Jessica Shows Off

[ Mf, ped, voy, bi, rom ]

by Y4Y


Published: 10-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It was probably a dumb idea, but that was to be expected with an obsession. And what I suffered from was nothing short of obsession. That I understood and ignored this fact was likely, in the final analysis, more cause for concern than the obsession itself.

I moved slowly with the small crowd, my camera around my neck like every other tourist. This time of day the place was mostly filled with vacationing retirees, however, it was the school tour group now mesmerized by the giant shark tank that was the object of my attention. Had they been standing still, they would have resembled little in their identical uniforms. The girls wore green and blue plaid skirts, white blouses, knee-high white socks, and simple black shoes, while the boys replaced the skirts with blue slacks. Thankfully, the individual reactions to the close proximity of the sharks, accented by excited squeals and laughter, gave the group some character.

The object of my obsession, Jessica, was in the middle of the group. It was clear from the way the other kids treated her that she was very popular. But while she obviously fit this group of school kids, I could sense in her awareness that she was something special, that perhaps she was somehow more mature. She was not yet aware of my presence, and watching Jessica in her own environment, beautiful in a group of pretty girls, totally at ease with herself, was very fulfilling.

As I scanned the school group to identify the chaperones, I realized I had made the transition from shame at my moral and legal corruptness to coolly calculating the dangers and how to avoid them without much difficulty. The fact that I was here at all was evidence of that. A chance comment by Jessica that her class was visiting the Aquarium this last week of school had caught my attention.

Assuming the class would come in the morning, I had left the office and passed through the gate shortly after the Aquarium opened. And then I waited. It took 45 minutes to learn I had guessed right, and here I now stood with my camera, marking the teachers and parents in my mind like a stalker.

The fact was, over the past couple of weeks I had largely lost my fear of prison, my fear of facing an angry father, and my worries over the appropriateness of my relationship with this twelve-year-old girl. Where I was once plotting ways to end our relationship, to once again walk the straight and narrow, I was now actively devising plans to insure we could find time together without getting caught. With two weeks of school left, I had hit upon a plan I considered, in my newly demented way of thinking, as genius. I had arranged for Jessica and her brother to do odd jobs around my house as a way to make money for the summer, and their parents heartily endorsed the idea.

The ingenuity I perceived had been in including Jessica's 16-year-old brother, David, in my plan. David now cut my grass every 10 days or so, a job I loved to do myself but easily relinquished to achieve my goals. Jessica washed my two cars. I agreed to alternate various odd jobs, such as caring for my pets when I had to be out of town. I did this superficially in the name of fairness, but in reality as a patient means to obscure my real intentions. In two weeks I had already come up with a number of assignments, and with this arrangement there was nothing unusual in Jessica talking with me, or being seen at my house.

Jessica's parents were both successful professionals, and spent a great deal of time either at work, or at after work functions. To be frank, I never particularly cared for them or their flamboyant image-based lifestyle, but I quickly learned their irresponsibility as parents equated to opportunity for me. They regularly left their two kids at home, leaving David in charge, and I knew intuitively that their eager acceptance of my employment of their kids was based mostly on the increased freedom it gave them. They now had a neighbor they trusted, who their kids were comfortable with, if their kids happened to need help while they were away.

The first couple of times I spoke with them about having Jessica and David help me around the house, I anxiously watched for any sign that they suspected I had a sexual interest in their daughter. But it quickly became apparent that Jessica, and her cousin Amy, were good at keeping secrets. Jessica's parents knew I lived alone since my wife had left to chase her own career in New York, and assumed I was glad to have kids around the house since I didn't have any of my own. Any lingering doubts I harbored about Jessica's parents suspecting I had less than noble designs on their daughter were erased two days ago when they asked if she could spend the upcoming Saturday at my house. They planned to be gone all day on one of their self-centered outings, and David had an out-of-town baseball game and would also be gone most of the day. Needless to say, I readily agreed.

Now as I watched Jessica, moving gracefully amongst her friends, the framework of a plan on how to spend Saturday began to develop. She was a gorgeous young girl, with her blonde hair, tanned skin and dark eyes that everyone seemed to notice. As I discreetly clicked off pictures with my zoom, I could see that other girls in her class were more developed, or used make-up and hairstyles to enhance their appearance, but none matched Jessica's natural beauty or her carefree presence.

The huge shark tank was curved and the opposite wall followed the contours, creating a winding tunnel mostly lit by the tank itself. As the school group spread out, I used the shadows along the wall to move ahead, taking up a position directly in front of the glass. As the school kids caught up, I watched them pass, my eye on my target. Jessica was working her way along the glass, following a large hammerhead with her eyes. As I casually stepped in her path, she sensed a presence and looked up. Anticipating her surprise, I brought my finger to my lips in the universal sign for quiet, hiding my action with my camera.

Jessica's face lit up immediately, warming my heart. Never had I known a girl that was happier to see me, and her simple reaction provided all the satisfaction I needed to get through the rest of the day. In our secret life together, we had learned to communicate well, and as her lips moved to form words, she noticed my finger and held her tongue. Smiling brightly, she held eye contact for moment, then eased on by, understanding right away that we shouldn't act like we knew each other.

Where Jessica was a bright light in the group of school kids before, she was absolutely radiant now. She kept stealing glances my way, and realizing I was taking pictures of her and not the fish, she began to discreetly pose. Having learned what I like, and evidently what she liked as well, she even placed her arms around other girls' shoulders, and openly embraced her friends on a couple of occasions. Each time, her eyes came back to the camera, reminding me once again this girl had a remarkable talent for teasing at a very young age.

I followed the group through the aquarium, passing from level to level, hardly noticing the tanks at all. Occasionally I took random shots of the aquariums, but only as a cover and without interest in their contents. Halfway through the tour, Jessica made things more interesting. Coming to an area with wide benches, she sat on the pretense of adjusting her shoes, the flash of white panties signaling quickly to me what she was really up to. I stepped away and knelt, using the zoom as she gave me a good look at her white cotton undies.

From this point forward, she repeated this display at every bench, and once even squatted on the ground to pick up her dropped program, giving me another excellent shot. An idea formed in my mind, and I moved ahead of the group once again and sat on the next available bench. Picking up my subtle signal, Jessica sat beside me when the group drew even, looking studiously at the nearby tank as if she didn't notice me. When I was sure no one would notice, I leaned over slightly and spoke quietly.

'Next restroom, lose the panties.'

She looked at me wide-eyed, her composure momentarily lost, then smiled and got up. Being the obedient submissive I had discovered her to be, it only took a few minutes before I saw her speak to one of the teachers, and then the two of them stepped away from the group and headed down a hallway.

When they returned a few minutes later, Jessica rejoined her friends, laughing and cutting up just like a normal girl. After a few minutes she maneuvered herself near me, then opened her right hand, which I now noticed ha been closed in a fist. Her panties started to unfold, and it was my turn to be wide-eyed.

'Put those in your purse.' My whisper had a hint of panic to it.

She just laughed and skipped away, and then passing a trash receptacle, she glanced my way with an evil grin as she dropped her panties inside.

Now as I followed the group, I was acutely aware that Jessica was bare under her skirt as she skipped along with her pals. At the next bench, she sat and gave me what I wanted, and I clicked off the pictures ravenously. She repeated this process at every opportunity, and I now used the shadows to hide the swelling in my groin. She was driving me wild as I took pictures of her discreetly flashing her hairless pussy in the midst of a crowd of her schoolmates.

The school group was now on the fourth level of the Aquarium, and I noticed that the tourists that I had been drifting along with had either fallen well behind, or moved off in other directions. As the kids headed towards the Manta Ray pool, and afraid it was becoming obvious I was following them, I decided to continue around the corner and get a drink at the concession stand. Sitting at a table with a bottle of water, I pulled out my tour map. The fifth and final level was the roof, which had been converted to a simulated rain forest. Plotting once again, I headed off in that direction, figuring it would be less obvious what I was up to if I was ahead of the group and they caught up with me.

When the kids finally came up the glass enclosed ramp, I was busily taking photographs of the exotic plants. When Jessica came into view, I saw that the smile that always adorned her face was a bit forced, and I knew she was wondering if I had left. When she finally spotted me, the pensiveness disappeared immediately, and the brightness I loved so much returned to her features.

The Rain Forest was designed with winding trails through lush vegetation, with a rope bridge and a crude spiral stair case to a supposed tree house. Using my zoom, I followed Jessica through the maze, and she offered me several more excellent shots of her bare pussy. My favorite was when she stepped up to the railing on the tree house, with me on the trail below, and allowed me to take several wonderful upskirt shots. It was at that point that I heard one of the teachers calling out to the kids that it was time to go.

Reluctant to leave, the kids slowly started moving towards the elevator that would take them back to the ground level. The group Jessica was in lingered the longest, then started down the spiral staircase. I drifted off to the side, ignoring them and concentrating on some freshly bloomed orchids. Hearing a noise, I turned back and saw that Jessica had separated from her friends and stood under the tree house, the spiral stair case shielding her from view of anyone on the trail. A trash container made to look like a tree stump was to her left, so she was in a small niche.

