by "D"

This story includes situations of an adult nature that may not be appropriate for all readers.

Please note that all characters and situations are fictional and provided solely for the enjoyment of readers. Any resemblence to real persons is coincidence and strictly in the mind of the beholder.

Marsha is a registered nurse in her early thirties who is bisexual. She works second shift in the Emergency Room at a local hospital, but she runs a hobby side-business of offering old-fashioned enemas to clients seeking alternative therapies. Jennifer is one such patient who responds to Marsha's notice on an alternative medicine website. After a couple of treatment sessions they develop a friendship and Marsha realizes she is drawn to Jennifer. Marsha begins to make house-calls and, one evening during some experimentation with alcohol, Marsha seduces Jennifer and they make love. This encounter causes Jennifer to confront her own sexuality in a new light.

Part I

Marsha sat at her desk reviewing her appointment calendar. She had only one today, and this one was late. A brunette of medium build, Marsha was thirty-two years of age. She had pulled her shoulder-length hair into a ponytail and was wearing maroon scrubs.

The doorbell rang and Marsha stepped to answer it.

Standing on the stoop of the single-story bungalow was a young woman. She was slim with her dark blonde hair cut above her shoulders and wearing jeans and a short-sleeved blouse. "Jennifer? Come in. I'm Marsha."

Jennifer stepped in and looked around, nervously. "I'm sorry if I'm a bit late. I wasn't expecting to find you in a residential neighborhood..."

"Not a problem," Marsha replied. "I don't have any other appointments today. Have a seat."

Jennifer sat on the sofa and Marsha sat in a chair. "What brings you here?" she asked of her visitor.

"I ... I saw your notice online," Jennifer replied shyly. "You see..." She pressed her hand to her lower abdomen. "I'm not sure what's wrong with me but every once in a while I get ... I can't..."

"You get a bit constipated?" Marsha prompted her.

"Yes, and not just a bit."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

She nodded. "I have. He thinks I just have a sluggish colon ... and maybe stress is a factor. He recommended a high-fibre diet and most of the time I'm okay. Sometimes, especially if I have a change of routine, I get ... my doctor recommended a number of things I can do when that happens ... softeners, bulking agents and laxatives. This time nothing worked and because of my job I don't want to use a harsh laxative."

"What is your work?"

"I'm a flight attendant."

Marsha nodded. "It would be awkward if you suddenly got the urge when you're taking off."

"Precisely. My doctor also said I could take an enema ... which I have done other times when..."

"Do you mean, of the squeeze-bottle variety?"


"Does that give you relief?" Marsha asked.

"It does... I was reading a news article about how they're not so good for you."

"I don't think they are," Marsha replied. "They contain large amounts of phosphates, and that can stress your kidneys. They have caused injuries in people sensitive to them."

"I was looking at an alternative medicine website and saw your notice for your clinic," Jennifer continued. "You advertised a natural enema ... like your grandmother used."

"That's right. A large volume of plain water distends the colon and that mechanically stimulates motility. It's gentler and more natural than relying on harsh chemicals."

"Have you been doing this long?" Jennifer asked.

"I have. I'm a registered nurse and I work second shift at the hospital. I set up this clinic to help folks like you. I also use enemas regularly myself, so I understand what the patient is experiencing. I guarantee you'll feel better afterward." Marsha handed Jennifer a clip board and a pen. "Fill out some personal information and sign the release."

Jennifer filled out the form and returned the clip board to Marsha. She reviewed the paper. "Come with me," she said.

Marsha led Jennifer to the back of the house and through a door labeled, Clinic. The room had vinyl flooring and was lined with stainless steel cabinets. In the center was an examination table.

Marsha handed Jennifer a hospital gown. "You can change into this. Give me a shout when you're ready." She stepped from the room and closed the door behind her. Shortly she heard Jennifer call her name.

She returned to the clinic and found Jennifer sitting on the examination table. Marsha scanned her, regarding her slender but shapely calves. "I'll explain the procedure," she said. "How familiar are you with your anatomy?"

"Somewhat," Jennifer replied.

Marsha gestured toward an anatomical chart on the wall. "This is your colon. It's shaped like a question mark and it extends from the lower right quadrant of your abdomen, up, across under your ribcage and then down the other side. The objective of a large-volume enema is to fill it from end to end. The mechanical distention of your colon will stimulate motility and help you eliminate what's in there."

"Will it hurt?" Jennifer asked.

"An enema should never hurt. You might experience some discomfort or some unfamiliar sensations. Some of those sensations may be unpleasant, but you should not feel any real pain." Marsha looked into Jennifer's light brown eyes. "I'm a pro at this, Jennifer. Your comfort is paramount."


Marsha regarded the form on the clip board. "So, Tuesday was the last time you pottied?"

"That's right."

"You must be rather uncomfortable by now."

She nodded. "I am ... and I have to go back to work tomorrow."

"That's one advantage of an enema -- you choose the time and place..." She regarded the paperwork again. "You haven't had any abdominal surgery..."


"No rectal bleeding or black stools?"

"No. I just get ... bound up ... once in a while."

"Then, let's get started."

Marsha wheeled an I.V. stand near the examination table. She ran water in a stainless-steel sink to warm it. "Since you're so badly impacted, I'm recommending you have two enemas today. For the first one I'll use a mild soapsuds solution."

"Why soapsuds?" Jennifer asked.

"It'll make the enema a bit more purgative."

Marsha removed a red fountain syringe from a drawer and affixed a length of latex hose to it. She threaded a metal clamp onto the hose and then took a disposable enema tip from another drawer and removed the cellophane wrapper. This she affixed to the end of the hose.

Into the reservoir she measured a small amount of liquid castile soap. Then she measured tap water into a pitcher. "Since you're rather petite, I'm going to use three pints for your first enema," Marsha explained as she poured the water into the reservoir and swirled it to mix with the soap. She hung the bag on the I.V. stand. "I'll explain what you'll experience. When I start the enema, the fluid will fill your rectum and that may give you a sensation of having to go, or maybe pass some gas. You'll need to fight that urge. Eventually your rectum will relax and let the enema flow deeper into your colon. You may feel some pressure as the enema works it way higher, and you may experience some cramping. If you start feeling uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop the flow until it passes. Understand?"

Jennifer nodded. "Yes."

"As the enema progresses you'll start feeling fullness in your abdomen and maybe a sense of bloating. That's normal. If you feel any sharp pain, tell me right away."


Marsha slipped an exam glove onto her right hand. "I want you to lie on your left side and draw up your knees." Jennifer complied and Marsha covered her legs from her knees down with a light drape. "Are you warm enough?"

"I'm fine," Jennifer replied.

Marsha ran fluid through the hose, catching the outflow in a pitcher. This she returned to the reservoir. "I'm going to put some lube on you. I'm also going to give you a quick rectal exam." Marsha lifted the gown to expose Jennifer's buttocks and spread them with her left hand. "Everything looks normal..." She squeezed lube onto her finger and applied it to her patient's pinkish-brown anus, working it into her orifice. "Relax the muscles in your bottom," she said.

"I'm trying to."

Marsha slid her finger into Jennifer's rectum, past the second knuckle. "I don't feel anything amiss inside." She applied more lube to the nozzle. "Here comes the nozzle," she said. Spreading Jennifer's buttocks with her left hand Marsha eased the tip past her sphincter and pushed the nozzle's shaft into her rectum.

"Okay, it's in. Did that feel okay?"

"I guess..."

"Now, straighten your left leg a bit and roll partway onto your tummy ... Touch your right foot to your left knee and bring your left arm behind your back ... good. I'm going to start the flow. We'll go slowly at first to minimize any discomfort."

Marsha opened the clamp. By pressing and releasing it she began delivering the enema into Jennifer's colon in short bursts.

"I can feel it," Jennifer said.

"You should take long, deep breaths," Marsha said. "Use your diaphragm. It will flex your colon and help distribute the enema.

Jennifer began taking long, deep breaths. "I can feel pressure build and release ... and then, build and release further up."

"You're doing really well," Marsha said. She watched the bag deflate until it was down about a third. She closed the clamp. "Now I want you to roll onto your back." Jennifer complied and Marsha snapped open the clamp.

Jennifer resumed her deliberate breathing. She pointed to her right side under her ribcage. "I can feel it here," she said. "Some gurgles inside."

"You're doing really well. Any discomfort?"

"Not so far. I'm starting to feel fullness."

Marsha watched the bag. She closed the clamp. "Okay, now roll onto your right side."

Jennifer turned over and Marsha opened the clamp. "Really feeling full, now," Jennifer said. "Doesn't hurt ... kinda uncomfortable, though."

"That's normal," Marsha reassured her. "Just relax and let your belly fill."

"Too full," Jennifer said.

"Try panting like a dog..." Marsha pinched the bag. "Okay, you're done." She closed the clamp and eased the nozzle from Jennifer's bottom. "Lie on your back. I'm going to give your tummy a gentle massage."

Working her fingers in a circle Marsha massaged Jennifer's belly through the fabric of the gown. She started on the lower left quadrant of Jennifer's abdomen, working up to her ribcage, across and down. "You are one filled-up girl," Marsha remarked. "Feel..."

Jennifer pressed her fingers against her abdomen. "Wow..."

"The longer you hold it the better it works," Marsha said. "I know you probably want to get up and go right now. See if you can hold it for five minutes."

"I'll try," Jennifer said. "I'm beginning to feel like ... some nausea."

"That's your colon starting to respond to the soapsuds," Marsha replied.

"I need to go," Jennifer whined.

"You've held it for two minutes. You can hold it for two minutes more."

"Mmmph," Jennifer grunted.

Marsha glanced at her watch. "Another thirty seconds... Okay, there's a lavatory over there." She helped her patient sit up.

Jennifer swung her feet to the floor and trotted, cradling her belly in her arms, into the lavatory and closed the door behind her. Marsha took down the fountain syringe and carried it to the sink where she flushed the reservoir and the hose with clear water.

The door to the lavatory opened and Jennifer emerged. "How did you make out?" Marsha asked her.

"Oh, I pooped and pooped and pooped," she replied. "It felt a bit like ... I dunno, food poisoning? Now I feel so much better and it felt so good pushing it out."

Marsha began filling the reservoir with plain tap water. "We'll get started on your second enema," she said.

"Why do I need another one?" Jennifer asked.

"This one is plain water. It'll rinse out any remaining soapsuds. I'm giving you the full two quarts this time. Without any soapsuds the enema needs to work on mechanical stimulation alone. If you could lie on your left side again..."

"Okay... I was a little apprehensive for the first one but now that I know what to expect..."

Marsha hung the bag and flushed air from the hose. "Like before, I'm going to put some lube on you," she said and with a gloved finger she worked an ample blob of the clear, slick gel into Jennifer's anus. "Here comes the nozzle..." Marsha eased the tip into Jennifer's orifice.

"This one you can take on your back," Marsha instructed. "The first one emptied your colon so this should flow in really easily." Jennifer rolled onto her back and Marsha covered her feet with the drape. "I'm starting the flow." She snapped open the clamp. "Remember your breathing."

Marsha watched Jennifer's abdomen rise and fall with her deep breathing. "Oh, I can feel it flowing in and filling me," Jennifer said, "the warmth reaching deep into me."

"It's not a bad sensation, is it?"

"No. Not unpleasant at all."

"It's flowing really fast," Marsha remarked as she pinched the bag. "You've a little more than a pint left."

"Starting to feel full," Jennifer remarked.

Marsha closed the clamp. "Roll onto your right side. That way gravity will help the enema fill your cecum."

"My cecum?"

Marsha pointed to the chart on the wall. "That's the big structure at the far end of your colon." She placed her fingers under Jennifer's right side. "Feel here -- you can feel the fullness."

"Oh, yeah..."

Marsha opened the clamp. "If you start feeling uncomfortable, try panting like a dog." Jennifer opened her mouth and began shallow panting. "Just a little more... Okay. Done." She closed the clamp and retrieved the nozzle. "You don't need to hold this one, Jennifer."

"Good." Marsha helped her from the table. Jennifer pressed her palms to the sides of her abdomen. "My stomach feels like it's bulging."

"It probably is. Two quarts is a lot for someone as petite as you, and there may have been some of the first enema still inside you."

Jennifer headed for the lavatory and closed the door.

"Once you're done in there," Marsha called to her through the door, "go ahead and put on your street clothes. We're done here." Marsha filled the reservoir with hot water and added some chlorine bleach. She let it stand for a few minutes and then drained it through the hose into the sink. Then she headed into her living room and sat at her desk.

Jennifer emerged from the clinic tucking her blouse into her jeans. "Well, how did that one go?" Marsha asked.

"It was ... indescribable," Jennifer replied. "The first one felt kind of crampy. This one was surge after surge of water. I could feel my colon shrinking and relaxing. It felt really good pushing it out."

"Would you like some tea? I have some home-made shortbread."

"Sure ... if it's no trouble."

"None at all. I don't have any other appointments today. Besides -- you're apt to drain a bit more water and I wouldn't want you on the road when that happens."

"I dunno -- I feel pretty empty."

"It can fool you." Marsha led Jennifer to her kitchen. She began heating water and set out plates and mugs. "I'll let you pick your tea..." She held a box containing an assortment of bags.

Jennifer selected one and placed it in her mug. Marsha topped them with boiling water and opened a tin of shortbread.

"This is very good," Jennifer remarked.


Jennifer sipped tea. "I don't know how to describe how much better I feel now than when I walked in here. I can't believe such a simple procedure can give me such relief."

"For a long, long time, folks swore by enemas," Marsha replied. "It's only during the past generation or two they've fallen out of favor. I know my grandma swore by them. She gave them to my mom and to me. My mother was a single mom and we lived with Grandma. Every Saturday night Grandma gave both of us our enemas, and she took one herself. She was convinced they were good for you. She thought they had a tonic effect on the colon."

"How so?" Jennifer bit into a piece of shortbread.

"She believed the distention and the motility a large-volume enema induces exercises the muscles responsible for peristalsis. In fact, if Grandma was right, you might discover that regular enemas will benefit your colon -- mitigate whatever it is that's causing you discomfort."

Jennifer nodded. "I think I can see that."

"Not only that," Marsha added, "you feel great after a good enema."

"That's for sure. I do feel good ... I had no idea."

Marsha sipped her tea. "You said you're a flight attendant. Which airline?"

"Northern Air," Jennifer replied. "I'm assigned to a flight that goes between here and Duluth, round trip, twice a day. Ninety minutes up and ninety minutes back."

"Does it ever get boring?"

"Does it ever! On the one hand, it makes it a nine-to-five job ... most days. On the other hand, I am looking for an opportunity for an assignment with a bit more variety..." Jennifer's eyes widened and she pressed her hand against her belly.

"Something happening in there?"

"Uh-huh," Jennifer said, nodding.

"The powder room is right over there."

"Excuse me..." Jennifer made a dash for the powder room and closed the door. She emerged, her hands against her belly. "Wow... I didn't think I had that much left in me. Now I really feel empty, and I don't think I've ever felt so mellow and relaxed inside. You're right. I do feel great!"

"You had a good enema, Jennifer. You feel great after a good enema."

"My stomach is so much flatter than before. Marsha -- this was amazing. How often do you think I could have a treatment like this?"

"Well -- once a week wouldn't be too often. That was Grandma's prescription. That's what I do. I'll tell you, Jennifer -- once you know how good an empty colon feels, you'll become a regular."

"I'm sure I'll be back. By the way, how much do I owe you?"

"Twenty-five dollars."

"Twenty-five? That's all?"

"I feel badly taking any money from a patient like you," Marsha replied. "I enjoy helping folks and you're the youngest and prettiest patient I've had. Besides -- all I'm trying to do is to cover my own expenses."

Jennifer began digging through her purse. "Shoot -- I forgot to go to the ATM this morning. I don't suppose you take plastic."

"Sorry. Don't worry about it. You can owe me and we can settle up later."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure."

Jennifer picked up her handbag and Marsha escorted her to the front door. "I'll be in touch."

Marsha watched as Jennifer climbed into her car and drove off.

Part II

Marsha's doorbell rang and she answered it. Jennifer stood on the porch, wearing a denim skirt and blouse. "Come in," she said. "How was your week?"

"Uneventful except for Wednesday. Bad weather kept me stuck in Duluth overnight."

"How's your tummy doing?"

"Pretty well," Jennifer replied. She pressed her hand against her belly. "I only started feeling sluggish the past day or so."

"When was the last time you..."

"Day before yesterday."

"Were you taking anything..."

Jennifer shook her head. "No. I really have felt better this past week, Marsha. I felt lighter on my feet and like I had more energy. I want to keep feeling this way. That's why I made another appointment..." She opened her bag. "Before I forget it." From her bag she retrieved a fifty-dollar bill and handed it to Marsha. "For last week and for today."

"Are you ready to get started?"

"Ready and eager." Jennifer followed Marsha into the clinic. "After last week I kept thinking about the experience. I wanted to do it again, Marsha. I wanted to feel the water flowing inside me and I remember how good I felt afterward."

"We're turning you into a convert," Marsha remarked. "They say the converts are the most devout." Marsha handed Jennifer a hospital gown.

Marsha regarded Jennifer as she unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off. Underneath she wore a black bra supporting B-cup sized breasts. Her abdomen was smooth and flat with a hint of musculature and Marsha could discern the arch of her ribcage under her skin.

"Can you help me -- its so awkward fastening these in back," Jennifer said as she slipped on the gown. She turned her back to Marsha.

