A Private Education, Part 2

[ Fb, pedo, cons ]

by Wistful


Published: 11-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Right Adrian. I think it's time we had a little talk, don't you?"

The reality of her question left him tongue-tied. He wanted to say "No", to get off the examination couch and run from the room, down the corridor, back to the safety and darkness of his bed. But he knew that the world wasn't like that; adults weren't like that. She would come after him, drag him from his bed, take him down to the Headmaster. And then....

"Yes, Miss," he said quietly, his voice almost a whisper. He couldn't look at her, but stared into the middle distance, his eyes unfocused. His only comfort was that he felt his erection shrinking, his small cock shrivelling back against his tight little balls.

"You don't have to call me 'Miss'. My name is Nikki," the softness of her voice surprised him, "and I'm not going to bite you." As before there seemed to be laughter in her voice, and he glanced at her quickly to see she was smiling at him. Again, he was aware of her laughing at some secret, unfathomable joke.

"Yes Mi..." He stopped mid-word, embarrassed to say her name out loud.

"Now I want you to be truthful with me Adrian. I want you to tell me what you were doing when I saw you in the dormitory." Again, there was no harshness in her voice. But how could she ask him such an impossible question? How could he possibly tell her the truth? He felt his face reddening and tears starting in his eyes.

"Just scratching," he whispered, remembering his original lie just in time.

"Oh I don't think you were scratching, were you?" She paused, and when he didn't speak, continued, "I was watching. I saw your hand under the covers, moving up and down, getting faster and faster." She paused again. " I saw your body tense. I heard your breathing get louder. That wasn't scratching, was it, Adrian?"

The way she said the word 'scratching' left him defeated. She knew what he had been doing, had even watched him for a little while before she stopped him.

"No, Miss." His voice seemed to have shrunk away to almost nothing.

For a moment she seemed about to speak but then stopped herself. Instead, she got up from behind her desk, picked up her chair and carried it over to the examination couch. She placed it slightly in front of him, and, smoothing her skirt over her bottom, slowly sat down. She leaned slightly forward towards him, resting her forearms on her thighs, and her blouse gaped. He looked away quickly, frightened that his erection might come back; whatever he did, he knew that he had to try not to look. He must keep his eyes down, unfocused.

"You don't have to be shy, Adrian, and you don't need to be frightened of me. What we say to each other will be our secret, I'm not going to tell anyone else. And as we are on our own, I want you to call me Nikki. Will you do that for me?"

Her tone was soft, persuasive. "Yes Mi... Nikki."

"There that wasn't so difficult, was it? So tell me, what were you doing?"

"I was touching myself."

"And where were you touching yourself?"

He looked at her for a moment, his blush rising again. "I can't tell you. It's... rude."

"Adrian you can tell me, I won't be upset. Like I said, this is our secret. Where were you touching yourself?"

He thought desperately for the right word, the word that wouldn't upset her. He knew there was a proper word, but as his mind panicked, he couldn't remember it.

"On my.... cock." As soon as he said it he looked at her, expecting a rebuke, but she simply smiled at him. Her eyes seemed to twinkle back at him.

"And what were you doing to your cock, Adrian?"

"Rubbing it, Mi..."

"Was it hard when you rubbed it?"


"So you were masturbating, weren't you Adrian?" Sensing his confusion, she continued quickly, "That's a fancy word for wanking. You know what 'wanking' means, don't you?".

Her use of the word startled him, startled and excited. "Yes, Miss. Sorry, Miss."

"You're sorry? That you know that wanking means?" Her words were edged with laughter, her tone, teasing.

Despite himself, he felt a slight urge to laugh, but held it back. "No, I'm sorry that I was mast.., mastrer..., wanking".

Out of the corner of his eye he saw her lean further forward and felt her hand rest on his arm.

"Look at me, Adrian."