I trained my camera on her just in time to see her quickly look left and right, and I knew in flash what she was going to do. Before I could pull the camera away from my eye and try to discourage her, she grabbed the bottom of her skirt in the front and lifted it to her chest, exposing her nakedness from her stomach down. I reacted instinctively, clicking off picture after picture of Jessica showing me her slender girl hips and baby smooth pussy.


It was one of the adults, coming back to look for her. I gave her a quick smile as she straightened her skirt, then moved around a curve in the trail. I could here her talking as I walked away.

'Sorry Ms. Clark. I realized I had dropped my ticket stub and wanted it for my scrapbook.'

'That's alright sweetie. Just always remember to tell someone where you are going.'

I sat on a bench and started reviewing the pictures in my camera, my dick growing hard as I passed back through them. All the while, my idea for Saturday continued to develop in my mind.

On the way back to the office, all I could think about was Jessica sitting on a school bus full of kids with no panties on. For the rest of the afternoon as I tried to work, all I could think of was Jessica sitting in a crowded class room with no panties on. I didn't get much work done.

The next day was Friday, and the last day of school. In the afternoon, I called up to Jessica's house and her mom answered, which was totally unexpected. Recovering quickly, I introduced myself and asked to speak to David. When he came on the line, I asked if he and his sister would be interested in washing my two cars.

They showed up a while later, and I put them to work, dealing directly with David while being polite to Jessica. Once back in the house, I used a second floor window and a pair of binoculars to watch her work.

When they were nearly done, I walked back out to check on them. Needing to get Jessica apart from David, I asked her to step in the house with me to retrieve some towels for drying the cars.

'You know you have to stay with me tomorrow.'

She was ecstatic. 'Yes, I can't wait.'

'Here's what I want you to do.'

She listened intently as I gave her instructions, nodding her understanding. I was much less focused, the wet shirt clinging to her budding breasts causing me great distraction. She agreed to my requests, then we stood awkwardly for a moment, staring at each other, Jessica fully aware that I was admiring her young body, and both of us wanting more than a conversation. Coming to my senses, I escorted her out of the house with an arm load of towels.

Late the next morning I was more than surprised to see Jessica coming up my driveway alone, a backpack slung over one shoulder. I expected one of her parents to escort her, and I had literally practiced my conversation with them. Not for the first time, I had unkind thoughts about just how irresponsible her parents were, and not for the fist time I realized it may well be a blessing.

Jessica jumped into my arms the minute she stepped in the door. I hugged her close and kissed her, then pushed her away, still uneasy about fooling around with her in my house. We gathered our things and jumped in my car. On the way out of the neighborhood, we stopped by her house and I had Jessica leave her brother a note with my cell phone number, in off chance he got home before we did.

It was late spring and therefore 'Fest' season, and we were soon on the highway heading for a neighboring town famous for its Italian Festival. Now that we were actually in the car, I began to have doubts as I pondered how wise it was to take Jessica on this short trip without her parent's permission. But when she slid across the seat and snuggled up to me, like a high school girl on a date with her boyfriend, her head on my shoulder and one hand on my thigh, my thoughts quickly turned elsewhere. I slipped my arm around her shoulders and held her close as we drove along in silence. Even though there could be no possible future for our relationship, I knew I had really fallen for this darling girl.

It was a relatively short distance to our destination, and once we were clear of our own town, following the two-lane highway through the country, I broke the silence.

'Did you bring the shorts and shirt I suggested?' She nodded. 'The dress?'

'Yes. Just like you told me to.'

'Good girl. Why don't you change into the shorts and shirt? No panties, OK?'

She looked at me oddly for a moment. Then realizing I meant for her the change in the car, she smiled wickedly.

I checked the road fore and aft, but there was very little traffic. The houses on the side of the road were whizzing by as we cruised along at highway speed, so there was little chance that anyone could see within our fast moving vehicle. But even as I scanned nervously about, I noticed Jessica didn't even look up she started to unbuckle the belt she had on. She had come to my house wearing blue jean shorts and a pretty blouse, clothes that her mother obviously found suitable, and which in fact made her look more mature than the unintentionally revealing girlish clothes she often wore. However, it was the revealing girlish clothes I was after today, and Jessica understood that.

Jessica slid her shorts off her legs, and then slipped out of her blouse, totally unconcerned that she was doing so in a moving car that offered little in the way of privacy. Beneath her blouse she was wearing a training bra, and was actually embarrassed to be seen in it, which I found amusing considering I had seen every square millimeter of her naked body. She undid the clasp and quickly removed the bra, uncovering those delicious breast buds I craved so much. Then she slid her panties to the floor. Kicking them off her feet, Jessica sat back in the seat and turned my way, allowing me to admire her naked, youthful body.

I was impressed that Jessica removed all of her clothing, choosing to be completely naked before she so much as reached into her backpack for the shorts and shirt she was to put on. That she had learned so much in just a few weeks, that she realized how much her submissive nature turned me on, and how much I liked her exhibitionist tendencies, was a source of amazement I could scarcely understand.

This twelve year old girl exuded more confidence in her sexuality than any grown woman I had ever known. I reached across and lightly rubbed my hands across her very small breasts, delighting in the feel of the little bumps as she closed her eyes and let me do as I pleased. I teased and pulled on her breast buds, to whimpers of approval from Jessica, as my eyes feasted on the barren smoothness of her young pussy and the firmness of her thighs. A car passed in the opposite direction and I idly wondered if they could see this erotic scene, then belatedly realized Jessica needed to get dressed.

'We're almost there, better hurry.'

Her eyes popped open and she reached for the backpack, taking out the pale yellow shorts which I had seen her wear once before and requested she bring. She had nearly outgrown them, so that they encased her young hips like a glove, and as she slipped them up her legs I could see they were going to fit as snugly as I hoped. When she wore the shorts previously, they were tight enough that I could make out the pattern of the lace that trimmed the leg openings on her panties. I couldn't wait to see her standing this time, nothing but bare skin underneath.

The next item was the shirt. Like the shorts, the white shirt was thin cotton, with straps that tied at the shoulder, which she seemed to favor. This one fit loosely, which was why I selected it. As we drove into town, I had her adjust the straps so the shirt hung lower on her body.

The countryside gave way to city streets, and I had to return my attention to the road. Approaching the downtown area of this small town, the crowds grew quickly, and I was soon in search of parking, which appeared to be at a premium. Finally we paid a small fee to park on the back lawn of a church, under a pecan grove. Getting out, I opened the rear door and gathered up my camera equipment. When I walked around the car to Jessica's side, I froze.

She stood next to the open car door, facing me with a dazzling smile. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a braided pony tail, and her dark eyes glistened with excitement. The shirt hung from thin straps, which left her broad, sexy shoulders almost bare. I could see the slight swelling around her young breasts above the top of her shirt, and I knew her sweet little breast buds were barely covered.

Jessica's shirt ended at the middle of her stomach, leaving about two inches of bare skin above the top of her shorts. Even as sexy as the shirt was on this beautiful girl, it was the shorts that made my heart come to a halt. They fit her girlish hips like a second layer of skin. Jessica's protruding hip bones were outlined perfectly, and I could easily follow the line of her hip bones downward.

The pale yellow material followed the contours of her flat stomach and elevated mons, giving a clear and sensual picture of her shape. The leg openings fit snugly around her firm, tanned thighs, and drew up into the juncture of her legs and her groin. This left the outline of her pussy apparent to all who chose to look.

'Turn around, let me see you from behind.'

She did as I asked without question, looking back over her shoulder as I continued my inspection. The effect from the rear was the same. The tight, thin shorts revealed a perfectly shaped ass, the material pressing well up into her ass crack to leave little, if anything, to the imagination.

'Turn back.'

I was a little breathless as she unhesitatingly did my bidding. Staring at her groin once again, I realized that if she had pubic hair, it would be easily visible through the thin, yellow shorts. While I knew she would look erotic in these shorts, especially with no underwear on, I suddenly had reservations about my plan. The shorts were simply much more revealing than I expected.

'Jessica, uh, perhaps we should change to the dress.'

Her pout was immediate. 'Don't you like these?'

'I love them. But they may be a bit more revealing for walking around in public than we expected.'

'They're fine. I wear them all the time in the park.'

Yeah, I thought, with panties on and very few people around. 'I don't know Jessica, this may be a bit too bold.'

'Let's try.' She gave me a coquettish smile. 'I feel good in these. I can tell by the way you look at me that you like them.' Once again I felt myself being willingly manipulated by a twelve year old girl.

At that moment, a couple walked right past us, neither seeming to notice Jessica, and my sudden resolve began to melt. The truth was that I really wanted to see Jessica parade innocently about in a crowd wearing young girl clothes that carelessly revealed details of her beautiful body. But I had underestimated just how bold this outfit would be. Scanning around, cars were steadily parking, their occupants getting out and moving directly away to our left, heading for the festival. At the far edge of the parking area, about 30 yards away, they stepped immediately into the crowd. There were lots of people, loud music and the smells of food filling the air.

