carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee after louisville part five

we lay there, naked, for quite some time. "wanna do that again?" harlen asked.

"how many hours would that take?" i responded. he pinched my butt. "that better not bruise, buster, or i'll give you such a hickey." harlen looked down at himself.

"it's a wonder that you didn't."

"smart-ass," i said.

"was all that recorded, carlee?"

"i'm not really sure, it's all new to me, i hope so."

"could i have a copy?" he asked.

"of course not, that was all very private." he pushed himself against me, side ways, his dick touched my labia, he put his hands on my butt, and he kissed me.

"your ass looks great in the mirror," he said.

"so does yours," i replied. harlen turned his head in the opposite direction.

"god, i'm surrounded."

"over head too," i pointed out.

"what are you going to tell your dad when he sees this?" i bent down and picked up a remote, pushed a button marked "close." panels began to slide, in an instant the mirrors were replaced by horizontal teak paneling. then the ceiling spiraled shut, closing toward the ceiling fan. "my god," he said. "i can't see a thing."

"can you feel my hands? i asked.

"ummm, definitely baby." i could feel around on harlen forever, i thought. his scrotum was so big, and so soft. a few short hairs felt stubbly to my fingers. "you need to shave there honey."

"i don't have much there babe."

"all the more reason to shave," i told him.

"what time is it?" he asked.

"not sure, turn on a light," i said.

"i just can't seem to find one, carlee."

"then think of light, just think, real hard."


"think about light," i said. "your eyes are getting heavy harlen, very heavy, go to the light." i said, in a higher pitched voice. suddenly the lights came on.

"gosh," he said. i kissed his cheek.

"gotcha," i said, holding up the remote. he sneered.

"let's go fishing."

"good idea ollie."

harlen had left all the carp stuff on the stoop. "that's a great room carlee, it really is, i'll bet you'll have to work a few more years to pay for that."

"harlen, i'll have to work for the rest of my life to pay for that room, believe me."

"i'm going to the house to change and get my fanny pack, my license are all in there. be right back." it was four o'clock. i had a bathing suit, kind of old, it was a bikini, skimpy, bright yellow, and the small top had "babe" written on it. i found a pair of deer skin moccassins that i had bought in the smoky mountains, they were so soft on my feet. oh shit, i almost forgot my whistle, it was required by law for the boat. it was on a dark brown boot string, i put it around my neck. i put my hair back in a pony tail to keep it out of my eyes, buckled my black fanny pack on, and was ready. i grabbed a coke out of the fridge and opened it, then, i grabbed another for harlen. i also checked on the bottle of wine, for later. oh, i looked forward to later.

"oh, thanks babe." then he eyed my top as he drank. "you really are a babe, ya know."

"if you say so harlen," i answered. we picked up the fishing stuff and headed toward the dock. the green river was beautiful this time of year. unlike the way it looked this spring, muddy and turbulent. today, it looked up to its name, green, silent and romantic. "harlen, if you're nice, i might play a song for you on my guitar tonight."

"you have a nice instrument carlee, i'd enjoy that."

"so do you harlen," i said, and smiled.

"your sense of humor is dry, you know."

"i'm glad that's all that's dry." the boat started beautifully, harlen drove. "i can't hardly hear the motor love," i said.

"that's because i put a muffler on it, early this morning."

"i didn't hear you," i replied.

"i was muffled."

and he said that i was dry.

the breeze was absolutely wonderful, i couldn't have felt better. he drove until we approached paradise, the steam plant which generated all the power for the area. "i used to work here carlee, the condensate from the silos run out right over there." he pointed. "great winter fishing, great carp fishing now. it will be nuclear some day."

"i have a tee shirt for that," i said.

"you have a tee shirt for everything, angel, and i love them all." there was smoke coming from upstream, harlen was tieing us up to a stump.

"gosh that smells good," i said.

"someone's bar-be-cueing," he replied. it made me hungry. i picked up my fishing pole, and adjusted the bobber. "no baby, carp feed off the bottom, you don't need a bobber, you need a sinker." he fixed my rod, and put on a huge dough ball, then threw me out. "carp bite differently, carlee, they play with the bait for a while, then jerk the pole out of your hand. that's when you pull back and set the hook." hmmm, maybe i am a carp. i thought. it was really hard for me to think about anything but sex when i was with harlen. a half an hour went by, i didn't have a nibble. neither did harlen.

"wannna fuck?" i asked.

"carlee!" he snapped. i scooted closer to him. i put my hand on his thigh. "you're not fishing."

"yes i am, fishing for love."

"you're impossible, carlee." he reached in his tackle box and pulled out a bell and clipped it to the end of my rod. "there, now you can hear when it bites."

"that's cool," i said. "what will they think of next." he smiled at me, and i kissed him. i put my hand down his trunks. he kissed me harder. and harder. my bell went off. "shit!" i shouted.

"don't jerk it babe, not yet!"

