The Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club, Part 4

[ ff, FffmM, con teen, bd, spank ]

by worsel

worsel-of-velantia at

Published: 3-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This is FICTION. If you don't like it don't read it.

After a few weeks I received the following email:

Miserable Worm,[that was her pet name for me]

Your girls are interested in a new boy at school and want to recruit him into the club. They have led him to believe your family are nudists and practice nominal corporal punishment. You are to lead him on, and, while being sure to obtain humiliating video blackmail worthy material, determine if he is

1. fun to play with,
2. willing to play in return, and,
3. trustworthy.

Of course, the club is not to be mentioned to him until all three points are established.

Miss Troboper

It was true that, after the family conference that followed my punishment for not communicating with my girls, and it was clear that they were in charge of me sexually, we mostly didn’t bother with clothes around the house. Yet I was at a loss for how to get a boy who was new to the area to come to my home, get naked, and do kinky stuff. My girls, however, did have a plan.

The next Saturday morning the doorbell rang, and, since the girls hadn't run like little elephants to get there before me, I answered it - fully clothed, of course. A boy stood at the door stark naked. I looked him up and down. He was about 5'4" tall (1.62559 meters or 1/135th of a cable), so not fully grown, slim but athletic looking, with a good patch of pubic hair behind his slender erect penis. I judged he was around thirteen or fourteen. He blushed bright red, but stood his ground and said, "Hi, I'm Jason. Sara asked me over to go swimming."

"Hi Jason, I'm Ken Delgon, Sara's Dad," I replied laconically, extending my hand nonchalantly. "Let me guess. Sara told you we all run around naked, and to be like this when she answered the door for you?"

"Yeah," he replied, diffidently shaking my offered hand. "I guess she's playing a big joke on me? Maybe I should just, um, ..."

Yet he still stood his ground, and maintained eye contact.

"Well," I said, "I guess she is trying to get your goat," whatever that means, "but it is true we often go nude around here, so if you're comfortable, come on in. Where are your clothes, anyway?"

"By my bike," he replied, gesturing with his head over his right shoulder.

"Well, get them, then come in. I'll show you where to put them, then I'll show you the way to Sara's room."

We had a locker room with shower by the back door that led to the pool. "Just put your clothes in any empty locker, then go up those stairs back there. "Sara's room is the first one."

He chose one of the first lockers by the door - there's only eight altogether, and pushed in his clothes and shoes. The lights on the auto-combinotrerix flashed, then it locked with a clank. The boy tried to open the locker door, "Um, Mr. Delgon?" he inquired, "it's locked itself, but there's no key."

"Did you notice the flashing lights? You just have to remember the pattern to the combination, then enter that when you're ready to leave."

"No, I didn't know that," he replied.

"Well, no problem", I said, "I have the master key in my office upstairs. We can get your stuff out when it's time for you to go home."

So, naked, and with his clothes locked up, he made his way up the stairs to my daughters' room. His little stiffy was still sticking out in front. Until very recently I had thought I was as straight as a man could be, but I admired his narrow hairless butt walking up the stairs. I wouldn't mind that, either way, I thought.

Also, too, until very recently, I had thought that both my daughters were as innocent and virginal as a girl coulld be. I was still a little confused by that.

Jason didn't need to knock at Sara's door since it was standing open. He walked right up to it, and seeing a young girl with long straight blonde hair, he inquired "Um, hi, is Sara here?"

The girl, looking him up and down, replied, "Like hi, I'm Abby. You must be Sara's friend Jason, right?"

He nodded affirmatively, both surprised and relieved that she didn't say anything about his nudity, even though she was grinning, and was obviously looking at his genitals. He did note that she was wearing a conservative one-piece blue swimsuit. His eyes were of course drawn to her small titties and tightly ensconsed crotch. "We're going out to the pool," she announced. "Come along," she said, turning her back and showing him a tightly covered butt.

Sara emerged from the door to a bathroom beyond. "Hi Jason," she said, darting forward to give him a little kiss on the cheek, then saying softly into his ear, "Come on, we're going to the pool like Abby said. Don't worry, it'll be like I told you, just be patient." His eyes nearly burst out of his head, figuratively speaking, when she reached down to his balls and drew her fingernails slowly upwards all the way to the tip of his penis.

Even though she was also wearing a simple one-piece blue swimsuit, he couldn't help noticing that Sara's boobs were bigger, and her butt was rounder than her sister's, as he followed them back to the locker room where he had lost his clothes. "Wait a moment," declared Abby as they were about to exit the locker room to the outdoor pool area. "You didn't take a shower?" she accused, turning to stop in front of Jason.

"Um, I took one this morning," he replied feebly, taken aback because the twelve year old girl had planted herself in the doorway, and was standing in his path with her hand on his chest, her tummy thrust out, touching him in every place that a girl's thrust out tummy would touch a naked boy.

"That's not good enough," she replied, grabbing his left hand, pulling him back into the locker room.

"That's right," echoed her sister. "Come along," Sara said pulling on his right hand. He had no intention of resisting, even after they pulled him up to a shower head. It was when they simultaneously snapped his wrists into steel handcuffs over his head that he feebly said "Hey, what?..."

Sara shushed him, whispering in his ear, "S'alright, we're just gonna wash you. Relax," she said, cupping his balls. "But you are going to be punished later on, for trying to skip taking a shower," she whispered, gently biting his ear and rubbing her swimsuit against his torso.

"But," he began to remonstrate, "I..".

"Shush," Sara said, squeezing his balls a little more firmly, "no talking."

He said no more.

One of the girls turned on the water, then darted back. Jason shrieked as the cold water hit him and he tried to escape the flow from the overhead shower, but couldn't, due to the cuffs on his wrists. He stopped trying to dodge the flow as it grew warmer and the girls joined him. At first they just rubbed themselves against him, blue swim suited girl bodies against naked boy. After a while Abby turned off the water and started rubbing a big bar of bath soap all over Jason's back while Sara rubbed soap over the boy's chest, tummy, and...

Decency requires that I skip over the part that comes next, as my twelve year old daughter slowly but insolently moved her little hands down the boys' back to his slender, but so enticing butt, and introduced her hand into his crack, and a finger into his anus. Decency requires that I not relate that my older daughter stopped laving the boy's chest and tummy and gave her attention to his cock. With one girl stroking a finger, then two, in and out of his asshole, where he could remember nothing larger than a thermometer ever going before, and the other slowly stroking his penis up and down, then squeezing it tightly, then rubbing her thumb over his cockhead, liberally oozing precum, he ejaculated massively, squeezing this eyes shut, tossing his head back, grunting, gasping, squirting his semen onto the girl who was handling his penis.

Sara looked down with satisfaction at the semen that squirted onto her hand. She gave it a lick, then, gave a little shriek. "Abby," she cried, "he's gotten this disgusting stuff all over my swimsuit", gesturing at the white snot-like stuff on her blue swimsuit covered abdomen. "I guess I'll have to take it off." She peeled off her suit, tossing it in the direction of the laundry basket in the corner. She proudly exposed herself to Jason's eyes, showing off her erect nipples and shaved pussy, pirouetting to show her shapely ass.

"Oh, I guess I'll have to do the same," replied her younger sister, pulling off her swimsuit and throwing it aside. She too showed off in front of the boy. That her boobs were smaller and her ass skinnier didn't lessen Jason's enthrallment. Jason, despite his habit of being naked when home alone, and his easy acceptance of being naked here at the Delgons' house, had never seen a real live naked girl before. Now there were two, right in front of him.

Sara turned the shower on again and the two naked girls squirmed against the boy again for a few minutes, humping their cunnies against his thighs, before releasing him from the handcuffs and announcing "Last one in the pool is a rotten egg!"

Decency requires that I wouldn't masturbate myself to orgasm while watching this on my HD CCTV system that allowed me to monitor and record any area in my house. But it wasn't decency that prevented me from masturbating myself to a massive orgasm. It was the rules of the Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club. Because of rule six I had to wait until a young girl or boy would do it for me.

Jason followed the girls to the pool and they all jumped in. One of the girls shouted "Marco," while the other of course said "Polo." Then the usual pool tag game began. Every time one of the girls caught Jason both girls would grab onto him and touch him intimately. Every time he caught one of the girls, he could only get the briefest feel of a thigh or other body part before he was pushed away and the game began again. For Jason, the girls were enforcing the rule of "look, but don't touch." One time when the girls were ganging up on him, each girl holding a hand to prevent his touching then, squirming their bodies against his, stroking his penis, he had his second orgasm of the day, squirting liberally into the water.

"Eww, look at that," Sara called out. "Keep away from that or he'll get us pregnant!"

Abby grabbed a ball that was on the pool deck, and the game changed to Keep Away. There'd be no more touching and no chance of more ejaculations.

