Published: 13-Nov-2012
Word Count:
It was a different Saturday night. Different because Sophia and I weren't going out, she had been invited to a slumber party with some girls from school. I was saddened at first but I understood. Sophia and I were certainly not dating but I had come to really enjoy our time spent together most weekends. With her away at the slumber party, Bill and Maria were taking Michael to spend the weekend at one of his friend's houses from school before going back to their own house for a nice weekend alone. I was staying home. I had plans to meet a woman named Rachel from an online dating site but I didn't really enjoy swapping emails with her and canceled the date. Since I didn't have a date or anything better to do, I decided to watch some football game on TV and try to forget about Sophia. I was almost asleep when the phone call came from Bill's mother. I picked up the phone and heard her crying already. My heart sunk. I made out from her crying that there had been an accident on the way to Michael's friend's house. I took information from her and hightailed it to meet her at the hospital.
Upon arriving at the hospital, I was greeted by a red-faced Bill's mother and his stepfather. There had been a very bad car accident. Maria had been driving and the car was t-boned by a big SUV. Bill and Michael were dead. Maria was holding on but it didn't look good. I stayed with them outside in the waiting area and held Bill's mother's hands until Sophia came back to her mind. She called Sophia's friend's house and told her of the news and that I was on the way to pick her up. The girl's mother must have told her because she was sobbing when I got there. She obviously cried the whole way there and she cried when we got there and she cried when the doctor came out and informed us that Maria had passed. I was there next to Sophia the entire time, feeling guilty, holding her seven year old body while it shook from sobbing. Bill's mother went in to speak with the doctors about what happens next and all that while I held Sophia. I pressed kisses to her cheek and forehead and hugged her as tightly as she would let me. For her part, she hugged me back. I was having an extremely difficult time even with all of the sadness with keeping my hardness tucked away but luckily it dissipated as she came back out from speaking with the doctor. I followed the family back to Bill's mother's house and we all cried together before sleep took us. Sophia was the first to go and Bill's mother asked that I take her up to their bedroom. I carried her up the stairs to the bedroom, gently placing her down in the soft bed. Her face was swollen from crying but she was still a beautiful girl. I touched her soft face with my hand and pressed a light kiss to her forehead, pulling the blanket over her before going back downstairs.
Over the next few days, the tears continued to flow as we reached out to Bill and Maria's friends and other scattered family members. I learned that neither of Bill or Maria had many friends. Most of their friends had fallen out of touch after they got married because of the kids taking up so much of their time. Most of their friends were work acquaintances at best. Maria's parents had both died years earlier, separately. Everyone else in both of their families lived far enough away that air travel was going to have to happen for them to attend the funeral services. I took some time away from work and acted as Bill's mother's assistant for everything and anything. Two days after the accident, I was charged with returning to the house to get some fresh clothes for Sophia. Entering the house felt odd at first since I had been sneaking glances and touches of Sophia since being with her most of everyday. I felt a little as though ghosts are real and Bill and Maria were going to put a curse on me or something but any of those feelings left me a few minutes after I walked in. I poked around a little, feeling as though Bill would want me to find anything one might deem "awkward" rather than his mom when we cleaned the place in a few days. I checked the computer first, nothing too bad, some pictures and a few videos he had saved caught my eye.
The photos were of Maria, obviously sent to him from her cell phone. Of the 20 pictures, she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing in any of them. Of the videos, one was Maria stripping for him and there were 2 others like it. I went back to my car and found a portable thumb drive with a few things on it from work and brought it in. I liked the pictures and the videos weren't large and I wanted a chance to watch them later. A search of their bedroom didn't turn up anything crazy, a yellow dildo and a few magazines, mostly of women who looked a lot like Maria. For fun, I picked up one of Maria's bras that was thrown on the floor. She had worn a 34-D, and worn it quite well.
