i cried half the way home, then left the rest of the way. poor little
sidney, spending all that time in lock up, then being whisked up by his
aunt and taken to new albany, not even a hug goodbye. i had his sealed
letter though, if nothing else. the letter had been given to me by pork
pie anderson's seven foot tall, a hundred and two year old butler.
thinking of him and his laser beam finger made me smile. what a
character. by the time i got to boston flats, i was fine. i was looking
forward to my home on green river, and wanted to get over my crazy trip
to louisville, forget about that horrible fucking cave and have some
strawberry hill. "heck carlee, you're just tired," i kept
telling myself.
i slowed down when i got to chuckles lane. gosh, the house was
moving right along. it was saturday, no workers, i decided to pull in
the drive and take a closer look. i saw someone at a distance, just
about at the site of the graves of the billingsleys. a medium sized
man with a large dog. my god, it was mikey. i ran to him and threw my
arms around him. "where in the hell have you been?"
i asked. mikey kissed my forehead. "same for you angel, i've
gone by your house three times in the past four days."
"oh, i was called to louisville, on business mikey."
"monkey business?" he smiled.
"nah, legitimate business. monkey business - i could have my
fair share here."
"is that an offer, sweet?"
i blushed, slightly. "and i assume this is jael, and that my
prodigal father's still out of the country?"
"this is barney now, meet your sister boy," he said to
the dog. barney must have liked that introduction, he licked my knees.
i petted his head, then knelt down on the ground beside.
"happy to meet you big boy, why'd they change your name?"
barney just shook his head.
"you said jael was a girl's name carlee, and barney's
definitely no girl, just look at the pair of nuts."
"very impressive mikey, but, did you ever wonder how ya gonna
keep him down on the farm?" miley smiled. i got up and hugged him
again. "i've missed the hell out of you, are you still in the
"i'm on emergency furlough, to see after you and barney."
"my god, you all left the dog all alone?"
"no, no carlee, mr. leisure looked after barney, and did a
great job."
"and what about my father?"
"he's teaching at quantico, carlee, a course in molecular
biology, and one in criminology to the students at the f.b.i. academy,
his d.n.a. search for saddam bombed out."
"so they recruited him as a teacher?"
"bill's stuff is novel carlee, up to the moment, high tech,
the kids will learn from the best."
"oh mikey, wouldn't it be something if lissell was one of his
"you're pretty red haired cop friend?"
"yeah, she's at the academy, i think."
"here then, you take barney, and i'll fly out there and see."
"you're droolin' buster, and you've got to supervise this
building project, i'll find out about lissell and email you, unless
you can spend a few days with me."
"best offer i've had in years carlee, but i've got business
elsewhere, i can spend tonight with you, if you'd like."
"great, i want to show you my new navy seal outfit anyway."
barney took the back seat, the whole back seat, and mikey rode
shotgun. buttermilk lane, gosh the sign looked good. "is that
your car mikey?"
"did you think we walked from owensboro honey? now what's this
about a seal outfit?" i told mikey the story of saltpeter cave,
and sidney and simpson. "your dad would shit if he heard that
story carlee."
"he still thinks i'm a baby, mikey."
"naa, he's just a little overprotective, baby, he worries
about you." jael, i mean barney barked. "shhhh, barney, i'm
trying to imagine carlee dressed up as a seal." barney,
whimpered, then lay his head on his paws.
"he's very sensitive, ain't he." i smiled. the house was
slightly stuffy, the outside temperature was eighty four, mikey sat my
duffel bag on the floor by the love seat, and he and barney sat down.
i turned the thermostat down to sixty eight, and wiped my brow with a
paper towel. "humidity's up." i said.
"ninety three percent baby, pretty warm, was the old guy
really a hundred and two?"
"yes sir, born in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and
ought two."
"my god, there's hope for us all," he said and chuckled.
"mikey, that suit looks so uncomfortable, don't you have some
play clothes here?"
"i'll look honey, a boat ride would be nice wouldn't it?"
"it would be wonderful mikey, we could eat at that quaint
little restaurant at rochester, you know, the catfish place."
"oh yeah, i had amost forgotten about that, yes, let's do it,
and maybe i can watch you change into your navy seal's outfit."
he had the bag of black duds in his hand. "wouldn't she look
pretty in this barney?" barney barked. "even he agrees,
carlee." that made me smile. i sat on the love seat, getting to
know barney better. he was a nice dog, very friendly. mikey appeared
in a pair of shorts, socks and tennis shoes, no shirt. "well, i'm
half dressed anyway."
"would an f.b.i. shirt offend you, mikey?"
"got a cap too?"
"sure do." i got the items that scotlin had given to me.
the fit was perfect. "is he house broken, mikey?"
mikey adjusted his cap. "sure, if you have a big litterbox."
"i don't, but i have a big tree out back that we could tie his
leash to."
