Published: 16-Nov-2012
Word Count:
Adrian couldn't stop his legs shaking. He had tried lying in different positions, tried tensing his muscles, tried holding them down with his hands, but still they shook and had done so since he had had his bath, before Lights-Out. He knew it was the waiting that caused it, had always caused it whenever he had something exciting to look forward to; but never like this. And it wasn't just his legs. His mouth was dry, his stomach cramped with adrenalin.
She had said "Tomorrow", that she would continue the treatment "tomorrow". And now he was waiting, his ears alert for any sound, any footfall in the corridor, but apart from the slow breathing of the sleeping boys around him, he heard nothing.
He felt an agony of indecision. Had she meant that he should go to the Matron's Room on his own? Was she sitting there, waiting for him, perhaps thinking that he was too frightened to come a second time, perhaps even angry with him? Or was she going to come and get him like she had last night? Worst of all, had he, in the wonder of last night, misunderstood, that there was to be no second time.
He tried to calm himself. His hand was wrapped around his small, hard cock and every time he squeezed it, sensations of pleasure and longing ran down into his loins. He longed to find release, to start rubbing, but he was not going to: not tonight. He was going to wait. Instead, for the hundredth time, he thought back to last night. He had spent the day in a waking dream, barely conscious of things that were happening around him, relying on the routine of school life to carry him through. All the time, he tried to make sense of what had happened, and in particular, of Nikki.
She was the most beautiful, most mysterious woman he had ever met; it was as if all his fantasies, needs, longings had somehow been brought together in her; she had made him cum, his first wonderful cum, in a way that he would remember all his life. And yet she was unlike any adult he had met. Adults in his experience were dull sensible people who disapproved of much of what he did and seemed to take considerable pleasure in preventing him from doing it. But Nikki liked keeping secrets, being naughty, saying and doing amazing, incredible, forbidden things; she was exciting and unpredictable and seemed to be able to read his mind.
Most exciting of all, he had to conclude that she had enjoyed what they had done. He wasn't sure how, but he was sure. It had something to do with the way she had moaned when he touched her nipples, with the movement of her arm under her skirt, with the sound of her breathing. And then there's was that intoxicating scent that had filled the air around them, and the white panties discarded on the ground; he knew they had something to do with the way she felt, but their meaning was beyond his understanding.
A board creaked in the corridor, and suddenly he was in the present. He looked towards the door and saw a shape, a person, Nikki... Relief and excitement flooded into him: she was here; it wasn't a dream.
She stood framed by the doorway, hand on her hips, smiling at him. He sat up and looked at her, and immediately she brought her finger to her lips, miming for him to be quiet. He nodded, repeating the gesture to show that he had understood. She moved her hand towards him and beckoned slowly, just one finger, arousingly. He slipped out of bed, put on his dressing gown and tiptoed across to the door.
As he came into the light, her smile broadened. She turned and walked off down the corridor, and he followed quietly. As last night, he watched her walking in front of him, only this time, adventure and excitement had replaced fear and shame. She was wearing the same uniform, and the sway of her bottom continued to mesmerise him as it had before; indeed it seemed even more pronounced tonight.
When they had both entered her office, the first thing she did was lock the door, and for a moment he felt disappointment; she did not need to search so revealingly for her keys tonight. She turned and looked at him, smiling broadly.
"Hello, Adrian. I had my keys ready tonight. Are you disappointed?"
He could tell she was teasing him and he smiled half-heartedly, not sure where she was taking him.
"You see, I thought it might be just too naughty to let you look up my skirt again." She paused. "Shall I tell you why?"
He nodded uncertainly.
"Because tonight, I'm not wearing any panties." There was a sparkle in her voice, as if she was on the edge of laughing.
He gasped, and his mouth hung open.
She stood in front of him, her left hip cocked and her hand resting on it, as if she was encouraging him to inspect her. He looked at her skirt, where it covered the apex of her thighs. Because of her stance, it was stretched tight, and in the centre he could see a small mound pushing the material forward. And underneath he knew there was nothing... He longed for X-ray vision.
"Now, Adrian, just lie on the couch like you did last night." Her voice pulled him out of his fantasy.
While he settled himself, she fetched a chair and sat down so that she was alongside him, just like last night. He looked down the length of his body and noticed the small swelling of his cock under his dressing gown, and he realised that this time he felt no shame. Somehow he knew that this was what she wanted, and he felt oddly proud.
"How are you feeling tonight?" She was leaning towards him, letting him look down her blouse.
A whole list of words swirled around in his head and he snatched at just one of them."Happy!" he said, the word almost bubbling out of him.
She laughed and placed her hand over his groin, pressing it against his prick. He felt a shiver of pleasure in his loins and instinctively pressed up against her.
"Mmm, so I see," she said, "and clearly you are keen to continue your treatment."
"Oh yes, Nikki."
"And you can keep secrets?"
"Yes, Nikki." He found it hard not to giggle as he spoke.
"And you don't mind me saying naughty things to you?"
"Oh no, Nikki."
She lowered her voice slightly, and leaned in towards him. "Or doing naughty things with you?" She moved her left hand under his dressing gown so that now, only his pyjamas separated it from his cock.
"No, Nikki." He tried to swallow his excitement.
She squeezed him and then withdrew her hand. "Good boy," she said. "You did very well last night, Adrian. I was very pleased with you." She paused. "Did you enjoy what we did?"
He felt a sudden urge to laugh at the notion that somehow he didn't enjoy it, that he had been pretending. He paused, trying unsuccessfully to summon up the words that would tell her it had been the most thrilling night of his life.
"Oh yes, it was... wonderful!" he said, his voice squeaking slightly in his efforts to convey just how wonderful it had been.
"And what did you like most?" she said quietly, treacle-tongued.
He tried to think, tried to choose one of the delicious images that swept across his mind's eye, but couldn't.
"Everything," he said.
He felt her left hand once more under his dressing gown, resting lightly on his groin.
She leaned forward slightly, causing her blouse to gape more widely. "Everything? Weren't there some things that... stood out?"
"Your... breasts, " he whispered, blushing now at the intimacy of what he was saying, "when you let me touch your breast."
She raised her eyebrows. "Ah! Ah! We used another word, didn't we?"
He blushed. "Yes."
She smiled at him, waiting. "Well...?"
She moved her right hand under her blouse and began to move it in small circles. For a moment the blouse fanned out and he could see her erect nipple, before the material settled back into place. He felt his cock pulse, and as if in reply, she pressed down with her left hand.
"I'm glad you liked touching my tits. Anything else you liked?" Her right hand continued its hidden circular movement, hypnotising him.
"When you... " He stopped.
"You don't have to be shy with me," she said. Her left started hand moving in small circles over his cock, matching the movement under her blouse, and the sensation made him suck in his breath. "You can say anything you want to me. And remember, I'm not wearing any panties."
He took another deep breath. "When you put my prick in your mouth." The words rushed out of him and he scanned her face, anxiously.
She paused. "Yes, I liked that too," she said, smiling. He felt her left hand press down slightly harder, and he couldn't help but tense his body against it. He noticed that her other hand was still now, and that under the material she seemed to be pinching her nipple. And there was that scent again, rich and musky.
"And what about the feeling at the end? When you came? Was that good?"
"Oh yes, Nikki!" He sighed, remembering the pleasure. "It was..." He had no word to describe that amazing moment.
"I want to make you cum again tonight, Adrian."
She squeezed down hard on his cock and leaned further forward. Her lips were wet and parted; her blouse sagged open and he could see her hand clearly now, cupping her breast, rolling her nipple between her thumb and forefinger.
"I would enjoy that." She paused, and whispered, as if to herself, "But not just yet. We have plenty of time."
So he was right! She had liked what had happened, just as he thought. Which meant....
"Nikki?" he said. "Can I ask you something? About last night?"
"Of course you can. What do you want to ask me?" She removed her right hand from her blouse and rested it in her lap, and he could see her nipple standing out clearly as the material settled. For a second he lost track of what he wanted to say.
"I... erm... last night, when you... made me cum, did it make you feel... excited?"
"Excited? Well of course, Adrian. I'm a nurse, and I like trying to help small boys who have problems. It's my job." He could hear the laughter behind her words and he knew that she was teasing him again.
"No, I mean did you... " if only he could find the right words... "did it make you feel... naughty?" As soon as the word left his lips, he felt embarrassed. Not because of what he meant, but because it sounded so childish, so infantile.
She raised her eyebrows in a show of shock, but the smile did not leave her eyes. "Oh Adrian, are you suggesting that what we did last night made me feel sexually aroused?"
"Well, it's just that..."
"Just what? What makes you think that I was feeling... naughty?"
"Well, when you were... when you were making me cum, I saw..." He stopped, seeing suddenly the trap that he had stumbled into.
"Adrian!" Her voice sounded serious. "I told you that you had to keep your eyes closed. Do you mean to tell me that you opened them, that you peeped?" Her left hand stopped moving. He felt a growing anxiety, that perhaps she really was upset that he had not done as she had told him.
"Yes... I'm sorry, it's just that it was so... so good." He tried to convey the wonder of that unmissable moment. "I just had to see."
"What did you see, Adrian?" She said the words more slowly, more softly and he felt powerless to resist answering her.
"I saw your head, moving up and down." He felt his heart hammering in his chest. "And your hand, moving under your skirt."
"And why do you think it was doing that?"
He hardly dare whisper his reply. "Because you were trying to make yourself... cum?"
There was a long pause. "Perhaps I was just scratching?"
For a moment he was confused, but then he remembered his own lame excuse from last night, and he laughed in relief. She was smiling at him, but there was something different about her expression. It was the way she raised her eyebrows, as if she was trying to tell him something.
And then, he had a moment of inspiration. He had said he was 'scratching' to her last night, in the dormitory, to try to cover up what he was really doing; and now she was doing exactly the same thing, except that she was doing it on purpose, to send him a message, a message that could mean only one thing. With understanding, his confidence grew.
"But it wasn't like scratching. It was slower, like you were... rubbing."
Slowly she moved her hand out from under his dressing gown. He watched as it moved down to her skirt and then disappeared underneath the hem. He watched as her legs parted and her arm moved upward, her wrist pulling her skirt up with it. Eventually it stopped. He could see the tops of her stockings, but beyond that, beneath her skirt, her arm disappeared into shadow. A shadow where there were no panties. And then, higher up, at the very top of her thighs, he saw the shape of what he knew was her hand moving under the material, moving slowly, moving in a rhythm, up and down.
"Was it like this?" she said, her voice more like a caress.
He felt himself hypnotised by the movement, and it was a while before he could answer.
"Yes," he whispered.
"Adrian, do you want me to tell you a really special secret?" She seemed to be deliberately speaking more slowly.
"Yes. Please." Her invisible hand continued to move.
"Taking your lovely little cock in my mouth was very arousing. And when I felt it throb against my tongue, it made me very wet. It made me want to touch myself. I had to take my panties off and rub myself, and when I felt you cum inside my mouth... I came as well."
Once more she had made the world stop around him, and he gasped for breath.
Her velvet voice continued, "And that is why I decided not to wear any panties tonight."
He felt as if he was about to explode, that if he were to just touch his cock he would cum. He felt it throbbing, felt the heat of his blood in the flush of his face, felt the dryness of his mouth. Because of him, she had cum! He didn't understand why, or how, but somehow, at this moment, that didn't matter. Because he had cum, this magical woman had cum as well, and he had been a part of it. And now she had as good as told him that she wanted to cum again, tonight.
He tore his eyes away from her skirt, and looked at her face. She was looking directly at him, smiling, her cheeks, like his, slightly flushed. He smiled back, a smile that tried to say everything that was in his heart.
Suddenly, she stood up.
"I've got a surprise for you," she said brightly. "Come with me."
The sudden change left him feeling totally disorientated, and it took him a moment to focus on what she had said. He climbed down off the couch and followed her across the room, through a door on the far side and into a large bathroom. It was unlike his bathroom at home, being filled with glass cabinets, long work-surfaces and cupboards, but along one wall stood a large bath, larger than he had ever seen before. It didn't stand alone, but was set into a type of plinth of white tiles which ringed its rim, as if it was a miniature swimming pool. It was already full of water and he saw hints of steam rising from the surface.
His immediate thought on seeing the water was one of resentment, almost anger; how could she so suddenly change the mood, after what she had just said, what she had just done? But yet again she seemed to read his mind.
"I know it might seem strange, Adrian, but I want you to have another bath." Her voice was soothing and persuasive. "I know that you have already had one tonight, but it is very important for your treatment that we make sure you are really warm. Will you do that for me?" she asked gently.
As quickly as it had arrived, his anger left him. He might have been naive, but he was a quick learner, and he had learnt already that reasons Nikki asked him to do things might not always be clear, but they seemed to lead to the most delightful consequences. He put aside his resentment and determined that he would do whatever she asked. Especially after what she had just told him.
"Yes, Nikki." he said, and he smiled.
"And Adrian." She paused. "We might have more secrets to share tonight." She paused again, her eyes seeming to sparkle in the light. "Do you think that you will be able to keep those secrets?"
Oh yes," he repeated. "I promise, Nikki." His words were more like a sigh, of contentment, of joy, of knowing now that his instincts had not been wrong.
"It's my turn to ask you a question now."
He stood still, looking at her, and she paused, letting his anticipation build.
"Have you ever been kissed by a girl before?"
Surprise made him gasp, and images from half remembered film flashed through his head.
"No." He wasn't sure how he managed to say the word because his heart was beating so hard.
She walked over and bent her face down towards his, cupping her hand under his chin to tilt his head back slightly. He tried to remember how people kissed properly, tried to capture the half remembered images. One thing he knew: they always seemed to have their eyes closed. He closed his eyes and waited.
The first thing he noticed was a gentle draft from her breath, and the closeness of warmth. Then so softly, almost imperceptibly, he felt touch of her lips on his. Not the pressure he was expecting, but more of a feeling of a feather touching against his mouth. For a second, her lips seemed to brush across his, and then settled and pressed just slightly against him. He felt almost weak with the thrill that he felt, at the intimacy. He wondered suddenly if he should do something, and he tried to pucker his lips and press his mouth forward, and at once he felt her mouth withdraw.
"Just relax, my little one, just relax." He didn't only hear her words, but felt their rhythm from her breath. He relaxed.
Her lips returned and he felt them brush lightly back and forth against his. He felt them expand slightly, and then a touch of moisture that traced along his mouth. For a moment he wondered what it was, until he realised it was her tongue. She seemed to be tracing the line of his lips, leaving a trail of moisture. It felt soft and warm and exquisite. Suddenly he felt the pressure of her tongue increase, pushing between his lips, and for a second it touched his own tongue before he withdrew it. He felt its warmth and wetness.
Then, unbidden, instinct took hold of him. Responding to her invasion, his tongue moved forward against hers, rubbing along it, twining around it, feeling the textures surface of the top and the smooth silk of the underneath. He pushed harder and felt it retreat and followed it from his mouth to her own. He felt the dampness of saliva on his lips, felt the warm drafts of air as they breathed into each other's mouths.
He lost track of time; the kiss could have lasted for seconds or for hours. But eventually he felt the pressure of her lips lighten and her tongue withdraw. She drew back from his face, and smiled. He could see that her lips were wet. He smiled back, savouring the taste of her mouth on her tongue.
"Right. Let's take your clothes off, shall we?"
She crouched down slowly in front of him, spreading her legs to help her keep her balance as her bottom sank down towards her heels. Desperately he watched the slow reveal: her thighs, her stocking tops, the white, taut skin above them. And then she paused, opening herself to his gaze. It was only for a second but the image burned onto the back of his camera eyes.
The colour was deep, rich; not the pink he had expected, but a purplish red. He captured the shape of her, the mirrored curves of her sex, and in the middle, crinkled flesh that seemed to push outwards like the petals of a flower, but swollen, thick. And there was hair, short and light, but darkened and matted with moisture that seemed to glint and wink in the light. And the fragrance of her wafted up to him, its source clear now, filling his nostrils, intoxicating him.
She held her position for only a moment and then settled back, taking the vision out of sight.
She leaned forwards and pushed his dressing gown off his shoulders so that it fell to the floor behind him. He looked down beyond the swell of her breasts, and saw the small tent over his erect cock. He felt strangely calm: he knew that he was in her hands; all he wanted now was to abandon himself to whatever she had planned.
She began to unbutton his pyjama top, her fingers moving slowly from one button to the next, and then she pushed it too over his shoulders to join his dressing gown. She ran her hands over his torso, lingering for a moment over his small nipples. He felt his heart pounding under her warm soft fingers. Her hands moved down around his hips, slipping under the waistband of his pyjama trousers and over his bottom. She cupped his buttocks and he gasped as he felt a finger gently press down into the crack between them.
Her hand continued downwards, pulling the trousers with them. As it slid down, the waistband pulled on the tip of his hard little prick, until, as if released from an elastic band, it shot back up and slapped against his belly. He heard her giggle, and felt his trousers fall to the floor.
For a moment, she stayed still, staring at his groin. His cock was pointing upwards, pulsing to his heartbeat, just inches in front of her face. Her breathing seemed to quicken. Then, quickly, she leant forward and planted a kiss on its tip. Her lips opened and he felt her lips engulf him like last night, felt her tongue swirling over him. At once his body stiffened and his hips pushed forward, but as he did so her mouth slid from him and he felt cool air on his cock.
"Naughty, naughty!" she said, looking up at him. She giggled again and stood up.
Leaving him standing naked in the middle of the room, she walked over to a sink and filled a glass with cold water. Then, bending down slowly, she opened a cupboard and took out a small, dark-brown bottle. He stared at the shape of her bottom pressing against the material of her skirt and tried to imagine what he so wanted to see underneath it. Straightening up, she unscrewed the bottle and added four drops of its contents to the glass of water.
"I want you to drink this, please. It will help you to relax later," she said, handing him the glass.
He felt confused, wondering what she had put in the glass and what she meant by 'relax'. But she was a matron, and he had come to trust her implicitly. While she watched him, he drained the glass and handed it back to her. She took it and smiled at him.
"Right, young man, into the bath with you," she said, and started to gather up his clothes.
He walked over and climbed into the bath. It seemed so large, but the water was comfortingly warm, and he lay back against the end, stretching his legs out in front of him. The warmth covered him like a glistening blanket.
She walked over and looked down at him, scanning his body. When she spoke, there was laughter in her voice.
"You're going to have to shift down a bit, Adrian. Otherwise there isn't going to be room for me."
Peter Pumper
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