First Summer of Love

bb/gg pedo

A young girl tells the story of how she lost her virginity at the tender age of 10 one summer vacation. If you are under 18 or find this offensive, please do not read any further!



"I'll show you mine, if you show me yours." Matt said.

I stopped petting Sandy and looked up at Matt and Jemma. Joe even stopped whittling his piece of wood to listen. Sandy wagged his tail, whining and snuffling for more of my attention but I ignored him, preferring to watch Jemma's face flush bright red as she realized me and Joe had been listening to their conversation.

Actually, I'd been more interested in stroking the dog, letting their words drift by half heard until Matt asked Jemma that question. I tried to remember what they had been talking about. Something to do with growing up and hair I thought.

"I don't know..." Jemma mumbled with embarrassment.

"Come on Jem." Matt encouraged. "It'll be fun." Matt was Jemma's cousin, his mom being Jemma's dad's sister. My mom was Jemma's mom's sister so me and Jemma were cousins too, but I was never really sure if that meant Matt and me were related as well.

"I guess..." Jemma said. "I will if Sammy does too." She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Me!" I squeaked with surprise. "Well.... I suppose so." I wasn't quite sure what I was letting myself in for but I was happy to try anything new.

"Samantha!" Jemma glared at me. Oops! I think she didn't want me to agree to it.

"Sammy isn't old enough." Matt said smiling at me.

"I am too!" I objected loudly before I realized he was winding me up again. I had just turned 10 that summer which did make me the youngest. Matt was always saying I was too young, just for fun, knowing what my reaction would be. They all laughed at me, which broke the tension.

"Oh, OK then." Jemma agreed. "But Joe has to show his too."

"Yeah, let's all do it" I said eager to make up to Jemma for making the wrong choice.

"Of course." Matt agreed. "Right Joe?"

"OK with me." Joe grinned. He was Matt's best friend and wasn't related to any of us. "Who's going first then?"

"Girls first, of course." Matt said. Me and Jemma disagreed with that, saying it was about time the boys went first. Joe suggested oldest first then next oldest. That would mean 'boy girl boy girl'. We all agreed that was the fairest way.

Matt had his 13th birthday just two weeks before so he was the oldest. He undid his pants then after a brief pause to gather his nerves, pulled them down as far as his knees. He was wearing blue tight fitting shorts that revealed a bulge in front. He slipped them down quickly.

My eyes went wide as I looked at his penis. I had seen drawings in school text books and library books before but his was the first real one. His looked like a soft tube and I guessed a little longer and thicker than my middle finger. It curved down from where it stuck out from his body. Just before the tip there seemed to be a ring of something under the skin that made it look thicker there. The skin at the end looked wrinkled and loose. Behind his penis he had a loose wrinkly sack that hung down from his body. I remembered that from the books and wondered what it was for. Just above his penis a small bush of dark hair was growing. This, I guessed, must be what he and Jemma had been talking about. I remembered reading hair grows between your legs when you start to grow up.

"OK Jem, your turn." Matt said. Jemma was 12 that year, her 13th birthday wasn't until next semester.

Jemma's face turned red again and she bit her bottom lip. She shuffled from one foot to the other as she fumbled with the fastening on her pants, then slowly pulled both pants and panties down at the same time. The first thing I noticed was she had hair too, growing in a neat fan shape above her vagina. There wasn't as much as Matt's and it was lighter. I was starting to get a bit worried. If Joe had hair too then I was going to be the odd one out. Jemma's vagina seemed different to mine. I looked closer. She had a third lip! A ridge of skin peeked out from between the two lips of her vagina, near the top.

Jemma was wearing a crop top that stopped just above her navel. She fiddled nervously with it's hem as if she wished it was long enough to pull down over her nakedness. At least Matt's T-shirt stopped just above his penis.

"OK Joe, now you." I said. He was a year older than me.

"I know." He snapped. He had been staring at Jemma's vagina with his mouth open. As he undid his pants, Jemma was trying to pull her panties up but as Matt was still showing himself she had to leave them down. To my relief, Joe didn't have any hair between his legs. His penis, thin and short like my little finger, hung straight down in front of a small tight round sack.

All three looked at me expectantly. I had butterflies in my stomach but I was happier now I knew Joe was hairless too. I wore a knee length skirt which I just flicked up before slipping my panties down to my knees one handed. The panties were one of my older pairs with saggy elastic so when I let go of them they slid all the way down my thin legs onto my feet. I was hoping to be the only one not to blush but I felt the heat flood my cheeks anyway and had to fight the urge to drop the hem of my skirt. The lips of my vagina were full and puffy and they pressed together to form a tight deep slit, unlike Jemma's thin flat lips. I could feel the eyes of the other three looking at me.

I noticed Matt's penis had grown. It looked thicker and longer than before. I stared at it and saw it was still getting bigger. It didn't curve down any more but went straight. Then I saw it start to rise up so it stuck out in front of him. "Wow!" I exclaimed." What's happening to your penis Matt?"

He shifted uneasily, looking down at himself. ", it goes like that sometimes." He shrugged.

"Why?" I asked. "What for?"

"It happens when a I know, when I feel sort" He said with an embarrassed grin. "Like when I see a girls pussy." He pointed between my legs. Pussy! Did he just call my vagina a pussy?

"It means he wants to have sex." Jemma smirked. I thought I knew what having sex was but Matt was only 13 and sex was for grown ups, wasn't it?

"It means he wants to jack off." Joe laughed and Jemma joined in.

I felt a little confused. Pussy! Kids having sex! "What is jack off?" I asked.

"That's when he rubs his dick and cums." Joe explained with a grin.

Who is Dick and when is he coming? More confusion! I was feeling a little out of my depth. "What does it feel like?" I asked, trying to hide my lack of knowledge about these things."

"Well...I don't know, sort of 'stiff' I guess!" Matt mumbled which started more laughter from the others.

"Can I touch it?" I asked. That stopped the laughter.

"Yeah, I guess." Matt shrugged.

"Samantha...!" Jemma gasped. She looked envious as I reached out to Matt's Dick I touched it gingerly, as if I expected it to rear up and bite me. It felt warm and silky smooth. When it didn't bite I grew bolder, wrapping my hand around the shaft. It felt solid inside a tight skin covering.

"Move your hand up and down like this..." Matt placed his hand over mine. His skin, though stretched tight, moved freely over the hard meat of his Dick as he moved my hand back and forth. I was fascinated!

"Now he's getting you to jack him off." Joe sniggered. Maybe I'll find out if Jack is coming now, I thought.

"Hey...! I want a go too." Jemma whined. I frowned at her.

"Yeah, OK. It's Jemma's turn now." Matt agreed. I reluctantly let go of his Dick and Jemma barged me out of the way in her hurry to touch Matt's penis. " careful!" Matt flinched when Jemma squeezed his shaft. "Can I touch your pussy too?" He asked her.

She looked shy and reluctant but could hardly refuse him now. She nodded, biting her lip again. Matt put his hand between Jemma's legs, rubbing his fingers up and down her crack. I watched with interest, my own pussy tingling. I felt a little disappointed that Matt hadn't wanted to touch me.

I looked across at Joe. "Do you want to touch mine?" I asked. He nodded and shuffled around Matt. "Can I touch you too?"

"Yeah...sure." He said. His Dick was still small and I was surprised at how soft it felt. Nothing like Matt's.

It felt really weird to feel someone else touching me. I had touched myself a few times before, exploring the new sensations and feelings I'd been having recently. But this was different. Joe's fingers made my pussy really tingle. Something strange was happening to Joe's Dick too. It was getting stiffer and longer in my hand, sticking out hard and straight like Matt's but not as big.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jemma flinch back from Matt's probing fingers. "Don't do that!" She whispered to him. She let him touch her pussy again but she pulled back again almost immediately. "Matt! I said not to do that!" She whispered fiercely and his reply was so quiet I couldn't hear it. I didn't know what Matt was doing to upset Jemma, I was having too much fun with Joe to take much notice!

My pussy had started throbbing. I'd felt this before when I touched myself but I usually stopped then, a little frightened because I didn't know what was happening. This time I didn't want to stop Joe. I liked the feel of his fingers rubbing my slit, and I was enjoying jacking him off. The throbbing increased and my legs felt weak. I tucked my skirt into its own waistband then put my hand on his shoulder to support myself. After a few minutes my pussy gradually started to throb. It was so strong my whole body shook. I gasped in surprise.

"Are you OK?" Joe asked with concern. He had snatched his hand away from my pussy. "What's wrong?"

"N...nothing!" I exclaimed a little shakily. "That felt really good."

"She just had her orgasm, that's all." Matt said.

"Wow! I didn't know girls could cum too." Joe smiled. Jemma suddenly pulled back from Matt again and quickly pulled her panties up. Her face had turned red again and she was breathing heavily.

"Hey, c'mon Jemma!" Matt exclaimed. "You were about to cum too. Let me finish you?"

"Nah! Don't want to." Jemma mumbled as she pulled her pants up and backed away. "Come on Sammy, let's go. We shouldn't really be doing this."

"I don't want to go." I protested.

"Don't go Jemma. Don't be scared" Matt pleaded. "You haven't made me cum yet. Its only fair!"

Jemma shook her head. "Lets go Sammy." She called as she backed away.

"I'll make you cum." I offered. I was just trying to find an excuse to stay and didn't really understand what was involved with this 'cum' thing!

Matt looked at me for a moment then shrugged. "OK Sammy, I guess you could."

"Samantha!" Jemma called, but I ignored her and she stomped away.

I turned to Matt. "What do I do?"

"The same as you were doing before." I held his Dick again and rubbed it up and down as he had shown me. "Squeeze it a little tighter..." He instructed. "...and pump it a bit faster."

Matt reached across to put his hand on my pussy. It was a bit of a stretch for him so I eagerly shuffled round to one side and stood close to him allowing him better access. I felt his finger pushing into the little hole between my pussy lips. It felt strange and a little scary and I pulled back a little. I realized then what Jemma was objecting to earlier.

Jemma hadn't gone far. I could see her in the distance half hidden behind a bush, watching what we were doing so I decided I would let Matt push his finger in my hole if he wanted just to show her I wasn't scared.

Matt's finger felt huge as he pushed it in again. It was a bit uncomfortable but I let him continue anyway. He kept gently pushing it in then out. I could feel I was getting a bit wet down there and that made it easier for Matt. Soon he was able to push his whole finger in easily. It felt nice, especially when he rubbed his thumb in my slit at the same time. I could feel the same sensations I had earlier when Joe rubbed me there.

Joe still stood to one side looking envious and rubbing his own Dick I could still see Jemma looking on so I smiled sweetly at her. She poked her tongue out at me.

"Oh Sammy!" Matt moaned. "That feels so good!" I wasn't sure if he meant his fingering my pussy or what I was doing to his Dick"Would you let me fuck you?"

"What!" I was more shocked at his use of what I knew was a very bad word than what it meant.

"Please Sammy, let's fuck! It'll be really good, you'll see. Please..." He pleaded.

It slowly dawned on me what he was asking. I felt butterflies in my tummy again. Wow! That was a really bad thing to think of doing. I knew fucking was when boys put their penis inside a girl's vagina. Suddenly I realized he wanted to put his Dick where he had his finger. I knew that was something very naughty that grownups did. It was so bad that us kids weren't allowed even to say the word! Well, if it felt as good as his finger did, it wouldn't be all that bad! Would it? Also I was sure Jemma had never done fucking before. She was always saying how better she was at everything than me. How anything I could do she did better. Well here was my chance to go one better than her. "Yeah, okay Matt..." I said. "Lets fuck!" I felt very hot and my heart was beating real fast!

The grass felt kind of strange against my bare butt. Cool and sort of ticklish. I lay on my back and glanced over to Jemma's hiding place but I couldn't see her. Joe was sat right next to me, still rubbing his Dick with excitement.

Matt knelt between my legs and lowered himself over me, holding most of his weight on his elbows. He pressed his lower body against mine and I felt his Dick rubbing rub up and down my slit several times. That felt quite nice! It wasn't until he grunted "Hang on a sec..." and used one hand to place the tip of his Dick at in my pussy hole that I realized he'd been trying to push it in me. He pressed himself against me again and I felt his Dick force its way into my pussy. Wow! That was nothing like his finger. I flinched at the discomfort. His Dick was twice the thickness of his finger and I could feel my pussy stretching to accept it. I was about to tell him to stop when he pulled back a bit and the discomfort eased. When he pushed forward again it didn't feel so bad.

He pushed in and out using a slow steady rhythm. His Dick was going in further with each push until I could feel his hairs tickling the bald area above my pussy where one day I would grow hair too. The discomfort had gone, though his Dick was still a very tight fit. The nice sexy feelings were coming back again!

I looked into Matt's face. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be concentrating. Joe was still rubbing his own Dick and trying to look between mine and Matt's body to see Matt fucking me. He saw me looking at him and I smiled at him. Then I saw movement in a bush behind Joe and recognized Jemma. She had moved hiding places so she could see better. There was a look of shock on her face. I smiled at her too but I don't think she noticed.

Matt had started moaning and whispering "Ah yes! This is so good." And"Oh god! I'm gona cum." He was thrusting faster now and his breathing was heavy. Suddenly he stiffened then with a loud moan his thrusts became short and hard. I could feel his Dick throbbing inside me then the tightness I was feeling eased and it felt all wet and slippery inside my pussy. Matt's Dick now slid in and out quite easily.

Eventually he stopped moving and collapsed on top of me. He was heavy. "Oh Sammy! That was great." He panted.

"Get off me!" I gasped. "You're crushing me!" Matt rolled to one side and lay on his back. His Dick looked soft and floppy now. I was disappointed it was over before I had another of those orgasm things.

"Sammy?" It was Joe leaning over me.

"What!" I said a little grumpily.

"Can I fuck you too?" He whispered hoarsely. "I mean....if you want me to that is."

I didn't feel too keen now but then Joe had made me orgasm before with his finger so maybe he could do it again with his Dick! "Sure Joe, I don't mind." I said.

"Ah yes!" He gasped. His wide grin made me smile. Joe lay on top of me but as he was a lot lighter than Matt I didn't mind his weight. He pushed his Dick against my pussy just like Matt but this time it found its own way in. His penis wasn't as big as Matt's but it still felt tight. The slimy wetness in my pussy hole made it easier for him to slide in and out, and it was much more comfortable for me too. That nice sexy feeling came back very quickly and felt even better than when he used his finger.

Matt was leaning up on one elbow and playing with his own Dick, which looked hard and stiff again. He was looking past me and Joe to where I knew Jemma was hiding. I turned my head and saw her with her panties pulled down. She was rubbing her slit as she stared back at us! I giggled at the sight. Joe raised his head to look as well. Jemma suddenly realized we were all watching her and froze. I stuck my tongue out at her and she pulled her panties up and ran into the bushes.

Joe continued fucking me for ages it seemed like. It felt so good I lost track of time. Then I had an orgasm. It happened very suddenly, much quicker than the first time. I gasped and groaned it was so good. Joe didn't stop fucking, he just did it faster and was moaning himself. My orgasm just kept on going like it would never stop and that was fine with me.

Eventually Joe shuddered, he rammed his Dick in me several times with short stabbing motions and groaned loudly in my ear. When both our orgasms finished we lay still, both of us exhausted and gasping for breath.

Matt had gone and we figured he must have chased after Jemma. We learned later that he didn't find her.

The rest of that summer was unforgettable. Me and Joe fucked several times a week and sometimes I did it with Matt too. Jemma was jealous as hell and quizzed me endlessly about what it was like until she finally let Matt fuck her. Me and Joe were there too but that's another story.


The End




© 2005 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires the written permission of the author.