carlee: a thing of beauty

carlee and doctor craig part two
dr. hampton opened the front door, we could see a grey head above a manager's chair playing chess on a computer. the screen (or monitor) was flat, and was on the wall-it looked to be 50 inches at least. he never uttered a sound nor looked back at us. we stood there; i analyzed the board (as i was taught) assuming that he was white i saw a winning move. i watched to see if he would see it. he didn't.

"knight to f5." i announced. "checkmate." i was proud of myself.

"AND THAT'S...your fatal mistake missy (he quietened his tone) "that's precisely the reason you came in an awful second place at the ywca chess meet." i was astonished that he knew, i supposed.

"there are three ways to get out of checkmate, move out of it, block it, or take the opponent's piece. i nodded in agreement to the back of the gentlemans head. "look deeper, miss mccord." oh, i saw, a black bishop on a5, god, he was right.

"what makes you a second class chess player miss mccord is your misanalyzation of the board, i must assume that this occurs in other aspects of you life." i needed this, i really did, from a man i had never even heard of and was going to spend the week end with.

"dr. raymond craig, meet miss carlee mccord." dr. hampton said. dr. craig arose from his chair. he was very tall and very slim. he had a handsome face, clean shaven; was wearing gray dress slacks and a red smoking jacket, with a starched white shirt and a black tie. he walked to us, and shook my hand. the scene was very eloquent, i thought. he then shook dr. hamptons hand.

"good to see you again thomas." he said very sincerely.

"nice to see you again raymond, very nice."

"this is carlee, my prize student. you will enjoy her raymond."

"yes, i think i will......."

they stood and talked for a while, about old times and werewolves and such and finally dr. hampton said "enjoy yourself carlee, learn a lot and i'll see you early sunday morning."

i smiled and nooded. the two doctors walked outside, still chatting. this gave me a chance to scan the room. actually, it was a nice, big room, comfortably decorated; much different from its outward appearance. there were no pictures on the wall, none setting on furniture, the couch was sectional and i loved his computer monitor. the south wall was a large bookself, eight shelves high. the books were scientific and intelligent, astronomy, astro-physics, mythology, the bible and two paperbacks--"silence of the lambs" and "the bone collector." my god, maybe he's a serial killer.

"anything interest you?" he asked very curtly.

"oh, yes, dr. craig, practically everything. he produced a rather warm and soft smile. it was becoming.

"what do you know about me miss mccord?" he asked.

"practically nothing, dr. hampton mentioned you only this week. he says you have an observatory, and a 36" reflector."

"that's correct, you may see it tomorrow."

"do you know anything about me?"

"practically everything" he smiled. "you live with your father who's in the military, you were nice clothes, red panties, sometimes, othertimes blue, never white. i would assume blue tonight, to match your lovely dress.he tells me everything about you miss mccord. he's mad about you, you know." "oh, i don't think so." i said, i wasn't going to say anything at all, but blurted this ignorant statement out with giving it any thought.

"bishop takes knight, you have no offence left, miss mccord." i knew what he meant, i made a dumb statement without thinking; a chess players downfall, and maybe the downfall of a girl spending the weekend alone with a man old enough to be her father.

"do you like scotch, miss mccord?"

"please stop calling me that dr. craig, i'm not used to it, my name is carlee." i almost cried...(he could tell that)--i was easily intimidated at this point of my life, and getting lost and the werewolf thing made it worse. he smiled a crooked smile.

"do you like scotch carlee?" that wasn't much better, i was keyed up.

"i don't know, i've never had any." dr. craig sat on the sectional and opened the front of a large coffee table. he pushed a button inside, and i could hear gears grinding. a wet bar suddenly appeared as if an esculater had brought it up. a bucket of ice, two old fashion glasses, a shot glass and a bottle of cutty something scotch whiskey.

"scotch is measured out in fingers carlee, how many will it be?"

"two." i said. he placed two well taken care of fingers on the bottom of an unscored shot glass, and poured it into my glass, then with tongs pulled out five or six ice cubes from the crystal bucked and lay them on top of the drink.

"soda or water?"

"water" i said. from under the bar, he grabbed a container of spring water, and filled what remained. he gently handed it to me. i held it in my hand until he made his. he tipped his glass and took a drink, then i did. gosh, it tasted good, not like i expected. dad was a gin drinker, i had tasted of his upon occassion, but didn't like it, it tasted like perfume, this tasted oh, kind of burnt. i guess that description was not giving scotch whisky anything that would ever be written, but it was my perception, i took another drink.

"oh hell, i left your luggage on the porch. now who's not thinking?" he sat his drink down and walked to the door. he re-entered carrying my suitcase. "follow me carlee, and i will show you to your quarters. i followed. he led me to a very pretty spacious room, with a queen size bed and no windows at all. he set my suitecase down by the bed. "the closet is over there" he pointed, and the bathroom is there, there is a shower and a tub, your choice." dr. craig was expecting me, i wondered for how long.

we returned to the living room and back to the couch. finished our drink, and he made us another. i just had to take my shoes off, i just had to.

"feet hurt?"

"no, just tired." he rubbed them, it felt good, i was finally relaxing.


"yes, much.what about the werewolf, dr. craig?"

"oh, there's at least a report a year about them around here. this far out of nashville, there is a lot of superstition, nothing to worry you pretty little head about, carlee."

he was enjoying massaging my feet. so was i. the scotch warmed by body, but made me sleepy.. i dozed; he pinched my toe.

"it's late carlee, i'll draw you a bath." when he returned, i was fast asleep on the sofa. he gentle shook my shoulder.

"bath's very warm dear, you will enjoy it." he led me to my room, then disappeared. i walked into the bathroom, felt of the water, it was delicious. i pealed off my dreadful pantyhose first, god, what a relief. self consciously , i got out of my dress, then my bra, then my panties. i looked around for the camera hidden in the ceiling, but didn't see it. i hopped into the tub, it was a wonderful bath, even though i might be appearing on the world wide web...or on dr. hampton's pc screen.........

the bath was wonderful, it was the shot in the arm that i needed. i was refreshed, ready for a second round (but not with werewolves.) i reached for a towel, stood up and was drying off when i remembered that my suitcase was in my bedroom. i finished drying off, the wrapped the towel around me and tip toed out of the bathroom and placed my single piece of luggage on the bed. i decided that i'd better hang my red dress up, and my blue jean outfit too. firstly, i put on a pair of white socks and a pair of my fall pajamas.

i decided to go on back into the living room and see what dr. craig was up to. he was reading--comfortably on the sofa and was smoking a pipe, a very aromatic blend of vanilla and-----cherry (maybe). it smelled very good.

"nice bath carlee?"

"very nice, dr. craig." he looked at me from his book.

"please, don't call me that anymore, i'm passed used to it, call me raymond."

"ok, raymond." i said--but it sounded weird, it didn't come out well, it tripped on my tongue.

"you look rather lovely carlee, in your night attire." that was nice of him to say.

"thanks." i said.

"are you familiar with de quincy?" i assumed that's who he was reading....

"ah, they don't read dequincy in philli and cincci, and 'the confessions of an english opium eater', i have not read 'confessions' but i have ogden nash, that's all i know about the author." i said, pleased with myself. dr. craig laughed.

"even that's pretty good carlee." he smiled.

"could you freshen my drink----raymond?" i was trying out the name.

"certainly." he said, and added a finger of scotch and fresh ice and water. "you are a very interesting young lady." i smiled. "have you ever seen m13 through a 36" scope carlee?"

"no sir." i answered.

"it will change your life carlee, you'll see, tomorrow night. i was viewing it about a half an hour after you and hampton rolled in. it's really something"

he talked to me about astronomy for a hour or more. most of the subject matter i was familiar with, some more vaguely than others. he told me that he had personally discover a comet in deep space in 1971, but the finding had gone to someone else due to telephone garbeling. "it was my one and only claim to fame, and poor telephhone service blew it." he continued to talk, but the day finally caught up with me. i woke up when he was carrying be gently to bed. he pulled the covers down, gently lay me in it, the took my socks off. i pretended to be asleep. his hands were soft on my feet. he kissed me on the forehead, then covered me up. i heard the door close as he left.

sleep was fitfull, i dreamed i was about to be eaten by a werewolf, then i dreamed that my father died, then a beautiful dream about my mom. i woke about halfway up to realize that my nipples were hard, my pajama top was unbuttoned, and hands were kneading my breasts. it felt so good that i decided to just enjoy it and pretend i was asleep. i moaned slightly

"speak again, bright angel." he said ever so softly.

i was enthralled. i felt his hardness against by rear end, so good. i wiggled backward, toward him. his hand wandered down my stomach, he lingered at my belly button (an area so very sensitive to me) then down further into my wetness. god, it was wonderful. a finger entered my vagina, then two, and they went in and out until i thought i would cum. i wanted to feel him, raymond, dr. craig; so i put my hands behind me. i touched his hard stomach, i was up too high, then down a little, a little more, i put my hand on this hard felt like plastic.

"god, does he have an implant?" i wondered.

"carlee, we won't do this unless you want to." i felt down lower on his shaft--it was a condom, how very thoughtful--that was all.

"i think i do want to raymond." i rolled over and it went in very easily. he nudged, and it was completely in. when it was there, he didn't move, just left it there. he kissed my neck, ever so gently, and i relished everything. i had never been as hot. he slowly began to move in and out, and i thought i was going to die. i kissed him, ever so hard, and he kissed me back, then i came, i couldn't help myself, it was hard and it was beautiful. he moaned, and i could feel him cumming inside of me. his orgasm lasted almost a minute, inordinately long, i thought. he took it out of me, kissed me on the lips, and said "thank you carlee." nothing further then he uttered, not a feather then he fluttered. i slept in poetic bliss.....

continue to carlee and doctor craig part three...



email carlee