"This one closes with velcro," Marsha said. She regarded Jennifer's back and shoulder blades with the narrow bra strap crossing under them. "There," she said as she fastened the last of the gown's closures.

Jennifer reached under the gown to unfasten the waistband of her skirt. She let it drop to the floor and then slipped a pair of black briefs down her legs.

Marsha opened a closet and from a shelf she removed a box covered in shrink-wrap plastic. "Here." Marsha handed Jennifer the box.

"What's this?"

"It's your own home enema kit," Marsha replied. "I'm going to show you how to use it."

Jennifer regarded her. "For me? Why?"

"Because, you're a special patient, Jennifer. You know the old saying about teaching a man to fish? Give a girl an enema and she's good for a day. Teach her how and she's good for a lifetime. This is something you can do yourself."

"You don't want me coming here?"

"That's not it at all. You're welcome to come as often as you want. I enjoy you, Jennifer. I've enjoyed getting to know you. It's just ... this is something I think you should know how to do. This way if you find yourself needing one, you can address the problem right away. Like I said last time -- I do this to help folks like you."

"Okay... Thanks, Marsha."

"Go ahead -- open it up."

Jennifer stripped the wrap from the box and opened it. From it she removed a red combination syringe, a length of white, plastic hose and a cellophane bag containing nozzles and fittings.

"I recommend using the douche tip," Marsha said, picking up the object. "I don't recommend douching. The douche tip makes a better enema nozzle than this."


"It goes in deeper and it's easier to hold on to. The bulbous end makes it harder to slip out. The multiple outlet holes are less likely to get plugged up." Marsha wheeled an I.V. stand close to the examination table. "You want to hang the bag so the outlet is between two and three feet above your rectum. That depends on the position you use to take the enema. Some folks like to lie down. Some like to take them on hands and knees. You'll need to experiment to see what works best for you."

"I thought lying down worked last week."

"Okay..." Marsha adjusted the stand. "At home you'll need to figure out how to suspend the bag. If you put a towel on the bathroom floor you probably can hang it from a towel rod. You're a smart girl, Jennifer. I'm sure you can figure something out."

Marsha directed Jennifer to the standing sink and opened the tap. "You want the water to be body temperature or a couple degrees warmer. Warmth relaxes the colon and makes the enema easier to take. Cold water stimulates contractions. Too hot, though, can damage your tissues." She tested the water temperature on her wrist. "Feel... That's about right."

Jennifer let the stream touch her wrist. "Okay..."

Marsha began filling the measuring pitcher. "Like last time, we'll start with three pints." She dumped the pitcher into the red bag. "Shall we add some soap?"


"This is liquid castile soap. You can get it in any drugstore."

"I think I've seen it."

"Make sure you get the unscented variety. Some folks like to use peppermint scented, but I discourage that practice. Some of the scented extracts can give your colon a bad reaction, so it's best to stay away from them." She picked up a small measuring cup. "This is a measure that comes with cough syrup."

"I think I have a couple of those around the house."

"I use one teaspoon per quart ... or fraction thereof." Marsha measured a teaspoon of the soap and dumped it into the bag. She screwed on the hose fitting, blew some air into the bag and closed the clamp. "I like to inflate the bag a bit -- it helps the last of the enema to flow out completely. I'll shake it up to mix the soap and we're ready."

Jennifer climbed onto the table. Marsha hung the bag on the I.V. stand and affixed the douche nozzle to the end of the hose. "Make sure you flush air out of the hose," she instructed and drained a small amount of the solution into the pitcher." She handed Jennifer the tube of lube. "Put some of this on your butthole."

She snapped open the tube and squeezed out some of the clear gel. Jennifer lay on her back and reached between her legs. "Work it in," Marsha instructed. "Too much lube is almost enough. Now, put some on the nozzle. Lie on your left side and draw up your knees." Jennifer complied. "Put the nozzle in. What you want to do is to imagine a line between your opening and the back of your belly button. That's the angle of your anal canal. Relax and ease it in -- it should go in easily."

"Okay," Jennifer replied.

Marsha watched as Jennifer probed between her buttocks until she located her orifice and pressed the tip against it. Her anus accepted the nozzle, dilating slightly and the bulbous tip with its eight discharge holes disappeared into her pinkish pucker.

"Once it's clear of your sphincter, angle it upward," Marsha coached and pointed to an anatomical chart on the wall. "Your rectum lies along the base of your spine, so you want the nozzle to point toward your head. Then, push it in as far as is comfortable."

"Okay..." Jennifer angled the nozzle and slid it deep into her rectum, up to its hilt. "There."

"Looks good, hon," Marsha said. "Now, ease halfway onto your tummy, stretch your left leg and bend your right. This is the Sims position. It stretches your descending colon and makes it flat and easy to fill. Relax and get comfortable." Marsha handed her the hose. "Snap open the clamp. If you start to feel pressure, slow or stop the flow until it passes. Okay?"

"Okay... Here goes..." Jennifer snapped open the clamp.

"Remember your breathing."

Jennifer began taking long, deep breaths through her mouth. Marsha sat beside her and caressed her thigh as she manipulated the clamp. "When it looks like it's down a third or so, stop the flow so you can roll on to your back."

"Now?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes, now."

Jennifer closed the clamp and rolled onto her back. She opened it and resumed her deep breathing. Marsha stroked her thigh. "You're doing really well, hon."

"It's going in really easily," Jennifer replied. "I like that feeling ... the water reaching into me." She pointed to her right side. "I feel gurgles inside here, now."

"You have some gas in your gut. Everyone does. That's a sign that it's time to roll onto your right side."

Jennifer rolled over. "More gurgles inside... I can feel my stomach getting bigger," she said as she caressed her abdomen. She looked over her shoulder at the deflating bag.

"You're almost done..." The bag emptied with a soft glug. "There -- you did it. Clamp the hose and take out the nozzle."

Jennifer reached behind and eased the nozzle from between her buttocks. Marsha gave her a facial tissue to wrap around the douche tip.

"I'm starting to feel the soapsuds again," Jennifer said.

"Lie like that until you're ready to go sit on the toilet. While you're waiting you can massage your belly."

Jennifer pressed her fingers against her abdomen. "I really can feel the fullness inside me."

"You can actually feel the structures of your colon when it's inflated like this"

"Yeah... I push in here and I bulge out there." She pressed her fingers against her right side. "I feel like there's a football inside me right here. What did you call that?"

"That's your cecum," Marsha replied. She caressed Jennifer's leg. "You're doing really well," she said, soothingly.

Jennifer grimaced. "It's working," she said. "Uhhhn."

"Hold it until you can't any longer."

Jennifer grimaced again. "Ohhhh ... they're getting stronger. Ummph..." A gurgling groan came from her belly. "I think it's time to get up."

Marsha watched as Jennifer headed for the lavatory. She took the opportunity to run hot, clear water through the bag and hose. Removing the nozzle she held it under running water, wiped it with a tissue and set it near the sink.

Jennifer emerged, fanning her legs with the hem of the gown. "That was a workout," she said. "I'm sweating."

"Sounds like you had a good purge."

"I had a real good one."

Marsha beckoned her to the sink. "Second enema is two quarts, plain water. I went ahead and rinsed out the equipment."

"Let's see..." Jennifer turned on the tap and let the water run 'til it was warm. She tested the temperature on her wrist and adjusted the tap; then she filled the pitcher to the 2-quart mark. This she poured carefully into the red bag and closed it with the stopper. She blew some air into the hose, clamped it and carried it to the I.V. stand.

Jennifer worked the douche nozzle onto the end of the hose. "Don't forget to flush out the air," Marsha reminded her.

She squirted some of the water into the pitcher. Then, she hoisted herself onto the examination table, lay on her back and lifted the hem of the gown. Jennifer reached between her legs to work lube into her orifice and then eased the nozzle into her rectum, turning it to align with the base of her spine. She rolled onto her back, stretched out her legs and relaxed. Marsha handed her the hose and she snapped open the clamp.

"Oh... I think I made it warmer than you did."

"It's not too hot, is it?"

"No but definitely warmer ... feels good, actually. I can feel the warmth invading my belly." Jennifer began taking long, deep breaths and pressed her hands against her abdomen. "I can feel myself getting full," she remarked and glanced up at the bag. "It's really going fast."

"It's because you're relaxed and the first enema did a good job emptying you out." Marsha sat beside the exam table and caressed Jennifer's knee. "You're doing really well, Jennifer. You're a good pupil."

She smiled. "Thanks... You're a good instructor ... starting to feel full..."

"Let me feel." Marsha pressed her hands against the sides of Jennifer's abdomen. "Definite fullness."

"Should I roll over?"

"If you like."

She rolled onto her right side and drew up her knees. "Feel how big my tummy is, now..."

"You wouldn't think so much water could fit inside such a petite girl."

The bag emptied with a glug. Jennifer clamped the hose, rolled onto her back, reached between her thighs and retrieved the nozzle. She pressed her hands against her belly. "So full and hard..."

Marsha helped her stand. Jennifer pulled the gown taut across her abdomen, turned sideways to Marsha and ran her hand along her belly. "I have an enema bump," she remarked and then headed into the lavatory.

After removing the nozzle from the hose, Marsha let the apparatus drain into the measuring pitcher. Shortly, Jennifer returned from the lavatory. "How did you make out?"

She pulled the gown against her abdomen. "My tummy's flat again. I don't think it all came out."

"Try walking around. Maybe that will loosen it up."

Jennifer paced around the clinic. "Nothing happening. What happens if it doesn't come out?"

"It probably will come out," Marsha replied. "The surest way to get a stubborn enema to come down is to get fully absorbed in some other activity."

Jennifer smiled and chortled. "I imagine you're right."

"If it doesn't, no worries. Your colon will absorb any water that's left inside." She packed the combo syringe back into its box and handed it to Jennifer. "When you get home, hang this up over your tub or shower to drain and dry out. Don't put it away damp."


"You can wash the nozzles in a dishwasher," she continued, "if that idea doesn't sound too icky to you."

Jennifer smiled. "It doesn't."

"Do you have time for some tea?


Jennifer followed Marsha into her kitchen. "So, tell me, Jennifer... I don't see a ring. Does that mean you're single?"

"Yes ... I'm single."

"Boyfriend on the horizon?" Marsha set a mug before her and filled it with hot water.

"No... I was in a ... toxic, co-dependant relationship a few years ago ... with a guy I dated in high school. It just turned uglier and uglier ... he got violent..."

"Oh, my God. Oh, Jennifer -- I'm so sorry to hear that."

"He beat me up pretty good one night. I called the cops and he spent some time in jail. I took out a restraining order against him. That was about three years ago."

"You poor girl."

"I decided to take some time to find myself before looking for another partner."

Marsha sat across the table from her and sipped her tea. "That's probably not a bad idea. You need to convince yourself you're strong and self-reliant."

Jennifer nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm twenty-seven..."

"You're twenty-seven?" Marsha asked. "You look five years younger."

"Thanks... I figure I still have time. My biological clock isn't ticking too loudly; and, I don't mind being alone. It's a big difference, being alone and being lonely."

"I understand completely. I'm a confirmed spinster myself."

"You don't look like a spinster, Marsha."

"I'm thirty-two," Marsha replied. "I think once you hit the big three-zero, then you've crossed a point of no return."

Jennifer smiled. "I have a couple of years, then." She drained her mug.


"I had better not. I have some errands to run and I don't want to have to use a public restroom. Those are icky..."


Jennifer pressed her hand to her belly. "Something's happening..."

"You know where the powder room is."

"Excuse me..." Marsha watched her head for the powder room.

She returned a short time later, her hand against her abdomen. "Now, I feel empty for sure... The same thing happened last time. Do you put something in the tea?"

Marsha laughed. "It's possible the warmth and fullness in your stomach is inducing motility in your colon. The two organs lie next to each other. It's a good thing, too -- I'd hate to think of that enema deciding it wants out while you're running your errands."

"Yeah ... good thing." Jennifer picked up her bag. "Thanks again, Marsha. By the way -- is it okay if I make an appointment for next week, same time?"

"Certainly ... though now you have the where-with-all..."

"I know. I like receiving the treatments from you, Marsha. It makes me feel ... cared for."

"I understand. When I was a girl and my grandma would give me enemas ... I felt cared for, too. Not that I always looked forward to them, but she was gentle and caring."

"It must've rubbed off on you, Marsha. I really appreciate your bedside manner. I'll see you next week."

"Don't forget this." Marsha handed her the box with the combo syringe.

"Oh. What do I owe you for it?"

"Forget it. I buy them wholesale and they only cost me a few bucks each."

"Thanks. See you next week."

Marsha watched Jennifer head for her car, regarding her slim but shapely legs and the backs of her knees. The car pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street. Marsha closed the door and bolted it. She picked up her telephone and punched in a code that would direct incoming calls to voicemail.

She headed into the master bedroom and opened the bottom drawer of her dresser. From it she took a pumpkin-shaped enema bag made of amber latex. This was her favorite personal apparatus as it held more than three quarts -- although Marsha rarely filled it to capacity. Also from the drawer she retrieved a six-foot length of amber latex hose, a metal hose clamp and a length of chain.

By standing on her bed, Marsha could reach a screw-eye installed in her ceiling. From it she hung the chain and installed a metal S-hook on its lower end. From another dresser drawer she removed a narrow cardboard box. This, the bag and the hose she carried into her master bath.

Marsha stripped out of her scrubs and regarded herself in the bathroom mirror. She knew she wasn't as pretty as Jennifer -- she was all hardness and angles, she thought, while Jennifer was all curves and smoothness. Nonetheless, Marsha was far from homely. Her face was long and angular with a strong jaw line and high forehead. Her eyes were steely grey, unlike Jennifer's which looked like fine English mahogany. Some crows'-foot wrinkles were beginning to form at the corners of her eyes. The years indeed were taking their toll. Marsha pressed her fingers against her temples and pushed up. Would a face-lift help? Maybe in twenty years.

She stood back and regarded her figure. Even though she was about as tall as Jennifer, Marsha was more ruggedly built. She regarded the definition of her muscles in her arms and shoulders. Working as an E.R. nurse was physically taxing and it kept her in shape.

She slipped out of a white, cotton sports bra and regarded her firm, A-cup sized breasts with thick, fleshy nipples centered in small, pale areolas and wondered what Jennifer's breasts were like. Then she stripped off a pair of light blue briefs. Marsha kept her mons and labia shaved clean and she wondered if Jennifer had done the same, since what she had glimpsed had been inconclusive. She turned, sideways to the mirror and ran her hand along her buttocks and thighs. They were rock-hard and toned without a dimple or a ripple; and her calves were muscular and shapely.

Turning to the task at hand, Marsha fitted the hose to the pumpkin bag and closed it with a metal clamp. She ran water from the tap to warm it. In the meantime she opened the box and removed a black, hard-rubber douche nozzle.

This was all that remained of the enema kit that her grandmother had used. When her grandmother died, Marsha had rescued the kit but found the old 1930's vintage Rexall red bag had turned brittle, had split and required discarding. The black nozzle, however, was still serviceable and she kept it. She rarely used it except for special circumstances.

She fitted the nozzle to the hose. By now the water had warmed up. Marsha adjusted the temperature by feeling the stream against her wrist; then she filled a pitcher to the one quart mark and dumped it into the bag. She poured another quart and half of a third into the bag and carried it to the chain hanging over her bed.

Marsha hung the bag on the hook affixed to the chain. She pointed the nozzle into the pitcher, snapped open the clamp and ran a cup or so of water through the hose; this she dumped back into the reservoir. From a night stand drawer she retrieved a tube of surgical lube. Snapping it open she squeezed a big glob onto her finger and worked it into her anus. Another glob she smeared onto the black nozzle. Lying on her back she spread her thighs and eased the douche tip into her rectum, sliding it in all the way.

Then, she rolled onto her side and assumed Sim's position. Marsha opened the clamp and felt the rush of water flowing into her -- a cool spray deep in her pelvic bowl at first and then the water and the nozzle warming. She held the hose and pinched and released it, letting the water flow into her colon in short bursts. The first third always was the most difficult.

Marsha couldn't get Jennifer out of her mind. Jennifer had been the first of her patients to get under her skin this way. The others she could treat dispassionately, like the patients under her care at the hospital. They included a middle-aged woman, an elderly man and a young, gay fellow who had wanted to be cleaned out before a special date. The enema she administered to him had caused him to ejaculate, to his chagrin.

She could feel the leading edge of the water under her left ribcage. This was her sign it was time to roll onto her back. She did so, propping her neck and shoulders on a couple of pillows. Feathering the clamp Marsha controlled how fast the water filled her. She ran the fingers of her right hand along her abdomen and could feel the fullness developing in her belly. Then, she moved her hand to her sternum. Splaying her fingers she teased her nipples, first the left and then the right.

All the while she was thinking about Jennifer, wondering how she looked naked. The hospital gowns Jennifer wore offered adequate frontal modesty, if not so in back. Marsha had glimpsed her shoulders and buttocks, her soft belly and her long, slender but shapely legs.

Marsha's clit was becoming engorged. It had been that way the whole time she had been treating Jennifer. Now, the thickness of the nozzle in her anus, the warm water filling her belly and her stimulation of her nipples was making it as hard as a pebble.

She pressed her fingers against her abdomen, tracing the outline of her colon as it became distended from the enema. Then, she reached down and began massaging the firm shaft of her clit, reaching lower and pushing her fingers into her vagina and coating them with her own slick juices.