All that business was out of the way, the bag was safely in my car and the front door was deadbolted again when I opened the door to Sophia's bedroom. It was midmorning and the sun was bursting into the small room and lighting up the pink walls. My dick stirred in my pants when I looked in the corner behind the bedroom door and found a pile of dirty clothes. Right on top of the pile was a pair of powder blue panties with Cinderella on the front. The panties were worn and I brought them to my nose and inhaled. A sweet and slightly musky scent filled my nose. They smelled amazing! Any care for my dead friend left as I unzipped my pants. In a flash I was naked for the second time in her bedroom. I wrapped the small panties around my hard dick and laid down in her bed. The bed seemed to remember me and let out a low grumble to admit my weight. I lay there for a few minutes, my legs sticking out over the side and edge of the tiny bed, and took in the sights and smells of the bed and the bedroom. My dick was only getting harder while I imagined having Sophia all to myself in the bedroom again. I moaned her name while I stroked myself with her tiny panties. It was the symphony of the bed springs that pushed me over the edge to make me cum. The same springs that had protested the night I had rubbed my hard cock between her thighs and pushed the tip of my dick inside of her tight little cunt. I came with a roar into the Cinderella panties, imagining my little angel right there with me, eyes wide open and a smile on her beautiful face while I shot my cum all over her.
I came down from the amazing high and picked myself from the bed, leaving the cum-soaked panties on the blanket. I dawdled around the bedroom finding clothes for her for the next few days, stacking them on the bed next to Cinderella's cum-soaked face. When it came time to bag up the clothes I took the time to unfold each of the pairs of Sophia's panties and dip the seam at the crotch of each little pair into the puddles of my cum on the Cinderella panties. Satisfied, I took the cummy panties down the hall to the bathroom and rinsed them out in the sink. I rung them out to dry and put them back on top of Sophia's laundry pile.
For the rest of the week, much to Bill's mother's displeasure, Sophia asked me to read her a bedtime story and stay with her until she fell asleep. I was happy to oblige. I would usually watch her sleep, a stiffness creeping into my cock as I imagined doing all sorts of wonderful things to her.
The night before the funerals, I stayed in the room as she asked me to and she shifted in her sleep. She doesn't shift much in her sleep but on this night, she moved so she was laying on her stomach. The sheet moved with her and the pink Pocahontas nightshirt Sophia was wearing rode up a little bit on her thighs and crept up precariously right under her ass. She was talking in her sleep a little as well and I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to rub her back to calm her down. In my rubbing her back she did calm down and I concentrated on using a circular motion where I almost pulled the shirt up when my hand was being pulled up. The shirt miraculously rose an extra two inches. Sophia's gorgeous light brown pussy was within reaching and licking distance. I watched her sleep for another few hours, my eyes glued to the tiny folds of her hairless little cunt, knowing full well that it tasted so wonderful and that it would be so divine to lick her tight little box.
How I kept my control that night I have absolutely no idea. I did though. At least in the guest bedroom I did. I snuck a pair of pink and white panties with Cinderella on them from the "clean" pile on the desk in the room and took them to the bathroom with me. While I listened to Bill's mother and stepfather watch TV downstairs, I left the bathroom door open and unzipped myself. The panties felt amazing and I could only imagine sliding them from her perfectly smooth and hairless legs while she wrapped her arms around me. I closed my eyes in the dark bathroom and imagined sliding my hard dick inside of her 7 year old body. How slowly I would go, how angelic her face would still look even as she got used to the feeling of a man inside of her. And how desperately I wanted to unload inside of her tiny body. My breathing got heavy as I thought of how amazing it would feel to fill her body with my cum and then pull her into my arms and hold her against me. My breathing was a lot heavier now as I imagined her tongue in my mouth, kissing me back. A heavy shot of cum filled the panties from front to back and covered the part I had hoped. Right where my angel Sophia was going to press her tiny little pussy, my cum was going to rest against her.
The funeral services took place eight days after the accident. I was awake early and laid out Sophia's clothes for her. Her black dress was wrinkle-free and hanging in the guest bathroom along with a pair of black shoes and a pair of white and pink Cinderella panties (fresh from the dryer!) I felt guilty that morning when Sophia came downstairs in the dress that she had picked out in a shopping trip with Bill's mother the day prior. She looked amazing. "As amazing as an 7 year old girl could look on the day she was going to bury her entire family," I thought to myself.
The funerals passed without incident. Family members and work friends showed up to say goodbyes. I received a lot of thank-you's from people for being there for the family. The caskets were open as there had been a lot of work done after the accident so that they could be. This was Bill's mother's idea for the open casket funerals. Sophia spent about 2 minutes at each of them with her head bowed. I let my hand rest on her shoulder while she said whatever she said. I didn't think much kneeling at Michael's casket. We didn't really have any sort of relationship. I said a few things in my head to him but nothing that I remember for sure.