Jessica followed my gaze, then turned back. 'C'mon, let's go.'

I looked back to Jessica, who was shifting foot to foot impatiently. My eyes were again drawn straight to her pussy, which was outlined enticingly by the tight cotton shorts. I liked what I saw, but was still unsure. What if we ran into someone that knew her? Forcing myself to look into her face, I decided to check something else.

'Bend over, as if you were reaching for something you dropped.'

She did as I asked, and the loose fitting shirt billowed away from her body as planned. I could see all the way down her body to her shorts, her beautiful breast buds protruding out from her chest deliciously. She knew what I was looking at and held her position for a moment, letting me drink it in. I had to smile.

'Alright, let's walk over there by the food booths and see what happens.'

I checked my camera as I walked slowly between the cars, allowing Jessica to open up a gap between us. Her lovely little buns were outlined perfectly, flexing as she walked. I wasn't yet sure how other people would see her, but I found her to be incredibly erotic.

She turned and waited for me, and I took a quick picture, the point of her left hip outlined nicely as she stood with her side to me. The shape of her lower body was readily evident, as noted by the stirring in my groin.

'What I want you to do is wander through the crowd, checking displays of crafts, foods, whatever. I'll be nearby with the zoom, taking pictures.'

'OK!' Jessica turned and skipped off, stepping into the crowd and moving with the throng. At first it seemed she was just another young girl checking out the festival, and no one seemed to pay her much heed. But when I saw two older ladies give her a disdainful look, I realized she was in fact being noticed. The two ladies started talking heatedly, no doubt expressing dubious opinions about parents that would let their daughter out dressed in such a manner.

I was taking a steady stream of pictures, pausing now and then to close the distance between Jessica and I. Many of the pictures were of her walking away from me, as I used the camera to capture her tightly encased ass. The shorts outlined her shape so that there was little left to the imagination, and I knew the photos of Jessica moving through a large crowd were going to be erotic.

Jessica was well aware that she was being photographed, and took every chance to turn my way. Like her ass, it took little imagination to visualize her pussy under the pale yellow cotton. Her hip bones, the flatness of her stomach, and the swell of her mons were readily visible in the bright sunshine. And her young pussy was outlined nicely by the clinging cotton shorts, which rode tighter into her crotch as she walked. At one point, she hitched up her shorts even higher, flashing an evil grin, and I snapped off several photos as the shorts were pulled snug, her pussy as visible as if it were bare.

Most people were too caught up in their own business to notice, but plenty did. I took many a photo of guys both young and old checking Jessica out. As an afterthought, I stopped and scanned around just to be sure she wasn't attracting anyone who might become a problem. It was only after we were deep into the crowd that this possibility occurred to me, and I mentally kicked myself as I stepped up my vigilance. The irony that some people would regard me as a predator, and that I was on the alert for other predators, was not lost on me.

Jessica paused at a booth selling sunglasses, and tried a few pair on. A boy who looked to be high school age was staffing the booth, and when Jessica bent over slightly to check herself in a mirror, I got a photo of him trying to look down her shirt. When she moved away from the booth, I motioned her over towards me.

'Having fun?'

'You bet. Will I like these photos as much as the last ones?'

I had to chuckle. Jessica had been enthralled the day I showed her some of the nude photos I had taken previously. 'You bet. You didn't find any sunglasses you liked?'

'No, but that guy was trying to look down my shirt.'

So she did notice. 'Why didn't you let him?'

She stared at me for a moment. 'It's OK?'

'Yes, it's OK. You're a beautiful girl, other guys will want to look at you.' It occurred to me what she was thinking, so I went on. 'I don't mind if they are just looking.'

I gave her a wink, and she laughed. 'OK.'

'Why don't you go try on another pair or two?'

She grinned and skipped off again, heading back the way she came. Once again I marveled at how eagerly she did everything I told her to do. Or for that matter, anything I told her to. When she walked back up to the booth, she had the boy's attention immediately. This time when she tried on a pair, she bent well over to a low mirror, allowing her shirt to fall away from her body. As I clicked off a few pictures, there was no mistaking from his reaction that the boy was looking right at her little breast buds. She went through several pair, each time allowing him to look down her shirt. Another customer came up, and the boy dispatched them quickly, moving back into position to stare down Jessica's shirt, his actions obvious to even the most casual observer. But Jessica acted as if she didn't notice.

I watched through the view finder as Jessica hiked up her shorts again Then she took another pair of sunglasses, but instead of leaning into the mirror as before, she stepped back, as if to check her appearance from a distance. The boy's eyes flew open when he saw her clearly outlined twelve year old pussy, and it was only then that I realized that the position of the counter, and his fascination with her breasts, had kept him from noticing her shorts before.

The boy tried to strike up a conversation with Jessica, but I could see was tired of this game and ready to move on. She waved good-bye and headed off into the crowd, his eyes following her until she was out of sight. I chuckled as I walked after her, thinking this kid would be jerking off for the next month to the memory of Jessica. For that matter, I would be jerking off to the memory of Jessica showing off for him.

We played the game a while longer, and Jessica seemed to be having the time of her life. It occurred to me that she truly loved showing off, and doing things to turn me on. It also occurred to me that she was attracting a lot of attention. The more time we spent walking around, the more I realized that some of the faces around us were staying the same. She was building up a fan club so to speak, and it included guys from high school age to grandfatherly. I was not the only one following her any more. I took stock of the situation, and decided that one of the followers concerned me a little, a grubby looking guy in his mid-twenties with a Star Wars shirt. It was about time to wrap things up.

That's when I noticed the other photographer. At first I thought it may be a coincidence, but as we moved through the booths of crafts and food I realized I wasn't the only one taking pictures of Jessica. And most surprisingly, it was a girl who looked to be college age. She felt my stare and dropped her camera, then gave me a conspiratorial wink. Clearly she thought we had both just chanced on this opportunity.

One of my biggest fears in planning this little adventure was Jessica running into someone who knew her. I knew this was a long shot since the locals spent very little time at these festivals, but it was still a risk. But I hadn't considered that someone else may take photographs, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. On the one hand, it was quite a turn on that a fairly pretty girl would have such an interest. However, having pictures of Jessica dressed so provocatively in someone else's hands was worrisome.

I moved closer to Jessica and casually caught her attention.

'We probably should go back to the car now.'

'Alright.' She smiled sweetly, and then bit down on her lower lip sexily, teasing me. Then something behind me caught her eye.

'But first I want to go over there.'

I looked where she nodded. There was a fountain in the town square that was built into the ground and consisted of fine jets of spray that shot straight up in the air. I had seen these before on a trip to Europe. The jets fired at random through a grate that was flush with the surrounding brick work. The grate was covered with kids of all ages that were dancing from opening to opening, trying to skip over the holes before the jet fired. Some were being successful, and some were being hit, and everyone was laughing.

I shrugged and Jessica headed off. At first she watched for a few minutes as I took photos. Then she surprised me by jumping into the line of kids skipping across the grates like a game of hopscotch. She made it across quite a few of the holes without getting sprayed, even though the kids on either side of her got hit. But even though she hadn't been directly sprayed, she was getting wet from the water falling back to the ground, and through the zoom I could see her shirt start to cling to her. I paused and looked around, not surprisingly finding the other young lady taking pictures. I also saw many of Jessica's other fans, including Mr. Star Wars.

Jessica was laughing hysterically, and having the time of her life, when the inevitable finally happened. Jessica caught a jet straight up the front of her body, and then the next one got her as well. She turned to me with a look of feigned dismay, and then starting running hole to hole trying to catch all of them. It was only a matter of minutes before she was soaked. And it was only a matter of seconds before I was alarmed. Soaking wet, the pale yellow shorts were almost see-through. But worried or not, I instinctively and greedily started clicking pictures. Using the zoom, I could see that the wet, clingy shorts were transparent enough that you had no doubt Jessica had a hairless pussy. It was that obvious.

Scanning up her body with the lens, I could see the darkness of her pert little aureoles right through her shirt. I clicked off a few more pictures, and then waved her towards me.

Jessica came running up with a big grin, obviously enjoying herself. It was infectious, and I had to smile back.

'You wet little rat. You realize you are practically naked?'

She looked down her body, then grinned even bigger. 'You like?'

She didn't look left, she didn't look right, and she didn't try to cover up. God, she was absolutely shameless. I started to answer, then saw the girl with the camera lining up to take a picture, not ten yards away. I stepped between Jessica and the camera, then closed the distance. She dropped the lens and looked at me quizzically.

We stared at each other for a moment, and I wasn't sure what to say. Finally I just said what was on my mind. 'No pictures of her and I together.'

She seemed to be considering this, then nodded. 'OK.'

I turned before she could say anything else. Jessica was watching with interest, and I was stunned by how naked she appeared in this crowded square. It was both a turn on and a concern.

'Let's head back to the car and get some dry clothes.'

