Published: 10-Jan-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
That I was alone in the park with my neighbor's twelve year old daughter was not that unusual. Jessica's parents both worked, and on school days she and her older brother were accustomed to spending their afternoons at home alone, looking after themselves.
My work schedule allowed me Fridays off, a luxury I took advantage of in the spring and early summer when the weather was so inviting. This particular spring, it was quite common for me to see Jessica in the large park adjacent to our neighborhood when I went for a jog or took my dogs for a walk, and I always stopped to talk with her.
It was just after lunch, and I was dressed in running shorts and a tee shirt, intending to take a brief jog through the nature trails the park offered. Surprised to see Jessica in the park this early in the day, however, I had been drawn into a conversation with her before I ever started, and now sat on a park bench admiring this beautiful girl.
Jessica was a very confident and independent minded girl, and at times talking to her was almost like conversing with an adult. But this afternoon, the excitement of getting out of school early for a teacher 'work day' had Jessica in a playful mood, which made her seem girlish as a twelve year old should.
When I had walked up, she was playing with a large handful of Mardi Gras beads, and now she held them away from her body as she did little pirouettes in the grass. As I watched her twirl around I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was becoming. Her long blond hair was pulled to either side and roughly braided, hanging down well past her shoulders. Her pretty face needed no make-up, and her smile was dazzling, her naturally straight teeth requiring no braces.
She was wearing a simple top with thin straps that tied in a bow at the shoulders. A few inches of midriff were bare, below which were snug fitting cotton shorts in a bright flower pattern. She was beautiful, and I noticed, not for the first time, that she was developing an unexpected aura of sexuality. The tight fitting clothing enhanced this impression. With her long legs and strong shoulders, her body had the scaled-down but perfect shape and proportions of a much older girl.
I also noticed, not for the first time, the little buds that were her forming breasts. Today they pressed invitingly against the thin material of her shirt. The roundness of her bottom in the clingy cotton shorts was delightful as well. Realizing how openly I was admiring her youthful beauty, I felt a sense of shame for allowing an innocent twelve year old girl to stir up sexual images in my mind.
My reaction was to look quickly away with embarrassment, and then take a more calculated glance around to see if anyone might have noticed. I was suddenly unsure of what subliminal motivations were in play when I gave up my run so easily, and seeing that we were essentially alone on this side of the park, it occurred to me that it would be best if I excused myself and moved on.
We were in fact at the far edge of the park from our neighborhood, or at least I should say the far edge of the developed park areas. Just beyond where we sat, the park transitioned gradually from open fields to a huge wooded area. There were designed nature trails through part of the woods, but the majority was natural, offering home and shelter to enough wildlife to drive my dogs crazy when I walked them here.
The park, and the protected status of the land around it, made our neighborhood a highly sought after location. But looking around today, there were only a few people enjoying the peaceful afternoon, and most of them were well off in the distance near the parking area, suggesting they were visitors and not locals. Knowing I should leave, I stayed, unexplainably mesmerized by Jessica.
Lacking the wisdom and the will power to leave and get on with my run, but trying to avoid inappropriate thoughts, I idly picked up some of Jessica's Mardi Gras beads and began to play with them. My clearly irrational mind tried to rationalize my actions; I was staying because it wasn't smart to leave Jessica here on the edge of the woods alone.
In retrospect, it was an amusing struggle. A part of my mind, and at the moment the dominant part, was infatuated with this pretty and unintentionally sexy girl child. The saner, but suppressed part, argued that I was being stupid, immoral and preying on her innocence.
When the sane part of my mind argued that there was no way a pretty young girl like Jessica would be interested in a grown man like myself, the evil part of my psyche countered with the rationalization that I only wanted to look, but not touch, so no real harm could be done. Looking back, I knew which side was winning, but at the time I seemed powerless, or perhaps I didn't care, even though I knew my thoughts were drifting into socially, morally and criminally dangerous waters.
Using the bench surface as a work table, I tried in vain to arrange the beads in my hand into the shape of a dog head as I surreptitiously watched Jessica from the corner of my eye. Finding the dog head impossible, I instead made a simple heart out of a red set, and then quickly added shiny green beads for outline. Laughing as she did so, Jessica pranced over and swept her hand across the beads, messing up my design.
She just laughed. 'Make something else,' she dared.
Smiling, I tried to make a sun. Before my work of art was complete, she struck again, knocking the beads off into the grass.
'Well, I can see you're determined to be a little imp.'
'What's an imp?'
'A bad girl. Like you.'
'I'm not a bad girl.' She giggled and added. 'What 'cha gonna make next?'
'Nothing. You'll just mess it up.'
'Nah, I'm done. I promise. Let me see you make something else.'
Eyeing her in mock suspicion, I loved the way her golden hair sparkled in the sun. The slight disarray of her careless braids made it seem all the more appealing, accentuating the natural beauty she possessed. No amount of effort, or lack of effort, could make her look bad.
'Can I trust you?'
'As much as I can trust you.'
I realized with substantial embarrassment that she had no idea how poor a guarantee that was, considering the thoughts that had been passing through my mind.
'I'll give you one more chance.'
With that I gathered up some beads and made a show of carefully considering what to make. All the while I kept my eyes on Jessica, presumably because she couldn't be trusted not to mess up my design, but in reality because the evil part of my mind was still exercising control. With blue and silver beads, I made a crude attempt at outlining a dolphin jumping from the sea. Jessica looked on in puzzlement, and I had to make numerous adjustments before it began to take shape. Finally she got it.
'That's a good one.'
'A work of art that should be preserved forever', I said with measured smugness.
When she moved this time, I was prepared, capturing her right wrist in my left hand before it reached its target. She immediately attacked with her left, but I countered just as quick, catching her wrist in my right hand just before she succeeded. With both her wrists firmly in my grip, Jessica was undaunted. Her foot came up without hesitation, but I blocked it with my leg. Then using my left hand to hold both her slender wrists together, I freed my right hand to parry any further efforts with her feet.
She tried to pull free, but my grip was too strong and I held her wrists firmly. As she fought against my grip, she bent forward slightly. My eyes watched the top of her shirt as it moved away from her body, and I found myself wishing she'd bend over further. When she finally paused, she was breathing heavily and her blonde hair had fallen around her face. To me she looked like an angel from heaven as she glared at me, unhappy in defeat.
Sensing that she was merely waiting for me to conclude she was beaten and lower my guard, I marveled at her cleverness. 'It doesn't look I can trust you after all. Perhaps I should tie your hands.'
It was a comment truly made in jest, spontaneously blurted out without forethought, evil or otherwise, and when she responded so quickly, it caught me by surprise.
'That would be fun. I could be your hostage.'
Unsure how to respond, and not liking the thoughts that passed involuntarily through my mind, I smiled at her weakly, trying to hide what I was feeling. I realized the tension in her body had relaxed, and she was no longer poised to pull away should I lessen my grip on her wrists. Instead, she stood before me submissively, expecting to be taken hostage in this game she had just suggested.
Not believing I was doing it, and with serious doubts about my motivations, I used my free hand to pick up an extra long strand of beads. The stirring in my groin was ready evidence to the fact that my participation in this child's game was inappropriate. I knew she just saw this as simple make believe, and I tried to quell the improper thoughts running through my brain as I spoke.
