Peter Pan And Tinkerbell

[ mf, fant ]

by Wendy


Published: 27-Mar-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Peter Pan yawned and stretched. He realized that he was pretty sleepy and decided he would go to sleep a bit early. All that business with bringing Wendy and her little brothers to Never-Never Land had made him tired. Peter was still a boy, though not a little one, and didn't have the stamina of a full-grown adult. But it didn't bother him because he got to do whatever he wanted and didn't have to do any chores or obey any rules. Never-Never Land was a wonderful place to live.

Peter took off his cap and then his shirt. He sat down on the bed to remove his boots. As he was doing this, Tinkerbell flew in.

"Hi Tinkerbell," Peter said cheerfully. Tinkerbell glared at Peter, then lifted her nose in the air and flew over to her own little tiny bed. Peter sighed. Apparently Tinkerbell was still upset with him about bringing Wendy along. He couldn't really understand why, because Wendy as such a nice lady.

No, she isn't a lady, Peter thought to himself firmly. She's a girl. Adults can't come to Never-Never Land. Peter wondered why had thought of Wendy as a lady. Maybe because she was a bit bossy.

Peter shrugged. He was tired and didn't feel like worrying about anything now. He climbed into bed but didn't pull the covers up. It was warm in the tree, and why should he sleep with covers if he didn't want to? In fact, why should he even wear his tights? No one was around to tell him he had to. Peter grinned, then got out of bed and took his tights off. He glanced over at Tinkerbell, who seemed to be asleep already, then went ahead and took his undershorts off too. Then he got back into bed, and put out the light. Sighing in comfort, Peter closed his eyes and let his mind drift off into Slumber Land.

Tinkerbell was upset that Wendy was here. In fact, Tinkerbell was jealous. She had always liked Peter Pan, and had stayed with him for a while. To her he was a strong, beautiful man and she had always felt a bit like his...... well wife isn't exactly the right word. Tinkerbell was a fairy, and fairies don't have quite the same customs as humans. They don't usually develop very strong emotional ties to anyone, but they do en-gage in a fair amount of sexual activity. In fact, fairies are a downright promiscuous people. Tinkerbell hadn't been with her own kind in some time. While there was nothing really preventing her from leaving, she stayed because of some sort of strange attachment she felt for Peter. Not being completely familiar with human emotions, she wondered if it was loyalty.

Thinking about her own people, Tinkerbell remem-bered especially the fairy males. How long had it been since she had last been held by a fairy man? She realized it had been during one of the annual Festival Flights, when many fairy folk flew into the air in celebration, coupling in all sorts of combinations. She had been in a trio with two fairy men.... what had they looked like?

Tinkerbell was surprised that she could not remem-ber, but before this could disturb her, she remembered what they had done that night.

A familiar warmth began to flood into Tinkerbell's stomach and run down into her crotch. Feeling an urge to play with herself, she remembered that Peter was still in the room, getting ready for bed. This thought caused a little quiver to transverse down her spine and made her cute little ass cheeks flex slightly. She res-trained herself from jamming her hands into her under-pants and instead pretended to be asleep, though she kept her eyes cracked open just enough to see. She carefully turned her head to check on Peter.

He was taking off his tights.

She watched, holding her breath, as he folded them carefully and placed them by his shirt. She watched as he removed his underpants and then let out her breath slowly once Peter had put out the light.

Tinkerbell realized that she had been staring at his crotch the whole time. While he was still young for a human, he wasn't really a little boy. His cock had been soft, and probably small by adult human standards. But to a female fairy who was getting very horny and was only about four inches tall, his cock was a monster.

Tinkerbell noticed that she was starting to shift her hips back and forth, and that her underpants were very damp, practically soaking. Now that it was dark, she lifted up her short little fairy skirt and slid her undies off. She flattened her legs on the bed, but as soon as the image of Peter's limp cock flashed in her mind, her legs involuntarily spread themselves out into an upside-down V. Knowing there was no way she was go-ing to be able to get to sleep now, Tinkerbell slid her right hand down across her fabric covered stomach, then lifted up her skirt. She sighed in pleasure as her hand caressed the point beneath her belly button and brushed the few strands of golden hair. She let her hand follow the trail of hairs down until she was stroking the outer lips of a wet, hot slit. She slipped two fingers into her fairy pussy and stroked the inside edges.

Feeling her nipples poking hard against the fabric of her short dress, she pushed her left hand underneath it and tweaked her left nipple. Tinkerbell was now breathing hard, and giving out little gasps as her index and middle finger slowly swirled around the im-mediate inside of her pussy, slick with juices. Arching her back, Tinkerbell felt the coupling urge of flight.

She realized she'd have to be airborne to obtain orgasm and fully enjoy the pleasures. She reluctantly pulled her hands away from herself and removed her dress, taking care to fold her wings up.

When the warm air contacted with her naked skin, already developing a fine sheen of sweat, she moaned quietly. Then she licked her lips in anticipation and started to caress her breasts in earnest, which were small but firm, standing out and up. Her nipples were very hard nubs surrounded by pink aureole and they act-ually quivered when she blew on them. Her wings were already unfolding and starting to flutter in time with the hot blood pulsing around her body.

Tinkerbell floated into the air slowly as her hands roamed over her soft skin, across her stomach, past her groin and to her tights,which spread wide at her touch. Her wings were beating faster now, and she flew through the dark air, thrilling at the warm air sliding along her naked body like a lost lover, and her mind filled with the image of the two fairy men chasing her, their cocks waving merrily in the wind. She imagined them chasing her across the night in a mating flight of great intensity.

By now, Tinkerbell was glowing rather brightly, with a faint pulse to the light. Her sighs and moans would sound like odd, quivering chimes faintly heard to most people, but to Peter Pan they would be as plain as any human woman's cries. In fact, Peter hadn't fallen totally asleep, having slightly disturbing images in his head of Wendy flying along with him that day, her nightgown billowing in the passing air and sometimes a glimpse of her pantied bottom would show. Not really awake, Peter was unaware of the blood stirring slightly in his penis, signaling the beginning of a young ado-lescent erection.

But by then, Tinkerbell was flying, and the light she gave off along with her strange (to Peter) cries, pulled Peter out of his drowse. He blinked his eyes blurrily at the glowing figure that was gliding through the room, and when he realized it was Tinkerbell, with nothing covering her body, his heart started pounding and he became rather wide awake.

Tinkerbell was imagining the two strong fairy males getting closer and closer, and then they caught her. She did a tumble in the air and hovered in place, her eyes closed. She didn't realize that she was over Peter Pan's bed, only a few feet above his stomach. Her hands were buried in her crotch as she used her right three fingers to pump the very wet hole between her legs, and twiddled her clit with the left hand. She imagined one of the fairy males was sticking his hard cock into her pussy and pumping it slowly in and out, while the other one offered his cock to her mouth. Tinkerbell's left hand went to her lips and she sucked hungrily at her fingers, tasting the tangy lubricants. She moaned loudly as her imaginary mate increased his rate, and her fingers were pumping faster into her hungry pussy.

Peter was too stunned to wonder what Tinkerbell was doing, or why. He was too stunned to even say any-thing. His stomach felt funny, but not like he was sick. He felt a strange sort of throbbing, as if some-one were pulling on his penis. He glanced at it and saw that it was sticking up, bent slightly towards him. It seemed to be pointing at Tinkerbell's writhing form. He looked back at her and listened intently to what she was saying. Most of the sounds he heard weren't very familiar to him, but he did recognize words like "fuck" "pussy", and "cock", though he was never sure what they meant. Tinkerbell was using them quite a bit.

"Uuuuuuh, I'm gonna come," Tinkerbell gasped to her imaginary partners. She had put her left hand back to work on her clitoris, twirling her pinky around it and flicking it with her thumb. Her right hand was soaked with lubricants and the three fingers pumping in and out of her pussy made squishing sounds. "Fuck me you bastard, stick that cock up my cunt! Uuuuh...UUUUH! Do it, do it!!" Tinkerbell had lost all thought of where she was and her fantasy coupling flight totally occupied her senses.

Until she heard Peter Pan gasp.

Her fingers still automatically pumping, she opened her eyes and found herself looking right at Peter. His eyes were very wide and he seemed to be breathing hard. Realizing what had happened didn't stop the flood that was building up in her, and when Tinkerbell glanced down, she caught sight of Peter's erection.

"UUUUUUH!! OOOOOOOOHHHHH!!! I'M COMMMMING!!!!!" She shrieked. Her hands were a blur and the glow from her body flared brilliantly as her hips bucked. She felt the lips of her pussy eagerly clamping down on her fingers as she stared at Peter's hard cock. The tip was oozing clear liquid, and she felt herself sending off from climax to orgasm as his cock actually twitched and shot off streams of pure white sperm. The first one hit her square in the face, she was falling and coming and moaning.

Peters sperm was shooting out all over his stomach and chest. Weary but satisfied, Tinkerbell fell onto Peter Pan's stomach, covered from head to toe.

What would Wendy think, if she could see them now, Tinkerbell thought, with a sly smile......

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You have got to continue this story. I have seen cartoons of Tinker Bell trying to fuck human cocks and can imagine what the story could be like.

Great storyline.

Philip Spencer

While the story line is hardly original, it makes for fun reading. I'm intrigued that the author of this particular story has the same name as Tinkerbell's nemesis. Want to read more!

Philip Spencer

Fun, simple, predictable. Like Peter, I want more!


Great. Does Peter get into the boys later?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.