We walked and talked as if everything was normal, but I could tell by the stares that people were noticing this beautiful young girl who was so exposed. We took the shortest possible route, Jessica carefree, and me trying to ignore the stares and act as if things were normal. Finally the crowd thinned and then we were back in the parking grove. As we moved between the cars, I took Jessica's hand in mine and held it tight.

As we reached the car, I looked back over my shoulder and noticed our photographer friend was still following. On a whim, I turned to Jessica. 'Why don't you let her take one last picture of you?'

She looked back. 'She was taking pictures, too?'

'Yeah, but I think it's OK.'


It was that simple. I stepped around the car, out of the line of sight, and Jessica turned and posed, giving the girl a good view of the wet clothes clinging so erotically to her tender little body. I watched as the girl clicked off several shots, and then as Jessica moved to the car door.

My intent had been to have Jessica change to her dress, and then we'd head out to another part of the festival for some more fun. But now as I watched the girl with the camera walk towards me, I realized I may have made a mistake by allowing Jessica to pose for her. She was a nice looking girl, and I noticed her nipples were hard, telling me she was turned on by the sight of Jessica. Suddenly my demented mind kicked into over-drive, but before I could complete the thought, I saw Mr. Star Wars lurking a couple of rows over. It was time to go.

The girl with the camera followed my gaze and saw Mr. Star Wars, then turned back and started to say something. I got in the car before she could speak, and then cranked the engine as Jessica climbed in. When I backed out of the space, it placed my window right next to the girl. On a whim, I rolled it down and looked at her.

'We're going over to lakeside.'

As I drove out of the parking area, I pondered why I had done that. While I had never considered it before, the thought of a young woman sexually turned on by a young girl was, I realized, very erotic. But that didn't make my action wise, and now I contemplated heading back to the house. Looking over at Jessica, she was watching me quietly, the happy glow on her face enough to make me forget all else. Her wet clothes left damp trails on the leather seats, and I took a good look at her young breasts showing through her shirt. Her hair was soaked, but pulled back as it was, the moisture only added a little curl to the loose strands. She looked as beautiful as ever, and as I looked into her face, I knew I wasn't ready for the outing to be over.

'You were incredibly beautiful to watch and photograph.'

A giant smile spread across her face. 'Did you like it?'

Did I like it? 'Yes!'

She reached over and kissed me on the cheek. 'Did you notice how many people were watching you?'

She seemed almost shy for a second. 'Yeah, I think so.' She looked thoughtful. 'Who was the girl?'

'I don't know.' Before she could ask anymore questions, I reached in the backseat and grabbed a towel. Luckily I had one in the car.

'Dry off a little and change into your dress.'

Her eyes sparkled once again, and without hesitation she hooked her fingers into her shorts and slid them off, exposing her pretty young pussy to my gaze for the second time today. The shirt came next, and once again she was totally naked.

The lakeside area was only about three blocks away, but today I had to navigate around the festival, which meant I had to go almost out of town to the west and circle back around. The streets here were much busier, with a lot more traffic, but Jessica didn't even look around before stripping off all her clothing. I made a mental note to be more careful in the future when I made such suggestions. Looking ahead at the halted cars, I turned to her quickly.

'Use the towel to cover up at the red light.'

She grinned mischievously and held the towel under her chin, letting it drape across her body as I came to a stop. I slid my right hand across the seat and under the towel, feeling the taut skin of her belly, cooled by the damp clothes she had been wearing. When I slid my hand down and cupped her hairless pussy, she opened her legs to give me room.

One of the things I liked about Jessica was she never commented on what we did together. Instead, she reacted with her body and her emotions, letting me know quite clearly when she liked what I was doing. When the traffic started moving again, I pulled my hand away reluctantly, and I knew she felt the same way.

'Better get that dress on, we don't have far to go.'

In my instructions the previous day, all I told her was to bring a dress that buttoned all the way up the front. When she reached into her bag, she came out with a pretty white dress. It was simple, with lace at the sleeves and the hem. As she unfolded it, I marveled at the wonder of driving down the road in broad daylight with a naked twelve-year-old girl, totally devoid of inhibition, getting dressed in my passenger seat.

Jessica slipped the dress over her shoulders and with some difficulty lifted her lovely behind and worked it into position. This effort gave me a beautiful look at her nude body as she arched up, and I was grateful traffic had thinned out and required less attentiveness. As she started on the buttons, I could see the dress was cut fairly low in the front and probably extended to mid-thigh. Like the shorts before, I was pretty certain this was a dress she was quickly out-growing.

Lakeside was just that, a large public area alongside the lake. As we pulled into the parking lot and searched for a space, we could see the festival in full swing to our left. After several passes, we found a spot and got out. Jessica bounded off to the low wall along the lake before I could gather up my camera, and I quickly ran after her.

She was excitedly pointing out the jet skis as I came up, but I hardly noticed. The sun was behind her, and I could clearly see the outline of her gorgeous young body through the thin material of the dress. I stooped and took several photos, trying to catch her pretty little breasts pushing outward from her chest, hoping the camera could see what my eyes were drinking in. As I stepped around her, I admired the dress that was perhaps a size too small. It was quite pretty in its simplicity, and she looked like an angel wearing it.

'Was that an Easter dress?'

She stopped pointing and looked down, seemingly puzzled by my question, which had nothing to do with jet skis. 'Yes, last year.'

'It's still quite beautiful on you.'

She smiled and preened as I took a few pictures. With the sun now behind me, I could easily see the darkness that marked her little breast buds. And because I knew what to look for, I was also certain I saw the outline of her pretty little pussy. My cock suddenly swelled, and I shifted my camera bag to cover it, causing a knowing Jessica to snicker.

Jessica and I walked along the lake, with her checking out the vendors like before as I took pictures. Eventually we made our way out onto the dock. It was pretty crowded, but most people ignored us. I looked around often for the girl with the camera, but she was nowhere to be seen, and I imagined with some humor she was frantically running around looking for a pretty girl in see-through yellow shorts.

About halfway down the pier I stopped Jessica. 'Why don't you casually undo the top two buttons, and then lean on the railing, looking out over the water?'

As usual, she did as I asked without question. It took me a few minutes to get her positioned, but then I got what I was after. Taking a step back, I lined up the camera on her shoulders and face. With the buttons open, and her leaning against the railing, I also had a perfect view of her tiny left breast. Adjusting the zoom I took numerous shots, some with just Jessica, others zoomed back so I could see Jessica, her exposed breast, and the large crowd of people around her.

When we resumed walking, Jessica left the buttons open as I suspected she would. Thus I continued the theme, catching numerous shots of Jessica and one exposed breast bud.

Nearby was the tallest building in town, and I knew there was an overlook on the roof with telescopic viewers where tourists could lookout over the lake. We made our way to the building, and were surprised to be alone on the elevator, given the large crowds in town. This was a bank building, and taking a chance that the elevator wouldn't stop on intermediate floors on a weekend, I turned to Jessica.

'Quickly unbutton your dress.'

She didn't hesitate as I stepped back to the far wall. She opened her dress like a good girl, and I clicked off several pictures of her standing next to the elevator controls. Then I quickly stepped over and wrapped my lips around her right breast bud. She squealed in delight. She had only the middle three buttons back together when the doors opened at the top, but she seemed unconcerned.

There were two couples on the roof, and they were using the viewers that faced the lake. Taking a quick look around, I led Jessica away from the waterfront and around the back-side of the elevator house.

'Do it again.'

She grinned and reached for the buttons, opening her dress for me once again. I stepped to one side with my camera, partly to keep the other people on the roof in sight, and partly to get them in the background of the photos as Jessica so boldly displayed her body. She preened as I clicked off pictures, then shocked even me when she let the dress slip from her shoulders and fall to the rooftop.

Jessica took two steps away from her dress and posed, stark naked, hands on her hips. My heart was pounding from her audacity, and from raw fear. But that didn't stop my shutter finger. I clicked off many pictures as she shifted her pose, one eye on her and the other on the strangers a short distance away. Suddenly I saw two more people, realized the elevator had just made another trip, and almost panicked. But they headed straight for the viewers, and I fired off a few more pictures, my hands shaking. By this time Jessica had her back to me, her hands on the brick wall of the elevator building, and her darling ass pushed out in a very mature and sexy pose.

Finally I could take no more and urged her to slip her dress back on. She had been totally naked for only 3-4 minutes, but it seemed like forever. I knew the photos, with Jessica naked, no sign of her clothes in the scene, and people standing only a short distance away, were going to be very special indeed.

On the way back down in the elevator, Jessica surprised me yet again by becoming the aggressor. She released my cock down the leg of my baggy shorts, then knelt down and took the head between her lips as she looked up into my eyes. I clicked off pictures until the elevator stopped. To say it was difficult getting my rock hard cock back into my pants quickly would be an understatement, and Jessica laughing hysterically didn't help.

Still chuckling, both of us feeling the excitement of the last twenty minutes, we left the building, heading off to a large park along the shore. The park was on periphery of the festival, and I hoped the crowd would be thinner. As we walked hand in hand, a movement caught my eye and I noticed we had picked up our photographer friend once again. The girl maintained a polite distance, but there was no doubt she was following, and I could see in her face excitement at having finally found us. Giving her a tentative smile, I pondered the wisdom of tipping her off to our plans as I now scanned around for anyone else who might be following as well.