By feathering the clamp she slowed the flow of water. The warmth and fullness in her abdomen amplified her arousal. Now she began stroking her clit vigorously. She snapped open the clamp and pressed her left hand against her chest, pinching and tugging on her nipples. Her breathing became heavy and her heart was beginning to pound.

The last of the enema flowed into her about the same time as she achieved climax. Marsha curled forward and drew up her legs as orgasmic waves washed over her. "Oh Jennifer," she gasped as her excitement built, crested and began to recede, leaving her panting and damp with perspiration.

She lay, limp on her bed, gasping to regain her breath and smoothing her palms along her now visibly distended belly. Marsha closed the clamp, removed the nozzle from her bottom and swung her feet to the floor. Standing before her full-length mirror she ran her hands along her bulging abdomen and let out a slight laugh. "An enema bump. That's what it is, Jennifer. That's what it is, indeed."

Then, she headed into the bathroom.

Part III

Marsha parked her car in the lot adjacent to a squat apartment building. She stepped to the lobby door wearing blue scrubs and carrying a black bag. Scanning the mailboxes she found one labeled J Peters. Marsha pressed the button. She pressed it again.

"Yes?" came a voice through the intercom.

"Jennifer? It's Marsha."

"Come up -- apartment 2H." The lobby door buzzed open and she stepped inside. Spotting an elevator she pressed the call button and rode to the second floor. The door to apartment 2H was cracked open and she stepped inside.

Jennifer greeted her wearing pale green, loose-fitting knit shorts and a popcorn-knit top that fit snugly around her slender frame. She approached and they embraced. "Oh, Marsha! I'm so happy to see you. I heard you were under the weather."

"Yes -- I needed some emergency surgery ... my appendix. Can you imagine? Me? Appendicitis?"

"How long ago?"

"Two weeks. I'm still taking it easy."

"And your clinic? You said you weren't taking appointments."

"Yes... Right after I got home from the hospital a member of the local constabulary visited me. Some busy-body neighbor called to complain about all the cars driving in and out of my driveway. I don't know if they thought I was running a house of ill-repute or a massage parlor or opium den or what. I convinced them I wasn't operating a brothel and showed them the clinic. Then, they said I was performing unlicensed medical procedures. I showed them my license as a registered nurse. At that point they said I shouldn't operate the clinic until someone got back to me. Nobody's got back to me -- yet. Since I'm recuperating anyway, it's no great loss to me."

"But, to your patients," she remarked.

"Well... No one said I couldn't make house calls. Besides -- it's evening and the absolute best time for an enema is right before bed. It's a great way to relax."

"Well -- today is my Friday ... at least, on this month's rotation. Who knows what days next month's Fridays will be. I guess it's your Friday, too."

"I'm still on medical leave. I go back next week -- light duty for a while."

"I admire you, Marsha. You're so brave to endure it."

"Nothing brave about it, when faced with the choice of an appendectomy or peritonitis. I've seen peritonitis, Jennifer. It's nothing to mess with."

Jennifer regarded Marsha's luggage. "What's in the bag?"

"Oh... A few things. I know we could use your equipment but I thought you'd get a kick out of something different. Besides -- you don't need me to help you use your own gear."

"I really like your hands-on approach, Marsha. I can do it myself ... and I have. I can't get it just right ... it's not the same."

"Let me see your layout. Your apartment is cute."

"It's a dump."

"You've made it your own."

"Right. My own dump." Jennifer led Marsha to the bathroom. "Standing shower only ... however, I can put a towel on the floor and hang the bag from this rod."

"Looks about perfect. Let me show you something I brought." From her bag she removed a stand made from a folding music stand. "This might look flimsy but it will hold a full bag ... at the right height so you can lie on your bed. You'll find that quite a bit more comfortable." She removed a three-quart open-top reservoir made of a clear material. "And I thought you'd enjoy trying this. It's made of silicone -- it's really durable and I can sterilize it without degrading." She removed a small cardboard box. "I also brought this for you. It's a disposable enema kit of the type we use in the hospital. We buy them by the box load. It's intended to be single-use but with some care these will last a long time. I thought you could pack this in your luggage in case you need to be away overnight."

"Gee," Jennifer said, "Thanks."

"Shall we get started?" Marsha peered into her bag. "I forgot to pack a gown. We need something with access to your bottom."

"Okay... I'll go change."

"Take this," Marsha said and handed her the stand. "I'll use your kitchen sink to prepare." Marsha ran water to the proper temperature. She poured a teaspoon of liquid castile soap into a measure and then filled her pitcher with warm water. The water and the soap went into the clear reservoir and she swirled it to distribute the castile. From her bag she removed a disposable nozzle, tore open the wrapper and affixed it to the hose. Into the pitcher she ran some of the sudsy water to flush air from the hose; this went back into the bag.

Holding the nozzle she carried the bag to Jennifer's bedroom. "Oh, this is cute," she said as she regarded Jennifer's bedroom. Marsha hung the bag on the stand and raised it to the proper height. "It's a good thing your bed isn't any taller -- this is at its maximum height." She saw her patient standing and wearing a man's dress shirt with the sleeves rolled back. "Someone leave that behind?" Marsha asked.

"I buy these at Goodwill," Jennifer protested.

"I was teasing. Goodwill, huh?"

"Yes -- for a couple of dollars I get a comfortable nightshirt."

"You sleep in that?"

"Of course."

"You look cute in it, Jennifer. You have pretty legs ... cute, dimpled knees."

Jennifer smiled. "I suppose it's time to lose these..." She reached under the tails of the shirt and pulled down her briefs, stepping from them.

"Better put a towel on the bed," Marsha suggested, "in case of any leakage."

"Good idea..." Jennifer procured a bath towel. She spread it on the bed and lay upon it, rolling to her left side and drawing up her knees.

Marsha lifted the hem and parted Jennifer's buttocks. With a gloved finger she worked lube into her anal canal. "You have a cute bottom," Marsha remarked. "Sorry ... hazard of the trade I guess. I see a great many ... not too many as nice as yours..." Marsha worked the tip of the nozzle past Jennifer's sphincter and eased it into her rectum.

Jennifer rolled halfway onto her belly, stretched out her left arm and leg and placed her right foot on her left knee. Marsha handed her the hose and she snapped open the clamp; then she began pinching and releasing the soft latex hose to modulate the flow.

Marsha sat on the bed and caressed Jennifer's thigh. "You do that like a pro," Jennifer remarked.

Jennifer began taking slow, deep breaths through her mouth. "I can feel it under my left ribcage," she remarked.

"That's your splenic flexure." Marsha reached for the clamp and snapped it shut. "Its where your transverse colon becomes your descending colon."

Jennifer rolled onto her back. "This is a lot more comfortable than lying on the floor. Where can I get a stand like that?"

"We'll figure something out." Marsha snapped open the clamp and Jennifer resumed her deep breathing. "If you massage your tummy sometimes it helps distribute the enema. She worked her fingers in a clockwise motion from Jennifer's left hip, up, over and down. Then, she picked at the bottom button of her shirt. "May I?"

"Go ahead."

Marsha unbuttoned the shirt from the bottom to Jennifer's sternum and spread it open. She regarded her smooth, flat abdomen with a cute, oval navel; and she forced her gaze from lingering on Jennifer's demure, neatly trimmed bush of light brown hair. Marsha ran her fingers along the same path from left hip, up, across and down.

"I think that does help," Jennifer remarked. "I like feeling your hands on me."

"I can feel your colon filling up." Marsha looked up at the reservoir, now nearly empty. "Yes -- it looks like you're nearly done."

"Shall I roll over?"

"I think you're doing fine like this." The bag emptied and Marsha closed the clamp. "Lift up and I'll take the nozzle. When it's time to sit on the toilet, you can rub your tummy in the opposite direction to coax the fluid up and out."

"Okay... It goes much better when you're involved, Marsha. It really does."

"I'm pleased." She leaned over and gently kissed Jennifer's cheek.

Jennifer grimaced. "It's working..." Marsha took her hand and she tightened her grip. "Oh! If I were by myself I'd be on the toilet already. I don't want to wimp out in front of you, I guess."

"I think the mistake most folks make is rushing the procedure. Filling slowly, holding it ... those are the secrets to success."

"Another..." Jennifer grimaced and squeezed Marsha's hand. "Uhhn... I think I'll go, now."

Marsha watched Jennifer head toward her bathroom. She rolled her eyes, drew in a breath and released it sharply. Touching Jennifer's belly had felt electric and her clit was throbbing. She knew she'd need to do something about that when she got home.

She busied herself in rinsing the last of the soapsuds from the apparatus. Jennifer approached from the bathroom. "I'll say one thing, Marsha," she said.

"What's that?"

"You definitely get better results than I can on my own. You have a magic touch."

"Like I said, it's a question of going slowly. The two factors of a good enema are enough volume and holding it to let it work."

"It definitely worked." Jennifer regarded the clear silicone apparatus as Marsha rinsed it. "Do you use that bag?" she asked.

"It's brand new. You're its first customer. Of course for the time being, for me enemas are out of the question."


"Until my surgery heals. At least, the big, five-pint ones I like are off-limits."

"Tell me about your experience," Jennifer asked.

"Well... I came home from work feeling poorly ... actually had been feeling poorly for the second half of my shift. I went to bed and an hour later was in the bathroom, throwing up. The last time I threw up was when I was seventeen. I went fifteen years, can you believe it?"

"I think I get a stomach flu at least twice a year," Jennifer replied. "It always makes me throw up."

"Then, in the wee hours the pain started. I realized right away what it probably was, so I drove myself to the emergency room. The doctor on duty was reluctant to diagnose it as appendicitis without tests. "It's my appendix," I told them. "Just take the damned thing out!"

"They should've listened to you," Jennifer remarked.

"Indeed they should've. Anyway, they performed a CT scan ... and couldn't find my appendix. He even accused me of already having it out -- which was nonsense. I showed him I had no scar..."

"You have one, now?"

"Indeed, and it's a beauty..." Marsha lifted the hem of her scrubs and lowered the waistband.


"So, the next test was a barium enema."

"What's that involve?" Jennifer asked.

"They administer an enema that's a slurry of barium chalk -- and a big one, at that -- so they can image your colon by x-ray. Of course, you need to be empty, first. Normally you go through a regular bowel prep..."

"Like for a colonoscopy?"

"Right. In an emergency they rely on good, old-fashioned, warm water enemas ... a few of 'em. Can you imagine? Me? Putting me through all that? I could've given the nurse some instruction."


"Nothing to rule out appendix. By now I was really miserable and the doctor figured they had ruled out everything else, so they assembled a surgical team. I learned afterward that my appendix was retrograde -- folded under my cecum."

"But -- they found it and took it out."


"How long before you risk an enema?" Jennifer asked.

"Well... I didn't ask the surgeon, but I figure when this is healed..." She pointed to her abdomen. "...I should be healed enough inside. I like big enemas, Jennifer. I suppose I'll have to take it easy at first." She turned on the faucet. "Enough about me. You need your clear-water rinse."

Marsha filled the reservoir, flushed air from the hose and carried the apparatus to Jennifer's bedroom. "This really is a cute place -- for a dump," she remarked.

Jennifer lay on the bed on her left side so Marsha could insert the nozzle. She rolled onto her back. Her shirt still was unbuttoned from the bottom from the third button down.

Marsha snapped open the clamp. Jennifer's eyes drifted closed and she drew in a breath. "I really like how the second enema feels ... the water flowing in so easily ... no pressure ... no cramping ... just warmth reaching deep into me."

"Would you like me to rub your tummy?"

"I liked how that feels."

Marsha opened Jennifer's shirt and began her gentle, counter-clockwise massage. "I can really feel you getting full, now," she remarked.

"Maybe I should roll over..." Jennifer rolled onto her right side.

Marsha ran her hand between Jennifer's belly and the bedspread, massaging her abdomen with her fingers. "Wow -- look at that enema bump forming."

Jennifer caressed her stomach. "It's getting huge... I can't imagine taking five pints ... four is plenty."

"For someone as slim as you, it certainly is." The reservoir empty, Marsha closed the clamp and slipped the nozzle from between Jennifer's buttocks.

Jennifer rolled onto her back and ran her hands along her sides. "Definitely full ... definitely huge..." She swung her feet to the floor and stood, regarding herself in a full-length mirror, holding the shirt behind her to expose her bulging belly. "Wow..."

Marsha watched her trot into the bathroom. She began rinsing and disassembling the equipment and packing it into her black bag. Jennifer returned from the bathroom, buttoning her shirt. "Definitely empty... Marsha -- you've treated me to tea and a snack. Maybe I can reciprocate."

"All right. It's not too late yet."

"Would you like a drink? I have a bottle of Grey Goose vodka in the freezer."

"I've never had super-cold vodka. Are you having some?"

"No," Jennifer replied. "I don't drink."

"Then, I'll pass. I don't like drinking alone."

"You're not alone. You're with me."

"I don't like being the only one imbibing."

"How about some hot chocolate, then?"

"That would be perfect," Marsha replied and sat at Jennifer's kitchen table. "So, why the tea-totaling? Some religious reason?"

"No. I don't like the taste of the stuff. I don't like strong liquor. Beer is too bitter and wine is to tart for my taste. If I drink anything with sugar in it -- it gives me a pain in my stomach."


"No -- it's a real pain ... an ache that takes half an hour or more to go away."

"I know what you're describing," Marsha remarked. "I have something like that when I have a drink that's too sweet ... like Japanese plum wine. It gives me a pain in my stomach ... very uncomfortable. Fortunately for me, I like the taste of beer and wine -- and I enjoy a stiff drink once and then, also. I do think beer, wine and whiskey are acquired tastes."

"That's my problem," Jennifer replied, "I never acquired them. My palate never grew up. I still like grape soda, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread and macaroni and cheese, out of a blue box."

"If that's your diet -- it's no wonder you need weekly enemas."

Jennifer laughed. "No, I eat better than that. I consider those special treats."

"My idea of a special treat is lobster or a perfectly done, medium-rare fillet mingon. What about using diet soda as a mixer?"

Jennifer turned up her lip. "Yuck -- I don't like diet soda, either. It tastes ... artificial." She set a mug of hot chocolate before Marsha.

"Thanks, hon. So, what's a girl like you doing with a bottle of Grey Goose in your freezer?"

"I won it in a raffle at a holiday party some co-workers organized. I've never opened it. I keep it in case I want to serve it to some guest ... not that I have many of those, these days." She picked up her mug sipped from it. "So, here I am," Jennifer continued, "twenty-seven years old and I've never been drunk. I don't know what it feels like."

"Believe me," Marsha replied, "I've been drunk. I think getting drunk is a lot more fun than being drunk."

"It's an experience that will be forever lost to me," Jennifer added.

Marsha regarded her. "It doesn't have to be. If you can't take the stuff by mouth, try putting it in the other end."

Jennifer stared at her. "Alcohol in an enema? That sounds crazy!"

"Your colon will absorb some drugs quite readily," Marsha said, "including alcohol. I think every enema lover wants to try it, at least once, somewhere along the way. The same goes for coffee enemas."

"Have you done it?" Jennifer asked.

"I have ... more than once. It's actually quite a pleasant experience ... different from drinking."

"You know ... ever since you turned me on to enemas I've become a voracious reader on the topic. I'll power up my laptop and search the web for enema stories. I saw one about some college kid who died of alcohol poisoning from a vodka enema."

"Well," Marsha replied, "the practice will never win anyone's seal of approval. If you use some sense, it's really no more hazardous than drinking the stuff -- all other factors being the same, that is. That is the critical qualification. All other factors have to be the same."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if you consume too much, you'll find yourself in trouble. It doesn't really matter into which end you put it. I'll bet that college kid had been drinking before the vodka enema."


"Too much alcohol in your butt is the same as too much in your gut. How much do you weigh, Jennifer?"

She looked at the ceiling. "One twenty."

Marsha took her smartphone from her bag and stroked the screen. "One twenty ... female..."

"What's that?"

"Oh, it's a little app that computes your BAC based on how much you weigh and how much you drink."

"It sounds like something every serious drinker should have," Jennifer replied.

"Sometimes a few of us will go out for some drinks after a particularly difficult shift. I like to know my limit..." She turned the screen toward Jennifer.

"Three drinks?"

"For a little girl like you, three drinks will take you to a BAC of 0.15. That's twice the limit and a real buzz. We're talking three serious mixed drinks, not light beer. If you take the same amount of alcohol in an enema -- you'll get just as drunk. You're not taking any prescription or over-the-counter meds, are you?"

"No. Nothing..." Jennifer regarded Marsha for a long, long moment. "What you're saying does make sense," she finally replied. "I do find the notion..."

"Intriguing?" Marsha suggested.


"The rectal route is one we use for drug administration and we use it all the time. I don't know how many pediatric patients I've sedated with rectal methohexital."

"What's that?"

"It's a rapid-onset barbiturate. Some kid comes in with an injury and needs a CT scan. We give him a squirt in the rectum and within five minutes he's out ... long enough for a squirm-free scan. There's no needle, no poke ... the kid doesn't need to leave his mama's arms. Did you know that, in the first half of the twentieth century, maternity patients were given ether enemas to dull the pain of labor and delivery?"

"Ether enemas? That sounds so ... primitive," Jennifer replied.

"Up until epidurals were invented in the late fifties it was routine. It's how my grandma delivered my mother." She looked into Jennifer's brown eyes. "So, what do you say? Are you game? Want to try it? You said tonight's your Friday ... that makes tomorrow your Saturday, and I have nothing planned."