'Turn around hostage and put your hands behind you.'
Without hesitating, she began to turn as I released one wrist while maintaining a firm grip on the other, lest she try to escape. With her back towards me, she brought her free hand back to meet the one I held. As an impromptu experiment, I released her wrist to see if she would bolt. But she stood there submissively, her hands together behind her back, waiting to be bound. Taking the long strand of beads, I began to wrap them loosely around her wrists, draping the end between her arms when I was done. I tried to take on a stern voice when I issued my next order.
'Turn around hostage and face me.'
She spun back towards me, the look of mock seriousness on her face barely concealing the mirth in her eyes. With her hands behind her, her shoulders were square and her chest pushed out, pressing her small breast buds firmly against the material of her shirt. My heart thumped in my chest as I forced myself to maintain eye contact. She thought this was a game. I was afraid of what I was thinking.
'Now you will no longer mess up my art work. Understood?'
She smiled wickedly. 'What if I try to escape?'
'Then I will simply capture you once again.'
Quick as a flash, her right foot came up and swept my dolphin off the bench, then she turned and ran toward the trees, her hands behind her back, the free end of the bead strand bouncing as she ran. Even though she juked left and right as I gave chase, she barely made ten yards before I caught her by the elbow.
Wrapping my free arm around her waist, I held her as she fought to get free. Twisting and kicking with great energy, I decided it would be easier to pin a bobcat as I tried to hang on. Finally she paused, momentarily out of breath. Through the struggle, she ended up pressed hard against me, her bound hands against my stomach and her behind pressed into my crotch.
I was immediately aware of the physical reaction my body had to the contact, but knowing full well it was wrong, I held her there and reveled in the feeling of my member swelling against her sweet young bottom. Her head was just below my nose, and the fresh smell of her hair was intoxicating. She made no move to pull away as we both waited for our breathing to slow back to normal.
My sensibilities kicking in, I was suddenly acutely aware of the insanity of my actions, and the fact that we were in the open with other people in the park. Looking quickly around, I pushed Jessica away from me, breaking the contact. Buoyed by the quick confirmation that we truly were alone on this side of the park, and the fact that Jessica showed no reaction to what happened, I found however that I was not willing to end the game.
Even with clear knowledge that what I had done was improper on many levels, I found my infatuation with Jessica to be a more powerful force than my common sense. The memory of my arm around her firm waist and my crotch against her tender bottom burned in my brain.
Marching her in front of me so she wouldn't see the bulge in my crotch, I nudged Jessica towards the woods until we passed the first line of trees, knowing full well that moving her into a secluded area was a bad idea. It was if a stranger had taken over my body when I spoke once again with mock sternness.
'No one escapes from my prison. Now you're coming with me.'
Picking up on the game, Jessica took on the voice of a frightened hostage. 'Where are we going? What are you going to do?'
'I'm taking you to my hide-out. You must be punished.'
'Oh no.'
With that she tried to pull away and run again. We wrestled for a moment, and then I swept her off her feet and threw her over my shoulder, her head to the back, feet forward. She continued to squeal and struggle, but couldn't help laughing. As I held tightly on to her legs, I couldn't help but marvel at the firm smoothness of them.
Now well into the trees, but before we reached dense woods, I set her back on her feet, letting my hands slip up her firm thighs to her shorts as I did so, trying to convince even myself that it was accidental. Though I felt shame at my continued inappropriate thoughts and actions, I couldn't seem to stop them.
'You're not very good at this. I could easily get away.' As she spoke she turned her back to me, showing that the poorly tied beads had all but come free. Even though she could easily slide her hands out, she kept them there as if she were tightly bound. The not so subtle implication that she liked being my hostage was thrilling, and I picked up on it quicker than I wished, and spoke before I thought.
'You want to be tied tighter?'
She looked back at me and paused, biting down on her lower lip. It was an action that was so primitive and vulnerable in its beauty, it tore at my heart.
'OK. Make it so I really can't get away.'
I pulled the beads off and she simply stood there, her arms held behind her, a willing prisoner. Her head was slightly bowed so that she struck a truly submissive pose. My heart was racing. Perhaps it was my overly active imagination, but the sexuality dripping off this little nymph was palpable. For her it was still a game, but I was feeling an excitement not suitable for a man in the presence of a young girl.
She looked back again, a question in her eyes. I had to make a decision; keep the game going and continue to indulge my inappropriate fantasies, or do the proper thing and bring it to an end. I made my choice without thinking, knowing full well that if I allowed time for analysis I would likely stop right here. After all, I was a grown man, and she was an innocent twelve year old girl.
For me to lust after her in my mind while purposefully allowing inappropriate 'accidental' contact, I was in the wrong, and if I took a moment to review my actions, I could reach no other conclusion. I didn't want to think about it. As I began to wind the beads more carefully around her wrists, my hands were shaking and sweat was forming on my brow.
Acting out sexual fantasies with a lover had been my only experience in tying up a girl, so I supposed it was only natural that sexual musings ruled my thoughts as I knelt to more carefully attend to binding my hostage. In this case I knew full well my fantasies were mine alone, so I easily rationalized they wouldn't hurt anyone. I was about to discover Jessica had her own ideas.
Tying Jessica's hands carefully, I tried not to make the bonds too tight, knowing the hard beads would dig in and hurt. At the same time, in response to her challenge I didn't want her to be able to get free. When it came time to make a knot, I used an old trick to repair broken Mardi Gras beads, twisting the closely spaced beads so that that locked across each other, making a difficult joint to undo. I lingered over the knot a moment, taking the opportunity to study her tight little butt that was right before me.
'Now you can't get away.'
Jessica pulled at the bonds, trying hard to twist her way out, but she was fully trapped. Finally she stopped and stared, a hint of a smile on her lips.
'Now what?'
Her words caused me to look up. I had been staring at her tiny breasts.
'As I said, I'll take you to my secret hide-out in the woods.' My answer was delivered with confidence, but in truth I was totally unsure where we went from here. Tying up this pretty young girl in the woods had fueled my fantasies to the point that I had lost track of my place in the game. I was racking my brain, trying to think of the best way to keep the game alive without giving away my true thoughts, when her next words blew me away.
'Are you going to strip me?'
Caught off guard, I must have given her an odd look, for she quickly added, 'Isn't that what happens when a man takes a girl hostage?'
I was flabbergasted and momentarily speechless. Most confusing was her tone, which was laced with unmasked expectation. She was hoping I would say yes, that this would be part of the game. I flashed back to my own youth, when partial nudity was an innocent part of playing doctor and other games as we tried to understand the first urges of sexuality. This girl child was naively feeding my improper fantasies.
Without thinking I blurted, 'Is that what you want me to do?'
'I don't mind. I'm your hostage, but I know you won't hurt me.'
I simply stared at this incredible girl. She was telling me in plain English that it would be fine with her if the game we were playing included me removing her clothes. Now I truly had a decision to make. If the game progressed any further along these lines, then I would be breaking the law rather than indulging immoral personal fantasies. Society's view of nudity in a game between a man and an under-age girl was much different than when it occurred between two children.
