Do It Your Way
This page lets you adjust the display parameters for my stories. You make your selections on this page and save them as a cookie. The method also requires that you have JavaScript activated – to set things up and then to use them.
If there is a big red line next, then you don't have JS activated. If you do, then there is a green line telling you that. This is controlled by a parameter in your browser options. The help in your browser explains how to set this parameter. Each browser and user combination is separate.
You also must allow inter-session cookies. Browsers have three allowed levels for cookies: prohibited, allowed for a session (until you close the browser when it is automatically deleted) and allowed. The option is usually controllable separately for each web site. The parameters you set up in here are saved in a cookie which must survive between sessions so you don't have redo your selections. You may test if you allow cookies by trying the SAVE button down below. (The cookie existence status is reported just above the save button.) Again, use the help in your browser to learn how to set this parameter.
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This page lets you set many parameters that control the appearance – you may set the font face, font size, margins and colors. You can see what is happening as you make changes in the one paragraph display area. This is in the middle of the page so that on a full screen you will be able to see both the control areas and the display.
You may change parameters by using the up and down buttons or by entering a value in the text box. You must click on the buttons and use tab or enter to apply the value for fields that you fill-in. Do not use enter. Now with the improved version you may also set the colors for links.
I suggest that to right click on the directory link at the bottom and open it in a new window or tab so that then you can switch back and forth with any story page to fine tune your settings. If you just use your back key, you may find that the parameters you set here are gone. In that case use the recover button to restore them. You must first save your selections using the save button to activate them for the story pages. When you go back to the story page, you should do a 'reload' (usually a control-R) to read the new cookie.
All the story pages that have the YOUR WAY feature, show a red boxed link in the upper right corner. This will allow you to return to this page to make changes. After you have saved them, use the back button to return. You will have to do a refress to see the changes, usually a control-R.
I would really appreciate some feedback about all of this. Please let me know if this is the greatest thing since sliced bread or should be used in the cat's litter box.
Cookie control buttons:
Cookie does
is marked for deletion
Return to the directory
WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
This paragraph show you how the settings you have selected are displayed by your browser and monitor. All selections are shown immediately. When you are satisfied, be sure to save your settings with the Save my settings button above. When you open a story page that use this feature it will use the last saved setting. Such stories have the "Your Way" logo in the upper right corner. Should you come back here you may start from scratch or use the Recover saved settings to continue from your last save.
Selecting colors can be a very daunting task. There are two approaches that can be used. First, a very methodical one by starting with a lists. At is a long list of color complete with the six digit hex values which you can cut and paste into the spaces above. Even more helpful are the linked pages. If you click on the hex value you get another page which shows a lot of other colors as text colors on the previous one as background. Second, you can go into kid mode and just play with the up and down arrows until you get what you like.
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© Copyright A.I.L., January 27, 2010
Your comments are appreciated. Return to the directory
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Last update: 10:21:11 PM Fri, Feb 19 2016