Jennifer bit her lip and stared at Marsha. "I have never done any intoxicants ... never smoked weed or done pills ... only enough drinking to know it's something I can't tolerate..."

"Aren't you curious?"

Jennifer nodded. "I definitely am curious."

"Do you trust me?"

Jennifer nodded. "Yes, I trust you... Okay ... we'll do it."

"I'll explain everything," Marsha said, "so there'll be no surprises. Tomorrow? Same time?"

Jennifer nodded again. "Okay... I said I wanted to discover myself. I guess this is another step along that route of discovery."

Part IV

In her left hand Marsha carried her black bag and in her right a paper sack. The weather had turned warm so she wore a light blue, halter-top sundress and sandals. Marsha approached Jennifer's apartment building and pressed her call button. "Jennifer -- it's me," she said into the intercom and the lobby door buzzed open.

Jennifer waited for her in cut-off jeans and a black tank. "No scrubs," she remarked.

"It felt like we've moved beyond a practitioner-patient relationship," Marsha replied.

"It's cute. It looks good with your eyes. You look good, Marsha... I like it with your hair down."

"You look sensational," Marsha replied. "You certainly have the legs for those Daisy Dukes." Marsha set her black bag on the floor and carried the sack to Jennifer's kitchen. "Kung-pao chicken for you and Hunan shrimp for me." She dumped the contents of her carton onto a plate and scooped rice from another.

Jennifer sat across from her and picked up a pair of chopsticks. "You use those like a pro," Marsha remarked.

"I should -- I'm one quarter Japanese."

Marsha's eyes widened. "You are?"

"Yes -- my grandmother on my father's side is Japanese. When we had dinner with my grandparents she made sure we knew how to use chopsticks."

"I can't see Asian characteristics in your features."

"Look close -- my eyes."

Marsha regarded Jennifer's face. "I think I do see a hint of Asian influence in your eyelids. It's subtle, Jennifer -- but very striking."

Jennifer used her chopsticks to herd and pick up the last grains of rice. She pressed her hand to her abdomen. "That was a good idea, Marsha. I love Chinese and this really hit the spot."

"Is that all you're going to eat? No wonder you're so slim."

"I'll save the rest for lunch tomorrow. My mind's not on my dinner, anyway."

Marsha finished hers and carried the plates to the kitchen counter. "So -- shall we get started?"

"Shall I change?" Jennifer asked.

"First you need a cleansing enema."

"I still feel pretty empty from last night."

"Nonetheless, we need to start with a full-volume enema. It'll relax your colon and make it easier for what comes next. I think a single, clear-water enema will do the trick. Here -- I have a couple of things to show you." She opened her black bag and removed a box. From it she took her black douche nozzle. "This is my favorite. It came from the fountain syringe my grandmother used when I was a child. When I was a teen I expropriated it and used it myself."

"You were into enemas in your teens?" Jennifer asked.

"Indeed I was. When Grams passed I attempted to rescue the trusty Rexall, but it had split a seam and I had to toss it. I salvaged this nozzle and have used it ever since."

Jennifer regarded the nozzle. "What's it made of?"

"Hard rubber. I think it's a superior material to the plastic they use today. It's so smooth -- no mould marks. We won't be using it tonight, but I thought you'd get a kick from seeing it." Marsha opened another box. "Check this one out."

"It's made of metal?"

"Polished aluminum," Marsha replied. "It really conducts the heat. I thought you might want to try it."

"It looks so big."

"It's really no larger than a douche tip." She held the black nozzle beside it. "Just a bit thicker, but not excessively so."

"Okay -- I'll try it."

Marsha removed the folding stand and carried it into Jennifer's bedroom. "It'll only take me a minute to set this up," she said. "Then I'll get your enema ready."

"Don't rush on my behalf."

Jennifer stood facing away from her. She unsnapped her cutoff shorts and stepped from them; then she lifted her tank over her head and unfastened her bra. She slipped into the same man's dress shirt she wore the evening before, then reached under the tails to strip off a pair of yellow knit briefs.

She turned toward Marsha, buttoning the top three buttons and leaving the rest open. Then, she spread a towel on the bed.

Marsha ran water in the kitchen sink and measured two quarts into the same clear, silicone rubber bag she used the night before. She carried it into the bedroom, hung it on the stand, affixed the aluminum nozzle and flushed air from the hose.

Jennifer hopped on the bed, rolled onto her left side and drew up her knees. Marsha worked surgical lube into her anus and gently eased the thick, shiny nozzle into place. Once the thickest part was past her sphincter, Jennifer's rectum swallowed the rest and her anus contracted around its narrow waist. "How does that feel?" Marsha asked.

"It feels okay ... bigger than I'm accustomed to but okay."

"I think you can take this one on your back."

Jennifer stretched her legs. Marsha opened the clamp and the water began to flow.

"I really can feel the heat," Jennifer remarked. "It's quite a sensation."

"Do you like how it feels?"

"I do ... and I like feeling the water flowing in." She reached for the hose and pinched it closed for a moment; then, she released it.

"A little tightness?"

"Just a little."

"Want me to rub your tummy?"

"Okay ... I like how that feels."

Marsha massaged Jennifer's abdomen in a counter-clockwise motion while eying the bag. When it was down by two-thirds she closed the clamp. "This is another little trick, Jennifer. You know holding an enema helps it work."


"If you stop the flow before it's all inside, then it's easier to hold." She gently palpitated Jennifer's abdomen. "I can feel the fullness."

Jennifer pressed her palms against her belly. "Yeah... I like how it feels. How long should I hold it?"

"Oh, just a few more minutes and we'll finish up." Marsha sat on the bed and caressed Jennifer's leg. "You are such a pretty girl..." She stood. "Well -- let's finish up. Roll onto your right side. We want to make sure that cecum is filled up."

Jennifer rolled over and drew up her knees.

Marsha opened the clamp and then worked her hand under Jennifer's right side. "Yep. I feel it."

Jennifer probed the right side of her abdomen with her fingers. "It feels like that football again," she remarked.

The bag emptied and Marsha plucked the nozzle from Jennifer's bottom. "Go ahead and go. I'll get set up for the alcohol."

"Help yourself to some Grey Goose," Jennifer called to her on the way to the bathroom. "We can get drunk together."

"I will take you up on that."

Marsha carried the apparatus to the kitchen. From her black bag she removed a small measuring cup, a bulb syringe and a bottle of vodka. Then, from a cabinet she found a juice glass. From the freezer she removed the Grey Goose, broke the seal and poured herself a generous serving.

Jennifer emerged from the bathroom. "How did you make out?" Marsha asked.

She pressed her hand against her stomach. "I'm good and flat ... it felt like it all came out."

"Lie on the bed." From her bag, Marsha removed a stethoscope and inserted the earpieces. After spreading Jennifer's shirt Marsha pressed the bell against her belly. "Rock back and forth a bit... Hmm... I can hear some still inside."

"Hear it? I can feel it."

Marsha replaced the stethoscope in her bag. "I have a little trick that ought to bring down the rest of that enema." Jennifer followed her to the kitchen. "This is cold water, cold from the tap. I'm only using a pint or so." Marsha poured the water into the reservoir, attached a plastic douche nozzle and flushed air from the hose. They returned to Jennifer's bedroom and she lay on the bed.

"I want you on all fours on the floor," Marsha instructed. Jennifer got on her hands and knees. Marsha lubed her anus and inserted the nozzle deeply into her rectum. "Now, sit back on your heels, back straight. That will keep the enema down low. This cold water should stimulate your colon into contracting."

Marsha held up the bag and snapped open the clamp. "Oh, my God!" Jennifer exclaimed. "It IS cold ... and a bit crampy."

"It's almost gone ... Okay, done." Marsha closed the clamp. "Lean over..." She pulled the nozzle out of Jennifer's anus. "Walk around until the urge is strong."

"It's strong, now..." Jennifer headed for her bathroom in a fast walk.

Marsha carried the apparatus into the kitchen. Jennifer joined her from the bathroom. "Well -- your trick worked," she said. "First the cold water came out ... then, for a while, nothing. I started having a dull, crampy feeling and a lot of gas came out ... followed by the rest of the enema. I could feel the temperature change as I pushed it out ... and now I have that familiar, mellow, empty feeling."

"Are you ready for the alcohol?"

"I'm a little nervous," she said.

"So am I. I've never given an alcohol enema to anyone."

"But you have taken them yourself."

"Yes, indeed." She opened the bottle she had brought. "You said you weigh one twenty?"


Marsha took her cell phone from her back and poked the screen. "I'm going to give you one hundred millilitres of this."

"You brought that? Why not use the Grey Goose."

"It's too good for an enema," Marsha replied. She picked up the glass and sipped from it. "Smooth ... and, cold going down... This is cheap, generic vodka and perfect for this application." Marsha poured from the bottle into her measure and dumped it into the bag. "I'm going to dilute it with two hundred mils of water... Voila!" She swirled the bag to mix the solution.

"That's all?"

"That's all. It should give you a pretty good buzz."

"How good? How do you know?"

Marsha held up her cell phone. "My BAC calculator app. According to this, one hundred mils of eighty-proof vodka should give you a BAC of between 0.10 and 0.12."

"That's above the legal limit," Jennifer remarked.

"True ... but you're not driving anywhere, are you? Since you're not accustomed to it, I wouldn't give you any more than this. Trust me -- I know what I'm doing."

"I trust you."

Marsha filled the measure with tap water. She squeezed the bulb syringe and sucked water into it. "What's that for?" Jennifer asked.

"Alcohol is irritating to your colon," Marsha replied. "You have more nerve endings down at the lower end, near your rectum. The trick is to get the alcohol up high and away from the nerves." She held up the syringe. "Once the alcohol is in, we'll use this to flush any out of your rectum and lower colon, up high where we want it. Any questions?"

"Yeah. How long will I have to hold it?"

"If we do it right -- forever. Your colon will absorb the alcohol and your body will metabolize it."

"What about the water?"

"Your colon will absorb that, too -- and the hydration will do you good. Ready?"

Jennifer swallowed hard. "Ready."

Marsha carried the bag and bulb into the bedroom. She hung the reservoir on the stand and set the bulb on the dresser. "We'll use a different nozzle," she said and affixed a green, plastic one onto the hose. "This is a barium nozzle. Barium is thick slurry so this has larger outlet holes. We want to get the alcohol into you as fast as possible."

Jennifer lay on the bed on her left side. Again, Marsha worked lube into her anus and then slipped the nozzle into her rectum. "Shall I like on my back?" Jennifer asked.

"We want to encourage the alcohol to go as deep into your colon as fast as possible," Marsha replied. "The best position is knee-chest as it puts your colon nearly upside-down. Start on all fours ... here -- I'll mind the hose."

Jennifer knelt on her hands and knees.

"Now, lower your shoulders until your chest is on the mattress."

She complied. "This isn't very comfortable."

"You won't need to be there very long." Marsha lifted the reservoir from the stand and held it up high. "Here comes the alcohol. Prepare yourself -- you will feel it going in." She opened the clamp.

"Oh! It burns."

"Take deep breaths," Marsha coached.

Jennifer took deep, deliberate breaths. "My God! I feel it all the way down my legs. I feel it in my feet!"

"It'll be done in a few seconds ... going ... going ... gone." She closed the clamp and slid the nozzle from Jennifer's rectum. "Hold still," Marsha said as she picked up the bulb syringe. "This will put out the fire." She spread Jennifer's buttocks, eased the tip into her anus and gave the bulb a firm, slow squeeze to force its contents into her rectum.

"Oh, that does help," Jennifer remarked.

Still squeezing the bulb Marsha pulled it from Jennifer's bottom and released it. "Now, onto your right side and massage your tummy to work it in deep."

Jennifer rolled onto her right side. "It doesn't burn any more."

"Stay on your right side until your colon becomes accustomed to the alcohol." She climbed onto the bed and lay alongside her, reached under her and massaged the right side of her belly. "Let's try to work it down into your cecum. Feel here..." Jennifer pressed her fingers against her belly. "Feel the fullness?"


"That's what we want -- the fluid in your cecum." Marsha caressed her hair. "How are you feeling, Jennifer?"

"My stomach feels fine," she said. "I think I'm starting to feel the alcohol already."

"It doesn't take long -- just a couple minutes and you start feeling it." Marsha drained her glass. "I know I'm feeling this," she said and set the glass on Jennifer's nightstand.

"I think I can taste it in the back of my throat ... my lips are tingling. You said this is a different kind of buzz than drinking."

"It is," Marsha replied as she ran her finger through Jennifer's dark blonde hair.


"When you drink it goes into your stomach. You don't absorb much from your stomach -- it has to pass into your intestine first. Even if you chugged that amount it's unlikely your stomach would release it all into your intestine at once. It's like what we call a divided dose."

"I get it," Jennifer replied.

"In an enema, it goes straight into your colon and your body starts absorbing all of it. It's a single dose. Your BAC spikes up more quickly and it makes it more of a rush."

"I see..." Jennifer closed her eyes. "Mmm... This does feel good, Marsha ... floating, drifting..."

"After a bit you can try lying on your back," Marsha said gently as she stroked Jennifer's hair and cheek. "That will let the alcohol flow lower down and expose more of your colon to it. You'll absorb it faster, but you might feel some cramping or burning if it goes too low. If that happens, you can roll back onto your right side until the discomfort passes."

Jennifer rolled onto her back. Marsha sat on the bed. "I wanted to say," Jennifer began, slurring her words slightly, "that I like having you give me the enemas. I like it better than doing them myself. I'm not sure what it is ... maybe when I do it, I'm too impatient. You're a good coach, Marsha. I like your manner ... you're gentle. I like feeling your hands on my tummy."

Marsha slipped her hand under Jennifer's shirt and caressed her belly. "How is that tummy doing ... with that intoxicating brew swirling around in there?"

"It's doing fine. I'm really feeling it, now..."

Marsha poured more Grey Goose and sipped it. "I'm really feeling this..." She regarded Jennifer. "Tell me ... does an enema make you horny? Don't be ashamed to admit it. Lots of folks find there's a sexual aspect to them."

"I hadn't thought of it... I guess they do, in a way ... feeling the water reaching deep into me ... the fullness. I do find them arousing. Is that ... weird?"

"It's not uncommon," Marsha replied. She made a slight laugh. "I have a regular patient ... a very nice young man who's gay. He makes appointments when he has a hot date that evening. Every time the enema gives him an orgasm. I ended up giving him a kit like I gave you and told him to go enjoy it. He told me that he turned his partner onto enemas and now they incorporate them into their sex life." She sipped more vodka. "Enemas make me horny. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I like giving them and I like taking them."

"I even like feeling the nozzle in my bottom."

"I like how that feels, too." She chuckled. "I wouldn't be telling just any patient that ... but you're not just any patient, Jennifer." She sipped some more vodka; then she leaned over and kissed Jennifer's forehead. "You feel moist."

"I do feel warm."

"The alcohol will do that, Jennifer hon."

"You call me Jennifer. It sounds so ... formal."

"What would you like me to call you?"

"My friends call me Jen."

"I'd like to think I'm more than a friend," Marsha replied. "Can I call you Jenny? I've always liked that name."

"I do, too."

"Well, Jenny -- I think your cheeks are getting a little pink."

"I'm sweating."

"Here..." Marsha unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on Jennifer's shirt and opened it. "Is that better?"

"Mmm..." Jennifer drew in a breath and released it slowly. "This is an amazing sensation, Marsha ... mellow and drifting... I feel like I'm sinking deeper and deeper into a meditative state."

Marsha continued caressing Jennifer's abdomen. The shirt fell open wider, exposing her breasts. They were round and firm, with tan areolas the size of quarters and small, perky nipples.

Her heart pounding, Marsha slid her hand up and cupped it over Jennifer's left breast. "I can feel your heart," she said, "strong, healthy rhythm." With her fingers she stroked Jennifer's nipple and it began to firm.

Jennifer shook her head. "Marsha ... please, no. It makes me ... uncomfortable."

Marsha began stroking Jennifer's knee, gradually working her hand up her thigh until she was brushing her fingers against her labia. Jennifer shook her head again. "Please..."

"You feel wet," Marsha replied. "This really does turn you on ... doesn't it?"

Jennifer nodded. "Yeah ... guess it does..."

Marsha slipped her finger between Jennifer's labia. "Oooh... That's one firm little clitty. It's not healthy to let tension build without releasing it." She began stroking Jennifer's clitoral shaft. "Does that feel good?"

"Mmm..." Jennifer nodded. She closed her eyes and lifted her face. "Melty ... floating..." Her lips parted and her breathing grew heavy.

"Feels good with the alcohol, doesn't it?


Marsha reclined beside her, propping herself on her elbow. Jennifer closed her eyes and began making soft whimpers in the back of her throat.

Then, Marsha lifted her hand and smoothed it along Jennifer's soft, flat abdomen. "You stopped," she said.

"Just giving you a rest ... build some anticipation. Anticipation is good -- isn't it?"

"I guess..."

Marsha pushed back Jennifer's shirt and rested her hand on her chest. She began teasing Jennifer's small nipples and they began to firm. "Mmm... Perky little nipples," Marsha remarked. She slid her hand down Jennifer's belly and ran her fingers through the tangle of light brown pubic hair on her mons. Working her finger between Jennifer's labia Marsha resumed stroking her clit.

Jennifer lifted her knees and let them fall to the sides, spreading her thighs. "You're not in quite the right spot ... here..." She adjusted Marsha's fingers.

"Feel good?" Marsha asked.

"Mmm..." Jennifer drew in a deep breath and released it. "Mmm ... melting ... floating..."

"That's it, hon," Marsha said. "Just relax and go with the sensations. Don't fight it ... just let it happen..." She leaned over Jennifer, kissed her breast and began sucking and tonguing her small, firm nipple. Marsha could feel Jennifer's heart pounding through her flesh. Soon it was racing and Jennifer's breathing became loud panting.

Jennifer drew in a breath, closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. She let out a long, low moan as she lifted her legs, her thighs quivering and her belly jerking.

Abruptly, she rolled onto her right side and pressed her hand against her belly.

"Cramps?" Marsha asked.

"Burning ... inside my bottom."

Marsha stroked her hip and thigh. "Just lie like that 'til it passes. Feeling better?"


"That's it ... let it find its way back high in your colon."

"I'm okay, now," Jennifer replied and eased onto her back.

Marsha stood, untied her halter and then lifted her dress over her shoulders. Then she slid her briefs down her legs.

Jennifer was still lying on her back. Marsha straddled her on all fours, cradling Jennifer's head in her hands. "Go ahead and touch me, Jenny. It's all right..."

She felt Jennifer's hands on her sides. Jennifer ran her thumbs across Marsha's nipples and they began to harden. "Feels good, Jenny ... mmm ... more like that..."

"You're toned," Jennifer remarked. "You have muscles."

"Being a nurse gives you upper body strength ... lifting patients and all." Marsha took Jennifer's hand and pressed it against her mons. "I'm horny, too."

"You'r shaved ... shaved clean," Jennifer remarked.

"And you have a beautiful, demure, natural bush," Marsha replied. "To each their own."

"I'm not sure what to do."

"I'll show you..." Marsha guided Jennifer's hand. "Right there," she said and began moving Jennifer's hand rhythmically. "I like a little heavier hand. Touch me with your other hand."

Jennifer ran her thumb across Marsha's firmly erect nipple." You're wet, too," she remarked.

"I told you ... giving you an enema makes me horny."

"Just to me?" Jennifer asked.

"Just to you..." Marsha's heart was accelerating and her breathing deepened as her arousal built in her loins. Jennifer continued thumbing Marsha's nipple and Marsha gazed into Jennifer's light brown eyes. "You are so beautiful..."

Marsha could feel her climax was within reach. She closed her eyes and flexed the muscles in her pelvic floor. Then, a powerful orgasm exploded in her pelvis.

She opened her mouth and panted and gasped. "More -- don't stop..." A second orgasmic wave washed over her and she moaned, her legs trembling. "Oh, God ... enough." She collapsed atop Jennifer and the two women kissed. Marsha thrust her tongue into Jennifer's mouth and each covered the other's face with kisses.

Jennifer arched her back and cupped her hands under her breasts. Marsha interpreted this as an invitation. She began tonguing and nursing Jennifer's nipples, alternating from left to right. Then, she covered Jennifer's chest and belly with kisses.

Marsha lifted Jennifer's knees and let them fall to the sides. She lay between them and nuzzled her lips between Jennifer's labia, licking the slick inner surfaces, her face tickled by light brown pubic hair. Jennifer's clit was a firm lump and Marsha began tonguing it, transitioning to a sucking motion. With one hand she held Jennifer's labia apart and with the other she clutched and stroked her slender thigh.

"This feels so good," Jennifer purred, "so good ... so good." Marsha looked up at Jennifer's face, past her pubic thatch and her heaving belly and breasts. Jennifer's eyes were closed, her head rolled to one side and her mouth open as she panted. Marsha reached up and cupped her hand over Jennifer's left breast. Jennifer placed her hand on Marsha's, pressing it into her flesh. Marsha could feel Jennifer's heart pounding.

"Oh, my GOD!" Jennifer gasped. Her legs shook, her belly jerked and she flailed at the bedclothes. Marsha could feel Jennifer's pelvic muscles throbbing and pushing against her lower lip. She cupped her hands under Jennifer's buttocks and increased the tonguing of her clitoral glans. Jennifer moaned again and let out a warbling cry, a red flush covering her cheeks and neck. She lifted up on her elbows, arched her back and rocked from side to side.

"Oh, stop!" Jennifer cried and rolled onto her right side, clutching her belly.

"More burning?"

"Inside my bottom ... better, now..."

"Here ... stay on your side. I'm going to turn down to covers... Now slide in." Marsha eased herself between the sheets and coaxed Jennifer against her. "That's it ... cuddle. Tummy feel okay?"

"Yeah... Marsha ... I am so drunk ... so drunk... can't focus ... seein' double..."

"I can see it in your eyes," Marsha replied. "They're wandering."

"When I close them ... feel the room spinning."

"Hang on tight. I won't let you fall off."

"Marsha I don' like bein' drunk like this ... don' like how it feels ... gonna be sick..."

"You didn't have enough to make you sick," Marsha replied. "You're not accustomed to it -- that's all. You'll be fine. You just need to sleep it off."


"That's it ... relax and cuddle. Close your eyes and go to sleep."

"You're right about one thing," Jennifer said.

"What's that?"

"Iss more fun gettin' drunk than bein' drunk..." Jennifer snuggled against her.

"Sleep it off, hon. I'll rub your back."

"That feels really good ... mmm ... mmm..."

"Go to sleep..." Marsha ran her hand along Jennifer's back and shoulder blade. Jennifer's breathing grew deep and regular as she drowsed. "Jenny ... Jenny my beautiful girl."

Marsha reached for the lamp on the nightstand and switched it off.

Part V

Morning light roused Marsha. She realized she was alone in Jennifer's bed. She swung her feet to the floor and walked, nude, into the living room. Jennifer was in the kitchen, wearing a short robe and washing dishes. "Good morning," Marsha said. "How are you feeling?" Jennifer continued her kitchen chores, putting dishes and pans away and noisily slamming cabinet doors. "How are you feeling, Jenny?" Marsha repeated.

Jennifer regarded her with narrowed eyes for a long moment. "I'm feeling like you took advantage of me," she replied curtly. "That's how I'm feeling."

"I ... took advantage of you?"

"Last night ... in bed. You took advantage of me."

"That's not how I sensed it."

"I was intoxicated."

"You were uninhibited," Marsha replied. "I didn't give you enough alcohol to impair your judgment. You have to admit it, Jenny -- you were not impaired."

"All right, all right -- it was consensual ... at the time," Jennifer retorted.

"Consensual? It was mutual."

"Was this part of your plan? Groom me so I'd agree to an alcohol enema so you could seduce me?"

Marsha's jaw dropped. "What happened last night was spontaneous. It was spontaneous, consensual and mutual. That's how I read it. No -- I didn't plan on seducing you. One thing led to another. I respect you enough to know that no means no. And, I had alcohol, too."

"Why? Why me?" Jennifer asked.

"I'm attracted to you," Marsha replied. "I'm falling in love with you."

"I had no idea you were a lesbian."

"I'm not, really. I'm bisexual, Jenny -- I can be attracted to the right sort of man. You're everything I admire in a woman. You're pretty and sexy ... smart and strong. I can't help but be attracted to you." Her eyes began to fill. "If I did anything last night to hurt you or cause you distress -- I am profoundly sorry. I do want you in my life, Jenny."

"It can't work."

"Why not? It worked last night."

"I am not a lesbian ... at least, I wasn't until you turned me into one."

"I didn't make you a lesbian. I can't do that. No one can. The most I can do is to help you discover who you already are."

"Oh, God... What will my folks think?"

"If they love you then they'll accept you, unconditionally, for who you are ... and, they'd be delighted to know you have someone in your life who cares for you."

"I doubt it."

"What did your folks think when your relationship with your boyfriend went sour and you showed up with two black eyes, a fat lip and bruises on your throat?"

"Marsha ... I think you had better leave."

"Right... Right ... I'm on my way."

Marsha headed into the bedroom and pulled on her clothes. Her heart was in her stomach and tears streamed down her face. Dressed, she returned to the living room. "Jenny..." Jennifer regarded her. "I want you in my life -- if not as a lover then as a friend. I'm sorry I said what I did about your ex-boyfriend. It was wrong of me to use that knowledge as a weapon."

"No, Marsha. I needed to hear it."

"No matter what sort of relationship we have, that is something I would never do. I would never lift a hand to you, Jenny. I would never intentionally cause you pain -- not physically and not emotionally. All I want to do is to make you happy."

"Make me happy?"

"Yes. You make me happy and I think I can make you happy." Marsha began stuffing items into her black bag. "I know this is a lot for you to assimilate. I'll give you a call in a few days ... maybe we'll both be in a better mood to talk ... see what we can work out." Marsha picked up her bag and headed for the door.

"Marsha -- wait." Marsha turned toward her. "No one has ever said they wanted to make me happy. Did you really mean it?"

"Oh! It's all I want to do. Jenny -- no one has affected me the way you have. I thought I was a committed spinster ... until you came into my life. I've fallen head-over-heels in love with you. I can't explain it ... I didn't anticipate it. It just happened and sparks flew. I just want to give to you ... give you whatever makes you happy."

"Give to me?"

"That's what true love is, Jenny -- it's giving and trust. You give one hundred percent of yourself to your partner and you trust..."


"... you trust your partner to do the same. The result is better for both ... the whole is more than the sum of the parts." Marsha's tears began flowing again. "I know it takes time to build trust. It's not something you can just ... bestow."

Jennifer regarded her for a long moment. "I hear the truth in what you say," she replied. "I've never thought about love that way."

"That was what I felt flowing between us last night, Jenny -- trust and giving. I was sure you were feeling it, too."

Jennifer's eyes started to fill. "I did feel it. I don't know if I wasn't understanding it or simply not believing it."

"Believe it and embrace it, Jenny. Who cares what two consenting adults do when they're alone together?"

"Exactly... You haven't uttered a single untruth, Marsha; and I do trust you. Maybe this truly is my destination."

"In your journey of discovery?"

"Yes... Marsha -- I have something to give to you." Jennifer untied the belt to her robe and threw her arms back, letting it fall to the floor. She stood, naked, before Marsha. "Me. I'm yours." Marsha approached her and embraced her, sobbing, holding her tight. Jennifer began kissing tears from her face. "Hey ... hey... Those waterworks are unbecoming a woman of your dignity."

Marsha began wiping tears from her eyes. "Oh, Jenny -- the thought I had done something to hurt you was tearing me up inside."

"You didn't do anything -- it was my thinking that was wrong," Jennifer replied. "I understand that, now."

Marsha hugged her again. "I'm so happy..."

"Wait a minute... There's a slight problem." Jennifer reached around Marsha's shoulders and untied her halter top.

"I just put this back on..." Marsha lifted the sundress over her head and then stripped off her briefs.

The two women embraced and kissed, each caressing the other's back and buttocks. "I love feeling our naked bodies together," Marsha said, "pressing tight against each other. You have such a sexy body."

"So do you. I love your muscles. Your arms and legs and abs would look good on a man, Marsha. I mean that as a compliment. No one would ever mistake you for a man, but I admire your physical strength ... your fitness. I think it's very sexy. You're not overly muscle-bound, either. You're ... lean and strong ... just right."

"The same way I admire your softness and curves," Marsha replied. "You're just right." She led Jennifer to the sofa and sat on it. Jennifer sat on her lap and they kissed long, passionate kisses and caressed each other's faces.

"I want to talk about last night," Jennifer said.

"I thought we already did."

"No -- we were talking about this morning. Marsha -- I had a really good time last night. Everything was wonderful ... the Chinese carryout ... the first enema with that metal nozzle..."

"Did you like feeling the heat in your bottom?"

"Oh, I did ... and the water rushing in. You're right -- enemas do arouse me. I never expected they would, but they do."

"They do for me, too. When I see you lying with the hose plugged into your bottom ... it makes me want one. And, it makes me sooo horny. This hasn't happened with any other patient, Jenny -- only you. From the day you first stepped into my clinic, I could feel something special, something electric between us."

"And the alcohol," Jennifer continued, "nothing you could've said would've prepared me for how it felt -- the burning... I could feel it all the way down my legs and into the soles of my feet."

"It didn't last long -- only a few seconds," Marsha replied.

"Yes, the burning passed, but those were seconds that felt like minutes. Then, I started feeling the effects ... swirling into a different mental state."

"Would you do it again?" Marsha asked.

"I don't know ... maybe ... sometime. Last night wouldn't have been possible without it -- I know I would've been way too inhibited. The alcohol lowered a barrier." She kissed Marsha's lips. "And the sex... " They kissed again. "I wasn't expecting that..."

"I told you -- it was spontaneous. Your Grey Goose put me into an altered mental state, too. I don't think I would've ... if I hadn't been..."

"A little drunk? It's all right, Marsha. You were so tender. You've always been tender with me. It's how I know you care for me."

"I do care for you, Jenny. I care for you more than I have for anyone in my life."

"I know you do, Marsha. I know. I feel it."

"I love you."

"I love you, too. Now you're crying again..."

"It's such a relief being able to say it ... I love you. You mean so much to me."

Jennifer kissed more tears from Marsha's face. "Last night was the best sex I ever experienced. Best ever. I had never experienced oral sex before."

"Never?" Marsha asked.

"Never. My ex thought pussies were ... icky. Those were amazing orgasms I experienced. I think the realization that I enjoyed it so much is what triggered my cognitive crisis this morning."

"We're past that," Marsha replied.

"I wanted you to know how good it all felt. Something else... Both times when I was orgasming... I think the spasms made the alcohol move down. I could feel warmth from it inside my bottom."

"That's why you rolled onto your side afterward," Marsha replied. "I can see that happening. All those nerves down there are interconnected."

"I think it made my orgasms stronger -- feeling the warmth, that is."

"You might be a bit anal-erotic."

"Maybe I am."

"Nothing wrong with that. I think I'm that way, too. There are other ways to incorporate enemas into love play."

"I'd love for you to show me how."

"Would you do it again?" Marsha asked.

"Yes I would ... I'd love a repeat of last night..." Jennifer kissed Marsha's lips. "...without alcohol this time. This is all so new and exciting to me and I want to experience it with a clear head."

"It's new for me, too. We'll need to feel our way around."

"It'll be difficult, with you working second shift and my crazy schedule."

"It means the times we can be together will be that much more precious."

Jennifer caressed Marsha's cheek. "No more tears?" she asked.

"Not for now. Have we cleared the air?"

"I think we have..." Jennifer traced Marsha's lips with her finger. Marsha parted them and drew it into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue. "So -- do you have plans for today?"

"None," Marsha replied.

"Want to go back to bed?"

Marsha broke into a broad smile. "I thought you'd never ask."

"Just talking about last night was making me want more. Just one thing," Jennifer added.

"What's that?"

"I want you to give me an enema ... to put me in the right mood."

"I'd love nothing more. Any special requests?"

"Only that it's big and hot," Jennifer replied.

"They used to call them the triple-H in hospitals -- high, hot and a helluva lot."

Marsha opened her black bag and removed the clear reservoir, its hose and a cardboard box. These she carried to Jennifer's kitchen, ran water to warm it; then she filled the bag with two quarts and flushed air from the hose. She carried the bag and box to Jennifer's bedroom.

Jennifer had straightened the covers and was lying, nude, on a towel. "Should I put something on?" she asked.

"No. Taking an enema in the nude is the best way."

"What about administering one in the nude?" Jennifer asked.

Marsha laughed. "You know -- this is the first time I've ever given an enema in the nude." She hung the bag on the stand. "Careful..." She steadied the stand. "It's a bit heavy this time." She opened the box and removed the black antique hard-rubber douche nozzle and affixed it to the hose.

"You're using your special nozzle?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes... I think it's appropriate. I take good care of it, Jenny. It's clean."

"Before we start," Jennifer said, "can I play with you a bit?"


Marsha lay on the bed and felt Jennifer's hands caressing her body. "I love those sturdy arms," Jennifer said and began caressing Marsha's compact breasts. "Your nipples are so thick and firm."

"Oh, Jenny -- this feels so good."

Jennifer caressed Marsha's knee and thigh. "Your legs and butt are rock hard," she remarked. "I love your shaved pussy."

Marsha spread her legs. "It's all yours." Jennifer kissed the insides of her thighs. Marsha pressed her fingers against her vulva and pulled back her labia.

Jennifer moistened her finger on her tongue and began tracing the structures of Marsha's clit. "I've never seen one up close," she remarked. "I've never really looked at mine..." She tentatively licked Marsha's clit and then began stroking it with her tongue.

Marsha placed her hand on the back of Jennifer's head. "That's it ... little firmer, little faster. There's nothing in the world better for stimulating a clit than the human tongue..."

Her arousal was building rapidly. Marsha placed her free hand on her sternum so she could tease her nipples. By spreading her fingers she could reach both sides at once with her thumb and little finger.

Marsha's heart was pounding and her breathing heavy as her climax approached. She tensed muscles in her pelvis and vulva to bring it closer. She was on the brink. Closing her eyes and clenching her jaw she concentrated on the sensations building low in her pelvis.

Then, she fell over into the abyss as orgasmic pleasure swept over her. "Ohhh!" she groaned. "Oh, don't stop...." Again she tensed muscles attempting a second orgasm. Then it happened -- a second one, stronger than the first, that left her flushed, gasping and sweating. "Oh, stop," she panted. "Stop stop stop..."

Jennifer knelt near her as Marsha regained her breath. Muscles in her abdomen jerked as orgasmic aftershocks washed over her. She reached up, hooked her arm around Jennifer's shoulders and drew her face closer. They kissed tender, lingering kisses.

