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Part 18 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18]

© Tantric Legion


Infernal Destiny Book 17: Onslaught

Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by the horrific depiction of a war between good and evil, including gratuitous sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet.

Fort Lewis, WA

Jacutha closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring as he took in the rich scent of sweat and sex that lay thick in the air. His entire frame practically vibrated with the stolen power that infused it. The ROTC cadets were now thoroughly corrupted, eager servants who desired only to serve their new master. Right now two of the cadet's worked frantically before him, using their mouths and fingers to lavish attention and adoration on his thick phalluses while they looked up at him with eyes full of worship and gratitude.

In all thirty-three new slaves covered the floor of the firing range, enthusiastically working out their sybaritic new desires in a mass of sweaty nubile female bodies. Private Gina Greenman had one of them, a thin black girl with pouting labia and stiff erect nipples, bent over a counter and was reaming her out with two thick slimy tendrils that continually pumped vile yellow semen into her already inundated pussy and anus. The short cries of pure sexual joy the writhing demonic flesh elicited from the cadet were ample proof of how much she was enjoying her new existence.

Between them Private Greenman and Jacutha had taken care of nearly two dozen girls, raping them until they begged for more and leaving enough demonic seed in ripe bellies to ensure incubation of unholy offspring.

Jane had made sure that she had brought more than enough broodlings for the remaining girls, the fleshy pods lying dormant in her bags until brought out. The, sensing the presence of suitable hosts nearby they opened, sending bursts of almost invisible mist outwards into the air, coating naked bodies with the musky scent of demonic pheromones. The aphrodisiac only fueled the unholy orgy, driving its participants to even greater heights of arousal and debauchery. So driven by their desires, rational thought forgotten, many of the girls willingly allowing the broodlings entrance to their vulnerable young vaginas before falling back to the floor in a seizure-like frenzy of lust as they experienced the all too pleasurable process of infestation.

To one side of the room, Lt. Melanie Duchene sat in a chair her head thrown back as she ground herself against the tongue of a young brunette. One hand was planted firmly on the back of the cadet's head, forcing the girl to enthusiastically continue her ministrations, the other roughly squeezed her left breast and pinched her nipple sending delicious tingles of sensation through Mel's body while she panted with pleasure.

Melanie's thoughts fell back to the beginning of her students' enslavement. Her own fall had happened only moments before and she was just beginning to fully absorb the changes that had unexpectedly overtaken her life. Obediently she followed his instructions to "watch" and looked outwards through the office's glass window.

As her master began thrusting into her once again he spoke a single word. "Begin" Instantly she saw his assistants look straight at the one-way glass mirror and nod in acknowledgment of their master's command despite the impossibility of his word reaching them from the sound proof office. Nonetheless they halted their normal presentation and began preparations, suddenly ignoring the confused students.

On the floor before the ROTC cadets they pushed away the table. Jane, using a piece of charcoal taken from her bag drew a pentagram on the floor, quietly chanting as she added ancient runes and power symbols. Ignoring the murmurs of their audience Gina placed black candles at all five corners and lit them. After placing the non-disclosure agreements signed by the cadets in the center of the pentagram Gina stood. Jane and Gina faced each other across the symbol. Each drew a knife and wrapped their left hand around the blade, holding their arms out above the ritual circle and ignoring the increasingly strident questions directed at them.

Suddenly they cut themselves and holding fists clenched the two women allowed their blood to drip freely down into the circle. "Huudasp, Necrothus, Shok Sepul!" They shouted, the words of power combined with the sacrifice of blood to activate the enchantments etched into the agreements gathered in the circle.

The student's gasped and went rigid. Something held them in an iron grasp that kept them riveted in their seats, unable to even lift a finger. Jane laughed cruelly at the panicked look in their eyes. "Never sign an agreement without reading it. After all, you never know when your soul is included in the terms!"

Jacutha's servants quickly circulated about the room, charcoal in hand. On each young woman's forehead they traced a twisted dagger-like symbol. Once this task was finished Jane returned to the front of the room and spread her arms wide before shouting, "Servus, Maleficus Necto!"

Confused cries filled the room as the girls were released from their binding but found themselves still at the mercy of powers beyond their understanding. On their foreheads the runes grew warm and then hot, their magics sinking down deep into the girl's heads and permeating their minds with a feverish heat which spread outwards through their bodies.

