Published: 9-Apr-2011
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Marlene was excited, very excited, her parents were driving her to her two best friends' house for a sleep-over but that wasn't what she was excited about. Her dream was of one day becoming a model and tonight, she was going to meet her two best friends' older sister who really was a model and who was going to tell them all about it and help them be models! That was what Marlene was really excited about! She was a pretty little 8 year old girl and she was going to be a model!
Her best friends were Erin and Clara, twins as pretty as Marlene herself, their elder sister was Chelsea, a drop dead gorgeous girl of fourteen! Chelsea was a child model, she had been in the business since her sisters' age, her parents had spent a lot of money on modelling lessons, clothes and makeup and such but the returns were worth it! Unfortunately Chelsea had also succumbed to the seedier side of the business and had taken to drink and drugs!
Marlene's parents pulled up to her friends' house, she kissed them both, waved as they drove off then ran to meet the twins who were waiting by the door, the three girls hugged, kissed, jumped up and down and squealed with excitement! Marlene had conveniently forgotten to tell her parents that it was only Chelsea who was going to be looking after them, as her friends' parents were going out for the evening! If her parents had known that they would never have let her stay! They knew all about Chelsea's drinking!
The three friends skipped into the living room where Chelsea was waiting, her friends' parents had already gone out, they would be undisturbed for hours! Chelsea smiled at the three of them and took out her mobile phone.
"Jusht gotta make a call kidsh, then we'll shtart, kay?" she slurred, true to form she was both drunk and high! She spoke into the phone "S'kay guys, folksh gone, kids r here, front doors unlocked jus make shure y lock it behind you when y come in!" She hung up and turned to the girls. "Ok kids lets see what ya got! Shuck all them clothes off!" Erin and Clara began stripping their clothes off with glee but Marlene hesitated.
"We have to get undressed?" she said, looking at Chelsea, she wasn't sure about this at all but her two friends didn't seem to mind and were already naked!
"Shure y do" Chelsea replied, "No room in the modelling biz for shy people y'know! Y have ta get used to being undressed in front of people, cauz, cauz, sometimes there's nowhere t change see and sometimes y have t change quick so y have t get used to being naked, c'mon girl!" Marlene did see the sense in this and so she shucked off her clothes and stood beside the twins. Chelsea looked them over, three healthy, pretty, slender, naked eight year old girls! "Gosh you three'r really pretty y know, you've definitely got what it takes!" She walked behind the three girls, "Ok girls, I want you to put your hands behind your backs ok!" The three little girls obeyed, Chelsea produced a soft, silk rope from her pocket and began tying Marlene's wrists together.
"Wait, what are you doing" yelped Marlene, trying to pull away from Chelsea, but the older girl was too strong for her.
"I gotta teach you balance kid, that's all, modelling's all bout balance y'know, best way t do that is tie yer hands see, s'one of the basics, y do WANT to be a model don't you?"
This too seemed logical to Marlene so she went along with it and soon all three girls had their hands firmly tied behind their backs. "Ok kids now I want you all to kneel down, kay?" The three girls knelt as told and Chelsea went behind Marlene again, this time Marlene felt her ankles being tied together! She was sure that wasn't right!
"Hey!" she protested, "Why do our ankles have to be tied, now we can't move!" Chelsea had moved over to her sisters and was tying their ankles now.
"Jeez kid will you just shut up! What a worry wart, I'll explain it all in a minute for fuck's sake now shut the fuck up!" She finished with her sisters and crouched behind Marlene again, Marlene was scared now, this wasn't right! She didn't want to be a model anymore, she wanted to go home and be with her mom and dad! She opened her mouth to protest and Chelsea stuffed a strip of cloth in her mouth and tied it behind her head! This was definitely not right! Chelsea gagged her two little sisters in a similar fashion and stood in front of them. Three, naked little preteen girls, bound and gagged and on their knees! "Ohhhh the guysh are gonna luv you three! They're gonna cum in their pants as soon as they get through the door!"
As if on cue Marlene heard the front door open, she heard people enter the house and lock the door behind them. Then three men came into the living room carrying cases and boxes! Marlene was horrified! Three men were looking at her and she was naked! She looked at Erin and Clara, the twins were now also worried, it showed on their faces! The men put the boxes and cases down and eyed the three naked, little girls up and down. One of them spoke.
"Oh nice Chelsea, very, very nice indeed! These little cuties are going to do just fine! We'll get some good stuff with these three alright." Chelsea went up to the man and held her hand out.
"Yeah man, whatever, just give me my stuff ok!" The man handed Chelsea a package and she stuffed it into her pocket.
"Ok boys let's get to work" The men started moving furniture, clearing a space in the middle of the room and setting equipment up. Lights, video cameras, microphones! Then the man who had spoken came up to Marlene, untied her feet and stood her up. He pushed her over to an armchair they had placed in the middle of the room, turned her around and sat her down. The other two men came over to her grabbed hold of a leg each and, to her horror, pulled her legs wide apart! The man then started taking pictures of her, naked with her legs spread open like a whore! Lights flashed as the man took picture after picture, he reached down between her legs and pulled her sex lips wide open and took more pictures! She was mortified! After a while she was pulled out of the chair, told to sit on the floor and the process was repeated, first with Erin, then with Clara! Eventually all three girls were sat together on the floor. They looked at each other, all three had tears running down their faces now! They evening was not going at all as they had foreseen! The man then busied himself by attaching the camera to a laptop computer and fiddling around with it. Presently he returned to the three girls, placed the laptop on a coffee table and turned it around so that they could see it.
"Look carefully now sweethearts" he said and they watched, all three of them in shame and horror as every detail of their naked, little bodies was displayed on the screen! There they all were with their legs wide open, their little vaginas displayed in detail! "You three angels are going to do exactly what you are told to do! Understand? Or every one of these pictures will appear on your school website tomorrow! Ok boys, untie them, ungag them and get them on their feet!" The three little girls were untied and stood up, they stood there in front of the three men, who now started to undress themselves! "I take it you girls don't want those pictures to be seen by your friends or your parents?" All three girls nodded, speechless! "Good, just do exactly as we say, this will soon be over and we'll be on our way! Let's start with a daisy chain boys!" The girls were grabbed and laid on the floor, the men positioned them in a triangle, legs wide apart with each girl's face pressed against one of the other girl's vulvas! The man spoke again "Now lick each other's cunts while we take pictures of you and video the action, do it!"
The three little girls obeyed, trying to ignore the fact that were being video'd and having their pictures taken by three men who were rubbing their cocks! Marlene licked Erin's cunt, Erin licked her sister Clara's cunt and Clara licked Marlene's! None of the girls wanted to have pictures of their spread open little cunts displayed on the internet for their friends to see! The man told them to moan and groan like they were enjoying it, they did so! He told them to lick harder and cry out like they were really enjoying it, they did so! Pretty soon Marlene began to realise that she liked having her cunt licked by Clara!, that she liked the taste of Erin's cunt! Pretty soon the cries of pleasure were real for all three girls! All too soon the men told them to stop!
"That's enough girls" said the man Marlene supposed was the leader. The other two men pulled the girls apart and they were placed in a row on their knees. Cameras were adjusted and the three men stood in front of the girls, naked, with their cocks rampant! Marlene stared at the leader who was right in front of her, his big, hard cock inches from her face!
"Now girls, you are going to suck our cocks, you are going to suck them real good or you know what will happen! Open your mouths!" Each of the girls opened her mouth and the three men lunged forwards and shoved their big cocks into the girl's mouths! The video camera's whirred and Chelsea bounced around taking photos as the three men thrust their cocks in and out of the three little girls mouths! In and out the cocks went as the girls slurped and licked them and stroked them up and down with their little hands, "Oh God yea that's wild" said the leader, "Suck it baby, suck my big, fat cock you little slut" The other men were making similar noises, after a few minutes the leader yelled out loud, "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum, get this Chelsea, get it!" He pulled his cock out of Marlene's mouth and began rubbing it furiously! "Open you mouth wide kid" Marlene opened her mouth as wide as she could, the man took hold of her head and held it still, "Ahhhh God yes!" he cried as spurt after spurt of cum leapt from his cock and into Marlene's mouth, over her face, her throat and chest! After a while the same happened to Erin and Clara and all three girls were on their knees and covered in spunk! The three men dragged the girls into the middle of the room again.
"Now lick each other girls, lick all that spunk off each other, kiss each other with mouthfuls of it and share it, swallow it all or you know what will happen! The girls obeyed, they had no choice, they licked the spunk off each other's bodies, kissed each other, passed the spunk into each other's mouths, sharing and swallowing until it was all gone! The men took photos of all this action and the video cameras whirred away! Finally the men produced towels and wiped the girls down, then sat them together on the sofa. The leader stood in front of them again. "Me and the boys need an hour before we're ready to give you girls another taste of our spunk so we are going to take a load more pictures while we wait, just do as you are told!"
The men spent an hour taking photos of the girls, hugging each other, kissing each other, legs spread open and fingering each other, They were tied up and photos were taken in all manner of lewd positions! Finally they were untied again and put on their knees in the middle of the floor in a neat row! One man knelt behind each girl and they were pushed forwards on all fours, the men took out tubes of KY and greased up their cocks, then they began fingering the girls arses! Marlene was horrified as she felt the leader pawing her anus and pushing his finger inside! Then she felt the man placing his cock against her! Three little girls screamed out loud as three big cocks were shoved into three, tight little arseholes! In and out went the cocks as the men grunted and tears ran down the girls faces as they were butt fucked! All of it was captured on video and camera! After a while the men stopped and withdrew their cocks, flipping the girls onto their backs.
Marlene was horrified again as the leader began to finger her vulva, stroking and probing, the other men did the same to Erin and Clara while Chelsea took picture after picture! Marlene felt the man slipping his finger into her tiny vagina then he put his cock up against it! The other men did the same and all three took hold of the girls hips and lunged! Three little girls screamed in pain as three little hymens were torn apart and three big cocks were plunged into three, tiny love holes! The girls vaginas were so small the men could only get half the length of their cocks in and the girls squealed and cried as the men pounded their cocks into them! The men grunted and groaned as they fucked away until, finally, the leader cried out, pulled his cock out of Marlene and spurted load after load of his spunk over her chest and belly! The leader took hold of Marlene's head and pulled her face to his cock, forcing her to lick his cock clean of his spunk and the traces of her virgin blood! The other men came quickly too and forced Erin and Clara to do the same, then the girls were put together and forced to lick the cum of each other and lick each other's ravaged cunts! They were put together on the sofa again and they hugged each other for comfort and cried and cried!
The men dressed and packed away all of the equipment, then they restored the furniture to normal and the leader stood in front of the girls again. "Girls, I have something for each of you" he said handing each of them a little book, Marlene opened hers , it was a bank book! A bank account had been opened in her name and money deposited, A lot of money! "You see girls, we fellas aren't complete bastards, we pay girls who appear in our movies and photo mags and you three are going to earn us a lot of money! In a couple of weeks we'll arrange another sleep over and do some more stuff with you! Then again and again and again, each time you'll get paid and, over the years, you'll amass a tidy sum each! Don't worry girls, it always hurts the first time but you'll get used to it, hell you may even learn to like it!" The three men kissed Chelsea goodbye, picked up their gear and left.
"Ok you three" Chelsea said to the three snuffling girls "Let's get you upstairs and into the shower" The girls were soon in a hot shower, soaping each other up and trying to forget the ordeal they had been through, their cunts and arses were still sore but the real pain had passed, Marlene enjoyed the feeling of having her body rubbed all over by the twins and she could tell that they were feeling the same, three, naked little eight year old girls, soaping each other, rubbing each other and feeling each other, soon they were kissing and licking each other as the water rinsed the suds away!
"Wow" Said Chelsea, "You three learned something tonight didn't you?" Soon the girls were dried off and in the bedroom, still naked they leapt onto one bed and began to lick and kiss each other as Chelsea looked on in amazement! Three naked, little girls kissing, licking, licking each other's cunts and arses, moaning and sighing! "Yeah, you learned a lot", Marlene paused and looked at Chelsea.
"But you tricked us!" She said, "You said we were going to be models but you let those men in and they hurt us and took pictures!"
"But you ARE models kid!" Chelsea replied "PORNO models!"....
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