The Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club, Part 3

[ ff, FffmM, con teen, bd, spank ]

by worsel

worsel-of-velantia at

Published: 3-Jan-2012

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This is FICTION. If you don't like it don't read it.

"You made a mess on the floor, " complained Caitlin, the gorgeous twelve year old who had just jacked me off. Clean it up."

She released me from the bindings that had held me while she had whipped me with the flogger, and unfastened the gag. I was free from all bonds once again, yet I obeyed her order and dropped to my hands and knees and licked my gooey white semen from the floor.

I stole furtive looks to each side. My daughters, Abby and Sara, were still bound in their spanking position over the horizontal bars. As I watched, the naked boys who had just walloped and groped them took the gags out of their mouths, but didn't release them from their bondage.

"Harrumph", harrumphed Ms Troboper, the director of the Afternoon Club, as it was called during meetings. "We will today welcome a new member, a fully qualified member with all the privileges, and only the privileges, of the Dad's Auxiliary." She pushed me forwards so I was fully illuminated by the stage lighting. This is Mr. Ken Delgon, father of Sara and Abby Delgon.'

"Daaaddeeeee?" squealed two voices from the two immobilized naked girls on the stage.

'How am I going to explain this to the when we get home,' I wondered?

"Caitlin, prepare Mr. Delgon for the reception", Ms Troboper said.

"Ok", replied Caitlin cheerfully. I let her cuff my hands behind my back, and apply a chain between the cuffs on my ankles and put the gag back in my mouth. Then the naked girl, pressing her nude body against my back and hands, tied the blindfold over my eyes once again.

"C'mon," she said sweetly, "we're going down the steps again, so watch yourself .. here we are". Blindfolded and naked, guided by an extremely pretty naked girl, I felt my way down the steps to the area in front of the stage.

"Form two lines," called out Ms Troboper.

Then sweet Caitlin pushed me into the gantlet. "Run", she cried out as she spanked my ass as hard as a twelve year old girl can. I couldn't run because my ankles were cuffed in leather and joined by a short chain. I could only shuffle forward between the two lines of teen club members, feeling hands snatching at my cock and balls, and then smacking my rear end as I got past them.

When I got to the end of the line, having endured multiple squeezings, pulls, spanks, and swats, Ms Troboper said "Welcome to the club, Mr. Delgon. The next time you will not be blindfolded, and you will learn of some of the other opportunities this club offers members. Caitlin, put your clothes back on and lead Mr. Delgon to my office. Katie, come here", Ms Troboper whispered something I could not hear." Louder, Ms Troboper said "Katie, you go with them too Bob and Sam, have Sara and Abby thank you for their punishments in the usual way, then help them to get dressed."

After a moment while Caitlin put her clothes back on, the golden haired girls said "Come along." She grabbed me by my penis and led me, shuffling, back to Ms Troboper's office. As we made our way towards the office, Katie and Caitlin conversed, mostly in giggles. At the hall corners Caitlin would jerk me by my penis in the direction she wanted, and Katie would smack me on my ass to make sure I went the right direction. I had nothing to say, since I was still gagged.

When we stopped, Katie announced in a voice that was not quite sweet little girl, or vicious dominatrix. I guess she was practicing. "Ms Troboper said you are to get dressed, and leave." I felt their small hands releasing the bonds on my hands and ankles taking no trouble to avoid touching me anywhere else. "Sara and Abby are going home on the late bus", she reassured me.

I heard the door close as the girls left the office. I untied the blindfold and found I could easily release the gag from my mouth. My cock was so hard. I wanted to jack off immediately, but it occurred to me that if Ms Troboper were to discover me masturbating in her office the punishment might be... fun... I jacked myself off, which I really needed to do, then cleaned up my semen with Kleenex from the box on her desk. I wasn't discovered.

After I got dressed, I was careful not to leave the sticky Kleenex in the office trashcan. I disposed of them during a stop in the Boy's room. I went off to my car, wondering what my reception would be when I got home to my two little girls. Would they hate me?

I took my sweet time getting home, not wanting to get there before the late bus. I thought it would be better if my girls were already there before me, as they always are when I come home from work. I drove around aimlessly for a while, then - my car is a hybrid - I was careful to make the turn onto my street and arrive at my driveway in stealth mode. I left my car in the driveway and walked up the walkway - the one I had built myself with decorative concrete pavers with help from my deceased wife's deceased father. The front door hinges squeak loudly when it is opened and when I stepped into the house my daughters had to know I was home.

