carlee - a thing of beauty

louisville three - part eight

meat (jason) was well documented in my mind. my security videos helped my mind along. jason was five foot eight, had dirty blonde hair, in bad need of cutting. he looked wonderful without a shirt, sweaty and brown; the video showed him unzipping his zipper of his jeans twice, and relieving himself on my lawn, but he always had his back to my camera. damn! his eyes were as blue as the heavens, and i had fucked with him forty times over, in my dreams. he had occupied my mind too long, i had to have him.

phone: "hello?"

it was mr. crabb calling me back. he was laughing. "hey cat, any luck gettin' hold of meat?"

"you haven't given me time enough mr. crabb," i answered.

"well, as your old friend, i jest thought there was a couple of things you needed to know about meat ."

"we're not friends, mr. crabb, on the contrary."

"look, 'fore you go into a tirade, meat said some nice things about you."


"well, he asked me if you had a brother, cat."

"go on mr. crabb."

"and he said that you were as pretty as a speckled pup."

"how romantic, mr crabb."

"and, he said, well, he told me that jest looking at you made it hard for him to piss."

"i take it that these are good things, mr. crabb?"

"ain't shore, cat, but just some comments i thought i'd share with you."

"mr. crabb, before you jump to further false conclusions, it is strictly a business matter that i want to talk to jason about."

"right!" he replied sarcastically.

"not everyone's mind is dominated by sex, mr. crabb."

"yeah, so i'm told."

"and your innuendo about jason's sexual preferences don't interest me a bit."

"i didn't say anything about meat's sex preferences cat."

i hung up on him. 1. do i have a brother? 2. looking at me made it hard for him to......well, the sight of me may mess up his prostrate gland, but, hopefully it got him hard. 3. crabb's humor strongly suggested to me that jason was gay. 4. i didn't care, if so, i may have the power to change his way of thinking, i had already engaged in a hundred strong sexual fantasies in the last twenty minutes, as to what i would do to him.


"jason, this is carlee, do you remember me, you and mr. crabb installed my hot tub?"

"cat, on buttermilk lane?"

"yes, but the name is carlee, jason."

"alright, and what can i do for you?"

oh, i wish he hadn't answered that way. my heart and mind were pounding. "ah, well, i am interested in your carpenter degree."

"it's only an associates carlee."

"i know jason, but i have a friend who is interested in finding out more about it. if you can come over tonight, i'll make us a drink."

"you aren't busy?"

"no, not at all, just dress very casual, i'll probably be in the tub."

"what time?"

"eight will be fine jason, and bring a pair of swimming trunks."

"alright, see you tonight." a date! under false pretences, but a date anyway. i got ready for him around seven thirty. showered, lit candles all over the house, lightly perfumed myself in the most unusual places, replaced a very hot pink polish to all of my nails. i had filled my wet bar at the hot tub with all kind of goodies and ice. i didn't think that a towel and a smile would be the proper attire for my date with jason, so i looked for something sexy to wear. i chose a pair of very short white shorts and a halter, then changed my mind about the halter, a little too much, found a white knit pullover with "old dominion college" across it. i thought it made me stick out in front nicely. i put on a pair of white indian moccasins, ready for freddy, or jason. i had adjusted to tub to 68 degrees and medium agitation when a car pulled up in my driveway. i quickly turned on some soft music and checked the clock. seven fifty eight, jason was prompt, i liked that in a man.

"your house looks very different after dark carlee." i couldn't take my eyes off him. he was wearing a dark chocolate polo shirt and a pair of light brown shorts. he had on white sneakers and no socks. his blue eyes shown amazingly in the few outside lights.

"hope you didn't have any trouble finding it, jason."

"naa," he said. "no problem at all."

"may i fix you a drink, i was just going to make one for myself."

"sure, what you got?"

i opened the wet bar and waved my arm at it. "anything that's here jason."

"that music is very nice carlee, who is it?"

"that's leo kottke, he plays 12 string guitar, it is very nice."

"is it the radio?"

"not, just some cuts i got from the net and made a cd of."

"gosh, i don't know anything about that stuff."

"just enjoy it jason." i made a gin and grapefruit and jason told me that he'd have the same. "sit down in the tub jason, i'll mix these and join you." i watched him as he headed for the tub. he took his sneakers off. "do you have trunks on under your shorts jason?"

"yeah, you don't mind turning your head do you carlee?" god, sure i minded, i had just dreamed of meat taking his shorts for me for days. maybe mr. crabb wasn't lying, or, more aptly, jason was just being overly courteous. i didn't respond, just padded over to him with our drinks. what was it that mr. leisure always taught me, "candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." just maybe.

"here jason, and take your shorts off." jason took a big drink, then removed his shorts, with me watching every move. "now, that didn't hurt much, did it jason." he smiled, and downed his drink. leo was playing an old dylan song. we sat in the tub and finished listening to leo.

"this is so nice carlee."

"and your shirt is soaking jason, please take it off and i'll dry it for you, press it, if you like."

"well, ah, it is all i brought." he quickly removed it, and i thought my heart would stop.

"make yourself another drink jason, i'll be right back." god, he was beautiful, now to get him out of those trunks. i hung his shirt up in the laundry room, smelled it, nice. if jason was shy, like he appeared, i knew that i'd have to engage him with small talk first. where was my friend jayney now? she may have already had him in bed.

"who's this playing, carlee?"

"oh, i can't think of his name offhand, jason, but he plays softly, and very nicely."

"like you?" he asked. i smiled, now we were getting somewhere. "you should have put on another top while you were inside carlee, this one is soaked."

"well jason, i have others, besides, i thought you might like me in a wet tee-shirt."

he blushed. "to be honest carlee, i am." i was on a roll. after talking about carpenters' school and general stuff for over an hour, jason finally put his arm around me. i rubbed his hand with mine and scooted my right leg over so it was touching his.

"this is very cozy, jason."

"the music has stopped, carlee."

"oh, i hadn't noticed, want me to put on some more, or just stay cuddled up like this?" jason touched my shoulder, didn't answer me. then he kissed me. it wasn't the best kiss i've ever received, but not the worst either. i didn't break the kiss, but moved my free hand over to his flat stomach right on his belly button.

"ummmm," he moaned. up yours mr. crabb, there ain't nothin' wrong with this guy. jason put his hand under my wet tee-shirt, and rubbed up my back.

"oh, jason, that feels nice," i said, breaking our kiss. "i'm sorry, had to come up for some air, i find it hard enough to breathe being so close to a boy as beautiful as you are." jason smiled, then moved his hand to my front. it engulfed my left breast, and my nipple went as hard as i hoped his dick was. he kissed me again. i was afraid that my shorts were going to slide off of me. he moved his hand down to my belly button.

"what's that?"

"in my naval, oh, it's a butterfly, it comes out though, let's go in and i'll show you." he stood up. maybe not as aroused as i was, but there was little doubt about why they called him meat. he stuck straight out, a way far out. we walked toward the back of the house, i stopped at the bathroom to get a large towel.

"do you mind carlee?"

"huh?" oh, he had to pee.

"sure, but i'm not going to leave you." jason smiled. then he pulled his trunks down, and stepped out of them. shit, just enough turned that i still couldn't see him. his butt was cute though, and as white as anything i'd ever seen. it was lickable, and his hair was in so badly a need of cutting, well, it just added to his charm. i took off my top, and began to dry myself with a towel. jason slowly turned toward me. i though my heart would stop. my god in heaven, that was the biggest thing that i had ever imagined. it was soft, had to be eight inches long. foreskin covered half the head, and it was a wide as a log.

"take your shorts off too carlee," he said softly. i did. now, i was as naked as him, i ran over to him and kissed him, ravishing his body. he played with my butt and i slipped my hand between his legs, grasping the critter. actually using both of my hands wouldn't be enough, but i squeezed it, ever so gently. it was still soft, and i wondered if gravity itself would let it get hard. "where do you want to go carlee?"


"so i can see your butterfly?" i led jason by the hand to my guest bedroom, turned on the lights. the small poster bed still had my blue knee socks tied to each poster, from harlen i suppose. i lay across the bed, my feet on the floor, spread out.

"what do you think jason?"

"it's beautiful carlee, just like you."

"take it out if you like, that little button on top holds it in, just pull a little."

"will it hurt you?"

"no," i smiled. "go on." jason gently pulled and the clasp slid off. "now just slide it out."

"you probably shouldn't hide anything as pretty as that, carlee," he said as he straddled my legs and ran his tongue deep into my belly button. i closed my eyes, and expected his dick to be inside of me next. instead, i felt his tongue lashing my right nipple. "why are there restraints on your bed?" he asked.

i laughed. "sometimes i'm uncontrollable jason." he smiled at me, then crawled up in bed with me, put his hand between my legs.

"you're hot," he observed.

"i don't think that you tell a lady that jason."

"i meant that you're just too, too sexy, carlee."

"well, that's ok then."

"I have a rough time getting a hard on with girls, carlee." he was blushing.

"it's alright jason, really, the night has been wonderful for me at any rate."

"i respond well to being jacked off as a rule."

"whatever you want, jason."

"tie me up, restrain me?" i got upon my knees. positioned him into the center of the bed, and tied him spread-eagle to all four posters with my knee socks. "i suppose you can do anything you want to be now."

"no, jason, not yet." i padded to my room and returned with my black sleep mask. i lifted his head and put it on him.

"you could have just turned the lights off."

"no jason, this is better, let your mind relax, get comfortable, relish what's going to happen next." jason relaxed. i put my hand on his ample scrotum. i love doing this to boys, in an instant they set into motion, the hairs tickled my hand. kind of like the motion of the universe, his balls even changed shape, or, at least, i thought they did. i put myself in position to lick them.

"god," he moaned.

"shhhh, no comments from you, sex slave." i ran my hand down his leg and played with his foot; all the while, watching his dick become more and more erect. holy jesus, to the twentieth power, it had risen from the dead. i lay on my back between jason's spread legs. my heel touched his balls and my foot pressed on his lengthy dick. it was longer than my foot, it was beautiful. i pushed my left leg upward and made a vague attempt to jack him off. i wasn't very good at this, i needed practice. so, i practiced. "would this work jason?"

"it may take a while," he grinned.

"is this better?" i asked, as i tried to speed up.

"not a whole lot carlee, but it's sexy though, wish i could watch."

"not yet, sex slave, i'm not quite through with you yet," i teased. jason's dick, hard, wasn't much bigger than when it was soft, but there's something entirely different about how a boy's dick looks, soft, bobbling in bath water, to stiff and aroused, entirely different. my legs were getting a cramp with all this practice, besides, i need to get closer. i straddled him, put it in my hand and guided him gently.....

"carlee, i have to pee." god, how inconvenient of him. i got off and stared down at jason. he was beautiful, dirty blond hair wet with sweat, his body was as well. he wore trunks when he sun bathed, barely any body hair except for his pubic area. i looked for a line of hair curling up to his belly button, but there was none. so, i traced a train upward with my tongue, then licked his navel. he looked so vulnerable in his present position, restrained and blindfolded. "please carlee, i'm about to pee." well, i just couldn't untie him now, everything was just too damn right.

"i want to watch you jason, i have an empty grapefruit juice jug in the kitchen and a large beach towel in the hamper. name your poison."

"please, either, or i'm going to make a huge mess."

"can you hold it for two or three minutes?"

"i'll try." decisions, decisions, i thought while i was in the kitchen. so, i made a quick drink, that i well needed, and thought about the jug, drank up, and headed for the hamper.

"carlee!" jason cried.

"hang on jason, just another minute." the beach towel had a picture of tweety and sylvester on it, it had been in the hamper a couple of days, and smelled like sun tan oil. perfect! i crawled up in the bed with my restrained sex slave. he had lost his hard on. i looked at the bedding, i imagined myself having to give jason a bed bath, and relished the thought. it was dry though. "you ever pee in front of a girl, jason?"

"no carlee, can't say that i have."

"it's a different experience love, you'll enjoy it."

"if i could see," he answered. i took the towel and wrapped it around his dick, rolled it around in ample layers. when all that was sticking out was the end, i thought: towel head, osama bin laden. so i rearranged the towel, so that there was more surface.

"go on jason, pee for me." jason strained a little, and i watched the slit in the head. it came out in a stream rather than spurts, i had to move the towel about to catch it all. boys don't make that pssssssing sound like girls do, no onomatopoeia, like girls. and, it wasn't a golden stream, it was quite clear and white, i wondered what it would be like for him to have peed in my mouth. other than the fact that it was so much, i thought it might be sexy. "all done?" i asked.

"i think so carlee," he said, as he retracted his stomach muscles and a few more drops came out. i removed the towel and dropped it to the floor, then i crawled on top oh him and kissed him.

"thank you jason." i whispered in his ear. i reached down and grabbed it again. totally soft. "jason, are you sure that pee was the only thing that came out?"

he smiled. "i told you carlee, sometimes it difficult to get it up with girls." god, most of the boys i know would cum in their pants with this action. i turned myself around on him. my butt on his front i grabbed his dick and pulled it up to my front, a weird position, but i could jack him off like i had a dick. i liked it, jason did too. he was hard in no time. i spread my lips apart, and jason fitted just fine.

"getting there jason?"

"god i love this carlee," he answered and i jacked harder. "almost there babe, another minute!"

i stopped, turned over and ripped the mask off of jason's face. "fuck me!" i didn't mean to startle him, but i wanted him in me so bad.

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