(Mmmm, exhib, reluc, spank, oral, anal, inc)
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
FOREWORD: All of the stories of the Sexual Perversion series here are true. The names have been changed, but the events actually happened to me. Oh, the grunts and the groans and the massive amounts of cum are exaggerated, but the cocks and the cunts and hard, forced fuckings are all true. Writing these stories gives me a chance to relive the perverted years of my early life and enjoy the raw sensuality that was then... Greg Moran
I was still 14 yrs old in 1968. After several years of solitary masturbation to extreme pornographic fantasies, I had been the subject of some real sexual games that summer. I had sucked off my 16 year old brother and his friends and, at the end of the summer, I had just been forced, naked, on my knees, to give a blow job to my 19 year old neighbor, Peter, while his naked 19 year old girlfriend orgasmed rubbing herself on my naked body...
About two weeks later, I was playing at Jimmy's house, Peter's younger brother, along with another friend of mine, Brian. As had often happened the whole summer since that night in the tent with where I sucked off my brother Mark and his friend Tim while Jimmy tried to fuck my ass, Jimmy slyly asked when Brian wasn't listening "if I wanted to fool around or something."
Usually, I just ignored the question and continued to play the board game we were playing. This had been an on again off again pattern for us since that time. As I said before, Jimmy was a little weird. He never got mad or persisted when I ignored him, but he never stopped asking either.
But this time I remembered what his brother Peter had told me and I blurted out, "Did you tell your brother I sucked your cock?"
Brian looked at me in interested amazement.
Jimmy immediately blushed and looked away. "No, no, I didn't say anything to him," he mumbled obviously lying.
"Well, I didn't suck your cock, you know. So you lied," I retorted, ignoring his reply, and really not thinking about Brian being there.
"Who said that I said that?" Jimmy wanted to know.
"Your brother," I replied.
"Fuckshit," he replied. "Why would my brother tell you that?"
"Why don't you ask him?" I said, getting angry now with Jimmy's denials; with Peter's humiliation of me. I didn't care who was listening to this conversation.
"Fuckshit," he came back at me, getting angry himself now. "I will."
He jumped up and ran downstairs, out into the back yard where Peter was sitting. Brian and I followed him.
"What did you say to Greg?" Jimmy demanded immediately when he saw his brother.
"About what?" said Peter bemusedly, looking at the two of us.
"You know, about..." Jimmy hesitated, suddenly wary of saying too much, "sex."
"You mean how much you like sucking dick," Peter replied coolly.
Again, Jimmy blushed and looked embarrassed, but I was vengefully amused. I wasn't the only the only one to be used as a boy whore, getting fucked in my mouth. My dick tingled as I imagined Jimmy giving his brother a blow job. I only half-wondered what Brian thought of all this.
"We've got an exclusive club here, you know," said Peter, "Brian, do you want to join the club?"
"Wh-wh-wh-what kind of club?" Brian stammered, taken aback by this sudden sexual turn directed at him. Brian was another childhood friend of mine, a year younger than me. Tim was his older brother. He was a smart kid, but a little babyish (which is why he was playing with Jimmy and me.)
"We take off our clothes, run around naked and play with each other," said Peter. "It's called the 'X-Club'."
"I-I-I don't know. I guess…" replied Brian.
And he really didn't know. I was looking at Peter in amazement. Was he just making all of this up? Or did he really have a club of boys that ran around naked like I did?
"OK. Since, we have a new member, we need an initiation. So, take off your clothes." Peter smiled, staring at Jimmy.
In spite of everything, I was shocked. Although Jimmy and Peter's parents weren't home and the large backyard was fenced off from view, this seemed outrageous on Peter's part. However, I guess that Jimmy didn't think so. Without a word, but with a hesitant half smile, he began to undress. Brian watched with increasing fascination. I watched in silent disbelief, but my cock began to stiffen in my pants as he stripped down.
"You too, Moran," said Peter to me as Jimmy pulled off his underwear, letting his naked hard-on spring loose, his thin, hard penis jutting out in front of him.
My chest tightened and I'm sure I had "a deer in the headlights" look on my face. My rigid cock was pulsing in my pants and my sphincter was tightening and loosening with anticipation, but I was frozen, not wanting to give in to this freaky exhibitionism.
"Help him," said Peter to Jimmy.
Totally naked now, Jimmy walked over to me and as Brian looked on, he started unbuttoning my shirt, his stiff member poking my hard tool through the outside of my pants. My mouth fell open and I started breathing harder as I let him disrobe me.
