Published: 16-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Sandra woke up and for a moment had no idea where she was. She looked around the small room. It was easily recognized as a school dorm room, neat and tidy with a minimum of furniture and nearly no personal stuff scattered around. She noticed that the bed opposite her was empty; she was alone in the room. The next thing she noticed was that she was naked under the covers. This realization brought flooding back all the memories of her first day at Hardonis Academy.
Sandra blushed, the memory of the "interview" with the Head-master brought a tingly felling to her tummy. She had been tied up, helpless in his office; he had done so many naughty things to her, including taking her virginity against her will. Sandra reached down to her 12yr old pussy and gently rubbed herself. Her young sex still felt tender after the abuse it has suffered the other day.
After a moment's day dreaming about her rape, Sandra realized that she was not at all upset about it. She giggled and got out of bed to make a more thorough search of her room. She found all her luggage at the foot of the bed, the closet full of school uniforms, and a "Welcome to Hardonis" book on her desk. Still naked she sat down at the desk and started looking at the book.
Part of the Hardonis Handbook was all about the rule of the school, another part outlines the various classes, some being mandatory others elective; some sounding quite normal like; History 204, English 208, Social Studies 205, others seemed very sexual, like; Exhibition 102, Cock sucking 103, Pussy licking 104, Basic intercourse 105,Basic positions 201, Same-sex partners 202, Multiple partners 203, Use of toys 204.
In the back was a calendar with important dates for exams, projects and social events. On the last few pages were photos of the staff. They were posed with students, doing the sort of thing they were well known for doing. Some of the photos made Sandra start to feel moist, the last one just made her giggle. Garry O'Malley - Grounds Keeper, was posed with a teen age girl who was hugging a tree as he fucked her doggy style.
Half the rules in the book were the normal sort, all about being on time for class, not cheating, etc... The other half of the rules explained that the students would be required to have sex with the teachers and with other students, including performing "educational acts" in front of the class. A student did not have the right to say "no" to any order given by a teacher. Punishments included public spankings and being tied up on display in the hall, so that any one could have a poke. That kind of scared Sandra, but at the same time she wished there were pictures of the punishments. Her cheeks turned bright pink at the idea... sooner or later she might be punished. Her previous experience proved that it wasn't a joke.
Wondering just what world she had been entered into, she put the book down and got dressed. The uniform was a classic privet school design, simple white shirt with a Scottish plaid skirt and knee socks, it seemed quite conservative. As she got dressed, Sandra noticed that no underwear had been provided. Not surprising really, so she went to get some from her suitcase. There was none there. Someone had removed all her panties and training bras. Trying to get into the spirit of her new school, Sandra told herself that all the students probably were in the same situation.
On the calendar, today was listed as part of orientation week, there were no official classes, but teachers would be in their class rooms to talk with students. So Sandra looked to see what mandatory classes she had...She felt terribly exposed without panties, even in the nearly knee length skirt. Nevertheless, she didn't want to hide in her room... taking a deep breath, she set out to find her way around the school, at least track down which classrooms and teachers would be hers. Exhibition 102 was listed as the first class of the morning, so she made that her destination.
The school itself resembled a castle or a church, with stone work and fancy glass windows. It was also something of a maze. The other students that Sandra saw were mostly wearing similar uniforms. The boys wore a knee length kilt in traditional Scottish style. A few students, in their young teens were totally naked, except for collars around their necks. They walked meekly behind some of the older students. Sandra tried hard not to stare at the kids... who were, maybe a year older than her.
She felt very vulnerable, walking alone in the school, no panties... and she tried to ignore just how excited it made her feel, how turned on she was becoming. She looked for her first teacher, trying not to meet anyone's gaze.
Most of the students ignored 12 year old Sandra, a few smiled at her. They could tell she was new; she had that dazed look about her that fresh students always have the first week. A few of the older kids laughed, remembering their first week. Some of the older boys leered at her, thinking of her as a new toy to use. But they knew the rule; no touching new students for the first month, unless ordered to do so by a teacher.
Eventually she found her first class; it was Exhibition 102.
Sandra ducked through the door and peeked around, trying to see what the teacher was like and whether any of her fellow students were there. The teacher was sitting on the corner of his desk; a teenage girl maybe 17 was standing next to him, looking friendly but official. Sitting down in the front row were a few new students around Sandra's age. They were talking with the teacher and his assistant.
Sandra slowly walked forward, towards a seat in the third row, listening to what was going on. The assistant was explaining how she had always been an exhibitionist, even as a little girl she liked to strip out of her clothes, and flash her friends, she even flashed adults... The kids were laughing as the teen told about the fun she had at the beach when she was 7 years old. The teacher gave Sandra a smile when she came in, but said nothing to interrupt the story.
Sandra listened quietly, biting her lip and blushing slightly as she realized what the class was going to be about, not meeting anyone's eyes. What the assistant liked to do naturally, was what everyone one would have to learn to do. This confirmation of her suspicion made Sandra squirm in her seat a little, very conscious that she had no panties on. Despite her discomfort, Sandra found the laughter of the kids was infectious and she was soon giggling with them. The assistant was friendly and funny, a tall athletic blond with her hair up in a pony tail. She made all the new students feel at ease.
After the story was done, the teacher, who was also smiling, stood up and said, "So who wants to see my assistant Kimberly strip, right now?"
The young boys quickly put up their hands, one of the girls did also, another was a bit more reluctant, but she wanted to go along with the group. Sandra's eyes widened as she realized the teacher was serious. She glanced at Kimberly, wondering what her reaction might be... wondering what she looked like under her uniform. Sandra was felling horny and very much wanted to see the teenage assistant naked. Then was one more realization, that she'd put her own hand up.
Kimberly giggled at the teacher's question and was starting to unbutton her shirt as the hands were going up. She had no doubt what the vote would be. Sandra bit her lip again, watching closely, occasionally glancing at the teacher or the other kids to watch how they reacted. Kimberly being a pro at the exhibition and teasing acted quickly but turned her body slightly as she took off her shirt, so the kids would have a good glimpse of her tits, but not a full view, until she had them a bit more excited.
As Kimberly opened her shirt, she teasingly flashed the kids in the class a view of her breasts before totally removing her shirt. For a 17 year old her tits were quite small although her nipples were very stiff and noticeable. The teacher glanced at his assistant, but mostly watched the students.
Sandra's cheeks were pink, and she was biting her lip quite hard, but she still watched openly, not giggling now, more serious in her expression. Kimberly true to her claim seemed to be enjoying showing off her body to the kids. She posed for them, making sure the students got a good view of her tits from the front and the side. They were very perky tits and did not look silly even when she bent over. She often laughed at the girls with the big breasts, who were so proud of their boobs, but who looked so silly in the doggy position with their tits swinging freely.
Sandra felt her breathing quicken. Images of a woman's head moving between her own legs ran through her mind, had that been a dream or something real? She felt herself slightly dampen, her thighs clamping together as she tried to fight the feeling and take control of her young body. One of the boys, sitting next to Sandra had reached down between his own legs, and was actually rubbing himself, his eyes fixed on the half naked teenage girl in front of him.
Maybe some people did not bother with self control. Once Sandra noticed this, her attention switched between the boy and the stripping teen, blushing even more now and trying to remain inconspicuous in her staring.
Kmiberly giggled and asked "Are you ready class? Do you want to see my pussy?" as she teasingly lowered her skirt inch by inch. Sandra nodded, smiling and still glancing at the others to see if they were as enthusiastic as she was. She'd had suspicions about her own interest in other girls as well as boys, but this moment confirmed it for her... she very much wanted to see the girl naked. A few of the other girls in the class seemed excited, but one looked like she was ready to run out, she was hiding behind her long black hair.
Kimberly dropped her skirt, at the same time she turned to the side, so the kids could not quite see between her legs. She was teasing them again. Sandra actually pouted, leaning slightly to see, her desire evident in her face. She glanced at the other girl, wondering what the girl was actually thinking, trying to peek at her face through the hair.
The teacher carefully watched his new students, mentally noting their reactions, as Kimberly continue teasing the class by turning fully around, to wiggle her tight ass at the kids, then slowly turns back to face them. Sandra gazed at the teenager's bottom, discovering in herself that it was obviously her favorite part of a girl's anatomy. She watched the blond assistant admiringly, excited beyond words by what she was seeing.
Kimberly finally turned around, but now she had one arm across her perky breasts, and a hand covering her teenage pussy, pretending to be shy. Sandra just giggled, glancing at the others to gauge their reactions, but otherwise to shy to actually do anything. A couple of the girls were giggling, one of the boys was masturbating his hand fully under his kilt, another boy seemed frustrated that Kimberly was teasing so much and not yet showing off everything, the shy girl near Sandra had subconsciously placed her arm into a similar position, to cover herself, even though she was fully clothed in the school uniform.
Sandra, a sudden naughty impulse running through her... probably spawned by her arousal... scooted over till she could talk to the shy the girl. "What's the matter?" she whispered. "Don't you want to know what it will feel like when you have to do the same?" The shy girl looked Sandra in the eye, shock and surprise on her face, then she quickly looked down and away "I can't do that." she whispered in answer.
"Didn't you read the handbook? I think we have to... if we get told to, anyway, and I bet that with a class like this, we'll get told to. Didn't you get the full introduction from the Head-master?" She watched Kimberly while she spoke. Kimberly, who had noticed what the boy in the second row was up to, was smiling very much, and after giving a wink to the teacher, she started rubbing her own pussy...slowly moving her arm to expose her tits, her nipples were very hard now.
The shy girl looked even more embarrassed, if that was possible, "The Head-master...he ..he raped me... and..." she looked at Sandra puzzled "and that woman, Miss Veronic she took me to my room and she licked me all over, even down there." The shy girl's hand was protectively held over her crotch.
Sandra nodded. "Me too, well Im not so sure it was rape, because I kinda liked it. Well, Im not sure what Veronic did with me, I passed out. Was it really bad, though? For you, I mean?" She was talking to the girl next to her, but her eyes were on the show at the front of the class room.
"It was just so.. so strange, being raped by a stranger, not at all like when my brother or cousins use me." She glanced at Sandra briefly before looking down at her feet again. "and...well Iv never been used by a woman at all."
"Y... your brother and your cousins? Like, they fucked you, that way?" Sandra had a hard time keeping her voice down. She knew she should be shocked, but instead the idea was just exciting. She didn't know why she was able to handle everything so well. Perhaps it was just how much she'd enjoyed the rape, and also that this girl was even more shy than she was.
As Sandra was quietly chatting away with the dark haired girl, Kimberly had taken her hand away from her pussy to show it off, licking her fingers as she sat on the edge of the teacher's desk, opposite him. She then spread her legs... her pussy was mostly shaved clean, except for a small racing stripe just above her pink teenage slit. Gasps and exclamations of delight came up from the other students. But Sandra was focused on her new friend.
"When your brother...fucked you... did it make you cum?" She asked intensely. Her hand slipping under her skirt, lightly touching herself. The shy girl looked puzzled at the question..."cum? The boys cum a lot, on me... but I don't know how to do that." she admitted reluctantly.
"No, I mean... reach the peak? You know, like when it feels really really good inside?" Sandra had been watching the teen, her own fingers pressing her own slit to try and relieve her arousal, but now she was staring at the shy girl. "You've never felt that?"
The shy girl shook her head, "some times when I..."she looked up at Kimberly who was rubbing herself right in front of a bunch of kids. How could she feel so embarrassed about everything with this teenager openly doing what she thought was such a very privet thing? "Sometimes when I do that, alone at does feel good" she confessed.
Sandra's own fingers were now pressing deep into herself, occasionally making a wet sound that was possible quite audible to the nearby kids. Right at that moment the boy in the second row let out a gasp, and he showed anyone sitting close to him, what cum was... he squirted some right onto the top of his desk
Kimberly having seen the boy cum, and knowing that many of the students were masturbating watching her, pushed two of her fingers deep into her pussy as she tilted her head back. Her family always loved to watch her perform like this. She felt her orgasm racing towards its peek, pushed onward by the thoughts of her mom and dad, mouths open wide, hands rubbing each other as they watched their daughter drive herself to a climax.
Sandra gasped and then giggled, as she saw the boy cum. She was quickly getting close herself, fingers and thumb working between her spread legs as she leaned back in the chair, feeling the orgasm approaching quickly. Not quite aware of what she was saying, driven on by the pleasure, she spoke a little loudly to the shy girl. "I'll show you if you want... make you cum..."
The shy girl was looking mostly at what Sandra was doing almost ignoring everything around her. The room was full of heavy breathing and slippery sounds, a few gasps and moans. The loudest of course was Kimberly; the 17year old teacher's assistant was not trying to be quiet at all. She had nothing to hide, no feelings of embarrassment. She would have been happy to stand up in front of an entire elementary school, strip naked, masturbate, and then be fucked by any and all the teachers. Sandra, her lust pushing all caution aside, pulled up her skirt to show the girl exactly what she was doing. The knowledge that she was being watched... maybe even by the other students... quickly pushed her over the edge and she cried out, shaking hard as she came. "Oooo my god", the shy girl gasped as she was watching what Sandra was doing. Her comment was echoed a second later by one of the boys, who had turned around to watch also.
"Thanks you very much Kimie" The teacher said when his assistant had finished her climax. "And thank you too class, especially you..." He pointed directly at Sandra. "Could you pleas come up front."
Still breathing hard as she tried to recover, Sandra quailed under the sudden attention. When she was pointed at, she rapidly covered herself, although she glanced at the other young girls to see how they'd reacted to the events, and then rose slowly to her feet. The shy girl, who had been sitting beside Sandra, had hidden herself behind her long black hair again when the other kids all started looking over. They were curious and some of them obviously hopped for more entertainment
As she approached the front of the class she was blushign hotly, aware of all of the eyes on her. The teachers smiled, trying to put his new student at ease, "What is your name?" he asked. "S... Sandra," she stammered, the young girl obviously nervous. She was still a little excited and light-headed from the orgasm, however, so she was willing to obey anything despite the nervousness.
"Have you ever played 'show me yours and I'll show you mine?" the teacher asked, As Kimberly, still naked, took a seat on top of one of the desks in the front row. Sandra kept her eyes lowered, blushing even more at the question. She mutely shook her head, her pretty, full lips clamped shut. "Well, you don't seem to have a problem with masturbating in public." he said with a laugh "That is actually a later part of this class, but first we like to take care of the basic getting naked in front of strangers part." Kimberly gave the young girl a wink as the teacher talked.
"Be a good girl Sandra and take off your shirt." he ordered firmly. Under the excitement of the striptease it had been easy to forget the watching eyes, but now Sandra was a lot more reluctant. She could feel everyone's eyes. Slowly, her hands trembling, she undid the school blouse, not showing anything yet though. The kids in the class were watching her intently; one of the boys had both his hands below his desk, rubbing himself again slowly. They shy girl was looking also, although she tried to hid it.
The sight of the boy touching herself gave Sandra some courage. Steeling herself, she undid the last button and then slipped the top off her shoulders... her small, still-forming breasts were revealed to the class and she glanced shyly at them through her hair, giggling and biting her lip as she felt the thrill of the forced public exposure. Kimberly gave a hungry lick of her lips; partly as a way to encourage the kid, but also because she really did want a lick of those little tits.
"Very good" the teacher said as he made a motion with his hand, telling Sandra to turn around, so he could also get a clear view of her young breasts. She didn't see his hand motion at first, still watching the other students reaction to her exposition, and giggling at Kimberly as she caught the girl's gesture. She smiled back shyly, briefly meeting the other kid's eyes. She was the center of attention, and she discovered that it was a great felling.
One of the girls in the second row, with dirty blond hair, whispered to another, "My boobs are bigger." the other girl, with short brown hair, giggled "Why don't you go up and show them off." That comment made the dirty blond blush and shake her head. Sandra heard the whisper and felt a surge of anger, she determinedly lifted her hands to cup her own boobs, feeling the size and unconsciously tweaking the nipples for the sensation, biting her lip again.
Kimberly dropped one hand to her neatly trimmed teenage pussy, still wet from her own display. Her other hand mimicked Sandra's nipple tweaking on her own perky breast. The shy girl with the long hair had leaned forward to watch, her hands crossed over her chest, protectively holding her own tiny tits, even though she was still dressed. Finally, realizing that she was again fondling herself in public, Sandra quickly dropped her hands and blushed hotly, glancing at the teacher again to see whether he was happy.
The teacher had been grinning enjoying the inexperienced but natural talent of the new student. "Now pull up your skirt." He ordered, "You must give the class a look at your pussy before you go."
Sandra considered trying to refuse... although the tingling of her nipples and Kinberly's continuing nakedness was making her very excited. Also the reaction of the others kids, who looked on in eager anticipation, was really turning her on. At the same time a feeling of fright ran down her spine, as she recalled some of the descriptions of discipline in the School Handbook.
Slowly, eyes fixed on the ground, Sandra hiked up her skirt to show her little pink slit to everyone. A few of the kids made small gasps of pleasure as they got their first glimpse of their class-mate's cunnie. The boy who had been masturbating was now rubbing himself vigorously. Kimberly blew the young girl a kiss, and spread her own legs a bit more, offering the girl a nice view of her slightly more mature slit, deep pink, open and wet.
Sandra felt her knees getting weak. Then suddenly the teachers was standing beside her and saying "Thank you very much, that will be all for now. I will be in my office after lunch if anyone has any individual questions. Class dismissed."
She was stunned with a mix of relief and disappointment.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |