Jessica At The Beach

[ Mgg, ped, bi, voy, rom ]

by Y4Y


Published: 28-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The question foremost in my mind was what to do about Annie. Her sexual interest in Jessica was arousing to me; in fact it turned me on tremendously. As a result, I was sorely tempted to invite her over and dive right in to a three-way relationship.

However, there were so many other considerations. Annie was an unknown, someone we just chanced to meet, which brought into play serious concerns due to the obvious issues of legality that surrounded my relationship with Jessica. Adding another person to the mix compounded the risk, of that there could be no doubt. Also there was the issue of sharing. It wasn't that I was typically a selfish or a jealous person, but Jessica was a rare gem, one I had scarcely gotten to know myself, and I wasn't so sure there was room for anyone else.

And lastly, I needed to be clear on what Annie could bring to the table. Jessica followed my lead, would do whatever I suggested, and this allowed me to shape her to my own image of eroticism and desirability. I would need to know that Annie's interests, and willingness, were compatible with the ideas I held. In short, Annie would need to be an appropriate role model to fit in.

In the week following the Italian Festival, I couldn't get Annie and the image of her and Jessica together, out of my mind. She had provided me her contact phone number and E-mail without so much as asking for mine, leaving the decision to include her further totally up to me, an act I respected. She had made no effort to impose even though it was clear she wanted to, and that alone increased my trust, making it hard not to call her the following weekend.

There was another angle to this as well; Jessica had truly liked Annie. It had gotten easier for Jessica and me to get together, either alone or with her brother, her parents trusting me totally and taking full advantage of my proximity a few houses away. It was not unusual for them to call and ask if I could keep on eye on the kids while they went out to one function or the other. When we had the chance to be alone, I tried to feel Jessica out about Annie, and as usual with Jessica, she approached the topic with excitement.

'Hey Jess, you want you see Annie again?'

She was curled up in my lap, my hand under her shirt fondling her little breast buds. My rule about no contact in my own house had quietly slipped by the wayside, and though we expected her brother to show up any minute, we took every opportunity to be together. She sat up at my question.

'Oh yes. I liked her.' Her eyes sparkled with interest, and her beauty took my breath away, as usual.

'So you think I should I get in touch with her?'

'Yes. Please do!'

It was hard to ignore unbridled enthusiasm; Jessica was ready for anything. Yet I still hesitated, wondering if contacting Annie was the right thing to do. Nearly two weeks had gone by since Jessica showed off at the Italian Festival when I finally decided to E-mail Annie, concluding a harmless E-mail couldn't hurt, and did not give her a way to find us.

And so it happened that we began to exchange daily E-mails, and I even had Jessica write to her a couple of times, which got Annie quite excited. Again Annie was patient, and never once asked to meet us. Yet it didn't take long for me to conclude there was a need to get together and see what might develop.

I conveyed this message to Annie, and she was beside herself with excitement, having decided after several weeks that she may never see us again. We set plans for her and me to have dinner on the coming weekend, but then a complication arose, one that I didn't mind. Amy came to visit.

With Amy coming to town, all thoughts on meeting Annie were placed on the back burner. I wanted my entire weekend free hoping to get to spend some quality time with Jessica and her cousin. As it turned out, the situation was perfect. Amy's parents were coming to town to attend a Tim McGraw concert with Jessica's mom and dad. They left late Saturday afternoon with Jessica's brother in charge, as well as Amy's older brother and even placed a call to me asking that I be on the look-out for any problems while they were away. Naturally, I agreed.

It was an easy matter for the two girls to slip off to the park, and we spent another glorious afternoon at our place in the woods, down by the creek. It was incredible, the girl's putting on quite a show for me, and I can say for a fact that there is nothing more beautiful than a twelve year old girl and a thirteen year old girl making sweet love to one another.

That night, when a knock came at my back door well after midnight, I knew it was them, and I answered the door naked. Slipping out into the darkness of the back yard, I let the two girls suck my cock, and came all over their faces, before I sent them back home, fearful they would be missed.

The next afternoon Jessica and David, her brother, were washing my car as I worked in the garage. In fact I had little to do, but with Jessica wearing a bikini, I wanted to be where I could discreetly admire her. When they were nearly done, she slipped over to where I stood.

'Have you talked to Annie?'

'Yep. She's not happy!'

Jessica chuckled, knowing why I stood Annie up. 'Are you going to see her?'

'You bet, Angel. Next weekend.'

She gave me a little pout, but said nothing.

'You think I should see her sooner?'

The grin made it clear I guessed right. 'Yep.'

After the show I got the day before, the idea of seeing Jessica with a grown woman was fresh and tantalizing. 'Let me see what I can do.'

In the end, I agreed to meet Annie that evening, and the relief she expressed was palpable through the E-mail. I tried to arrange a meeting at a restaurant per my original plan, but Annie insisted I come to her place so she could show me the pictures she'd taken of Jessica.

The address Annie gave me was a bit of a surprise; she lived in a rural area between the town Jessica and I lived in and the one where we attended the Italian Festival. I would have pegged Annie for a city girl, but when I drove up I found a small country house on a large piece of land, the closest neighbors well off in the distance.

It was an old farm house that was fairly well maintained even though the outlying farm buildings were in disrepair. It looked quite cozy in the low light of the evening with its full length porch and well tended flower beds. Obviously Annie was a gardener, the small oasis around the house showing signs of consistent effort.

To say our first meeting was a bit awkward would be an understatement. We knew nothing of each other, our only connection an immoral and illegal interest in an underage girl. But this was a powerful connection, and Annie clearly understood I was the key to her ever seeing Jessica again. So she put a great deal of effort into making me feel at ease, which only increased my wariness, well aware as I was that I was being manipulated. Finally I called her on it.

'Look Annie, let's get right to it. You want to see Jessica again. I can make that happen, yet I have personal and, quite frankly, how should I say, uh, security concerns to consider.'

She looked crestfallen, but I pressed on, knowing my next words might lessen her burden. 'I'm here because both Jessica and I liked you. I need to get to know you a little better, and then decide what to do next.'

She brightened a little, as expected. Then she did something totally unexpected; deep in thought, she bit down on her lower lip in exactly the same manner that Jessica did when she was excited. It was, in my opinion, one of my sexiest images of Jessica. Had Annie seen enough of Jessica and me together to manipulate me in this way?

Before I could finish the thought, Annie turned and walked out of the room. Standing in the main room of the house, my assumption that she had gone to the kitchen was proven correct when I heard the sound of a refrigerator being opened, and then glass knocking together. Annie returned a few moments later with a large bottle of wine and two glasses. She headed straight out the door to the porch and I followed.

And so we started again. It was quickly getting dark as we settled into the old rockers on the porch, and Annie opened the cheap wine and poured the glasses full. We were both nervous enough to gulp down the first glass, and by the time darkness settled around us, we were finally beginning to relax.

I learned that Annie rented this house from one of her professors and had lived in it for more than a year. We talked about her classes, and what she thought of America compared to her childhood in Europe. As we worked our way through the bottle of wine, I found Annie to be a likeable, wholesome girl, the wholesome part being perhaps a contradiction considering how we met. That she looked good in a tee shirt and no bra over blue jeans was not lost on me, but my efforts to ignore this fact were being undermined by the wine.

Finally I broached the subject of Jessica somewhat obliquely, but with a direct question that was on my mind. Though I had only been in one room of her house, there was no indication of a regular male presence.

'Are you a lesbian?'

She looked at me and smiled. 'I assumed you might think so. The answer is no.'


The smile became more of an "all guys think alike" smirk, as if she expected this line of questioning. 'Not before a couple of weeks ago.'

I found this to be a stunning revelation, though I tried not to let it show. I sat quietly for a few minutes considering the fact that Annie's lips on Jessica's breasts was a first, and that Jessica actually possessed more experience in this area, both thoughts striking me as incredibly arousing. Annie let me dwell on it in silence, no doubt enjoying the fact that she was able to surprise me.

Studying Annie's face, I found that I believed her. It truly was her first time, and I surmised the obvious; she didn't want it to be her last. This relieved one of my concerns, a shapeless worry that Annie was a predatory lesbian. Knowing that she simply found Jessica as irresistible as I had, that Jessica had provoked the same willingness to make a lifestyle change in her as she had in me, was tantalizing, as the swelling in my groin testified.

I wanted to explore this thought some more, but all the questions in my mind were redundant. If Annie was being as truthful as I thought, then she had already told me more than I asked. So instead, I poured the last of the wine into our glasses and took another tack.

'You wanted to show me your pictures?'

I was pleased to see the change in direction caught her a little off guard, but just as happy to note her quick recovery. She took a sip of wine, and then hopped up somewhat unsteadily. I arose myself and grabbed her arm, but she rebounded smoothly and turned to the door without a word.

Following her down a short hall, we came to a surprisingly large room. Noticing windows on three sides of the room, I realized this was an extension built on the back of the house, and though it was not new, the remainder of the house was much older. This was Annie's bedroom, and a large old-fashioned bed sat high off the floor to one side.

Half of the room was set up as a sitting area, with an aged chair and loveseat standing before a computer desk and large screen television, the modern equipment looking somewhat out of place in this setting. I took a seat in the chair as Annie moved straight to the computer.

After a couple of minutes, she had the television on with Powerpoint starting up. I was impressed to see the computer linked to the television for viewing pictures large scale, and made a note to look at her set-up before I left. But then the screen was filled with an image of Jessica in her white blouse and pale yellow form fitting shorts, and all else was forgotten. She was beautiful.

Annie had arranged her photos into a slide show, and she settled onto the loveseat with a remote, which she used to scroll through the photos. She might live in an old country house, but Annie certainly had a taste for technology. As she slowly worked through the photos, I saw the shots were very similar to my own, and realized Annie had started taking photos well before I noticed her.

The fourth or fifth photo showed me from behind as I took a picture of Jessica. I looked over at Annie and in the low light from the television screen saw the smirk had returned to her face. The picture had been taken before I was even aware of her, and I was both amazed and alarmed that she had spotted me, and what I was up to, so easily.

Annie had several dozen photos, similar to mine as I noted, expect for when Jessica was in the fountain. Once Jessica got wet, Annie took several close-ups that I never bothered with. In the close-up shots, it was plain to see how exposed Jessica's small breasts and pussy had been, and once again my crotch began to swell. Glancing over at Annie, I could see her nipples were hard as rocks.

Annie's series in the park were very similar to my own, except towards the end. Annie had very few shots of her and Jessica together, and she looked at me accusingly.

'You promised to use my camera!'

The screen was filled with a beautiful shot of Annie suckling on Jessica's breast, the last shot in her set. It wasn't perfectly in focus, but then it didn't have to be. My cock was hard in my shorts. 'Sorry, I was a bit distracted.'

We both chuckled, me at her mock indignation, Annie at my faux apology. With a great effort I pulled my eyes from the screen and looked at Annie. She was absorbed in the image, oblivious of me as her left hand idly rubbed her right nipple through her shirt. I had consciously ignored her lack of a brassiere when I first arrived, feeling I was being manipulated, but now I showed no such discipline. When she finally looked up into my eyes without removing or stopping her hand, as if daring me to watch, I made an important decision, her boldness alleviating some of my "role model" concerns.

'I'll be right back.'

When I returned a few minutes later, I had two DVD's of my own which I had retrieved from the car. Even in the near darkness, I could see Annie's eyes light up when she saw what I was carrying, yet once again I was impressed with her self-discipline as showed little else in response.

'Would you like to see some more, some you've never seen?'

She simply nodded, and since Jessica often made me feel the same way, I knew she didn't trust her voice.

I handed Annie the first disk and watched her load it in the computer. My efforts being much less sophisticated than her own, all she found was a list of files. It hadn't even occurred to me to consolidate the photos into a PowerPoint presentation or anything similar. So all she could do was load the first picture with the viewer in Explorer, then click forward.

Compared to what we had seen so far, the first few pictures were innocuous enough; Jessica in the park fully clothed. Annie moved through them pretty quickly, the school uniform being the first thing that caught her attention. When she came to the first photo that included Amy, Annie froze in obvious surprise. She glanced at me with a question on her lips, but she decided not to ask, and I didn't volunteer.

Knowing what was coming, an obvious thought occurred to me, and I rose to my feet.

'Why don't you just sit back and let me drive?'

It only took Annie a second to agree with this logic, and she relinquished the desk chair and moved back to the love seat. As I scrolled though the pictures, Jessica began to show her panties, teasing the camera and now, for the first time, someone other than me.

In looking at Annie's photos, it had been obvious simply by composition when we reached the photos that I had taken with Annie's camera. Annie clearly had photographic skills I did not possess, and it was evident in the quality of the shots. The same was true for my own set of photos, however as I noted before, the quality of the subject matter was such that photographic composition was rendered irrelevant.

When I reached the first photo of Jessica hanging upside down from the tree limb, her skirt inverted, her panty covered pussy on display, it was not a perfect photograph, yet I had to pause. As many times as I had looked at these photos, I was still moved by them. Working through the series of her hanging there, then Amy helping her down, I suddenly came upon the photo of her sitting against the tree, her shirt unbuttoned, and her legs pulled up to show me her panties. The audacity of the pose by this young girl caused a stirring in my groin, and had Annie shifting on her seat.

Sitting as close to the large screen as I was, the images were overwhelming, and I passed slowly through the series showing Jessica walking through the woods with Amy. I had taken nearly 1000 digital photos that day, and the DVD's contained the best of the best, and they were truly beautiful. By now I had nearly forgotten Annie, and she had forgotten me, but as we passed through the photos showing the two girls walking hand in hand, I became aware of Annie once again because of her restlessness. She could hardly sit still.

Annie's restlessness turned to agitation as we passed through the pictures of Amy removing Jessica's shirt. Squeezing her breasts through her shirt, Annie was now a distraction for me as I divided my attention. When I started to move past the photo of Jessica lying topless on the blanket, her hand holding her skirt up to expose her panties, Annie stopped me.

'Wait. Not so fast.'

I turned to Annie and watched as her hand pressed into the crotch of her jeans. She stared only at the screen, oblivious of me watching her. I gave her a couple of minutes, and then moved on, knowing the best was yet to come.

Now Jessica's panties were off, and I could hear Annie's breathing as it became heavier. When Amy removed Jessica's skirt, Annie groaned. I thought she might orgasm when I left the shot of a fully clothed Amy kneeling at Jessica's feet, removing her shoes as she looked up Jessica's body, on the screen for a long time, but Annie's hand slowed at her crotch and she calmed herself back down, pacing herself for whatever came next. I realized I needed to do the same, my cock rock hard in my shorts.

But Annie's restraint melted when I put up a shot of a stark naked Jessica kneeling on the blanket, her ass high, her hairless pussy and little pink asshole on display as she looked provocatively over her shoulder at the camera. Annie's legs came straight out and she slid down into the love seat so that her groin was pushed forward to its edge. Her hand furiously rubbed her pussy through her jeans, her other hand pinching her own nipples. Her flagrant masturbation in front of me was the kind of behavior I wanted to see, and the kind of behavior I knew Jessica could learn from.

I called my first DVD the mild set, the second the wild set. Changing disks, I filled the screen with an image of Jessica lying flat on her back, playing with her own breast buds. Annie was losing control now, and it only got worse when I scrolled to a picture of Jessica pinching and pulling her own nipple. It was incredibly erotic.

When I got to the photo of a fully dressed Amy standing mesmerized over her masturbating cousin, her narrow hips cocked to one side, her arm crossed under her breasts, her young nipples clearly visible, Annie did something very surprising. She stood, removed her jeans, then jumped up onto the bed, propping herself against the pile of pillows at the head. Her black lace panties and narrow hips caught my eye as I realized the position of the bed and the television were carefully arranged, and that she had done this before. That she now had me watching seemed to bother her none at all.

The next pictures showed me tying Jessica's hands, and as I watched Annie slip her hand inside her panties, I was silently grateful to Amy for having the boldness to take these photos. I slowly passed through the pictures of me binding Jessica's hands over her head, leaving her naked and vulnerable, and they had a profound affect on Annie, her free hand now slipping under her shirt. I don't know what she expected to see on the pictures, but I knew she hadn't expected this, and the best was yet to come.

Annie's reaction to a helpless Jessica, so exposed on a hillside, as clearly shown in the photos, was much the same as my own the first time I looked at these photos. She let out a low moan and rubbed herself feverishly. Her first orgasm came staring at a photo of a fully clothed Amy spanking the bound and naked Jessica with a switch. I watched Annie with lustful interest, resisting the temptation to join her on the bed.

I realized she had a very nice body that she hid beneath unflattering clothes, and as if reading my mind, she suddenly slipped her panties down her legs and off. The shirt came next and she was naked, her hands back on her body, eyes riveted once again on the screen. Even in a reclined position, her large breasts were full and erect, her huge nipples hard as bullets, making my cock throb as she squeezed them.

Her dark bush was neatly trimmed, and in the faint light from the television I could see her hand working slow, soothing circles on her clitoris. As she returned to Earth she certainly knew I was watching her, but she clearly did not care and studiously ignored me.

This was very erotic, viewing photos of my darling Jessica, while watching a pretty girl, essentially a stranger, lay naked in the bed and masturbate. My cock longed for attention, but I resisted the urge to rub myself, just as I resisted the urge to join Annie. I started the evening in control, and now had total control, and I wasn't ready to give in that easily.

When I scrolled to a photo of a submissive Jessica, hanging her head as her cousin now whipped her furiously, my hand went to my crotch of its own accord, and it took a great effort to pull it away once again. If Annie noticed, she gave no sign, the photo having the same affect on her. Annie came again the first time Amy kissed Jessica on the lips, and I wondered if she would be able to keep going for the pictures to come.

The rest of the evening was a blur. Annie did in fact orgasm loudly time after time, totally out of control from the moment Amy's lips first touched Jessica's breasts, to the first close up shot of Jessica nuzzling onto Amy's pubic hair. Annie was bucking against her own fingers, lost in ecstasy, until she collapsed in a heap on the bed. I left the photo of Jessica licking her first pussy on the screen and walked to the kitchen, my hard cock pressing against my shorts to lead the way. As I hoped, I found more wine in the refrigerator and poured two glasses, then carried them back to Annie's bedroom.

Standing over Annie, I looked down on her sweat covered body as she accepted the wine with a weak smile. She glanced up at me for the first time, but I ignored her, instead choosing to look her over. And I liked what I saw. She was a very well built woman, a fact she hid well for whatever reason. Her wide shoulders and full breasts would be beautiful in a formal gown, if she was so inclined. Her stomach had the flatness of youth, and her hips flared out to full, inviting womanhood.

Even in the dim light, I could see her extended labia and the moisture of her excitement in her pubic hair. The muscles in her thighs and calves suggested she was a runner. As she glistened from the film on her body, her abdomen rising and falling to her strained breathing, my cock throbbed in my shorts, and I had the fight the temptation to touch her.

