carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee and jayney part seven

the more i thought about whooping cough and jayney, the more i wanted for him to cum on my foot. "jayney, do you think whooping cough would do that to me?"

"sure baby," she answered, "but why?"

"i don't know janey, it just sounds revolting enough to be sexy."

jayney smiled. "you'll need a red yarn toe ring."

"i have one somewhere, you made it for me."

jayney grabbed her purse, pulled out some bright red yarn and a homemade knitting device. "i made this myself, neat, isn't it?" she asked, as she strung the yarn through the wooden device. "terry coppage made this for me love, stained and lacquered it, took him a week," she said, as she knitted an intricate toe ring for me.

"was terry handsomely paid for it?"

jayney smiled, showing perfect white teeth. "oh, was he.." it took her less than five minutes to finish. "now, hand me your foot." i did. she rolled it over my big toe, the fit was perfect.

i kissed her on the lips. "thank you, jayney."

"when are you going to do this?" she asked.

"gosh, i haven't seen whoop in almost a year, maybe tomorrow."

"he's grown some baby, not too bad now. be forceful though, he'll come around."

"i will jayney, as usual, but i'm hoping he'll cum around." we laughed. the ring felt warm and fuzzy on my toe.

i went to the tennis court, the firemen were lounging in the sun. "hey angel." joe the fireman said, he was my favorite. "haven't seen you in a while, thought maybe that you'd outgrown us."

i ran up and hugged him. "never, sexy joe, if i live to be a hundred."

joe patted my shoulder, and kissed me on the cheek. "you gave me a hardon where you were just thirteen baby, do you know what you do to me now?"

"take me squirrel huntin?" i asked.

"yeah, just me and you out there in the woods with nothin' but squirrels and trees, suits me baby."

"watch yourself, taylor, she's still san quentin quail," leo said.

"i'd share her, leo. wouldn't breathe a word to your wife."

"she do smell nice," leo said.

"quit it guys, you're making it sound like i was a commodity," i snapped.

"huh, and you think you're not?" the fire chief asked.

i couldn't help blushing. chief morgan rarely ever spoke. "no one playing tennis today?" i asked.

"it's alright baby, we're just enjoying you."

"you're nice in pink, carlee," said bryson.

good grief, i thought. "can i use your phone?" i asked.

"sure, but don't go off with our magic quarter," joe replied. i walked to their phone booth. a quarter hung from a long wire. one of them had drilled a small hole in it, and attached the wire. you made your call, deposited it, then pulled it back out. when i grow up and become a famous lawyer, i'll show them something they don't like. san quentin quail eh? with all the groping they've done with the girls, san quentin wouldn't be good enough for them. i did love them though, all of them.


"hi, may i speak to whooping cough?"

"sure, who, may i ask, is calling?"

"it's carlee maree, mrs. johnston, i was wondering if whoop is up to a game of tennis today?"

"i doubt it honey, he's been sick, i'm going to owensboro in a moment, if you want, you can come over and fix him a bowl of soup and a sandwich, i'm tired of his ass myself." she chuckled. mrs. johnston was a thousand laughs, i really liked her. i said i'd be right over.

she was leaving the house as i approached her front door. "oh my, how pretty you look today, carlee maree," she said, and kissed me on the cheek.

"is he infectious, mrs. johnston?"

"no dear, just grouchy; your visit might just be what the doctor ordered, don't let him get to you though, stand your ground." she smiled. "stay, as long as you can stand it dear, i'll be back by six tonight." she kissed my forehead, then headed for her car.

"whoop! are you in here?" i called.

"in here, carlee!" he shouted from his bedroom. god, he didn't have anything on but a pair of fuzzy sleep shouts. he was reading a book, sitting in an easy chair. i looked him over, not too bad, whoop had put on some weight. he was put together quite nicely. "you want me to put some clothes on, carlee?"

"no whoop, i like you dressed like that, adds a whole new dimension to you." he was even getting the start of a belly on him. i slowly walked over and sat down on his bed, crossing my legs. "feeling better?"

"am now." he smiled.

"whatcha readin'?" i asked.

"astronomy, great stuff, you know anything about it?"

"just what i've learned in school, you're right though, it is interesting."

"carlee, you're interesting in pink, can i take your picture?"

"i'll send you my picture, whoop."

"will it be naked, carlee?" he drooled.

"i don't think so, whoop." i answered, as i slid my mocassins slowly off. "i charge for that." i smiled.

whoop couldn't take his eye off the red ring on my right big toe. he drooled again. finally he looked me straight in the eye. "how, how much?"

"i was teasing you whoop, really." i was beginning to sweat a little. whooping cough quickly went to his closet and retrieved a polaroid camera. he held it up and snapped my picture. "whoop!" i cried.

"wait just a minute, i'll show you something funny about yourself." he looked down at my bare feet. i wiggled my toes. "your feet are beautiful, carlee, can i kiss them?"

"please, whooping cough."

"please kiss them, carlee?"

"please go to hell, whooping cough." he held the picture and came over and sat down on the bed beside me.

"see, your belly button is vertical."

"so what, whoop."

"they're the best kind, carlee."

"it's just a belly button, whoop."

"no, it isn't, baby, it's special."

i could see the bulge in whoop's sleep shorts. 'be forceful.' i could hear jayney's words in my head. whoop grabbed my right hand with his left. brought it his stomach, then lay back on the bed, pulling me along with him. then, he placed his open palm over my belly button.

"your skin is hot, carlee."

where in the heck did i go wrong? jayney wouldn't be caught in this position for one moment. i'd bet that she'd grab his balls and squeeze the hell out of them if he kept this up. he nuzzled my neck and kissed me on the chin. he move his hand further up my abdomen until he touched my tits, through my gym top. he moved his leg up and his toe rubbed my red yarn toe ring.

"you're making me well, honey," he said as he went underneath my gym bra and moved my hand down a little. "want me to take my briefs off, carlee?" gosh, this really wasn't working right. he had squeezed my nipple, and it was as hard as he was. i suppose i could order him to cum on my toe ring, like jayney did. god, that would sound so silly, coming from me, at this point. he had my gym bra almost over my head, and he was rubbing my foot. "well?" he said, as i heard my gym bra hit the floor. he was on top of me smashing my breasts down to the hot flesh of his chest. his thighs were on mine.

he tried to kiss me, but i jerked away. "whoop, you're getting carried away!" i snapped.

he sat up. "aren't you curious carlee?"

i was busy covering my naked breasts with my hands. "curious about what?" i asked. whoop placed his right hand on the front of his pants. "oh, hand me my gym bra, whoop." whooping cought jerked off his shorts. my, my goodness, pretty nice, yeah, real nice. "gym bra, please." i repeated.

"touch me, carlee."

"give me my bra, whoop, and i'll consider that." he bent over, and picked it off the floor, handed it to me. gosh, he was built better than nathan, a heck of a lot better. i considered him for a moment.

"you want it, carlee?" i put my gym bra back on. he lay down beside me, grabbed my hand and pulled it to him. i had to admit, it felt nice in my hand. "pull the skin back and forth, baby," he said, and i did. "god, that's good." he was easy to navigate, the skin went back and forth so easily. he seemed to get harder and harder, i saw beads of sweat popping out all over his face. "slow down baby, stop!"

"did i go too far whoop?"

"no honey, just almost, you stopped at the right moment." he was breathing fast. "carlee, you have so little on, could i just have a look at you?" he pleaded.

"oh, you've seen better whoop," i teased.

"please carlee." i lifted my gym bra off, nipples were as hard as rocks. then i pulled at my shorts, lifted my butt and slipped them down. "there's never been no-one quite like you, carlee. i have protection."


"sure, just wait right here, just as you are." whoop returned with a little box, three items were inside, wrapped neatly in foil. i had seen them before. 'the sexiest things in the whole wide world,' as jayney had told me. "red, white or gray?"


"you choose, baby." god, i wondered what they were like. 'like tryin' to wash your feet with your socks on,' i could mr. leisure say. whoop had his hands totally all over me.