Her soft, seductive voice compelled him. He turned and looked at her. Her eyes looked directly into his, but try as he might he couldn't hold her gaze but found himself looking downwards. Her blouse now gaped so much that he could see her breasts clearly. They hung like two delicious globes in front of him, pink, and to his mind perfect. He looked at the soft round shape of them, and at the darker nipples that if anything seemed more pointed and erect than the last time he saw them. And he yearned to reach out and touch them, to feel their firmness in his hands, to brush his fingers over the nipples and to run his face along that soft, warm valley between them.

As if coming out of a dream, he felt the blood flow into his cock, felt it swelling, felt it pressing against the material of his dressing gown.

He became aware that she seemed to be waiting, almost as if she knew what he was doing, and he looked back to her face.

"Listen to me," she said, as if nothing had happened, "you don't have to be sorry for touching yourself. Everybody likes to touch themselves, no matter who they are. You don't have to be ashamed of yourself."

He felt so shocked by what she had said, that before he could stop himself, he said, "But my mum says that things like that are wrong, and a sin."

He felt her squeeze his wrist and noticed for the first time that she had moved her hand from higher up his arm. Without looking down, he knew that it was only six inches from what now must be a small tent in his dressing gown.

"Well I don't think she's right." She leaned even closer to him. "As you have told me a secret tonight, can I tell you one?"

He nodded, entranced by the softness of her voice.

"And you promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise, Nikki, I won't tell anyone," he whispered.

She smiled at him, and whispered back, "I like to masturbate too."

The world seemed to stop for him. He felt the impact of her words as if he had been hit, and he was aware that his mouth was hanging open. A confusion of questions and images raced through his mind, but he couldn't speak, couldn't move. Except for that one part of him, that betrayer. He felt a surge of energy in his prick, felt it swell to its full size and then stand vertically, held in place by his dressing gown.

"Sometimes, I get excited, just like you. And when I do, I like to touch myself, between my legs."

Automatically, his eyes slid down to that imaginary place under her skirt.

She smiled down at him. "Are you OK?" she asked.


Her eyes glanced down his body for a moment and then back to his face.

"Are you ... comfortable?"

His sheepish smile betrayed what they both knew.

"So now you know my secret, will you tell me more about yours?"

He hadn't thought about it that way before, sharing secrets. He had expected, at almost every moment, for this strange evening to stop, for disaster to explode around him. But he suddenly realised that it hadn't, that in fact this beautiful woman, in whose body he wanted to drown, didn't disapprove of what he was doing, but seemed to understand, even wanted it to be a secret, just between the two of them. He realised that he would never understand the world of adults, but with her, now, he felt less anxious, less ashamed, more confident.

"Ok, Nikki." He used her name on purpose, as a signal that he trusted her.

He felt her hand leave his wrist and rest on his thigh, about halfway between his knee and.....

"Does your cock get hard every night, Adrian?" Her words were like syrup, flowing over him to his loins.


"And do you rub it, like you were tonight?" She was bending forward, eager to catch his answer, concentration on her face. He felt sucked in by her interest. Her hand began to stroke gently up and down on his thigh.

"Yes," he said, a little more quietly.

"And does it make you feel really good?"

He wasn't sure what to answer. He knew he liked wanking, and that it sort of felt good, but equally he had never cum.

"I don't know what you mean."

She smiled at him. "Well, when I touch myself, it feels very good, but at the end, it feels wonderful. Isn't it like that when you do it?"

For a moment he was lost in vague images of ridges and folds and dark hollows. He felt her hand extend its range, stroking slightly higher with each slow sweep. He was finding it hard to concentrate.

"No it doesn't. I mean, I like doing it, but sometimes it hurts and I have to stop."

She sat back slightly in her chair. "Where does it hurt?"

Her hand had gone, and her change of tone had worried him slightly. He knew where it hurt, but not how to explain it. "It's difficult to describe," he said. "It feels sore at the back of the large bit at the top. And sometimes lower down."

"Mmmm," she said, as if considering what to do next. There was a long pause. "I think," she continued, "that we need to find out what the problem is, don't you?" Again, he had the feeling that there was more to her words than he understood.


"And to do that," she paused again, "I am going to have to examine you."

While he was still trying to grasp the significance of what she said, she stood up, turned and walked over to a bag on the floor next to the door. Again he watched the flesh of her bottom roll with each stride. She crouched down and picked up the back, squatting on her haunches, her back to him. She appeared to be trying to find something in it.

Once again this evening he thoughts were full of contradictions: he was suddenly anxious because she seemed to think he had a problem; and yet, if she examined him it would mean that ...

"Oh, the light in here is terrible!" she said, sounding annoyed. She seemed to pivot on her heels and turned around until she was facing him. As earlier, beside the filing cabinet, her legs parted, and once more he was able to see to the apex of her thighs; as earlier, he abandoned all pretence and simply stared. Only this time the light seemed stronger.

"Are you looking up my skirt again, Adrian?"

He looked at her face, and there seemed to be no recrimination in her eyes, rather the hint of a smile.

"Yes." He was going to add "Sorry", but something about her expression told him he didn't need to.

"It's alright, you know. I don't mind you looking." The soft, delicious purr of her words invited him.

He turned his body towards her on the examination couch, leant his head on his elbow, and bathed in the sight before him. His eyes traced the small ridges and folds beneath her panties, trying to make sense of the patterns of flesh. He was suddenly aware that she was moving. Barely perceptibly her bottom seemed to be moving forward, pulling her panties more firmly between her buttocks, stretching the material more tightly against her. And almost magically, he noticed a small bump, near where the stretched tendons at the top of her thighs met her body, and below it two curved ridges that seemed to part and then rejoin, leaving a small indentation in the middle. As he watched, he saw the material begin to darken with moisture, and as it did so, it seemed as if it was becoming transparent. And this was where she liked to touch herself. He felt the room around him swirling, felt the breath stuck in his lungs, felt the blood throbbing in his cock.

"I don't think we're alone," she whispered. He heard the laughter in her words, but her eyes were not upon his face; they seemed to be looking further down. He followed her gaze and saw to his horror that his dressing gown had parted, and the tip of his prick was jutting through his pyjama fly. It was fully erect, and red and swollen. He lay back quickly, pulling his dressing gown over himself, and felt himself blushing again.

She stood up, holding a bunch of keys in her hand. "If I'm going to examine you, I think we better lock the door. We don't want to be disturbed, do we?" After locking it and walking back to the couch, she moved the chair away and stood looking down at him.

"Now Adrian, I know that being so intimately examined can be very embarrassing for a young, handsome man like you, especially when it's by a woman, but I think that it is very important we find out what is the matter. To make it easier for you, we're going to play a game, a very naughty game. We're going to have to use very naughty words and do very naughty things. I don't want you to be shy, or we may not be able to get to the ... root of your problem. Is that OK?"

His senses were in overdrive. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. A strange musky smell, a mixture of perfume and something else he hadn't noticed before, hung in the air.


"Good. Now first of all I want you to open your dressing gown and slide off your pyjama trousers."

Like an automaton he did as she asked, finally kicking his trousers off on to the floor. He looked down at himself. His prick pointed up towards his stomach, but so erect that it slanted up into the air. He could see it pulse to the rhythm of his heartbeat. He looked back up at her. Three buttons of her blouse were now undone, and her hand was inside it, moving in slow circles. As she withdrew it, the blouse stayed open, and he could see the valley between her breasts.

"Oh Adrian, what a lovely little cock!" She sounded like someone out of breath. "It's perfect, so straight and pink and hard." She stared at it for a couple of moments, lost in her own thoughts, and then smiled.

"Now the first thing I want you to do is to show me where it hurts when you rub yourself."

He pointed at the underside near the tip, where the foreskin met the shaft.


"Can you show me how you rub it?"

He glanced at her to see if he had heard her right, and she smiled at him.

"It's all right, I said we'd be doing some naughty things." Her voice was like silk. "This is our little secret. And I would like to watch you do it."

As if in slow motion, he grasped the shaft and began to move his hand up and down, pulling the foreskin backwards and forwards over the head. Once more he saw her wrapped concentration, noticed the pink tip moving over the inside of her mouth. He felt suddenly foolish, wondering if he should stop or carry on, and he felt his cock begin to shrink between his fingers.

"Oh dear, Adrian, I hope I haven't embarrassed you. You see, if we are to find out what is hurting you, your lovely little prick needs to be really hard. In fact, that was why I let you look up my skirt earlier on, so that you would be excited. And now I've upset you."

In his eagerness to explain, he used her name without thinking. "Oh you haven't upset me, Nikki. It's just that I didn't know whether to stop or just carry on." He studied her response, desperate that he had in some way upset her. Destroyed the magic.

She laughed. "Well what are we going to do? We're going to have to start again. I can't let you look up my skirt again - that would be just too rude, but perhaps we could try something else to put things right. Would you like that?"

He felt relief flooding over him, and nodded, unable to stop the smile spreading over his face.

"Yes please."

"Well perhaps we could do something else really naughty instead." She paused and leant towards him. Her blouse hung away from her body, almost open. He waited. "Give me your hand."

He lifted his hand up, and brought it towards her. He noticed that it was shaking. She took it and held in hers, her eyes locked on his. She held it still for what seemed like an age and then slowly began to move it towards her blouse. He watched it's slow progress, as if it belonged to someone else. Another pause.

"I noticed that my skirt was not the only place you have been looking tonight, was it?"

He shook his head, watching the his hand.

"You've also been looking down my blouse, haven't you?"

He nodded, watching. He felt his legs shaking. He felt the blood racing back into his cock.

"Did you like looking at my breasts, Adrian?"


"But I bet you don't call them breasts, do you."

He shook his head.

"What do you call them, Adrian?"

He swallowed. "Tits."

"Mmmm. That is so naughty."

Her tone grew more intense. "Would you like to touch them, Adrian? Feel them?"

Nod. Swallow.

"Then you must ask me. Ask me if you can feel my tits. Say, 'Nikki, can I feel your tits'."

His mouth felt suddenly dry. He whispered, "N..Nikki, c..can I feel your tits?"

There was a pause, filled only with the sound of their breathing, and then she pulled his hand into her blouse and rested it on her right breast.

At first he didn't want to move it but just let it rest, to savour the soft heat of her flesh. He felt the curve mould to his hand and press against it, like a pliant weight, a ripe fruit. He felt a dull, restless ache in his balls and deep in the base of his prick.

"That feels nice, Adrian. You can move your hand if you want to."

He moved it slowly upwards, tracing the curve, his fingers feathering the skin, until he found her nipple. He felt the skin change, the little studs and corrugations, and then the nipple, standing large and hard, resisting for a moment the movement of his hand. He cupped his hand slightly, and felt it slide underneath, felt the friction of the hardened skin sliding along his palm.

He heard her gasp and then suck in her breath.

"Oh yes, Adrian. Touch me like that, touch my nipple, squeeze it with your fingers."

Obeying her delicious command, he took her nipple in his fingers and gently moved them up and down, as if it was a tiny cock. He applied a stronger pressure, frightened of hurting her, gently squeezing the hard bud, and she gasped again, her breath almost like a moan. If he didn't know better, it was almost as if she shuddered.

And then he felt the touch of another hand.

He looked down. She was holding he shaft of his cock between the thumb and first two fingers, gripping him lightly, moving the skin up and down. He felt her grip tighten and the speed of her strokes increase. He felt his legs shaking uncontrollably as the reality of what was happening to him grew. He felt his balls begin to tighten, and a strange and wonderful feeling at the base of his cock, and he began to push upwards in rhythm with her fingers.

But then the pain returned, like rain on a summer's afternoon, a burning pain that made him wince on each downward stroke, made him slow his thrusts. She sensed it too, and slowed her hand until it was still, holding his little cock softly. Finally, she took her hand away. Frustration engulfed him, and a deep sense of loss, of the greatest opportunity in his young life being missed. He wanted to scream, to shout his anger, but he remained silent. He removed his hand from her breast and felt tears starting in his eyes.

"It's all right, Adrian, I know what the problem is." She spoke quietly, but her breathing seemed laboured, as if she had been running. "Your lovely cock is too dry. That is why it feels so sore. There is something I can do to help you, but you must make me a promise first. What I am going to do is a very special, secret... procedure. When I do it, I want you to lie back, and keep your eyes closed. They must be firmly closed, all the time. Will you promise to do that for me, to keep your eyes tightly closed?"

He didn't understand what she was talking about, but on this wonderful couch, on this wonderful night, with his desperate hope rising again, he would have promised her anything.

"Yes, Nikki, I promise."

He lay back and closed his eyes, screwing them up slightly to show her they were shut.

And waited. Nothing seemed to happen. He could hear a soft rustling of clothing, and slight shuffling of her shoes on the lino floor, but nothing else, and especially, no touch. In an shudder of expectation, his legs had started shaking again, and he felt his stomach tighten into a knot. Then he felt her fingers grasping him gently, the sensation of her touch heightened by his self-imposed darkness. This time, she did not begin to stroke, but instead pulled his cock away from his body, holding it pointing upwards, like a small flagpole. Another pause, and then something soft touched against the tip.

It was wet. Fighting for understanding, he waited. It touched again, this time lingering, swirling around his cockhead, and more wetness, not cold, but warm.

Her tongue. And now he understood and hardly dared believe. He felt it return a third time and this time stay, swirling over his soft, sensitive skin, sending ripples of delight through him, coating the head with soothing moisture. And then a different feeling, a feeling of being enveloped in a warm, wet embrace as her lips slid over and down, taking him deep into her mouth. He felt her move her head up and down slowly, her lips squeezing his shaft, her tongue coating him in saliva. Controlling his cock with her mouth, he felt her hand move down to his balls, her fingers gently pressing, massaging.

He had promised her he would keep his eyes shut. But this miracle, the sight of this amazing thing was too much for him to bear without seeing, without taking that mental snapshot that would stay with him and feed his dreams. He opened his eyelids just a fraction and then a fraction more. She was bent over him and he saw the side of her head moving slowly up and down. He could not see her mouth because her long blond hair obscured his view. Her legs were parted, and her hand was under her skirt, moving slightly to the same rhythm of her head. He closed his eyes again, and abandoned himself to her.

Suddenly he felt the movement of her mouth speed up, felt her lips tighten around him. He felt his instincts take over again and began to thrust his hips in response, sensing once more that powerful need in the base of his cock. This was when the pain normally started. But this time it didn't start; the soft stroking of her wet tongue seemed to soothe it away.

And then a force inside him that he had never known took hold of him. He felt his hips thrust more strongly, felt his cock seem to swell in her pumping mouth, felt a wave of almost unbearable pleasure move upwards from his balls, up the shaft of his small cock, and then explode in waves of ecstasy throughout his whole body. For seconds the waves of pleasure throbbed through him as she held him tight in her mouth, and then became too much, like a delicious pain.

He screamed, and then collapsed back onto the couch.


When he woke up, he felt so peaceful, so relaxed. She was sitting back on her chair smiling at him, and he smiled weakly back at her.

"Well Adrian, I think we have found out what the problem was, don't you?"

He laughed, his smile growing wider.

"And do you remember what we said about secrets? "

He seemed to be floating. "Yes."

"Tonight is our secret. You mustn't tell another soul. Because if you do, we won't be able to carry on with your treatment tomorrow night."


There was only one thing he remembered about his journey back to his bed that night. It was as he got off the couch. Something white caught his eye, on the floor, by one of the legs.

It was a pair of panties.


Part 3 coming soon.

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mmmm.. just what matron ordered.. like your story in ways than one.. :)


love your story so much... cant wait to see what Adrain does with the panties.

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