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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links: October 2003
31 October 2003 Thanks to all the authors who have made this Halloween so fictional! -lb
Alexis - Lives Alone of Stone (f asfr rom) She is watched from afar
anne747 - The Halloween Party (mf ff myst) Lisa gets in with a new crowd
anne747 - Felicia (fm cat) Daniel rescues a stray
Honey Moon - Hunger (ff lots caution) 35-year-old Alisa Kathryn Boyd was rich and spoiled, and she knew it...
Bandyimo - VD (mf myst) "My puzzy ez a snappr!"
Bandyimo - ... And then all went black (ghost) "Your story of tragedy is no less important than anyone else's"
Bandyimo - Remnant of the Past (psych) "Many interesting books come from the estates of insane persons"
Bandyimo - Phoenix House (ghost) I can't implore you enough to avoid the accursed place and to flee immediately!
Black Diamond - Corruption (ff mf witch caution) Cathy is not very nice
artie - Halloween Party (ffm witch) Jill invites Alex to a very private, very intimate party
artie - Another Halloween Party (fm succubus) Another Alex, another Jill
artie - Private Halloween Party (fm myst) Alex abandons Jill for another...
Felix Lance Falcon - Hans starts the Jelly (mm x vore) How can they get the Jelly started???
Jafar - Brainwave of Horror II Part 1: Something borrowed, something blue (mf mc) "Your spouse is borrowed, then returned ... altered"
Jafar - Brainwave of Horror II Part 2: Nymphomercial (mf mc) "Ohgod, yeah! Since I was clitorized, I've been so ... well, clitoral!"
Jafar - Brainwave of Horror II Part 3: Fire in the Thighs (mf fm ff mc xform) Brian's mom has been disappeared
Kenny N Gamera - One Dead Cheerleader (mf ff fm zombie caution) Rape, revenge and retribution
Lance Edwards - Full Moon Madness (f demon) "Every month when the moon was full, her captor opened her cage...
riverfrog - Demon Docking (mm demon succubus vore) "The night I gave up my soul I was chasing a handsome bodybuilder..."
Tom Bombadil - Herring and Banana Milkshake (mf incest tentacles) Cindy gets tricked by her brother Tommy
Uther Pendragon - Hold That Thought (mf girl monster) Chantal sees the Ghouly Man!
Y. Lee Coyote - Halloween Ordeal (m boy ghost) "he had to accept the challenge -- to stay in the deserted mansion..."
Yotna El'toub - The Haunting of Dedington Manor (fm ff mm tg) The Major's family has some skeletons in its closet
30 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Weight Lifting (mm vore) Steamy and tasty
dr_mabeuse - The Conquerer Frog (mf magic rom) "It's a love charm, man. An honest-to-God mojo..."
rexfelis - Adelle Ch. 01 (fm vamp) Caleb and Adelle are both surprised
Miltone - All Hallow's Eve (mf myst) Heather's gripping tryst in a crypt
29 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Three-Way Waffle Iron (mm vore) Let's eat waffles!
drsalt - Another Halloween Without Sheila (fm ghost) "I lost Sheila on Halloween three years earlier"
steve w - Reality Bites (ff fm vamp) "She's never felt like this. Not for a thousand years."
SlaveMasterUK - Kiss of the Vampire (ff vamp rom) Becca finds someone who understands her
28 October 2003
Left Hand Harrison - Venus (fm x mc rubber) Venusian women take no lip
Felix Lance Falcon - Vine Watch (mm plant vore scifi) "Not as bad as it looks," Ericksson said. "Kind of -- interesting."
Beverly Taff - Snake (ff mf snake xform) Two researchers learn how close they can get to the Amazons
rexfelis - A Mage's Addiction (mf succubus) "I would summon a succubus, have sex with her, and then dismiss her..."
26 October 2003
I am hoping to have a special update on the weekend of 31 October,
with many new stories. If you wish to be a part of this historic occasion
(well, a part of something, anyway), please send me your stories and links.
Thanks! -lb
Felix Lance Falcon - Vice Versal (mx impreg tg) They do things differently on Luur...
Master David - Patented (mf scifi asfr rom) Can you patent a sexual position?
Lostboy - Love You like a Tree (fm ff succubus plant mc) (updated)
Jiri returns to Karen and her sisters, and their terrible secrets
Sabledrake - A Cat of Nightblack Blue (fm xform) Sean plans to kill himself by Halloween
snfdreamer - The Giant Octopus (xf tentacles vore) Marine biologists really look after the creatures they study
24 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Seeds and Sprouts (mm plant vore scifi) "Won't be long 'fore the things finish eating the guys in back and send out for more fresh meat."
N. W. Raptor - Super Grow (ff plant vore) Those Venus Fly Traps are huge!
Nimrods Son - Blurred Lines (ff mf myst) Natalie's Halloween party is very confusing...
23 October 2003
Andrew J. Mellon - Sweet Home Alabama (ff mf mc) The Southerners run everything now, don't they?
Felix Lance Falcon - Igniting the Guard (mm vore) Their organs are doomed !!!
scotturnitred - Guest (xf scifi) She's getting too old for this kind of thing
Tatelou - The Triple Treat (xf) "...the scarecrows in the field that evening were different."
22 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Hot Dogs (mm relig vore) Hot dogs and Hamburgers go down well with the deities
jessy19 - Astrid's Choice (mf relig) Astrid must choose between two lovers; the most important choice of her life?
americandemon - Like Heaven (mf relig) He has a guardian angel
cahab - Helen (fm succubus) Goth Girl doesn't like her party
21 October 2003
C - Cariola Ranch (ff mf mc xform) A school excursion takes an unexpected turn
PK - Carrie and the Space Toad (xf vore humour scifi) "She was being eaten by a Space Monster as she'd so often fantasised!"
