The Afternoon Tying Up and Spanking Club, Part 1

[ ff, FffmM, con teen, bd, spank ]

by worsel

worsel-of-velantia at

Published: 3-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This is FICTION. If you don't like it don't read it.

My heart was pounding as I walked up to the door of the Edward Elmer Smith Memorial Middle School. I was pretty sure something was about to happen to change my life more than anything that had happed since I lost my wife to breast cancer two years ago. My younger daughter attended this school, and my older daughter had graduated to the high school just last year. And I had discovered something disturbing about what went on after school there.

I made my way to the office of the Second Assistant Principal, Ms Troboper. I paused outside the open door to settle my nerves, then went in. It was a typical school office, with a messy desk, a laptop computer, bookcases and filing cabinets on the walls, but no windows. Ms Troboper, sitting at her desk, looking up from her computer, pleasantly inquired, "Hello, may I help you?"

She was an attractive woman, maybe 32 years old, with shoulder length brown hair and glasses. At first glance she seemed to have a nice figure, but as she was seated and wearing a suit jacket it was hard to judge. Her left hand was hidden behind the computer, so I couldn't check her out for a wedding ring.

"Yes," I replied. "I understand you run something called the 'After School Tying Up and Spanking Club." I had rehearsed that line so carefully before I came, and I got it out without messing up.

She gasped and leaned back in her office chair looking startled. "Whatever gave you such a preposterous notion, Mr., er Mr....", she expostulated. She spoke with an English accent, of sorts. I later learned she had immigrated from Rhodesia.

"Delgon", I replied, "My name is Ken Delgon. I believe you know my daughters, Sara and Abby".

"Ah", she breathed, sinking back in her chair looking quite deflated. "Someone has been indiscreet" she whispered. Speaking more loudly, with the pitch of her voice rising "No doubt there", pause, "may have been a great deal of", another pause "of - well you know how teenage girls can be - the", she babbled in indignation for a bit, unable to string together a complete sentence. She stopped, put her hands out flat on the desk as if to settle her emotions, and said "Tell me, Mr. Delgon, just what is it that you think you know about what goes on in this alleged club, and how do you know it".

"Alright, Ms Troboper", I began, "or may I call you 'Dexi'?" I asked, recalling that name from the school directory.

"No." she replied firmly. "You will call me Ms Troboper."

"Ok," I replied with a little smile, "it happened that last Friday another crisis came up at work. I called the girls to let them know I would be coming home late, after midnight, and that they were to fix up some leftovers for dinner and to be in bed by midnight.

"Years ago we had a nanny-cam installed in one of their bedrooms. You know, a hidden camera and VCR that recorded whatever happened - voice and motion activated - so my wife and I could be sure they weren't being mistreated by the babysitters. Well, I hadn't used it in years - completely forgot about it - but the VCR is located in my workshop, and it blinks when the tape is full". I brushed my hair back, a nervous habit, I guess. "I had gone down to the workshop to - well whatever - I went down there and before I turned on the lights, there was that blinking light. I went over and rewound the tape. I wondered why it had been triggered and what it had recorded so I turned on the monitor and pressed 'play'. The video showed my daughters doubled up with laughter shrieking the way teenage girls do. Perhaps that very loud shrieking had triggered the VCR which had been unused for so many years. Anyhow, they stopped laughing, and got to their feet. With a big smile on her face my older daughter, Sara, said 'Ok, we'll do it just like at Ms Troboper's tying up and spanking club'.

"Well you can guess that got my attention", I said.

"Um", grunted Ms Troboper with a resigned expression on her face.

"Well", I continued, "my attention perked up even more when Sara put a blindfold over her eyes and began taking off her clothes. Abby took off her clothes too."

"Urk", from Ms Troboper. "Do you often spy on the young women in your family Mr. Delgon? I mean really." she said, trying to sound indignant.

"Well no." I said, "I hadn't seen them naked in years, not since they stopped asking me to watch them play in the bathtub. They didn't have breasts and pubic hair then, but" I said, perhaps saying too much. "But does your computer play DVD"s Ms Troboper?" I asked. "I edited the tape and put this together, in order to save time." I said, pulling a DVD out of my jacket pocket and holding it out to her.

"Er, yes," she admitted, reluctantly taking the DVD from my hand and loading it into her Dell laptop. She angled the screen so we both could see and started the player. In a moment the LCD display showed my naked children. Abby used some rope - it looked like the white clothesline I kept in the garage - to tie her older sister's hands. She threw the rope up over the ceiling fan (which wasn't turning), then standing on a chair, she pulled her sister's bound hands up between the fan blades and tied the end around the fan's support column. She came back to Sara, spread her legs, and used more rope to tie them, apparently to some heavy furniture out of sight, so she couldn't move.

There was a break in the editing at this point, and the next part showed Abby whacking Sara's butt with a hairbrush.

The next part showed Abby with her face buried in her older sister's pussy.

The next part showed a happy looking Sara being released from the ropes. Sara then took off the blindfold and handed it to Abby, saying "Now it's your turn."

Abby put the blindfold on herself, then got tied up, spanked and eaten the same way Sara had been.

In the last scene on the DVD Abby clearly says to Sara "We need to get a vibrator and some sex toys like Ms Troboper lets us use at the club."

"Yeah", replied Sara sarcastically, "like Dad's gonna drive us to the dirty video store so we can pick up some 'adult novelties'."

"You've got a Visa Bux card, we can order it off the internet. We're always home to get the mail before Dad gets home", whined Abby, "come on, we can do that". The video stopped.

"So you can see," I said to Ms Troboper, "I believe that this club exists, and that there's tying up and spanking, and kinky sex going on."

"Very indiscreet" sighed Ms Troboper softly.

"They knew they were home alone, and they don't know about the nanny-cam," I remarked. "I hope you won't punish them very severely."

At this her head jerked up in surprise. "Are you inferring that your daughters will continue to participate in the club, subject to my punishments?"

"No," I said, "I'm implying it; you are inferring it." I said pedantically. "And yes, I think they might continue to participate, after all, it looks like they enjoy it."

Straightening up in here chair, looking relieved, if not understanding what I meant. "Mr. Delgon, what is it you want, exactly?"

"I would like to join the club."

"Mr. Delgon," she expostulated, "this is a club for young school students. I'm sure you can understand that few young people would want to be sexually abused by a middle aged man, old enough to be their father - or who actually is their father."

"Ms Troboper," I replied evenly, "I have no interest in abusing my daughters. After all, I could do that at home if I were so inclined." Less evenly, almost in panic, I went on "And while I'm sure it would be fun to, well, not abuse, how about, um, play, with, um, willing - yes only willing - students, I had something else in mind."

"Oh really," she said, straightening up some more. Her voice sounding more assured. "And what might that be?"

"I think I would like to submit, er, to volunteer, to be, you know", I began speaking rapidly. "After all, having a man to, um, be superior over, might er..."

Ms Troboper said sharply "Mr. Delgon. Let's see if you can follow instructions. Stand up" she ordered. I stood up. "Take off your glasses and put this over your eyes," she said, handing me a strip of black fabric she got from a desk drawer. "Do not speak. Take off your clothes."

Oh My God. I thought. This it it. I'm taking my clothes off in front of a woman - an attractive young woman! - I had met less than an hour ago. I hadn't been naked with a woman in over two years. And if things went as I hoped there would be sexy sexy young girls... I was afraid, not afraid for my life, for I'd clearly shown I had the goods on her, but the uncertainty - not knowing what came next - was indescribable. And arousing too.

When I was naked Ms Troboper said "put your hands on the back of your head and wait here." Since I was blindfolded I couldn't tell for sure, but I thought I heard her gathering up my clothes from where I had dropped them on the carpet. "Do not move", she said. "I'll be right back."

After a while, probably not more than five minutes, but it seemed a very long time to me, standing naked in an assistant principal's office in a public school, I heard the sound of several people entering the room. "You know what to do." Ms Troboper said to unknown persons. Hands pulled at my wrists, pulled them down and wrapped them in leather cuffs. Scritchy sounds, sounding like Velcro, and clicks sounding like locks being closed. A bit of chain connected my hands in front of me, then more cuffs and chains joined my ankles. I wasn't sure what it was at the time, but a chain connecting the handcuff chain to the ankle chain was attached, brushing against my semi-hard penis.