"let me see you in this seal outfit, carlee, barney wants to
see too."
i grinned. "no, let's go eat first."
mikey smiled. "please," he begged. i had flirted with
mikey since i was a child. although he was almost like my uncle,
flirting with him was one of my most favorite things in the whole
world. maybe it was because he was so much much like my dad to me, but
i could never take my clothes off in front of dad.
"say pretty please, mikey." barney yipped. i sat on the
coffee table and took of my shoes and socks. then i pulled my shirt
off, raising my gym bra. i wasn't sure if mikey and barney could see
my tits, but i hoped so. then i pulled my shorts off, my panties were
thin and pink. i could even see my pubic hair through them. mikey was
smiling; and interested, barney was smiling also, that scared me. he
handed me the black, button-up shirt. i pondered for a moment, then
took off my gym bra. mikey was delighted. i put the black shirt on and
was slow to button it up, in fact i started with the cuffs.
"i hate to see you button that thing up sugar," he said.
"then you might have handed me a sock first," i teased,
with my shirt and pink panties on.
"you've gotta let me take your picture, carlee."
"you'd show them to dad," i said.
"now what in the hell would make you think a thing like that,
i shrugged my shoulders. "i guess that wouldn't be such a good
idea, would it mikey?"
"william and i have been pals for a long time baby, showing
him your nude pictures would end that quickly."
made sense. "get your camera mikey. while i'm in the mood,"
i cooed. mikey slowly walked over. he unbuttoned by black shirt,
carefully took it off and laid it over barney's eyes, then removed my
pink panties. i lifted my legs. then he held me tightly, and played
with my butt.
"you have a magnificant body, carlee." then he whispered
very gently in my ear. "bend down and grab your ankles baby, and
don't say a single word." god, did he want me? i had played with
him numerous times. actually, i would have done anything for mikey,
even this. i turned around, bent over and grabbed my ankles. i was in
the awkward position for quite some time. i couldn't see behind me,
then i heard a belt buckle hit the floor. my god, i was spread
completely apart, was he? was he? he grabbed my left breast, his
breathing was heavy. his hand and fingers spread me apart even
further. then, i felt his dick near my butt.
"you're too far back, mikey," i said. then i felt him go
in me. he was huge, i would have never thought that. he wheezed and
pumped. i could feel him ravaging my cervix. he really was big, and i
was beginning to enjoy him. then he came, a big bunch. i could feel
his dick getting harder, then softer, then harder and another glob of
hot liquid hit my cervix.
"oooooh carlee, i can't stop cumming!"
"it's alright mikey, it's ok." i couldn't complain. he
finally jerked it out and fell onto the love seat. i spun around,
cumming all over the carpet, i crawled between his legs. i lay my head
in his lap. mikey rubbed my hair.
"carlee, oh, carlee, how can i ever thank you?"
"oh, shut up mikey, it was great, just enjoy yourself."
mikey smiled. "there's never been anyone in the world like
you, ya know that?"
"flattery will get you anywhere with me, mister," i said,
and licked a final drop of liquid off the head of his flaccid dick.
"ah, heaven." he smiled. "and don't get dressed."
it was pushing 90 degrees.
"hell mikey, lets grab a beer and get in the hot tub."
"sounds great to me, carlee." he said. i iced down six
miller lites and met mikey, who was already sitting the tub. "a
little warm baby."
"it's adjustable mikey," i said, as i handed him a beer
and turn the temp down to sixty. i was dressed only in my moccasins,
mikey was naked. i sat on his left and opened my beer. we sat there,
drank beer, and suddenly it got cloudy.
mikey put his arm around me. "this has been one of the best
days i've had in years angel, how can i thank?"
"oh, i'll think of something," i said, mikey smiled and
played with my breast.
"your feet tender babe, i noticed you wore your moccassions
out to the tub?"
"sensitive, mikey."
he kissed me. "man, it's getting colder, look at my dick."
it was shriveling away. i put my hand around it and pulled the skin
forward, then back, again and again. that put new life back into it. "have
you done that to many guys, carlee?"
"a few, mikey."
"like it?"
"hand jobs, yeah, they've always interested me, in a
biological way."
mikey laughed. "i can imagine you at thirteen, thrilling some
boy in the back seat of a car on lovers' lane, his eyes bugging out,
then shooting to the overhead. was it ever that way angel?"
"a time or two, i guess."
"well, i would suspect the guy remembers it still today."
"oh, i'm not that hot mikey."
"right, only god's gift."
i smiled. "god, i'm getting cold, mikey, let's go back inside."
"suits me baby." i put on my mocassins and grabbed our
beer. mikey sat on the love seat and opened another beer. i sat mine
on the coffee table and placed my knees between his feet, lay my head
in his lap. i started jacking him off and he was hard in no time.
"there's a game i used to play with boys, mikey, and i want to
play it with you."
"alright," he said.