After a while they all got out of the pool to rest. They dried each other off with the big fluffy towels set out on the poolside chairs, and luxuriated in the warm sun. Jason was reflecting on this glorious day of firsts - first handjob, first naked girl, first feel up - not expecting there would be more firsts to come. Then he remembered there was more to come: punishment.

Mr. Delgon walked out to the pool accompanied by Miss Troboper. "Holy crap," thought Jason, "The girls' gym teacher from school!" Somehow he had been comfortable being nude in front of Mr. Delgon, and more than comfortable being naked with Sara and Abby, but being seen naked by a teacher from his school... "Holy crap," he thought, again.

"Jason," began Mr. Delgon. "This is Miss Trobober. You probably know she's a teacher at Edward Elmer Smith Middle School. She's here to supervise Morning Punishments."

"Well Jason," Miss Troboper began. "What have you done to deserve punishment today?"

Jason regarded Miss Troboper. She was dressed in what looked like tennis costume. All white, with a very short skirt showing off here athlete's thirty-something body. He thought she was hot, but like the models in Playboy, just a bit too old. "Um, I forgot to take a shower before going out to the pool?"

"Yes, that's one. What else?"

"I, I, came on Sara's swimsuit," he stammered.

"Was that during your shower?"


"Were you restrained, and was she wanking you?" She inquired in a sort of English accent she had acquired growing up in Southern Rhodesia. She had, of course, watched the video replay.

He hadn't heard the word 'wanking' before, but he though he knew what it meant from the context. "Yeah."

"Then it was not your fault," concluded Miss Troboper. "What else?"

"Um, I came in the pool, but I didn't do it myself, it was..."

"Could you have stopped them and done it somewhere else without polluting the water?"

"Yes, but..."

"That's six more then," Miss Troboper said. "Anything else?"

"Er, I felt up Sara. And Abby too," Jason replied weakly.

"Did they say no, or try to stop you?" Jason shook his head in the negative. "Then there is no offense there," Miss Troboper pronounced. "So the total is twelve spanks, not counting warm-ups. Seize him up," she ordered.

He gave no resistance as Sara and Abby wrapped leather cuffs around his wrists, then led him to the pergola sited between the house and the pool. They pulled his arms up to chains conveniently located between two columns and snapped them onto the cuffs as high as they could reach.

Similar cuffs were applied to his ankles, and the girls pulled his feet apart and chained them to the columns. Sara whispered in his ear "Don't worry. This is play punishment. It'll hurt a little, well, probably more than a little, but it's kind of fun at the same time. And you won't be the only one punished today." Jason opened his mouth as if to speak, but Sara stopped him. "Shush," she said, pressing her lips to his and pushing her tongue into his mouth. Her hands roamed over his body while she maintained the open mouth kiss for a few moments. "You're not supposed to talk while you're tied up. Whatever you say, we will probably ignore it. But if you really can't stand it just say 'elephant shit'. If you say that we'll stop, and you can go home."

"Jason, do you accept your punishment?" asked Miss Troboper.

He nodded his head affirmatively.

"Sara, you go first," Miss Troboper said softly. "Did you do rule 3?" Sara nodded yes. "Then tell him about rule 10."

Sara pressed herself against Jason's body once more and whispered into his ear. "We have some rules, and rule 10 is that I have to get you aroused before I can spank you. Are you aroused?" she asked, while putting a finger up to his lips to silence him. She wriggled against his restrained body, and stroked his penis upwards from his balls. "Hmm," she sighed. "Yes, you are."

She walked around in back of him and gently massaged his bottom, slightly pressing the middle finger of her right hand into his butt crack. She spanked him lightly a few times, then rubbed his butt. She repeated this treatment with increasing force until he uttered a small gasp. "There," Sara said, "that's one. Abby, come help me."

Sara's sister wriggled her lithesome body against Jason's while Sara spanked and announced two, three, and four. Sara rubbed Jason's butt while Abby rubbed his penis. Spanks five, six, and seven were harder still. Sara and Abby rubbed some more. Abby noticed Jason's prick was producing precum, and gave it a little lick. Spanks eight through twelve were harder still, followed by wonderful ass rubbing. Jason was in hell and heaven. Each spank stung, but the feeling during the pauses was a kind of wonderful glow. When Sara rubbed his ass the sting dissipated, yet he wanted to keep the warm feeling.

"That's twelve," Sara announced. "Now it's Abby's turn." Sara and Abby traded places, with much the same effect on Jason.

"You've had twelve hard spanks from each of us," Sara announced. "Your punishment is complete, but you can ask for more of the same if you want it," she stated. "Do you want more?"

"Yes, more," Jason gasped.

The two naked girls took turns giving Jason eighteen more hard spanks, stopping after he ejaculated for the third time that day into Abby's hand while Sara massaged his sore butt. They let Jason rest, hanging from his leather cuffed wrists in the pergola, just for a few minutes.

Sara and Abby detached the leather cuffs on Jason's ankles from the chains, then released his wrists. They pulled his arms behind him and linked the cuffs together. "Are you Ok?" Sara inquired. Jason nodded. "Come over here," Sara said, pulling him toward the deck chairs. "This is the part where you show your gratitude," she said. "Now down on your knees," she commanded. "Do Abby first." He got down on his knees and found himself looking at Abby, sitting on the edge of a lounge chair with her legs spread, her pussy exposed, in a way he had never seen before.

"What do I do?" he asked.

Sara gently pushed him toward her sister, pushing his face into her pussy. "Start by licking her slit."

For the next half hour or so Jason was taught the art of cunt licking by two expert -- no I won't says cunts, they were sweet little girls who enjoyed his efforts and enjoyed teaching him. They told him to stuff his tongue up into their cunnies, and to seek out their clitorides (that's the plural of clitoris, although to be clear, the girls only had one each). They oozed their juices into his open mouth, but never gushed them when he got them to orgasm; few girls, or women either, do that.

After each girl was well satisfied, and sensing his jaw muscles were becoming sore from keeping his mouth wide open with his tongue active and seeking, Miss Troboper called a halt. "Girls," she demanded, "it's time for more punishments. What have you done to deserve a good hard spanking?" she asked.

The two naked girls immediately assumed a submissive posture in front of Miss Troboper; kneeling, thighs spread wide exposing their moist pussies, hands behind their backs, but heads raised making eye contact with the Person In Charge. "I tricked Jason into coming here naked today; I didn't tell him the whole truth about what we do here," Sara said. "I deserve to be spanked for that."

"I helped Sara to trick Jason," Abby echoed. "I deserve to be spanked too," she squeaked in her twelve year old voice.

Jason, still kneeling himself, still bound by leather cuffs behind his back stared open mouthed as first, Sarah and Abby calmly wrapped leather cuffs around their own wrists and ankles, then allowed Miss Troboper and their father to attach them to the chains hanging from the pergola. Miss Troboper and Mr. Delgon secured the two girls side by side between the columns. They attached chains to their wrists, pulling them in opposite directions to the highest points on the columns. They strapped one girl's left side to the other's right side at ankles, knees, and thighs. Then snapped chains on the one girl's right ankle and the other girl's left ankle and pulled them far apart to the columns, leaving them each standing on one foot with the other foot tied well aside. Each naked girl had one wrist attached to the other girl's wrist pulled high above, the other hand was pulled well to the side. This was the double-K position, a favorite of the Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club.

Miss Troboper released Jason's wrists, saying "You can take these cuffs off now. Remember to be sure they are sexually aroused before you spank them. Feel free to touch them anywhere, to pat their butts, to lightly slap their breasts, to twist their nipples, or whatever you think of. That's what we call warming up. You may even kiss them. Just don't think of putting this," she pulled on his erect penis, "inside them. Fingers, toys, even your tongue," she said, "but not this," she concluded, firmly pulling on his hard cock, then giving it a painful slap. Mr. Delgon and I will leave you alone for just a little bit while you get to know the girls better. We'll come back when it's time for you to really spank them.

Jason had been sexually teased all day by the two girls. While he couldn't complain that he hadn't been fulfilled beyond his dreams, he could finally touch the naked tween and teen girls wherever and however he wanted.

Which he did.

We left the pool area going through the locker room to the kitchen. Miss Troboper opined "He seems to be a very good choice. Look at him, he's kissing Sara and hardly touching her at all." We both were looking at the HD TV screen on the wall showing the pool area. I selected the closest camera and panned and zoomed in on Jason and the girls. He was lightly kissing each girl on the lips and lightly stroking their breasts.

"I think he'll very soon get it that however he touches them, they will want more," I said.

"Yes, and this combination of adventurism combined with restraint is exactly what the club needs in a boy. God forbid we get another would be alpha male kid like that asshole Zachary," she added using uncharacteristic emphasis, referring to an unfortunate previous attempt to recruit a boy to the club.

