carlee and doctor craig part three |
the next morning was a continuation of the previous night. i found
his room, and climbed in bed with him. i reached around and touched him,
he was erect in no time. he was in me in no time, no condom this time,
flesh + flesh, and it was great. dr. craig was anything but
inexperienced, he touched me in places i didn't know i had. he was
gentle, mainly, i came, and i could feel him harden more. he jerked it
out of me, and the warmth of his semen was all over my stomach. i felt
of it, it was wet and sticky; he jumped up and went to his bathroom for
a wash cloth and a towel, he cleaned me up and toweled me dry, then
kissed the spots where it had been, it was very nice.
fresh ground coffee is very good, i learned; we sat on his large deck on the westside of his house, undressed, there was no need for clothing in this wilderness, the nearest house was over ten miles away. it was a wonderful morning for me. later, after we were dressed in casual attire, he took me to his observatory. it was beautiful, just like the pictures i've seen. he indeed have a 36" reflector, and he put a very large sun filter over the mirror. i was almost afraid to look through it, the sun at 36" throught a first surface mirror could blind you in an instant, bake your brain even. he looked first, then i--the sun looked like a round giraffe, hugh spots; i had studied sun spots for a number of years, but this was the first time i'd actually seen them.. raymond explained how the various sun spots influenced out weather. i knew that, but i wouldn't have spoiled his ego by telling him. i was beginning to fall in love with the good doctor....... we had a lovely breakfast, eggs something or another, country ham and hhash brown potatoes that raymond had made himself. biscuits were home made also, it was delicious. lunch was better, rock cornish game hens, rice, potatoes and home made bread. dessert was a cherry cheese cake (my absolute favorite) nap time was well warrented, i was foundered, we slept in my bed. sleep came quickly to both of us. i dreamed of my day, in this dreamy little place in the middle of nowhere, then--there was a werewolf! he was all hairy and ugly, and he was on top of raymond, mouthh on his neck, shaking him, as if he wanted to break his neck. i screamed....... "carlee honey, what's the matter?" he spoke to me ever so gently, but with a voice of concern." "oh, i'm sorry raymond, i dreamed a werewolf was after you." i started to cry, i couldn't help it. raymond held me, he felt so strong and forceful. then, he turned me over, and kissed me, he kissed my tears away. he then undressed me, and sat up to look at me. he kissed my arm, then my breasts, he placed a large left hand on my thigh and ran it down my leg to my foot. he rubbed it gently, as if it were a kitten. "you are very beautiful carlee. no tattoos, no piercing not even any make up. and you are a child of the 90's?" i didn't say anything. then his head went toward my vagina, where he licked and nibbled and thrust his tongue in and out, until i was dripping; i could no longer hold back, i came-and ever muscle in my body tightened, as if i were having a seizure. i know i was noisy, but i couldn't help it. "did you like that honey?" he gently asked. i purred. he smiled and said "you are the prettiest woman i have ever seen carlee, and you're the softest girl i've ever held, hampton was right to be mad about you." he undressed, i played with his, it was easy to navigate. i pulled the skin back and forth. we kissed, and he entered me from the side. it was in me tight, i loved it.
"god, carlee, it's never felt this good to me, never in my life. i almost came just looking at you.." i heard him, but i couldn't speak, i started to cum, into it about 20 seconds, he hardened and came; juices mixed, it was so satisfying....... "love you babe." he told me, i smiled. we talked and read and exchanged pleasantries for the rest of the afternoon. around seven o'clock he asked me to go and put on my red dress. i told him that i needed to shower first. he nodded his head. i really needed a shower, my panties were sopping, and i could feel it dripping from me from time to time. i undressed, and put my hand down there, it was still dripping. it smelled good though, but tasted funny. i showered quickly, then dried and went to my closet. fresh panties (red, and my last pair) fresh b and a half bra, and a fresh red dress, not wrinkled too badly. "carlee." he hollared from the living room. "yes, raymond." "would you do me a favor?" he asked. "anything, raymond." i teased. "no stockings, no shoes, and could you put your hair in a pony tail?" that's not an outlandish request. i did it; he didn't say anything about no makeup, i had this damn zip that was so embarrasing, i covered it up with cover girl. a half an hour later, i made my grand entrance into the living room..he looked up. i wanted him to like what he saw in me, there were no age barriers here this week end. "my god in heaven, you are an angel carlee, an absolute angel." he was pleased, so was i. dr. craig pushed a button that turned on the stereo. the song was beautiful, i didn't know what it was, but it was beautiful (if anyone is interested, i can email it to you) it was soft and slow, and we danced to it in the living room. a haunting refrain,so delicate and wonderous, i didn't want it to end--ever. he held me tight when it ended, and kissed my cheek. "the music of my world, carlee, did you like it?" "it was lovely raymond, i will never forget it." a rather loud 'ding' came out of nowhere. " i have email carlee, just a minute." he launched his isp and clicked on his email server. "it's from thomas." he said. "hope you are enjoying carlee, raymond, she's a fantastic person :)" he read to me. he typed "yep, you are right, i don't know if i will be able to turn her in or not tomorrow." god, and only last week i thought i was no good for anyone. raymond made us drinks, and after the first one he made another and asked me to follow him to the observatory, he had something he wanted me to see. the pathway was riddled with pebbles that hurt my bare feet, but i followed. inside, he adjusted his setting circles, the hugh telescope ground and turned toward the south. he peered thought the large ocular, then made a slight manual adjustment. "there! behold carlee, the light from antares muffles it, but look what i found in scorpio." he was excited, he took another sip of scotch. i looked through the ocular. antares was a giant red star, a million light years away, and it occupied a quarter of the viewing area. but, a small comet was clearly visable to the star's far right. it looked like a microscopic picture of a sperm, a long thin tail, and a small round head. "do you see it carlee?" "yes, very clearly, is it yours?" "i think so, i found it in deep space three weeks ago, nothing in sky and scope yet." "will you name it I1999?" "no, it will be Carlee1999." i smiled, i almost cried. he kissed me, then pointed his scope at the crab nebula in tauras, it was lovely. he told be a long story, as we drank our drinks, about perseus and andromeda; it was greek, and very beautiful, the doctor knew his mythology as well as his astronomy. he knew me too, in the biblical sense. thank god for this week end....... we gazed at the stars until after two am. i was wonderful, being with-and talking to raymond. sometimes we conversed verious seriously, and like children on other times. we finally gave it up and went back to the house. "i hate to call it a night carlee" he said. "let's don't then." i replied, finishing my drink. "ole hampton said he'de be here by ten tomorrow." "yeah, but judging from our trip down, it could be late in the afternoon." we laughed. "i hope to never forget this week end."-- "i never will forget it raymond." we kissed. "hey, let's take a shower together." he suggested, "i'll wash you and you wash me, ok?" "sure that will be fun." i replied. we showered in 'his' bathroom. his room was twice the size of mine, very nice indeed. the water felt great, he said that it worked off of a thermostat, and was always 23 degrees above room temp. he had me bend over and touch my toes, then soaped the back of my legs, butt and back with his hands, ever so gently, ever so nicely, then adjusted the shower head directly on my back and helped the warm water with his soft hand. he almost got fully hard when it washed 'him', it was wonderful to see, ideal to feel. i almost came when he did me. "you hair is beautiful in a pony tail carlee, and so is the rest of you." he knew the words to say, and i loved them. i may have blushed. we stood there under the water and kissed a long and wonderful kiss. "do you want me carlee." he asked, as we came up for air. "with all my heart raymond." i really meant that. he carried me to his bed as if i were a feather, lay me down, and was on top of me. my hair was wet, my body was wet, and i wanted dr. raymond craig up inside of me so bad it hurt. i took the band from my hair and it fell to my shoulders, it was sopping, and i knew it would never dry in a ponytail--(go to bed with wet hair and tommow you will have a cold) the colonel used to tell me--at least i have given it a chance to dry, dad. i thought that i wanted to tell the colonel about this week end when he got back home (if he ever got back) but i knew that he would never understand. always the loving daughter, it was very rare that i didn't think of that dear man. raymond was having a hard time finding the hole, i was surprised it didn't just suck him in, like a kirby vacuum. i moved my butt to the left a little!! god, did he ever feel so good--soon, stars, bang, the fourth of july, stars fireworks--i was cumming, for the leventy leventh time this week end-- "i love you littleone." he softly said, i was too tired to answer..... coffee in bed the next morning, freshly ground. uhhhhmmm, it was delicious. my eyes were open. "what time is it raymond?" i asked as i drank my coffee. "ten o'clock." he answered. "shit, so little time left" i thought. an hour till the end (i thought) a very short hour. many thoughts were running through my head. maybe i should just stay......maybe i should just file this fabulous week end in the back of my mind, and get on with my so called life. maybe i should join the army, or perhaps i would just cry, like i do. raymond was pulling the skin of his rock hard back and fourth. i knew what he wanted. he licked my nipples with a coffee hot tongue, it was great. he grabbed my hand, and placed it around him, i pulled the skin back and forth, it was good. he kissed me again; i knew what he wanted--head, a blowjob, what my girl friends had told me was the ultimate reward that a boy could receive from a girl. i had never done this before, i really didn't want to, but as surely as a woman knew a man,that's what he wanted me to do. to prove my ultimate love and enjoyment of him. hell, he wasn't so different than any other male in the universe. if i did it, would i be any different from any other girl in the universe? would it mean that much more to him? i wondered what it would be like when he came....... i drew him into my mouth, he was warm and hard, soft and hard--and he moaned. deeper, until it almost chocked me, i was having second thoughts. "that's wonderful carlee." he said in a strange voice. i wanted it to be good for him, and thoughts were philosophical as i worked him harder. "god, please, let this be over soon." god answered my prayer, and he came. spurts and spurts of thick white cum. it wasn't that bad, i didn't feel as if i wanted to puke. i loved this gentleman, above all, he had certainly sucked enough stuff out of me this week end, i owed him, but i didn't like it very much. maybe i would develope a taste, i didn't know. we were still naked at 12 o'clock. a knock on the door. "thomas, please do come in." i quickly put on my blue jean outfit. "god, raymond, did you all sleep in?" asked dr. hampton. "no, thomas, we've been up since seven, waiting for you, dear man." i came out. "good morning dr. hampton" i said. "good morning carlee, your father's at home, we need to go back." i packed up what clothes that needed washing, and entered the living room. "meet me in the car carlee, we need to get home." dr. hampton walked toward the car. "carlee-" raymond said "i don't want you to go." his eyes were dead serious. "i don't want to raymond, but i must." he hung his head. "though nothing can bring back, the splendour in the grass, the glory in the flower, we will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind." i smiled. "you have the lovilest smile carlee, that's for being you.." he kissed me. i slowly walked to the big lincoln. i waved good bye, and then i started to cry... on to thanksgiving...
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