carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee after louisville part twelve

"carlee, if i had that scene on tape, i would watch it three or four times a day for the rest of my life." mikey told me over a light lunch. "i'd do about anything for you mikey, you're irresistable." "maybe i could come over some night, have some drinks, play in the hot tub." "sounds great mikey, name it." "i have a date tonight, and tomorrow night, i'll check my calendar." "wow, what a put down, and after you've seen me naked." mikey smiled. "you really are a king sized flirt angel, ever since the airport in evansville." "yeah, but i was dressed then." "that's true." we laughed. "is dad dating anyone?" i pryed. "not regularly, but some. he took a girl out the other week, pretty, mid thirties, a widow woman." "pretty huh." i repeated. "not as pretty as you, but not bad, she seem to really like him." "after his money i'll bet." i snapped. "i don't think so honey, she owns three motels in owensboro." i was sorry i asked. "boy, i had just stripped for a man older that dad, and i was worried about a thirty year old and my dad." "listen babe, go back to your bedroom and fetch my coat, i'm running out of time." i fetched. "here you be sir." i said, with my finest southern accent. mikey kissed me on the cheek. "how do i love thee, let me count the ways." "flattery will get you anywhere with me, buster." we laughed. "and thanks for the duds." i said, as i walked him to his car. his eyes lit up. "and my junior partner. it was his idea." "yeah, and don't forget about the house mikey." "would i forget anything you asked me?" "hope not." "see ya." he said. mikey was so special to me. i wondered what would have happened if mikey wanted sex with me. he was too much like my dad, too close to me that away, besides, there was enough sex for me here anyway. i showered, put on a gray tee with the british flag on it and a pair of red cotton shorts and called harlen. "hello?" he answered. "hi, it's me, whatcha doin'." "getting ready to go to the zoo, wanna come along?" "naa, but thanks anyway babe, got scads to do around here." "what's your favorite animal carlee?" "emerson, i guess." he laughed. "come on, i'll bring you a picture back." "oh, an ocelot will do." i said. "but don't bring a picture, bring the real thing, russell needs company." "dad wants to talk with you carlee.""sure." "hey special, you're not mad at me are you?" "gosh no scotlin, i had just drank too much and was super tired, that's all." "i hoped that was it, listen, go to the zoo with us." "i really can't scotlin, got too many things to do here. hey, my landlord says he'll get the house for me." "great carlee, and i do want to tell you about it." "bring me an ocelot." "a what?" "an ocelot, fom the zoo." "well, ok. can i bring it over personally?" "sure, i'll make you a drink." "deal, baby." the nearest zoo's were at nashville, louisville, evansville and my place. i wondered where they would go. it was late, and i had far too many domestic things to do than waste my time at some zoo. actually, since that tiger chased me in knoxville, zoos just haven't been my favorite places. by six o'clock, i was drinking a beer on the dock, throwing bread crumbs to ducks. i just loved the early fall, the days were comfortable and the evenings delightful, the sun of the end of day shown on the green river like a parade of diamonds, each flickering it's own special color. i sat my beer on a table and sat straight back in my chair. i grabbed my guitar and began to play a song that i had been practicing for some time. "where or when," and old song that had bumbled itself through many generations, i liked an old torchy version, kind of slow, kind of sexy. i usually played for the owls, a little too early for them. the fish, maybe. after i finished the tune and my beer, i carried my guitar back to the house. i spyed a lone figure standing in the driveway next to my house. god, he had an animal! "harlen?" "that was a really beautiful song baby, very beautiful." "what is that?" i asked. "your ocelot." he smiled. it was stuffed, cute, yellow and black and huge. i handed him the guitar, and hugged the cat to my breasts. "i love him harlen, he's puurfect." "his name is louis angel, he's very special." i kissed him on the cheek. "come on in." i said. i put louis on the back of the love seat, he occupied three quarters of it. "want a beer?" "sure, i'd love one." he answered. "beck alright?" "sure." he said. harlen set there with the guitar, fingering it, it was hard to deside who was the cutest, him or louis. i handed him his beer. "how was the zoo?" i asked, and sat down beside him placing my bare feet on the coffee table. "boring carlee." "oh, harlen, zoo's are fun." "not today honey. it was hot, a long drive, and i wanted to be with you." i hugged him and pulled him close to me. "that makes my day harlen." i kissed him gently. harlen took a long draw from his beer bottle. "tell me about the song you played carlee?" "oh, just a song i like, i've studied it, every rendition i could find, put them all together and extracted parts i liked, parts i disliked and sort of put the good parts all together, i study stuff harlen, i've done that all my life." "you're a complex and a very interesting lady ms. mccord." he said, as he ran his hand up the back of my tee shirt. that felt good. "play me a song