Published: 30-Nov-2012
Word Count:
For Adrian, the daytime seemed to be becoming something of a routine: the mental replay of what happened the night before; the slow progress of the hours; and the agony of anticipation of what tonight would bring. Today had been particularly hard because of the special pride that he carried within him and which was just bursting to get out. Except that he had promised that it was their secret and knew somehow that if he revealed it, things would be spoilt forever.
And then there were the questions, there always seemed to be questions. He tried unsuccessfully to avoid them during the day but now, as he waited restlessly for her to appear in the doorway, they filled his thoughts. The usual one was, who was she? Of course he knew who she was. She was Nikki, and the most beautiful woman on earth, and the answer to all his prayers. But who was she? He might have been an innocent ten-year-old, but he was no fool. Matrons didn't suck his cock or let him see them naked, or teach him to say cunt. He didn't care, as long as she appeared again tonight, and walked him down the corridor, and introduced him to wonderful things that his mind simply couldn't imagine.
And so, grasping his ever-erect little cock, he tried to lay still, listening for the slightest noise in the corridor. He realised that he wasn't so nervous now, that somehow, after last night, whatever awaited him was nothing to be frightened of or awkward about. But in her usual style, Nikki had left him with something enigmatic that he couldn't make sense of.
She had said, "Now that you are becoming a man, you can do what men do," and it seemed odd to him. The simplest explanation was that she meant that now he could make spunk, he was becoming a man, but if that is what she meant, why did she say it that way. He had been trying to tease an explanation out of those words, but he could find no solution except one: that she was saying he could... fuck her. And that seemed so impossible, so unlikely, that he didn't dare to take it seriously.
She arrived with barely a sound, a shadow dimming the light from the corridor. He got quietly out of bed, put on his dressing gown and tiptoed to the door. Immediately he was confused; she wasn't wearing her uniform. Instead she wore a white blouse and a long swirling skirt that swept down to her feet.
She stopped him just outside the door, gesturing for him to stay there, and crept into the dormitory. She went over to his bed, and in the faint light, he saw her place something on it. A moment later she was back in the corridor beside him, smiling, before setting off towards her office, leaving him no opportunity to ask what she was doing. As usual, he fell into step behind her, watching the way she walked. There was no tight-fitting uniform tonight, no sensuous wobble of her buttocks, just the swish and sway of her skirt.
When she got to her office, another surprise awaited him. Instead of opening the door as he expected, she continued walking down to the end of the corridor and then swung round to the right into a narrower one. Alarm bells started ringing in his head. What was she doing? This led to a set of stairs up to the staff floor, a place that every pupil knew was completely out-of-bounds, on pain of death.
He stopped. She turned and walked back to him, her finger on her lips to remind him that he shouldn't talk, but his anxiety overcame him.
"I can't, Nikki," he whispered desperately. "I'm not allowed up there." Surely she must understand.
She leaned down and kissed his cheek gently. "It's alright, Adrian. Just trust me, ok?" she said quietly. He could smell her, feel the warmth her face close to his, and was immediately seduced. He nodded. She turned and began to climb the stairs. He followed her, his stomach suddenly filling with adrenalin. He felt a little like a thief, or a secret agent.
At the top of the stairs, a corridor stretched in front of them. It was narrow and dark, and Adrian could see doors on both sides along its length. New, unexpected smells hung in the air: cooked food, tobacco. From behind a nearby door, he heard the sound of a radio, and from another, a muffled cough. He followed her carefully, terrified that at any moment a floorboard would creek, a door would open, but after what seemed an age, they made it to the end and swung around a corner. A final passageway seemed to lead them to safety, and up to a final door with "Guest Rooms" carved elegantly on it. Nikki unlocked it and walked through, locking it again after him.
She spun round and laughed, looking down at him with excitement shining in her eyes. "Hello, Adrian," she said. "Wasn't that fun!"
Fun was the last thing he thought it was but he nodded anyway, just to agree with her.
"Come on," she said, and he followed her slowly through what was a small dark hallway into a well-furnished sitting room, a fire glowing in the grate and thick curtains drawn across the windows. He must have looked lost because she said, "Don't worry, my little man. Just sit down and I'll explain everything in a moment," before promptly disappearing through a doorway, leaving him alone. He looked around and saw a sofa next to him and sat down to wait.
She returned in no more than a moment, carrying a glass of water.
"Remember what I gave you last night?" she asked, adding, "To relax you?"
He smiled and nodded, and took the glass. It was larger than before, and it tasted slightly different, more like medicine, but he drank its contents straight down.
"That's a good boy!" she said brightly, taking the glass from him. She placed it on the side and then sat down demurely on the chair across from him. He smiled at her sheepishly, unsure of what was happening, confused by the changes.
"Now, Adrian, I have something sad to tell you."
Her words shocked him into attention, and questions bombarded his mind. Sad? What could she mean? Was that why they were here, in this strange place? Didn't she want to continue with his treatment?
She leaned forward and smiled gently at him. She spoke quietly, as somebody with bad news to deliver. "This will be our last time together. After tonight, we can't be together anymore." She stopped and looked at him, letting what she had said sink in.
He felt it too much to take in, aware only that like so many things in his short life, something he loved was coming to an end. He felt tears prick his eyes and despite his best efforts, he couldn't stop them rolling down his cheeks.
"Oh Nikki...," he breathed, his voice reflecting his despair.
She got up and came and sat next to him, pulling him to her, enfolding him in her arms, pressing his face against her breasts. One of her hands stroked his hair.
"I know my love, I know," she whispered. "I don't want it to end either, but it must." She paused and her hand continued its gentle stroking. "But I do have one last surprise for you."
He pulled away from her slightly and looked up at her face. She was smiling down at him.
"I think we should make the most of the time we have left. I thought it would be fun to come to my rooms rather than that rotten old office." She paused again. "And I thought it would also be fun for you to spend the night with me."
Despite himself he wanted to laugh.
"The night? But... how?" Had she gone mad?
"It's simple," she said brightly. "You stay with me here. Nobody will know. And then very early in the morning, you go back to your bed and get up when the bell goes, as if nothing has happened."
"But what if somebody sees I'm not there?"
"Did you see what I did when I collected you? I put a notice on your bed that says 'Sick Bay'. If anyone comes to look for you, that's where they will think you are." She giggled. "And nobody is allowed in there without Matron's permission."
He smiled weakly. Two minutes ago, he would have jumped for joy at the thought, but now, he felt subdued.
She leaned towards his ear. "And just think of the fun we can have if we've got all night, Adrian, " she whispered.
Her hand slid under his dressing gown, over his stomach and into his pyjama trousers, cupping his cock and balls. He was aware suddenly that his erection had gone.
"Oh dear!" she said in exaggerated tones. "What has happened to your lovely little cock?" She pushed her hand against him. "This won't do at all. I seems to me that he needs something to wake him up."
She withdrew her hand and looked down at him, her expression serious.
"Adrian, will you promise me something?" she said quietly.
He nodded.
"I know you feel sad, so do I. But we have a lovely night to share together. Will you promise me to make the most of it, so that we can have fun together."
He became distinctly aware a growing sense of ease, contentment, despite what she had said earlier. And then his mind began to consider what she meant by 'fun'.
"Yes, Nikki. I promise. I promise to have fun with you." He smiled at her, to reassure her that she was telling the truth.
She smiled back and then stood up.
"Well, in that case, the first thing we need to do is to get wake up your lovely little prick."
She walked seductively back to her chair and sat down slowly, crossing her legs underneath her skirt.
"Do you like what I'm wearing, Adrian?" she asked, her eyes sparkling once more.
"Yes," he said as convincingly as he could, "you look very pretty."
"Are you sure you do?" her voice was silky and he knew she was teasing him, reading his mind. "Wouldn't you rather see me in my revealing uniform? " She seemed to stress the word 'revealing'.
He giggled. He didn't know where it came from, but it seemed to just bubble up inside him. "Yes," he admitted, feeling a blush on his cheeks.
She smiled and started to undo the buttons of her blouse. "Mmm. Now I wonder why that is?" She opened her blouse, revealing herself naked underneath.
He found he couldn't resist answering. "Because I wanted to see your...," he took a breath, "tits."
She cupped her breasts in her hands. "Do you like my...," she imitated his pause, "tits?"
He nodded.
She lifted up her left breast and lowered her mouth to it, her tongue snaking out and licking the firm nipple. He could see the trail of wetness sparkle in the light. She lowered her head further and took the nipple into her mouth, and her cheeks caved as she sucked on it. Then she released it and lowered her hand.
"I love it when someone licks my tits, and when they suck my nipples, it makes me wet." She was looking straight at him, and to him it seemed as if she was giving him some kind of message.
She leaned back, leaving her blouse to hang open, and uncrossed her legs.
"What else did you like about my uniform?" she asked.
He felt warm inside now, as if some weight had been lifted from him. He knew the game she was playing, knew where she was leading him, but like last night, his inhibitions had left him.
"Your skirt, because you let me look up it," he said, giggling again.
"Ah yes, you were very naughty, weren't you. And I suppose this skirt is really too long to do that."
She placed her hands on her knees and he saw her grasp the material of the skirt delicately between her thumbs and forefingers. Inexorably slowly, she began to move her hands back, and he watched the hem of the skirt start to rise, start to reveal her stocking-clad legs. At the same time, her legs opened under the cloth.
"What did you see," her voice was more breathy, "underneath my short uniform skirt?"
"Your cunt."
She seemed to sigh. Her hands continued moving slowly, drawing the hem over her knees, but his view was obscured by a loop of the skirt that hung down between them.
"Do you want to see my cunt again?"
He knew she was looking at him, and he wanted to meet her gaze, but he just couldn't tear his eyes away from that slowly moving hem. He nodded.
There was a pause, and then she moved her legs further apart. The loop of cloth rose slowly as her thighs parted until it was stretched taut.
And he could see! Her stockinged thighs were like arrows, leading his eyes past their elastic tops to white skin, and there, there at the very centre of her, was her cunt!. No water this time obscuring the clarity. He stared, entranced.
"Do you want to look closer?" He looked quickly at her face, and there was the same arousal in her eyes as he had seen last night.
"Oh yes please." His words came straight from his heat, in a long, drawn out sigh.
"Then take your clothes off, my little one, and come and sit between my legs."
He was a sudden flurry of movement and balance as he rushed to remove his gown and pyjamas, his eyes locked all the while between her legs. She stayed as she was, watching him, moving only to draw her skirt up towards her hips. He left his clothes where they had fallen and almost threw himself onto the floor in front of her.
"Mmm. I see your little man is feeling better, " she said approvingly.
He looked down and saw that his cock was hard, slanting upwards obscenely. He looked back at her briefly and smiled before his eyes were drawn back like a magnet.
She ran her finger over her lips with an exaggerated slowness.
"I think it's time you got to know my cunt a little better, don't you?"
He could only nod, letting her stroking fingers act as his guide.
"These red puffy parts are my lips. They have a fancy name, labia, but I suppose if I was feeling really naughty, really dirty, I could call them my cunt lips. They guard special treasures, Adrian."
She was using that honeyed voice again, and he felt the room disappearing, his eyes filled only with what she was showing him. She moved her other hand alongside and placed a second finger next to the first. She seemed to press slightly inwards and then pulled the fingers slowly apart. As she did so, he saw the lips open to reveal an opening, pink and slick with a creamy looking fluid. She pulled her fingers wider and the hole opened to reveal the beginning of a fleshy tunnel; it was as if he was looking into a small mouth. It was then that the fragrance of her really hit him, stronger than he had ever smelt it before. It was intoxicating, and he felt as if he wanted to drown in it.
"Do you remember sliding your fingers in there? It's called a vagina. It's where naughty young men slide their cocks when they fuck me. It's where they cum and shoot their spunk, deep inside." Again, she sounded as if she was telling him something important. "Do you remember what it felt like?"
