Secret Beach

F/g pedo

A lesbian aunt takes her young niece out dinghy sailing for the day. They stop at a secluded beach for a picnic where she is able to fulfill a long surpressed wish. If you are under 18 or find this offensive, please do not read any further!



The dinghy heeled sharply after I turned her to starboard. I leaned out to windward as far as I could and eased the main sheet, spilling wind from the mainsail and narrowly avoiding a capsize.

" careful aunty Debbie!" Amy squealed. She hung on to the gunwale, fearful of being thrown into the sea. Just as I regained control from what had been a messy tack, the bow dug into a big wave sending a sheet of white frothy water across the boat soaking us both.

"Wooo-hee!" I yelled excitedly.

" did that deliberately!" A big smile lit up Amy's face as she laughed as well.

The sea had soaked Amy's swim suit, turning the thin fabric almost see though and molding it to her young pussy. The suit was one I had bought for her, and I must confess I deliberately chose a tight fitting skimpy Lycra number that was a little too small. I had also carefully removed the net gusset from the crotch so there was only one thin layer of tight fabric covering her delightful snatch. Aren't I naughty! My own pussy was wet too and not just from the sea!

"Hey Amy, look!" I said excitedly. "There's the beach I was telling you about."

"Where?" She turned to look in the direction I was pointing. "Wow! Its beautiful. Can we go see it aunty Debbie?"

"Sure we can sweetie." I made a slight course adjustment and re trimmed the sail. I found this beach a couple of months ago and visited it several times since. It was no more than a one hundred yard crescent of golden sand surrounded by steep overgrown cliffs. There was no means of getting to it that I could find, except from the sea. It was unspoiled and deserted, ideal for developing that 'all-over tan'.

I'd told my niece about the secret beach and promised I'd show it to her one day. She liked sailing with me and was getting better at it each time we took the boat out. Neither her mom or dad, my brother, had ever been interested in boats but they were happy for me to take their eleven year old daughter off their hands for a few hours on weekends.

I'd been fantasizing about Amy since I 'discovered' I liked lesbian sex, but that's another story. Amy was just seven at the time, innocent and unselfconscious, she would often run around her house with little or nothing on whenever I visited them. It used to drive me mad with lust. I'd never tried to act out any of my fantasies with Amy, or any other child. That thought frightens me. This trip to my secret beach was just about seeing her naked again, seeing how her young nubile body has developed.

We dragged the dinghy out of the water then Amy ran off to explore whilst I unpacked the waterproof bag. I set out the beach mats and our towels then prepared the picnic lunch. When I was finished I stripped off my bikini and hung it on the boat to dry.

"Aunty Debbie! What are you doing?" Amy's eyes went wide at the sight of my naked body in the open. At twenty eight I thought I still had a decent figure. My tits were still firm, probably due to them being fairly small and not having any children of my own.

"I usually strip off here so I can tan all over." I did a little twirl so she could see I had no strap marks or white ass cheeks. "Why don't you join me?"

"No way....its rude!" She looked around but the beach was totally deserted.

"Its not rude if no-one can see us Amy." I smiled and ruffled her hair. "We have the beach to ourselves, our own private paradise."

"I guess...." She chewed her lip and shuffled sand with her feet for a few seconds. Then with a little shrug and a cheeky smile she turned away from me to pull her swim suit straps off her shoulders. She peeled the damp garment off her body. The sight of her slim back and tight ass as she bent over took my breath away. I took the suit from her and hung it on the boat next to my bikini. Amy stood with her arms and hands covering herself, still checking for onlookers.

"Hey....chill out, there's no-one else here!" I laughed. "C'mon, let's swim before lunch." I turned and ran for the sea. Amy was right behind me, no doubt eager to cover her nakedness with water.

We swam and splashed for fifteen minutes or so. Amy was becoming more confident and I had several glimpses of her young developing chest through the crystal clear water. "Right, time for lunch." I announced. Taking her hand, I led her up the beach and I was pleased to see she made no attempt to cover her nudity. We toweled dry then sat on the beach mats to eat.

I pulled a wine bottle from the cool bag. "Have you tried wine before Amy, or will you just have coke?"

"I've sipped some of mom's before," she giggled, "when she wasn't looking."

"Did you like it?"

"Yeah, it was okay I guess." She shrugged.

"Would you like some now?" It was a sweet Californian, twelve percent alcohol. I figured one small cup would be okay, though considering what happened later, it may have had some effect on her!

"Ooh yeah! Can I?" She grinned. I poured her some.

After the picnic was packed away, we decided to sunbathe. Amy had swim suit shaped white bits. "Here, I better put sun cream on you Amy." I said. "Your mom will be cross if I took you home with sunburn!" She lay on her front and lifted her long hair out of the way. I dribbled the cream over her back, neck and arms then slowly massaged it in.

"Mmm....that's so relaxing." She sighed with pleasure. The feel of her young supple body and soft skin under my hands was wonderful. I dribbled more cream on her white ass cheeks and the back of her legs. Her ass was small and firm. I took my time, enjoying every second and trying to make it last. I allowed my fingers to stray into her ass crack and I was pleased she didn't object.

I was spending too much time on her ass so I reluctantly moved on to her legs. Now I let my fingers stroke up the inside of her thighs, occasionally brushing against her bald pussy lips. My own pussy was throbbing with need and I desperately wanted to finger myself. "Okay, back's done." I said lightly slapping her ass cheek. "Roll over!"

My heart was pounding as she turned, revealing her naked tits and pussy. Thankfully her eyes were closed so I could stare at her gorgeously sexy little body. I started with her face and arms then quickly moved on to her chest. Her titties were just starting to develop. Her nipples were puffy and stood proudly above the barest hint of cone shaped swellings. I ran my hands over them, fingers open so that her nipples were separately flicked by each of my fingers. I repeated this four or five times and was delighted to see her nipples stiffen, standing erect like the little pink erasers on top of school pencils. Through all this Amy didn't move a muscle, nor did she open her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed though, and I didn't think it was from the sun.

Once again I was spending an too long on one area and had to move on. I skipped her pelvic region and oiled her legs from the ankles up. I was getting bolder, running my hand up the inside of her thigh and stroking my fingers into the crease between her thigh and pussy. Doing this enabled me to pull her legs slightly apart. I took a deep breath and tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I dribbled cream over her tummy.

My hands stroked gently over her soft skin, working down towards her bald pussy. I slid my hand quickly and lightly between her legs, fingers gently caressing her pussy lips. I felt her muscles clench at the intimate touch. My stomach churned with anxiety and my heart thumped painfully at the thought of what I was doing, but still I repeated the action several times applying a firmer pressure, even allowing a finger to stray briefly into her virgin slit. Gradually she relaxed again though her cheeks were redder than before and her chest rose and fell as she took several deep breaths. She kept her eyes tightly closed.

"Okay, your done." Reluctantly I had to stop. "Could you do me please Amy?"

She knelt beside me and massaged sun cream into my arms and back. I loved the feel of her hands roaming over my skin and wondered how she would react when faced with my tits and pussy! She moved on to my legs, missing out my butt and also stopping short of my upper thigh. "Don't forget my ass." I reminded.

There was a short pause, then...."Okay, I won't." Her touch was light and hesitant at first but then, as her inhibitions wore off, her fingers strayed between my ass cheeks and thighs. I had to restrain myself from grinding onto her hand when I felt her fingers lightly brush my pussy lips. It was a delightful, intensely sexual experience, but at the same time, very frustrating. amy didn't spend as long on my ass as I had on hers when she instructed, "Roll over then aunty Debbie."

I lay face up and smiled at her as she did my arms. Her smile was pensive. I closed my eyes when she did my face and decided to keep them closed so she could look at my body without embarrassment. I felt the cold drips of cream splatter onto my breasts and waited with barely concealed impatience for her to begin. Her touch was heavenly. She started with a light touch as before, running her hands around each tit. Her confidence grew. Her fingers brushed my nipples, touching them in a way that had nothing to do with spreading sun cream.

My nipples stand proud when I'm aroused. The teat must stick out nearly half an inch and I could feel her testing their stiffness and size between finger and thumb. I imagined Amy comparing me to her cute immature nipples. A sigh of contented pleasure escaped my lips.

Amy moved on to my legs. I figured she was following my lead and would work on my tummy and pelvis later. She was bold and unhesitant with my inner thighs, even parting my legs so she could cream right up into the creases though she managed this without once touching my pussy. I was sure I could feel love oil oozing freely from my crack, it usually does, and wondered what Amy thought of it!

At last, I felt drops of cream on my stomach. She massaged lower and lower until her fingers brushed the top of my neat 'bikini line' trimmed bush just once. She didn't venture any lower and I felt disappointed when she declared I was done. I couldn't think of any way to get her to continue so I thanked her as she lay next to me to sunbathe.

My pussy ached with need. I was repeatedly clenching my pelvic floor muscles, desperately trying to work some sort of movement in my cunt. I glanced at Amy, her eyes were closed so I hoped I would be able to slip a finger into my pulsing slit without her noticing what I was up to.

I played with my pussy for several minutes but realized I had a big problem. I needed to cum! I wasn't sure I could manage it quietly whilst lying still, but then I've never had the need to try before. Its usually an experience that involves my whole body and my previous partners have commented on how noisy I can be. The more I diddled, the more urgent the need to cum. I couldn't risk it. I resolved to stop but its difficult to stop doing something you're really enjoying. A low moan escaped my lips.

I felt Amy move beside me, her shadow falling across my face. I froze. "What are you doing aunty Debbie?" Her voice was almost a whisper. I opened my eyes to see her leaning up on one elbow looking at me with her mouth open.

" Well, to be honest Amy, I'm masturbating." I still couldn't stop my fingers from rubbing my wet horny slit and continued pleasuring myself as I spoke. Because of that, and possibly because Amy was watching, I could feel the first pangs of orgasmic pleasure throbbing deep in my cunt. "Sorry Amy....Oh god, I've got to cum."

I used two fingers now, rubbing them directly on my clit in rapid circles. Every muscle in my body tensed, my back arched and my pelvis jerked involuntarily. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through me as I fought to control the volume of my groaning. Gradually the orgasm ebbed and I shuddered. A fine sheen of sweat covered my skin and felt cool in the gentle summer breeze.

"Oh Amy, forgive me, I shouldn't have done that with you here but I just couldn't stop myself once I'd started." I could feel the heat of embarrassment coloring my cheeks.

"Well, it sure looked like you enjoyed it!" She giggled.

"Ah! I think you might be familiar with this sort of pleasure." I smiled.

Amy's face turned red again and she dropped her eyes, fiddling with the edge of her towel. "I guess." she shrugged.

"Do you like it? Are you having orgasms?"

"Yeah! I think so....but not like you did."

"Well, go ahead and play with your pussy now if you want Amy. I won't mind at all."

Her eyes went wide. "I couldn't, not here!"

"Don't be silly!" I laughed. "There's no-one here to see or hear. It's warm and relaxing. It's like paradise." She smiled shyly at me whilst chewing her lip then looked around the beach and the cliff tops again, checking for onlookers. A sure sign she was tempted. "Can't think of a better place." I encouraged.

With a nervous giggle Amy lay back on her towel. One hand moved tentatively over her tummy then between her legs completely covering her pussy. I thought she was just hiding it from view until I saw she was actually moving her palm against her bald slit.

Despite my recent orgasm, I was still as horny as hell! I boldly fingered my own pussy making sure Amy could see me, hoping that would encourage her to overcome her nerves. It worked. She pulled her hand back, stroking her pussy lips with her fingers. This continued for several minutes. There was a relaxed smile on her face and she did look as though she was enjoying it but I thought she could do much better with encouragement. "Amy, try using just one finger to stimulate your clit." I advised. A puzzled look crossed her face. "Do you know what I mean?"

"Umm....not really." She shook her head.

"Here, let me show you." I moved my hand across to her pussy, placing it on top of her hand. She hesitated for a few seconds before slowly pulling her hand out from underneath mine. Now for the second time I had my fingers on her young delicate pussy lips. This time though, I could press my fingers between those bald rolls of girl flesh. I took my time explaining where her clit was and how to stimulate it directly, using my own finger to demonstrate. Love oil transferred from my own pussy helped lubricate Amy's.

She had propped herself up on her elbows to watch the demonstration. I could see from her twitching hips and ragged breathing my stimulation was having the desired effect. I also sensed in her some slight embarrassment at being intimately touched in this way, so I decided to let her finish herself. "Okay, try it yourself." I smiled. I reluctantly withdrew from her to play with myself.

Amy's hand returned to her pussy. She had learned well, pressing the tip of one finger between her nether lips to locate her young clit. I could tell from the rapturous expression on her face and the wriggling body movements that she was now truly discovering the delights of clitoral stimulation. There is nothing more erotic than lying next to a naked young girl and watch her finger herself to an orgasm!

"Oh wow!" Amy gasped. "What's happening aunty Debbie?" Her finger was rubbing vigorously in her slit.

"Your going to have your first proper orgasm I think!" I leant over and kissed her forehead. "Keep on rubbing and just let it happen."

"Arrrgh...." She threw her head back and screamed so loud the sound echoed off the cliffs! Her body arched and shook with orgasmic pleasure.

She rolled over to me, snuggling up with her head on my breasts and I held her in my arms as the shaking subsided. I gently stroked her back and ass cheeks, giving her little kisses on the top of her head. We lay together like this for some time whilst I continued to pleasure myself with my free hand. I was sure Amy was watching my hand at work between my thighs but couldn't see her eyes.

Eventually she turned her face up to mine. "Are you going to have another orgasm aunty Debbie?" She asked with a mischievous smile.

"I sure hope so!" I smiled back. "How would you like to help me?" The words were out before I'd realized. I feared what I was asking of her was a bit too much for her young mind to accept.

"Yeah, okay aunty Debbie. What do I do?" She said.

Her simple acceptance surprised me. "Well Amy, just do the same to me as you did for yourself just now." I gave her a loving hug and pushed her hand down between my legs.

The touch of her young fingers was electric. My pussy was already throbbing expectantly and I was almost ready to explode. I was at the point where I'd have started some rapid vibrations with my fingers to finish off, but Amy didn't have the experience to know, she was just slowly rubbing her fingers up and down my slit. This was prolonging the pre-orgasmic build up to the point where it was painful! My pussy ached for release.

She was exploring my pussy almost lazily, feeling my swollen clit and inner lips. Her fingers found the entrance to my cunt hole, briefly dipping into the sopping wet opening before pulling back as if sensing this was something deeply personal. I wanted to tell her it was okay, to trust her fingers in and fuck me hard. My cunt cried out for it, but I decided to hold back. I didn't want to push her too far, too soon.

Unknowingly she held me at the point where my orgasm was just starting. The first orgasmic jolt causing an involuntary jerk of the hips, promising final release, only to die briefly before returning again. It was agony. It was wonderful and I loved her for it. I had never before experienced anything quite like it.

I was groaning now. Amy told me later I was mumbling, mostly naughty words she said. It did encourage her to work her fingers a little faster and that was enough to send me over the edge. I decided not to hold back on this orgasm. I would let it hit me full force, never mind what Amy thought. This was probably going to be the one and only time with my niece and it was nearly over, I would enjoy the last few seconds to the full!

Well, Amy described it to me later as like riding a 'bucking bronco'. I was delirious. Every nerve in my body was tingling. I've experienced quite a few good orgasms in my life, but not many of them were as memorable as this one. It felt like it lasted for ever. Eventually though, all good things come to an end. We lay in each other's arms until the sound of waves slapping against the dinghy's hull reminded me of the rising tide! It was time to go.

"Aunty Debbie, can we come back here again?" Amy asked as we prepared the boat to sail.

"Of course we can Amy. Do you like it here?"

"Oh yeah!" She enthused. "It's a wonderful beach. Can we come back tomorrow?"

"I don't see why not, I've got nothing else planned." I lied, hastily rearranging my schedule. "And if it's okay with your mom."

The dinghy shot away from the secret beach, cutting through the incoming waves which splashed us with spray. The smile on my face wasn't just from the exhilarating sailing!


The End





© 2005 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires the written permission of the author.