Published: 10-Apr-2011
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Author's Profile
The little girl soon found the place she had been looking for. A large, fenced compound on the outskirts of the city of Kyoto. She had travelled most of the way by bus from the other side of the city, then had walked the last mile. Inside the compound was a large house, the home and business centre of Boss Akuma, the head of the Akuma Yakuza clan!
The girl's name was Shiruku Kouki and she was a typical Japanese girl, 10 years old, slim and pretty. She was wearing a long, blue coat which came down to her knees and a pair of white sandals, no socks. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders, reaching almost down to the middle of her back.
As she approached the large double gates, one of several large men, all wearing black suits, white shirts and black ties, stepped forwards.
"What do you want little girl?" He asked gruffly. Shiruku could tell by the bulge under his jacket that he was wearing a gun holster. Probably all of the men were similarly armed. She placed her hands together and bowed gracefully.
"Please sir" She said politely, "I have travelled far and seek an audience with the respected Boss Akuma if he would be gracious enough to receive me".
"What business would the likes of you have with the boss?" The man replied laughingly as he towered over the little girl. She bowed again.
"With respect, honoured sir" she said. "It is a private matter" The man grinned broadly, it was well known that Boss Akuma numbered child pornography among his business interests! He returned to the gate and spoke briefly into a microphone. Presently the gates opened and the man beckoned her over to him and took her inside the compound.
Once they were inside he crouched down in front of her, unbuttoned her coat and opened it a little. He was not surprised to see that she was naked underneath. He grinned broadly again!
"I have to search you little one" he said. "I have to make sure that you have no weapons!" he reached both hands behind her and stroked her back gently from the shoulders down, lingering at her buttocks to squeeze and fondle them. Then he ran his hands down the outside of her legs and up the inside. When he reached her sex he returned one hand to groping her buttocks while the other rubbed her hairless slit.
Shiruku closed her eyes and let him get on with it, she could tell from the leer on his face and the bulge in his pants that he was enjoying himself. Although she was only 10, Shiruku was not naïve, she had learned plenty about sex at school.
The man finally seemed to have had enough of groping her, buttoned her coat up and sent her up the path towards the house with a pat on her bottom. When she reached the house there were more armed guards standing outside the door. One of them beckoned her towards him, opened the door and motioned for her to enter.
Shiruku slipped off her sandals and entered the house barefoot. The door made a soft click as it closed behind her. She found herself in a large reception room, traditionally decorated, with fine artwork hanging on the walls, a small fountain stood in the middle of the room. Shiruku waited patiently, presently she heard a soft jingling noise and a partition on the far side of the room slid open. Two, naked young girls stepped softly into the room and approached her.
Shiruku guessed that they were about twelve years old. They were a little taller than her, had cone shaped little breasts and the little pubic hair they had had been cut and trimmed into little heart shapes. Both had their hair gathered on top of their heads in the Wareshinobu style of Junior Maiko. Their faces were painted white with a hint of cherry blossom pink on the cheeks and around the eyes. Their eyes were outlined in crimson and black and their eyebrows defined with red under black. A tiny portion of the middle of their lower lips was painted crimson.
Their nakedness, of course, ended any further similarity to the Geisha community. The girl's nipples were pierced and short chains hung between them. It was the clinking of these chains that Shiruku had heard. She also noticed that their clitoral hoods were pierced and decorated with rings.
The girls did not speak, they simply knelt down in front of her and bowed, touching their heads to the wooden floor. Shiruku placed her hands together and returned the bow. The girls then stood up and gestured for her to follow them. They led her down several corridors until they reached another set of sliding doors. A guard stood on either side. These were different though, they wore traditional Samurai clothing and each had long and short swords thrust through the sashes around their waists.
All five exchanged bows then the two girls knelt by the doors, slid them open and motioned for Shiruku to enter the room. All three entered and the two naked girls slid the doors closed again and knelt down on either side of them.
Shiruku took a few steps forward, bowed to the occupants of the room and waited. The room was large and the occupants were all at the far end. On a raised platform stood four men, two on either side, all wearing samurai costume. Sitting cross legged on a mat between them and wearing a traditional kimono was a middle aged man, Boss Akuma! To one side of the platform a man in a smart business suit sat at a desk on which there was an open laptop computer.
For a few moments Boss Akuma regarded her, his left hand resting on his hip while his right stroked his short, grey beard. Then he grunted loudly and beckoned her towards him.
Shiruku approached to within a few feet of the platform, stopping when one of the guards raised a hand. She knelt down and bowed, touching her head to the intricate parquet floor.
"Stand up girl!" Exclaimed the Yakuza boss. Shiruku obeyed and stood facing the platform, hands by her sides and eyes cast down. "Soooooo" Akuma continued, "You are Shiruku Kouki eh? Daughter of Hazoumi Kouki the gambler! Your father owed me a lot of money girl! Then what did he do? He got sick and died on me! What do you want? Speak!" Shiruku looked up at him.
"Please oh great one" She replied "I have come to atone for my father, when he died still owing you money our family were shamed so I have come here to offer to serve you for as long as it takes to pay off the debt! If you grant me this huge favour I, I ....." She dropped her gaze again and her last few words were almost whispered. "I will do anything you want" Akuma looked her up and down for a few moments and stroked his beard some more.
"Hmmmmmmmm" He murmured, "Does your mother know that you are here?" Shiruku shook her head. "So it was your idea to come here? You are here of your own free will?" A nod was the little girl's reply.
