carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee and jayney part six

and i though i was going to scream. when my spasms finally ceased, jayney licked me, flicking her tongue in and out of my vagina. she licked my clit. "ouch!" i cried.

"still tender, baby?"

"yes, very."

"carlee," she said, with her hand held tightly against my buttocks.

"what, jayney?"

"did you like that, i mean, did it feel as good as nathan?"

"my fingers feel as good as nathan, jayney."

"how about this honey?" she asked as she nibbled my belly button, then slid upward to my breasts. my nipple hardened in her warm mouth, and i purred.

"harder jayney, oooh yeah, practically hurt me. yeah, just like that." i shuddered, it felt great.

"does nathan do it like that?"

"i don't know jayney, i've never asked him, actually, i wouldn't feel comfortable asking him."

"but i'll do?" she giggled.

"yeah. you'll do just fine."

jayney lay on top of me, i could feel her bush practically against mine. i bucked upward to make better contact, but our hip bones were in the way. we kissed, jayney's tongue explored my front teeth, then our tongues touched. she stopped. "carlee, will you do my nipple like i did yours?" i didn't answer, but bent forward. jayney's tits smelled like perfume, an orangy scent. they were bigger than mine, and her nipples were already hard. i licked one, then put it in my mouth, sucked hard, then bit. "oh god carlee." she put her arms around my neck, then spread her legs slightly. "christ, do the other one, i'm about to cum!" she managed to place my hand between her legs before i switched sides and i felt of her clit as i sucked her other one. biting hard, i rubbed her between my index finger and thumb. jayney moaned, and i slowed my actions. "no baby, harder, please!" i felt her stomach go into spasms, her clit seemed even harder, she moaned loudly. as her moaning slowed, so did i, i knew from my own experience how sensitive my clit grew after an orgasm. "please baby," she said, as she pushed my head downward. actually, i couldn't wait to get there.

i licked her, ever so gently. jayney moaned loudly. "higher carlee, please!" i licked her, higher and harder. "oh my god baby there! yes!" i put my hands on her tummy while she came. i could tell when she was done that way. i slowed way down when i thought she was through. jayney's moans subsided into purrs. "oh baby, you are so good," she said, and pulled me up close to her. we kissed and jayney softly said: "thanks, i needed that."

i smiled. "best i could do, honey."

"you did great." we held each other tightly.

"tell me about whooping cough, jayney."

"whooping cough? what made you think of him?"

"i'm not sure, just curious, i guess. you said that boys will generally take their pants down when you ask them to?"

"sure, unless you're in public, and even then, some boys will. offer to do it for them, and it always works, always has for me anyway." she giggled.

"why did you want to see him undressed anyway jayney?"

"i was hot, but bored, he was the only one around, i'd much rather see you naked, carlee."

i gave her a peck on her lips and smiled. "tell me?" i asked.

"it's pretty preverted carlee."

"god, then tell me everything," i said as i squeezed her breast.

she wrapped her arm around me then played with my butt. "whoop and i had just finished a game of tennis. i sat down in the grass and began drinking my coke. i took my shoes off and was rubbing my feet in the damp grass. i began thinking of marty allen, and got myself hotter and hotter. 'i like the way that bottle goes in and out of your mouth jayney,' he said. 'fuck off, whooping cough,' i replied. 'hey, pull your pants down for me whoop.' 'i would jayney, but not here.' 'where then?' 'over there, mr. hick's garage.' 'ok, let's go.' 'don't you want to put your shoes back on, the rocks in the alley are sharp.' 'naa, i just may jack you off with my bare feet, whoop.'

"oh jayney, you're terrible," i laughed.

"i know." she smiled. "he was right though, the fucking rocks did hurt my feet."

i rubbed the sole of one of her feet with my toe. "go on," i said.

"well, it was dark in the garage so i left the door half open. whoop was standing on an old green rug inside, just standing there. 'well?' i asked him. he took his shorts off and was standing thre in his underwear, looking entirely silly, as he usually did. 'shit, dork, them too!' then he slipped out of 'em."

"was he hard?"

"about half, it's always funny to me how quickly boys become aroused, it only takes seconds, then twelve hours after the cum." we giggled.

"twenty four in nathan's case," i said.

jayney laughed out loud and continued. "then he asked: 'aren't you going to undress jayney?' 'did i say anything about that whoop?' 'no, but i thought you might.' 'shit, come over here.' i squatted down and looked at him. he was completely hard by now. he had so much skin i couldn't see the head. 'pull the skin back so i can see, dork.' he did, and the head was bright red. 'now what?' he asked. the damn thing wasn't much over five inches long. nice though. more attractive than whooping cough as a whole. i sat down, and stretched my legs out. 'go on whoop, do it a little faster, just for me,' i cooed.

"whooping cough was fascinated by the little bit of red yarn i wore on my right big toe. he kept asking about it. 'that's your target whoop, cum on it and i'll give it to you.' i teased. then he got down on his knees like a dog, whipping himself and kissed my toe. then he asked if i wanted to do him with my foot."

"what did you say jayney?"

"well, i had sort of told him i might do that, so i tried. it was hot to the touch of my toes carlee, hotter than i had ever felt, whooping cough was starving, no wonder why, poor boy. i asked him to spread my toe with the yarn on it and put his dick in between. 'too tight jayney,' he said. 'then pump it whoop, i need to feel you.'"

"oh, jayney, you were really putting whoop on."

jayney smiled. "yeah, but i had a date at six, and it was obvious that he wasn't going to last much longer. he held my foot and jacked even harder, in no time he gushed all over me."

"a gusher, not a squirter?"

"definitely, he gushed, loads, i'd never seen as much."

"did he hit the target?"

"and more carlee, my toe yarn was saturated, so was my foot."

i hugged her. "i loved that story jayney, really."

she kissed my lips, moving around a lot. "i have more love," she said.

"princess?" dad knocked lightly on my door."are you asleep?"

"dogface!" jayney whispered.

"under the cover jayney. wait dad, i'm getting my pyjamas on." i quickly got up and rummaged through my chest-of-drawers, found some pink pjs that said "angel" on them. "ok dad." he slowly opened the door, and came and sat on the edge of the bed.

"pretty, pretty baby, how nice you look, how often i've enjoyed this image while i was away." dad bent over and kissed my cheek. "i love you very much carlee maree, you know that don't you?"

"i think i do."

"you'd better," he said, as he squeezed my chin. "sleep tight, and see you tomorrow." god, the colonel was practically perfect, such a gentleman. as my door shut, i pinched jayney's arm.

"and did you give him the wet toe ring?"

"sure, it snapped under my toe, i make them myself, want one?"

"want three jayney, i didn't know you could knit."

"i can do a lot of things carlee." i was impressed. "hey." she whispered. "the colonel's pretty neat."

"yeah," i smiled. "glad i've got him."

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