
g/solo F/g F/g/m pedo incest

Linda is discovered masturbating in the locker room. She has to see her teacher after school for 'sex lessons' with the help of the teachers teenage son. If you are under 18 or find this offensive, please do not read any further!



I was in the girls changing room after gym lessons. The other kids had finished changing and gone to our next lesson. My best friend, Suzy, had been the last to leave because she was going to wait for me but I had told her to go without me before she got into trouble for missing the next class. I had told her and the other girls that I was tired and didn't feel well after gym and that I just needed to rest. I felt fine really. I just needed some time to myself. Now that Suzy had left and it was all quiet, I stood on the bench in front of the mirror, then pulled my gym shorts and panties down to inspect my slit. I found the same four fine dark hairs growing above my pussy crack that I had discovered two weeks before. I was excited about becoming a 'woman' and I was checking the progress of my development every chance I got, even though I was only 10 years old and those changes would be a long time coming!

I lifted the hem of my gym shirt up to inspect my 'boobies'. My nipples were no longer childish and flat, they had become a little puffy and poked out just a bit from my thin flat chest. There was just the tinniest hint of swelling behind them, giving them a slight cone like appearance. They tingled a lot of the time too, as they were now. Holding the shirt up with one hand, I played with my developing nipples making them harden, as I knew they would. I liked the feelings doing this gave me. It also gave me a nice feeling in my pussy that needed to be rubbed. This too, had become an obsession over the past two weeks. I suppose with all the attention I was giving to my sexual development, it was inevitable. Tucking the hem of my shirt under my chin so that it would stay up, I lowered my hand between my legs and rubbed a finger in my pussy crack. Wow! That felt good. It felt better every time I did it, which was why I was doing it every spare moment.

"Linda Walker! What on earth do you think you're doing?"

I jumped in shock, stumbling off the bench with my gym shorts and panties still round my knees. I landed awkwardly and unable to keep my balance, landed on the floor on my bum. Standing before me, hands on hips, was our gym teacher, Miss Haynes. I felt my face burn with shame and wished the floor would open and swallow me.

"Well don't just sit there girl! Sort yourself out." She said. "Why haven't you gone to your next class?"

"I didn't feel well Miss." I lied as I quickly changed into my school clothes.

"That was quite plain to see!" She stated. "Right Linda, I haven't got the time to deal with this now and you need to be elsewhere." I nodded agreement, I was wishing I was elsewhere already. "You will report to my office after school, we'll discuss the matter then." Miss Haynes stepped to one side opening a path of freedom to the door, a path I took with a speed she'd have been pleased with had it been a gym class!

The rest of my school day I was quite miserable. My tummy was churning with anxiety over the inevitable punishment Miss Haynes would give me. I didn't have to pretend to Suzy and my friends about feeling ill anymore.

Finally, after a day that seemed to drag on for ever, school finished. With heavy feet I plodded to the gym, returning to the scene of my shame to change back into my gym kit. I'd been to Miss Haynes for detention before and I was expecting half an hour of hard exercise. I stood before the gym teacher's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Miss Haynes muffled voice called.

I opened the door and stood in the doorway. "You asked me to see you after school for detention Miss."

"It wasn't for detention Linda, it was just to discuss the ahhh.... Situation in the changing room earlier." She stated. I couldn't think of a suitable response so I just stood staring at the floor. "Never mind. Come in and close the door." She waved me forward to stand in front of her desk. "Now, perhaps you'd like to explain what you were doing?"

I stood silent, unable to say anything. I just shrugged and stared at the floor. I'm sure my face must have been bright red. Several long agonizing seconds of silence that felt like hours followed. My tummy was doing somersaults, I was fiddling with the hem of my gym shorts and my toes were curling and uncurling in my gym shoes.

"Well, if you have nothing to say, perhaps you could show what it was you were doing." Said the teacher. I looked up in shock and horror. "Come on, pull that chair over here and stand on it." I followed her instructions like a robot, dreading what would happen next. "Now, rearrange your clothing as it was before, I believe your shirt was tucked under your chin?" I nodded dumbly and lifted my shirt up exposing my tiny titties to her gaze. "And your shorts and knickers, where were they?"

"D....down by my knees M....miss." I stammered.

"Come on then, show me." Miss Haynes said impatiently.

Dying with shame, I hooked my fingers in the waistband and pulled both garments down to my knees. Unfortunately, I had my legs a lot closer together than I had earlier in the changing room, so as soon as I let go of them they slipped down to my ankles. Miss Haynes sat staring at me. I could feel her eyes roaming over my body and was surprised that my nipples began tingling.

"OK! Now demonstrate what you were doing with your hands." She instructed.

I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths to calm my nerves. I moved my right hand to my boobies, rubbing my tingly nipples to hard little points then my left hand slid reluctantly between my legs to rub my crack. I could feel the start of that familiar sexy feeling despite the shame. I felt even more humiliated, as I thought the sexual excitement I was feeling was written plainly on my face for Miss Haynes to see. I wanted to shrink so small I would become invisible. Miss Haynes hadn't told me to stop so I continued rubbing myself. With my eyes closed it was easy to believe I was on my own, that no-one could see me, and the feeling of sexual pleasure increased. After what seemed like ages with no interruption from Miss Haynes, I opened my eyes out of curiosity. The gym teacher had one of her hands rubbing her own breasts, her other hand was moving below the desk but because I was up on the chair I could see She was rubbing between her legs, copying what I was doing, though She still had her clothes on.

"How does that make you feel, Linda, when you rub yourself there?" Miss Haynes had noticed I was watching her.

"Er....kind of nice." I whispered trying to swallow a big lump in my throat. "It feels good."

"Do you do this often?"

" mean sometimes Miss."

"How often? Every day, two, three times a day?" Her gaze pierced into me. I nodded in reply to her question, unable to speak again. "How old are you Linda? 10, 11?"

"10 Miss."

"Have you experienced an orgasm yet?" The puzzled expression on my face must have given her the answer. "It's when that nice feeling you have gets really intense and feels like your burning and exploding between your legs." She explained. "You would know if you'd felt it but perhaps not known what was happening." I shook my head, not having any idea what She was talking about. When I rubbed my crack I continued doing it until I fell asleep or mum called me for tea or to get ready for school or I had to rush to my next class or something. The couple of times I haven't been interrupted, I stopped because I was starting to feel sore.

Miss Haynes stood up and moved round the desk toward me. "Well Linda, it's about time you had your first orgasm. I can help you." She put one arm behind my knees and the other behind my shoulders then scooped me off the chair. I was carried to her desk where She sat me on the edge facing her chair. Miss Haynes then pulled my gym shoes off, placing them neatly beside the desk. Then She removed my shorts and panties from my ankles, folded them and placed them on the desk next to me. She sat down in her chair again, pushing my legs wide apart and shuffling the chair closer. An anatomy lesson followed in which She explained the proper names for my private bits, such as 'vagina', 'labia' and 'clitoris' or 'clit' for short. I was familiar with the layout, after all, I'd been playing with it for a while, and I preferred the other names I'd learnt like 'pussy' and 'cunt'. It wasn't until She showed me how to play with it properly that I started taking an interest.

Her long thin fingers gently prodded and stroked my pussy, demonstrating how sensitive my 'clit' was if I concentrated rubbing on it. I hadn't known that! She taught me, after first showing me with her own finger, how I could push a finger into my 'vagina' and how curling it up and forwards made it feel even better because I was stimulating something called a 'G spot'. Once the 'lesson' had finished, She had me lie back on the desk and encouraged me to play with my pussy using the ways She had taught me. With Miss Haynes guidance, I had the index finger of my left hand inside my cunt rubbing the soft ridged skin just inside and above my hole in little circles. Two fingers of my right hand spread my 'labia' wide apart and sandwiched my clit, gently pulling and squeezing it between them. She told me to close my eyes and concentrate on the nice feeling, concentrate on making it get stronger and stronger.

I was in sex heaven. Never had playing with myself, 'masturbation' Miss Haynes had called it, felt so good. I continued as She had suggested and was rewarded with such wonderful feelings, I never wanted them to stop. Soon there was a throbbing ache in my pussy. As it got stronger it spread out to the rest of my body. Suddenly it became really strong, each throb making me twitch and jerk uncontrollably on the desk. It was frightening and wonderful at the same time. I wanted it to stop, worried something was wrong with me but it also felt so good I wanted it to go on for ever. In the back of my mind I knew this was supposed to happen, this was what Miss Haynes had called an orgasm.

Gradually the feeling died away leaving me feeling warm, relaxed and exhausted. It felt really nice. All the shame and humiliation from earlier had gone. I opened my eyes. Miss Haynes had one hand under her own shirt, quite obviously fondling her tits, her other hand was pushed down the front of her shorts. I could guess She was doing the same to herself as I'd just finished on myself.

Miss Haynes opened her eyes and smiled at me. She pulled her hands out of her clothing. "Well, how did that feel then Linda?" She placed a hand on my pussy, stroking her finger along my crack.

"Really nice Miss." I smiled back. "Was that the thing you asked me about earlier?"

"The orgasm? Yes, I think you did experience one. Tell me what happened." She demanded. I explained as best I could what I had felt and She agreed that was definitely an orgasm. "What you have to remember is that masturbation is a private thing, you should only do it by yourself where you won't be seen by other people." She gave me my shorts and pants and indicated I should get dressed. "It's all right if you want to do that with someone else if they are happy to participate, but then were talking about a sexual relationship. That's something else." She smiled. "Remember, keep it to yourself and have fun!" I had finished dressing and Miss Haynes walked me to the door of her office. "It's time you were off home now. If you want to learn more then come back to my office again tomorrow after school." I nodded and headed for the changing room as the teacher closed the door behind me.

That evening at home my family must have thought I was feeling ill or something. I didn't want to go out to play with my friends and I shut myself in my room saying I had lots of homework to do. Actually I spent the whole evening exploring my pussy. By the time I finally fell asleep I had three orgasms and I was feeling quite sore. The following morning I woke early feeling very horny and I started all over again. This time I tried pushing my finger deeper into my pussy. I had tried last night but I had been a little too sore for it to feel nice. I took it slowly and found that by pushing in gently, a little bit at a time I was able to get my whole finger in. That orgasm was really strong. I was well on the way to a second orgasm when mum called me to hurry up and get ready for school!

The day at school was agonizing My pussy was constantly aching for attention and I couldn't wait for the next opportunity to masturbate. I had mixed feelings over returning to Miss Haynes' office after school, I was more than a little scared of allowing her to touch me again. I'd heard enough about lesbians to know it was something bad, something to be mocked for, and the fact that I had enjoyed her touching me was frightening. At the end of the day though, I was so horny nothing could keep me away so as soon as I could I reported to the gym and knocked on Miss Haynes door. "Hello Linda." Miss Haynes smiled at me when I entered. "I'm glad you've decided to come back. Come over here?" I stepped over to her desk. "Have you been practicing the things I showed you yesterday?" She asked. I nodded and told her everything I had done last night and this morning.

She pulled me close, lifting me onto her lap and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked and excited at the same time then after a couple of seconds I returned the kiss. We continued kissing for what seemed like ages. I'd never kissed anyone like this before and I found it thrilling. Miss Haynes poked her tongue into my mouth, licking my teeth and playing with my tongue. I've heard grownups kissed this way and it always sounded disgusting, but now I was doing it I quite liked it. As we kissed, Miss Haynes' hand rested on my bare leg. She slid her hand slowly and smoothly under my skirt and up my thigh, not stopping until She reached the junction between my legs. I opened my legs willingly to allow her free access. The touch of her fingers playing with my pussy lips through the fabric of my panty's was wonderful. I was very close to having an orgasm. Just as I was about to cum, Miss Haynes lifted me from her lap and sat me on the edge of her desk as before. She lifted my school dress up and tugged at my panty's. I lifted my bum up so they slid down to my knees easier, then leaned back opening my legs. The teacher's hand played with my pussy, her fingers rubbing my slit, stimulating my clit and occasionally dipping into my tight, moist hole.

Once again I was almost about to explode with an orgasm when She stopped. I was very frustrated, wishing She would continue. I started playing with myself partly out of need and partly because I thought She wanted to watch me masturbate again, but She stopped me, pushing my hand aside and standing up. She pulled me up to a sitting position then reached behind to unzip my dress. Then with one tug She lifted it up and off over my head. Miss Haynes didn't fold my stuff neatly as She had before, it was tossed to one side in a hurry. My panty's, shoes and socks followed and I was completely naked. I was the pushed down to lie flat on the desk as her hands roamed over my body, caressing my flat chest and teasing my tingling nipples to hard points. She leaned forward to kiss them, sucking each one into her mouth and flicking them with her tongue. I was a little surprised by this, but it felt so good, so sensuous, that I soon forgot the strangeness of the act and enjoyed it. Miss Haynes was breathing hard, as though She had just finished an exercise routine, her movements quick and passionate. She left my chest, sliding her tongue down the center of my tummy and tickling my tummy button. I giggled and squirmed on the desk. Her roving tongue continued down over the bare patch of skin above my pussy then, before I even knew what She was doing, along the full length of my slit.

I froze in shock and gasped. I couldn't believe what had just happened! I closed my legs involuntarily, protectively, trapping her face on my pussy. Miss Haynes grabbed my knees and forced them apart, pushing them as wide as She could until I could feel the edge of the desk pressing hard into the backs of my knees. She continued licking me between the legs, her tongue caressing the soft skin between my pussy lips, flicking my clit and probing my cunt hole. This new sensation was driving me wild. I was already close to cumming and it wasn't long before my body shook with the most powerful orgasm I had yet experienced. I cried out as though in pain and I threw my hands above my head to grip the edge of the desk. My back arched until the only contact between me and the desk was my shoulders and the back of my knees.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, the throbbing ecstasy eased and I collapsed on the desk in exhaustion, gasping for breath as though I'd just run a mile. Miss Haynes continued to lick my pussy whilst I recovered. I watched in wonder as her tongue slid up and down my aching crack, converting the blissful afterglow of orgasm into a need for more sex. The teacher then stood up, leaving me spread-eagled on the desk. She pulled her T-shirt off revealing small pointy breasts, then She hooked her thumbs into the top of her shorts and slipped them down along with her panty's to the floor. She sat in her chair and fumbled around her feet removing gym shoes and socks until She was as naked as me. "Come here Linda." She said, pulling me off the desk to sit facing her on her lap. She hugged and kissed me tenderly and again it felt strange, especially with the naked skin to skin contact.

Miss Haynes took my hands and pressed them to her boobs. "Caress my tits." She encouraged. They felt soft but also firm. It made me feel quite excited to touch her like that, my own unformed boobies tingled as I tried to imagine what it would be like when mine grew that big. She slid her bottom forward to the edge of the chair and opened her legs. As I was sitting in her lap I almost slipped off between her legs but She supported me, holding me in place with her arms around my waist. I was now squatting on her with my feet on the edge of the chair either side of her hips, legs open and knees up. This unusual position, I realized, brought my bald pussy up against Miss Haynes'. Using her hands She pulled me back and forth on her lap so that my pussy was rubbing hers. Miss Haynes' pussy looked very different from mine. For a start it looked much bigger and She had a big fleshy ridge of skin sticking out from her slit. She only had a small thin growth of hair above her crack which looked odd to me. I was used to seeing my own bald pussy and my mum's was completely covered with a thick bush. Miss Haynes was also very wet and slimy and as She rubbed our cunts together She made me very wet too.

I found this new experience very stimulating. My pussy ached with sexy pleasure and encouraged by this I started pushing myself harder against Miss Haynes. Within minutes I had another orgasm. Not as powerful as the first, but enough to make me shudder and groan. Once the waves of pleasure had worn off the awkward position became uncomfortable and I was shuffling around trying to relieve the stress in my legs. Miss Haynes leaned forwards, kissed me and then eased me off her lap. "Kneel down between my legs sweetie." She instructed. I did as I was asked and found myself having a good look at her pussy. She slid herself further forward and opened her legs wider. She pulled her pussy lips wide apart exposing the ridge of wrinkled skin that ran from the top of her pussy to about half way down her slit and I stared in fascination as She slipped one slender finger into her pussy hole.

When She pulled her finger out again it was wet. Miss Haynes rubbed the ridge in the middle of her slit, wetting it with her finger and pulling the skin back to reveal a little bump that poked out from behind a fold of skin, like a tiny tongue sticking out of a small mouth. I knew this must be her clit. "Kiss my pussy Linda." She said. It was more of an instruction than a request. My first thought was 'yuk!' but then I remembered She had done that to me and it felt so good. I licked my lips in anticipation then leaned forward and poked my tongue into her pussy. It tasted tangy, almost salty like sweaty skin but it wasn't unpleasant. I began licking up and down her crack enjoying the soft wet and slimy feeling on my face. Miss Haynes instructed me on what to do, lick here, suck there, push my fingers into her cunt hole. I found I really liked it, I liked it so much my own pussy was itching for attention. I had one free hand and soon put it to good use between my own thighs. Then I heard Miss Haynes groan really loud and her thighs clamped shut on my head. I had to hold my breath as She thrashed and bucked with my face squashed against her pussy. It felt like I was having my face vigorously washed with a warm slimy flannel! Finally it was over and She opened her legs, I could breath again.

"Hi mom."

I jumped in shock at the sound of a boy's voice. I turned to see a boy standing next to Miss Haynes' desk. I could have died and wished the ground would open up and swallow me. I felt so embarrassed knowing he must have seen what I'd been doing to Miss Haynes.

"Hello Michael." Miss Haynes smiled at him. "This is Linda, she's here for some special after school lessons." She ruffled my hair affectionately as I tried to cover my nudity with my hands. "Linda, this is my son Michael." She completed the introductions. He looked vaguely familiar and I remembered Miss Haynes had a son at the school when I started in first grade. He left for high school the next year which meant he must be about 13 or 14 years old now.

"I think Linda might be ready to continue with her extra tuition this evening." Miss Haynes said to the boy. "Would you like to help?" Michael nodded vigorously, a big grin on his face. He unzipped his pants and dropped them to his ankles with his shorts, shuffling forward to stand closer to me and his mom. His 'thing' was sticking out in front, long and thin with a slight upward curve. A small wrinkled bag hung below and a thin bush of dark hair grew above.

Miss Haynes held his 'cock' moving her hand back and forth making the skin slide over it's stiff center At the tip the skin was repeatedly pulled back giving glimpses of a smooth red bulb shape with a tiny slit that looked like a miniature pussy. His cock was just a few inches away from my face and as I watched with fascination, a drop of clear liquid oozed from the slit and spread over his cock head. Michael's mom leaned forward then, her mouth wrapped around her son's stiff shaft. I gawked wide eyed, amazed not only at the sight before me but at the fact that he was her son! Miss Haynes cheeks drew in as She sucked on him. She slid her lips along his cock until the full length had disappeared into her mouth, her nose buried in his pubic hair.

I gasped and realized I had been holding my breath. I felt faint, my head spinning wondering how his cock could fit in her mouth. My mouth must have been hanging open because I dribbled onto my thigh. I closed it and had to swallow a mouth full of spit. I licked my lips with longing, surprised at how much I wanted to have a go! I wasn't to be disappointed, Miss Haynes let him slip from her lips with a loud slurp. "Your turn now Linda, if you want to try." She smiled. I did. I leaned forward as Mike turned to face me, Miss Haynes held his cock for me as I wrapped my mouth around him. Boy, it felt bigger than it looked and I couldn't get more than the first couple of inches in before I felt he was choking me. Miss Haynes whispered instructions in my ear and I was soon sucking him like She had, though only half his cock, She showed me how to rub the bit that wouldn't fit with my hand. I liked the feel of it, the soft velvet like skin that was so loose sliding easily over it's hard core and there was a mild salty taste to the fluid oozing from the tip.

I noticed Mike's hips were jerking at me, as though he was trying to push himself further in. There was no chance of that though, as I found I could control his thrusts with my hand. He was groaning loudly and I realized boys must have orgasms too, just like girls. "You'll not have seen a boy cum before." Miss Haynes whispered to me. "Prepare yourself for a new experience." I had no idea what She was on about. Mike's jerking had become more frantic and his groaning louder. "Just let it happen Linda, it's not unpleasant." I didn't have any more time to think about what She meant as I felt Mike's cock twitch and pulsate, then my mouth was filled with something hot and slimy.

I gagged and coughed feeling sick thinking he was peeing in my mouth. I jerked backwards in surprise and saw a blob of white slimy stuff squirt from his cock. It landed on my cheek, a hot splat that dribbled slowly down my face. I was conscious there was more of it in my mouth and moved my tongue, stirring it around, trying to spit it out. The taste and smell of it were not unpleasant, it was the slimy feel and the thought of where it came from that made me feel sick.

Miss Haynes leaned forward taking his cock in her mouth. She worked his softening shaft with her hand, milking more of the goo, licking him clean. "Mmm, I love that taste." She moaned. She turned to me, noticing the cum dribbling from my chin. "No, don't waste it Linda!" She said as She licked at the mess. "It won't do you any harm, swallow it, don't spit it out." She finished cleaning my face with her tongue as I gulped several times, trying to swallow the little bit of goo still left in my mouth. It still seemed yukky to me but Miss Haynes liked it so I supposed it was OK.

"Come on Linda." Miss Haynes said helping me up onto the desk. "It's Michael's turn to pleasure you." As I lay down on the desk once again, Mike stripped out of his clothes and sat in his mother's chair. He pushed my legs open and began lapping at my bald cunny as his mom had done earlier. I found I was more than eager for his attention and lifted my bum up to meet him. Mike folded his arms and wedged them between the desk top and my bottom, holding me up in a more open and accessible position. Mike's mom moved round to the other side of the desk. She lifted my head and stuffed some folded clothing, I didn't know what or who's, as a pillow. My legs were waving in the air and Miss Haynes grabbed my ankles, pulling them back so my knees came down on my chest. She then lifted one of her legs onto the desk next to me which, when She leaned forward, brought her dripping cunt above my face. When She squatted down the soft wet folds of her pussy lips squelched on my face. I knew what She wanted me to do and happily started licking and sucking.

It wasn't long before Mike's attention to my pussy was having a definite effect. I wanted to move my hips but found that I couldn't move very much at all. I was pinned down, my bottom open and exposed but my head smothered between Miss Haynes thighs. This somehow made the orgasm stronger so that when it came it was like an electric shock. I screamed and panted into the gym teacher's pussy until it was over. I felt so exhausted I couldn't even move when Miss Haynes let go of my legs. Every nerve in my body was tingling.

When I eventually got my breath back and opened my eyes, I saw Miss Haynes lying on the table next to me. Her son was stood between her legs repeatedly pushing his hips towards her bottom. I sat up to see what he was doing. Wow! My head spun. No amount of playground talk can prepare you for the reality of fucking for that was what he was doing to his mom. I gazed, awestruck, as I watched his cock slide in and out between his mom's pussy lips. The full length of his shaft disappeared into her cunt so that his body pressed up against hers then slid almost all the way out, shining and wet, before he slammed forcefully in again. When Miss Haynes saw me watching She reached out, pulling me close, kissing my mouth. My hand fell naturally onto her breasts and I caressed them, squeezing and rubbing her nipples as She had shown me before. She then reached between her legs to spread her pussy lips apart so I could see his cock pumping into her cunt hole like a piston.

"Linda." She whispered in my ear. "Suck my clit for me, there's a good girl." I crawled down her body until my cheek lay against her tummy. There I had an excellent view of Mike fucking his mom. I felt her hand pressing my head down. Slowly, I inched forward some more and could feel her pubic hair on my cheek, I stuck my tongue out to lick her. I was so close to Mike that he kept bumping into my head, his hair tickled my nose and I could feel his cock with my tongue every time he pushed into her cunt.

Miss Haynes hand moved between my legs rubbing my slit, pushing her finger in my cunt hole and I imagined it was Mike's cock. She was making me ache with longing in spite of my exhaustion. I couldn't believe how they could keep going like this. It seemed as though we'd been doing this for hours. At last Miss Haynes let out a long moan, her body tensed and jerked with her orgasm. I wasn't far from another cum myself so I was disappointed when She removed her hand from my pussy. Mike was panting when his mom sat up and pulled herself off his thrusting cock. I couldn't see any of that gooey white stuff so I didn't think he'd cum yet either.

Miss Haynes turned to me. "Would you like Mike to fuck you now?" She asked. Wow! My mind flipped at the thought. I could feel my head nodding with agreement though I felt scared but also excited too. She helped her son onto the desk and he lay down, his throbbing cock waving in the air like a flag pole. I stared at it like it was a monster or something. Miss Haynes helped me up to kneel astride her son and I felt his shaft rub against my little cunt. With one hand She held his cock up between my thighs and with the other She held my pussy lips open. "Lower yourself slowly Linda." Miss Haynes said. "Take your time, your in control. It may hurt a bit so if it does just stop." I nodded and slowly sat down on him.

I felt the electric touch of his cock head between my cunt lips, then the pressure as they reluctantly parted to allow this new intrusion in. I felt a little pain and stopped. "OK, it may sting a bit at first Linda." Miss Haynes advised. "But it doesn't last once he's past the opening." I nodded and swallowed, but the lump of anxiety in my throat stayed put. I took a deep breath and pushed down, there was a sharp sting that made me gasp then I felt his cock fill my tummy. I stopped, panting, and looked down. I guess at least half his cock was inside me and It felt good. The pain had gone, replaced by the familiar ache of sexual need. Encouraged by Miss Haynes I lifted up a bit then down again. I marveled at the unfamiliar feeling of his cock moving inside me, not the same as a finger at all. When I looked down again, nearly all of him was inside. I was surprised but pleased. He was so deep inside I could swear he was poking into my stomach.

The bobbing up and down was beginning to hurt my legs but Mike's mom must have known this. She had me lean forward and showed me how to move my hips back and forth instead of up and down. Mike moved his hips too so between us, when we'd got the rhythm right, there wasn't a lot of movement yet he was still going in as deep as before. I could feel his pubic hair tickling me, brushing my pussy lips and clit. Miss Haynes continued to whisper instructions and encouragement in my ear. She explained how I could squeeze my cunt muscles tight, as though trying to stop myself peeing, when Mike pushed in so that it felt better for both of us. To begin with we moved slowly, then, as we got used to the rhythm, we moved faster and with more confidence. I leaned further and further forward until I was lying on Mike's chest, my face tucked into his neck and my body sliding on his lubricated by the film of sweat between us.

Mike's started panting, his thrusts into me became jerky and he was groaning and muttering things like "Oh yes, that's fucking good!" and "Ah fuck, I'm gona cum!" His body stiffened under me and I felt his cock swell and jerk then something hot and wet filled me. He was ramming into so hard at the time I thought he had poked his thing into my stomach and all the food and drink in there was really leaking out, but then I realized he was just squirting his gooey white stuff into me. I could feel it fill my cunt and leak out around the sides of his shaft. I could feel something soft and wet moving around my pussy and bum and knew his mom was licking up all the spilt cum as it oozed from me.

Finally the tremendous ache between my legs exploded into a huge orgasm that shook my body. I screamed and dug my fingers into Mike's shoulders as my cunt throbbed with pleasure. It seemed like my body didn't belong to me, that my mind was just along for the ride. At last the orgasm ebbed away leaving me drained and exhausted.

I must have passed out or slept for a couple of minutes because the next thing I knew I was sat in Miss Haynes lap and She was kissing me. She was dressed and her son, Mike was putting his clothes on. After a couple of minutes I felt stronger and Miss Haynes helped me to dress. She told me I could come round to see her and Mike anytime I wanted but to go to her home rather than her office because it was safer. I was to visit them a lot over the next couple of years and also met Miss Haynes husband, but that's another story!


The End




© 2005 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires the written permission of the author.