"Well, let's start preparing lunch while we're here," Miss Troboper said, "and you might as well take your clothes off now," she added sternly.

I quickly stripped off my clothes and stored them in my locker. I wrapped leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles and a collar around my neck. We keep sets of these in various places around the house for convenience. I attached a short chain between my ankles with snaps, hobbling myself. I then snapped another set of chains to my collar. I presented myself to Miss Trobober who used padlocks to attach my wrists cuffs to the collar chains so that I could work with my hands in front of me, but not touch myself below the waist.

I was of course anticipating that after Jason had spanked my daughters that it would be my turn to be sexually aroused, and spanked, and probably wanked to orgasm. That was of course highly arousing to me, as was watching it happen to my daughters. Age, however takes a toll on men, and while I was as mentally excited as could be, my cock was, while not flaccid, not rampant either. It wanted to be erect, but without physical stimulation, my over fifty year old penis was pretty droopy. Miss Troboper was an understanding woman, and also a perverted one, so as I stood in the kitchen making sandwiches, every slice of bread, every piece of lettuce, every slice of greasy lunch meat was dragged around my cock before she handed it to me to make into a sandwich. Every bit of the last sandwich I made had a mixiture of mayo, mustard, and my pre-cum on it. I think she knew that last sandwich was for her.

With lunch preparation complete, Miss Troboper and I returned to the pool area. She got there before me because I could only shuffle along because of the short chain connecting my ankle cuffs. When we left the kitchen I could see on the TV that Jason was fingering my twelve year old child's pussy, and as I arrived I could see he was doing the same with my fifteen year old daughter, who was responding by thrusting her pelvis rhythmically. Miss Troboper was advising him what to do next.

"Jason", she said softly. "It's time for you to spank these girls"

The Rules of the Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club

I. The first rule of the Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club is:
a. The best way to learn the rules is by breaking them, or coming close to doing so.
b. Every rule violation, or near violation, is punished by a spanking.

II. The judgement of the Person In Charge is not to be questioned.

III. Every youth member shall know and honor the safeword.

IV. All participants in a club activity must be naked.

V. Spectators at a club activity may be naked or clothed. Participants and naked spectators must remain naked until it's time to go home.

VI. No one masturbates at a club activity;

a. Ask a person next to you for help.
b. If they refuse, see rule 13.
c. Once helped, offer to reciprocate.

VII. Nothing goes into a youth member's vagina or anus except a clean finger, a clean sex toy, or a tongue.

VIII. The spanker must tie up, or chain, or otherwise restrain the spankee.

IX. The spankee shall not speak while tied up, unless spoken to by the spanker or the PIC.

X. The spanker must sexually arouse the spankee before the spanking.

XI. The spanker shall do his or her best to give the spankee an orgasm during or after the spanking, unless it is a serious punishment spanking.

XII. The spankee must offer oral or manual sex to the spanker after the spanking.

XIII. The PIC may assign anyone to tie up and spank any other member regardless of sex or age.

a. The PIC will consider requests by a member to spank or be spanked by another member.
b. The PIC will usually refuse a request from an adult member to spank another member other than his or her own children.
c. Anyone who refuses an assignment to spank or be spanked may:
i. Receive double punishment,
ii. Be expelled from the club if refusal is persistent.

XIV. All youth participants must equally be spanker and spankee.

XV. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME. While masturbation is healthy and encouraged, for reasons of safety and security, Tying Up and Spanking are not allowed outside a club activity, except as follows:

a. Alone, or with one friend or sibling only, you may
1. Use household items such as belts, scarves, clothesline, etc. to tie up yourself or your friend & vice versa, in a way you can can get out of.
2. Use your hand or household items such as a hairbrush, spatula, wooden spoon, etc. to lightly spank yourself or your friend & vice versa.
3. Masturbate yourself or your friend & vice versa, while tied up.
b. Do not wrap anything around your neck or your friend's neck.
c. Do not use sex toys such as vibrators, dildos, bondage toys, etc. unless you find them in your own home.
d. If such toys belong to a sibling, ask permission before you use them.
e. If you borrow toys without permission, make sure it won't be noticed and that they are clean when you return them.
f. No photography of any kind.
z. Don't get caught.

XXIX. The penultimate rule of the Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club is that the PIC may make up new rules at any time.

XXX. The last rule of Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club is like the first rule of that fight club.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.