The correct course of action was perfectly clear; stop the game and walk Jessica home. While my choice was obvious, the swelling I felt in my groin belied the thoughts that continued to win the day. Knowing full well the implications of my actions, I took hold of Jessica's upper arm and began to march her deeper into the woods.
'Oh my. Looks like I'm in trouble.'
'You don't sound scared.'
With mock terror she wailed, 'Oh God, what are you going to do to me?' Then she started giggling uncontrollably, but a nervous undertone was clear. Nevertheless, she marched on willingly as the trees started closing in around us.
Well out of sight of the other park visitors, but still in mottled sunlight shining down through the trees, I stopped Jessica and stepped around in front of her. From this position, I could look at her and see back through the trees towards the open park grounds. There was no one else in sight.
'Now that you're my hostage, I can make you do whatever I want.'
'Like what?' She spoke in a defiant sneer, playing her part well.
'Like cleaning my hide-out, cooking my food, washing my clothes.' I was testing her, my intentions shameful.
She waited, and when I didn't go on, she asked, 'Is that all?' This time there was less defiance and a clear yearning for something more.
Instead of answering, I looked her up and down, trying to make up my mind. She was the hostage in this scenario we had created, but I was the one that was terrified. Part of me didn't want to proceed. I knew it was wrong. I knew I would rot in hell one day. But I seemed powerless to stop. Jessica had become an object of desire to me, and my physical and sensual reactions over-powered my sensibilities. When I reached up to her shoulder, she didn't flinch or look away. Instead she seemed almost relieved.
Slowly, purposefully, I took hold of one loose end of the bow on Jessica's left shoulder. As I gently tugged it, the strap was lifted away from her shoulder, and she once again bit down on her lower lip.
Finally, all play drawn out of the strap, the end in my hand began to slip through the bow knot. In slow motion, one half of the bow shrank until it disappeared. Then with a final tug, it popped through the knot, and the two ends of the strap hung loosely across each other. Releasing the end in my hand, I flicked the loose straps and they fell away from her shoulder, one to the front and one to the back. Jessica audibly exhaled.
Dropping my hand to my side, I stared at the totally bare shoulder. Though the thin strap hardly covered any skin at all, the nakedness of the shoulder was so much more apparent with it removed. And so much more sexy. The left half of Jessica's shirt now drooped so that her tender, small breast was nearly exposed. But it remained covered, heightening the sexual intensity of the moment.
Jessica didn't speak, but the steady heaving of her chest belied her excitement. She liked this part of the game.
'You know what happens next?'
'I think so.'
I thought about that a moment. 'Do you want to stop and head home?'
She shook her head emphatically, the action causing her shirt to drop even lower. 'No.'
'If we continue the game, you're powerless to stop me. You can't get your hands free.'
'I know.' She said it much too quick, and it was clear the thought excited her. Pondering that observation as I tried to build up my own courage, I remembered years earlier seeing a pornographic movie based on the premise that every woman supposedly had a rape fantasy. Was it possible that a twelve year old girl had such thoughts? Did she really understand that I intended to do more than remove her clothes?
'I might decide to take all your clothes off of you.'
She bit her lip again. 'OK.'
'But I might not. I could go to jail for that.'
Once again she spoke up fast. 'No one will know. I swear.'
We needed that understanding, but who knew if it was really that easy. All it would take was an accidental slip of the tongue, or confiding in a friend. But in my irrational state, it was reassurance enough for me.
'So you really want me to do it? I'll probably touch you.' I could tell by her reaction that my meaning was clear. Making my intentions known gave me the wonderful illusion that she was a willing participant, even though our difference in age made that irrelevant.
When she bit her lower lip once more, I knew the answer before she spoke. 'It's OK. I know you won't hurt me.'
'That's not what I asked. Do you want me to do it?'
Jessica looked right at me. 'Yes.'
'Then here's how we play the game. You're my hostage, and you know I'm a bad man. You do what I say until you can find a way to escape. When you think you can get away, you try.'
She smiled, liking that we were back to making a game of it. 'OK.'
'Now it's time to get out of sight.' Pointing to the woods, I ordered, 'March.'
Without hesitation, she headed off in the direction I pointed. Quickly we moved from the dappled sunlight to complete shade as we passed deeper into the woods. Knowing that the designed trails were off to our right, I directed her to the left every time we met an obstruction or the brush got thick.
As she walked, Jessica looked from time to time back over her shoulder, her expression showing expectation. Walking behind her, I was admiring her form as I continued to actively suppress my worries, not wanting rational thought to worm it's way back in. My eyes were drawn to her bare left shoulder, a delicious reminder that she had fewer reservations than I and had made no effort to stop me from untying her strap.
Her bare legs were strong and well formed, with a nice springtime tan. Her butt was round and well proportioned. As I watched her walk in her tight cotton shorts, I could see the outline of her panties pressing against the thin material. Her bound hands in the small of her back served as a stark reminder that although this was a game, it was a serious game in which this twelve year old girl willingly put herself in substantial risk.
More than once when she looked back, Jessica caught me checking out her body. She didn't mind, which lulled me into distraction. We were coming up on a small creek, and the area under the trees was relatively open. Jessica had opened the distance between us, and as she passed the end of a fallen tree, she made a break to the left with a delighted squeal.
My first instinct was to angle to my left and cut her off, but the tree made that impossible. As I came around the end of the tree, Jessica had already opened up a lead of about ten yards, and she was running hard, laughing as she went. She was quick, and made good use of the trees and rocks, but it was only a matter of seconds before I caught her, grabbing her arms from behind.
As we came to a stop, she twisted away and tried to go back the way we came. But I caught her arm before she completed her first step and we wrestled for control, she the captive trying to escape, me the abductor. We were both having fun, and it was no accident when I finally got her pinned against me, her back to my front, exactly as we had started when the game began. I knew this time she felt my physical reaction as I intentionally pressed into her, oblivious of the consequences of my actions, and I wondered how well she understood what was going on.
She quit squirming and leaned heavily against me as we both tried to catch our breath. I looked down over her left shoulder, hoping the activity had caused her budding left breast to be exposed, but was disappointed. Then I quickly looked up and scanned the area around us, making sure we were alone, knowing we were about to cross a dangerous point in the game.
'I almost made it.'
'Not even close. I'll never let you escape. You're much too pretty to lose.'
She liked the compliment and I saw the side of her face curl up in a smile. My hands across her stomach were taking in the warmth and firmness of her young body.
'But I have to get away. You're a bad man. You're going to take my clothes.'
She was playing her part, but it was clear she was trying to lead me in a direction. Jessica wanted it more than I did, and was more courageous. I was still hesitating.
Deciding to tease her, I expressed my doubts. 'Maybe I won't.'
Her frown was immediate. Not wanting her to be disappointed, I quickly went on before she could speak. 'Or maybe I will.'
She relaxed again, giving me one more clear signal that I would never get another chance like this. Jessica truly wanted to be my victim in the silly rape game we had started.
There was a large boulder a short ways behind us, and I started to back up, bringing her with me. She didn't hesitate, eager to see what would happen.
When I got to the rock, I released her and started to sit down. 'Don't run again or I'll give you a spanking.'
'Oh my, you are a bad man.'