He realised she had stopped, waiting for him to answer.
"Warm and slippery," he whispered, swallowing hard.
"Do you remember how it gripped your fingers when I came?"
He nodded, recalling the magic of that moment.
She seemed to tense her muscles and he heard her breath catch slightly, and the walls of the tunnel closed, pushing bubbles of creamy liquid outwards towards her fingers. Then she relaxed again and the walls opened; the fluid stretched, clinging to the sides in thick strands.
"Do you know why it is so wet?"
Beyond words, he shook his head.
"It makes my cunt slippery, so that it is nice to play with. It makes it easier for a young man to slide his hard little prick inside."
She slid one of her fingers slowly inside her, pushing it in as deep as it would go. She pulled it slowly out and it emerged bathed in liquid. A single strand stretched back to her lips, as if reluctant to be taken from that warm wet place. She moved her finger away from her, and for a moment he thought she was offering it to his mouth, but she lifted it away from him and up to her own mouth, sliding it sensuously between her lips. He gasped. She sucked on it, closing her eyes, and then slowly pulled it out.
"I love the taste of my cunt cream." She looked directly at him. "I know that any young man who wanted to fuck me would love to taste it." She smiled, and then moved her hand back to rejoin the other one. Hypnotised, his eyes followed it. She moved her fingers a little upwards and then stopped.
"Do you see this tiny opening?" He was leaning forward now, try into see everything closer; the musky fragrance surrounded him. Where her fingers rested was a little circular hole.
"This is where I pee."
He was suddenly shocked, and instinctively moved back slightly.
"You mustn't be frightened, Adrian. Some young men like to watch a lady pee." She had turned on her most seductive voice, and he sensed that what she was saying excited her. "Some ladies like that. Some ladies like to watch young men pee. They find it very naughty."
He felt confused. It seemed so wrong, so dirty, and yet the fact that she was telling him, that she wanted him to know, made it sound exciting.
Her fingers moved again a little higher. "Now, this little swelling at the top is very important. Only really clever young men know about it and what it's for."
Straining forward again, he could see what seemed a tiny hill of flesh. She pulled her fingers up slightly, stretching it, and the skin covering it slid back, releasing a small hard lump.
"This is called my clit, and it is very special, very sensitive." She ran her finger around it, leaving a glistening circle of moisture. She lowered her voice, as if telling him something secret. "When I am feeling very naughty, and I want to cum, I rub it. I have to make sure my fingers are wet or I would make it sore." She moved a finger down and slid it inside herself and then returned it to her clit.
"It feels lovely when I rub it, like it feels when you rub the skin near the top of your little cock."
She began to rub her wet finger gently over it, and he heard her breathing change.
"Young men can do this with their fingers," her voice was strained, "or with their tongues. And if they are clever enough, they can make me so excited that I cum." Her words were ragged now. "And when I cum, my cunt shoots cream over their faces, into their mouths, to taste, to drink..."
Suddenly she stopped and pulled her fingers away. The knob of flesh was red and stood out; her lips slowly settled back, red and shiny wet; her breathing began to ease.
She giggled. "But I mustn't come yet. And I am being far too naughty." He wanted desperately to tell her that she wasn't, that he wanted her to cum, but she didn't give him a chance to speak.
"And there's one place we haven't explored yet."
She returned a finger to her lips and dragged it downwards between them, coating them with moisture.
"Somewhere very exciting."
She shuffled forward slightly and raised her legs up, spreading them obscenely wide. She trailed her finger down further onto the puckered born ring of her anus, circling it slightly, making it shine with moisture. Then it settled over the centre, pressing down against it.
"This is my bottom," she said, almost like a little girl. "I love bottoms. I love playing with young men's bottoms, and I love it when they play with mine." As if to confirm this, she pushed her finger slightly harder, the ring opened and it slipped inside.
"Mmmm, that feels so naughty." She began to move the finger in and out. "You know how lovely that feels, don't you my little man?"
His mind flashed back to last night in the bath, her finger moving in his bottom, the lovely forbidden feeling of it. He nodded, lost in what he was watching, in the memory of what it felt like.
Eventually, her finger stopped and slid out, and the little dark hole that was left closed slowly, the ring pulsing slightly. She lowered her legs and settled back, her hands now out of his line of sight. He lost track of time, his whole being focused on the vision in front of him, at the answer to so many mysteries. He felt at peace, reborn. She stayed just sitting there, open to him, letting him look.
"Did you like that?" she asked softly after a little while. He felt a the need to express a desperate gratitude, but couldn't find the right words, so he looked up at her and just nodded. She seemed to understand and smiled.
"So did I," she said gently and paused. "Would you like to play more games with me?"
"Oh yes, Nikki," he sighed, and then, without thinking, "I want to do everything."
She smiled again and slowly brought her legs together. "Then I think it's time for a shower," she said. She stood up, her skirt falling back down to her ankles, and stepped round him. "Just wait here while I get it ready."
He didn't move, still kneeling in the space she had vacated, still staring at where she had been. He felt euphorically happy. He looked at the shape of the cushion on which she had been sitting, still reflecting the curve of her bottom, and noticed a small darker patch near the front of it. He knew it was her wetness, and leaned forward to inhale its scent. He felt an urge to lick it, but hesitated. Somewhere nearby, he heard the sound of the shower running, and he stood up slowly to wait for her call. He wondered what would happen next, what delights she had in store for him. He thought back to what she had said, and couldn't escape the impression that she seemed to be teaching him, preparing him for something.
He heard her call and walked through a doorway towards the noise of the water. The shower wasn't what he expected. He had always thought showers were little cubicles in the corner of small bathrooms, but as he walked in, he gasped at its size. At one end was a toilet and hand basin, but the rest of the room was given over to a tiled floor with a showerhead poised over the middle. From this, water cascaded down, splashing onto the floor and disappearing down a grill sunk into the tiles. He felt a sudden, irrational urge to pee, but put the thought to back of his mind.
Nikki was standing just out of range of the water, and she turned and smiled at him. She undressed quickly and he felt the thrill of watching her do something so habitual and so intimate. She threw her clothes into a dry corner, and walked into the stream of water. He gasped at how beautiful she looked as the water ran over her; it seemed to shimmer on her skin, making her look like a marble goddess.
"Well come on," she called to him. "What are you waiting for?"
He ran forward, laughing and felt the hot water flooding over him. He looked up at her through the torrent and then impulsively wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed himself against her, squeezing her tightly with joy. He heard her laugh and felt her hands rubbing up and down his back.
She pushed him away and bent down, her mouth next to his ear. "Do you want to wash me?" she whispered. "I haven't got a sponge, so I'm afraid that you'll have to use your hands."
He gasped and stepped back to see that she was laughing, not like an adult, distant and mysterious, but as someone who felt just like him, the same excitement in her eyes.
"Oh yes," he cried, his excitement bubbling out of him.
He reached up and ran his hands over her shoulders and down onto her breasts. He pushed them upwards and saw the water cascade over her hard nipples like two small waterfalls. On an impulse he put his mouth under one of them and let it fill, not swallowing but allowing it to overflow over his face. He moved his hands down over her stomach to her mound and that beacon of hair, feeling it tickle against his fingers. Inspired now, making her wait, he moved onto her legs rubbing down to her feet.
He began to wash upwards, stroking her calves and up over her knees. As he neared the top of her thighs, he slowed, taking more time to caress her. Her hands rested on his shoulders and her legs parted to allow him access. With his new found knowledge, he suddenly knew what he was going to do. He stroked slowly along her lips, feeling them part under the pressure of his fingers. He felt a different sort of wetness, not watery, but thicker, more slippery. He brushed a finger over her clit and felt her hands tighten on his shoulders, before moving it back and pressing it against her centre. She shifted, parting her legs further, and he felt it slip inside her. He added a second finger and pushed them deep and once more her grip tightened. He began to move them, fucking them slowly in and out, and she crouched more wantonly, allowing him even deeper penetration. For a second he pulled out of her and rubbed softly on her clit, and then plunged back in, his desire making him push harder and faster. Her grip on his shoulders grew tighter, almost painful, and she seemed to rock her cunt against his probing fingers.
Suddenly she grabbed his hand and pulled it away from her, breathing heavily. "You are so clever, my little man, but not yet," she moaned, "not yet."
Pride filled him and he laughed again. She had said he was clever. She would have cum if she hadn't stopped him, and it was because of his cleverness.
"But haven't you forgotten something?" she asked, almost laughing herself. She turned round and pointed her bottom at him. He noticed how the water ran down the crack between her buttocks.
He began to rub her back, avoiding going any lower at first, using his new-found cleverness. Then he swept across and around her cheeks until he knew there was only one place left to go. To encourage him, she bent forward and pulled her buttocks apart. He gasped; she looked so dirty, so wonderful. He ran his hand lightly down between them, feathering his fingers over her anus, hearing her gasp. He pushed one finger against it, rubbing it in a circle against the puckered edge, and he felt it give against the pressure. He pressed a little harder and at once it was inside her. He heard her moan and pushed his finger deeper, feeling it wrapped by a tight tube. He remembered what she had said last night, about using his finger to fuck, and he began to move it in and out. She moaned again, louder, until once more her hand gripped his, stopping him moving. He pulled out of her slowly, smiling despite himself.
"You naughty, naughty little man," she panted, "what are you trying to do to me?" She leaned down and kissed the top of his head.
"I have a secret to tell you."
His heart leapt. Her secrets were always so exciting. "What is it, Nikki?" he asked eagerly.
She knelt down, bringing her face to the level of his. The water sparkled as it ran over her.
"Do you remember I said that some ladies love to watch young men pee?"
He giggled.
"Well, I have played a terrible trick on you. There was something extra in your drink tonight, something that will make you want to pee, very soon." She paused. "I want you to pee for me." Another pause. "And I want to watch you."
He gasped. Somewhere in the back of his head he knew he should be shocked, but something about him was different tonight. He looked into her eyes and saw real desire in them, and he felt excitement, not simply because it was such a forbidden thing to do, but because she wanted him to.
As if on cue, he felt the urge to pee return, and with it came a sudden realization.
"I can't, Nikki," he whispered. He saw her expression change, and sensed her disappointment. "I want to," he said hurriedly, "but... I can't, not when I'm... " he waved his hand at his cock, "... like this, all stiff." He blushed.
She looked down his body, and then back to his face, smiling. "It's ok," she said comfortingly. "When you are ready to start, you need to arch your back and push your bottom out. I'll do all the rest."
The urge inside him grew stronger. "I'm ready to go now, Nikki," he said, giggling.
"Good boy," she whispered and stood up in front of him, their bodies almost touching. He wondered for a moment how she would be able to see if she stood so close, but then he felt her fingers holding his cock, and the thought left him.
He started to concentrate, to follow her instructions, but the strangeness of it all, of the shower, of what she wanted, of her hand, inhibited him.
She leant down and whispered in his ear. "Relax my little one, relax." Her voice was hypnotic. "Just think about how happy you will make me."
He tried again, but this time did not push, just relaxed into the feeling. He breathed out and felt the tension ebb out of him. A muscle somewhere in his groin seemed to give, and he felt his pee move into his cock, slowly at first, but then with more pressure. A dribble came out and splashed onto the floor and then stopped. Then another, and he felt the floodgates open. Her fingers gripped him tightly, and moved his cock slightly, as if she was adjusting it, and he heard her gasp. He looked down and tried to see what she was doing, and realised suddenly that he was peeing on her, that she was aiming his cock between her legs. Deliberately. Her other hand squeezed tightly on his shoulder, pinching the skin.
"Oh my sweet boy!" she rasped, breathlessly. "Oh Jesus God! Oh fuck...!"
He didn't understand why, but he could hear the pleasure building in her, and he wanted to please her, so much. He could tell that he was close to finishing, and he tried to push the stream harder to keep whatever she was feeling happening.
