Hands grabbed her in the darkness. Large strong masculine hands. They
were helping hands at first, pulling her into the box car. Then, after
she was safe inside, they continued to hold her whilst other hands
joined them. They roamed freely over her body, stroking her long ginger
hair, across her T-shirt feeling the young budding breasts hidden
within. They caressed her legs, reaching between them to grope her
private place. She tried to struggle free but her legs and arms were
tired from running and trying to haul herself aboard the moving train.
Beams of harsh white light shone through gaps in the
box car walls like moving searchlights as the train clattered slowly
past a crossing. The momentary, flickering, relief from the darkness
revealed several menacing silhouette's that were gathered around her.
She screamed. A high pitch squeal that only a frightened young girl
can make that was all but drowned by the loud repetitive clanging
of the railroad crossing bell. A hand clamped over her mouth smothering
the scream. She closed her mouth and felt flesh between her teeth
so she bit hard. The hand was snatched away, then as she drew breath
to scream again, the hand returned but this time as a balled fist
that struck her hard on the side of her face, knocking the poor child
Louise hated her life. She lived in a run down trailer
in a half empty derelict trailer park situated on the edge of a dull
backwater town. She hated her ma and pa. They were both drunk most
of the time and now she had turned twelve, they often expected her
to cook and clean house for them. She hated it! There were no friends
in her life either, all the kids in school made fun of her calling
her 'trailer trash'.
Her favorite spot was the bluff overlooking the railroad
tracks. It was peaceful there. Louise spent more and more time staring
out over the countryside, dreaming of escaping from her dull life.
She often watched the trains trundle along the railroad tracks below,
long winding freight trains heading east or west. With the trains,
of course were the hobos and drifters. She would watch as they ran
alongside the trains and climb aboard empty boxcars hitching a free
It wasn't long before she dreamt of jumping a train
herself as a means of running away. The more she thought about it,
watching the drifters come and go, the more convinced she was that
this was how she would escape! Louise began to plan. She watched the
trains, noting which days and at what time they came. She thought
about which one to catch. East to New York and Washington, both big
impersonal cities easy to hide in, but what would she do there? They
would be cold in the winter too! West to California, Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Hollywood? Places that oozed glamour. She would become
a famous actress. It would be warm all year too. It was decided, she
would catch a westbound train!
Louise planed to leave after dark so no-one would see
her go. That meant there was just one train. On the night, she packed
a small bag and stole the $46 her ma kept hidden in an old cookie
jar, then crept out of the trailer whilst her parents were engrossed
in a drunken argument. She waited next to the railroad track in a
dry culvert listening as the sound of the approaching train grew louder.
Then it was there. A huge headlight split the night around her and
she hunkered down into the shadows. The locomotives lumbered by, making
the ground shake. First one, then two and finally the third passed
her hiding place radiating heat and belching thick diesel fumes. Louise
scrambled up the embankment and stood staring up at the train. The
boxcars trundling past her seemed to be moving a lot faster here than
when she watched from the bluff!
Most of the big sliding doors were closed and she started
to panic. Then she saw a car with an open door and began running along
beside the train. The car drew level with her but jumping up didn't
seem so easy now. She tossed her bag in and grabbed the sill with
both hands then tried to climb up, but she wasn't strong enough. Louise
slipped back, dangling from the sill with her legs kicking frantically
under the railroad car. That was when the helping hands grabbed her...
Louise woke. She could still feel the hands moving
over her body and she tried to scream but the sound was muffled. She
could feel something pulled tight across her mouth. It smelled of
stale sweat. She wanted to pull it off but couldn't move her arms,
then she realized her hands were tied to the side of the boxcar with
coarse string that cut into her wrists as she struggled. As her eyes
grew accustomed to the dark she became aware of several shadowy figures
around her.
Hands were fumbling with her blouse but found the tiny
feminine buttons too difficult for large masculine fingers. The hands
grabbed the material and ripped it apart exposing her young budding
breasts. She tried to kick out only to discover her legs were pinned
by a heavy weight and realized one of them was sitting on her. Hands
groped her chest pulling at her plump nipples, making them turn hard
and sensitive.
More hands undid her pants then roughly yanked them
down to her knees. She wanted to cross her legs to hide her exposed
pussy but was powerless to prevent the hands rubbing liberally between
her delicate bald pussy lips. A thick stubby finger was pushed into
Louise's vagina making her flinch, not from pain as she had often
pleasured herself that way, but from shock. Until then she hadn't
really understood what was happening to her, that the tramps in the
boxcar were going to fuck her. She started to struggle again even
though she knew it was hopeless.
Louise's pants and knickers were tugged down some more
as the weight on her legs shifted, then her knees were pulled apart.
A large body loomed over her and she groaned as his weight crushed
her. His clothes felt rough against her skin and his stubble rasped
her face. She felt something large and hard pressing between her thighs,
jabbing at her small pussy and knew he was trying to shove his dick
into her. She wriggled furiously but the hands holding her were able
to keep her still long enough and she felt his stiff shaft rip into
her tender virgin cunt.
She screamed but the muffled sound seemed weak and
ineffective even to her. The initial pain of the penetration died
away as he began thrusting rapidly in to her. She knew fucking was
supposed to be nice and had often wondered what a man's Dick would
feel like, she even started to feel a little pleasure but it wasn't
meant to happen like this!
Suddenly the man stiffened and Louise felt his Dick
throbbing inside her. He groaned into her face, the smell of his breath
making her feel queasy. Her pussy now felt very wet and slimy whereas
before she had only been slightly moist. His Dick slipped out easily
as he climbed off her.
After some shuffling around amongst the shadowy figures
surrounding her, Louise felt another weight descend on her, this one
having a beard that tickled her nose. His Dick slipped into her pussy
with lubricated ease and didn't feel as big and invasive as the first.
She decided to stop struggling. They had her so well secured it was
pointless and she was only wearing herself out. Louise started to
cry softly.
Once the bearded man had finished he was replaced by
a much smaller, lighter man. This one didn't smell as bad as the first
two and though she couldn't see anything other than vague shadows,
she felt he wasn't much older than she was. It wasn't long before
he finished with a sigh.
The next one was a little different. He didn't fuck
her rapidly as the others had. His pace was slow and measured and
he was whispering to her. It wasn't until he reached down and pulled
her legs up that she realized he was giving her instructions. "Pull
your knees up, sweetie." He encouraged. "Cross your legs
over my back." She followed his advice out of curiosity and because
his speaking to her seemed like an act of kindness.
Louise started to feel really nice in her pussy, like
when she fingered herself there but this felt deeper and made her
tummy tingle. "Push your bottom against me." He whispered.
"That's it, each time I push at you, you push back.... Ah yes!"
He moaned. "You've got it!" Louise found this made the nice
feeling much better. The man rolled to one side pulling her with him
so they lay facing each other. His weight was now on one of her thigh's
but that was better than on top of her. The new position enabled him
to rub his hands on her small undeveloped breasts. He did this tenderly,
gently, not like the frenzied groping she had endured earlier from
the others.
The nice ache kept getting better, spreading out from
her pussy. She found herself gripping his back with her legs and grinding
her bottom against his slow, gentle thrusts. Her pussy started throbbing,
then her body jerked uncontrollably three or four times. She gasped
out loud. The sensations she felt were really nice but didn't know
what they were. She felt frightened, ashamed and started to cry again.
The man suddenly groaned and pulled out of her, shifting
his position so that his Dick pressed against her chest. He moved
himself against her urgently then she felt something warm and wet
spread over her breasts. At first she thought he was peeing on her,
but it didn't feel like water, more like some kind of oil! Before
leaving her he used his Dick to spread the oily stuff all over her
nipples and skin. He whispered "Men will do these things to you
all the time sweetie, best you learn how to take some pleasure for
Even as he said this, another man was pressing in close
behind Louise. She felt his swollen Dick squeeze between her thighs
into her pussy. After a few rapid thrusts he pulled out again and
repositioned hid Dick between her bum cheeks and tried to thrust into
her ass. She screamed and struggled away but he held her thighs with
a grip like iron and pounded into her. The pain was terrible and she
mercifully fell unconscious....
Louise woke with yet another attacker lying on top
of her, thrusting his stiff Dick into her. She felt tired, closed
her eyes and slept. Later still she woke with one man fucking her
pussy from behind and another stuffing his Dick into her mouth. He
was holding her head by her hair and it was this that woke her. She
was gagging on his thick shaft of meat as he thrust himself down her
throat. She endured this indignity for an age before his Dick erupted,
filling her mouth with his warm slimy cream. Louise pulled back in
shock and his Dick popped out allowing more of the slime to squirt
over her face.
The ordeal seemed never-ending. She fell asleep from
exhaustion only to be woken by yet another man fucking her. She fell
asleep again wondering just how many there were or if the same few
kept coming back for more....
Finally Louise woke to a blinding light and silence.
She carefully looked around and saw she was alone. The train had stopped
and she could see through the open doorway of her boxcar there was
another line of stationary boxcars on an adjacent track. She figured
she was probably in a rail yard. Louise's wrists hurt and she inspected
the red marks left by the bonds. Apart from her torn top she was still
naked. Her other clothes lay in an untidy heap in one corner. Her
bag had been emptied and she hurriedly retrieved it to check on her
money. She was relieved to find the cash still secure in a tear in
its lining.
Louise dressed and re-packed her things, grateful that
nothing seemed to be missing. Those awful men obviously had no need
of young girls clothing! She climbed out of the railroad car and set
off to find out where she was.
The End