As I settled to the ground, I had to laugh, but as I looked up at Jessica, my laugh was cut short. She stood there, facing forward, her long legs angling upward to the roundness of her butt. She was waiting to see what I was going to do, and I made her stand there for a moment as I admired her.
Finally I reached up, and taking a hip in each hand, I pulled downward. For a second she didn't know what I wanted, and I'm sure she thought that I was trying to pull down her shorts. But then she caught on and bent her knees to lower herself to the ground. When she was in a squatting position, I pulled backwards and she fell the short distance until her butt hit the ground. It was awkward and she laughed, but she quickly hushed as she felt me sliding her backwards.
I pulled Jessica in between my legs, facing away. As I slid her back, her bound hands were at ground level and they made first contact, pressing in to my crotch. I truly hadn't considered this possibility, I was simply trying to lean her back between my legs, but the surprise was pleasant, and certainly not unwelcome.
I continued to pull her back until she was nestled against my chest, her hands now pressed firmly into my quickly swelling groin. She kept her hands limp and still, but her breathing quickened, making it evident she was well aware of the situation.
Wrapping my arms around her, I held her close and dropped my nose into her hair, taking in the wonderful fresh scent. It took a minute, but I felt her begin to relax against me and I savored the moment. She had planted the idea of removing her clothes, and had in fact allowed me to untie one of the straps on her shirt without any show of concern.
I had pressed my groin against her as we wrestled, and now I had her sitting with her hands forced into my crotch. In both cases she had to be aware of how my cock stiffened, especially now, yet she didn't complain. She rested at ease in my arms, my hands pressed firmly against her mid-section. There could be little doubt she was going to let me do what I was thinking of doing. And there was no longer any doubt whether I was going to do it.
Kissing the top of her head, I looked down along her body in wonder. She was a beautiful specimen of youth; her breast buds pushing forward, her abdomen hard and flat even in a sitting position. Her shorts were pressed up into her crotch, leaving her entire legs exposed to my gaze, and I looked at them longingly, eager to touch them soon.
As I continued to kiss her head, she sighed, and I felt the movement of her hands as they fumbled against the pressure I started applying with my groin. If I had any remaining doubt, it was a tell-tale sign, and I took another quick look around before making my decision.
Satisfied that we were alone and secluded, I brought my hand up to the remaining bow on her right shoulder. She tensed slightly as I took one of the loose ends between my fingers, but made no effort to stop me as I quickly pulled the strap and felt the knot come apart. Releasing the strap, I used my hand to clear the ends off her shoulder. As the front strap fell forward, I watched with delight. But as before, I was denied full exposure, the shirt clinging to her young chest, continuing to tease.
'OK?' It was a conspiratorial whisper.
'Un-hunh.' She whispered back, her head nodding up and down slowly. She was anticipating the next step as much as I was.
Taking another tack to prolong the excitement, I reached down to her bare mid-driff and ran my fingers across the warm exposed skin. Jessica sighed contentedly, her hands squirming in my crotch. Taking hold of her shirt on either side, I slowly lifted the lower hem, first exposing her belly button, and then patiently working to reveal her upper abdomen.
Taking care not to expose her too quickly, I had her shirt bunched across her lower chest, just below her teeny breasts. When I laid a hand flat against her now bare stomach, feeling the warmth and firmness of her body, she drew in a sharp breath in an involuntary reflex.
Her own hands were now moving steadily against my crotch, even though it was apparent she didn't know exactly what to do. My cock was rigid, and her hands were probing against the hardness, trying to figure things out, the contact delightful to my aching manhood. The thought of a twelve year old girl trying to fondle my cock was overwhelming.
Continuing the suspense, and testing Jessica's resolve, I dropped my hands to the top of her shorts, hooking a finger inside the elastic of her shorts and panties on either side. She offered no complaint, but I sensed her body tense again, and her hands froze in anticipation. Slowly I started working her shorts downward, taking my time, watching over her shoulder as each precious millimeter of skin was exposed.
She lifted up slightly, allowing the material to slide over her butt, erasing any doubts I may have had about her willingness. Just before I exposed her young pussy, I stopped. Her shorts were now very low on her hips, the bones exposed by several inches on either side, and I concluded she had no pubic hair or else it would be showing.
Slowly and gently, I trailed my fingers from her chest to her hips, feeling the deliciousness of this young nymph as she relaxed and once again melted against my body. When I caressed from hip bone to hip bone, across the top of her shorts, I was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath, causing me to repeat the process.
Jessica looked incredible, her narrow, girlish hips exposed, her hard abdomen drawn up in a knot of pleasurable tension, her legs extended straight out. Her hip bones held the top of her shorts away from her body when she took in a deep breath. If she were standing, I would be able to look straight down inside her pants.
Laying my left hand flat against her belly, at the top of her shorts, my right began a slow slide upward. This time, instead of stopping when it encountered her shirt, my hand slid under, touching her tiny breast for the first time. Jessica sighed and tilted her head to one side, her lips curled up in a smile, her eyes closed. Her breast was tiny, barely more than a bump, but I could feel where the flesh around it was starting to swell, and with a quick exploration it was easy to detect the outline of where her full-grown breast would be.
I moved from left to right, feeling both her buds, more turned on than I thought could be possible from touching almost non-existent breasts. I couldn't remember anything more sensual, more intoxicating, and I took my time, enjoying the feeling and memorizing every detail of Jessica's tender budding breasts. I wanted to remember this forever.
Her hands had become active again, groping carelessly, but more boldly, at my crotch. The lack of skill didn't matter; the simple fact that she was touching me was an incredible turn-on, and knowing it was her first time enhanced the feeling. She lolled her head from side-to-side as I caressed her breast buds, clearly enjoying being fondled.
Her hips started moving ever so slightly against my hand. When I slipped two fingers of my left hand into the top of her shorts and lightly touched the top of her pussy slit, she froze again. I held my hand there for a minute to tease her, then slid it down further, cupping her young pussy and confirming the lack of hair. She sighed contentedly, but it was I who was in heaven, one hand on the breasts, the other on the pussy, of this beautiful young girl.
I held her in this manner for a minute, enjoying the warmth of her body, excited beyond description, then pulled my hands away, urging her to her feet.
'Get up, hostage.'
She seemed confused, but struggled to her feet at my urging, and I knew she was wondering if for some unknown reason we were done. Her ass was half-exposed as she arose, and when she turned to face me, with her shorts and panties pulled down as low as they could possibly go without completely exposing her, and her top barely clinging to her tender breast buds, I knew we weren't finished.
'Are you ready to go home?.'
'No.' She seemed startled by the question and her answer was quick and emphatic.
'You like playing hostage?' With her clothes in disarray, her hands bound, and her willingness so obvious, I was having difficulty controlling my desires. But I knew the memories would be better if the game was played out with patience.
'Yes.' She bit her lower lip again, striking an image in her near nudity that pierced straight to my heart. Was it possible to fall in love with a twelve year old girl?
I paused for effect. 'Are you willing to do whatever I say?'
'Yes.' She saw that the game was to continue and didn't hesitate in her answer. The sparkle was back in her eyes.
I rose to my knees. 'Come here, then.'
She stepped up to me, not a foot away. The hem of her shirt had fallen back around her waist, but the garment had miraculously stayed in place over her breasts, pinned by her arms as they stretched behind her. I still had not seen the sweet tiny breasts that turned me on so much, and it was time to change that.
