Published: 9-Jun-2013
Word Count:
This story requires a bit of a suspension of disbelief but is born completely out of a fantasy I had while sitting in a a chair in front of the television. Maybe there are some elements of deus ex machina but it's supposed to be fun, if not a little implausible.
Please enjoy.
I fought the urge over the week to contact Erica. I posted my congratulations to her, anonymously of course, and her friends on her page were abuzz. Who was the father? How did this happen? Was she going to abort? I gave in after a week and sent her a message from one of my fake accounts that she was friends with. I asked those questions and she only answered one. "Every child is a gift from God. Some gifts are unexpected." Nothing else. I didn't press my luck with asking her, I let it be. I was going to be a father! I had planted my seed inside of a 12 year old girl and made a baby!
Two girls in my digital harem stopped contacting me in the month after Erica's story broke. A 13 year old girl named Monica was the first I noticed that I stopped hearing from. She was no loss I thought to myself. While she was pretty in the few photos she had sent me, a half black and half white girl with a nice smile, She seemed to be more interested in emailing back and forth with me and trying to get me to set her up with my connections to help her brother's music career. When I replied back to her one day that I was more interested in her than her brother it was the last I heard of her. The other girl stopped after I asked her for her cell number so we could talk. I was disappointed that Nicole, the 13 year old in question, stopped talking to me because I thought that she might be the next one that I visited. She had proven to be a little more adventurous than some in her picture taking, she was one of five to send a photo in a bathing suit, a bathing suit that showed a little more skin than any other girls. Still, I replied to her after seeing the pictures by asking whether or not she wanted to talk on the phone as I had an interest in meeting her and possibly casting her for a new show but it was the last I heard from her. I wondered secretly if she might have told her parents about it and they hit the roof.
Those two girls aside, my conversations with other girls were going well. I had started getting more serious with an bespectacled 11 year old blonde named Madison. I not only got emails from her a few times a week but she was a good picture taker, another one of the five bathing suit girls, and gave up her number at first asking. She wasn't much smarter than Erica, in fact I rather thought that Erica was a genius compared to Madison. She took to heart me asking that she keep our meetings and conversations from her friends and family as I told her that I wanted to keep everything quiet about the new show that I was casting for. The show that I'd made up while driving home was about younger siblings who lived in the shadow of their older siblings. Madison had three older brothers and thought that her parents paid more attention to them than her because they were all into sports and got really good grades but Madison's favorite subject was art. I recognized her oldest brother as a college football player. We spoke for the first time on a Friday night when her parents let her stay home while they went to her brother's high school football game. My heart was hammering as the phone rang and skipped a beat when I heard her voice. She asked a lot of questions about the new show but I managed to bullshit my way through everything convincingly. Madison and I spoke two more times over the next week. I desperately wanted to go meet her. Her personality was a little flirty which caught me off guard at first but only made me want her more. I'd not had sex since pounding Erica in her bedroom almost three months ago and stroking myself on the phone with Madison only made it worse.
What was stopping me from going to meet her wasn't the distance. She actually lived closer than Erica truth be told. It was how I was going to pull off the feat of getting myself alone with Madison without anyone knowing. While I considered myself a perverted genius for my night with Erica, I knew that a lot of things had fallen into place for that; A lot of things happened that I couldn't count on again. The man raising hell in the lobby while I guided Erica inside and away from the camera was probably the biggest assist I received. That would probably never happen again if I tried to get with 100 girls. The hotel was extremely risky but honestly, what else was there? It was pretty untraceable once I busted into the rooms that the "Corporation" had rented out. I wondered whether I could use that again to get what I wanted. I started to move some cash around and Madison and I began speaking more seriously about meeting. When she told me that her parents were going to be takin g her and her brothers to go watch her eldest brother play college football I decided that was the best time. I made a few phone calls and spent a little money on some prepaid "Corporate" cards in the city Madison was going to be visiting.
I took another short break from work, citing that my ex-wife and I had a wedding anniversary that was coming up and I needed some space. I'd burned the midnight oil a few nights and made some great new fake ID's. I drove halfway there in my car before picking up a rental and driving the other half. I arrived in the late morning, I assumed before Madison and her family would be there. She'd told me that she was going to be left in her room to do homework and thought we could meet then. The hotel was gorgeous and looked out over downtown. I had dressed down today, sporting the local football team's jersey and a very good quality long haired wig under a ballcap with jeans. I faked the best accent I could when I asked the guy working whether or not my car would be safe in his parking lot. "Are there those camera's out there?" I asked in my best fake accented voice, noting to myself with a private laugh that I sounded like my ex father in law. He said there were. I asked him if I could see them and he declined. There was a couple leaving the lobby and we watched them go out the front door. I fished out a $50 and slid it across the counter under the guise of looking at my bill. He raised his eyebrows at me.
"I just wanna make sure the car is in a good safe spot." He pushed my $50 away but motioned me off to the left from where we were standing.
"There are no parking lot cameras," he said in a quick and hushed, "we are not responsible for any damage to your vehicle while you are staying here. We have a hired security company that patrols the parking lot at night but our owners do not believe in security cameras either in the parking lot or in the hallways." I asked if they did have in hallways or the rooms and he said, "We have three cameras in this hotel only and two of them are mounted in our cash office. Our security company has made our guests feel safe elsewhere but we do have one in the pool."
"I'm meeting a date here," I said in my accented voice. "I just wanna make sure that I don't end up on that internet." He assured me this was impossible and I believed him. He smiled at me and I walked towards the elevator. I had booked more than the one room again tonight, that he did not know. I had outdone myself and had used many prepaid cards to book rooms under false identities. The one room that I was going to use for my fun with Madison was on the top floor, completely away from the elevators and any other entrances. I walked into the elevator and found a mess of people. This hotel was much busier than the one Erica and I had shared. This was a gigantic risk but all I could see every time I thought of it was Madison's smile in a picture she had sent me. A picture that she had taken in the mirror of her bathroom and offered me a very good look at a two piece bathing suit that covered a pair of puffy and small buds where her breasts would one day be. Her smile was radiant and I could have sworn that she had arched her eyebrow in a way that a normal 11 year old would not.
The trip up the elevator to my fourth floor room was loud and eventful. Loud because the family of six that was staying there was crammed in, suitcases and all, and talking noisily up the three floors. It was a husband and wife and their four kids, two daughters and two sons. The sons were young and bratty but the two daughters were teens and I let my gaze linger undetected on them until I noticed that the father was wearing a suit so similar to mine that I wondered whether or not he had taken it from my bag. I complimented him on the suit in my accented voice and he turned to look at me. I noticed that my wig practically matched his natural hair and he actually looked somewhat like me. He looked me up and down and gave me an impatient smile, basically acknowledging that I'd said something to him but ignoring it. Smiling inside at having accidentally made myself into someone's mirror image, I turned my attention back to the youngest daughter's backside.
The eventful part happened as one of the kids got louder than ever and started having a tantrum in the elevator. When he flopped onto the floor and started kicking, he kicked the handbag of the mother and I saw her room key fall to the floor in front of me, muffled by the noise coming out of her brat. I shifted my weight and covered the card with my foot. She struggled to get a hold of him and he only got louder. They got off on the third floor and I picked up the wife's key card and stashed it in my back pocket. I rode up one more floor to the fourth. The room I'd booked was down the hall. I opened the door long enough to walk in and merely stood there. I figured that they could electronically see when my door was opened and all I wanted was to create an alibi. I waited for ten minutes before leaving. I had no idea which room Madison was going to be in or whether or not she was even here yet. I got off the elevator and walked towards the small room that held the out of order ice machine, finding the door hidden slightly behind a fake tree. Up the few flights I went, as quietly as possible. I knew that I booked out the entire top two floors, all under pseudonyms and with untraceable prepaid cards. The room at the end of the hallway was the one I wanted. I made sure I was alone before I opened the door without a key card and crept inside. I knew that all of the rooms around me as well as below me were empty, as I had booked them all out, but I was worried about maid staff. The room had already been prepared and I walked through the smaller living room into the bedroom. Behind the folding doors next to the television stand was the hot tub. I grinned. This was the reason I was in here.