"On your hands and knees" ordered Ms Troboper. I dropped to the floor like a Marine recruit and nearly broke my nose when I found the chains on my wrists and ankles didn't let me move very much. "The horse tail, I think", Ms Troboper said, in the most confident sounding voice I'd heard from her since she had said "Hello".

I felt hands on my butt, separating my ass cheeks, then a pressure on my asshole. Oh My God!

I didn't resist. I tried to relax as something - a butt plug I guess - slid past my anus. Now I sometimes slip a finger into my ass when I'm masturbating, but this was something way different. My asshole was really full and stretched and I'd never felt anything like it before. Mmmmh.

"Make sure he's hard" ordered Ms Troboper. A hand reached between my thighs and started stroking my penis. "Enough" announced Ms Troboper after a few moments. "Take him to the other room."

I felt someone climb onto my back, whispering "Ride 'em horsie!'. I could feel she was naked, and when she was on top, my butt was whacked. "SMACK." Something had hit my ass with a surprising noise and a surprising pain. "Forward" commanded a voice. I wasn't sure if it was the girl on my back or someone else, but another "SMACK" hit my ass. I started crawling, but the chains connecting my wrists and ankles reduced my crawl to a few inches at a time, and I found out the butt plug was attached to some kind of horse tails that brushed my thighs as I crawled.

While crawling along Ms Troboper spoke: "I'm not certain what role you will have in the club after today, if any, but I will tell you about a few of the rules. Safewords are strictly obeyed, and every student knows what the word is."

'Wel,l I don't', I thought.

Ms Troboper continued "Nothing goes into a vagina or an anus except a finger or a sex toy. I won't have my girls getting into trouble. Severe pain or injury are never inflicted. There is no humiliation, unless the student has specifically discussed it beforehand with me. That last rule does not apply to you, of course, worm."

There were more rules, smacks, and orders to turn right or left or go straight on the way to the next room.

There, somewhat to my surprise, the butt plug was removed, and the cuffs and chains were taken off my wrists. I was now bound only at the ankles. "Up on your knees." Ms Troboper commanded. After I straightened myself up she said "Remember that you must not speak. Remove your blindfold."

The room was brightly lit so I blinked and squinted a bit while simultaneously widening my eyes in surprise. In front of me were a naked girl and boy. 'A boy!' I thought to myself. I hadn't been expecting boys. I directed my attention to the girl. She was blindfolded like I had been, and her arms were pulled straight up by a chain attached to wrist cuffs. Her breasts were small but nicely shaped. Not just bumps or swellings like some girls her age have. She had wisps of pale pubic hair and her left thigh was tightly bound to the boy's right thigh. They were tied together at the knees and ankles too. Their other legs were drawn up and away, so they were each standing on one foot on a block of wood about a foot high. Their groins were fully exposed and accessible.

The boy was also blindfolded. He was about the same height as the girl, but thinner. He had black hair on his head, no hair on his chest, and not a lot of pubic hair. His skin was darker than hers, he might have been Asian. His penis looked half aroused.

"Approach them Mr. Delgon" ordered Ms Troboper. I shuffled forward. "Touch them." I reached a hand up to the girl's side and stroked her from her hip to just below her breast. She jerked slightly and inhaled sharply then breathed out heavily. "Both of them Mr. Delgon" called out the Second Assistant Principal. I put my right hand on his side. He didn't jump like the girl had. I guess he was not caught by surprise. I let my hands explore them, touching the girl's breasts and the boy's chest. I ran my hands over their tummies, and down to their hips.

"Touch her cunt," said Ms Troboper. The vulgarity surprised me. "Touch his cock and balls." My left hand went immediately to her sex and begin petting and probing. In response she pushed forward against my hand.

Aside from changing diapers on babies I had never touched another person's penis. What the Hell, I knew I had to do it, I moved my right hand to his penis and began lightly stroking the sensitive part. His thin cock stood up tall. I move my hand to between his thighs and lightly stroked him on, and behind his balls, alternating that with stroking and squeezing his cock.