Jennifer stroked Marsha's cheek. "I'm ready for that enema, now," she said.

"I'm ready to administer it. The water in the hose has gone cold. Let me flush some to warm it up." She aimed the nozzle into the measuring cup she had retrieved from the kitchen and flushed cool water from the hose.

Marsha slipped on an exam glove. "Do you really think at this point a glove is necessary?" Jennifer asked. "I don't use one to self-administer."

"I wear one so I don't accidentally irritate your delicate tissues with a rough nail." She picked up the tube of lube and snapped it open. Jennifer rolled onto her left side and drew up her knees.

Marsha squeezed a blob of gel onto her finger. With her left hand she parted Jennifer's buttocks. "You have such an adorable bottom and cute little anus," she remarked as she worked in the lube. After spreading more gel onto the nozzle Marsha again spread Jennifer's bottom and touched the tip to her orifice. Slowly and gently she worked it in, watching her favorite nozzle disappear into Jennifer's rectum until only the hose and fitting were visible. "I think you can take this one on your back," Marsha said.

"I want to feel your hands on me as it fills me." Marsha snapped open the clamp. "Make it slow," Jennifer requested. Marsha adjusted the stand to lower the bag for a gentle flow.

"Can you feel it?" Marsha asked.

"Mmm... I feel the warmth ... reaching deep into my body."

"Is it too warm?" Marsha asked.

"Uhn-uhn," Jennifer said and shook her head. "It feels really good ... no cramping, no tightness ... just warmth invading my belly."

Marsha knelt near Jennifer and began caressing her body, making long strokes from her shoulders, down across her breasts to her abdomen and then back up again. Jennifer reached for Marsha and she leaned down. Jennifer kissed her friend's breast, drawing Marsha's nipple into her mouth and tonguing it.

Marsha teased Jennifer's nipples with her fingers until they were firmly erect. She smoothed her hand along her friend's belly and was beginning to feel firmness under her abdominal wall. "Little more than half done," Marsha remarked, glancing at the bag. "I'm starting to feel fullness in your belly."

"Feels wonderful," Jennifer replied. "I'm just starting to feel some fullness." She drew up her knees and let her thighs fall open, the soles of her feet touching.

"Is that an invitation?" Marsha asked.


Marsha tucked some hair behind her ear. She lay between Jennifer's thighs. "I do love that demure little bush," she remarked. Caressing Jennifer's labia, Marsha spread them and nuzzled her lips between them, giving the firm lump she found there a rapid back-and-forth motion with the tip of her tongue.

Jennifer ran her hands along her abdomen. "Starting to get full," she remarked. Marsha glanced upward and could see the beginning of distention in Jennifer's belly. Working her arms under Jennifer's thighs she caressed her partner's abdomen and could feel the fullness of her colon under her abdominal wall.

"Mmm... That feels sooo good," Jennifer said softly. "The warmth and the volume from the enema is so arousing..." Jennifer caressed her swelling abdomen with both hands; then, she shifted her left hand to her chest and began stroking her right nipple. Her eyelids drooped and her lips parted as her breathing became panting.

Jennifer ran both hands from above her breasts down, her fingers across her nipples, then further down her distended abdomen to her hips and then back up again. She repeated her stroking. "I really can feel the structures of my colon," she said softly. "It all feels so good ... my nipples are firm, my clit feels like it's about to pop and my womb is throbbing ... I have never been this aroused..." Marsha lifted her face. "Hey -- you stopped."

"I needed to adjust my position," Marsha replied. With her left hand she spread Jennifer's labia and regarded her now stiffly engorged clit. Keeping one hand on Jennifer's belly Marsha resumed her tonguing, pulling back Jennifer's clitoral hood to stimulate her glans. She reached beneath her and grasped the end of the nozzle. Marsha began rocking and rotating it and sliding it in and out of Jennifer's rectum.

"Feels good," Jennifer panted. "Keep going keep going keep going..." Then she gasped loudly. "Marsha!" she grunted. "More ... MORE!" Marsha stepped up the force of her tonguing and rammed the nozzle in and out of Jennifer's orifice.

Jennifer grimaced. "Coming coming coming!" she cried through clenched teeth, grasping both her nipples, squeezing and tugging on them. She drew in a breath and released it as a stifled cry; then she gasped and moaned. Her thighs trembled and she bit her thumb to stifle herself.

Slipping her hand over her mons, Jennifer lifted Marsha's face from her pussy. Her panting eased and she began to regain her breath. She drew in a deep breath, released it as a contented sigh and smiled. "Is the enema done?" she asked.

"It's been done," Marsha replied as she snapped closed the clamp and slid the nozzle out of Jennifer's bottom. Extending her hand Marsha helped Jennifer sit and then stand. "Let's see that enema tummy," she said.

"Full belly," Jennifer remarked as she ran her hands along her distended abdomen. Then the two women embraced and kissed. Marsha smoothed her hand along the small of Jennifer's back and buttocks.

"Did that feel good?" Marsha asked.

"It was amazing," Jennifer replied. "When you started wiggling that nozzle -- it put me over the edge."

"It was a sexy show you put on," Marsha added.

Jennifer kissed her. "Well... Now I have to go. Come with me?"

"You want me with you?" Marsha asked.

"Why not? It's apt to be mostly water after last night."

Marsha gave Jennifer her hand and helped her stand. "Let's look at that enema bump."

Jennifer smoothed her palms along her distended abdomen. "Definitely huge ... right on the border of pleasure and pain."

Marsha pressed her palms against Jennifer's belly. "Wow -- full and hard. They say a well-done enema hurts so good."

Holding hands they walked into the apartment's small bathroom. Jennifer sat on the toilet, drew in a breath and bore down, expelling a long gush into the bowl. She closed her eyes and lifted her face. "Mmm... Feels so good pushing it out."

"Like I said -- expelling an enema is half the fun." Marsha sat, cross-legged on a bathmat and held Jennifer's foot in her lap and caressed her shin.

"I like feeling your touch," Jennifer said.

"That's good ... because I can't keep my hands off of you."

Jennifer drew in another breath, closed her eyes and bore down to expel another long gush. "You know you're cleaned out when they come out like that," Marsha remarked.

"I can feel my belly shrinking and my colon deflating," Jennifer replied. "It's such a wonderful feeling." She leaned back, massaged her belly and expelled more. "I think I'm about done."

"Don't be in too much of a hurry to get up," Marsha replied as she continued caressing Jennifer's shin.

"Your touch does feel good..." Jennifer pressed her hand to her belly. "More's coming -- I feel a sort of almost crampy sensation..."

"It's your colon pumping the last of the enema up against gravity."

"I can feel it ... sort of a gurgle inside..." She leaned back on the seat and rubbed her belly from right to left. Then, sitting up straight she closed her eyes, bore down and expelled another long gush.

"Now, I'm done," Jennifer said and reached for bathroom tissue to clean herself. "I have that wonderful mellow, empty feeling in my belly. I love that feeling."

"You're really getting to know your colon," Marsha remarked. The two women strolled, hand in hand, toward the bedroom. They paused in the living room, embraced and kissed. "I can't get enough of you," Marsha said.

"Nor I of you," Jennifer replied. They stepped into the bedroom. Jennifer picked up the towel, folded it and placed it on a chair. Together they turned down the covers and lay facing each other, each caressing the other's face.

Marsha coaxed Jennifer to sit on the mattress, cross-legged and facing her. They kissed and caressed each other. Jennifer cupped her hands under her breasts and leaned toward Marsha so their nipples touched.

Marsha let out a slight laugh. "You're getting the hang of this girl-on-girl lovemaking."

"Just doin' what comes naturally."

Marsha coaxed Jennifer up on her knees and they knelt, facing and embracing each other. She reached between Jennifer's legs and began stroking her clit. Jennifer reached down and returned the favor.

Each gazed into the other's eyes as they drove each other toward orgasm. Jennifer held Marsha around her shoulders, cheeks touching and each panting into the other's ear.

Then, Marsha pressed her lips against Jennifer's and drove her tongue between her lips. She synchronized her breathing with Jennifer's and together they panted, sharing airways.

Jennifer broke loose, lifted her face and let out a groan, her thighs shaking. Half a moment later Marsha's orgasm exploded in her loins. "God, don't stop," she gasped and Jennifer increased the vigor of her stroking. Another orgasmic wave washed over Marsha, and she fell over onto the mattress. Jennifer lay beside her and they held each other, covering each other's faces with kisses.

Marsha lay on her back in Jennifer's bed and holding her partner under her arm. She smoothed her hand along Jennifer's buttocks, her finger probing her crevasse and the puckery skin around her anus. Jennifer rested her palm on Marsha's breast.

"Marsha?" Jennifer said drowsily.

"What, Jenny?"

"Thank you for teaching me about love." Marsha felt Jennifer's muscles relax and her breathing turn deep and regular. Then, she closed her eyes.

Part VI

Marsha spotted her luggage on the carousel and grabbed it. She accompanied Jennifer outside the airport to the rental car desk. Jennifer completed paperwork and the two women placed their bags in the trunk of a black Ford sedan.

Jennifer sat behind the wheel and they headed away from the city. "Beautiful scenery," Marsha remarked. "Maybe now you can reveal where we're headed."

"There's a brochure in my bag," Jennifer replied.

Marsha opened Jennifer's purse, removed the brochure and began reading it. "Quincy Springs Resort," she remarked. "Jenny -- this place looks awfully expensive."

"I thought we deserved a splurge," Jennifer replied. "I've been saving what I would've spent on rent now that I've moved in with you and you won't let me help with the mortgage. Besides, one of the perks of working for an airline is deep employee discounts."

"Yeah, we saved a bundle on airfare, thanks to you."

"You do know what this weekend is, don't you?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah... What?"

"It's our anniversary."


"Yes -- it was a year ago that you yanked me kicking and screaming out of my closet." Jennifer reached for Marsha's hand and squeezed it.

"It seems ages ago," Marsha replied.

"And, it seems like yesterday. You've changed my life, Marsha -- you gave me a brand new one and I love it. I love the security of living with you; I love the giving and trust..."

"I love how your family has accepted me," Marsha added. "I feel like an adopted daughter. It means a lot to me, since my family is all gone."

"I remember that weekend vividly. It's seared into my brain. I remember you saying that if my folks loved me they'd accept me for who I truly am. You were so right. My mom absolutely loves you, Marsha. For the first time in my life I truly feel on-track."

"I'm really pleased and happy for you, Jenny."

"Mom told me something else. She said that when I was in high school she suspected I was more interested in girls than guys."

"What made her suspect?" Marsha asked.

"The fact I wasn't into dating ... the way I interacted with my friends ... my time on the swim team."

"You're a swimmer?"

"Not a particularly good one," Jennifer replied. I realize now I joined the swim team because I liked being around girls in swimsuits. You were right, Marsha -- you didn't turn me into a lesbian. You opened my eyes to who I am. I'm forever grateful to you for that." They approached a large, brick structure. "Here we are," she announced.

"Have you stayed here before?" Marsha asked.

"Never ... but one of my co-workers recommended it. The spa was built around natural hot springs more than two hundred years ago. It's been renovated recently with modern amenities."

"It's a beautiful setting," Marsha remarked.

Jennifer parked the car under a porte-cochere and Marsha accompanied her to the main desk to check in. A bellman carried their bags to a deluxe room.

Marsha regarded their accommodations. "Look at that view," she remarked. "And, there's a big jetted tub ... king sized bed ... two-person shower. Jenny -- this room must be costing you a fortune!"

"Well worth it, don't you think?" She approached Marsha and they embraced and kissed. "With our work schedules, this is a real treat, don't you think?"

"It would've been a treat at home," Marsha replied between kisses. "This is an extra-special treat."

"Well," Jennifer said, "we could go down to the spa and sit in natural mineral water. Or, we could just stay here and shag."

Marsha kissed Jennifer again. "How long are we here for?"

"Two nights."

Marsha began unbuttoning Jennifer's blouse. "The hot springs can wait. I can't keep my hands off of you." She slid Jennifer's blouse off her shoulders and then slid her denim skirt off her legs. Jennifer undressed Marsha and, nude, they embraced again each caressing the other's back and buttocks.

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves?" Jennifer asked.

"How so?"

"What about an enema?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Marsha replied. "I packed all the necessities."

"So did I," Jennifer replied slyly.


"Because I wanted to give one to you. Don't you think your appendectomy has healed enough? It's been over a year."

Marsha looked down at her abdomen. "It's still a bit red."

"It's pink," Jennifer replied, "and, it's fading fast. You're certainly healed on the outside. Don't you think you are on the inside, too?"


"You told me giving me an enema makes you want one." Jennifer opened her bag and took out a combo syringe sealed in its box. "I want to experience giving one to you."

Marsha bit her lip, her eyes wide. She nodded. "All right. Yes, I've been wanting to start up with them again ... I just wasn't sure I was ready."

"You are ready, now?"

"Ready and willing."

Jennifer opened the box and removed the contents. "I brought some liquid castile soap," she said. "Since it's been a while for you, maybe you'd like some soapsuds."

"Good idea," Marsha replied. "I like strong soapsuds."

"How strong?" Jennifer asked. "I thought I'd make the first one a quart and a half or so."

"Put in a tablespoon. I'll grab a towel for the bed."

Jennifer ran water to warm it and filled the bag. She measured the liquid soap in a small measuring cup and added it to the bag. Then she capped it with the hose adapter, shook it to mix the soap and affixed the hose and attached the douche nozzle. Holding it over the tub she opened the clamp to flush air from the hose. She carried the apparatus and a tube of surgical lube to the bed. "I like this closed-top enema bag because I can set it down."

Marsha spread the towel on the bed and lay on it. She rolled onto her left side.

Jennifer approached her and began caressing and kissing Marsha's buttocks. "Look at that lean body ... those sturdy legs. You can't have an iota of surplus fat anywhere." She ran her hand along Marsha's thigh. "I love that butt of steel of yours," she remarked as she massaged Marsha's bottom. "Now I get to slide a nozzle into that cute little pucker." She planted another kiss. "This is going to be fun!"

Marsha felt Jennifer's fingers spreading her buttocks and the cold lube on her anus. "Wow," she remarked, "I'm not used to receiving enemas, only giving them."

"You received enemas as prep to your appendectomy," Jennifer replied.

"Yeah, but then I was in such agony I was willing to undergo anything to get it over with. This is different. I'm realizing how much submission is involved in receiving one."

"Hmmm," Jennifer replied, "I suppose you're right. Maybe that's part of why I enjoy having you give them to me, rather than giving them to myself."

Marsha felt Jennifer's finger working lube into her orifice. Then she felt the hard nozzle against her anus. Jennifer gently eased the lubricated tip past Marsha's sphincter. Marsha could feel the object penetrating her rectum and Jennifer slide it all the way in until its hilt was against her pucker. "How's that?" Jennifer asked.

"You did it like a pro -- I couldn't have done better."

"Now, get into the Sims position," Jennifer instructed. She held up the bag and snapped open the clamp.

Marsha felt the onrush of water deep in her pelvic bowl. Jennifer was pinching and releasing the hose to deliver the enema in short bursts. Marsha could feel pressure build in her colon so she reached under and massaged the lower left quadrant of her abdomen. She began breathing deeply and deliberately, her abdominal muscles flexing her colon to help the enema flow in deeper.

"Cramp?" Jennifer asked.

"Just a mild one." Marsha felt the pressure release and the fluid working its way deeper into her colon. "You have the temperature just right," Marsha remarked. "And just the right technique."

"I have a very good teacher," Jennifer replied. "I think you can roll onto your back now."

Marsha rolled over and stretched out her legs. She pressed her fingers against the left side of her belly under her ribcage. "I can feel the water here," she said. Jennifer snapped open the clamp and continued holding the bag aloft. "It's flowing in easily, now ... it's downhill once the enema reaches here." Continuing her deep breathing she watched the bag deflate and as she began to feel fullness develop in her abdomen. Marsha leaned to her right and rubbed her belly as the last of the enema drained into her.

Then, with a soft gurgle the bag emptied. Jennifer closed the clamp. Marsha lifted her knees and Jennifer plucked the nozzle from her bottom. "Now I'm going to massage your tummy," she said and began palpitating Marsha's belly. "I can feel the fullness."

Marsha was feeling something else -- an indistinct but growing sense of discomfort in her lower abdomen. "I can feel the soapsuds," she said. "The enema definitely is working." Jennifer continued massaging Marsha's abdomen. This and the soap was stimulating strong peristalsis in Marsha's colon. Soon a cramping sensation and a strong urge to evacuate built low in her belly. Marsha grimaced and tensed the muscles in her bottom as the cramp built and then subsided. "I have to go," she said.

"You always tell me the longer you hold it the better it works."

Marsha groaned as another peristaltic wave built in her colon. "It's working fine. I had better go before I have an accident." She bit her lip, closed her eyes and grunted as the wave peaked and subsided.

She hopped off the bed and trotted into the bathroom as a third cramp formed in her belly. Marsha slammed shut the door, lifted the lid and sat on the toilet as a third cramp peaked. She bore down, expelling the enema. More cramps followed, along with irresistible urges to bear down. Folding her arms across her abdomen she pushed down, grunting from the exertion and beads of perspiration formed on her forehead and upper chest.

The cramping subsided. Marsha sat on the toilet for several moments in case more of the enema started coming down. Then she cleaned herself off, flushed and washed her hands.

Jennifer awaited her outside the bathroom door. "Well? How did you make out?"

