master's light crotch hair brush against his face. His master's balls covered his nose making it harder to time his breathing.

"Arrggh." Screamed Alexander as he pulled his member from the mouth working it. He quickly grabbed hold of his raging cock and pumped it as he shot his seed all over the front of his slaveboy for the second time that day.

"FUCK." He shouted as his cum ended.

Without a word he stuck his cock back into Dakota's panting mouth and Dakota licked it clean. Smacking his lips as the now sensitive cock was pulled out.

"Don't say a word, Dakota. Complete silence." Alexander ordered after he came a bit back down to earth.

Alexander went into Dakota's bathroom and turned on the hot water tap and rinsed a white wash cloth under the flowing water, grabbed a dry hand towel and returned to his waiting, but very gooey slaveboy.

He gently and gingerly began to clean Dakota's skin with the warm cloth. Taking his time and making sure he got it all off. He returned to the sink a couple times to rinse and re-warm the cloth.

Once satisfied his boy was clean he rubbed the towel over the damp skin to dry him. Dakota couldn't help but jiggle and giggle as the rubbing towel tickled him.

Alexander dropped the towel to the floor and set about tickling Dakota properly.

He attacked his ribs and under his arms. Gently but ruthlessly he dug his fingers into the helpless slave.

After several minutes, and eternity to the tickled tortured slaveboy, Alexander traced his fingers down the front of Dakota's chest and when he reached his stomach he accidently discovered that Dakota's belly button was ultra ticklish. Then set about attacking the boy without mercy.

Dakota wailed with laughter and if not blindfolded tears would have rolled from his eyes.

The boy shook and bucked in his bondage. The ropes straining to keep him secured to the bed.

Alexander kept at it switching between his belly button and the sides of Dakota's ribs.

Just when Dakota thought he would pass out from his suffering Alexander stopped his torture.

Dakota dropped back to the bed. He breathed in and out hard.

Panting heavily.

His hair was wildly tossed and sweat matted to his forehead.

Sweat beaded on his chest as it rose and fell rapidly.

Alexander leaned over and quickly kissed Dakota on the tip of his nose. He whispered into his left ear.

"Are you okay, Dakota?"

Dakota only nodded yes.

Chapter 6

Later that Sunday afternoon Dakota was lying on his bed with his ankle chained to the bedrail and of course wearing his silver chastity device locked around his twelve year old cock. His hands were untied and resting on his bare chest.

Alexander was allowing him to relax after his wonderful sexual performance of the morning and also allowing the slave's brain is rest from its first few days of all-day-long studying of school lessons. The homework could continue tomorrow.

Dakota lay on his bed extremely bored. He didn't like being alone all that much and with nothing to do in the middle of the day with the room lights still on he wasn't a happy slaveboy at the moment. Alexander didn't even leave a book within reach to Dakota could read. He tried to doze off a couple times, but he just wasn't sleepy and he found it difficult to sleep if not tied up.

Alexander was upstairs watching some tele in the family room while his mother worked in her office, she would be traveling to the capitol on Tuesday morning to take up legislative matters there.

Alexander was wearing a pair of shorts and polo style shirt, barefoot and was sprawled out on the couch vegetating while watching the mindless show on the Sunday afternoon telecast. He was about to doze off himself when 3;

"Alexander come here," his mother called out, "Your father's on the line!"

"Dad, he's finally called?" he jumped up from the couch and darted to his mother's office.

On her computer screen was an open window showing a pixilated face of Ryan Brooks.

"Dad! Where have you been? Alexander shouted at the computer screen.

"Whoa there sparky! No need to shout. I can hear you just fine. I finally got to a town with a decent connection to the 'net so I could call you guys." He dad smiled from ear to ear at seeing his only son for the first time in several days.

"Why didn't you call us before?" Alexander asked.

"My cell phone couldn't get a signal, been out in the center of nowhere for days looking at little villages and the new slave processing centers the Chinese government is setting up to produce slaves from the outer provinces and from the interior of Tibet. Most of the time I was hemmed in by mountains and the people are so isolated from the rest of the country they just didn't have cell towers or 'net connections. I couldn't call or send email or anything. It's like it's the eighteenth century in some of these little villages. A real bother too, my email in box must be over flowing! I'm not looking forward to that."

"So how's it going, dad?" Alexander asked.

"Well, son I don't have a lot of time. The government keeps public 'net access limited, even for diplomats. I've explained it all to your mother; she can fill you in on the details. Short version is that with the opening up of these new areas to slavery the world will have a new supply of slaves, boys and girls and men and women. The crops of slave that Tibet alone can produce will be vast and offer a lot of new possibilities for the economies of the developed world."

"Sounds like a lot of work Dad." Alexander said.

"Yes it is, but that's my job to see that the exporting of slaves is handled properly within international treaties. So far all is fine, they are doing a top job getting the slaves processed, trained and ready for the international market. And don't worry about me, the Chinese government has provided me with a couple slaves to help with my work. A women who does all my secretarial work and a seven year old Tibetan boy as my personal slave. I think they want to impress me by showing me directly how well the slaves can work."

"Sounds cool." Alexander replied. "I can't wait to see the pictures from over there. I hear Tibet is beautiful."

"It is Alexander. I've taken a ton of pictures for you too. I should be home in about a week, give or take. I still have a couple more villages to visit and one more slave processing center to evaluate and approve before I can fly back to Tokyo and then on home 3;" just then a red light began flashing in the corner of his communication window and a beeping noise started on the line, "Oh, damn there's the time limit, I've got about thirty seconds before auto-disconnect. So we'd better say goodbye now. Not sure when I'll be able to call again, heading back out into the immeasurable wilderness tomorrow."

"Oh, that was so short! Bye-bye dad, see you soon!" Alexander said goodbye.

"See you soon, honey." Emma told her husband.

"Love you guys, say hello to Dakota for me Alexander, tell him I sorry I missed him on this call, but your mom explained his grounding to me. Love you both! Be home soo..." And with that the connection went black.

"Wow finally. But it was so short, that sucked." Alexander complained.

"Watch your language young man, your mother's in the room."

"Sorry, mom. So what's the deal with all these new slaves? I thought dad was just on a routine visit for the UN?"

"He needed to keep it all kinda quiet until he could examine the centers personally. China wants to enter the international slave markets more aggressively. So they have expanded their acquisition and processing of slaves from their outer provinces and from the Tibet plateau. Until now they have only used a small percentage of slaves from these areas of their country within their own borders. The small number of slaves they exported where from the orphanages and criminal classes from their larger more developed cities. I guess they are worried about over population, they are getting near seven-hundred million citizens, and more than that if you add in their slaves."

"Oh. But dad said something about the economy being benefitted by this? I don't understand that."

"Well, you may not realize this but since the government took control of the slave markets here in BA the source for slaves has slowly dwindled. We basically took over a few billion pound a year industry and shut out the private sector. It was a big mess but the government eventually muddled through it. However the government shouldn't be in business, regulate it yes, but not operating it. Anyway our economy took a hit; it survived but never really fully recovered. The more liberal anti-slave factions took the shutting down of private slave sales as a victory and saw it as a first step for the elimination of slavery all together.

"But now that things are turning downward again with the worldwide economy and credit crunch we need to stimulate the economy. That's the focus of the bills we need to pass in parliament. I've been working on the Slavery Expansion Act.

"The PM wants to open up a number of government licenses for private slave sales again. The selling and buying of slaves will potentially pump millions of pounds into our economy in the first year. But with limited slaves available in BA we need outside sources for quick sale. China is offering that supply, but we need to make sure that the slaves meet our standards for training and health."

"So that's what this law will be? To allow these Chinese slaves to be sold here by others than the government?" Alexander asked.

"That's the main focus, yes, to ease the importing on UN approved slaves but secondary is to increase our domestic supply."

"Increase our own supply? How?"

"Several things are being considered. One is to once again make all children of slave mothers slaves for life. That will increase the breeding of domestic slaves, as there's more profit in selling a young slave for life rather then for a set number of years. Two is to begin selling licenses to slave dealers for the buying and selling of slaves to and from the general public and allow private dealers to tap into government sources for slaves. Another is to allow the private sale of class two slaves without court approval and the sale for profit of class three as well. Another is to increase the population of young slaves from free children by making it easier for the law to punish anti-social behaviors. And most controversial to the anti-slave lobby is again allowing parents to enslave their own children for their use or to sell if they need the money."

"Anti-Social Behaviors?"

"For example: if a group of teens if playing loud music on the street or someone is caught spraying graffiti on a wall, the police can issue a Writ of Anti-Social Behavior. The offender was caught in the act so there is no trial, they are guilty. If they get a second writ within the next six months then they are arrested and taken before a judge for a ruling. Some of them will become class two slaves at best, the rest class three."

"Wow, that's some major changes. Will it all pass?"

"We think so, we have the votes to get it passed, but we need to word the legislation in such a way that it will be acceptable to the public as the opposition will attack and demonize it."

"Packaged for presentation, right." Alexander added.

"Yes, but once people see the increase in slave supply and the improvement to the economy and their own bank accounts this law can bring them, it will be very hard to reverse. But large scale economic improvements will take a year or year and a half and we need to stay in power during that time to make sure the loyal opposition and groups like P.E.T.S. can't overturn the law and undo all our efforts."

"Um, so if this law passes I could potently sell Dakota for profit?"


"Wait a second! I'm still under age eighteen. You could sell me into slavery, couldn't you?"

"Yes, dear we could," she replied coldly.

"That's so not fair! I haven't done anything wrong I couldn't be made a slave," Alexander protested.

"Dakota didn't do anything wrong either," Emma replied. "He was just unlucky enough to become an orphan at age five when his parents died in that car wreck."

"That's different!"

"It is? Is it really so different?"

"Of course it is, and you know it."

"I don't think Dakota would feel that way. But not to worry, he has no say in the matter and you have nothing to worry about Alexander. Your father and I would never sell you, you should know that."

"Well thank you!" he replied sarcastically and stormed out of the room and up to his bedroom.

"You're welcome, but if you keep up the bad attitude young mister I might just reconsider," she shouted after him jokingly.

Two weeks later 3;

Dakota was in the kitchen, still under his grounding so he couldn't leave the house, and still required to be naked; he was wearing just his chastity cage, a butt plug and a leather collar was locked around his neck. Alexander had some ankle cuffs on him too, but his mother made him remove them on a previous naked upstairs outing. For some reason she didn't like Dakota wearing things like that in the main part of the house. So Alexander just left them off when Dakota was out of his room.

Dakota was performing one of his new duties in the house, making tea for the family. Now that Ryan Brooks, Alexander's father was home and Alexander was out of school for the summer they sat down for afternoon tea at least a couple times a week. If Emma was home she would join her men at the table, but her time was spent in her government offices either locally or in the capitol. Parliament was still debating the Slavery Expansion Act of 2008; they hoped to get it passed and in effect before the autumn bank holidays. That way slaves could be on sale by private dealers by Christmas.

Dakota had become quite good at making and presenting the afternoon tea. He learned to pre-heat the serving pot, how much loose tea to put in the tea pot, that the water should be heated in a copper kettle on the stove, what to serve with what tea, milk or lemon; and how to arrange the biscuits on the plate so they where attractive to his master and his father.

A lot had changed in the past fortnight in the Brooks' household. Dakota was once again seen upstairs and could be found much more in Alexander's room as the two engaged in more sexual acts with Dakota always the passive partner, Alexander maintaining his superiority of slave master. Dakota was nearly constantly plugged to get him ready for anal sex with his master. Something Dakota had gotten used to, but hadn't learned to enjoy yet as the size of the plugs increased every couple of days.

But the biggest change to the household was the addition of the little Tibetan boy. The same boy the Chinese government had loaned to Ryan during his time in their country. At the end of his visit they presented the slaveboy as a present to the diplomat. A transparent attempt by the Chinese to gain favor but appreciated none the less. Ryan had grown a little attached to he boy during his time in China.

The boy was small for his age, less than 120 centimeters [4 feet], and Ryan found his slightly brownish skin exotic. The boy had shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes. Brown nipples and areolas and small feet, which had been constantly bare since Ryan met the child.

He was thin as a rail and looked quite frail, but proved to be rather robust as he carried the adult's suitcases from place to place. He would grab one large case in his little hands and lift, the strain showed on his face, and then scramble and stumble along with it, set it down properly then run to grab the next and repeat.

In China the boy only wore a simple leather loin cloth and riveted collar around his neck listing his slave number. Back in British America he was wearing a hand-me-down pair of Dakota's slaveboy shorts. The shorts were very tight on the small seven-year-old boy. The slave collar was removed in China when he was presented as a gift.

The boy spoke and understood enough English to communicate and comprehend his orders well enough, but he was far from being fluent and sometimes the more subtle things had to be explained to him in detail. A lot of the items taken for granted in everyday life in BA were new and exciting to the boy. But being well trained he never touched anything without permission.

The boy was a little shy too. He stuck next to Ryan like glue. So much so that Ryan had to lock a collar on the boy with a chain leash so he could fasten the boy in place while he went around the house without his shadow slowing him down.

The boy obviously looked up to Alexander and the slave Dakota as well. It was explained to him that Dakota was a slaveboy too and that he was Alexander's property while the boy himself was Ryan's property. The little boy showed signs of wanting to get to be Dakota's friend. The family guessed it was because they were the closest in age and both of them being slaveboys allowed them to have a special bond in the boy's mind. However other than a few words of instruction from Dakota to the boy the slaves had little actual contact. The boy was also kept separate from Dakota at night. Dakota would spend the night in his own room alone chained to his bed or tied up on the floor in Alexander's room. The little Tibetan would spend the night naked inside a small cage in Ryan's large walk-in closet.

Out of earshot of either slaveboy the two Brooks men had discussed the two slave situation and what to do about it. Dakota seemed a little quiet and unsure of how to act around the boy; while the littler slave's eyes lit up with excitement anytime the older slave was with him.

While in China Ryan called the boy by his Tibetan name, Tashi. But once back in British America he changed the boy's name to Dassa, the Sanskrit word for slave. While it wasn't in original Tibetan, it was close enough to the region for Ryan's purposes and besides, the boy was no longer a Tibetan, he was a simple slaveboy. And the Brooks family liked the idea of their two slaveboys having similar names: Dakota and Dassa.


Dakota had allowed enough time for the tea to steep and had served it to the freemen at the kitchen table, along with the biscuits and small pastries from the icebox. He stood next to Alexander with his head down and his hands clasped together in the small of his back just waiting for additional orders. Dassa was kneeling on the floor, like a little lost puppy, next to Ryan while his leash was in Ryan's right hand. The little slaveboy's eyes where transfixed on the naked Dakota's locked up cock.

"Thank you, Dakota," Alexander said, "Everything looks great as usual."

"Thank you Master," Dakota replied bowing slightly at the waist.

Father and son took their first slip of tea.

"Dakota, with Alexander's permission, I want you to take Dassa to your room and close the door so Alexander and I can be alone for a while," Ryan broke the brief silence.

Dakota looked to his master for approval. Alexander nodded.

Dakota walked over to Ryan and was handed the chain leash. Dassa stood up and Dakota began walking without a word to the little boy. The little one followed obediently.

"Dakota, show Dassa your fish and your books and you have permission to talk. The two of you get to know each other a little better," Ryan said as the pair left the room.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," Dakota replied.

Dassa smiled from ear to ear. It took a little nudge from Dakota's elbow into his ribs for the boy to think and add, "Thank you, Master," and bow a bit as he'd been taught to do.

"There, now that the boys are out of ear shot. I think we should talk a little, son."

"Okay, what about?"

"Our slaves. I think they need to be friends if they are to live in harmony in the house together."

"You've decided you're going to keep him?"

"I think so, he is a little cutie and so obedient and you've seen how much he looks up to you and to Dakota. I think its cute how he's so fascinated by Dakota's chastity device. And by the time your mother passes the law allowing me to sell him for profit I'd be way too attached to the little thing to let him go."

"This is the first time Dassa's been to Dakota's room. That should get things started. I'm not sure how Dakota feels about him though. He's so quiet on the matter."

"Dakota is your slave, does it matter how he feels?"

"Yes, to me it does."

"Good, I'd hope you would answer that way. Look, son, Dakota is very friendly, I think once he knows that Dassa isn't any kind of a threat or challenge to his position with you the two can be great friends and Dakota can teach him a lot about being a slave to and in this family."

"So what do you suggest?"

"Let Dassa sleep a few nights with Dakota. Let them play and learn together. And if you think Dakota deserves it let Dassa suck on his cock for him."

"Wow, Uhm, ok. Bet Dakota would really love to have his first blowjob!" Alexander laughed.

"Alexander, I have to go to New York for a few days, I'm gunna leave tomorrow afternoon. I want you to take care of Dassa for me. I am thinking of making him a little puppy boy. I've always wanted a dog, but with your mother's allergy... Anyway you can start his training for me if you want. Or you could train both of them together."

"Ok I'll look after the little ankle biter, can I tie him up?"

"While he's under you supervision, you can do whatever you want with him, just remember he belongs to me and you have to give him back when I get home." It was Ryan's turn to laugh.

"Yeah, I will, dad. Believe me, Dakota is enough to handle, I don't really want another slave!"

The two finished their tea making minor conversation and enjoying the biscuits and pastries.

Meanwhile in the basement slaveboy's bedroom 3;

"So, you have this room all to youself?" Dassa asked Dakota as they entered and Dakota clicked the cell door shut.

"This room is provided by my master and his family, they allow me to use it as a bedroom. And my master or sir or ma'am can come in at anytime," Dakota said.

The subtle difference between Dakota having his own private bedroom and just having a room to be stored away in was lost on the young Dassa.

"That is neat fish, he is you pet?"

"I am allowed to have a pet by my master, yes. Thanks for saying he's neat."

"And you bed there? You get to sleep in bed?"

"Most nights."

"Why there a chain on you bed?" the little boy asked picking up and examining the metal chain and ankle shackle attached to the bed frame.

"Master Alexander secures me to the bed at night, and most nights he ties my wrists too."

"You get tied up?" the little boy asked in astonishment.

Dakota hadn't heard the boy talk so much. The excitement of being alone with Dakota and being allowed to talk to him was too much for the boy and his natural curiosity bubbled to the surface.

"Of course I do," Dakota answered.

"China govnment used to tie us boys up in processing center. They keep boy and girl apart. They tie us to chair for teaching us to be slaves and if we got, no, if we be bad boys, punishment you know. But I not been tied since I left there."

"Was it hard on you being trained that way?"

"Hard? Yes chair was very hard. Made of wood."

"No, that's not what I meant. Forget it, Dassa. When I was in the slave orphanage they didn't do things like that, sometime they might handcuff our hands behind us just to keep us from getting in trouble." Dakota placed his hands behind him with wrists together to show the little boy how he was restrained as a child. "They didn't tie us to hard chairs though."

"Ah, things different here."

"I guess so. Dassa, how come you're a slaveboy?"

"I slave because China say I'm slave." The little boy explained to Dakota like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, no. I am asking the reason you're a slave. I'm a slave because I was an orphan, I had no family and the court made me a slave so a family, like this, would adopt me."

"My mother, she say something against China govnment. They not like and arrest her, they then come and tell me she gone and I was now slave. They take me away to processing center for to train me."

"Ok I get it."

"Dakota, what that thing on your for?" He stood in front of Dakota and pointed at the cage encasing his cock. "And why you naked?"

"This is called a chastity cage. It keeps my cock from getting hard. As a slave I'm not allowed to have it hard. And I'm naked because I'm being punished, I not allowed to wear anything when I'm punished, I also can't go outside of the house for another month and a half."

"So what those things over there?" the little naïve slaveboy pointed to some of the newest additions to the slave's room.

"Those things, yeah. Well those things are the things that Master Alexander puts me into or uses on me when he wants to do certain things to me. This is called a stock, my neck goes in here and one wrist here and another here. This thing here is screwed to the wall tight to he can lock my collar or my wrists to it so I can't walk around. This is a cage obviously, sometimes I have to sleep in it."

"I sleep in cage in Master Ryan's closet each night." The little boy interrupted. "What that thing?"

"That's called a Saint Andrew's cross." Dakota stood up in front of it and spread eagle himself to show the boy how he would be tied to it."

"Its just right size for you, too big for me," Dassa said.

"It was made so I'd fit on it."

Then Dassa spotted the soccer ball under Dakota's bed.

"You play football?" he asked running over to the ball and grabbing it in both hands.

"Here we call it soccer, and yeah I like to kick the ball around with Master Alexander in the backyard when I can. A couple times during the spring or summer I get to play with him and his friends in the park. It's a lot of fun but sometimes the other boys are kinda brutal on me because I'm a slaveboy."

"In old life my friend and I we play all the time. Foot 3; soccer very big in where I come from." He dropped the ball to his feet and kicked it gently over to Dakota.

Dakota kicked it back to the boy who took control of it with his foot and ran it across to the far side of the room. Who then kicked it to Dakota who himself had moved position to another part of the room.

Dassa ran with the ball bouncing off his foot and shuffled it under the bed. It slid under and out the other side.

"Goal." The little slave shouted forgetting for a moment he was a slave in his master's house.

"You're pretty good." Dakota said.

The two played with the soccer ball for several more minutes, each making a new goal under the bed back and forth. Both boys just being boys and becoming friends.

Alexander appeared at the cell door and watched the two for a few moments. Then opened the electronic lock and entered.

Dakota saw him and immediately stopped the ball with his foot. "Sorry master. We were just playing. I know we didn't have permission. I'm sorry it was my fault not Dassa's."

"It's ok, Dakota. Nice to see you two getting on so well."

"Thank you, Master."

"Dassa," Alexander said. "Master Ryan is going on a little trip and he has left me in charge of you until he returns. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"So tonight you're going to spend the night here with Dakota and tomorrow I will start teaching you, along with Dakota's help, about being a good slaveboy to our family, just like Dakota."

The little boy's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really, sir, I stay with Dakota now?"

"Yes," Alexander ruffled the boy's hair, "but just for a couple days, as soon as your master gets back you go back to him."

"Yes, sir, I understand, Sir. I be good for you and for Dakota."

"Do you have any questions, Dassa?" Alexander asked.

"Questions, sir? Slaves don't ask questions of his masters." His training kicked in.

"In this house, Dassa. If someone asks you if you have a question or what you think you're allowed to ask or to tell them, okay?"

Dassa looked warily at Dakota as if to ask if this was true. Dakota nodded.

"I'm sorry sir, I one time asked question in processing place and got punish for it."

"Its okay, Dassa," Alexander grabbed the little slave around the hips and turned him so they looked each other eye to eye. "Go ahead, do you have a question."

"Sir, Dakota say you sometimes tie him. Will I get tied also?"

"Yes you will, if you're so interested in it, I think I'll tie you now. Get up on the bed and lay down on your back." Alexander ordered.

Dassa obeyed.

"Dakota, back up against the Saint Andrew's," he ordered his own slave. Dakota knew the position he was expected to take and stood spread eagle while Alexander went and got the wrist and ankle cuffs recently sent over from Slaves R Us. He wrapped them around Dakota and clicked them shut. They would only come off with a special key Alexander kept in his bedroom. Then he took small padlocks and secured Dakota at four points to the cross. Dakota was immobile. Alexander then added a ball gag into Dakota's mouth for good measure.

"Okay Dassa now it's your turn."

Alexander took a couple pieces of rope and bound the slave's wrists together in front of him and then his ankles and knees. Then took the bound slave's wrists and swung them over his head and tied them to the metal bed frame. Alexander then stood next to the little boy and took hold of the shorts' waistband and popped out his little hairless cock, snapping the elastic under his tiny balls. Then worked on the cocklette to get it hard. Up and down and a little twisting here and there.

Once hard he took a thin piece of rope and gently wrapped the boy's cock and balls tying a neat bow in the rope at the top of his cock.

"There, looks like a nice little present." He said admiring his handiwork. "That's not pinching you anywhere is it, Dassa?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Now, Dakota has a gag in, but I'm not gunna gag you, but you're not allowed to talk or make any noise. I'm going to go back up stairs and leave you both here alone for a while."

Dassa got a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry little one, I'll be back and I'll keep my eye on you with the camera up on the wall there."

Alexander left and locked the door again and instead of completely turning off the lights he only dimmed them. Taking into account that Dassa was very new to bondage and rather young he didn't want to be too hard on the boy, yet.

Back in the kitchen Ryan was putting the tea dishes in the sink for washing up later on by the two slaves.

"So, where's Dassa?" he asked

"He's tied to Dakota's bed." Alexander said matter of factly.

"And where's Dakota?"

"He's tied on the Saint Andrews, gagged too."

"You weren't too hard on the boys where you?"

"No, they where playing with the soccer ball when I went down. So I think they got the friend thing well in hand. And then Dassa asked about Dakota getting tied up and if he would get tied up too, so I thought, 'what the heck' no time like the present to get him used to it."

"Don't push him too far too fast, Alexander."

"Well you wanted them to bond." Alexander laughed at his silly joke. "Don't worry, dad. I won't. I'll let him out in a couple hours then see how good he is at blow jobs. Dakota's been an angel on his punishment and it's been a few weeks since he's, well, 3;"

"Had some relief?" His dad finished.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Been drained 3;" Ryan continued.

"Yeah ok, that's good."

"Alexander, Dakota is great and I love the boy, but he is just a slave, just like Dassa. You, as a master need to be able to say it. It's been a while since Dakota has cum."

"Alright, I know that, but it sounds so 3; so crude."

"Well you'll get used to it. I hope Dakota enjoys his first in his life sucking. I'm pretty sure Dassa had a little training on that duty by the Chinese."

"Well then Dakota will enjoy himself, won't he? I think I'll leave him locked to the cross and gagged the whole time too."

"That will really push him over the edge," Ryan noted.

"Yeah, it will. He really seems to like the being tied up stuff."

A couple hours later little Dassa found himself with his hands bound behind his back and tied off to his leather collar by the leash. He was kneeling, his ass on his heels, on the floor in front of Dakota. He was curious and watching Alexander as he unlocked and removed the silver cage that enclosed his cock. He left the solid cock ring on at the base of Dakota's package.

"Ok Dassa, start working on his cock. Make it last and make sure he enjoys it."

"Yes, Sir," was all Dassa said. He rose up on his knees and licked the tip of Dakota's freed cock before he suctioned the little flesh worm into his warm, wet seven-year-old mouth.

Dakota let out a very loud moan behind his ball gag, threw his head back and closed his eyes as his crotch exploded with bodily sexual pleasures he could have only imagined before.