Looking back to her face, I asked a rhetorical question. 'Ready for the best part?'

Her look was dubious, as if challenging that it could get better, and she only nodded, choosing to remain silent after my bold inspection of her nakedness.

I knew these photos by heart, having memorized the file names weeks ago, and when I selected a photo of Amy on her knees, Jessica tonguing her asshole, Annie's doubts were easily dispelled. Her eyes fixed on the screen, and her hand returned to her pussy. When I switched to a picture of Jessica with a finger inserted in Amy's ass, Annie groaned out loud. I scrolled through several shots of Jessica probing Amy's ass, some with Amy turned away, and then a couple with her looking at the camera.

I looked over at Annie, who was once again rubbing her clit at a furious pace, wanting to see her reaction when I selected the next photo. I wasn't disappointed. Without looking, I knew the shot showed me sitting on the ground, leaning against a rock, my hard cock sticking out of the leg of my shorts, the head buried in Jessica's mouth. Annie stared at it wide-eyed for a moment, and then exploded in yet another orgasm.

After that I passed through the entire series of me naked in the woods as Jessica, and then Amy, sucked my enraged cock. These photos were taken by the girls, and were far from perfect, but it didn't matter. Annie came again, then settled down, clearly spent. Her gaze shifted to me, her eyes locking with mine. I couldn't read what was on her mind until she dropped her eyes to my bulging crotch, her hands still idly rubbing her breasts and her pussy. She stared for a long time, and I was pretty certain the big, hard cock in the photos had made a strong impression on her.

I passed through the remaining photos of me posing with the girls, and while they obviously excited Annie, she had little left to give. That is until I reached the end. When she saw the two girls kneeling, their mouths open, as I held my throbbing cock over them, she groaned and spoke three words, the first in quite a while.

'Oh my God.'

She sat up against the pillows, alert once again, her hands busy once again, as the pictures showed my cock moving mouth to mouth. The photos were poorly composed, as I feared at the time I took them, but they clearly showed my coming on two beautiful young faces, and they drove Annie over the edge for the last time. I ended with the final shot, Jessica and Amy kneeling together, their faces still damp from licking come off of each other. I realized my hand was at my crotch, squeezing my cock, and I sank back against the chair, choosing not to fight it this time.

We sat in silence for a long while, and I realized Annie had dozed off. I stood and once again admired her naked body, knowing full well I could fuck her right now, but choosing to wait. I would discover in a few minutes it was a wise choice.

I removed my disk from the computer, gathered my things, and made my way through the dark house to the kitchen to get a drink. Then I headed out the door. I was across the porch and halfway down the steps when I heard a noise behind me and the screen door opened. By the glow of the streetlight at the end of the drive, I watched a naked Annie walk out onto the porch.

All night I had played it cool with Annie, showing mild interest, but choosing not to get involved with her, even though I hadn't made love in a very long time and she had turned out to be a major temptation. But I had a game in mind, and succumbing to temptation would have ruined it; I didn't want Annie to think I was too interested. And now it paid off.

In the two times I had been in her presence, Annie had been collected and self-disciplined, trying hard to disguise her lust for Jessica as casual interest. While I was impressed, I knew better, and the thought of me leaving once again, of her being totally dependent on my willingness to stay in touch, caused her façade to crack.

'Don't go, please.' Her hair was tousled, and she sounded frantic. A car passed on the highway, the extra light making her nudity all the more obvious, but she didn't flinch. She was a very desirable girl, but I only looked her up and down and said nothing.

'Stay with me. Stay the night. Please don't go.' Calm and collected before, now almost pleading. I fought the urge to smile.

'I have an early day tomorrow.'

'Pleassseee...' She cut herself off, realizing what she was doing. I saw her stiffen as she regained control.

'Will you please call me?'

It had been an amazing evening. From the stiff formality we started with, broken finally by an abundance of wine, we finally shared photos of our mutual obsession, and then remarkably Annie had forgotten me, stripping out of her clothes to masturbate wildly as if I wasn't even there. There was nothing I wanted more at the moment than to have her.

But still I hesitated, silently admiring her body. Her shoulders drooped in dismay, and then I let her off the hook.

'I'll call you later this week. Maybe we'll get dinner.'

I smiled warmly and turned down the steps. When I got to the car she had followed me. Pressing her body into me, she kissed my cheek, whispering.

'Stay with me. Please.'

She felt so warm and firm, and I loved her boldness, another car passing by at that moment. Her exhibitionism would mix well with Jessica. My words came with difficulty, but I could see they gave her hope.

'Not this time.'

I kissed her lightly on the lips, then got in the car and started it. As I pulled out onto the highway, I could see her standing where I left her, a naked goddess in the middle of the yard.

Less than two miles down the highway, I pulled off onto a deserted side road. I had my cock out of my pants before I got out of the car, and came a few minutes later.

It was three days before I called Annie, and could imagine that she was becoming very anxious as she waited. I had a new plan for Jessica in mind, and had pretty well made up my mind to include Annie in it, but figured she would be more responsive and appreciative if I let her worry a little.

School had started for Jessica and her brother David, and I had, in my opinion quite cleverly, insinuated myself further into their life with their parents' blessing as a math tutor. Math was a forte of mine, and I learned David was struggling with Geometry, so I offered my help, and their parents readily agreed since it freed them of one more parental responsibility they never seemed to have time for. Two or three times a week, I spent an hour or so with Jessica or David, or both.

At first it was nerve wracking since I went to their house, and quite often ran into the mother or father. When they looked at me, I irrationally imagined they could see the lust I felt for their daughter like a tattoo on my forehead. But Jessica was quite relaxed in my presence, playing her part well. Plus I was always careful to work as much with David as Jessica, and I quickly learned that it was a good way to get a read on her parents, and what was happening in their house.

Her parents trusted me even more, albeit foolishly, and on my first visit after my evening with Annie I began to lay the groundwork. Talking openly about Annie as my girlfriend to Jessica, her mother picked up on the conversation. When she commented that she was so glad to finally hear I had a girlfriend, I almost laughed. So far she had taken the bait. My theory was that having an established girlfriend made me appear even more trustworthy.

On my second visit of the week, already knowing David had a basketball tournament, I invited him and Jessica to go to the beach with Annie and me on Saturday. Their mother was all for it, no doubt glad to get the kids occupied, but then remembered the tournament.

However, as expected, the ever alert Jessica lobbied for the privilege of going to the beach with Annie and me anyway. It only took a few minutes for her mother to agree, and my cock swelled in my shorts at the realization of just how easy that had been, and what the weekend would hold. Through the rest of her lesson, Jessica positively beamed, and I was never able to get her focus totally back on the math.

When I got Annie on the phone later that evening, the relief in her voice was evident. She had made plans for Saturday, but quickly cancelled them when she heard my offer. Then she cancelled her dinner date for Friday night and accepted an invitation to join me at a local restaurant. Annie's old boyfriend was coming back in town for the weekend, and I had a feeling he was going to be pretty angry when he found out all his plans had been laid to waste.

Annie was very relaxed at dinner, but still very reserved and self-disciplined. I could easily sense that she wanted to ask questions about Jessica and the plans for the next day, but she held back. We drank quite a bit of wine, talking about whatever topic arose, both of us studiously avoiding the most obvious topic of all. I found that I liked her more and more, and later in the parking lot it felt natural to take her into my arms and kiss her, her breasts mashed against my chest bringing to mind the image of her standing naked in the driveway.

I could see she would readily accept an invitation back to my house, but as bad as I wanted it, it wasn't going to happen. When I pulled away to leave, I was certain she was going to say something, but she remained silent. I agreed to pick her up at 10:00 the next morning, and left her standing once again.

Saturday morning Jessica came bounding up my driveway alone, just like on the day of the Italian Festival. Only this time it didn't surprise me. Her parents were already well established in my mind as conveniently irresponsible, and besides they trusted me more than they ever had. I had a gift for Jessica, and didn't really want to show it to her in my house, but I knew it would be difficult to manage in the car. So I invited her into the kitchen, where she jumped into my arms.

'I'm so excited.'

'Me too, Angel. We're going to have fun.'

We kissed, our tongues tangling, and then I gave her a mock frown. 'Are you going to do whatever I say?'

She giggled at my furrowed eyebrows. 'Don't I always?'

Yes you do, I thought. Setting her back on the floor, I took on a stern appearance, earning another laugh. 'Take your clothes off, little one.'

Her laugh faded, but her smile didn't. She had a simple tee shirt on, and the stretch cotton shorts that looked so sexy on her, and underneath I could see a lime green bikini. She didn't hesitate, peeling the shirt over her head, and then sliding the shorts off without ceremony. The bikini she wore was very prudent and girlish, and I knew she would like the gift I now held behind my back.

'What is it?'

'You just keep going, and let me get a quick look at you. Then I'll show you.'

A second later her top was off, and the sight of her little breast buds took my breath away, as it always did. When she slid the bottoms off, she stood proudly in front of me, naked as the day she was born. I looked her up and down, my mind involuntarily comparing her to the rich maturity of Annie's body, and I knew in an instant my love for Jessica could never be surpassed. Seeing her young, growing body, and knowing she was daring, yet still very innocent, I longed to touch her. It was all I could do to keep from dropping to my knees and kissing her beautiful hairless pussy.

'Here you go, my love.'

I handed her a pale pink string bikini, so tiny I had it balled up in one hand and out of sight. As she unfolded it, she had to turn the bottoms several times to even understand how they were supposed to go on. I watched with amusement.

It had taken me a lengthy internet search to find this swimsuit, and then I had paid a handsome shipping fee to have it over-nighted. Since string bikinis are made for teens and adults, the difficulty had been in finding one as revealing as I wanted, in as small a size as I could find. The one she held was a petite, but even in her hands I could see it was probably going to be loose on her youthful frame.

As it turned out, I did kneel in front of her delicious young pussy. It took the two of us to put the bottoms on her and tie the strings. When I was done, I stepped back and had her stand up straight. Her pussy was barely covered by a tiny pick triangle in the front, and it was obvious she had no pubic hair as it would most certainly have shown. When she spun around, I found my self looking at her bare ass, the back being nothing more than a string up her crack, and another tiny triangle at the base of her spine.

The bikini top wasn't much different, just two simple and miniscule triangles held by strings which we carefully tied to keep the triangles in place. Jessica looked adorable, and almost naked, her skin flushed with excitement.

'Get your clothes back on girl, we need to go.'

She spun one more time, flashing a dazzling smile, then she slipped back into the shorts and shirt.

Once we had the car loaded, I left the neighborhood by the back way, not wanting to chance meeting her parents. As we drove, Annie asked a dozen questions about Annie, and where we were going, but I artfully dodged them all.

'Just be patient Jess, you'll find out soon enough.'

This answer satisfied her not at all, but she knew me well enough to know I wouldn't budge, even when she reached over and squeezed my crotch as she bit down sexily on her lower lip. Today I wouldn't be manipulated, and soon she had to drop it as we were pulling into Annie's driveway.

Annie was waiting on the porch and was down the steps, bag in hand, before Jessica and I could get out of the car. She hardly noticed me at all, instead going straight to Jessica and giving her a warm hug. As the two girls looked each other over, eyes sparkling, I had the sense it was going to be a better day than I had even hoped.

It took about an hour to get to the beach, and Jessica and Annie talked continuously. Jessica was in the passenger seat, and Annie sat in the back, leaning forward through the space between the bucket seats. Every time I used my rear view mirror, I was looking right at Annie's face, and what I saw there was pure excitement. She was more animated than Jessica as they talked, as if she were the kid.

When we reached the beach road, I took a right and headed west down the coast to the end of the highway. The coast line went on for several more miles, but all the land beyond this point was a National Seashore preserve, and therefore undeveloped. This made it a popular place for people who loved the beach but wanted to be removed from the large crowds.

It took us several minutes to gather our stuff, but soon we were excitedly heading across the sand, angling towards the water and away from the highway at the same time. There were small groups of people all along this stretch of beach, mostly teen-agers and older as the families with kids tended to flock towards the developed areas. I couldn't wait to see Annie's eyes when Jessica removed her shirt and shorts, and I found myself moving quickly through the sand and had to make a conscious effort to slow to a more leisurely pace.

Finally we had out our spot, the umbrella was set up, and our blanket was spread out. I just looked at Jessica and smiled, and she quickly peeled off her shirt. Annie was still smoothing out the corners of the blanket, and when she looked up she froze. The surprise on her face lasted only a moment, quickly replaced by anticipation as Jessica hooked her fingers into the elastic of her shorts. When she slipped them off, revealing the teeny pink triangle covering her pussy, Annie gave me a quick glance. Her eyes said it all; thank you.

'Turn around and let Annie see the back.'

Jessica did as she was told, Annie exhaling audibly. From behind Jessica had a thin string across her back, two loose ends dangling, another teeny triangle just above her ass, and three more strings, one feeding into the crack of her ass, the other two going around her waist. The swimsuit was absolutely obscene, and from behind it took no effort at all to imagine her naked. Jessica had faint tan lines from her previous bikini that looked a little out of place, but her skin tone was such that it wasn't overly distracting. I cleared my throat loudly and comically, causing Annie to look up.

'Better keep her from burning.' I was holding out a tube of sunscreen.

Annie needed no encouragement, and as I settled into my beach chair, I watched Annie rub the white cream into Jessica's brown skin. It looked innocent enough to a casual observer, of which there were a couple, but knowing as I did the thoughts that were surely passing through Annie's mind, it was an erotic sight and my groin swelled appreciatively.

Annie knelt and coated Jessica's legs, then spent a little more time on Jessica's bare ass than the task probably required. When she was done, Jessica tuned so Annie could do the front, leaving Annie staring straight at her barely covered pussy. As I watched Annie spread lotion on Jessica, her hands practically in her pussy as she covered every square inch of bare skin, I realized this was not quite as innocent since Jessica could easily get her own front. Looking discreetly around I noted at least two different grown men who were watching the show.

Annie stood and finished the job, being certain to cover Jessica's face and neck with delicate, almost intimate, care. And then she was done, and Jessica bounded off to the surf like a kid at the beach. Watching her skip across the sand, it occurred to me again that she looked essentially naked.

Annie was taking off her own shorts and shirt, and I saw she had on a more traditional bikini, bright orange in color, that showed off her body nicely. Without a word she handed me tube of sunscreen, then stepped in front of my chair, her back to me, eyes on Jessica now frolicking in the water.

It was a pleasure to touch her, and I took my time just as she had done with Jessica. When I was done, she spun around, expecting me to do her front as well. Now I was face to face with her pussy and I didn't look away, the outline under her bikini bottoms bringing to mind clear memories of her swollen labia. I applied the lotion as she watched, and when I was done she leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips.

'Thank you.'

As she turned and followed Jessica, I knew it wasn't the application of sunscreen that she was grateful for.

I sat back in the shade of an umbrella and watched the two girls play in the surf. They were like two kids, running through the waves, throwing water at each other, and marveling at the small seashells that washed up. Soaking wet, the teeny bikini Jessica was wearing clung to her young body, adding detail to enhance the appearance of near nudity.

Even from where I sat 15 yards away, I could see the shape of her tiny breasts, and each time she exited the water the insignificant bottoms clung provocatively to her pussy. Jessica, as I had learned to expect, was totally unconcerned about being practically naked in front of other people. In fact, even though it showed not at all, I knew her well enough to know she was enjoying it.

With my sunglasses in place, I discreetly scanned the people near us on the beach. It was no surprise to see that the same two grown men were watching Jessica and Annie intently, and as I looked the one on my left got up and walked down to the surf. When he took a seat on the ridge of sand formed by the water, the waves lapping at his feet, I had no doubt his motives were to get a closer look.

A little further down to our left was a good size group of young people that appeared to be high school or possibly college age. It was mostly guys, with three girls mixed in, and a couple of the guys kept stealing glances towards Jessica and Annie, though which of the two were the object of the attention was hard to say since they both were attractive adornments to the beach.

The thrill of seeing Jessica frolic in the surf dressed so daringly, Annie at her side, and knowing that my deviant plan to show her off again was having an affect on others nearby, was now having an affect on me. My cock was swelling in my swim trunks, and I had to shift my position to keep the tent in the front from being obvious, the lightweight material doing little to restrain my big cock. I was thoroughly enjoying the show, just as much as the strangers around me. But I had an advantage; I knew what was to come.

Jessica and Annie swam for a while, disappointing the guys watching since the water covered them. They stayed close together as they bobbed in the waves, and I wondered if there might be some discreet affection being shown below the surface. I carefully removed my camera from the bag, being cautious with the sand, and at the same time not wanting to draw attention to my actions. Then as casually as I could, I clicked off a few pictures with a zoom of the two girls swimming.

When they started coming back to the beach, I took a quick look around as I readied the camera, there were at least four sets of eyes on the girls, and no one seemed to notice, so I lifted the camera and caught them running through the waves to shore.

Through the zoom I could see that Jessica's bikini had gotten quite loose in the water, the strings stretching, making it even more revealing, and when she stopped to wring out her hair I took quite a few close-ups. The bottoms drooped so low it was amazing her slit didn't show, and I was nearly certain I got a glimpse of a cute little nipple. Later when I magnified the photos on my computer I would know for sure.

Jessica dropped to the sand and began building a sand castle, and it only took a moment for Annie to join in. With her back to me, I could see Jessica's bare ass as she knelt, and when she leaned forward to scoop a double armload of wet sand, she was nearly naked. Her ass was totally exposed, the thin string trailing down her crack, and the bottoms were loose enough that they hung away from her crotch. I had no doubt that if I was closer, I could see the pinkness around her anus and maybe even her pussy. As it was, I had the best view, and the other guys could only wish to be so lucky.

The two girls played in the sand for a short while, then rinsed off in the surf and headed back towards me. The string bikini clung to Jessica suggestively, and I had to force my eyes away to look Annie over. Her nipples were hard, her bottoms pulled up against swollen labia, and I knew she was turned on.

'Having fun?'

Jessica beamed as she lay out on the blanket, stomach down. 'This is great!'

Annie just smiled and winked as she lay down next to Jessica.

For the next couple of hours, we lounged around in the sun, though I can't honestly say I relaxed. With Jessica lying beside me on her stomach, I could see her naked body, crossed only by a few strings, and in my mind I kept reaching out to touch her. The temptation was great as my eyes traced her old tan lines, realizing her other bikini was probably considered small. When Annie loosened her bikini top so that her back was bare to the sun, Jessica followed suit, leaving even less between her body and my active imagination.

The girl's admirers continued to check them out, and after a while several of the young guys got up to throw a football. As the pass patterns continued to bring them closer and closer to our blanket, I had little doubt what they were up to.

'You're swimsuit seems to be quite a hit, Jessica.'

She didn't even look around, instead squinting at me in the bright sun and giggling. 'I know.'

'I sure like it.' Annie lifted her head and glanced down the length of Jessica's body as she said it, the hunger in her eyes making me wonder once again if her claim to have no previous bi-sexual experience was true.

After a while I pulled some snacks from the ice chest, causing Annie and Jessica to fix their tops and sit up. Jessica sat cross-legged between Annie and me as she ate an apple, and as Annie and I checked her out our eyes met often. There could be no doubt we were both thinking similar thoughts; however I knew things Annie couldn't even guess, at least not yet.

The girls lay back in the sun, this time on their backs, and I studied their bodies with great interest. Though she was slender and trim, Annie's body was mature and full in all the right places. In contrast, Jessica was just budding, her body the perfect shape in smaller scale, her hips narrow and girlish. It was easy to look from Jessica to Annie and imagine the transition to womanhood.

Annie's large, full breasts, burned in my mind from the previous weekend, were inviting, but Jessica's little inexperienced buds were so sweet, so desirable to me now, that I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Similarly, as I looked at Annie's pussy, the coarseness of her pubic hair showing through the thin material of her bottoms, I found my eyes constantly drawn back to the smooth outline of Jessica's pussy under the trivial triangle of pink material that barely concealed it.

While I suspected that Annie and I would soon be lovers, and looked forward to the prospect, it dawned on me that I had tasted a forbidden fruit that I would never be able to forget. And it was just as clear I had no desire to forget.

As the sun moved to the horizon, some of the people on the beach began to pack, including the man who had moved to the water's edge to stare at Jessica. It was evident he would like to stay, but the woman he was with, who I assumed to be his wife, was ready to go, and he reluctantly followed. The pack of students thinned slightly, but there were still six guys and two girls, with some of the guys sitting so they could see my girls. It made no sense to me to leave the beach at the end of the day, since this was the most beautiful time, and was about to be more so.

Annie had been a happy girl all day, interacting almost totally with Jessica, but often acknowledging me with a wink or a warm smile. I had toyed with her during the week, teasing her, making her worry, and it had the desired effect; she was very grateful to be here today. I knew she was about to be more grateful, but I still wasn't sure how far I wanted to let her in with Jessica. Part of me wanted to tease her more, to drive her crazy, and to see her crack and plead as she had the other night, and the next step in my plan would surely lead to that if I wanted it to.

Since the day at the Italian Festival, it had occurred to me that a twelve year old girl being naked was not in and of itself sexual. Nudity in underage kids was socially acceptable, and even though Jessica was pushing the limits, we could still probably get away with it. And this was the perfect place to try. As the girls got up to head back to the water for a final swim, I decided it was time.

When I called Jessica back, Annie glanced over her shoulder but kept walking towards the surf.

'You are so beautiful today little one.'

She beamed, and I wanted so much to lean in and kiss her.

'Are you ready to do something for me?'

'Sure.' No hesitation at all, even though she now knew me well enough to understand the drift of my question. Whatever I asked of her, she would do.

'How do you like your new swimsuit?'

'It feels good on, and I like the way you look at me.' She had a mischevious twinkle in her eye.

'How about the way Annie looks at you?'

She bit down sexily on her lower lip for a moment. 'I like that, too.'

'Let's give her something else to think about. These other guys watching you, too.' I glanced towards Annie, who was waist deep in the water looking back at the beach. Jessica only looked at me.

'When you get down to the edge of the water, take your bikini off.'

She stared at me wide-eyed for a second. 'Is it OK?'

No objection, no concern, just would it be OK. God, I was in love.

'Annie couldn't do it without possibly getting in trouble, but a girl your age can. Even one as beautiful and desirable as you.'

Her smile was infectious.

'Just act natural, like you've been doing, and stick close to Annie. But tell her to behave!' I paused for a second, letting the innuendo sink in, then went on. 'Those guys have been watching you, just be aware of them. I'll be here to look after you.'

For the first time she glanced towards the group of students, and then the adult sitting on a towel a short distance away. But it was only a look of interest, not concern.

'That man's staring at your naked ass now anyway!'

Jessica giggled. 'OK.'

That was it. OK. No concerns, just simple submission to whatever I suggested.

As she turned to walk away, I called after her. 'By the way, I'm going to be staring, too.'

Jessica wiggled her ass at me as her hands came up to the string at the back of her neck. Annie was looking down the beach, and when she turned back towards Jessica and saw the strings in her hands, she froze. Now at the water's edge, Jessica dropped the strings and reached behind her for the remaining knot at the middle of her back, and I could tell as much by Annie's expression as Jessica's actions that her small breasts were now exposed.

Jessica turned slightly and dropped the top on the dry sand, giving me a glimpse of her small left breast. Then with no reservation whatsoever, she untied the strings on either hip, slipped the bottoms from between her legs, and tossed them down with the bikini top. From my point of view, Jessica didn't look that much more naked than she had previously, but as she moved to the water my cock sprang to life just knowing my little angel had just stripped naked in public.

The reaction was immediate and fun to see. The grown man unconsciously shifted the material of his swimsuit, no doubt making room for a swelling cock, as he stared at Jessica. The guys just down from him froze, the main part of the group gawking openly. But Annie's reaction was priceless. As I lined my camera up on her face, she looked stunned at the boldness of Jessica as she bounced in the waves in chest deep water. Each time she bounced upward and came free, I could see her hard nipples straining against her top.

Looking up and down the beach, the crowds had thinned, but others were visible, and though they were a good ways off, I could tell enough by body language that the sight of a naked girl caught a few off guard. Two guys got up and walked down the beach towards Jessica, but when they got close enough to see it was a young girl, they turned back in disappointment. This confirmed two things; my thought that underage nudity was not considered sexual by most was accurate, and that these two guys were fools.

Jessica and Annie played in the water like before, and I was happy to see that Annie made no obvious advances towards Jessica. Had I been in her place, I would have been sorely tempted, so hopefully she understood the importance. After a while, they started moving towards shore, and it was clear that their audience was glad to see it.

My naked Jessica dropped to her knees in the sand and began to repair her sand castle, which had been severely damaged by the water. As Annie caught up, she affected a pout directed at nature's destructive power. 'Help me fix this.'

'Ok, just one second'

Annie answered as she walked past Jessica and straight up to me.

'My God, you are a mad man. Are you trying to make me crazy?'

Annie's flushed features suggested she was only half-joking, and I grinned. 'Just keep your hands to yourself and I'm pretty sure it's legal.'

She started to say something in response, then turned back to the beach and dropped to the sand herself. As she worked alongside Jessica, I could see she was poor help, her eyes and her mind obviously not on her work. Lifting the camera, I took a long string of pictures as the two pretty girls worked together, one intent on her efforts, the other intent on her partner.

Jessica knelt for a while, then walked to the other side of the growing sand castle, then back again. She was seemingly unaware of her nudity, and as she moved about, the guys watching got a good look at her front and back. It was surprising to me that the younger guys were so intent, but I'm sure it pleased Jessica. Two of the guys had left with the two girls, walking up the beach in the opposite direction, and I could only imagine the girls were upset because Jessica was creating such a stir.

While Jessica seemed aloof to the casual observer, I detected signs she was well aware of being watched. More than once she knelt, her body straight, her knees apart, as she faced the direction where the younger guys were congregated, and I knew she was letting them see everything.

Then at one point she spun around and extended her hands down into a hole she had created, causing her bare ass to ride high. She held this position for a moment, and the group of guys stirred noticeably, while the adult man, who had a clear line of sight shifted his position uncomfortably. Jessica was showing off again. Annie was as aware of Jessica's teasing as I was, and she watched the younger girl longingly.

Catching a movement to my right, I looked down the beach and saw a four wheel drive vehicle heading our way. This would be the beach patrol, I knew, and as I watched the group of guys quickly put their beer cans out of sight, I considered having Jessica get dressed. But in the end I boldly decided to put my theory to the test, choosing only to drop a shirt over my camera.

It took a couple more minutes before Annie heard the vehicle, which was approaching behind her, and she looked at me with some alarm. I just smiled and mouthed the words, 'It's OK.' They were almost upon us before Jessica even noticed them, and as the beach patrol passed behind me she lifted up onto her knees and waved like an excited child. I was looking right at her small breasts and bare pussy, and knew the beach patrol had the exact same view. But the speed of the vehicle didn't vary, and they passed on by. After a few more minutes, they vehicle was just another spot in the distance.

Jessica's hole in the sand was now quite large, and with some coaxing, she convinced Annie lie down in the water that half-filled it. Then she began to bury Annie, who put up a mild and ineffective protest as the wet sand hit her body. Using the sand castle for a supply, Jessica kept shoveling sand over Annie's body. The wet sand was clinging to Jessica's body now; obscuring some of the detail, and making her look all the sexier.

I was so intent on watching a sand-covered Jessica bury Annie that I didn't notice the young guys headed towards the two girls until they were almost upon them. I sat up, more alert now, but before I felt the need to get up the guys started helping Jessica heap sand onto Annie. They were all laughing and Jessica spurred them on as Annie howled in protest. But by now she was nearly covered.

Getting the camera back out, I took several pictures of a naked Jessica in the midst of four good looking young guys. They were busy checking her out, but she seemed not to notice as she continued to move sand on top of Annie, though I'm certain I was able to capture some sly glances in the pictures. Having by now developed some expertise on how Jessica came across in photos, there was no doubt in my mind that these pictures were going to be very arousing.

With five sets of hands, it didn't take long for Annie to be buried under a huge pile of sand, the only think showing her head. Jessica bounced around her laughing and pointing, then dropped to her knees and gently wiped sand from Annie's face, an act I found to be intensely sexy and captured with the camera. Then with a hoot, Jessica jumped on top of the mound of sand covering Annie, straddling it. This left her pussy exposed, pressing into the wet sand, and as she reached up with both hands to sweep back her hair, her breasts were thrust forward for all to see. The pictures I took showed four young studs standing around Jessica and staring just as openly as Annie stared from below.

I knew Jessica was a submissive girl, prone to my suggestions, willing to do whatever I asked of her. She had yet to ever say no, which left me with the responsibility of being careful what I asked for. So I was certain that if I walked over to Jessica, suggested she move forward so she could sit on Annie's face, then use her hands and mouth to service the young guys around her, she would do it.

She was that open-minded, that eager to please. And though it would be exciting to exercise such power, to cause it to happen and to watch her, it wasn't what I wanted for her. I wanted Jessica to learn to love, and learn to follow her feelings, and it wasn't necessary to be a slut to do so. So recognizing that the situation was getting intense, I dropped the camera to the blanket. As I did so, the man to my left shifted as if to rise, and I quickly got to my feet before he could do so.

My approaching Jessica and Annie had the sobering effect I had hoped for, and as I helped Annie out of the sand, trying hard to hide the swelling in my own groin, the guys all laughed as they drifted back towards their blankets, Jessica shouting her thanks after them. Holding hands with Annie and Jessica, I led them into the surf and dove into the cool water.

I was in waist deep water just past the low breakers, kneeling so the water came to my neck as I bobbed on the waves, when Annie and Jessica caught up to me.

'I think those guys really liked you.'

She came up quick and flung her arms around my neck, and I couldn't resist holding her little naked form for a moment, trying for all the world to look like a father and daughter, which made the thoughts running through my brain nothing less than incestuous. 'Did you like me?'

'Oh my God, yes. You're beautiful.'

It wasn't an exaggeration, the features of her face so pretty even with wet matted hair and sand clinging to her. Annie murmured her agreement.

With great reluctance, I placed Jessica on her feet and stepped back, aware that five sets of eyes were likely on us. I took Jessica's hand under the water, then one of Annie's. Annie completed the circle, taking Jessica's other hand, and we floated quietly for a moment. I liked Annie more than I expected to, and it was remarkable to think that we had met via this beautiful, naked angel we were both obsessed with. Annie broke the peaceful silence first.

'You like being naked, don't you, you little vixen?'

It was a challenge, and Jessica rose to it, nodding to me. 'Yep. I like to make him happy.' She paused for a moment. 'It feels good. I do like it.' She was smiling ear to ear.

From my vantage it was a perfect answer, and it melted my heart as Annie stared at me with undisguised envy. I had no idea what this young nymph saw in me, a man thirty years her senior, but I hoped it would last forever, and I loved the way it felt to have her express it in the presence of someone else.

'You're the luckiest person I know.' Annie was addressing me this time, and I had to nod in agreement as I looked into Jessica's eyes.

'Yes, I'm the luckiest man alive.'

It was getting rather maudlin, and as before I felt Annie getting a bit close, and though I didn't mind as much as I had previously, it was time to do something else. 'Let's take a walk.'

This was not a spontaneous decision on my part. In fact, it was part of my master plan from the beginning, perhaps confirming how much of a deviant minded person I had become. I may not want Jessica to be a slut, but I did want to show her off, and I did want others to look at her longingly. But today it wasn't enough for me to get Jessica naked in public so I could show off my little treasure; I wanted to separate her from her clothes, to create a situation where she couldn't get dressed if she wanted to. And I knew she wouldn't raise an objection, so natural was her submission, so deep was her willingness to comply with my every wish.

As we cleared the surf, I could sense the eyes on Jessica, and on Annie, but I didn't look up at their fan club, and neither did they. When we turned left down the beach, heading away from the highway and deeper into the preserve, my naked little nymph showed no concern at all, skipping ahead to collect the shells that were washing up as if it was a normal day on the beach. This did not surprise me at all, but I was amazed that Annie said nothing. She must have read my mind, for she spoke up at that instant. 'You really like to push the limits, don't you?'

I reached out and took her hand, knowing we looked like a couple walking along with our young daughter, and wanting to solidify that image. I gave her a sidelong glance and a knowing smile. 'You'd rather I didn't?'

'If you didn't, I'd have never met you two.'

'So you like being with us?'

It was a dumb question, asked as a tease, which I confirmed with a squeeze of her hand. But Annie took it more seriously. 'So much so that I gave up a weekend with my old boyfriend, the only lover I've ever known, who I used to dream of getting back together with. He was coming this weekend because I asked him to.' I mulled over this list of revelations in the uncomfortable silence that followed, and then she added with a sigh, 'I haven't been able to sleep a full night in nearly a month'.

As I watched Jessica spin gleefully in the water, the sun near the horizon behind her casting an orange glow across her naked flesh, I had to smile to myself. I knew exactly what Annie was talking about, for I had lost much sleep myself, and come often, thinking about Jessica. We passed a couple sitting in the sand, and they looked on curiously. No doubt a young couple with a naked, budding young girl walking down the beach was anything but everyday fare. I could see another couple walking hand-in-hand towards us, farther down the beach, their eyes already trying to sort out the sight in front of them.

'She does have that effect.'

'How did you ever find her?'

That was not a question I intended to answer, at least not yet. The other couple was drawing near, and I used their approach to dodge it. Jessica was happy as could be, skipping ahead, then running back to us, totally disregarding the effect she had on others. As the couple neared, the woman stared at Annie and me as if we were the worst parents she had ever seen. But her mate only stared at Jessica. Later that night, when this couple was in bed, assuming he got the chance to fuck her, it would please me to know he did so remembering the beautiful young girl he saw on the beach.

'You told me you've never been with another girl.' It was more a question than a statement. Perhaps my view on European liberalism was misguided, but I found it hard to believe this pretty young woman had only had one lover in her life. Annie was silent for a moment as we passed a man and his son surf fishing. The young son hardly noticed us, but the man did a double take, and as we walked on I was certain he was staring after Jessica.

'I kissed a girlfriend once, when we were both out drinking. It was a passionate kiss, done more to shock the guys we were partying with. But I liked it. I've never done anything else.'

It had the ring of truth to it. 'Why are you so hot for Jessica?'

It was a direct question, and I was curious to see if she would attempt any type of denial. She surprised me with a direct response. 'My God, look at her.'

Annie was right. What a beautiful sight Jessica was. Her face was flawless, her brown skin set off nicely by her long blond hair, which was beautiful even after a full day at the beach. Her wide shoulders and swelling breast buds held great promise for the future, and I knew her build would be the envy of other girls as she grew and blossomed. Her waist was narrow and her hips, though still girlishly narrow, flared invitingly. Her butt was full, and her longs long and firm. She was a model in miniature, and totally shameless.

As I considered Jessica's good looks and Annie's desires, confessed so easily, my groin began to swell. We were approaching a group of four people sitting on the beach, and another couple was walking our way, so I quickly looked out over the water to a feeding pelican, looking for some distraction to stop my cock from rising.

It only worked partially, and as we passed the walking couple, I slipped behind Annie to conceal my problem. This couple only smiled at us as we exchanged a greeting. Then Jessica was in front of the group, two guys and two girls, all middle aged and drinking. When she got even with them, one of the guys shouted at her.

'You get your clothes on girl.'

They all laughed and Jessica looked up, and then struck a pose like a gymnast who just landed a difficult jump, hands over head, feet planted apart, and face beaming, the same pose she used the first time I photographed her. They all hooted again, and we walked on by.

Once out of earshot, Annie went on with no prompting from me. 'I can't explain it. I was drunk when I kissed my girlfriend, and I did like it. But I've never thought about being with another girl. At least... at least not until now. She affects me in ways that... well... well I just don't want to question it. I'm afraid to think about it too much, I don't want it to go away.'

I looked Annie in the eye and chuckled. 'I understand.'

We went on a bit further, Annie's confessions stimulating both my mind and my cock. I figured Jessica was at least a half mile from her clothing, and I'd love to have gone further, but the sun was nearly at the horizon, and I knew it was nearing time to leave. Annie and I sat on a ridge of sand at the edge of the surf, the waves running up to our feet, and I was surprised when she laid a hand on my thigh. We watched Jessica play for a few minutes, naked as the day she was born, and no clothing anywhere nearby, and then I called her over to us.

'Looks like we need to go home and you don't have a thing to wear.'

She preened deliciously, not two feet in front of us. 'Nope, sure don't.'

'You know you're making us crazy girl.'

She gave me a sly look, and then traded a smile with Annie. There was no doubt she was wondering what might be about to happen, and no doubt she was game for anything. But we were still very much in public, even though we were seemingly alone on this part of the beach. 'I'm glad.'

I took her hands and pulled her down, until she was squatting in front of us. My eyes traveled down her body, settling on her small breasts as a yearning welled up inside me. Then I let them drift downward between Jessica's spread legs. What I saw was smooth labia that were puffed up more than usual. Jessica may have been acting nonchalant about her nudity, but I had seen her body often enough to recognize the signs that she was turned on by what she was doing. It took all my willpower to keep my hands on her forearms as I pulled her forward.

Our lips met in a gentle kiss, and when I pressed my tongue against her lips she parted and let me in. It was quick, for I was afraid to start anything we couldn't stop, but it was explosive. My cock jumped to attention in my trunks, a condition Jessica noticed with some amusement.

'Give Annie a kiss, and then we have to go Angel.'

Jessica affected a pout for a moment, but only because she didn't want to go home. Then she hopped over in front of Annie and kissed her without hesitation. Annie looked to be the nervous one, and I saw it was Jessica who first offered her tongue. As I watched them kiss with tender passion, it did little for the condition of my cock.

'Uh-hum.' They parted and looked at me. 'We better go.'

We got up reluctantly, turning back to the east. As Jessica moved ahead once more, Annie discreetly reached down and squeezed my groin, once again surprising me. I let her cop a feel without comment, confident she liked touching what she had seen in the pictures, but still wondered if I was being manipulated. When she finally pulled her hand away, I found I was disappointed, and I realized I had to decide once and for all if I trusted Annie. My resolve was quickly weakening, and the seed of a new idea, a deviant idea, began to form in my mind.

The walk back was over more quickly than any of us wanted. The two drunken couples teased Jessica some more, and she teased back, increasing my yearning as I watched her interact so easily. The fisherman stared openly in the fading light, his son still focused only on the fishing, and the first couple was gone. There were no other walkers, much to my disappointment.

The students had left the beach, but the lone adult male was still there, obviously awaiting our return. He got a good look at Jessica as we packed our things, and the beach was almost totally deserted, which gave me another idea. I had a change of clothes in my bag, including a dry pair of jogging shorts, which I pulled out. Then with cool, casual motions, I slipped my trunks off and dried with a towel. Jessica hooted at me as I slipped my jogging shorts back on.

It took a minute, but Annie rose to the bait as I hoped. She fished her clothes out as well, and then unceremoniously removed her bikini. Naked, she dried herself with a towel, then took her time getting dressed, donning lace panties, shorts and a tee shirt. Our lone remaining fan got an eyeful, and I noticed so did Jessica. She stared at Annie's well developed body with open envy.

As I slipped on my tee shirt, I turned to Jessica. 'That guy over there has been watching you for hours. Why don't you go see if he wants one of these left over drinks?' The guy, in his mid-thirties by my estimation, looked harmless enough, and I couldn't resist the urge to have a little more fun before we left.

'Sure.' She picked up a cold drink and padded off through the sand in his direction. Sitting on the ground, he was boldly facing us, realizing as he watched us pack, I'm certain, that it was his last chance at voyeurism. The look of surprise on his face as Jessica approached was genuine.

They spoke for a moment, and though I could hear their voices, I couldn't make out the words. Then Jessica handed him the drink, and they talked for several more minutes. She made no effort to cover herself, and standing two feet in front of him as he sat on the ground, I knew the view he had in the waning daylight would suffice for a lifetime of memories. Annie leaned over to me and touched my shoulder. 'You are one uniquely evil man.'

I smiled as Jessica came back, her eyes shining brightly. 'What's so exciting girl?'

'His thing was hard. I could see it in his shorts.' His thing? I had to laugh, and Annie chuckled as well.

We gathered our gear and made for the car, Jessica still quite nude and totally unconcerned. Once we had the car loaded, I took her thin cotton shorts and tee shirt and handed them to her. 'As much as I hate to say it, I guess you better get dressed.'

Jessica gave an exaggerated pout, causing Annie and I to laugh again. As we quietly watched her slip on her clothes, I followed through on the first step of the new plan I had come up with and handed the keys to Annie. She took them, an eyebrow raised in question.

'Why don't you drive?' I wasn't going to give any more of an explanation, and soon no more would be needed.

Annie got in the driver's side, and I hoped into the passenger seat, pulling Jessica onto my lap. As I pushed the seat back and pulled the door closed, Jessica settled in, facing Annie as she snuggled up against me in the hot car. 'Ooohh, you have the same problem as the guy on the beach.' She wriggled her ass against me as Annie gave a nervous laugh.

The car cooled off quickly, and I wrapped my arms around Jessica and held her close. It was nearly dark now, and as we passed through the crowded areas of the beach, I nuzzled into Jessica's sandy, salty hair. Under the smell of seawater and sunscreen, I could still make out the sweet scent that I knew as Jessica.

We quickly left the bright lights behind us and headed inland. Once in the relative privacy of the highway, I lifted Jessica away from my chest and turned her face to mine. Our first kiss was tender, but then they became more heated.

Soon we were kissing like old lovers, our tongues deep in each other's mouths. I kept my eyes closed, but I knew Annie had one eye on the road at best. There were two things at work here. First, I couldn't bear to spend an entire day with Jessica with no contact, I wanted her much too badly. Secondly, I wanted to tease Annie, and I planned to tease her to distraction.

I placed a hand under Jessica's shirt, resting it on her firm hard stomach. Her skin felt surprisingly coarse today, and I realized it was the salt from the water clinging to her. Nevertheless she felt magnificent, and as always, it took my breath away just knowing I could touch her intimately. My cock swelled, causing Jessica to break our kiss with a giggle.

She looked over at Annie with a warm smile, but my eyes were fixed on Jessica as I slid my hand upwards and covered her small right breast. As I rubbed her sweet bud, she continued to stare at Annie, letting her watch. When I finally glanced over at Annie, she was alternating her attention between Jessica and I and the road. Looking around I was glad to see that traffic was light.

I moved my hand to Jessica's left breast as I leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck, and then her cheek. She moaned softly in appreciation, grinding her butt down against my cock. Then Jessica laid her head back against the passenger window, which gave me more freedom to fondle her breasts, and I quickly moved from one to the other, the outline of my hand pressing against her shirt.

When I pinched her right nipple between my thumb and forefinger, she moaned loudly, and as I pulled her nipple, just as she liked, she arched her back to follow. Back and forth I went from right to left, pulling at her nipples, causing her to writhe in ecstasy. Annie let out a moan of her own as she enjoyed the show.

Leaving Jessica's beautiful breasts, I slipped my hand down the front of her shorts and cupped her young pussy. She spread her legs to let me in, the stretch material of her shorts offering little resistance. Annie moaned again, and I felt the speed of the car slow. After a moment I realized Annie was thinking of pulling over to stop.

'Keep moving. Don't stop.'

In the lights from the dashboard I could see the set of Annie's face. This was not her preferred choice, but the car sped back up as she pressed on the accelerator. With what I had in mind, it was better to be a moving target, and much riskier to be stopped.

I pulled Jessica to me, covering her lips with mine, as my fingers continued to rub her smooth pussy. There was fire in her kiss this time, my hands working magic on her body. We kissed for several minutes, and then I trailed my lips across her cheek and nibbled at her left ear. Whispering discreetly into her ear, I told her what I wanted.

'Can I?' No hesitation, no questioning of my request, just simple joy at my suggestion. What a lucky guy I was. I slipped my hand from her pants.

'You bet, Angel.'

She gave me a mischievous grin, then glanced at Annie, who had remained silent but was most assuredly curious about what I had just whispered. I nudged Jessica and she slipped between my legs and onto the floorboard. With the seat all the way back, I spread my legs wide and she fit easily into the space at my feet.

Taking my suggestion to give Annie a show to heart, she reached up and placed her hands on my chest while looking seductively into my eyes. Jessica was so pretty, and so incredibly seductive at twelve, my heart ached and my cock twitched as she gave me a predatory smile.

She was on the attack, and she wanted us both to know it. She slowly trailed her hands down my chest and across my stomach until she covered my cock. The material of my running shorts was thin nylon, and I could feel the warmth of her touch as if it wasn't there at all. Ignoring Annie, I closed my eyes and reveled in the feel of this eager young girl exploring my manhood.

Her hands moved away and I felt the warmth of her breath the moment before she kissed me through my shorts. My eyes popped open when I heard the tires skipping across reflectors and saw we had drifted onto the shoulder. Annie was mesmerized by what she saw, and doing a poor job at the wheel. I waggled a finger at her. 'Better keep it 'tween the ditches, or we'll have to quit!'

The threat registered through the glaze I saw in her eyes and Annie looked up, eyes back on the road, but she couldn't help but glance at Jessica every couple of seconds. However, she was now holding a straight line, so I relaxed again as I felt Jessica's fingers at the elastic of my shorts. Without preamble, I lifted up and let Jessica slide my shorts down. Annie groaned when my hard cock popped free, the large purple head standing straight up.

I had to chuckle at Jessica as she struggled to get my shorts off while kneeling between my legs, but finally she cast them aside and wrapped her pretty little hands around my large cock. Annie was beside herself, and once I again I sensed she wanted stop. But now more than ever it was crucial we keep moving.

'Don't stop Annie. We have to keep moving.'

She didn't reply, but I knew she understood. The road was four lanes in this area and we were slower than most of the traffic, so cars were passing pretty regularly. However I was pretty certain none could see in the car, at least not clearly. As we passed lighted signs and houses, Jessica was more clearly illuminated between my legs, her hands wrapped around my dick which was just in front of her face. The sight moved me, so I knew it was arousing to Annie. She confirmed this by pressing her left hand down into her crotch as she drove with her right.

When Jessica slowly leaned forward and kissed my glans, Annie swerved slightly to the shoulder once again, but quickly recovered. Jessica looked up at Annie in mock alarm, and their eyes met and held as she worked her lips through the pre-cum leaking slightly from my cock. It was an awesome sight.

'That's it Jess, lick my big cock.'

Jessica smiled at my words and extended her tongue, licking all around my cock head. 'That's it sweetie. Lick all around. That's it. You are so beautiful when you do that. Now be a good little girl and take my cock into your mouth.'

And like a good little girl she did. Annie groaned loudly, pressing her fingers deeper into her crotch. 'Oh my God. My God. That's' It was her first words in a while, and the lust and hunger spilled from her lips.

Jessica had several inches of my cock in her mouth now, and was happily bobbing her head up and down, letting it slid in and out between her lips. 'That's it Angel. Show Annie how much you love sucking my dick. Show her what we do together every chance we get. She wants to see it. Let her see what my little girl looks like with a mouth full of cock.'

'Oh God yes, please show me.' Jessica sucked harder on my cock, then slipped it out of her mouth and made a big show of licking it from the root to the tip on all sides, over and over. Then she pressed it against my stomach and licked my balls, taking each one gently between her tender lips. Annie was going crazy, and I wasn't the least bit surprised when she unsnapped and unzipped her shorts and plunged her hand inside.

'Good, so good Jess. Suck on my balls, that's it girl. Good. Now suck me again, Angel. Suck my big cock.'

Jessica came back to my cock and took it as deeply as she was able. I never tired of seeing my big cock buried inside her sweet little mouth, and as I watched in the low light I felt my climax was not far off. I did nothing to hold back, knowing we would soon be home. Instead I placed a hand on either side of Jessica's head and started to guide her back and forth on my cock, effectively fucking her face.

'That's it Angel, relax and let me have you. Enjoy the feeling of my cock sliding in and out of your tiny mouth. When you're older, you'll be able to take it all.' She looked at me with dreamy eyes, excited at my words. 'Yes, sweetie, you'll one day have my entire cock in your mouth.'

Her eyes sparkled and I felt her relax as I stuffed as much cock as I could into my beautiful young lover. Annie was working her own pussy furiously, and I prayed she had the road under control, because I was too pre-occupied.

'Oh Angel, look at how worked up poor Annie is.' She glanced at Annie as I slid her head back and forth on my cock. Annie was masturbating wildly, her breath coming in short gasps. 'I'm getting close too, Angel. I'm going to come soon. My sweet little girl is going to get my come.'

I was in fact real close, and I pulled Jessica's head off my cock for a second. Reaching down, I grabbed the hem of her shirt, then pulled it off her and dropped it on the floor. The sight of her small breasts, free once again, just turned me on that much more. I pulled her head back to my cock, and then removed my hands, letting Jessica take over. She wrapped a hand around the base of my cock and gripped me firmly, having learned how to intensify and prolong my pleasure.

'That's it Jess. That's so good. Make me come baby. And show Annie what you like to do.'

We were on auto-pilot now, Annie so engrossed and me so far over the edge, and in the back of my mind I realized this may not have been the safest of plans. And now Annie was dying to see what is was Jessica liked to do. I was very close, so it wouldn't be long.

'Oh God Angel. Oh Goooooodddd.'

My cock erupted into Jessica's mouth, and I felt her swallow. Then I felt the coolness of the air on my wet cock as she pulled it from her mouth. With her hands she guided my cock as spasm after spasm passed through me, my come spraying across her beautiful face. Then she guided me downward so I shot across her tiny breasts. It was a powerful orgasm, the result of a full day of watching my darling little submissive nymph prance about, exposed to the world.

My head was back and my hips had lifted involuntarily off the seat, and when I was finally spent, I fell back exhausted onto the cool leather. Immediately I felt the warmth of Jessica's mouth on my cock as she sucked the last of the come out of me. Then as I softened she gently licked me clean.

Becoming aware of the sounds around me once again, I heard Annie panting, her breath coming in short gasps, and I realized without looking that she had come as well. Opening my eyes, I was glad to see the car was still heading straight down the road, though we were going less than the speed limit and being passed regularly in the left lane by other drivers.

Dropping my gaze, I saw my semi-erect cock slip out of Jessica's mouth as she sat up straight and offered me a dazzling smile. My come was on her nose, and ran down her cheeks, where some had dripped to her shoulder blades. More of was smeared across her little breast buds, the clear trails left behind as it ran down her body reflecting the instrument lights within the car.

Using a finger, I wiped the come off Jessica's left cheek and moved it to her mouth. As she eagerly accepted the offered digit, Annie let out another low moan. I repeated the process, cleaning her face, then took her by the arms and lifted her off the floor and into my lap. As I kissed the residue off her cheeks, chin and nose, Jessica giggled in amusement. She always found it funny that I didn't mind the taste of my own come on her body.

As car lights flashed by, I realized the risk, but for the moment I didn't care as I leaned Jessica back against the dash and licked her little breasts clean. My love for her tiny buds knew no bounds, and I took my time, savoring the feel of her, and marveling once again at how turned on I could be by nearly non-existent breasts. I wanted nothing more than to slip her shorts off and lick her pussy in front of Annie, but as we approached our turn-off, I realized there was no time.

I leaned back in my seat and pulled Jessica to me, loving the feel of her snuggling into my chest. Glancing at Annie, I could see in the dim light that she was flushed, her eyes afire with passion. It was too bad that I was going to send her home alone tonight, but it was a necessary element of my future plans. I wanted her turned on, out of control, and totally frustrated, and I could see at least two out of three were close to being realized.

'Don't forget your turn up here.'

Her left hand was still inside her pants, but as I reached out and gently touched her right arm, she pulled her left from her shorts to take the wheel, then took hold of my hand and held it tightly. We drove in silence that last few miles. I was wearing no pants, Jessica was wearing no shirt, Annie and I held hands, and it was very nice indeed.

When we pulled into her driveway, I could sense Annie's disappointment. Opening the car door caused the interior lights to come on, momentarily blinding us all. As our eyes adjusted, Jessica sat up, and I was amused to note that both Annie and I were fixed on her breasts. As I set Jessica out of the car onto the ground, I hooked my fingers into her shorts.

'Let's give Annie one more thrill.'

Jessica let me slide the shorts off her lovely ass and down her legs, then daintily stepped out of them. By the time I got out of the car, she had already walked around the back of the car to meet Annie, who had gone to open the trunk. When she saw Jessica, naked and lovely in the glow of the streetlight at the end of the drive, she stopped, key in hand. Jessica jumped into her arms and they embraced.

Still naked from the waist down, I felt a stirring in my groin as I leaned against the back of the car and watched the two girls kiss. At first it was tender, but it quickly became passionate. Jessica had her legs wrapped around Annie's waist, her arms around her neck, and her naked body pressed hard against Annie, who easily held her in place with a bear hug. When they finally came up for air, Annie placed a hand under Jessica's ass and lifted her, then dipped her head to suck on Jessica's breasts.

Within seconds, she was ravenously attacking Jessica's young body, and as I watched her worm her fingers into Jessica's crotch, I knew I had to step in before I let Annie get carried away.

It wasn't easy to stop her, but I told Jessica to give Annie one more kiss before we had to leave. It was a long kiss, but then Annie reluctantly let Jessica down onto the ground, and I took her hand to lead her back to the car.

'When will I see you again?'

The pleading was back, and I had to smile.


'Soon, I promise.'

Annie was addressing me, but staring at Jessica, and when I looked down at my little nymph, her hair a mess, her naked body inviting in the orange glow of the mercury vapor light, I could see she was very aroused. I don't know what came over me next, other than I realized it wasn't fair to take Jessica home in such a state. I lifted Jessica into my arms, then turned and set her on the trunk of the car, her legs dangling over the driver side rear panel. Kissing her gently, I then pushed her back until she got the idea and lay back on the car. As I lowered my head to kiss her stomach, I hoped no cars passed on the highway. When I shifted down her body, and covered her sweet pussy with my lips, I no longer cared.

Jessica moaned as I probed the folds of her pussy with my tongue, and when the moan was cut off I realized Annie was kissing her. Eagerly I sought out her little bump of a clitoris, and got the desired reaction as Annie covered her left breast with her lips. Jessica was as aroused as I could ever remember seeing her, and the feeling of two sets of adult lips on her body must have been more than she could handle, for it only took a couple of minutes before she started arching her back upwards in pleasure and I knew she was going to have an orgasm.

When Annie's fingers slipped down Jessica's body and probed against my lips, I broke suction with Jessica's pussy long enough for the fingers to slip in, then resumed my oral assault. Annie felt Jessica's pussy for a moment, then settled on her tiny clitoris as my tongue swirled all around. From our first time together, when I wasn't even certain Jessica had an orgasm, I had learned to please her well, but never once had she come like she did this time.

She cried out and curled upward even more, then bucked hard against Annie's fingers and my mouth before finally collapsing back onto the car, spent and breathing heavily. Annie continued to gently stroke her pussy for a moment, but then got lost in her own orgasm. Lifting up I saw that Annie had pushed her shorts and her panties to her knees and was furiously rubbing her pussy with her free hand. She leaned forward against the car, supported by the glistening hand that had just been in Jessica's pussy, and came as she stared down on Jessica's prone form.

Annie had kicked off her shorts and panties and, reminiscent of my first visit, stood half-naked in the drive as we pulled away. It had taken all my willpower to get Jessica into the car, and Annie had pleaded with me not to go, but it was late and I had to get Jessica home. It probably didn't help that Jessica was still nude and I was still without pants when we drove away, leaving Annie to believe she was going to miss out on something. But as we rolled down the highway, Jessica beside me and playing with my cock, I knew we would see Annie again soon. That was a fact.

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I look forward to the next installment.

I did note one line:
Once we had the car loaded, I left the neighborhood by the back way, not wanting to chance meeting her parents. As we drove, Annie asked a dozen questions about Annie, and where we were going, but I artfully dodged them all.

I would think that Jessica was asking questions about Annie. :D

I also saw a line that was 'what is was' instead of 'what it was.'


A standing ovation! Please keep it going, great story.

Big Daddy

Hot story


Great series. Nice to find a story on here with arousal and humor, and most importantly displaying a little girl having a good time. The rape, torture, whipping, forced enema themes in a lot of the stories here are a bit much for me. I would rather read about little girls enjoying themselves, not being hurt or tortured. Thank you.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.