"Use your mouth," demanded Ms Troboper, "eat her." I moved my hand to her ass and pushed my face into her pussy. I licked her up and down, pressed myself against her. I sought out her clit and licked it and sucked at it. I squeezed her ass cheeks and explored her crack. She pressed back against my jaws. After a bit of time she panted out loud, apparently in orgasm.

"Now do the boy." Another first. I had not had very many blow jobs in my life, my wife didn't like doing them, and I hadn't been very interested in watching that kind of porn video, but I knew what I liked. I tentatively brushed his penis with my lips. It got harder. I moved my mouth up and down the shaft, nibbling slightly. It was oozing precum. I gave the thankfully circumcised head a lick, then, covering my teeth with my lips, put my mouth completely over it. In and out, tighter and looser, lick now and then. When I started my hand had gone to his ass, which I squoze as I was still doing to the girl. I sought out his asshole and pushed a finger in. He came.

His semen impacted the inside of my mouth with surprising force. I opened my mouth and drew back, only to have several spurts arrive on my face, while I felt his sphincter rhythmically convulsing on my finger. I looked up at the boy's face, it was devolving from muscle clenched climax into a grin.

His penis stopped pulsing and we both relaxed. "Clean him up" demanded the voice of Ms Troboper. I had licked my own cum off my hand after masturbation many times, so it didn't bother me much to lick the boy's cum off his sagging penis. I pulled my finger out of his asshole and wiped it on the back of his thigh without looking to see what might be on it.

"Everything has been recorded of course," Ms Troboper said softly. "You had power over me, now I have power over you too. My edited video will show you abusing underage children, your video is much less convincing. I hope we can be friends."

I nodded.

"So, Mr. Delgon," Ms Troboper replied, "you're doing well. It's time for your spanking. Would you like a gag?" she asked. I nodded again.

"¬Here is your blindfold, put it on again", she said. I accepted it and once again wrapped the obscuring cloth over my eyes, knotting it securely at the back of my head. Myself. I did that to myself. I knelt, naked and blindfolded, knowing I was in the presence of at least four other people, and waited for further orders

"Put your hands up on top of your head." I did this, of course, and was thrilled - is that the right feeling? - to feel hands - unknown hands - again wrap leather cuffs around my wrists and pull my arms up above my head. "Stand up." demanded a voice, not Ms Troboper's, I think. I stood up. My hands being pulled by the rope, or chain, or whatever it was that was pulling, them, I was pulled into contact with the two naked teenagers I had just performed oral sex on. A gag was pushed into my mouth, and I opened for it.

"Smack" something hit my ass. "Smack" something hit my butt. "Smack", the blows didn't hurt so much as, I don't know , I can't express. The feeling between the smacks, the glow, that feeling, that felt great. The feeling of being pressed against naked bodies of the two teenagers, that felt great too.

"Mr. Delgon," Ms Troboper said, "I will allow you to cum at this time, if you can.

My penis, my cock, whatever, I just call it my thing, or "hey, you" when it grows without my wanting it, was pushed strongly to the junction of the girl's tummy, and the boy's tummy. The very smooth junction. My arms were wrapped in restraints over my head, while my ankles were tied, spread apart, on either side of the boy's and girl's ankles. I was in a position that tightly held me to two naked teenagers, a girl and a boy. My hard penis - cock - was in the valley between their bodies. "Smack." I jerked myself forward, and the feeling my penis sent my hind-brain was incredible. There was no more sentient thought left in this exercise. I, what is the word? I harmonically pressed my urgent penis, cock, thing, whatever, up and down against the smooth skins of the tied up boy and girl while spanks impacted my rear end. "Whack, whack, smack, smack, pat, WHACK, pat..." I ejaculated.

The disengagement was a little bit awkward. "I'm all wet", complained a voice. But blindfolded still, I didn't know whose it was.

But as a newly qualified and accepted member of the Afternoon Tying Up And Spanking Club - Dad's Auxiliary, I wasn't supposed to know.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Very hot story - after a stretch of imagination beginning - the rest flowed and got very hot. Good work.

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