Barefoot GuyPersonal Slaveboy |
SummaryIn an alternate and possibly better universe from our own, slavery has never disappeared, it just evolved. History as we know it is similar there but slight changes in the outcome of important events combined to create this world.Fifteen year old Alexander, the son of well to do parents in suburban British America has his own personal slaveboy, twelve year old Dakota. While they are Master and slave, they are also best friends. This is the story of their world and their relationship.
Publ. Jan 2008-
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CharactersDakota (12y), Alexander (15yo)Category & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futuretb – tdom oral mast – bd spank chast (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's notePlease read the prolog of the events in the history to better understand their culture. I think you might be surprised about how many of the events listed are facts from our own universe. Maybe you'll agree that with small changes in our own history, none of which is outside the realm of possibility, this world might have been ours.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at staybarefoot(at) or using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Blue text: These events are true and took place.
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Author's Timeline NoteWhile this timeline mentions real historical figures, events, and actions it is done so with an alternate universe in mind. These statements are not to diminish the actions and people mentioned or to promote or elevate them either. No one should take this alternate scenario in any way to promote or sanction some of the terrible, real historical events or to diminish the impact they had on our world or to condone them. This is a work of historical fiction, nothing more. |
Chapter 1Alexander arrived home from school just as he had done for the past eight and a half months. He was excited today, it was Friday and next week was the last week of the school year. Almost three months off, he could hardly wait.The coming warm summer had already made itself known and was giving fifteen-year old Alexander and all his friends "end of school fever". It was getting harder and harder to concentrate on school. But next week would be the end of his sophomore year; the last few days would be easy. Wrapping things up and cleaning out the lockers was all the remained. As was his custom after coming home from school he ran upstairs and tossed his backpack in his room and without changing clothes he darted back downstairs to check on Dakota. Dakota, his twelve-year-old personal slaveboy. Dakota had been Alexander's slave for the past seven years since Dakota's parents died in a tragic car crash. Alexander's parents adopted the boy at age five as a Class Two orphan, choosing the slave option. They presented Dakota to Alexander for Alexander's eighth birthday. The two young boys soon became fast friends. Young Dakota had been taught about his new station life by the county council's government orphanage. This included the proper etiquette, behavior and duties he would be required to know if he was adopted as a slave and not as a son. Most children of Dakota's age were in fact adopted as slaves and not as children, so it was a practical move by the government to get him prepared for his new lifestyle. Still in his school uniform Alexander pressed his palm against the electronic control panel which popped open the steel bars to Dakota's basement bedroom. Dakota's room was tastefully decorated; he had a single bed with a soft mattress and pillow, fine wallpaper, a rug, lamp, dresser, and even his own pet fish. Off to one side was his bathroom, with no privacy door. There was a large glass front cabinet which contained some scientific specimens, artwork and posters reminding Dakota of his slave station in life arranged around the room. Alexander's little idea of being funny. There was also a small desk where he studied the school lessons received by mail and downloaded from the British America Slave Education Ministry. Class Two's had to be educated and there was never any doubt about Dakota's schooling. Alexander's parents required it from day one. Dakota was smart and usually did very well with his studies and testings. As a matter of fact he was a couple years ahead of other slaves his age. But today Dakota didn't do any of his self-studying because before he went to school Alexander had gagged the boy and tied his hands behind his back. Dakota could walk around his room freely, but he couldn't utter an intelligible sound or use his hands in anyway. Dakota had long ago learned how to use the bathroom bound like this and his skimpy, free hanging loin cloth posed no hindrance to relieving himself. But Alexander was home now and Dakota knew that his day-long boredom was over. Alexander took out the gag and offered the slaveboy a small drink of water. "So how was your day, Dakota? What did you do all day?" Alexander asked the kneeling boy before him. "I had a nice day, Master. But I really didn't do anything because, see I was tied up all day. It was pretty boring with nothing to do but sit around and wait." Dakota replied. "Cheeky bugger!" Alexander teased back, "Well I guess you really couldn't do much, but that's okay." "Yes, Master." Alexander's hand had moved to the fly on his jeans. "Sorry you got bored. But I'm back now and since I am it's time you welcomed me home properly." "Yes, Master!" Alexander slid the zipper down opening his jeans and Dakota, being practiced at this ritual immediately went to work sucking the older boy's cock into his mouth. Dakota really liked giving blowjobs. At the age of nine Alexander had first heard about this thing called a blowjob from his friend Cody, and the two boys decided to make the slaveboy given them one. None of the three really understood the mechanics behind the practice. At first Dakota actually tried blowing on the little cocks in front of his face. Needless to say, that did nothing to arouse either free-boy. But Dakota being clever and with the encouragement of the other two he eventually took Alexander's cock into his mouth and began to suck it like a popsicle. That first session last several hours with Dakota doing all the pleasuring while the two free-boys just lay back enjoying the six-year-old's mouth work their cocks to dry orgasm over and over again. Success had been achieved and he'd been doing it ever since. It would be a few years before Dakota actually tasted sperm on his young tongue and being uneducated in sexual matters he freaked out. He thought he had damaged Alexander. But that was in the past. "Oh yeah, Dakota, you're such a good slaveboy. Make me feel good." "Mmmppph" was all the sucking slave could mutter with a mouth filled with cock. Dakota took the entire length of cock into his mouth and just to the tip of his throat, he wrapped his lips tightly around the shaft and sucked with all his might. This always made Alexander happy. A little tug on the Master's cock while licking the glands just under the cock head drove Alexander crazy. On the withdrawal Dakota would lick the piss slit before plunging back down to his Master's pubic hair. Alexander grabbed hold of his slaveboy's hair and began to face fuck him. He pumped and pumped and slammed his cock into the willing mouth and throat of Dakota. After a short ten minutes of the face fucking his slave, the fifteen year old Alexander shot his warm pearl-white cum into the waiting slave's mouth. "Oh, that was great, Dakota. Your so damn good at that." He stroked the boy on the top of this head. "Thank you, Master. I enjoy doing it because it makes you happy." He replied licking his lips. Alexander noticed that Dakota once again had an erection tenting out the front of his loin cloth. As always Dakota was telling the truth. "Alright," Alexander said after a little recovery time and zipping back up." Let me get you untied so you can start your lessons and homework." He helped the nearly naked slave boy stand up and Alexander untied his wrists and took off the rope body harness the boy had worn for nearly three days straight now. Dakota sat at his school desk and Alexander secured the boy by his left wrist to the desk by the ever present handcuff. "Now, Dakota, no messing about. You have thirty minutes to get through this lesson, then after, if you're finished we'll go outside for a while and play some soccer." "That'd be great." Alexander picked up the large wooden paddle from its post leaning against the desk and held it in his hand. He underscored his order by adding, "Don't make me use this on you again." "No, Master." and the boy set about his work. Lately Dakota's homework had been rather more difficult and today was no exception. He was beginning to wonder if the Ministry had sent the wrong lessons to him. Maybe they mixed up the orders and he had gotten some high school level work? Today's was not a long lesson. He'd been working through this chapter on maths and physics for two weeks now. It was very challenging and Dakota was beginning to feel a little out of his depth. He could of course ask for help and Alexander's mother would tutor the boy or he would be allowed to accompany her to the house's computer room and together they would access the lesson plan from the government website. But he felt he understood it well enough and set about solving the problems after the one page introduction in his workbook About thirty minutes later Alexander returned, again opening the steel barred door with his unique access code. Dakota was done but still cuffed to the desk, so that's where he remained. Alexander was wearing a t-shirt, jean shorts and sneakers, he grabbed the soccer ball from next to Dakota's bed and walked over to the desk and released the slave. Alexander then sat on Dakota's single bed, Dakota stood in front of his master. His excitement at the outdoor activity was showing as he lightly bounced from barefoot to barefoot. "Go put on your slave shorts and we'll head out back for a while before dinner and bedtime." "Ah, do I have to put those on?" the slaveboy protested. "Dakota, you know the law. You have to be identified as a slave whenever you're outside." "Even in the backyard?" "Whenever you're outside, Dakota. Now go." And he slapped the younger boy on the ass nonchalantly. Dakota returned and stood in front of Alexander once again. Alexander stuck a finger into Dakota's belly button and tickled his slave. Dakota giggled and wriggled about. Tickling was something that Dakota claimed to hate, but Alexander knew he really secretly enjoyed it. "Why don't you go put on that nice new top I got for you, the one with the chains connecting the two halves." "Where is it, Master?" "I put it in your dresser. In the top right-hand drawer." Dakota quickly got the item from the dresser and slipped it on. "How do I look?" the slave asked while posing like a model for his Master. "You look great, that fits you pretty well. Mom will check your homework while we're outside. Anyway, let's go outside and kick around the ball!" "Yes, Master!" Alexander's family had a rather large house with a nice plot of land. The formal backyard was defined by a set of brick walls and iron fences. The property extended for several hundred more feet after the walls to a dense forested area. Alexander dropped the soccer ball and the two boys immediately began to kick it around. Dakota was barefoot, Alexander in sneakers as the two tore back and forth across the grass running towards imaginary goalposts. Dakota was in control of the ball at the moment and was running toward the older boy's goal. "I've got you now, Dakota!" Alexander shouted. "I don't think so, not this time!" he shouted back and he kicked the ball from its current course and away from Alexander. Dakota took off across the yard the ball skillfully guided by his bare feet. Just as Dakota was about to kick a goal Alexander's mom stepped out onto the wooden deck, Dakota's lesson workbook in hand. "Alexander, come over here right now and bring your slaveboy with you." Both boys had heard the command and they went up onto the patio, Dakota, as he was trained to do, dropped to his knees in front of the woman. Alexander stood casually to his side. "What is it, mom?" Alexander asked. "Dakota's homework. He got seven wrong answers." "Oh," Alexander replied. "Don't give me that young man. That's four more than he's allowed to have. I want you to take him back down to his room and restrain him. Then come back upstairs and we'll discuss his punishment." Dakota flinched slightly as she said the word 'punishment'. "Yes, mom." "Dakota, do you have anything to say for yourself?" She asked. Without lifting his head from its bowed position, "No ma'am, sorry ma'am." Back down in the slave's bedroom. "Strip down nude, Dakota." "Ohh," he complained. "You know the rule all punishments for you are in the nude." "Yes, Master." he muttered forlornly. "Now, no more talking, get naked and lie face down on your bed. Dakota did as ordered and Alexander took the slaveboy's right leg and locked the steel shackle in place around it, as was done every night since Dakota entered the household. He then went over to the other side of the room in front of Dakota's desk and under one of the 'slave posters' and opened the locked chest of bondage and discipline items Alexander used on Dakota from time to time. Alexander removed a set of ropes and retuned to the prone figure on the bed, all under the watchful eye of the silent and slightly nervous twelve-year-old boy. Alexander bound Dakota's wrists together behind his back and then wrapped rope around the boy's left ankle and drew it up to his bound hands and secured the two together with another small length of rope. Alexander was about to re-apply the penis gag into the slave's mouth but was halted for a moment when Dakota spoke. "Master, before you gag me may I ask you something?" "Sure." "What is going to happen to me because of those errors on my homework?" "I don't know, Dakota. Mom seemed pretty upset about it." "Yes she did, and I'm a little worried." "Ah, don't be, Dakota. You know we'd never do anything to harm you." He stroked the boy's back reassuringly. "Thank you, Master. And I am sorry about the homework." "I know you are, and you're welcome. Now hush-up." And he slid the gag into the open mouth Dakota presented and secured it in place around the back of his head, careful not to snag his blonde and purple hair in the process. Alexander left the bedroom, locked the barred door and turned off the lights. Upstairs he met his mom at the breakfast table. "What are we going to do about Dakota. Lexi?" Alexander noticed she seemed to have calmed down a bit. "Well, mom. He should be paddled I guess. But it was only a few errors on his homework." "Its not just this lesson, the quality of his work has slipped over the past couple weeks." "That might be partly my fault; I've been keeping him bound a lot, so he has less time to study during the day." "I know. I've seen the live shots of his room from the camera down there. Why are you keeping him bound so much?" "I don't know, mom. I like it I guess, and he doesn't complain." "Of course he doesn't complain. He never complains. When have you ever heard him seriously complain about anything? He's a slaveboy and a very good one." "Well why don't we make him study more during the day, and I'll reduce his privileges until his work has improved."
"I think that we should slave-ground him. He's not to leave that room for two weeks, not to leave the house for two months. No clothing of any kind during that entire period. He will study eight hours a day for two weeks." She informed Alexander. "Anything else. Mom?" "Do you have anything to add to his punishment?" "How about no dinner tonight and I leave him bound as he is tonight and all day tomorrow? That will give him time to think about his mistakes. Then I'll untie him and paddle him. Maybe we should also begin to spank him every morning and every night, I've heard that works to focus slaveboys on their tasks." "Okay, but no more than five medium swats for these morning and evening spankings, got it?" "Yeah." "Well then we have a plan. Go and tell him." "Yes, mom." "Oh couple other things. Now that's he's getting older I want to get some new equipment to properly train him as a slave. Let's call it, increasing his slave education. And because this is partly your fault too, you're grounded for one week after school ends." "Ah, but mom," Alexander protested. "Want to make it two weeks, and without you seeing Dakota at all during that time?" she was getting upset again. "No, Mom, sorry." "No go tell your slaveboy his punishment and don't forget to feed his fish for him, then go to bed yourself without dinner." "No dinner? But I'm starving!" "It was your idea for Dakota. A good Master understands the pain and punishment he inflicts on his slave so you'll learn what its like to go to bed hungry just like he will." Alexander knew she was right. It was partly his fault as well. He knew not to push the matter with his mother, he turned and left the room. Alexander returned to the bedroom and informed the bound slave of his fate; still gagged Dakota could only nod his understanding. Alexander noticed a little fear in the boy's eyes. Alexander fed the slave's pet fish, turned out the lights and locked the door tight. Dakota was alone, in the dark, in silence. Except for that first adjustment week as a new member of the house, he was genuinely scared about what was going to happen to him. Alexander went upstairs to his own bedroom and he flipped on his TV, kicked off his shoes and sat on his bed. Mad at himself for causing this, both for himself and for his slave. Dakota was his slaveboy yes, but he was also his best friend, he was almost a younger brother. About half an hour later, Alexander's mom entered the slaveboy's basement room and flipped on the lights. Dakota blinked at the sudden brightness. She sat on the edge of his bed. "Oh no, he left you gagged." She removed the gag. She placed her warm hand on the middle of Dakota's back gently rubbing his young, smooth skin. "Dakota, you know you're part of our house, right? You're part of our family." "Yes, ma'am." He whispered. "Dakota, we love you. We want you to do well, both as a slave and as a person. But your work has been slipping recently." "Sorry ma'am. I have no excuse." He whispered again. "Why are you whispering? Are you frightened of me, or what's going to happen?" "Yes, of what's going to happen, a little, ma'am." "I can feel you trembling a bit. You haven't been punished very often have you?" "No, I haven't ma'am." "Do you know why I decided to punish you at this time?" "Because of my errors on today's homework." "Well that's partly the reason, Anything other reason you can think of?" He thought for a moment, the room was silent. "Sorry ma'am no. I don't think I've done anything wrong or misbehaved. Have I upset you or Alexander? If I have and didn't realize it, I'm sorry." "Dakota, why didn't you ask for help with your homework? You know you can ask at any time." "I didn't think I needed it, I thought I understood my homework well enough. I'm guess I was wrong." "You need to know when to ask for help, boy. That's the real reason for your punishment, your failure to ask for help and assuming you knew it well enough on your own. You showed a little too much independence." "If you had asked I would have known sooner that Alexander was keeping you bound up too much and you not being able to study enough. We could have nipped this little problem in the bud." "I understand, ma'am." "Good I'm glad you do." "Ma'am, may I ask a question?" "Of course you can, honey." "What did Alexander mean when he said that you'd be getting some new equipment to use with me?" "Don't worry about that right now. Let's just say that it's time for some more grown up training for you." "You mean like sex stuff, ma'am?" "Yes, that and some other things, now I'll leave the gag out, but you'll stay in the three-quarter hogtie. Try to get some sleep, Dakota." "Yes ma'am, and thank you for telling me." "You're welcome. Now no more talking is allowed until Alexander gives you permission to talk again." Dakota nodded and smiled. Alexander's mom winked at the cute bound boy on his small bed, leaned over and kissed his cheek. She checked the room's temperature for his comfort and then flipped off the lights and clicked the room's cell door shut behind her and went back upstairs. Dakota squirmed around to get more comfortable, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Chapter 2Both boys had gone to bed without dinner the previous night. For Dakota this had happened before, but only because in the early years Alexander had simply forgotten to feed the slaveboy. Alexander's parents had punished him for the dropped responsibility with harsh, painful spankings each time. Dakota wasn't aware of that fact, however. The fourth time it happened Alexander's parents threatened to take Dakota away from their son and have him re-adopted to another more responsible young boy instead. Dakota never missed another dinner due to Alex's mistake.Alexander had been isolated in his bedroom since the early evening. Granted he had a computer, the internet and his plasma television. But he didn't have the two things he wanted. A good meal for dinner as any teenage boy would want to devour, but his mother had denied him access to his slave boy for the night. Dakota didn't spend the night with Alexander often, and they never slept together. Most every night Dakota would have his ankle locked into the shackle chained to his single bed in his basement living quarters and left alone for the night in peace. But Friday night the two boys would hang out in Alexander's room and watch television and of course indulge in their only mutual sexual activity to date, fellatio. Then as the hour grew later, Alexander would lead a sleepy Dakota downstairs and put him to bed. Dakota's overnights with Alexander were sort of a sleep over arrangement. Dakota would end up sleeping on the floor, tied up, chained up or otherwise restrained. Usually he had given Alexander a blow job or two. A few times he had given head to a friend of Alexander. This friend would spend the night either on a cot in Alexander's room or in the family's guest room. One time a few years ago a friend stayed over who had his own slaveboy which he brought along for the night and Dakota and this other boy slept tied wrist and ankle to each other on the floor between their owners on bed and cot. The two owners had traded boys for the night and each received a few blow jobs from their new but temporary slave boys. Alexander chatted online with a few friends for several hours, his stomach growling most of the time, then as they faded away to go to bed themselves he turned his attention to television. He flipped on the broadcast from England, even though British America had gained her independence from Britain one hundred thirteen ago, most still felt a strong connection with the mother country. Alexander still had lots of family in England. He'd visited several times for a week here and there. He even took Dakota over once a few years back. Slave owners had the option of taking their slaves overseas with a small appendix added to their passports. That meant the slave didn't need to have their own. Slaves were not subjects or citizens of any country after all, merely personal property. Alexander slept fitfully; mostly he drifted in and out of sleep. His mind was racing about the new thoughts his mother had planted in him about the new and increased training for Dakota. The punishment that Alexander now had to administer to his slaveboy over the next few months to get him back in line with the family's wishes for his fate. And of course his own guilt at putting the twelve-year-old boy in this circumstance. After hours of mindless tele and long moments lost in thought, and even some sex slave research on the internet, Alexander drifted off to sleep in the wee hours. It was Saturday morning, the morning after Dakota's homework error problem had reached a head. Alexander hadn't slept well despite the fact that he was exhausted from a week of school, hanging out with friends, playing sports and taking care of Dakota. Alexander finally and fitfully woke up early; almost as early as the sun itself rose in the early summer morn. He quickly threw on a pair of jeans and tee and raced down to Dakota's basement room. He opened the door with his palm print on the security panel. Dakota stirred lightly on his bed. The boy was still in the three quarter hogtie sound asleep, but in the dim light Alex noticed that the gag was out and laying the on bed beside the slave. He slapped the naked boy on his ass to wake him. Dakota yelped. "How did you manage to get this gag out?" he asked with a little anger in his voice. "Master, I didn't. Ma'am took it out for me." "My mother came down after I left you." "Yes." That was the end of that conversation, Alex knew that he couldn't punish Dakota for something he had no control over, which if Alex was honest with himself he knew he really didn't want to punish Dakota anyway, not right now. Alex sat down on the bed next to his slaveboy and placed his hand on the small of his warm back and gently rubbed. "Do you have anything you want to say to me, Dakota?" "Yes, master. Can I have a drink of water and go pee, please?" he pleaded. Alexander laughed at the simple and somewhat naïve request of his slave. Never a complaint, never a plea to be let out of a situation, never a reason to doubt the boy was a true slave. "Okay, in a moment, but first I have some things to say to you. Just listen." "Okay" came the still sleepy reply. For all Dakota knew it was two in the morning or three in the afternoon. "Hush, do I need to gag you again?" Dakota shook he head no and remained silent. "Dakota, you're my slave, you've been my slave for about five years now, ever since you were presented to me as a late birthday present when I was eight. We're both getting older now. You suck my cock, I think you enjoy it. I know I really do." Dakota nodded and smiled at Alex. "But I kinda screwed up with you. I let my desires override my duty to you as your owner, your caretaker. You needed to study more and I didn't allow you to do that 'cause I kept you bound or doing something else. Now you have to pay the price for that. That doesn't so much concern me, you're a slave, that's the way it is. "But last night I did some serious thinking, I also realize that I love you like my little brother and I feel bad for getting you into this mess. I just wanted you to know that. It won't change anything about your punishment or your treatment. You're still a slaveboy. Do you understand what I am saying, Dakota?" The slave nodded. "Good boy," Alex ruffled his hand through the younger boy's hair. "Let's get you to the potty, some water and some breakfast!" Alexander untied the boy's ankle from his hands but held on to his ankle not allowing Dakota to place it flat on the bed himself. Alex held the ankle tight and scrapped his fingernail up and down the bare sole of his slave sending Dakota into hysterics. He kept that up for a few seconds, but it felt like hours to Dakota. His still bound hands trashed as best they could and his other shackled ankle tugged wildly against the chain attached to the bed. Alex soon let the foot down and helped the boy up leaving his hands bound behind him. Dakota bounded to his personal bathroom. The bath had no door, no privacy needed for a slaveboy, but had a standard toilet, a sink, linen closet and tub with shower. He disappeared inside the room for a second but Dakota soon reappeared and stood in the doorway looking pleadingly at Alexander who still sat on Dakota's small bed. "What is it, slave?" Alex only called Dakota slave in public or when being playful with the boy. "Uhm, master I need your help." "Help? To do what?" "To get the toilet seat up, please." "Oh okay. So my little slave can't even manage to go pee by himself. Oh my, where have I gone wrong with you?" he smirked. "Please stop teasing and just help me or I'm gunna pee the on floor!" the naked boy shuffled from barefoot to barefoot. Alexander stood and slowly walked over to the bathroom, lifted the toilet seat and then did something he'd never done before. He took Dakota's cock in his own hand and pointed it for the slaveboy. "Master 3; why are you holding me like that." "Well you need my help don't you?" "O.o.okay." Dakota was noticeably nervous. "I'm not really sure if I can go with you holding it though." "Try." Alex ordered still holding fast to the slaveboy's cock. A few drips and some straining muscles and tightly closed eyes by Dakota, Alex could see the boy willing himself to be able to relieve his full bladder. Finally he managed to let go and a full and strong stream of urine splashed into the white bowl. Both boys knew they had crossed a line they had never crossed before. Dakota looked up into Alexander's eyes as he shook the last few drops off the boy's cock for him. Dakota instantly went hard as a rock. "Th 3; thank you, Master." "You're welcome, slave." There was no playfulness in his voice, but no malice either. For the first time Alexander felt like an adult owner of a young slaveboy. Alexander knew it was time to get Dakota more educated about sexual matters. His mother was right, damn it! He hated the fact that she was always right. But at least this new stage in their relationship was going to be a lot of fun. Alex lowered the seat, sat down and pulled Dakota over his knees, face down. "As part of your new training and punishment you will get five swats on your bare ass each morning and each night. These will continue even after your punishment period is over two and a half months from now. How well you do and behave will determine how hard the swats will be. These will be in addition to any other punishment you get for anything. They will not be in place of another punishment." And with that last word Alexander's hand hit the ass of his slave with a medium force swat. This took Dakota by surprise. He had no time to steel himself for the blow. He cried out in shock if not from the pain, four more quickly followed. Dakota's bound hands flexing and unflexing with each blow, and his legs and feet flying around hitting the tile floor repeatedly. Alexander stood the boy up. He had the look of a scolded puppy on his sweet face but his cock remained rock hard. "Didn't like that much, did you?" he said sarcastically grabbing the boy's cock with a squeeze. Dakota shook his head no. "Yeah, well this says different sweetie!" "Whaddya mean?" "You really don't know much about sex stuff do you?" "N 3; no, master I don't." "Well I guess that's not surprising. You've been here all this time. A little bit sheltered. Hell you can't even work a phone, can you?" "No, master I can't." "That's because you don't need to know how. And you didn't need to know about sex before this, but that's about to change. First thing is we need to get your hard cock under control." "How? I didn't make it go hard, and I can't get it to go down. I'm sorry master, I didn't mean too." "I know, but you'll learn how too. I will go out later this weekend and get you a nice new chastity belt and get it on you – that will help you start learning. "A chasty belt, what's that?" "Chast-it-tee. It's a thing that locks onto you so you can't get hard. You'll see." "Okay, Master." "Are you excited, Dakota?" "About learning the sex stuff, kinda. Gives me a funny feeling inside. But not so much about this belt thing. I don't think I'm gunna like that much. Will it hurt?" "It won't be completely comfortable, but no, Dakota, it won't hurt." "Let me test something. Go stand in the tub." Alexander darted out of the bathroom and grabbed the gag and a blindfold combo mask that hung from Dakota's school desk. He returned and quickly stuffed the ball gag into the slaveboy's mouth and strapped the head harness tight. The boy's face was completely hidden behind leather and rubber. Alexander received this training mask as a gift from his aunt in England just over a year ago. Dakota had never worn it before today. Dakota trembled with a little nervous energy. Alexander still behind the boy, standing in the tub himself reached around and grabbed hold of the stiff cock jutting out from the naked boy's body. Slowly he stroked it harder, Dakota's cock rose above the vertical as it got even harder. Alexander's pumping fist moved faster, harder. "I want to see you cum, slaveboy! Cum for your master. Come on, slave enjoy it. This will be the last time for a long while. Your body is mine, your cock is mine, your cum is mine and I want to see it." He hissed into the slave's ear as he stroked harder and faster. Dakota was moaning with the pleasure exploding from his groin and radiating all over his body. He'd never heard Alexander speak like this. Alexander didn't know where those words came from, but he liked it and he was getting hard too. His hand flew up and down the slave's cock. Harder. Faster. Dakota's hips swayed as his master's hand masturbated him. Harder. Faster. Alexander's hand and Dakota's cock were coated in the twelve year's old pre-cum. Harder. Faster. Dakota moaned louder behind his gag. Faster. A blinding flash of sparks inside Dakota's head. It happened. A loud scream unleashed from behind leather and rubber. Dakota's cock erupted. The slave shot his cum. Strong and fast. The pearl white cream slammed against the wall. It dripped down the tile. Dakota felt faint inside his private leather encased world. He saw stars and weird colored patterns in his darkness behind the mask. He collapsed. If Alexander hadn't held him fast he'd have hurt himself as his knees failed and the boy drooped rag doll-like into the tub. Dakota fought to get air through the nose holes of the leather mask. Slowly, regrettably he calmed and returned gently to earth. Alexander held him tight. The slaveboy's afterglow remained. "Did you like that, Dakota?" The slaveboy nodded his head vigorously. Still held tight by his owner. "Good. Remember it, it won't happen too often." Dakota moaned his disappointment. Come on let's get our day started. Chapter 3Alexander left the half face mask with attached ball gag on his slaveboy Dakota as he reattached the boy to this study desk. Since Dakota was being punished and part of that punishment was to remain bound the whole day he secured the twelve-year-old boy's ankles to the chair legs as well as the boy's knees to the upper chair legs where they joined the seat. Dakota's wrist was again locked into the ever present handcuff attached to the desk itself. Alexander placed all the books and blank paper that Dakota would require for his studies as well as several pencils on the desk."Dakota, you have one hour to study now. I'll be back down with some breakfast for you and then it's right back to your homework." The bound and gagged slave just nodded and set to work on his studies. "How's it going with Dakota this morning, is he okay?" Alexander's mom asked. "Yes, mom he's fine" "He's not too stiff from being bound up like that all night?" "Nope, not a word of complaint except that he really had to go to the bathroom. Which I helped with out with." "Good, is he rebound on the bed for the rest of the day?" "No, I tied him to his desk chair and set him to doing his homework. I figured a little extra time studying wouldn't hurt. Now I'm going eat and then make him some breakfast." "Okay, well I have some meetings, unfortunately, today so I have to head into the office." "Meetings on a Saturday? That's unusual, mom." "Well the leadership wants to get an important law passed this week so they have called a caucus. No one is happy about it, but the work of a public servant is never done. I'll see you when I get home later tonight." She leaned over and kissed her son on the check. "Good-bye, hope you have a good day, mom." Alexander called to her as she left the house. Alexander set about getting himself some breakfast, bacon and eggs with toast and juice. The smell of the cooking bacon drifted all through the house, down to Dakota's bedroom. The smell distracted the boy from his studies. He knew that he wasn't getting bacon for breakfast, not this morning. A real 'free-boy' breakfast, as he and Alexander had come to call them, was a rare and special treat for the slaveboy. And since he was being punished he knew that bacon was out of the question. After Alexander had finished eating and placed his plate and dishes into the dishwasher he made Dakota's breakfast. Out of the pantry he pulled the box of slave food. A dehydrated powder mix, similar in texture to powdered mashed potatoes, and measured out a cup into a small sauce pan, added an equal part of milk and slowly heated the mixture. Bland and gooey the mixture was a staple of all households with slaves. It had all the protein, fiber and vitamins needed by a human body. Dakota was still eating the pre-teen male version of the product, which came in three age groups for both male and female slaves' needs. The slave breakfast had no smell and really had no taste, Alexander, as curious boys are want to do, tasted it after he first got Dakota. That was the first and last time the goo entered this mouth. Dakota got it semi-regularly, but it wasn't the only food the slave ate. Dakota often got the similar food as the family unless Alexander was being lazy and didn't want to make a plate of it up for his slave to when Dakota wasn't allowed to eat with the family at meal time. Of course Dakota ate smaller portions and didn't always get the 'extras' and sat on the floor to eat. If Alexander was being particularly cheeky he would feed the slaveboy scraps from his own plate, like Dakota was a pet. Dakota had to eat more than his share of Brussels sprouts and broccoli as they two boys grew up together. For some slaves, the slave meal powder was all they get to eat three meals a day, everyday, nothing else. Alexander thought that was simply too cruel to force on a slave, so he didn't do that to his. He took the bowl of hot white slave meal down to the boy, removed the gag and gave him a spoon to eat with. Dakota ate in silence after a simple "Thanks" when the bowl was placed before him. The poor boy was starving so right now, anything to eat was welcome. After the boy finished, Alexander picked up the bowl and made to leave the room. As he approached the cell door he turned back to the studying slaveboy. "Oh, Dakota I nearly forgot this 3;" He crossed the room back to the bound boy, "here, not getting dinner last night was partly my fault. You can have this too. Do you forgive me?" and he placed a pre-packaged snack cake on the desk in front of the slightly shocked boy. "There's no need for me to forgive you, Master. I wasn't mad at you to begin with. Thank you for the cake though!" "Thanks, Dakota. You're the best, you know that? You can eat that whenever you want too. I have to go out for a while you you'll stay ungagged for now. Keep studying though." "I will, Master. I will make you, ma'am and sir happy with me again. "Cool, but dad doesn't know yet. He's still off in Tokyo; he hasn't called in a day or so." "Oh, I didn't know." "Mom had to go into work today, so you'll be home alone for a while. The security system will be on, so you'll have nothing to worry about." "Okay." Dakota replied. While he was used to being in his room alone he hated being in the house alone, even with the protection of the electronic security system. He liked the sounds of life that he could heard as the family that owned him went about their business. Plus when someone was home he was often allowed to 'hang out' with them as they went about their business in the house. Helping to cook dinner, getting to watch TV or allowed out in the back yard. Alexander's father would sometimes take the slaveboy along with him on errands he had to run, when the man wasn't away on a business trip that is.
Alexander jumped off his vintage Vespa moped and dropped the twenty pence piece into the parking meter. He was in front of the slave outfitters, Slaves Plus, he always thought that was a dumb name for this high-end slave outfitting store. But he liked the gear they offered and the friendly service he got from the owner, Angela. Better known as Angie. Slaves Plus was officially a slave outfitters. They offered everything from gags and handcuffs to cages of all kinds and even some devices that Alexander didn't have a clue how to use. So from simple slave restraining devices to complicated kinky sexual torture devices, Slaves Plus had it all. And of course they could customize anything a slave owner's heart desired. Although the practice of private citizens or companies selling slaves was illegal, Slaves Plus dealt in the re-adoption of slaves. That is they would take an owner's slave into the store and allow other potential owners to view them for consideration. This allowed the owner to avoid the mundane and time consuming paperwork and other work associated with re-placing a slave. While the shop couldn't directly make money for the selling of the slave, Angie took advantage of the loophole in the law allowing her to charge clients for the advertising of the slave's availability and all the paperwork and delivery of the slave. She charged both parties for her work. It was a profitable little sideline to her main business, plus the slaves on consignment were then used to demonstrate her little devices for clients, something Angie loved to do. Demos made sales after all. Slaves Plus only dealt with slaves under the age of eighteen and while Angie would help place girls her personal preference ran toward the male variety. She currently had five slaveboys on display; Three of them were standing bound in the store window. One had a half face muzzle on and was bound with rope at his wrists thighs and ankles. The second was younger, much younger and was showing off a chastity device that completely covered his genital area, also bound with ropes at wrists, knees and ankles. These two slaves were class two boys, while the third was the oldest of the three, and the sign as his bare feet said he was a class three boy. He was tightly gagged and heavily chained at the wrists and ankles, while he didn't have any device locked to his cock, he was suffering from the metal clamps attached to his nipples. Angie had simply put the boy on display as a favor to a very good client, she normally didn't accept class three slaves, even if they where gorgeous merchandise. The two other boys where inside the store, one was seated into a rough wooden bondage chair, metal clamps over his wrists and ankles and sporting a rather effective leather blindfold. Angie said he had been there for a week already and while he got to get up from the chair once a day, the blindfold never came off. Sales of that style blindfold had gone up considerably since the cute blonde was modeling it. She wasn't about to ruin a good thing. The fifth and final boy was standing, secured inside a body form-fitting bondage cage which was leaning against the wall. He couldn't move a limb and had a rather tight rubber cock gag strapped into his mouth. He had long black hair and very tan skin matched with scared and forlorn deep blue eyes. He had been re-adopted and was waiting to be delivered to his new home later that day. "Well, hello Alexander. Haven't seen you in there for a long while. How are you?" "I'm fine Angie. Thanks." "Oh, you're alone again I see. How's your slaveboy, Dakota doing? Still adorable I assume." That's what made Angie the best, she knew her customers, their wants and needs and their slaves. She believed in a personal touch. "Yes he's fine too. Not doing so good with his homework recently, so he's at home studying, being grounded for a couple months. No leaving the house for him for a while." "Ah, that's too bad. You never seem to bring him in with you." "Well this place, honestly, kinda freaks him out, Angie. He's not used most to this stuff." "That's cause you never use the sexier stuff on him, sweetie, just the basic restraints. For a slaveboy he's still, how shall I say this 3; rather innocent." "Well he's still rather young." "As are you, you're one of my youngest customers. What is Dakota now, eleven?" "Twelve." "Such a lovely age 3; You're not thinking of consigning him here are you?" "No, Angie. I need to get him something different this time though. We're upping his training." "Oh, you are a little devil aren't you? But after that's what slaveboys are for! What do you need, Alex?" "A chastity belt." "Nice, let me show you what we have." After a good half hour she had shown Alexander the selection of stock chastity devices and even pulled the first boy out of the window, he was the same age as Dakota, and put several of them on the still bound and gagged boy. Angie and her customer discussed the virtues and drawbacks of each style like the slaveboy wasn't even present. He was just a piece of merchandise after all, an object. "I think that for the proper fit you'll need to bring him in so I can custom fit it." "But he's not allowed to leave the house for two months and I need him locked up this weekend." "That presents a problem. I insist on only the best for you and your slave, after all – the son or our local member of parliament can't have anything second class, can they?" "N 3;no I suppose not." "May I offer a solution?" She said coyly, she wanted to see Dakota and get to play a little with him, so she had a plan to get him in the store. "You said he doesn't like this place, so bringing him here is hardly a treat for him. Plus you can bring him here blindfolded so he can't see the outside as you ride over here. Once inside we can remove the blindfold or not, up to you, but we'll get him naked and secured and then fit him with the model you have chosen." "That's not a bad idea, Angie, thanks. I'll go get him prepped and we'll be back here in about an hour. Will that work?" "Yes, I don't have any other clients scheduled today, just this item to get delivered," she pointed to the boy in the body cage, "it can't arrive at its new home till 7pm." "Angie, how long has he been in that cage? He looks very uncomfortable." "Since it was re-adopted, day before yesterday. The new owner insisted on it. I guess it is rather uncomfortable, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm bound by its new owner's wishes. Plus I know its new owner pretty well, she's been a client for years. Having to stand in that cage for three days is the least of that boy's worries." With that last statement the caged boy's eyes widened and Alexander could swear he heard a little whimper of fear from the teenager. A shiver went down Alexander's spine, after all, that boy was the same age as Alexander. "A simple matter of luck separates him and me." He thought to himself. Dakota was sitting on the back of Alexander's Vespa, holding on to his master's waist for dear life. Being driven on the back of a moped, barefoot and blindfolded wasn't the slaveboy's idea of fun. Alexander had required him to be blindfolded from the moment he returned home with a thick cloth blindfold that wrapped around his head several times. Then Alexander dressed the boy in a red and white horizontally stripped shirt that ended just above the twelve-year-old's cute belly button. In accordance with the law, printed on the white stripes of the shirt were the words I am a Slaveboy. Since slaves can't be naked in public Dakota also wore tight light blue shorts. Alexander flipped the kickstand to balance the moped and hopped off the bike, Dakota had been forbidden from speaking and tried reaching out for this master. Alexander took hold of his arm and helped the boy off. Dakota had no clue where he was, but could feel the hot asphalt and concert under his bare soles soon to be replaced by the cool marble floor of Slaves Plus. "Ah, there you are. My, my Alexander how could you keep this adorable slaveboy hidden away from me for so long?" he reached out and ran her hand through Dakota's soft blonde and purple dyed hair. This startled Dakota who withdrew as a reflex reaction, but remained absolutely silent. "Shall we begin?" Alexander nodded. She took hold of Dakota's hand and led him over to a set of vertical posts set into the floor of the shop. She placed his back against the smooth wooden surface of one and raised his hand above his head and clicked a shackle shut around it. Then she repeated the same procedure with his other arm, locking him to the post. His bare feet flat on the cool marble floor. Dakota thought he recognized the voice of this woman who had just locked him in place, Alexander still said nothing. Next he felt his shorts being lowered to the floor. He was now naked from the belly button to his cute toes. She lifted the front of the slaveboys' shirt up and slipped it behind head exposing his chest. "Oh yes, Alexander. You're so lucky to own him. Are you sure you won't allow me to display him for a few days? He could sell lots of merchandise for me." "No, he's not a display piece, Angie. Now please stop teasing him, he's nervous as it is. Let's just get him fitted for the chastity device please." "Do you want him to remain blindfolded?" she asked. "Let him decide. Dakota shake your head yes or no, yes the blindfold comes off, no it stays on." Dakota shook no. Angie took out a measuring tape from her pocket and measured the boy's flaccid cock. Dakota's cock measured out at just under two inches or five centimeters. She made a quick mental note. "Now I have to measure it hard. With your permission, Alex." "Sure," He turned to Dakota, "She is going to get you hard now, be a good boy." She slowly and gently started to rub the boys' penis. Being a pre-teen boy his cock responded immediately and got hard. She continued to rub it with the softest of touches. She even blew small puffs of air at the small head of his penis. Dakota's lips parted and he began to breathe softly through them. "Your not cumming this time, Dakota. So don't get too excited. She just needs to take your measurements for the chastity belt. "Alex, why don't you come over here and tweak his nipples for me, that will help him get harder." "I've never played with his nipples. What do I do?" "Just rub the nibs softly, pinch them lightly, get them to get hard and standing out from his chest, then increase the pressure a little. A little pain can be great enhancement to the sexual experience for a slave. It will make his absolutely gorgeous cock hard as can be." Angie was enjoying the sight in front of her: a Master molesting his slaveboy as she masturbated him. Dakota was lost in the new sensations of having his nipples played with. Angie's use of the word pain frightened him but he found the pinches not too hard and agreed that it did make what she was doing to his cock feel a whole lot better. His breathing was shallow and quick. After about five minutes the little slaveboy was as hard as he could get. Angie stopped and quickly took his measurement before he could lose any of his length. Three point one inches or seven point nine centimeters. More mental notes made. Then she reached around the stationary slaveboy and measured his waist and then around each thigh, the length of his inseam, his chest and even his feet from heel to toes. "Why did you take all those other measurements, Angie? The lock will only fit around his cock and balls." "Just to keep my records up to date, Alex." There is was again Dakota noticed. She called him Alex. No one ever did that, not even his own mother. "This will only take about fifteen minutes to customize. You want to wait. I'll even install it for free." "Sure, we'll wait." "Good, I'll just go in back and make the adjustments, please help yourself to any of the refreshments or to any of the other merchandise. Just not David there as he belongs to someone else and she's the jealous type." She said referring to the body caged teen boy who was still waiting to be delivered that evening. Angie came back into the room with a silver tray, on which were the several pieces of the new chastity lock that would be fitted to Dakota. She pulled up a little table and set the tray on it, then sat so she was eye level with the slaveboy's cock and balls. She picked up two halves of a silver ring and placed one on each side of his cock and balls where they joined his body. The top had a little hinge that clicked internally in place and making sure as to not pinch the boy's skin she clicked the bottom closed with a little snap. Then handed a little pin like key to Alexander. "This is the only key, underneath the ring is a little hole where that will fit in so you can unlock it if you need too or want too." In the front of the ring now locked onto the slave's body were three small holes just like those that key fit into. Angie then took the second of the three pieces and lifting the again flaccid cock she threaded it into the cock cage slowly. "Don't get hard now Dakota or I won't be able to fit this on right and it will hurt you. And I have no desire to hurt such a sweetie like you." He cautioned the boy. With practiced ease and speed she got his cock in place and the cage locked in place quickly snapped all three connection points to the cock ring. The tip of the cage was still open and the head of his cock stuck through that opening now. Then she picked up with last piece from the silver tray. "Do you want this one on now too, Alex?" "Yes, he's under punishment for the next two months, lock him up." He instructed. "Yes, sir. As you wish." She teased just a little. Alexander quite liked her calling him, 'sir'. With one final click the cap piece was in place. Dakota's entire cock was now behind shinny silver metal. Locked off from any touch, unable to get hard without complications to the wearer, but open enough to keep clean and sanitary as well as to be able to urinate through without being taken off. A few more minutes of instruction, where Dakota and his new cock cage were the object of the demonstrations themselves, and Alexander was up to speed on how to remove the cage with the little key and about the things to look out for, any skin irritations and the like. She took Alexander into the back room for a moment. "Something I have to tell you but he can't hear. Young boys like him will get hard a lot, this cage will hurt him when he's hard and soon he will learn how to control that. To get soft again quickly or to not get hard in the first place. But at his age he has little control over it, not matter how much you both try to train that cock. It might get hard, really hard and stay hard no matter what happens. Especially if you keep him from cumming for periods of time. If this happens he will be in great pain inside that cage." "So what do I do?" "If you don't want him to suffer you have to remove the two outer pieces of the cage to allow his cock the freedom to be hard. If after a time it's still hard you'll also have to take off the cock ring. This should allow him to get soft again and not suffer in the confines of the cock cage." "Understood. And thanks, Angie." "No need to thank me, I enjoyed it." "I know you did, Angie. I'm not and idiot." He teased. She giggled. Dakota and Alexander where at the door of the shop. Angie held the door open for her customer and his slaveboy. The cock cage was clearly evident under his tight shorts he was still blindfolded and silent. "Are you sure you won't loan him out for a weekend or so? He'd be very popular here." She half teased. "Now stop that, Angie. He's mine. I'm keeping him." Dakota smiled at his master's defense of him. "Oh, well, we can't always get what we want. Just don't be a stranger." Back on the moving moped Dakota did something he almost never did. He broke an order given to him by his master. He leaned over and whispered into his master's ear. "Thank you, Master." "You're welcome, slaveboy." The pair headed home.
The young slave boy had been alone in his basement bedroom since returning home. He could hear the sounds of Alexander as he moved about the house on the floors above, he could even hear when Alexander's mother had come home from the office. She usually visited him when she came home from work. This thought lifted the bound and bored slaveboy's spirits a little but the hopeful Dakota soon figured out she wasn't going to pay him her customary visit. A little disheartened he returned to his homework. Dakota had no clue what time it was as he had no windows to look out of and had never been afforded the free-boy luxury of a clock or a watch. But his tummy was telling him some hours had passed by. The slaveboy was of course still completely naked, having been ordered to strip as soon as the pair returned home from the outfitters. As was the rule of the household, all Dakota's punishments he had to suffer in the nude. Alexander appeared at the cell barred door of the bedroom with another bowl of steaming slave porridge in his hand. It was dinnertime. Alexander set the bowl down in front of the slave at his desk and moved the books out of the way so the slaveboy could eat. "So, Dakota how are you doing?" Alexander asked. "I'm okay, master. I'm sorry to say I'm a little bored though reviewing the material over and over and my eyes are going a little buggy from reading and writing all day. But I understand that I have to do it both to improve and because of my instructions from you." "Well I think that after dinner we can untie you and get you a shower, then put you to bed for a while." "Thanks, master. I do really need a shower; it's been a few days since I had one. Can I shower with this chasty device on?" "It's called a chast-i-ty cage, Dakota. Yes you can. It's completely waterproof and won't rust or anything. How's it feel?" "It itches, master." "It's not pinching anywhere?" "Not right now. But earlier I got a little 3; um 3; hard and then it wasn't too comfortable." Alexander laughed at the poor slaveboy's predicament. "Well it's supposed to do that, silly! It's designed to keep you soft and to not allow you to touch your cock at all." "I would never touch myself unless you told me too." "I know. But you're getting to that age when the thing between your legs becomes an irresistible plaything. This will just help keep you honest." "I know, but its still frustrating." And he pouted his best play pout. "Why did it get hard, slaveboy? Where you doing something you weren't supposed too?" "I don't know if I wasn't supposed to or not. I wasn't touching it, Master. I was just daydreaming back to this afternoon when you where rubbing my chest and the misses at the store was playing with it. And it kinda got hard on its own. I'm sorry." "Dakota you need to start using the proper names. I wasn't rubbing your chest. I was playing with your nipples. And she was jerking off your cock." "I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound crude. It feels like I'd be swearing or something. Which I'm not allowed to do, master." "It's okay, it's all part of your new training. That's the name for those body parts that you, as a slaveboy need to start using." "It's all so much all of a sudden. I think my little brain is gunna explode, master. Will you help me learn it all, please?" he faked another pouty face. "Stop pouting and eat your dinner." Alexander said in jest back. "Okay, thanks." "And Dakota your brain is anything but little." Dakota smiled at his master for the compliment and continued to eat his dinner. Dakota finished the last of the tasteless, white and gooey porridge from the bowl and sat back in his chair to relax. Gripped his hands tight together and reached up over his head and stretched. He arched his back and pulled to stretch his upper body as far as his bondage would allow. Alexander who had been laying his the slaveboy's bed reading to himself got up and began to untie his slaveboy's legs from the legs of the chair in which he sat. He gently messaged the calves and ankles to restore the flow and reduce any stiffness. Dakota stood up on semi-wobbly legs and took a brief moment to stretch and bend. "Working out the knots, master." "Well go take a nice hot shower that will help." "I've got some nice imprints on my skin from the ropes. Look!" "Yeah you got some first class rope marks there. They'll disappear in a few hours." "I know, but having rope marks means I was tied up right. Well done!" he teased his owner. "You're a cheeky bugger tonight. Go take your shower!" he teased back. Dakota giggled and skipped to his bathroom to start the shower. It always took a couple minutes for the hot water to reach the shower. He started it up and returned to stand in the bathroom's doorway. Alexander had returned to relax on the slaveboy's bed. "Master, can I ask you why ma'am didn't come down to visit me when she came home today? Is she really, really mad at me? Doesn't she want to see me?" "She disappointed in you'd Dakota. But she knows you want to do better so she's also proud of you. She's not really mad, just very busy. She came home with a ton of papers she has to read over for Monday when she goes back to work. She didn't say anything to me either, just went right from the front door to her office. She only came out to make a cup of tea." "Oh, I see. When she didn't come to visit me I was afraid that she was really mad at me and didn't want to see me again." Alexander had to smile at that comment from his slaveboy. The boy really was worried about this punishment. He was truly afraid that that he had lost something of the special relationship he shared with Alexander's parents due to his recent failure. "Go on now, I see steam from the shower, you've got ten minutes, and don't forget to brush your teeth too." "Yes, Master!" and the relieved slaveboy bounded off to take his shower before bedtime. Dakota immediately plunged his head under the hot stream of water. It felt great to let the tickling water wash over his head and down his naked body. "I'll be naked for the next two months 3;" the boy thought to himself, "I think that's the longest I've ever been completely naked. He grabbed the shampoo and went to his task. A light peach scent filled the shower as he washed three days of grime out of his hair. He'd wish that Alexander would let him shower more often. Dakota would get so embarrassed as his young pre-teen boy scent grew as did the time from his last shower. He tried to keep his distance from others so they wouldn't be offended. He knew it wasn't his fault, but it embarrassed him none the less. He rinsed his hair, applied the hair conditioner and went to work washing the dirt off his body as the conditioner did its work making his hair silky and soft. He lingered over his nipples a bit more then he would have normally trying to repeat the pleasurable feelings from his afternoon. His cock started to respond immediately. "Whoa, better stop that!" he thought and went right back to the work of taking a shower. Thankfully his cock began to deflate. It took the slaveboy a little bit of concentration to figure out how to properly wash his cock and balls with the cage in the way. Finally he settled on lathering up his hands and doing his best to get the soap to reach his cock. He knew from his instructions given at the slave outfitters that it was now extra important to keep that area clean. He finished up and rinsed off from head to toes. Hopped out of the shower and quickly dried himself off and bounded over to the sink to brush his hair and his teeth. With the sound of the sink faucet being turned off Dakota returned to this bedroom and stood with hands behind his back by his master who was still lying on the slaveboy's small bed reading. "I'm ready for bed now master. I'm all clean, hair washed and teeth brushed." Alexander hopped off the bed and inspected his slaveboy. Dakota's hair was still damp. Alexander looked at the boy's ears and saw they were clean, took hold of his hands and inspected his fingernails, clean there too. He then lifted the cage cock and looked underneath and around the silver metal bars encasing the slave's cock. Spotless and shinny. "Open." Alexander commanded. Dakota opened his mouth. Alexander noted that his breath was minty and the teeth were all white and clean. As was now the new ritual he swatted the boy's ass five times. Dakota yelped a little at the first one, apparently he had forgotten about that new little addition to his life. "There, that was your customary five spanks, now I'll give you three more a little harder for getting hard this afternoon when you where supposed to be studying." "Yes, master, I'm sorry master. "Alright, you've passed inspection. Lie down on your bed on your back." Dakota positioned himself so that his legs where at the end of the bed that had the ever present steel ankle shackle and his head, damp hair and all, on the pillow. He was staring up at the ceiling. Alexander clicked the steel shackle in place, the cold steel made Dakota jump a bit, as it did every night until the heat from his leg warmed it. "Hands and wrists together, Dakota. In front of your tummy." Alexander then proceeded to wrap white cotton rope around the submissive boy's wrists, not overly tight, but tight enough. Then he changed direction and wrapped between his hands and wrists to encircle the rope going around the slave's wrists. Creating a neat rope handcuff cinched tight. He tied a tight set of knots in the rope on the far side of the slave's hands so that if he bent them to his face to couldn't chew on the knot with he teeth. "Tonight I think we'll add something new." "Something new. Like what?" There was a slightly concerned tone in the slaveboy's question. "Yeah, hang on a sec just stay put and shut your eyes." Alexander then went over to the chest of bondage gear that was kept in the slaveboy's room unlocked it and rummaged around inside. In a minute he found the object of his search, a leather blindfold. Something Dakota had worn a few times before, but more for playing around and teasing done to him by Alexander. But tonight Alexander intended to blindfold the boy all night long. Alexander returned and could hear the slaveboy humming a little song to himself. Dakota's eyes were still closed – Alexander lifted his slaveboy's head up a little, feeling the dampness of the slave's silky straight hair in his palm, and slid the blindfold around his head and placed the padding snuggly over his eyes. Dakota would be completely unable to see anything until such time as his master decided to allow him too. "I don't want this coming off tonight, Dakota. Don't try to remove it." "I won't." "Good boy." Alexander left the room shutting the door with the metallic click of the steel lock engaging, turned off all the lights plunging the boy into double darkness and left without saying another word. Dakota wiggled his naked body around to get more comfortable. With his one ankle in the steel shackle for the night that leg had to more or less remain straight. He adjusted his free leg with a bend at the knee so it folded itself under the shackled leg. His free ankle now rested under the back of his other leg's knee, forming a number 4 with is legs. He knew from experience that if he folded his arms at the elbows so he fingers where under his chin it would relieve the pressure of the ropes and his hands would remain relatively comfortable. Eventually he knew that he'd have to roll over on his side and allow gravity to pull one wrist against the other so his hands wouldn't fall asleep under the rope's grip. The few nights in this life as a slave where Dakota hadn't been bound in someway he found it very hard to sleep, he chalked it up to too much freedom, he'd gotten used to being bound as normal and not being bound disrupted his sleep. He eyes hurt from reading all day, doing study and review problems, and making little notes to help his memory of his studies. It felt good to have them closed and dark now. The slight pressure exerted by the leather and fleece against his eyes, face and head just about massaged his tired eyes and almost felt like it was rubbing his temples to provide relief. "Did master know that this would make my eyes feel better?" He thought to himself. Dakota was a smart boy but he never quite knew the motives behind some of the actions taken by his master. Inside his bondage and blindfold Dakota found himself getting lost inside his own little world. He began retreating into his own head, getting lost in his internal thoughts as he drifted off to sleep. He thought about how his life changed so suddenly seven years ago when within the course of less then a week his parents had been killed in a car accident and he was now a ward of the local council. At age five the boy instantly became an orphan. He was over at his little friend's David's house when two police officers came to the door. They chatted with David's mommy for a couple minutes. She turned to look at the little boy in the back yard sandbox and was crying. The three came outside and David's mommy told Dakota that he had to go with these men now. He asked where his mommy and daddy where and she told him that the men would explain everything. David cried for Dakota not to go. His mommy had to take hold of him to stop him from chasing after the two men. Dakota looked back at his little friend and waved his final goodbye. The pair never saw each other again. The two cops took Dakota to the local orphans' home. There a very nice old lady told Dakota about his parents and tried to comfort the little boy as best she could. She gave him a teddy bear to hug tight. After he settled down he was put in a room with three other little boys. He had to appear in front of that judge the next day. The judge, in his big marble clad courtroom, looked down on him from his high perch behind his big wooden desk. Dakota didn't know it was called a bench at the time. How the adults around him explained the boy's situation to the judge. That he had no other family and he was alone and being cared at the boy's home in town. The judge took a few minutes before he spoke. Dakota stood silent shifting his weight from foot to foot and slightly shaking in fear. Still clutching the teddy bear tight to his chest. The judge smiled at the little boy and asked his name and his age and what his favorite food was. Took a few more minutes to think and flipped some papers around on his desk. Then the judge announced to the court that the boy was to be deemed a Class Two Orphan. Dakota was then taken by another adult he didn't know wearing a blue uniform from the large courtroom into a small side room and stripped of his clothes. First his shoes and socks were removed for him, then his shirt, his pants and underpants, and finally the teddy bear was taken. All of his possessions where put into a little white box and the lid shut. The clothes he'd been wearing would be taken back to the home for boys to be reused by another little boy there. The scared little boy started to cry and shake harder. He had no understanding of what was happening to him. The uniformed man wrapped a simple white loin cloth around his waist and tied it tight. He was taken and given to a nice lady who took him to another home where he was told that in the morning he would learn about the rules he had to know based on what the judge just said. Thinking about it now, Dakota realized that day was the last time he had ever worn shoes or socks. He had never given any real thought to being barefoot all the time with Alexander. He simply hadn't been given or told to put on any shoes or socks and so he never wore any. Dakota being only five years old at the time had very little understanding about what was happening around him. But he fit in well at the new home he had been taken too. Still being grief stricken and a trusting little boy he just allowed the adults, who were all very nice to him, if a little firm, to order him around and he did as they told him too. For his obedience he was praised and he liked the attention he got. They told him he was a very cute little boy and they'd be sorry to see him go, but he would be adopted very soon because he was so cute and so good a doing what he was told. They told him he was probably going to be adopted by a nice family as their little slaveboy. He had seen slaves in his life, they were not uncommon. But he didn't really know what it meant to become one. One nice lady told him there was a little bit of a chance he might be adopted as a free boy and his life would be just like it was before, but that probably would not happen. All Dakota knew was that soon he would be living with a new family and wanted to be adopted soon. Dakota thought himself lucky that he was adopted by such a nice family who treated him so well. He didn't mind being tied up and liked the interest shown in him by Alexander and Alexander's parents. Over the years he knew that Alexander was the envy of most of his school friends because of his ownership of Dakota. Dakota was proud of that and even though he was a slave he loved being part of this family that loved him back. He'd been a slaveboy more than half his life, He didn't have many memories of his life before the age of four or so – meaning he had almost no memory of his early life as a free boy. This was all he knew; being a slaveboy. He smiled slightly at his thoughts and drifted off to sleep.
Since it was still early in the evening Alexander plunked himself down on the family room sofa and turned on the tele. "Let the channel surfing begin." He said to an empty room. The flicking light of a television rapidly changing stations bounced off the walls. After several turns around the dial Alexander's mother finally emerged from her home office. "Shove over a bit, kiddo." She said. Alexander moved over a little and she sat down on the sofa with a thump. Exhausted. She kicked off her shoes and put her feet up on the coffee table. She looked at her son. "Honey I wish you wouldn't put your shoes on the furniture." He too kicked off his sneakers leaving him barefoot. He curled up a little he got resettled and comfortable. "So how's Dakota?" "He studied hard today, he said he got very bored doing it though and he eyes hurt from so much reading." "That's to be expected. How are his spirits?" "You know Dakota. No complaints. He was in a good enough to mood to tease me a little like he does – so I think he's fine." "It's strange not to see him sitting on the floor here watching tele with you, your usually Saturday night custom." "I know, I kinds miss him." "I stopped by the outfitters on the way home, Angie said you stopped in today and brought Dakota with you." "Yeah, I wanted to get him a chastity thingy. So I went over this morning and picked one out, but she needed to custom fit it too him so I had to take him back in." "Good, he's reaching that age. Slaveboys need to be controlled with that sort of thing." "Wait a minute, why did you stop in to see Angie?" "Oh I wanted to special order some equipment for his bedroom." "Like what?" "That's a surprise. Right now I don't want you mention it to him. Wait till they start delivering it all next week." "Oh come on! Tell me, please!" he pleaded. "No, it's a surprise for him, and for you." "Damn." "Alexander! Language." "Sorry, mom." "Alexander, I need to ask you something. I know that Dakota sometimes performs oral sex on you." Alexander blushed crimson. "But have you gone any farther? Have you had sex with him, anal intercourse?" "Mom! How could you ask me that? It's so embarrassing. How did you even know about him giving me 3; doing that 3; to me?" "Honey, I'm your mother. I know everything about my family. And he told me. I asked and he told me." "Well then why don't you just ask him." Alexander was a little miffed by this line of questioning and learning that his mother knew about their little sexual adventures. "No. You're my son and he's just a slave. I want to know from you." "Well if you really must know. No I have never had sex with Dakota!" He was near yelling. "Settle down, Alexander." "Why would you even suggest that? I'm not gay!" "This isn't about you being gay. It's about you using your slaveboy. And that's what Dakota is, a slaveboy. He's not a British-American subject, he doesn't have the same rights as you. He's a possession, you own him. It's not the same as if you had sex with your friend Tristan." "Mother, oh God! Yuck! Thanks, now I have that image in my mind. Thanks a lot!" She giggled realizing her faux pas. "Sorry, honey. But you see what I'm saying?" Alexander sat down, feet flat on the floor took a deep breath and looked at the coffee table instead of his mother. "Yes, because of his status as a slaveboy if, and that's a big if, I have sex with him it doesn't mean I'm gay because he doesn't have the same status as me." "Correct. It's about the active and passive roles. You, as the master of Dakota, take the active role. The masculine role if you will. He's the passive one. He has no choice both because of his physical position under you and because of his position as a slave." "Okay, I remember that from history class. That's how things operated in the old Roman Empire. We covered that in the chapters on historical slavery." "Good, nice to know the schools till teach the basics of society. But you see how it's different from a homosexual act?" "Yeah, I guess." "Look honey, he's yours. I'm not telling you what to do with him. But you're at an age now where you'll become more sexually active and he's your slave." "I 3;I guess so." "I'd rather you have sex with him instead of someone who might have a disease or a girl who could get pregnant. And honey, in case you didn't notice, Dakota is as gay as a goose." "He's what?" "You've never really thought of him as a sexual toy at all have you?" "No, he's my slave, but also my friend and kinda like a little brother." "Do you tie up your friends or keep them naked? Would you lock a little brother in a basement bedroom with a steel cell door?" "Of course not. Well maybe a bratty little bother 3; But I think he likes being tied up." "Of course he does, he's the rarest of all slaves. He's a natural born submissive, a real slave. He'd never have been truly happy as a free boy." "I've always wondered about that. Compared to other slaves I've seen he's always so happy and fun to be around." "Most other slaves are despondent and have to be trained to accept their new stations in life. They hate it, right?" "Yes they do. My mate David's parents had a real hard time with their slavegirl. She needed lots of punishment and correction when they first adopted her." "Dakota is a one of a kind slaveboy. He's actually happy being one. He may not fully understand the reasons why himself. But he loves you and he's happy with the way things are." "Yeah. I mean his attitude tonight proves it, right." "Well this summer will be quite the learning experience for both of you. He will be learning all kinds of new aspects to a slave's life and you'll begin to think of him in a slightly different way." "Sounds like fun." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Oh don't be that way. You'll see, trust me." "Alright." "Now since Dakota's not allowed out of his room, why don't go you make us each cup of tea?" He returned with a tray of tea and a few cookies. The pair snacked as they watched some Saturday night television. "Alexander, I've still got a few more hours work tonight and I know you don't want to talk to your mother about the things you can do with Dakota, in that way. Why don't you head to your computer and do some research on the net." "Okay, night mom." "Goodnight, honey. And remember, some things you'll discover will be quite extreme, keep in mind that he's yours to care for and you don't want to harm him. Go slowly." "Understood." In his bedroom Alexander accessed the internet and did a simple search for 'sex with your slaveboy'. A screen full of results popped up, dozens of pages of results in fact. "Damn! How did I not know about all this, where have I been living?" he mused. He searched and looked at a lot of sites. He learned about pig slaves, full bondage slaves, pain slaves, what corporate owned slaves were subjected too. All of that quite disgusted and repulsed Alexander. "Why would anyone want to treat their property so badly?" he thought. After about an hour he found a good site for slaveboy training and sex. "That looks interesting. I think I'll start with that in the morning, right after his little morning spanking. I wonder why it's called shrimping?" Chapter 5The next morning Alexander rose early from his bed, a habit he wasn't accustomed to do on a Sunday, but this morning was special, or rather would be special. Today would be the first day of his training Dakota, the boy in the basement bedroom, bound, blindfolded and sleeping, to be his sexual slave as well as his personal slaveboy.Up until a few years ago Dakota was more of a friend or special beloved pet. He was a companion for Alexander, when Alexander wanted a companion that is. Otherwise he was just there. A possession of the family, sometimes the center of attention, sometimes put away in his suitably appointed bedroom in the basement, out of sight and alone. A few years ago, well more than a few but that's beside the point, Alexander started requiring Dakota to perform oral sex on him. Alexander's sexually naive way at teenage masturbation. That was as far as the two ever progressed into the realm of sexual matters. At the urging of his mother Alexander looked up some slaveboy training sites on the internet last night before turning in. He was shocked, interested and very curious about most of what he saw. He decided that Dakota would be up for most everything, the willing and curious boy that he was, but he'd progress slowly and carefully. He liked the relationship the two shared now, one of friendship and companionship, their little teasing sessions, he didn't want to lose that, but to enhance it with the enjoyment of adding sex to the mix. But first he wanted to get a good shower and then test some of the things his mother had said about Dakota the night before during their conversation on the couch. While letting the warm water wash over him Alexander wished his father would call home; he'd feel much more comfortable discussing these sexual matters with him rather than with his mother. Currently Mr. Brooks was in the remote countryside of China, apparently they didn't have any cellular coverage and computers would be far and few between. They knew this in advance so were not worried he hadn't checked in, but several days without contact between all the family members was unusual. Out of the shower the young master tossed on a pair of shorts and a polo shirt and headed downstairs to his slaveboy. It was only 6:38am. The light from the hallway cast a door shaped shaft of light into Dakota's bedroom, illuminating the sleeping blindfolded slaveboy on the simple twin bed. The shadow lines from the locked cell door cast their shadows across the naked twelve-year-old's body. Alexander stood still and silent for a moment watching the rising and falling of the bound boy's chest. "He really is something special," he thought to himself. "He has never really complained about anything required of him or asked of him. He really seems to enjoy giving me blowjobs, he doesn't mind being naked all the time. And now that I think of it he always seems to yield to other's will, even in the most simple matters. He really is a submissive little slave, isn't he?" Alexander placed his hand on the pad scanner next to the door and with a click the door was unlocked. The noise had woken the slave who stirred on his bed. Dakota, not being used to being blindfolded overnight, tried to open his eyes, but they met with resistance, he reached up with his bound hands and felt the cloth covering his eyes and remembered through his sleepy haze the order of his master from the night before to not remove the blindfold himself for any reason. He scratched his nose instead. Alexander strolled over to Dakota's bed and sat down on the end. "Good morning 3; Master?" Dakota spoke first. "Yes, it's me, Dakota. How are you doing this morning?" "Good, tired, but okay, thanks." "Can you sit up?" "Okay." And he did so. The chain that secured Dakota's ankle to the bed was long enough to allow him to sit normally with both feet on the floor. He managed to position himself sitting normally next to his master. The two sat side by side, one wearing a shirt and shorts, other naked, blindfolded and bound. "How's my little slave's dick this morning, being all locked up?" "Uhm, its okay, master, it tried to get hard a few times and woke me up." "You'll get used to that and it won't be a problem for long I think." "I hope so, it was rather annoying." "Make sure your eyes are closed. I'm gunna take off the blindfold. Open them up slowly after I take it off." Alexander untied Dakota's wrists and then turned to Dakota and spoke some of the most important words he had ever spoken to him as his owner. "Dakota, for the next few minutes, we are going to talk, I have questions for you. I need you to answer honestly and freely. I promise you, you will not be punished for any reason for anything you say. Actually for the next few minutes, until you I tell you otherwise consider yourself a free boy. Well semi-free anyway. Do you understand?" "Y-yeah. Yes, master." "Good. Now look me in the eyes." Dakota turned and looked at his master, Alexander could see the nervousness building behind his green eyes. "Dakota, if you could change three things about your life, what would they be?" "What?" "You heard me, take a minute and think about it, there's no rush." "O-okay." He turned and stared down at his toes for a moment and thought deeply about the question before him. "Well, one I would like to be able to take a shower more often, it's kinda embarrassing when I get a bit smelly. Second, I'd like to eat more of the foods you get to eat, especially the desserts a lot more!" he giggled. "And lastly, well lastly I guess I would like it if I wasn't left alone so often, it gets boring down here all by myself, and sometimes when I'm home alone the house is a little scary." "Next Question, Dakota do you find yourself attracted to me or boys in general?" Dakota went bright red from head to toe, "Yes, master, I do. I'm sorry." He looked downcast. "No need to be sorry Dakota. You're just being honest, that's more than a lot of people can be with themselves." Dakota looked back at his master and smiled. Alexander winked, reassuring his younger slaveboy. "Okay next, do you find yourself wanting to learn about the sexual games we are going to teach you?" "Oh yes, very much!" He said quickly. "Didn't even have to think about that one did you? Anyway, last question and take a moment to think about this one, and remember you need to be honest with me. Tell me the truth no matter what it is and you won't be punished for it." "Got it." "Have you ever, at anytime since I've owned you, ever thought about being free again?" "What!" Dakota said in surprise. To be asked if he wanted to be free, that was almost unheard of. He didn't know much outside the four walls of this house, but he did know that no slave was ever asked for their opinion on being set free. "Dakota, relax, this is not a trick. I just need to know. Have you ever thought about it?" Dakota turned back to looking at his toes. He was visibly shaking, he didn't like this question. He took a deep breath and looked back at his master 3;" "Honestly, Alexander. I have to answer: No. I have never thought about being free again. I have thought about what life might be like for you and for Cody and some of the other boys I've seen on the streets when I get to go out, what your lives are like, but I don't want to be free. Honestly it scares me, really. I mean I have no one other than you and Sir and Ma'am in the world. Where would I live? How would I live? I'm only a kid 3;" Then a thought flew into his mind. "Oh, master, you're not freeing me are you? You're not throwing me out of the house are you? Please say you're not. I'm sorry for messing up on my schoolwork, but I promise to do better, please I want to be here, I want to be yours." Alexander had to grab Dakota's head in his hands. "Stop that now, Dakota. You have nothing to worry about, that's not why I asked." Dakota took a minute to let this news sink in, took another deep breath, looked at his master in the eye again, and said. "Thank you, master!" "You're welcome, Dakota" and he pulled the slaveboy into himself and gave him a reassuring hug. After a few minutes they released their embrace, looked at each other and smiled. "Better?" "Yeah." "Ok, that's it for the questions. You're completely a slaveboy again. My slaveboy. Understand?" "Yes, master. Thanks." Alexander reached down and unlocked the metal shackle from Dakota's ankle, "Okay, Dakota, go take a shower, go potty, brush your teeth and be back here on your knees in front of me on the floor in twelve minutes or less." "Yes Master," and he sprang up and trotted into the bathroom and quickly turned on the shower. While the water was running in the little on slave-suite bathroom Alexander leaned back on his hand and with his other hand began slowly and gently rubbing his cock hard. Not enough to put himself close to the edge of cumming, that would be his slave's job from now on, but just enough to get himself excited and ready for the fun and games he was about to try out on his willing and natural-born slaveboy. The little quiz had been most informative. Dakota's answers had confirmed all Alexander's mother had told him. Dakota was smart and a thinker, he was totally gay and he was simply a natural slave. He really wouldn't have been happy if he'd not become a slave to someone. Dakota's answers had confirmed for Alexander that the road the two were about to travel together was the right one for them. "Damn, I must be the luckiest seventeen-year-old in the country. I have a great, cute slaveboy who actually wants to be my slave, and wants me to have sex with him 3;" he thought to himself as he continued to rub his cock. He heard the sink turn off and Dakota reentered the bedroom walked over to his master and dropped slowly and gently to his knees, hands at his sides and head bowed in front of Alexander as he was ordered. Alexander didn't have his watch on and Dakota had no clock in his room so he had no clue if Dakota had performed his tasks in the time allowed or not, it didn't matter really either. He placed his hand on Dakota's damp hair and pushed him down toward the floor. The slave's instincts took over and he simply allowed himself to be pushed into position. "Dakota, my slave, I want you to begin to learn something new. I want you to lick and suck on my toes." "Your toes, master?" "You heard me, now start. Lick between them, and suck each one just like it was a little cock. Lick and kiss the soles of my feet, the underside of my toes where they meet the ball of my foot. You can use your hands to hold my foot. Be gentle and simply make me feel good." "Yes, master." So he began. Starting with the right foot of his master Dakota lowered himself all the way to the floor and pushed his tongue out between his soft red lips and lapped at his master's big toe. He turned his head and got his soft, wet tongue around his master's toe and began licking the spot just under the end of the toenail, then around to the side and moved back to the arch of his foot. The obedient slave pushed his warm pinkness out farther and lapped at the bare arch more and more, then worked back over his path and swung around at the big toe and pushed his tongue in between the big toe and the second toe, licking in between them as ordered. Dakota took his master's foot in his hand and lifted up off the floor, sitting up as he did so, and held the barefoot of his master at the heel and supported it gently to the side with his other hand. Dakota's eyes were closed and he had a dreamy look on his face as he continued his duty to his master. He opened his mouth and let Alexander's big toe slip into his mouth just as he had sucked on his cock so many times in the past. He licked underneath and gently sucked with his mouth as he ran his tongue around and around the digit just as if it was a little cocklet. Then with a swift motion and with an effort of a child licking cookie dough off a spoon, he licked and probed the space between his big and second toe then started sucking on the second toe just as he did with the big. Alexander thought to himself that if his toes had been cocks he would have shot from them twice already. Even as it was his cock was rock hard and throbbing from the attention given his feet. He hadn't touched his cock since Dakota reentered the room. "Oh man this feels so great, slaveboy. Are you enjoying it?" Alexander whispered. "Uhmm mmmm." Dakota answered without taking his sweet mouth off Alexander's middle toe. Dakota continued to work on his master's toes and the soles of his bare feet. His hands gingerly rubbed and caressed the heels and arches as he moved and licked and sucked his way around every millimeter of his master's feet. He deftly finished up with the right and started on the left. Dakota worked it just as the first but as his experience and confidence grew he got bolder and less shy about probing and exploring this new territory on his master's body. He then lifted both of feet together side by side and licked in between the arches. The sides of his tongue reaching and stroking both feet at the same time. Alexander moaned with delight and the pure decadent pleasure one gets from having another person lick and suck their bare feet. He was hard as granite. After some time passed and he was sure he could take no more of Dakota's quickly growing expert ministrations on his body, Alexander ordered Dakota to lay down on the floor on his back with his hands behind his head and to remain still. Alexander retrieved a ball gag from the trunk of bondage gear kept locked in Dakota's bedroom. He returned to the prone slaveboy and lifted his feet up into his lap as he sat on the bed and taking the ropes that had spent the night securing Dakota's wrists he bound the slave's ankles and then his big toes together. He gently set the bound feet on the bed and gagged the boy tightly. He smiled at Dakota who in turn winked back. "I got this little idea from you. Where you used your tongue between my feet I'll use my cock!" He dropped his shorts to the floor and slipped his rock hard cock between the bound soles of the slaveboy's feet and began to slowly fuck them. The friction caused by the soles and arches of Dakota's feet against Alexander's cock felt wonderful to the young slave master. The soft warm touch of the slave's bare feet was a feeling that Alexander hadn't anticipated. No where had he seen this mentioned on the web he simply spring-boarded this idea from Dakota's tongue action between his own arches. The opening formed by Dakota's feet bound as they were at the ankles and big toes provided an opening just the right size and softness for Alexander's cock to be caressed into orgasm. Even in his sexually induced lust he knew that this was going to be part of their regular routine from now one. "But what about my cum?" he thought, "When I come it will shoot all over Dakota. Wonder if he's ready for that? Guess I'll find out." "Dakota this feels great, I'm gunna cum all over you, I'm not gunna stop till I cum. Get ready for it." Dakota nodded but Alexander lost in his own feelings radiating out from his cock all over his body didn't even notice Dakota's nod. "This won't going to take long." Alexander thought. Dakota tried to think about what might happen when his master came on him. But in the few moments he had before it happened he knew he had no choice either way so he decided to watch his master's cock erupt and accept the cum no matter where it hit him. A few short minutes later and Alexander could wait no longer and he let lose shooting his seed all over the slaveboy lying on the floor. Alexander's cum covered Dakota's caged cock with splatters on his tummy and chest. One of the first bursts of cum actually hit Dakota on the chin and neck. The boy was tracked with his master's cum from chin to feet. The last drops of white goo dripped from his master's cock onto the bound feet that had brought him off in the first place. Alexander wiped the dribbles of remaining cum off his cockhead on the soles of Dakota's feet. The slave giggled at the slippery tickling feeling. Alexander sat down and reclined on the small bed and took time to recover. He then crawled on the floor next to Dakota and removed his gag. "Wow, that was amazing!" He told his slave. "Yeah it was, thank you, master." Dakota replied. "That was just the best. Very hot! I don't think my cock could have gotten any harder." "Glad I could give you so much pleasure, master." "You were great, Dakota. What did you think of it?" "I liked it a lot master. You know I have never seen you actually do that before, I've felt it in my mouth, but I never saw you do it. It was so cool watching your cock spurt it all out. And now it's all over me. Feels weird." "Weird how?" "It's all warm when it first hit me, now it getting very cool and sticky feeling." "Some people seem to think that it marks a slave as its master's property to have his cum on his body." "Really? Well I do kinda like it. It was really neat to have you cum on me. Will you do that to me again sometime?" "Sure thing, Dakota." A few minutes of silence passed as the two boys lay side by side on the floor coming down from their mutual but very different sexual highs. "Master, can I go get cleaned up now?" "No I don't think so. I want you to wear my cum for a while. Bring your feet down on the floor here and lay on your side." Alexander got up and got another piece of rope and quickly bound Dakota's hands behind him and left him on the carpeted floor. "There that will keep you from rubbing any of it off with your hands. As today is Sunday I think that I will allow you a day off from studying and we'll play some more. But first you're gunna lay here bound up for a while and I'll go get your breakfast. As your still under your grounding, it will be slave chow again and you won't be leaving his room but I'll be back and we'll spend the day together and you'll be learning a lot I think." He bent over the trussed up slaveboy and gagged him again, left the room locking the door and flipping off the room's lights. Dakota was simply lit by the light coming through the cell door from the hall. Dakota craned his head up as best he could and watch his master exit his bedroom and lock him in once again. If he wasn't gagged he would have smiled. As it was he was more content then he had been in a long time. The slave's breakfast, which Alexander fed to him spoon by spoon as Dakota remained bound on the floor, consisted of the same white and tasteless slave chow he'd eaten the day before. Every so often he would scoop up a little of his cum from Dakota and feed the helpless slave a spoonful of the cold sticky goo. Dakota took it all in stride. He would wrinkle his nose and say, "Yucky" when he was fed his master's seed but he opened his mouth and licked the spoon clean anyway. Even bound and covered in cum Dakota still enjoyed teasing his master. After breakfast had been consumed it was time for Dakota's morning spanking. Alexander helped the boy upright and placed his chest on the mattress with his knees still on the floor. And with the paddle gave Dakota five good smacks on his bare round ass. He sat down next to the slightly suffering slaveboy and placed his hand on the small of Dakota's back to keep him in place. Dakota turned his head to look toward his master. "Dakota there is a practice that most masters do on their slave. They have sex with them." "Isn't that what we are doing?" "No I mean have sex with you, really have sex." "I don't think I know what you mean, master." Alexander's hand roamed to Dakota's still red ass. "I mean, instead of putting my cock in your mouth, I put it in your butt." "Oh." Was all the slave could respond with. "Yeah. It's the real way to have sex with a slave." "I understand." "So what do you think?" he asked Dakota. "Does it matter, master? I'm just a slave – you can do what you want to me." "That's true, but you're more than just a slave." "Are you going to do it now?" "No, not right now. We got to get you prepared for it, so you're not damaged." "Get me ready? How?" "First we've got to open your butt up. That's done with a device called a butt plug. We don't have one yet, but I'll get a set and we'll start stretching your tight little ass and get you ready." "Sounds painful." "Well it will be at first. But from what I read about it, it seems that it can be enjoyable after that. That pain doesn't last long. The web site said that slaves even enjoy the feeling once they are trained and prepared right." "Okay. I'll do the best I can." The slave giggled. "I know you will!" and Alexander quickly tickled the bound boy's ribs sending another round of laughter from Dakota's lips. Alexander had Dakota stand up and he untied his wrists and ankles and had him lay down on his back on the bed and proceeded to tie him spread eagle. Once all four limbs where secure he again blindfolded the young slave. "I'm gunna head upstairs for a little bit, but I won't leave the house. You relax here for a while and I'll be back down after lunchtime." "O-okay. Master. What if I fall sleep?" "You think you'll sleep tied up like this?" "Maybe." "Well if you do you do. See you in a bit." "Hehehe, nice joke, master! See you in a bit and I'm blindfolded. I get it!" Alexander headed back upstairs to watch a little tele and get himself an early lunch. And he'd give calling he father another try. After a few more hours and a couple unsuccessful attempts to reach his father, Alexander returned to his slaveboy in the basement. "Okay Dakota now for your next lesson 3; ready?" "Ready." Unseen by the blindfolded slave the seventeen-year-old master lowered his shorts again and positioned himself at the top of the bed above Dakota's head and lowered himself down over the slave's face. When he felt his nether region meet Dakota's nose and mouth the slaveboy jumped in surprise. Jumped as best he could that is being tied in a spread eagle position. "Dakota, this is called rimming, I want you to find my hole with your tongue and lick it good." Dakota was a bit more timid about this activity then he had been about licking his master's feet, but ever obedient he pushed the tip of his pink soft tongue out and searched blindly for his master's sphincter. "Yeah, that's it, there you are 3;" Dakota continued to lick, little tiny licks like a puppy lapping up water. "A little harder now, I want to feel it 3;" Alexander instructed. He did as he was told and found that it wasn't completely unpleasant, there was no taste as he had imagined. Alexander had made sure he was well cleaned before this activity. He had no wish to gross out Dakota.
Dakota was now raising his head off the bed to better reach and lick his master's rosebud with his tongue. When his neck muscles need a rest he lowered his head back to the bed, took a deep breath and said, "I feel like I'm panting with my tongue, master." "You're doing fine. This feels great. Keep working." And Dakota set back to his task. A few moments on and Alexander figured it was time for the next level of this particular activity. "Dakota, now I want you to put your tongue inside me, stick the tip right in and push as hard as you can." Without a word Dakota tried to obey. It took a few tries and for him to be able to figure out how to stiffen his tongue enough to get it passed his master's anal ring, but he managed to do it eventually. Of course all his efforts just continued to delight his master until it was in and then Alexander was in anal pleasure heaven. Alexander actually cooed. "In and out, boy, that's it." Dakota was effective tongue fucking his master now, Alexander was hard once more and his cock was proudly sticking out in front him throbbing in time with his excited heart beat. His glistening cock tip was dripping little bit of precum on Dakota's chest adding to the dried cum from that morning. Alexander shifted his potion pulling back a little placing his balls directly over Dakota's mouth. "Suck them in and play with them with your tongue." Dakota quickly did as ordered his cheeks swelled up with the two nuts now filling his mouth. He found each one in turn and gently licked and played with them inside their skin sack. "Oh my God, Dakota you have no clue how great this feels!" "Mmmmphhhmm." Was all the response he got from his busy slaveboy. Dakota, letting his imagination go and improvising as best he could began to enjoy his work and playfully sucked on the whole sack, then popped one ball out of his mouth while holding the other in and sucking it down harder stretching it from his master's body all the while licking and caressing it with his warm wet, and quickly becoming an expert, tongue. Then he would suck both nuts back into his mouth and pop the first out and repeat. Then suck both back in again and suck hard and wild as his tongue danced over and over his master's lose nut sack. Alexander was groaning with a pleasure he had never known. Without saying a word he moved back a bit more pulling his nuts from his slave's mouth and Dakota without being told sucked in the tip of his master's cock into his mouth. He suctioned it like a Hoover. Alexander needed no encouragement. Both boys where lost in their lust. Alexander pumped his hips. His cock pushed farther into the young boy's mouth. Dakota sealed his lips tight around the invading cock. Alexander pushed harder. Dakota, an experienced cocksucker, let the tip slip into his throat. Alexander pulled back and then quickly pushed in again. Dakota let his head rest on the bed as Alexander began to face fuck him. "This is new 3;" Dakota thought as his mouth was being pummeled by his master. He had to time his breathing for the nanosecond of time when Alexander pulled back but before he reinserted to the hilt. Dakota could feel his master's light crotch hair brush against his face. His master's balls covered his nose making it harder to time his breathing. "Arrggh." Screamed Alexander as he pulled his member from the mouth working it. He quickly grabbed hold of his raging cock and pumped it as he shot his seed all over the front of his slaveboy for the second time that day. "FUCK." He shouted as his cum ended. Without a word he stuck his cock back into Dakota's panting mouth and Dakota licked it clean. Smacking his lips as the now sensitive cock was pulled out. "Don't say a word, Dakota. Complete silence." Alexander ordered after he came a bit back down to earth. Alexander went into Dakota's bathroom and turned on the hot water tap and rinsed a white wash cloth under the flowing water, grabbed a dry hand towel and returned to his waiting, but very gooey slaveboy. He gently and gingerly began to clean Dakota's skin with the warm cloth. Taking his time and making sure he got it all off. He returned to the sink a couple times to rinse and re-warm the cloth. Once satisfied his boy was clean he rubbed the towel over the damp skin to dry him. Dakota couldn't help but jiggle and giggle as the rubbing towel tickled him. Alexander dropped the towel to the floor and set about tickling Dakota properly. He attacked his ribs and under his arms. Gently but ruthlessly he dug his fingers into the helpless slave. After several minutes, and eternity to the tickled tortured slaveboy, Alexander traced his fingers down the front of Dakota's chest and when he reached his stomach he accidently discovered that Dakota's belly button was ultra ticklish. Then set about attacking the boy without mercy. Dakota wailed with laughter and if not blindfolded tears would have rolled from his eyes. The boy shook and bucked in his bondage. The ropes straining to keep him secured to the bed. Alexander kept at it switching between his belly button and the sides of Dakota's ribs. Just when Dakota thought he would pass out from his suffering Alexander stopped his torture. Dakota dropped back to the bed. He breathed in and out hard. Panting heavily. His hair was wildly tossed and sweat matted to his forehead. Sweat beaded on his chest as it rose and fell rapidly. Alexander leaned over and quickly kissed Dakota on the tip of his nose. He whispered into his left ear. "Are you okay, Dakota?" Dakota only nodded yes.