"Oh, it was a workout," Marsha replied. "I needed it. After a year, I needed it."

"How did you like being on the receiving end?"

Marsha smiled. "Since it's you Jenny -- I loved it."

"I have your clear water enema ready." Marsha noticed the red bag hanging from some clothes hangers hooked together and attached to one of the rails of the canopy bed. "We packed the collapsible stand, but the bed is too high ... so I came up with this."

"Very clever," Marsha remarked as she lay on her left side. Again she felt Jennifer's fingers probing her bottom and working lube into her anal canal. Then came the nozzle and once inserted, Marsha rolled onto her back.

Jennifer opened the clamp and Marsha felt the incoming water. She sat on the bed and ran her hands along Marsha's muscular legs. "Water's flowing in fast," Marsha remarked.

"I want to see that belly swell up," Jennifer said and began running her hands along Marsha's abdomen; then up and across her breasts, teasing her nipples and back down again. Jennifer repeated the motion and her fingers stroking Marsha's thick and firm nipples elicited murmurs of passion from her lover. "You're starting to fill up -- I can feel it in your tummy."

"Feels really good -- your touch ... the warmth and the pressure ... seeing your beautiful nude body ... so arousing..."

The reservoir's contents drained into Marsha's rectum and a soft gurgle indicated the bag was empty. Jennifer closed the clamp. She ran her hands along Marsha's swollen abdomen. "That's one full tummy," she remarked. "Can you hold it for a while?"

"I think so -- it's not too much volume ... just enough. No discomfort but very arousing."

"Good..." Jennifer knelt on the bed and began covering Marsha's breasts and belly with kisses. She ran her hands along Marsha's lower abdomen and could feel the bulge of her sigmoid colon.

"Mmm..." Marsha hummed.

"You like touch here?" Jennifer smoothed her fingers along Marsha's hips and inner thighs. Marsha lifted her knees to spread her legs and Jennifer began stroking her bald mons. "Oooh, she is so wet down here..."

"God, I can't remember being this aroused," Marsha replied. "It's flooding out of me."

"I remember you telling me that tension like this needs to be released." Jennifer knelt between Marsha's thighs. "Let's get this out of the way..." She grasped the hilt of the nozzle and began rotating it and sliding it in and out of Marsha's rectum. She eased the tip out and set it on the towel.

With her left hand Jennifer spread Marsha's labia and stroked her now firmly engorged clit. She leaned in and began tonguing Marsha's clitoral shaft using an up-and-down sucking action. With her right hand she slid a finger into Marsha's vagina. It was a hot cauldron of slick juices.

Jennifer dragged some of Marsha's fluids down to her anus and began stroking its slick, puckery skin. Then she slid her finger in to the second knuckle. "Marsha," she said, "I can't feel the walls of your rectum. It feels like it's inflated like a balloon." Jennifer resumed tonguing Marsha's clit.

Marsha lifted her face and closed her eyes as the stimulation from Jennifer's tonguing drove her toward orgasm. She placed her hands on her breasts and began pinching and pulling her nipples. Already her heart was pounding and her breathing deep and heavy. She began panting loudly as her heart began to race.

Then, a strong orgasm exploded in her loins. She drew in a breath and held it, clenching her teeth as she worked her internal muscles to amplify and prolong the sensations. Her orgasm peaked and she felt release, letting out a long, low moan.

Jennifer removed her finger from Marsha's anus. "I felt you come," she said. "I felt muscles in your bottom contracting and squeezing my finger. It felt like a good one."

Marsha opened her arms and Jennifer embraced her. They kissed long, tender kisses. "It was the most powerful, emotional orgasm I can remember. Maybe the best one ever."

"That enema probably wants out," Jennifer said and offered Marsha her hand. Marsha stood and the two women embraced and kissed again. "Let's see that tummy." She ran her hands along Marsha's abdomen. "Wow -- that is sexy."

"If you'll excuse me..." Marsha headed for the bathroom. She admired her bulging belly in the mirror and then sat on the toilet.

The enema practically came out on its own -- Marsha barely needed to bear down to expel long, pleasurable gushes. She felt her colon relax and deflate as it emptied. She pressed her palms against her abdomen and massaged it to coax more water lower into her colon so she could push it out.

Finally, the fullness in her belly was replaced with a mellow feeling of relaxation. It has been a long time, she thought as she smoothed her hands against her now flat belly. Too long a time...

Marsha cleaned herself, flushed and washed her hands. Jennifer met her outside the bathroom door and they embraced. "How did that one go?" Jennifer asked.

"I feel so good, so relaxed. The second one always feels so good. You make a great enema nurse, Jenny."

Jennifer pressed her palms against Marsha's abdomen. "Look at that flat tummy."

"Yeah -- flatter than before. I needed this Jenny. I didn't realize how much I needed it. Thank you." She kissed Jennifer's lips. "Now, shall we give you one?"

"The enema can wait," Jennifer replied. "Administering one to you made me so horny now all I want is sex." She pressed her lips against Marsha's and drove in her tongue. Marsha drew back and caressed Jennifer's tongue with her lips.

Then, Marsha scooped Jennifer in her arms and carried her across the room to the canopy bed. Jennifer had taken down the red bag and set it atop the towel on a chair. Together they turned down the covers and slid between them. Facing each other they kissed, tongues touching and caressing the insides of each other's mouths.

"This bed is so luxurious," Jennifer remarked, "and with all the pillows."

Marsha plumped pillows and sat up, leaning against them. She coaxed Jennifer to sit between her legs, her back against Marsha's chest. Marsha pressed her lips against Jennifer's head and inhaled. "I love the scent of your hair," she said and covered Jennifer's neck and shoulders with kisses. "And, I just love the taste of your skin."

"What do I taste like?"

"Mmm... Jenny..." Marsha wrapped her arms around Jennifer and held her tight. She placed her hands under Jennifer's firm, B-sized breasts and with her thumbs fondled Jennifer's small, perky nipples, which soon became firmly erect.

"Mmm..." Jennifer drew in a breath and released it with a contented sigh. "Mmm ... feels really good, Marsha... Mmm... Your pacing is just right. I love how you're holding me ... I love your kisses and your touch." She grasped Marsha's thighs and drew in another deep breath. "Mmm..."

Marsha could feel Jennifer's heart pounding through the flesh of her breast. She continued caressing Jennifer's nipples, ending each stroke with a pinch. Jennifer's breathing grew heavy and she dug her nails into Marsha's thighs, as her own twitched in response to Marsha's touch.

Smoothing her left hand along Jennifer's smooth belly Marsha began running her fingers through Jennifer's demure natural bush. She worked her middle finger into Jennifer's slit. "Oh, so wet," Marsha remarked as she worked her finger into Jennifer's vagina, coating it with the hot, slick juices she found there. Then she began stroking Jennifer's long, slender clitoral shaft.

Marsha felt Jennifer's clit become firm. She focused her stroking on the ball-bearing sized lump that was forming. At the same time with her left hand she pinched Jennifer's nipple as she stroked her clit, and she felt Jennifer's heart accelerate until it was racing.

Jennifer continued to clutch Marsha's thighs. Her breathing was now loud panting. "Marsha!" she gasped. "I think I'm gonna come..."

Marsha nuzzled Jennifer's neck. "Just let it happen," she whispered into Jennifer's ear.

"I'm coming! OH!" Jennifer's legs shook and she let out a moan. Marsha pinched and tugged on her nipple. Jennifer cried out again and then her body relaxed. She sat forward and turned around, kneeling and facing Marsha.

Jennifer held Marsha's face and covered it with kisses. "You have such sweet orgasms," Marsha remarked as she kissed Jennifer's lips. Then, Marsha reached between Jennifer's legs so she could press a thumb against her clit.

Jennifer lifted her face, her legs trembled and she let out a gasp. "Too much!"

"I wanted to make sure you were done coming," Marsha said with a smile.

"I'm done ... for now..." Jennifer lay between Marsha's legs. She grasped Marsha's compact breasts and with her thumbs and forefingers worked their thick, fleshy nipples until firmly erect.

Marsha put her hand on Jennifer's head and caressed her dark blond hair. Jennifer's eyes met hers. "You are so pretty," Marsha said. She could feel arousal building her loins, her clit becoming engorged and her vagina getting wet.

Jennifer slid down, sliding her hands along Marsha's lean sides and abdomen. She began stroking Marsha's smoothly shaved mons and pussy, kissing it and licking the slick inner surfaces of her labia.

Marsha reached down and stoked Jennifer's hair. "How would you like to try some sixty-nine?" she asked. "It's something we haven't tried yet."

Jennifer looked up and smiled. "I'm always up for something new with you," she replied. "Tell me how I should be."

Marsha coaxed Jennifer to lie flat on her back. Then, Marsha knelt over Jennifer's face and Jennifer adjusted pillows under her shoulders. Marsha coaxed Jennifer's legs apart. Supporting herself on her elbows she caressed and spread Jennifer's labia and began tonguing her clit.

Jennifer returned the favor, stroking Marsha's clit with her tongue and caressing her thighs. Marsha widened her stance to press her pussy more firmly against Jennifer's lips, and she worked her own lips deeper between Jennifer's labia, feeling the curly pubic hair against her face.

Marsha's arousal was building from the rhythmic stimulation Jennifer was giving her clit. She reached under herself and began pinching her own nipples, alternating from side to side as she continued her tonguing of Jennifer's clit. Her breathing was turning heavy as she strove to continue her tonguing.

Sensing her climax approaching, Marsha began tensing her pelvic muscles to bring it nearer. Then, on the cusp of an orgasm Jennifer broke free. "COMING!" she gasped and, squeezing Marsha's thighs she let out a shriek.

Marsha rolled off of her and held her face. Jennifer's cheeks and neck were flushed red and they covered each other's faces with kisses. "Did you have one?" Jennifer asked.

"I was close ... and then..."

"Oh, Marsha -- I was trying not to come. I was trying to hold it back until you had yours. It got to be too intense and I couldn't stop it... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Jenny."

Jennifer coaxed Marsha onto her back and knelt between her thighs. "Let me help you finish up..."

Jennifer spread Marsha's labia and kissed her clit. Then she drove two fingers deep into Marsha's vagina and began massaging its roof. She pressed her thumb against Marsha's clit and caressed her firm, thick nipples.

Marsha stretched her arms out straight and gripped the bedclothes. "Oh Jenny -- this feels so good ... so good... I love seeing your naked body ... you are the prettiest girl."

"No, I'm not..."

"You are in my eyes." Marsha closed her eyes as Jennifer's stroking was ramping up her arousal. Her heart was beginning to pound and her breathing became open-mouth panting. "Jenny -- don't stop, don't change it. Don't change anything..." Marsha's belly and breasts heaved with her deep and vocal panting. "I'm ... on the verge ... of a strong one.... keep going, keep going...."

An orgasmic wave washed over her. Marsha drew in a breath, held it and moaned. "Don't stop!" she gasped as she tensed her pelvic muscles. Another, stronger orgasm washed over her, her legs trembling and her fists pounding the mattress. "Enough!" she gasped.

Jennifer threw herself atop Marsha and they kissed long, tender kisses. "Good one?" Jennifer asked.

"Oh, Jenny -- it was perfection. Each time with you has been perfection. And each time is better than the last."

Marsha eased Jennifer from atop her and held her tight. Jennifer snuggled against Marsha's shoulder. Marsha kissed her hair and caressed her back. Then, closing her eyes, she drifted into slumber.

Awakening, she saw Jennifer gazing into her face. "I'm not asleep," Jennifer said.

"Were you?"

"For a while. I woke and was just lying here, watching you sleep." Jennifer's eyes filled.

"Something wrong?" Marsha asked.

Jennifer shook her head. "Nothing wrong. I'm just in awe at how much in love with you I am."

Marsha stroked a tear from Jennifer's cheek. "Believe it ... accept it. Because I'm just as deeply in love with you."

Jennifer smiled. "What time is it?"

Marsha looked at the clock on the nightstand. "Eight thirty. It's twilight outside." She looked at Jennifer. "Are you hungry?"

"A bit."

"So am I. But I don't feel like getting dressed for dinner."

"That is why room service was invented," Jennifer replied. "I'll go get the menu. We can place an order and make plans for tomorrow."

Part VII

Marsha held Jennifer's hand as they strolled toward the resort's dining room. She wore a floor-length, backless dress in pale pink with gray trim and embroidery while Jennifer wore a short black sleeveless dress. "That was quite the experience, earlier -- soaking in the hot spring water," she remarked.

"Yes," Jennifer replied. "The water was so hard I felt buoyant in it. People have been coming to this resort for nearly two hundred years to soak in the waters for their healing properties. At least, that's what they say."

They reached the restaurant and the hostess showed them their table. A woman wearing black slacks, white blouse and a black apron embroidered with the resort's logo approached. "I'm Tammy," she said, "and I'll be your server. Would you like something to drink right away?"

"Water is fine," Marsha replied.

"I'll give you a few minutes to look over the menu, then. Tonight's specials are listed on a sheet clipped to the menu cover."

Jennifer looked into Marsha's eyes. "Tonight I'm sorry I can't drink," she said. "It feels like a night for Champagne."

"You have really pulled out all the stops this weekend," Marsha replied.

Tammy returned. "Have you decided?"

"I'll have the seafood mixed grill," Marsha replied.

"I'll have the trout," Jennifer added.

"Very good..."

Jennifer reached for Marsha's hand. "I love you so much," she said.

"I know you do, Jenny. It goes without saying. I love you, too."

"I'm so happy being with you," Jennifer continued. "I love us living together. I love the giving and trust we have."

"You've said so before. I love being with you."

"There's only one thing that could make me happier."

"What's that?" Marsha asked.

"If we were married."

Marsha's eyes widened and her lips parted as she regarded Jennifer. She hesitated responding, knowing that mis-speaking could ruin a tender evening. "You want us to be married?" she finally replied.

"Oh, I do. Don't you?"

"To be truthful, I never thought it would even be possible. Now that you bring it up..." She smiled and nodded. "Whatever makes you happy makes me happy. Yes, Jenny -- let's get married."

"You're not afraid of the commitment?" Jennifer asked. "It daunts me a bit but I'm sure it's the right thing to do."

"I don't see how it changes how I'm committed to you or you to me," Marsha replied. "You've made me happy as well, Jenny. There were times I despaired having anything like what you and I enjoy."

"I knew that's how you'd feel. I don't need or want a big ceremony," Jennifer said. "Something small and private would be perfect. I don't want or need an engagement ring, but I'd be delighted to wear your wedding band."

"I feel the same way."

"It's amazing how our minds run in the same channel," Jennifer remarked. "Do you know what I would like to do?"


"Return here a year from now. We can have the ceremony here and our honeymoon. Wouldn't that be special?"

"Very special."

Tammy returned with a tray, which she set on a folding stand. "Here's the mixed grill ... and the trout. Can I get you anything else?"

"I think we're good," Jennifer replied.

"Are you celebrating anything tonight?"

"Well," Marsha said, "we just got engaged."

"Congratulations. I think you make a cute couple."

Marsha and Jennifer held hands as they strolled toward their room. "I can't believe you told our server we got engaged," Jennifer said.

"Are you angry with me for it?"

"No... I was just surprised."

"I'm pretty sure Tammy is a member Team Sappho," Marsha remarked.

"What made you think that?"

"She pinged fairly high on my gaydar ... and, the way she was eyeing you up and down. I know I'm not much to look at..."

"That's not true," Jennifer objected. "I think you're pretty and sexy."

"Think what you like... You, Jenny, in that little black dress -- you're a knockout."

Jennifer unlocked their room with a pass card. She followed Marsha inside and they embraced and kissed.

"Last night you had a special evening planned for me," Marsha said between kisses. "Now, I have a special one planned for you."

"Would it perhaps involve a Saturday night enema?" Jennifer asked.

"It might just."

"Should I go change?"

Marsha kissed Jennifer's lips. "You look so adorable in that little black dress. For starters, why don't you leave it on? Just lose the undies."

"What about the stockings?"

"They look good on you, too. Why don't you relax ... it'll only take me a few minutes to get ready. Hmm... Maybe I'll avail myself of that red bag you brought. It's closed-top and like you said, you can set it down."

Jennifer slipped off her shoes and lay in her clothes on a towel on the bed. "It's in my bag -- help yourself."

Marsha filled the bag and added a small amount of liquid Castile. Then, she capped it, affixed the hose and carried it along with a measuring cup holdings a tube of surgical lube and the plastic douche nozzle to the bed. By blowing into the end of the hose she inflated the bag a bit and clamped off the hose.

"What did you do that for?" Jennifer asked.

"With a closed-top bag I like to have some head-space so it'll drain better," Marsha replied as she shook the bag to make sure the soap was well-mixed with the warm water, and then she affixed the nozzle to the hose. Holding up the bag she snapped open the clamp to flush air from the hose, draining it into the measuring cup. "Hard water," she remarked, "not many suds. That won't impact the soap's effectiveness. At least it didn't last night."

Marsha set down the bag and knelt on the bed to caress Jennifer's legs, running her hand along the smooth nylon of her stockings. "You have such pretty legs," she said as she explored the shapes of her calves. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

"Let's," Jennifer replied. "It's funny -- watching your preparations and anticipating the enema makes my tummy horny for one."

"I feel the same way." Marsha lifted the hem of Jennifer's little black dress and regarded her slender legs. She smoothed her hand along Jennifer's thigh, running her palm across the stretch lace tops of Jennifer's stockings. Exposing Jennifer's buttocks Marsha caressed and kissed them.

She picked up the tube of lube, squirted some onto her finger and, parting Jennifer's buttocks with her left hand began working it into her now exposed pinkish-brown anus.

"I'm glad you gave up on the exam gloves," Jennifer said as Marsha worked lube into her anal canal. "I like feeling your finger in me skin-on-skin."

"I do need to keep my nails filed," Marsha replied as she coated the nozzle with more lube. "You do have a delightful little pucker. Here comes the nozzle..."

Marsha again parted Jennifer's buttocks and pressed the rounded tip against her orifice. After giving it a gentle twist she watched it disappear into Jennifer's rectum. Once clear of the sphincter muscles Marsha eased it in, pointing the tip toward Jennifer's head, until the hilt was against her bottom.

Automatically, Jennifer rolled partway onto her left side, slipping her left arm behind her banc and bending her knees to assume the Sims position.

"Ready?" Marsha asked.


Marsha held up the bag with her left hand and with her right she snapped open the clamp. Then she reached down and held the hose, keeping the nozzle deeply embedded in Jennifer's rectum and the hilt pressed against her anus.

"I feel it," Jennifer said. "I love that feeling ... the water in the hose is cool and it feels like a cold fountain spraying inside my bottom." She began breathing deeply and deliberately. "Now it's warming up..."

"Are you having any cramping?" Marsha asked.

Jennifer shook her head. "Uhn-uhn... I can feel it working its way up my left side ... pressure builds and releases ... then a bit further up it builds and releases again. No cramping, though." She took more deep breaths. "It's up under my ribcage, now."

"It's almost down a third," Marsha said. "Just a little more and I'll have you roll over... There." She snapped closed the clamp.

Jennifer rolled onto her stomach. "I want to try it this way for a change," she said, "instead of on my back."

"Your weight will add pressure to your colon," Marsha advised.

"I know, but this bed is sooo soft. If I start feeling discomfort I can always lift up on my elbows to ease off the weight."

"Okay... I'm starting the flow again." Marsha snapped open the clamp. She regarded Jennifer's firm, round buttocks with the hose between them; and Jennifer's long, slender legs and how her sheer, black stockings emphasized the curves in her calves. "This is a delightful view I don't see often enough."

"No real pressure on my tummy," Jennifer replied and resumed her deep breathing. "I can feel it filling my transverse colon."

"It's going in fast," Marsha replied. "I think we were fighting some back-pressure at first but your colon is taking it in easily, now."

"Probably because I'm so comfortable and relaxed," Jennifer added.

"Relaxation is the secret to a good enema. Almost time to roll over again."

Marsha snapped shut the clamp. Jennifer rolled onto her right side. "I felt it flow in deeper," she said. "I felt bubbles inside."

"Then, let's get the last of it into you pronto before the soapsuds induce contractions." Marsha held the bag up high and snapped open the clamp.

Jennifer changed her breathing to shallow panting through parted lips. "Feeling fullness?" she asked.

"Yeah ... I feel like I'm getting filled up."

"Well -- you are, hon. The bag's almost empty." Marsha heard the telltale gurgle of the bag emptying. She closed the clamp and removed the nozzle from Jennifer's bottom.

Jennifer rolled onto her back. She lifted the hem of her dress to expose her belly and ran her hands along her visibly distended abdomen. "Really full ... and I'm starting to feel the soap's effects."

Marsha set the bag onto a chair and knelt on the bed. She caressed Jennifer's thigh and looked into her light brown eyes. "Just hold it as long as you can," she coached. "You are such a good enema patient, Jenny. You were the first day you walked into my clinic -- you cooperated and I'm sure that's why you had a good experience that first time."

"I'm reminded of how good I felt after that first appointment every time you give me an enema, Marsha." She reached for Marsha's hand and squeezed it. "I so prefer having you give them to me over taking them myself." Jennifer closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. "Cramp -- strong one mmmph..." She drew in a breath and released it. "It's passed ... another starting. Maybe I'll go after this one passes."

Marsha watched the expression of concentration on Jennifer's face as she fought the cramp. It was a sensation she knew well -- pressure building along the length of her colon and being stopped only by a sphincter held shut through sheer willpower.

Jennifer grimaced and Marsha heard a gurgle come from deep in Jennifer's belly. "Okay, I'm going," Jennifer said and headed for the bathroom.

Marsha rinsed the red bag in the room's wet bar sink and hung it in the shower to drain. From her own bag she removed her open-top, three-quart clear silicone enema bag and the collapsible stand. Then, she turned to the large whirlpool tub and began filling it.

"Jenny, honey," she called through the closed door to the water closet, "I'm going to fill the tub. Maybe you'd like your robe -- I'll set it outside the door."

"Okay," she heard Jennifer reply.

"How are you doing in there?"

"These soapsuds enemas are always a workout," came the reply. "This one is no exception."

While the tub filled Marsha slipped out of her dress and into a terry-cloth robe provided by the resort. It was cream-colored with the resort logo embroidered on the left breast.

Marsha adjusted the temperature of the water in the tub and tested the whirlpool jets. Then she filled her enema reservoir with a generous two quarts of very warm water. She set the stand near the tub and hung the bag from it. Then, she attached her special, black, hard rubber douche nozzle to it.

Jennifer remarked as she stepped from the water closet and approached Marsha in the robe, carrying her dress, stockings and bra over her arm. She regarded the stand near the tub. "Am I taking an enema or a bath?" she asked.

"Both. Have you ever had an enema in your bath?"


"There's a first time for everything." Marsha slipped out of her robe and stepped into the tub.

Jennifer joined her. "Wow -- I feel like I'm floating away," she remarked.

Marsha turned the jets on a low setting. "Now I feel like we're in a glass of Champagne," she said. "Stand up and bend over. I'll get your enema started. I can't do it when your bottom is under water 'cuz the lube will get washed away." She held the nozzle over the tub, opened the clamp and flushed air from the hose.

Jennifer stood and bent over. Marsha spread her, lubricated her anus and then smeared lube onto the nozzle. "I see your using your special nozzle," Jennifer remarked.

"It's a special night. Just relax..." Marsha worked the smooth, black object into Jennifer's rectum. Then, she lay, sitting up in the tub and coaxed Jennifer to sit between her legs and lie against her.

"The water feels soft ... and smells so nice," Jennifer remarked.

"I put in some bath salts," Marsha replied, "to soften the water and for the fragrance. It's Lily-of-the-Valley."

"I love that scent. Mmm... Feels so nice... The tub's so deep -- the water's almost up to my neck and I feel so light in it..."

Marsha reached for the hose. "I'm going to start the enema now," she said as she snapped open the clamp and then stopped it down a notch. "Can you feel it?"

"I feel the warmth ... no cramping, just the warmth reaching into me."

Marsha resumed holding Jennifer around her waist and nuzzling her neck. She cupped her hands under Jennifer's breasts and began stroking her nipples. "That feels nice," Jennifer said softly. "When you touch my breasts they start feeling warm and engorged ... with the warm water and the jets your touch is doubly arousing. Mmm ... your pacing is perfect, Marsha ... and the enema flowing in ... mmm..." Jennifer placed her hands on Marsha's legs and let her head roll to one side.

With her right hand Marsha reached down and caressed the inside of Jennifer's thigh. She kept her left hand against Jennifer's breast. Marsha liked feeling Jennifer's heartbeats -- not only did they indicate the level of her arousal, but feeling her heart accelerate was sexy. Marsha continued stroking the inside of Jennifer's thigh, sliding it and against her mons.

Marsha regarded the water level in the transparent silicone reservoir. She had the clamp stopped down for a slow fill and now the level was down about a third. Jennifer touched Marsha's left hand. "Switch side?" she said in a near whisper. "Right side is feeling left out."

"We don't want that," Marsha replied and shifted her hand to Jennifer's right breast.

"Mmm..." Jennifer let out a contented sigh each time Marsha switched sides. Marsha stroked Jennifer's labia with her right hand and then worked a finger into her slit. She began languidly stroking the firm clit she found in there. "Oh, that feels good," Jennifer purred.

Now, Jennifer's heart began to accelerate and her breathing grew heavier. Marsha watched the water in the reservoir drop below half-way.

Jennifer ran her hands along her abdomen. "Starting to feel some fullness," she remarked. "The warmth and fullness deep inside ... so arousing ... little faster?" Marsha increased the cadence of her stroking. "Mmm... Perfect ... just like that..."

By now Jennifer's heart was pounding and Marsha could see a pulse point on her neck throbbing. Jennifer lifted her face and, eyes closed, panted through wide-open mouth. Her legs began to twitch with Marsha's stroking.

Marsha watched the last of the water drain out of the reservoir. Jennifer let her head roll to the other side. "Is the enema done?" she asked.

"It's been done, Jenny, hon." Jennifer reached for the hose and shut the clamp. Then she rested her back again against Marsha's chest and placed her hands on her partner's legs. "Can you hold it for a while?"

"It's such a different sensation," Jennifer replied. "I can feel the fullness but not the weight. She ran her hands along her abdomen. "I can feel the distention but there's no discomfort, no urge to expel -- just warm fullness floating inside me."

"It's joyance from the bath water," Marsha replied.

"It all feels so good..." Jennifer touched Marsha's right wrist. "Just a little more now... Keep it just like that..." Marsha could feel Jennifer's heart racing. Her breathing became loud panting and her legs shook with Marsha's stroking. "Oh my God oh my God oh my G - O - D!" Jennifer gasped. "Marsha! More! MORE!" Marsha stroked Jennifer's clit vigorously. Jennifer drew in a deep breath. "I'm coming..." she said through clenched teeth and dug her nails into Marsha's thighs.

Jennifer drew in another breath and moaned. "Keep it going keep it going," she panted and then moaned again, her legs and belly shaking. Then, she eased her hand between Marsha's and her pussy. She relaxed against Marsha, drew in a breath and released it as a contented sigh. "Oh, God, Marsha -- that was amazing ... am-MAZ-ing."

"Are you ready to get up and expel?"

"I think I had better."

Marsha switched off the whirlpool jets. "I'll get out and give you a hand." She climbed out of the tub, helped Jennifer out and wrapped a towel around her.

"Mmm... Towel's warm."

"That towel rod is a towel warmer," Marsha remarked "Let's see that enema tummy."

"Oh, it is so huge. How much water was that? Two quarts?"

"Two and then some."

"I'm feeling the weight now ... and it's making me need to go." Jennifer headed into the water closet.

Marsha drained the whirlpool. She set about straightening up the room by putting away the collapsible stand and hanging the silicone bag in the shower along with Jennifer's red one.

Jennifer stepped from the water closet. "How did you make out?" Marsha asked.

"It was such an easy and satisfying expulsion. I think it all came out in three long gushes. Now I feel so relaxed and so mellow -- I think I'm glowing. Did you ever take an enema like that in a bathtub?"

"Yes, but not in a tub like that," Marsha replied.

"Well, you must try it. Maybe we can make time tomorrow morning before we need to check out."

"Maybe," Marsha replied.

"Right now all I want is to make love to you," Jennifer said. She embraced Marsha and they began kissing passionately.

Jennifer led Marsha to the bed and coaxed her onto her back. Then she lay atop Marsha, supporting herself on her elbows. Jennifer cradled Marsha's head in her hands and covered her face with kisses. Then, Jennifer began caressing Marsha's compact A-cup breasts, stroking them from back to front and squeezing her thick nipples.

Marsha closed her eyes and lifted her face as Jennifer's stimulation of her nipples began to arouse her. She could feel her loins relaxing and her clit begin to engorge.

"I love watching your face as you get aroused," Jennifer remarked. "I can see the tension drain from around your mouth."

Marsha smiled and stroked Jennifer's cheek with the backs of her fingers. "You have a sexy O-face yourself," she said. Marsha drew in a deep breath to expand her ribcage. She pulled back her shoulder blades and pressed her breasts against Jennifer's hands. "Feels so good," she said and gazed into Jennifer's brown eyes. "You are so pretty, Jenny ... so pretty..."

Jennifer gathered the flesh of Martha's right breast in her hand and drew its nipple into her mouth. Marsha ran her fingers though Jennifer's light brown hair. Her arousal was growing -- her clit was firming and throbbing with anticipation.

Then, Jennifer slid down, covering Marsha's firm and muscular abdomen with kisses. She kissed and caressed Marsha's lower abdomen and her smoothly shave mons. Smoothing her hand along Marsha's firm thigh she coaxed her legs apart and began kissing them from her knees up to her mons.

By now Marsha's pussy was a cauldron of anticipation and she felt as if hot juices were flooding out. Her clit was now fully engorged and stiff enough to protrude from between her labia.

Jennifer grasped Marsha's legs behind her knees and lifted them up and back, fully exposing her pussy and bottom. "You're not only strong, your flexible," she remarked as she lay on her stomach, her lips near Marsha's vulva. She began low, rimming Marsha's anus with the tip of her tongue. "Your bottom is so fragrant from the bath," she said and resumed her rimming.

Marsha felt the moist and soft tip of Jennifer's tongue running in circles across the puckery skin of her anus. Then, she felt her tongue moving up, licking the slick inside surfaces of her labia and probing into her vagina.

"You are so wet," Jennifer remarked. She planted her lips against Marsha' clit and began a sucking motion, pushing her clitoral hood up for contact directly against her glans. Jennifer let go of Marsha's legs, reached around them and began pinching both of her nipples. She was using a languid sucking rhythm and pinching Marsha's nipples in time with her tonguing.

Marsha's arousal from the combination of nipple and clitoral stimulation was rapidly building. Each stroke and pinch sent an electric charge directly to her loins, and her clit was so hard and engorged it felt like a marble between her lips.

Her orgasm hit her with little warning. "Jenny!" Marsha gasped. "I'm..." Before she could get the word out she drew in a breath and let out a shriek. "Oh, God," she gasped.

Jennifer let go of Marsha's breasts and instead held her buttocks. She pressed Marsha's pussy hard against her lips and continued her vigorous tonguing of Marsha's clit.

Marsha alternated moaning, gasping and panting as Jennifer felt her bottom pulsing against her lower lip and chin. Finally Marsha slipped her fingers against Jennifer's jaw and she lifted her face.

Jennifer regarded Marsha. A deep flush covered her cheeks, neck and upper chest. She lay flat on her back, her arms outstretched and was breathing heavily through parted lips to recover her breath. "Was that good?"

"You are becoming an expert at oral," Marsha replied. "Now let me do you."

"I'm still glowing from earlier," Jennifer replied. "Let's just cuddle."

Marsha lay on her back and Jennifer cuddled under her arm. She put her hand on Marsha's chest and gently stroked her breast. "Are you suggesting you want more?" Marsha asked.

"No -- I was just looking at your breast. You have such sexy nipples, Marsha." Jennifer ran her fingertip around the edge of Marsha's areola. Then she rested her palm on Marsha's sternum and absent-mindedly ran her fingers across Marsha's firming nipple.

Marsha began stroking the side of Jennifer's breast with the backs of her fingers, her nail crossing Jennifer's small areola and nipple.

The two women rolled to face each other and kissed. Then, supported by the pillows against the headboard, Marsha put her left leg over Jennifer's right one. She put her left hand on Jennifer's abdomen. "I just love that tummy," she said. "I love seeing it get big from an enema.

Jennifer placed her hand on Marsha's belly. "Seeing yours get big was a real thrill for me." Jennifer ran her fingers across Marsha's bald mons while Marsha fingered Jennifer's natural bush. Then, each slipped a finger into the other's slit and they stroked each other's clits.

Marsha turned her head to face Jennifer. "How did you know I needed more?" she asked.

"The same way you knew I needed more, too. I told you I love watching your face as you become aroused."

"And I told you I love watching your O-face, too."

Marsha could feel the muscles in Jennifer's thigh begin to twitch from her stroking. Her heart was beginning to pound and she placed her right hand on own breast and stroked her nipple with her thumb.

Jennifer's lips parted. She began stroking her nipples with her left hand while keeping deep eye contact with Marsha. Marsha increased the cadence of her stroking and Jennifer responded with the same.

Marsha knew she was nearing orgasm. Watching Jennifer's response was augmenting her own arousal. Her breathing became vocal and turned into loud panting. Jennifer was breathing heavily, her jaw clenched and making grunts in the back of her throat with each exhale.

Jennifer's cheeks began to flush. Marsha was on the verge of climaxing but was trying to hold it back until she knew Jennifer' climax was upon her. They each continued vigorous stroking of the other's clit.

The tension became more than Marsha could bear and she reached a point of no return. As a powerful orgasm washed over her she drew in a breath and moaned. A split-second later Jennifer cried out.

As the sensations began to fade Marsha began a gentle caressing of Jennifer's pussy, and Jennifer reciprocated. "We came together," Jennifer said as she caressed Marsha's face.

"I was trying to hold back until you had yours," Marsha replied.

"So was I," Jennifer replied. "This is the first time we've climaxed simultaneously. We try when we do sixty-nine, but one of us always comes first."

"I think you're right," Marsha replied.

"Do you know what I think is the reason why we could tonight?"


"Because we could watch each other's faces. Watching your response added to mine."

"Watching yours added to mine," Marsha replied. "I think you're on to something."

"One thing I know for sure," Jennifer said.

"What's that?"

"I'm so looking forward to our life together -- because I know it's only going to get better and better."


This story is Copyright (C) 2014-2017 by the author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced in part or in whole in any medium, including but not limited to printed text, eBooks or electronic, without the expressed written permission of the author.

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