I left the hotel room, keeping it propped open with a local pizza restaurant's menu, and popped into a room down the hall to color my hair and apply my colored contact lenses. I was no longer a curly long blonde haired yahoo with a a football jersey on. Now I was a dark haired, green eyed "executive". I dressed in my now best looking suit pants and jacket with a white polo shirt underneath and looked in the mirror. I didn't look too bad. The last few months of worried whether or not my door was about to be broken down and whether or not I was being arrested on a slew of charges had made me drop a few pounds. The first time I'd worn this suit was when I was 28. Now at 38 I looked much younger and I felt confident that I could pull this off. I took the damp towel with me that I'd used to color my hair and returned to my hot tub room. I set up the first room, the living room, as a makeshift office complete with fake MTV papers all over the small coffee table. I looked at my watch, Madison should be here by now. Her brother's football game was at night which left plenty of time for her parents to ignore her and leave her shut up in the room while they went to watch him play. I hoped they'd left already, didn't they know I had plans for their daughter?
As I was contemplating whether or not to text her, she texted me. "There gon!! U here??" I replied that I was and would love to meet her. She was on the second floor. I told her I'd meet her there. I grabbed a packet of papers and made my way towards the elevator and prayed.
While I knew that the incident in the lobby with Erica was a gift from the pedophilic Gods, I had to go from the 8th floor to the second floor and back again without anyone jumping on the elevator with us. I thought of a trick I'd seen about how to get an elevator to skip all floors but yours and prayed inside that it would work. It seemed to on the way down, I got to the second floor without stopping and there she was. Her smile was tremulous but still bright and earnest. I shook her hand and introduced myself with my fake name and she introduced herself as well. I took note of how soft her hand was and tried to fight the image of her wrapping it around my cock. We walked back into the elevator and I handed her the packet of papers as I tried the elevator trick and prayed again. I stood in front of the small panel to block the illuminated floor button and pointed out things on the paper to her as a means of distraction. It was a fake script for the fake show I had been working on called "Silly Girls". She laughed at it as the elevator rose back to the 8th floor. Almost there! The doors opened and I kept her head buried in the script all the way down the hall until we entered the room, making sure she didn't look up at the room number. I'd left the door open, knowing it was safe to do so. I closed it and locked it behind us, drinking in the sight of my 11 year old friend.
She was still looking down at the papers which allowed me to gaze at her small body. She was not even average in weight, which I'd known, Madison was a very skinny girl but her body showed obvious signs of feminity from her cute little upturned nose to the barely visible buds on her chest. She was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants with a company name stitched down the right leg and a loose fitting and low cut yellow and white striped shirt. Her feet, I noticed for the first time, were bare and she had her toenails painted with bright pink and purple nail polish. She sat on the couch in the small living room and continued reading. I couldn't believe that a so-called script that I'd written on a lunch break featuring two girls throwing socks and shoes at a group of boys could hold her at such rapt attention but I didn't care. I was smelling the slight scent of her body spray or shampoo, a floral and perfumey aroma that made my pants a little tight. I pulled the bottle of pop from my suitcase and asked if she wanted a drink, which she beamed up at me that she did. I poured her one with a splash of vodka that she didn't know about and brought it to her. She finally finished reading the script and chattered to me about it. I was relieved that she didn't ask many questions about it because I had honestly forgotten how it ended. We talked for a few minutes while she sipped her drink, about school, about her trip, about her brothers. She was very easy to talk to and I regaled her with fake stories about meeting the girls from 16 and Pregnant, the show that had brought us together.
She asked me how I'd met them and I told her it was remarkably similar to how we were meeting. I picked out an example girl, Whitney, and described how she and I had met in a hotel such as this and gotten to know each other for a few hours. Madison was transfixed throughout my explanation and I knew she was eating it up with a spoon. She had a wonderful personality, cute and bubbly and as I've said before, slightly flirty, but this girl was as dumb as they come. I told her about the meeting and phone calls much like Madison and I had shared, how Madison was taking the same track towards being famous like Whitney and if she did what Whitney did, everything would end up the same for her. Her eyes widened at this.
"Would I be able to move away from my family?" was the first thing she asked, almost in a whisper.
"Why would you want to do that?" I replied with curiosity as this question stumbled me a little. I was not expecting a helpful path like this to illuminate itself until much later when I'd given her more alcohol.
She gave a slight frown before she answered. "It's been like this my whole life. Greg got into football and then Charlie got into football and then Adam got into football. Dad was a football player and Mom was a cheerleader. I'm the only one in the house that doesn't like football. I'm not with them at Greg's game today and I wasn't even asked if I wanted to go." She took a sip of drink and her voice was barely audible as she took the glass from her lips, "sometimes I wish I could just run away."
I put on my best sympathetic face but inside I was doing cartwheels. This was probably going to be easier than Erica. I started to talk, thinking of all of the bad corporate motivational speeches I'd ever heard at my job, telling Madison that she had to stay in there and do what she thought was right and that eventually the opportunity would present itself, on and on I talked.
She continued to gaze at me, her face alight now with a smile of hope and the idea that her life was just beginning.
"I had this same talk with Whitney you know," I said in my best sage tone, "and look at how her life turned around. She made her own family and while she might have made some mistakes, she got away from a life that she didn't want and people who didn't want her. You could do the same thing you know," I continued quietly as she finished her second drink.
"If you want to be like Whitney there are ways to go about it and speed the process up like she did." Her eyes lit up at this prospect and I knew I had her. "Whitney was on television within six months of meeting me," I lied easily and Madison smiled at this so I continued, "and she ended up moving out on her own to raise her baby."
"Wow," she gasped, "really?"
"Well, she moved in with a family we paid to act like her own because her family didn't want her around." This was the line I had expected to use much later in the day but that Madison heard now, slightly buzzed from the vodka in her pop, and I knew the sentence was resonating in her head like the sound of a bullet being fired.
"Let me get you another drink," I said in a casual tone and took her glass. I knew I wasn't going to need to get her as drunk as I'd gotten Erica, not to the point of passing out. Her personality was much more flirty and open compared to Erica and I knew that with her system buzzing with alcohol that she would be much more fun. I returned with another pop, the same amount of alcohol in it as before and knew that Madison's slight frame was another reason why not as much alcohol was needed.
"Let's play a game," I suggested after resuming my seat and watching her drink a few sips of pop. She grinned up at me and asked what kind of game, "You ever played truth or dare?" I asked her and she giggled and nodded. "Let's play that then." She recovered from her giggles only enough to take another sip of her spiked drink and burst out that I should go first. I accepted and took truth.
She contemplated it for a moment before asking me, "Do you have any kids?"
I shook my head and answered that I didn't. Madison's turn. We continued swapping questions for a little while, each of us taking truth and answering questions about ourselves, or me lying in mine about my work. After about an hour, Madison took truth and I asked, "Have you kissed a boy?" She flushed redder than she had all day. She nodded. "Who?" I asked, my dick twitching in my pants. She shook her head and half-smiled at me. "Who?" I asked in my most playful but inquisitive tone.
"One of my brother's friends," she said in a cute whisper, hiding her mouth behind her hand as though someone could overhear our conversation.
"Last week before he left for college."
I gaped at her, "How old was he?" I asked but she shook her head. It was my turn. Truth again for me and she asked whether or not I'd been married. I answered, "no," a lie, but she had no way of knowing that. "I travel a lot for work to meet pretty girls like you," I said and she was turning redder now and giggled when I used her as an example. I knew the drink was doing great things for us and I knew that it would not be a wasted afternoon. "So I never had time to get married but I do like to have fun with pretty girls." She blushed again as I looked at her, pointedly. Madison's turn again. Dare.
I started a little, I had expected to get an answer about her brother's friend, had expected her to pick truth as it was all either of us had done so far. She had a slight smile on her face which I knew was being assisted by the spiked drink she was just about done with. I contemplated her for a moment before I came up with a good dare.
"How about," I wheedled as I picked up her cell phone from the coffee table and before she could get up and stop me I had opened her music folder. I picked a song at random and it began to play quietly, the sound was turned almost all the way down. "Do a dance for me," I said quietly, my eyes on her beautiful green eyes and not moving away. I turned the volume up but did not recognize the song. I looked at the phone and saw that it was someone called Cher Lloyd and the song was 'With Ur Love'.
She got up from the couch and stood frozen for a moment. I waited for her to shout or object but she began to clumsily move to the song. There was a nice beat to it and after a few repetitions of the beat she started to find a good rhythm. Her hips started to find the same place in time with the bass line of the song and before I knew it, she was close to me between the chair I sat in and the coffee table. She wore an expression of drunkenness but also with a hit of seduction. I could tell that she was trying her hardest, her 11 year old girl hardest, to make this dance as sexy as she knew how. The song ended and another started. I saw this was called 'Beggin' on Your Knees'. I waited for her to stop but she continued to dance. Her hips moved with the quicker pace of this song and while it probably wasn't the best dance in the history of the world, that an 11 year old girl was doing it for nobody else but me made it all the better. The idea popped in my head and I said it out loud over the loud chorus of the song.
"Show a little skin," I said and she turned her head to face me but did not do anything else but continue her dance. I watched her dance for a few more minutes before I repeated it. Her hands fell to her side and the thin shirt she was wearing came up to expose her pale lower back.
This song ended too and another much slower one began. I thought this was the end of my show, just as I'd only seen a hint of skin, but it did not end. She turned around and continued to move to the slow beat, it sounded like a boy band and I wondered in the back of my mind if I was hearing my first One Direction song as I watched an 11 year old girl slowly lifting her shirt up. She was exposing the smoothness of her belly and the pure white skin to my eyes. Higher the shirt went, slowly and slowly and slowly the fabric went up, millimeters at a time until her belly button came into view. I desperately wanted to reach out and touch her but I knew better somehow. I knew not to rush her. Just as the thin fabric made it to above her rib cage, she stopped. Her hands were holding both sides of the shirt up, exposing her smooth stomach to me.
"Am I doing this right?" she asked in a hoarse whisper. Of all the things I expected her to say, this was not one of them. I nodded vigorously. My eyes roamed her face, she looked nervous about what to do next. "Is this what Whitney did?" she slurred slightly and the last two words came out almost as one word. I assured her that Whitney did this and tried to mime that she should take the shirt off but she didn't understand me. I told her to take the shirt off in the same obvious whisper she'd given me, even hiding my mouth behind my hand. Her smile reappeared and before I could prepare myself for it, the shirt went up the rest of the way. There was a flash of blonde hair and the shirt was flying across the room.
My eyes took in the girl in front of me and a smile broke over my face. Madison had an amazing body. Her skin was just above being pale except for a slight tan line that covered all but her chest. She had tiny buds for breasts which were capped with little brown nipples. Madison's breasts had just begun to develop. I longed to trace that tan line with my tongue and taste her new breasts but resolved to waiting a little while longer. Her skin was smooth all over from her chest to her flat stomach and her slender shoulders were held up as though she were presenting herself for inspection. I couldn't say anything but "Wow!" and she nervously smiled back at me.
She reached for her glass, the ice had melted a little and there was still some watery pop mixed with vodka and she downed the rest in one gulp. Before she could sit down I asked, "Truth or dare?" She considered me for a moment as though wondering whether it was my turn or hers. Her face bore a confused expression as she must have been bouncing this idea around in her mind but her eyes fell to her phone which was still playing music. She looked down and turned the music player off and looked back at me, the same look of confusion on her face. "Truth or dare?" I repeated with a smile.
"Is this what Whitney did?" she repeated in a rush from a few minutes ago, "cause this is easy!"
"It is what Whitney did," I repeated myself, "it's what all those girls did," I lied trying to keep eye contact and not let my eyes gaze for too long at her bare chest, "Truth or dare?" I repeated for a third time.
"Dare." She said as confidently as she could and tried to stand up again. She managed after two failed attempts.
"Let me think," I said, sitting back in my chair with a tent in the front of my pants. Madison seemed to have a look on her face now that I was reading with all of my years of experience with women to be pure lust!
"I dare you," I started slowly, acting as though I was giving this dare great thought as I motioned for her to come closer to me. She did as she was asked and she stumbled a little across the carpeted floor to sit on the arm of the chair I was indicating. The topless girl was now inches away from me. Our eyes met and I knew that this buzzed 11 year old girl was ripe for the taking.
"Kiss me," I caught myself, "I dare you to kiss me like you kissed your brother's friend."
She blushed but moved onto my lap from the arm of the chair. I pulled her towards me and her legs spread so that she was straddling my lap. Her bare skin came into my hands as I wrapped my arms around her small body. She was so soft and warm it was unbelievable. Her mouth found mine and she kissed me.
She had no idea what to do with her tongue but I guessed that the friend of her brother probably didn't give a shit about how well she had kissed him, just that he had kissed a young girl the way that he had. Her mouth was open but her tongue was still in her mouth so I pressed my tongue into her mouth. She faltered at first but then I felt her tongue on mine and wrapped my arms tighter around her. A few minutes of practice and she was a natural! I found my hands roaming all over her nakedness from her back up to her shoulders to the front and her perfect belly and broke our kiss to plant small kisses onto her puffy breast buds. My hands traveled all over as Madison leaned back in for more kissing and I found my hands on her sweatpants covered bum. I broke the kiss again.
"Take your pants off," I whispered before correcting myself, "I dare you to take your pants off." My hands crept inside of the warm fabric and squeezed her firm backside in each hand. She giggled as I did this and my cock throbbed. "I dared you to take them off," I whispered again and she giggled. I gripped the waistband and started to pull it down. She didn't stop me. It took some maneuvering but the sweatpants found a place on the floor with Madison's shirt.
The 11 year old girl now lay on top of me wearing nothing but a pair of light orange panties. I considered the now panty clad preteen laying on me and helped her roll over on my chest so that her back was now laying on me. I let my eyes travel over her entire body and she didn't try to hide from my gaze. There was a picture of a pear on the front of the panties directly where her little pussy was.
"Totally Pearfect" was written in script around the pear. "I dare you," I said now whispering in her warm and red ear, "to touch me."
She looked at me upside down with the same drunken grin she'd been wearing for the last few hours. My hands never left her body as her right hand reached behind her and found my pants pocket. She shifted on top of me and I took my right hand from her chest and guided it towards my cock that was poking into her back. She gasped a little as she tried to wrap her hand around my fabric covered erection. Her mouth was open and she looked at me in surprise.
"That's your..." she began, letting her hand gently squeeze me, "penis?" I smiled a little at her innocent question and she caught me smiling and mumbled with a roll of her eyes and a shrug, "I only ever saw one on a diagram at school."
"You want to see one for real?" I asked, noticing the huskiness in my voice, "Dare or Double Dare?" I asked quietly.
"Double Dare," Madison murmured with her eyebrows raised before giggling.
"Take my pants off," I said in the same throaty voice I had just spoken with. I noticed that I didn't even need to say "I dare you..." before her hands found the zipper of my pants and pulled it down. She struggled to find the button and I had to help her. I adjusted myself and felt my pants start to slide down. Madison seemed to see what I was doing and tried to help me pull them off but the way my legs were angled was difficult to slide pants down. I held her under my arms and stood up in the chair to let them fall to the floor. My underwear was tenting and I wanted to take that off with my pants but resisted. I decided to slow it down and not go so fast. Still holding Madison in my arms I penguin walked while she giggled at me until we fell onto the couch where she had sat earlier while I got her drunk. I stepped out of my pants and stood up to pull each ankle out and laid the pants on the desk next to the couch.
"I wanna see," Madison stuttered with a trace of impatience. I looked down and she was looking up at me, "I wanna see," she repeated. I pulled my underwear down and there it was. My cock stiffened in the air of the hotel room and her eyes widened as she looked at it. She didn't say anything but kept looking at it as I sat down next to her on the couch. I pulled my shirt off and laid it on the desk next to us. I was naked with an 11 year old girl. I thought of all of the fantasies I'd had prior to tonight, about getting the girls drunk and naked and how I was literally living out another fantasy of mine. Madison still had her eyes on my dick as I reached my arm behind her and touched her bare back and sides. She looked up at me and there was a silence as I could see the question forming in her head before she whispered, "Is this what you did with those girls?" This was not the question I was expecting. I nodded and continued touching her. A few minutes went by where the only sound in the room was the fan on the heater blowing cool air in.
"Madison," I said quietly and she looked up at me with the same squinting smile she'd been wearing for a little while. "You picked Double Dare remember?" She blinked and nodded. "I took my pants off," I nodded at her and she nodded back, "I Double Dare you to kiss me there."
I finished by pointing because her eyes had fallen back down to my hard dick. She blinked at this and looked up at me. I nodded, "it's what all those girls did," I whispered and I seemed to read her mind because I felt her lean forward away from my arm. She placed her arm on my upper thigh and her face sunk lower and lower toward my groin. I wanted to close my eyes and savor the moment of her touch on my leg, her slight weight on me, the feeling of her bare stomach against my hand but I couldn't close my eyes. I watched her blink behind her glasses and get closer and closer under she was inches away. She looked up at me almost to ask me permission. I nodded and felt a soft kiss against the top part of the tip of the head. I groaned and closed my eyes and she tensed up.
"No," I whispered, "that was really good," I opened my eyes and she wore a mischievous expression before falling into a quiet giggle and without me asking she kissed it again.