A noise behind her informed her that the doors had been slid open and closed again. A jingling came near and another naked girl walked past her carrying a tray which she set in front of Akuma after bowing to him. The girl poured tea into two small cups, picked one up, kissed it and offered it to Akuma. The Yakuza Lord took it and nodded to the girl. Returning to the tray she picked up the second cup, knelt in front of Shiruku, bowed and offered it to her.
Shiruku thanked the girl and took the cup. She could see now that this girl was older than the other two, she was about fourteen, her breasts were fuller and her nipples were connected by a chain just like the others. She also sported the same ring in her clit hood and her pubic hair was also heart shaped. Her hair differed from the others slightly, it was in the Ofuku style of the Senior Maiko. Her makeup was like the other girls but her seniority was also indicated by the middle of both upper and lower lips being coloured crimson.
The girl bowed again and knelt to one side. Shiruku and Akuma raised their cups to each other, bowed slightly and drank.
"Your father's debt is large little one" Said the Yakuza Lord after draining the cup. "What can one so young possibly have to offer me that would make it worth my while to cancel it?"
Shiruku handed her cup to the kneeling girl and unbuttoned her coat. Then she slid it off and dropped it to the floor, leaving her standing there naked! A single tear crept out of the corner of each eye and began a slow descent.
"I see" Said Akuma "It is hard to put a value on such a service child, how do you know I will not cheat you and make you do far more than is necessary?" Shiruku bowed again.
"People say bad things about you, Akuma San" Said the girl "But I have also heard it said that you are a man of honour. I therefore place my trust in you!" Akuma smiled.
"Well said little one" He replied, "Come closer" Shiruku stepped onto the platform and up to Akuma until her feet touched the folds of his kimono. He reached out with one hand and stroked his fingers across her chest, teasing the little breast buds that were just beginning to develop. Then he stroked his hand down her belly, over her bald mound and between her legs. She moved her feet further apart to assist him and gasped as he teased her little clit and probed her vagina.
"I see you are a virgin" he said, "You know there are people who will pay a lot of money for a video or pictures of a girl as young as you being bound tightly, punished and robbed of her virginity. Do you know what bondage is?"
"I, I think so" Shiruku replied, "Is it when people tie each other up, a kind of sex game?" Akuma removed his hand and smiled. Then he gestured to the man sitting at the desk. The man rose, picked up the laptop and carried it over to them. He bowed to Akuma, handed him the computer and backed away. The Yakuza Lord punched a few keys then turned the machine around so that Shiruku could see.
Shiruku knelt down for a better view. Excerpts from a video were playing on the screen, for a few minutes she watched as a naked girl of about 12 was tied up tightly by men. She winced in sympathy as one of the men then took a whip and lashed the girl several times across her buttocks, chest and belly. She put a hand to her mouth and gasped as metal things were attached to the girl's nipples and sex making her scream out in pain. Her eyes opened wide at the final images of the men, now naked, pushing their large, erect cocks into the girl's mouth and sex. When the video had ended, Akuma placed the laptop on the floor beside him and looked at her.
"Shiruku, daughter of Hazoumi" he said "If you think you can do it, the fastest way to clear your father's debt would be to allow us to use you in a movie like that, allow us to tie you up and do things to you. We will not do any more to you than you want, but the more you endure, the faster the debt will be repaid, the choice is yours".
Shiruku shuffled further back, leaned forwards and bowed, touching her head to the floor. Then she rose up into her former kneeling position.
"Akuma San" She replied "I thank you for this opportunity to restore my families honour, I will try my best to endure whatever you wish" She closed her eyes, her lip was trembling and there were now several tears rolling down her cheeks. Akuma grunted and gestured to the naked teen kneeling to one side. She stood up, bowed and walked up to the platform where she bent down and assisted Shiruku to stand up.
"This is Chitsu" Said Akuma "She is one of my house girls, go with her, she will take you to one of our studios and prepare you. I will follow soon and we will see what you can do!" Chitsu picked up Shiruku's coat, both girls bowed, backed away to the sliding doors which were opened by the two 12 year olds. Then they bowed again and left the room.
Once outside, the older girl led Shiruku down several more corridors, remaining silent as they walked, finally they came to another set of sliding doors. Chitsu opened one and gestured for Shiruku to enter.
Behind the doors was another large room, divided into several areas containing lighting complexes and multi coloured backdrops. It was obviously a large photographic and video studio.
Chitsu led Shiruku to a corner of the room. This area had chairs, tables and mirrors and was obviously a make-up area. She gestured to the younger girl to sit down and immediately began to work on her hair.
Soon Shiruku's hair had been divided expertly down the middle and tied into two pony tails, one on either side of her head. Chitsu then applied the barest of makeup to the younger girl's face, a little blusher on her cheeks, a touch of gloss to her lips. Finally she had Shiruku stand and examined her body all over, checking it for marks and cleanliness, fortunately the little girl had showered before her journey. Eventually Chitsu seemed satisfied and, taking Shiruku by the hand, led her to one of the sets.
It was a simple set, several gym mats were laid on the floor and the background was the bare, brick wall of the building itself. Chitsu stood her young charge in the middle of the set then knelt down by the side. They did not have long to wait. Soon there was a bustle outside and the doors slid open admitting several people. Men carrying large video cameras, others bearing sound equipment, the two naked young girls whom Shiruku had first seen when she had entered the building, several other men and Akuma himself. Suddenly Shiruku felt very vulnerable as she stood there naked, she made no attempt to cover herself though.