harlen." "oh gosh carlee, you wouldn't like any of my stuff." "i might." "i know 'chicken reel' and 'wildwood flower', stuff like that." "play, harlen." he finished his beer, then played "wildwood flower." it was terrible. oh well, he had certain other talents. "will you play yours for me and louis?" "the song is called 'where or when' and is kind of a deja vu type of thing, a girl meets a boy, feels like she has known him before, like she's been with him before, remembers his smile like it was yesterday, but can't remember where or when." "lovely." he said. and i played for him and louis. "god, you should record that baby, it caused chills to run up my spine. can you sing it as well?" "i'd better let russell do that baby, he sings better than i do." harlen smiled. "i doubt that." he said. we kissed. my phone rang. "yes?" it was emerson. "hi baby, is harlen there?" i handed him the phone. "hey." "hey yourself, you'd better get home, i'm lonely." "where's dad?" "looking up stuff about the damn billingsly place for carlee, and i need you at home dear brother." "she liked louis." "cool." "thanks for the beer babe, but i'm needed at home, can i send dad over?" i raised an eyebrow. "sure harlen, how long should i keep him?" "enjoy louis sweetheart, and thanks for the song." i moved my operation to the hot tub. i pinched harlen's butt as he left, and he winked at me. i adjusted the controls, sat down and turned on some soft music. i was snoozing when scotlin arrived, in my car. "sleeping on the job girl?" "not really scotlin, just resting my eyes." "how was the zoo?" i asked. "got your cat, louis." "and i just love him." "got a drink for a poor old man that's been looking stuff up for you this afternoon?" "you bet, i need one too." we walked into the kitchen. "you leave pretty foot prints carlee." i smiled. "hey, i like your ocelot there." he said. "louis." i corrected. i made us a bourbon and water. "cheers." he said. "have you been to england carlee?" he asked, looking at my tee shirt. "no, but i have friends there, and i've studied it." "great place, unbelievable, i've spent some time there." "would you kiss me scotlin?" "huh?" "will you kiss me." i said. "you're difficult to figure out pretty miss, but yeah, i'll kiss you." scotlin was great at his work, and he smelled nice too. "thank you scotlin." i said. he smiled, that wonderfully crooked smile that he'd passed along. "hey guy, i got some good news today." "oh?" "yeah, my landlord is going to look in to buying the billingsly property." "great." he said. "i'd love to see that old house fixed up carlee." "hey, that's what i meant by looking stuff up for you, billingsly stuff." scotlin looked through me while he was talking, undressed me, i knew the look. i took a drink. he drank his drink. "they gave birth to a blind daughter carlee, she had special powers" i got up and wiggled to the kitchen, where i made us fresh drinks." sitting back down on the love seat, i said. "so do i scotlin." he smiled. i had conquered him, he was but beautiful jelly. i messaged his temples. "look deep into my eyes scotlin." "do you have anything on under that british tee shirt carlee?" "of course. now participate scotlin." "you're getting very sleepy, veery sleepy." "i'd be very easily hypmotized by you carlee." i placed my fingers gently over his lips. "shhhh, you're breaking the spell." i said, in my sexiest voice. he closed his eyes. i kissed him on his left ear.then his neck, then his lips. "are you asleep?" i asked. he didn't answer. i unbuttoned his shirt, rubbed his chest lightly, then i unzipped the zipper of his pants and put my hand inside. he was hard, i already knew that. i unbuckled his belt, then slid his pants down to his knees. he wore white boxer shorts, grabbed his hard-on and pulled it free through the split. he looked like harlen, only bigger, longer, more beautiful. he had some gray hairs in his pubis, i pulled the foreskin back and forth very gently. he was so hard, so delicious, and suddenly he shot off. my god, spurt after spurt. "my, we're quick on the trigger tonight." i said, as i wiped my hand on a kleenex. "i'm so sorry carlee, really, i almost came when you undid my zipper baby, there's just so much a man can take honey, i almost cum just looking at you." i smiled and kissed him. scotlin was too wet for kleenex. "don't move now." i told him, and went to the bathroom for a wet wash cloth and a hand towel. when i returned: "this is really embarrasing sweetheart." he said. "it's ok darlin." i acknowledged as i gently pulled his pants down. his dick was flaccid, but oh so lovely, i swabbed around it, then pulled his shorts down. "god, this is messey." i said. "when was the last time this happened, weeks?" "more like months." he answered. "well, we certainly can't have that while you're at home." i laughed. i played with him after he was fairly clean, no response though, except that i was burning inside. don't feel bad scotlin, i was quicker on the trigger than you were." i lied. "really?" "really, just as soon as i touched you." "girl's do that?" "sure, at least i do, i guess most girls do. i'll ask around." "don't bother carlee, just promise me that we can have another go at it." "i promise scotlin, can't wait. he remained flaccid, but it was longer. he kissed me, and i couldn't let go of it.

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