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Primary - Rosie & ZoeM/g/g pedoGreenwood Primary School has a unique fund raising program. On his first visit a client is 'entertained' by 12 year old Rosie and 8 year old Zoe. If you are under 18 or find this offensive, please do not read any further! |
I swung the wheel over and my car nosed gently through the gate, the wheels bumping over a speed hump. After backing into a free parking space I killed the engine and stared through the windscreen at the single story brick building bordering the car park. A sign fixed above a pair of tall glass doors proclaimed 'GREENWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL'. Large windows lined the wall to either side of the doors, most of them having childish pictures stuck to the glass with tape. Fluorescent lights glowed from the windows in spite of the brightly lit morning.I climbed from the car, stomach churning with anticipation and a little fear. A business contact had slipped me a telephone number several months before and now, finally, I stood here having eventually summoned up the courage to make that call. Taking a deep breath, I crossed the car park towards the doors. Inside a corridor stretched ahead lined with coat hooks, most occupied with coats and bags of all shapes and sizes. To my left hung a notice board covered with posters and sheets of paper advertising various school activities and events planned by the PTA. To my right a sign read 'ALL VISITORS MUST REPORT TO RECEPTION'.I slowly walked a few paces along the corridor listening to the distant echoes of children shouting and laughing within their classrooms. A door to my left bore the sign 'RECEPTION - Please Enter'. The glazed panel in the door revealed a small office populated with a couple of desks, a bank of filing cabinets lined one wall whilst another was filled with a cluttered notice board. A counter separated most of the office from the area immediately within the door. One desk was occupied by a young dark haired woman tapping rapidly at a computer keyboard. I checked my watch. 09:58 am. It was just about time. I pushed open the door and stepped up to the counter. The dark haired woman looked up, then smiled. "May I help you?""Yes, I....er, I have an appointment with Mrs. Cameron." I stammered."Ah yes!" She consulted an open book to her left. "You are...?""Sorry." I smiled nervously. "My name is Mr. Andrews." That wasn't my name of course, I was just following the instructions I had been given."Of course Mr. Andrews, Mrs. Cameron is expecting you. I'll just let her know your here." The woman pressed a button on a small cream colored machine on her desk and said, "Mr. Andrews is here." There was a reply that was inaudible to me, but the woman must have understood the hissing burst of static that buzzed from the box. She stood and opened a hatch in the counter between us. "If you'd like to follow me Mr. Andrews." She smiled. "I'll show you through now." She opened the office door and motioned me through. "This way." She smiled as She led me into a small alcove off the main corridor. The short passageway contained two doors and another cluttered notice board. One door was marked 'STAFF ROOM', the other bore a sign that read 'HEADMISTRESS'. The woman knocked twice on the headmistress' door then without waiting for a reply opened the door signaling for me to follow.A middle aged woman rose from behind a large desk, a warm smile and outstretched hand greeted me. "Mr. Andrews, I'm so pleased you could make it. I am Mrs. Cameron, the headmistress. Do come in." She was tall, fair haired and fresh faced with only a few lines betraying her age. I smiled back and shook her hand, then sat in the chair She pointed me too. The headmistress offered me a drink and we discussed how the 'school fund raising program' worked whilst waiting for the receptionist to bring coffee. Before long we got down to business. "So Mr. Andrews, would you be interested in one of our young ladies, one of our fine young men or perhaps both?""I...er, well...a girl I think Mrs. Cameron.""Certainly." She pulled a small key on a chain from around her neck and unlocked a drawer in her desk. There were two ring binders in the drawer, one light blue the other pink. The headmistress selected the pink file and passed it over to me. "Here you are, our catalogue of young ladies."I accepted the binder with shaking hands. "Th...thank you." I stammered."I'll leave you alone to make your choice." She rose from her desk and quietly left the room.Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I opened the pink folder. There were perhaps twenty clear plastic file sleeves each containing a sheet of paper. I flicked through the pages. Each page contained two photographs of a young girl one was a head and shoulders shot, obviously a copy of the usual annual photo most schools had taken of their children. The other was a nude picture of the girl standing facing the camera. Along with the pictures was a few short lines of text revealing the girls first name, her age and a brief description of the child's interests. Having familiarized myself with the folder's format, I turned to the front and began examining each page in turn.'Lena, aged 12, enjoys horse riding.' I read. She had a pleasant round face with a few freckles, shoulder length light brown hair and small budding titties. A light fuzz of fair hair sprouted between her thighs. I turned the page. 'Sophie, aged 11, A promising swimmer who has won races in the school swimming gala.' A tall thin girl with dark hair and a sultry pout. Her chest was flat and her cunt bald. My cock began swelling, finally overcoming the nerves that had been suppressing my usually active sexual energy. As I progressed through the file I realized the girls were getting younger. 'Anne, aged 9, loves riding her bike an going hiking with her family.' She was a chubby blonde girl with a cheeky grin. The puppy fat giving the impression of decent tits and a plump bald pussy. The youngest girls were 8 year olds, the youngest being Eleanor. She was a petite kid with a boyish undeveloped body. Her interests included looking after her pets, two rabbits and a hamster.By the time Mrs. Cameron returned I hadn't quite made up my mind. I was quite taken with a tall fair haired girl named Rosemary. She was 12, one of the oldest girls on offer. She liked music, played the piano and was learning to play the flute. On the other hand, there was a stunning little red head, Zoe, who was one of the 8 year olds."Well Mr. Andrews, have you made up your mind?" Inquired the headmistress."Er...more or less." I said. "I've narrowed the choice down to two.""I don't like to rush you, but it'll be change of period shortly. Once the children are out of class I can't fetch the young lady you choose until classes resume. I hope you understand?""Ah...I see." An idea was forming in my mind. "I wonder, would it be possible to choose both girls?""Of course Mr. Andrews. That will cost twice the fee though.""Yes, I understand." I replied."OK, which girls were you interested in?"Rosemary and Zoe, if that's all right.""Of course Mr. Andrews." She smiled. "I see your going for opposite ends of the spectrum. Rosie is one of our most experienced young ladies, a talented musician. We shall miss her when She moves up to the secondary school next year. Zoe, on the other hand, has only recently joined the program but has learnt well and shows promise."We discussed the fee and I passed a large cheque across the desk made payable to 'Greenwood Primary Improvement Fund'."Thank you Mr. Andrews, if you wouldn't mind waiting here for a few minutes, I'll go and call the girls." I waited nervously, sweat prickling my forehead and my cock had deflated again. I spent the time gazing around the sumptuous office taking in the expensive executive desk and modern solid wood filing cabinets, the chairs were leather and a large Arabian rug covered the polished wood floor. It wasn't hard to guess how some of the 'Improvement Fund' was spent.The door opened with a loud click that made me jump. Mrs. Cameron ushered the two girls in and they stood in front of me. "Hello sir." The tall fair haired girl said. "My name is Rosie." She smiled and held out her hand. Her handshake was firm and She oozed confidence. Her manner immediately eased my nervousness and I smiled back.The small red head stepped forward and offered her hand too. "Hello, I'm Zoe." In contrast to her friend She was probably as nervous as I and was woodenly following a set ritual introduction. I smiled at her, trying to make it warm and inviting but it probably looked more like a leer to the young child!"The girls will now take you to the entertainment suite Mr. Andrews." The head teacher encouraged. I got up and Rosie took me by The hand, pulling me gently towards The door. Mrs. Cameron pulled a key ring from her pocket and gave it to Rosie as She passed. Zoe followed, then once in The corridor The young red head moved up beside me taking my other hand."We should hurry!" Rosie suggested. "Its nearly The end of The first period." She must have noticed The look of puzzlement on my face. "Not all The kids here are on The improvement fund program." She explained. I nodded. We walked a short way along The main corridor passing doors to classrooms before turning right into a shorter corridor. There were doors marked 'Boys' and 'Girls' here and we passed them to a door at The end marked 'No Admittance'. Rosie unlocked it using one of The keys on The ring and we all trooped through. Zoe led me on down The corridor whilst Rosie locked The door behind us. There were more closed doors, this time marked 'Store' and 'Janitor', but Zoe led me to a door with no identification and we stood waiting until Rosie caught up and unlocked it.I stepped form a school back corridor into a sumptuous bedroom. The room was carpeted and furnished with a king size bed and comfy looking leather sofas. Velvet drapes hung open at The window which Zoe closed using a rope attached to The runner. Another door was set into The far wall, but this was closed. Rosie switched on The bed side lamps which gave The room a soft seductive glow. "OK!" Rosie said. "Mr. Andrews...." She hesitated. "Er....how would you like us to address you, daddy, uncle or a name?""I er...." Hadn't thought about that. "I suppose 'daddy' will do just fine." I said. I didn't have any daughters but I guess some sort of role play was appropriate given The circumstances."Right, daddy it is then." Agreed Rosie as She nodded to Zoe. "How would you like to start?""Well ER" I hesitated, stammering with embarrassment. "Not sure really....er.""Is this your first time here?" She smiled at me. I nodded. "Well daddy, why don't you make yourself comfortable on The couch then me and Zoe will start on The bed. You can join in when you want. Is that OK?""Yes, fine." I agreed. Rosie was obviously well experienced at dealing with shy clients. I removed my jacket and tie before settling onto The plush leather sofa.The two girls wore The school uniform consisting of blue and white striped dresses, blue cardigans and white socks. They also wore black shoes which they removed before climbing on The bed. They settled next to each other, cuddling and kissing. Rosie's hands wandered over Zoe's back, whilst Zoe held her hands to Rosie's chest as though about to push her away but her little fingers were rubbing The small swellings on The front of The older girl's dress. The kiss was passionate and loving with their mouths open and tongue's entwined. Rosie parted The long red hair from The back of Zoe's neck and found The zip to The child's dress. She pulled it slowly down as far as it would go, to a point just above Zoe's bottom, revealing a white vest beneath. Rosie pulled The garment open then forward, easing The dress off Zoe's shoulders. The two girls had to pull apart, Zoe rolled onto her back so Rosie could pull The dress off her arms. She then lifted her bum off The bed allowing The older girl to remove The dress completely. Zoe wore white panties that matched her vest, both items had pink lace trim at The edges.They came together as before, kissing and caressing each other. Rosie untucked Zoe's vest and slipped her hand up to caress The red head's back, her hand moving higher and higher, lifting The vest until it was pulled up under Zoe's armpits. She then pulled The vest up over Zoe's head and tossed it to one side. From my position I could just see one of her nipples, small and pink on a flat chest, a sight that finally overcame my nerves and my cock began to swell once more.Rosie whispered something to Zoe then The girls sat up as Zoe unzipped Rosie's dress then they both worked together to remove it. Rosie wore blue panties and The small bumps on her chest were hidden by a plain white cotton bra that Zoe unclipped. Rosie shrugged out of The garment revealing small firm looking cones topped by puffy pink nipples. The older girl lay on her back but her breasts didn't flatten, keeping The same firm shape they had before. Zoe then sat astride her and caressed her tits, teasing Rosie's nipples to visible hardness. By now my cock was rock hard and straining for room and I was rubbing The lump in my trousers to relieve some of The pressure. Zoe bent down to lick Rosie's nipples, sucking first on one then its neighbor. Rosie sighed with pleasure and slipped her hand between their bodies. I could see her fingers appear between Zoe's thighs then withdraw repeatedly as She rubbed The child's panty clad mound. By now my inhibitions were dissolving, I had unzipped my fly to release my throbbing member and stroked myself openly with Rosie watching what I was doing.The older girl then rolled onto her side, spilling her young partner onto her back. She made sure her nipple remained in contact with Zoe's mouth as She continued to caress The young child between The thighs. Rosie then tugged at The waistband of Zoe's panties, Zoe lifted her bum allowing Rosie to pull them down then lifted her legs helping Rosie to remove them. Now Rosie had full access to The naked 8 year old's bald pussy and I had a wonderful view of that delightful pink slit, as Rosie rubbed her finger up and down between Zoe's nether lips.By now I was on my feet and removing all my clothing. I sat on The edge of The bed, still rubbing my cock and watched with interest as Rosie pushed her finger into Zoe's cunt. With my free hand I caressed The 12 year old's thin legs. Rosie's response was to slide down The bed nearer to me, then She knelt between Zoe's open legs and lowered her face to The child's wet pussy and I watched, pulse racing, as She licked and sucked on her cunt. More of her body was available to me now, I ran my hand over her soft warm skin, caressing her bum through The panty fabric and eventually working my way up to her pert titties.As I held one of these beautiful small swellings in The palm of my hand, I wondered how something that looked and behaved as though it was solid could feel so soft and pliable. I could feel The small firm rubbery teat pressing into my hand and my mouth watered at The thought of sucking it. Before I acted on that thought, I wanted to see more of this delightful young girl. Taking The elasticized waist band of her panties in my fingers, I slowly peeled The blue fabric off her bum revealing her delicate pink slit to my hungry view. Rosie groaned when I touched her cunt and stroked my finger up and down her moist pussy lips. I settled down beside The girls then pushed my head under Rosie's armpit so I could suck her tits with my finger still probing The young girls cunt, seeking her clit and fuck hole.Zoe was writhing in ecstasy as Rosie continued to suck The child's cunt, then her small body shuddered in orgasm and She lifted her bum off The bed, thrusting her pussy hard against Rosie's mouth. When it was over Rosie rolled sideways away from me to lie on her back. I gently encouraged Zoe to lie on top of Rosie so they were cunt to cunt. The young girls head only came up to Rosie's shoulder but this was The perfect height for her to suck on her friends nipples. I turned around on The bed so I could lower my head between The open thighs of both girls and lick both their cunts at The same time.I started at Zoe's fuck hole, running my eager tongue along her bald slit past her clit then onto Rosie's cunt, feeling The soft fine hairs just beginning to grow there and licking The length of her pussy from clit to cunt hole before reversing The process. After a few minutes of this I concentrated on licking Zoe's bald child pussy and pushed my finger into Rosie's cunt, finger fucking her. Both girls were dripping wet by now and writhing with pleasure, smearing my face from forehead to chin with their mingled love juice. I felt a hand grab my cock but could not tell which girl it belonged too until it was joined by a another. Now I could differentiate between Rosie's long firm fingers and Zoe's smaller softer hand as they stroked my throbbing shaft. Rosie's orgasm happened suddenly. She yelped as her body bucked under Zoe and my finger almost came out of her pussy. Only The grip of her young cunt muscles as they spasmed kept it in.My cock was throbbing painfully and I needed release urgently. The two girls hands had worked me into a frenzy. I lay on The bed and pulled young Zoe on top of me, sitting her on my lap so her cunt pressed on my cock and lubricated my tortured shaft as She slid herself back and forth on it. Seeing my urgent need Rosie knelt behind Zoe, then with one hand around The child's waist She spread her pussy lips whilst with The other She reached under Zoe's bum to hold my cock upright and pointing at The 8 year olds fuck hole. Zoe lowered herself slowly onto my shaft. She gasped as She felt her cunt spread to admit my width and I gasped too, at The sight of my cock squeezing into that tight bald pussy.I watched amazed as Zoe's cunt lips spread to accommodate my stiff shaft. She eased herself down inch by inch until I was almost fully inside her, there was only one or two inches of cock visible when I felt her cervix press on my cock head and She reversed direction. Now The union between us had become fully lubricated, Zoe increased The speed of her thrusts, sliding effortlessly up and down my shaft despite The incredibly tight fit. The hand that Rosie used to spread Zoe's cunt lips lingered between The child's thighs, stroking her clit and occasionally gripping my slick cock as Zoe lifted up. Her other hand roamed over The young girl's flat chest toying with her tiny nipples. Zoe threw her arms up and back around Rosie's neck then turned her face up and The two kissed lovingly.Zoe's movements became wilder and She moaned into Rosie's mouth. My cock was throbbing as I felt all my energy drain down to my balls before my cum shot along The length of my rigid shaft into her tight pussy. The instant Zoe felt The hot rush She orgasmed, jerking uncontrollably on top of me. Rosie had her hands full keeping her in place.When Zoe finally calmed down and slipped exhausted from my cock, She flopped into my lap and started licking my cock clean and sucking The last remnants of cum from The tip. Rosie pulled Zoe's thighs apart and lowered her face into The girls crotch to lick and suck on her sopping pussy cleaning The mess of cum oozing from The youngsters bald slit. I dragged Rosie's bum nearer to me and leaned over to lick The 12 year old's pussy completing The triangle.We continued like this for some time and my cock never softened after cumming in Zoe. Surprisingly, I was soon ready to shoot my load again. Though it would have been nice to fill Zoe's young mouth, I wanted to fuck Rosie too and I knew I would have only one shot left. I rolled Rosie onto her back and knelt between her legs. Rosie spread her legs wide and wriggled eagerly closer to me. I pressed my stiff throbbing shaft into her cunt and She thrust herself against me, ensuring my cock was buried to The hilt in her welcoming pussy.Zoe didn't want to be left out of The fun and settled herself on Rosie's face with her back to me. I wrapped my arms around her so I could fondle her tiny nipples and She settled back against me. Watching Rosie suck The child's bald pussy was driving me so wild, I was pumping rapidly in and out of The 12 year old's cunt. Suddenly I was there, my cock throbbing in Rosie's hot cunt as cum rushed to fill her tight hole. Finally exhausted, I settled back and my cock slipped from her pussy.Zoe quickly spun round and lay on her friend and began eagerly licking The cum from Rosie's pussy. I lay back watching The two lovers pleasure each other until they both exploded with orgasms. By now my cock had wilted despite The hot show I had just witnessed. Both girls crawled up to me and licked and sucked my balls and cock clean though not even this attention could revive me.There was a small bathroom next to The bedroom accessed from The closed door I had noticed earlier. The three of us showered together, with some difficulty as The shower really only had room for two, it was a good job Zoe was small! Once we had dressed The girls led me back along The corridors to The headmistress' office, then returned to their classes."I trust you had a good time?" Mrs. Cameron asked."Er...fine, thank you. Yes." I stammered.She led me along The corridor towards The main entrance. "Good. I trust we can look forward to your custom again in The near future?""Yes, definitely." I replied. In The car park She shook my hand. I walked towards my car already planning my next visit.The End |
© 2005 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires the written permission of the author. |