Site Change Log

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This page maintains a running log of site changes.

11-May-2014: Posted chapters 1 & 2 of Marsha's Enema Clinic . I'll post the remaining chapters in upcoming days. This story is a KlismaFiles exclusive here at asstr-mirror.org.

    Synopsis: Marsha is a registered nurse in her early thirties who is bisexual. She works second shift in the Emergency Room at a local hospital, but she runs a hobby side-business of offering old-fashioned enemas to clients seeking alternative therapies. Jennifer is one such patient who responds to Marsha's notice on an alternative medicine website. After a couple of treatment sessions they develop a friendship and Marsha realizes she is drawn to Jennifer. Marsha begins to make house-calls and, one evening during some experimentation with alcohol, Marsha seduces Jennifer and they make love. This encounter causes Jennifer to confront her own sexuality in a new light.

9-May-2014: Posted My Cousin Mae , a story of two cousins who grew up together, were separated and re-united discovering a mutual love for each other and (of course) enemas. This is another story cross-posted in Stories On Line.

18-Sep-2012: Posted Jeff and Chelsea , a transgender love story that includes enemas. I also have this story posted on my page at Stories OnLine, but since the material is in line with my stories here, I'm posting it here, also.

26-May-2012: I have sold the rights to "Autumn's Story" so that story has been withdrawn.

14-Apr-2012: Posted Raina part III. This concludes the story.

12-Apr-2012: Posted Raina part II. In this installment, Raina receives her first ever enema.

8-Apr-2012: Posted Raina , part I. This is a new story, probably 3-4 chapters in total. As with Autumn's Story I am posting this in-progress. Synopsis: After an illness a young wife's doctor prescribes an enema, and her husband is more than happy to administer it. This opens a new chapter in their sexual relationship.

27-Mar-2012: Updated Alexandra's Birthday to fix some errors.

12-Oct-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 9. This is the final chapter in the story.

04-Oct-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 8. Added lghtbd to the codes for light bondage.

04-Oct-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 7.

01-Oct-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 6.

29-Sep-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 5. Updated TITLE tags on homepage.

26-Sep-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 4.

25-Sep-2011: Posted Autumn's Story chapter 3.

21-Sep-2011: As promised I am posting Autumn's Story . This story is being posted in-progress with new chapters coming at [ir]regular intervals. This story is apt to run 6-7 chapters by the time I'm done with it, though at this point I'm not quite sure where it'll end up. Watch this site for updates.

15-Sep-2011: Site overhaul.
I am removing the non-enema related stories, to reduce clutter. I have a new story in the works. Probably I'll start posting it next month. It's somewhat long so I'll probably post it in installments. Watch this site for details.

21-Dec-2010: Uploaded Gwendolyn .
Synopsis: A short, romantic, enema stroke piece. This won't be for everyone, but it might be for you, and you know who you are.