As the men busied themselves setting up equipment and checking lights, Akuma walked over to Shiruku and knelt down so that his face was level with hers. Taking hold of her chin gently he tilted her face towards his.
"Are you sure you wish to do this little one?" He asked her, "You understand that there will be pain, a lot of pain!" Shiruku nodded, if this was the fastest way to clear the debt then so be it. "Very well" Akuma continued, "You need do very little, just allow things to be done to you, struggle little and look afraid, although I'm sure that that will come easily enough". He stepped to the side of the set and sat down in a director's chair.
Soon all was in readiness and Akuma nodded to the three other naked girls. They approached Shiruku and strapped padded, leather cuffs around her wrists. Then a chain was lowered from the rafters above and clipped to the cuffs. When this had been done, Shiruku was lifted up and left hanging in mid air, her head just above Chitsu's. The other girls then stood off to one side. A short, fat man approached her.
"I am Dankon" said the man, "You will follow my instructions, for now just lower you gaze, try to look afraid and above all, do not look directly at the camera!" Shiruku nodded and looked to the floor as Dankon stepped away again.
"Action!" Barked the fat man. A man with a large video camera approached Shiruku and began playing it over her hanging form. Taking in her wrists first and panning down, he circled her body with the lens focussed closely and the background out of focus. The lights were angled to maximise the lines of her muscles and the furrows of her ribs in her chest. The camera played closely over her torso as she trembled and began to show the first signs of strain from her weight being born by only her wrists. Every square inch of her young flesh was scanned, every curve and contour captured by the camera before the man backed away and slightly to one side. Then, at a gesture from Dankon, Chitsu and the other girls stepped into the frame. Chitsu was now carrying a long length of thin, silk rope.
One of the two twelve year olds knelt down in front of Shiruku and grasped her feet, holding them tightly to her chest to steady the hanging girl. Chitsu doubled the rope over and passed the two loose ends around Shiruku's chest, feeding them through the loop behind. The standing twelve year old adjusted the two strands so that one passed above the young girl's budding breasts and the other below. Then she pinched the child's nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, squeezed hard and pulled.
"Aiieeeee" Shrieked Shiruku as her nipples were pulled out, raising a cone of flesh with them. When the girl had pulled as hard as she could she nodded to Chitsu who pulled on the ropes hard! Shiruku's scream was cut short as the rope bit into her skin and tightened around her. She could feel Chitsu tying a knot in the ropes in the middle of her back. A nod from the older girl and Shiruku's nipples were released, but the effect of the tight rope strands above and below caused the flesh to remain bulging outwards, making her look like she had real, if small, breasts!
The two loose ends were then passed over Shiruku's shoulders, one on either side, down her chest where they were knotted around the two horizontal strands, pulling them together in the middle and accentuating her tiny breasts even more! Then they were passed down her belly, through her legs and up between her buttocks. Behind the hanging girl's back, Chitsu passed the ends under the knot and left them dangling down.
Now the two twelve year olds took one of Shiruku's legs each and pulled them apart. Chitsu knelt down and adjusted the fine ropes so that each one passed on the outside of the little girl's labia. Then she stood up. Took a firm grip on the ropes and pulled hard again!
"Ahhhhhhahahahahahaaaaa!" Screamed Shiruku as the cords cut into the soft flesh, forcing the labia folds together and making them puff up. Satisfied that the ropes were tight enough, Chitsu tied them off again in the middle of Shiruku's back. When she was done, there was just a few inches of each loose end left.
The girls backed away again and the cameraman came closer, focussing in on the girl's bound body, on the cords cutting into folds of skin, on her chest now breathing hard but restricted by the tightness of the rope, on her face twisted into an anguished grimace, tears streaming down her cheeks. Then he backed away again and Chitsu came into the frame once more. She held up an object so that Shiruku could see it. It was a penis gag!
Shiruku stared wide at the gag, about four inches of realistic rubber cock were sticking out of a narrow flange with straps on either side. The camera zoomed in close as Chitsu rubbed the "cock" over Shiruku's tear streaked face before holding it up to the girl's lips. The older girl made a kissing shape with her lips and Shiruku copied, kissing the fake phallus several times as Chitsu turned it around on the younger girl's lips. Then Chitsu stuck out her tongue and Shiruku licked the penis up and down. Finally Chitsu opened her mouth wide. Trembling, Shiruku copied and the cameraman zoomed in on her lips as the length of the gag was fed slowly into her mouth. When it touched the back of her throat, she started to gag but Chitsu rubbed her throat and made swallowing noises. Shiruku copied and the gag slid in the last inch, filling her mouth now from her lips to just behind her soft pallet. Chitsu held it there until she was sure that the little girl was used to it and then she fastened the straps, securing it in place.
"Cut!" Yelled Dankon and everyone backed away from Shiruku. Akuma stood up, walked over to her and placed one hand on her chest, caressing her "breasts" and giving the nipples a gentle squeeze.
"You are doing very well little one" He said. "What you have endured so far has cleared ten percent of your father's debt. Do you wish to continue?" Shiruku closed her eyes and nodded, honour was everything. As she hung there, Chitsu approached her with a bottle. She held it up to Shiruku's face, connected it to her gag with a slender plastic tube and gave it a gentle squeeze. Shiruku felt cool water trickling into her throat through a hole which ran down the length of the gag and she swallowed eagerly.