My time at Maria's was a bit more memorable. I respectfully knelt down and bowed my head while my internal thoughts were "I am in love with your daughter and am going to make it my personal mission to make a woman out of her. And I'm trying so hard not to smile right now because I know that there is nothing you can do about it!" Perverse? Maybe. I had similar thoughts when knelt in front of Bill. "Your daughter is two feet away from me right now. She's wearing a pair of pink and white Cinderella panties. I know this because I filled them with my cum and laid them out for her this morning. She has my cum pressed against her tight little pussy. A pussy that I have pressed the tip of my cock inside of and intend to do much, much more!" I managed to conceal my shit-eating grin throughout my internal thoughts.
After the services, we went back to Bill's mother's house for family time. Sophia stayed near me. She had barely left my side all morning and that continued later into the afternoon. People started to leave in the early evening but it eventually became just Bill and Maria's families. They had been drinking most of the afternoon and were sitting around the kitchen table telling stories. Sophia was almost falling down tired and I wanted to take advantage of that somehow. I pulled a pretty drunk Bill's mother aside and said I was going to get going for the night. Since most everyone was drunk I suggested that I take Sophia home to Bill and Maria's old house and let her sleep in her bed for the night. She agreed and I went upstairs to pack Sophia's things. Sophia stayed downstairs and walked around to say goodbyes to her family.
I went around the guest room and found socks and panties, the pink and white pair were crumpled on the floor by the black dress. I smiled a little and felt my dick stiffen while I rounded up the rest of her clean clothes for the trip home. She was probably not going to spend much time at my house but she would for sure be there tonight and would need clothes tomorrow. I zipped up the bag and made the trip down the stairs. I was the only adult in the house who had not been drinking and prepared myself for the onslaught of drunken idiots. Sophia was listening to some drunken uncle on Bill's side of the family. Most of these people she was probably never going to see again but she did a great job of acting like she gave a shit about them before looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes and asking if it was time to go. I smiled my best sad smile and said it was. We said our final goodbyes and walked to the car. When I buckled her into my car, I told her I was going to take her home for the night but she refused.
"I don't want to now," she said looking out the window, "I can't now. Too scary." That was all she said and I told her that was OK and that we could go to my house and spend the night and she lit up. Sophia loved coming to my house! I had a pool! I had lots of things that she didn't know about!
I thought about going back inside to tell Bill's mother about the change of plans but it would take too long. I wrote out a text before I pulled out of the driveway. I knew her phone was in her bedroom charging and she would see the text in the morning. Off to my house with my beautiful cargo! I opened the garage door and drove up my driveway. Sophia was nodding off in the passenger seat of my car. It was just before 7PM but she had had one hell of a day. I pulled into the garage and closed the door behind the car. I got out and took Sophia's bag from the backseat. I felt like I was moving in fast motion and she in slow motion. Sophia was barely out of the car and almost asleep on her feet. I helped her into the house and sat her at my dining room table.
"I know you're tired swe-Sophia," I caught myself, but she didn't even notice, "but you have to eat something before you go to bed." She tiredly agreed. I brought the bag of her clothes upstairs and set it at the top of the stairs. Going back downstairs and into the kitchen, I looked in the bag that Bill's mother had made me take. It was full of all kinds of the food we had gotten for the reception after the services. I made a quick sandwich for Sophia and put it down in front of her on the table. I excused myself to the bathroom next to the kitchen while she started on her food. Hidden in the base of one of the burnt out light bulbs in the bathroom light fixture was a small vial of my knockout drug. I did pervert math as I unwrapped the vial from the plastic wrap. Last time, I had given her three drops and it had knocked her out for almost 10 hours. I decided to give her five drops, checking my dosage and combining it with the fact that she was already extremely tired, figuring that it would give me likely 15-16 hours with her unconscious body.
I flushed the toilet for no reason and ran the faucet to appear to be washing my hands and came out of the bathroom with the vial in my pants pocket. Sophia was still at the table, she had taken two bites of her sandwich and was staring into space. I opened the refrigerator and found that I had some orange juice. I poured a small glass for her and before she even snapped out of her zone out, I produced the vial from my pocket and silently dropped 5 drops into the orange juice. "I know you like orange juice Sophia," I said as I came in the dining room from the kitchen. She gave me what was probably the best smile she could muster and drank three decent sized sips before putting it down on the table. The drink seemed to make her hungry and over the next five minutes she finished all but two bites of the sandwich. We made some small talk over her light dinner. She seemed to be taking the deaths as well as could be expected, she was at least talking to me and not completely breaking down crying every other word. I expected that she would rage out sometime soon but not tonight for sure. She finished her orange juice and I collected her plate and glass and brought them to the kitchen. "Why don't you go get changed and get ready for bed Sophia?" I asked, "I think you have a nightshirt in that bag up there."
She began slowly going up the stairs and I watched her cute little butt in her sweatpants until she was out of sight. After rinsing her glass out, I made myself a small sandwich while I waited for my knockout drug to do its work. I knew that I didn't have to wait long. I finished my sandwich and quietly brought myself upstairs. She had found her bag at the top of the stairs and taken it into my bedroom. She must have been awake long enough to get undressed and set her clothes on the chest at the foot of my bed. But the drugs had knocked her out before she had a chance to put her nightshirt on. The nightshirt was light purple and had a screened picture of Tinkerbell on the front of it. I barely noticed that because it was still folded on the edge of my bed where Sophia was sitting but she laid on her back obviously passed out. A smile crept over my face as I took the image in. Sophia was absolutely unconscious on the edge of my bed and completely naked to boot. Nobody was coming in to stop me, not her parents, not her grandparents, not anyone. She was all mine.
I took the opportunity to go downstairs and make sure that my house alarm was turned on, all of my doors and windows were locked and my house was secure. I put away my vial of knockout drug and the bag of food before I turned off all of my lights. I noticed that it wasn't even 8PM as I looked at the clock in the living room before climbing the stairs. I looked out the window at the top of the stairs. My neighbors were all still awake, milling around in their own houses and their own little worlds. Unbeknownst to them, their neighbor was about to molest a seven year old girl. I stepped in my bedroom and found my angel in the exact place I found her before. She was laid back on the bed, her left arm was extended out a few inches from her slender hip and her right arm was over her head with her hand almost touching the back of her head. Her legs dangled from the side of the bed not touching the bedroom floor. And she was in all of her glory. Completely naked.
I set my phone on vibrate and placed it on my bedside table. I took my time getting undressed, trying to calm my nerves. I slowly undressed myself out of the suit I had worn to this little girl's mother, father and brother's funerals. As I thought about it more and more, I surprised myself at how little that effected me. This girl was mine now. I carefully folded my clothes and placed them on the chest at the foot of my bed. My bedroom blinds were drawn, the only light in the room came from the setting sun behind my bedroom blinds. The color in the room was a dark orange that gave just enough light to see Sophia laid out on the edge of the bed but not too much. I stripped my socks and underwear off and tossed them in the hamper in the corner. I bent down to kiss her on the mouth and found it to be slightly open. I slipped my tongue inside her mouth and felt her tongue with mine. My cock stiffened already. Everything I did to her was new! I was french kissing Sophia! I pulled my tongue from her mouth and placed light kisses on the side of her face and neck. I was still holding myself above her with my arms and decided to kiss my way down her body and kneel next to the bed.
Every square inch of this girl begged for my attention. Whether it was her neck or her nipples or her stomach I couldn't get enough. But it was when I knelt next to my bed and found her perfect little pussy within reach that I realized what I was to do with her. Eagerly, I licked from her hips and down to her tiny brown pussy. It tasted as sweet as I remembered. Each stroke of my tongue gave me another wonderful drop of her. I let out an involuntary moan when I felt my tongue push deep inside of her. Knowing that she and I were alone, I wrapped both of her legs around my head and tried to push my tongue as deep inside of her as I could. My tastebuds were exploding with each millimeter they were exposed to. The combination of her sweet pussy and her smooth and warm thighs wrapped around my head was absolutely amazing! My moan echoed in my head as I let my tongue explore each fold of her. My hands were almost trembling as one stroked a smooth pattern on her naked stomach. The other was working its way down Sophia's thigh as I sought to touch every part of her nude body. Each drop from her pussy excited me more and more about tonight's possibilities. My hand moved down her thigh and found the sweet spot where my tongue was licking for all its worth. My index finger traced the line from her butt to her pussy and then traced a circle around her impossibly tight opening. I slowly entered Sophia's body with my finger and was greeted by an almost molten feeling.
