Sophia, Part 4

[ MF, Mg, rom, slow ]

by Walter

Published: 30-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My mouth went dry and my heart started hammering in my chest.

"Can I help you?" I asked as nonchalantly as I could.

Both officers showed their badges and identified themselves before asking if they could come in. I gestured them inside. Sophia looked at them from her place at the kitchen table and her eyes widened.

"Can we speak with you in private?" the male officer asked me.

"Of course," I said, motioning for him to follow me into the den. He closed the door behind us. Standing in front of me was a police officer who was about my age, in much better shape than I.

"We got a phone call," he said, making eye contact with me and not breaking it, "a young woman who claimed that you were illegally housing a young girl," I shook my head, "she sounded as though she had been drinking. Says the two of you dated and then you broke it off and she seemed to think that there was an inappropriate relationship between you and the girl."

I started. That wasn't the story at all. My face must have shown confusion because he invited me to talk. He wasn't being openly hostile with me, he seemed genuinely curious. I took it as a good sign that I wasn't in handcuffs already. I knew I had nothing to lose by telling the truth.

"Was her name Rachel, by chance?" I asked with a frown on my face. The look on his face was passive but me met my eyes and I thought I saw a slight nod but he didn't answer me.

I opened my mouth and began to talk. I spoke for 10 minutes, uninterrupted. When I had finished with my story, he considered me. I wasn't shaking, I had done my best to maintain eye contact with him and keep my voice strong. He reached behind him and opened the door of the den. "Can you show me upstairs, please?" I did as I was told. The female officer had stayed with Sophia, no doubt asking her some questions. I gave Sophia as good a smile as I could manage before taking my officer upstairs. I showed him the untidiness of the upstairs at the present time, my desk was in the hallway and pushed as far out of the way as possible. I opened my old office, now Sophia's bedroom, and showed him around. The room was pretty much immaculate, save for and I thanked God, Sophia's bed was unmade. It still bore the unmistakable signs of being slept in by a little girl. He seemed impressed that I did this in one day. I explained that we had set up everything in her bedroom earlier in the day, the bed had gone up yesterday so that she could sleep in here last night. I took him down the hall to my bedroom. My blanket had thankfully been tossed earlier in the day before Sophia and I had left for lunch when I was looking for a sock. The bed showed only the sign of me sleeping in it alone. He looked around the bedroom but seemed generally disinterested in what I was showing him. I showed him the view out of my window of the two police cars in my driveway.

He and I continued to speak as we walked back down the stairs. Sophia was now showing the other officer the new books I'd bought for her earlier today. She smiled at Sophia and my officer excused himself. They went to the den to talk and I stole a look at Sophia. She met my eyes and smiled. Down the hall, the den door opened and the officers walked down the hall. The male officer asked me to follow them outside so we could talk.

"I'm really sorry," he began as I shut the front door. "You understand that we have to check these things out."

"I do," I began, "but I certainly don't want this to become something that upsets her," I pointed with my thumb towards the front door. "She's been through a lot in the last few weeks."

"I understand," said the female officer, "the girl in there speaks very highly of you."

The male officer nodded. "If this woman contacts you again, I'd consider a restraining order," he said. "Maybe change your phone number. The woman on the phone was very upset." He raised a hand as I opened my mouth to object, "I understand sir. But you have to understand that a single man taking in a seven year old girl is illicit to some people."

"I'm actually worried about what my busybody neighbors are going to think about this," I muttered.

"You might get another visit," the female officer said, "but I will tell my CO that there is nothing wrong here. I trust you'll be starting paperwork for custody?" I must have had a confused look on my face but she gave a slight smile. "I can contact DCF and have them send you the proper paperwork if that will be OK?" I nodded.

"Sorry to bother you," the male officer said as he handed me a card with his name and CO's name on it, "take care and have a great night."

"Stay safe," I said as they walked away. They got into their car and left. I shook my head and walked back into the house, closing the door and locking it behind me. I turned on the alarm and walked back to the kitchen table. Sophia was sitting in her seat with a worried look on her face. "What happened?" she asked.

"Somebody called and said I was a bad man to little girls," I said heavily. Her eyes filled with tears.

"I didn't!" she cried, "I didn't tell anyone!"

"I know sweet-Sophia," I barely caught myself. "But it's like I said, most people think a man like me is a bad man who hurts little girls. We are going to have to be careful."

She nodded, tears still swimming in her eyes. The night dragged on. We watched another animated movie, this one about talking cars, and she fell asleep. I woke her tonight and she went up to bed. She looked around and pressed a kiss to my lips before padding up the stairs to her bedroom. I followed her up an hour later and she was asleep in her bed.

Two weeks went by and besides a few dirty looks from most of the neighbors, nothing else happened. Rachel hadn't contacted me again, but I still made it a point to file a restraining order against her. The DCF paperwork arrived and I presented it to Sophia's grandparents. Her grandmother burst into tears and her grandfather looked taken aback.

"We weren't expecting this," he said gruffly. Their attitude towards me had changed in the last week or so. While they seemed grateful that I was taking charge with her, her grandfather seemed more bothered now that she wasn't visiting or spending much time with them. I had told them that Sophia wanted to spend more time at my house and that they were more than welcome to visit, but all I asked was that they give me some warning and not just show up. This hadn't helped.

"Hiding something?" her grandfather had asked me, "Billy used to let us show up whenever we pleased."

"And that was his decision with his life," I replied coldly. "I don't mind looking after her, I don't mind essentially raising her from this point in her life. But you're going to have to understand that I am different from Bill. I ask for more respect to my privacy at my house." I turned to face the grandfather, "and I resent your implication that I am hiding anything. If anything, I'm giving Sophia a life that she might never have had. I would expect a little more thanks instead of free-wheeling accusations." He dropped his gaze but didn't apologize. The rest of the afternoon passed uncomfortably. They wanted to take her soon and have her spend some nights there. I agreed without finding a way to say no. Her grandparents took the adoption papers with them and said they'd "think about it." I rolled my eyes as we stood up from the table and showed them out. They were infuriating to say the least.

The next week, Sophia went back to school and I had to speak to the people at her school to explain what was going on and how things were going to work. One of the teachers cooed and smiled at me for being "such a stand up man!" She was obviously fresh from teaching school, probably only about 25 or so. She had boundless enthusiasm for her students and repeatedly told me how much she loved teaching second grade. Sophia was one of her favorite students and Sophia told me that night as we sat down to dinner that this teacher (or Jessica as I had known her) was one of her favorite teachers. Jessica and I took a shine to each other over the next week or so. I was dropping Sophia off at school now, avoiding her taking the bus, and Jessica had been outside and talking to me at my car three out of the five days. She was a very good looking young lady. Brown hair hung to below her shoulders, usually tied up in a loose bun. She was very pretty and her body was very nice. She didn't have overly large breasts but certainly enough for me to want to play with. After another week of us flirting quietly at my car before school, I asked her for her phone number and she gave it to me.

I called her on Saturday while Sophia was doing homework and she and I talked for a few hours. I learned more about her and learned that she had gotten out of a long relationship pretty recently. She wasn't looking for anything serious right now. I acted dejected but secretly I was excited. I wanted to get in with Jessica. Sophia and I had not shared a bed together since that wonderful night almost a month ago. It had not been for a lack of wanting, however, and I got the sense that Sophia wanted to spend time with me "like mummies and daddies do" but I insisted that we take it slow. She kissed me on the lips every night before bed and had let a few hugs linger. We had not had another visit from police but I was playing it safe, especially with adoption papers in the mix now. I asked Sophia what she thought of me taking her teacher on a date and she frowned at first. "How come?" she asked at dinner that night.

"Well, we have some things in common," I answered her honestly.

"You want to do Mummy and Dad things with her don't you?" she asked dully.

I tilted her head up to look at me and answered. "Sophia, I would love to have some Mummy and Dad time with you but we have to be careful. We just have to take it slow, ok?"

She agreed with a frown and agreed that Jessica might be a good date for me.

So it came to be that Friday night. Sophia was going to go to her grandparents to spend the night. She rolled her eyes when I told her that but she agreed. I told her that as much as I liked her teacher that I would rather be going on a date with her and that seemed to brighten her spirits. Jessica looked ravishing when I picked her up from her tiny apartment. Lesson plans and child's drawings littered the small living space where we sat and had a cup of coffee before the movie. She really seemed to live to teach and not much else. I was fighting boredom within an half an hour of getting there, she hadn't talked much about much else. Even in all of our talks before, she hadn't been like this. My attempts to change the subject fell flat. The movie was a standard date movie that was pretty boring. Jessica's hand wrapped around mine halfway through and as we were walking out, she planted a peck on my cheek. I returned her kiss when I opened her car door for her. Finally, back at her apartment, we discovered a subject that I liked talking about. Jessica's blouse was off within a few minutes of being back at her place and my tongue was flicking her nipples greedily. She moaned and gripped my cock through my dress slacks and an impressed moan escaped her throat.

For all of her boring teacher stories all night, she was a dirty girl with my dick in her mouth. She knelt between my legs and sucked me good and hard, taking it down as deep as she could. I gave a moan of approval as she cupped my balls in her hand and licked down my shaft. She gave excellent head and a few short minutes later, I was firing almost a month's worth of pent-up Sophia frustration down her waiting throat. She hummed her approval and made sure it was all gone before she kissed her way up my chest and wrapped her arms around me. Nothing else was done that night, Jessica seemed content with sucking me dry. I left not long after.

Another date was planned for a week later. Sophia was to go to spend the night with her grandparents again and Jessica and I were to go out together. I dropped her at her grandparent's before heading to Jessica's. She was not happy to be there, there was much less to do there. Her grandfather pulled me aside after we'd arrived and handed me a thick envelope.

"We signed the papers," he said, heavily. I said nothing but nodded. "It just seemed like the right thing to do. We might be family but you can give her more of a future." I nodded again. "We would like to see her more than we have been," he continued, "and even though the papers we signed are for full custody, we'd like there to be a weekend or two where she spends it all here." I agreed.

The second date was much better and Jessica was already talking dirty on the drive back to my house. We were barely in the door and she was shedding her clothes. In a rush to take this slutty young teacher to bed, I pulled my slacks down and grabbed her wrists with my free hand. Our mouths caught each other's and we shared a passionate kiss. Jessica broke the kiss and gave me a coy smile as she saw my hard dick pointing directly between her legs. A few minutes later and I was entering her hot pussy. She lay where Sophia had laid those three weeks ago when I had pressed kisses to her little mouth. Jessica lay on her back, her breasts shimmying with each thrust. And with each thrust she was egging me on, I couldn't catch every word because truth be told I couldn't hear her. The only thing in my mind, on my ears, to my eyes was my little angel beneath me. Jessica was biting her lip now and I imagined how it was going to feel the day I did this to Sophia for the first time. How she was going to screw her face up in pain at the first entrance into her waiting depths by a man. How wonderful it was going to feel to enter Sophia and see her smile up at me with her radiant smile.

My breath was quickening now. Jessica was moaning, she had apparently cum while I was not paying attention. I warned her with a moan and she begged me to pull out. I agreed. My brain was able to send that signal through loud and clear: The last thing I need right now is a baby! I knee-crawled up the bed and felt a surge go through my body. This was the exact position Sophia had laid while I painted her face with my cum. I decided to treat Jessica the same way I had treated my seven year old sweetheart. There was a burst as I looked down on her, the knowledge that I had knelt over this woman's student and done what I was about to do to her was on my mind when I felt the burst. A thick stream shot out and covered Jessica's right cheek. She started to giggle. Another painted a perfect line from her mouth to her eyebrow. Another shot out feebly and watered her upper lip. She was grinning now and I collapsed on the other side of my bed. She was on her knees between my legs in no time, drinking every last drop from my wilting erection. I fell into a blissful sleep as she got up to head to the bathroom and wipe her face off.

I woke to sunlight. Jessica lay nude on the other side of the bed, a contented smile playing across her face. She was a very pretty girl, not one you'd expect to be a dirty talking, swallow a mouthful of cum on the first date, kind of woman. I lay for a minute or so, glancing at her body. She'd not dressed last night when she got back from the bathroom and in fact, she hadn't even pulled a sheet or a blanket on. Her nudeness was out in the open and was something I appreciated. My hand gently touched her backside, she was sleeping on her chest and I wanted her to roll over so I might play with her breasts. She stirred but did not wake. I coaxed her left hip up and she seemed to understand and rolled onto her back. I was presented with a gift I'd not yet opened. She wasn't clean shaven but she had her hair trimmed into a thin line that came just an inch or so above her pussy. Her breasts could wait, I decided, and I plunged towards her molten center by kissing my way up her inner thighs. She was stirring a little but still not waking. I finally reached her clit and flicked it with my tongue. She moaned in her sleep and I felt a hand in my hair. I took this as a positive sign and dove in.

She was definitely enjoying my tongue's actions around her tiny button. Even in my just awoken state, I knew how to eat a pussy. I thought of course, like all of my sexual escapades recently, of Sophia. She had laid in this bed just as Jessica was while I licked at her tiny slit. She was knocked out at the time of course. Jessica was making enough noise and thrashing movements to make up for Sophia's drugged efforts of just lying there and allowing me to enjoy her. She was sighing and moaning and I thought of how Sophia was going to act when I finally got a chance to do this to her as well. I already knew that Sophia's pussy tasted amazing. I had eagerly lapped it up the first night I had drugged her all those months ago and I'd repeated the feat a month ago after her family's funeral. I closed my eyes and thought of her skinny brown legs being wrapped around my head, much like Jessica's were now, and the feeling of her hands running through and grabbing my hair like Jessica was now. I opened my eyes and I could see Sophia's face as she approached her first orgasm by my tongue.

My eyes widened. I could see Sophia's face all right. She was standing with her mouth open in my bedroom doorway, flanked by her grandparents.

I immediately stopped. Jessica looked down at me with a look of fury on her face but turned at my expression towards the door. She shrieked and pulled a sheet up to cover herself. Sophia's grandmother was breathing heavily and clutching a hand to her chest and her grandfather had a look of mingled fury and revulsion. I couldn't speak. Sophia's grandparents turned and stomped their way down the hall. Sophia stayed where she was for a beat until her grandmother called for her. I could have sworn I saw a slight smile on her face. I stood up from the bed, my hardness was failing, and pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a robe. Jessica had tears in her eyes as I left the room. I went down the stairs as quick as I could and found them heading towards the door, dragging Sophia with them.

I was barely out the front door before I called to them, "where are you going?"

Sophia wailed in protest as her grandfather pulled her arm, hard. She fell on the driveway and started to cry. Her grandmother ignored this and turned to face me.

"If this is how you choose to live your life, I can't see how you think you're fit to raise a seven year old girl!" Sophia continued to bawl on the driveway as her grandfather struggled to pull her up. "That sort of behavior is not how a grown man should act, especially when he wants to be seen as a real home to a girl!" She bellowed at me.

"Excuse me," I started, walking towards her, "but you came into my house unannounced. And the woman with me is old enough!"

"Don't get me started on that harlot," her grandmother said maliciously, "I'll be contacting the school first thing Monday!"

Sophia was crying still but had been successfully, if not fairly violently, thrown into the back of their car. They pulled away quickly, speeding up the road.

Back in the house, Jessica was crying now. She'd overheard Sophia's grandmother's threat as soon as she'd stepped out the front door to try to calm things down. I couldn't give her any advice. I was trying to think my way out of this. Sophia was being taken from my possession now and her grandparents were certainly going to be not as easy to get along with as they had once been. Jessica cried as she got dressed, cried all the way back to her apartment and didn't even say goodbye when she got out of the car. I cursed loudly most of the way home. I had the papers in my car. The ones that had signed Sophia over as my child in a custodial sense. I wondered how this was going to work. I didn't have to wait long.

As promised, first thing Monday morning, Sophia's grandmother placed a call to the school superintendent. Jessica was called to the principal's office and I received a cell phone call as I left the DCF office to drop off the paperwork. I went to Sophia's school and walked into the principal's office to find a crying Jessica and a stern looking superintendent and principal. The conversation was uncomfortable, mostly because I had to do all of the talking. Jessica was a sobbing mess, petrified that she was about to lose her job. I took the blame for the affair and apologized for our behavior. I explained what was going on between Sophia's grandparents and myself and they both seemed to take that to heart. I also explained that this was a heat of the moment thing and that we had been friendly for some time but had too much to drink the night before and it wouldn't happen again. Jessica's crying increased when she heard me say that. In all, she was suspended indefinitely pending a review by the school board and I was forbidden from entering the school or talking to any of the faculty while on school property. I agreed to this and left.

My phone had been on silent during this meeting and I had no fewer than 10 missed calls from Sophia's grandmother, and frantic voice messages that I couldn't understand. I deleted and ignored them. I drove away from the school not even knowing whether or not Sophia was in class today. My next stop was the police station. I was the legal custodial parent of Sophia and I decided to try to speak with the officers who had visited me that night a few weeks ago. They had seemed sympathetic to me for what I was trying to do, even if they only knew half of what I was trying to do. As I pulled into the police station, I started. There was a car parked there that looked like Sophia's grandparent's car. I shrugged. A lot of people had that model, even if it was an older car. I found a parking spot and walked towards the station. I took another look at the car and saw the air fresheners hanging from the rearview mirror. This was their car. I quickened my pace towards the station now. I didn't know what they would be telling the police.

I entered and was told to wait. 10 minutes went by. Then 30 had gone. I wondered if I had driven myself into a trap. I started to fidget in my hard chair. I saw the male officer I had met that night walking towards me and my fidgeting grew quicker. As he got nearer, my eyes searched for his hands. Was he carrying handcuffs? He wasn't. His face was in a tight, greeting smile. He greeted me with a nod and asked me to come with him towards his CO's office. I stood up, not sure why I was following him. I was sure I was about to be arrested, but wouldn't he have cuffed me? I was led down a tight hall of cubicles before coming to a large office that was cramped with folders, filing cabinets and a desk that seemed to be pushed so far against the wall that I was surprised it hadn't gone through it. The officer introduced me to his CO and took a seat behind me. I was relieved to see that the CO was smiling at me.

"You," he started, leaning back in his tiny office chair, "have been through quite a lot in the last month or so, haven't you?"

I stared at him. My mind was completely blank.

"You lost friends in that car accident last month, right?" he said, not taking any notice that I didn't seem to be breathing. I nodded, "you agreed to take in their daughter and had a jealous one-night stand call the police and report you as a potential child molester, right?" he continued, not looking away from me. I nodded again. "And now for an encore, we get a call about the grandfather's computer from," he broke off, looking through his papers to find something, "ah it doesn't matter," he shook his head and abandoned the search for the paper on his crowded desk.

I was still unsure of what was going on. The officer behind me seemed to understand my silence. "The grandmother called us after she left your house over the weekend, we had to respond to a house call there," he stood up and walked to his CO's desk and leaned against it to face me, "the girl was crying and they had her upstairs somewhere. They asked for some DCF paperwork to fight yours and my partner tried to help them," he continued, folding his arms. "She tried to pull up the DCF webpage to print out the forms but the computer wasn't working. She suggested that they get the computer fixed and go to the website themselves." He took a deep breath. "They took the computer to," he looked back at his CO, "did you find the paper yet?" he asked.

"No, honestly, it doesn't matter right now."

"Anyway, they took the computer in to get serviced. When the technician went into the internet files, they were full of child pornography."

My jaw almost hit the floor. "Wh-" was all I could get out. I stared at both of them, expecting any second to have them jump up and yell that they were just fooling me.

"Yep, almost 2,500 photos and videos in all," the CO continued, "including some that featured the gentleman himself."

My eyes almost popped out of my head. "Y-you mean?" I blinked again. I couldn't bear to hear whether or not that fat fuck had gotten to Sophia before me but I obviously couldn't let on what my ulterior motives were to these policemen.

"Yep, him and his grandson."

The words fell on the floor and seemed to suck the air out of the room. "H-his grandson?" I felt like I was watching a gigantic puzzle piece fall into place. Sophia's grandfather had been absolutely devastated that Michael had died, but seemed to care very little about Sophia besides just possessing her. "Just the grandson?" I asked feebly, unable to contain my curiosity. The truth was somewhere in here and I had to know whether or not my sweet Sophia had been touched funny by him.

"It seems that way," the CO said as he leaned forward. "And I would bet my badge that the pictures were taken by the grandmother."

Another boat anchor fell in the room. The last puzzle piece was in place. Bill's parents had been molesting Michael! That's why they were so devastated about Michael and Bill, not Maria. Or Sophia still being alive. They'd sobbed for hours in his bedroom that day. They'd been mourning him for more than one reason!

Silence filled the cramped office as we let these enormous facts sink in.

"What can I do?" I asked them both. I wanted to go to Sophia, ask her what she knew, ask her to forgive me for telling her that she was foolish for thinking her grandparents loved Michael more than her.

The CO blew out a coffee scented breath into the room. "Not much you can do. We have enough evidence to hold both of them and levy charges on the grandfather at least. We're going to try to get the grandmother to either flip on him or we'll charge her as well."

"What about Sophia?" I asked as I wiped my eyes, "she's been through hell these last few weeks. I'm wondering if it might be smart for me to take her and move somewhere far, far away from here." I finished with a slight smile.

The officer shared a look with his CO. "That might not be a bad idea," he began, "the girl has nothing left here. It might be a good thing to get her away from all this shit that's gone on in the last few months for her. Get a fresh start somewhere else." My mind whirled. This was entirely possible. My house would likely sell pretty quickly. "You said you filed the paperwork with DCF, right? I think you," he turned to face his CO, "making a trip over might help speed things up."

The CO agreed. "Just like that?" I asked suddenly, "wouldn't people get suspicious? She's had it pretty rough but aren't people going to think it's odd that all of these things happen to her and she ends up just gone?"

"Not really," shrugged the CO and he proceeded to explain how most people would forget about this whole story if they casually leaked out that she moved away to go live with family somewhere else. The silence was growing, as was the darkness outside. "Think about it," the CO finished before standing up and shaking my hand. The officer led me down the hall and shook my hand, "we picked up the girl from school. She's waiting in an office down here." He led me through a maze of cubicles before I saw her in an office, her face was red and puffy and she was wearing a policeman's jacket over her school clothes. When she saw me she jumped up from the chair and broke into a run. I knelt down on the carpeted floor and she flung herself around me and launched into a set of fresh tears.

She didn't stop crying until we pulled into my driveway.

"What happened?" she asked, and she wouldn't leave my side. I explained as gently as I could that her grandfather was a "bad man who hurt Michael" and she was confused. She didn't understand why her grandfather took an interest in Michael if they were both boys.

"That, Sophia," I said as I hugged her again, "is something I can't explain tonight."

She seemed to understand and just held her hands around my neck. I picked her up and pulled her into my lap, glancing at the clock as I did. It was very late. Sophia helped me close up the house and set the alarm before we went upstairs. I told her to get ready for bed as I entered my bedroom and shut the blinds before going in my bathroom to change. When I came out, Sophia was laying in my bed with the sheets pulled up to her chin. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw that the hall light was off, only the faint overhead light was on. Sophia stared at me, almost daring me to tell her that she couldn't sleep in with me. But as I walked across the bedroom to check that the blinds were closed, I thought of everything that had gone on. Sophia's parents were dead, her brother too, her grandparents were in lockup tonight, too poor to post bail. The woman who had called the police on me had a restraining order against her by me and Sophia's teacher understood that we couldn't see each other anymore.

In short, every single obstacle that had laid between Sophia and I was almost toppled. The only one that remained was the police and even that one could likely be changed by moving. I clicked the light switch and plunged the room into darkness. I slowly felt my way towards the bed and laid down, exhausted. Today had been a hell of a day. Sophia waited for me to get into my place before she found hers laying next to me. Nothing was said as our eyes adjusted to the darkness. Her face slowly came into focus. Through all of everything she'd gone through today, hell in the last two months, she had a smile on her face. The same simpering look she'd given me about a month ago when we kissed for the first time as something more than whatever it was we pretended to be. The same look on the night when our relationship went beyond "43 year old man and 7 year old girl" and into parts of the unknown. I saw the same glint in her eye as her face swam into focus from the moonlight behind the blinds. The dullish blue light that filled the room showed me my seven year old angel with her face inches away from me with what looked like an amorous look in her eye. For the second time in a month, I leaned forward and kissed Sophia on the lips.

I felt her smile under my kiss and felt her hands snake back into place behind my neck, where they'd been when I held her while she cried. My hands remained at my side, almost afraid to venture out towards her. Our kiss broke and she sighed, "Mummy and Dad used to kiss different from you," she said in an almost whisper, "they'd open their mouths."

My heart fluttered. Not just because my little pixie wanted to learn the ins-and-outs of french kissing, but because I realized as I held Sophia in my arms that even if I decided to press kisses into her lips for the rest of the night that there was nobody who could stop me. Our lips met again and she smiled again and held her hands behind my head the same way. My hands reached out and touched the flimsy polyester fabric of her lurid pink nightgown. Our kiss broke but I rekindled it and reached under the nightgown to find Sophia's cotton panties gripping her tiny hips. I wrapped my hands around each hip and slid her towards me on the bed. Our kiss deepened now as I opened my mouth and slid my tongue into her mouth. She drew back at first as my tongue found its way into uncharted depths but after a few seconds I felt a squishy poke back from her own tongue. I smiled at her and opened my eyes without breaking the kiss. She had her eyes closed and her left hand had left the back of my neck to massage my shoulder blade lightly. Our kiss broke and I watched her open her eyes. She couldn't think of anything to say, she was pressed against me with her belly almost even with mine, her legs barely coming to my knees and my dick pressed hard against her bare thigh.

I'd worn some sweatpants to bed and my excitement was showing through them as only sweatpants can show excitement. Sophia kissed me again and I pressed against her thigh as her tongue invaded my mouth this time. We spent what felt like all night exploring each other's mouths but was really only about 45 minutes. Sophia's lips were red and puffy from my kisses. She giggled when she felt me push my dick into her bare thigh again but made no movement to continue my work. I was grateful for that, I feared that if she showed any interest in getting naked with me, I was going to try to fuck her. As badly as I wanted to do this, I resisted. She blinked up at me with a bleary expression on her face and I knew that we were done for the night. She gave me one last kiss and rolled over onto her other side. I reached out again and pulled her towards me on the bed. She sleepily giggled, a sound that was barely above a whisper and I wrapped my arms around her. Her breathing become even and deep and I watched her eyes slowly blink until she was asleep, my softening dick pressed against her perfect little ass.

We slept through the night without moving. I was first to stir in the morning, the blinds held out the sun's light that ached to stretch out over us. Sophia was still in my arms, I could feel her young body in my hands, one wrapped around her waist and the other around her flat chest. Her nightgown had ridden up slightly during the night and my hand was touching her bare waist. She stirred as I did, not caring that she was waking up with my hands on her body. She stretched out and settled back in against me, not getting up. We lay like that for a few minutes before we both got up to use the bathroom. Sophia left the bedroom and padded quietly down the hallway while I took the master bathroom. I stared at her little butt as she left the room and she didn't even notice me standing there with another erection. How I'd made it through the night without going farther I didn't know.

The rest of the week passed with things the same way. Sophia and I would spend the day together, I'd started freelancing for a company locally, working out of my home, while Jessica was nice enough to have Sophia's homework emailed to her so she could do it on the computer. Every night we would eat dinner together, snuggle on the couch together, and sleep together. Every night we would practice kissing, I would find a new spot on Sophia's body to gently touch her and make her giggle or she would ask me about things mummies and daddies did together. I would tell her, not show her and after a little while I would fall asleep with my little princess in my arms.

The first night she asked me "why does your thing get hard when we kiss?" I explained that this was what happened when daddies and mummies wanted to make a baby together.

"The daddy puts his thing in the mummy?" she asked, a look of shock on her face. I told her yes but that it felt really good for them both. "You're not gonna try on me are you?" her face still bore the look of worry.

"You're still too young Sophia," I said, kissing her and stroking her hair. "I don't want to hurt you." She took this with a nod and we resumed our kissing. Our kisses broke a few minutes later, however.

"You were putting your thing in that lady that night I snuck downstairs, weren't you?" I said I was. "So you wanted to wanted to make a baby with her?" She looked confused but curious in the way a child does.

"Sometimes," I said, choosing my words carefully, "when a man and a woman, a mummy and a daddy, want to feel really good together, they'll do that and practice making a baby so if they get along and get married, they know if it's right for them to make a baby." I thought this was reasonable and I watched her think it through. "You don't have to be a mummy to do that with me," I said, quietly. "One day, we'll know when the time is right for you and I to do that, Sophia. That is a really big step." She nodded at me and I continued, "it's a really big step but it feels really, really good." She took this and thought about it and we resumed kissing a little before going to bed. There was no more sex talk the rest of that week.

By the end of the week, Sophia had caught up on her homework and we were visited Friday night by Jessica, who had only come by to pick up the homework and left immediately without so much as a hello. I'd heard back from DCF that afternoon and was told that my paperwork had been filed and was being submitted for approval. They'd been visited by the CO of the officer who had helped me and she advised me that this was an extremely unique case, but one that they were taking extremely seriously. I took it as a good sign that the woman didn't think it odd that an almost 44 year old single man was adopting a beautiful seven year old girl.

I was told on Tuesday that the charges against Sophia's grandparents were now pending. We were visited by the police officer I'd spoken to, whose partner had taken Sophia up to her bedroom while he read me the list of charges. They were both in very, very serious trouble. He asked me if there was anything I wanted out of their house and I told him I'd like to go look before I said no. He advised that I leave Sophia with his partner while we looked and we went upstairs to tell them as such. Sophia went with the female officer to the local station while the male officer and I took a trip to her grandparent's house. What had once been a small oasis for Bill, Maria and their kids was now a dilapidated hell hole. The swimming pool, where I had once seen Sophia in a tight two piece bathing suit that had changed my life as I knew it, was half-full of brown water. The patio was cracked and crumbling in places. Inside, the house was covered in clothes and other assorted items. There wasn't trash everywhere, but it certainly wasn't a place to raise a child in. I poked around, finding Sophia's two piece bathing suit that I added to my bag with a smile to myself and a few odds and ends but nothing big. I told the officer that unless there was more evidence here that I could hire the same people I'd hired to clean out Bill and Maria's. He told me that a property attorney wanted to speak with me that afternoon about the house.

My meeting with the property attorney was eye-opening in many ways. I found out that due to some creative loopholes in city law, since I was adopting the lone survivor of a family that had been killed in an accident I stood to inherit any property that they owned at the time. This meant that I was not only entitled to the settlement check that was coming to the family from the drunk driver and the civil case against him, but also Bill and Maria's property, as well as Sophia's grandparent's property. They had notified members of the family as to the arrest of Sophia's grandparents but not one of them wanted to come bail them out of jail. And, he also told me, that none of them had batted an eye at Sophia coming to live with me. I made my decision about the settlement money fairly quickly, wishing it to be directly deposited into a bank account for me to place in a trust for Sophia when she turned 18. What Bill and Maria had paid into their house as well as the value of Bill's mother's house (she owned the house outright) once it was sold were both going to become large checks in my name to be paid directly into the bank. He told me that DCF had approved my adoption of Sophia, pending a house visit and I asked that to be done as soon as possible.

I almost skipped out of the meeting and to my car. I drove by the police station to pick up Sophia. I showed her the few things I'd taken from her grandparents and told her that a lot of great things had happened today that meant that we would be moving away pretty soon. She was ecstatic to be moving away. She reasoned that everything had gone wrong since the accident and that I was the only good thing she had, "I just wanna stay with you," she had finished, looking at me from the passenger seat of my car while I drove. I couldn't help but feel the butterflies as I drove back to our house. I told her that we would have to play it safe for a few nights when waiting for the home visit from DCF. This meant sleeping in her own bed, since DCF might come calling bright and early to surprise us. Sophia didn't like this thought, she had come to love our nights together, spent with us kissing and me touching her through her nightshirts and telling her about what mummies and daddies did.

That first night apart was a restless one. I'd come to be used to her warm body laying next to mine. I'd been spoiled by being able to reach out in the middle of the night and run my hand over her smooth leg. The woman had not come that day and Sophia wanted to sleep in my bed that night. Saying no to her was not something I wanted to make a habit of but I had to be firm with her. I reasoned with her that if we were sleeping in the same bed together and the woman surprised us by visiting early that she might figure it out. It was a flimsy excuse but at this point in the game, Sophia was so close to being legally mine that I had to wait it out. The second night was worse and I thanked whatever higher power that we got a visit on that Friday. The second I saw the car pull into the driveway, I stiffened. I had no idea what this visit entailed. Were they going to ask us questions? Were they going to search the house? How thorough was this going to be?

The woman who visited was a nice woman, she was impressed at the size and style of my house as well as the lengths I'd gone to to make sure that Sophia was well taken care of. Over a cup of coffee while Sophia did homework upstairs, she learned of Sophia's awful life the last few months. She frowned when I told her that Sophia was still doing her best to make sure that she kept a smile on her face. "What kind of things does she like?" she asked me, setting her coffee mug down.

"Disney princesses," I said with a smile, thinking of the various shades of pink, purple and blue nightshirts and nightgowns that Sophia had, seemingly in all different fabrics, all of which felt amazing in my hands as I held her close to me and kissed her. "She's totally crazy about Disney princesses and Disney movies. I can't tell you how many I've watched in the last few months!" I finished with a fake sort of laugh. I also couldn't tell this woman that my hands had crept under her night clothes and touched her soft and immature body while I had my tongue in her mouth. That might get me marked down on the report. She smiled at me and made a note on her chart. I passed the visit with flying colors. I even asked her to tell the neighbors that the adoption was legal so that they would stop glaring at me and making dirty looks every time Sophia and I were in the yard or my swimming pool together. She did that for me before she left, shaking my hand and promising that she would be in touch with me, possibly with some great news. She didn't disappoint.

That night, Sophia would't hear the word no. She ignored me when I asked her to sleep in her own bed and simply came in after I'd shut the light off and gone to sleep myself. I heard the door creak open and saw a short dark figure creep into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She was trying to sneak across the room and it was everything I could do to not laugh. I was pretending to be asleep and felt the sheet lift up to admit her underneath, felt the bed accept her little body and then felt her move across the bed and lay next to me. She was awkward at first as she tried to find a place under my arm but she finally gave in and tapped my arm. I held back my laugh and raised my arm to wrap around her. She snuggled into me, her ass against me, and fell asleep. This continued throughout the weekend and I didn't stop her for two reasons. I slept much better with her in the bed and she was on her best behavior. I wanted the DCF thing to go smooth so I didn't touch any part of her body, as though being in bed with a seven year old girl was really such a good thing or that DCF could see me anyway.

A week later, Sophia and I were sitting down to lunch when there was a knock at the door. Fearing another visit from the police, I opened the door to a beaming DCF woman on the front porch. I invited her inside and she sat at the table next to Sophia who was smiling just because this woman looked so excited. Her smile was honestly starting to creep me out and my look must have shown this because she burst out, "It's official!" and hugged Sophia. Joy, pure and remarkable joy swept through my body at this announcement. I couldn't help but wonder why she was so excited though. Surely this wasn't the first time she'd done the paperwork on an adoption? If she acted like this at every single one, she was going to be burnt out in about a month. Sophia broke from the hug with the woman and ran to hug me around the middle. She did it so perfectly that I couldn't believe it. She had, in front of this unknowing DCF worker, done something very, very naughty that she and I had discussed last week. The worker's eyes were so filled with tears that she reached for some tissues in her bag. When she did so, Sophia had lifted her head from my stomach, reached out and gently touched the shaft of my dick through my pants! She replaced her head on my stomach just as the woman turned around and snuck a look up at me. I was both breathless and fearful. Bewildered and alarmed that this woman had seen what my little seven year old tease had done. My fears were assuaged quickly however, she had been wiping her eyes. Sophia stepped away from me and sat back at the table. I needed to sign some final paperwork but I got the sense that there was more to be told.

I sent Sophia upstairs after she finished eating to finish her homework. The DCF woman leaned across the table and told me in an excited whisper, "I have some even greater news!" and a giant smile played over her face. "My husband works for the local news. He found out at work that Walt Disney World had sent something along that they were accepting human interest stories featuring people doing great things. It was a bit of a contest," she blushed, "but with my help, we submitted you and Sophia's story."

I paused. "Okay," I said slowly, not following her.

"You won," she said in the same hushed whisper. "They were so impressed with you selflessly taking on such a huge responsibility and the hardships that she had gone through that they sent the word down yesterday: You won. And I received the word this morning that your paperwork was approved." She beamed at me again, "How would you like to take your new daughter to Disney World?"

I hesitated. This all seemed way too good to be true. "What's the catch?" I asked, "I'm from the background that nothing this good can be without a catch."

"That's just it!" she whispered, "they're picking up the tab! All expenses paid! Park, hotel and airfare!"

My mind was spinning. This still seemed too good to be true, but my mind was now separated into two factions. On one hand, Sophia was now, in a legal sense, my daughter. On the other hand, Sophia was now, in a very illegal sense, my lover. How was this going to work out? She was still staring at me, as though wondering why I wasn't over the moon with this news. "I'm sorry," I said, catching her eye, "this seems too good to be true, but you're saying it's not. Should I tell her?"

"Not yet," she answered quickly, "there's still some paperwork to sign here and then tomorrow down at the office."

"I don't want a big fuss," I said, breaking away from the papers I was to be signing.

But she told me that this was being done across the country, and completely anonymously. That the Disney company was almost paying off people's sob stories with a trip to Disney World. I wondered aloud what was in it for the company. "Good press," she answered with a shrug. When I asked how this was possible, if they weren't publicly coming out with it, she said it was because the word would be spread about the "magic of Disney" or some other such nonsense. I signed the adoption papers and the woman shook my hand again. I would be seeing her tomorrow, she told me. "Have you had any more problems with your neighbors?"

"No, they've been staying away from us," I answered truthfully. They all seemed to be grasping the fact that I had legally adopted this girl and was caring for her. If they only had any idea what kind of caring went on behind my closed bedroom blinds, I snickered to myself. I showed the woman out and locked the front door. As I set the alarm, I heard Sophia racing from her room. I closed the living room blinds against the blazing afternoon sun. She was racing down the stairs as I closed the blinds by the kitchen table. Her sock clad feet slipped a little on the tiled floor as she ran across the house and hurtled herself onto me. I pulled her into a tight embrace and with all of the practice we'd had over the last few weeks, her mouth found mine and gave me the most lustful kiss I'd ever received in my entire life.

Our lips parted and our tongues danced. My arms tightened around her as the kiss deepened. I was crying now, my dreams had come true. After all of the awful things that had happened to this alluring little pixie. All of the adversity she'd faced and I'd been right there with her. My tears were falling down my face as Sophia broke our kiss.

"Good tears?" she asked me with a look of concern on her flawlessly beautiful face. I nodded. Words were failing me. She was mine. Since the day she'd come crashing into my life this was the only thing I'd wanted. Sophia was all mine. We were kissing again and I was walking with her still in my arms. I did not ever want to let her go. She seemed to read my mind as we lay on the couch and didn't break her hold on me. I just held her in my lap and our tongues did all of the talking that needed to be said. I opened my eyes in time to peek through the small space between the blinds and the window and saw the DCF woman's tail lights as she pulled away. She had no idea what she had done for me. She'd not only given me this perfect little girl to raise as a daughter but she'd given me this irresistable and blossoming beauty who I was going to also raise as my lover.

We lay on the couch for some time as the sun fell in the sky and darkness started to creep over the house. We would kiss deeply sometimes and others just spend the time talking. Sex had not come up yet but I got the sense it might. The couch was big enough for us to lay comfortably and we did. The sun had gone all the way down when we finally got up to stretch and eat something. We sat next to each other at the table now and I could sense something was on her mind.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she took a minute to think.

"Remember last week I asked you what you were doin' to that lady that night I snuck downstairs?" She asked and she had a very confused look on her face. I wondered where this was coming from but nodded her on. "What were you doin' with my teacher when Gram and Gramp and I came in that mornin'?" There was no heat to this question, this was merely a curiousity that had been bounding around in her head since that morning. I tried to think of how to explain to the young thing what oral sex was. There was a silence between us but she didn't break away from looking at me.

"Well, uh," I started in my usual way of explaining things to her, "sometimes," this was hard for me to explain, "when a man and a woman, a mummy and a daddy that is, when they want to make each other feel really good but don't want to practice making a baby, they'll do things like I was doing." I finished lamely and sort of trailed off. Her look of confusion didn't change.

"But what were you doin'?" she asked me again.

"Well," I repeated, "uh," I stammered, "there's ways to make each other feel good without practicing making a baby." This didn't help either. "You just sort of, touch each other and everything feels good."

The silence lingered. "How were you touching her?" Her confusion had died a little and her face now bore signs of curiousity. "Where?"

"Between her legs," I said quietly, "where you pee." Her face scrunched up and she recoiled. "No," I lightly chided her, "it's where daddies touch mommies to make them feel really good. I was touching her there with my mouth." Her face slipped into a look of thought, as though she was trying to figure something out.

"Does it hurt?" she asked in a whisper.

I tried to fight from smiling at her but couldn't help a small one from coming over my mouth. "Sophia," I said and I gently kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo and the essence of her sweet smell, "it's the best feeling in the world." I didn't think I was lying to her. "It feels like all the good feelings you've ever had all at the same time. And best of all, you can do it whenever you want."

She took this in and I took a few seconds before I pulled away from her and went back to what little food I had left on my plate. What she said next were the words that would change both of our lives forever. "Do you want to touch me like that?" I had a mouthful of water when she said it and I started to cough as I swallowed. She must have taken my surprise as me turning her down because she said quietly, "oh."

"Sophia," I breathed, "I would love to touch you like that," I smiled at her the best I could with my eyes watering. They were watering both because I had just swallowed an entire gulp of water in one go and because this was the moment I'd waited for since she entered my life. "Are you sure you want to?"

"It doesn't hurt, right?" She seemed to be looking for confirmation of this and I nodded and gave her the affirmation that way rather than speaking it. I was unable to find the words to convey any message further than the ones I'd already said. We sat at the table for another few minutes and my mind was trying to wrap around this. My darling Sophia, the absolute love of my life was asking me if I wanted to take our kissing and light touching to the next level. She was asking me if I wanted to strip her clothes off and lick the delicate place between her legs. I thought about telling her how badly I wanted to do this but decided against telling her that I wanted to lick between her legs until the end of time. She was quiet as well and I wondered what was spinning through that mind of hers.

We finished eating in silence and returned to the couch, I thought to watch television. The television had been on for all of five minutes when Sophia told me she wanted to be more comfortable. We readjusted on the couch with her almost laying herself on me and me somewhat uncomfortable laying at an odd angle but certainly not about to stop this position. A few minutes later, as though it were the most natural thing in the world, Sophia leaned her face up and kissed me. This kiss was much different than the ones we'd shared even a few hours ago. This kiss had an unspoken passion, a passion I never expected to feel from a seven year old girl since I'd never experienced this in any kiss I'd ever shared with a woman. Her mouth opened slowly and our tongues found each other. We repositioned on the couch and she was sitting in my lap again but even this felt different from earlier. Earlier, we seemed to just be two people sharing an intimate moment. Now, after our talk at the kitchen table, we were embracing and touching each other as two lovers. My hands found themselves following the slight curve of her hips to her butt and she giggled against my mouth. That part of her, the child who still was ticklish, the child that still giggled when I touched her butt or kissed her ear, still lived. But the woman in Sophia was slowly starting to come out.

I decided for the first time in our short time together as more than man and girl that I was going to take the initiative. I stood up easily with her in my lap and her hands that had wrapped around my shoulders held their grip. Our kiss only deepened as I walked through the living room towards the kitchen. She was not breaking our kiss, she was not stopping my hands creeping up the bare skin of her back. I did not want to relinquish my hold on her or my lips from hers. She seemed to feel this as well because when I got to the stairs, still with her tongue in my mouth, she took a hand from behind my neck and flicked the switch of the kitchen light, plunging the downstairs into total shadow. The only light that shone in the house was through the window at the top of the stairs. The window looked out upon my pool and some of the neighbor's backyards. The windows in their houses were all unlit, the people who dwelled there obviously not awake or certainly not paying attention to the embrace of a 43 year old man and a seven year old girl.

At the top of the stairs was where I faced my choice. The left would take me to my bedroom, the place where several wonderful moments had taken place, the place where I had discovered the beauty of Sophia's mouth, tongue and neck; Where I'd allowed her the notion that she was still in control, that she was deciding what I was and was not going to do when we laid in bed. That Sophia seemed to have gone away because the kisses and touches I was receiving right now told me that she was different. Turning to the right would take me to the room that she could call her own now and that is where I turned. I wanted the next stage of our lives to start where it had begun. This time, she would not be unconscious, however. This time she was kissing me back. She had no blinds in her room, only the same dark curtains I'd had when this was my office. Truth be told, she didn't sleep in here much anyway. I smiled as I laid her gently onto the twin sized bed I'd once picked out with her father, helped him build it, and then molested Sophia in it a few weeks after that while she slept. That fateful night seemed to be light years ago as she pulled me down on top of her.

I broke from our kiss and started to trail kisses up her jaw to her ear. Her hands were leaving my neck now, one was in my hair and the other was tracing a circle on my chest through my shirt. My hands were as busy as my mouth. Sophia was still dressed from the day, a pair of jeans were framing her adorable butt just perfectly while the rest of her slight body was held in a pink button down blouse. My kisses were plunging to her neck now as my hands groped her belly and her thighs. Sophia let out a squeak in surprise at the feeling of my lips on her bare skin, she seemed to enjoy the feeling of a grown man's lips where she had never been touched. My hands trembled slightly as I unbuttoned her jeans, worried that she was going to get cold feet. She didn't flinch. The zipper was next and it was pulled down without complaint from my little princess. I lightly grasped her hips and mimed lifting them up and she obliged. Sophia's thighs and legs came into full view as my mouth stopped its assault on her neck and collarbone. She giggled as I struggled to get her left leg free and tickled her free right foot. Her socks came off next and I lovingly kissed and nibbled at her feet and toes before kissing my way down each leg. First to her ankle, then switching sides to kiss to the other ankle. Up her shin to her knee, then to the other leg up to her knee. My free hand was rubbing ahead of my mouth and continued up her thigh. She wasn't giggling anymore. Her eyes were closed in anticipation as I kissed from one knee to the other, now alternating between the legs rapid fire. My kisses were creeping farther and farther up the front of her slender light brown thighs. My next three kisses were on her left hip, her right hip, and then, bringing my lips down a little, right in the middle of her pale pink Sleeping Beauty panties.

Sophia shuddered on the bed.

I had just kissed directly on her pure and perfect little pussy. I looked up, her eyes were still closed and now her mouth was slightly open. I moved away from her little pussy and kissed below her belly button. She still wasn't giggling. The bottom button on the dull pink and white blouse was undone. I kissed the tiny bit of exposed skin above her belly button and looked up. Her eyes were still closed and her left hand laid limply above her head, almost touching the headboard. Her right hand was in my hair, lightly holding me in place. Another button was undone and now I was a few inches above her belly button, kissing her smooth skin. Another button and I was below where her breasts would one day be. I took care to kiss down each side of her, in her ticklish spots, but again Sophia was not giggling. Only two buttons were left on the blouse. Bottom one first and Sophia's brown nipples came out from their hiding place. I took a moment with each nipple and Sophia drew in a breath with each flick of my tongue, each gentle bite and each suck at her little nipples.

The last button was really only for show. Sophia's body was already exposed to me but the final top button allowed me to pull the two halves of the blouse apart and drink in the sight of my princess. Her eyes opened as I stopped the assault my mouth was making on her body. Her breathing was heavier now and only grew heavier as I leaned in to kiss her. Her hands wrapped around my neck again but my mind was fixed tonight. I pulled away from her and she looked confused at first but I was trying to remove her blouse from her arms. She smiled up at me with her simpering look and drew her arms from the sleeves of the blouse and tossed it on the floor in the pile with her jeans, socks and now her blouse. I kissed her again and started to roll her over. I saw her brow furrow as I did this but I imagine the look went away quickly as I kissed my way down her back. I planted tiny, almost invisible kisses on her spine and the faintest kiss just above where her panties sat. I put a finger on either side of her panties and started to pull them towards me. Sophia did the one thing I'd been waiting for her to do. She raised her hips again, her tiny ass within kissing reach. I planted a kiss on either cheek as I lowered the panties. Slowly, oh so slowly, her tiny vagina came into view as Sleeping Beauty made her way down the light brown thighs that had kisses planted on them. Down the calves that got the same treatment. And, finally, off of Sophia's feet.

Sophia was naked.

I was kneeling on the edge of her bed with one of each of her bare butt cheeks in either hand, gently massaging them. There was no doubt that her Latina heritage was going to give her quite an ass, the curves were starting so early! Her face was buried in her pillow now and I could hear light sighs and muffled groans as my hands continued to roam her nakedness. I rolled her back over onto her back and her face was flushed as I lay more kisses down on her. Our tongues explored each other's and the hunger had only risen in her kiss now. I worked my way slowly down her nude body again, stopping at her sensitive nipples once again before continuing my journey south towards her little wet pussy that was calling my name. A hard kiss on both hips was the last thing she felt as the innocent 7 year old girl. As innocent as any 7 year old girl could be while her naked body was explored by a 43 year old man, I thought. The last of her innocence was taken as soon as my tongue touched her bare pussy for the first time in her conscious life. She shuddered again at my touch but made no move to stop me.

For my part, I'd known Sophia was sweet, this was my third trip between her legs after all, but there was a definite difference now to listening to her undergo the awakening of her sexual feelings. Her breathing was uneven and almost coming in gasps as I licked and sucked my way up and down her tiny slit. She somehow tasted even sweeter than the last two times I'd dined on her. Both of her hands were in my hair now and she was holding me in place as though I wanted to be anywhere else. This was where I'd wanted to be since the day our worlds collided. This was the place I'd been twice before, both times worried that my knockout drug would fail me and that she would wake. Now she was awake, however, and our attraction was very mutual. Her pussy was undeveloped and as such, didn't behave like a full grown woman's, but the ideas were there. I definitely noticed a difference as I held her tiny lips apart and flicked the even tinier clit with my tongue. The juice didn't pour out of her but she became almost cloyingly sweet now. No matter how sweet she got, there wasn't a chance in hell I was going to stop.

Time stood still in the small, pink bedroom. I honestly couldn't tell you how long I knelt next to Sophia's bed and hungrily licked and tongued at her tiny box. I can tell you that as long as I live I will never taste anything so wonderful. Nor will as long as I live will I ever forget her first conscious orgasm. I could sense that she was building up when I flicked my tongue against her tiny clit. Her eyes would screw up and close very tightly and she would emit a gasp and a sigh. I started to toy with her, letting my tongue do wonderful other things to her and gauging her reaction. While Sophia had enjoyed the little flick, she absolutely loved me pushing as much of my tongue inside of her impossibly tight hole. Her hips had lifted involuntarily as I did this. I grinned as I pulled my tongue out. I continued to tease her, alternating between a gentle flick and a hard one; a shallow push of my tongue inside of her and then a very deep one where I curled my tongue just so in the middle to form a short probe to penetrate her. She was unbelievably sexy as she lay there, legs spread around my head and an almost begging tone to her moans and gasps. I could tell she was reaching the cliff. The cliff that would end her innocence as a child and fulfill what I had sworn I would do. I was about to turn a Sophia from a sexy, cockteasing little pixie into a real woman. Her eyes were clamped shut and her mouth was opening and closing to help her to breathe. The moment was coming, she was getting closer and closer to the edge. I never broke from her, my mouth and tongue stayed in their same general spot, never leaving the tight pussy that lay spread before me. I traced circles, I flicked, I licked, I did everything and enjoyed every second of the girl writhing under my touch.

Her first orgasm came not seconds later. I flicked her clit and pushed my tongue deep inside of her little box, accompanied by the very tip of my finger. Her shriek of surprise was quickly covered as she moaned. Her hips jerked again and she was unable to control her movements. I removed my finger and alternated between pushing my tongue in her now convulsing entrance and flicking what must have been her throbbing clit. The moan that escaped her young lips was nothing I'd ever heard from her before. Low, deep and stretched out, her mouth was in a perfect O shape.

"Ohhhhhhhh," was the only thing that she could say, her hips thrusting with each push my tongue inside of her. She'd grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in as deep as she could. I moaned a little into her as the cum that escaped from her depths tasted of nothing I'd ever tasted in my life. The vibrations of my moan caused her to quickly cum again. She groaned against my tongue's movements and began to shake. She had no control over her movements now, her hips were twitching against my mouth in an effort to just get me deeper inside of her. I pushed my tongue as deep inside of her as I'd been yet and tasted Sophia's cum in the back of my mouth. It was the best thing I'd ever tasted. She was thrashing and moaning under me, still unable to control her movements as I slowed my tongue work down and began to just press hard kisses against her sex. I finally pulled away from her hot little cunt and looked up. She was bright red and panting as though she'd just run a mile at top speed. My mouth and chin were covered in her juices as I kissed around her hips and waist before reaching below me on the floor and wiping my mouth and chin with the Sleeping Beauty panties I'd removed to get access to her heavenly pussy.

Sophia lay in her bed, panting. Her bed was mussed all over, I had set her directly onto the blanket and not bothered to move any of the blankets. The flowery blanket covered the light purple sheets in some places while in others the sheets had been pulled up as she had thrashed around the bed. I planted more and more kisses, by this time I think I'd covered her entire body, as I made my way up her body. Her nipples were very sensitive now. She told me this by gasping when I made light contact with her left before licking her right. Suddenly, she grabbed my head by the sides and all but pulled me up to her face. Her face shone a dreamy, contented smile before she placed a kiss on my mouth. There was no tongue in this kiss but the passion behind it was unmistakable. Our kiss broke and she tried to scoot up the bed but her legs were still quivering and she half fell on her butt. She started to giggle and soon it became an all-out laugh that we shared. I wanted to sleep with her in this bed, and she seemed to get the idea as I tried to untuck the sheets and blanket and after our laughter we snuggled against each other, the flowery blanket draped over both of us.

That I was still dressed did not bother me. Nor did it bother me that my cock was harder than I ever remember it being. I had climbed a mountain tonight. Not the peak I knew lay further down the mountain chain, but a big one nonetheless. I lay in the warm bedroom that was lit solely by the moon with the most perfect little girl in the whole world. She was sound asleep already. I lay there, my arm wrapped around her naked waist, and felt content. I had feared my conscience coming into play when Sophia and I finally took things to the next level but my conscience was not factoring in. I didn't feel guilty, I thought I'd feel pangs of guilt about what I was doing to this girl who was the daughter of my two dead friends, but I felt fine. What had been happening the last few weeks and what had happened tonight felt absolutely natural and as though it should be considered normal. She had consented to what happened tonight for sure, why should I feel bad? I gently touched her bare stomach with my hand and sighed happily. This was the one mountain that would lead to many others, I was sure of it. I pulled her closer, my face buried in her mussed and sweaty but still delightfully scented hair and fell asleep next to her, my clothed dick pressed against her bare skin.

We awoke slowly the next morning. The sun was not coming through the window in the bedroom as it did every morning in my bedroom because Sophia's window faced the west. So it was that I gently slid from dreamstate into consciousness, too easily recalling the previous night and slightly worried that it had been a wonderful dream. My fears were calmed immediately as I opened my eyes and found my little angel in the exact place she was when I had drifted off to sleep. A quick steal under the blanket saw that last night had surely not been a dream as she was stark naked under the sheets. It was a treat seeing her body lit up against the faint sun that came through the window. I'd not seen Sophia naked by the light of day, my two schemes of molesting her had come in the dead of night and obviously last night had happened in nothing but the light of the moon. Seeing her even in the light of the barely lightening room was an amazing view. She did not move as my hand trailed vaguely along her smooth skin. There was no intention of starting anything here, I was merely taking advantage of the fact that she lay next to me and had not a stitch of clothing on her body. She started to stir as my hand wandered towards her chest and her nipples. I felt each of them with the pad of my hand but did not pinch them. My hand just lazily touched the previously untouchable areas of her body. She stirred more and rolled over so she was on her back. Her eyes blinked open slowly and a small smile played over her face.

"I'm naked," she sleepily said and smiled up at me. I looked down at her and my heart was so light I thought it was going to jump out of my body. I was in love with Sophia, more than I'd ever loved anything in my entire life and I had only shown her a part of how much I loved her the previous night. I wanted to repeat my actions of the previous night but wasn't sure if she wanted to. Taking the lead had worked out well for me last night but I was back to wanting to play it safe and take it slow.

"Your hand feels good," she said and my eyes fell back on her. Her eyes were closed again and my hand had been acting of its own accord while I was lost in thought. It had kept up its gentle touching of her chest, lightly touching each of her nipples, occasionally giving either of them a soft pinch. She leaned up and kissed me with the same passion as the night before and I knew that she wanted me to repeat what we'd done last night.

The kiss grew more and more passionate, my hand left her nipples and went south; My hand travelled over her smooth stomach and came to rest in the no-man's-land above her sweet little pussy. I wanted to make absolutely sure she wanted this again and I broke our kiss to ask her. Before I could even form the words, I opened my eyes. The look on her gorgeous face was one of the utmost and pure lust I'd ever seen in my life. Everything about her oozed sex from the way one of her hands was gripping my arm to the way her eyes were open just the right amount to the way her lips were pouting and swollen from all of the action they'd seen. I was drinking this all in, taking the snapshot in my brain that would last forever when she spoke.

It was more of a whisper because of the sensuousness in her voice. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and I saw her lips move but I couldn't hear what she said. She was licking her swollen lips and touching my face with her other hand when she said it. I was kneeling on the bed with her under me as though I was pinning her down. She was not resisting me at all, her bare legs had spread and I could feel my dick trying to sneak its way towards her little lovehole. I whispered back at her that I hadn't heard her and her reply was the sexiest thing I'd ever heard in my life.

"Lick me again," she said in a voice that was a mix between child and teenager; a voice that was both mature and childish; her voice was barely above a whisper in the wind but it finished, "please?"

My deep moan startled her at first but she quickly understood what it meant as my mouth dropped to her neck and began laying desirous kisses on her collarbone. I threw the blanket off of my back and straightened up in the cramped bed to drink in the sight of her. She lay on her back with her knees apart to accomodate me between them. The look on her face was a mixture of bliss and lust, she was panting a little as my show of raw emotion had surprised her a little. Her very dark hair contrasted with her light brown skin which was free of blemishes or scars, her hair was wild and disheveled. My eyes travelled her entire body, soaking my memory with every small line of her perfect little body and for her part, Sophia did not try to free herself from my gaze. She allowed my eyes to absorb every detail about her. My mouth returned to her body and now I found one of her nipples with my tongue. She inhaled deeply as I did and I felt her arch her back slightly as though trying to find a way to get more of her body into my mouth. I repeated this with the other nipple and Sophia repeated her action. Her nipples were tiny brown dots in the middle of her undeveloped chest. I teased each one, drawing light gasps and moans from above me. I left her nipples. That was not what the little siren had asked me to do. My mouth went farther down, licking her belly button and running my fingertips gently along her hips. Sophia was not giggling. I stole a look up and her face was writhing. Not in pain, dear reader, but in absolute ecstasy. My mouth left her belly button and gently licked a line from just below her belly button all the way down to inches above her pleasure space. I closed my eyes and prepared to dive in when I heard the noise.

The phone was ringing.

I had pulled away from Sophia's pussy as though fearing whoever was on the phone could see what we were doing. The phone rang again and a third time before I got up from my place on the tiny bed. My dick was threatening to push all the way through my pants at this point and Sophia lay there, mere moments ago about to receive the positively most amazing feeling in the world but now she looked worried, disappointed, confused. I finally found the phone in my bedroom. The traitor, the absolute fucking worst thing ever invented in the history of the fucking world. I glanced at the clock as I picked up the receiver. It was only 7:30 in the morning. I faked a groggy voice as I answered.


"Hi, we've been knocking on your door for the last minute or so, can you let us in?"

My eyebrows raised.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s

once bitten

Thank you, I will be looking for more of your stories.


Great Story, So here we go again, got to wait till you let is know what is going on now. I hope the next chapters get posted soon. I really like your writing style. Keep it up.


good!!! waiting for the next chapter..... Love it!!!


I do hope for a chapter 5 I cannot say how much I truly enjoyd this story so far it was well written and kept me glued to the story i truly loveed itthank you


Please don't make us wait outside the door much longer, we are eager to read the next chapter.


Please post part 5 soon. Really like your writing and storytelling style.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.