Slowly the cadet's began to gasp and moan as inexplicable urges began to tingle through their young flesh. Inexperienced bodies trembled and quivered as a growing need burned in their loins. At first the young women tried to resist, expressions of denial on more than one pretty face. Despite this, fingers strayed to firm breasts and sometimes even lower, trailing the the intimate place between their legs before being drawn guiltily back as shame temporarily overcame lust. It was clear however that those fingers were lingering more and more, pressing and rubbing despite any social taboos against such wanton public behavior which would normally govern such a group of upstanding young women.

Soon they were panting and pulling at their clothes, unable to fight off the unexplainable desires that tormented them. Soon cadet uniforms littered the floor as naked young female bodies twisted and quivered, desperately trying to pleasure themselves and provide some measure of relief from the supernaturally charged lust burning through their nubile flesh. The bolder girls crawled over to their friends, their burning arousal expressing itself as lesbian desire as tongues fell to licking at young flesh as the cadet's explored one another.

Their minds were so clouded by the lust inducing spell that not a single cadet blinked an eye as Greenman and Jacutha moved amongst them with writhing tentacles. After that the room had degenerated into a general orgy of human woman coupling with demonic lovers as writhing appendages burrowed and twisted within ripe young female flesh. Soon every woman in the room found herself either filled with unholy seed or clutching at her stomach as the twisted pleasure and pain of a broodling takeover wracked her body. Soon the exhausted girls were reduced to quivering and moaning weakly on the floor, nubile young bodies covered with a musky mixture of sweat, semen and their own sexual juices.

Melanie smiled wickedly as she watched Jacutha ejaculating across the faces of the two formerly innocent young women servicing him, covering the giggling girls with the same demonic semen which was even now spawning his unnatural progeny within their bellies. Her attention was soon diverted away from the other events in the room as the pleasant warning tingles of another impending climax tickled upwards from her sex. Discarding conscious thought she let the waves of pleasure take her and Mel's own cries were soon added to the ecstatic cacophony echoing through the room.

Outside Boston

Agent Tyson Sterling's group had been the largest as the allied fighters had plunged into the mountain stronghold. Now with a bare third of its initial strength surviving its shrinking numbers were bolstered as they encountered survivors of other groups. It had been little more than two hours since they entered the black walled tunnels. Many of them would never leave again. Their faces were worn and haunted, their bodies tired and wounded, driven far past the normal point of endurance. Far too many of their brothers had fallen to the rending claws or burning supernatural fire of the demons. Despite all of this they fought, determined to overcome the evil which tainted their country and their world.

Joe Walker's squad now consisted of only himself and one other survivor. Before they had met up with the main group Walker himself had lost an arm to the demons and now stood, pale from blood loss and swaying slightly as he fought against the phantom pain that howled through his body from the missing limb. In his remaining hand the grizzled soldier firmly held his sidearm, still ready to fight until his dying breath.

Sadly most of the squads had become little more than distractions, dying lost and alone in the dark far from their objective. Despite this their valiant sacrifice had proven vital, pulling Armakoth's servants away from the central cavern as they ventured out after their human prey. Of the one hundred and twenty fighters who had entered the caves only fifty three remained when the separated groups met up.

There was never any danger of Sterling's people becoming lost, they had an advantage the others did not. Janda, clutching the her tools and charms, constantly led the force deeper into the bones of the mountain. Her spells allowed them to avoid the worst of the defenses, using the warrens to move around concentrations of demonic creatures.

At her side Sterling stood ready with shotgun in had, the knowledge that Janda's death would leave their efforts for naught ever present in his thoughts. In the confines of the tunnels the riot shotgun had proven brutally effective in the close range skirmishes. A further dedicated core of some of their most experienced fighters formed a second, looser cordon about her.

Suddenly Janda gasped and pressed her hand to her chest, her eyes wide with shock and drawing the sudden attention of her protectors. Alarmed, Sterling stepped close and placed a hand on the old woman's shoulder before speaking, his voice thick with concern. "Are you all right? What can-"

Janda's eyes swung to his and the expression of dread on her face made him stop speaking. Janda placed her hand over his and a look of urgency replaced the dread. "No my boy, this old lady is fine. I was surprised suddenly, that's all. Now, listen to what I have to say next. If you seen Lin, don't hesitate. You must kill her, do not hesitate. Kill her! Do you understand?"

"What are you talking about? Lin is our ally, you don't know how times she saved me, saved us!" His incredulous tone was filled with incomprehension at the sudden demand to kill someone he considered a vital friend and ally.

At first Janda did respond, instead speaking to herself in a voice laden with self-recrimination, "I knew it was a mistake to depend on it, to use it. Far too dangerous..." Janda trailed off and drew her thoughts back into line, "The sword is free, Lin is its host and its servant. The woman you knew is gone. Kill her and free your friend and comrade, that is the only mercy left although I fear that even then her soul will still be lost."

"That is truly tragic and a great loss, one of many we have seen this day," Hunter stepped forward out of the concealing darkness and all eyes swung to look at him. His movements, although still quick, lacked his previous smooth precision. Instead he moved slightly jerkily, his skin was almost gray and his eyes were sunken red orbs, all signs of the personal cost he had decided to pay, pushing his enhancements far past the limits of his merely human flesh. Now he stood condemned by that choice but still ready. "Then we shall do as you say if we see her again. In the meantime, prepare yourselves, the main cavern is just ahead and it is far past time to finish this."

"Yes, I can sense the demon dwelling there. The sheer power resonates throughout this damned unholy place but I can tell it emanates from there but he is at the center of it." Janda bowed her head for a moment. When it rose anger burned in her eyes and when she spoke hatred seeped from every word, "We will show him the mistake he has made. Together we will drive him away and back to the hell he came from!"

With that pronouncement ringing in their ears the tattered band of human fighters walked forward with weapons ready, at the end of the tunnel ahead they could see a flickering glow displaying the tunnel where their adversary waited.

Fort Lewis, WA

Jacutha regarded the room with a wide smile of satisfaction which revealed his glistening fangs. Obeying their instructions, his smiling servants were dressing themselves, concealing all evidence of their violation at his hands. Over thirty new servants fallen to the darkness, carrying his young, existing only to serve their new master. Each act of corruption in the room had increased the demon's power, either directly as women enjoyed his own personal attentions or as it flowed in from his tools, the broodlings and the demoniacally infested young Private Greenman whose eagerness to plunder young female bodies seemed to outmatch even his own.

Suddenly a wave of power swept over him, making the massive creature gasp as he felt the normally tenuous link between and his creator suddenly strengthen. Jacutha my servant. I summon you. Armakoth's commanding voice echoed through the demon's mind. Humans have come and are attacking the heart of our stronghold.

I hear and obey Lord. As the link broke Jacutha's eyes swept over his servants. "I must depart now. Stay here and wait for contact. When the girls come to term ensure that their children find proper hosts but take all care to remain covert."

"Master, this most humble servant wishes to ask why her master must leave." Jane carefully kept her eyes pitched low to the ground, her face flaring deep red as she realized her impertinence in questioning her lord.

Regarding her for a moment Jacutha nodded and answered, it was obvious that she was not questioning his authority but rather meekly asking for information which would allow her to better serve her master, "It appears that the attack on the missile base was a trick." Walking to one wall Jacutha traced an outline and summoned forth his power. "Our master now finds himself in need of my assistance. Be careful and watch for any unforeseen developments, our opponents sudden cunning worries me."

Black and green fire lit in the center of the outline, spreading outwards it left and shimmering black pool behind. Satisfied that the portal was stable Jacutha nodded and stepped through. Whatever was happening in Pennsylvania should be interesting and also very possibly present the opportunity he had long been waiting for.

Outside Boston

Trish moved swiftly down the passageway, her supernatural grace making her appear to almost float. Blood covered the black-haired vampire's chin and had run down her graceful neck to anoint the graceful swell of her full breasts. Her voluptuous body and alabaster skin nearly glowed in the darkness. Every movement was predatory, equally ready and alert for prey or ambush.

Once Armakoth detected the presence of intruders within his domain the vampire slave had plunged into the labyrinth like tunnels to confront this threat to her master's dominance. There she had been like a maelstrom, practically tearing about entire squads, relishing the soldier's brief cries of surprise and growing almost drunk on the heady wine of their life's blood.

The pure impudence of the attackers, to threaten and challenge the power of Trish's beloved master, and the fury it had awakened in her undead heart still burned inside, driving the beautiful woman to search tirelessly for more humans to face her wrath. It appeared however that the hunting ground, so very rich in the beginning, were nearly depleted of intruders.

The only soldiers she was finding alive were female, left intentionally alive when their squads were annihilated and now moaning and screaming as they were initiated into the demons service. For a moment the thought that in a fitting fate the female soldier's wombs would soon be very busy, birthing new offspring to replace the demons lost in the attack brought a slight smile to the vampire's graceful lips.

"What a lovely surprise." a female voice floated from the darkness followed by a low chuckle which made the vampire spin around to face the speaker.

