Published: 8-Apr-2011
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Karen was excited! She was on her way to a photo shoot! The first she had done in over six months! She used to have her own website with lots of her pictures on it but for some reason her mother had pulled the plug on it months ago and stopped the visits to the studios for more photo sessions. Karen had cried for days, she really enjoyed being in a photo studio, being the centre of attention. Her mother, Joyce, had said that she had earned enough now for her education and it was time to stop and concentrate on other things! What little Karen didn't know, was that her earnings were now gone! Gambled away by her mother! Now Joyce needed money really badly, so she had made a few discreet enquiries and was now taking Karen to another studio, a very different studio, a studio that paid very well indeed for the right kind of model, posing for the right kind of picture!
Karen was now eleven years old, long brown hair, pretty little face, slim body just starting to sprout little breasts, like half an apple on either side of her chest! When she had last been photographed she had been ten and flat chested! She was quite proud of her little breasts, "little boobies" she called them. She wondered what kind of outfits she would be modelling at this new studio. What kind indeed! She was currently wearing only a loose fitting dress and no underwear at all! Joyce had said underwear would leave marks on her skin and she wanted Karen to be flawless today!
The car pulled into a small parking lot behind a row of run down looking buildings on the outskirts of a small town, 'Odd place for a studio' thought Karen. They stepped out of the car and her mother led her up to one of the buildings, there was a small, handwritten sign on the door, "L and Z Studios" was all it said, no fancy lit up sign, no window full of photographs of weddings and graduations, nothing else at all. 'Definitely odd' thought Karen. Joyce rang the doorbell, presently it was opened, a young girl's face peered out at them, she was maybe 14, slim with long blonde hair.
"You must be Joyce and Karen" she said, smiling sweetly, "Come on in" . Joyce and Karen stepped through the door and into a reception room, it was much nicer inside the building, the room was well decorated and had comfortable furniture. "I'm Nancy" said the girl, "Please take a seat and help yourself to coffee" She indicated a machine in one corner. Nancy was dressed in a similar way to Karen, a plain, loose dress and she obviously wore no underwear! She was curvier than Karen and her little nipples were stiff and pressing thorough the thin material of her dress! "I'll get the boys", she said and left the room, Joyce poured herself coffee, Karen declined and looked around the room. The walls had several pictures hung on them, all were of young girls, some were teenagers, some were Karen's age and some were much younger than Karen. None of them were wearing very much, a lot of them were wearing nothing at all! Karen began to feel uncomfortable. Presently Nancy returned with two men, one looked about fortyish and the other a little older, perhaps fifty, with more grey hair.
"Hello Joyce" said the older man, "Nice to see you again" he shook Joyce by the hand and the younger man did likewise. "And you must be little Karen" he continued, crouching down so that his eyes were level with her's "Well I'm Z and this is L, we are going to be your photographers today, Joyce tells me you really like being photographed is that true?"
"Yes sir" said Karen "It's been a while though, about six months since I was last in a studio, I, I may be a bit rusty and..." She was having second thoughts, "I don't know if I want to..." she tailed off and looked up at Joyce, concern clearly on her face.
"Would you excuse us a moment" said Joyce, Nancy and L left the room, Z walked to the opposite side and Joyce knelt down in front of Karen. "Sweetheart" she said "It's going to be ok, the fact is, we, we need the money these men are going to pay us, they aren't bad men, just, just different" she stroked her daughter's hair gently, "I'm going to leave you with them for a few hours, I want you to do everything they ask you to ok?" Karen nodded, "Anything they want you to do is perfectly alright, there is nothing wrong with it, ok?" Karen nodded again and her mother hugged her. Nancy entered the room again and took Karen by the hand.
"Come on sweetie I'll show you the set ups" she said. Karen bid her mother goodbye and left the room with Nancy. Z reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a fat envelope and handed it over to Joyce.
"She's gorgeous Joyce, gorgeous" He said " perfect for our little set up, we'll shoot some real good sets with her, really good!" Joyce took the envelope, tears running down her face.
"Please" she said "Please, you, you won't hurt her too much will you?" She put the envelope into her bag and looked at Z.
"Don't you worry about a thing Joyce" said Z as he showed her to the door, "She's in good hands" . As Joyce left, a wry smile crept across his face. He closed the door and opened a small peephole, he watched as Joyce got into her car, watched as she burst into tears, holding her head in her hands, watched as she dried her tears and watched as she drove off, more tears running down her face. "Very good hands" he said. Then he turned and walked across the room and into the studio area.
As Z entered the studio area Nancy was showing Karen around, there were several sets, in one was a plain white background, with other colours rolled up, a bed was in another, a third was full of apparatus that Karen did not understand, there were benches and chains and straps and .... Well, Karen didn't like the look of anything there! She gave an inward sigh of relief as Nancy steered her to the plain area! Nancy kicked off her shoes and stood barefoot on the plain white paper, it was the kind that swept back and up giving the effect of a seamless background. Karen did the same and joined her. The men named, simply, L and Z busied themselves setting up lights and cameras and video cams.
"See" said Nancy, "Typical studio background and set up, nothing to worry about!" She hugged Karen and kissed her on the forehead, "You'll do fine sweetie! L and Z are the best in the business!" Presently Z brought a chair over to the edge of the paper, sat down on it and beckoned Karen over to him.
"Come over here Karen and let's talk about what we are going to do" he said , pleasantly. Karen stepped to the edge of the paper and stood in front of him, her eyes level with his, her hands fingering the edge of her dress. "We will be shooting digital video as well as digital still photos, as they are easier to load onto a computer see. We use very bright lights instead of flash so as not to interfere with the video recordings. Now Karen, what we want you to do sweetheart, is basically strike all the usual poses that you used to do, strut your stuff and use all of the facial expressions you used to use. I've seen lots of your previous pictures and you are really good at facial expressions, that's why we were so pleased when your mum contacted us and said you were available!" Karen heard a soft, rustling noise behind her. "There's just one difference" said Z, he took hold of her and turned her around. Karen's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped! Nancy had shucked off her dress and was standing there, hands on hips, completely naked and unabashed! Karen looked Nancy up and down, she had a lovely, slim but curvy body, shapely little breasts and a tiny tuft of blonde hair at the top of her slit! She turned around and faced Z again.
"Y, you mean you want me to, to, to go nude?" she asked, "You want to take nudy pics of me? I, I can't do that it's, I mean I'm ... I can't, I just can't!" she was trembling and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Nancy rushed over and gave her a gentle hug, Z proffered a tissue and Nancy gently wiped away Karen's tears.
"Now, now sweetie" she calmly said "No tears, you'll ruin your face! There's nothing to be scared of you know, look at me, I've done this loads of times. In fact the boys asked me to come over and strip and show you the ropes so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable, it's easy money Karen. It's good money too sweetie!"
"That's right" said Z, "It's good money Karen, remember what your mum said, you need the money and she told you to do as we say yes?" Karen nodded "No matter what?" Karen nodded again "Well there you are sweetie, this is what we want from you, but if you won't do it then we can't pay!" He neglected to tell her that he had already paid her mother and that, one way or another, she was going to end up naked and posing!