"I can do it," I finally said as Jimmy started pulling down my zipper. Even though I was scared, I did it. This is who I was. I got naked in public and did perverse sexual things. Again, even though I still thought Peter was a scary bully, or maybe because of that, I took off the rest of my clothes until Jimmy and I were both naked with our rigid dicks bobbing in the sunlight.
"OK, now your turn, Brian," said Peter looking at Brian expectantly.
"Uhh," Brian said unsure of himself. He looked at Jimmy and my naked bodies with our hard cocks and decided. He shrugged and stripped off his clothes. His cock was also hard by the time he got his underwear off. He wasn't quite as hairy as his brother Tim, but he still had a short, very thick penis that looked like a little log sticking out of his thick brownish pubic hairs.
"Now," began Peter, "Because Jimmy and Greg have violated X-Club rules and ran around naked without X-Club supervision, they have to be punished. So, I want all three of you to line up - Greg first, then Brian, then Jimmy."
We did as we were told, but now I knew that Peter had to be making this entire thing up! X-Club rules! Right. At least I think he was making it up.
"Brian, put your hands tightly around Greg's waist and don't let go. Jimmy, you do the same thing to Brian."
Brian pulled himself to my backside, his naked flesh pressing against me, his fat boy cock spearing into my ass, the hard tip pressing above my anus. Jimmy did the same to Brian and I could feel the hot naked sandwich the three of us made.
"Brian and Jimmy, both of you try to handle Greg's penis while I go inside for a minute. Otherwise, nobody move from this position." Peter left.
Brian moved his hands down to fondle my cock, squeezing and kneading it. Jimmy tried to reach his hands around also, tugging at my genitals. We were a squirming mass of naked teenaged flesh, a fifteen year old; a fourteen year old and a thirteen year old; cock and balls lodged in the cracks of each other’s asses, rubbing against each other with sexual glee. I moved my ass against the hard, protruding cock invading it and squeezed my ass cheeks, massaging it as Brian and Jimmy massaged me. We were all giving out little giggles and groans and grunts. This was fun!
Peter came back outside and watched us, appreciating the erotic sight.
"All right, enough," he commanded. "Look at me.
He had a ping pong paddle in his hand.
"It's time to initiate our newest member and punish our two members who like to expose themselves to innocent people who are not members. We are going to play tag. When I catch you, you will receive five whacks with the paddle. Now run."
He started walking towards us and we all let go and bolted, giggling and screaming like a bunch of girls as he tried to catch us. We ran this way and that in the large yard, our hot, hard cocks leading the way, and Peter seemed to having as much fun as the rest of us. He would put on a burst of speed and his 19 year legs would overcome one of us, but instead of catching the boy, Peter would smack him on the ass with his hand or make a grab for a cock and we would run away again. Finally, he caught me half way in the middle of the yard, grabbing me from the back.
"I've got you, homo," said Peter triumphantly, sending a thrill of fear through me as he encircled my ass with his hands and grasping my prick and balls, he pulled them and lifted my squirming naked body up in the air, letting most of the weight rest on my genitals
"AHHhh, FUCK!" I yelled out. "STOP! Please. That hurts!"
"All right," he said, easing me back to the ground, "but now you have to take your punishment for being such a pervert faggot."
I was panting from running around and at the thought of whatever he had in mind, my organ was achingly hard, and I was suddenly scared all over again. I was trembling as he led me over to a tree.
"Put your hands above you on the trunk, put your feet back, spread apart."
I assumed "the position" that he told me to and just leaned there against the tree, supporting my weight on my hands and arms. He snaked his left hand around my waist and cupped my testicles again along with the base of my boner.
Then, SMACK! One ass cheek lit on fire as he hit me hard with a ping pong paddle.
"AAHHHFUCKSHIT!" I screamed, jerking up.
"No, no," he commanded in my ear, squeezing my ball sack hard, "Take your punishment like a man. Gotta teach you to do what's right..."
"Oooohhh, please, noo," I pleaded, my knees giving out in pain as he crushed my tender nuts. "I won't move. I promise. Pleese..." I begged.
His hand eased up on my aching balls and he said, "Now stick your butt out." I complied and arched my back to further expose my naked ass to his cruel blows.
SMACK! He whacked me on the other ass cheek. I flinched, but this time I also moaned, feeling a heat in my crotch that was new and exciting. The burning feeling from my abused balls radiated upwards into my hard cock and the fire in my ass had me trembling with base lust. I didn't understand it at all. A little more than a week ago, I had cried over being Peter's degraded sex toy and now, here I was practically asking him to hit me.
SMACK! "Uhhaahhh," I cried out as Peter hit the soft inner flesh of my naked thigh.
SMACK! "Ahhhhh," I yelled as he hit the other side. My whole body was quivering now. I could not fucking believe this! I was totally turned on by this in a way that went far beyond any of my adolescent pornographic fantasies.
Peter ran his hand over my burning ass and thighs, rubbing my young reddened flesh, stroking my ass crack, touching my asshole.
Then, SMACK! One more paddle landed square on my ass, overlapping all other four swats.
"If you're a good boy," he whispered in my ear, caressing my burning ass, “I'll let you suck my cock again."
"Okay, Jimmy," said Peter. "Stand next to Greg, asses together."
I turned my head, and there were Jimmy and Brian, just watching this spectacle. Both of their cocks were still hard. Jimmy walked over next to me assumed the same position I was in, our naked flesh touching with our asses cheek to cheek.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Peter laid five strokes on to Jimmy's naked ass. Jimmy moaned with each one, pushing his ass out farther to greet the paddle, wriggling next to me with boyish passion.
"Okay, now. Greg, lie down on the ground. Jimmy, get on top of him in a sixty-nine… Brian, against the tree."
He maneuvered all three of us into the positions he wanted. Jimmy was on top of me and his warm mouth immediately engulfed my throbbing hard on. It felt incredible. The wetness. The softness. He sucked my cock in and it was everything I ever imagined a blow job to be. I could feel Ellen's mouth on my cock. I could feel the wet insides of her cunt surrounding my fevered shaft. I groaned with passionate glee and arched my hips to have him take every inch of my cock that he could handle.
Jimmy's hard cock rubbed against my face as Brian straddled us both. He seemed totally mesmerized by this whole illicit scene. He let Peter put him into spanking position, his naked ass about three feet in front of me. His puckered anus was clearly visible as his legs spread out and opened his asscheeks. His thick dick was gooey with pre-cum.
Peter landed the paddle on his ass.
"AHHHH!" cried out Brian as the first blow struck.
I could see the red mark appear right away. I opened my mouth to take Jimmy's thin cock. He was lustily eating my tool and I was so turned on.
"AAHH, NOO!" screamed Brian as the second stroke was applied.
He suddenly turned and sat down all at once on Jimmy's ass, trying to get away from Peter's brutal blows. Jimmy's cock was literally driven into my throat. I choked under the weight of Brian's body mashing Jimmy's crotch into my face and I frantically tried to push them off. But Brian rolled off immediately and got up and started running to the patio where his clothes were.
"I don' wanna do this," he cried. "I don't wanna be in your stupid club."
Peter ran after him and easily caught and grabbed him. "It's too late, cocksucker. You're in. Now you have to take more punishment."
He grabbed him tightly and started rapidly paddling Brian's ass, eliciting screams of pain from his victim. Jimmy and I stopped our cock sucking and watched in fascination. I was looking over Jimmy's own reddened ass, his cock pressed against my chin as Jimmy lifted his head up from between my legs.
Peter stopped spanking Brian, as the boy started crying real tears of pain and humiliation. Then he unzipped his pants and letting them fall, he brought out his own hard, thin prick, forcing Brian to his knees and placing his rigid manhood right in the boy's sobbing mouth.
"Suck me good, and you can go." demanded Peter of the naked boy.
He grabbed Brian's head and began fucking his soft mouth. Other than continuing to cry and gag as Peter's dick hit his throat, Brian didn't seem to resist this mouth rape. I watched in stunned disbelief. On one hand, seeing this naked 13 year old sucking this man, with his pants around his knees and only his underwear pulled down to give Brian's virgin mouth access to his ravaging tool, made me harder and more horny. On the other hand, the fact that Peter had just recently raped me and in spite of the fact that it made me hard and horny, I didn't like it at all. I thought that he was crazy. In his own way, he was weirder than Jimmy. It made me lose whatever passion I had in that moment. I didn't know what the hell was going on.
But Jimmy's naked body was still on top of me and our hard penis's still twitched in excitement. My carnal lust was still turned on.
"You suck at cock sucking," said Peter disgustedly, after about a minute of abusing the naked boy's mouth. He pulled his cock from between Brian's sobbing lips and said, "Fuck it. Go on get out here."
Brian got up still crying and said, "I hate you. I don't want to be in your stupid club."
He gathered up his clothes and ran inside to get dressed.
Peter walked back to us, still entwined on the ground and said, "What the fuck are you two looking at? Homos. I want to see you suck those dicks."
Immediately our cocks went back into each other's mouths and we embraced in a passionate sixty-nine suck off. My head was still totally fucked up and spinning at the obscenity that I had just witnessed. This was fucking crazy, but… Jimmy's mouth felt so good on my throbbing tool and I started to buck my hips off the ground. I felt him do the same as we sucked each other in boyish passion. All I cared about was cumming in his mouth. It was just too much.
Peter stood above us, stroking his own hard dick as he straddled our bodies once more. As he watched us suck each other off, his hand moved faster and faster until he let out a large groan and the cum started spurting out of his fleshy weapon. He aimed it toward my upturned face and gob after gob of it spattered my forehead, nose and Jimmy's ass humping my willing mouth. This drove me over the edge and I thrust my hips upwards and emptied my sperm load into Jimmy's hot mouth, shooting my cum into his throat. I moaned and quivered as Jimmy continued to fuck my mouth, until I was spent, his warm lips still encasing my softening tool. But he continued fucking my mouth and I couldn't take it anymore. I finally pushed him off and rolled over.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Bitch," moaned Jimmy as he grabbed his penis and started pumping way. He pushed me over to my stomach and knelt between my legs, trying to shove himself into my ass crack once more. Just like in the tent. His thin tool slid up and down my ass slit, hitting my anus as he fisted himself.
I wasn't sure whether I should resist or not because, after all, he hadn't gotten off yet (I was such a polite kid...). Plus there was the fact that I didn't want to move. His cock slithering at my asshole felt kind of good. But I sure as hell knew that I didn't want to be fucked in the ass again, I thought maybe I would wait and see if he actually penetrated me.
I didn't have to worry long, because as he tried to find my anus with his excited dick, pounding away with the tip of his cock, I heard him moan and felt the warm gush of semen directly on my asshole again.
"OOOoooo, Yeah, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Bitch," he moaned over and over again as he pumped his hot seed into the slit of my ass.
Peter watched us as we both lay there, our youthful passions spent. I looked up at him, his cum still dripping down my face; Jimmy’s oozing out of my ass crack. He gave a satisfied smile, pulled up his pants and walked back to the house. I rolled over on my back, dizzy with the results of our tryst and then I spied the next door neighbor's gardener's head.
He was obviously standing on a ladder, overlooking the fence; probably pruning bushes or something. This was an old (maybe 60? 65?) guy who had been doing the gardening for this neighbor since before I was born. He had known me all of my life, even though we rarely spoke to each other. The fence was about thirty yards away from where we were. He didn't look disgusted, but he did shake his head as he climbed down the ladder. I had no idea how long he had been watching. Without saying anything to Jimmy at all, I jumped up threw my clothes on over my sperm slicked body and left. I was now terrified all over again. What if my parents found out? What if the other kids I knew found out? What if everyone knew I was a homo pervert? Fear and terror and loathing myself for giving in to Peter's sex games ruled my emotions for hours and days.
I avoided Jimmy and Peter for awhile after that. Peter even called my house one time telling me that we had to have an "X-Club" meeting. I told him I couldn't and hung up. I had to convince Brian not to tell anyone what happened because then they would all think he was a homo faggot too. I also convinced him that I broke up the "X-Club" because of what Peter did to him. It apparently worked and our friendship returned to normal. Although I eventually played a little with Jimmy after that, I had him come over to my house and I wouldn't let him talk about sex anymore. The gardener never said a word.
But I was freaked out. I was freaked out because apparently Peter didn't care who knew about his perversions. He was a bully and liked making people do things. And I was freaked out because I didn't want anybody to know that I was a big pervert. It was my secret life and I wanted it to stay that way. Brian, the gardener, Ellen.... There were just too many people who knew about my sex life and it really bothered me. According to my world view; everything that had already happened to me, my porn novels, and the perverted sex was supposed to be secret.
Many years later, I realized that, in a twisted psychological way, my father telling me never to talk about him bringing me to the Club to get fucked fed my passions for secret sex. I wanted to be a fucking faggot homo, but my father had told me to never talk about it. It was all supposed to be secret...
As far as I know, nobody ever told anybody about anything, but I studiously avoided Peter, even though I replayed the scenes with him in my mind when I masturbated many times until they had permanent places alongside the rest of my pornographic fantasies.
For years thereafter, Ellen's slick, sweaty body, my ass whipping and our sixty-nine cock suck were in my daydream fantasies. In the rare wet dreams I had, Ellen's juiced up cunt and sopping wet pubic hairs figured prominently along with cock sucking and spanking.
I was a bit more discreet after that in my "naked runs," but I never stopped doing it, and in later years continued this aberrant form of exhibitionism while driving a car, jogging, on the job or in someone else's house or yard. I masturbated naked everywhere and anywhere, almost never getting caught, but always having that danger turning me on.
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