Trish's smile vanished instantly and her entire frame sank down, poised and ready to attack, dark eyes flaring with feral ferocity as lush ruby parted to reveal ivory fangs bared at the woman standing before her. Recognition swiftly filled Trish's mind, this must be the female ninja that her master wished to capture, the one who had proved to be most annoying. What was unexpected was to find the woman standing here naked but with sword in hand. In her supernatural perception the ninja's aura and the sword swirled with incredible dark power. Nonetheless she had obviously made a critical mistake by revealing her presence and giving up stealth and surprise.

Confident in her inhuman strength and speed Trish hurled herself at Lin, crossing the twenty feet between them far faster than the human eye could perceive. Her surprise was complete when she found herself caught in mid-air and slammed up against the cavern wall. Impossibly Lin was the stronger one and Trish found herself unable to do anything but hiss at her attacker with vicious rage as the grip upon her throat held the vampiress pinned against the rock.

"We had not expected to find such a unexpected prize, it was our intent only to escape but when such opportunity presents itself," Lin shrugged eloquently, "You shall make an excellent tool."

"My master is Armakoth!" Trish shouted defiantly.

"That will change once you taste my power." Lin's eyes ran hungrily down the vampire's gorgeous body to the slit between her legs. Those same eyes suddenly flared with fiery light as Jaklath funneled power outwards and Trish felt invisible shackles secure her wrists and ankles, holding her in place helpless. Master and servant examined their prey with hungry eyes, drinking in every inch of their furious captive's stunning alabaster form. Lin's fingers played teasingly across pale flesh, lingering and caressing Trish's proud breasts before running down her sleek flanks.

Slowly and deliberately Lin lifted the tip of the cursed sword until it was poised threateningly at Trish's entrance. Even the undead vampire jumped, trying to writhe away as the keen edge threatened her vulnerable cunt. Lin would have none of that however and with a single accurate movement thrust it in to the hilt.

Trish shrieked as it slid into her vagina. The blade cut her but the wounds were not physical. Instead it sent waves of incredible pleasure singing through her essence. With each thrust it penetrated deeper into her being. Fighting with all her substance the vampire tried to ignore the pleasure, instead drawing strength from the mystical bond she shared with her master.

The ninja smiled as she felt Trish struggling and writhing about, defiance flaring in the vampire's dark eyes even as flaring waves of sexual stimulation radiated outwards from her heated passage. Lin chuckled, reveling in the buzz of power she received from raping the vampire's helplessly quivering body. With both hands gripping the hilt Lin viciously plunged the blade deep into Trish's clenching vagina until the first signs of physical arousal told Lin that the undead woman was beginning to submit to the pleasure Jaklath's cursed sword brought.

Soon her sex began to weep openly, juices pouring out of her core covering both her inner thighs and the sword plundering her body. Excess fluids spattered the cavern floor and Trish was unable to stifle the throaty moans that each new thrust tore from her unwilling lips.

Lin and Jaklath drank in the exhilarating sense of power emanating from their utter dominance over the corrupted woman. Viciously Lin drew the sword out until on its razor sharp tip rested inside Trish's canal before shoving it back in to the hilt. Despite herself Trish couldn't help but scream with joy as the shattering waves of pleasure wracked her body and mind, her vision dissolving into a burst of stars each time the length of the blade filled her.

Insidiously along with the sexual bliss came another more sinuous presence, sliding by the vampire's mental defenses. Jaklath's consciousness extended tendrils of pure will and reaching out seized Trish's essence in his grasp. Taking the glowing mystical threads that joined her to Armakoth he began severing them one by one. Finally she was utterly alone, the connection which had bound her in servitude to Armakoth

For a brief moment the old Trish reasserted herself, her face lit up with horror and fear as the innocent young human woman she had been submerged the elegant and cruel vampire persona which had dominated ever since her soul had been torn out and replaced by Armakoth's essence.

Now freed from Armakoth's direct influence sudden horror filled Trish as the memories of everything she had done as a vampire flooded through her mind making her conscience scream in denial and revulsion. Experiences of degradation, lust, cruelty, rape and even murder, gleeful service to her demonic master and the pure unadulterated joy that she had taken in these acts, acts which opposed everything Trish ever believed in made her cry out in shame.

Making everything worse was how the sexual ecstasy had not ceased, Lin still worked the sword in and out of her horribly sensitive slit and feelings that the young woman had never let herself experience tingled through every inch of her young flesh. Equally horrifying was the other ever-present desire she sensed within her vampiric body, the primal thirst that whispered seductively. Undeniably she now craved human blood with a need more intense than anything she had ever dreamed of.

Jaklath held the freed girl's consciousness in his mental grasp, savoring the increased feelings of horror that flooded from her screaming mind. Satisfied that she was ready the demon summoned his ancient power and engulfed her essence within his own and began binding her to his service. Once he was finished there was no doubt that the vampire was fully his creature, wanton and loyal.