"I, I suppose " said Karen, "If Nancy is here too and..." she fidgeted with the hem of her dress and looked up at Nancy. Nancy took hold of the hem of Karen's dress and began to pull it upwards.
"I'll be right beside you all the time sweetie, just out of shot showing you what to do" she said as she lifted Karen's dress over her shoulders and off until Karen too, was naked. Karen blushed and moved her hands over her tiny breasts. Nancy stood behind her and moved Karen's hands away, replacing them with her own. "You have lovely little titties Karen" she said, gently stroking them, "You should be proud of them!" She moved one of her hands down Karen's belly to the top of her slit, "No hair down here yet though I see, that's good though, it's a nice combination, little titties and a hairless slit, you look gorgeous kid!" Karen perked up at the compliment.
"I, I am kinda proud of my boobies I suppose" she said, "And I did want to get back into modelling but, I mean this is...."
"Different is all kid" said Nancy, taking Karen by the hand and leading her back into the middle of the white paper, "It's just a different kind of modelling, that's all. And it's one you are going to be fantastic at, you look great kid. Come on and let's strike some poses!"
With Nancy by her side, just out of camera shot, Karen stood in the middle of the set, placed her feet apart a little, put her hands behind her head, twisted her upper body slightly, and pouted!
"That's my girl" said Z and the camera shutter clicked! To one side L operated a small Vid Cam, playing it over Karen's body. Karen moved her hands to her hips, struck an "attitude" and gave the camera a wicked look!
"Fantastic Karen" said Z, "You go girl!" Karen felt herself slip into her old self, she began to feel more and more confidant as Z urged her on and Nancy encouraged her from the side, if she felt at a loss or faltered, Nancy would instantly strike a pose for her to copy! She turned around and struck a few poses with her pert, round little bum pointing at the camera, she knelt down, she lay down, she struck all of her familiar poses, using all of her old familiar expressions, sultry, coy, shy, wicked, innocent. In no time at all she had forgotten she was naked and was lapping up the attention!
Nancy produced a huge sheepskin and placed it on the floor, "Lie down on this Karen and copy me!" she said and moved back out of shot. She sat down, leaned back on her arms and spread her legs wide apart so as to completely expose her sex!
"But" said Karen, "That's very revealing, I, I mean my, my cunny will be on show!" She began to become self conscious again and moved her hands to cover her sex.
"Come on now Karen!" said Z, "You've been doing great up to now sweetie, the camera's on fire! This is the kind of stuff people want!" Karen sat down and copied Nancy's pose. Z took a few shots, Karen's expression was not good but he could always scrap these later. "Come on girl, give me that sexy look you do so well!" Once again Karen began to get into the swing of things and her expression improved. Deep down inside something told her that this was wrong but it also, felt good! It was exciting! Intoxicating! She arched her back and spread her legs wider, she thrust her hips towards the camera, she held her boobies and posed seductively! Z snapped away and the Vid Cam softly whirred!
Nancy came over to her again and knelt behind her, "Karen, I'm going to do something to you now, don't worry sweetie, it's just something that will make the pictures look better and it won't hurt, I promise, OK?" Karen nodded her consent. Nancy placed her hands on Karen's breasts and began to stroke them and massage them until the nipples stiffened and pointed out. Karen sighed at her touch, "There, that's a lot better isn't it? They look much better when they are perky like that!" Karen nodded again, Nancy slid one hand down Karen's belly over her hairless mound and gently rubbed her slit, finding her clitoris she gave it the gentlest of rubs! Karen threw her head back and gasped!
"Oh! Oh Nancy that's, that's wild!" She exclaimed, pushing her hips towards Nancy's probing fingers as Nancy found the entrance to her vagina and gently inserted a finger! "Oooohhhh! Yessss, Nancy I, oohhh!" She moaned. She had often rubbed herself of course, what eleven year old girl hadn't! But to have someone else do it to her, another girl at that! It was, was, was wicked!
"There now" Nancy whispered in her ear "Your little sex looks a whole lot better when it's all moist and your little clit is sticking out sweetie!" Karen could feel the moistness between her legs and a tingling feeling filled her loins! Nancy started to stand but Karen grabbed her!
"Please" she whispered back "Please Nancy. Oh God please don't stop!" she rubbed her head along Nancy's arm like a kitten and sighed! She was oblivious to the clicking and whirring of the cameras!
"I have to" Nancy replied, "There are more pictures to be taken! Play with yourself for the camera sweetie and maybe I'll touch you some more later!" Karen obeyed, she lay back and fingered her hairless little pussy as L and Z worked away, rubbing herself, gasping, moaning, probing her moist, little love hole!
"That's the way baby!" said Z "Just give into your feelings and let yourself go! The cameras love you my little sweetie pie!" Karen was deeply into it now! She arched her back for the cameras! She wriggled and writhed for the cameras! She gasped and moaned for the cameras! She had never felt this way before! She felt like her loins were on fire and there was an aching, a yearning in them but she did not know for what!
"Jesus H Christ!" said L, breaking his silence! "What a fucking hottie!" He placed his hands on his groin and felt the swelling inside his pants! A glance at Z showed him that Karen was having the same effect on his partner! This was going to be a real good afternoon!
All too soon Z stepped away from the camera and motioned to L to shut down the Vid Cam. "OK Karen I think we have enough for now, time to take a short break!" Karen mewled and reluctantly stood up, she was slightly in a daze! She walked over to Z who pulled her to him and gently hugged her, kissing her on the forehead!
"You are doing absolutely brilliantly sweetheart! You are a natural for this kind of work!" Nancy came over and hugged her too.
"See!" she said "I told you there was nothing to worry about didn't I?" Karen nodded and the two girls hugged each other tightly!
"I couldn't have done it without you beside me, helping me!" Karen replied, she reached up and gently kissed Nancy on the lips!
"Come on sweetie!" said Nancy. Taking Karen by the hand she led her over to another set.
Nancy led Karen over to the area where there was a bed and they sat down on the edge, Z brought them soft drinks and cookies. Karen was glad of this, the hot lights had made her thirsty! Both men left the studio area leaving the girls to chat a while. Nancy was full of praise for Karen, saying things like "You really did great kid" "you are a natural! A real pro!" Karen beamed at this and started to feel more relaxed, true, the poses had been far more revealing than anything she had done before but, what the heck, wasn't it common these days!
Presently L and Z came back, Karen noticed that they had changed clothes, they were both wearing long bathrobes and appeared to be barefoot and barelegged! "Ready to go again Karen?" said Z. Karen nodded and both men started to set up the cameras in new positions, Karen noticed that several Vid Cams were set up this time, covering all angles of the bed, several still cameras too! Eventually they were ready, Z sat down on the edge of the bed and put his arm around Karen's shoulders. "OK Karen?" he said, in his usual, gentle voice. Once again Karen nodded, "What I want you to do this time is take your lead from Nancy, she knows what to do, we will just leave the Vid Cams running and the still cameras are all linked together and set to go off regularly at timed intervals, you just relax and let Nancy take charge ok?" Karen nodded, L and Z withdrew to two chairs to one side and watched while Nancy took over.
She moved to the middle of the bed and beckoned to Karen. "Come here sweetie pie" she said. Karen complied and knelt in the middle of the bed, Nancy knelt down behind her as she had done before and gently massaged Karen's little breasts. Karen sighed as before and, reaching behind her, she gently stroked her hands up Nancy's inner thighs and found her sex! Nancy gasped as Karen stroked her slit "Ohhhh Karen!" she said as little fingers probed and teased "You learn fast sweetie pie!" Nancy slid her own hands down over Karen's belly and mound and began to stimulate her sex. Soon both girls were moaning and groaning, rubbing and teasing and fingering little clits, probing and pushing fingers into hot, moist little love holes! Nancy lay Karen down and, laying beside her pulled the smaller girl close to her and kissed her passionately, tongues probed mouths and hands moved down to rub groins again! The girls pressed their bodies hard together and Nancy's fingers worked harder on Karen's sex. Karen felt the tingling return, her sex ached, she felt thrilled, elated. She forced her juicy little cunt harder and faster onto Helen's hand, her body arched and a wave of electric thrill burst through her loins!
"Oh, Ohhh God, I, I, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed and climaxed and her hot love juice flowed over Nancy's hand! Karen went limp, her body trembling, she panted hard, gasping for breath. "Oh God Nancy" She gasped, "Wh, what was ... what did I ...?" Nancy smiled at her and stroked her chest and belly.
"Shhhh" she said, "You came sweetie pie! I gave you an orgasm! Your first if I'm any judge!" She smiled again and kissed Karen on the lips, "Let me see if I can give you another one!" She moved her head downwards and kissed Karen on the throat and chest, tickling and teasing Karen's nipples with her tongue. She licked down Karen's belly and over her mound and began probing Karen's moist slit with her tongue, lapping up Karen's love juice. Karen moaned again and pushed her sex onto Nancy's mouth!
"Oh God Nancy!" she exclaimed "Oh God yes, don't stop, please don't stop!" Nancy's tongue found Karen's wet hole and she thrust it into her love channel, nuzzling Karen's clit with her upper teeth! "OH NANCY" Karen screamed and her back arched again, gripping the bed sheet tightly in her tiny fists she writhed and pushed her hips harder onto Nancy's face, her body quivered and she shrieked as she climaxed once more and her juice flowed over Nancy's chin. Again Karen went limp and lay on the bed panting! Nancy moved up and knelt beside Karen's prone body. She gently stroked Karen's face.
"Easy now sweetie pie" she said "That was fucking hot stuff kid!" Karen looked up at her, still breathing hard she stroked Nancy's face in turn.
"I've never felt like that before!" she gasped, "I, I didn't know anyone could feel so good, God it was so awesome, so overwhelming!"
"It's going to get better now kid" said Nancy, "Cos now it's the boy's turn!" Karen looked up then sat bolt upright in shock, her eyes wide open! L and Z were standing at the foot of the bed, they had taken off their bath robes and were naked! Karen's eyes bulged as she saw the men's cocks, they were long, thick and fully erect!
"Oh God" She exclaimed! "You don't mean..." She had seen boy's cocks before, some of the boys at school delighted in exposing themselves to girls. She knew about sex and what an erection was for too, but she never imagined how big a grown man's cock could be! L and Z's were at least eight inches long with Z's being a shade longer and thicker than L's!
"Of course sweetie pie" said Nancy "We are shooting porn you know and that means sucking and fucking silly!" She put her arms around Karen's shoulders "Don't be scared kiddo, I know it's your first time but it will be alright, the boys know what they are doing and I'll help you!" She slipped off the bed and took Z slightly to one side out of shot. L held out his hand toward Karen.
"Come over here sweetie" he said "Just sit on the edge of the bed facing me and watch what Nancy does with Z" Karen moved over to him and sat where she was told, L's cock was quivering inches from her lips! She turned her head to watch Nancy, becoming aware again of the myriad of camera's and VidCams pointing right at her! She watched, amazed as Nancy knelt in front of Z, took hold of his cock in one hand and plunged it into her mouth! Karen watched in awe as Nancy moved her mouth slowly up and down Z's long, thick cock, stroking it at the same time with one hand while her other hand cupped his scrotum and gently teased his balls!
L placed one hand behind Karen's head and gently pulled her towards his own, rampant cock! "Come on sweetie, take hold of me with one hand and open your mouth!" Karen reached out, hesitantly, with her right hand and placed it around L's cock, she had never touched a cock before, her little hand barely reached around it! It felt hot and hard but at the same time the flesh yielded slightly as she tightened her grip. "Not too tight" said L, "Now stroke it up and down gently like Nancy", Karen obeyed and stroked the stiff pole up and down, she looked up and L made an "O" with his mouth, she did likewise and L pulled her closer and pushed the tip of his cock into her open mouth, it tasted slightly salty but not bad, she thought. She copied Nancy and moved her mouth up and down the thick shaft, stroking it at the same time with her hand, she used her other hand to cup L's balls like Nancy did to Z. L kept her at it for a couple of minutes, encouraging her to take more of him into her mouth until she coughed and spluttered and pulled back, his cock popped out of her mouth with a slurping noise leaving a trail of spittle. "That's Ok sweetie" He said, "That's just your gag reflex kicking in, maybe another time we'll teach you how to deep throat a cock!" He pushed against her chest "Lie down now and look at Nancy"
Karen lay back and turned her head to watch the other couple, Nancy was on her back now and Z was positioning his cock at the entrance to her vagina! She became aware that L had knelt down and had spread her legs apart, pulling her towards him so that her buttocks were on the edge of the bed! He reached out with one hand and began to gently rub her slit! She sighed at his touch, his hands were much bigger than Nancy's! She looked at the others again in awe as Z pushed forwards, thrusting his cock deep into Nancy's juicy cunt! Nancy threw her head back and cried out!
"Oh God, fuck yes!" she exclaimed and began to moan and groan, cry and whimper as Z thrust his big stiff pole in and out of her! Karen suddenly gasped herself as L gave her little clit a squeeze and pushed one of his big fingers into her love hole!
"Oh God!" She cried "Y, you're fingers are b, bigger than Nancy's I, oh, I, Nancy! Oh please!" she felt her little quim becoming wet as L worked his finger around in it. Then he took his hand away and she felt him guiding the tip of his big cock into her hole! He took hold of her hips with both hands and pushed a little, she felt the tip of his cock pushing at her vagina! She gripped his arms and looked up at him pleadingly.
"P, please, y, you're so big" she gasped "P, please be careful, please, p, please don't ... AIIIIIIIIII!!" She screamed out in pain as L thrust hard, tearing her hymen and taking her virginity, screamed in pain as she felt her maidenhead go and his cock penetrating her deeply. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she gripped his arms tighter! "Oh God no, p, please no I .. AHHH! AHHH! AHHHH! She screamed louder as L began to pump his cock in and out of her, slowly first, then building up a faster rhythm! Pain surged through her sex, but something else did too .... pleasure! It felt good having that big, hard, hot cock inside her! It filled the aching and longing that she had felt before! Now she knew what it was she had been aching for! As L ground his pelvis against hers she felt that familiar electric wave washing over her! She couldn't help herself! She cried out and arched her back again as she climaxed, her hot love juice flowing out of her wet cunt and over L's cock!
L pulled slowly out of her, leaned down and licked at her sex, pushing his tongue deep into her gaping cunt and lapping up her sweet love juice. The touch of his tongue tipped her over the edge and she yelped as her body stiffened and she climaxed again! L lapped this up too then stood up. He took hold of her, raised her back into a sitting position and pulled her head towards his still hard cock. She engulfed it with her mouth and tasted her own juice and blood on it, she sucked hard, grabbed it with both hands and rubbed hard! Her mind was in a whirl, dazed from the effect of her double orgasm! Somewhere in the distance she could hear another girl scream and cry with pleasure as she came too, Nancy? She could feel L's balls tighten as she moved her mouth and hands faster and faster, suddenly he pulled her head away from him and cried out. White stuff spurted out of the end of his cock and into her open mouth, spurt after spurt followed and spattered her face, thro at and chest! It tasted salty as she rolled it around her mouth and dribbled it over her chin, she swallowed what was in her mouth and then lay back down, sweating from the heat of the lights and utterly exhausted! 'So that's what spunk is like!' she thought as she rubbed her hands over her face, throat and chest, spreading the white, sticky mess around!
L sat down on the bed, panting, "Fucking fantastic" he exclaimed, "God what a superb little fuck piece you are kid, the video and pictures are gonna sell like hot cakes!" Z appeared with a towel and began to wipe Karen down, mopping up the sticky mess and wiping away the traces of her virgin blood from her sex.
"I think a long, hot shower would be a good idea for all of us, before we move on!" He said, stroking Karen on the face again, "You are doing really good sweetie! Really good! We are all proud of you!" Nancy appeared and lay down on the bed beside Karen, she hugged her close and kissed her. "We'll leave you two to rest while we clean up" Z continued, "Then you can shower while we get the last set ready!" With that the two men left the girls alone. Karen put her arms around Nancy and nuzzled into her.
"How do you feel sweetie pie?" said Nancy as she held Karen close, her head between her breasts. Karen sighed and looked up into Nancy's face.
"I hurt a little but...." she faltered, "but I feel kinda good too!" Nancy hugged her even tighter and stroked her head.
"It always hurts the first time sweetie pie!" she said, "Then maybe a little the next few times, but then it's all fun after that! Rest now little one, we'll shower in a minute or two, then we'll do the last set of the day!"
"Karen, Karen!" Karen woke up with a start! Nancy was shaking her and calling her name! "C'mon kiddo it's time to hit the shower!"
"Oh, I must have dozed off" Said Karen, "Jeeze I must have been more tired than I thought!" She leapt off the bed, stood up ... and then fell down as her legs buckled under her!
"Whoa kiddo!" said Nancy helping her up, "I'm not surprised after the fucking you just had! It turns your legs to jelly for a while!" She helped the unsteady Karen out of the studio and into an adjoining shower room, L and Z had left the water running and, together, they stepped into it! "Ohhhh man that feels so good" said Nancy as the hot water cascaded over them. Both girls stretched and squatted a few times to limber up their bodies, then they soaped each other up and washed each other. Karen sighed at the sensation of having Nancy's hands on her body once more, "Easy now sweetie pie!" said Nancy "Don't want you having another climax yet, you'll be no use for the rest of the day if you do!" The girls finished up and dried each other off, then Nancy took Karen by the hand and led her back to the studio.
"There's my little angels!" said Z walking over to them, he hugged both girls close to him, "All cleaned up and smelling like daisies!" Karen noticed that the men were still naked! He led them both over to where the third set up was, the one with benches, chains and straps!
Karen noticed again that several Vid Cams were set up covering all angles of the area and several still cameras like in the bed area! Z sat Karen down on a bench and knelt in front of her, "Ok sweetie, this is the last shoot of the day and your mum will be back soon to pick you up, this is going to be new to you though, do you know what bondage is?"
"Um, I think so," Karen replied, "Isn't it where people tie each other up and stuff?" She looked around the set and began to feel uneasy again.
"Got it in one kiddo!" said Z, "There are lots of magazines and websites out there about bondage, and they all use pictures and videos made by people like us. What we want to do now is tie and strap you up in different positions and take lots of photos of you. It's real sexy stuff Karen and I know you can do it!" Nancy came and sat down beside her.
"It's ok" she said "Just like the other stuff I've done this loads of times, I'll be right here with you, there's nothing to worry about sweetie pie! You just do what Z says, I have to go and put something on!" With that she went over to the side of the set and behind a partition.
"Ok" Karen replied to Z , "What do you want me to do?" Z produced a studded leather collar and leather wrist and ankle straps.
"Just hold still while I put these on you" he said, soon she was wearing all five items, "There, you look the cutest little sex slave now! If you look at the wrist and ankle straps you will see that they have steel rings set into them. That means we can easily clip you onto the benches and things and quickly unclip you if we have to. It's a lot faster and easier than ropes. We do shoot stuff involving ropes but I think it's safer to use these as you have never done this before!" He stood her on her feet and hugged her again, "Are you ready?" Karen took a deep breath and exhaled.
"I think so" she said, "Let's do it!" Z led her to a small, padded bench, at each end, on both sides, steel bars extended out from it horizontally. Z got her to lie down on her tummy, then he stretched her legs and arms out to her sides and clipped the cuffs to the bar! As this was being done she heard Nancy calling out from behind the partition.
"L ! gimme a fuckin hand here will ya!" She watched as L went behind the partition to Nancy, then she heard grunting and swearing! 'What the heck are they doing?' she wondered
Z produced a couple of hair bands and pulled her hair out into two "pony tails" on either side of her head, just like the girls in Japanese Hentai cartoons! Presently L reappeared and both men stood in front of her, a few feet apart and looked at her.
"Fuckin awesome!" exclaimed L while Z nodded in agreement! "You really look the business kid! These shots are gonna be smokin!" To Karen's concern both men then pulled on leather hoods which covered most of their faces! "It's Ok kid!" said L, "Don't worry, these are just for effect!" Karen then heard a click, click, clicking noise, the noise of hard heels on a hard floor and Nancy came back into view and stood between the two men.
Karen's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped, "Woah!" she exclaimed "Nancy! You look ... Hot!" Now she knew what the cursing had been for! Nancy's already slim waist had been tightened even further into a wasp shape by a studded, leather corset! That was not all, she was wearing leather gloves which went all the way up her arms and leather boots which reached almost to her crotch! They had wicked stiletto heels! Her breasts and pelvis were still bare though and she was wearing a "Zorro" type mask. In one hand she held a short, braided leather whip ! Her long, blonde hair had been pulled tightly back and braided into a plait.
"Thanks sweetie pie" she said, smiling, "But you have to remember to call me mistress while the cameras are rolling! Isn't that right slaves?" She addressed L and Z.
"Yes mistress!" They replied, as one! She walked over to Karen and kissed her on the cheek, "Now then sweetie pie, there's no easy way to break this to you but, see this here whip?" she held it up for Karen to see and Karen nodded. "Well ..... I'm going to whip you with it!"
Karen's eyes opened wider, "Wh, what? Y, you're gonna whip me? You said you're gonna WHIP me! But I thought, I thought we were friends! You can't mean it, you can't!" Nancy gently stroked Karen's hair..