"what's your favorite, whoop?"

"you're soft, carlee."

"girls are supposed to be soft, whoop. now, what color do you like?"

"just close your eyes and pick one, then put it on me, carlee." i chose red, made whoop sit up, and unwrapped the thing. i grabbed whoop by both balls and started to apply it. "no baby, ya got to blow in it first!" i hoped he went the condom, but wasn't really certain. i bent my head close to his crotch, and lightly blew. "the condom, carlee, or, what ever you like." both looked good to me, but i felt that if were to put his in my mouth, that would finish him. so, i unpackaged the condom (red one) and tried to put it on him. "not like that carlee!"

"it's going on, whoop," i said. it was delightfully red, half on, half off. i pushed a little harder, and it was on. "is it alright whoop?"

"yeah, now spread your legs." i spread them as far apart as i could. whoop was on top, trying to put it in. all of a sudden, it felt good. he pushed a little further, and i thought i would die.

"oh whoop," i said. "this is wonderful." whoop didn't say anything, just kept working. i put my feet around his back and rubbed his side, gently, with my fuzzy toe ring. i was enjoying myself, completely. then, i felt him get harder, sweat burst out all over him. i could feel the condom swell, again and again. why do boys ever want to make love? i thought. he could just as easily and just as effectively got himself off with his hand, or, i could have just as easily. i would have liked that, i think. whoop was making some kind of animal like sounds. "god, whoop, is that it?"

"sure baby, was it great for you?"

"what?" i asked.

"sex, baby, sex."

"oh, yeah whoop, oh shit, i feel it leaking out!" whoop looked like he was going to have a cow. he reached down and tried to feel. "stop it whoop, that hurts."

he pulled it out. "nothing wrong here, carlee," he said, as he quickly squeezed to condom.

i giggled. "would you marry me whoop?" i asked. "mrs. whooping cough."

"stop it now, carlee, the condom didn't break."


"what, carlee?"

"do you want this toe ring?"


"you wanted jayneys."

"that's different."

"tell me, whoop?"

"she was different." "you're repeating yourself, whoop."

"i would have done anything for her, carlee."

"oh, that different, she was the pretty one, and i was chopped liver," i said, almost crying.

"no baby, it wasn't like that." i started putting my clothes on, in a jiffy i was through. "wait carlee, please! now, about your pretty toe ring, how much?"

"oh whoop, you couldn't afford it."

"now carlee, i know how i got jayney's."


"well, i don't think i can do that yet," he said.

"look, i was just just supposed to fix you a bowl of soup and a sandwich," i said. all of a sudden there was a loud knock at the door. "oh my god.!"

whoop put his pants on. "who could that be?" he said.

"your mom?" i asked.

"she don't knock at the damn door, carlee!" whoop went to the door. i stayed on the bed, thinking. suddenly whoop returned, with a beautiful boy. "ah, carlee, do you know jim?"

"no, but it's nice to meet you," i said shyly. i was painfully aware of being barefoot, i reached down and put my mocassins on. i knew i was turning red. damn!

"jim is from out of state carlee, he's in college," whoop said.

"nice to meet a college boy," i said. how dumb, how could i have said such a thing? jim was pretty, he had on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. his hair was well trimmed and beautiful. he sat down next to me.

"have you known whoop long, carlee?" he asked. whoop sat down on the other side of me. i felt like a sardine. a naked sardine. jim had bedroom eyes, i liked him.

"want a toe ring?" i asked.


"sorry, that just came out," i explained.

"yeah jim, you ought to see her toe ring, show him carlee?"

"oh, jim doesn't want to see that."

"yes i do," jim proclaimed, and grappled at my moccasin. it slipped off, and jim began to mess with my foot. "it's very pretty, carlee," he said. "is the other one as pretty?" i smiled. he took the other moccasin off. that left me with two pieces of clothing. my pink bottoms and a skimpy top, my gym bra was on the floor, but jim had noticed that already. with both his hands on my feet, he also noticed whoop's red condom. "hmmm." he said. "what in the heck were you all doing before i got here whoop?"

he was looking directly at me.

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