"what am i suppose to do then, harlen?"

"just wait for a minute, until it jerks real hard." the bell would ring a little, then stop, then ring a little more."

"shit," i repeated. harlen unclamped the bell. "why in the hell did you do that?" i asked.

"because when the bastard pulls you in, i'll lose it."

"very funny," i replied. i felt the fish tugging, then he tugged with a force that actually did pull me out into the water.

"jerk carlee, jerk!!" i jerked. my god, it must have weighed forty pounds. the drag on my reel started singing. harlen scooted over and adjusted it. "reel steady, babe!" he cried. i was doing my best, but it was so heavy. "god, you have a big one, honey." i knew that.

"hey out there, y'all want some rilbs!" someone hollered. i glanced over, and saw a seedy looking man on the bank.

"she's got a big one!" harlen shouted.

"motherfuck, she sure as hell does!" he screamed. "stay with him, lady!" i was losing ground, everytime i would reel in a foot, the fish would take my line out two feet. "goddamn, her pole's bent double!" the man on the bank shouted. suddenly, the thing swam towards me, it was hard to take up the slack.

"reel faster, carlee!" harlen shouted. the fish stopped.

"i think he hung me up, harlen," i suggested. it didn't move for a minute or so.

"lose it?" our seedy friend asked.

"i'm not sure," i replied.

"pull back a little, babe," harlen said. i pulled my rod back, nothing.

"reel in," the seed told me. the fish almost pulled me out of the boat. "holy shit, she's got hold of the loch ness monster," said seed. suddenly it stopped. i reeled in a little, jerked some, it was like i was hung on a rock.

"it's not moving, harlen!" i shouted. harlen stood up in the boat and glared across the water with field glasses. he pushed a button above the eye piece, a water filter.

"somethin' wrong man!" seed hollered.

"shit, i think they're hung on a log over there," harlen replied.

"where 'bouts?" he asked. harlen pointed. "hang on missy!" seed shouted. he removed his boots quickly, then pulled some stuff out of his pockets, cigarettes, bill fold keys. then, he jumped into the green river and started swimming towards the log.

"jesus h. christ," i exclaimed.

"shhh carlee, these river guys are kind of spooky." the seed was for sure. he was at the log in no time. he dove under, came back up and hollered:

"gonna have to take everything to the bank, fire up the motor, drive slow toward me friend!" harlen eased forward. the seed was walking backwards, his arms under the water and at full length. "almost," he said. then "yeehaw!! 40 pounds at least, hot dalmn!" we jumped out of the boat about four feet from the bank.

"god," i said.

"motherfucker weren't goin' nowhere, lookie, that hook's deep into the log, past the barlb!" the fish was huge, it almost looked gold, his fins were reddish, he was sucking, then he flopped a couple of times. "dance for us baby," the seed said, as he clapped his hands. i hadn't seen a man this happy in months.

"you want him?" harlen asked.

"it's her catch," he said with a large grin.

"you can have him if you want," i said, and smiled. he quickly ripped his belt off and ran it through the fish's gills.

"a trade of course," harlen said. the man looked at him sternly. "you mentioned ribs."

"oh, yeah. we bar-be-cued eight hogs over charcoal, i'll trade youins a rack for this guy. but i caught him, get it."

"got it," we replied. we followed him back to his camp in the boat.

"dump the drinks out of that cooler, carlee, ice and all."

"for the rilbs?"

"yeah, these guys put a lots of extra 'l's' in their words, they're ok, when they want to be." the campsite would have been condemned by the department of health, and probably by the fire marshall. the aroma was great though, from the makeshift grills. several men, more hair than bodies lay around asleep, or more likely passed out. the seed picked up a gallon jug of clear liquid and took a big drink.

"want one?" he asked.

"a little early for us," harlen smiled, and answered.

"what the hell does time halve to do with drankin'," seed offered.

"well, i'm driving."

"what the hell does that maltter."

"are your friends alright?" i asked, changing the subject.

"i'm jeete, by the by, you're babe and what's your name." he was looking at harlen. harlen told him his name and asked jeete if he picked up the stuff from his pockets.

"shit no, but i'll go back for it." he kissed the carp. "i jest might throw you on this here grill, mister carp, after i've had some fun out of you," he said. i looked at harlen, he looked at me. "take what you want folks, spare rilbs here, country on this 'un."

"they sure smell good, jeete," i said, as harlen filled our cooler.

"thanks jeete, and enjoy the fish."

"oh, i will, biggest thing taken out of this part of the river in years, i'll enjoy him." jeete drifted off into his own little world as harlen and i walked back to the boat, giggling when we got out of sight.

"he was certainly an experience," i said.

"shore wuz," he answered.

"wulz," i corrected. the ride back was nice. it was almost dark, not late enough to turn the lights on, i lifted my bikini top.

"giving them some air, baby?"

"letting them breathe, harlen." i opened the cooler, the ribs smelled great. "you think they're clean enough to eat?"

"probably, they smoldered over fire enough." he pulled the boat up to the dock, tied it and jumped out. i handed him the cooler and he helped me out.

"wine sir?" i asked.

"beer would be better," he said.

"boy, you're right, i'll go and get some, have a seat in that lawn chair baby, i'll wait on you tonight." i changed to a white tee shirt that said "lover" and a pair of jeans. i had 12 coors lites in the fridge, pulled out six and placed them in a small playmate cooler, grabbed a few paper plates and put some plastic ware in a zip lock bag, took a bag of chips too. salt, pepper and a roll of paper towels, stuffed into my pockets and in the back of my jeans. harlen looked dreamy sitting there. his feet were propped up on the cooler full of ribs.

"a penny for your thoughts," i said, as i opened his beer. he turned and smiled.

"all of you," he answered. we drank our beer, then another as we watched the setting sun. he held my hand. "have there been a lot of men in your life, carlee?"

"a few, there's my dad, and mr. leisure, mikey and joe taylor, and there was bryan, i married bryan, harlen." he looked at me with intensity.

"what happened, where is he?" he asked.

"oh, drug rehab probably, it wasn't any good harlen, just didn't work."

"he was a druggie?"

"pre-pharmacy major first, then a druggie." harlen kissed my forehead.

"i can't imagine a guy not being happy with you around, carlee." i smiled.

"hey, let's try a rilb." he shook my hand. ribs were absolutely fantastic. "god, the moonlite doesn't do them this good." i said. we consumed a rack and a half, pigged out completely.

"secret recipe, probably dating back to the beginning of time," he said, as he chomped. "jeete will take it with him to his grave, no doubt."

"jeete seemed to pay a lot more attention to you than he did me, harlen," i observed.

"i noticed that baby, would hate to have been fishing alone." we laughed. "let's jump in carlee, we're both a mess." he was anyway, i was slightly in better shape.

"we could jump in the hot tub, if i had one," i teased.

"i'm going to talk to your dad about that, first thing tomorrow."

"we could shower together, harlen."

"hmmm," he said. "that sounds sexier than just jumping in the river." i had a small shower installed in the new building. it was enclosed in glass; a commode sat to its right, i turned the water on, and removed my clothes while harlen to the empty cooler back up to the house. "hey! you beat me in," he said, opening the door. i grabbed his arm and pulled him in.

"you'll get the carpet wet, harlen."

"god you look great without anything on, carlee."

"thanks," i said, and smiled. he removed his trunks, the only thing that separated him from nakedness, and i smiled again. he was certainly ready to play. we soaped each other up, from head to foot. "hand me that razor, harlen, it's on that shelf behind you."

"oh god, here it comes," he shivvered, as he lifted his balls. why not. i thought. i carefully resoaped him and began to shave. he winced, but never moved. "are you through, carlee?"

"not quite, but almost," i replied. "there! all done." i caught water in my hands and rinsed them off.

"that didn't even hurt," he said.

"now why would i hurt you, love?" he shrugged. "go dry off, i need to shave my legs."

"i'll do it for you," he said.

"no, i have a lot more surface than you did, go, dry off and drink a beer, i won't be a moment." he was laying on the bed, feeling his balls when i got out. my hair was sopping.

"test me babe," he said. i wrapped my head in a dry towel and sat down beside him.

"pretty soft," i told him.

"thank you, o sama." i grinned.

"but that's not the ultimate test, my sweet." i bent down, below his hard dick and gently licked his balls. as i pulled the foreskin up, i found a different area. "just about perfect," i said, as i began to jack him off. "can you stay the night, harlen?"

"sure, i have to get up early though, got a yard to do at six, and i want to get the go ahead on your hot tub, they can put it in your deck before dark."

"great is five am too late?"

"better make it four thirty angel."

i set the clock, guzzled half a beer, lit up a cigarette, inhaled it to my toes. god, my third for the day, i savored it. harlen placed his hands on my tits, and kissed my neck. i turned around and kissed him hard, on the lips. his tongue came slightly in. he tasted nicely of ribs and beer. i put my tongue into his mouth, licked his teeth then touched his tongue. god, this was pefect. i put my hand around his dick.

"i like men, they have a handle, kind of like a cat's tail," i purred.

"and women have a handle holder, also like a cat."

i put my cigarette out. the lights were out and harlen was deep inside me. i had my hands tightly on his butt, guiding him. as my orgasm came nearer and nearer i suddenly wondered why harlen made me feel so magnificantly oral. then i came. god i came, i thought it would never end, hoped it would never end. my uterus was spasmodic, it tried to either push him out, or suck him in, suck him in, i thought, slurp, slurp.

"oh baby, i don't think i can stop!" he shouted.

"go boy, i want to feel you deep inside of me, as deep as you can get!" i started cumming again, as he groaned. i could feel his dick harden and soften, harden and soften, harden and soften, the he came, spurt after spurt.


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