Taking hold of the two dangling straps, I pulled downward as I looked into Jessica's eyes. She held my gaze without blinking as I saw her breasts exposed in my peripheral vision, and then we both felt the shirt fall as it pulled free of her arms. If she had any reservations about me stripping her to the waist, it didn't show in her face.
Breaking eye contact, my gaze dropped to her breasts, which were at nearly perfect eye level. Her buds were teeny, barely more than aureoles raised an inch or so above her chest. The nipples remained flat, showing some signs of excitement but not yet mature enough to respond to stimuli like every other girl I had ever been with.
However, my eyes confirmed what my hands had detected; a slight swelling in her chest suggesting full fledged breasts were but a short time away. But that time could wait, because before me now was beauty like I had never imagined, and I knew what I had to do.
With a hand on either side, I urged her forward the remaining inches, and covered her left bud with my lips. It was barely more than a bump in my mouth, but it was divine and her moan spurred me on as I worked my tongue across the tender young flesh. Moving to her right breast, I devoured it with my mouth and earned another moan from her lips. Once again I marveled at how erotic I found her tiny breasts to be.
Mesmerized, I spent a great deal of time on her breasts, not wanting to let them out of my mouth. The tiniest, most immature breasts I had ever encountered turned me on more than all others I had ever touched. Jessica rocked slowly back and forth, cooing in contentment, as I made love to her tender young buds with my lips and tongue. When I finally paused, I found that she was watching me intently.
As I stared back into her beautiful brown eyes, I suddenly realized how long her hands had been bound.
'Want me to untie you?'
She looked at me like I was silly. When she spoke, her voice was soft. 'Not yet.'
'It doesn't hurt?'
'Not really. I kinda like it.' I wondered if she was telling the truth or simply afraid it would mean the game had ended if I untied her. She quickly dispelled my concern.
'I don't know how to say it. It's fun to be with you like know, helpless.'
She looked at ease, and I finally decided she really did like it. No doubt later I would dwell on how this pretty little twelve year old submissive with rape fantasies came to be, but for the moment I simply took advantage of the situation.
Pulling her shirt over her hips and past her shorts, I let it drop to her feet and she stepped out of it without my asking. One by one, I unbuckled the straps on her sandals and removed them from her feet. Then I hooked my fingers in her shorts and looked up into her face. She was watching me, with no apparent reservations whatsoever, her upper teeth clamped tightly on her lower lip. I slipped her shorts and panties off her hips and let them slide down her legs, then watched as she stepped out of them without a second thought. She was totally naked. My eyes eased their way back up her legs to her narrow hips and hairless pussy and stopped there as my breath caught in my throat.
I stood and eased back several feet to lean on the boulder. Jessica started to come towards me, but I quickly raised my hand.
'Stop. I want to look at you.'
She took a step back and stood still. What a sight she was. Her hair was now more of a mess, but it took nothing away from her absolute beauty. Her broad shoulders were stretched wide with her arms pinned behind her back, making her chest press outward invitingly.
Her pretty little pink buds rose up from her chest, still glistening from the wetness of my tongue. Her abdomen was absolutely flat, with a tight belly-button and a light tan line where her bikini stopped. Her hips were narrow and girlish, and with her standing cocked to one side, it was an inviting sight. Her pussy was beautifully formed and bare as the day she was born, the skin alabaster. She had well formed legs that were long and lean, with strong thighs.
It was an incredible image, with her bare feet on the dirt making her total nakedness even more apparent. I had noticed that girl's her age were often very thin, hardly more than skin stretched over bones. Or perhaps more commonly, they were plump. Not Jessica. She had a nearly perfectly proportioned, if slightly scaled down, shape of a woman. I stood there and stared for a long time, burning this image into my memory.
When I finally looked up at Jessica's eyes, I found she was staring as well. My thin nylon running shorts did little to conceal my erection, and her eyes were riveted on it. When I whipped off my shirt she broke her stare and looked up, and I motioned her towards me. Pressing her firmly against me, I delighted in the feel of her tender breasts against my bare chest as I kissed her forehead.
She hesitated when her naked crotch encountered my groin, but then pressed in as my hand covered her bare ass, causing my hard-on to push firmly into her. As my hands came up and began to loosen her bonds, I lowered my head and kissed her on the lips for the first time.
Jessica returned my kiss eagerly but sloppily, clearly new to kissing out of passion. I kissed her lips several times as I unwound the beads from her wrists, then as her hands came free, I saw her grimace from the stiffness of her joints. Holding her close, I rubbed her shoulders, and then worked my way down her arms to her wrists as she stretched her arms to get feeling back into them. Slowly she relaxed, and her arms wrapped around me, tentatively at first, and then with more confidence, her hands warm on my bare back.
She felt incredibly good against me, my hands stroking up and down the back of her naked body. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I knew it was from both my excitement, and fear at what I was doing. As I held her close, I looked all around, scanning for any sign of danger. Even though we were fairly secluded, we were far from being totally out of sight, but I could see nothing to suggest we were not alone.
Looking Jessica in the eye, I began to kiss her again, then gently offered her some instruction on how I liked to be kissed. After much trial and error, which in itself was fun, she got to be pretty good, if not great, at open mouth kissing. Her tongue in my mouth was overly eager, and I had to laugh at her enthusiasm.
Finally, and with great reluctance, I pushed her back from me, knowing the day was getting late, and looked her up and down. God she was beautiful with her angelic face, budding chest and bare pubes. She had no shame, letting me look her over with no hint of shyness.
'Even though I've freed you, are you still ready to do whatever I say?' My voice was low, the fear of being discovered with a naked twelve year old girl, too weak to be an adequate deterrent to my actions, nevertheless prevalent in my mind. I knew the answer to my question by now, but was still enjoying the game.
'Yes.' She sounded a little nervous as she tried to anticipate my thoughts.
'I want you to finish undressing me.' Even though my tented running shorts did little to conceal my intentions, I knew this was a big step. Being caught totally naked with a raging hard-on would make any future effort at denying that my behavior was inappropriate quite impossible.
Immediately she was biting her lower lip, not knowing just how sensual a gesture it was, nor how much I loved it. It was her natural reaction to nervous anticipation, and it was sexy as hell. Without a hint of hesitation, her hands reached for my shorts, but her face belied her anxiety. I smiled at her warmly as her fingers hooked into the elastic of my shorts, encouraging her on.
She was still looking me in the eye when she started moving my shorts down, but then her gaze dropped to watch what she was doing. In a pure reflex response, I searched the woods around us for any evidence of a spy, nervous myself, but knowing as I did so that I could not stop now. I had to do this.
Jessica let out an audible gasp when my hard cock sprang free, which I found remarkably satisfying. I'm above average in size, and my cock is thick and heavily veined when erect. To Jessica, I realized it must have seemed huge. She knelt down to remove my shorts and underwear, and as I stepped out of them her eyes never left my cock, mere inches away. As she stood back up, she stared in open amazement for a minute, and then glanced back up to my eyes.
'Go ahead,' I urged her.
She knew what I meant, but for the first time seemed reserved. My tone quickly softened.
'It's OK, if you want to. But it's OK if you don't. We can stop right now. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do.'
Even though my cock was throbbing, my chest thumping from the excitement of being exposed and hard in front of this naked twelve year old beauty, I meant every word. I suddenly felt a twinge of guilt for letting things progress this far. Before I could dwell on it, a look of determination came over Jessica. She wasn't going to let this chance get away.
'It's so big.' That was all she said as her hand came out. I smiled and started to answer, but when her fingers tentatively touched my cock, I lost my voice. She slid her finger tips up and down the length, tracing the veins, then finally she wrapped her hand around it and squeezed. My knees nearly buckled. She looked up at me with a glimmer in her eye, the nervousness slipping away.
'It pulses. And it's hot!'
Her excitement made her loud, and even though the danger registered in my mind, I couldn't react to it. Instead I remained quiet, not trusting my voice, my last breath caught in my throat. All I could do was smile in response.
Jessica continued to explore, getting her other hand involved. I took a half-step back and leaned against the rock, reveling in the feeling of inexperienced but eager twelve year old hands exploring my manhood. I could have easily had an orgasm right then and there, I was that excited, and it took deep concentration to keep it from happening.
She played with my hard cock for a few minutes, and then started asking questions. In low voices we talked as I explained to her what to do and what feels good to a guy. An eager pupil, in short order Jessica was cupping my balls with one hand as she jerked me off with the other, her skill and the quality of her touch growing by the minute. It was a heady experience having a beautiful, naked young girl use my hard cock to learn about men for the very first time. I was in heaven and could have let this go on forever, but it was time to take the next step.
'Kneel down Jessica, right there at my feet.'
She did as I instructed like the good submissive girl she clearly was, then looked up to me, her hands never leaving my throbbing cock. Leaning on the rock for support, I bent my knees slightly to get my cock even with her face.
'Kiss it Jessica.'
She looked at me puzzled for only a moment, then looked at my cock, her bottom lip pinched under her upper teeth. Then she simply leaned forward and kissed the head.
'That's it. Now do it all over.'
Doing as instructed, she started kissing my cock all over. She kissed the head, the sides, the top, and lifting it at my urging, she kissed the ever sensitive underside. Her eagerness increased as she sensed my pleasure, and I knew she was ready.
'Good. Oh so good. Now I want you to take it in your mouth.'
I watched as she opened wide without blinking and pushed my cock between her lips. My big cock head barely fit in her small mouth, and the sight of her eagerly working it in was overwhelming. When her lips closed around me, and I felt her tongue glide across my sensitive glans for the first time, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. With my cock firmly in her mouth, Jessica looked up at me with those innocent brown eyes, seeking approval.
'Oh my God, Jessica. That's incredible. Oh my God.'
It came from the heart, and was all she needed, her eyes shining with joy. It was an intensely erotic image, and I hoped never to forget it.
The eagerness and innocence of this pretty young girl combined with the knowledge that she was sucking a cock, my cock, for the first time in her life quite nearly overwhelmed me, and once again I felt my orgasm rise up much, much quicker than I was accustomed. However, to be frank, things didn't go real well at first, which thankfully brought me back to Earth. Still, it took nothing away from the absolute beauty of the moment.
With some careful coaching from me, and some simple experimentation by Jessica, she quickly learned to keep her teeth out of the way and to take as much of my cock as she could handle without gagging herself. She could only accept about a third of my cock in her mouth, but it was an incredible experience to have this lovely little nymph, so young and so sweet, and so very naked, kneeling before me and enthusiastically learning to suck my cock. She had one hand wrapped around the base of my manhood, and the other cupping my balls, and as she sucked on my cock head she kept looking up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes, stealing my heart every time our eyes met.
Resisting the urge to grab her head and guide my cock in and out of her mouth, I let Jessica go at her own pace. Yet despite her inexperience, and my choice of a passive role, it wasn't long before she once again had me close to coming. Unable to control myself this time, it was only a matter of moments before I was going to release in Jessica's mouth, and I decided to stop her, not knowing how she would handle the surprise, and definitely knowing there were other things I wanted to do. When I pushed her back and slipped my glistening cock head from between her lips, she actually moaned in frustration.
Dropping to my knees, I kissed her frustration away as she continued holding my cock in her hands. My own musky scent on this young girl's breath was like an aphrodisiac, and I pulled her hands from my cock lest I have an accident. Then without a word, I used our clothes to make a mat on the leaf and moss covered ground. When I pressed on Jessica's shoulders, she took the hint and lay back on the improvised bedding, her lower lip firmly clamped down by her teeth, an anxious but eager look on her face.
The sight of her lying there, waiting nervously, was as sensual an image as I had ever seen, freezing me in my place. Her blonde braids were spread out on either side of her head, loose strands extending in all directions and framing her angelic face. The skin of her face was flawless, stretched with anxiety. She wasn't afraid, just waiting to see what happened next. Her broad shoulders visibly relaxed as she lay before me and I casually stroked my own member, an action which drew her undivided attention.
Her beautiful breast buds rose and fell with every breath, and her stomach was flat and trim. The narrow hips led down to firm thighs and long legs. The right knee was bent so that her leg was slightly cocked to her right. The immodest position of her legs allowed me to see all of her beautiful young pussy, and I wondered if it was chance. Though young, she instinctively knew she had something to offer, and that she was special.
Finally I moved beside her, and then straddled her, one knee on either side of her hips, my hard cock rubbing against her belly. Now nerves had obviously set in as she tensed, and I tried to ease her mind.
'It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you.' My comment was accented with a gentle kiss.
Jessica gave me a weak smile, her face inches from my own. Her voice was soft when she spoke, almost a whisper. 'I know. You're just big.'
I realized what she was thinking. 'Don't worry.' I gave her my best smile in reply. 'What I plan to do to you won't hurt a bit. You're going to love it.'
She smiled back, but I could tell she had no idea what I was suggesting. It occurred to me that I had not looked around for quite a while, and was now nude, hard and straddling a prone under-age girl who was also quite naked. I fought down the urge to scan the area, afraid that doing so would only serve to increase Jessica's anxiety.
Without further explanation, I kissed Jessica softly, and was pleased when her tongue pressed eagerly into my mouth. This girl with the angel face and perfect teeth was absolutely delicious, and we kissed for a long time, me kneeling over her tender young body in the woods, our heavy breathing mixing with the sounds of the birds and the small creek.
Finally I left her lips and let my mouth begin its journey south. With great care, I kissed and nipped at her ears and her neck, careful not to leave marks. My tongue explored her shoulders and upper arms, savoring every square millimeter as I slowly returned to the beautiful breast buds that turned me on so much. As I gently nipped at her breasts, she lifted up to meet my lips, letting out a gentle sigh with every contact.
She really liked it when I sucked her small breast into my mouth and pulled, stretching her little bud away from her body. Over and over I repeated this process on both breasts, and each time she would lift with the pressure, and then fall back with a thud and a groan when her breast finally slipped from my wet lips.
I thought about using my teeth and decided against it, knowing full well she was a candidate to love such attention later in life. One day it might even be me biting this submissive girl's nipples, but for now, tenderness was the order of the day.
I lingered over her teeny breasts for a long time, and could easily have continued, but I was suddenly feeling the pressure of time. How long until someone looked for her? How long could we stay naked in the woods without being detected? The stark reality of what I was doing hit me again, and I knew with my head lowered to her breasts, my ears focused on her responses, my bare ass high in the air, someone could be walking up and I'd never know it.
It was a short-lived concern as I licked my way across her abdomen, losing myself once again in what was truly a magical experience. Jessica had figured out by now what I planned to do and was squirming beneath me, her breath coming in short gasps. How could I ever be expected to resist this? At each inhale, her rib cage was outlined and I carefully traced each nook and cranny with my tongue. Then I pushed my tongue into her belly button, causing her to giggle and draw up in a ticklish response. It was cute, but I wanted her to relax, so I quickly moved on.
Exploring her pointed hip bones with my mouth, I devoured her mid-section, and then bypassed her pussy to nuzzle and lick on her thighs. My cock was now nestled between her ankles, and she held her feet together to feel it. When I slid farther down to free her leg and lift it in my hands so I could kiss her ankles and toes, she offered no resistance even though it left her naked pussy spread and exposed. As I licked her dainty feet, I drank in the view, finding it intoxicating.
Even though I was aware of child pornography, I didn't care for it and I had truly never thought of an under-age girl as a sexual object. But this pretty girl, lying naked and unashamed before me, her lower lip pinched in her teeth and her young pussy spread and exposed, eagerly awaiting the next experience, possessed a sensuality I had never witnessed before. She turned me on more than anything else I had ever known.
When I finished with her leg, I let it back down with her foot wide and her knee bent, the knee pointing straight up. Then I repeated my oral worship on her other leg, finally leaving it in the same position, her thighs well spread, a heavenly feast before me.
I noticed Jessica's hands were gripping our make-shift mat as she watched me kiss from her knee down the inside of her left thigh. I moved slowly, wondering if she was even breathing, she was so still. When my face reached the top of her leg, I skipped over to the top of her pussy, just above her slit. She let out a long breath with a sigh as my lips touched her most private area, confirming she was literally holding her breath.
I had once been with a girl who shaved her pussy, but this was different. Where my previous girlfriend inevitably had some stubble, even immediately following a shave, Jessica was totally smooth. In reality, Jessica had some very fine blonde hairs gathered on top of her mons, but they were nearly invisible, and offered little resistance to my tongue. It was an incredible experience, orally exploring an area that would one day be covered with hair, but for the moment was baby smooth. I was vaguely aware that Jessica's naturally bare pubes served as a stark indicator of the immorality of my actions, but my desire easily suppressed any guilt I may have felt.
Responding to that desire, my mouth explored Jessica with relish. My tongue made repeated trails over her mons, dipping down into the crevices where her pussy and thighs came together. Occasionally I trailed my tongue across her slit, but mostly I teased, reveling in the joy of being the first to show this young girl pleasure. My efforts were rewarded by near constant movement as Jessica squirmed beneath me, joyful sighs escaping from her lips. Again I idly wondered of the possibility of falling in love with a twelve year old girl.
Unable to wait any longer, and certain Jessica felt the same way, I covered her pussy with my mouth. She jerked upward in response, then settled back to the ground as I smothered her entire sex with my wide open mouth. When my tongue began to probe, she squirmed in delight, and I was pleased to note some dampness between her lips. I really had no idea if a girl this age responded to arousal the same way a mature girl would, but it seemed that was the case.
Jessica's pussy was unlike any I had ever known. A lover of oral sex, I was used to burying my tongue between the folds of a girl's pussy, seeking out her clit as her labia swelled and extended. But Jessica's pussy was tight and compact, still sealed off by her hymen, her clitoris distinguishable only as a small bump.
The dampness was back between her legs, and I lapped at it with abandon, enjoying the sweet taste of her virgin pussy. It was unique and exciting, and I couldn't get enough of it. As Jessica moaned and moved under me, I had little doubt she was developing a love for the pleasures of oral sex as well.
My hands slipped around either side of her and gripped her narrow hip bones, easily lifting her small body to meet my lips. As I raised her higher, her legs floundered around as she searched for a surface, and with my assistance her feet finally settled on my upper arms, leaving her knees high and wide and her pussy more exposed than ever.
I fell back on my haunches as I drew her to me, lifting her girlish hips to my tongue until I was looking straight down her body past her tender breasts and into her face, her chin pressed in to her chest due to the awkward angle. Her eyes were closed, but they fluttered open briefly and met mine. She smiled before her eyes slid closed again with a murmur, offering no complaint about the position I held her in as I devoured her little pussy.
If someone walked up, it would be a hell of a sight. Here I was a grown man, naked with a raging hard-on, holding an equally nude under-age girl nearly upside-down as I sucked on her pussy. At the moment I didn't care, and as the thought crossed my mind, I didn't even attempt to look around, scared that doing so might take away from the moment.
With Jessica so exposed to my tongue, I started making trails from the top of her pussy all the way back, getting closer and closer to her ass, wanting to taste every inch of her. When she only moaned in pleasure, I ventured further on each stroke until my tongue touched her anus.
She jumped like I had shocked her, but her eyes remained closed and she settled right back into a contented moan. On each subsequent pass, I raked my tongue across her asshole, and was rewarded by her clear anticipation. I gradually settled into openly licking her anus, trying hard to probe her with my tongue. She had a very sensitive ass, and twisted wildly in my arms as I licked her asshole, my nose buried in her pussy.
I knew then and there that every time I saw Jessica in the future, in the park, riding her bike, or at the store with her parents, I would remember that I had once buried my tongue in her tender pink asshole.
I was enthralled with this feast of virgin pussy and ass, but it became apparent that the awkward position was becoming uncomfortable even to her young and pliant body. So without moving my mouth from her pussy, I slowly eased her back down onto the ground so that I was between her legs once again. Her hands immediately came up to my head, pressing me into her pussy, an involuntary response that would serve her well in future years.
I really wasn't sure if an immature girl could orgasm, so I was pleasantly surprised when I felt a familiar rhythm and urgency in her actions. It built slowly as I literally sucked her entire pussy into my mouth, my tongue rubbing into her opening. She was so smooth and fresh, I wanted to eat her forever as I listened to her heavy breathing and low moans. But I knew it had to end, and as she built towards what I hoped to be an eminent orgasm, I prayed that it would happen so I could show her as much pleasure as she was bringing me.
Her breath now coming in short gasps, her hands pressing my head into her crotch, I watched up the length of her body in amazement as Jessica started to curl forward, the muscles of her abdomen drawn visibly tight, her tiny breasts pushing forward. Her head was fully off the ground and hers eyes were pressed tightly closed as she ground her hips against the suction of my mouth and the probing of my tongue. Suddenly she went rigid and I had my answer. She could come, and it was a visibly intense experience as she jerked into my face, her body heaving as she made little chirping noises with her mouth.
The cops could come and take me away right now and it wouldn't matter. This young girl's powerful first orgasm was the most incredible and beautiful experience of my life, worth any risk, worth any consequence.
Jessica reached a crescendo after what must have been a couple of minutes of raw orgasmic power, then suddenly fell back onto the ground with the loud guttural groan of a much older woman, her arms splayed carelessly to either side. She was gulping in air now, and seemed to be trying to slip away from my tongue, which continued to lick at her pussy.
Respecting her sensitivity, I started gently kissing all around her pussy as she untangled her legs from my arms and stretched out her contorted body. As I kissed her smooth mons, I watched her breast buds heave up and down as she slowly rolled her head from side to side.
I had been with multi-orgasmic women on many occasions, but I had never seen anyone simply ride the wave of intensity that was the moment of orgasm for as long as Jessica had just done. It made me think back to my own youth, when I first learned to jerk off, and found I could fire round after round of sperm into the air, a feat I could no longer match.
As she finally settled down, I gently kissed her pussy one more time, then with great reluctance lifted myself up over her body, straddling her once again as I gazed into her face. Her hair was a total mess now, but it took nothing away from her beauty. Her eyes opened and she smiled. 'Ohhhh.'
'Oh is right. Told you I wouldn't hurt you.' I smiled and she smiled back, but for her it was a smile of pleasant exhaustion.
Moving to her side, I nudged her gently. 'Let's trade places.'
Jessica moved slowly at first, rising to her knees as I slid under her, settling on my back on the mat of clothes. Taking her hips in my hands, I guided her over me, settling her pussy on my hard cock, which lay flat against my belly. Wrapping my arms around her small frame, I pulled her to me, enjoying the feel of her body settling against my chest. I sought out her lips and we kissed as I held her tightly against me, once again more aware of her small breasts than I expected to be, and delighted with the sensation.
After a minute, I lifted Jessica to look into her eyes. Her face was blissful with no sign of reservations following her 'big event'. Placing my hands on her hips, I began to gently slide her back and forth against my cock. She picked up on the idea and took over, planting her hands on my shoulders as she started to work herself along my length. Her pussy was wet from my mouth, and slipped easily across my cock, the feeling indescribable.
It was my turn to moan in pleasure, and she giggled. 'You like that.'
It was a statement, not a question, and I smiled my acknowledgement, which spurred her on. She was rubbing herself forcefully against my swollen manhood as my hands slid up and down her body, alternating from her back to her small breasts. But then she surprised me by sliding forward, reaching behind to grab my cock and guiding the swollen head to her opening.
My eyes popped wide open. For a second I hesitated, almost succumbing to the moment. It would be so easy to hold her slender hips and push my way into her. She had signaled her willingness, and the desire to do so was overwhelming. However, I regained my senses and grabbed her hips to instead stop her actions.
She looked puzzled. 'I know what we're supposed to do.'
My heart pounded as I realized I may now hurt her feelings. As tenderly as I could, I replied, 'I know you do. But let's save that for later. There's so much fun we can have together, there's no need to hurry.'
As odd as it may seem that I would suddenly be facing a moral crisis, after my actions all afternoon, I did not want to be responsible for taking her cherry at twelve years old.
'But I don't want to disappoint you.' She seemed genuinely concerned, and I had to wonder about the source of her knowledge. What made her think expectations would be so high?
'You're not capable of doing that.' I placed my hands on her hips, guiding her back in position to grind against me again. 'This is what I want. This is fun.'
She hesitated only a moment, and then smiled and went back to rubbing her pussy against my hard cock. My hands stayed on her hips, and with her back arched, her breast buds were presented in such a way that I had to lift my head and kiss them briefly before settling back down to the ground. My eyes settled on her chest, drinking in the small objects of desire as she worked herself against me in a steady rhythm.
The sight of her tender little breasts, combined with the friction of her eager young pussy against my swollen cock, was working its magic and I knew I was getting close. Jessica noted the change in my breathing and fixed her eyes on me, aware that something was happening. I lifted my eyes to hers and smiled, then tossed my head back in a moan as I reached orgasm.
The tension in my cock was intense, and suddenly I exploded, firing the first shot of come up across my chest. The spasms that followed covered my belly in come as I groaned and panted in pleasure, my head back and my eyes tightly closed. Coming with this beautiful little girl straddled naked over my cock was an intense experience, and it was several minutes before I felt my body began to release the built up tension.
When my eyes opened, Jessica was sitting on my cock and looking down at the mess I had made in amazement. Still breathless, I started to explain, but she cut me off.
'I know what it is, but... uh.... wow!'
Wow was correct. I lifted my head and looked at her little pussy spread over my softening cock, and the mess that resulted, and sighed deeply with pleasure at the sight. I lay back and closed my eyes, feeling my body sink into the matting as relaxation finally came. When I felt her finger dip into the come on my belly, I opened my eyes again.
'It's slippery.' She was giggling, and I had to laugh with her.
We held our positions for a few more minutes, this pretty young girl sitting casually across my naked body, but then my sensibilities began to return and I knew we needed to get up.
'We need to think about getting dressed.'
'I know.' She sighed and looked right at me. 'Will we do this again?'
I knew the correct answer was no. If nothing bad came from this occasion, then the obvious thing to do was to cherish the experience, but not take any further chances.
'I'm sure we will.'
'Mean it?'
I knew I would never let her down. And I knew I wanted more. 'Yeah, I mean it.'
Jessica got up and stood over me, creating a sight that got my groin stirring again. I was looking straight up her body, her legs spread wide, and it was a heavenly view. She stepped aside and let me up.
It was actually fun to watch her dress, her tender body being covered once again piece by piece. When she was done, I felt a sense of profound disappointment.
For myself, I had no choice but to use my underwear to clean up my mess. Jessica laughed at me as I put on my running shorts with no underwear, my cock flopping under the nylon. The shorts had a hip pocket, and I stuffed my underwear in. The small pocket over-flowed, and I was glad my shirt tail was long enough to cover it.
As we walked out hand-in-hand, she asked a lot of questions. Setting the stage for any follow-up encounter, I made a point to tell her most girls liked the taste of come and wanted it to be part of blow-jobs. This seemed to fascinate her. As we neared the edge of the woods, I turned to more serious topics.
'Jessica, you know you can't tell anyone. Even though we both wanted to do it, and it was fun, I could go to jail for what we just did. And your parents would probably kill me.'
She took on an evil smile. 'If I agree not to tell, will you come play in the woods again some time?'
'I know. It's our secret.'
I smiled and we started walking again.
'But we can play again?'
Back where the trees were thinning out, I stopped and took her in my arms. Bending my head down, we kissed tenderly as we rubbed our bodies together. It was so easy to re-ignite the passion, and out of necessity I pulled away.
'Let me walk out into the clearing first, to see if anyone is around. We shouldn't be seen coming out together after being gone so long.'
Seeing no one nearby, just a few kids and a couple of adults in the play area by the parking lot, I returned and motioned to Jessica. I was acutely aware of my unfettered cock bouncing around inside my loose shorts, and as we headed across the park, I fully expected her angry parents, or a platoon of police officers, to come running up. But no one seemed to notice us.
At the edge of the neighborhood we paused.
'See you.'
She looked at me wistfully as I admired her beauty, her young body pressing against her tight clothes. Knowing now what was under there, I was filled with desire.
In a soft voice, I said, 'You're very special to me. Now go before we attract attention.'
She started to speak, then turned and walked towards her house, her long brown legs glistening in the sunlight.
Philip Spencer
old perv
Arnold Flinch
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