The inside of her body was so warm I thought it was going to melt my finger! I got my finger about halfway in before it wouldn't move anymore. I pulled it out and licked it. Another moan escaped my throat as I tasted the inside of my girl. I used the finger to trace circles around her tiny clit and spread her small lips to allow my tongue greater access. She got sweeter the deeper I got! I used my two fingers to hold her lips apart and let my tongue lick up and down. Every single taste I had of her made me want more. My finger went in again, this time a little bit deeper and then back out. But I didn't taste. I pushed back in and started to rhythmically push slowly in and out of Sophia. She made no reactions on the bed, her pussy seemed to be getting wetter by the second but I estimated that was also from the drool coming out of my mouth! After a few minutes of stroking I could feel her pussy loosening up a little bit. I felt less resistance around the tightness of my finger and brought my mouth back down to her tasty cunt. I was rewarded with a few tonguefuls of delicious pussy juice and let my tongue do its work some more on her clit while my finger reacquainted itself inside of her still tight pussy.
Suddenly I felt her body clench up ever so slightly and my mouth was granted a slight flow of heavenly tasting nectar from Sophia! I had made my angel cum again! She made no sounds, I longed to hear her moan but I would certainly settle for a mouthful of what she was giving me now! I greedily lapped it up and then some, my tongue seeking treasure deeper inside of her small body and finding small drops every now and then. My hand never left her stomach which now relaxed back under my touch. Her thighs were still wrapped around my head and I could feel the muscles in them twitching every few moments. My dick was so hard that I am surprised I wasn't pushing the bed across the room. I finally moved her thighs from around my head to tend to the pressure that was building between my legs. I stood up and could feel a little dizzy! All the blood was rushing somewhere else! I laughed to myself while I untucked the sheets and blanket from the mattress. I pulled one side out to allow entry under the covers and picked up Sophia's naked and limp body. I laid her gently under my covers and pulled the sheets over her. I crossed the bed and got under the covers on the opposite side. I gently pulled her towards me. Her body was so beautiful and warm and soft next to mine. I pressed kisses against her shoulders and the back of her neck as I held her close under the warm covers.
My cock was pressed against the back of her thigh as I held her against me. My hands couldn't stop touching her. I was certainly making up for lost time! My mouth was endlessly finding spots of Sophia's soft flesh and touching them with soft kisses. Her neck, her shoulders, her ears and I started kissing my way from her back to her front, trailing kisses from her stomach up to her chest and up her jawline before stopping at her adorable lips. I planted one kiss and then I slid my tongue back in her mouth and twirled it around with hers. The way I had moved my body under the covers I found myself between her spread legs with my hard dick practically begging to be pushed inside of her. I broke our passionate kiss and felt between Sophia's legs with my hand. I had provided a good amount of lubrication from the tonguing I had given her and decided to try to see how much I could push inside of her.I positioned our bodies a little better on the bed and rested my very hard cock against her very young and tight opening. I started to push my hips forward and could feel a pressure start around the tip of my cock. A smile crept over my face...
My heart skipped 20 beats.
A text message! Who the fuck!
I pried my body from Sophia on the bed, the tip of my dick was practically growling at me. I rolled over in the bed and reached for my phone. "Bill's mother?" I asked myself as I found the power button. I opened up the text program and found an unread message from Rachel. "Who the fuck is Rachel?" I asked out loud to nobody. Suddenly it became clear to me. Rachel was the woman I had turned down for a date the night of the accident! "Thanks for checking your email. Nice to not hear from another loser on the dating site. Don't contact me again." A smile formed over my face as I wanted to both laugh and cry. "I stopped what I was doing for you?" I again asked nobody in the room. I ached to type back "I'm naked in bed and am about to fuck a 7 year old girl. Go fuck yourself." but wisely thought better of it. I thought it best to ignore the message altogether for now. I'd deal with her in due time. Right now, I had a naked Sophia to take care of.
I found my position on the bed again, almost exactly the same, and could feel the same heat trying to melt my dick again. I bent down and planted a kiss on Sophia's lips as the tip of me entered her for the second time. The soft heat inside of her child body almost liquefied me. I let out another moan and felt my arms drop me next to her on the pillow. I was only about an inch and a half, maybe 2 inches inside of her and I could feel my balls tingling. I ever so gently pulled out so I could push back in, fucking her with the tip of my dick only. Two of my thrusts became three, and four and before I knew it, I was slowly pushing 2 inches of myself inside of my passed out little angel. My movements caused the headboard to knock against the wall and I felt the cum surging inside of me. I brought my lips to Sophia's ear and whispered "I'm gonna cum inside of you baby, like I've wanted to since I met you." The bed creaked under me and I could wait no longer. I pushed as deep as I could and felt the first pulse of my dick shoot what felt like a pint of cum inside of Sophia.
The sheer force of my cumming made me pop out of her tight entrance. The second spurt was almost as big as the first and it shot from her pussy to her stomach. The third was not far after and oozed onto her vulva and her inner thighs. I grunted with each pulse of blood in my head and my dick and felt my arms grow weak and I rolled to Sophia's left. I laid naked in bed with her for a moment before catching my breath and pulling my little cum-soaked girl into my arms. I felt my hand travel down to her stomach and rub my cum into her smooth brown skin before daring lower towards her cum-covered little cunt. I was sure that my first shot of cum had shot inside of her because I could feel her tightness wrapped around me when I came. I had cum inside of Sophia! I kissed her neck and pulled her into my arms, not caring that she was covered in my sticky cum. I felt my eyes close for a few seconds and I drifted off into a peaceful and easy sleep.
When I woke up about an hour later, Sophia and I were practically stuck together! Our sticky love making had gone and made us one fused together man and girl! I gently kissed her cheek, slightly slick with sweat from the humidity of the room. My hand left its place on her stomach to drift aimlessly up her chest, making sure to touch each of her nipples and take a sharp turn to flutter down her side, stopping to grip her undeveloped hip and push mine forward. My now flaccid dick seemed to enjoy this and I could feel the pressure building as blood flow increased. I found my hardness pressed against my young girl's immature butt. I held her hip in place and pushed forward again and felt myself get harder. My right arm was under her small body and I easily rolled her over on her back and found my familiar position above her.
Sophia's arms were spread out and her head flat on my mattress. Her smooth and slender nakedness was under me as my aching hard on rested on her bare pussy. Her skin was almost glowing with sweat and in the faint moonlight through my bedroom window I could make out small puddles of my already dry cum. Her hair was already a mess of dark brown with mussed hair mostly at the back of her head from my kissing and earlier attempt to fuck her. Her hairless and ungodly pleasingly smooth legs were spread and out, presenting her tiny pussy to me as her legs were bent and lazing at my sides, the smoothness of her thighs tickling my waist.
I will not tell you a lie here, my dear reader. I wanted to do nothing but fuck Sophia. I wanted to push my hard dick that was laying against her hairless little pussy inside her and pound her. I wanted to grip her pre-developing hips and lose a thick load of cum inside of her. I could already feel my balls aching with desire to fill this little girl that lay under me with my hot seed. I wanted to empty myself inside of her. But my brain was a much smarter organ than the one between my legs. It gently reminded me that although it would feel positively divine to slowly penetrate my darling young lady, the consequences of thinking that way would likely ruin my life. I had to take a few deep breaths and take in the gorgeous site that lay unconscious under me.
I leaned down from my position above her and placed a tender kiss on her lips. My cock twitched but I resisted. I pushed my tongue back inside of her mouth and angled my cock as I did the first time with Sophia. I was angled so that my hardness was between the soft mattress and her already curvy backside. Every push of my cock let me rub against her soft skin with every sensation other than how good penetration would feel. I slowly found my rhythm, never leaving her tiny mouth while I continued to lay kisses and allow my tongue to lazily play with hers. The bed creaked softly with my movements, filling my bedroom with squeaks and groans to go along with the light sounds of my skin rubbing against my girl's. I very gently made love to Sophia, knowing full well how badly my throbbing erection wanted to be inside of her; This was the next best thing! Each thrust allowed me to travel from her already cum soaked vulva down her delectable ass with my dick.
My kissing intensified as I got closer. My load before had been big but I could tell that this was no slouch either! I moaned into my girl's mouth as the pressure between my legs mounted. I wanted to cum inside of her again but began to worry slightly about clean up after I was done. I had already squirted onto her pussy and stomach. Suddenly, my brain gave me a wonderful idea. I broke my kiss from Sophia, pulling my tongue out of her small mouth, and, with great regret, left my position between her legs. I moved myself up the bed as swiftly as I could and in seconds I found myself kneeling by her head, slowly jerking myself by her beautiful face. I used my free hand to pull Sophia's right arm up and softly wrapped it around my dick. It didn't fit! She couldn't wrap her hand around me! Still, I kept her hand and tried to let it do a little bit of work. My eyes were closed as I imagined doing this with a conscious Sophia. I thought of looking down right now and seeing her angelic face with the wonderful smile that she smile. I imagined pushing my cock towards her cute little mouth and seeing it open in anticipation. I opened my eyes and didn't see that, but I saw the results of what had been a wonderful night for us so far.
Sophia's still cum-soaked body was limp on the bed underneath me. Her left leg was still bent up as it was when I was between them, her right had straightened out on the bed. She didn't come close to touching the foot of the bed. Her body was small in my bed but her presence was huge! I peeked down to her face and a small smile curled up my lips. Her face was a blank expression while she slept. But it was a blank canvas. Sophia was beautiful, I have let that be known plenty of times, but in the light and in the situation that I found myself in, I knew it to be true. "I love you Sophia" was my whisper as I felt myself getting closer. I decided that I was going to paint her face with my love. I removed her hand from my dick as I got ever closer and leaned my cock down so it was almost touching her face.
My body seemed to know my location and eased back on the force when I came. It still shot but I was perfectly positioned near her chin and it only shot up a little past her eyebrow. I groaned and felt my dick twitch and shoot another thin but still plentiful load on Sophia's upper lip that painted a wonderful mosaic across her lips and chin. Another groan escaped my lips as I looked down at my adorable young lover. She unknowingly had helped me paint a masterpiece across her sexy little child face. There was a thick rope of my seed that traveled from her left eyebrow across her kissable upturned nose and sliced across her right cheek. From there, I had dropped a small squirt that landed on the bridge of her nose before my last heavy squirt that had almost gone inside of her mouth. The tip of my now softening cock leaked and I held myself over her flat chest. I squeezed myself lightly and felt the last few drops leave the tip of my cock and drop onto Sophia's brown nipple.
I reached to the left of my bedside table and found my phone. I had 3 unread messages, all from Rachel, that I ignored and brought up the camera. There was no light in the room, as it was after midnight now and I decided to get up to turn on the bedroom light. As I got close to the light switch, I found myself needing to pee very badly and took the master bathroom. Upon my return, I flicked the light switch on and Sophia was of course exactly where I left her. She lay almost in the middle of the bed now. The sheets were disheveled with my movements but one could obviously make out that I had knelt between her legs and by her head. And even in the faint light from my bedroom lamps you could still see my dried cum on her stomach, pussy and thighs. I crept onto the bed and took my first few photos of her tiny pussy. The sight of her hairless little box covered with my seed was incredible!
I took as many photos as I could of her tiny body including a few of me pushing my finger inside of her tight vagina. I so enjoyed putting my finger in my mouth and tasting Sophia again while I continued to snap pictures of her naked, cum covered body and face. Her face was perfect, so tiny and beautiful, the stripes of cum I had shot onto her only seemed to heighten her beauty to me. Sophia had certainly worn my cum in the past, I thought back to our first night together where I not only came on her in her bed but also filled her soap bottle and made her wear me for weeks more. My cock continued to stiffen and was hard again after a few minutes. My cock started to try and think for me again, about how good it would feel to fuck her, but honestly I was getting tired. Molesting was hard work!
I rose from the bed and picked Sophia up, laying her down on the floor before I padded into the bathroom, bringing back a fresh pair of sheets and a pair of washcloths. I replaced the sheets on my bed, making sure to ball up and throw the cum and sweatsoaked ones across the room, to be put in the washing machine. I picked Sophia up and laid her back into the warm bed and took great care in wiping her entire body down with the warm and damp cloth. I reveled in each tiny curve that her body began to show. I smiled a slight smile as I wiped down her cum covered pussy and face. I took even greater pleasure in drying off parts of her damp body with my tongue. I was slightly disappointed when I picked up her Tinkerbell nightshirt from where I had thrown it across the room. Naked Sophia was leaving me! True, she was going to become a seven year old girl in my bed which I had never had before. But I felt twinges of sadness as I pulled the nightshirt over her head and down her warm and naked little body, covering up each square inch of skin I had kissed not a few hours ago. Up and over her adorable and sexy body went the sheet and blanket and I let her sleep in the middle of the bed. I picked up my phone and my sheets, finding a pair of day old sweatpants to put on as I left the room, the door open.