"now keep it hard." i walked back to my bedroom and
returned with a bottle of emollient that smelled like vanilla and had
a creamy consistency. mikey was circumsized, and i didn't prefer that,
but it would do, it would have to. i resumed my position between his
legs. his hand was on his dick, pulling the skin back and forth. "good
boy," i said, as i admired him. definitely the biggest thing i'd
ever seen. i poured a moderate amount of the emollient into my right
hand. then tranferred it to his dick. i could do him with both hands,
i liked that. ocassionally i would push my tits against it, never
missing a stroke, then i would put my head real close to it, blow my
breath on it, and sometimes licked a little.
"it's getting dry honey." i'd giggle, then apply some
more. a glance at the clock told me it had been over twenty minutes,
my knees were getting tired, as were my hands. mikey was certainly not
quick on the trigger. i liked that. mikey was in heaven. he was
getting harder and harder, and i knew that something had to give. i
could feel him stiffen more, then relax. i did him with my right hand
only, and got down to some serious business. i had my lips close, when
the first spurt came out. bullseye, he hit me. i backed off some, and
jacked him off as fast as i could. "oh, please, slow down angel."
and i did. and he kept on cumming. "god baby, you'll be the death
of me," he said, and i smiled. i sat beside him on the love seat,
finished my beer, and felt soreness in my knees and arms.
"mikey, i believe i may need that hot tub, turned up on high
agitation and hot."
"sounds good to me, angel, besides, he won't be getting hard
for a long, long time."
"not so fast soldier, you don't know the powers of carlee."
mikey smiled. "ya know, you're probably right babe."
mikey worked on the tub, i was kind of glad mr. crabb had installed a
smaller one, it was more intimate. "baby, i've just about reached
my limit of beer, could you fix me a gin and grapefruit?"
"sure mikey, that sounds good to me, too." my bar isn't
too sophisticated; two bottles of strawberry hill, a half a pint
bottle with napoleon brandy written on it (i just paid $2.25 for it,
so i always wondered at its authenticity) two bottles of jack daniels,
and a fifth of heaven hill gin - that would do it. i water down
grapefruit juice, sometimes twice, it makes a softer blend, my dad
taught me that: 'if the juice is too strong, or not cold enough
enough, carlee, the drink will be ruined; never use more than two
ounces of gin, and 80 proof is just fine, never a hundred. expensive
gin like beefeaters or seagrams 7, tends to have a perfumey essence,
avoid it altogether.' alright dad: i made us two glasses of cold,
cheap gin.
"wonderful dear, your dad would be proud," mikey said.
the tub was just about right; 70 degrees and full agitation. mikey and
i sat side by side, he played with my butt, and i watched the sun set.
i was thinking of meat (jason) young and dumb and full of cum. i just
had to call him. "you deep in thought baby?"
"no, just dreaming a little, mikey."
"you're pretty when you're just dreaming, carlee." i
smiled. "can we go down to the dock, i brought my fishing pole."
"we'll have to put some clothes on, mikey," i replied.
"we can do that baby." we did. gosh, mikey was so relaxed
looking, fishing there. the sun was going down, and a sweet breeze
blew off the green river.
"mikey, i've got to make a phone call, catch a big one."
"i'll try baby," he said, and downed the last of his
drink. "here, i'll make you a refill." i walked back, and
dialed the phone.
"hot tub heaven, crabb." god, it was mr. crabb, i wasn't
sure if i felt comfortable asking for jason's number or not.
"is the manager there?" i softly asked.
"shit no, and i ain't either, do you know what in the fuck
time it is!" he blustered.
"sir, i'm needing the phone number of an employee of yours."
"well, you're talking to the wrong muthafucker, you need
administration and i sure to hell ain't them."
"mr. crabb, i'm looking for jason." the line was dead for
a second. then i heard him laugh.
"meat. goddamn, is this cat?"
"yes sir."
"we'll kiss my hairy ass, i knew somethin's with you, the way
that you looked at him when we were out there, what's your problem
cat, hormones racing?" he chuckled.
"it's nothing like that mr. crabb, we have a friend in common
and i just need to talk to him."
"bullshit cat, you just want to get him in that damn hot tub,
naked, so you can find out how sweet that cock is."
"i'll not let your words go unreported mr. crabb, now give me
his number."
he knew jason's number by heart, spurted it out to me. "now
this call never existed cat." i hung up. the nerve of him. and
there stood mikey, a huge catfish on a stringer.
"where's my refill?"
"how did you reel that in, mikey?"
"ugly son-of-a-bitch isn't it?"
"well, until we get him into a frying pan, anyway." we
laughed, and i took the big fish, and made us both a refill. he barely
fit in my kitchen sink, i ran some cold water over him. "i'll
tend to him later mikey," i said, and looked at him with my
sexiest look.
"god, carlee, you've got to be the sexiest human being in the
i ran to him and kissed him. "take me to bed soldier........."