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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links: November 2003
30 November 2003
Dolores Moth
(was Hot Maddie) - The Dance (mf fm vamp) Vampires dance around two lovers
kittara - With Friends like These (fm tg asfr) Terry finally gets some female attention
Evil Cow - The Summer Guest (f monster tentacles) Sally investigates the strange noises emanating from Heidi's room
Unreal - Roomies (mf magic tg asfr mc) Jake makes Brian a lovely bath
25 November 2003
E. Z. Riter - One Day a Year (ff mf witch) Peter's girlfriends work out OK
Dmuk - A Brief Encounter with the Law (mf asfr mc) Brenda Taggert investigates certain disappearances of young women
Lucy Yip - Modeling Job (ff asfr) Nina finds someone to care for her
Unreal - A Little Head (mf fm asfr xform tg) Mia takes care of Nick
Theodoric of York - Girl Stools (mf ff asfr plant) "If you buy that thing our relationship is over"
24 November 2003
tRafe - IP72496 (fm myst) "Intrafe. I need you to calm down. I'm nothing more than a lost traveller, much like yourself"
ffreak - Fairy Tale (mf plant faerie) "Yes, she thought, I am crazy in love with a mushroom"
differentlydirty - La Belle Dame sans Merci Redux (fm faerie) "I cannot wake and I cannot sleep until I find my fairy love"
Vas Dragus - Sex to Die For (mf relig) "As far as deaths go, I guess mine was fast and pretty spectacular"
23 November 2003
New update at LTBSA with many great new stories. Check it out!
Felix Lance Falcon - Jelly Feeding (mm vore) "if you make it start at your feet, you'll have more time..."
Xanamiar - A Trip to Paradise (mf drug) Crystal finds a laid-back island
Agonists - Poke her in the front, Lick her in the rear (fm scifi zombies) Steve creates a distraction for Claire
Saycheese - Found in the Dark (fm alien scifi) Joe picks up a girl with a mission
impulse - My Little Vampire Girl (fm vamp teen) "She'd have been a distraction under any circumstances"
21 November 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Hank and the Snatch Plant (mm mf plant vore cast) Marines explore a hungry planet
GentleButFirm - Silent (fm vamp brief) She is quick, and deadly!
Iago - Enslavers (xff alien mc tentacles) Kara cheerfully investigates an ancient race of enslavers
19 November 2003
Yotna El'toub - The Haunting of Dedington Manor (fm ff mm tg) updated
The Major's family has some skeletons in its closet
YLeeCoyote - My World (mf mm incubus) Picky demon needs guidance
little ego - Veronica and Charlie (mf strange) Charlie (of the Chocolate Factory) renews an old acquaintance
Tabico - Herd Instinct (ff xform mc lact) Bovine bliss beckons!
18 November 2003
Bandyimo - Migration (myst) How came he to be in this desolate, god-forsaken place?
Nogrod63 - Carousel Horses (mf myst beast xform asfr) Ingrid spends time with her paintings, and with the Carnival
angelmichael - Playmates (fm ff vamp myst) Michael is introduced to his Mistress' pets
angelmichael - 2BNamed (ff myst asfr relig) "Her promises, that seemed so thrilling, could be extremely dangerous..."
16 November 2003
Yotna El'toub - Compound X13.1 (ff drug myst) updated
Jenna is the first of many to be affected
13 November 2003
Added t'Sade to my site links
12 November 2003
Apologies for the lack of action on this site in recent times...
All the stories have been formatted consistently now.
Please let me know if you find any editing mistakes! -lb
Felix Lance Falcon - Catchflower (mm vore vamp plant mc caution) Three talents tell tall terminal tales
??? - Don't mess with a Sorceress (magic tg) "His current bounty was possibly dangerous: an alleged witch in the woods."
J Swafford - Reborn (ff mf vamp mc) "A woman dies and becomes a vampire"
E. Z. Riter - One Day a Year (ff mf witch) Peter's girlfriends work out OK
2 November 2003
Vulgar Argot - Under the Bed (fm teen rom succubus) Stevie gets to know the monster under his bed
clemstra - Gathered on Halloween (mf vore nice) Lydia says goodbye to pain and sorrow on Halloween
Kenny N Gamera - Prince of Wails (mf demon caution) "We are buying more than your services; we are buying your silence"
Felix Lance Falcon - Three-Way Waffle Iron (mm vore) Let's eat waffles! (formatting fixed)
needteachin - The Haunted (mf vamp) A vampire invites some kids into his home
email: sadlittlelostboy@iprimus.com.au ·
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