Trish's briefly emerged human person was gone, the promise of freedom snatched away and the outward change was obvious. The dark-haired beauty no longer fought Lin or her bonds, Now Trish's hips reciprocated each thrust, seductively writhing and swaying as she eagerly accepted the blade into her body. Her vaginal lips caressed the instrument of her enslavement as it slid in and out of her velvet passage and sultry moaned filled the passageway. As she orgasmed, climaxing again and again, her belly rippled sensuously as her internal muscles contracted repeatedly with each new peak.

When the ninja withdrew the blade from her sopping hole the exhausted woman released a low whimper, its absence leaving her vagina feeling empty. With a motion Lin banished the invisible shackles that held the vampire and she gracefully sank to the floor, bowing subserviently before her master's vessel. "Master, if you will follow me this servant can lead you away from here and to a place of safety where your new body can be incubated."

"Yes. We should be on our way." The words came from Lin's mouth but it was obvious that she was not the one who spoke, "I knew that you would make an excellent slave."

With a small shiver of satisfaction at her master's praise Trish rose, a smile on her gorgeous lips as she contemplated eternal service to her beloved new lord. The glow of joy within her stilled heart remained as she led the vessel containing Jaklath out of the caves and away into the open-air of the Massachusetts night.


When they entered the central cavern the allies found it illuminated by massive torches and flaming bonfires. Horrifyingly they discovered that some of their comrades had already reached the cavern. The male soldiers were spitted over these fires, their burning flesh filling the air with a sickening sweetness that overlay the sulfurous animal musk wafting off the demons dwelling within the cave. Even more terrifying was the female soldiers they found there, now standing alongside the demonic minions, ready to kill or die protecting their new masters.

For a moment both forces simply regarded each other, seemingly taking measure of their opponents, tasting their hatred and preparing for the battle which was soon to begin. At some unseen signal it began. Stalagmites provided some cover but the sheer weight of fire caused grievous losses on both sides. From the human side muzzles flared and a hail of bullets hurtled across the intervening distance, tearing at the demons and their slaves. Some rifles spoke from the demonic side but the primary response was the unleashing of unholy magics and spells, sending nightmares flying across the chamber. Lighting and fire were the tamest of the forces hurled at the human soldiers.

One man, screaming horribly, found himself swelling from within as magic transformed his blood and internal organs into a venomous mixture of toxins and acids. When he burst the fluid splashed across his squad mates and even more agonized cries filled the air.

Hunter wielded the weapon he had been saving for just this type of confrontation. The QLZ-87 was a Chinese weapon that pumped out 35mm Fragmentation grenades at 500 rounds per minute, sowing destruction across the arrayed demonic forces as fifteen rounds exploded among their ranks in seconds. It would have been suicidal to attempt to use in in the confines of the tunnels but here in Hunter's hands it was like the sword of god bringing vengeance and death to the unholy invaders.

In the end the human force's superior tactics began to tell. Firing from cover, using support weapons and grenades, they gradually advanced forward, decimating Armakoth"s forces and slowly pushing back the demonic horde. The cost was terrible. Nearly half of the allies who entered the massive cavern had fallen, only a bare thirty remained and few of them were unwounded. Sensing the shift in balance the human forces pressed the attack, finding new reserves of energy and determination from deep within, charging forward with angry cries as their fire swept away their unholy enemies.

Just when victory appeared to be at hand Armakoth revealed himself. From a darkened archway he strode forward into the cave, his massive frame towering far larger than any enemy they had met so far. Instantly a pall fell over the battleground as human and demonic alike were seized by the demonic lord's malevolent presence, the waves of power and fury emanating from the bestial figure battering them psychically.

Here and there, human fighters who were not stunned to the same degree by his presence lifted their weapons, unleashing a hail of fire against the imposing figure. With a sneer Armakoth lifted a clawed hand and held it out palm first before him and a barrier flashed into existence sending the deadly rounds ricocheting away leaving the master demon untouched.

Looking out across the cavern with hate filled eyes he quickly took in the tattered remnants of his forces and the wounded and dead minions strewn across the rocky chamber. With an angry roar the demon reached down into the seething power he held within, power torn from hundreds of subject souls and thousands of acts of corruption and debauchery. With that power he began tearing a hole in the fabric of reality until he had wrought a gateway into the very realms of hell itself. Black flames came pouring out of this passageway between dimensions, an impossible mingling of light and shadow that annihilated everything it touched. Baring his teeth viciously he unleashed its fury sending the flames jetting out into the cavern. Armakoth poured out power into the spell, disregarding the way that the hungry flames consumed his remaining forces just as readily as his human foes, punishing them for failure.

Sterling felt his heart seized by an iron grip of fear as the maelstrom swept forward, consuming demon and human alike, falling to his knees he realized that the end had come, their enemy had won. Closing his eyes he waited for the flames to sweep over him. To his surprise death did not take him and he opened his eyes.

Janda stood before him, holding a charm of feather and bone up before the wall of fire, determination etched on her face as she stood shaking before the onslaught, holding it at bay through sheer force of will. Within the protected circle only she, Sterling and Hunter had been spared immolation by the terrible spell.

Janda turned to regard hunter, "The creature has expended most of the energy he had ready. Right now I can protect you from what magic he has left but do not underestimate this demon. He is an old one, far faster, stronger and cunning than the mere children you have faced before." Janda sat on the ground, producing pouches and charms she proceeded to lay them out before her, "You must fight him. Give me time to do what I must."

"Protect her." Hunter said to Sterling, turning and walking to stand before the shield. As the flames on the other side died out it dropped away and he walked out alone to face the demon, out of ammunition and grenades, armed only with his combat knife.

Armakoth watched with amusement as a single figure approached. The ability of the voodoo witch to resist his power had been most unexpected but it changed little. It would take him some time to regain his lost energy but his frightening physical strength should be more than enough to dispatch the three tattered survivors who remained.

Hunter grimaced as he studied his opponent, a bitter stench filled the air from the charred remains of friend and enemy alike. In this scene of devastation Armakoth stood, every inch of his frame speaking of arrogance and a twisted satisfaction in the destruction he had wrought.

Hatred burned at the core of Hunter's being, keeping him going as much as the machines laboring within his tortured body. "My name is Hunter. You've come to this planet to to kill us, to enslave us, but you don't know the strength that humans have." He drew his blade and dropped into a ready stance, facing the demon, "You may have killed my friends you bastard but you're alone now, without your slaves or army to protect you. I will defeat you."

"Defeat me?" Armakoth snorted in derision, "I can smell the stench of sickness and death which clings to you from here. You will not last long, your strength is nearly gone already."

"I have enough strength to finish this." Hunter said, his determination etched on his face.

"Come then! Meet your death and know that the sacrifice you and yours have made here tonight means nothing." Armakoth said, his eyes glinting cruelly.

Hunters answer was a burst of sudden movement. Running forward he launched himself through the air. As he passed the demon a lightning strike of his knife to Armakoth's chest cut through thick skin and into the muscle and tissue beneath drawing a savage roar of pain and anger from the creature.

"This is the end monster. Today I send you back to the hell you came from." Hunter spat before launching himself at the towering demon once again.

As the two enemies fought Janda was not idle. Across the cavern the sounds of battle echoed but the old woman did not let them distract her from her task. Once everything was in its proper place, charms and bones and other paraphernalia necessary, she began casting the spell. Chanting ritual words as she reached out to the spirits and gods, begging them to lend her the needed power to accomplish her ends.

The spell that Janda was casting made use of the natural incompatibility between demon's nature and our own reality. Normally they avoided this by using hosts, integrating human flesh to change themselves enough to remain in this dimension. Janda however sought to bolster the natural force which rejected the demons, intensifying it to the point that even a host body would not prevent the demons from being driven back to the otherworldly hell from whence they came.

Power spread outwards, across the entire planet. The building power of the magic affecting every demon with a direct lineage to Armakoth's bloodline. Under the mystical assault their true forms were revealed as their human visages were replaced with that of the true monsters concealed beneath. Wracked with pain their flesh smoldered and smoked as the amplified forces of nature rejected their unholy presence.

Armakoth's bellow of pain as the magic began eating away at his flesh echoed, almost making the cavern shake with the sheer intensity of fury the cry bore. His actions became more and more animalistic, fighting and striking out wildly at his agile opponent. His frustration grew as it seemed that his every attack struck where his enemy had just been a split second before as Hunter evaded each wild strike and slash. Deep within however the demon lord knew that he only had to get lucky once, with a single blow he could end this battle if only this infernal human would but stay still!

Hunter could see that he was hurting Armakoth but he couldn't seem to inflict a fatal wound. Instead he was only worrying away at the massive beast, enraging it and bleeding away its strength slowly. As the creature's skin began smoking and burning new hope rose within his mind. Janda's spell was beginning to have an effect. If only he could hold out just a little longer.

