Jessica & Amy

[ M/g, ped, exh, 1st, bd ]

by Y4Y


Published: 29-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

As I passed the kitchen window, I looked out towards the driveway for a clue of who was knocking at my back door. The driveway was empty, but the bicycle leaning on the walkway railing gave me a pretty good idea who it might be, which in turn put an instant knot in my stomach. As I turned the corner, I could see clearly through the large glass pane in the door and my suspicion was confirmed. Jessica.

Don't get me wrong. Just the sight of her smiling face brought me joy and made my heart pound in my chest, especially today as I immediately made note of the plaid skirt, white blouse and white socks that made up her school uniform. However, since our little tryst in the woods the previous week, I had been living with the gnawing fear that the police were but a few steps behind me.

So seeing her at my house, in broad daylight, and as I now noted, with my jerk of a next-door neighbor out mowing his grass, the simple fear of prison that had kept me walking the straight and narrow my entire life, at least prior to last week, was like a knife in my gut.

Noticing that she carried a box in her left hand, I concluded she had chocolates for a fund-raiser, presumably for school. She was simply here to see if she could get me to support some school function, or at least that was the pretense. I had to smile at her cleverness, but it did little to ease my disquiet.

To be bluntly honest with myself, my unease was well founded. Jessica was twelve years old, I was a grown man, and we had developed in the past week what could politely be described as an intimate relationship. In the eyes of the law, however, I was certain I would not likely be afforded politeness. The terms child molester and pedophile came to mind, and I cringed.

Such poor descriptors for what we shared. If you considered that this was not her first visit to my home since our sexual escapade in the woods, I had ample cause for concern. In less than a week she had been at my house twice. I was scared to death people would notice, and like a scarlet letter, as irrational as it may sound, I was certain the shame of my actions and my thoughts were visible to all observers when I was in her presence.

I opened the door with a smile and quickly stepped outside, making sure both Jessica and I were visible to my neighbor as he rolled back and forth on his mower. The urge to grab her up in my arms and hug her was overwhelming, but I was pretty sure that would raise some eyebrows.

'Hey girl, what are you up to?' With great effort, I was as casual as I could be.

'Want to buy some candy mister?' I had to laugh.

'Sure, let's have a look at what you've got.'

She affected a pout, a twinkle in her eye as she picked up on my unintentional innuendo. 'We can't unwrap the goods out here in the open.'

I was being teased by a twelve year old girl. I felt a stirring in my groin at the thought.

'Well then, I guess I'll have to trust you that it's a good buy.'

She smiled. 'Can you come to the park tomorrow?'

This was not the first time since last Friday that she had been so direct, but I was still taken aback. There was no doubt what she was asking. I looked around as if there were people nearby that might overhear.

An analyst would quickly see that concern about the immoral and criminal nature of my relationship with Jessica was only part of the problem troubling me. In all my years, this girl turned me on like nothing I had ever known. It had been nearly a week since we had explored the joys of man-girl sex, and I had been in a constant, and very distracting, state of arousal ever since.

Jessica was on my mind when I woke up, all day while I was at work, in the evenings when I came home, and when I lay in bed at night. I had jerked off every night to her memory, and many times in between. I had trouble focusing at work. I found myself driving slowly past her house when I came home, hoping to get a glimpse of her. She had become something of an obsession with me, to say the least.

The same psychologist would probably find it humorous, and no doubt very telling, to learn how many times I swore it would never happen again. Jessica and I had experimented with sex, that couldn't be changed, but I knew in my heart that I needed to be mature enough and moral enough to say it ended there. The need and desire to make amends was constantly on my mind.

But my vows to restrain myself were typically followed by wild fantasies and longing memories of Jessica. She had me in turmoil, torn between the innocent, sweet love we shared, and the bred-in need I had to do the right thing. Perhaps predictably, I knew which side was winning, as evidenced by the urges I felt as I stood here looking into her beautiful eyes.

As I said before, this was not the first time Jessica had come to my house, and not the first time I had witnessed how directly she addressed her wants. Our first sexual tryst had occurred last Friday afternoon. Saturday night, I had been home alone when a similar knock had come to my back door. I was astounded to find Jessica there, out of breath.

To make a long story short, her parents had gone out to a dinner party, leaving her at home with her older brother. The brother was engrossed in a television program, and Jessica had simply sneaked out the back door. I spent the last 24 hours since getting naked with an under-age girl worrying that the SWAT team was going to descend upon me any second. Now she was here at my back door, after slipping out of the house without permission, and I was terrified.

I had stepped outside into the night air, dressed in a thin pair of shorts I sleep in, and a tank top, knowing without a doubt I should not let her into my house. She had jumped into my arms, and I had held her tight, breathing in the freshness of her blond hair. She pressed her body hard against me, and we had kissed, and I had even noted that her kissing was improving very quickly. At first enthralled, I had suddenly panicked, once again scared out of my mind. Peering out into the darkness in search of potential witnesses, I tried to push her away, asking her to go home.

She had been crushed by my over-reaction. Her face fell, her shoulders slumped, and tears welled up in her eyes. She stared at me in confusion, her sudden sadness ripping out my heart. Realizing the magnitude of my error, but still afraid, I had moved her quickly into the yard towards the deep shadows by the garage. Trying to correct my mistake, I had dropped to one knee so I looked up into her face.

'Jessica, I'm so sorry. I'm just so afraid that we'll get caught together. People won't understand, and we'll get in so much trouble.'

'I understand.' She looked at me for a minute, her features softening. 'No one knows. I know we have to keep it a secret. I swear.'

I raised my hands to her shoulders, lightly stroking her. 'It's just so dangerous for you to come here like this.'

'I couldn't help it. I couldn't quit thinking about you.'

Based on how I had been acting all week, that sounded like something that I should be saying. I had to smile, and I pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her as she did the same. 'I know. I'm the same way.'

Turning my head upward, I kissed her tenderly. She eagerly responded, and our tenderness quickly turned to passion as my tongue explored her delicious mouth. I could feel her tiny breasts pressed against me, and my cock began to swell in my shorts, making me wish I was wearing underwear.

This time I pushed her away gently. 'You need to go before your brother starts looking for you. It's not that I don't want to be together, we just have to be careful'

'OK.' Her smile was tinged with sadness, but I knew this time it was because she would rather stay. She started to step away, and then paused, and I knew she wanted to say something.

'What is it?'

'I wanted to try something. What you mentioned know..... as we walked back.'

And that was it. I had known exactly what she was talking about, and in that instant all my resolved failed. All my worries that I had done something horribly immoral, horribly wrong, all my concerns that I simply was not a good person, were cast aside. I was mad about this girl, and she had just struck a nerve.

Perhaps it was Jessica's directness that had made it so easy for me to forsake all my concerns, and my commitment to do the right thing. Realizing what she had been thinking about, to the point that she would simply blurt it out, turned me on instantly. It thrilled me to know that this beautiful twelve year old girl was fantasizing about giving me a blowjob.

Without a reply I had stood, taken a quick look around, and then moved with her a little further into the back yard, to the picnic table. Well into the shadows. I faced her, and we searched each other's eyes in the darkness, me wanting to be sure she knew what she was asking, her not sure I was consenting. To remove any doubt, I had peeled my tank top over my head and tossed it on the picnic table.

She had stepped forward, and I pulled her close, delighting in the feel of her small hands on the small of my back. As I kissed the top of her head, her hands had slipped inside my shorts, then slowly worked their way from back to front. I was both surprised by her forwardness, and thankful that things were moving quickly. Time was of the essence. When she slid my shorts over my hips and past my now swollen cock, I felt them drift to the ground.

In the end, I had taken a seat at the picnic table, and Jessica had knelt between my legs. She had been eager and excited as she sucked my cock, her hands everywhere. Like the previous day, the sheer excitement of seeing my cock in the mouth of this pretty young girl drove me quickly towards orgasm. Only today it was further enhanced by the wonderful contrast of being totally naked while she was fully dressed.

Unlike the previous day, this time I did not hold back. I had given her fair warning before I came, but she was still overwhelmed. I could feel her swallowing, but my come nevertheless dribbled down her chin, dripping onto the front of her tee shirt. Through my pleasure I felt some concern that she would not enjoy the experience, that it was too much, that I should have restrained myself somewhat. But her contented purring, as her ravenous mouth continued to suck on my dick, had told me otherwise. The vibrations she created with her mouth were wonderful, and I lay my head backwards onto the table in total bliss.

Jessica had found it amusing a few minutes later when I had licked my own come from her chin. I kissed her deeply, reveling in the musky taste I had left behind, and the knowledge of how it got there. But it had to end.

'Go home. Don't let your brother see that shirt.' I had been urgent, but kind. With one last kiss she had gone, jogging across the back yards to her own house. I sat naked at the picnic table for a long time, wondering if Jessica was a treasure or a curse. I couldn't decide which answer had been confirmed when my cock got hard and I jerked off to another orgasm.

Now as I pondered her proposition for the next day, Friday, the memory of the previous Saturday night, and all the fantasies since, left little doubt that Jessica was a curse. A sweet, devilish, irresistible curse that I cherished.

