Ride to Hell's Gate: A Rape Moon

[ Mmb, hist, rom, cons, nc, rape, dru, spank, bd ]

by Woton


Published: 22-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The difference of day and night is the most extreme in the badlands. By day it is a burning fireball in the sky with not one cloud while below it is cracked scorched earth and water a dream. At night it cools with haunting far off sounds and what little light from a watching in the sky moon. Sometimes the moon gives off bright showing the way to lost souls light or it hides all light letting darkness claim the lost. Tonight alone in the night sky it enjoyed shows of male lust.


While not talked about in polite society, but all people have needs. So it was no shock what the war band of adult and teenage male Indians gone from the females of their tribe for weeks showing the young son of their chief how to be a man so one day he could take his father's place were doing to three captured white boys.

Running Bull, the leader of the band, had grabbed the rare fire hair white boy. The boy was face down on a buffalo skin nude but bound. Since he had no women, he hoped for a virgin ass, but not with this fire hair. The fire hair showed much knowledge of the male parts.

The boy's rear clamped onto Running Bull. The boy worked his ass as it was fucked adding to Running Bull's fun. The boy rubbed his small hard dick against the hide as two of Running Bull's friends enjoyed the boy's mouth. The hungry little fish tried with all his might to take both large worms in his mouth at once, but had to settle for the two cocks switching on and off being crammed down the small boy's throat.

The event ended poor for the fire hair boy. All three Indians stopped after each had filled the boy's mouth and ass with at least one load of cum in each opening. He was left still bound on the cum stained hide with an ass leaking cum and dried cum all over his freckled face.

"Dum od injuns.", Sean rolled over on to his side to see his still hard as steel little dick. "Manrs not gets up from the table till alls done."


Diego was scared as the Indian lead him into the tepee by the guide rope tied to his bound hands. Before coming to this place, Diego had seen Indians near his family old estate, but they wore clothes and this one and the others just had on skins. Diego was glad he was in pants, his new friend had given him. it had had been a long time with out, and he hoped he would get to keep them.

His dead papa wanted to make his own fortune, so papa took him and mamma to the badlands for the fast cash. All that happened was papa losing mamma and all his money. After mamma was gone papa became strange. He got rid of all Diego's clothes. He gave Diego a girl's dress to wear all the time. Papa treated him like a little girl and called him, his little girl. Diego objected at first but the butt red spankings soon made him go along with it. Diego even let his papa grab and fuck his ass. Diego even gagged down his papa's cock. It ended when a stranger killed papa. After the stranger fucked Diego hard and left, Diego made his new friends. Ben, who gave Diego his first pair of pants in long time, was after the stranger for killing his father, a town sheriff, and Sean, a boy looking for adventure. The three headed off together to find the stranger, and were now Indian prisoners.

The Indian pulled out a large hunting knife and came at Diego, the boy closed his eyes in terror. Diego did not feel the blade. He opened his eyes and found his ropes cut and the Indian sitting down waiving Diego over to him. Scared Diego sat next to him.

The Indian stroked Diego's hair and then his face. The Indian then kissed him on the lips and kissing worked his way down to Diego's chest. The Indian sucked on Diego's nipples as a baby does his mother's breasts. Diego was feeling funny. The Indian had now worked down Diego's boy chest and was at his pants. The Indian looked up at Diego, and Diego nodded. The Indian pulled off Diego's pants and the boy's dick swelled.

The Indian started slowly gently sucking each of the boy's ball individually. He's tongue flicked the head of Diego's dick. The Indian's tongue worked the underside of the boy's dick from the base to the top of the tip. Then the Indian swallowed all of Diego's boyhood. Diego squirmed as the warm wet mouth stole what little boy seed he could make and had.

Weak but feeling good, Diego rolled on to his stomach. The Indian opened Diego's butt, and his tongue teased Diego's opening. To Diego it was like a slippery animal had crawled all the way up inside him and was having a party. Diego then received a new feeling. The Indian's cock head rubbed the opening of Diego's ass hole. The Indian slowly worked his cock into Diego, and he moaned as the Indian rode his little white boy. After taking his lover's seed, Diego fell asleep in the Indian's strong arms.


Ben had been brought into a tepee and was freed from his ropes. The second he was alone, he searched for a way to escape but found his prison to be well guarded. Then things changed. A group of Indians in strange outfits burst in chanting and dancing. After surrounding Ben, the Indians stopped and a small Indian boy then entered, Ben thought he should still be in diapers. The little Indian boy's face was painted up and he only wore a skin thong tied together on his back waist just above the split of his copper round ass.

The Indian boy was tied to a wooden x with his ass facing Ben. Another Indian stepped up and undid the knot holding the boy's small thong together and it fell to the ground leaving the Indian boy bound and nude.

"This is Little Feather. Son of great chief Iron Horse. He has never known defeat, and will not be a man till he does. Since we can not beat Little Feather. You will white child."

Ben was confused and was going to tell the Indians no matter what, he would not beat a little baby, when an Indian blew some kind of powder into his face. The tepee started spinning and Ben was burning up from heat. He found some relief as the Indians removed his clothes from his body, he could not control anymore.

Holding the nude Ben up, the Indians oiled Ben all over. Fingers explored every inch of Ben's young body. Many fingers filled Ben's asshole, rubbed his balls, and stroked his dick till it was hard and starting to drip boy juice.

Ben was carried to the tied up Little Feather. Hands put the head of Ben's dick at Little Feather's asshole opening. Ben felt people forcing him forward, Little Eagle screaming out, and something unbelievable to tight, soft, and warm locking down on boy dick. Ben was numb as Little Feather pushed his tiny boy ass up and down on Ben's dick. It was a magic cum shooting as Ben's dick betrayed him and on its own kept blasting boy cum till his balls shrunk up inside him and his dick deflated and fell out of Little Feather.

The group of Indians let go of Ben, and he fell to the ground like a rag doll. Before passing out, Ben saw Little Feather still bounded with a wider open asshole and cum dripping from the expanded hole.

The Killer

After slipping some bills to a stage hand the cold blooded killer went back stage. He liked the site. A little sissy boy taken fresh of a stage coach was there. His name was Clovis with golden curls, bright green emerald eyes, rosy cheeks, and skin pure white, never a day in the harsh sun. He had been put on stage in his sailor suit to sing like only very young boy can, and all he could do was piss all over himself.

Clovis was hung up nude by his wrists to a rafter beam. His clothes were trying to be cleaned as Clovis feet dangled in the air. A rag was stuffed in Clovis mouth, so his screams would not disrupt the show still going on. The stage hand left the killer with Clovis and a wide range of spanking devices. On the table for the already crying Clovis to see was a cane, bullwhip, riding crop, different thickness paddles, and more, all that would be used on him.

After all of Clovis' pure white skin was now scarlet red and tender to the touch, the killer dropped his pants showing his monster cock. Clovis was muffled screaming, soar, and thrashing in the air.

"Let it all out boy. I love hot cross buns."

The killer left Clovis hanging broke like his no longer virgin or tight ass.


Ben, Diego, and Sean were released and let on their way. It started to rain a good sign that Little Feather had passed his test. Diego rubbed the necklace given to him by his Indian lover, and Sean checked on the buffalo hide he helped himself to because he could not even get a good bye fuck, but loved the feeling of animal skin loin cloth given to him to wear rubbing against his dick and fresh air on his exposed butt.

All of the badlands needed water, but when it fell from the sky it was a hazard. The town's barren dirt streets were now a river of mud. When he could the killer tried to avoid it by jumping from building to building till he reached the hotel. He checked in and went to his room to wait on water for a bath.

A knock on the door and a boy's voice said it was the water for the bath. A teenager with a bucket of water entered. The teen dropped the bucket and hit the floor. A man with a drawn gun rushed in and Blam! The killer's already out and cocked .45 drove a bullet in to the man killing him. One more town sheriff was dead.

The killer stood over the frightened teen boy and cocked his revolver.

"Well no bath. Your call. Out of those clothes and give me a good time, or join your sheriff."

Carson was about two years shy of manhood, and planned the fist person to use his fresh with hair dick to be a girl or woman. Still it beat a lead bullet. Carson started pulling on his boot as the killer un-cocked his gun.

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Hey Dude,

Glad you came back to this story. It's been one of my favorites of yours. Hoping there are more chapters cumming.

Thanks again!

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