"Dadddeeee", the pair shrieked running into the living room, grabbing me, hugging me, kissing me. I guess they didn't hate me.

After some incoherent talk and continuous hugging I suggested we go to the kitchen for milk and cookies. "Ok girls," I said. "The first thing I want you to know is that I didn't know that you would be punished if I went to talk to Ms. Troboper." Actually, that was a lie, wasn't it? I had mentioned punishment of my girls during my first confrontation with Ms. Troboper.

"Oh Daddy," my fifteen year old daughter Sara said, "that punishment was nothing. That's what being a member of a Tying Up and Spanking Club is about - it's a privilege since it's not possible for everyone to get spanked every week! It was just shocking that you somehow got into the club without talking to us about it."

"Yeah Daddy," whined my twelve year old, Abby. "You really should have talked to us about it after we made that video for you."

"THUD." That was the metamorphical - I don't think that's the right word - sound of my jaw hitting the floor. "You MADE that video on purpose? For Me?" I gasped.

"Well sure, we know you've been down in the dumps since Mom died. We were too of course, but, like, life goes on." Sarah said. "And we wanted to, like, give you a present to make you happy, and we knew what kind of pornography you like on the internet..."

"Huh, what?" I gasped. "How would you know that? You can't get onto my computer without my password!"

"Daddy,..." my daughter giggled. "Your ancient old laptop runs Windows 98 - haven't you noticed that entering the wrong password on Win98 doesn't keep you from doing anything?" she inquired authoritatively. "Besides, you always use your pet name for Mom plus a number for all your passwords."

"Hoooo", I breathed. "Um.."

"So anyway," Sara continued, "we discovered that video camera years ago and Mom told us it was to protect us from bad babysitters and all and since we were old enough she disconnected it, but we know you like pictures of tied up women, and stories about that - that story repository website is awesome - but it's blocked on our computer so we have to your yours to get to it, and like besides we found your stash of bondage equipment you used to use on Mom in your workshop, so we thought it might cheer you up!" she concluded triumphantly.

"Hey," piped up Abby, "was that you that got double punishment while Bob and Sam were doing us? What's up with that?'

I cleared my throat to give me time to think. So many things to talk about... "Well first, the things that happened this afternoon," I said gravely, "those things shouldn't have happened, and if the police found out I would go to jail for a long time, and..."

"Yes, we know," interrupt Abby, "Ms Troboper explains this when anyone joins the club. She tells about the age of consent laws and stuff, but she explains to us that these are obsolete laws, you know, like the law against wearing blended fabric or eating shrimp, but really, it's not like any teenager would let someone do something they don't like, and in the club we don't have to do anything we don't like, and if we just keep quiet about it no one will get in trouble."

"And second," I continued, "it's very, very wrong for a father or any other relative that has power like an uncle or brother to engage in sexual behavior with a relative, even if they are old enough to consent. That's why I refused to spank and do that other stuff that happened with you."

"But why?" Sara asked, "we're not irresponsible children, we make choices everyday, I'll have my drivers license in two year, and if you keep up my lessons, I can have a student pilot's license and solo in only one year. Why can't we make decisions for ourselves?

"Because there's a long sad history that says teenagers often make bad decisions. There's a part of your brain that's still growing up that controls decision making and it isn't mature yet."

The girls had no response to that.

Because they didn't believe it.

Because their brains weren't - oh whatever.

"Ok, so what's happening here Daddy," Sara asked. "Can we stay in the club?"

"Do you like what happens in the club?"


"Ok, third. The bondage toys you found in my workshop. I didn't use them on your Mom. Mom used them on me."


"I understand it's wrong", said Sara, surely a lawyer to be began "for a Daddy to have sexual contact with his children, but is it wrong for a fairly mature child to impose some sort of sexual behavior on a consenting adult?"

"Yes, of course it's wrong," I replied, "the child, regardless of maturity, is unable to give legal consent."


"Yes, Sara?"

"You need to be punished for not talking to us before going to Ms Troboper. Stand up and take off your clothes."

I stood up and took off my clothes.

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Fantastic! I love the relationship as it's developing!

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