'Don't you have school?'

'We're getting out at lunch again.'

I reached for my wallet, creating the illusion of a genuine transaction, as I considered her offer. This under-age girl had propositioned me. I spent the better part of the afternoon chastising myself for my behavior with Jessica, vowing to never let it happen again. But as I stood before her, those thoughts were a distant memory, as I recalled my favorite fantasy of the past week.

'OK, maybe.' She brightened visibly as I hesitated, wanting to take the next step but momentarily lacking the confidence. In the end I just blurted it out. 'Will you let me take some pictures of you?'

She was slow to respond, as she thought about my question, then her lips curled up in a smile. 'OK.'

It was that easy. Was I ever in trouble.

I bought three chocolate bars that I didn't want from Jessica, and then sent her on her way, trying to make sure my nosy neighbor caught it all. As she walked to her bike, I had a thought.

'Can you wear that uniform?'

'Sure.' She seemed positively buoyant as she rode away on her bike, my eyes unconsciously riveted on her sweet little behind.

As it dawned on me that I had put my fantasy into words, there was no doubt in my mind that pictures were a huge risk. In a court of law, they would be the evidence that made it easy for a jury to send me to live in a cell with a moron named Bubba without so much as a hint of remorse. But I had already thought about that, rationalizing that I could put them on a CD that could easily be hidden away. Whether this was sensible or not didn't matter at all. Jessica's tender little body had become an obsession, and I wanted to freeze it in time, before she grew up.

I barely slept that night, finding myself instead in a battle of right and wrong. At one moment I was totally aroused about Jessica and our planned rendezvous, my cock rock hard and demanding attention. The next moment I was nearly overcome by regret for my actions, concern that I was hurting Jessica, and fear of prison.

When I finally arose from a fitful rest, it was surprisingly easy to suppress the demons of the night and let the overly aroused half of my psyche take over. After all, Jessica had started all this. I headed off to the store to buy a high capacity disk for my digital camera without a second thought. I put a blanket and a few other items in a back pack and headed off to the park early, as if I were some kind of covert agent casing a locale before a secret meet. In reality, the anticipation was too great, and I couldn't stand to wait around the house any longer.

Jessica was later than I expected, which pushed my anxiety level even higher. As it turned out, the anticipation, and all my devious planning, was for naught. Sitting on the bench where Jessica and I had first initiated our relationship, I was watching across the open field when I finally saw her. Jessica was not alone. With her was a slightly taller blonde, who appeared to be older. It was a long walk across the field, and my heart sank lower with every step the two girls took.

I simply could not believe this was happening, and my anger flared. I was mad about the brief running shorts I had chosen, which were probably not appropriate now, and I quickly adjusted them. I was mad that she may have betrayed our faith. But I was mostly mad that my fantasy, carefully nurtured all morning, was ruined. As they neared the bench, I buried my disappointment and took a couple of deep breaths to relax, trying to control my emotions and look totally at ease.

Trying to think clearly, I wondered if I should act as if this was a chance meeting. But surely the other girl realized they had walked directly to me. 'Hey Jessica, how are you doing?'

She smiled sweetly, and I thought I caught a glimmer in her eye. 'Good. This is my cousin Amy. I forgot she was coming to stay with us this weekend.' Jessica blushed as she offered this quick explanation, and I realized she was telling the truth. Oh well, best laid plans and all that. Just hearing her voice caused my anger to melt away.

We chatted for a few minutes, and I learned that Amy was a year older, and that her dad and Jessica's dad were brothers. The family resemblance was obvious. She had a similar build to Jessica, except that being older she was a little taller and her breasts were more developed. Both girls wore shorts and simple shirts, Jessica again having straps that tied on her shoulder whereas Jessica had on a tee shirt.

Noting that Jessica did not wear the bra I had seen the previous day under her blouse, I privately lamented the fact that she was not in her uniform as promised. She carried a large drawstring hand bag, which looked out of place, and she plopped it down on the bench next to me.

We continued to talk about school, and about Amy's home, which was the next town over, until I finally decided it was best to move on. Getting up, I grabbed my back pack.

'Well girls, it was a pleasure talking to you, but I think it's time for me to jog on home. I have things to do.'

Jessica looked surprised. 'Do you have to? I told Amy you were a photographer, and that you were going to take pictures of me.'

I was shocked, to say the least. 'You told her that?' The strain in my voice was obvious.

'Amy's cool. It's OK.' Jessica smiled nervously, sensing my displeasure. Amy looked coyly away. What exactly had Jessica told her?

When I didn't speak, Jessica went on. 'She's not going to say anything. Really.' She sounded worried now. Amy was facing me, nodding in agreement. Clearly these two had talked, but it wasn't clear how much. As badly as I wanted to walk away, I felt the need to find out if Jessica had actually let someone in on our little secret. I was also a bit intrigued with the situation, and the less prudent part of my brain was already calculating the possibilities. I tried to shake the thoughts away, knowing I needed badly to focus and decide what to do.

'When did you get here?' I was addressing Amy, and stalling for time while my mind worked, mostly in the wrong direction.

'Early this morning. My dad dropped me then drove back home to go to work.'

'No school?'

She smiled like a kid that had been caught at something. It was Jessica that answered. 'We skipped. It was test week. We finished yesterday. We never do anything but watch movies on the Friday after tests. It's the same at her school.' Then she added a quick defense, as if I was going to accuse her of doing something wrong. 'Our parents know we skipped. My brother did it, too.'

So know I knew these two had been together all morning, talking about who knows what. If the teasingly shy reactions from Amy were any indicator, I was beginning to believe Jessica had broken our trust. I didn't know whether to be angry or excited, but I was smart enough to sense the danger. Was it possible the secret lasted only a week?

Jessica was still trying to explain. 'Amy's soccer team is in a tournament here tomorrow. She always stays with us when they play here.'

That explained the lean, athletic look of Amy. I noticed, not for the first time, that Amy was every bit as pretty as Jessica. They had the same general build, and the same blonde hair and brown eyes, marking them as definite relatives. Amy had more freckles on her face, concentrated especially around her nose where exposure to the sun was greatest, no doubt from time on the soccer field. As I looked her over, my mind was heading in directions I needed to avoid.

'Are you mad at me?' Jessica gave me a wistful look, biting down on her lower lip. Any anger I may possibly have felt dissipated instantly, which I'm sure was the desired effect.

Conventional wisdom dictated that I leave, breaking off any further relationship with Jessica. The risk was too great, the price too high. She may have already betrayed our trust. Even as these thoughts passed through my mind, I knew they didn't matter. Last week I was a normal guy. This week I was yearning for this under-age girl.

'No.' I smiled at her warmly. 'Never.'

How could I ever disappoint this girl? She looked visibly relieved as I unzipped my backpack and slipped out my digital camera. Risks be damned, I wanted to let this game play out, just like the previous week.

I had Jessica sit on the bench, and then moved around her as I snapped a few pictures. Years ago I had taken some classes in photography, and even though some of it started to come back, I was purely an amateur. As I studied this pretty girl, I doubted that it would matter. I couldn't make her look bad.

Jessica was stiff at first, and I knew enough to know it would show in the photos so I tried to coax her into relaxation. Finally, in a flash of insight I had Amy sit next to her, and took pictures of the two of them. In a matter of minutes they were cutting up and laughing, and relaxation came easy. I congratulated myself on the quick thinking, even as I doubted the purity of my motivations.

We moved into the trees, and Jessica preened for me, now totally at ease. I played it straight, just normal photos of a girl in the park, as I continued to ponder the situation between Jessica and Amy. The first hint of sexiness came innocently when I suggested she hold on to a low overhead branch. As she stretched upwards, her small breasts were pressed firmly against the thin cotton shirt, her midriff was exposed, and her shorts rode up into her crotch. I took numerous pictures, with some close-ups using the zoom that she would never know about.

Jessica and Amy were giggling a lot, and when I got the chance, I caught shots of Amy as well. Her small, firm breasts pressed invitingly against her tee shirt, and I made certain to catch them in numerous photos. I still believed my lurid afternoon plans were a thing of the past, but that didn't keep the deviant in me from surfacing when the chance was there.

'Do you still want pictures of me in my school uniform?'

It was a totally unexpected question, but my mind, being much more agile than my facial expressions, went instantly to the drawstring hand bag as I tried to stifle a look of surprise. Thinking it through at light speed, I realized she couldn't very well wear her uniform on a day of no school without drawing attention from her brother, but she had brought it with her. How did she explain that to Amy? Suddenly there was hope that the afternoon might be salvaged. Taking a quick look around, I saw there was no one near us, only a mother with some small children in the play area on the far side of the park. Did I dare encourage Jessica with Amy present?

'Yeah. You brought it?' The words just spilled out as if they had a will of their own.

'Yep.' She skipped over to the bench and grabbed her bag, and then she and Amy ran off into the woods without another word, laughing as they went. Now there was little question Amy knew more than I hoped. I could barely see them behind the trees and brush, yet tried in vain to watch as Jessica changed, the deviant in me once again taking control. The thought of Jessica changing clothes in the woods as Amy watched was driving me crazy.

Amy came out first, smiling, the bag in her hand. When Jessica stepped back into view, she set her legs and spread her arms as if she had just landed a difficult dismount in gymnastics. She looked as sexy as ever in her green and blue plaid skirt, white blouse, white socks, and soft black shoes. I immediately started clicking pictures as she walked towards me.

When I finally paused and pulled the camera from my eye, Jessica was right in front of me. The first thing I noticed was that the bra she had been wearing under her uniform the previous day was missing. Her breasts are very small, merely raised aureoles that came up an inch or so off her chest, but the dark area around the nipples was visible through the material of the blouse. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I distinctly remembered just how much her young breast buds turned me on.

I directed Jessica into the sunlight, taking numerous pictures intended to capture the sight of her young breasts showing through the shirt. With the sun at her side, her buds were very obvious. As I looked at Jessica, I knew that Amy, just to my left, had to be able to see the same thing, and probably realized what I was up to. More and more I believed Amy knew what was going on. I felt a stirring in my groin, and shifted my position so my shirt would do a better job of covering my crotch.

Of her own accord, Jessica climbed up into a small tree, and as I photographed her moving amongst the limbs a number of shots looked up her skirt, catching her panties. There were white with a small flower pattern. Now things were definitely getting sexy.

As she settled into a crook where a large limb met the trunk, her knees were drawn up to her chest, leaving no doubt Jessica knew quite well what she was doing. She was showing me her panties on purpose. After several shots, I took a quick, anxious look around to once again confirm we were alone. But something else caught my eye, and my attention settled on Amy, who was watching Jessica as if mesmerized, her arms folded tightly across her chest.

As the deviant in me kicked into high gear, I began to wonder just how far I could push this, all thoughts of caution tossed to the wind. My nervousness, my concerns, were no match for the compelling urge to see if I was reading this right. Looking around and seeing no one else nearby, I boldly suggested to Jessica that she hang upside down on a limb as if it were a monkey bar.

She didn't hesitate, even though her skirt inverted, hanging down to her head. Bingo. Her panties were now fully on display, and I had her hold her position as I took pictures from all angles. Amy was giggling nervously, eyes wide, one hand still folded over her chest as the other covered her mouth in amazement.

When Jessica called for help to get down, Amy threatened to leave her hanging for being so shameless. I was able to get a number of great shots of the two girls together once Amy finally agreed to assist. When Jessica was firmly on the ground, she started whispering to Amy, the two of them laughing as they stole glances my way. Then the two of them stepped behind the tree, blocking my line of sight.

Amy was first once again to come back into view, moving away to the side as she studiously avoided eye contact, and my heart skipped a beat. When Jessica stepped back into view, I knew the afternoon was saved, and I hoped the two spare camera disks in my pocket were going to be enough. Jessica's blouse was unbuttoned all the way down, to where it tucked into her skirt. I could see bare skin as far as her navel, but her teeny breasts remaining covered. She plopped down on the ground against the tree, knees up, her panty-covered crotch looking right at me. She was biting down anxiously on her lower lip. It was sexy as hell, and I snapped off a number of photos.

Had I been thinking clearly, I would have paused to marvel at such audacity from a twelve year old. In fact I would have marveled at such audacity had it been a grown woman. Turned on by the boldness of this innocent girl, but nervous nonetheless, I paused and carefully scanned the area around us.

We were still alone, and I said a silent prayer of thanks, certain at that moment that I was the luckiest guy alive. Glancing at Amy, I saw she was watching Jessica as they shared what I could only call a knowing look. Amy was definitely a co-conspirator, and my imagination began to run wild. The fears of a short time ago were long forgotten. Opportunity knocked.

With just enough sanity remaining to know we needed to move to a safer area, I broke the spell of the moment.

'Why don't we take a walk in the woods?'

With Jessica's blouse unbuttoned, her knees up so Amy and I could look right up her skirt, and with the memories of our walk a week ago, innuendo was heavy in the air. Jessica jumped up immediately.

'Let's go.'

She was more eager than I was. I had packed a couple of items in my backpack and I went back to the bench to grab it. With Amy present I knew I may not have a use for everything I brought, at least as I had envisioned, but I knew for certain I needed the blanket. Jessica and Amy had already ventured into the woods, and I hurried to get in front of them.

'I'm going to move ahead of you, then take pictures as you walk through the woods.'

Jessica nodded her understanding. Amy looked at me with a question. 'Should I walk with you?'

'No. I'd like to have you in the pictures.' I held my breath.


I exhaled, and my heart was pounding. Maybe I was going to get lucky. Maybe this afternoon would surpass even my wildest fantasies.

I jumped out ahead of them, and then leaned on a tree to steady my hand as I took aim with my camera. I knew in an instant the pictures were going to be incredibly sexy. Jessica looked beautiful with her blond hair pulled back and her shirt unbuttoned in a very provocative manner. Amy was every bit as pretty, and her normal attire of shorts and tee shirt offered delicious contrast.

Like a childhood game of leap frog, I repeated the process of moving ahead of the girls a few times as we moved deeper into the woods, then remarkably I had to pause to put a new disk in the camera. The first disk held over 300 photographs at high resolution, and I couldn't believe it was already full.

Realizing I was taking way too many shots, and that it was quite possible these girls would go further than I initially thought, I made a mental note to be more conservative. The girls chatted while I worked with the camera, and I realized I could see inside Jessica's shirt, her left breast bud inviting. I felt my cock stiffening, certain it was noticeable if they happened to look.

The brief glimpse of Jessica's breast had me yearning for more, my excitement running wild as I moved ahead once again. Growing bolder, I called back to the girls, suggesting they hold hands like two good friends.

They didn't even think twice about it. They looked incredibly sexy as they walked hand in hand, Jessica's shirt hanging open suggestively, and I snapped off several pictures as they closed the gap between us. My shutter finger over active once again, and I offered up a private prayer of thanks for my good judgment in buying higher capacity disks this morning.

We were now well down the wooded hillside, almost to the creek. A daring thought had been churning through my mind, and I decided it was worth a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, or so I reasoned as I let the girls move towards me until they were but a few feet away.

'Amy, I want you to something for me.'

She literally blushed, and I was pretty certain she expected me to ask her to remove some clothing. 'OK.'

'Stand behind Jessica and reach around her.' I took a deep breath and forged on. The next few seconds would tell me a lot. 'I want you to slowly unbutton her shirt the rest of the way, then remove it from her.'

They both giggled, and Jessica covered her mouth in mock surprise, but neither one said no.

'Will you do that?'

Amy turned to Jessica. 'OK?' She was actually going to do it. I asked Amy to strip her cousin from the waist up, and she didn't say no. My heart pounded.

'Sure.' That Jessica didn't hesitate should no longer have been a surprise to me.

I directed the two of them to a spot where the lighting was uniform, worried that the dappled sunlight penetrating the overhead canopy of limbs would detract from the photos. I wanted these to be perfect. Amy stepped awkwardly behind Jessica, her movements stiff as she reached around her cousin.

'Do this in real slow motion. And don't look at me. Look at Jessica, as if the two of you are talking. And Jessica, you look back at her.' The slow movements I requested, and the clear directions seemed to put them more at ease, the stiffness disappearing.

Amy took hold of Jessica's shirt, just above the skirt line, and then just stood there as the two of them giggled uncontrollably.

'Go ahead and get that out of your system. Then I want you to be serious.'

I took a few shots while they were laughing, and they really had a hard time bringing it under control. Finally they stopped, and both stood up a little straighter. As Amy started slowly fishing Jessica's shirt tail out of her skirt, I could feel my cock rising. It was erotic to watch. Once the shirt tail was completely out, Amy leaned to one side, looking back into Jessica's face. Jessica had her lower lip pinched tightly under her upper teeth, a sure sign of her excitement. I was barely breathing as I snapped off picture after picture.

Slowly, carefully, Amy opened the two remaining buttons. Her hands then moved up to the collar, ready to pull the shirt backwards, off of Jessica's shoulders.

'Hold it right there, let me take a few pictures.'

I walked around them, photographing the erotic scene from numerous angles. Did they understand just how arousing this was? 'Just another second. You two are beautiful.'

'OK. When you get the laughing under control again, go slowly.'

The giggling stopped quickly this time, both girls sensing the gravity of the moment. Amy began to slowly spread Jessica's shirt open. Jessica broke her stare with Amy and boldly looked right into the camera, totally shameless as her breast buds were exposed, and her shirt was slipped off her shoulders. When she pressed her arms back to let Amy slide the garment completely off, Jessica's small breasts were pointed straight at me. Clicking off photo after photo, I had erotic visions of Amy reaching around and touching Jessica, but I didn't dare push my luck. At least not yet.

If it troubled Jessica to be half-naked in front of her cousin and a grown man with a camera, it didn't show. Amy actually seemed the most nervous, but her cheeks were flushed with excitement. I took a quick look around, then stuffed Jessica's shirt in my pack and moved off ahead of them again. This time they held hands without my asking, confirming my belief they were having as much fun as I. These images of one half-naked under-age girl on a walk in the woods with her best friend were going to be priceless.

The eroticism of watching Jessica and Amy walk together was so intense, it was actually disappointing when we reached the creek. But disappointment was temporary, tempered with the belief that things were going to quickly escalate, if I had my way. I took out the blanket and spread it on the moss covered ground, then took numerous photos of Jessica as she lay back on the ground and relaxed.

As she moved from pose to pose, she took every opportunity to show her panties, flirting with the camera like a pro. My favorite was when she lay flat on her back, her head to one side, her tiny breasts poking straight up, and her hand pulling the hem of her skirt high to show the crotch of her panties. Her suggestion was obvious, and I knew the image would be unforgettable.

Back on her feet, she moved to a pile of boulders, as I photographed her climbing around like a half-naked kid. When I decided to coax her out of her panties, she didn't even blink. I took a whole series of shots as she reached under her skirt, slowly slid her panties down her legs, over her knees, and then off her feet, throwing them nonchalantly on the nearby blanket. Amy had her hand over her mouth, feigning shock, and I snapped a shot of her, hoping to catch the wicked twinkle in her eyes.

She wagged her finger at Jessica like a scolding mother. 'You are a very bad girl.'

As I guided Jessica through several poses, she started lifting her legs like before, only this time showing pussy instead of panties. I snapped off the pictures greedily. She was bold, and it wasn't long before Amy and I got a full view of Jessica's pussy, her legs spread wide with her knees bent as she sat atop a rock, just over head high. I paused with the camera, the memory of my mouth on Jessica's sweet pussy lips too distracting.

Talking Jessica back down to the ground, my next suggestion to Amy was made casually, trying to create the impression it was no big deal.

'Amy, why don't we do the same thing as before, this time with Jessica's skirt?'

Amy blushed and Jessica bit down on her lower lip. The sexual overtones weren't lost on these young girls. When Amy moved towards Jessica without a word, I wanted to do a victory dance.

I shifted to the side as Amy slowly released the button on the back of Jessica's skirt, and then eased down the zipper. Jessica stood with her hands on top of her head, elbows pointed to either side, chest pushed forward, doing nothing to impede Amy's work. With the zipper down, Amy stepped closer, holding the skirt at either hip as both girls looked right at the camera. Then Amy simply released the skirt, letting it fall into a puddle at Jessica's feet. Jessica was beautiful, her knee-high socks and shoes accentuating her nakedness. My cock was straining against my shorts, and both girls were staring.

I took numerous photos of the two girls standing close together, one naked, the other fully clothed. Then I had Jessica turn around and convinced Amy to kneel down and remove the shoes and socks. Learning from my previous requests, Amy moved slowly as I photographed this remarkably erotic scene.

It was beautiful to watch this pretty, fully clothed girl remove the last items of clothing from her friend, and I knew the proximity of Amy's head to Jessica's crotch would be very suggestive in the pictures. After removing the last sock, Amy took this imagery to a new level when she looked up Jessica's body into her face for a moment before rising. I held the button down and took picture after picture.

Jessica was completely naked now, and she pranced around before us without a hint of modesty. Noting that she did whatever I asked, my requests became progressively bolder, and many shots had her legs splayed wide open, her pretty hairless pussy on display.

When she agreed to kneel on the blanket, ass high in the air, towards me, as she looked back over her shoulder suggestively, I knew she would do anything. Using the zoom, I got close-ups of her pretty pink rosebud, kneeling down to make sure her face was clearly visible in the background.

With greater boldness from Jessica came greater anxiety about how exposed we were, even here in the woods. I paused and searched the areas around us for any signs of danger, but just like the previous Friday, we were alone with nature. Satisfied that we were safe and totally turned on by Jessica, I decided on a little boldness myself.

I removed my shirt on the pretense that I was getting warm, knowing full well that doing so would give the girls an unimpeded view of my hard cock straining against the front of my shorts. They didn't disappoint me as both sets of eyes immediately dropped to my groin. I ignored the stares and went about my business, glad to let them look.

A new idea had come to me, and I was just aroused enough to act on it. 'Jessica.' She was still on her knees, and her eyes came up to mine in answer.

'Do you ever play with yourself?'

For a girl that showed few signs of being shy, the sudden blush looked out of place. It was answer enough, but she put it to words with a soft voice.

'Sometimes.' Then she giggled and added, 'well, a lot this past week.'

'Where do you do it?' I wanted some of the lurid details.

'In bed. And in the tub.'

'Why don't you pretend you are in bed, and show me what you do.' I intentionally used the singular, thinking she might be too embarrassed if I reminded her Amy was also watching.

She hesitated, then slowly rolled over, lying flat on the blanket with her legs slightly spread, her head away from me. It was a wonderful sight, and I took a quick close-up of her smooth pussy mound. Her eyes closed, then slowly her left hand came up to her belly. I expected it to go down, but instead it went up until she was teasing her left breast bud.

Her movements were stiff, her nervousness evident. But as her hand slid over to her right breast, she started to relax. It was incredibly erotic to watch her manipulate her own teeny breasts. When she pinched her little bud between her fingers and pulled it away from her body, as I had done the previous week with my mouth, I had her hold it as I took more close-up photos. I thought she had liked the rough treatment when I did it, now I knew it for a fact.

By the time her right hand covered her pussy, she was at ease. Jessica spread her legs wide as she rubbed herself freely in front of her cousin and me, knowing full well I was recording it forever with my camera. Watching a girl take a solo flight had always been special to me, but nothing in my history compared to seeing this under-age beauty masturbate on a blanket in the woods. Her fingers rubbed her pussy steadily as she worked her breasts, and I quietly urged her on as I moved around to her side, opposite Amy.

Carefully I knelt, maintaining my focus on Jessica, but after another prey. Without being obvious, I switched to a wide angle mode. This allowed me to get Jessica's entire prone body in the shot, but at the same time helped me to acquire my other target. Amy stood with cocked hips, one arm across her chest and the other hand over her mouth.

Her small nipples pressed against her shirt, proving her breasts to be quite a bit more mature than Jessica's. She was mesmerized by Jessica, very clearly turned on, and in my new position I was able to capture the erotic image of Amy watching her cousin masturbate. Amy finally realized what I was doing, but she didn't move. However, she did self-consciously shift her arm so that it covered her stiff nipples, proving she was well aware that Jessica's depraved behavior was having an affect on her.

As I clicked off the pictures, I realized what I had theorized to be true the previous week was reinforced to fact; Jessica was a naturally submissive girl. She did whatever I asked, and was more than willing when I suggested that Amy come up with something she'd like to see Jessica do.

Amy shyly declined, but I got the distinct impression she was briefly tempted by the opportunity to boss the younger girl around. As I fantasized about the possibilities, it was an easy matter to get Jessica back on her knees, reaching back between her legs to rub her pussy. I even got her to rub her asshole for a moment before she finally became embarrassed, and even though she stopped, it was not before I preserved it with the camera.

My second disk was now full, and as I changed to my third and final disk, I was silently thankful that I had decided to buy two spares instead of just one. Surprised by how many pictures I had taken, I committed once again to be conservative, worrying that this final disk would run out too soon. As I worked on the camera, I wondered if Jessica could masturbate to orgasm.

I also contemplated Amy, feeling pretty certain now that I could get her to remove some, if not all, of her clothing. Amy was spending a lot of time looking at my swollen cock, and I gave her every opportunity, curious what Jessica might have told her. But I wasn't ready for Amy just yet; I had something else in mind. Something I had considered when I filled my backpack, but figured was not possible since Amy was along. Now I wasn't so sure.

Jessica seemed reluctant when I urged her to her feet, and even as she stood, she kept one hand cupped over her little pussy. I motioned her to me, and she stepped up willingly. She was such a beautiful girl, and I admired her hard little body, longing to once again touch her delicate breast buds. Her brown eyes were shining as she smiled at me, and when I leaned in to kiss her, she responded eagerly.

As our mouths opened and our tongues entwined in passion, I heard a sharp intake of breath from Amy to our left. I kissed Jessica for several minutes, letting Amy watch, and when I felt Jessica's arms come around me, I leaned forward to press my hard cock into her belly. I did it slowly so Amy could see it all. When Jessica's hands started drifting downward towards my crotch, I stopped her, certain that doing so disappointed Amy as much as Jessica.

'Will you let me tie you up again for a few pictures?'

Jessica simply nodded up and down like a good little submissive, not the least bit worried about my suggestion.

Asking Amy to hold the camera, I stepped over to my pack and removed a long piece of heavy cord. I had Jessica hold her hands out in front of herself, and then ever so carefully I began to bind them together with one end of the cord. As I had hoped, Amy clicked a couple of pictures of me doing this. Wanting to be in some of the pictures, I had already decided that this disk would be the most incriminating. As I tied the knot at Jessica's wrists, I imagined how exciting it would be to see the photos of a dressed grown man binding the hands of a naked twelve year old girl in the middle of the woods.

Looking for the tree I needed to complete my fantasy, I led Jessica a ways up the hill. She followed like a tethered animal without question, the mirth in her eyes betraying her excitement. Finding my objective, I maneuvered Jessica into position and tossed the loose end of the cord over a limb several feet above her. As I pulled the cord, her hands were drawn up over her head. I could hear Amy giggle as she took more pictures. I stretched Jessica's arms tight, then tied the cord to a small sapling and stepped away.

What a beautiful sight Jessica was. Her arms were pulled up tight to either side of her head, framing her pretty face. Her wide shoulders tapered to a flat, narrow waist, and her little breast buds pointed out towards Amy and me invitingly. Her hips flared out, the hip bones prominent in her young frame. Her baby smooth pussy was still pink from all the rubbing.

Her legs were long and strong. And last but not least, she was totally helpless. We watched her squirm against her bonds as she tried to find the most comfortable position. It was intensely erotic to see such a lovely young girl naked, tied up, and totally vulnerable in the woods, and my cock throbbed in my shorts, begging to be touched.

The temptation to take advantage of Jessica's vulnerability while Amy took pictures was great, but I had another idea I wanted to try. As I took the camera from Amy, I looked around, realizing that we were much more exposed on the hillside than we were by the creek. I could see a good distance to either side, and quite a ways when I looked across the creek to the opposite hill. For a moment I considered moving to a more secluded location, but then threw caution to the wind as I thought about how little it seemed to trouble Jessica.

Instead I took a few pictures of my bound little nymph, positioning myself so that the open spaces would be apparent in the photos. No doubt the daring would enhance the excitement when the pictures were viewed later.

Jessica hung patiently against her bonds, her naked body completely displayed, while I took pictures from all angles. In some photos she stared off into the distance, in others she looked right at the camera. I particularly liked it when I could get a fully clothed Amy in the background, and especially when I caught a couple of shots of the two them looking at each other. But my favorite was from the side, when Jessica leaned her head forward to look past her arm at the camera, her little breast buds pressing out in silhouette.

I was scared to stay in this highly visible spot for long, and if what I had in mind worked things were about to get more daring, so I needed to move on. Stepping up to Jessica, I trailed a finger down the side of her face, and then slowly traced a line between her breasts to her belly button. She shivered in anticipation, but I stopped.

'Remember when Amy called you a bad girl?'


'She was right. You probably need a spanking.'

Amy giggled, and when I looked over at her she once again had one arm across her chest and the other hand over her mouth. It seemed to be a protective position for her. Turning back to Jessica, she had a slight frown on her face as she considered her predicament. But I noted she hadn't objected to what I suggested.

'Don't you think that's fair?'

'I don't know. I....I guess so.' She was a natural, and I wasn't surprised by this time at how easily she agreed to whatever I suggested.

As I stepped over to the sapling and broke off a small limb, Jessica's eyes went wide. But still, incredibly, she didn't raise a single word of objection. Amy was giggling as I stood in front of Jessica and carefully stripped off the leaves and small branches, leaving a long, thin switch. Jessica's attention was riveted on my every move.

'Oh my God.'

It was Amy, and she sounded full of anticipation. Anticipation turned to surprise, however, when I extended my arm to Amy, handing her the switch. She made no move to take it, instead staring at me in shock.

'You do it, and I'll take the pictures.' When she still didn't move, I added, 'You're the one that correctly pointed out she's a bad girl.'

Amy was staring at the switch, and for a second I thought I had gone too far. But then I could clearly see that she was warming up to the idea. It took her a full minute before she reached for the switch and took it. I quickly stepped to the side with the camera before she could change her mind.

As Amy closed the gap, Jessica suddenly looked worried.

'Not too hard Amy. We don't want to damage that beautiful skin.'

Amy looked at Jessica and snickered, and Jessica gave a weak chuckle in return. They stared at each other for a minute, then Amy gave her a quick swat on the butt. It was a light tap, but Jessica's reaction was exaggerated as she anticipated a harder blow from her cousin. Slowly Amy started to lightly whip Jessica. They maintained eye contact, which I found very exciting, and again I fought off the urge to release my cock and stroke it. In reality, it wasn't much of a spanking, but I knew the image of a fully clothed thirteen year old girl whipping her bound twelve year old cousin in the woods was going to be intensely erotic.

Then something changed between them. Amy started to deliver harder blows, and Jessica closed her eyes and hung her head, giving a little chirp every time the wood contacted her ass. Her backside began to show thin red lines, and I clicked off picture after picture, deeply aroused by this change of events. Amy was truly whipping Jessica now, and Jessica was accepting the blows, perhaps even enjoying them. Now I was mesmerized.

As Amy stepped up the pace once again, I came to my senses and stepped in. Even though Jessica was going to let it happen like a true submissive, and even though I found it incredibly arousing, I was suddenly afraid that Amy was going to leave marks that couldn't be easily explained. Amy was actually panting a little when I took the switch from her hand.

Contemplating this unexpected turn of events, I stepped back and took a couple of pictures of Amy staring at Jessica's red behind, my hand now involuntarily squeezing my cock from time to time. Concluding Amy was ripe for the taking, I decided to go for broke. I had an image in mind that I wanted to see, and I prayed for cooperation.

'Amy, step around in front of Jessica and wipe that small tear from her eye.'

Amy looked as if she were in a trance as she did what I asked without responding. A very small tear had formed on Jessica's left cheek, and as Amy delicately reached up and brushed it off, I captured it with the camera.

'Do it again, as if there's another.'

Amy repeated the process a couple of times, as I caught it with the camera. The contrast between clothes and nakedness enhanced the beauty of this scene as I had hoped.

Taking a deep breath, I pressed on. 'Now lean in and kiss her on the cheek.'

Amy looked over at me, and once again I thought she was going to say no. Then she turned back to face her cousin. Jessica was biting down hard on her lower lip, her own personal sign of eager anticipation, so I knew she would not object. When Amy leaned in and placed a kiss on Jessica's left cheek, I almost forgot to take the picture.

'Do it again, both sides.'

In her slow motion trance-like state, Amy did as I asked, as I took picture after picture. Jessica closed her eyes and lifted her chin, accepting Amy's affection. I got close-ups of the kisses, and I also backed off to capture Jessica's bare breasts as Amy pecked her cheek. From my vantage point with the camera you could see far off in the distance behind the girls, making it clear just how bold they were.

'Now on the lips.' I tried to sound as if it were no big deal.

This time Amy paused only to look into Jessica's eyes, and then their lips met for the first time. I could have easily died and gone to heaven right then and there, my life was complete. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Amy kissed her over and over without my encouragement, as I recorded it all on film. I was stunned how easily they were cooperating, and it occurred to me that getting them to go all the way might now be more than a fantasy. When Jessica parted her lips and extended the tip of her tongue, I paused with the pictures to rub my hard cock. Amy mimicked Jessica, and soon they were kissing passionately. The inexperience was evident, making it all the more erotic. I watched with keen interest as Amy's hands settled on Jessica's hips as she leaned in for the kisses.

'Amy, kiss down her neck and on her chest.'

Jessica lifted her chin in offering, letting Amy peck at her neck. Amy kissed all around Jessica's neck without hesitation, but seemed reluctant to move downward. It took a long time, and when she slowly ventured down to the shoulders, Jessica and I both let out a sigh of contentment.

Ever so gradually, Amy kissed lower down the center of Jessica's breastbone, drifting to either side, but always coming back to the center. As I patiently watched through the camera, snapping off shots, I could see that Amy understood what was expected, but was scared. I could also sense that she was willing.

'It's OK. Go ahead. It'll be beautiful.'

Still she hesitated. I thought perhaps it wasn't going to happen, and it was driving me crazy to be this close.

'Go on Amy, it's OK. She wants you to.'

That much was true. Jessica was watching Amy and trying to will her mouth over her breast bud just as much as I was. Finally Amy satisfied us both. She lingered in the center of Jessica's chest a moment longer, and then as if she had suddenly made up her mind, she moved and covered Jessica's right breast with her lips. Jessica let out an audible moan.

Now that Amy had committed, she sucked on Jessica's teeny little breast bud with gusto. As she shifted to the left breast, she glanced up at me and I caught the excitement in her eyes with the camera. She went back and forth as Jessica squirmed against her bonds and I clicked off photos, including some erotic close-ups of Amy's lips covering Jessica's little breasts. It didn't make much coaxing to get Amy to use her lips to pull Jessica's breasts, and Jessica moaned appreciatively at the rough treatment. I knew these photos would be some of the best.

I stopped taking photos and simply watched for a few minutes, my hand rubbing feverishly at my groin. It was a remarkable image, this pretty, fully clothed thirteen year old girl, leaning over to suck on the immature breasts of a naked twelve year old that had her hands tied overhead to a tree limb.

'Now go lower Amy, across her stomach.'

Amy couldn't possibly doubt what I was going to ask her to do next, yet she pulled away from Jessica's breasts, bent her knees slightly, and started to kiss a trail across Jessica's abdomen.

'That's it. Keep going.' I took pictures as I quietly urged her on, still not believing it was going to happen. Jessica was beside herself with excitement, her head tilted back with her eyes tightly closed as she bit down sexily on her lower lip.

'So beautiful Amy. That's it. Oh God Amy, do it.'

When Amy dropped to her knees, I knew it was going to be a dream come true. I was simply astounded that I was able to lead these two girls into lesbian love without a single objection from either. Never in my wildest fantasies did I conceive this as possible, yet here I was, in a very exposed location on the hillside, watching it happen.

Amy probed Jessica's belly button with her tongue, then kissed lower on her belly. I backed up a step to get the entire scene with the camera; the bound hands overhead, the naked little nymph, Jessica kneeling in the leaves, and the wide open space behind them. Then as Amy kissed her way below Jessica's faint tan line, I knelt and got close-up shots as her tongue first ventured across Jessica's hairless pussy.

Jessica squirmed uncontrollably as Amy kissed all around her pussy, driving her cousin wild. I held my breath the first time I saw the tip of Amy's tongue trace along Jessica's slit, not wanting to take a chance on the pictures being blurred by the movement of my chest as my lungs filled. Jessica looked so turned on as she hung against the rope, that I was torn between taking close-ups or wide shots to capture the entire scene.

Amy was so direct in her journey from Jessica's breasts to her pussy, it seemed as if she was experienced, knowing exactly what to do. Now having reached her goal, it became obvious she was a novice and unsure of herself. Not wanting this to end, or even slow down, I tried to help.

'God, you're beautiful Amy.' She responded noticeably to the compliment. 'Do it, Amy. Cover her with your mouth. Suck on her sweet little pussy into your mouth.'

The uncertainty vanished as she did exactly as I instructed, totally covering Jessica's pussy with her open mouth. I watched her cheeks draw in as she applied suction.

'So pretty. That's a girl Amy. Now use your tongue. Push it in deep as you can. It will drive her crazy. That's it. That's incredible, Amy, so incredible.'

Jessica responded with soft moans as her cousin ate her pussy. Amy was hunched down at her feet, her head turned up as her mouth devoured the younger girl's sex. At my direction, Amy's hands slipped between Jessica's legs, then came up on either side of her hips to hold her in place so her tongue probed as deeply as possible.

At first Amy's eyes were open and she looked up Jessica's body, watching her cousin's reaction as her body jerked spasmodically against the rope. But then she let them close as she concentrated more on what she was doing with her mouth. This girl was every bit as willing as her cousin, and it was incredible to watch as I thought ahead to the next possibility.

Jessica was now hanging against the cord that bound her, her knees bent as wide as she could get them as she tried to help increase the pressure against the older girl's mouth. With Amy pulling down on her hips, she was as open as she could be, giving herself completely to Amy's mouth and tongue. The sapling that held the cord bowed over and bounced around as Jessica's body moved. Seeing the opportunity, I slipped to the back of Jessica and began to take pictures of Amy's face buried in her crotch from behind.

'Oh God, Amy, open your mouth and let me see your tongue.'

She broke suction on Jessica and extended her tongue, and I photographed her licking the smooth little pussy.

'That's it. Farther back towards me.'

I clicked off photos as she drifted farther back.

'Come on girl. Keep moving back. Let me see it'

She was past Jessica's pussy now and hesitating, but I wasn't going to give up.

'Come on, Amy, farther back. It's OK.'

There was more urgency in my voice, and she responded. When her tongue finally contacted Jessica's asshole, Jessica let out a loud and pleasurable groan. Now Amy knew what I was after, and her hesitancy disappeared. I took numerous pictures of her chin between Jessica's legs as her tongue stretched up to lick at her most private spot. Finally I sat back and just watched with my hand in my pants.

As difficult as it was to do, I stopped Amy and began to untie Jessica's wrists. We had been in the open a long time, and between the noise we were now making and the shaking of the sapling and the overhead limb, I was afraid we were going to get caught. More to the point, there was plenty of fun remaining, and I didn't want anything to interfere.

When Amy got up on her feet, she was suddenly embarrassed, her cheeks crimson, and she turned away. I paused what I was doing and put an arm round her shoulder.

'It's OK, Amy. It's OK. God, that was beautiful. You were beautiful.'

She gave me a weak smile, and I found the moisture collected at the corner's of her mouth intensely arousing. Pulling her closer to me, I leaned in and tenderly kissed the side of her head as I let my hard cock nestle against her thigh. Amy's eyes opened wide, and I was pretty certain it wasn't because of the kiss. As I turned back to finish untying Jessica, I let my hard cock brush across Amy's leg.

When I freed Jessica's wrists, she fell against me and reached up with her lips. We kissed deliciously as I held her close, my hands covering her bare ass as she ground herself into my cock. I could hear the click as Amy picked up the camera and took a couple of pictures. Jessica backed off slightly, and her hands came around to grab hold of my manhood. I let her fondle me through my shorts as Amy watched, but when she tried to release my cock, I stopped her.

'Let's go back to the blanket.'

I left the cord hanging and we headed back down the hill. Both girls were very quiet, and I let them walk just ahead of me, watching Jessica's naked little butt as she rubbed her wrists to get her circulation back. It was fun watching her tiptoe through the leaves in the nude, looking for soft places to land her bare feet. As we approached our place nestled in the creek-side boulders, my sense of security increased. Our little adventure up the hill had been intensely exciting, but it felt good to move back into a more secluded area.

As soon as we reached the blanket, Jessica came at me again. I kissed her briefly, and then fended her off, resisting the temptation with some effort.

I gave her a knowing smile. 'Don't you think Amy is a bit over dressed?'

Jessica glanced at her cousin, then smiled back impishly.

Knowing by now that Jessica would do whatever I suggested, I asked innocently, 'why don't you try and help her out?'

As Jessica turned, I glanced down at the camera. My last disk was nearly half gone. Determined to be more sparing with my photos, I still couldn't resist snapping a shot of the two cousins, one naked, the other dressed, standing face to face. Amy offered no resistance when Jessica reached for the hem of her tee shirt, and my heart skipped a beat at the prospect of seeing this pretty little girl in the nude.

Amy had to bend forward and raise her arms so the shorter girl could remove her shirt, but it came off easily enough. She stood back up in a simple white bra, and I could see that she had a heavy collection of freckles in the tanned area between her breasts. Wide shouldered like her cousin, her upper body was firm, obviously a result of the hours on the soccer field.

Jessica removed the shorts next, undoing the row of snaps in the front, then spreading them with her hands so that they slipped over Amy's hips and fell. They stopped at the knees, and Jessica bent to one side to finish the job, letting Amy hold on to her shoulder as she stepped out of them one foot at a time. Amy was wearing a pair of pale yellow satin panties, and she looked beautiful as she shyly stood there in just her underwear. It was delightful watching this naked little twelve year old girl undress Amy, who out of modesty hunched her shoulders and pressed her thighs together, glancing at my camera nervously.

Yet as Jessica stepped around behind her, Amy did nothing to stop what was happening. Jessica reached up and unhooked Amy's bra, then having learned what I liked, very slowly slipped the straps off Amy's shoulders while never looking away from the camera. The bra fell away from Amy's breasts and Jessica guided it off her arms, tossing it aside. Amy had small but pretty breasts with little nipples that stood up proudly. She gave me another nervous look as Jessica moved back in front of her.

'I can't wait until my breasts get big like yours.'

Amy smiled and started to say something, but I impulsively spoke up first. 'You're beautiful just the way you are.'

Compared to Jessica, Amy's small breasts did look large, and I loved the contrast as the two of them stood face to face.

'How about those pretty yellow panties now?'

Instead of reaching out to push them down, Jessica knelt and reached up. I had her hold her position with her fingers hooked in the elastic of Amy's panties as I took several pictures, and then slowly she started to draw them down. I stood transfixed as the second under-age pussy I had ever seen was exposed, my cock aching. Finally the panties were at Amy's feet, and she stepped out of them, totally naked. I took a quick close-up shot of Amy's pussy, lightly covered with pubic hair. The hair was fine and thin, a little darker than the hair on her head, concealing very little.

Jessica was back on her feet and I ran the two girls through several poses. I really liked having them stand side by side, the differences one year made in their development readily apparent. Finally I encouraged Amy to lie down on the blanket and had Jessica kneel over her. She initially knelt to one side, and it took a moment to get Jessica to understand I wanted her to put one leg over Amy, so she straddled her.

'Remember this from the other day?'

Jessica shook her head up and down while smiling down at the captive Amy.

'Then you know what to do.'

Jessica stared down at her cousin, the smile fading to a more serious expression, then slowly leaned forward and kissed her. It was a gentle peck at first, but as they kissed the passion grew, until they once again had their tongues in each other's mouth. It was amazing to see their little breasts rubbing together, and I moved all around as I took pictures.

Things moved fast from there. Having already proven herself to be a little girl with few, if any, reservations, Jessica was soon nursing on Amy's breasts. As her mouth doted on Amy, her hand kneading the other breast, there was little doubt she loved what she was doing. But she quickly moved on, perhaps a bit too eager to do it all, kissing her way along as she slid down Amy's body. I would have loved to slow her down, but I did nothing, and what Jessica lacked in style she made up for with enthusiasm. I was there with the zoom lens the fist time she nuzzled into Amy's sparse pubic hair.

Now she simply mimicked what Amy had done to her, and Amy responded in kind. The modesty was gone, and Amy had her legs spread wide, giving Jessica all the access she wanted. With a little coaxing, I explained to Jessica how to concentrate on Amy's clitoris. Amy's response confirmed what I suspected; her clit was much more mature and sensitive than Jessica's.

I was restraining my finger on the shutter now, and watching more. When I suggested to Amy that she roll over on her knees, she hesitated only a moment, until Jessica urged her on. Once she settled on her knees, ass high and head down as I directed, Jessica knelt down behind her, kissing her pussy again until I stopped her.


She looked up, knowing I had a suggestion and ready to hear it.

'Lick Amy's asshole.'

Jessica looked back at Amy, fixing on her target, then leaned in and kissed Amy's anus. It was that easy to guide her. My camera was ready when her tongue came out and explored her cousin's ass for the first time. Amy lurched forward.

'That's it, she likes it. Spread her cheeks with your hands.'

Jessica's hands came up and pressed Amy's ass cheeks apart. Her little pink asshole looked so inviting.

'Good, good. Now the tongue.' She followed my instructions. 'Oh God Jessica, that's it. That's beautiful. Try to drive your tongue up inside her. Let me see. Let the camera see.'

Amy was moaning her own approval as Jessica did exactly what I told her. It was intense. A little over a week ago I hadn't even considered the possibility of seeing an underage girl naked, much less two of them making love together. Now I was watching a twelve year old lick the asshole of her thirteen year old cousin. Moreover, I was telling her what to do, and she was complying without question.

All along I had been trying to ignore my hard-on and focus on the girls, knowing that once I gave in to the urges, it would be impossible to stop. But this was more than I could take. As I held the camera in my left hand, I used my right to release my cock through the leg opening in my shorts. Then I leaned back against one of the rocks and sank to the ground as I stroked my swollen dick, watching the spectacle before me.

'Jessica, I want you to put a finger inside her ass.' Jessica started moving her hand up to replace her tongue immediately, as if she were merely a robot following commands. 'Just one. Nice and easy, go real slow. Not too far. That's good. Oh my God, Jessica, that's hot.'

Amy tensed up and tried pull away at the intrusion, but Jessica followed with her finger. I released my cock, needing both hands to make sure I held the camera steady, wanting to be absolutely certain to get this incredible shot.

Jessica had her right index finger buried to the second knuckle, and she was staring at it in amazement. Amy had quit moving and now held still, her breathing irregular.

'That's beautiful girls. Real slowly Jessica, move it in and out. That's good. Oh yeah, that's good.'

I was so close, I saw Amy's tight little butthole extend as Jessica slowly withdrew her finger, as if her ass were trying to prevent the extraction. Then slowly Jessica pressed back in. She repeated this several times. Amy was still very tense, but she let it happen. Jessica's eyes were open wide. Amy's face was looking the opposite direction, so I couldn't read her reaction. When a soft moan escaped from Amy's lips, it was the first sign that she felt pleasure at having her ass probed.

'Amy, turn so you are facing me.'

She turned her head, and once again laid it flat against the blanket. Her eyes fluttered open for a second, but then she closed them tight. Another small moan slipped from her lips as I took more pictures.

'How does it feel Jessica?'

'Uh, warm. And smooth on the inside.'

'Is it tight on your finger?'

'Oh yes.' She sounded a little breathless as she continued to watch her finger slide slowly in and out. My hand was back around my cock, and I knew I could very easily come watching this spectacle.

'Are you going to let me do that to you?'

She hesitated for a second, breathless when she answered. 'OK.'

As it turned out, my question was something of a mistake, at least in one way of thinking. Jessica looked over at me with glazed over eyes when she answered, perhaps checking to see if I was going to do it right then. What she saw instead was my hard, exposed cock sticking out of my shorts.

I wasn't ready for the show I was watching to end, but Jessica was a certifiable cock hound and when she saw my purple member, she immediately began to withdraw her finger from Amy's ass. Once free, she slid over to me, one thing on her mind. While I would have liked to watch and photograph her finger-fucking Amy's ass a little longer, there was no way I would dampen such enthusiasm on her part.

I spread my knees apart as Jessica slipped between my feet. Amy was still waiting with closed eyes for Jessica to resume her probing when Jessica's lips first contacted my cock. I dropped my right leg flat on the blanket as I watched Amy, waiting for her to open her eyes. It was a good move.

Jessica had my cock head fully in her mouth when Amy finally opened her eyes, and with my leg down she had an unimpeded view. Amy's eyes flew open wide as she rolled over and sat up. I couldn't decide if her reaction was due to the size of my heavily veined purple beast sticking out of the leg of my shorts, or because her cousin had it buried in her little mouth.

I closed my own eyes for a moment, savoring the feel of the eager under-age mouth and letting Amy look as much as she wanted to. When I opened them again, I motioned for Amy to come closer. She moved slowly, but she came, showing signs of being every bit as obedient as her younger cousin.

Pulling Amy to me, I kissed her lips gently as my left hand reached across and fondled her right breast. She kissed back awkwardly, and I sensed it was due more to inexperience than lack of desire. She made no move to pull away from the exploring of my hand. Her small young breast was firm to my touch, the little nipple stiffening against my hand. My cock jerked in Jessica's mouth.

It was a heady feeling having a twelve year old sucking on my cock while I fondled and kissed her thirteen year old cousin. So it was with great reluctance that I released Amy, but I had something I wanted to do. Picking the camera back up, I handed it to Amy.

'Back up a little and take a few pictures.'

Just like her cousin, she did as I asked without question. Moving back a little, she looked at the camera, then looked up at the two of us.

'Everything is set to automatic. Just line up the picture and click away.' My instructions were delivered too quickly, and a little breathlessly, and she sensed the urgency. I knew it was incredibly risky to place myself in the photos, now engaged in sexual activity, but I no longer cared. I wanted this. After I heard a couple of clicks of the camera, I stopped Jessica.

'Remove my shorts.'

Again I heard the camera as Jessica hooked her fingers in the elastic, sliding my shorts and underwear off my body. Now I was as naked as the girls, my cock standing straight up, glistening on the end from the wetness of Jessica's mouth. She returned immediately to her task like the eager little slut she was becoming, and using my hands I gently positioned her so the camera would catch her face as she sucked my dick.

'Are you getting us both Amy?' My eyes were locked on Jessica.

'Yes.' Her voice was raspy when she answered. She sounded very excited.

After another minute, I stopped Jessica again deciding to capitalize on Amy's arousal. 'Trade places with Amy.'

For the first time I thought Jessica might refuse to follow my direction, she simply didn't want to give up my dick. But then she released it, arose, and moved the few feet to Amy.

Now I had a new problem. Amy was scared, and I wasn't so sure she was ready to follow my instructions. It was evident she had never seen a naked man before, much less one that was sexually aroused. She handed Jessica the camera, but she remained frozen in place, her narrow hips and thin patch of pubic hair just above my eye level, her own eyes glued to my big cock. With all the excitement of the afternoon, I was hugely swollen, with the head dark purple and the veins standing and throbbing. Though partially blinded by my own need, I was alert enough to see that she may not be ready for this, and I made an instant decision not to press the matter if she wasn't.

Just when I concluded that I was pushing Amy too hard, and was ready to change course, Jessica came to the rescue. She set the camera down and turned to Amy, leaning in so that her body pressed into Amy's side provocatively. It was fascinating to watch, the younger girl giving her older cousin encouragement.

Jessica was very gentle but emphatic as she told Amy how much fun she would be missing, and with relative ease she talked Amy between my legs. This had been the third time Jessica had taken my cock in her mouth, and it was with great pride that she explained to Amy what to do, trying to sound every bit like an expert.

I watched lustfully as Amy's hand finally closed around my cock, and then as her head slowly lowered at Jessica's urging to kiss my glans. After that it was only a minute more before Jessica convinced her to take it in her mouth, and like a seasoned pro she explained to Amy to be careful with her teeth. I had truly wanted a photograph of my cock entering Amy's mouth for the very first time, but under the circumstances, I wasn't disappointed. Once committed, Amy began to get excited about sucking my cock, and Jessica moved back and began to snap off photos.

As with Jessica's first time the previous week, it was far from a perfect blowjob. However, it was such an incredibly beautiful occurrence, having this pretty young girl sucking a cock, my cock, for the very first time, naked in the woods, that my heart was pounding with excitement and my cock throbbed as if it had a life of its own. Jessica carried on like an experienced photographer, posing Amy and getting her to look at the camera with my cock in her mouth. I simply lay blissfully back against the rock, taking it all in.

Continuing to follow the pattern of a week ago, I had to stop Amy much sooner than I wanted to, simply to keep from coming. When I saw her disappointment, that she was now over her fear and wanting more, I had to smile.

We had been in the woods for a long time, for the second week in a row, and I was feeling the pressure of time. My deviant psyche was still dominant, however, repressing my concerns. I was naked in the woods with two absolutely beautiful under-age girls who would apparently do anything I suggested. How could I give that up easily?

Acting upon my darkest fantasies, I choreographed a series of suggestive poses and graphic acts with each of the girls, one at a time, as the other took pictures. I lay on my back and had each straddle me, their virgin pussies spread over my hard cock as it was pressed into my belly. Then I lay on top of each, their spread legs wrapped around me, making it look as if I was fucking them. I was thrilled that both girls got particularly excited about this pose, as Jessica told her cousin in a conspiratorial whisper that I never actually fucked her.

Each time I started with Jessica, then followed with Amy, and it seemed that whatever Jessica did, Amy would do also, albeit a little awkwardly at first. I had Jessica stand as I bent my knees and suckled her little breast buds, hoping these photos looked as wonderful as it felt. Then I dropped to my knees and licked at her hairless pussy. I followed this by laying Jessica on the blanket and repeating the process.

When it was Amy's turn, she was eager but very tense. I kissed her softly and stroked her shoulders to relax her, then slowly kissed my way down to her breasts. God, they were delicious, a small mouthful with little nipples that became hard as bullets in my mouth. It didn't take long to relax Amy, and I loved it when her hands came to my head involuntarily.

I kissed my way down her body, and delighted in the feel of the fine, down soft pubic hairs that covered her mons. She opened her thighs to let me lick at her pussy, and I knew her reservations were fully replaced with willingness. When I lay her down on the blanket, kneeling over her to repeat the process, she let out a sigh of contentment. I used my hands to spread her legs wide as I ate her pussy, listening with joy to the clicking of the camera.

Sensing that I could make her reach orgasm, I concentrated on her clit, showing her much more attention then I showed Jessica. Seeing this, Jessica began to cry foul until she saw her cousin bowing up, ass raised off the blanket, as her orgasm built. It was the highlight of the day for me, being the first man to bring this girl to orgasm, and I hoped the pictures captured the intensity of the moment.

Lastly, I laid each girl on a waist high boulder, and then placed the length of my cock along their virgin pussies as I held their legs back with my hands. When I pressed my raging dick head into the folds of their pussies like I was going to enter them, leaving trails of pre-cum behind, I had little doubt that these would be the very photos that would send me to prison for life if I was ever caught.

Ultimately I ended it, not for fear of being caught or because it was getting so late, but purely out of need. I was past the point of caring about the immorality and illegality of my actions, I simply was about to burst. But it may have been the most beautiful scene, a stroke of pornographic genius.

Kneeling side by side on the blanket with their arms around each other, Amy had her right breast pressed firmly into Jessica's left breast bud as they both looked up at me, mouths open like starving chicks. I stood over them, my hard cock in my right hand as I held the camera carefully in my left. I was moving my hard cock from mouth to mouth, as their eager tongues came out to lick at it. From time to time, I pressed my cock inside a warm, wet open mouth, feeling the mouth close around it. All the while, I snapped off pictures.

'Jessica, you know what's going to happen?' My breathing was labored, my speech strained.

She shook her head up and down. Addressing her cousin, she explained with a giggle. 'His cock is going to squirt on us.'

My deviance complete, I wasn't willing to spare Amy the first time like I did Jessica. I was going to come in her mouth, and she was going to have to deal with it. 'Just let it happen Amy....It'll.....It'll be OK.'

It started as I spoke, and I went to Jessica first, the first shot of come hitting the underside of her nose. Most of it fell back into her open mouth, covering her upper teeth, but some dribbled down her cheek. I was trying to take photographs in rapid succession, but honestly didn't know if I was getting good pictures or not. I fired the next time directly into Jessica's mouth, and then quickly moved to Amy to do the same. She was surprised to feel my warm cum in her mouth and closed it reflexively, causing the next salvo to spill down her chin.

Back and forth I went, squeezing the base of my cock, increasing the force of my orgasm. When I finally stopped, both girls had come across their faces, and no small amount in their mouths. Amy looked a little doubtful about what had just happened, but Jessica, now an established cock-hound, looked absolutely ecstatic.

I clicked off a few pictures as I released my throbbing cock, finding the uncertainty on Amy's face enticing, and deliciously in contrast to Jessica's beaming smile. Then I dropped to me knees and kissed both girls, concentrating first on Amy, tasting my own come on her tongue and lips. Once again Jessica was intrigued by my willingness to have my own come in my mouth, and she giggled when I pulled back from Amy and a string of come stretched between our chins.

It only took a moment to get Jessica to lick the come from Amy's face as I snapped more photos, and then only minor encouragement to get Amy to return the favor. When they were done, Jessica looked right at her older cousin.

'Wasn't that exciting?'

'Yes.' Amy still didn't sound overly confident.

'It'll be more fun next time when you know what to expect.' The seasoned pro was back again.

I stepped back and caught a few shots of the two girls talking, their naked bodies beautiful. If there was a next time, I made a note to remember to come on their chests as well. The mental image of Jessica cleaning my come off Amy's breasts was enough to set my heart pounding once again

My ejaculation initiated something of a return to my sensibilities, and even though I never wanted the afternoon to end, I knew it was time. I had been naked with these two girls for far too long. But even as the thought centered in my mind, I realized that my respect for the risk I was taking had eroded significantly. The experience was much too powerful, and I knew I was hooked on these young girls. So it was with great reluctance that I started getting dressed.

With my shorts and tee shirt back on, Jessica gave me a sad little pout as I rounded up my sandals, unhappy that I was bringing things to a close. Amazingly, neither girl seemed to be in a hurry to get up and get dressed, no more truly ready to leave than I was. Gathering their clothes into a neat little pile, I decided to play a little game.

I got them to their feet and folded the blanket. With everything back in my pack, including their clothes and Jessica's bag, I started up the hill.

Looking back over my shoulder, I told them what I expected. 'Just like before, I want to get pictures of you walking together.'

Hand in hand they came, needing no further encouragement from me, as I clicked off the pictures. God, they were gorgeous, walking naked and contented in the dappled sunlight. I let them pass, then took a few more pictures from behind as they walked away.

I was more alert now, looking around continuously, but we still very much alone. I caught up with the girls and gave them their shirts, then repeated the process, the two of them naked from the waist down. Their sweet young pussies were a sight to behold, one hairless and smooth, the other sparsely covered with thin hairs that were more blonde in the sunlight.

Much too soon we were approaching the open areas of the park, and with great reluctance, I gave the girls their shorts. I kept their panties as souvenirs, which earned me chuckles and eye rolls. Moving ahead to take more pictures, I turned back to see that Amy had quickly put her shorts back on, but Jessica still carried hers. They started walking again, Jessica grinning at her own mischief.

Jessica walked right up to the edge of the clearing without pants. I knew I should object, but I was so turned on by her boldness, I held my tongue. Instead I moved quickly ahead of the girls, out into the open field to take a quick look around. There were more people in the park now, most of them near the play area by the parking lot, and one girl jogging around the perimeter of the large field.

The jogger was still a good ways off, but it appeared she would definitely pass our way. Looking back to the trees, Jessica had dropped her shorts and was standing with a grin, hands on hips. When she started to walk towards me, Amy covered her mouth in disbelief.

I coolly clicked off a few quick photos, and then quickly moved towards Jessica, heading her off in case she really intended to walk right out in the open field. My cock was hard again.

'Are you chicken?'

I couldn't believe it; I was being taunted by a twelve year old girl.

'Yeah, jail scares me.'

She grinned. 'You could have visitors.'

'Not if your dad killed me.'

That sobered her a little, but she held her ground. Acting boldly myself, I stepped away from her, towards the woods. Then I knelt and clicked off some rapid photos, the sun shining on Jessica's bare pubes, the wide open spaces and distant houses in the background. I was certain that if someone looked, she could be easily seen. It was incredibly exciting, but enough was enough. I grabbed Jessica by the arm and quickly led her back into the relative safety of the trees.

With a fake pout, she slipped on her cotton shorts. Then the evil grin returned, and she pulled the shorts up tight, causing the thin material to perfectly outline her little pussy. But then she froze at the sound of footfalls from the approaching jogger, and quickly pulled them down to look normal. So she was bold, but at least she wasn't crazy. The jogger passed without so much as a glance up in the trees.

'Jessica, you're going to get me in trouble.'

The fake pout was back, but sensing it was definitely time to part ways, I didn't take the bait. We swore a vow of secrecy, with me no doubt overly stating the danger they could put me in, trying to make sure Amy understood. Safely behind the trees, I kissed both girls with sweet passion, holding them close to me. Then I patted them on the ass and sent them on their way.

As they walked, Jessica pulled her shorts up deep into the crack of her ass, looking back with a laugh as I snapped my last photos. My cock was throbbing again. Jessica's exhibitionism turned me on intensely, and I had already started thinking about the possibilities.

Looking at my camera, I was surprised to see I had a few dozen pictures left. I hurried home to download my treasures, mentally calculating how many CD's I would need.

When the pounding at my back door started just before midnight, I wasn't surprised. This time I didn't even hesitate as I stepped naked into the darkness of the back yard with Jessica and Amy.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.