This behavior continued over the next few minutes as she kissed from the tip to the base of me. My left hand stroked her hair from her face while my right had found its way inside her underwear and was stroking her bare butt. I did my best to explain how she could take me in her mouth, relying on ice pops to make sure she understood that she could use her tongue but not her teeth. Within 10 minutes of planting her first kiss on a man's cock, Madison was taking the tip of me in her mouth and circling her tongue around and around. I moaned in pleasure and she giggled when I did. I asked her if she learned in school about what else a man's penis does, whether or not that was on the diagram she'd seen.
"It shoots stuff," she said proudly, "and it makes babies." She finished with her eyes half open.
"It can," I said, "once a girl is old enough, the man puts his penis inside you and shoots his stuff," I couldn't think of a better word and even this word made her giggle, "inside you and makes a baby."
"Is that what happened to Whitney?" she slurred as her eyes widened. I wanted to tell her to forget about Whitney but thought better of it.
"What do you mean?" I asked, noticing that Madison was looking up at me, confused.
"You made a baby inside Whitney and then you put her on the show and made her famous right?"
I started at first, I didn't know whether to lie about this or not. "Yes," I said and her confusion cleared up, "Whitney wanted to be famous like you do and the show that she wanted to be on she had to be pregnant so we made a baby." Madison took this in without removing her hand from my cock. "When the time comes," I said quietly, my finger tracing circles around her butt, "I can make a baby in you and you'll get to be famous like her."
This was the right combination of words. Madison beamed at me and wrapped her lips back around my cock. I moaned her name and felt her tongue swirl inexpertly around me. She was a quick learner and I felt myself growing close to explosion. I had thought of this happening since she and I had begun emailing each other but now it was happening and I never wanted it to end. I had jerked off while on the phone with her a few times imagining this moment but now here I was with my cock in her little mouth and my climax getting closer and closer. I thought of the day I would enter Madison with the purpose I'd entered Erica. I thought of Erica nursing my child from the tits that I had so greedily sucked on. Madison would become another mommy in my stable of dumb little girls. I imagined Madison's tiny body swelling with my child and I moaned louder than I had yet. She pulled her warm mouth from around me and the cooler air of the room caused me to tighten up and I started to cum.
The first spurt landed on my stomach as did the second. My eyes were closed tightly as I came and I felt Madison sit up next to me on the couch. I held back a laugh as I thought of what she must have been feeling at the sight of my orgasm. After four thick wads I managed to open my eyes. Her eyes were wider than ever and glued to my crotch. I held out a hand to her and she was startled at first.
"It's ok," I said softly as I stroked her smooth thigh, "it's better than ok. That felt great! That's how you made me feel and," I pulled her closer to me on the couch, "it's better than Whitney ever made me feel." Her eyes tore from my crotch to find my face.
"Really?" She said it in a disbelieving voice.
"Really." I said firmly. We stared at each other for a few moments before I said, "I can make you feel that good you know." She furrowed her eyebrows at me. "As good as you made me feel," I said, "I can make you feel just as good or better!" I could tell she didn't believe me.
"Come on," I said and we stood up. My cum was slick and cold on my stomach now and I walked into the bedroom area and rinsed myself in the sink, wiping my stomach and hands on a small towel before folding it and putting it back in its place. I looked at the small clock beside the bed. Madison and I had only been alone for a few hours. Her brother's football game was about an hour away from even getting started. I walked towards the folding doors next to the television stand and opened them. She cooed at the sight of the hot tub. I started the water running, taking notice that tub was almost brand new. I wondered how quiet it would be. I turned to Madison who was watching the tub fill with water.
"Take your panties off," I said to her. No sooner were the words out of my mouth and there was an orange pile of cloth at her ankles. I was naked with her now. I turned off the tap and let the water cool while I took in my prize.
My eyes wandered over the newly exposed skin. She was hairless between her legs and I could see two little protruding lines of skin that I knew were her pussy. Completely virgin to a man's eyes, I knew that like Erica, I was probably the first non-parent to see Madison naked like this. I wanted to pull her in the tub and feel her wet and slick skin in my hands but instead I started to walk towards her, pulling her small and naked body into my arms and placing a kiss on her mouth. We kissed a few times before I decided to throw out the hot tub idea. I just wanted to taste her. I picked her up easily and deposited her on the bed behind her. Our kiss intensified before I pushed her back onto her back and flat on the bed.
I trailed kisses down her chest, making sure to place kisses on each of her budding nipples before continuing downward. Her legs spread as I kissed down from her belly to the area between her belly and her pussy. I found myself between her legs and staring at Madison's 11 year old pussy. I flicked my tongue against her tight pussy lips and felt her squirm. I planted a hard kiss against her and she shuddered. My mouth opened and I began to lick, tracing circles around the puffy lips and gradually pushing my tongue harder against the center of the line. She was gasping and breathing deeply as I continued my assault on her vagina but she made no move to stop me. With my thumb and index finger I ever so slightly spread her lips apart and placed my tongue against her small clit.
She shuddered harder and I felt her hips trembling. I smiled and did it again. She repeated her action and I felt her neck angle up to try to look at me. I lifted my head from between her legs and our eyes met. She wore a look of pure lust. "Do that again," she slurred breathlessly. I did. She moaned and pushed her hips lower against my mouth. I spread the lips a little more and started to lick her tiny box up and down. Her gasps intensified as I did and they turned into moans. Her hands found my hair and held me in place against her entrance. I happily lapped and sucked away at her sweet cunt. S
he had almost no taste but for a tiny hint of her sweat but I found the scent and flavor of her preteen pussy to be divine. I started to push my tongue against her entrance and felt her stiffen. I steadied my tongue as hard as I could make it and pushed the very tip of it inside her. She started to thrash on the bed, her hips raising as her moans filled my ears. I felt her pussy dripping now and greedily sucked every drop. She was cumming harder now as I intensified my tongue's exploration of her virgin hole. Her entire body was shaking now and her hands were painfully holding my hair. Finally after what felt like two straight orgasms ripped through her young body, her grip on my hair slackened and I felt her arms go limp at her sides. I had licked her unconscious.
I crawled up on the bed and took Madison's small naked body in my arms, allowing myself a few gropes of her butt and her undeveloped chest before settling in with her laying with her back to me while she was still unconscious. The minutes stretched to about a half an hour and my hands started wandering again as she stirred. She woke with a groan as my hands traced shapes on her pale belly.
"Wow," was all she could manage with a groggy tone. She looked up at me with one eye open and repeated it. "That's how I made you feel?" I nodded at her. I knew our moment of parting was coming soon as I had spent quite some time between her legs and we needed to get her dressed and back to her room before her parents got back, as she actually did have to do some of her homework lest they think she was up to anything else. We talked quietly as we lay in the bed, about what I had done with her, about how good she had made me feel, about what would come of her future.
"You really think that later on you can make me famous?" Her speech was still slurred but only just. I suspected that her mind was starting to come back to itself and it was very important for me to get my message across.
"I can and I will Madison," I started, "but you have to remember that everything you and I talked about, everything you and I did today and everything that we will talk about in the future has to remain between us."
She nodded. "I mean it," I continued, "if you told anyone, even your friends, they would tell your parents and your parents would try to get me in big trouble. You'd end up being stuck at home and unhappy the rest of your life. If you let me work my magic," I said as I placed a kiss on her cheek, "I can make sure that all of your dreams come true." She smiled at this and agreed that it would remain between she and I.
We dressed after taking a little while to kiss some more. I watched with a frown as her perfect body disappeared under the panties and sweatpants. Finding her shirt was a struggle as she had thrown it off while she was dancing and I certainly wasn't watching where her shirt landed. After a few minutes we found it behind the couch and she put it on. Gone was my naked 11 year old girl to be replaced with a smiling but fully clothed Madison. As we left the room for me to walk her back to her floor, I pulled out a small wrapped box and gave it to her as we walked out of the room. She was so eager to open it that she paid no mind to either the room number nor the floor number as we climbed into the elevator. I pressed her floor button and helped her open the wrapping so she didn't see what floor we were leaving from.
As we got onto her floor, I heard nothing but the wonderful sounds of silence. She was down the hall from the elevator and we finally got the package opened as we got to her room. Inside was the "Property of MTV" tank top that I had stolen out of Erica's handbag months ago. It was pink and likely extremely revealing as the shirt was at least an extra large size. She beamed up at me and kissed me on the lips before pulling her room key out of her pocket. She gave me one final smile and disappeared behind the hotel room door. I lingered for a few seconds before taking off to the stairwell behind the ice machine that was not far from Madison's hotel room. I ran all of the flights of stairs up to the top floor, dashing down the hall to the room I had just molested Madison in. I picked up all of my paperwork, putting it in a folder in my suitcase. I changed out of my suit and back into my yahoo wig and clothes. I picked up the drinks and emptied the hot tub. Over the five minutes I was in there, the room was cleaned to the point of looking perfect and unused.
I went back to my room on the fourth floor and laid on the bed. I felt much better than I had the night I'd spent with Erica as my parting with Madison had gone well and I hadn't needed to make a mad dash from the place. I felt my eyelids droop slightly and wondered whether it was safe to sleep. Madison had no idea who I really am, I reasoned with myself. The hot tub room had been cleaned to the point of looking unused, I wasn't even staying in that room and Madison had no idea which room it was.
I was just about asleep when my phone beeped quietly in my pocket. I pulled the phone out and saw that I had a text message from Madison. "Had fun Hope 2 see u again soon!!" and there was a kissing face. I replied back for her to remember what we talked about, keep everything secret and delete all of the text messages between us. She didn't reply but I hoped that she had understood. A few minutes later and I succumbed to sleep. I fell into an easier rest than the night I'd spent with Erica.
My dreams were not filled with sirens and handcuffs but with Madison's dance she'd performed for me. I could still hear the beat of the song as I watched her in my dream. The scene flickered behind my eyelids and Madison was now bobbing her little blonde head up and and down on me and wearing nothing at all, showing off her very pregnant belly. She floated in and out of my dreams for the few hours I was asleep and when I woke I was surprised and disappointed that she wasn't right there next to me. My hand was still closed on the phone in my hand and I saw the message light flashing.
The message was an email that had been forwarded from my anonymous email address. Knowing that it was impossible to trace the message, I opened the mail and saw to my utter surprise an email from Nicole, the 13 year old girl who had not emailed me in weeks! The email was long but I got enough information by scanning the message. Her parents were separating and had a nasty verbal argument that ended up getting physical. She was being sent to live with her maternal grandmother and would likely be there for a while until her mother got out of the hospital and her father from jail. She wanted to meet me and was interested in becoming a part of the MTV family so she could leave this all behind. She ended it by leaving her phone number and asked me to text her first so she could get out of earshot of her grandmother before talking on the phone.
My heart hammered in my chest. A sexy little thing like Nicole was being put in the care of someone who likely didn't understand thing one about her granddaughter? That would be easy! I wished I could respond to her now but I didn't want to seem desperate. I was desperate of course, Nicole was a sexy girl and her bathing suit left very little to the imagination. My mind was spinning as I sat up on the bed. It was late not yet midnight and too early to leave. My desperation won out as I reopened the email and memorized Nicole's phone number. I knew she must still be up as she had just sent an email to me. My heart hammered harder as I typed out a quick message to her and sent it off. I got up and stretched. She answered immediately. She'd moved in with her grandmother and still lived pretty close to her parents. Her mother had been beaten pretty bad and would be hospital bound for a few weeks. I asked her how she was liking living with her grandmother and wished her mother best wishes. Nicole thanked me and said that the best thing about living with her grandmother was that she had freedom to do whatever she wanted. The old bat slept like a rock and was mostly deaf. This was exactly what I wanted to hear.
I told her that I would love to meet her but was out of the office meeting another girl right now and we would have to set something up soon. She asked where I was and I told her. It turned out that where Madison and I had met was the same city Nicole lived in, as she excitedly pointed out to me. My mind was racing now. The rooms I'd booked upstairs under fake names and false corporations were good for another few days. I decided to take the biggest chance I'd taken so far and asked Nicole whether or not she could make it to the hotel to see me. Her answer seemed to be excited and giddy. I asked whether she could call me and she did so almost immediately.
Her voice was naturally high pitched and it was cute that she was still trying to whisper even though she'd told me that her grandmother was as deaf as a door. She said that she could steal her grandmother's car and come meet me. I told her I didn't want to get her into any trouble but she assured me that she would be perfectly fine. The old woman kept the car in the garage and Nicole told me that she'd taken the car out a few times and come back without the old woman noticing. I wondered privately if she was going senile and thought Nicole was old enough to drive. I knew she was old enough for a few other things. I told her to call me when she got to the hotel and we hung up with each other.
I swiftly moved from the room with my suitcase and hurried up the stairs to the seventh floor. I found a room that was at the same end of the hallway as the one Madison and I had been in, only a floor below. I rushed in and hastily filled it with my papers, including another fake script for a show called "Liarettes" which was a show about tween girls and how they interacted with each other in school. It wasn't much better than "Silly Girls" but I thought that Nicole couldn't be much smarter than Madison and Madison had practically fallen over herself laughing at that one. I changed back into the suit and polo shirt that I'd been wearing merely hours ago with Madison. It was getting a workout tonight! I wondered whether or not I'd be getting a different kind of work out with Nicole.
About thirty minutes later my phone rang. Nicole was in the parking lot. I told her to go to the side of the hotel by the swimming pool and look up at the balcony. She did so and as she came into the light of the moon where I could see her, I waved at her.
"I'm going to toss down a key card to get you into the back door, ok?" She agreed and I dropped down the key card I'd picked up on the elevator that belonged to the family of bratty kids and the rude father. She found it and I told her how to open the back door and where to meet me. We met in the stairwell between the fourth and fifth floors. She came bounding up the stairs with a huge smile on and I took in her appearance. Her long and wavy brown hair fell to the middle of her back and she wore what looked like pajamas. Her pale white skin was covered by a pastel blue pair of soft looking pajama pants were loose fitting and clashed with the bright pink shirt she was wearing. Her body was mostly hidden under the baggy cloth es but I knew fairly well that she had a blossoming body with a touch of baby fat, not enough to make her unattractive but enough to give her growing body some curves. I heard more footsteps behind her as she climbed up the landing. Nicole was not alone.
Her friend was also a brunette and had similar hair but had a darker complexion. She looked as though she'd tanned but also looked as though she had some Italian in her. She was also dressed in pajamas, a pair of pink short shorts and a loose white shirt decorated with what I guessed was the local high school volleyball team mascot, an eagle, with a volleyball in its talons. She had a very pretty face, prettier than Nicole and a pair of eyes that almost made my knees buckle. They were the most perfect shade of green I'd ever seen. This girl was a stunner! I looked back at Nicole and she answered the question I was thinking.
"This is Rachel," she said, waving a hand between myself and the girl. Rachel gave a quick wave and I extended my hand, making eye contact and squeezing her hand as I introduced myself. Nicole seemed nervous but Rachel seemed to steel herself as I smiled and gestured them towards the stairs. They climbed ahead of me and my face was level with both of their asses. I looked up and saw them share a look. I brought up the folder that was in my hand and asked if they would be interested in reading the script. They were and I passed it up to them as we climbed. We reached the seventh floor and I brought them through the door, making sure to point things out to Nicole as well as Rachel to make her feel included.
We walked down the hall and the sounds of silence in the middle of the night were almost music to my ears. They were so interested in the script that neither of them looked up from it as I directed them through the door and into the room at the end of the hallway, locking the door behind us.
They looked up and Rachel said something about the clutter in the small hotel living room. I told them that I'd been here for a few days and had been working hard on a number of things that I indicted by pointing to stacks of papers.
"May I get you a drink?" I asked. They both agreed. I was thankful that I'd brought a few bottles of pop with me as I poured each girl a glass. I was also thankful that I'd transferred the vodka into plastic bottles, as the silence in the room was so think I thought I might be able to physically cut it. My nerves were tensing. An additional girl to one I hadn't studied up on very much was going to be a challenge. Rachel was a complete unknown to me. I didn't even know how old she was! I brought the drinks in and saw Rachel looking from me to the drinks and back up at me. I wondered whether she thought I had spiked them. Oh I absolutely had but only a tiny bit. I both needed to hurry up and take things slowly. A voice in the back of my head told me that this was the dumbest thing I'd ever done, that I'd gotten greedy.
Both girls accepted a glass and sipped. Neither of them raised suspicion at the content of them, the amount of alcohol was only just, and they each took another sip. The silence continued as I opened another folder and started rifling through papers. They all said something on them, whether they were more fake scripts or descriptions of other girls, it at least made it look as though I was who I said I was. Nicole was smiling at me, as if waiting for me to begin. I found a piece of paper at random and took out a pen. I asked Nicole for her complete name and she gave it to me.
"Age?" Thirteen. My dick stirred. I asked a few other questions, her birthday, whether she was born in the country and so on. Rachel's head volleyed back and forth as I asked them.
"What is this all about?" Rachel blurted out and Nicole looked over at her as though she'd just spit in my face. "She says," Rachel nodded next to her, "that you're some MTV producer but you just seem like a guy in a suit." Inside, my mind was screaming. I wanted to hit her, I wanted to tell her that pretty she may be, I was more interested in Nicole and Nicole's body and had done the research to get Nicole naked, not her. I screamed all of these things internally. Rachel was still talking, "you make us drive here in the middle of the night and act like a big shot when you're probably just someone's assistant or something!" Nicole looked mortified next to her. I caught Nicole's eyes and she shook her head slightly as though she didn't agree with any of this.
"Rachel," I began, setting my pen down on the table next to my chair, "I'm sorry you feel that way. I can assure you-" I held my hand up to forestall her look of interruption, "-that I am no assistant. While I may have started as one I have done my share of casting for television for the last 14 years and would be happy to give you a resume of my best works." I listed off the more popular shows and how I'd cast them in ways such as this.
"Nicole indicated an interest in meeting a casting director," again I held my hand up, "and I happened to be in town. Typically this takes place during the day and occasionally with a guardian but there are two reasons that isn't happening here tonight. One," again I held my hand up and I started to raise my voice a little to shout over her objection, "Nicole's guardian is currently in bed and I am due to leave in a few hours. Two, I had some free time after another meeting I just had that did not go particularly well. If you do not wish to be here, you are more than welcome to leave."
She blinked at me as I took it she was not expecting me to dismiss her like this. "It just seems really weird," she said quietly and almost beseechingly Nicole to rethink things. Nicole for her part simply looked away from Rachel and asked me about other shows I'd worked on. Rachel got up and asked where my bathroom was. I directed her to it and Nicole watched her walk away and waited for the door to close before she leaned over the coffee table to me, her shirt falling open and affording me a view of her perky breasts contained in a well worn looking bra.
"We were going to hang out tonight," she whispered at me, "when she found out I was sneaking out I couldn't ditch her. I'm sorry! We're not really friends but she lives across the street from me!"
"Is she going to soften up at all?" I asked back in the same whisper, "I don't really have time to be yelled at by a 14 year old."
"She's 13 like me," Nicole corrected, "and she might if you keep feeding her drinks."
She winked at me and took a sip of her own.
My expression must have been comical because she giggled into her glass. "I've had vodka before," she whispered, "and I know what it's like to meet a casting director. I heard stories online about how Ashley Tisdale got on TV. I know that's how it works. I won't tell nobody. I'll do anything to get famous."
I goggled at her. Nicole was into it! That must have been the reason why her pictures were as revealing as they were! "Really?" I asked her quietly, "I could get in a lot of trouble you know."
She nodded back but mimed locking her lips and throwing away the key. As she smiled at me Rachel re-entered the room. I hadn't heard the toilet flush but I expected that she had been strengthening herself in the bathroom, not peeing. "I'm sorry," she said coming to a stop next to my chair and looking in my eyes, "I'm sorry for what I said. This means a lot to Nicole and I should have known that I didn't have the right to barge in and start yelling at you when you're not even here to see me. I'll go call my mom and have her pick me up."
Panicking internally, I thanked her. "If you're interested in being cast, I am more than happy to ask you some questions. You wouldn't be the first accidental casting I made," I finished with a smooth lie. Her expression softened a little and she thanked me. She sat down on the couch and her face was now a bit more cheerful as she sipped her drink. I began asking her and Nicole questions. Knowing that Nicole was in on it now made it so much easier. I knew why she had decided that she would do anything to get famous. With her father locked up and her mother in the hospital, she knew that she had to get away from where she was or she'd be living with her grandmother for the rest of the grandmother's life. I preyed on Nicole's willingness to do whatever it took to get famous. Her face now showed a seductive smile whenever I looked at her and Rachel was answering a question.
Two drinks in and Rachel was relaxing. She became as giggly girl as the other girls I'd encountered and I began to turn the questions in a sexual direction. I asked both whether or not they'd had a sexual education class in school. They had. I asked whether they'd kissed a boy. They both had. I got up to pour them each another drink, making sure to stiffen up Rachel's more than before. They were comparing kissing stories and Rachel was laughing at Nicole's story as she sucked down half her drink in one gulp. She closed her eyes and had a dazed look on her face but it broke into a smile. I wondered if she realized what was going on, that her time wasn't just improving because of the uptick in interesting conversation but because she was being fed alcohol.
The conversation became more sexual and Rachel was giggling more and more. I couldn't tell whether Nicole was lying about her sexual conquests because she was trying to impress me or make Rachel laugh but her stories were doing both. She'd stripped to her underwear and run down her friend's street to win a bet. She'd touched a friend's passed out father's dick through his pants. Rachel was boring by comparison but I thought that to be because of her upbringing. She was raised by a religious family that went to church three times a week! Once she found friends of her own, I discovered that she had acted out. Nothing crazy, it was actually all quite tame I thought, but I fed her lines about how crazy she was. Skinny dipping in her underwear at her first high school party was the craziest thing she'd done. I let them talk and giggle and shriek with laughter for a few minutes before I interjected.
"Would you girls want to play a fun game?" I asked quietly, fighting the smile from curling onto my face. They both nodded enthusiastically. "It's called Truth or Dare," I said as I looked at them both, "have you played it before?"
They both nodded. "Which of you is older?" I asked. They both screwed their faces up in thought as they contemplated when their birthdays were. Rachel was older by a month. "Rachel," I said seriously and her smile vanished as she took on the seriousness of the game, "Truth or Dare?"
She thought for a moment before she nervously selected truth. I thought about my question as my eyes swept the room. It found the clock on the wall. We'd been in the room for less than two hours.
"Do you really want to be famous like Nicole or are you here because she was coming?" I asked her. She blinked at me confusedly but answered that she was interested in being put on a television show but was nervous about it. I smiled at her and turned to Nicole who immediately picked dare. I was half expecting it, she was the more eager of the two after all, and I debated whether or not I could get her naked yet.
"I dare you to do a dance," I said quietly as I thought of earlier in the day and watching Madison clumsily dance to a song on her phone.
Rachel's phone was closest but she was too slow to stop me from picking it up. She had the same phone as Madison and I found the music folder, picking a song at random. Rachel seemed to like One Direction because it was all that I could see on there. A loud and fast tune started and Nicole began to dance without any prompting from me.
While Madison had taken a few moments to get her moves down, Nicole was either a natural dancer or very keen to get my attention. Maybe both, I thought privately. Her hips were moving with the beat and she was getting closer and closer to my chair. I tore my eyes from Nicole's waist and saw Rachel taking a gulp of her drink and opening her eyes to find me looking at her. She smiled a nervous looking smile and shook her head when I gestured that she should join Nicole. I mouthed to her to join and egged her on for a few seconds before she got up and started dancing as well.
At first Rachel struggled to find her rhythm but she found it within a few moments and now the space in front of me was now filled with two drunken and gyrating 13 year old girls. They started to dance together after a few seconds, spanking each other and giggling at their own actions. Nicole was doing more than dancing, her face was alight with a hunger it seemed to show herself off. Whatever things she'd read on Ashley Tisdale I was happy she had because she seemed to think that meeting a casting director might well end up with my cock inside of her.
The song ended and they both giggled themselves back to the couch, taking drinks as they caught their breath. Rachel's face was getting redder and her eyes seemed more blank as she finished her drink. I wondered how far gone she was. I had been making her drinks much stiffer now that I knew Nicole was in on my plan. I made them more drinks before the next round and they both took eager sips of the cold pop. Rachel's was nearly half vodka. Truth or Dare went to Rachel. She picked truth again, though she hiccuped slightly when she finished saying it.
"Would you go skinny dipping again?" She nodded, though her eyes remained closed as she did. "Tonight?" I asked.
She nodded but her eyes stayed closed and her face wore a vacant smile. Nicole had said dare before I even asked her a question.
"Skinny dip," I said and she smiled at me. "Wait here," I said as I got up from the chair and walked into the bedroom. The room was directly underneath the room I'd enjoyed Madison in and had the same layout in the bedroom. Next to the television stand was a pair of folding doors. I opened the doors and there was a beautiful and brand new looking hot tub. I turned on the tap, put in the stopper and adjusted the water to be a little more than warm before turning around to go back into the living room.
Nicole stood in front of me and she was clad in nothing but a well worn pink bra and a pair of black hipster panties. I glanced behind her and saw her pajama pants and the pink shirt thrown onto the bed. She smiled at me and walked past me, getting into the rapidly filling tub in her underwear.
"Rachel's out there," she said as she settled herself in the tub, "I told her to get ready for skinny dipping." I was torn. I wanted to get in the tub with Nicole and feel her water slick body against mine. I also wanted to see the beautiful Rachel and how far along she'd come with her clothing removal considering how drunk she was. I decided that an underwear clad 13 year old sitting in a hot tub was more interesting at the moment and undressed to my underwear. I had taken two steps when I heard Nicole's voice, "truth or dare?"
"I dare you to take those off," she said and gestured to my underwear. Without hesitation I lowered them to my ankles and kicked them off and onto my clothes that were also on the bed. She giggled as my cock came into sight but did not back down. I stepped up into the now full tub and eased into the very warm water. Nicole sat a few feet away from me and I could feel her bare legs on mine.
"Wonder where Rachel is," she slurred slightly, "she should be in here by now."
"Who cares?" I said, looking down from her face to the parts of her body covered by the water. "How famous do you want to be?" I said as I adjusted myself to be closer to her.
"Really famous," Nicole mumbled slightly now as I reached my hand out and found bare thigh under the water. "You didn't work with Ashley," she struggled to pronounce Tisdale. I confirmed that I hadn't but I had worked with girls on 16 and Pregnant as well as many other shows.
"There's no reason you can't become as famous as Ashley Tisdale," I said softly, moving in the water so that I faced her. My right hand was still stroking her bare thigh while my left was touching her belly. "You're just as funny, interesting and beautiful as she is." Nicole blushed and shook her head.
"No, it's true," I persisted. My right hand now crept around the back of her thigh towards her ass and my left up her slick skin towards her chest. "All those emails we sent back and forth I got to know your personality and I can think of a lot of shows I could put you on. And once the world sees you on television?" My hands gently squeezed her butt and one of her breasts as they found them under the water, "it'll only be a matter of time until you're in movies and are really famous." She blinked up at me and did not protest the placement of my hands, rather she leaned forward and kissed me.
The kiss deepened even as I pulled her away from the wall of the tub and turned us around so that she straddled me underwater while her now wet breasts were above the water line. Both of my hands were now on her ass, holding her into place on my lap as our tongues intertwined. Nicole had obviously kissed like this before, her tongue found mine easily and they spiraled and danced in each other's mouths. We came apart to breathe for a few seconds and she was panting.
"Take this off," I said, indicating her bra. She obeyed without hesitation and her bra was thrown into the bathroom to be balled up on the floor. I pulled one of her nipples in my mouth and she gasped as I gently bit and rolled it between my teeth. I repeated it on the other tiny pink spike. Nicole's breasts were not large but as I've said, she had a bit of baby fat and it allowed her curves to blossom. I guessed they were a B cup. They were slick with the warm water in the tub and I took the time to squeeze each of the firm breasts in my hands. Nicole moaned and her hips moved as she grinded herself against me.
My mouth found her nipples again and I felt her reach up and water cascaded around the side of my head. She was holding my mouth in place at her chest, my tongue and teeth taking care of each of her perfectly curved teen breasts. I pushed my hips forward and she moaned again, grinding herself on me. I knew that I was pushing against her panty covered entrance.
"Take those off," I whispered in her ear, through her wet hair which covered her ears. She'd heard me though. Her hands went from my head to below the water. I felt her shimmy against me and heard the water splash up again as she brought her hands back above the water. The black panties soared across the tiled bathroom floor.
The 13 year old smiled at me as she straddled me again. This time there was no barrier between my cock and her tight little hole. I felt the tip of me rest against her and I wanted nothing more than to push inside of her, fill her not only with my cock but also eventually with my hot cum. Here I sat, a middle-aged graphic designer, in a hot tub with a naked 13 year old. Nicole's smile turned into a look of pleasure as she adjusted herself and I felt an inch of me slip inside of her hot depths. I pushed my hips forward but she was too tight and the angle was too much. Try as we might, we could not angle ourselves to allow me any farther inside of her. Undeterred, she stood up and grabbed one of the towels from the shelf above the tub, wrapping it around herself.
I stood up as well, my cock standing straight and poking her in the back. She giggled and reached behind her as she reached for a towel. The feeling was amazing as her hand encircled me and she started to stroke back and forth. We stepped out of the tub and hastily toweled dry on the tile before I wrapped my arms around her and dropped her towel to the floor. She did not resist me. She still did not resist me even as I started to kiss her, nor when I picked her up and began to carry her away from the bathroom and onto the carpet of the bedroom. She was kissing me back as I laid her down on the bed and we only broke apart when I stood up to move our clothes from the bed. I took in the sight of her, on her back with her legs together and bent slightly. I picked up the clothes and she skidded back on the bed covers. I moved to place them on the television stand and chanced a glance into the living room.
Rachel's brain had understood Nicole telling her to get ready for skinny dipping. Her body had simply shut down, however. She was passed out on the couch, her shirt still in her hands and her bra unfastened in the front. The cups had fallen aside and exposed her perfect tits. There was no tan line on them, Rachel had darker skin anyway, but her breasts were the same shade as the rest of her body. She must have suntanned topless, I thought to myself as I looked hungrily at Rachel's tits. They were slightly larger than Nicole's, a large B or a small C and they stood up on her chest, no hint of a sag. I momentarily forgot about the naked and wet teen on the bed and tiptoed across the living room towards the couch. I knelt next to the couch and took one of her brown nipples in my mouth. They were larger than Nicole's small pink spikes. They spread themselves across the breasts, shrinking slightly as I nibbled and licked at them. Rachel stirred slightly as my mouth dragged across her shapely chest but she did not wake. I sucked each of them for a few moments before getting back to my feet. As badly as I wanted to stay, I had a very eager girl in the next room and my desire to fuck was much greater than my desire to make love to some titties.
Back into the bedroom and I doubted Nicole had noticed my absence. She was in the same place I'd left her and in the same position. I crawled onto the bed and felt her legs spread to let me between them. She had a dazed and drunken smile on her face.
"I think your friend is passed out," I whispered. She tittered drunkenly and mumbled something that I couldn't understand. I didn't care what she said, I knelt straight up and with my hands between us I found her entrance. I pushed the tip of me inside of her again at first. She simpered up at me as I pushed another inch inside of her. In the back of my mind, I knew that I was not going to encounter anything while pushing inside of her. Nicole's personality and willingness to fuck me told me in the back of my mind that she had certainly done this before. With whom or when I didn't particulary care. The little slut was mine.
"I'm gonna make you so famous," I hummed in her ear as I pushed more of myself into me. She nodded, I could feel her move against my chest. She was not making any move to stop me.
I pushed halfway in and I couldn't go any farther easily. I pulled back out and pushed back. Nicole was hot and tight around me. Her legs were wrapped around me and I felt her arms snake up my own and rest on my back. I started to slide in and out of her. Her wetness was soaking her pussy more than the hot tub water now. She started to groan as I sunk more of myself inside of her. I leaned my head down and resumed my attack on her slight breasts. She whimpered as I nibbled and bit on her pink nipples. She was mumbling under her breath words that I couldn't hear, nearly inaudible noise that only added to the aura of the fact that I was fucking a 13 year old girl. I pulled away from her chest and lowered my ear down to hear her.
"Make me famous, I'll do anything," was all I could hear from her. I planted a hard kiss on her and continued to rut myself into her. Her moans were growing louder now but I made no move to stop her or try to silence her. Nobody was around to hear her and she was drunk, alone and getting fucked by a man she thought she knew. I grinned down at her and she did the same back up at me. If only she knew that she was spreading her legs for someone who had no power to help her do anything!
Her orgasm ripped through her young body and I felt it ripple around my cock. Her mouth was open as she came, a silent scream of absolute pleasure as her body churned wave after wave of the orgasm through her. I was not long after her, halfway inside of her when she came and the tightness around me is what did me in. I grunted and started to cum, taking no care to pull out of her but instead took glee in shooting my cum as deep inside of Nicole as I could, hoping to plant another seed inside of her but not knowing or caring whether she became pregnant or not. Even if the baby was mine, she had no way of knowing who I really was. My orgasm subsided and the slickness of my cum allowed me to slide my softening cock out of her. Nicole's eyelids fluttered as though she was trying to look up at me but her eyes did not open, she did not make to get up. She passed out on the bed and lay quietly breathing.
I picked myself up from the bed and felt a devilish grin spread over my face. Not bothering to wipe myself off, I crossed the room and went back through the door into the living room. Rachel had not moved since I had explored her breasts. Her bra was still open and she was half laying on her side and half sitting up. I didn't care. I found a spot on the sofa and pushed my slick cock inside of her mouth. I felt her tongue move a little around me as it took in part of me. I grabbed the back of her head and moved the passed out girl's head back and forth on me, fucking her mouth with the cock that had just fucked her friend. Rachel made a few motions to stir but she did not wake up. My free hand danced down her chest to her breasts, squeezing and groping at her breasts while I pushed my cock into her unconscious mouth. I felt another orgasm coming on and pulled my dick from her mouth.
She still had not stirred at my invasive touch. I started to jerk myself harder and harder, thinking of the little cunt that was inches away from me and how badly I wanted to fuck her as well. But with a grunt and a moan I felt a thin wad shoot out and onto Rachel's curvy tits. Another thin line appeared and another, enough to spread on her chest. I thought of doing it myself but instead I found her lifeless hands at her side and one crossed over her naked stomach and used her hands to spread my cum across her perfect tits.
I caught my breath as I looked down at Rachel. I wanted so badly to pull her clothes off and fuck her right here on the couch. The devil inside of me didn't care that she was likely a virgin and it would be much more difficult to get away with. The angel side of me won out, however the devil did get a little treat. I grabbed my phone from my suitcase and snapped a few pictures of the unconscious Rachel with her cum covered titties as well as my dick between them and in her mouth before I clasped her bra back and pulled her shirt over her head. In the bedroom, Nicole was still out but I woke her up gradually over a few minutes. Her eyes were almost closed in the light of the room and I knew she would have a hell of a time driving home but I didn't care. I explained that as much fun as I'd had, I had to get going.
She nodded slowly and I handed her the wet panties and bra from the bathroom floor. They were only just damp as I'd rung them out over the sink. She dressed quickly and I kissed her. "Keep quiet about this and it'll only be a matter of 'when' not 'if' you get famous, ok?" She kissed me back and again mimed locking her lips and throwing away the key. We woke Rachel on the couch and at first she worried that something had gone wrong but Nicole lied to her.
"You fell asleep! I told you it might be boring!" Rachel nodded, not remembering a thing that had happened. I walked them back to the stairs, both girls were stumbling on their feet but Nicole insisted that she was well enough to drive home. I walked down a few flights with them before giving Nicole a final kiss and telling her to keep in touch with me. They went down the rest of the stairs and I climbed back up to the room. Without a glance towards the window or the clock I cleaned.
I folded the still damp towels Nicole and I had used when we got out of the hot tub. I cleaned up the bed so it did not show signs of having been fucked on. I cleaned up the living room and got the room back to normal, putting my papers away in the suitcase. I dumped the rest of the vodka in with the pop and put that in the suitcase as well. The bottle I threw away in the vending machine room at the end of the hall before I descended the stairs back to my room on the fourth floor. I did not leave the stairwell, rather I swiftly got changed into my yahoo outfit, stashing the suit in the suitcase and leaving the stairwell for the elevator. It was very early in the morning, but it was high time that I took my good luck with me for the night. I checked out of the room in my yahoo outfit and my accented voice. The woman working the counter was completely disinterested in me, more interested in the conversation she was having on her cell phone. I signed out of the room and she barely paid me any mind as I left the lobby and headed towards my rental car. The lot was not full but still fairly packed. I wondered how Nicole had managed to get home.
I drove through the morning only stopping to fuel up. I didn't hear from either Madison or Nicole and I took that to mean that all was well. No police stopped me either and I dropped off the rental car at the halfway point home. My trip home was just as uneventful and I arrived home late in the morning to the quiet place I called home. First up was to wash the suit I'd worn as well as burn the football jersey, wig and the fake ID's I'd used to cover my tracks. I thought about the consequences of having such a wonderful night as I'd just had. Would Madison have second thoughts? Would Nicole be willing to meet me again? Would Rachel figure out that she had a man's cum and her best friend's pussy juice smeared all over her tits and hands? I didn't have to wait long to have two answers to the three questions that were pinballing around in my head.
Madison was the first to email me. Her email arrived in my anonymous inbox in the afternoon. They'd left first thing that morning, her parents and brothers had gotten in late and gone right to bed. She hadn't felt well, she'd thrown up a little but she chalked it up to nerves at having met me and the things we'd done together, she had no idea that it was because of the alcohol she'd been fed. The flight home was easy and the drive was quiet. Apparently her brother hadn't had a good game and the family took it to heart. She told me that her mother hadn't even looked at her homework and that she only poked her head in the room to see whether Madison was asleep or not. 'I know that the day is coming when I'm gonna be long gone,' her email read, 'and I know I'm gonna be much happier with people who want me around.' She told me that she'd love to meet again but would be keeping everything a secret, even deleting the emails she was going to send me as well as the picture. She signed it with x's and o's and a winking smile face.
Picture? I thought as I re-read the email. What picture? I shook my head and went back to my email folder. There was another message from Madison and this one bore an attachment. I hurried to open the email. There was a picture and a short message. 'I will be deleting this email and this picture as soon as I send it but I just wanted to thank you for my present!' I clicked open the picture and I actually audibly gasped.
There on the screen, wearing nothing but a pink 'Property of MTV' tanktop that was ludicrously too big for her, was Madison. The shirt did not even come close to fitting her and I could see her puffy nipples and the genuine smile she wore. The smile seemed to cover more of her body than the skimpy tanktop! The shirt was so big that she couldn't wear both straps at the same time so she had the left one on her shoulder. The neckline of the shirt hung below each of her nipples and the shirt was at least down to the swell of her butt. She'd taken the picture in the bathroom mirror, her glasses in place and the sweet smile she wore so reminiscent of our time together. I kept the picture and pulled out my phone to text her. 'Got your picture. Wow! Make sure you delete texts and phone calls too.'
A buzz a few minutes later told me she'd replied. The message was filled with smile faces and just five simple words. 'I know. Will text u.' I looked at the picture she'd sent me again and again for the next few hours. I ached to touch her again, to taste the wonderful place between her legs, to feel her mouth wrapped around me.
It was later that night until I heard from Nicole. Her email wasn't quite as long. She'd gotten home fine. Rachel had gotten sick but had no memory of the previous night or who she had met. Nicole told me that she'd had a great time and looked forward to meeting me again when I came around. 'I keep thinking about Ashley Tisdale,' her email read, 'and I know that it's hard to make it to be famous but I will do anything to get out of where I am. Anything!' I thought of the fact that I'd cum inside of her. Would she get pregnant? I was split. I wanted to impregnate as many young girls as I could but I felt that Nicole would be the kind of girl I could get some action from on a semi-regular basis if I were to travel. She had not included a picture but I typed out a response similar to the one I'd sent Madison, reminding her to be careful with any of our emails or texts, to not let anyone see them at all. I plugged my phone into the computer and removed the pictures I'd taken of Rachel. I wondered if I'd ever see her again. I doubted it, as she hadn't remembered anything about the previous night and before the alcohol had effected her, she showed no interest in having a middle aged man show any sort of interest in her.
I checked a few other emails with girls. I was going to lay low for another few weeks, hopefully not as long as I had with Erica. I replied to a few more girls and I found that it was getting easier for me to chat to these girls as I met a few of them and got to know what it was like to be around girls this age. I was getting close to meeting a few more in person now. The first whom I was extremely eager to meet a 14 year old named Shelby who was a bragger about how much of a party girl she was and was eager to be cast on a new show I invented called "Festive Females" which featured us putting girls in a house over a summer and letting them party all the time. I asked Shelby for pictures, explicitly asking her to show me what she thought a party girl should look like. My other two contacts were a 15 year old who I contemplated giving the Erica treatment, as I had never had a Latina girl before and this girl named Gabriela was getting my attention. She was just out of the picture taking stage and she had the Latina girl figure, a big butt and an ample chest. I asked her if she would like to talk on the phone and possibly set up a meeting.
The last girl getting close to meeting me was a girl named Autumn. She wasn't far from Shelby, they lived about 45 minutes from each other but Autumn was 16 and easily one of the dumbest girls I'd met yet. She was even dumber than Erica and received even less supervision as her father split time working in construction and truck driving and her mom was a truck driver full time. I asked Autumn to send a few photos of her. I neglected giving Autumn a theme because I didn't think she'd be able to figure it out. Emails completed, I went off to bed for the night. My dreams were again not full of handcuffs or police sirens but of Madison and Nicole alternating sucking my dick before I shot all over Rachel's face.
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