Satisfied there was only the three of us, once we were in the park Jessica and I paused now and then, resuming our routine of taking photos where her discreetly exposed breast was in the picture. I was certain our photographer friend was unaware of the sexual nature of these photos, and we were having fun, but Jessica was getting antsy, and so was I. The incidents on the roof and in the elevator had charged us both up. As hoped, there were far less people in the park, and when we came upon a very secluded area surrounded by trees and bushes, Jessica gave me a conspiratorial grin. I now had a decision to make.

'Jessica, our other photographer friend is back.'

Jessica looked back along the trail and saw the girl. She had paused when we stopped, camera in hand, and was now watching us. Jessica didn't say anything, but her smile faded slightly.

'If I take more photos of you, she probably will to.'

She had already come to that obvious conclusion. 'Do we have to go?'

'Not necessarily.'

'Are you saying it's OK?'

I thought about the girls hard nipples earlier. Clearly she was aroused by what she had seen and photographed, and in the dark recesses of my mind the idea that this young woman was sexually excited by a young girl, by my young girl, was clouding my judgment. With self-serving rationalization, I reasoned that the girl already had recognizable and revealing photos of Jessica. I ignored the fact that actual nudity was not involved, up to this point, choosing instead to believe, for my own purposes, that this girl's interest in photographing Jessica was no different than mine; Jessica turned her on. I had no definable cause to believe this, but the deviant in me wanted to find out if I was right.

'I think in this case it may be. I love your daring and I want to take some more pictures, and I don't mind if she takes a few herself.'

Jessica gave me a nonchalant shrug. 'OK.'

It was that simple, once again. For a brief moment I forgot about the other girl as I marveled at the incredibly sexy and willing nymph in front of me, a beautiful picture of innocence as she agreed yet again to my wishes without reservation. I smiled at Jessica. 'Well then, let's see what happens.'

We headed off the trail into the trees and bushes. There were other people scattered across the park, but they quickly disappeared from view as we moved deeper into the untamed area. Looking around, I could see no one else, but I heard gravel crunching and I waited, assuming it was our friend. When I saw the girl's face through a gap in the trees, I turned to Jessica. 'This should be alright. Just pretend it's you and I.'

As I knelt down and readied my camera, the girl stepped through the bushes to my left, slowly moving in a wide arc until she stopped with a clear line of sight to where Jessica stood in the dappled sunlight that penetrated the thick canopy overhead. While I was in relative open, as was the girl now behind me and to my left, only a few yards in front of me Jessica was afforded some privacy by a small alcove formed out of thick shrubs and trees. Jessica glanced at the girl for only a moment, an involuntary response to my oblique mention of her, and then reached for the first unopened button on her dress. I heard a muffled 'Oh my God' as I lifted my camera.

For the third time today, and with her typical lack of modesty, Jessica opened her dress for me, even though her audience had doubled in size. Feeling a sense of pride as her tender breast buds, slender hips and hairless pussy came into view, I resisted the urge to look back to see the affect that Jessica's nakedness had on the girl behind me. Instead I started greedily clicking pictures, and after a slight pause I could hear the girl frantically doing the same. Jessica posed as she had when we were on the roof, but was a little more reserved, at least at first.

I watched in wonder as her comfort level grew, and before long Jessica was turning as much to the girl as to me, willfully playing to both cameras. I had to smile. At some point in the future, a lucky guy was going to inherit this uninhibited, submissive, exhibitionist girl I had helped create, or perhaps simply liberate, and I hoped he would have the good sense to appreciate his good fortune.

Without so much as looking around, Jessica suddenly slipped the dress from her shoulders and cast it aside, just as she had done on the roof. Now completely naked in a public park, save for the sandals on her feet, Jessica posed without shame. I sensed our friend moving closer and shifting nearer to me as she tried to improve her angle. I really didn't know where this would lead when I started it, but it had gone quite far. It was very risky to let someone else have nude pictures of Jessica, but I also knew it turned me on to no end. Demonstrating how much of a deviant I had become, that point of view was easily winning the day.

Jessica was showing her body off for this unknown girl just as much as for me, and I wondered if memories of Amy were on her mind. Jessica had confided in me that she and Amy had fooled around in bed both nights Amy slept over that fateful weekend, so I knew Jessica enjoyed what she had learned in the woods. Watching her now as she was obviously playing to this girl, my mind jumped ahead to the possibilities. As if she could sense my train of thought, Jessica blew my mind when she dropped to her knees in the grass, her legs spread, and cupped her pussy with one hand while she kneaded her breast buds with the other. It was an intensely bold and erotic display in this public park, and I heard the girl behind me let out a stifled gasp as her photography, and my own, took on some urgency.

Jessica settled back on her haunches, her thighs apart, withdrawing her hand to show us her pretty little pussy. Then she rolled over on her knees, lifting her ass to the cameras, and reached back between her legs to touch herself once again. I stood to get her face in the picture as she looked back over her shoulder, but this incredibly sexy pose was abruptly interrupted as we heard gravel crunching on the nearby path. Instantly in a panic, I called out to Jessica and she jumped up, quickly slipping on her dress.

My heart was pounding in my chest, even though I could now see it wasn't that close a call. Trying to regain my composure, I looked back to see our new friend started walking towards me, her camera in hand, eyes fixed on Jessica buttoning her dress. My eyes were drawn to the girl's breasts. She had large, thick nipples, and they were once again hard as bullets.

An elderly lady appeared on the trail, her head visible through a break in the foliage. She caught sight of me and at first frowned. But then she spied the camera around my neck and smiled politely before she moved on.

'Hi, my name's Annie.'

I turned my attention back to the girl with the camera, the hint of a European accent intriguing, and we chatted for a minute as Jessica came to join us. Jessica's cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled, a distraction to both Annie and I as we exchanged pleasantries as if nothing unusual had been taking place. Then our attention was diverted to the trail, where a large group of elderly people had gathered. They were holding maps, talking and pointing, and as I glanced around I noticed for the first time that several of the trees and bushes were marked with small plaques. The group was following a self guided botanical tour, and seemed to be eagerly discussing the individual merits of each plant.

Realizing our privacy was gone, at least for the moment, and wanting to learn a little more about our new friend, I led Jessica and Annie out of the park and across the street to a fast food restaurant. It was crowded with the festival in full swing, even though there were food booths all over town, and it took about twenty minutes before we were served and seated. Jessica and Annie both had large slices of pizza, while I was satisfied with just a drink.

During the wait I had learned that Annie was from Denmark, and had been in the US attending college for nearly eight years. She was in the final year of a doctorate degree in Psychology, which, not surprisingly, made me nervous. I certainly wasn't eager to have my relationship with Jessica analyzed. But Annie had a disarming manner, and I found it easy to relax around her. I could also see she was, like myself, infatuated with Jessica, so perhaps she would have to analyze herself.

Annie was single, and as we sat at a table in the corner, I noticed she was better looking than I originally thought. She had a slender build with large breasts, facts not readily apparent due to the unflattering clothes she wore. She had shoulder length brown hair with pretty facial features, but a complete lack of make-up helped to preserve this secret as well. She sat across the table from Jessica and I, and we chatted as if we were old friends without a hint that we had just been out photographing an under-age exhibitionist.

When she finished her pizza, Annie excused herself and headed off to the restroom. As soon as she was out of ear shot I turned to Jessica.

'What do you think of her?'

Jessica smiled. 'I like her. She's nice.'

'You really had her turned on.' It was almost a whisper in the crowded restaurant, and I had to lean in towards Jessica. She actually blushed, the redness rising up in her cheeks. When she didn't speak, I went on. 'You turned me on, too. You're beautiful.'

Jessica beamed. 'I was having fun. I like showing off for you. I didn't mind her being there if you didn't.'

What a marvelous girl. 'You are incredible.'

Jessica shifted so her legs were tucked up underneath her, causing her to sit higher in the seat. The hem of her dress settled around her, and it was exciting to know she was totally bare underneath it. I casually slid a hand over and under the hem of her skirt, feeling the warmth of her skin on her lower back. Jessica practically purred as I discreetly caressed her.

'We only have a little time left before we should head home. Would you like to pose some more?'

'Oh yes.'

'How about if Annie came again? Would that be OK?'

'If it's OK with you.' As usual, anything I suggested was fine. I rubbed higher on her back, my hand under her dress, then suddenly realized my surroundings and dropped my hand to her lower back again.

I saw Jessica staring off and followed her eyes. Annie was heading towards us, and I immediately noticed the change. She had removed her bra, and her breasts, capped by rigid nipples, swayed nicely as she walked. I looked back at Jessica, wondering if she noticed this as well.

As Annie took her seat, her eyes followed my arm, and for the brief instant when she was sliding into the booth, I knew she saw that my hand was under the back of Jessica's dress. I privately cursed my carelessness, but Annie quickly dispelled my concerns with a smile.

'Your daughter?'

My first thought was to lie, but the truth came out on its own. 'No. A friend.'

'You two are very close, aren't you?'

She was looking me right in the eye, and her dual meaning was not lost. I liked her subtle style, and felt compelled to answer honestly.

'Yes. Very close.'

She smiled, and once again her understated good looks were obvious. 'You're a very lucky man.'

I realized that a remarkable amount of information had just been exchanged in very few words. Annie learned that Jessica was not my daughter, and I had all but confessed that Jessica and I had a sexual relationship. Considering I had known Annie less than an hour, that was a lot to give away, and I hoped my read on her was correct. Annie had responded to my confession with an implied approval, and by removing her bra she further revealed that the afternoon's events had aroused her, so I was pretty confident, but I still chided myself for taking such risks.

Annie turned her attention to Jessica, the two of them talking freely on random topics. As I watched the interaction, I could see that Jessica was warming up to Annie quickly, and I could just as easily see that Annie had more than a passing interest in Jessica. When Jessica asked Annie if she was a photographer, Annie's reply that she had learned to use a camera from her boyfriend, who was a professional photographer, caught my attention.

'So where's your boyfriend?'

'I should have said former boyfriend. We broke up over a year ago.'

The two girls continued talking while my hand wondered across Jessica's back, her soft skin warm to the touch. I loved the feel of her, and ever so slowly, I worked my hand downward. Before long my hand was on her butt as she sat with her legs folded under herself, but if Jessica noticed or cared, she gave no outward sign.

Annie was a different story. I could see she was tuned in the fact that my hand was on Jessica, and even though my shift downward was subtle, I was pretty certain she had noticed. By now I was totally intrigued with Annie and her interest in Jessica, and with some daring I decided to push the limits. The restaurant was crowded, but no one seemed to be paying the least bit of attention to us. As Jessica nibbled on the remains of her pizza and chatted with Annie, I started running my hand across her bare bottom under the dress.

Though she still gave no other obvious sign, I could tell Jessica was well aware of my wandering hand when she shifted her position slightly, spreading her feet farther apart. Taking advantage of the space she offered, my hand drifted downward, my index finger tracing the crack of her ass. When my finger found Jessica's asshole and stopped, her eyes went closed. No longer able to ignore me, she stopped talking mid-sentence with a sharp intake of breath, causing Annie to lean forward in an effort to see exactly what my hand was doing.

I rubbed around Jessica's anus with my finger, causing her to let out a soft moan. Then gradually I applied pressure, until the tip of my finger slipped inside of her. Since the afternoon in the woods with Amy, Jessica had learned how good it felt to have my finger, and her own, inside her asshole. But this was different. Just the thought that this beautiful twelve-year-old girl was letting me finger her asshole in the middle of a busy restaurant, while sitting with a young woman we had just met, caused my cock to stiffen in my shorts.

Even with the awkward position, I worked my finger up Jessica's ass past the first knuckle. Her eyes stayed closed and she bit down on her lower lip as she continued to hold the remains of her pizza in mid-air, as if poised to take a bite. Annie watched Jessica's reaction intently, mesmerized by what she was watching although she couldn't know exactly what I was doing. Ever so gently I began to work my finger in and out, and Jessica dropped the pizza with a moan, leaning forward slightly to lift her ass off her feet, giving me better access.

From experiences to date, I knew that Jessica was going to let me do whatever I wanted to do, even here in this busy restaurant. As I slowly slid the tip of my finger in and out of her ass, she pushed back against me, helping me to plumb even deeper. Ever since that afternoon in the woods with Amy, Jessica had developed a love for anal play, and it showed now. She was leaning forward with her head down, eyes closed, and it was becoming obvious that something other than eating lunch was going on. Like Jessica, Annie didn't seem to notice the crowd around us. Instead she was totally focused on Jessica, leaning forward across the table to hold Jessica's hand in her own. I knew I needed to stop, but I couldn't. This was simply too erotic.

Suddenly Jessica let out another moan, this one louder, and I took a frightened look around. The restaurant was crowded and noisy, and no one seemed to take notice, but I knew it was time to stop. With great reluctance, I withdrew my finger, slowly rubbing Jessica's asshole before slipping my hand up her dress, across her bare back. As I retracted my hand completely, Jessica let out a soft sigh and bit down sexily on her lower lip. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at Annie, who was still holding her hand. As the two girls stared at each other, I could see that Annie's nipples were standing at rigid attention. I was hoping Jessica noticed as well.

We gathered our trash and arose to leave, eager now to get back to the park and perhaps find privacy once again. Jessica excused herself and skipped happily off to the bathroom as Annie and I stepped outside in the warm, humid air to wait for her.

'Are you fucking her?'

The directness of the question took me by surprise, but I tried not to let it show for fear that it would lead to an incorrect conclusion. 'No. And I won't do it, either.'

She looked at me skeptically at first, but after a moment I could see she believed me. 'You two are very close.'

That brought an involuntary sigh. 'Yeah.' This girl had no idea how deeply I was hung up on my little twelve year old nymph.

'You're a very lucky man.'

I turned to look right at her, noticing once again her under-stated good looks. I wanted to tell Annie what a curse it was to fall in love with an underage girl. I wanted to express the pain of no visible future and the constant fear that came with my unlawful behavior. I wanted to tell someone how irrelevant the curse and the fear were, that I did not have the will to change a thing. Before I could respond, however, the object of my obsession burst through the door, bringing joy and sunshine with her. My concerns vanished in an instant.

'Are we going back to the park?'

I had no doubt that Jessica was genuinely excited about the prospect, and it was equally clear that she had accepted Annie into our circle. With one last side-long look at Annie, I turned. 'Yeah, let's go.'

We hadn't ventured very far into the park when Annie veered off the trail and jumped on a swing in the play area. Jessica was right behind her, taking the adjacent swing. Within seconds they were in a race to see who could swing the highest, but it only took a few seconds more before Annie, and I, were totally distracted. Every time Jessica's swing came forward, her legs stretched out as she reached for altitude, the wind pushed the hem of her dress backwards, and for an instant, she flashed her pussy. Annie quickly adjusted her swing to stay even with Jessica, and I realized this gave her an advantage, the exposure lasting longer for her as she followed Jessica up to the apex of their motion. I was wondering how much of this was innocence on Jessica's part, and how much it was contrived, when the answer was provided by the approach of a group of teen-agers. As they came up the trail towards us, Jessica stopped her swing, letting her dress fall normally about her as she watched the group pass, proving she knew exactly what was happening.

'Jessica, let's do the spider.'

I didn't know what Annie meant, but clearly Jessica did. Smiling brightly, she hopped off her swing, then joined Annie on hers. Facing Annie, she took hold of the chains and lifted herself up, passing her legs through on either side between Annie and the chain so she could settle in Annie's lap. In this manner, her feet extended out behind Annie as they faced each other, both giggling as they held firmly to the chains and started a pumping motion to get going. I gave them a push to help, and quickly realized where the name 'spider' came from. With four legs and four arms extending in all directions, there was definitely some resemblance to an arachnid. In this case a very sexy arachnid.

I backed off with my camera and tried to get a few pictures. I could see that in this position, Jessica's naked bottom was pressed against Annie's fully clothed groin. The hem of Jessica's dress flowed freely to the front and rear, and as they picked up speed, the front of her dress once again was pushed back every time she traveled forward. The two girls were laughing as they kicked, with Annie trading time looking into Jessica's face and looking down at her crotch. As I clicked off picture after picture, I hoped the camera was able to capture the beauty and sexiness of this scene.

Finally the girls tired, and they held their legs extended outward as gravity gradually slowed the swing. Through the camera lens I was surprised to see Annie lean forward and kiss Jessica lightly on the lips, but I was not surprised to see that Jessica didn't mind. As long as I didn't object, I was certain Jessica was open to anything.

Once the swing slowed, Annie dropped her feet and brought it to a stop. She and Jessica sat quietly for a minute, then Jessica started giggling.

'Now how are we supposed to get up?'

'No problem.'

Annie released the chains and wrapped her arms around Jessica, then stood holding Jessica in her arms. In this manner, Jessica could then drop her legs easily to the ground. But Annie wasn't eager to let Jessica go, and apparently Jessica was of the same mind as she wrapped her legs around Annie's mid-section. As I took a couple of pictures, I could see Annie's right hand was under the back of Jessica's skirt, and that she was cupping Jessica's tight behind. I watched mesmerized as they stood there quietly for a moment, then Annie, with obvious reluctance, set Jessica onto the ground. Turned on and eager to see more, I stepped up quickly.

'Why don't we go back to where we were earlier?'

There were no objections, both girls seemingly as eager as I was. The area was once again deserted, and we quickly moved into the private alcove formed by the bushes and trees. Even after the tender display at the swings, my expectation was that Annie would get her camera back out, and we'd take a few more pictures before Jessica and I had to go. But instead she stayed with Jessica, looking back at me with imploring eyes to see if I would object. I answered her by raising my own camera and clicking off a few shots of the two of them together.

