Published: 23-Mar-2013
Word Count:
After my shower I walked from my master bathroom into my bedroom, nude. I liked to let my body air dry after a hot shower. It made me feel invigorated as the day began and I felt I was going to need that today. I wasn't feeling bad for what I had done with Sophia last night, rather it was starting to hit me that Bill and Maria were gone. I didn't feel anything for myself. Oh sure, I might miss Bill for watching football games with but in reality, I could find someone exactly like him. I felt bad for my little angel Sophia who was now an orphan with grandparents who couldn't care for her. Bill's mother was pretty much financially destitute since she had spent most of her retirement money on two knee replacements and all of the medical bills coming from her husband's heart attack that had led to me landing in Sophia's bed. Sophia was going to be lucky to have a new shirt to wear to school every year let alone any sort of college fund or anything. I knew that there would likely be a settlement coming from the insurance company of the low-life who ran the red light and killed Bill, Maria and Michael. But there certainly hadn't been any planning for Michael or Sophia's future from a paycheck to paycheck family like Bill and Maria.
Oddly, as I thought of these things, I sat on my bed in almost the exact spot I had found Sophia in last night. Thinking back to just a few hours ago when I turned the corner to the bedroom and was presented with the best gift I had received in my life woke my dick back up and I felt it begin to grow in my hand. The entire night seemed like a blur but I certainly didn't regret a single thing that happened. I closed my eyes and slowly stroked myself thinking of just how hard I had been and how difficult it was to not enter her tiny vagina. How amazing it felt to feel my dick pulse and begin to surge with each streak of hot white that seemed to pour out of the tip of me and land on her tiny body. "Ohhh..." I whisper moaned as my hand tightened and I imagined being inside of my little princess. "...Sophia." my whisper finished as I imagined her unblemished and cute face in front of mine, screwed up in the slight pain of having a man inside of her for the first time. In my mind I heard the bed thumping against the wall, the springs of the bed singing a squeaky song to our love-making and the air filling with the humidity that comes when a man and his lover show physical love. I opened my eyes and my fantasy world collided with my real world.
Sophia was standing in my bedroom with a look of shock on her face.
I'd like to tell you that I sorted out the situation well but I froze.
"Uhhhh..." was how I began. Truly brilliant! "Uhhhh..." I continued on, not making anything better. Sophia's eyes were locked on my still hard dick and she was backing out of the room.
"Sorry," she said as she left the room, her eyes never leaving my crotch.
I laid on the bed and contemplated my life after that, dear reader. I was sure that Sophia was going downstairs to tell her grandparents. My ears strained for the sound of Bill's mother screeching her disapproval and possibly coming upstairs to deal with the man fantasizing about her seven year old granddaughter. Or worse, calling the cops! I swiftly dressed, tucking my dick in my pants as best I could, and heading downstairs. Sophia didn't make eye contact with me but Bill's mother didn't notice. She was on the phone with someone. Her husband was reading my newspaper. I glanced around and nothing was wrong. "Sophia didn't tell?" I asked in my head. "Sophia didn't tell!" I was confused to say the least.
Sophia was obviously going upstairs to get changed so we could leave. When she came back down, it was awkward for the two of us but Bill's parents didn't notice at all. The awkwardness was enough for me to fake a bathroom trip, slipping the vial of my knockout drug into my pocket before flushing the empty toilet. We agreed to leave and they asked me to take Sophia in my car, as they didn't have room in theirs. Sophia silently climbed in the backseat of my car and buckled herself before I had the chance. It was like she wasn't there the entire ride over to the house. I didn't try to start any conversation but I was worried. Was it only a matter of time before she told on me? I snuck glances at her adorable face periodically and it was a range of emotions. Obviously she was upset. We were going back to her house for the first time since the accident. I detected a look of confusion as well, likely about what happened before we left the house. Was I cracking up? She had to be thinking about it, right?
The arrival in the driveway brought her tears and she allowed me to unbuckle her. The three of them cried as we walked in the front door. I thought it best to take a walk around the house with the three of them and try to comfort them. Bill's mother was actually the worst. She just couldn't compose herself. I understood. We sat at the kitchen table and I made a suggestion.
"I can hire someone to help us here. Why not take things that we find valuable, sentimental or that we need..." I waited for someone to tell me to stop but Bill's stepfather began to nod, "and I can hire someone to take the rest as a donation to a thrift store." I finished and I waited. Sophia was softly crying into a washcloth and Bill's parents were exchanging a look. "I want to help," I finished sort of lamely and with a small shrug, "I have to help."
"It sounds good to us," Bill's stepfather said as he looked me in the eyes, "it would be a seriously big help."
We sat at the table for a few more minutes before I got up and walked through the kitchen and into the small garage, finding a few empty large plastic containers. The three of them slowly got up and we began a process of putting a few things into a container in each room. Michael's room saw a physical breakdown from Bill's stepfather. I started to take charge in the house, still very uncomfortable at what happened between Sophia and I earlier, but figured that we had to get this stuff taken care of. Gradually, over a couple hours, we got a lot of stuff put into containers. Sophia had barely said five words all day. I felt as though I was taking my life in my own hands when I stepped outside to order us a pizza for lunch, figuring that it was only a matter of time before she told her grandparents. I was sure she had heard me moan her name while I was jerking off. When I came back in, she was sitting at the table with her small fists holding her head up.
"Where are your grandparents?" I asked softly, sitting next to her at the table. She still didn't look at me and when she spoke I barely heard her.
"In Michael's room," she said flatly. "They're not helping me with my room," she continued, finally making eye contact with me.
My heart melted when we locked eyes. I have described Sophia and her body many times to you dear reader, but I can not emphasize enough the pure and natural beauty of this girl. Her eyes were pink and puffy from her tears and underneath her nose was red and looked uncomfortable from wiping it with a washcloth. But in her face was a no doubt attractiveness that left me absolutely no wonder why I had fallen in love with this seven year old. Her dark brown hair fell so perfectly on her shoulders and each small curve and slope of her body seemed to cry out to me. I reached my hand to the right and covered her left hand, feeling her delicate skin under my own. Our eyes locked again and I could feel inside of my body screaming "I LOVE YOU" to her. She did not waver from our contact and we only broke contact when Bill's mother came from Michael's room, her face bright red and wet.
"I'm going to help Sophia in her room," I said, taking my hand from atop hers and helping her to her feet, "pizza is ordered and should be on its way." Sophia stood next to me and gave me a slight smile. I picked up a container from the floor and stepped aside, letting her lead the way into her bedroom. I followed her down the hall, hearing Bill's parents step outside for a smoke.
"I know what you were doing," Sophia said with a tinge of disapproval in her voice.
"What?" my keen skills of smoothing things over kicked back into place.
"Earlier at your house?" she began as if explaining it to a complete idiot. "When I walked in your room looking for you?"
"Oh right," I said without looking at her. I didn't know if I should be apologizing or telling her it wasn't her fault.
Silence filled the room as I stood there trying to find the words. "Urrr..." was all I could vocalize.
"Why'd you say my name?" Sophia asked with the innocence of her seven years.
Those five words caused a 50 car pile up in my already busy mind. I wasn't prepared for questioning like this. She didn't seem to be upset about it, mostly curious, and looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes and a placid expression on her face.
"I'm not sure," I began and tried to choose my words carefully. "It's hard to explain."
She seemed to take that explanation as well as she could, the question dying on her lips as she removed a box of Barbie toys from underneath the bed. A slight smile showed on her face as she pulled some of the toys out and spread them on the floor. She began to sort through the small dresses and things, eventually getting onto her hands and knees on the floor. As I had forgotten to pack Sophia a belt for the small jean shorts that she was wearing, they were a little loose on her and they slipped down her budding hips while her shirt pulled up her back, exposing a tiny patch of skin where Sophia's small panties sat tight against her body. I recognized the pair as the powder blue pair I had soaked with my cum in my first visit to the house since Bill and Maria had died. Just the thought of Sophia's small brown pussy rubbing against my sleek cum was causing stirring in my crotch.
Sophia, for her part, was completely unaware what she was doing to me. She was unaware that the cock that had shot jets of hot and sticky cum onto her body and her face and that less than 24 hours earlier the same cock had been inside of her and was growing aroused by the small amount of skin she was showing. I tried to look away but only found her bed in my line of vision. The same bed I had laid with her, that I had first attempted to enter her and that I had ended my time with her by almost covering her entire torso with cum. The pink sheets were covered now, with clothes she might wear and toys she might play with again. But not long ago, she lay under me with her legs spread wide open for me. I tore my eyes from the bed and could feel the tightness in my jeans threatening to tear through them. I hadn't cum earlier when she walked in on me and I felt it rising inside of me.
I stood up swiftly, trying to conceal the hardness that was poking out of the front of my jeans. I successfully hid it from Sophia by turning my back to her and facing the door. "Gotta go to the bathroom," I lied my best, barely making it out of the room and turning towards the bathroom when I heard the back door close and Bill's parents re-enter the house. I got into the bathroom and closed the door, noiselessly clicking the lock behind me. I wanted to pull my dick out and start stroking but I closed my eyes and did my best to take calming breaths as I stood with my back to the end wall. A few minutes passed.
A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. It was Bill's mother asking about money for the pizza I had ordered. Just the sound of her voice caused my dick to wilt. I flushed the toilet to give myself some cover and turned on the faucet to wash my hands. I opened the door to find both Bill's mother and stepfather in the cramped hallway looking at me. "Something wrong?" I asked, my heart leaping out of my chest.
"We wanted to talk with you about something," she said, gesturing towards Bill and Maria's bedroom behind us.
"Sure," I said in my best casual voice. Inside, my guts were churning. Had Sophia told on me from earlier? Why were they so serious looking? The door closed with a soft click.
After a few moments of awkward silence she spoke. "We are going to have to ask you for a pretty big favor," she said, finally making eye contact with me. "We can't care for Sophia right now." she continued in a low whisper. "We're about to be foreclosed on and I am looking at the possibility of having to work again and coming out of retirement to try to pay some bills without declaring bankruptcy." She was near tears.
"We know it's absolutely too much to ask of you," her husband continued, "but we don't want her to have to move away from us. The only other option would be Billy's stepsister across the country. We just thought, if you would let her live with you, things would go really smoothly instead of her having to move away from us."
They both looked hopeful.
Inside, my guts were now churning for a different reason. Sophia alone with me on a constant basis?
"You don't have to decide right away," he continued quietly, "I'd think you were crazy to do so. But we would need an answer soon. Billy's stepsister hasn't asked yet but I get the sense that she will. I think you'd give Sophia a much better home."
The last sentence almost made me burst out laughing. If these two had any idea what I had spent the previous night doing they would be having conversations with the police right now. It was with all of my strength that I managed to not smile as I told them I would have to think about it.
We left the room with my head swimming. The thought of having Sophia around to play with all the time seemed to be overpowering my imagination. I thought back to a few months ago when I lay naked in her bed pressing my hard dick against parts of her body. The freedom to do that whenever I pleased was awfully tempting. The walk down the hallway to the kitchen where the pizza was waiting was a difficult one. I was able to fall into a chair without anyone noticing the front of my pants. Sophia living with me surely meant that she would wear my cum every day. And I definitely would have an opportunity to make a woman out of her, the final promise I had made to Maria as I knelt next to her what felt like ages ago. On the other hand, what the fuck did I know about raising a kid? That's what they were asking me to do, more or less. They sure didn't have any money or anything to offer in terms of support. I was the one thing that could make sure that Sophia was going to stay near them. I certainly didn't want to fuck anything up though. Even with my little angel in my life 24/7 it didn't mean that she was going to be my little fuck doll. I would have to act as a father to her.
My eyes fell on Sophia as she chewed a crust of pizza. The right side of her mouth tipped up in a slight smile as she noticed me. It was small things like that that made me realize just how completely and utterly fucked I was going to be by agreeing to take her into my house. I was in love with her, there was no doubt in my mind. I was madly in love with a seven year old girl. Thinking it to myself was an attempt to get my inner and more logical voice to see reason somehow. But I slowly realized as I sat at the table trying to force myself to eat that I was possibly in for some trouble but it had the potential to be absolutely worth it. I managed to get down a slice of pizza, nobody else seemed terribly hungry either, and we scattered through the house again. I wanted to go back into Sophia's bedroom but I was quick to remind myself how difficult a time I'd had getting out of there without her seeing the bulge in my pants. I was content in staying in the living room, packing up various electronics and DVD's and things. I was finishing packing up another box of DVD's for the family to keep when my phone made a noise in my pocket.
I pulled the phone from my pocket and found that it was another text message from Rachel, the idiotic woman who had almost given me a heart attack the night before. I told Bill's stepfather that I was stepping outside to make a few phone calls and did so. She had sent me a barrage of texts the night before, cursing me out for ignoring her. I decided that I was going to make her feel bad about herself. I walked to my car and got in, starting the engine and turning the air on enough that I could feel the coolness blowing through the vents. I pressed the little "callback" button on the text message and saw the phone begin to dial.
"Hello?" the irritated voice said.
"Hi, Rachel?" I said in my best quietly sad voice. I held my breath for a minute and continued, "you sent me a few texts and I realized that I'd forgotten to get in touch with you..." I let myself trail off.
"Yeah, what's your fucking problem, huh?" Her attitude was obvious through the phone.
"Well, two of my close friends and one of their children died a little over a week ago. I've been really busy helping the family and I've been taking care of their daughter as well."
She let out an audible gasp and I could hear her brain spinning as she tried to read my voice.
"So I was kind of disappointed to get your many text messages. I've not slept much lately but I've also not been in the right state of mind to be anything but supportive of the family and their daughter. I just wanted to tell you that on the phone rather than a text. Hope you find what you're looking for..." I finished with a sniff and began hanging up the phone.
"Wait!" she cried loudly enough for me to hear her.
"I'm really sorry for your loss. I had no idea and I am really sorry for the way I acted."
"It's ok..."
"No, it's not," she interrupted me, "I'd like to make it up to you. Any chance we can still get together or did I blow it?"
"No," I said, smiling and trying not to laugh into the phone, "it would be nice to have some company."
"Tonight?" she said almost immediately.
"Tomorrow?" I said tentatively. I didn't know what the plan was for Sophia tonight and didn't want to risk it.
"Okay," she said and she sounded a little disappointed.
I gave her my address and we hung up a few minutes later. I took a few seconds to compose myself before turning off the car and heading back in the house.
The next few hours passed without incident and we loaded a few boxes of clothes and other items onto Bill's stepfather's truck. The rest was being left for the people I was to hire. I got the feeling that Sophia wanted to go back to my house but her grandmother wanted to take her for the night. I figured she actually wanted to spend time with her granddaughter for a change and started to encourage it but Sophia wanted to spend another night at my house. It took some time to make her mind up but she finally acquiesced.
A short time later Sophia and I were back at my house, the same place she had been unknowingly drugged and molested the night before. Sophia's mood had brightened somewhat at the thought of going swimming but much to her disappointment, a late afternoon rain had come. I was as disappointed as she was since I had spent most of the drive home with her bathing suit clad ass in my head. She agreed to watch some television before dinner and an early bedtime. I was amazed at how she seemed to be reacting to not only the deaths of her family but also the awkward moment we'd had earlier in the day. She hadn't brought it up since I weaseled my way out of having a difficult talk with her about it and seemed brightened by not having to spend time with her grandmother. I wondered if she ever really liked her grandmother, who seemed to dote on Michael much more than Sophia, seemed to give him much more attention and just generally favor him more. I wasn't sure if that was because Michael was the first born or not. I thought, watching her out of the corner of my eye as I checked some emails, about the offer I'd received earlier in the day to take Sophia full time. I was having reservations about it when they made me the offer mostly because I was worried about whether or not I could care for Sophia as a parent. The other reason was that I was afraid to have her with me all the time because I would no doubt want to drug and molest her all the time! I shook my head a little and tried to concentrate on my emails.
We sat in the living room in mostly silence after we ate dinner. I let Sophia have control of the television while I thought a lot about the request her grandparents had made of me. Financially I was fine. I still worked as a financial planner but mostly as a consultant now. I would have the time to be a sort of parent to her but I had visions of being more than a parent to her, making a woman out of her. It was that thinking and action that would get me into trouble. It was fine having Sophia live with her parents. I played around with her the one time and didn't have to be around her for a while. I couldn't imagine doing that with her over and over and not getting caught. But on the other hand, to turn her grandparents down would be essentially sending her to a life in squalor. Would that be right? I laughed at my inward debate. Would a seven year old girl be willing to live with a 43 year old man who molested her so that she could go to college one day? It seemed ridiculous. But on the other hand, she didn't seem to want to go to her grandparents. I wondered why that was.
After a little while, I sent her to bed. She protested slightly but when her sentence was punctuated with a yawn she gave up the fight. I got up to make up the bed for her, following her upstairs, her petite butt in my face while we walked up the stairs and she went into the guest bathroom with her overnight bag. I made up the bed and took a few effects for myself, pajamas and socks and my phone charger. I would probably spend the night in the office again. Sophia came into the room, looking beautiful. She had taken out her ponytail and let her hair be down. A light pink Cinderella nightshirt covered her body from me but she was truly a vision to me. I realized even with the short glimpse of her I'd had that I was totally screwed when she came to live with me. Then she did something unexpected and wrapped her arms around my stomach and hugged me. I was a little bewildered at first but I broke the hug and knelt down on the floor and hugged her back. She was sniffling a little and I realized that she was crying.
"What's wrong ba--Sophia?" I caught myself again.
She didn't answer, only burrowed into my chest and sniffled.
"What's the matter?"
"I miss them," was the soft reply from my chest, "I miss them a lot but I don't think Gram and Gramp love me like they love Michael."
I faltered. I was impressed that this girl could pick up on that. "Oh that's not true," I told her as I stood up to get off my knee. She didn't break the hug, opting instead to wrap her legs around me as best she could to stay up. "They just were really surprised and are sad because Michael..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence.
"They didn't hardly talk to me today," she continued talking into my chest. "I think they miss him more than they still love me."
Again I sort of gawked at how perceptive she was. They had barely spoken to Sophia all day now that I thought about it.
"That isn't true," I told her as firmly as I could. "It has been an awful week swe--Sophia," I winced as I slipped up again. She didn't answer but I took a chance and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head and started to lower her back down to the floor. Her eyes were pink and puffy and I handed her a tissue from the table beside the bed. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose before hugging me again and climbing into bed.
"Sleep well Sophia," I said, tucking the blankets around her. She reached her arms up again and I leaned back down expecting another small hug but instead I felt her lips meet mine.
It was a short peck from her and she had no idea what it meant to me. She pulled away and closed her eyes. My dick was almost throbbing now, begging for me to climb in bed with her and continue where I left off last night. It took a great deal for me to walk away from the bed and click the light off. I changed in the guest bathroom, my mind still spinning about what happened. Sophia's clothes were in a pile on the floor, the powder blue panties visible to me. My dick sprung to life again and this time I couldn't resist moving over in front of the shower, picking them up and putting them to my nose. Sophia's sweat was not an unpleasant smell in my opinion and it only made my dick harder to think that not 10 minutes ago that my little princess's pussy was pressed against where my nose was. I ached to crawl into bed with her again but instead I wrapped the panties around my dick and slowly started to stroke. I thought of the kiss Sophia had just given me and how badly I wanted to deepen it, push my tongue in her mouth and wrap her body around me again. Her panties felt amazing wrapped around me and I was well on my way to splattering them with my cum again when I was snapped out of my reverie by the doorbell.
I froze. I'm sure it was quite a sight in my bathroom with a small pair of panties wrapped around my dick. My breath was quick and I was so close to cumming in her tiny panties! I scowled a little and put them back where I found them. I put my dick away and headed for the front door, zipping my pants as I walked. Sophia and her little pussy were the only things on my mind as I opened the door and found a twenty something blonde in front of me. She looked up at me with a sheepish smile and introduced herself as Rachel.
"I couldn't wait until tomorrow," she said before pulling me into a hug. My mind was wildly spinning as it tried to figure out the situation I was in. Rachel seemed to be pulling me into the hug even tighter and I got the suspicion that she felt awful about the previous night. When I looked into my driveway and saw her car parked crooked across it, I couldn't help but think that the pretty strong scent of alcohol on her breath might have had something to do with her being here. She was as attractive as her profile picture said she would be, a pretty face to some was framed by curly blonde hair below her shoulders. She had a nice body, looked to be in decent shape with good sized breasts.
She broke off the hug and asked if she could come inside. I agreed, my mind still wondering how this was going to work. Sophia was sleeping upstairs and my mind was scolding my dick with a "Told you so!" inside my head as we sat on the couch. She gave me a watery smile and my insides jumped a little. She was buying this easily. I offered her a drink, to see where her head was, and she agreed. I poured her a glass of pop from the fridge and thought of the vial in my pocket but decided to see where things went.
We sat in awkward silence on the couch before she started asking me questions about myself, how things were going, so forth and so on. I played my part, only stealing glances at her breasts encased in the tank top she was wearing. I learned that Rachel was 27 and interested in meeting mature men because she was mature for her age and didn't feel a connection to anyone her own age. As she rambled a little more she started to flirt more and started placing her hands on me to accentuate her points while she spoke. I saw where she was going and was too horny to stop it. Rachel was pretty drunk and had no idea that I had been kissed by the love of my life upstairs and had been fervently jerking off into her small panties when she knocked on the door. I decided to play up the sad card and see how far things could go.
I only had to wait about 20 minutes. In a break in conversation, I tipped Rachel's chin up and placed a kiss on her lips. She made no move to stop me, going so far as to fall under my weight on her back on the couch. I could feel my dick pressing into my jeans again, almost as hard as I was a short while ago with Sophia's panties wrapped around me. I felt Rachel moan a little when her hand squeezed my dick through my jeans. She broke our kiss and slurred a little when asking me if I liked what I saw. I lied and told her I did. In reality, I was up in my bedroom with Sophia in front of me, her small body bent over and her little ass was feet away from me. Rachel was quick to unzip me and my dick ached with desire as it was released from my jeans. It was as though I hadn't cum in years despite the fact that I had emptied myself on Sophia just one night ago.
Rachel's hand gripped me through my underwear. My mind was on Sophia's slight body as I found it the previous night. For the first time in months I had a mouth wrapped around my dick. It was short-lived as Rachel adjusted herself on the couch, pulling her tank top over her head and tossing it behind her, giggling when she did. A second later her mouth engulfed me again and she started to bob her head a little. My mind was toying with me now, showing me such wonderful images of Sophia with her mouth full of me and laying across the couch like Rachel was now. I let out a small moan at the thought of this that Rachel mistook for me enjoying her blowjob. She was good, I guessed she had gotten drunk and done this a few times, but she had no idea that she was merely finishing the work that a kiss from a 7 year old girl had started.
As her tempo picked up I resisted the urge to moan Sophia's name again. Rachel was drunk but not drunk enough to notice a completely different name escape my lips. But it was the 7 year old love of my life upstairs who I thought of as I moaned Rachel's name. It was not Rachel but Sophia's mouth I wished to be inside of. It was Sophia's body I wanted to press close to mine, Sophia's legs I wanted to spread and enter the paradise between them. It was Sophia who I wanted to kiss deeply and hold tightly. It was all of these thoughts in my head as I came, hot ribbons of my cum flooding Rachel's mouth as she moaned and gurgled her assent. I had moaned Rachel's name for sure but thought of nothing but my sweet princess upstairs.
Rachel had groped on the floor and found her tank top and had her back to me while she wiped her mouth off on it when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I shook my head slightly to clear the fog and turned around just in time to see Rachel's breasts being freed from their casing. They held up pretty firm for a 27 year old and my mouth was locked on them quickly. Rachel fumbled with the rest of her clothes, she was wearing a skirt with nothing underneath, and not a minute later I was knelt behind her with her face pushed into my couch and was entering her from behind. Our bodies came together with almost silent slapping noises. Rachel was moaning into the couch, her breasts swaying as I pushed in and out of her. I closed my eyes and imagined Sophia moaning underneath me. At the moment Rachel began to cum, she buried her face in the couch cushions to attempt to quiet her orgasm. I seized the opportunity and barely whispered, "I love you Sophia..."
Pure joy emanated from my groin to the rest of my body. It felt like a release to say it out loud and before I knew it, I was about to have another kind of release. Rachel was groaning into the couch and I pulled myself from her and spun her around. Two small and watery streams were all I could muster and they put a small glaze onto Rachel's heaving breasts.
Spent, I sat down on the couch again, leaning back on the right side and trying to catch my breath. Rachel panted under me between my legs with her back against the couch. I laid my head back to let out a deep exhale. When I brought my head back to its normal place, I saw Sophia's leg climbing back up the stairs. What little breath I'd had left my body. What had she seen? What had she heard? Rachel let out another moan as she stood up and laid next to me on the couch. She was pleased with herself and giggled a little at the sight of my cum on her breasts.
"What's wrong?" she asked, seeing the look of concern on my face. I lied and told her that I was laying awkwardly and we stood. She pulled me into a hug, my now cold cum pressing against me, and asked where she could wash up. I indicated the downstairs bathroom but she seemed to be a little upset by this. "Why not go upstairs?" she almost purred into my chest. I let out a sigh and told her.
"Remember that I told you that my friends died last week?" She nodded, looking puzzled. "Their daughter wasn't in the car." Her eyes almost comically widened. "She's sleeping upstairs," I lied. Sophia was clearly not sleeping, as she had snuck downstairs not a few minutes ago and found me pounding a blonde woman in almost the same spot that Sophia had sat and watched television not two hours ago. Rachel's face hardened.
"Were you planning on telling me that," she whisper-shouted with a glance up the stairs, "or were you just planning on fucking me and figuring it out from there?"
The lines on her face were almost comical. I had a hard time not laughing at her. It was her who had shown up at my house on a night she wasn't invited. Her who had come in and made a big show about sitting down and talking to me. Her who had been practically begging me to kiss her before I did. Her who had spread her legs like the pretty obvious slut she was.
"Well?!" the lines hardened on her face. I was trying to think of what to say. I wanted to thank her for letting me shoot the load in her mouth rather than the pair of panties I had been jerking off with when she rang my doorbell. The seconds passed slowly. She tilted her head, waiting for my answer.
"What happened tonight," I began slowly, "was wonderful. It was also very unexpected and impromptu." Her look didn't soften. "It hadn't come up," I finished, "and then everything just kind of happened."
This was not the answer to give her. "Oh," she began sarcastically, waving her arms behind her head, "it just didn't come up! Well that makes me feel better!" She was gesturing all the while and it was everything in my power to not laugh as my cum was still glassy on her breasts which were bobbing on her chest as she spoke. She continued whisper-yelling at me but I honestly tuned her out. I walked away from her and decided to play my last hand. I picked up her bra and panties which were strewn in my living room and walked back to her, handing them wordlessly to her.
"If you think tonight was a mistake because I hadn't had a chance to tell you that I have temporary custody of a small girl, I don't really know what to tell you," I began, cutting into her harshly. She was thrown off and stopped speaking. "You're the one, Rachel, who showed up at my house drunk," she looked indignant at this but I held my hand up to stop her retort, "let me finish, please. You showed up here, drunk. You flirted with me and practically threw yourself on top of me when I kissed you. You audibly enjoyed yourself. To try and act like it's all moot because you had your feelings hurt by something I didn't tell you is foolish. Put your clothes on and get out. You spoke earlier about how you're so mature for your age, but you clearly don't have any maturity when it comes to dealing with grief or loss and you sure as hell don't," I let tears sting my eyes with this, "care about the girl I have to take care of. Re-think your life. If you figure some things out, call me." I successfully handed her her undergarments and she took them with a look of distress and anguish.
She started to speak but I walked away, towards the bathroom I had offered her moments ago, bringing back a damp cloth.
"Wipe yourself off," I instructed her as coldly as I could, "please." I finished. She looked on the verge of tears. I left the kitchen near the bottom of the stairs and went back to the living room, pulling my jeans back on and finding the rest of Rachel's clothes. She was dressed in the kitchen, still with the look of being close to tears. I handed her the rest of her clothes and took my damp cloth back and into the laundry room. When I came back, she was dressed and looked to be about to say something but it died on her lips. I ushered her gently to the living room, picked up her keys and walked her to the door.
"I'm really sorry," she managed. It was barely above a whisper. I could feel the sadness in the voice but I didn't care. This was my out. I needed to get her out of the house so I could see the damage that this had caused with Sophia. She had already walked in on me moaning her name while I jerked off. I didn't want to think about what she was thinking about possibly hearing me moan her name while I fucked this twentysomething slut.
"I am too," I lied gently. "Sorry that this didn't work out but I think you have some anger issues to deal with. I'm sorry Rachel but I obviously don't have time for things like that. I had a great time tonight and I wish things were different, but, again if you work out what your issues are, get in touch with me. You have my email address and I can be your friend. But as for us being more, I don't think that's wise."
She nodded and was closer to tears. I pulled her into a hug at her car and opened her door for her. That she was still likely buzzed I didn't care. I needed her out of the house. She started her car, took one last look at me and mouthed "bye," before backing out of the driveway. I waved as she drove away.
Back inside, I found my shirt on the living room floor and pulled it on. I debated what to do with Sophia, even going as far as pacing in the living room. I decided to go up and see whether she was sleeping. As quietly as I could, I ascended the stairs and turned left towards my bedroom. The light was still on and I felt a pang. She must have been still awake. I tried to keep quiet down the hallway and peeked into my bedroom. Sophia was sitting up in bed with a book in her lap, reading. She didn't notice me at first but I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. If I startled her she didn't show it. She put her book down and looked at me, confusion was visible on her face. I waited for her to ask but she didn't say a word so I started, "Sophia," I began but she cut me off quietly.
"I know what you were doin' down there," she said simply, "Mummy and Dad used to do stuff like that. I thought it was funny 'cause Mummy would make weird noises." I sat at the edge of the bed and Sophia put her book on the night table. "Dad used to say Mummy's name like you said my name this morning," that she had worked this out scared me, "but I heard you with that lady. And you were doin' things Mummy and Dad used to do. And I heard you say my name again," she looked up at me with befuddlement in her eyes, "and you were doin' that with her. So how come you said my name?" She finished and looked at me to answer.
Parts of me were screaming different things. My dick, of course, was screaming for me to ignore her question, push her back on the bed and fuck her in the same manner I'd just fucked Rachel. My heart told me to tell her how I felt about her and how I had felt about her for some time now. My brain said to play it as safely as I could because we were still not out of the woods on this one. Sophia had seen me with Rachel and had heard my whisper of her name while I was fucking Rachel. This was not good. I had been a little careless earlier today but a whole lot careless tonight. I struggled with where to begin.
"Sophia," I said quietly, smoothing the blanket on the side of the bed I was sitting on, "when grown-ups like your Mummy and Dad and me and Rachel care a lot about each other," but she cut me off.
"That's not what I asked," she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice, "I already know all the stuff about sex."
Oh boy, I thought. This is not good. She was becoming a little irritated. "The reason I said your name," I said slowly, trying to think of the best way to say it, "is because I care about you a lot." This wasn't going to fly and I knew it as soon as the words left my mouth. Sophia's eyebrows wrinkled a little at this.
"But," she told me with the logic of her seven years, "Dad cared about me a lot and so did Mummy. Dad never said my name when he and Mummy had," she comically looked around the room as though we were going to be overheard by the room full of people who weren't there, "sex." She whispered.
She had me there. Bill might have been a weird guy but I certainly never took him for a secret pedophile. I shifted uncomfortably on the bed and tried to think my way out of the situation but no answers were coming.
"It's hard to explain," I said in an echo of my words earlier in the day, but again Sophia was not having this answer.
"How come you won't tell me?" she asked, and now she looked stricken.
"Don't cry," I said, crawling across the bed and pulling her up and into a hug. I decided to just go with it. "Sophia, the reason I said your name both times," she looked up at me from the clutches of my hug, "is because I care about you like your Dad cared about your Mummy."
Confusion spread on her small face as she took this in. "But," she began, her eyebrows wrinkled again, "you're a grown-up." Again the logic of this seven year old continued to screw me. "I don't understand," she said in a voice that seemed to ask me to continue.
My stomach was full of butterflies as I thought about this. My brain was begging me to stop but I soldiered on. "Sometimes grown-ups like girls your age," I started, "but," I said quickly, "most people don't think it's right. There are a lot of bad men in the world who do things to hurt girls your age and do it because they pretend to love them." I paused, Sophia said nothing. "Some men trick girls into being with them. They make them think that they love the girls or are pretending to be nice to them. But they're not. They try to do things with the girls that the girls aren't ready for, things like your Mummy and Dad used to do together." I paused, Sophia said nothing. "I care about you like your Dad cared about your Mummy," I repeated myself, "that's why I think about you when I do things that mummies and daddies do together." I paused again but it was a long pause.
"So," she said, not breaking our hug, "you think about me the same way Dad thought about Mummy? And people think that's wrong?"
"Yes," I said, "because some of the people like me, who think about girls like you like that, they hurt the girls. I don't want to hurt anyone especially you."
"So you'd want to do things that Mummy and Dad did with me?" she asked with a hint of amazement in her voice. She started to get up.
"Well, yes and no Sophia." This slight rejection stopped her from getting up. "The fact is that there are a lot of laws in this world to stop men like me. If you even told anyone about what we're talking about?" I asked her and she nodded me on, "I would go to jail. And if I did things with you that mummies and daddies do and you told anyone?" my voice rose to ask her that again. She nodded, "I would go to jail for a really long time."
There was silence in the room for what felt like a week. I felt like I could hear her little mind working this out for herself. Long gone was the night that I'd had sex with Rachel, it might as well have been a month ago. I was worried now. Sophia seemed to be thinking about this for a long time. I thought about what would happen if she just ran away from me. She could run outside and tell one of my neighbors. Most of them hated me anyway since I never bothered to introduce myself to them. I'd had a small house party when I left my last job and it certainly wasn't a raucous affair but one of the neighbors had called the police and filed a noise complaint because we were sitting on my back porch having a few laughs. I'm sure they'd love nothing more than something to ensure that I went away from them for a long time. A seven year old girl showing up on their doorstep with stories of me talking about how I wanted to do things with her that mummies and daddies did, that would surely be the ticket. I was panicking now. Sophia had been silent for a long time. I eased my head away from hers and looked down. She was asleep. I laid her back down and covered her with the blanket. My old heart and head had had enough for the night. I planted a slight kiss on her forehead and clicked off the lamp. I changed in the bathroom, my eyes not even looking at Sophia's panties on the floor. I walked downstairs to hopefully end this sleepless night and laid on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. My last thoughts were on my life in prison as I drifted into a poor sleep.
I awoke to the light streaming through the curtains of my living room. I took it as a positive that I wasn't in handcuffs or jail or a hospital. As I rubbed my eyes, I inhaled the aromas of coffee. Wondering who made coffee, I opened my eyes to find Sophia sitting on the large chair across the living room. The television was on and she was watching cartoons. My paranoia creeped into my head. Had she called to police or something? All seemed quiet and I stirred and sat up on the couch. Rachel had knelt here the night before with my dick in her mouth. Sophia heard me sit up and looked over at me, a smile on her face.
"I made you coffee," she said with a smile. "Dad loved coffee in the morning and he showed me how to make it."
Was there poison in it? I thought. I smiled back at her and thanked her, shuffling into the kitchen to find everything the same way it had been the night before. The only difference being that the counter was a little bit wet with water as Sophia had likely spilled a little as she made the coffee. She had found the filters and the coffee and made, I inspected the coffee in the pot, what seemed to be really good looking and smelling coffee. I poured a cup and added some cream. It tasted really good. Where was the poison? She must have forgotten about what we talked about last night. That, I assured myself, was it. She didn't remember anything about our talk, about me wanting to do to her what mummies and daddies did. I picked up my phone from its charger on the counter. Sophia's grandmother had called twice but I'd had my ringer off. I dialed her back and walked towards the den near the downstairs bathroom.
"Hello?" she said slightly out of breath.
"Just calling you back," I said.
She launched into a conversation that she'd obviously started long before I called her. I was half listening. This coffee Sophia made was really good. After a few minutes, she informed me that they were on their way over in a little while. That meant anything coming from this woman. We hung up and I silently cursed her.
Back out in the living room, Sophia was still watching her cartoons as I sat down.
"Your grandparents are going to come over," I said, sitting back on the couch. She rolled her eyes a little. "This is really good coffee," I said. I sat in silence trying to figure out her cartoon before saying, "we have to talk." She looked at me with the same wrinkled eyebrows as last night and I asked her to turn off the television. "What we talked about last night," I said, spinning my mug in my hands, "it has to stay between you and I." I paused. "I could get in a lot of trouble, Sophia," she nodded at me, "I'm very serious," I said without a hint of a smile.
"I know you are," she said calmly, "they told us stuff like this in school about men like you." My heart went cold. She seemed to understand what I was feeling and said quickly, "I know what you said last night about men hurting girls," she said, "and I thought about it this morning. Remember all those times you used to take me out 'cause Mummy and Dad wanted to have a night alone?" I nodded, "if you were really a bad man who wanted to hurt me you would have done it then," she shrugged, "I don't think you're a bad man. I think you're a really nice man. And I swear that I will never tell anyone what we talked about." She had closed her eyes and shook her head to accentuate this point. Her hair was still down and it swung as she shook her head.
"There's another thing that I have to tell you," I stated into my now empty coffee mug, "but you can't tell anyone I told you." Sophia nodded. "Your grandparents want you to come live with me." The words were barely out of my mouth and the smile had stretched across Sophia's face. She jumped up from the chair and practically ran at me and pulled me into a hug.
"What did you say?" Sophia asked excitedly.
"I told them I had to think about it," I replied. Her face fell. "Sophia," I started, "think about what we talked about last night. And think about how that would work with you living with me."
A few moments passed before she answered me. "It would be like we're playing house," she said with her seven year old logic again, "you'd be the Dad and I'd be the Mummy."
"I'm not sure I can take the chance of having you in the house with me all the time and not wanting to do those things Mummy and Dad used to do," I said in an almost whisper.
Sophia looked at me with all of the confidence that was likely in her entire body. "I wouldn't tell anyone," she boldly told me. I believed her but I must have made a slightly disbelieving face. "I would never tell anyone in the world. I don't wanna live with Gram and Gramp. I told you I don't think they care about me like they cared for Michael."
I pulled her into a hug again to assuage her fears. "I don't think that's true Sophia. They're just grieving."
Nothing was said between us for a few minutes. I just held her in my arms. After a few long minutes she asked if she could watch her cartoons again and I broke our hug. She turned the television back on and I left the room. I poured another cup of coffee and walked outside to get my newspaper. As I was opening the front door, I saw Sophia's grandparents car pulling up the street. I rolled my eyes and walked in the house.
"Your grandparents are here," I said simply. Sophia rolled her eyes a little and turned off the television.
Their arrival and visit was relatively uneventful. I looked more than usual for signs of their dislike of Sophia. I thought she might have a few points. They didn't speak of Michael or Bill at all but seemed to have no problems with speaking of Maria. Sophia didn't breathe a word of either of the things we talked about while we sat at the kitchen table and, seemingly bored, she went back to the television a little while after they arrived and we moved out to the back porch to talk.
"I was thinking last night," I began, "I think Sophia can stay here with me." Her grandmother gave a slight jump at this and I was caught off-guard by that.
"It seems mighty quick to make such a decision like this," her grandfather said, sounding a little surprised.
"Well, she's going to be staying here while I make the decision anyway," I replied, shrugging a little, "and plus, I feel like she and I get along pretty well and she seems pretty receptive to me as a parent type of person." They exchanged a look. "What?" I asked.
"Just seems like you ain't given this much thought," her grandmother said with a frown, "it's hard work you know?"
"Yeah," I told her, "but I think I'm in a good position to be taking on a challenge like this." They argued back with me for a few minutes before I put my foot down. "Look, if all you are going to do is lecture me on why I shouldn't do this, why bother asking me in the first place?" They didn't reply. "It's not going to be easy for her," I continued quietly, "going forward. It might be better for her to not be with family and try and work out some things about her grief and loss away from her family."
They agreed. We sat, making some arrangements for her things in my house and talked for a little while before they made to get up.
"We have to go," they said, draining their coffee cups and starting to walk inside. I followed them, trying to usher them towards the door. They were decent people but tended to not be able to hold up much of a conversation. Sophia strolled into the kitchen and gave her grandfather a hug that he slightly returned. Same with her grandmother. Sophia looked at me as her grandmother barely squeezed her as if to say, "I told you so."
They left a few minutes later and I asked Sophia to go upstairs and get changed. We were going to move her in today. A wide smile spread over her face quickly and she hugged me again. She bolted upstairs in her nightshirt and I heard her starting to sing a little as she changed. My dick was very quickly interested in this, advising me that she was only feet away and probably naked. Go check it out! I remained in the kitchen, waiting for her to come down. She appeared a few minutes later, now dressed in a white and green dress that went below her knees. She looked amazing.
We drove for a little while before coming to a home improvement store. Sophia followed me into the store and we headed towards the paint department. After careful consideration, she picked out a shade of light pink for the walls of her new bedroom that almost matched the color she'd had in her old bedroom. I paid for the paint and then it was off to Sophia's old house. The place was just as we'd left it the day before. I opened the door and found everything boxed and ready for donation in the living room. We left the front door open and walked to Sophia's room. I asked her to take out the few boxes she was taking with her, some were filled with toys and others with her clothes. She was able to move some of the boxes and plastic buckets by herself but others I had to. After about a half an hour, we had everything packed and the boxes moved out to my car. Then it was back into her bedroom, where I took apart the small bed I'd helped Bill put together all those months ago. Little did Sophia know that this was where so many of my dreams had come true that one magical night. It was easy enough to take apart and move. The tiny mattress and box spring were barely big enough to not be able to fit into my car. I found some rope in one of the drawers in the laundry room and tied both pieces to the top of my car. We went back inside to make sure everything was gone.
I held Sophia's hand as we walked through. She was crying, and I knew that she obviously missed her parents and brother. It had been just over a week since they were killed, and less than three days since they were buried. Now, she was leaving the only home she'd ever known. I knew that this had been Bill's place before he and Maria had gotten together. He'd shared it with a few friends who had to move out when Michael came along. A few years later, Sophia came along and everything had just worked out well enough. Sophia was crying hard now, we'd made our way down the hall to her parent's old bedroom. I picked her up and pulled her into a hug.
"I miss them," she sobbed in my ear. I babbled and whispered nothing into her ear, they missed her too, they'd always be with her no matter what she did and so on. It took about an hour before we left. Her eyes were bloodshot but she had calmed down significantly. I drove home slowly, not wanting the mattress and box spring to go flying off the roof. We arrived home early in the afternoon. A few neighbors came out of their houses to gawk at me unloading a girl's things into my house but none of them said anything. We left Sophia's things in the living room, taking the paint upstairs and setting in on a painting tarp in the upstairs hallway.
It didn't take long for us to move the few things out of my office. Sophia tried to help but I mostly used her to take small things out of the room while I did most of the heavy lifting of course. I don't think she realized that I was doing nothing but staring at her ass every time she left the room! It only took about 30 minutes to empty my office and less than 15 minutes after that, I was rolling pink paint over my once white walls. Sophia helped me by moving the tarp around on the floor so I didn't drop any paint on the carpet. I of course made her move it more than was necessary, stealing more longing glances at her tight little butt. Painting went by in no time. Sophia chatted up a storm to me about anything and everything. Her parents, her brother, kids at school, and anything else were her topics of choice. We took a break after the first coat, going downstairs to sit at the kitchen table. Sophia went into the kitchen and produced a sandwich for me from the bag of left overs from the funeral a few nights prior. As I ate, she ate only a few potato chips until I forced her to eat the second half of my sandwich.
After our break, it was back upstairs to do another coat of paint. It went really well. While the paint dried, we carried her things upstairs and set up her bed in the bedroom, careful to stay away from the wall. She picked out where she wanted the bed to go and after a cursory check of whether or not the paint was dry, we set her bed against the wall near one of the windows. This window looked out over the pool and the house next door, which people had moved out of quite sometime ago. We abandoned the rest of Sophia's decorating for the next day, preferring to go downstairs and relax on the couch. To my sheer delight, Sophia snuggled right up next to me on the couch while we watched an animated movie about some fish. She had been in a much better mood since we left her old house. While she wasn't skipping around, she had brightened up as we painted her bedroom and spent time together. The sun was setting and the room getting dark as the movie finished. Sophia didn't make it to the end of it. She'd fallen asleep about halfway through. I didn't bother waking her, I just enjoyed the feeling of her slight frame against my body. My princess was home now. All of the crazy shit that had happened seemed to be behind us. It had been a very quick thing but Sophia was now mine. She sort of knew how I felt about her, and she seemed to not really care. One of my hands was pressed against the back of the couch and the other was behind my head. Sophia was dead weight on me but I was able to move my hands without waking her. My right hand lifted itself away from the back of the couch and gently brushed against her petite backside. She didn't stir. I wanted to take things further but she would wake up, and I knew I wanted to take it slowly with her. I had her now. I'd won.
The movie ended and the living room was now dark. I had a bit of a problem getting up from the couch now, Sophia was laying almost on top of me and I didn't want to wake her up. I managed to get up from the couch and picked her up, an almost conscious reproduction of the first night I'd laid in bed with her, touching all of her naughty places. I carried her through the kitchen and up the stairs. I paused at the top of the stairs. Left would take me to my bedroom, where I wanted to take her. Where I wanted to strip her and keep the promise I'd made to Maria's corpse the day we buried her. I wanted to lay Sophia down, slowly remove her clothes, spread her legs and make a woman out of her. Right, and I would take her to her new bedroom, where she could sleep as a normal child that her grandparents had asked me to help raise her as. She'd lay in her bedroom and I could go back to my bedroom and furiously masturbate to the seven year old angel who lay 15 feet away from me, who I ached to be with more than any woman I'd ever had.
I sighed and turned right. There was no sense in rushing Sophia. Even if she knew how men like me thought, even if she knew how I felt about her, there was no sense in trying to rush something that I should take slowly, naturally and organically. I laid her down on the bed, hearing the creaks from it as it accepted my weight. I thought of removing the dress she was still wearing, running my hands all over her smooth body, trailing kisses across her soft chest and down her flawless stomach to the honey pot between her legs. Oh to do it all again! My brain made quick work of this argument with my dick, however. The two times I'd been intimate with Sophia, she'd been drugged and knocked out. Here, she lay beneath me in the green and white dress but only asleep. She would feel me undress her. If not that, she would feel my hands all over her body. If not that, she would surely feel my tongue and lips against her body. And if she didn't stir at all during that, when I pressed my tongue into her tiny vagina. No, I thought to myself. It was better to go slow. I tore my eyes from her body and covered her with her small blanket. I pressed a kiss to her forehead that was so slight, it might have been my imagination. I turned and crept out of the bedroom and walked downstairs. The television was still on but it was getting late. It had been a rough night the night before and a wonderful, but physically exhausting day. I turned off the television, locked the door, set the alarm and went upstairs to my bedroom.
I changed in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I desperately wanted to walk down the hallway and crawl into bed with her. My brain just kept telling me no. Beaten up both physically and mentally, I crawled into bed and lay awake for a few minutes. Just a few nights ago, Sophia had laid under me in this very bed. Drugged, of course, but otherwise it had been a perfect time. I had splattered her tiny body with my cum, even gave her her first ever facial. I thought of the things I'd admitted to just one night ago in this very bed. Sophia swore that she was not going to tell anyone, but what if she changed her mind? What would happen to me? How long would I go to prison for? These thoughts troubled me as I drifted off to sleep.
I was awoken not much longer after I fell into the fitful sleep I'd fallen into. I could have sworn I felt a hand on my arm that had woken me up. I was just about to turn over and go back to sleep when I felt the hand on my arm again, this time with a small voice. "I thought mummies and daddies slept in the same bed?" My eyes burst open and there was Sophia. She had changed from the green and white dress and into what I could see, even in the dark of my bedroom, was a very pink nightshirt that had Cinderella on it and a lot of red white and blue bows on the hemlines at the sleeves and bottom of the shirt. She was standing at the edge of my bed with what I can only describe, dear reader, as a simpering look on her face. As if someone else was controlling my body, I slid over in the bed and pulled the blanket open. She climbed into the bed and, despite the room I had given her, she found a place right next to me. Her body was warm next to mine. She fussed in getting comfortable, finally finding a good spot with her head resting on the pillow with me.
"I have my own bed and everythin'," she said in a low voice, "but yours is a lot bigger than mine." I smiled at her. She opened her mouth to say something else but her words were lost as I pressed a kiss onto her mouth.
She was slightly bewildered at this but she broke into a smile and kissed me back. My hands reached out and pulled her towards me on the sheets. My left arm was around her shoulders, almost wrapped entirely around her slight body, while my right arm dangled carelessly down her back, coming to a rest just above the butt that had driven me wild all day. This nightshirt wasn't as long as the one she'd worn the night before, it barely covered her adorable little ass. Our kisses were merely pecks, repeating over and over again. She felt so perfect in my arms that I wanted to cry. And to my amazement, I felt a few tears stinging in my eyes as our kisses broke and I just held her. She must have felt the small tears fall on her because she pulled away from my hug and looked up at me. "How come you're crying?" she asked, anxiety ringing in her voice. It was hard to put into words, even harder than to tell her how I felt about her the previous night. I weighed my words carefully.
"Not all tears are sad, Sophia," I said in a low whisper, not daring to take my arms off of her. "Sometimes, people cry when they are really happy too."
"How come you're happy?" she asked, trying to get away from my hug to look in my eyes.
"Because of you," I said, simply. "Kissing you like mommies and daddies do makes me happy. You make me happy."
She smiled up at me and I kissed her again. My hands wandered some but I didn't go too fast. Her nightshirt stayed on while I pressed wet kisses to her mouth, her face, her neck and her ears. She giggled as she felt my dick harden between my legs but I didn't let it do more than that. There would be nights for that. Tonight was just about she and I, laying together under my blanket, kissing each other. It didn't last all night, I stopped kissing her only about 30 minutes after she crawled into bed with me. I rolled her over in the bed and spooned against her, her giggles not stopping as my pajama covered cock pressed against her bare legs. A few minutes went by and she drifted into an even breathing slumber. I was not long after, fully expecting to wake up and for this to all be a wonderful dream.
My brain slowly stirred into consciousness and opened my eyes. Bright sun was cascading through my bedroom windows. A glance at the alarm clock told me that it was still fairly early. I checked for my precious bedmate but found my bed empty besides myself. I closed my eyes. It had been such a wonderful dream that Sophia had jumped into bed and shared kisses with me. I stretched and got out of bed, padding towards the bathroom. My dick had left a few precum stains inside of my pajamas but nothing too serious. As I walked out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice that the right side of the bed definitely looked like someone else had been sleeping there beside me. Shrugging, I turned and walked out of my bedroom and down the hallway to Sophia's room. She wasn't in it. Down the stairs I walked, the aroma of coffee bombarding me for the second day in a row. Sophia sat in the chair she had occupied the day before, watching cartoons. I poured myself a cup of coffee and walked towards the living room. She turned and beamed at me from the chair as I set my coffee down. "Mornin'!" she said with a big smile.
"Morning," I said, still slightly asleep. I turned off the alarm and walked out the front door to get my newspaper. The neighbors were mostly milling about, some headed to work, today was monday, others on walks with dogs or strollers. One of my neighbors began walking across the street towards me as I walked to the end of my driveway to get the paper. "Morning," I said flatly as she walked into my driveway. I'd never really gotten on with her but she did wave to me when I passed her in my car while she was on a jog or while I cut the grass and she drove by.
"What's with the little girl?" she asked without preamble. "We all saw you basically moving her in yesterday afternoon." She stood and waited for an answer.
"Kind of a long story," I allowed, looking at my newspaper.
"I got time," she said with a tone that she wanted an answer.
"Her parents and brother died in a car crash," I said firmly, almost enjoying the look of horror on her face, "they were friends of mine and her family asked that she live with me for now." I finished but she said nothing. "Was moving in her bed and her things," I continued, "painted my office for her. She'll be living with me for the foreseeable future."
She said nothing but turned and walked away.
"Bitch," I muttered, heading back in the house.
The morning passed without incident. Sophia was in a great mood and we went out for lunch together. She hadn't brought up anything happening the night before so I just chalked it up to it being another wonderful Sophia related dream. The afternoon wore into the evening and we spent some time decorating her bedroom. It wasn't until we were sitting down to dinner that she said anything about the previous day.
"I had a lot of fun last night," she said as she sucked her spaghetti into her mouth. I blinked at her. "I woke up and I was in my bed," she continued, "but I remember you saying how you wanted to do things that mummies and daddies do with me and I know that Mummy and Dad never slept in different beds," she looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't talk. "And Mummy and Dad kissed a lot," she said with a shrug, "but they kissed different from you." She giggled at this and ate more spaghetti.
"Remember what else we talked about?" I asked her as my mouth was dry. "You can't tell anyone Sophia," she looked up and nodded solemnly.
"I know. I remember what I said too. I won't ever tell anyone."
Our conversation was broken by a knock at the door.
I opened the door to find two policemen standing on my porch.
Hope part 4 comes soon.
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