As she drank, she watched as a man in front of her stripped off his clothing, he was a tall, fit young man with a muscular body and a large penis! He covered his face with a Noh theatre mask, Shikami, the red scowling demon face. Then he was handed a short, braided leather whip with long, flat falls which he coiled up as he walked towards her. When he reached her he held up the whip for her to see.
"This is Kakuhan" Said Akuma, "He is going to whip you now, each stroke of the whip you endure will reduce your father's debt by one percent!" He reached up and folded her little hands into fists. "When you can endure no more" He continued "Open your hands and the whipping will stop. Kakuhan will continue until you give the signal or until he reaches fifty! If you can bear it, this is a chance to reduce the debt substantially!" He backed away from her with a wide grin on his face and sat down. Kakuhan stepped off to one side, off set. The cameraman returned but this time he was accompanied by two more cameramen. One pointed his camera at her face. One went behind her and pointed his camera at her back, concentrating on her torso from shoulders to buttocks. This left the main man to roam freely around her as before. At a nod from Akuma, Chitsu stepped onto the set, knelt down and grabbed Shiruku's ankles to steady her.
"Action!" Said the fat, little Dankon. The cameras began humming and the main man stood directly in front of Shiruku panning up and down her trembling body before pulling back to show her full length. The rear camera stayed slightly to one side steadying on her rear, the third focussed closely on her face. Tears were already beginning to flow as she awaited the kiss of the whip and the pain it would bring!
Kakuhan stepped into the set behind her and stood there, swishing the whip back and forth, his naked body had been oiled now and glistened in the lights. His penis was hard and erect, aroused by the anticipation of the pain he was going to cause to a helpless, bound child!
Suddenly he lashed out hard and , CRACK! The long falls of the whip landed square across both of Shiruku's buttocks with terrific force! Her eyes flashed open and her head jerked back! The pain was terrible and she screamed hard, but her cry of anguish was stifled by the gag! She almost opened her hands on that first blow but forced herself to clench her fingers even harder! WHACK! A second blow landed above the first. THWACK! A third lashed her just below .
Ten hard, cruel blows raked across her quivering buttocks. The camera behind her zooming in to catch the impact of leather upon flesh. The camera in front concentrating on the strain showing on her tear stained face. The main cameraman darted here and there to film her tiny body jerking this way and that as the whip lashed her! Still the little girl kept her fists tightly clenched although she was sobbing into her gag and biting it hard from the harsh pain.
Kakuhan paused for a few moments and stroked his long, thick cock for the benefit of the cameras. Then he braced himself and struck out again!
THRASH! Shiruku bucked and heaved as the whip slashed across the back of both thighs. Chitsu had to grip really hard, clutching the younger girl's feet to her breast to steady her. Nine more lashes punished her tender flesh and raised welt upon welt. Though her body was trembling and her head shaking from side to side, still the 10 year old kept her fists closed. There was another pause and, opening her eyes to look round she could see that several men in the room had their hands in their pockets and were stroking themselves. Some of the more brazen ones had there flies undone and were masturbating openly!
Kakuhan stepped in front of Shiruku now and to one side. She gazed at him as he stood there, rubbing his erect shaft with one hand and swishing the whip back and forth with the other, her brow was furrowed in fear, her backside and legs felt like they were burning, her body ached from the strain of hanging there and from the tightness of the ropes. Undaunted she kept her fists closed. The cameraman who had been behind her came to the front now and focussed on her chest. Kakuhan struck out again!
CRACK! Shiruku squeezed her eyes shut and squealed into her gag as the whip snaked across her chest and lashed both nipples! The pain was excruciating! Chitsu struggled to steady the hanging child as Kakuhan struck again and again. Flogging the little girl's chest hard, tormenting her tiny breast buds! Again he stopped after ten blows and stepped back, Shiruku was sobbing hard now, a thin film of sweat covered her slim body and she was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Yet her hands remained closed.
Whispers of approval were exchanged as the men in the room marvelled at this little girl's endurance. Bets were being placed as to whether she could withstand another twenty blows! While Kakuhan paused and prepared himself for the next set, the main cameraman panned up and down Shiruku's trembling body, lingering on her tear streaked face, twisted into a grimace from the pain. Paused to take in the welts across her tortured chest. At a grunt from Kakuhan, the cameraman stepped back and the whip snaked out again!
WHACK! The leather streaked across Shiruku's belly, leaving a long, red trail as she twisted and bucked from the impact, rattling the chain above her. CRACK! THWACK! THRASH! Kakuhan grunted loud as he swung hard and left streak upon streak across the girl's slim waist. Shiruku had never known such pain, her whole body was in agony from the cruel punishment, but she bit into the gag hard and persevered! At the tenth blow Kakuhan stopped again to rest. This time he walked up to her and one of the cameras zoomed in on his free hand as he pinched her nipples and ran his fingers down over her belly to rub her hairless mound and finger her slit.
Shiruku could see the man's eyes through the holes in his mask now, they were glaring, he was angry! How dare she, a mere girl, put up so much resistance!
"This is next!" He hissed at her as he pinched her clit hood and groped her labia. "You think I've hurt you do you? You don't know what pain is yet!" He walked away from her and gestured to the two naked twelve year olds who ran onto the set and tapped Chitsu on her shoulders. She released her grip on Shiruku's ankles and stepped to one side. The two younger girl's knelt down, took one of Shiruku's ankles each and pulled her legs wide apart with all of their strength.
Kakuhan took up a position in front of her and snapped the whip in the air for effect. One camera focussed on her face, another zoomed in on her pelvis, the main camera pulled back to take in her entire suspended body from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her toes. When they were ready, Kakuhan grunted and struck out!
THRASH! The whip struck Shiruku across her pelvis, straight across her hairless mound, just above her clit hood. Again her eyes screwed shut from the shock and pain and she struggled and twisted, almost pulling the two twelve year olds over! CRACK! A second blow landed a little lower, this time striking her on her clit hood itself!
Shiruku screamed hard and bit into the gag that muffled her cries. She forced her fists into tighter balls, even though her mind was yelling at her, 'open you hands, open your hands!' A trickle of blood ran down each, slender forearm as her fingernails cut into the palms of her hands. Seven blows in all scourged her hips, torturing her most sensitive parts, then Kakuhan shifted his grip and lashed the whip upwards between her legs!
CRACK! The flat, leather falls of the whip landed hard along the entire length of Shiruku's sex, punishing her young flesh cruelly! WHACK! SMACK! Two more landed in the same place! Shiruku was sure that her vulva was on fire, the pain was so intense.
"Enough!" Said Akuma. Kakuhan threw the whip down onto the floor, walked up to her and coughed. The little girl opened her eyes and, to her astonishment, Kakuhan bowed to her then walked off set. She had endured the cruel punishment to the last blow! The two twelve year olds released her and she felt herself being lowered down to the floor. Chitsu appeared and removed the chain from her cuffs. Shiruku curled into a ball and cried, her gag still muffling her sobs.
"Cut!" Yelled Dankon, "Everybody take a break!" Chitsu unbuckled Shiruku's gag, removed it from her mouth and held a bottle of water to her lips, she drank deeply as the older girl took a cloth and wiped the tears from her face.
"You are doing very well little one" Said Boss Akuma, who had stepped onto the set and knelt down beside them. "Sixty percent of your father's debt is now paid. I can stop this now if you wish or you can continue, it is up to you Shiruku". He took her hands and wiped the blood from the cuts in her palms. "I must warn you though that the next thing we do will be even more painful, but if you submit you could clear your father's debt before the day is done!"
"I, I will continue Akuma San" Gasped Shiruku. "I will suffer whatever it takes to repay you and restore my family's honour". Akuma stood up and bowed to her then left her alone with Chitsu and the two twelve year olds.
"You are very brave" Said the older girl, the first words that any of the three nude girls with painted faces had spoken since she had arrived! "Your family's honour must mean very much to you. That is rare these days"
"Thank you" Said Shiruku, "Why are you here, why are your faces painted like that?" Chitsu lowered her head and wiped a tear from her own eye.
"There are many gang wars in the world of the Yakuza, people often die and their assets become spoils of war. Even children like us. Our families were destroyed and Akuma took us in to be house servants. We are nude and paint our faces like Geisha because it pleases him, he owns us and many others." The two other girls came up and helped Shiruku to stand and stretch her limbs.
"These are Kusari and Kafusu" Said Chitsu, "They are twins and have been servants to Akuma since they were your age" The two girls bowed, Shiruku could see now that, under their makeup, the girls were identical. The twins towelled her down but her tight body ropes were not removed, she winced as the towels were dabbed against her cruel welts.
"Don't worry little sister" Said Kusari, "They will heal in a few days, there will be no scarring, they are always very careful to avoid that". A commotion by the door alerted them that people were returning. Chitsu and the twins knelt, Shiruku remained standing. Dankon appeared and walked over to her.
"Are you ready to continue?" He asked. Shiruku nodded, "Good, just do as before, allow things to happen and you will be fine". Chitsu stood up and pressed the penis gag to Shiruku's lips, she opened her mouth and allowed the older girl to replace and secure it. When that was done, Chitsu pressed down her shoulders, placed her in a kneeling position with her arms by her sides then stepped off the set, leaving her alone again.
"Action!" Said Dankon and the three cameramen set to work, one focussed on her face, another on her bound torso and the chief cameraman circled her as before, taking in all aspects of her kneeling form. At a signal from Dankon, Chitsu, Kusari and Kafusu entered. The twins knelt down beside Shiruku, one on either side facing her while Chitsu knelt down behind her. The older girl ran her hands over Shiruku's body, checking the tight, silk bondage ropes, stroking her budding breasts and running her fingers along some of the welts, making her wince. The camera at the front focussed closely on Chitsu's delicate hands stroking the younger girl's skin.
Chitsu then took hold of Shiruku's hands and, pulling them behind her body, placed them palm to palm. She then took a length of the same silk rope that was binding the little girl's body and tied her wrists tightly together. She took a second length of rope, looped it and draped it over Shiruku's upturned hands. The twins now took hold of one of their victim's elbows each and began to push inwards! The main cameraman was standing over Chitsu now and focussing in on Shiruku's back. In and in the twins pushed, forcing the younger girl's elbows closer together while Chitsu slid the rope loop down to the crooks of the elbows and began pulling in to assist the twins!
Closer and closer the elbows came together as Shiruku shook her head and groaned into her gag until, with a final tug, they came together and Chitsu tied them tightly. Shiruku's arms were now bound perfectly in the reverse prayer position, her forearms vertical against her back and pointing upwards! She felt like her shoulders were being dislocated! The pain of the extreme bend was terrible, her chest, forced forwards by the tie was heaving and causing her more pain with each breath as the ropes cut into her.
The twins scampered off set and returned with some equipment. A crossbar and two, vertical stands which were placed on either side of Shiruku and set into sockets in the floor, fixing them in place. Shiruku's knees were pulled apart and fixed to the bases of the stands. The crossbar was then fed under her arms, lifted and fixed to the uprights, causing her even more pain. A final rope was fed through her elbows and around her body, pulled tight and tied in place. She was now firmly held in an agonising bondage tie, tears rolling down her face again, sweat covering her body and her face once more twisted in anguish from her suffering! The cameras now focussed in close on her suffering body, capturing the pain showing on her face and the strain torturing her stretched torso.
Chitsu now moved in front of Shiruku and began to kiss and fondle the little girl's nipples, making them spike out. Kusari stepped off set and returned with a roll of cloth which she gave to Chitsu. One of the cameras focussed in on her hands as she unwrapped it to reveal a long, sharp, hollow needle, a flat, leather pad a small pair of pliers and three, small gold rings. She picked up the pad and needle and placed the pad to one side of Shiruku's stiff, left nipple and the needle to the other side. Then she pushed the needle hard! Shiruku squealed and bit her gag again as a sharp, pain seared her nipple. The needle passed through easily and into the pad leaving a neat, perfect hole!. Blood ran from the wound and down Shiruku's chest as Chitsu removed the needle and swiftly fed a gold ring through the hole, pinching it closed with the pliers. Kusari pressed a white linen pad to the abused nipple and held it there while Chitsu moved to the right nipple.
A moment later, a fresh stab of pain, another rivulet of blood and Shiruku's right nipple had suffered the same fate! Kafusu moved in and held a second linen pad to the fresh wound. One of the cameras zoomed in on the little girl's chest as the twins dabbed the bleeding nipples for a while until there was nothing but an occasional trickle.
Another camera followed Chitsu's right hand as it slid gracefully down over the bound child's body and began to finger her slit, rubbing along it's length, fingering and teasing the stiff little love bud. When the tiny clit hood was standing out, Chitsu placed the leather to one side of it and the needle to the other. The camera zoomed in for an extreme close-up as the tender, young flesh was pierced by the needle. The main camera captured Shiruku's body jerking in agony and breathing hard as the needle was removed and the third ring took it's place. Chitsu dabbed a third pad onto the wound and held it for a while before dabbing now and then as the flow of blood slowed.
Finally the girls stepped away and allowed all three cameras to move in closer and take advantage of the bound child's torment. Drinking in her slender, tortured body and twisted, anguished face! After a few moments they pulled back and resumed their former positions. One zooming in on her face, the other concentrating on her torso from crotch to shoulders and the third moving around.
Kakuhan entered the set again, naked as before with his cock hard, erect and sticking out in front of him. He knelt down behind Shiruku and began stroking the front of her body with both hands, teasing her nipples and fingering her slit and clit hood, playing with the rings. He began squeezing harder, making the youngster cry and groan. Then he began twisting and pinching her nipples and clit hood violently, using nothing but his fingers to torture her and make her suffer. After a few minutes of this he stood up and moved to her front. Chitsu and the twins ran swiftly onto the set and untied Shiruku from the frame. The crossbar was lifted quickly off the uprights and slid out from under her arms. The twins took the uprights and bar and carried them off set while Chitsu knelt down behind Shiruku.
As Kakuhan stood in front of them stroking his cock, Chitsu pulled Shiruku's knees together and helped her into an 'upright' kneel, her body vertical from the knees upwards. In this position, her head was level with Kakuhan's groin and he moved forwards to rub his stiff pole over her face. Chitsu unbuckled the gag and slid it from Shiruku's mouth, then she took a cloth and wiped the suffering child's face. Kakuhan pressed his length onto Shiruku's mouth and her lips parted. Chitsu closed a hand around the thick shaft and rubbed it up and down as Shiruku licked it and played her tongue over the purple head. Then the younger girl opened her mouth wide and moved her head forwards to engulf the fat length, taking several inches into her mouth.
She had grown used to the gag and found it easy to suck away at the stiff, hard cock, back and forth she moved her head, teasing the shaft with her tongue while Chitsu rubbed it with her hand. One of the cameras zoomed in for a tight close up of the cock sliding in and out of the young girl's mouth.
After a few minutes of this, Kakuhan slid all of the way out and changed places with Chitsu, he knelt behind Shiruku while Chitsu knelt in front. Kakuhan pushed the bound child forwards until she was bent over at the hips with Chitsu supporting her shoulders. Then he spread her legs apart and began rubbing his cock between her naked, welt covered buttocks.
One of the cameras zoomed in on this action as Kakuhan began to finger the child's slit, rubbing it hard and fingering her tight, little love hole. To her surprise Shiruku began to feel excitement and arousal and she began to ooze wetness. Kakuhan placed the tip of his cock against her tiny vaginal entrance, then he gripped her hips hard and lunged! Shoving his cock deep into her, tearing away her hymen and stripping her of her virginity! The cameras took it all in as his thick shaft was forced into her tiny hole, stretching it painfully. A new wave of agony flooded her body as the soft folds of her labia were forced hard onto the thin rope on either side of them! Another camera came close in to her face and filmed her screwing shut her eyes and screaming into her gag as her brutal rape began!