I walked downstairs and put the sheets in the washing machine before going back upstairs into the office and loading all of my pictures from tonight's escapade onto my computer and encrypting them with the others I had of her. I deleted the pictures from my phone and sat back in the office chair. It was almost 2 in the morning and sleep was getting to me but just thinking of what I had done tonight, which I imagined I should feel some shame for, was giving me a hard-on again. I fell asleep in the chair, tilted back, and slept like a baby for six hours.
The buzzing of my phone is what woke me. I barely saw that it was Bill's mother calling me as I brought the phone to my ear.
"WHERE'S SOPHIA?!" I was treated to, a screaming madwoman yelling into my ear.
"Huh?" was all I could manage as I shook sleep out of my head. I wanted to answer back "In the same bed she was in when I came on her last night" but of course thought better of.
"I texted when I left your house last night," I said, calmly getting up and shuffling across the upstairs of my house. "Sophia didn't want to go home so I took her here," I softly pushed my bedroom door open and there was my little princess. Still exactly where I left her. "She slept in my bed, I slept in my office."
I could hear Bill's mother's heavy breathing on the phone and she handed it to her husband. "You know she doesn't know how to use her phone, don't you?" he snarled at me.
"Sorry?" was all I could give him. "I thought I was doing the right thing. She barely finished her dinner last night and is still asleep. I couldn't bring her back inside to tell you guys that she couldn't handle going back home right now."
I was passed back to Bill's mother who apologized, if only briefly. "We're coming over now," she told me. "Make some coffee."
"Sure." I said flatly, wanting to tell her to go fuck herself. I hung up and rolled my eyes before bending down and pressing a kiss to Sophia's sleeping forehead. I knew that she still likely had a little while longer under the drug so I would have to stall Bill's family. I went downstairs and put my sheets in the dryer before setting myself on making coffee. About a half an hour later they arrived. Bill's mother was still shaken so I took her upstairs, keeping my smile inside at the fact that I was showing Sophia's grandmother Sophia and I's love nest! She was still asleep of course and I got Bill's mother to not disturb her and took her back downstairs.
Today's talk was about the cleaning of Bill and Maria's house. I knew in the back of my mind that I didn't want to clean the rest of the place. I had taken the pictures and videos of Maria, the only things I had wanted for myself, and taken Bill's pornography out to save the embarrassment. I detected a hint of bitterness in her voice as she said "Sophia seems to have taken quite a shine to you so we were hoping that you might help." I agreed to help when I could and commiserated with the both of them for a little while. After about an hour, I went upstairs to try to wake Sophia. My kiss on her forehead got a slight groan and I decided to take a gigantic chance and I rubbed her stomach through her nightshirt. Her mouth curled up in its angelic smile but she kept her eyes closed. "Time to get up, Sophia," I said lightly and let my hand graze up her flat chest to her shoulder.
One eye opened and she peeked at me. "Too early," she managed but I had to gently insist. I managed to get her up and on her knees in the bed before her brow furrowed. "Where'd you sleep?" she asked with the sleepy confusion of a child.
"In my office," I said, trying not to look at her exposed neck and part of her chest.
"Why?" she asked with a puzzled expression on her face.
"Because you needed to be comfortable and I thought it best," I said, keeping my eyes locked as best I could on her pretty little face. "Plus" I started "what am I going to do, sleep with you?" I joked and smiled at her as she stood on the bed. As she stood, she was only about six inches taller than me.
With a great grunt, Sophia stretched out, the nightshirt rising up to dangerously high levels up her thighs and she closed her eyes, allowing me to drink in the sights of her body while she stretched. Her pussy was less than a foot away from me and I could almost smell its heavenly scent and taste its wonderful taste.
"You could have," she said as she reached full height with her stretch and then brought her arms back down and looked me in the eyes. "It's your bed," she continued "I wouldn't have cared." As I struggled to take in what I had just heard, Sophia put her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a half hug. "Thanks though," she said before jumping down and running off to the bathroom.
When she came downstairs and hugged her grandparents I gave them a few minutes alone and went upstairs to change. Before that, I grabbed my now fresh sheets from the dryer and brought them up with me, folding them and putting them away with a smile on my face. I decided a shower was in order before going out for the day especially since we were going to Bill and Maria's to start cleaning. Little did I know how much my relationship with a conscious Sophia would change that afternoon.
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