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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links: April 2003

30 April 2003
[local] Magnus - Perils in Pantyhose (f asfr) Kristen, Debbie and Nancy find a new type of pantyhose
[ltbsa]  Thunder - Perfect (mf ff asfr new) Three co-workers stumble into a fascinating lingerie shop in New Orleans
[mcstories] Pete - Man and Machine (mc mf toy new) Two strangers are brought together by their new toys
[gotfanart]  Missy - Contact (fx ff rom) A soldier is brought to a colony to investigate some naughty bugs (or are they nice bugs?)
28 April 2003
[local] KNW - Flayerslave (monster elf mc gore) D&D can still be fun!
[eldritch] Clark Ashton Smith - Seed from the Sepulchre
(nosex plant horror) "It looked like a sort of white lattice-work at first ... formed of human bones"
[literotica] nisaea - Mystic Mansion (ff magic teen nice) A strange house in the forest offers shelter
[biggulp]   Aro - Mirror, Mirror (ff mf vore nice) There are two sides to every story
27 April 2003
[local] Tabico - Descent (ff xf mc) Dark forces of betrayal threaten to seduce and destroy an avenging angel
[storiesonline]  In2thisshit - Memoirs of Marcus (fm vamp bestiality caution) A vampy history of Rome
[mcstories] Aerosol Kid - The Fay at Fremantle (mc mf) Fay are too nice for their own good
[mcstories] Circleloopz - Karen's Last Day (mf mc asfr) Enchanted nylons?  Can't go wrong!
25 April 2003
[local] Mary Riley - Striga [1] [2] [3] [4] (mf magic) A young woman learns of her grandmother's secret behind the mirror
[literotica] oggbashan - The Virgin Unbirth (mf ff unbirth succubus) So many players; and all before lunch!
[unbirth] Groblek - Vivian: Sue's Story (mf ff unbirth) Vivian enjoys a couple
[mcstories] cat_slave - Moonshine (ff hum mc) Trinn glimpses a new life in a gothic dance club
24 April 2003
[local] Cactus Juggler - My Descent into Lesbian Tit Slavery (ff lact mc) Sarah cannot resist Eileen's milky breasts
[leem] leem - Flotsam: The New Goddess (fx asfr new) Another shipwrecked voyager finds immortality among the aliens
[mcstories] Tripper - The Sisterhood Hospital-ity (ff fx mc) May and Jo find themselves assimilated
[mcstories] Tabico - Yellow (ff plant magic caution new) More D&D mindsuckers...
22 April 2003
[local] ventura33 - Black Widow Borg (fmx) Janeway rescues and redeems a borg, who has some ideas of her own
17 April 2003
[local] Whyte, Colleen - Marion's Eggs (fx impreg humour) "You look happy Mom, done something special today?"
Bernie - Karyn and the Creature's Hunger (f monster) Karyn saves a town
[y2knw] KNW - Flayerslave (monster elf mc gore) D&D can still be fun!
[nakedb]  Paul Lucas - Empire of Pleasures (mf magic caution) Ecstasy and magic
16 April 2003
[local] Hadit69639 - Date with the Dead (mf ~nice) Sam is invited to the funeral home for a midnight appointment
[mcstories] The Flying Pen - Graduation Gift (fm ff magic) The Queen decides to reward her slave with a present
[mcstories] User - An intimate interview with the Vampire (fm mc vamp) "She came that night, the way she had come every night for the last month"
[textfiles] Dream Weevil - Nature's Call to Duty (fm fdom ws preg) Bringing a child into the world is hard, especially for the male...
15 April 2003
[local] Dr Spin - Succubus in Blue Checks (mf teen succubus caution) A dish that can be served hot
[mcstories] JVoyer  - Seasons of Growth, Seasons of Change (fx mx plant mc) It was her job to tend to the plants...
[biggulp]   Anonymous - Heather (f snake vore caution) The state has decided that Heather must die
[storiesonline]  Friar Dave - Olivia (fm/mf mc) Mike's pheremone-laced cologne is a little too effective
13 April 2003
[local] Sub Joe - Revenge of the Nerdette (md fd) Alice's talent as a biochemist will get her more than boring journal articles
[mcstories] JLS - I Want (fm mc drug) Gordon is training his wife with drugs
[archive] TJ Ryder - Vampire Male Milkers (fm succubus caution) Todd hooks up with an old school chum
[biggulp]   Burp - Shrinkers (ffm vore) "Jennifer teaches Saundra the secret of eternal youth"
12 April 2003
[local] Sarah H - Illumination [1] [2] [3] (mc ffx ser) New light fittings bring new life
[dimensions] ??? - My fantasy became reality (fm breasts fdom lact mc) Lovely large women trap our hero forever in their fleshly embraces
[mcstories] Fret Pearson - Neon Pink (mf ff mc mystery) Who is attempting to enslave Keiko's best friend, Janey?
[literotica] Ronald D. Thurman - Green Ladies from Outer Space (mfx) "It is the process of pressing our lips together that I want to study."
11 April 2003 ("Rods and Cones" is an internet classic; one of the first serial recruitment stories to grace a.s.s...)
[local]  Gold Lover - The Touch (Lyssa) (mf asfr) A betrayal, and a bargain
[ggroups] ah853 - The Last Kiss (fm vamp) Sam has lost his wife to a strange blood disease; but why does his new tenant look so familiar?
[ggroups] Phister - Rods and Cones (ffx teen incest ser) (Twelve Chapters!) Marilyn discovers firstly an alien rod, and secondly her daughters
[mcstories] Cactus Juggler - My Sister's Tits (ff mc incest lact) "Bring me milk from a fair maid's breast..."
10 April 2003 (thanks, William Lee, for your tips!)
[local] Smartass - I Human (mf ff mc) A woman wakes up in a white room with total amnesia
[ggroups] Phister - Rods and Cones (ffx teen incest ser) Marilyn discovers firstly an alien rod, and secondly her daughter (see newer link 11/4/2003)
[ggroups] JValet - Graduate Work [123] [4] [5](fm teen incest) Mother, Son and Cousin.  How sweet!
[mcstories] Trilby Else - Giveaway (ff) Who is worse?  The Vampires or their enemies?
9 April 2003
[local] Souvie - A Knight to Remember (mf magic transform) Hell hath no fury ...
[literotica] Mary Riley - Striga [1] [2] [3] [4] (mf magic) A young woman learns of her grandmother's secret behind the mirror
[literotica] Mary Riley - Harvest (mf demon relig) A demoness must prove herself
[mcstories]  wrestler and Para*Psite - The House on the Island (mm succubus ser) A beach house draws guys in from all over
8 April 2003
[local] J. Darksong - In the spirit (ff ghost) Becky is taken home by a beauty for Halloween
[mcstories] Trilby Else - Infiltration (ff slaves mc) "Allison wasn't the first to be sent on this mission..."
[archive] Whiff - Interlude with the Vampire (fm incest vampire) Some vampires are quite nice, really
[literotica] Anidawehi - The Siren's Call (fm vampire) Some vampires are not as nice as they seem
7 April 2003
[local] Akito01 - Child of the Klein Bottle (mf child clone) With cloning comes responsibility
[fictionmania] Lisa James - The Vulvoid Transform - Part 1 (mx fx xform xgender ser) "I'm a vulvoid girl ... a slave to these panties! I was a boy just like you..."
[mcstories] Cactus Juggler - My Descent into Lesbian Tit Slavery (ff lact mc) Sarah cannot resist Eileen's milky breasts
[ltbsa]  ASL - The Touch (mf asfr) "My name is Midas"
6 April 2003
[local] Vendatrix - The Ultimate Lovedoll (fm mc asfr) Christina is sure to get to the very bottom in an investagation of the XYC doll company
[local] Vendatrix - Return of the Ultimate Lovedolls (fm mc asfr) More additions to the catalog
[fanfiction] Kellan L. - Nocturnal Lustings (fm vamp) Reflections and repurcussions give Bram Stoker's Dracula the flesh it always wanted
[mcstories] JValet - Much sweeter than Wine (fm incest mc) Eric finds Aunt Cheryl's special wine is made for maternal bonding
3 April 2003
[local] Telephoto - Roadside 1 2 3 4 5 6 (fmx mc) Gary and Lisa meet a beautiful vampire
[mcstories]  Megumi Shi Kurai - Melora's Cavern (fx ff mc ser) Daphne finds allure while exploring Melora's Cavern
2 April 2003
[local] Rubber9561 - The Lurker Within 1 2 (fx mc) Stacey is introduced to a new form of life
[mcforum] Doezenov - 10th Anniversary of MC Erotica (interesting) A little history of MC erotica on the Internet
[biggulp]   Kimnikki - Lord Coil (fx vore) Annette is pleased to give up everything for peace
[mcstories] Whyte, Colleen - Marion's Eggs (fx impreg humour) "You look happy Mom, done something special today?
1 April 2003
[local] Stephen Gray - Voyages of the U.S.S. Intercourse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (fx plant lac mf preg ser) An alien virus to enslave humanity
· All Months · Previous: March 2003 · Next: May 2003 ·
· email: sadlittlelostboy@iprimus.com.au · (anonymous feedback) ·
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