"It's Ok sweetie pie" she said, "It'll hurt yes, but not as bad as you think, I have to, see, to make it look good for the cameras, here I'll show you! L, could you oblige?" L walked over and took the whip from Nancy, she Stood in front of Karen and leaned forwards until her face was next to Karen's and she put her arms around her shoulders. She then spread her legs apart, her bare rump sticking up in the air, " Watch now Karen, watch and learn. Ready when you are L" L stood behind Nancy, raised the whip in the air and brought it down fast across her naked buttocks "CRACK!" Karen felt Nancy stiffen and gasp! CRACK! Came another blow, then a third and a fourth, "AHHH GOD FUCK!" said Nancy, "Again, AGAIN!" CRACK!CRACK! Two more strikes followed and Nancy gripped Karen tighter, "OH FUCK! FUCK!" she cried. Then L stopped, walked up to them and placed the whip on Karen's back. "S, see, " Nancy whispered in her ear, "It, it's not so bad sweetie pie, in time you get to li ke it!" She stood up and turned around to Karen could see her backside, it was criss-crossed with six , bright, pink stripes!
"See? It doesn't break the skin and doesn't hurt a lot, the marks will clear up in a day or two, ok?" Karen looked doubtful, but she knew that in her current position she was utterly helpless, Nancy could do anything she liked! "Ready when you are boys" said Nancy. L and Z started the Vid Cams and set the still cameras for timed shutter release, then they went and stood on either side of Karen's head, facing Nancy. Nancy took up a position behind the trembling Karen and then, as the Vid Cams whirred and the cameras clicked, she lashed out, striking the whip across Karen's buttocks! Karen shrieked at the pain, it felt like her whole rump was on fire!
"Aiiieeeee!" She cried " Stop, please no Nancy no, please stop!" Nancy struck out again, lashing Karen across her legs this time! Karen cried out in pain again!
"It's MISTRESS you fucking little slut" Nancy yelled, lashing out again and again! Karen bucked and heaved in her restraints as the pain washed over her!
"Hurt her mistress!" said L and Z together as they stood there and stroked their big cocks! "Fucking hurt the little slut!" "P, please mistress, please!" she cried, "Please stop, please! It hurts, it hurts!" She cried and sobbed and twisted and turned but could not avoid the whip! Nancy walked up to her and she gently stroked her back, up and down, moving her hands down she began to rub Karen's slit. Karen gasped at her touch and trembled, "P, please mistress I ... oohhhhhh!" she squirmed as Nancy rubbed her little clit and probed her love hole making her wet again!, conflicting sensations of pain and pleasure washed over her! Nancy withdrew her hand and stepped back again "Please, mistress, please don't stop!" said Karen.
"I won't" Nancy replied and lashed out with the whip, cracking it across Karen's legs again! Karen shrieked in fresh pain! .
"Oh God no! Please no! I meant ... Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Aiiieeeee!!" She cried and squealed as Nancy lashed her across her back and rump, some of the swats flicked between her legs and struck her on her sex making her shriek louder, sweat covered her shaking body as she cried and sobbed and screamed as the whip struck again and again! Finally Nancy walked up to her, kissed and licked her face, then walked away out of shot, leaving her lying there, crying and sobbing. There was a few moments pause then Z spoke.
"Time out!" he said, Nancy dropped the whip to the floor, ran back to Karen and hugged her, kissing her on the cheeks.
"Oh God Karen I'm sorry!" said Nancy, as she examined her , Z unclipped Karen from the restraints and held her too.
"You were brilliant Karen, brilliant!" he said, running his own hands over Karen's body, checking that there was no damage.
"Y, you h, hurt m, me!" sobbed Karen, looking up at Nancy as tears rolled down her cheeks, "you hurt me with that w, whip!"
"I know sweetie pie, but I had to" Nancy replied, "We have to make these things look as real as possible for the cameras! It doesn't hurt so bad now though does it?" Karen had to admit that her skin tingled and felt hot now but the pain had died away.
"N, no" she said, "N, no It's mostly gone I suppose". Z proffered a tissue and Nancy wiped Karen's tears away. L appeared with a bottle of water which Karen drank eagerly.
"I told you so" said Nancy, "And didn't it feel good when I rubbed you here?" she said as she pressed her hand onto Karen's sex again.
"Y, yes" Karen replied, "That part was good, I, I didn't want you to stop! I liked that part!" Nancy helped her back onto her feet.
"There you go then sweetie pie, come on and let's do another set eh" Karen looked up at Nancy with big pleading eyes.
"Are, are you going to whip me again?" she said, tears began rolling down her cheeks again at the thought of being subject to more pain!
"I won't lie to you sweetie pie" Nancy replied, "Yes I am, but it won't be so bad this time, try not to think of it as pain, remember how I was when L whipped me? You get to like it kid, it's not a bad thing! And you have to remember I don't mean it, neither do L and Z, it's just acting kid, at the end of the day you will be home and safe with a big, fat bank balance!" Z put his hands on Karen's shoulders.
"Come on Karen" he said in that friendly voice of his, "Trust me, it won't be so bad! You are doing great sweetie, the best little model we've ever had in here!" She let him lead her over to another piece of apparatus, a long, padded steel bar about four feet off the ground, held up by two support bars. Another horizontal bar joined the supports together near the floor. He picked her up and sat her on the padded bar, "Ok now sweetie, I want you to stretch your legs out on either side for me, can you do that?" Karen didn't know why but she obeyed, she took gymnastics at school so doing the splits wasn't hard. She spread her legs out on either side and Z clipped her ankle cuffs to the bar, then he took two, broad leather straps, wrapped them around the bar and her thighs and buckled them tight. He stepped behind her, "Ok now Karen" he said, "I want you to lean back now" He put his hands on her shoulders as she obeyed and he gently lowered her until she was upside down. Then he spread her arms apart and clipped them to the lower bar. She was helpless again, upside down and with her legs splayed out wider than before, completely exposing her sex! Whatever they were going to do, she was again in no position to stop them! Nancy came up to her and crouched down to kiss her.
"Wh, what happens now mistress?" said Karen, Nancy smiled, stroked her hair and face and kissed her again. "In a few minutes I will use a flogger on you, but I think your hard work has earned a reward first!"
"Flogger?" said Karen, "Wh, what do you mean flogger? What's a ... oooooohhhhhhh!" she gasped! Nancy had stood up, leaned over her and was now licking and stroking at her slit! Karen wriggled and squirmed in her restraints as Nancy worked on her Sex, licking, sucking, nibbling, stroking and probing! Karen gasped and moaned and whimpered as Nancy continued until, with a scream, she stiffened and climaxed, her hot love juice bubbling out of her juicy cunt and running down her body! Nancy expertly licked and lapped it all up!
"Time to shoot pics now sweetie pie" she said "Just remember it's all an act!" Then she got up and moved away, leaving Karen trembling and panting behind her! Karen heard the cameras all being switched on again and then Nancy was standing in front of her, holding a handle with long, wide leather straps attached!
"Now you are going to suffer bitch!" Nancy said and brought the flogger down fast! Lashing it across her thigh! She cried out as fresh pain coursed through her! Again and again the flogger was cracked down on her thighs, first this side, then that, each time moving closer to her sex! She cried and cried and begged for Nancy to stop! But the lashing continued! Nancy paused and Z bent down, took a fist full of Karen's hair and twisted, Karen winced at this new pain!
"Beg the mistress to hurt you some more bitch!" he barked at her! "Beg for more pain you worthless little fuck slut!" Karen choked back her sobs.
"P, please mistress, h, hurt, m, me some more" she said, her whole body trembling . Z twisted her hair again bringing fresh tears to her face.
Louder you little cunt!" he said "Louder you little fuck slut! And remember what you are!" He slapped her across the face.
"Very well" said Nancy, "I will grant you your wish fuck slut!" She crackled the flogger down again, and again and again and again as Karen shrieked and wailed! Finally , Nancy brought the flogger straight down onto her slit! Cracking it down on her intimate parts that had just given her so much pleasure! She shrieked and cried in pain but , at the same time couldn't help feeling stimulated at the sensation, pain and pleasure, both feelings at the same time! Then Nancy stopped, dropped the flogger and walked away out of shot, just like before. After a moment, again like before, Z spoke.
"Time out" he said , and he and Nancy rushed up to Karen and comforted her once more. Z unbuckled the straps, unclipped the cuffs and lowered her down, hugging her to him. L appeared again with more water which Karen eagerly accepted, being whipped under hot studio lights was thirsty work!
"Excellent sweetie!" said Z, "Just fucking excellent" He released her and Karen hugged onto Nancy and looked up at her with her tear streaked face. Nancy brushed away her tears.
"D, did I do g, good Nancy?" she asked. Nancy smiled and hugged her tightly, squeezing the little girl to her breasts.
"You did great sweetie pie" she replied "Real great! Did I hurt you very much this time honey?" She asked as she kissed Karen on the cheek.
"Y, yes" came the reply, "B, but it's n, not so bad n, now. It's l, like before, it goes away but I, I feel kinda warm, wh, where you whipped me!" Nancy reached down and gently stroked Karen's sex.
"And how do you feel here sweetie pie?" she whispered as she felt Karen react to her touch, as she pushed her sex onto Nancy's hand.
"I, I f, feel good, like before" came the reply! Nancy hugged the little girl tightly and kissed her, she felt Karen sliding her tongue into her mouth and the kiss became a passionate one! Her hand still between the younger girl's legs felt her sex becoming moist again!
"See sweetie pie", she said, "you are starting to like it! Come on now, one more set to do and then we can all have some fun!" Z reached down and helped Karen onto her feet, he led her over to a clear area where two chains were attached to rings on the floor, he clipped these on to her ankle cuffs. He then picked up something like a TV remote and pressed a button on it. Karen heard the soft whirring of a motor and watched as a horizontal metal bar, suspended on two more chains, descended from the ceiling above her! Z clipped her wrist cuffs to this bar and pushed another button on the handset, she heard the whirring again and the metal bar rose up, pulling her arms up and over her body, then pulling her up off the floor! She grunted as her full weight was taken on her wrists! The cuffs were padded though so they didn't cut into her. "Are you ok?" asked Z, checking her wrist and ankle cuffs, she was far enough off the floor now so that her eyes were level with his and her body was stretched tightly into an "X"!
"I, I think so!" she gasped in reply "It, it hurts a little but, but I think I'm alright". Z hugged her close and kissed her on the chest.
"Ok sweetie" he said, "we'll begin, remember what you are, a little fuck slut, me and L are your masters and Nancy is your mistress!" She heard the cameras being set again and Z stepped back from her, L appeared and handed something to him, it was yet another whip! This one was different though, I was longer and was split into dozens of thin tails, she noticed that L had one too! Two whips! Then her heart sank as Nancy stepped into view, tapping a short, stiff, riding crop against her leg!
"Is the little fuck slut ready?" she asked, stepping up to Karen and placing the tip of the riding crop onto her left breast!
"She is ready mistress" said Z moving behind Karen. L stood in front of her, swishing his whip back and forth, behind her she could hear Z doing the same.
"What do you want us to do little fuck slut?" asked Nancy in a sarcastic tone, "Do you want pain little fuck slut? Does this little whore want us to hurt her? ANSWER!"
"Y, yes mistress" Karen replied, "This little fuck slut wants mistress and masters to hurt her, she wants pain, please mistress, please masters, hurt me, HURT ME! PLEASE!" Nancy cracked the riding crop down on Karen's nipple.
"Ahhhhh" she cried, "Thank you mistress, thank you, hurt me more mistress, please hurt me more I beg you please!" Nancy cracked the crop against her right nipple! Karen threw her head back and cried again!
"Beg the masters to flog you little fuck slut!" said Nancy, "Beg them to use their whips on you! Beg them to whip the fuck out of you! Beg them to hurt you! BEG THEM!" She cracked the crop across both of Karen's nipples again!
Ahhhh!, Aiieeee!" Karen squealed! "P, please masters, f, flog this worthless little fuck slut, whip me, flog me p, please, hurt me! Whip the fuck out of me! Please!"
"LOUDER!" yelled Nancy and cracked the crop down on Karen's hairless little mound! Karen shrieked as pain shot through her sex!
"WHIP ME MASTERS PLEASE! FLOG ME! WHIP THE FUCK OUT OF THIS WORTHLESS LITTLE FUCK SLUT! HURT ME MASTERS! HURT ME! I BEG YOU HURT ME!" Nancy backed away from her and L and Z mover closer, raising their whips up high!
"Do it !" said Nancy "Whip this little cunt without mercy! Flog her! Hurt her! Make the little fuck slut scream for me! Hurt her! HURT HER! HURT HER!!!!!" she screamed! L and Z lashed out! Karen jerked in her restraints as the whips hit at the same time! Lashing her many times at once across her back, belly and chest! She screamed as a wave of pain lanced through her! "HARDER!" screamed Nancy! "WHIP THE FUCKING LITTLE SLUT HARDER!" She cracked Karen on her mound with the crop again! "BEG THEM TO WHIP YOU HARDER YOU LITTLE FUCKING CUNT!" The whips cracked against Karen's legs, front and back and across her buttocks!
"AHHHH! AHHHH! AIIIEEEEE!" she shrieked "HARDER MASTERS! AIII! AIIIII! HARDER PLEASE HARDER! HURT ME MASTERS! HURT THIS WORTHLESS LITTLE CUNT!" The whips cracked across her shaking little body again and again as she shrieked and screamed and cried! Finally L and Z stopped and backed off, leaving Karen hanging there, trembling, sobbing, gasping for breath, her little chest heaving, her body covered in thin, bright, pink stripes, covered in sweat! Nancy stepped up to Karen again, she leaned forwards, put her tongue on Karen's belly and licked upwards, licking the sweat from her body, kissing and biting her nipples as Karen winced and moaned. Then she stepped back again.
"Now fuck the little slut !" she said, "Fuck her hard, ream her little cunt and arse! Stab your cocks deep into her! Fuck her! Rape her! RAPE HER!" she screamed! Z stepped up to Karen's still trembling body as she hung in mid air and unclipped her ankles. He picked up the handset, pressed a button and lowered her until her sex was at cock height! Then both men stepped up to her, Z in front and L behind. L grabbed her legs, spread them apart and pushed her towards Z! Z grabbed her by the buttocks, pulled her towards him and placed his hand on her sex, it was dripping wet with excitement already! He placed the tip of his cock against her sopping wet quim! Karen looked up at him and whispered......
"Please Z , please, you're bigger than L, please be ...... AHHHH! AHHHHHH! AIIIIIIEEEEE!!!" she screamed as Z thrust his rampant cock deep into her juicy wet cunt! "AHHH! AHHH! OH GOD! OH GOD! OH MASTER! AHHH!" She screamed as z pounded his thick length in and out of her! The she felt L's hands on her backside, felt his fingers probing her anus and penetrating it! Felt him working his fingers around , stretching her arse hole, working something oily into it! Then she felt the tip of his cock at her rectum! "OH GOD NO! PLEASE NO! NO MASTER NOHOHOHOHO!" She screamed again as L forced his cock deep into her arse, her belly felt like it was going to explode as the two big cocks were thrust in and out of her! Filling her gut to the limit with each thrust inward! As she shrieked and screamed the two men gripped her tighter, gripped her hips and her buttocks painfully tight and fucked her harder and faster! Finally, after what seemed an eternity, L shouted and came, she felt his hot spunk bursting inside her and flooding her rectum, Z continued to pound away as L withdrew and she felt his spunk dribbling from her arse and down her legs. Finally, with a loud grunt, Z climaxed too and sent his seed spurting into her sex. The thick juice ran back down his cock and oozed out of her! Then Z also withdrew and stepped away from her, leaving her hanging there, gasping for breath, body glistening with sweat, face red and streaked with tears, spunk oozing from her cunt and arse ! He paused again for a moment, then spoke.
"That's a wrap!" he said, Nancy ran back to Karen and hugged her around the waist, dropping her crop to the floor. Z pressed a button on the hand set and Karen was gently lowered. As Z unclipped Karen from the bar Nancy hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.
"Oh God Karen you were brilliant" she said "Absolutely brilliant sweetie pie, it was like you really believed it! I'm just so sorry we had to hurt you so much!" Karen returned Nancy's hug, she pulled the older girl tightly to her. Leaned up and kissed Nancy on the mouth, forcing her mouth open and thrusting her tongue inside! They kissed passionately for a moment then Karen withdrew.
"Thank you mistress!" she said " Thank you for my pain! Thank you for my pleasure mistress!" Nancy gently stroked her hair.
"It's ok sweetie pie" she said "We're all done now, you don't have to call me mistress anymore" Karen leaned up again and whispered in Nancy's ear .
"Thank you mistress, your little fuck slut thanks you for her pain and pleasure, little fuck slut is yours my mistress, yours to do with as you please!" It was Nancy's turn to open her eyes wide! She looked at the younger girl in awe as Z pulled Karen away and started rubbing her down with a towel, showering her with praise and promising that there would be a bonus for such a fantastic performance! As she watched Karen being attended to by Z, L came over and started helping her out of her bondage outfit.
"Fuckin unbelievable eh Nancy!" he said, "She's a fuckin natural aint she? I hope her mum lets us use her again she's smokin hot stuff that one! Gorgeous with it too" She watched as Z picked Karen up , carried her over to the bed area and laid her down on it, he continued to shower her with praise as he checked every inch of her body, rolling her over and back several times before satisfying himself that no damage had been done, no skin was broken. HE then gave her more water to drink and removed the collar and cuffs.
"Ok Karen sweetie" he said "Me and L and going to go and clean up again, I'll leave you here with Nancy for a while and when we get back the two of you can go and take another shower while we wrap up" With that the two men walked out of the studio area. Nancy, naked again, got onto the bed and laid down beside Karen, she hugged the younger girl to her again, resting Karen's head between her firm, young breasts.
"Karen" she said "I meant what I said, we've finished now you know, you don't have to call me mistress anymore you know"
"I want to mistress" said Karen "I love you mistress, I'll do anything you ask, anything!" She turned her head and kissed each of Nancy's breasts in turn, nuzzling and nibbling the older girl's nipples!
"Oh Karen" she sighed "I love you too sweetie pie. I'll be your mistress if you want me to, if and whenever you come back here I'll be your mistress my little fuck slut!" The two girls hugged each other tighter and lay there together, resting and enjoying the warmth of each other's skin.
Presently L and Z returned, both were wearing only bath robes again , "Showers are free now girls" said Z, "Why don't you two go and relax and have a good, long, hot one eh!" The two naked girls slid off the bed and walked towards the shower room hand in hand. As before, the showers were already hot and running, they stepped under the shower heads together and embraced as the hot water cascaded over their naked bodies. They soaped each other up as before and ran their hands over each other's skin. They embraced each other again and rubbed their bodies together, the hot, running water felt so good and refreshing to Karen after her ordeal. They kissed again, tongues darting into each other's mouths and twining together! They finished showering and dried each other off, then Nancy took Karen to a padded bench and asked her to lie down on it face down. Karen did as she was asked, then she felt Nancy pouring something onto her back.
"What are you doing mistress?" she asked, then she sighed as she felt Nancy rubbing her hard, digging her fingers into her muscles and working the liquid in.
"I'm massaging you silly, you've been stretched out a lot so I'm rubbing oil into you to ease your muscles and ligaments!" She continued to work on Karen's back and shoulders, then she moved on to her arms, gently bending and flexing the joints to limber them up, then she did the same with Karen's buttocks and legs. Karen couldn't help thinking that Nancy had strong fingers for such a slip of a girl!
Thank you mistress!" sighed Karen, "Your hands feel so good on my skin" Nancy flipped Karen over and began to work on her front, working her fingers into her chest and belly, slowly moving her hands down to Karen's sex!. Karen placed her hands on Nancy's, "Please mistress" she whispered, "Please let me pleasure you too!"
Nancy got onto the bench and straddled Karen so that her slit was at Karen's mouth, she leaned forward to Karen's sex and began to lick and stroke while Karen did the same to her. They stayed like that for several minutes, licking, kissing, sucking, probing, moaning and gasping. They brought each other off several times and lapped up each other's love juice! Finally Nancy slid off the bench and helped Karen to get her feet where they embraced and kissed again. "I love you mistress!" said Karen "Your little fuck slut loves you"!
"I love you too little fuck slut" said Nancy, "Let's go back to the boys now, I bet their cocks are stiff again and I want to watch them fuck you one more time before you leave us sweetie pie!" She took Karen by the hand and led her into the studio area once more. L and Z were still naked and were looking at images on a computer which was on a desk to one side.
"Hi girls!" said Z and beckoned them over, he pulled Karen towards him so she could see the screen and held her around the waist. She saw picture upon picture of herself on the screen, "As you can see we've downloaded everything and we've got some fantastic stuff! All thanks to you Karen, you are real trooper, sweetie a real trooper!" He swivelled his chair to face her and pulled her towards him. She straddled him and sat down on his lap where he hugged her close , stroking her back and buttocks with his big hands. "Trouble is, looking at all of those hot pictures of you has got me and L real horny again!" She could feel his big cock becoming hard again and it was sticking up between her buttocks! How about we all go back to the bed and have a final fuck before we call it a day? He lifted her face up to him and kissed her on the mouth, she opened hers and allowed his tongue to slip inside twining her own tiny tongue around it.
"That would be real nice Z" she whispered, "real nice, but, please, you need to be more gentle with me this time, I'm a bit sore now!" He stood up, holding her in place by her buttocks, carried her over to the bed and sat her down, L and Nancy joined them. Nancy moved Karen so that she was on all fours on the bed with Z's cock at her mouth, she slipped her lips around the thick shaft and started sucking him eagerly! L knelt behind her and started to gently work her slit with his fingers, probing her vagina. It was already wet with anticipation! As he did so Nancy leaned down and engulfed his cock with her mouth, at the same time reaching underneath Karen with one hand and rubbing and pinching her little breasts and nipples. Then she took his cock out of her mouth and guided it towards Karen's wet love hole. As she felt the stiff pole easing into her, Karen pulled back from Z's cock and gasped!
"Oh God yes L" she moaned "Oh yes, yes push it in! Deeper! Deeper!" She plunged her mouth down onto Z's erection again and started sucking him deeper and harder and faster as L pumped his hard cock in and out of her juicy, hot cunt! Nancy darted between the men, kissing each, passionately, in turn,. Stroking their cocks and stroking Karen, stroking, licking, nibbling at anything she could get her hands and mouth on! A ringing noise made her stop and look up!
"Oh fuck!" she said, "That must be Joyce come back already!" She leapt off the bed and ran to the door which led to the reception area, grabbing a towel on the way. "You three carry on I'll see to it" The others needed no encouragement! Both men sighed and groaned as they fucked little, eleven year old Karen harder!
Joyce stood outside the building ringing the door bell, she saw the tiny peephole move to one side, then she heard the door being unlocked. It opened and Nancy looked up at her, "Come on in" she said. As she did so she saw that Nancy was holding a towel to her front to cover her nakedness, it wasn't doing a very good job!
"Errmm" Nancy continued "We, we're just finishing off, if you wait here I'll get Z to come out when we've wrapped up, we won't be long!" She turned and fled back through the door into the studio, as she left she gave Joyce a good view of her rump and the six, pink stripes which were still decorating it!
Joyce waited for a few minutes then walked to the door of the studio, it wasn't locked! She pushed it open a little and peered inside, her jaw dropped! She entered and stood transfixed at the scenario on the bed in front of her, her little daughter, naked, being fucked in both ends by two, big cocks while a naked teenage girl rubbed and stroked her everywhere she could! As she watched Z gave a cry of "Oh God Yes!" pulled Karen's head away from him and sent a stream of spunk jetting into her open mouth! As she closed her mouth around it, Nancy darted her mouth down onto Z's cock and he pumped the rest of his seed into her! Joyce watched in shock and fascination as Nancy gulped and swallowed and gulped and swallowed. She watched as her daughter opened her mouth and started screaming as L piled his cock into her harder and faster! She could see that her daughter was in pain but the cries were of pleasure too, as Karen cried out in her orgasm, a mixture of spittle and spun k drooled out of her open mouth and down her chin! Then L gave a shout as he emptied his balls into Karen's sex and his spunk oozed out of her and flowed over his groin, he slid his cock out of her and Karen spun round and plunged her mouth over his length, sucking and licking it clean of his spunk and her love juice, She licked at his balls and groin also, lapping up the cum that had oozed out of her! As the two men sagged back onto the bed, gasping for breath, the girls moved towards each other and hugged and kissed, Nancy licking the cum from Karen's chin and face, both girls passing it from mouth to mouth and sharing it before swallowing! Joyce watched as Karen then laid back and Nancy leaned over her and began to lick and suck the spunk from her vagina, watched as Nancy's attention brought her daughter to another, screaming climax! Then all 4 figures lay still, chests heaving! Bodies sweating!
"Karen?" said Joyce, her daughter' raised her head and looked at her, then she launched herself off the bed and ran towards her mother!
"Mommie!" She yelled and threw her arms around her mother's waist, hugging her tightly! As Joyce hugged her daughter she looked in horror at the network of bright, pink stripes which covered her body!
"Oh God honey are you ok? Did they hurt you baby?" tears began to roll down her cheeks as Karen hugged her tightly but said nothing. Joyce pulled Karen away from her, knelt down and looked her daughter in the face "Please honey, talk to mommie, are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Karen looked at her mother and spoke.
"Well ..... they did but, but it's not so bad now, I'm kinda sore but, but they did nice things to me too so it wasn't so bad, I, I kinda liked it after a while." Nancy appeared by Karen's side, still naked like Karen, she was carrying Karen's dress and shoes.
"I'll get Karen cleaned up and dressed for you Joyce" She took the younger girl by the hand and led her of to the shower room again. Joyce got to her feet again just as a Z reached her, he had put on his bathrobe, L who had also donned his bathrobe busied himself at the computer.
"You bastard!" Joyce hissed at Z, wiping the tears from her face, did you have to mark her so much, all those stripes on her skin, what in Gods name did you do to her?"
"Nothing more than I said we would Joyce" came the reply, "We discussed what she would go through when we first met remember?" Joyce hung her head and nodded, "The marks will be gone in a few days, we were very careful not to break the skin or draw blood! Well, except for when we popped her cherry of course, but as you can se she quickly developed and appetite for a good fuck!" Joyce gave him a savage look! "She's a good kid Joyce and I think she's found her niche with us, there will be a bonus for today's work!"
"A bonus?" said Joyce, her mood seeming to relax a little, clearly the thought of more money sweetened her mood somewhat!
"Yes", said Z, "No offence though, but I will be opening a trust fund for her and supervising it myself, I want to make sure she keeps her hard earned cash this time!" Joyce shot him another evil look and hung her head again "Don't worry Joyce, you'll get your share if you bring her back to us, we can do a lot with Karen, she's a natural!" Joyce looked away from him.
"I don't know Z, this is all so intense, it's just too much to take in, I didn't realise she would be hurt and marked so much I .... I don't know".
"Think about it" said Z "Next time we'll pay double!" Joyce's eyes lit up at that news! Nancy and Karen came back into the room, Nancy was still naked but Karen had dressed, Z accompanied Karen and Joyce to the front door and showed them out giving Karen one last hug, "I hope to see you soon sweetie!" He said, Karen kissed him on the lips and left with her mother. When Z entered the studio area again, Nancy was flat on her back on the bed with her legs wrapped around L who was pounding his cock into her pussy!
"Get, uh, uh, uh, over, uh, uh, here, uh ,uh Z!" she gasped as L drove his length into her savagely, " After w, watching, uh, uh, uh, OH GOD YES L HARDER! Y, you two with K, Karen, I, I'm as, h, horny, uh, uh, ungh, as hell, uh, uh, OH God, y, your'e next! C, come and AHH! AHH! YES! C, come and, f, fuck my brains out!"
Outside Joyce drove off, Karen sitting quietly beside her, after a few miles Karen looked up at her mother and spoke, "Mommie!" she said quietly "Can I go back there again please!?"
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |