Reaching For New Heights

[ g, solo, ped, oral ]

by Yaa


Published: 6-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Little girl bondage? Well, this little girl is not exactly bound, but she is helpless and unable to move. Blindfolded, she can't see her surrounds, but she knows where she is: the wall of the school gym, several metres off the ground. Totally naked, she is standing with each foot on small metal bracket that protrudes from the wall. The two brackets are about a metre apart, keeping her legs apart. The strain is building; the brackets are not big enough for her to rest her whole foot, so she must stand on tip-toes.

The rest of her weight is supported by her arms. They are not tied, but to avoid falling, she must hold the handles that are a little way above her head. She concentrates on holding firm, knowing that she would be unlikely to survive a fall all the way down to the hardwood floor.

At first she was worried that they would come back. Or worse, that someone else would find her! Now fear is replacing embarrassment and she is desperate for someone to find her and help her get down. Her cries for help can't be heard outside the gym, though, thanks to the ball gag that is securely strapped in place.

Totally naked. Well, almost. A thin belt sits just above her undeveloped breasts and two small curtain tassels hang from it, each one resting on a tiny nipple. Though she has been trying not to move, she often needs to shift slightly to relieve the tension, and this causes the tassels to brush lightly against her nipples. She wouldn't want to admit it, but it feels rather pleasant. There is one other thing in contact with her preteen body: a feather boa. It hangs from a hook that is attached to her ball gag, and it reaches down just below her crotch.

Stuck up against this wall for what seems like an eternity, she has had plenty of time to think, and she has found her mind returning to the sexy thoughts she had earlier this morning. Masturbating in her bed at home has become her new found passion, but this morning she was interrupted by her mum before she could finish. The lingering arousal has been with her all morning, and now it has returned. The fire in her loins burns stronger thanks to the cool caress of the feather boa. She has discovered that, by bobbing her head up and down, she can make it rub against her cunt more.

As her desire builds, she notices that she is moving her head almost frantically; it is tiring, but worth it. At least, it would be worth it if only she could reach a peak. She starts thrusting her hips back and forth in an effort to push her clit into the feathers. It is working, but not as well as she had hoped. The boa is heavy, but it still moves away from her pleasure zone too easily.

"Mmm. So nice. So close; just a little more. Oh, please!" Her thoughts are frantic, and her body is sweating from tension, exhaustion, and the exertion of trying to reach an orgasm.

She is still scared of falling, but achieving more pleasure has become a really important goal for this little twelve year old. For the third time, she has sworn that she was about to tip over the edge, but there simply isn't enough pressure from the feather boa. In desperation, she brings her right hand down to her cunt and starts massaging her clit. This is an enormous improvement, and sure to help her get herself off. But she overdoes it and the sweaty fingers of her left hand start to slip. This gives her heart a huge shock and she quickly grabs the other handle again. Her heart is racing and she realises just how close she came to falling to her doom. All because she was stupid enough to start masturbating in a deserted school gym!

She would have to be more careful. But slowly built arousal does not go away that quickly. She should be thinking about how she is going to get down, but instead she starts thinking about her burning need for sexual relief.

"Perhaps if I use my left hand and take it easy, I'll be able to hold on okay." After all, her right hand is the stronger of the two. She carefully eases her fingers away from the handle and moves her left hand to her cunt. As she gently rubs her mound with two fingers, she is surprised how much more lubrication there is now than before her scare. Perhaps it had turned her on more!

It feels strange to be using her left hand and being less dexterous, it takes her a little while to reach the stage where she is really close. It doesn't help that she has to move carefully to avoid falling. But eventually, the familiar "yep, here it comes" feeling approaches. Suddenly - "arrggh!" - the unthinkable happens. Her right hand slips free of the handle and she is falling. She screams loudly into her gag as she hurtles towards the floor.

A soft thud. She had landed on a large gym mattress! An enormous wave of relief rushes over her. Her heart is still racing and her adrenaline levels are still soaring, but she is safe. All along she had thought she was in danger, but she wasn't! It was as if they were playing games with her, placing her where she couldn't possibly escape just to see how long it would take her to fall or to jump to her safety.

She starts to laugh. The time she had spent up there was an ordeal, but the realisation that everything is okay overwhelms her and she bursts into a fit of giggles.

She is still gagged and blindfolded, but she doesn't care. She feels she has earned the orgasm she has longed for, and now she is going to get it. Leaving the gag on leaves her with a delightful feeling of helplessness, and the darkness created by the blindfold gives her a sense of privacy. It may be a false sense of privacy, and reminiscent of the young child who covers his eyes and says "you can't see me", but she is sure there is no one around to watch her.

This time she decides to go at her own pace and she teases herself by stroking her labia but avoiding her clitoris. Her genitals are so sensitive that it is almost a struggle to keep from rushing to a climax. She dips her index finger into her vagina and moves it around very slowly. After doing this for about a minute, she can take it no longer. She notices that she has been subconsciously thrusting her hips up to meet her probing fingers. She moves her left hand into position so that she can finger fuck herself with one hand and work on her clit with the other.

"Oh, Mmmm, oh yes, oh... NOOOO!". Just as she gets a rhythm happening, a strong pair of hands pulls both her arms away from their task and pins them down above her head.

Her mind is awash with feelings. She had been so close, but had yet again been denied the ultimate pleasure. Mixed in with the frustration is an immense feeling of panic. For how long was she being watched? And why didn't they say something or help her down? Could it be the same people who had grabbed her and blindfolded her before she could see them? Perhaps these faceless attackers had not left after all, but had instead stayed to enjoy the show.

She struggles, but her wrists are held tight, so she tries to kick instead. A second pair of hands puts an end to this and she is now tightly pinned to the mattress. Spread-eagled, naked and vulnerable. She tries to get free, but all she can do is wriggle.

Goosebumps appear on the preteen's smooth skin, but she is not cold; just nervous and apprehensive about will happen next. She doesn't have to wait long. She feels someone's tongue on her left nipple, which is still erect from her ministrations earlier. With firm, long strokes, it drives her wild and the arousal that was harshly interrupted thirty seconds ago returns in full force, driving her to fever pitch.

Another mouth joins in the action, this time nibbling on her right nipple. Her hard little bud is grabbed between tongue and teeth and pulled upwards from her chest. The strong grip and the stretching hurt a little, but at the moment, she'd be happy to have the stranger bite down harder just to intensify the feelings. The feelings flow through her body and down to her vulva, where the feather boa is resting. She is wriggling her bottom like crazy, but can do little to increase the pressure. She is so close that she thinks she might come anyway, just with the indirect stimulation adding to the built up arousal.

All of a sudden, both of her breasts are left alone, but the frustration is short-lived: one of her assailants has moved and she feels a nose brush over her clit and circle it a few times. Next she feels a tongue in its place, ever so slowly rasping from the bottom of her slit to the smooth skin above her clitoris. The second stroke is just as slow and she thrusts her hips as forcefully as she can, hoping to increase the pressure. The hint is ignored. The tongue withdraws from her overheated snatch, then returns to its slow ministrations once she settles down. So, she has been given a non-verbal hint: stay still and let it come to you.

A very short time has passed and her breathing is ragged. She has to consciously will her body to lie still, lest the stimulation be taken from her again. She is clenching her vaginal muscles as tightly as she can, and figures that it will only take a little more.

"Whack!" "Thwack!" She reacts with a start: each of her breasts has just received a sharp slap. She doesn't care though. Her body is in pleasure mode and she is pleased to discover that the licking hasn't ceased. Her clit is not only throbbing with anticipation and sexual excitement, but with pain. She replays the last few seconds in her head and realises that she had been bitten; a firm chomp on her clitoris timed to coincide with the slaps.

Her assailants step up the action. The long, slow licking is replaced with firm sucking and nibbling directly on her clit. Her nipples are being firmly massaged and pinched. This is the moment she has been waiting for. The long anticipated orgasm has arrived on her doorstep and she knows nothing can stop it now. She instinctively arches her back and thrusts back and forth. She doesn't care if they pull away now: she is past the point of no return. The full power of her climax hits her and her whole body is overwhelmed with sensation. Her whole body is tense, her eyes shut tight beneath the blindfold. A long muffled moan escapes the confines of the ball gag to accompany her orgasm.

Eventually, she takes a much needed breath; she hadn't even realised that she had been holding it. The mouth that has been the source of the best orgasm she can recall is still in place, not moving, but weathering the storm. Further tremors of delight rack her sweaty and overworked body; it is the first time this has happened to her.

Exhausted, she lets her whole body go limp. The invading tongue lightly caresses her private parts once more, then disappears; this fond farewell is accompanied by a gentle kiss on each of her nipples.

Her arms and legs have been released, but she lacks the energy to move right now. She rolls her head to the side, and emits a long, relaxed and satisfied sigh. The unknown figures have left: her release was immediately followed by the sound of footsteps and now, as she waits for the life to return to her young body, she can hear a door click in the distance.

Tired, but recovered slightly, she sits up and removes the ball gag and the blindfold. The gym is deserted and deathly quiet. She reflects on her ordeal, but knows she can't stay long: she won't be alone forever. A few moments later, the mattress is put away and she is dressed, having found her clothes lying with her school bag.

Somewhat embarrassed now, she wonders what to do with the boa, belt, tassels, gag and blindfold. They can't be hidden here, they'll be found. Her bag. She stuffs them into the front pocket of the back and ineffectively hides them under the lunchbox.

As she goes to leave the hall, still bewildered by the bizarre experiences of the afternoon, she realises that she doesn't want to dispose of these items anyway. They are like souvenirs; proof that the unimaginable did actually happen. She wonders if she will ever meet these people again. How would she know? She couldn't even say whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Friends? Teachers? Total strangers? Somehow, though, the anonymity made it all seem more magical. Already very late, she heads home, thinking about the fun she'll have with the feather boa when she returns to the privacy of her bedroom.

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