Annie and Jessica had formed a quick friendship, and it showed as I photographed the two of them in the dappled sunshine. In some shots they were holding hands, sometimes one, and at other times two as they looked into each other's eyes. The contrast between a beautiful pre-teen girl and a pretty young lady in her late twenties was captivating and erotic, and I felt no hurry as they toyed with the bushes and laughed at whispered jokes. On several occasions, Annie kissed Jessica, each time a gentle peck between two girls who were best of friends. It was both a delightfully innocent and deeply erotic scene.

I knew by now of course that Annie was sexually attracted to Jessica, and thus it was only a matter of time until she decided to test the waters. Annie took a seat at the base of a large tree, leaning back against the trunk, her knees bent as her legs extended out across the grass.

'Let's do the spider again Jessica.'

Jessica didn't hesitate, straddling Annie and settling into her lap, her feet against the tree trunk and her knees high on either side. This time, with no chains to hold, Annie's hands came up to Jessica's shoulders, and with a gentle touch she encouraged Jessica to lay back against her thighs, Jessica's head against her knees. Annie continued to lean back into the tree, and in this manner the two girls lounged in the grass, as Annie traced lines up and down Jessica's slender arms. It looked very innocent indeed, perhaps two sisters nearly a generation apart, or a young mother and her daughter, but I knew that in this position, with Jessica's feet propped against the tree, Annie had an unimpeded view straight down her dress. They sat peacefully as I took photo after photo until Annie looked over at me.

'Would you take a few pictures with my camera also?'

I turned to Annie's bag and retrieved her camera. When I turned back, Annie was gently tracing lines along Jessica's beautiful face with the index finger of her right hand. She followed Jessica's cheek bones, then slid back along her jaw bone to tickle her ear. At that, Jessica giggled, but she made no move to stop Annie, instead closing her eyes as she lay back on Annie's legs, her own legs slipping wider apart.

Annie traced down Jessica's nose, then gently followed the outline of her lips. Entranced by this scene, and understanding fully how Annie was fascinated with the lovely features of this angelic girl, I forgot to take pictures, slowly dropping the camera lower as I watched in wonder. Neither girl knew I was there; both were lost in their own little world of joy.

To Annie's credit, her focus remained on Jessica's beautiful young face, even though she need only drop her eyes to see the tender young pussy she so clearly longed for. Perhaps it was her self discipline that impressed me to the point that all concerns about trusting Annie with my most precious secret had now evaporated. And perhaps that was partly how she won Jessica over so easily.

When Annie brought her finger to Jessica's lips and pressed inward, Jessica parted her lips slightly, without hesitation, letting the finger slip in. In the same slow manner, Annie began to work her finger in and out of Jessica's mouth, as Jessica's warm lips formed a tight circle around it. Regaining my composure, I resumed taking pictures, wanting to freeze this erotic scene forever. Annie continued to stroke her finger in and out of Jessica's eager mouth, and when she glanced over at me with raised eyebrows, I knew she had figured out at least one thing that Jessica and I did together.

I'd never been prone to jealousy, a fact that delighted some of the girls I'd known over the years just as surely as it infuriated others. But as I watched the connection grow between Annie and Jessica, I felt an unfamiliar twinge of concern. Even though I found the scene in front of me to be intensely arousing, I suddenly had misgivings. It was no longer a matter of trust, I was worried about displacement, about Jessica finding something in Annie she couldn't find in me. At the same time, watching an adult woman get as turned on by this twelve year old goddess as I was intensely exciting, and in the end I knew which emotion would win out, as evidenced by the stiff cock in my shorts.

Annie had extracted her finger from Jessica's mouth and was softly playing in her hair, her left hand slowly stroking Jessica's thigh. The two girls were lost in each other as I took pictures, and didn't hear the footsteps in the gravel on the nearby trail. I started to voice a warning, then realized they were doing nothing inappropriate. They were simply two girls sitting under a tree, affectionately close together as girls were prone to do. As the steps grew closer, I lowered the camera and looked towards the trail. Through the branches I saw someone pass, but as far as I could tell they never looked our way.

When I looked back, my heart almost came to a stop. Annie's hands were at the top button on Jessica's dress, and I quickly brought the camera up and started snapping off pictures. Jessica seemed totally at ease as one by one, Annie opened the top four buttons of Jessica's dress. Annie used one finger to trace a trail down the center of Jessica's chest, following the opening she had created. Then ever so slowly, she used both hands to open the top half of Jessica's dress, exposing her delicate little breast buds.

I was steadily switching cameras back and forth, clicking off picture after picture, all thoughts of jealousy forgotten as my cock twitched within its confines. Annie was in no hurry, which made the scene even more erotic, and once she had Jessica exposed she simply sat back and admired her. If Jessica minded having this young woman, who we barely knew, partially undressing her, it didn't show at all. She was totally at ease as she lay against Annie's legs with her tiny breasts exposed.

Finally Annie's hands came up and started a gentle massage of Jessica's shoulders. Jessica closed her eyes in relaxation, but as Annie's hands began to move down the front of her shoulders, I saw Jessica bite down on her lower lip, her own unique and beautiful expression of anticipation. Ever so slowly, Annie worked her way down Jessica's chest, then skipped over her little breasts to caress the skin beneath them. She continued to be in no particular hurry, savoring the moment, which was driving me wild, if not Jessica. But Annie was oblivious of me, totally set on her course and engrossed with the lovely young girl she was caressing. Then finally, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, Annie's hands slipped up so her fingers covered Jessica's breast buds. Annie let out a small sigh of joy as I dropped the camera to watch.

Annie rubbed Jessica's small breasts very gently at first, and I knew all too well what a marvelous feeling it was to do so. Though small and immature, they were somehow the most exciting breasts I had ever felt. Deftly using her fingers, Annie started to manipulate Jessica's buds, and when she applied a little pressure, Jessica let out a telling moan. It only took a few more minutes for Annie to learn what I already knew; Jessica liked to have her tiny breasts pulled. Annie began to tug gently at Jessica's breasts, pulling them away from her body, and Jessica responded as I knew she would. Her head fell back and her mouth fell open, as she lolled her head from side to side in pleasure. As Annie's teasing became more insistent, Jessica's body would lift up, as if to follow the breast that was being pulled away from her. But she never made a move to cause Annie to quit; she liked what was happening.

This went on for some time, until it was clear that Jessica would never do anything to cause it to end. She was a slave to the pleasure this rough treatment gave her, and I was impressed how quickly Annie had discovered this, and with how she exploited her discovery. By the time she eased up, Jessica was putty in her hands, and I was throbbing relentlessly in my pants.

When Annie sat up, I knew what was coming simply because I knew what I wanted to do. Lowering her head, she aimed for Jessica's chest, but the angle was awkward with Jessica sitting in her lap and laying against her legs. Pausing to regroup, she took Jessica under each arm, applying upward pressure until Jessica realized she wanted her to lift up. Jessica eased up about a foot, using her legs now to hold her position. Her head was above Annie's knees and unsupported, but her body still lay against Annie's thighs.

A little more urgency in her movements, Annie now moved quickly to cover Jessica's right breast bud with her lips. It was intensely arousing to see this young woman suckle on pre-teen breasts, and I clicked off a long string of photos, wanting to capture this scene forever. Annie moved from left to right, sucking on each of Jessica's breast buds and leaving a wet trail in between. When Annie used her teeth to tug at Jessica's breast, just as she had done with her fingers, Jessica let out a low moan as her hands rose in reflex to hold and guide Annie's head. Over and over Annie pulled at Jessica's breasts with her teeth as Jessica guided her from one side to the other.

My cock was painfully stiff as I watched this incredible display, my jealousy cast aside and my love for Jessica and her free spirit growing by the second. She really was game for anything, and I knew I lacked the will to ever turn away from her, no matter the risk. I was hopelessly in love. As I watched Annie drop her hands to Jessica's thighs, then slide them under the dress to hold Jessica's hips, I yearned to see Annie's lips on Jessica's pretty hairless pussy, and I knew without a doubt Jessica was going to let it happen, here, in the open, irregardless of the danger of being caught. Unless I told her to stop, Jessica would let this young woman strip her naked and make love to her in the grass in the middle of the park. And no doubt Jessica would reciprocate, knowing that it would turn me on to watch her lick this young woman's pussy. It was a marvel to me that I had discovered this beautiful, sexually curious, exhibitionist and submissive treasure of a child that would do whatever I suggested.

Just when I thought Annie was ready, just when I knew she was going to escalate things to the next level, my cell phone rang. Very few people had my cell phone number, but I had given it to one person in particular, and when I looked, it was in fact Jessica's home number that was displayed. The girls paused at the intrusion as I made the connection.

'Hey David, how'd things go today?' I forced a cheerful voice even as my heart sank.


'We're on our way home right now, it won't be too long. Bye.'

It was a shock to see how much time had gone by, and I was suddenly regretful for the slow, easy pace Annie had set, the very same pace I had found so sexy at the time. The plan had been to get back home before Jessica's brother returned, and now we were late and needed to get moving. I could see in Jessica's face that she understood without being told, and as I stared at her small breasts glistening with saliva, I wasn't sure what to do about Annie.

'We were supposed to be home by now. I have to get Jessica back.'

Annie understood my meaning immediately, making me wonder if she had pondered the complex logistics of underage sex well before this day had occurred. To her credit, she slid her hands back up Jessica's thighs without wandering any further than her hips, showing remarkable restraint. I was pretty certain that if I was in her place, and had gotten that close, I would not have withdrawn without feeling Jessica's smooth little pussy at least once. But Annie calmly buttoned up Jessica's dress, then pulled Jessica's head forward and kissed her on the lips. It was a gentle kiss, but I watched as Jessica escalated it into one of passion. At first Annie seemed surprised that Jessica, while far from expert, understood the art of kissing, but then understanding spread across her features, knowing that I was the teacher.

Even though we were equally reluctant, we all moved quickly as we gathered our things to leave. I took one last picture of Jessica and Annie together, admiring the way Jessica's little aureoles showed through the white dress, and imaging that I could see the faint outline of Jessica's pussy through the sheer, but opaque material. Then we headed off towards the parking lot at a fast pace, the two girls once again walking hand-in-hand.

We were silent as we neared the car, but I could sense Annie's anxiety growing, and I knew she was wondering if she would ever see us again. For myself, I had mixed feelings. She was a pretty girl that now shared my obsession, but I wasn't so sure I was willing to share. Further, letting her know where I lived and allowing her to spend time with Jessica and I would seemingly increase the risk. I needed more time to think it through, and luckily Annie made it easy. We reached the car, and before I could say anything, Annie pulled a card from her purse and began to write on it, using the hood as a table. When she handed me the card, I saw it was for an art supply store. When I turned it over, I found she had written her name, phone number, and E-mail address.

'Will you get in touch with me?'

This certainly simplified things, and gave me time to think. 'You bet.'

She turned to Jessica and took both her hands. 'You're so beautiful. I hope to see you again soon.'

Jessica smiled sweetly at the compliment, her cheeks taking on a red glow. 'Me, too.'

We said our good-byes, and Jessica and I got in the car and I pulled away. As I looked at Annie in my rearview mirror, my eyes were focused on her unfettered breasts pressing against her shirt, and I knew I'd love to touch them. And I also knew I would love to see Jessica touch them.

It took a few minutes to maneuver through the crowded streets, the festival in full swing, but soon we were back out on the two-lane highway headed towards our own town. Jessica was leaning across the console, her head against my shoulder.

'You better change back into your other clothes.'

She smiled at me impishly, then started at the bottom and opened each button on her dress. She spread the material as she went, so that I got a good look at her thighs, then her pussy, then her abdomen, and then her breasts. She was teasing me, and enjoying every second of it. Without a thought for the other traffic on the road, or the houses we were passing, Jessica slipped the dress from her shoulders, lifted up, and pulled it from under her behind. Balling it up, she dropped it to the floor as she smiled sweetly at me, as if being totally naked in the passenger seat of my car was an everyday thing. I watched with one eye on the road as she removed the clothes she had worn this morning from her back-pack, then stuffed the dress inside.

She set her clothes neatly on the floor, but instead of getting dressed, she leaned across the console and went straight for my belt buckle. There were no cars directly in front of us, and my rear view showed one well behind, but there was a fairly steady flow of traffic in the opposite direction. I was pretty certain the taller vehicles could see into the car, and was pretty anxious about it even if we were passing each other at 60 miles per hour, but I was powerless to stop Jessica as she unsnapped my shorts and lowered my zipper.

As I had learned, or perhaps as I had created, Jessica was a twelve year old cock hound, and she wasted no time in fishing out my rapidly stiffening member. I knew she loved to suck on my cock, and as I felt her warm, wet mouth slip over my cock head, I wasn't surprised to feel the car speed up as my leg involuntarily stretched forward. My hand came down on Jessica's bare back, feeling the heat coming off her pretty little body, as I worked to concentrate on driving as Jessica sucked vigorously on my dick. I wanted desperately to find a place to pull over, but there was no time, and I knew instinctively it was probably less safe than driving.

With her right hand wrapped around the base, Jessica sucked my cock with abandon, bobbing her head up and down as she crammed as much as she could inside her mouth. By now I had received quite a few blowjobs from Jessica, and even though her skill level, and her finesse, left room for improvement, I had never experienced a more pleasurable cock-sucking. Just the simple mental imagery of a beautiful, naked, twelve year old girl sucking my dick was enough to make me explode, and I knew I would come quickly if I did nothing to control it.

A passing truck honked, and it startled me back into the present, though I noted that Jessica didn't react at all. I was a suddenly frightened, but I realized with Jessica bent over, face down, the truck driver could only see a naked girl giving head. He couldn't tell her age. I relaxed slightly, but began to watch the oncoming traffic. Two more large trucks passed without incident, but then the third one honked. I was surprised to find that it was turning me on.

'The truck drivers can see what you are doing.'

Jessica paused and looked up at me, then out the windshield for a moment, then back at me. 'Want me to stop?'


This was all she needed to hear, as she once again took my dick into her mouth. I may be a little concerned, but Jessica could care less if anyone saw her sucking me off. Her hand began to stroke up and down, and I moaned my approval. Without realizing it, my speed had fallen off so that we were cruising along below the limit, and I realized the car behind me was catching up. This was not good, but I was close, and I knew it wouldn't take much longer. Just the knowledge that Jessica was at ease being totally naked in my car, in broad daylight, sucking my cock as cars and trucks whizzed by, pushed me to my limits.

I moaned a warning as my cock began to swell, and Jessica braced herself. But she didn't pull away, and I knew she wouldn't. I slipped my hand around her body to pull on her right breast bud as my cock exploded into her mouth. The car was momentarily on auto-pilot as I pumped semen into Jessica's eager mouth, every pulse causing my body to shudder. Jessica hadn't mastered the art of swallowing large loads, and I felt some cum dribble back down my cock, leaving cool trails and the promise that Jessica's tongue would soon be following. My ass had come off the seat, and as my orgasm slowly subsided, I eased my butt back down to the leather as Jessica continued to stroke me into her open mouth.

Pulling away, Jessica lifted up quickly and leaned way over to kiss me, giggling as she passed some of my own come into my mouth with her tongue. She had learned that I did not mind the taste of my come, and she seemed fascinated by this. As I struggled to see past her and keep the car on the road, I glanced up in the mirror and thankfully saw that the car behind me had fallen back once again. Or had I sped up? It was impossible to know.

Jessica's amusement warmed my heart, and I kissed her back enthusiastically, letting her know I'd play whatever game she came up with. She smiled, then dropped back to my lap, and I was treated to the thrill of having her lick the mess off my now softening cock. When she was done, she gave me a little fake pout.

'It's makes me so sad when it gets soft.'

I smiled at her and winked. 'I'm sure you can get it hard again.'

Accepting the challenge, she ducked her head to my lap again, making me stop her.

'Not now beautiful. We're almost home.'

She gave me another little pout, then dutifully tucked me back into my shorts, zipped me up, and buckled my belt. Then, with obvious reluctance, she started to dress.

When we pulled into the neighborhood, everything was back to normal, and her back-pack was under the seat so David wouldn't see it and ask questions. We both hated to see the day end, but we knew it wouldn't be the last. As we turned onto our street, Jessica looked right at me.

'Will we see Annie again?'

'Do you want to?'

'Yeah, if it's OK with you. Did you like her?'

'Yeah.' I paused, then said what was on my mind. 'You know she wants to strip you naked and devour you just like I do?'


R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This is one of the best stories I have read, please keep it going.


Awesome story. Hope they meet Annie. Like buba, I think it's one of the best stories in ASSTR


definitely one of the better stories like the pace of it and would liek to see a 3 way develop in a risky situation


This was very well written, and chock full of great details, thanks for writing it.

old one


Did I miss a chapter??? Mention of Jessica's cousin Amy in this chapter and what happened in the woods leaves me wondering. That aside this is the best story I have ever had the privilege of reading on Loliwood Studious, it is very sensually engaging. Your discriptions, pacing and self anyalsis is wonderful Pleaes treat us poor readers to more story and chapters about Jessica.
Thank you,
Old One

old perv

beautifully written.this story has got me hooked. please,please write more chapters. i love it how jessica shares her beautiful body with grateful adults. i loved the part when she accepted a finger in her tight little ass. can't wait till she feels a big cock in there. keep it up y4y, i'm a real admirer of your work.


Even better than the first one. Please continue. And thank you.

Brenda & Greg


WOW........AGAIN. These stories are amazing. I absolutely love them. Although I do have the same question of, did I miss a chapter about the interaction with Amy? I am dying for another chapter. I want a Jessica of my own, lol.


This is one of the best stories I have read in a while ,Did I miss a chapter Mention of Jessica's cousin Amy leaves me haveing naughty thoughts please keep it going looking forward to many chapters of jessica adventures

The reviewing period for this story has ended.