Felix Lance Falcon - The Well Fed Gutter (mm scifi vore) Dan's in the middle
Slanador - Being a Drone (mf mc asfr) Being a drone is not so bad
americandemon - Zombie Lust (mf zombie impreg) A shortcut through the graveyard leads to touching scenes
20 October 2003
Christian Black - Biomechasexual (f scifi asfr) Space is very lonely without entertainment
Felix Lance Falcon - How to Hatch a Gutter (mm vore impreg) Those gutters are good for more than just eating you
Wrestlr - The Wrong One (mm mf mc drug) "My wife's gay cousin is staying with us while he looks for work"
Shakes Peer2B - Close Encounters of an Unanticipated Kind (mf alien incest) Mr. Wallace is selected for service to Humanity
18 October 2003
Yotna El'toub - Compound X13.1 (ff drug myst) Jenna is the first of many to be affected
C - Here, Kitty, Here Puss (fm mc drug) What's the secret to a happy marriage?
Felix Lance Falcon - The Gutters (mm scifi vore) Those creatures look friendly; they're hungry!
17 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Eating Lesson (mm) "Ha-yoo! The Eaters are gone for good!!"
Rhys - Elf Magic (mf rom) Blood runs deep
Whiff - Pygmalion Erotica (mf drug caution) Not a recommended method
oggbashan - Maids in Waiting (ffm ghost) Will history repeat itself?
16 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Griff and the Drill Sucker (mm plant vore scifi)
".. we got plenty of live meat on the hoof to feed this sucker"
clemstra - Dreams of being His Dinner (mff vore) "I'm the last now, the others all consumed by him"
CSC Monkey Girl - Meat Puppet (mf mc humour) "Enough, Meat Puppet. You have done well."
Rhys - Elixir of Incubus (mf magic) Bubble bath brings hungry visions...
14 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Rip and the Drill Sucker (mm plant vore scifi) Lusty Marines must get eaten
mjm202036 - The Pit of the Nine Sisters (fm asfr) "When night comes, you'll thank me…and curse me"
John Thomas - Orshalu - The New Door (mf demon humour) A demon borrows John Thomas' reference collection
Desdmona - A Samhain Reward (fm succubus rom) She takes it slow
13 October 2003
Master David - Pass It On (mfx) The toilet in the bus smells very nice...
Bad Wolf - Serpent (mf snake caution) A Guatamalen village has some strange customs
Hot Maddie - The Dance (mf fm vamp) Vampires dance around two lovers
SlavePrincess - Taking Over Me (ff incest mc) Amy dreams of her sister
12 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Muscles and Blood (mm vamp) Vampires can get along fine with humans
Quinn_76 - Incubus (mf incubus) Why won't Trent take me like he takes those other girls???
tRafe - Step into my parlour... (fm witch) Who believes in Witches? After all, it's 1695!
PJ - Hungry Blossoms (ff plant magic) Sara's witchblade needs some help from Lara, and knows how to get it
11 October 2003
Tom Bombadil - The Masks (fm ff vamp caution) (updated)
Two beautiful vampires have nefarious plans for Wally and Jennifer...
Felix Lance Falcon - Ungrateful Djinn (mm djinn magic) This Djinn's not too happy... I wonder what will cheer him up?
10 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Circuit Rider's Lesson (mm vamp) Students are shown how to be food
Magnus - It Suits You (ff asfr) Don't forget your swimsuits!
jessy19 - Haunting Women (fm witch) Why are these scary women in such hot pursuit?
Clemstra - Border Buddies (fm scifi) Make love not war
8 October 2003
200 Stories Today!
Thanks for reading!
Felix Lance Falcon - Circuit Rider (mm vamp) "I mean -- like -- w-when can you -- how y' say -- take me?"
C - Butterflies (mf ff fm mc xform) revised
Marriage never turns out the way you expect
Shon Richards - Black Magic Muses (mfff demons humour) "With three demons, I might even get that pirate story finished"
Arcane - Lara Croft: Exploration (ff magic mc) Lara Croft finds a persuasive artifact
7 October 2003
Felix Lance Falcon - Fish Story (mm vamp) Chip catches a big one!
devle - Demon Lover (f demon sad) "I say a rosary and salt my room like crazy and it helps but not for very long."
HH - Batteries not included! (f toys asfr) Ann disobeys her master
PJ - Witchblade: Frenzy (ff vamp caution) Can Sara save her sister from the Witchblade?
3 October 2003
C - Butterflies (mf ff fm mc xform) Marriage never turns out the way you expect
Felix Lance Falcon - Fishing Pier Vampires (mm vamp vore) "Want a hot dog before we -- start?"
Cyan - Wicked Show (ff mf drug) What is "The Pit" ?
GreyRose - Complete Circuit (mf asfr) Trish is besuited by an amazing suit
1 October 2003 How do you like the look of the new-look stories look?
Felix Lance Falcon - Thirsty Tendrils (mm mc scifi plant) Intrepid explorers impaled
Felix Lance Falcon - Hooked and Gaffed (mf succubus vampire) (formatting fixed)
American Indian meets white girl
Felix Lance Falcon - Dialogue and Writing Lesson (mm writing) an erotic lecture on erotic writing
Felix Lance Falcon - An Essay on Writing (writing) an essay on writing
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