Blood from her torn hymen trickled down her legs as Kakuhan pounded his fat cock in and out of her, hurting her, raving her. Every lunge caused waves of terrible pain to wrench her tightly bound body. This torment went on for several minutes before her abuser slid out of her. Shiruku thought it was over but her relief was short lived. She felt the cords between her buttocks being pulled apart and something slick and oily being rubbed into her anus, then she felt the tip of the stiff cock probing her sphincter! Her eyes flashed open wide as the thick shaft was forced into her rectum and a new round of agony began!
For what seemed like an eternity her cruel, anal rape continued. Finally the man pulled out of her and again switched places with Chitsu. The older girl pulled Shiruku upright and whispered in her ear.
"Open your mouth wide little one" She said, "Open wide and hold out your tongue flat!" Shiruku did as she was told and Kakuhan rested the tip of his fat length on her tongue while he rubbed himself furiously. Once again the cameras zoomed in as he rubbed hard. Finally he groaned and his warm, thick, cum burst out of his cock, sending spurt after spurt into her mouth and spattering her face. As his spunk drooled out of her mouth he pushed his cock in again and she sucked hard, draining every drop of seed from the stiff pole.
Kakuhan withdrew again and stepped off set while Chitsu whispered an instruction into Shiruku's ear. The cameras focussed on her mouth as she snaked out her tongue and licked the spunk off her lips and chin and took it into her mouth to swallow down. Then Chitsu took a cloth and wiped the younger girl's face before stepping off to one side. Shiruku thought her ordeal was over and she would now be released form her painful bonds. Her arms were numb from pain now and her whole body sore from where the ropes were biting into her. Not to mention the burning agony that was ripping through her loins and anus. It was not to be!
As she looked up, three more naked men with big erections stepped onto the set, knelt down around her and grabbed her roughly! This time there was no gag to stifle her and her screams of utter agony echoed around the room as the men pulled and twisted on her tortured nipples and sex, pressed on her numb arms and pulled at her bonds to make them rub her tortured flesh even more! Then one of the men lay down on his back and she was placed on top of him. She shrieked in agony as he grabbed her hips and rammed his shaft into her aching cunt. Even as she screamed, her head was twisted to one side by strong hands and another stiff cock was rammed into her gaping mouth. The third man knelt down behind her and rubbed her anus with fresh oil before pulling the twin cords apart and shoving his stiff pole into her rectum!
Shiruku was helpless as the cruel and vicious triple rape began. Her whole body was burning in agony and she was choking as the man raping her mouth stabbed his cock into her throat! After a few minutes, the men pulled their cocks out of her body and changed places, each one moving to a different hole. The three cameras darted around her, focussing on her mouth, her arse, her cunt, her whole body, recording every second of her vile, brutal treatment from every possible angle.
Another few minutes and the men changed places again, so that each one of the three had experienced every one of her holes. On and on the harsh fucking continued. Finally the men pulled out of her and stood in front of her, masturbating. Chitsu re-entered and helped her back into a kneel. Then she held Shiruku in place while the men pointed their cocks at her face. The cameras all zoomed in and she soon found herself being spattered with streams of cum. They came on her face, in her mouth, over her throat and on her chest. One of the cameras took an extreme close up of her mouth as spunk flowed out of it and down her chin to drip down onto her chest. The men and Chitsu stepped off set and left Shiruku on her own. For a few moments the cameras played over her as tears ran down her face to mingle with the spunk.
"Cut" Said Dankon "That's a wrap!" As soon as these words had been spoken Chitsu and the twins ran onto the set. Kusari started to wipe the man juice from Shiruku's face and chest while Chitsu began to untie the ropes which were binding her arms. First her elbows were released and Chitsu moved them slowly apart. Shiruku screamed again, it hurt almost as much being released as the bind itself had!. The older girl then untied her wrists and her arms were finally free. Chitsu and Kafusu rubbed them up and down to ease the aching, then they began to untie the ropes around Shiruku's body. Soon she was completely free and the older girls helped her onto her feet.
"Come" Said Chitsu "A hot bath awaits you, our master and the others will be busy for a while now, he will send for you later". Shiruku was led out of the room and down a corridor. She soon found herself in another room with a huge sunken bath on the floor, all four girls immersed themselves and Shiruku was submerged up to her neck, her limbs spread out and the other girls massaging her arms, legs and body, helping the hot water to ease her muscles and dispel her stiffness and aches.
After a while the older girls allowed Shiruku to relax a moment while they washed off each other's make-up and undid their hair so that it fell around their shoulders. They returned to Shiruku and did the same for her, she could see now that the three older girls were all quite pretty and the twins were indistinguishable from each other. Now they began to soap up themselves and her, working up thick lathers and rubbing each other's bodies.
Shiruku noticed that the others were kissing and rubbing each other's crotches. Remembering the feeling she had had whilst being fucked by Kakuhan, she took one of Chitsu's hands and guided it onto her slit. Chitsu needed no further encouragement and began to stroke her gently, she was still very sore form her rape but Shiruku began to feel a tingling in her sex, Chitsu's fingering was kind and gentle and her caresses were soft. The little girl was soon gasping and moaning with pleasure. As Chitsu continued to rub her, the twins snuggled up on either side of her and took turns to kiss her, twining their little tongues with hers.
Soon Shiruku was screaming again, but this time in pleasure as a bolt of pure pleasure and ecstasy shot through her groin as she had her first orgasm. The other girls were not far behind her as fingers probed and tongues twirled!
For a while Shiruku lay in the bath, cuddled against the twins, while Chitsu left the bath, dried herself off and prepared a long, low padded table. When she was ready she called out to the twins and they assisted Shiruku out of the bath, dried her off and led her over to the table. At a gesture from Chitsu she lay face down. The older girl poured a little oil onto her back and then began to massage her, rubbing her fingers hard into the little girl's muscles.
Shiruku felt like she was melting under Chitsu's skilful hands, all of the aching was draining away from her body and it seemed like she was floating on air. After a whileChitsu turned her onto her back and began to massage her front. The massage finished with Chitsu rubbing and probing the younger girl's slit again, then she spread her legs wide, leaned down and began to lick the tender sex between the child's legs.
It was not long before Shiruku groaned and gasped as another orgasm washed over her, even stronger than the first! When it was over, the four girls left the room and went into an adjoining chamber where they lay down on silk cushions and cuddled and kissed.
"Thank you for helping me" Said Shiruku meekly as she looked up into Chitsu's eyes. The older girl pulled the ten year old close to her breast and hugged her.
"I did my duty and nothing more little one" She replied, "It's not such a bad life for us here. Now the twins and I are off duty and can relax a little". There was a knock on the door frame and the partition door slid open to reveal another naked girl. She was not much older than Shiruku and had the same nipple and clit decoration as the older girls. Her hair and make up were the same style as the twins had been, Junior Maiko. She bowed to the other girls and beckoned.
"Akuma sends for you" Said Chitsu, "This is Eri, go with her and she will take you to our master". Shiruku kissed the three girls, stood up and bowed to them, then she followed Eri out of the room. The new girl kept silent as they walked just a short distance to another door, flanked by two guards in suits where she knelt down and knocked.
"Enter" said a deep voice within, Eri slid open the door, bowed to the occupant and motioned for Shiruku to enter. As she entered, Shiruku could see that this was a sumptuous bedroom, Akuma, wearing a dressing gown was by the window looking out at the gardens, Shiruku could see some naked children playing out there. He turned to face her and they bowed slightly to each other. Then he went to the bed, sat down on the end and beckoned her to him.
As she stood in front of him, mere inches away, she realised that she had become used to her nakedness and that it did not bother her anymore. She was however, literally painfully aware that her naked skin was covered in rope and whip marks, even if they had already begun to fade.
"You have done very well little one" Said the Yakuza Lord. "You have almost completely repaid your father's debt to me, there is but one thing left that you must do". He untied his dressing gown and slipped it off to lie on the bed around him. He was naked underneath! Shiruku looked over his body, which was quite fit and lean for a middle aged man, she understood and knelt down in front of him.
Resting one hand on one of his thighs she reached out and took hold of his cock, which was already stiff and hard. It was quite big but not so big as the men who had fucked her in the studio. Shiruku was glad of that, she did not think she could handle more! She leaned forwards and licked the stiff pole up and down, rolling her tongue around the purple head before wrapping her lips around it and moving her head down the shaft. Boss Akuma sighed and laid back down on the bed, enjoying the sensation of having the moist young lips and tongue working on his length.
Presently he sat up again, took hold up her under her armpits and pulled her up onto the bed with him. He lay her down on her back and buried his mouth in her hairless pussy. She gasped, moaned and giggled a little as his beard and moustache tickled her sex. When she was moist he moved up her body placed the tip of his cock into her sore love hole, crushed her slim body to his with both arms and thrust hard!
Shiruku cried out in pain as he forced his length into her. It wasn't that he was particularly large, but she was still very sore from the pounding she had been given by the four men in the studio. Thankfully Boss Akuma was more than ready to climax after watching her being tortured and raped and he soon pulled out of her, held his cock to her lips, groaned and sent spurts of thick cum over her lips and chin!
When the last few drops had oozed out of his shaft, Shiruku engulfed it with her mouth again, sucking hard and squeezing it with her hands until it was clean and empty. Akuma moved away from her and sat on the edge of the bed, he took some tissues from a box and handed them to her so that she could clean her face. When she had done so she slid off the bed and moved to stand in front of him.
"You have done very well little one" Said Akuma. "You have completely repaid your father's debt!" Tears rolled down Shiruku's cheeks at this news. "In fact" The Yakuza Lord continued, handing her a red envelope" By my calculations you have even earned some extra"
Shiruku opened the envelope and peered inside. Her eyes opened wide, it contained more money than her family had seen in a long time! She bowed to Akuma.
"Thank you Akuma San" She replied "You are very generous, I am glad to have repaid you and regained my families honour, may I go now?"
"Of course!" exclaimed Akuma, he rang a small bell then slipped back into his dressing gown. The door to the room slid open and Eri entered and bowed. She had Shiruku's coat and held it out to her, Shiruku slipped it on quickly and fastened the buttons.
"There is a car waiting for you by the front door" Akuma continued, "The driver will take you home, before you go though I would ask you to think about something. There is more money to be made if you would like to take part in more of our movies, don't worry, not all of them are as cruel as today's. I know that you have younger brothers and sisters too. Perhaps you could persuade them to participate in some of our milder productions!" Shiruku bowed to him and left the room.
She followed Eri to the front door and soon found herself the passenger in a huge limousine as she was driven home. She pulled the red envelope out of her pocket and studied the money inside. She had already made up her mind, her career as a child porn star had begun!
Halfway through it, I started reading it because I was hooked, like I would be for a normal book. I was cheering for the little girl, telling her to hold on.
You, sir, have a good writing style.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |