"oh, we've just met darling, but she seems very nice."
"the hot tub is nice em, carlee is spectacular." emerson
"want a beer harlen?" i asked.
"sure,that would be great, emerson will get it, won't you
baby?" i thought she was going to break her ankle getting to the
kitchen. why didn't he just say, go fetch, i thought. harlen smiled at
me. "great tub carlee, i love it."
"me too harlen, it does everything, a little big, but i think
it's fantastic." emerson returned with harlen's beer. she opened
the can for him. harlen put his arm around her and didn't pat her
butt, he petted her butt. her dark eyes lit up like christmas trees.
step siblings, i went in to make another drink. i figured she'd be
fucking him when i returned. i added an extra shot to my drink. she
was sitting close to him, rubbing the back of his neck. her sandals
were off. she had pretty feet, like harlen. her pedicure was perfect,
shaded like her lips. harlen had his left boot and sock off. the tub
was agitating briskly, harlen was experimenting. yeah...
"harlen, i need some lights out here," i stated.
"yes you do babe, and some tiki torches, or something like
that. mr. caldwell told me to take you shopping tomorrow for all the
stuff you might need." he turned to emerson. "i need another
beer emerson" he told her. i thought the wind from her passing by
would blow me in the tub.
"she's very pretty, harlen."
"yes, i think so," he said.
"carlee, can i make myself a drink?"
"may i," i said.
"may i," she responded.
"of course you may, emerson," i said.
"the sun's about to go out,carlee, it's getting dark."
"harlen, mikey told me that there are three coleman lanterns
in the lawn mower building."
"oh, that's right, there are, should i get a couple?"
"yes, i'll go with you,"i answered. i kissed him when we
got inside the building. he held me tightly.
"i've looked forward to that all day, carlee."
"shhhh, let's do it again." and we did. i could feel his
hard on through his jeans. i kissed him harder.
"i've never cum without stimulation babe, but there's a first
time for everything."
"what would your beautiful sister think harlen?"
"she's just lonely, carlee, she not comfortable in school, i
suppose dad and i are all she really has."
"she could have me too honey, if i ever took a notion to go
muff diving." harlen chuckled.
"who knows, baby, who knows." i smiled.
"muff, muff," i said. emerson looked pouty when we
returned. her speech was slightly slurred.
"where have you been in the dark?" she asked. harlen
pumped the first lantern and lit it with a country match.
"let there be light," he said. and there was light, and i
couldn't tell whose eyes shone the brightest, his or hers. we made
fresh drinks, i had a set of my computer speakers installed outside,
and had a radio station tuned in, king fm-that plays classical, and
classical it was, debussy, or mozart or someone, very nice.
"hey, lets try the tub," i said. harlen started to jump
"not on your tin-type buster, no sweaty jeans."
"harlen doesn't sweat, carlee."
"he did alright last night,emerson." harlen unbuttoned
his shirt, and threw it behind him. sat down, took off his other boot
and sock, then his jeans and underwear. he was half hard, very
impressive, his dick stuck straight out. "my, my," i said,
and i removed my black spandex. my legs and butt, being my best
aspects, deserved showing off first. emerson stared at harlen's
hard-on, like she could eat him alive. then she looked at me.
"my god," she said. "take the rest off, carlee."
her dark eyes shone in coleman light, she kind of turned me on with
that statement. i gladly removed my gym top. "they're absolutely
beautiful, carlee, i knew they'd be," she smiled. harlen had gone
from 60 degrees to 150 degrees, the head of his dick was even visible.
"i'm going to make another drink," emerson said.
"i need to do that, too," i said. we walked into the
house together. harlen jumped into the tub.
"this is really a nice place, carlee, i just love it,"
she said as she made her drink. then she looked deep into my eyes, and
took off her clothes. "there, now i fit in." her tits were
bigger than mine, which didn't surprise me, and her pubic hair had
been professionally done. her hips were one of her best features. she
made me melt. "i believe this next week is really going to be
fun, love," she said, and moved closer to me. she wrapped her
arms around me, her hands on my butt. she was very warm, her tits
struck just below mine as she hugged me. her dark hair smelled
"hey in there! i'm getting lonesome," harlen shouted.
emerson kissed my lips gently. i held her tight. "and i need a
beer," he added. we walked to the tub, and i handed harlen the
beer. he smiled.
"the two most beautiful girls in the world." he said. "how
lucky can a guy get? come on, sit beside me." harlen put his arm
around both of us, the plastic under the water was squishy to my ass.
"hey! the music stopped."
"it's probably rebuffering harlen." emerson's head was on
his right shoulder, she was looking at his hard-on. i knew that she
was going to grab it any minute; if she didn't, i was. i wondered what
their dad looked like, if he bore these two beauties, hell, why not
get him down here as well. he pinched her left nipple.
"it's been a long while sis."
"yeah," she said, as she finally put her hand around his
dick. "i feel like cobwebs are growing down there," she
exclaimed, as she put her hands between her legs. i could almost feel
her. "can we go somewhere and play, carlee?" she asked. the
music came back on. a commercial, rats. well, any rate, my suspicions
had been answered, they were lovers, had been for a long time. as i
watched emerson pull his fore skin back and forth so gently, i really
didn't care. if she needed to fuck him, i would be more than glad to
watch, even participate.
"guys, we could dry off, make another drink and go to my new
building," i pointed, "or to the den or the bedroom," i
suggested. emerson got up and sat in my lap, she kissed me on the ear,
and her hands went to my boobs.
"any of those doors sound good to me, darling," she
exclaimed as she kissed me. emerson was as light as a feather, maybe
it was due to the water, i wasn't sure, i slid my tongue between her
teeth, and grabbed her left foot with my hand.
"you two are too, too sexy," harlen said. he was jacking
himself off. we smiled. "the new room has mirrors, and cameras,"
harlen told her, as she nibbled my lower lip.
"i don't care, the mirrors sound good." they did to me
too. emerson positioned herself in the middle of the bed. "cameras?"
she said.
"yeah, i can create a play by play," i explained. she
smiled that wonderful smile.
"sound and all?"
"yes," i answered.
"do it baby," she said. i turned the cameras on. she was
kissing harlen's nipples when i got in the bed. she put her hand
between my legs and moaned slightly. "i love your friend, bro,"
she said. "would you mind getting on top of me, carlee?" she
didn't have to ask a second time. emerson's body felt great. she
wrapped her slender legs around my waist. "god, that feels good,"
she said.
"look in the mirrors, sis," he said.
"how perfectly beautiful," she purred. my head was
spinning. i kissed emerson's lips and slid my hand between her legs,
she was tight, and hot, and very wet. she was whacking harlen good,
his balls were moving as if they were on the tennis court.
"don't do it too good, sissy," he pleaded. my other hand
was in harlen's ass. he began to breath heavily. emerson bit my
nipple, not enough to hurt, just enough to stimulate. i needed a drink
and i needed to pee.
"may i be excused?" i asked.
"if you'll be right back angel," harlen said.
"i promise," i answered. i masturbated after i peed all
over the place. i couldn't help it. my drink went down good after i
came. i felt like more, and not alcohol. emerson had harlen's dick
full in her mouth when i got back on the bed.
"oh god sissy, oh my god." sissy wasn't letting up any
either, the holes in her cheeks looked like they were coming together.
i cuddled her back and spread my pussy to suck up as much of the back
of her leg that i could. "oh em, oh my god!" he moaned. she
stopped, turned and kissed me.
"watch this," she said. she pulled the skin of his dick
all the way back. the purple head glistened. the she squeezed, and
pulled it forward. his beautiful feet bent double, and clear liquid
sprang forward. she caressed his balls, and more came. "glad cum,"
she smiled and said. "almost my favorite part."
"you're killing me, emerson," he said.
"then fuck me, bro, you can get it back up while carlee and i
do something." harlen was in her in a heart beat. her legs went
around his back and her heels dug into his sides. "oh my god!"
she shouted, as she bucked to match his rhythm. her dark eyes closed
and crow's feet appeared beside them. she was in heaven, i could tell,
and i felt like i was going to cum. harlen was going crazy, humping
with everything he had. "about to?" she asked.
"almost," he replied with his eyes closed tightly.
"kiss me, carlee!" she shouted. and i did. she bit my
tongue as harlen came. i grabbed his balls, and he shouted out loud.
"oh shit," she said. "my god in heaven, fuck me
faster harlen, harder."
"goddamn yes, yes, yes! it feels so good!!"