Hunter's entire body burned with the agony of flesh pushed far past any normal limit. His last reserves were almost expended, now his enhanced body was running only on a cocktail of painkillers and stimulants which urged disintegrating muscle tissue to contract and respond. Even these artificial supports though had a limit, a time when the tortured tissue simply wouldn't respond or when a ligament would simply tear.

Finally that limit was reached. As Hunter somersaulted away from yet another lighting quick slash of demonic claws, already planning to dart back in and strike with his blade, his left knee gave out, refusing to support his weight as the soldier landed and he sprawled out helplessly on the stone ground.

In an instant the massive demon was atop him, ready to strike a death blow. Desperately Hunter drove his blade upwards with all of his remaining strength. Its tip bore through skin and muscle, sliding between two massive ribs and into the demon's chest cavity. Thrust home to the hilt it slashed into Armakoth's beating heart, tearing through the organ and sending a torrent of black blood spraying from the wound. Sudden hope bloomed within the soldier as he realized his attack had struck its target.

To Hunter's shock Armakoth spoke despite the grievous wound, "Ah yes, you have struck me in my heart, a truly mortal wound to be sure," Armakoth leaned forward over Hunter's prone body and chuckled cruelly before whispering into his foe's ear, "If only I didn't have two of them."

The last thing that Hunter saw were Armakoth's gnashing jaws descending on his face, a brief moment of pain was followed by eternal darkness. Rising from his defeated foe Armakoth pulled the combat knife from his chest and discarded it, the metal blade clattering into the darkened corners of the cave.

Quickly his attention shifted, his supernatural senses reaching out to find the source of the intensifying magical attack that was consuming his flesh ever more vigorously. His head swiveled as he locked onto the sourced, concealed behind a cluster of stalagmites and his bloodstained maw let out a hungry growl.

Sterling stepped out and leveled his shotgun as the creature advanced, firing again and again at the massive figure. Advancing forward Armakoth simply absorbed each blast of pellets, stepping forward determinately as if fighting the furious wind of a hurricane. Reaching Sterling he lashed out with inhuman speed and snared the agent in his grasp.

"My turn." Armakoth growled at his captive before lifting the helplessly struggling agent into the air. The demon proceeded to beat Sterling against ground until what he held in his hand could no longer be recognized as human. Discarding the shattered agent Armakoth's attention and rage shifted, "I'm coming for you witch!" he bellowed as the demon rounded the rocks before him.

A shield flashed to life before him, the barrier surrounding Janda where she worked. With a roar of rage he began battering away, pressing against the old woman's defenses and forcing her to split attention away from her task to reinforce the shield between her and the enraged demon.

Janda fought with all her will but her strength was split between the banishment spell and the protective shield. Unable to complete the banishment Janda could only watch as Armakoth's flesh slowly bubbled and steamed away far too slowly as he strained to break through her crumbling defenses.

Satisfaction filled the demon as with one last blow of his tremendous fist the voodoo witch's shield shattered and the power maintaining it dissipated. He smiled cruelly for a moment, waiting for the expression of horror and defeat to show clearly on her wrinkled face before striking.

Stomping down on the old woman Armakoth smiled as her ribs cracked like kindling beneath his foot. The spell dissipated and he stood over his broken enemies. Massive chest heaving, his great body covered in bleeding wounds and gashes the demon lord still allowed a sense of victory to wash through him. His enemies had made their best effort and expended themselves, they were dead and he still lived. Yes he had lost great numbers of his spawn, virtually his entire ready army had fallen but he still had hundreds of demons in human guise, infiltrating every aspect of mortal society


When Jacutha entered the chamber he found Armakoth sitting in his throne. The other demon's flesh was scored and torn, with craters and wounds which dripped thick black blood. It was obvious that his lord's reserves were almost gone, unable to even heal with his normal unholy speed much less call upon his powers and magics.

Lifting his heavy skull slowly Armakoth's gaze fell upon his lieutenant and a smile drew apart his lips, "These humans are more clever than I had given then credit more. They are almost as cunning and deceptive as our own kind."

"Yes, they have advanced in many ways since our kind last came to this dimension." Jacutha said, "My own host is full of knowledge that I find most useful. They have turned battle into art and science, some dedicating their lives to its study."

"Still, in the end it availed them for naught. They have fallen and I live." Armakoth reached a hand out towards his subordinate, "I require some of your power, I expended much in the battle."

"No, I think not. My power is my own." Jacutha allowed his gaze to sweep over the aftermath of the battle with an air of casual indifference.

Fury at this defiance colored Armakoth's tone, "You will obey your lord! I created you, your only purpose Jacutha is to serve me!"