Then suddenly she was on her knees in front of him, and he felt her lips on his cock. He cried out in sudden abandonment, her hands gripping his bottom, pulling his hips forward.
He looked down, in need of proof of this amazing moment. Her mouth was holding him, and he could see the muscles in her neck moving as she swallowed the last of his flow. She was drinking him, drinking his... A strange sense of elation swept over him, a closeness to her that he couldn't understand. He simply knew that now he would do anything for her.
For a few seconds, she held him in her mouth and he felt suction on his cock and then she released him. He expected her to get up but she stayed where she was, kissing up and down his cock and over his balls, strange, fierce kisses.
She looked up at him and he saw that the wildness was still in her eyes.
She pulled him down to the floor and held his face in front of hers.
"Do you love me?" she said with a fierce urgency.
The tone of her voice shocked him, almost as much as the question itself. Did he love her? This wonderful woman? This goddess who had lead him into the world of his dreams?
"Yes," he answered quietly, looking straight into her eyes.
"And would you do anything for me?" she demanded.
"I want you to do something wonderfully naughty for me, something that would make me so very happy."
"What do you want me to do?" She looked at him as if she was making a decision. "I want you to let me do the same to you."
He looked into her wild, impatient eyes and knew he should say no; all he had learned about life up till now shouted the sensible answer from somewhere hazy in the back of his mind. But he knew he couldn't refuse, didn't want to say no, that he wanted to give her everything she asked of him. And somehow the idea seemed so deliciously exciting.
"Ok," he said, shyly.
She leaned forward and kissed him quickly on the lips.
"Lie down on the floor, Adrian." It was almost like an order, and he obeyed it immediately. He looked up through the falling water and she was already standing over him, her hands between her legs, her fingers pulling her lips apart. He could see inside her vagina and the walls seemed to be moving, throbbing.
"Do this for me little one," she rasped. "Don't be frightened. Just close your eyes."
He closed his eyes, and waited. He felt his cock throb.
He heard her gasp and then moan and at the same time, a stream of warm liquid hit his groin, knocking his cock back against his stomach as if she was spraying him with a hose. The jet moved over him from side to side and up and down, creeping upwards, over his stomach, over his chest, over his nipples, spraying his neck. He heard her moaning again, louder, heard her breath rasping with some unknown pleasure. A feeling of need grew in him: he wanted her to have that pleasure, he wanted to give her something she seemed to need so much, just as she had given to him. And it excited him. He would do anything for her, as long as it was what she wanted.
He opened his mouth, stretching his jaw until he felt the joint hurt.
The jet hit his tongue so hard that he almost choked. The warm, acrid liquid seemed to fill him so quickly that he had no time to swallow and he felt it flowing out over his cheeks. She was saying something, over and over but he couldn't hear it amidst the noise of the water and his struggle to keep control of himself. He felt the urge to cum and reached down to grasp his prick.
Then, as quickly as it started, the jet died, and he lay back catching his breath, the shower washing over him. He closed his mouth slowly and relaxed, enjoying the warmth of the fresh water and a feeling of calm that filled him. She was still moaning, but she sounded further away, and he wondered for a moment if something was wrong. He opened his eyes slowly and sat up.
She was in the corner in a semi crouch, leaning back against the walls for support. Her legs were open and she was pumping two of her fingers rapidly in and out of her cunt. Her eyes were screwed up tight shut and she was moaning loudly. Suddenly he saw her stiffen and thrust forward with her hips, impaling her fingers deep inside herself and she seemed to freeze. She let out what sounded like a long deep growl and then collapsed back onto the wall, her hips throbbing forward occasionally, sending shudders through her whole body.
He crawled across to her through the spray on his hands and knees and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. For a little while he felt spasms shoot through her, but slowly they began to fade and her breathing settled. Eventually her arms wrapped around him and she rested her head on his small shoulder.
"You were so good, Adrian" she murmured. "So good."
He closed his eyes, never wanting this moment to end.
Count of Montserrat
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