Jacutha regarded him levelly, "Any hold you once had upon me is gone. It was foolish to invite me here Armakoth. Here I find you, your power expended, your body wounded."

Armakoth sat back in his throne, the weariness he felt finally showing in his posture, "So you are here to betray me."

Jacutha stepped forward, "I am here to take what is mine!"

Armakoth seemed almost resigned but a last spark of challenge filled his posture and words, "I will be back my son! When I return I will consume you!

"I will be ready." Lifting his clawed hands Jacutha cast a jet of green fire at Armakoth, never relenting in his attack until his former master's massive form had been utterly immolated and only ashes remained.

Slowly he climbed the granite steps and ran his clawed fingertips along the black rock of the throne. Turned around Jacutha sat, settling his bulk into the throne, shifting slightly as he grew accustomed to it. From the depths of his chest triumphant laughter slowly worked its way upwards until bursting forth, filling the empty cavern with the echoing proof of his victory.


Lin sat calmly in a booth at the small roadside restaurant, sipping at tea, the remnants of a large meal spread across several plates before her. Already her flat belly was beginning to swell with roiling demonic flesh as the spawn within her womb developed. It appeared that the pregnancy was proceeding even faster than even the normally brief term of demonic offspring, fueled no doubt by her master's eagerness to emerge out into the world after so long trapped in the cursed sword.

When they had entered the diner Lin and Trish had been accompanied by three female vampires, woman who had been unfortunate enough to encounter Jaklath's servants and had died screaming in pleasure as the turn swept through them.

The first task for the servants had been to sweep through the restaurant, flitting from human to human and riveting each one with her hypnotic gaze until every occupant, be they patron or staff, stood mesmerized and passive. Then the feeding had begun.

A pretty blond waitress with a slightly pouty expression stood beside Lin's booth, her shirt torn and bra pulled down to reveal a well-rounded breast. Crowned by a prominent red nipple and crinkled areola its most remarkable feature was the fang punctures on the orb's generous upper swell. Now her tongue probed curiously at the fangs she now found in her own mouth while jealously watching as two of her fellow waitresses and a female patron ravaged a particularly abrasive regular atop the lunch counter. She felt left out, having to wait obediently to fulfill any desire of Lin or their master.

The short and stocky cook was the only human left basically unmolested amidst the feeding frenzy, only bitten and drained of enough blood to ensure his compliance and then set to the task of sating Lin's suddenly ravenous appetite with plate after plate of food. Everyone else had either, depending on their sex, been either turned or drained of the last dregs of rich blood.

Jaklath used Lin's eyes, ignoring the activities of his servants, his attention firmly focused on the small television set to the news. The country and in fact the world were in chaos. When the Janda's spell had begun the President had been speaking at a G8 summit in Germany. Over and over again the footage of that speech was replayed, the possessed President caught on tape, his skin smoldering and burning as his frame stretched impossibly, distorting as his true form is revealed by the spell.

Beside him the British Prime Minister had gaped in momentary surprise. The expression of shock was still on the man's face when the President's claws tore his head from his body. After that the conference had devolved into a bloodbath. Dozens of American diplomats and statesmen were revealed to be monsters in human guise. Instantly they slaughtered witnesses and turned turned their thoughts to escape but it was too late, television carried the pictures worldwide in seconds. The Germans, despite the impossibility of events reacted with their customary efficiency and adopted an exterminate first, ask questions later policy. In the end Luftwaffe air strikes and the assistance of a Panzer division had been necessary to contain the escaping demons and numbers of the lost and missing were in the thousands.

Of the world leaders attending the only survivor was the elderly Japanese Prime Minister. Attacked by two demons he quickly dispatched them with a letter opener and now the inscrutable leader was back in his home nation mobilizing the country in a military buildup the likes of which it had not seen since the days of empire.

Jaklath smiled to himself. The humans' attentions were aroused and they would now mobilize themselves to face this new threat. They were soon to realize how difficult it was a face an enemy that thrived on betrayal, deception and mortal weakness, an enemy able to dwell within anyone. If nothing else the demon thought, events were sure to become extremely interesting and after so long imprisoned that was all that truly mattered.


End of Infernal Destiny

Author's Note: This is the conclusion of Infernal Destiny. I may write a sequel in the future (I have a rough outline drawn up) or you may see short stories based in this universe. If any authors wish they may avail themselves of the world. I would be happy to answer any background questions. Thanks to everyone who has read this story and special thanks to those who have provided feedback over the years.

End of Part 18 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18]

© Tantric Legion

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